ABINIT/scprqt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Conducts printing inside the scfcv.F90 routine, according to the value of choice.
 Also checks the convergence with respect to the different criteria.
 Eventually send a signal to quit the SCF cycle.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (XG,AF)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  choice= if 1 => called at the initialisation of scfcv.f
          if 2 => called during the loop in scfcv.f
          if 3 => called at the end of scfcv.f
  cpus=cpu time limit in seconds
  deltae=change in energy between the previous and present SCF cycle
  diffor=maximum absolute change in component of fcart between present
          and previous SCF cycle.
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | chkexit= if non-zero, check whether the user wishes to exit
   | enunit=parameter determining units of output energies
   | ionmov=governs the movement of atoms (see help file)
   | kptopt=option for the generation of k points
   | mband=maximum number of bands
   | natom=number of atoms in cell.
   | nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial
   |  (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations)
   | nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
   | occopt=option for occupancies
   | prtxml=1 if values have to be stored in an XML file.
   | prteig=
   | prtstm=print STM input variable
   | prtvol= control print volume
   | usedmatpu=LDA+U: number of SCF steps keeping occ. matrix fixed
   | usepawu=0 if no LDA+U; 1 if LDA+U
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)
  etotal=total energy (hartree)
  favg(3)=average of forces (ha/bohr)
  fcart(3,natom)=cartesian forces (hartree/bohr)
  fermie=fermi energy (Hartree)
  fname_eig=filename for printing of the eigenenergies
  fock <type(fock_type)>=quantities for the fock operator (optional argument)
  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam1=character strings giving input file name
  initGS= 1 if one GS SCF cycle has already be done
  iscf=( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)
   iscf =1 => determination of the largest eigenvalue of the SCF cycle
   iscf =2 => SCF cycle, simple mixing
   iscf =3 => SCF cycle, anderson mixing
   iscf =5 => SCF cycle, CG based on estimations of gradients of the energy
   iscf =6 => SCF cycle, CG based on true minimization of the energy
   iscf =-3, although non-SCF, the energy is computed, so print it here.
  istep=number of the SCF iteration (needed if choice=2)
  kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
  maxfor=maximum absolute value of fcart
  moved_atm_inside: if==1, the atoms are allowed to move.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at each k point, for each polarization
  nkpt=number of k points
  nstep=number of steps expected in iterations.
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band at each k point.
  optres=0 if the residual (res2) is a POTENTIAL residual
         1 if the residual (res2) is a DENSITY residual
  prtfor=1 only if forces have to be printed (0 otherwise)
  prtxml=1 if XML file has to be output
  res2=square of the density/potential residual
  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals for each band over all k points and spins
  residm=maximum value from resid array (except for nbdbuf highest bands)
         in Wavelets mode, it is used as the maximum value for the gradient norm.
  response= if 0, GS case, if 1, RF case.
  tollist(12)=tolerance list. Presently, the following are defined :
    tollist(1)=tolmxf ; tollist(2)=tolwfr ; tollist(3)=toldff
    tollist(4)=toldfe ; tollist(5)=toleig ; tollist(6)=tolvrs
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  vxcavg=mean of the vxc potential
  wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  quit= 0 if the SCF cycle is not finished ; 1 otherwise.
  conv_retcode=Only if choice==3, != 0 if convergence is not achieved.






 99 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
100 #include "config.h"
101 #endif
103 #include "abi_common.h"
106 subroutine scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,&
107 &  eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,fermie,fname_eig,filnam1,initGS,&
108 &  iscf,istep,kpt,maxfor,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,&
109 &  nband,nkpt,nstep,occ,optres,&
110 &  prtfor,prtxml,quit,res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,usepaw,&
111 &  vxcavg,wtk,xred,conv_retcode,&
112 &  electronpositron, fock) ! optional arguments)
114  use defs_basis
115  use defs_abitypes
116  use m_errors
117  use m_profiling_abi
118  use m_exit
119  use m_fock
120  use m_io_tools
121 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
122  use m_xc_vdw
123 #endif
125  use m_fstrings,         only : indent
126  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type
128 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
129 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
130 #undef ABI_FUNC
131 #define ABI_FUNC 'scprqt'
132  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
133  use interfaces_67_common, except_this_one => scprqt
134 !End of the abilint section
136  implicit none
138 !Arguments ------------------------------------
139 !scalars
140  integer,intent(in) :: choice,initGS,iscf,istep,moved_atm_inside,nkpt,nstep
141  integer,intent(in) :: optres,prtfor,prtxml,response,usepaw
142  integer,intent(out) :: quit,conv_retcode
143  real(dp),intent(in) :: cpus,deltae,diffor,etotal,fermie,maxfor,res2,residm
144  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxcavg
145  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: fname_eig,filnam1
146  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
147  type(fock_type),pointer,optional :: fock
148  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
149  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
150 !arrays
151  integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
152  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol),favg(3)
153  real(dp),intent(in) :: fcart(3,dtset%natom),kpt(3,nkpt)
154  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
155  real(dp),intent(in) :: resid(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol),tollist(12)
156  real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk(nkpt),xred(3,dtset%natom)
158 !Local variables-------------------------------
159 !scalars
160  integer,save :: toldfe_ok,toldff_ok,tolrff_ok,ttoldfe,ttoldff,ttolrff,ttolvrs
161  integer,save :: ttolwfr
162  integer :: iatom,iband,iexit,ikpt,isppol,nband_index,nband_k,openexit,option, ishift
163  integer :: tmagnet
164 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
165  integer :: ivdw
166 #endif
167  real(dp),save :: toldfe,toldff,tolrff,tolvrs,tolwfr,vdw_df_threshold
168  real(dp) :: diff_e,diff_f,magnet,rhodn,rhoup
169  real(dp) :: residm_band(dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol)
170  logical :: noquit
171  character(len=500) :: message, message2, message3
172  character(len=2) :: format_istep
173  character(len=5) :: format_magnet
174  character(len=8) :: colname
175  character(len=1) :: firstchar
176 !arrays
177  real(dp) :: f_tmp(3)
179 ! *********************************************************************
183  quit=0; conv_retcode=0
185  tmagnet=0
186  if(response==0.and.(iscf>0.or.iscf==-3).and.dtset%nsppol==2.and.dtset%occopt>2)tmagnet=1
188  ishift=0
189  residm_band = zero
190  do isppol=1, dtset%nsppol
191    do ikpt=1, nkpt
192      do iband=1, nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
193        ishift = ishift+1
194        residm_band(iband, isppol) = max (resid(ishift), residm_band(iband, isppol)) 
195      end do
196    end do
197  end do
199  select case (choice)
201  case (1)
202 !  Examine tolerance criteria
203 ! NB: The tests on tolwfr and the presence of tolerances in the SCF case are 
204 ! also done at the level of the parser in chkinp.
205    tolwfr=tollist(2)
206    toldff=tollist(3)
207    toldfe=tollist(4)
208    tolvrs=tollist(6)
209    tolrff=tollist(7)
210    vdw_df_threshold=tollist(8)
211    ttolwfr=0 ; ttoldff=0 ; ttoldfe=0 ; ttolvrs=0; ttolrff=0;
212    if(abs(tolwfr)>tiny(zero))ttolwfr=1
213    if(abs(toldff)>tiny(zero))ttoldff=1
214    if(abs(tolrff)>tiny(zero))ttolrff=1
215    if(abs(toldfe)>tiny(zero))ttoldfe=1
216    if(abs(tolvrs)>tiny(zero))ttolvrs=1
217 !  If non-scf calculations, tolwfr must be defined
218    if(ttolwfr /= 1 .and. (iscf<0 .and. iscf/=-3) )then
219      write(message,'(a,a,a,es14.6,a,a)')&
220 &     'when iscf <0 and /= -3, tolwfr must be strictly',ch10,&
221 &     'positive, while it is ',tolwfr,ch10,&
222 &     'Action: change tolwfr in your input file and resubmit the job.'
223      MSG_ERROR(message)
224    end if
225 !  toldff only allowed when prtfor==1
226 !  FIXME: this test should be done on input, not during calculation
227    if((ttoldff == 1 .or. ttolrff == 1) .and. prtfor==0 )then
228      MSG_ERROR('toldff only allowed when prtfor=1!')
229    end if
230 !  If SCF calculations, one and only one of these can differ from zero
231    if(ttolwfr+ttoldff+ttoldfe+ttolvrs+ttolrff /= 1 .and. (iscf>0 .or. iscf==-3))then
232      write(message,'(6a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,a,es14.6,a,a,a)' )&
233 &     'For the SCF case, one and only one of the input tolerance criteria ',ch10,&
234 &     'tolwfr, toldff, tolrff, toldfe or tolvrs ','must differ from zero, while they are',ch10,&
235 &     'tolwfr=',tolwfr,', toldff=',toldff,', tolrff=',tolrff,', toldfe=',toldfe,ch10,&
236 &     'and tolvrs=',tolvrs,' .',ch10,&
237 &     'Action: change your input file and resubmit the job.'
238      MSG_ERROR(message)
239    end if
241    if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
242      write(colname, "(A)") "grdnorm "
243    else
244      write(colname, "(A)") "residm  "
245    end if
246    if (nstep>0 .and. (iscf>=0 .or.iscf==-3) .and. dtset%prtstm==0) then
247      if(tmagnet==1)then
248        if (prtfor==0) then
249          if (optres==0) then
250            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
251 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  vres2    magn'
252          else
253            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
254 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  nres2    magn'
255          end if
256        else
257          if (optres==0) then
258            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
259 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  vres2   diffor   maxfor   magn'
260          else
261            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
262 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  nres2   diffor   maxfor   magn'
263          end if
264        end if
265      else
266        if(response==0)then
267          if (prtfor==0) then
268            if (optres==0) then
269              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
270 &             '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ', colname, '   vres2'
271            else
272              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
273 &             '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ', colname, '   nres2'
274            end if
275          else
276            if (optres==0) then
277              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
278 &             '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ',colname,'   vres2    diffor    maxfor '
279            else
280              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
281 &             '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ',colname,'   nres2    diffor    maxfor '
282            end if
283          end if
284        else
285          if (optres==0) then
286            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
287 &           '     iter   2DEtotal(Ha)        deltaE(Ha) ', colname, '  vres2'
288          else
289            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
290 &           '     iter   2DEtotal(Ha)        deltaE(Ha) ', colname, '  nres2'
291          end if
292        end if
293      end if
294      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
295    end if
297  case (2)
300 !  Examine tolerance criteria
301    tolwfr=tollist(2)
302    toldff=tollist(3)
303    toldfe=tollist(4)
304    tolvrs=tollist(6)
305    tolrff=tollist(7)
306    vdw_df_threshold=tollist(8)
307    ttolwfr=0 ; ttoldff=0 ; ttoldfe=0 ; ttolvrs=0; ttolrff=0;
308    if(abs(tolwfr)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolwfr=1
309    if(abs(toldff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldff=1
310    if(abs(tolrff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolrff=1
311    if(abs(toldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldfe=1
312    if(abs(tolvrs)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolvrs=1
313 !  Conduct printing. If extra output follows, then put a blank line into the output here
314    if (dtset%prtvol>=10) then
315      message = ' '
316      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
317      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
318    end if
320 !  Calculate up and down charge and magnetization
321    if(tmagnet==1) then
322      rhoup = zero
323      rhodn = zero
324      nband_index = 1
325      do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
326        do ikpt=1,nkpt
327          nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
328          do iband=1,nband_k
329            if(isppol==1) rhoup = rhoup + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index)
330            if(isppol==2) rhodn = rhodn + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index)
331            nband_index = nband_index + 1
332          end do
333        end do
334      end do
335      magnet = abs(rhoup - rhodn)
336    end if
338    if (prtxml == 1) then
339      write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") '      <scfcvStep'
340      write(message, "(es22.10)") etotal
341      write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' eTotal="', trim(message) ,'"'
342      write(message, "(es20.8)") deltae
343      write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' deltaETotal="', trim(message) ,'"'
344      write(message, "(es20.8)") residm
345      write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' maxResid="', trim(message) ,'"'
346      write(message, "(es20.8)") res2
347      if (optres == 0) then
348        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' potResid="', trim(message) ,'"'
349      else
350        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' denResid="', trim(message) ,'"'
351      end if
352      if (tmagnet== 1) then
353        write(message, "(es20.8)") magnet
354        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' magn="', trim(message) ,'"'
355      end if
356      if (prtfor == 1) then
357        write(message, "(es20.8)") diffor
358        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' deltaForces="', trim(message) ,'"'
359        write(message, "(es20.8)") maxfor
360        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' maxForces="', trim(message) ,'"'
361      end if
362      write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") " />"
363    end if
365 !  Print total (free) energy (hartree) and other convergence measures
366    if(dtset%prtstm==0)then
367      format_istep='i3'
368      if(istep>99)format_istep='i5'
369      if(istep>9999)format_istep='i7'
370      if(tmagnet==1)then
371        if(magnet<10)then
372          format_magnet='f6.3)'
373        else if(magnet<100)then
374          format_magnet='f6.2)'
375        else
376          format_magnet='f6.1)'
377        end if
378        if (prtfor==0) then
379          write(message, '(a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es9.2,0p,'//format_magnet ) &
380 &         ' ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,magnet
381        else
382          write(message, '(a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es9.2,es8.1,es9.2,0p,'//format_magnet ) &
383 &         ' ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,diffor,maxfor,magnet
384        end if
385      else
386        firstchar=' '
387        if (response/=0.and.istep==1) firstchar="-"
388        if (response==0) then
389          if (prtfor==0) then
390            write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es10.3)' ) &
391 &           firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2
392          else
393            write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,5es10.3)' ) &
394 &           firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,diffor,maxfor
395          end if
396        else
397          write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,1x,3es10.3)' ) &
398 &         firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2
399        end if
400      end if
401      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
403      if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
404        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'PERS')
405      elseif(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==0) then
406        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
407      end if
409    end if ! dtset%prtstm==0
411 !  Print positions/forces every step if dtset%prtvol>=10 and iscf>0 or -3 and GS case
412    if (dtset%prtvol>=10.and.(iscf>=0.or.iscf==-3).and.response==0.and.dtset%prtstm==0) then
413      call wrtout(ab_out," ",'COLL')
415 !    Print up and down charge and magnetization
416      if(tmagnet==1) then
417        write(message,'(a,f11.6,a,f11.6,a,f10.6)')&
418 &       ' #electrons spin up=',rhoup,', spin down=',rhodn,', magnetization=',magnet
419        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
420        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
421      end if
423 !    Moreover, print atomic positions if dtset%ionmov==4, and moved_atm_inside==1
424      if (dtset%ionmov==4 .and. moved_atm_inside==1)then
425        message = ' reduced coordinates :'
426        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
427        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
428        do iatom=1,dtset%natom
429          write(message, '(i5,1x,3es21.11)' ) iatom,xred(:,iatom)
430          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
431          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
432        end do
433      end if
435 !    Slightly change favg for printing reasons
436      if (prtfor>0) then
437        f_tmp(:)=favg(:)
438        if(abs(favg(1))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(1)=zero
439        if(abs(favg(2))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(2)=zero
440        if(abs(favg(3))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(3)=zero
441        write(message, '(a,3es10.2)' )' cartesian forces (ha/bohr); non-corrected avg=',f_tmp(:)
442        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
443        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
444        do iatom=1,dtset%natom
445          f_tmp(:)=fcart(:,iatom)
446          if(abs(fcart(1,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(1)=zero
447          if(abs(fcart(2,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(2)=zero
448          if(abs(fcart(3,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(3)=zero
449          write(message, '(i5,1x,3es21.11)' ) iatom,f_tmp(:)
450          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
451          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
452        end do
453      end if
455    end if
457 !  Print eigenvalues every step if dtset%prtvol>=10 and GS case
458    if (dtset%prtvol>=10 .and. response==0 .and. dtset%tfkinfunc==0 .and. dtset%usewvl==0) then
459      option=1
460      call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fname_eig,ab_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,&
461 &     nband,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk)
463      call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fname_eig,std_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,&
464 &     nband,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk)
465    end if
467    if(response==0)then
468      write(message, '(a,1p,e15.7,a)'  ) ' scprqt: <Vxc>=',vxcavg,' hartree'
469      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
470    end if
472 !  Check whether exiting was required by the user.
473    openexit=1 ; if(dtset%chkexit==0) openexit=0
474    call exit_check(cpus,filnam1,iexit,ab_out,mpi_enreg%comm_cell,openexit)
475    if (iexit/=0) quit=1
477 !  In special cases, do not quit even if convergence is reached
478    noquit=((istep<nstep).and.(usepaw==1).and.(dtset%usepawu>0).and.&
479 &   (dtset%usedmatpu/=0).and.(istep<=abs(dtset%usedmatpu)).and.&
480 &   (dtset%usedmatpu<0.or.initGS==0))
482 !  Additional stuff for electron/positron
483    if (present(electronpositron)) then
484      if (associated(electronpositron)) then
485        if (electronpositron%istep_scf==1) then
486          toldff_ok=0;tolrff_ok=0;toldfe_ok=0
487        end if
488      end if
489    end if
491 !  Stopping criteria in the SCF case
492    if(iscf>1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf == 0) then
493 !    Here treat the vdw_df_threshold criterion : if the change of energy is less than
494 !    input vdw_df_threshold, trigger the calculation of vdW interactions
495 !    write(message,'(1x,a,e10.3,1x,a,e10.3,1x,l1,a)') &
496 !    &      '[vdW-DF][DEBUG] deltae=',deltae,'vdw_df_threshold=',vdw_df_threshold, &
497 !    &      (abs(deltae)<vdw_df_threshold),ch10
498 !    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
499 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
500      call xc_vdw_trigger( (abs(deltae)<vdw_df_threshold) )
501 #endif
502 !    Here treat the tolwfr criterion : if maximum residual is less than
503 !    input tolwfr, stop steps (exit loop here)
504      if( ttolwfr==1 .and. residm<tolwfr .and. (.not.noquit)) then
505        if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
506          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a)' )ch10, &
507 &         ' At SCF step',istep,'   max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' =>converged.'
508        else
509          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a)' )ch10, &
510 &         ' At SCF step',istep,'   max grdnorm=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' =>converged.'
511        end if
512        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
513        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
514        quit=1
515      end if
516 !    Here treat the toldff criterion : if maximum change of fcart is less than
517 !    input toldff twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here)
518      if( ttoldff==1 ) then
519        if( istep==1 )then
520          toldff_ok=0
521        else if (diffor<toldff) then
522          toldff_ok=toldff_ok+1
523 ! add warning for forces which are 0 by symmetry. Also added Matteo check below that the wave 
524 !  functions are relatively converged as well
525          if (diffor < tol12) then
526            write (message,'(3a)') ' toldff criterion is satisfied, but your forces are suspiciously low.', ch10,&
527 &           ' Check if the forces are 0 by symmetry: in that case you can not use the toldff convergence criterion!'
528            MSG_WARNING(message)
529            if (maxfor < tol16 .and. res2 > tol9) tolrff_ok=0
530          end if
531        else
532          toldff_ok=0
533        end if
534        if(toldff_ok==2 .and. (.not.noquit))then
535          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
536 &         ' At SCF step',istep,', forces are converged : ',ch10,&
537 &         '  for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,' < toldff=',toldff
538          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
539          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
540          quit=1
541        end if
542      end if
543 !    Here treat the tolrff criterion : if maximum change of fcart is less than
544 !    input tolrff times fcart itself twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here)
545      if( ttolrff==1 ) then
546        if( istep==1 )then
547          tolrff_ok=0
548 !        27/7/2009: added test for absolute value of maxfor, otherwise if it is 0 this never exits the scf loop.
549        else if (diffor<tolrff*maxfor .or. (maxfor < tol16 .and. diffor < tol16)) then
550          tolrff_ok=tolrff_ok+1
551            ! Thu Mar 12 19:01:40 MG: added additional check on res2 to make sure the SCF cycle is close to convergence.
552            ! Needed for structural relaxations otherwise the stress tensor is wrong and the relax algo makes wrong moves.
553          if (maxfor < tol16 .and. res2 > tol9) tolrff_ok=0
554        else
555          tolrff_ok=0
556        end if
557        if(tolrff_ok==2 .and. (.not.noquit))then
558          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) ch10, &
559 &         ' At SCF step',istep,', forces are sufficiently converged : ',ch10,&
560 &         '  for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,&
561 &         ' is less than < tolrff=',tolrff, ' times max force'
562          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
563          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
564          quit=1
565        end if
566      end if
567 !    Here treat the toldfe criterion : if the change of energy is less than
568 !    input toldfe twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here)
569      if( ttoldfe==1 ) then
570        if( istep==1 )then
571          toldfe_ok=0
572        else if (abs(deltae)<toldfe) then
573          toldfe_ok=toldfe_ok+1
574        else
575          toldfe_ok=0
576        end if
577        if(toldfe_ok==2 .and. (.not.noquit))then
578          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
579 &         ' At SCF step',istep,', etot is converged : ',ch10,&
580 &         '  for the second time, diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe
581          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
582          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
583          quit=1
584        end if
585 !    Here treat the vdw_df_threshold criterion for non-SCF vdW-DF 
586 !    calculations: If input vdw_df_threshold is lesss than toldfe 
587 !    then the vdW-DF is triggered once selfconsistency criteria is 
588 !    reached for the first time.  
589 !    write(message,'(1x,a,e10.3,1x,a,e10.3,1x,l1,a)') &
590 !    &      '[vdW-DF][DEBUG] deltae=',deltae,'vdw_df_threshold=',vdw_df_threshold, &
591 !    &      (abs(deltae)<toldfe),ch10
592 !    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
593 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
594        ivdw = 0
595        if ( toldfe > vdw_df_threshold ) then 
596          ivdw = ivdw + 1    
597        end if
598        call xc_vdw_trigger((toldfe_ok==1 .and. toldfe>vdw_df_threshold))   
599        if ( ivdw == 2) then
600          quit=1
601        end if
602 #endif
603      end if
604 !    Here treat the tolvrs criterion : if density/potential residual (squared)
605 !    is less than input tolvrs, stop steps (exit loop here)
606      if( ttolvrs==1 .and. res2<tolvrs .and. (.not.noquit)) then
607        if (optres==0) then
608          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,&
609 &         ' At SCF step',istep,'       vres2   =',res2,' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.'
610        else
611          write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,&
612 &         ' At SCF step',istep,'       nres2   =',res2,' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.'
613        end if
614        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
615        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
616        quit=1
617      end if
619      if (quit==1.and.noquit) then
620        write(message, '(a,a,a)' ) ch10, &
621 &       ' SCF cycle will continue as it is in an initialization stage',' (occ. matrix was kept constant)...'
622        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
623        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
624      end if
626    end if
628  case (3)
630 !  If wavefunction convergence was not reached (for nstep>0) print a warning and return conv_retcode
631    conv_retcode = 0
632    if(nstep>0) then
633      if (.not. converged()) then
634        conv_retcode = 1
636        if(iscf>=1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf == 0)then
637          write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a)' ) ch10,&
638 &         ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
639 &         '  nstep=',nstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge;'
641          write(std_out,'(6a,i0,3a)')ch10,&
642 &         "--- !ScfConvergenceWarning",ch10,&
643 &         "message: |",ch10,&
644 &         '    nstep ',nstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge.',ch10,&
645 &         "..."
646            !MSG_WARNING_CLASS(message, "ScfConvergenceWarning")
647        else
648          write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a)' ) ch10,&
649 &         ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
650 &         '  nstep=',nstep,' was not enough non-SCF iterations to converge;'
652          write(std_out,'(8a)')ch10,&
653 &         "--- !NscfConvergenceWarning",ch10,&
654 &         "message: |",ch10,TRIM(indent(message)),ch10,&
655 &         "..."
656            !MSG_WARNING_CLASS(message, "NScfConvergenceWarning")
657        end if
659        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
660        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
662        if (ttolwfr==1) then
663          if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
664            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
665 &           '  maximum residual=',residm,' exceeds tolwfr=',tolwfr,ch10
667            write(message2, '(a,es11.3,2a)' ) &
668 &           '  maximum residual each band. tolwfr= ',tolwfr,ch10,&
669 &           '  iband, isppol, individual band residuals (max over all k-points):'
670            call wrtout(std_out, message2,'COLL')
671            do isppol = 1, dtset%nsppol
672              do iband = 1, dtset%mband
673                write(message3, '(2i6, es11.3)') iband, isppol, residm_band(iband,isppol)
674                call wrtout(std_out,message3,'COLL')
675              end do
676            end do
678          else
679            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
680 &           '  maximum grdnorm=',residm,' exceeds tolwfr=',tolwfr,ch10
681          end if
683        else if (ttoldff==1) then
684          write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
685 &         '  maximum force difference=',diffor,' exceeds toldff=',toldff,ch10
687        else if (ttolrff==1) then
688          write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
689 &         '  maximum force difference=',diffor,' exceeds tolrff*maxfor=',tolrff*maxfor,ch10
691        else if (ttoldfe==1) then
692          write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
693 &         '  maximum energy difference=',abs(deltae),' exceeds toldfe=',toldfe,ch10
695        else if(ttolvrs==1)then
696          if (optres==0) then
697            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
698 &           '  potential residual=',res2,' exceeds tolvrs=',tolvrs,ch10
699          else
700            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
701 &           '  density residual=',res2,' exceeds tolvrs=',tolvrs,ch10
702          end if
703        end if
705        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
706        call wrtout(std_out,message, 'COLL')
708        if (prtxml == 1) then
709          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") '      <status cvState="Failed"'
710        end if
712      else    ! Convergence is OK
713        if (prtxml == 1) then
714          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") '      <status cvState="Ok"'
715        end if
716      end if ! test for convergence reached or not
718      if (prtxml == 1) then
719        if (ttoldfe == 1) then
720          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldfe" />'
721        else if (ttoldff == 1) then
722          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldff" />'
723        else if (ttolrff == 1) then
724          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolrff" />'
725        else if (ttolvrs == 1) then
726          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolvrs" />'
727        else if (ttolwfr == 1) then
728          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolwfr" />'
729        else
730          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' />'
731        end if
732      end if
734    end if ! nstep == 0 : no output
736  case default
737    write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' choice = ',choice,' is not an allowed value.'
738    MSG_BUG(message)
739  end select
741 !Additional stuff for the Fock+SCF cycle 
742  if (present(fock)) then
743    if (associated(fock)) then
744      fock%fock_common%scf_converged=(quit==1)
745      ! At present, the decision that the Fock loop is converged is not taken here
746      if (.not.fock%fock_common%fock_converged)quit=0
747    end if
748  end if
750 !Additional stuff for the two-component DFT SCF cycle (electrons+positron)
751  if (present(electronpositron)) then
752    if (associated(electronpositron)) then
753      electronpositron%scf_converged=(quit==1)
754      if (dtset%positron<0) then
755        diff_e=abs(etotal-electronpositron%etotal_prev)
756        diff_f=abs(maxfor-electronpositron%maxfor_prev)
757      end if
758      if (choice==1) then
759        ttoldff=0;ttoldfe=0
760        if(abs(dtset%postoldff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldff=1
761        if(abs(dtset%postoldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldfe=1
762        if (dtset%positron<0.and.ttoldff+ttoldfe/=1.and.iscf>0) then
763          message = 'one and only one of toldff or toldfe must differ from zero !'
764          MSG_ERROR(message)
765        end if
766      end if
767      if (choice==2) then
768        if (dtset%positron<0.and.istep<=nstep) then
769          if (electronpositron%scf_converged) then 
770            if (electronpositron%istep/=electronpositron%nstep) then
771              if ((.not.noquit).and.&
772 &             (diff_e<electronpositron%postoldfe.or.diff_f<electronpositron%postoldff).and.&
773 &             (mod(electronpositron%calctype,2)==0.or.(dtset%positron>-20.and.dtset%positron/=-2))) then
774                if (diff_e<electronpositron%postoldfe) then
775                  write(message, '(2a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
776 &                 ' At SCF step',istep,', the difference between',ch10,&
777 &                 ' etotal from electronic calculation and etotal from positronic calculation',ch10,&
778 &                 ' is converged :  diff(etot_el-etot_pos)=',diff_e,' < postoldfe=',electronpositron%postoldfe
779                else
780                  write(message, '(2a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
781 &                 ' At SCF step',istep,', the difference between',ch10,&
782 &                 ' max. force from electronic calculation and max. force from positronic calculation',ch10,&
783 &                 ' is converged :  diff(maxfor_el-maxfor_pos)=',diff_f,' < postoldff=',electronpositron%postoldff
784                end if
785                call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
786                call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
787              else
788                quit=0
789              end if
790            end if
791          end if
792        end if
793      end if
794      if (choice==3) then
795        if (dtset%positron<0.and.nstep>0)then
796          if (diff_e>=electronpositron%postoldfe.and.abs(dtset%postoldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then
797            write(message, '(4a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10,&
798 &           ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
799 &           '  posnstep=',dtset%posnstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge difference between',ch10,&
800 &           '  etotal from electronic calculation and etotal from positronic calculation;',ch10,&
801 &           '  diff=',diff_e,' exceeds postoldfe=',electronpositron%postoldfe
802            call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
803            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
804          end if
805          if (diff_f>=electronpositron%postoldff.and.abs(dtset%postoldff)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then
806            write(message, '(4a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10,&
807 &           ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
808 &           '  posnstep=',dtset%posnstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge difference between',ch10,&
809 &           '  max. force from electronic calculation and max. force from positronic calculation;',ch10,&
810 &           '  diff=',diff_e,' exceeds postoldff=',electronpositron%postoldff
811            call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
812            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
813          end if
814        end if
815      end if
816    end if
817  end if
819  call flush_unit(ab_out)
823  contains 
825    logical function converged()
828 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
829 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
830 #undef ABI_FUNC
831 #define ABI_FUNC 'converged'
832 !End of the abilint section
834    converged = .not.(                             &
835 &   (ttolwfr==1 .and. residm > tolwfr) .or.       &
836 &   (ttoldff==1 .and. diffor > toldff) .or.       &
837 &   (ttolrff==1 .and. diffor > tolrff*maxfor .and. maxfor > tol16) .or.&
838 &   (ttoldfe==1 .and. abs(deltae) > toldfe) .or.  &
839 &   (ttolvrs==1 .and. res2  > tolvrs) ) 
841  end function converged
843 end subroutine scprqt