ABINIT/prtrhomxmn [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 If option==1, compute the maximum and minimum of the density (and spin-polarization
 if nspden==2), and print it.
 If option==2, also compute and print the second maximum or minimum


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


  iout=unit for output file
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  option, see above
  optrhor=option for rhor (If optrhor==0, rhor is expected to be the electron density)
                          (If optrhor==1, rhor is expected to be the kinetic energy density (taur))
                          (If optrhor==2, rhor is expected to be the gradient of the electron density (grhor))
                          (If optrhor==3, rhor is expected to be the laplacian of the electron density (lrhor))
                          (If optrhor==4, rhor is expected to be the ELF (elfr))
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density (electrons/bohr^3)




  The tolerance tol12 aims at giving a machine-independent ordering.
  (this trick is used in bonds.f, listkk.f, prtrhomxmn.f and rsiaf9.f)






 47 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 48 #include "config.h"
 49 #endif
 51 #include "abi_common.h"
 53 subroutine prtrhomxmn(iout,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,nspden,option,rhor,optrhor,ucvol)
 55  use defs_basis
 56  use defs_abitypes
 57  use m_profiling_abi
 58  use m_xmpi
 59  use m_errors
 61 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 62 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 63 #undef ABI_FUNC
 64 #define ABI_FUNC 'prtrhomxmn'
 65  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 66 !End of the abilint section
 68  implicit none
 70 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 71 !scalars
 72  integer,intent(in) :: iout,nfft,nspden,option
 73  integer,intent(in),optional :: optrhor
 74  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: ucvol
 75  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 76 !arrays
 77  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
 78  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(nfft,nspden)
 80 !Local variables-------------------------------
 81 !scalars
 82  integer :: i1,i2,i3,ierr,ifft,ii,iisign,iitems,index1,ioptrhor
 83  integer :: index2,indsign,iproc,istart,me,n1,n2,n3,nitems
 84  integer :: nfft_,nfftot,nproc,spaceComm
 85  real(dp) :: temp,value1,value2
 86  character(len=500) :: message,txt1_in_mssg,txt2_in_mssg,txt3_in_mssg
 87  logical :: reduce=.false.
 88 !arrays
 89  integer,allocatable :: iindex(:,:,:),index_fft(:,:,:,:)
 90  real(dp) :: rhomn1(4),rhomn2(4),rhomx1(4),rhomx2(4),ri_rhomn1(3,4)
 91  real(dp) :: ri_rhomn2(3,4),ri_rhomx1(3,4),ri_rhomx2(3,4),ri_zetmn1(3,2)
 92  real(dp) :: ri_zetmn2(3,2),ri_zetmx1(3,2),ri_zetmx2(3,2),zetmn1(2)
 93  real(dp) :: zetmn2(2),zetmx1(2),zetmx2(2)
 94  real(dp),allocatable :: array(:),coord(:,:,:,:),value(:,:,:),integrated(:)
 95  real(dp),allocatable :: value_fft(:,:,:)
 97 ! *************************************************************************
 99  if(.not.(present(optrhor))) then
100    ioptrhor=0
101  else
102    ioptrhor=optrhor
103  end if
105  if(option/=1 .and. option/=2)then
106    write(message, '(a,i0)' )' Option must be 1 or 2, while it is ',option
107    MSG_BUG(message)
108  end if
110  if (mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl>1) then
111 !  nfft is always the potential size (in GGA, the density has buffers).
112    nfft_ = ngfft(1) * ngfft(2) * mpi_enreg%nscatterarr(mpi_enreg%me_wvl, 2)
113    n1 = ngfft(1)
114    n2 = ngfft(2)
115    n3 = sum(mpi_enreg%nscatterarr(:, 2))
116    istart = mpi_enreg%nscatterarr(mpi_enreg%me_wvl, 4)
117  else
118    nfft_ = nfft
119    n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
120    istart = 0
121  end if
123 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 !One has to determine the maximum and minimum (etc...) values
125 !over all space, and then output it, as well as to identify
126 !the point at which it occurs ...
127 !This will require a bit of data exchange, and correct indirect indexing ...
129 !For the local processor, find different items :
130 !maximum and minimum total electron density and locations
131 !and also spin-polarisation and magnetization
132 !also keep the second maximal or minimal value
133  if(nspden==1)nitems=1   ! Simply the total density
134  if(nspden==2)nitems=5   ! Total density, spin up, spin down, magnetization, zeta
135  if(nspden==4)nitems=6   ! Total density, x, y, z, magnetization, zeta
137  ABI_ALLOCATE(value,(2,2,nitems))
138  ABI_ALLOCATE(iindex,(2,2,nitems))
139  ABI_ALLOCATE(array,(nfft))
140  ABI_ALLOCATE(integrated,(nitems))
142  do iitems=1,nitems
144 !  Copy the correct values into the array
145 !  First set of items : the density, for each spin component
146    if(iitems<=nspden)then
147      array(:)=rhor(:,iitems)
148    end if
149 !  Case nspden==2, some computation to be done
150    if(nspden==2)then
151      if(iitems==3)then ! Spin down
152        array(:)=rhor(:,1)-rhor(:,2)
153      else if(iitems==4)then  ! Magnetization
154        array(:)=2*rhor(:,2)-rhor(:,1)
155      else if(iitems==5)then  ! zeta = relative magnetization
156        ! Avoid 0/0: the limit of (x - y) / (x+ y) depends on the direction.
157        array(:)=zero
158        where (abs(rhor(:,1)) > tol12) array(:)=(2*rhor(:,2)-rhor(:,1))/rhor(:,1)
159      end if
160 !    Case nspden==4, some other computation to be done
161    else if(nspden==4)then
162      if(iitems==5)then ! Magnetization
163        array(:)=sqrt(rhor(:,2)**2+rhor(:,3)**2+rhor(:,4)**2)
164      else if(iitems==6)then ! zeta = relative magnetization
165        array(:)=(sqrt(rhor(:,2)**2+rhor(:,3)**2+rhor(:,4)**2))/rhor(:,1)
166      end if
167    end if
169 !  Zero all the absolute values that are lower than tol8, for portability reasons.
170    do ifft = 1, nfft_
171      if(abs(array(ifft))<tol8)array(ifft)=zero
172    end do
174 !  DEBUG
175 !  write(std_out,*) ' iitems,array(1:2)=',iitems,array(1:2)
178    do indsign=1,2 ! Find alternatively the maximum and the minimum
179      iisign=3-2*indsign
181      if (nfft_ > 1) then
182 !      Initialize the two first values
183        value1=array(istart + 1) ; value2=array(istart + 2)
184        index1=1 ; index2=2
186 !      Ordering, if needed
187        if( iisign*(value2+tol12) > iisign*(value1)) then
188          temp=value2 ; value2=value1 ; value1=temp
189          index1=2 ; index2=1
190        end if
192 !      Integration, if relevant
193        if(present(ucvol).and. indsign==1)then
194          integrated(iitems) = array(istart + 1)+array(istart + 2)
195        end if
196      else
197        value1 = zero; value2 = zero
198        index1 = 0;    index2 = 0
199      end if
201 !    DEBUG
202 !    write(std_out,*) ' value1,value2,index1,index2=',value1,value2,index1,index2
203 !    ENDDEBUG
205 !    Loop over all points
206      do ifft = 3, nfft_
208        temp=array(istart + ifft)
209        if(present(ucvol).and. indsign==1)integrated(iitems) = integrated(iitems)+temp
210 !      Compares it to the second value
211        if( iisign*(temp+tol12) > iisign*value2 ) then
212 !        Compare it to the first value
213          if( iisign*(temp+tol12) > iisign*value1 ) then
214            value2=value1 ; index2=index1
215            value1=temp   ; index1=ifft
216          else
217            value2=temp   ; index2=ifft
218          end if
219        end if
221      end do ! ifft
223      value(1,indsign,iitems)=value1
224      value(2,indsign,iitems)=value2
225      iindex(1,indsign,iitems)=index1
226      iindex(2,indsign,iitems)=index2
228 !    DEBUG
229 !    write(std_out,*) ' it,v1,i1=',iitems, value1,index1
230 !    write(std_out,*) ' it,v2,i2=',iitems, value2,index2
231 !    ENDDEBUG
233    end do ! indsign
235    if(present(ucvol))then
236      nfftot=ngfft(1) * ngfft(2) * ngfft(3)
237      integrated(iitems)=integrated(iitems)*ucvol/nfftot
238    end if
240 !  Integrate the array
241 !  integrated(iitems)=zero
242 !  do ifft=1,nfft_
243 !  integrated(iitems) = integrated(iitems) + array(istart + ifft)
244 !  enddo
245 !  if(present(ucvol))integrated(iitems) = integrated(iitems)*ucvol/nfft_
246 !  write(std_err,*)present(ucvol)
247 !  if(present(ucvol))then
248 !  write(std_err,*)ucvol
249 !  endif
251  end do ! iitems
253  ABI_DEALLOCATE(array)
255 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
256 !Enter section for FFT parallel case
257 !if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb>1) spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft; reduce=.true.
258  spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft; reduce=.false.
259  if(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft>1) then
260    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft; reduce=.true.
261  else if(mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl>1) then
262    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl; reduce=.true.
263  end if
264  nproc=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
265  me=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)
267  if (reduce) then
269 !  Communicate all data to all processors with only two global communications
270    ABI_ALLOCATE(value_fft,(5,nitems,nproc))
271    ABI_ALLOCATE(index_fft,(2,2,nitems,nproc))
272    value_fft(:,:,:)=zero
273    index_fft(:,:,:,:)=zero
274    value_fft(1,:,me + 1)=value(1,1,:)
275    value_fft(2,:,me + 1)=value(2,1,:)
276    value_fft(3,:,me + 1)=value(1,2,:)
277    value_fft(4,:,me + 1)=value(2,2,:)
278    if(present(ucvol))value_fft(5,:,me + 1)=integrated(:)
279    index_fft(:,:,:,me + 1)=iindex(:,:,:)
280    call xmpi_sum(value_fft,spaceComm,ierr)
281    call xmpi_sum(index_fft,spaceComm,ierr)
283 !  Determine the global optimum and second optimum for each item
284 !  Also, the integrated quantities, if relevant.
285    do iitems=1,nitems
287      if(present(ucvol))integrated(iitems)=sum(value_fft(5,iitems,1:nproc))
289      do indsign=1,2 ! Find alternatively the maximum and the minimum
290        iisign=3-2*indsign
292 !      Initialisation
293        value1=value_fft(2*indsign-1,iitems,1)
294        value2=value_fft(2*indsign  ,iitems,1)
295        index1=index_fft(1,indsign,iitems,1)
296        index2=index_fft(2,indsign,iitems,1)
298 !      Loop
299        do iproc=1, nproc, 1
300          do ii=1,2
301            if(iproc>1 .or. ii==2)then
303              temp=value_fft(ii+2*(indsign-1),iitems,iproc)
304 !            Compares it to the second value
305              if( iisign*(temp+tol12) > iisign*value2 ) then
306 !              Compare it to the first value
307                if( iisign*(temp+tol12) > iisign*value1 ) then
308                  value2=value1 ; index2=index1
309                  value1=temp   ; index1=index_fft(ii,indsign,iitems,iproc)
310                else
311                  value2=temp   ; index2=index_fft(ii,indsign,iitems,iproc)
312                end if
313              end if
315            end if ! if(iproc>1 .or. ii==2)
316          end do ! ii
317        end do ! iproc
319        value(1,indsign,iitems)=value1
320        value(2,indsign,iitems)=value2
321        iindex(1,indsign,iitems)=index1
322        iindex(2,indsign,iitems)=index2
324      end do ! iisign
325    end do ! iitems
327    ABI_DEALLOCATE(value_fft)
328    ABI_DEALLOCATE(index_fft)
330  end if !if(reduce)
332 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
334 !Determines the reduced coordinates of the min and max for each item
335  ABI_ALLOCATE(coord,(3,2,2,nitems))
336  do iitems=1,nitems
337    do indsign=1,2
338      do ii=1,2
339        index1=iindex(ii,indsign,iitems)
340        i3=(index1-1)/n1/n2
341        i2=(index1-1-i3*n1*n2)/n1
342        i1=index1-1-i3*n1*n2-i2*n1
343        coord(1,ii,indsign,iitems)=dble(i1)/dble(n1)+tol12
344        coord(2,ii,indsign,iitems)=dble(i2)/dble(n2)+tol12
345        coord(3,ii,indsign,iitems)=dble(i3)/dble(n3)+tol12
346 !      DEBUG
347 !      write(std_out,*)' ii,indsign,iitems,coord(1:3)=',ii,indsign,iitems,coord(:,ii,indsign,iitems)
348 !      write(std_out,*)' value ', value(ii, indsign, iitems)
349 !      ENDDEBUG
350      end do
351    end do
352  end do
354 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 !Output
356  if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==0.or.mpi_enreg%me_fft==0) then
357    if(.true.)then
358      do iitems=1,nitems
360        if(ioptrhor==4 .and. iitems>2)exit
362        select case (ioptrhor)
363        case(0)
365          if(iitems==1) write(message,'(a)')' Total charge density [el/Bohr^3]'
366          if(nspden==2)then
367            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' Spin up density      [el/Bohr^3]'
368            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' Spin down density    [el/Bohr^3]'
369            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (spin up - spin down) [el/Bohr^3]'
370            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
371          else if(nspden==4)then
372            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' x component of magnetization [el/Bohr^3]'
373            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' y component of magnetization [el/Bohr^3]'
374            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' z component of magnetization [el/Bohr^3]'
375            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (absolute value) [el/Bohr^3]'
376            if(iitems==6) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
377          end if
379        case(1)
381          if(iitems==1) write(message,'(a)')' Total kinetic energy density [Ha/Bohr^3]'
382          if(nspden==2)then
383            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' Spin up density      [Ha/Bohr^3]'
384            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' Spin down density    [Ha/Bohr^3]'
385            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (spin up - spin down) [Ha/Bohr^3]'
386            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
387          else if(nspden==4)then
388            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' x component of magnetization [Ha/Bohr^3]'
389            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' y component of magnetization [Ha/Bohr^3]'
390            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' z component of magnetization [Ha/Bohr^3]'
391            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (absolute value) [Ha/Bohr^3]'
392            if(iitems==6) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
393          end if
395        case(2)
397          if(iitems==1) write(message,'(a)')' Gradient of the electronic density [el/Bohr^4]'
398          if(nspden==2)then
399            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' Spin up density      [el/Bohr^4]'
400            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' Spin down density    [el/Bohr^4]'
401            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (spin up - spin down) [el/Bohr^4]'
402            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
403          else if(nspden==4)then
404            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' x component of magnetization [el/Bohr^4]'
405            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' y component of magnetization [el/Bohr^4]'
406            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' z component of magnetization [el/Bohr^4]'
407            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (absolute value) [el/Bohr^4]'
408            if(iitems==6) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
409          end if
411        case(3)
413          if(iitems==1) write(message,'(a)')' Laplacian of the electronic density [el/Bohr^5]'
414          if(nspden==2)then
415            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' Spin up density      [el/Bohr^5]'
416            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' Spin down density    [el/Bohr^5]'
417            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (spin up - spin down) [el/Bohr^5]'
418            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
419          else if(nspden==4)then
420            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' x component of magnetization [el/Bohr^5]'
421            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' y component of magnetization [el/Bohr^5]'
422            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' z component of magnetization [el/Bohr^5]'
423            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (absolute value) [el/Bohr^5]'
424            if(iitems==6) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
425          end if
427        case(4)
429          if(iitems==1) write(message,'(a)')' Electron Localization Function (ELF) [min:0;max:1]'
430          if(nspden==2)then
431            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' Spin up ELF      [min:0;max:1]'
432 !            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' Spin down ELF    [min:0;max:1]'
433 !            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (spin up - spin down) [el/Bohr^4]'
434 !            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
435          else if(nspden==4)then
436 !            if(iitems==2) write(message,'(a)')' x component of magnetization [el/Bohr^4]'
437 !            if(iitems==3) write(message,'(a)')' y component of magnetization [el/Bohr^4]'
438 !            if(iitems==4) write(message,'(a)')' z component of magnetization [el/Bohr^4]'
439 !            if(iitems==5) write(message,'(a)')' Magnetization (spin up - spin down) [el/Bohr^4]'
440 !            if(iitems==6) write(message,'(a)')' Relative magnetization (=zeta, between -1 and 1)   '
441          end if
444        end select
446        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
448        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)') '      Maximum= ',&
449 &       value(1,1,iitems),'  at reduced coord.',coord(:,1,1,iitems)
450        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
451        if(option==2)then
452          write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next maximum= ',&
453 &         value(2,1,iitems),'  at reduced coord.',coord(:,2,1,iitems)
454          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
455        end if
456        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)') '      Minimum= ',&
457 &       value(1,2,iitems),'  at reduced coord.',coord(:,1,2,iitems)
458        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
459        if(option==2)then
460          write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next minimum= ',&
461 &         value(2,2,iitems),'  at reduced coord.',coord(:,2,2,iitems)
462          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
463        end if
464        if(present(ucvol))then
465          if(.not.(nspden==2.and.iitems==5) .and. .not.(nspden==4.and.iitems==6))then
466            if(abs(integrated(iitems))<tol10)integrated(iitems)=zero
467            write(message,'(a,es13.4)')'   Integrated= ',integrated(iitems)
468            call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
469          end if
470        end if
472      end do ! iitems
473    end if
475    if(.false.)then
477      select case(optrhor)
478      case(0)
479        write(txt1_in_mssg, '(a)')" Min el dens="
480        write(txt2_in_mssg, '(a)')" el/bohr^3 at reduced coord."
481        write(txt3_in_mssg, '(a)')" Max el dens="
482      case(1)
483        write(txt1_in_mssg, '(a)')" Min kin energy dens="
484        write(txt2_in_mssg, '(a)')" bohr^(-5) at reduced coord."
485        write(txt3_in_mssg, '(a)')" Max kin energy dens="
486      end select
488      write(message, '(a,a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' ) ch10,&
489 &     trim(txt1_in_mssg),value(1,2,1),&
490 &     trim(txt2_in_mssg),coord(:,1,2,1)
491      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
492      if(option==2)then
493        write(message, '(a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' ) &
494 &       ',   next min=',value(2,2,1),&
495 &       trim(txt2_in_mssg),coord(:,2,2,1)
496        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
497      end if
498      write(message, '(a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' )&
499 &     trim(txt3_in_mssg),value(1,1,1),&
500 &     trim(txt2_in_mssg),coord(:,1,1,1)
501      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
502      if(option==2)then
503        write(message, '(a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' )&
504 &       ',   next max=',value(2,1,1),&
505 &       trim(txt2_in_mssg),coord(:,2,1,1)
506        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
507      end if
509      if(nspden>=2)then
510        write(message, '(a,a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' ) ch10,&
511 &       ',Min spin pol zeta=',value(1,2,4+nspden/2),&
512 &       ' at reduced coord.',coord(:,1,2,4+nspden/2)
513        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
514        if(option==2)then
515          write(message, '(a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' )&
516 &         ',         next min=',value(2,2,4+nspden/2),&
517 &         ' at reduced coord.',coord(:,2,2,4+nspden/2)
518          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
519        end if
520        write(message, '(a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' )&
521 &       ',Max spin pol zeta=',value(1,1,4+nspden/2),&
522 &       ' at reduced coord.',coord(:,1,1,4+nspden/2)
523        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
524        if(option==2)then
525          write(message, '(a,1p,e12.4,a,0p,3f8.4)' )&
526 &         ',         next max=',value(2,1,4+nspden/2),&
527 &         ' at reduced coord.',coord(:,2,1,4+nspden/2)
528          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
529        end if
530      end if ! nspden
532    end if ! second section always true
534    if(nspden==2 .and. .false.)then
535      write(message,'(a)')&
536 &     '                               Position in reduced coord.       (  x         y         z )'
537      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
538      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
539 &     rhomn1(1),'  at',ri_rhomn1(1,1),ri_rhomn1(2,1),ri_rhomn1(3,1)
540      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
541      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Spin-up   den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
542 &     rhomn1(2),'  at',ri_rhomn1(1,2),ri_rhomn1(2,2),ri_rhomn1(3,2)
543      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
544      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Spin-down den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
545 &     zetmn1(1),'  at',ri_zetmn1(1,1),ri_zetmn1(2,1),ri_zetmn1(3,1)
546      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
547      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
548 &     zetmn1(2),'  at',ri_zetmn1(1,2),ri_zetmn1(2,2),ri_zetmn1(3,2)
549      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
550      if(option==2)then
551        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next minimum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
552 &       rhomn2(1),'  at',ri_rhomn2(1,1),ri_rhomn2(2,1),ri_rhomn2(3,1)
553        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
554        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next minimum (Spin-up   den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
555 &       rhomn2(2),'  at',ri_rhomn2(1,2),ri_rhomn2(2,2),ri_rhomn2(3,2)
556        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
557        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next minimum (Spin-down den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
558 &       zetmn2(1),'  at',ri_zetmn2(1,1),ri_zetmn2(2,1),ri_zetmn2(3,1)
559        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
560        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next minimum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
561 &       zetmn2(2),'  at',ri_zetmn2(1,2),ri_zetmn2(2,2),ri_zetmn2(3,2)
562        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
563      end if
564      write(message,*)' '
565      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
566      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
567 &     rhomx1(1),'  at',ri_rhomx1(1,1),ri_rhomx1(2,1),ri_rhomx1(3,1)
568      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
569      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Spin-up   den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
570 &     rhomx1(2),'  at',ri_rhomx1(1,2),ri_rhomx1(2,2),ri_rhomx1(3,2)
571      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
572      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Spin-down den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
573 &     zetmx1(1),'  at',ri_zetmx1(1,1),ri_zetmx1(2,1),ri_zetmx1(3,1)
574      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
575      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
576 &     zetmx1(2),'  at',ri_zetmx1(1,2),ri_zetmx1(2,2),ri_zetmx1(3,2)
577      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
578      if(option==2)then
579        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next maximum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
580 &       rhomx2(1),'  at',ri_rhomx2(1,1),ri_rhomx2(2,1),ri_rhomx2(3,1)
581        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
582        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next maximum (Spin-up   den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
583 &       rhomx2(2),'  at',ri_rhomx2(1,2),ri_rhomx2(2,2),ri_rhomx2(3,2)
584        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
585        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next maximum (Spin-down den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
586 &       zetmx2(1),'  at',ri_zetmx2(1,1),ri_zetmx2(2,1),ri_zetmx2(3,1)
587        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
588        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next maximum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
589 &       zetmx2(2),'  at',ri_zetmx2(1,2),ri_zetmx2(2,2),ri_zetmx2(3,2)
590        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
591      end if
592    end if
594    if(nspden==4 .and. .false.)then
595      write(message,'(a)')&
596 &     '                               Position in reduced coord.       (  x         y         z )'
597      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
598      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
599 &     rhomn1(1),'  at',ri_rhomn1(1,1),ri_rhomn1(2,1),ri_rhomn1(3,1)
600      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
601      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Magnetizat.-x) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
602 &     rhomn1(2),'  at',ri_rhomn1(1,2),ri_rhomn1(2,2),ri_rhomn1(3,2)
603      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
604      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Magnetizat.-y) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
605 &     rhomn1(3),'  at',ri_rhomn1(1,3),ri_rhomn1(2,3),ri_rhomn1(3,3)
606      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
607      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Magnetizat.-z) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
608 &     rhomn1(4),'  at',ri_rhomn1(1,4),ri_rhomn1(2,4),ri_rhomn1(3,4)
609      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
610      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Minimum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
611 &     zetmn1(1),'  at',ri_zetmn1(1,1),ri_zetmn1(2,1),ri_zetmn1(3,1)
612      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
613      if(option==2)then
614        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Minimum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
615 &       rhomn2(1),'  at',ri_rhomn2(1,1),ri_rhomn2(2,1),ri_rhomn2(3,1)
616        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
617        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Minimum (Magnetizat.-x) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
618 &       rhomn2(2),'  at',ri_rhomn2(1,2),ri_rhomn2(2,2),ri_rhomn2(3,2)
619        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
620        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Minimum (Magnetizat.-y) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
621 &       rhomn2(3),'  at',ri_rhomn2(1,3),ri_rhomn2(2,3),ri_rhomn2(3,3)
622        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
623        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Minimum (Magnetizat.-z) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
624 &       rhomn2(4),'  at',ri_rhomn2(1,4),ri_rhomn2(2,4),ri_rhomn2(3,4)
625        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
626        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Minimum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
627 &       zetmn2(1),'  at',ri_zetmn2(1,1),ri_zetmn2(2,1),ri_zetmn2(3,1)
628        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
629      end if
630      write(message,*)' '
631      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
632      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
633 &     rhomx1(1),'  at',ri_rhomx1(1,1),ri_rhomx1(2,1),ri_rhomx1(3,1)
634      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
635      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Magnetizat.-x) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
636 &     rhomx1(2),'  at',ri_rhomx1(1,2),ri_rhomx1(2,2),ri_rhomx1(3,2)
637      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
638      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Magnetizat.-y) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
639 &     rhomx1(3),'  at',ri_rhomx1(1,3),ri_rhomx1(2,3),ri_rhomx1(3,3)
640      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
641      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Magnetizat.-z) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
642 &     rhomx1(4),'  at',ri_rhomx1(1,4),ri_rhomx1(2,4),ri_rhomx1(3,4)
643      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
644      write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')'      Maximum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
645 &     zetmx1(1),'  at',ri_zetmx1(1,1),ri_zetmx1(2,1),ri_zetmx1(3,1)
646      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
647      if(option==2)then
648        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Maximum (Total  el-den) : [el/Bohr^3]',&
649 &       rhomx2(1),'  at',ri_rhomx2(1,1),ri_rhomx2(2,1),ri_rhomx2(3,1)
650        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
651        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Maximum (Magnetizat.-x) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
652 &       rhomx2(2),'  at',ri_rhomx2(1,2),ri_rhomx2(2,2),ri_rhomx2(3,2)
653        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
654        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Maximum (Magnetizat.-y) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
655 &       rhomx2(3),'  at',ri_rhomx2(1,3),ri_rhomx2(2,3),ri_rhomx2(3,3)
656        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
657        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Maximum (Magnetizat.-z) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
658 &       rhomx2(4),'  at',ri_rhomx2(1,4),ri_rhomx2(2,4),ri_rhomx2(3,4)
659        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
660        write(message,'(a,es13.4,a,3f10.4)')' Next-Maximum (Spin pol zeta) :   [m/|m|]  ',&
661 &       zetmx2(1),'  at',ri_zetmx2(1,1),ri_zetmx2(2,1),ri_zetmx2(3,1)
662        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
663      end if
664    end if
665  end if
667  ABI_DEALLOCATE(coord)
668  ABI_DEALLOCATE(value)
669  ABI_DEALLOCATE(iindex)
670  ABI_DEALLOCATE(integrated)
672 end subroutine prtrhomxmn