ABINIT/mksubham [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Build the Hamiltonian matrix in the eigenfunctions subspace,
 for one given band (or for one given block of bands)


 Copyright (C) 1998-2017 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  gsc(2,mgsc)=<g|S|c> matrix elements (S=overlap)
  iblock=index of block of bands
  icg=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg
  igsc=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg
  istwf_k=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  mcg=second dimension of the cg array
  mgsc=second dimension of the gsc array
  nband_k=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  nbdblock=number of bands in a block
  npw_k=number of plane waves at this k point
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  use_subovl=1 if the overlap matrix is not identity in WFs subspace
  use_vnl= 1 if <C band,k|H|C band_prime,k> has to be computed
  me_g0=1 if this processors has G=0, 0 otherwise



  ghc(2,npw_k*nspinor)=<G|H|C band,k> for the current state
                       This is an input in non-blocked algorithm
                               an output in blocked algorithm
  gvnlc(2,npw_k*nspinor)=<G|Vnl|C band,k> for the current state
                       This is an input in non-blocked algorithm
                               an output in blocked algorithm
  isubh=index of current state in array subham
  isubo=index of current state in array subovl
  subham(nband_k*(nband_k+1))=Hamiltonian expressed in the WFs subspace
  subovl(nband_k*(nband_k+1)*use_subovl)=overlap matrix expressed in the WFs subspace
  subvnl(nband_k*(nband_k+1)*use_vnl)=non-local Hamiltonian expressed in the WFs subspace





 56 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 57 #include "config.h"
 58 #endif
 60 #include "abi_common.h"
 63 subroutine mksubham(cg,ghc,gsc,gvnlc,iblock,icg,igsc,istwf_k,&
 64 &                    isubh,isubo,mcg,mgsc,nband_k,nbdblock,npw_k,&
 65 &                    nspinor,subham,subovl,subvnl,use_subovl,use_vnl,me_g0)
 67  use defs_basis
 68  use m_profiling_abi
 69  use m_cgtools
 71 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 72 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 73 #undef ABI_FUNC
 74 #define ABI_FUNC 'mksubham'
 75 !End of the abilint section
 77  implicit none
 79 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 80 !scalars
 81  integer,intent(in) :: iblock,icg,igsc,istwf_k,mcg,mgsc,nband_k
 82  integer,intent(in) :: nbdblock,npw_k,nspinor,use_subovl,use_vnl,me_g0
 83  integer,intent(inout) :: isubh,isubo
 84 !arrays
 85  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg)
 86  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsc(2,mgsc)
 87  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ghc(2,npw_k*nspinor),gvnlc(2,npw_k*nspinor)
 88  real(dp),intent(inout) :: subham(nband_k*(nband_k+1))
 89  real(dp),intent(inout) :: subovl(nband_k*(nband_k+1)*use_subovl)
 90  real(dp),intent(inout) :: subvnl(nband_k*(nband_k+1)*use_vnl)
 92 !Local variables-------------------------------
 93 !scalars
 94  integer :: iband,ibdblock,ii,ipw,ipw1,isp,iwavef,jwavef
 95  real(dp) :: cgimipw,cgreipw,chcim,chcre,cscim,cscre,cvcim,cvcre
 96 !real(dp) :: chc(2),cvc(2),csc(2)
 98 ! *********************************************************************
100 !Loop over bands in a block This loop can be parallelized
101  do iband=1+(iblock-1)*nbdblock,min(iblock*nbdblock,nband_k)
102    ibdblock=iband-(iblock-1)*nbdblock
104 !  Compute elements of subspace Hamiltonian <C(i)|H|C(n)> and <C(i)|Vnl|C(n)>
105    if(istwf_k==1)then
107      do ii=1,iband
108        iwavef=(ii-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
109        chcre=zero ; chcim=zero
110        if (use_vnl==0) then
111          do ipw=1,npw_k*nspinor
112            cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
113            cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
114            chcre=chcre+cgreipw*ghc(1,ipw)+cgimipw*ghc(2,ipw)
115            chcim=chcim+cgreipw*ghc(2,ipw)-cgimipw*ghc(1,ipw)
116          end do
117 !        chc = cg_zdotc(npw_k*nspinor,cg(1,1+iwavef),ghc)
118        else
119 #if 1
120          do ipw=1,npw_k*nspinor
121            cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
122            cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
123            chcre=chcre+cgreipw*ghc(1,ipw)+cgimipw*ghc(2,ipw)
124            chcim=chcim+cgreipw*ghc(2,ipw)-cgimipw*ghc(1,ipw)
125          end do
126          cvcre=zero ; cvcim=zero
127          do ipw=1,npw_k*nspinor
128            cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
129            cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
130            cvcre=cvcre+cgreipw*gvnlc(1,ipw)+cgimipw*gvnlc(2,ipw)
131            cvcim=cvcim+cgreipw*gvnlc(2,ipw)-cgimipw*gvnlc(1,ipw)
132          end do
133          subvnl(isubh  )=cvcre
134          subvnl(isubh+1)=cvcim
135 #else
136 !        New version with BLAS1, will require some update of the refs.
137          cvc = cg_zdotc(npw_k*nspinor,cg(1,1+iwavef),gvnlc)
138          subvnl(isubh  )=cvc(1)
139          subvnl(isubh+1)=cvc(2)
140          chc = cg_zdotc(npw_k*nspinor,cg(1,1+iwavef),ghc)
141          chcre = chc(1)
142          chcim = chc(2)
143 #endif
144 !        Store real and imag parts in Hermitian storage mode:
145        end if
146        subham(isubh  )=chcre
147        subham(isubh+1)=chcim
148 !      subham(isubh  )=chc(1)
149 !      subham(isubh+1)=chc(2)
150        isubh=isubh+2
151      end do
153    else if(istwf_k>=2)then
154      do ii=1,iband
155        iwavef=(ii-1)*npw_k+icg
156 !      Use the time-reversal symmetry, but should not double-count G=0
157        if(istwf_k==2 .and. me_g0==1) then
158          chcre = half*cg(1,1+iwavef)*ghc(1,1)
159          if (use_vnl==1) cvcre=half*cg(1,1+iwavef)*gvnlc(1,1)
160          ipw1=2
161        else
162          chcre=zero; ipw1=1
163          if (use_vnl==1) cvcre=zero
164        end if
165        if (use_vnl==0) then
166          do isp=1,nspinor
167            do ipw=ipw1+(isp-1)*npw_k,npw_k*isp
168              cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
169              cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
170              chcre=chcre+cgreipw*ghc(1,ipw)+cgimipw*ghc(2,ipw)
171            end do
172          end do
173          chcre=two*chcre
174        else
175          do isp=1,nspinor
176            do ipw=ipw1+(isp-1)*npw_k,npw_k*isp
177              cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
178              cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
179              chcre=chcre+cgreipw*ghc(1,ipw)+cgimipw*ghc(2,ipw)
180              cvcre=cvcre+cgreipw*gvnlc(1,ipw)+cgimipw*gvnlc(2,ipw)
181            end do
182          end do
183          chcre=two*chcre
184          cvcre=two*cvcre
185 !        Store real and imag parts in Hermitian storage mode:
186          subvnl(isubh  )=cvcre
187          subvnl(isubh+1)=zero
188        end if
189        subham(isubh  )=chcre
190        subham(isubh+1)=zero
191        isubh=isubh+2
192      end do
193    end if
195 !  Compute elements of subspace <C(i)|S|C(n)> (S=overlap matrix)
196 !  <C(i)|S|C(n)> should be closed to Identity.
197    if (use_subovl==1) then
198      jwavef=(iband-1)*npw_k*nspinor+igsc
199      if(istwf_k==1)then
200        do ii=1,iband
201          iwavef=(ii-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
202          cscre=zero ; cscim=zero
203          do ipw=1,npw_k*nspinor
204            cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
205            cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
206            cscre=cscre+cgreipw*gsc(1,ipw+jwavef)+cgimipw*gsc(2,ipw+jwavef)
207            cscim=cscim+cgreipw*gsc(2,ipw+jwavef)-cgimipw*gsc(1,ipw+jwavef)
208          end do
209 !        csc = cg_zdotc(npw_k*nspinor,cg(1,1+iwavef),gsc)
210 !        subovl(isubo  )=csc(1)
211 !        subovl(isubo+1)=csc(2)
212 !        Store real and imag parts in Hermitian storage mode:
213          subovl(isubo  )=cscre
214          subovl(isubo+1)=cscim
215          isubo=isubo+2
216        end do
217      else if(istwf_k>=2)then
218        do ii=1,iband
219          iwavef=(ii-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
220          if(istwf_k==2 .and. me_g0==1)then
221            cscre=half*cg(1,1+iwavef)*gsc(1,1+jwavef)
222            ipw1=2
223          else
224            cscre=zero; ipw1=1
225          end if
226          do isp=1,nspinor
227            do ipw=ipw1+(isp-1)*npw_k,npw_k*isp
228              cgreipw=cg(1,ipw+iwavef)
229              cgimipw=cg(2,ipw+iwavef)
230              cscre=cscre+cg(1,ipw+iwavef)*gsc(1,ipw+jwavef)+cg(2,ipw+iwavef)*gsc(2,ipw+jwavef)
231            end do
232          end do
233          cscre=two*cscre
234 !        Store real and imag parts in Hermitian storage mode:
235          subovl(isubo  )=cscre
236          subovl(isubo+1)=zero
237          isubo=isubo+2
238        end do
239      end if
240    end if
242  end do ! iband in a block
244 end subroutine mksubham