ABINIT/poslifetime [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate the positron lifetime


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (GJ,MT,JW)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | ntypat=number of atom types
   | paral_kgb=flag controlling (k,g,bands) parallelization
   | pawxcdev=Choice of XC development (0=no dev. (use of angular mesh) ; 1 or 2=dev. on moments)
   | usepaw=flag for PAW
  gprimd(3,3)= dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  mpi_enreg= information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  n3xccc= dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  nfft= number of FFT grid points
  ngfft(18)= contain all needed information about 3D FFT
  nhat(nfft,nspden)=charge compensation density (content depends on electronpositron%particle)
  option= if 1, calculate positron lifetime for whole density
          if 2, calculate positron lifetime for given state
          if 3, calculate positron lifetime for given state with IPM
  pawang <type(pawang)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= -PAW only- atomic occupancies
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=total electron/positron density (content depends on electronpositron%particle)
  ucvol=unit cell volume in bohr**3.
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction, bohr^-3
  ===== Optional arguments, used only if option>1 =====
  pawrhoij_dop_el(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= -PAW only- atomic occupancies of one state
  rhor_dop_el(nfft)=electron density of given state for the state dependent scheme
  ===== Optional argument =====
  pawrhoij_ep(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= atomic occupancies to be used in place of


  rate= annihilation rate of a given state needed for state dependent scheme for doppler broadening


  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation






 62 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 63 #include "config.h"
 64 #endif
 66 #include "abi_common.h"
 68 subroutine poslifetime(dtset,electronpositron,gprimd,my_natom,mpi_enreg,n3xccc,nfft,ngfft,nhat,&
 69 &                      option,pawang,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,rate,rate_paw,rhor,ucvol,xccc3d,&
 70 &                      rhor_dop_el,pawrhoij_dop_el,pawrhoij_ep) ! optional arguments
 73  use defs_basis
 74  use defs_abitypes
 75  use m_profiling_abi
 76  use m_errors
 77  use m_xmpi
 79  use m_electronpositron
 81  use m_pawang, only : pawang_type
 82  use m_pawrad, only : pawrad_type, simp_gen, nderiv_gen
 83  use m_pawtab, only : pawtab_type
 84  use m_pawrhoij, only : pawrhoij_type
 85  use m_pawxc, only: pawxcsum
 87 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 88 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 89 #undef ABI_FUNC
 90 #define ABI_FUNC 'poslifetime'
 91  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 92  use interfaces_41_xc_lowlevel
 93  use interfaces_56_xc
 94  use interfaces_65_paw
 95 !End of the abilint section
 97  implicit none
 99 !Arguments ------------------------------------
100 !scalars
101  integer,intent(in) :: my_natom,n3xccc,nfft,option
102  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
103  real(dp),intent(out) :: rate,rate_paw
104  type(dataset_type), intent(in) :: dtset
105  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
106  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
107  type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
108 !arrays
109  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
110  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),nhat(nfft,dtset%nspden*dtset%usepaw),xccc3d(n3xccc)
111  real(dp),intent(in),target :: rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden)
112  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: rhor_dop_el(nfft)
113  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(dtset%ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
114  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*dtset%usepaw)
115  type(pawrhoij_type),optional,intent(in) :: pawrhoij_dop_el(my_natom*dtset%usepaw)
116  type(pawrhoij_type),optional,target,intent(in) :: pawrhoij_ep(my_natom*dtset%usepaw)
117  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
119 !Local variables-------------------------------
120 !scalars
121  integer :: cplex,iatom,ierr,ifft,igam,ii,ilm,ilm1,ilm2,iloop,ipt,ir,isel
122  integer :: itypat,iwarn,iwarnj,iwarnp,lm_size,lmn2_size,mesh_size
123  integer :: nfftot,ngamma,ngr,ngrad,nspden_ep,opt_dens,usecore
124  logical,parameter :: include_nhat_in_gamma=.false.
125  real(dp),parameter :: delta=1.d-4
126  real(dp) :: fact,fact2,intg
127  real(dp) :: lambda_core    ,lambda_core_ipm    ,lambda    ,lambda_ipm
128  real(dp) :: lambda_core_paw,lambda_core_paw_ipm,lambda_paw,lambda_paw_ipm
129  real(dp) :: lifetime,lifetime_ipm,nbec,nbev,nbp,rdum,sqfpi,units
130  character(len=500) :: msg
131 !arrays
132  integer,allocatable :: igamma(:)
133  logical,allocatable :: lmselect(:),lmselect_ep(:),lmselect_dum(:)
134  real(dp) :: mpibuf(4)
135  real(dp),parameter :: qphon(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/),lsign(2)=(/one,-one/)
136  real(dp),allocatable :: d1gam(:,:,:),d2gam(:,:,:),ff(:),gam_(:,:,:),gamma(:,:),gammam(:,:,:),gg(:,:)
137  real(dp),allocatable :: grhocore2(:),grhocor2_(:),grhoe2(:),grho2_(:)
138  real(dp),allocatable :: nhat1(:,:,:),nhat1_ep(:,:,:),nhat1_j(:,:,:)
139  real(dp),allocatable :: rho_(:),rho_ep_(:),rho1(:,:,:),rho1_ep(:,:,:),rho1_j(:,:,:)
140  real(dp),allocatable :: rhoarr1(:),rhoarr1_ep(:),rhoarr1_j(:),rhoarr2(:)
141  real(dp),allocatable :: rhocore(:),rhocor_(:),rhoe(:,:),rhop(:,:),rhor_dop_el_(:)
142  real(dp),allocatable :: rhosph(:),rhosph_ep(:),rhosph_j(:),rhotot(:,:),rhotot_ep(:,:)
143  real(dp),allocatable :: rhotot_j(:,:),trho1(:,:,:),trho1_ep(:,:,:),trho1_j(:,:,:)
144  real(dp),allocatable :: v1sum(:,:),v2sum(:,:,:)
145  real(dp),pointer :: rhor_(:,:),rhor_ep_(:,:)
146  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_ep_(:)
148 ! *************************************************************************
152 !Tests for developers
153  if (.not.associated(electronpositron)) then
154    msg='electronpositron variable must be associated!'
155    MSG_BUG(msg)
156  end if
157  if (option/=1) then
158    if ((.not.present(rhor_dop_el)).or.(.not.present(pawrhoij_dop_el))) then
159      msg='when option/=1, rhor_dop_el and pawrhoij_dop_el must be present!'
160      MSG_BUG(msg)
161    end if
162  end if
164 !Constants
165  fact=0.0
166  cplex=1;nspden_ep=1
167  usecore=n3xccc/nfft
168  nfftot=ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
169  ngrad=1;if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==3.or.electronpositron%ixcpositron==31) ngrad=2
170  iwarn=0;iwarnj=0;iwarnp=1
171  sqfpi=sqrt(four_pi)
173 !Compatibility tests
174  if (electronpositron%particle==EP_NOTHING) then
175    msg='Not valid for electronpositron%particle=NOTHING!'
176    MSG_BUG(msg)
177  end if
178  if (electronpositron%nfft/=nfft) then
179    msg='nfft/=electronpositron%nfft!'
180    MSG_BUG(msg)
181  end if
182  if (dtset%usepaw==1) then
183    if(dtset%pawxcdev==0.and.ngrad==2) then
184      msg='GGA is not implemented for pawxcdev=0 (use dtset%pawxcdev/=0)!'
185      MSG_BUG(msg)
186    end if
187  end if
189 !Select type(s) of enhancement factor
190  if ((electronpositron%ixcpositron==1.or.electronpositron%ixcpositron==3).and.option==1) then
191    ngamma=2
192    ABI_ALLOCATE(igamma,(ngamma))
193    igamma(1)=1;igamma(2)=2
194  else
195    ngamma=1
196    ABI_ALLOCATE(igamma,(ngamma))
197    if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==-1) igamma(1)=0
198    if (electronpositron%ixcpositron== 2) igamma(1)=4
199    if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==11.or.electronpositron%ixcpositron==31) igamma(1)=3
200    if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==1.or.electronpositron%ixcpositron==3) igamma(1)=2
201  end if
203 !Select density according to nhat choice
204  if (dtset%usepaw==0.or.include_nhat_in_gamma) then
205    rhor_ => rhor
206    rhor_ep_ => electronpositron%rhor_ep
207  else
208    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor_,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
209    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor_ep_,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
210    rhor_=rhor-nhat
211    rhor_ep_=electronpositron%rhor_ep-electronpositron%nhat_ep
212  end if
214 !Eventually overwrite electronpositron%pawrhoij_ep
215  if (present(pawrhoij_ep)) then
216    pawrhoij_ep_ => pawrhoij_ep
217  else
218    pawrhoij_ep_ => electronpositron%pawrhoij_ep
219  end if
221 !Loop on different enhancement factors
222  do igam=1,ngamma
224 !  Compute electron-positron annihilation rate using pseudo densities (plane waves)
225 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 !  Select the densities and make them positive
228    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoe,(nfft,nspden_ep))
229    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhop,(nfft,nspden_ep))
230    if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
231      rhoe(:,1)=rhor_ep_(:,1);rhop(:,1)=rhor_(:,1)
232    else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
233      rhoe(:,1)=rhor_(:,1);rhop(:,1)=rhor_ep_(:,1)
234    end if
235    call mkdenpos(iwarn ,nfft,nspden_ep,1,rhoe,dtset%xc_denpos)
236    call mkdenpos(iwarnp,nfft,nspden_ep,1,rhop,dtset%xc_denpos)
237    if (option/=1) then
238      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor_dop_el_,(nfft))
239      rhor_dop_el_(:)=rhor_dop_el(:)
240      call mkdenpos(iwarnp,nfft,1,1,rhor_dop_el_,dtset%xc_denpos)
241    end if
243 !  Compute enhancement factor at each FFT grid point
244 !  gamma(:,1): using total   electronic density
245 !  gamma(:,2): using valence electronic density
246    ABI_ALLOCATE(gamma,(nfft,2))
247    if (option==1.or.option==2) then
248      call gammapositron_fft(electronpositron,gamma,gprimd,igamma(igam),mpi_enreg,&
249 &     n3xccc,nfft,ngfft,rhoe,rhop,xccc3d)
250    else
251      gamma=one
252    end if
254 !  Compute positron annihilation rates
255    lambda     =zero;lambda_ipm     =zero
256    lambda_core=zero;lambda_core_ipm=zero
257    if (option==1) then
258      do ifft=1,nfft
259        lambda    =lambda    +rhop(ifft,1)*rhoe(ifft,1)*gamma(ifft,1)
260        lambda_ipm=lambda_ipm+rhop(ifft,1)*rhoe(ifft,1)*gamma(ifft,2)
261      end do
262    else
263      do ifft=1,nfft
264        lambda    =lambda    +rhop(ifft,1)*rhor_dop_el_(ifft)*gamma(ifft,1)
265        lambda_ipm=lambda_ipm+rhop(ifft,1)*rhor_dop_el_(ifft)*gamma(ifft,2)
266      end do
267    end if
268    if (usecore==1) then
269      do ifft=1,nfft
270        lambda_core    =lambda_core    +rhop(ifft,1)*xccc3d(ifft)*gamma(ifft,1)
271        lambda_core_ipm=lambda_core_ipm+rhop(ifft,1)*xccc3d(ifft)
272      end do
273    end if
274    lambda         =lambda         *ucvol/dble(nfftot)
275    lambda_ipm     =lambda_ipm     *ucvol/dble(nfftot)
276    lambda_core    =lambda_core    *ucvol/dble(nfftot)
277    lambda_core_ipm=lambda_core_ipm*ucvol/dble(nfftot)
278    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gamma)
279    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoe)
280    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhop)
281    if (option/=1) then
282      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor_dop_el_)
283    end if
284 !  NC pseudopotential: check electrons/positron number
285    if (dtset%usepaw==0.and.igam==ngamma) then
286      nbec=zero;nbev=zero;nbp=zero
287      if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
288        do ifft=1,nfft
289          nbec=nbec+xccc3d(ifft)
290          nbev=nbev+electronpositron%rhor_ep(ifft,1)
291          nbp =nbp +rhor(ifft,1)
292        end do
293      else
294        do ifft=1,nfft
295          nbec=nbec+xccc3d(ifft)
296          nbev=nbev+rhor(ifft,1)
297          nbp =nbp +electronpositron%rhor_ep(ifft,1)
298        end do
299      end if
300      nbec=nbec*ucvol/dble(nfftot)
301      nbev=nbev*ucvol/dble(nfftot)
302      nbp =nbp *ucvol/dble(nfftot)
303    end if
305 !  MPI parallelization
306    if(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft>1)then
307      call xmpi_sum(lambda    ,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
308      call xmpi_sum(lambda_ipm,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
309      call xmpi_sum(lambda_core    ,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
310      call xmpi_sum(lambda_core_ipm,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
311      if (dtset%usepaw==0.and.igam==ngamma) then
312        call xmpi_sum(nbec,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
313        call xmpi_sum(nbev,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
314        call xmpi_sum(nbp ,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
315      end if
316    end if
319 !  PAW: add on-site contributions to electron-positron annihilation rate
320 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
321    if (dtset%usepaw==1) then
323      lambda_paw     =zero;lambda_paw_ipm     =zero
324      lambda_core_paw=zero;lambda_core_paw_ipm=zero
326 !    Loop on atoms
327      do iatom=1,my_natom
329        itypat=pawrhoij(iatom)%itypat
330        lmn2_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn2_size
331        mesh_size=pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size
332        lm_size=pawtab(itypat)%lcut_size**2
333        cplex=1
334        ngr=0;if (ngrad==2) ngr=mesh_size
336 !      Allocations of "on-site" densities
337        ABI_ALLOCATE(rho1 ,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
338        ABI_ALLOCATE(trho1,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
339        ABI_ALLOCATE(rho1_ep ,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
340        ABI_ALLOCATE(trho1_ep,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
341        if (option/=1) then
342          ABI_ALLOCATE(rho1_j ,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
343          ABI_ALLOCATE(trho1_j,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
344        else
345          ABI_ALLOCATE(rho1_j ,(0,0,0))
346          ABI_ALLOCATE(trho1_j,(0,0,0))
347        end if
348        if (include_nhat_in_gamma) then
349          ABI_ALLOCATE(nhat1,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
350          ABI_ALLOCATE(nhat1_ep,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
351        else
352          ABI_ALLOCATE(nhat1,(0,0,0))
353          ABI_ALLOCATE(nhat1_ep,(0,0,0))
354        end if
355        if (include_nhat_in_gamma.and.option/=1) then
356          ABI_ALLOCATE(nhat1_j,(cplex*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden_ep))
357        else
358          ABI_ALLOCATE(nhat1_j,(0,0,0))
359        end if
360        ABI_ALLOCATE(lmselect,(lm_size))
361        ABI_ALLOCATE(lmselect_ep,(lm_size))
362        ABI_ALLOCATE(lmselect_dum,(lm_size))
364 !      Compute "on-site" densities (n1, ntild1, nhat1) for electron and positron =====
365        lmselect(:)=.true.
366        opt_dens=1;if (include_nhat_in_gamma) opt_dens=0
367        call pawdensities(rdum,cplex,iatom,lmselect,lmselect_dum,lm_size,nhat1,nspden_ep,1,&
368 &       0,opt_dens,-1,0,pawang,0,pawrad(itypat),pawrhoij(iatom),&
369 &       pawtab(itypat),rho1,trho1)
370        lmselect_ep(:)=.true.
371        call pawdensities(rdum,cplex,iatom,lmselect_ep,lmselect_dum,lm_size,nhat1_ep,nspden_ep,1,&
372 &       0,opt_dens,-1,0,pawang,0,pawrad(itypat),pawrhoij_ep_(iatom),&
373 &       pawtab(itypat),rho1_ep,trho1_ep)
375 !      For state dependent scheme in Doppler                                       =====
376 !      Compute "on-site" densities (n1, ntild1, nhat1) for a given electron state j=====
377        if (option/=1) then
378          opt_dens=1;if (include_nhat_in_gamma) opt_dens=0
379          call pawdensities(rdum,cplex,iatom,lmselect,lmselect_dum,lm_size,nhat1_j,nspden_ep,1,&
380 &         0,opt_dens,-1,0,pawang,0,pawrad(itypat),pawrhoij_dop_el(iatom),&
381 &         pawtab(itypat),rho1_j,trho1_j)
382        end if
384 !      Compute contribution to annihilation rate:
385 !      Loop: first step: compute all-electron contribution (from n^1, n_c)
386 !      2nd   step: compute pseudo contribution (from tild_n^1, hat_n^1, tild_n_c)
387        do iloop=1,2
388          if (iloop==1) usecore=1
389          if (iloop==2) usecore=pawtab(itypat)%usetcore
390          ABI_ALLOCATE(rhocore,(mesh_size))
392 !        First formalism: use densities on r,theta,phi
393          if (dtset%pawxcdev==0) then
395            ABI_ALLOCATE(gamma,(mesh_size,2))
396            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoarr1,(mesh_size))
397            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoarr1_ep,(mesh_size))
398            if (option/=1) then
399              ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoarr1_j,(mesh_size))
400            end if
401 !          Loop on the angular part
402            do ipt=1,pawang%angl_size
403 !            Build densities
404              rhoarr1=zero;rhoarr1_ep=zero;rhocore=zero
405              if (option/=1) rhoarr1_j=zero
406              if (iloop==1) then
407                do ilm=1,lm_size
408                  if (lmselect(ilm)) rhoarr1(:)=rhoarr1(:)+rho1(:,ilm,1)*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
409                end do
410                if (option/=1) then
411                  do ilm=1,lm_size
412                    if (lmselect(ilm)) rhoarr1_j(:)=rhoarr1_j(:)+rho1_j(:,ilm,1)*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
413                  end do
414                end if
415                do ilm=1,lm_size
416                  if (lmselect_ep(ilm)) rhoarr1_ep(:)=rhoarr1_ep(:)+rho1_ep(:,ilm,1)*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
417                end do
418                if (usecore==1) rhocore(:)=pawtab(itypat)%coredens(:)
419              else
420                if (include_nhat_in_gamma) then
421                  do ilm=1,lm_size
422                    if (lmselect(ilm)) rhoarr1(:)=rhoarr1(:)+(trho1(:,ilm,1)+nhat1(:,ilm,1))*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
423                  end do
424                  if (option/=1) then
425                    do ilm=1,lm_size
426                      if (lmselect(ilm)) rhoarr1_j(:)=rhoarr1_j(:)+(trho1_j(:,ilm,1)+nhat1_j(:,ilm,1))*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
427                    end do
428                  end if
429                  do ilm=1,lm_size
430                    if (lmselect_ep(ilm)) rhoarr1_ep(:)=rhoarr1_ep(:)+(trho1_ep(:,ilm,1)+nhat1_ep(:,ilm,1))*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
431                  end do
432                else
433                  do ilm=1,lm_size
434                    if (lmselect(ilm)) rhoarr1(:)=rhoarr1(:)+trho1(:,ilm,1)*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
435                  end do
436                  if (option/=1) then
437                    do ilm=1,lm_size
438                      if (lmselect(ilm)) rhoarr1_j(:)=rhoarr1(:)+trho1_j(:,ilm,1)*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
439                    end do
440                  end if
441                  do ilm=1,lm_size
442                    if (lmselect_ep(ilm)) rhoarr1_ep(:)=rhoarr1_ep(:)+trho1_ep(:,ilm,1)*pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipt)
443                  end do
444                end if
445                if (usecore==1) rhocore(:)=pawtab(itypat)%tcoredens(:,1)
446              end if
447 !            Make the densities positive
448              if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
449                call mkdenpos(iwarnp,mesh_size,1,1,rhoarr1   ,dtset%xc_denpos)
450                call mkdenpos(iwarn ,mesh_size,1,1,rhoarr1_ep,dtset%xc_denpos)
451              else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
452                call mkdenpos(iwarn ,mesh_size,1,1,rhoarr1   ,dtset%xc_denpos)
453                call mkdenpos(iwarnp,mesh_size,1,1,rhoarr1_ep,dtset%xc_denpos)
454                if (option/=1) then
455                  call mkdenpos(iwarnj,mesh_size,1,1,rhoarr1_j,dtset%xc_denpos)
456                end if
457              end if
458 !            Compute Gamma
459              ABI_ALLOCATE(grhoe2,(ngr))
460              ABI_ALLOCATE(grhocore2,(ngr))
461              if (option==1.or.option==2) then
462                if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
463                  call gammapositron(gamma,grhocore2,grhoe2,igamma(igam),ngr,mesh_size,&
464 &                 rhocore,rhoarr1_ep,rhoarr1,usecore)
465                else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
466                  call gammapositron(gamma,grhocore2,grhoe2,igamma(igam),ngr,mesh_size,&
467 &                 rhocore,rhoarr1,rhoarr1_ep,usecore)
468                end if
469              else
470                gamma(:,:)=one
471              end if
472              ABI_DEALLOCATE(grhoe2)
473              ABI_DEALLOCATE(grhocore2)
474 !            Compute contribution to annihilation rates
475              ABI_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
476              if (option/=1) rhoarr1(:)=rhoarr1_j(:)
477              do ii=1,4
478                if (ii==1) ff(1:mesh_size)=rhoarr1(1:mesh_size)*rhoarr1_ep(1:mesh_size) &
479 &               *gamma(1:mesh_size,1)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
480                if (ii==2) ff(1:mesh_size)=rhoarr1(1:mesh_size)*rhoarr1_ep(1:mesh_size) &
481 &               *gamma(1:mesh_size,2)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
482                if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
483                  if (ii==3) ff(1:mesh_size)=rhoarr1(1:mesh_size)*rhocore(1:mesh_size) &
484 &                 *gamma(1:mesh_size,1)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
485                  if (ii==4) ff(1:mesh_size)=rhoarr1(1:mesh_size)*rhocore(1:mesh_size) &
486 &                 *pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
487                else
488                  if (ii==3) ff(1:mesh_size)=rhoarr1_ep(1:mesh_size)*rhocore(1:mesh_size) &
489 &                 *gamma(1:mesh_size,1)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
490                  if (ii==4) ff(1:mesh_size)=rhoarr1_ep(1:mesh_size)*rhocore(1:mesh_size) &
491 &                 *pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
492                end if
493                call simp_gen(intg,ff,pawrad(itypat))
494                intg=intg*pawang%angwgth(ipt)*four_pi
495                if (ii==1) lambda_paw         =lambda_paw         +lsign(iloop)*intg
496                if (ii==2) lambda_paw_ipm     =lambda_paw_ipm     +lsign(iloop)*intg
497                if (ii==3) lambda_core_paw    =lambda_core_paw    +lsign(iloop)*intg
498                if (ii==4) lambda_core_paw_ipm=lambda_core_paw_ipm+lsign(iloop)*intg
499              end do
500              ABI_DEALLOCATE(ff)
501            end do ! ipt
502            ABI_DEALLOCATE(gamma)
503            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoarr1)
504            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoarr1_ep)
505            if (option/=1) then
506              ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoarr1_j)
507            end if
509 !          Second formalism: use (l,m) moments for densities
510          else if (dtset%pawxcdev/=0) then
512 !          Build densities
513            ABI_ALLOCATE(gammam,(mesh_size,2,lm_size))
514            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhotot,(mesh_size,lm_size))
515            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhotot_ep,(mesh_size,lm_size))
516            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhosph,(mesh_size))
517            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhosph_ep,(mesh_size))
518            if (option/=1) then
519              ABI_ALLOCATE(rhotot_j,(mesh_size,lm_size))
520              ABI_ALLOCATE(rhosph_j,(mesh_size))
521            end if
522            if (usecore==0) rhocore(:)=zero
523            if (iloop==1) then
524              rhotot   (:,:)=rho1   (:,:,1)
525              rhotot_ep(:,:)=rho1_ep(:,:,1)
526              if (option/=1) rhotot_j (:,:)=rho1_j (:,:,1)
527              if (usecore==1) rhocore(:)=pawtab(itypat)%coredens(:)
528            else
529              if (include_nhat_in_gamma) then
530                rhotot   (:,:)=trho1   (:,:,1)+nhat1   (:,:,1)
531                rhotot_ep(:,:)=trho1_ep(:,:,1)+nhat1_ep(:,:,1)
532                if (option/=1) rhotot_j (:,:)=trho1_j (:,:,1)+nhat1_j (:,:,1)
533              else
534                rhotot   (:,:)=trho1   (:,:,1)
535                rhotot_ep(:,:)=trho1_ep(:,:,1)
536                if (option/=1) rhotot_j (:,:)=trho1_j (:,:,1)
537              end if
538              if (usecore==1) rhocore(:)=pawtab(itypat)%tcoredens(:,1)
539            end if
540            rhosph   (:)=rhotot   (:,1)/sqfpi
541            rhosph_ep(:)=rhotot_ep(:,1)/sqfpi
542            if (option/=1) rhosph_j (:)=rhotot_j(:,1)/sqfpi
543 !          Make spherical densities positive
544            if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
545              call mkdenpos(iwarnp,mesh_size,1,1,rhosph   ,dtset%xc_denpos)
546              call mkdenpos(iwarn ,mesh_size,1,1,rhosph_ep,dtset%xc_denpos)
547            else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
548              call mkdenpos(iwarn ,mesh_size,1,1,rhosph   ,dtset%xc_denpos)
549              call mkdenpos(iwarnp,mesh_size,1,1,rhosph_ep,dtset%xc_denpos)
550              if (option/=1) then
551                call mkdenpos(iwarnp,mesh_size,1,1,rhosph_j,dtset%xc_denpos)
552              end if
553            end if
554 !          Need gradients of electronic densities for GGA
555            ABI_ALLOCATE(grhoe2,(ngr))
556            ABI_ALLOCATE(grhocore2,(ngr))
557            if (ngr>0) then
558              if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
559                call nderiv_gen(grhoe2,rhosph_ep,pawrad(itypat))
560              else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
561                call nderiv_gen(grhoe2,rhosph,pawrad(itypat))
562              end if
563              grhoe2(:)=grhoe2(:)**2
564              if (usecore==1) then
565                call nderiv_gen(grhocore2,rhocore,pawrad(itypat))
566                grhocore2(:)=grhocore2(:)**2
567              end if
568            end if
569 !          Compute Gamma for (rho-,rho+),
570 !          (rho- +drho-,rho+), (rho- -drho-,rho+),
571 !          (rho-,rho+ +drho+), (rho-,rho+ -drho+),
572 !          (rho- +drho-,rho+ +drho+), (rho- -drho-,rho+ -drho+)
573 !          Do a seven steps loop
574            ABI_ALLOCATE(gam_,(mesh_size,2,7))
575            ABI_ALLOCATE(rho_,(mesh_size))
576            ABI_ALLOCATE(rho_ep_,(mesh_size))
577            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhocor_,(mesh_size))
578            ABI_ALLOCATE(grho2_,(ngr))
579            ABI_ALLOCATE(grhocor2_,(ngr))
580            do ii=1,7
581 !            Apply delta to get perturbed densities
582              rho_(:)=rhosph(:);rho_ep_(:)=rhosph_ep(:);if (usecore==1) rhocor_(:)=rhocore(:)
583              if (ngr>0) grho2_(:)=grhoe2(:)
584              if (ngr>0) grhocor2_(:)=grhocore2(:)
585              if (ii==2.or.ii==4.or.ii==6) fact=(one+delta)
586              if (ii==3.or.ii==5.or.ii==7) fact=(one-delta)
587              fact2=fact**2
588              if (ii==2.or.ii==3.or.ii==6.or.ii==7) then
589                rho_(:)=fact*rho_(:)
590                if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
591                  if (ngr>0) grho2_(:)=fact2*grho2_(:)
592                  if (usecore==1)rhocor_(:)=fact*rhocor_(:)
593                  if (ngr>0.and.usecore==1) grhocor2_(:)=fact2*grhocor2_(:)
594                end if
595              end if
596              if (ii==4.or.ii==5.or.ii==6.or.ii==7) then
597                rho_ep_(:)=fact*rho_ep_(:)
598                if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
599                  if (ngr>0) grho2_(:)=fact2*grho2_(:)
600                  if (usecore==1)rhocor_(:)=fact*rhocor_(:)
601                  if (ngr>0.and.usecore==1) grhocor2_(:)=fact2*grhocor2_(:)
602                end if
603              end if
604 !            Compute gamma for these perturbed densities
605              if (option==1.or.option==2) then
606                if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
607                  call gammapositron(gam_(:,:,ii),grhocor2_,grho2_,igamma(igam),ngr,mesh_size,rhocor_,rho_ep_,rho_,usecore)
608                else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
609                  call gammapositron(gam_(:,:,ii),grhocor2_,grho2_,igamma(igam),ngr,mesh_size,rhocor_,rho_,rho_ep_,usecore)
610                end if
611              else
612                gam_(:,:,:)=one
613              end if
614            end do ! end loop ii=1,7
616            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhocor_)
617            ABI_DEALLOCATE(grho2_)
618            ABI_DEALLOCATE(grhocor2_)
619            ABI_DEALLOCATE(grhoe2)
620            ABI_DEALLOCATE(grhocore2)
621            rho_   (:)=rhosph   (:);if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON.and.usecore==1) rho_   (:)=rho_   (:)+rhocore(:)
622            rho_ep_(:)=rhosph_ep(:);if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON.and.usecore==1) rho_ep_(:)=rho_ep_(:)+rhocore(:)
623 !          Compute numerical first and second derivatives of Gamma
624 !          d1gam(1) = dgam/drho+ (particle=ELECTRON), dgam/drho- (particle=POSITRON)
625 !          d1gam(2) = dgam/drho- (particle=ELECTRON), dgam/drho+ (particle=POSITRON)
626            ABI_ALLOCATE(d1gam,(mesh_size,2,2))
627            d1gam(:,:,:)=zero
628            do ir=1,mesh_size
629              if (rho_     (ir)>tol14) d1gam(ir,1,1)=(gam_(ir,1,2)-gam_(ir,1,3))*half/(delta*rho_     (ir))
630              if (rhosph   (ir)>tol14) d1gam(ir,2,1)=(gam_(ir,2,2)-gam_(ir,2,3))*half/(delta*rhosph   (ir))
631              if (rho_ep_  (ir)>tol14) d1gam(ir,1,2)=(gam_(ir,1,4)-gam_(ir,1,5))*half/(delta*rho_ep_  (ir))
632              if (rhosph_ep(ir)>tol14) d1gam(ir,2,2)=(gam_(ir,2,4)-gam_(ir,2,5))*half/(delta*rhosph_ep(ir))
633            end do
635 !          d2gam(1) = d2gam/drho+_drho+ (particle=ELECTRON), dgam/drho-_drho- (particle=POSITRON)
636 !          d2gam(2) = d2gam/drho-_drho+ (particle=ELECTRON), dgam/drho+_drho- (particle=POSITRON)
637 !          d2gam(3) = d2gam/drho-_drho- (particle=ELECTRON), dgam/drho+_drho+ (particle=POSITRON)
638            ABI_ALLOCATE(d2gam,(mesh_size,2,3))
639            d2gam(:,:,:)=zero
640            do ir=1,mesh_size
641              if (rho_  (ir)>tol14) d2gam(ir,1,1)=(gam_(ir,1,2)+gam_(ir,1,3)-two*gam_(ir,1,1))/(delta*rho_  (ir))**2
642              if (rhosph(ir)>tol14) d2gam(ir,2,1)=(gam_(ir,2,2)+gam_(ir,2,3)-two*gam_(ir,2,1))/(delta*rhosph(ir))**2
643              if (rho_ep_(ir)>tol14) then
644                d2gam(ir,1,3)=(gam_(ir,1,4)+gam_(ir,1,5)-two*gam_(ir,1,1))/(delta*rho_ep_(ir))**2
645                if (rho_(ir)>tol14) then
646                  d2gam(ir,1,2)=(gam_(ir,1,6)+gam_(ir,1,7)+two*gam_(ir,1,1) &
647 &                 -gam_(ir,1,2)-gam_(ir,1,3)-gam_(ir,1,4)-gam_(ir,1,5)) &
648 &                 *half/(delta*rho_(ir))/(delta*rho_ep_(ir))
649                end if
650              end if
651              if (rhosph_ep(ir)>tol14) then
652                d2gam(ir,2,3)=(gam_(ir,2,4)+gam_(ir,2,5)-two*gam_(ir,2,1))/(delta*rhosph_ep(ir))**2
653                if (rhosph(ir)>tol14) then
654                  d2gam(ir,2,2)=(gam_(ir,2,6)+gam_(ir,2,7)+two*gam_(ir,2,1) &
655 &                 -gam_(ir,2,2)-gam_(ir,2,3)-gam_(ir,2,4)-gam_(ir,2,5)) &
656 &                 *half/(delta*rhosph(ir))/(delta*rhosph_ep(ir))
657                end if
658              end if
659            end do
660            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho_)
661            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho_ep_)
662 !          Compute useful sums of densities
663            ABI_ALLOCATE(v1sum,(mesh_size,3))
664            if ( dtset%pawxcdev>=2)  then
665              ABI_ALLOCATE(v2sum,(mesh_size,lm_size,3))
666            else
667              ABI_ALLOCATE(v2sum,(0,0,0))
668            end if
669            rhotot(:,1)=sqfpi*rhosph(:);rhotot_ep(:,1)=sqfpi*rhosph_ep(:)
670            call pawxcsum(1,1,1,lmselect,lmselect_ep,lm_size,mesh_size,3,dtset%pawxcdev,&
671 &           pawang,rhotot,rhotot_ep,v1sum,v2sum)
672 !          Compute final developpment of gamma moments
673            gammam(:,:,:)=zero
674            gammam(:,:,1)=gam_(:,:,1)*sqfpi
675            gammam(:,1,1)=gammam(:,1,1)+(d2gam(:,1,2)*v1sum(:,2) &
676 &           +half*(d2gam(:,1,1)*v1sum(:,1)+d2gam(:,1,3)*v1sum(:,3)))/sqfpi
677            gammam(:,2,1)=gammam(:,2,1)+(d2gam(:,2,2)*v1sum(:,2) &
678 &           +half*(d2gam(:,2,1)*v1sum(:,1)+d2gam(:,2,3)*v1sum(:,3)))/sqfpi
679            do ilm=2,lm_size
680              if (lmselect(ilm)) then
681                gammam(:,1,ilm)=gammam(:,1,ilm)+d1gam(:,1,1)*rhotot(:,ilm)
682                gammam(:,2,ilm)=gammam(:,2,ilm)+d1gam(:,2,1)*rhotot(:,ilm)
683              end if
684              if (lmselect_ep(ilm)) then
685                gammam(:,1,ilm)=gammam(:,1,ilm)+d1gam(:,1,2)*rhotot_ep(:,ilm)
686                gammam(:,2,ilm)=gammam(:,2,ilm)+d1gam(:,2,2)*rhotot_ep(:,ilm)
687              end if
688            end do
689            if (dtset%pawxcdev>1) then
690              do ilm=2,lm_size
691                gammam(:,1,ilm)=gammam(:,1,ilm)+d2gam(:,1,2)*v2sum(:,ilm,2) &
692 &               +half*(d2gam(:,1,1)*v2sum(:,ilm,1)+d2gam(:,1,3)*v2sum(:,ilm,3))
693                gammam(:,2,ilm)=gammam(:,2,ilm)+d2gam(:,2,2)*v2sum(:,ilm,2) &
694 &               +half*(d2gam(:,2,1)*v2sum(:,ilm,1)+d2gam(:,2,3)*v2sum(:,ilm,3))
695              end do
696            end if
697            ABI_DEALLOCATE(gam_)
698            ABI_DEALLOCATE(d1gam)
699            ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2gam)
700            ABI_DEALLOCATE(v1sum)
701            ABI_DEALLOCATE(v2sum)
703 !          Compute contribution to annihilation rate
705 !          In state dependent scheme for Doppler, replace electronic density with one state
706            if (option/=1) then
707              rhotot(:,:) = rhotot_j(:,:)
708              rhosph  (:) = rhosph_j  (:)
709            end if
711            ABI_ALLOCATE(gg,(mesh_size,4))
712            gg=zero
713            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoarr1,(mesh_size))
714            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoarr2,(mesh_size))
715            do ilm=1,lm_size
716              do ilm1=1,lm_size
717                if (lmselect(ilm1)) then
718                  if (ilm1==1) rhoarr1(:)=sqfpi*rhosph(:)
719                  if (ilm1/=1) rhoarr1(:)=rhotot(:,ilm1)
720                  do ilm2=1,lm_size
721                    if (lmselect_ep(ilm2)) then
722                      if (ilm2==1) rhoarr2(:)=sqfpi*rhosph_ep(:)
723                      if (ilm2/=1) rhoarr2(:)=rhotot_ep(:,ilm2)
724                      if (ilm1>=ilm2) then
725                        isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,ilm2+ilm1*(ilm1-1)/2)
726                      else
727                        isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,ilm1+ilm2*(ilm2-1)/2)
728                      end if
729                      if (isel>0) then
730                        fact=pawang%realgnt(isel)
731                        gg(:,1)=gg(:,1)+fact*rhoarr1(:)*rhoarr2(:)*gammam(:,1,ilm)
732                        gg(:,2)=gg(:,2)+fact*rhoarr1(:)*rhoarr2(:)*gammam(:,2,ilm)
733                      end if
734                    end if
735                  end do
736                end if
737              end do
738            end do
739            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoarr1)
740            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoarr2)
741            if (electronpositron%particle==EP_ELECTRON) then
742              do ilm=1,lm_size
743                if (lmselect(ilm)) gg(:,3)=gg(:,3)+rhotot(:,ilm)*rhocore(:)*gammam(:,1,ilm)
744              end do
745              gg(:,4)=sqfpi*rhotot(:,1)*rhocore(:)
746            else if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
747              do ilm=1,lm_size
748                if (lmselect_ep(ilm)) gg(:,3)=gg(:,3)+rhotot_ep(:,ilm)*rhocore(:)*gammam(:,1,ilm)
749              end do
750              gg(:,4)=sqfpi*rhotot_ep(:,1)*rhocore(:)
751            end if
752            do ii=1,4
753              gg(1:mesh_size,ii)=gg(1:mesh_size,ii)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
754              call simp_gen(intg,gg(:,ii),pawrad(itypat))
755              if (ii==1) lambda_paw         =lambda_paw         +lsign(iloop)*intg
756              if (ii==2) lambda_paw_ipm     =lambda_paw_ipm     +lsign(iloop)*intg
757              if (ii==3) lambda_core_paw    =lambda_core_paw    +lsign(iloop)*intg
758              if (ii==4) lambda_core_paw_ipm=lambda_core_paw_ipm+lsign(iloop)*intg
759            end do
760            ABI_DEALLOCATE(gg)
761            ABI_DEALLOCATE(gammam)
762            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhotot)
763            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhotot_ep)
764            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhosph)
765            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhosph_ep)
766            if (option/=1) then
767              ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhotot_j)
768              ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhosph_j)
769            end if
771          end if ! dtset%pawxcdev
773          ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhocore)
775        end do ! iloop
777        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho1)
778        ABI_DEALLOCATE(trho1)
779        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho1_ep)
780        ABI_DEALLOCATE(trho1_ep)
781        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho1_j)
782        ABI_DEALLOCATE(trho1_j)
783        ABI_DEALLOCATE(nhat1)
784        ABI_DEALLOCATE(nhat1_ep)
785        ABI_DEALLOCATE(nhat1_j)
786        ABI_DEALLOCATE(lmselect)
787        ABI_DEALLOCATE(lmselect_ep)
788        ABI_DEALLOCATE(lmselect_dum)
790      end do ! iatom
792 !    Reduction in case of distribution over atomic sites
793      if (mpi_enreg%nproc_atom>1) then
794        mpibuf(1)=lambda_paw     ;mpibuf(2)=lambda_paw_ipm
795        mpibuf(3)=lambda_core_paw;mpibuf(4)=lambda_core_paw_ipm
796        call xmpi_sum(mpibuf,mpi_enreg%comm_atom,ierr)
797        lambda_paw=mpibuf(1)     ;lambda_paw_ipm=mpibuf(2)
798        lambda_core_paw=mpibuf(3);lambda_core_paw_ipm=mpibuf(4)
799      end if
801 !    Add plane-wave and PAW contributions to annihilation rates
802      lambda         =lambda         +lambda_paw
803      lambda_ipm     =lambda_ipm     +lambda_paw_ipm
804      lambda_core    =lambda_core    +lambda_core_paw
805      lambda_core_ipm=lambda_core_ipm+lambda_core_paw_ipm
806    end if ! dtset%usepaw
809 !  Convert into proper units and print
810 !  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
812 !  Sum valence and core contributions to annihilation rates
813    lambda        =lambda        +lambda_core
814    lambda_ipm    =lambda_ipm    +lambda_core_ipm
815    if (dtset%usepaw==1) then
816      lambda_paw    =lambda_paw    +lambda_core_paw
817      lambda_paw_ipm=lambda_paw_ipm+lambda_core_paw_ipm
818    end if
820 !  Set annihilation rate in proper unit (picosec.)
821    units=pi*(one/InvFineStruct)**3/Time_Sec/1.e12_dp/electronpositron%posocc
823    lambda         =lambda         *units
824    lambda_ipm     =lambda_ipm     *units
825    lambda_core    =lambda_core    *units
826    lambda_core_ipm=lambda_core_ipm*units
827    lifetime    =one/lambda
828    lifetime_ipm=one/lambda_ipm
829    electronpositron%lambda=lambda
830    electronpositron%lifetime=lifetime
831    if (dtset%usepaw==1) then
832      lambda_paw         =lambda_paw         *units
833      lambda_paw_ipm     =lambda_paw_ipm     *units
834      lambda_core_paw    =lambda_core_paw    *units
835      lambda_core_paw_ipm=lambda_core_paw_ipm*units
836    end if
837    rate=lambda-lambda_core-lambda_paw+lambda_core_paw
838    rate_paw=lambda_paw-lambda_core_paw
839 !  Print life time and additional information
840    if (option==1) then
841      if (igam==1) then
842        write(msg,'(a,80("-"),2a)') ch10,ch10,' Results for electron-positron annihilation:'
843        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
844        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
845      end if
846      if (ngamma>1.and.igam==1) then
847        write(msg,'(a,i1,a)') ch10,ngamma,&
848 &       ' computations of positron lifetime have been performed (with different enhancement factors).'
849        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
850        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
851      end if
852      if (ngamma>1) then
853        write(msg,'(2a,i1)') ch10,"########## Lifetime computation ",igam
854        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
855        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
856      end if
857      if (abs(electronpositron%ixcpositron)==1) then
858        write(msg,'(4a)') ch10,' # Zero-positron density limit of Arponen and Pajanne provided by Boronski & Nieminen',&
859 &       ch10,'   Ref.: Boronski and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 34, 3820 (1986)'
860      else if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==11) then
861        write(msg,'(4a)') ch10,' # Zero-positron density limit of Arponen and Pajanne fitted by Sterne & Kaiser',&
862 &       ch10,'   Ref.: P.A. Sterne and J.H. Kaiser, Phys. Rev. B 43, 13892 (1991)'
863      else if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==2) then
864        write(msg,'(4a)') ch10,' # Electron-positron correlation provided by Puska, Seitsonen, and Nieminen',&
865 &       ch10,'   Ref: M.J. Puska, A.P. Seitsonen and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 52, 10947 (1994)'
866      else if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==3) then
867        write(msg,'(8a)') ch10,' # Zero-positron density limit of Arponen and Pajanne provided by Boronski & Nieminen',&
868 &       ch10,'   + GGA corrections',&
869 &       ch10,'   Ref.: Boronski and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 34, 3820 (1986)',&
870 &       ch10,'         B. Barbiellini, M.J. Puska, T. Torsti and R.M.Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 51, 7341 (1994)'
871      else if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==31) then
872        write(msg,'(8a)') ch10,' # Zero-positron density limit of Arponen and Pajanne fitted by Sterne & Kaiser',&
873 &       ch10,'   + GGA corrections',&
874 &       ch10,'   Ref.: P.A. Sterne and J.H. Kaiser, Phys. Rev. B 43, 13892 (1991)',&
875 &       ch10,'         B. Barbiellini, M.J. Puska, T. Torsti and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 51, 7341 (1994)'
876      end if
877      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
878      call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
879      if (igamma(igam)==0) then
880        write(msg,'(a)')       ' # Enhancement factor set to one (test)'
881      else if (igamma(igam)==1) then
882        write(msg,'(3a)')      ' # Enhancement factor of Boronski & Nieminen',&
883 &       ch10,'   Ref.: Boronski and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 34, 3820 (1986)'
884      else if (igamma(igam)==2) then
885        write(msg,'(3a)')      ' # Enhancement factor of Boronski & Nieminen IN THE RPA LIMIT',&
886 &       ch10,'   Ref.: Boronski and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 34, 3820 (1986)'
887      else if (igamma(igam)==3) then
888        write(msg,'(3a)')      ' # Enhancement factor of Sterne & Kaiser',&
889 &       ch10,'   Ref.: P.A. Sterne and J.H. Kaiser, Phys. Rev. B 43, 13892 (1991)'
890      else if (igamma(igam)==4) then
891        write(msg,'(3a)')      ' # Enhancement factor of Puska, Seitsonen, and Nieminen',&
892 &       ch10,'   Ref.: M.J. Puska, A.P. Seitsonen and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 52, 10947 (1994)'
893      end if
894      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
895      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
896      write(msg, '(4(2a,es16.8))' ) ch10,&
897 &     ' Positron lifetime                         (ps)   =',lifetime    ,ch10,&
898 &     ' Positron lifetime with IPM for core elec. (ps)   =',lifetime_ipm,ch10,&
899 &     ' Annihilation rate                         (ns-1) =',lambda    *1000._dp,ch10,&
900 &     ' Annihilation rate with IPM for core elec. (ns-1) =',lambda_ipm*1000._dp
901      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
902      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
903      write(msg,'(2a,5(2a,es16.8))' ) ch10,&
904 &     ' Annihilation rate core/valence decomposition:',ch10,&
905 &     '   Core    contribution to ann.rate          (ns-1) =', lambda_core                 *1000._dp,ch10,&
906 &     '   Valence contribution to ann.rate          (ns-1) =',(lambda-lambda_core)         *1000._dp,ch10,&
907 &     '   Core    contribution to ann.rate with IPM (ns-1) =', lambda_core_ipm             *1000._dp,ch10,&
908 &     '   Valence contribution to ann.rate with IPM (ns-1) =',(lambda_ipm-lambda_core_ipm) *1000._dp
909      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
910      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
911      if (dtset%usepaw==1) then
912        write(msg, '(2a,6(2a,es16.8))' ) ch10,&
913 &       ' Annihilation rate PAW decomposition:',ch10,&
914 &       '   Plane-wave contribution to ann.rate          (ns-1) =',(lambda-lambda_paw)*1000._dp,ch10,&
915 &       '   Plane-wave valence contribution to ann.rate  (ns-1) =',(lambda-lambda_paw-lambda_core+lambda_core_paw)*1000._dp,ch10,&
916 &       '   On-site core contribution to ann.rate        (ns-1) =', lambda_core_paw*1000._dp,ch10,&
917 &       '   On-site valence contribution to ann.rate     (ns-1) =',(lambda_paw-lambda_core_paw)*1000._dp,ch10,&
918 &       '   Plane-wave contribution to ann.rate with IPM (ns-1) =',(lambda_ipm-lambda_paw_ipm)*1000._dp,ch10,&
919 &       '   Plane-wave core contrb. to ann.rate with IPM (ns-1) =',(lambda_core_ipm-lambda_core_paw_ipm)*1000._dp
920        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
921        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
922      end if
923      if (dtset%usepaw==0.and.igam==ngamma) then ! These tests are not relevant with PAW
924        write(msg, '(2a,3(2a,es16.8))' ) ch10,&
925 &       ' ########## Some checks, for testing purpose:',ch10,&
926 &       '   Number of core electrons      =',nbec,ch10,&
927 &       '   Number of valence electrons   =',nbev,ch10,&
928 &       '   Number of positrons           =',nbp
929        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
930        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
931      end if
932    end if !end if option
933  end do ! Big loop on igam
935  if (option==1) then
936    write(msg, '(3a)' ) ch10,'      (*) IPM=Independent particle Model',ch10
937    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
938    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
939  end if !end if option
941 !Deallocate memory
942  ABI_DEALLOCATE(igamma)
943  if (dtset%usepaw==1.and.(.not.include_nhat_in_gamma)) then
944    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor_)
945    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor_ep_)
946  end if
950 end subroutine poslifetime