ABINIT/setvtr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Set up the trial potential and some energy terms


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (XG, GMR, FJ, MT, EB, SPr)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  [add_tfw]=flag controling the addition of Weiszacker gradient correction to Thomas-Fermi kin energy
  atindx1(dtset%natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   |       if =0,1 no xc kernel, =2 spin-averaged (LDA) kernel
   | densfor_pred=govern the choice of preconditioner for the SCF cycle
   | iscf=determines the way the SCF cycle is handled
   | natom=number of atoms in cell.
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | qprtrb(3)= integer wavevector of possible perturbing potential
   |            in basis of reciprocal lattice translations
   | typat(natom)=type integer for each atom in cell
   | vprtrb(2)=complex amplitude of possible perturbing potential; if nonzero,
   |  perturbing potential is added of the form
   |  V(G)=(vprtrb(1)+I*vprtrb(2))/2 at the values G=qprtrb and
   |  (vprtrb(1)-I*vprtrb(2))/2 at G=-qprtrb (integers)
   |  for each type of atom, from psp (used in norm-conserving only)
  gmet(3,3)=metric tensor for G vecs (in bohr**-2)
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  gsqcut=cutoff on (k+G)^2 (bohr^-2) (sphere for density and potential)
  istep=step number in the main loop of scfcv
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  moved_rhor=1 if the density was moved just before
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type in cell.
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nhat(nfft,nspden*usepaw)= -PAW only- compensation density
  nhatgr(nfft,nspden,3*nhatgrdim)= -PAW only- cartesian gradients of compensation density
  nhatgrdim= -PAW only- 0 if nhatgr array is not used ; 1 otherwise
  nkxc=second dimension of the array kxc
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  optene=>0 if some additional energies have to be computed
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*dtset%usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=phase (structure factor) information.
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rhog(2,nfft)=Fourier transform of electron density
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
   | definition for spin components:
   | case of nspden = 2
   |      rhor(:,1) => rho_up + rho_dwn
   |      rhor(:,2) => rho_up
   | case of nspden = 4
   |      rhor(:,1)   => rho_upup + rho_dwndwn
   |      rhor(:,2:4) => {m_x,m_y,m_z}
  rmet(3,3)=real space metric (bohr**2)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  [taug(2,nfftf*dtset%usekden)]=array for Fourier transform of kinetic energy density
  [taur(nfftf,nspden*dtset%usekden)]=array for kinetic energy density
  ucvol = unit cell volume (bohr^3)
  usexcnhat= -PAW only- 1 if nhat density has to be taken into account in Vxc
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  energies <type(energies_type)>=all part of total energy.
   | e_xc=exchange-correlation energy (hartree)
   | In case of hybrid compensation algorithm:
   | e_hybcomp_E0=energy compensation term for hybrid exchange-correlation energy (hartree) at fixed density
   | e_hybcomp_v0=potential compensation term for hybrid exchange-correlation energy (hartree) at fixed density
   | e_hybcomp_v=potential compensation term for hybrid exchange-correlation energy (hartree) at self-consistent density
  ==== if optene==2 or 4
   | e_localpsp=local psp energy (hartree)
  ==== if dtset%icoulomb == 0
   | e_ewald=Ewald energy (hartree)
  ==== if optene>=1
   | e_hartree=Hartree part of total energy (hartree)
  ==== if optene==3 or 4
   | e_xcdc=exchange-correlation double-counting energy (hartree)
  ==== if dtset%vdw_xc == 5 or 6 or 7
   | e_vdw_dftd=Dispersion energy from DFT-D Van der Waals correction (hartree)
  grchempottn(3,natom)=grads of spatially-varying chemical energy (hartree)
  grewtn(3,natom)=grads of Ewald energy (hartree)
  grvdw(3,ngrvdw)=gradients of energy due to Van der Waals DFT-D2 dispersion (hartree)
  kxc(nfft,nkxc)=exchange-correlation kernel, will be computed if nkxc/=0 .
                 see routine rhotoxc for a more complete description
  strsxc(6)=xc contribution to stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)
  vxcavg=mean of the vxc potential


  [electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>]=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)
  moved_atm_inside=1 if the atomic positions were moved inside the SCF loop.
  vhartr(nfft)=Hartree potential (Hartree)
  vpsp(nfft)=local psp (Hartree)
  vtrial(nfft,nspden)= trial potential (Hartree)
  vxc(nfft,nspden)= xc potential (Hartree)
  [vxc_hybcomp(nfft,nspden)= compensation xc potential (Hartree) in case of hybrids] Optional output
       i.e. difference between the hybrid Vxc at fixed density and the auxiliary Vxc at fixed density
  [vxctau(nfftf,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden)]=derivative of XC energy density with respect to
    kinetic energy density (metaGGA cases) (optional output)
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction, bohr^-3


  In case of PAW calculations:
    All computations are done on the fine FFT grid.
    All variables (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) refer to this fine FFT grid.
    All arrays (densities/potentials...) are computed on this fine FFT grid.
  ! Developpers have to be careful when introducing others arrays:
      they have to be stored on the fine FFT grid.
  In case of norm-conserving calculations the FFT grid is the usual FFT grid.






132 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
133 #include "config.h"
134 #endif
136 #include "abi_common.h"
138 subroutine setvtr(atindx1,dtset,energies,gmet,gprimd,grchempottn,grewtn,grvdw,gsqcut,&
139 &  istep,kxc,mgfft,moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor,mpi_enreg,&
140 &  nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ngrvdw,nhat,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,ntypat,n1xccc,n3xccc,&
141 &  optene,pawrad,pawtab,ph1d,psps,rhog,rhor,rmet,rprimd,strsxc,&
142 &  ucvol,usexcnhat,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,vxcavg,wvl,xccc3d,xred,&
143 &  electronpositron,taug,taur,vxc_hybcomp,vxctau,add_tfw) ! optionals arguments
145  use defs_basis
146  use defs_datatypes
147  use defs_abitypes
148  use defs_wvltypes
149  use m_profiling_abi
150  use m_errors
151  use m_abi2big
152  use m_xmpi
153  use m_xcdata
155  use m_geometry,          only : xred2xcart
156  use m_cgtools,           only : dotprod_vn
157  use m_ewald,             only : ewald
158  use m_energies,          only : energies_type
159  use m_electronpositron,  only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype
160  use libxc_functionals,   only : libxc_functionals_is_hybrid
161  use m_pawrad,            only : pawrad_type
162  use m_pawtab,            only : pawtab_type
164 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
165  use BigDFT_API, only: denspot_set_history
166 #endif
168 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
169 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
170 #undef ABI_FUNC
171 #define ABI_FUNC 'setvtr'
172  use interfaces_18_timing
173  use interfaces_56_xc
174  use interfaces_62_poisson
175  use interfaces_62_wvl_wfs
176  use interfaces_64_psp
177  use interfaces_67_common, except_this_one => setvtr
178 !End of the abilint section
180  implicit none
182 !Arguments ------------------------------------
183 !scalars
184  integer,intent(in) :: istep,mgfft,n1xccc,n3xccc,nfft,ngrvdw,nhatgrdim,nkxc,ntypat
185  integer,intent(in) :: optene,usexcnhat
186  integer,intent(inout) :: moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor
187  logical,intent(in),optional :: add_tfw
188  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut,ucvol
189  real(dp),intent(out) :: vxcavg
190  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
191  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
192  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
193  type(energies_type),intent(inout) :: energies
194  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
195  type(wvl_data), intent(inout) :: wvl
196 !arrays
197  integer, intent(in) :: atindx1(dtset%natom),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18)
198  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3)
199  real(dp),intent(in) :: nhat(nfft,dtset%nspden*psps%usepaw)
200  real(dp),intent(in) :: nhatgr(:,:,:) !(nfft,dtset%nspden,3*nhatgrdim)
201  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhog(2,nfft)
202  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: taug(2,nfft*dtset%usekden)
203  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
204  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*dtset%natom)
205  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden),vhartr(nfft),vpsp(nfft)
206  real(dp),intent(inout),optional :: taur(nfft,dtset%nspden*dtset%usekden)
207  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vtrial(nfft,dtset%nspden),vxc(nfft,dtset%nspden)
208  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxctau(nfft,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden)
209  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxc_hybcomp(:,:) ! (nfft,nspden)
210  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc3d(n3xccc)
211  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
212  real(dp),intent(out) :: grchempottn(3,dtset%natom)
213  real(dp),intent(out) :: grewtn(3,dtset%natom),grvdw(3,ngrvdw),kxc(nfft,nkxc),strsxc(6)
214  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
215  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
217 !Local variables-------------------------------
218 !scalars
219  integer :: coredens_method,mpi_comm_sphgrid,nk3xc
220  integer :: iatom,ifft,ipositron,ispden,nfftot
221  integer :: optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,option,option_eff,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,vloc_method
222  real(dp) :: doti,e_xcdc_vxctau,ebb,ebn,evxc,ucvol_local,rpnrm
223  logical :: add_tfw_,is_hybrid_ncpp,non_magnetic_xc,with_vxctau,wvlbigdft
224  real(dp), allocatable :: xcart(:,:)
225  character(len=500) :: message
226  type(xcdata_type) :: xcdata,xcdatahyb
227 !arrays
228  real(dp),parameter :: identity(1:4)=(/1._dp,1._dp,0._dp,0._dp/)
229  real(dp) :: dummy6(6),tsec(2)
230  real(dp) :: grewtn_fake(3,1)
231  real(dp) :: dummy_in(0)
232  real(dp) :: dummy_out1(0),dummy_out2(0),dummy_out3(0),dummy_out4(0),dummy_out5(0)
233  real(dp) :: strn_dummy6(6), strv_dummy6(6)
234  real(dp) :: vzeeman(4)
235  real(dp),allocatable :: grtn(:,:),dyfr_dum(:,:,:),gr_dum(:,:)
236  real(dp),allocatable :: rhojellg(:,:),rhojellr(:),rhowk(:,:),vjell(:)
237  real(dp),allocatable :: Vmagconstr(:,:),rhog_dum(:,:)
239 ! *********************************************************************
241  call timab(91,1,tsec)
243 ! Initialise non_magnetic_xc for rhohxc
244  non_magnetic_xc=(dtset%usepawu==4).or.(dtset%usepawu==14)
246 !Check that usekden is not 0 if want to use vxctau
247  with_vxctau = (present(vxctau).and.present(taur).and.(dtset%usekden/=0))
249 !Check if we're in hybrid norm conserving pseudopotential with a core correction
250  is_hybrid_ncpp=(dtset%usepaw==0 .and. n3xccc/=0 .and. &
251 & (dtset%ixc==41.or.dtset%ixc==42.or.libxc_functionals_is_hybrid()))
253 !If usewvl: wvlbigdft indicates that the BigDFT workflow will be followed
254  wvlbigdft=(dtset%usewvl==1.and.dtset%wvl_bigdft_comp==1)
256 !Get size of FFT grid
257  nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
259 !mpi
260  mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
261  if(dtset%usewvl==1) mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
263 !Test electron-positron case
264  ipositron=0;if (present(electronpositron)) ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
266 !Test addition of Weiszacker gradient correction to Thomas-Fermi kin energy
267  add_tfw_=.false.;if (present(add_tfw)) add_tfw_=add_tfw
269 !Get Ewald energy and Ewald forces, as well as vdW-DFTD energy and forces, and chemical potential energy and forces.
270 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
271  call timab(5,1,tsec)
272  if (ipositron/=1) then
273    if (dtset%icoulomb == 0 .or. (dtset%usewvl == 0 .and. dtset%icoulomb == 2)) then
274 !    Periodic system, need to compute energy and forces due to replica and
275 !    to correct the shift in potential calculation.
276      call ewald(energies%e_ewald,gmet,grewtn,dtset%natom,ntypat,rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,xred,psps%ziontypat)
277 !    For a periodic system bearing a finite charge, the monopole correction to the
278 !    energy is relevant.
279 !    See Leslie and Gillan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS C-SOLID STATE PHYSICS 18, 973 (1985)
280      if(abs(dtset%charge)>tol8) then
281        call ewald(energies%e_monopole,gmet,grewtn_fake,1,1,rmet,(/1/),ucvol,(/0.0_dp,0.0_dp,0.0_dp/),(/dtset%charge/))
282        energies%e_monopole=-energies%e_monopole
283      end if
284    else if (dtset%icoulomb == 1) then
285 !    In a non periodic system (real space computation), the G=0 divergence
286 !    doesn't occur and ewald is not needed. Only the ion/ion interaction
287 !    energy is relevant and used as Ewald energy and gradient.
288      call ionion_realSpace(dtset, energies%e_ewald, grewtn, rprimd, xred, psps%ziontypat)
289    else if (dtset%icoulomb == 2) then
290      call ionion_surface(dtset, energies%e_ewald, grewtn, mpi_enreg%me_wvl, mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl, rprimd, &
291 &     wvl%descr, wvl%den, xred)
292    end if
293    if (dtset%nzchempot>0) then
294      call spatialchempot(energies%e_chempot,dtset%chempot,grchempottn,dtset%natom,ntypat,dtset%nzchempot,dtset%typat,xred)
295    end if
296    if (dtset%vdw_xc==5.and.ngrvdw==dtset%natom) then
297      call vdw_dftd2(energies%e_vdw_dftd,dtset%ixc,dtset%natom,ntypat,1,dtset%typat,rprimd,&
298 &     dtset%vdw_tol,xred,psps%znucltypat,fred_vdw_dftd2=grvdw)
299    end if
300    if ((dtset%vdw_xc==6.or.dtset%vdw_xc==7).and.ngrvdw==dtset%natom) then
301      call vdw_dftd3(energies%e_vdw_dftd,dtset%ixc,dtset%natom,&
302 &     ntypat,1,dtset%typat,rprimd,dtset%vdw_xc,dtset%vdw_tol,dtset%vdw_tol_3bt,&
303 &     xred,psps%znucltypat,fred_vdw_dftd3=grvdw)
304    end if
305  else
306    energies%e_ewald=zero
307    energies%e_chempot=zero
308    grchempottn=zero
309    grewtn=zero
310    energies%e_vdw_dftd=zero
311    if (ngrvdw>0) grvdw=zero
312  end if
313  call timab(5,2,tsec)
315 !Compute parts of total energy depending on potentials
316 !--------------------------------------------------------------
317  if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
318    ucvol_local = ucvol
319 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
320  else
321 !  We need to tune the volume when wavelets are used because, not all FFT points are used.
322 !  ucvol_local = (half * dtset%wvl_hgrid) ** 3 * ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
323    ucvol_local = product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids) * real(product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims), dp)
324 #endif
325  end if
327 !Determine by which method the local ionic potential and/or the pseudo core charge density
328 ! have to be computed
329 !Local ionic potential:
330 ! Method 1: PAW
331 ! Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, icoulomb>0, wavelets
332  vloc_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) vloc_method=2
333  if (dtset%icoulomb>0) vloc_method=2
334  if (psps%usewvl==1) vloc_method=2
335 !Pseudo core charge density:
336 ! Method 1: PAW, nc_xccc_gspace
337 ! Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, wavelets
338  coredens_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) coredens_method=2
339  if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) coredens_method=1
340  if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==0) coredens_method=2
341  if (psps%usewvl==1) coredens_method=2
343 !Local ionic potential and/or pseudo core charge by method 1
344  if (vloc_method==1.or.coredens_method==1) then
345    call timab(552,1,tsec)
346    optv=0;if (vloc_method==1) optv=1
347    optn=0;if (coredens_method==1) optn=n3xccc/nfft
348    optatm=1;optdyfr=0;opteltfr=0;optgr=0;optstr=0;optn2=1
349    call atm2fft(atindx1,xccc3d,vpsp,dummy_out1,dummy_out2,dummy_out3,dummy_in,&
350 &   gmet,gprimd,dummy_out4,dummy_out5,gsqcut,mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,&
351 &   optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,psps,pawtab,ph1d,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qprtrb,&
352 &   dummy_in,strn_dummy6,strv_dummy6,ucvol,psps%usepaw,dummy_in,dummy_in,dummy_in,dtset%vprtrb,psps%vlspl,&
353 &   comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
354 &   paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
355    call timab(552,2,tsec)
356  end if
358 !Local ionic potential by method 2
359  if (vloc_method==2) then
360    option=1
361    ABI_ALLOCATE(gr_dum,(3,dtset%natom))
362    ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfr_dum,(3,3,dtset%natom))
363    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhog_dum,(2,nfft))
364    call mklocl(dtset,dyfr_dum,energies%e_localpsp,gmet,gprimd,&
365 &   gr_dum,gsqcut,dummy6,mgfft,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,&
366 &   nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,option,pawtab,ph1d,psps,&
367 &   dtset%qprtrb,rhog_dum,rhor,rprimd,ucvol,dtset%vprtrb,vpsp,wvl%descr,wvl%den,xred)
368    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gr_dum)
369    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfr_dum)
370    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhog_dum)
371  end if
373 !3D pseudo core electron density xccc3d by method 2
374  if (coredens_method==2.and.n1xccc/=0) then
375    call timab(91,2,tsec)
376    call timab(92,1,tsec)
377    option=1
378    ABI_ALLOCATE(gr_dum,(3,dtset%natom))
379    ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfr_dum,(3,3,dtset%natom))
380    if (psps%usewvl==0.and.psps%usepaw==0.and.dtset%icoulomb==0) then
381      call mkcore(dummy6,dyfr_dum,gr_dum,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
382 &     ngfft(1),n1xccc,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,&
383 &     vxc,psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d,xred)
384    else if (psps%usewvl==0.and.(psps%usepaw==1.or.dtset%icoulomb==1)) then
385      call mkcore_alt(atindx1,dummy6,dyfr_dum,gr_dum,dtset%icoulomb,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,&
386 &     nfft,dtset%nspden,nattyp,ntypat,ngfft(1),n1xccc,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,&
387 &     ucvol,vxc,psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d,xred,pawrad,pawtab,psps%usepaw)
388    else if (psps%usewvl==1.and.psps%usepaw==1) then
389 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
390 !      call mkcore_wvl_old(atindx1,dummy6,dyfr_dum,wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%geocode,gr_dum,wvl%descr%h,&
391 ! &         dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,:),&
392 ! &         dtset%nspden,ntypat,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1i,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2,&
393 ! &         wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2i,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n3,wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%n3pi,n3xccc,option,&
394 ! &         pawrad,pawtab,psps%gth_params%psppar,rprimd,ucvol_local,vxc,xccc3d,xred,&
395 ! &         mpi_comm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl)
396      call mkcore_wvl(atindx1,dummy6,gr_dum,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
397 &     n1xccc,n3xccc,option,pawrad,pawtab,rprimd,vxc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d,&
398 &     psps%xcccrc,xred,wvl%den,wvl%descr,mpi_comm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl)
399 #endif
400    end if
401    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gr_dum)
402    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfr_dum)
403    call timab(92,2,tsec)
404    call timab(91,1,tsec)
405  end if
407 !Adds the jellium potential to the local part of ionic potential
408  if (dtset%jellslab/=0) then
409    ABI_ALLOCATE(vjell,(nfft))
410    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhojellg,(2,nfft))
411    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhojellr,(nfft))
412    option=1
413    call jellium(gmet,gsqcut,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,option,mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,&
414 &   dtset%slabwsrad,rhojellg,rhojellr,rprimd,vjell,dtset%slabzbeg,dtset%slabzend)
415 !  Compute background-background energy
416    call dotprod_vn(1,rhojellr,ebb,doti,nfft,nfftot,1,1,vjell,ucvol,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
417    ebb=half*ebb
418 !  Compute electrostatic energy between background and nuclei before adding vjell to vpsp
419    call dotprod_vn(1,rhojellr,ebn,doti,nfft,nfftot,1,1,vpsp,ucvol,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
420 !  Update e_ewald with ebb and ebn
421    energies%e_ewald=energies%e_ewald+ebb+ebn
422 !  Compute gradient of ebn wrt tn
423 !  This is not yet coded for usewvl or icoulomb=1
424    if (psps%usepaw==1 .or. psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) then
425      write(message,'(3a)')&
426 &     'The computation of forces due to jellium background',ch10,&
427 &     'has to be verified in the PAW formalism.'
428      MSG_WARNING(message)
430      ABI_ALLOCATE(grtn,(3,dtset%natom))
431      optatm=0;optdyfr=0;opteltfr=0;optgr=1;optstr=0;optv=1;optn=0;optn2=1
432      call atm2fft(atindx1,dummy_out1,vpsp,dummy_out2,dummy_out3,dummy_out4,dummy_in,&
433 &     gmet,gprimd,dummy_out5,grtn,gsqcut,mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,&
434 &     optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,psps,pawtab,ph1d,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qprtrb,&
435 &     rhojellg,strn_dummy6,strv_dummy6,ucvol,psps%usepaw,dummy_in,dummy_in,dummy_in,dtset%vprtrb,psps%vlspl,&
436 &     comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
437 &     paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
439 !    Update grewtn with gradient of ebn wrt tn
440      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
441        grewtn(1:3,iatom)=grewtn(1:3,iatom)+grtn(1:3,iatom)
442      end do
443      ABI_DEALLOCATE(grtn)
444    else ! of usepaw==1
445      option=2
446      ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfr_dum,(3,3,dtset%natom))
447      ABI_ALLOCATE(grtn,(3,dtset%natom))
448      call mklocl(dtset,dyfr_dum,energies%e_localpsp,gmet,gprimd,&
449 &     grtn,gsqcut,dummy6,mgfft,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,&
450 &     nfft,ngfft,1,ntypat,option,pawtab,ph1d,psps,dtset%qprtrb,rhojellg,&
451 &     rhojellr,rprimd,ucvol,dtset%vprtrb,vpsp,wvl%descr,wvl%den,xred)
452 !    Update grewtn with gradient of ebn wrt tn (reestablish order of atoms)
453      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
454        grewtn(1:3,atindx1(iatom))=grewtn(1:3,atindx1(iatom))+grtn(1:3,iatom)
455      end do
456      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfr_dum)
457      ABI_DEALLOCATE(grtn)
458    end if ! of usepaw==1
459    vpsp(:)=vpsp(:)+vjell(:)
460    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vjell)
461    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhojellg)
462    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhojellr)
463  end if
465 !Additional stuff for electron-positron calculation
466 !Compute the electronic/positronic local (Hartree) potential
467  if (ipositron==1) vpsp=-vpsp
469 !If we are at the initialisation, or
470 !if the atom positions has changed and the non-linear core correction
471 !is included, or the rhor has changed, one needs to compute the xc stuff.
472 !One needs also to compute the Hartree stuff if the density changed,
473 !or at initialisation.
474 !--------------------------------------------------------------
476  if(istep==1 .or. n1xccc/=0 .or. moved_rhor==1 .or. dtset%positron<0 .or. mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11) then
478    option=0
479    if(istep==1 .or. moved_rhor==1 .or. dtset%positron<0 .or. mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11) option=1
480    if (nkxc>0) option=2
481    if (dtset%iscf==-1) option=-2
482    if (ipositron/=1) then
483      if (dtset%icoulomb == 0 .and. dtset%usewvl == 0) then
484        if(option/=0 .and. option/=10)then
485          call hartre(1,gsqcut,psps%usepaw,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,rhog,rprimd,vhartr)
486        end if
487        call xcdata_init(xcdata,dtset=dtset)
488        if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11)then
489          xcdatahyb=xcdata
490 !        Setup the auxiliary xc functional information
491          call xcdata_init(xcdata,dtset=dtset,auxc_ixc=0,ixc=dtset%auxc_ixc)
492        end if
493 !      Use the periodic solver to compute Hxc
494        nk3xc=1
495        if (ipositron==0) then
497 !        Compute energies%e_xc and associated quantities
498          if(.not.is_hybrid_ncpp .or. mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11)then
499 !          Not yet able to deal fully with the full XC kernel in case of GGA + spin
500            option_eff=option
501            if(xcdata%xclevel==2.and.(nkxc==3-2*mod(xcdata%nspden,2))) option_eff=12
502            call rhotoxc(energies%e_xc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
503 &           nhat,psps%usepaw,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,&
504 &           option_eff,dtset%paral_kgb,rhor,rprimd,strsxc,usexcnhat,vxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,xcdata,&
505 &           taug=taug,taur=taur,vhartr=vhartr,vxctau=vxctau,add_tfw=add_tfw_)
506          else
507 !          Only when is_hybrid_ncpp, and moreover, the xc functional is not the auxiliary xc functional, then call xchybrid_ncpp_cc
508            call xchybrid_ncpp_cc(dtset,energies%e_xc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,n3xccc,rhor,rprimd,&
509 &           strsxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,vxc=vxc)
510          end if
512 !        Possibly compute energies%e_hybcomp_E0
513          if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11)then
514 !          This call to rhotoxc uses the hybrid xc functional
515            if(.not.is_hybrid_ncpp)then
516 !            Not yet able to deal fully with the full XC kernel in case of GGA + spin
517              option_eff=option
518              if(xcdata%xclevel==2.and.(nkxc==3-2*mod(xcdata%nspden,2))) option_eff=12
519              call rhotoxc(energies%e_hybcomp_E0,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
520 &             nhat,psps%usepaw,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,&
521 &             option,dtset%paral_kgb,rhor,rprimd,strsxc,usexcnhat,vxc_hybcomp,vxcavg,xccc3d,xcdatahyb,&
522 &             taug=taug,taur=taur,vhartr=vhartr,vxctau=vxctau,add_tfw=add_tfw_)
523            else
524              call xchybrid_ncpp_cc(dtset,energies%e_hybcomp_E0,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,n3xccc,rhor,rprimd,&
525 &             strsxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,vxc=vxc_hybcomp)
526            end if
528 !          Combine hybrid and auxiliary quantities
529            energies%e_xc=energies%e_xc*dtset%auxc_scal
530            energies%e_hybcomp_E0=energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_xc
531            vxc(:,:)=vxc(:,:)*dtset%auxc_scal
532            vxc_hybcomp(:,:)=vxc_hybcomp(:,:)-vxc(:,:)
534          end if
536        else if (ipositron==2) then
537 !        Not yet able to deal fully with the full XC kernel in case of GGA + spin
538          option_eff=option
539          if(xcdata%xclevel==2.and.(nkxc==3-2*mod(xcdata%nspden,2))) option_eff=12
540          call rhotoxc(energies%e_xc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
541 &         nhat,psps%usepaw,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,&
542 &         option,dtset%paral_kgb,rhor,rprimd,strsxc,usexcnhat,vxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,xcdata,&
543 &         taug=taug,taur=taur,vhartr=vhartr,vxctau=vxctau,add_tfw=add_tfw_,&
544 &         electronpositron=electronpositron)
545        end if
547      elseif(.not. wvlbigdft) then
548 !      Use the free boundary solver
549        call psolver_rhohxc(energies%e_hartree, energies%e_xc, evxc, &
550 &       dtset%icoulomb, dtset%ixc, &
551 &       mpi_enreg, nfft, ngfft,&
552 &       nhat,psps%usepaw,&
553 &       dtset%nscforder,dtset%nspden,n3xccc,rhor,rprimd, &
554 &       usexcnhat,psps%usepaw,dtset%usewvl,vhartr, vxc, &
555 &       vxcavg,wvl%descr,wvl%den,wvl%e,&
556 &       xccc3d,dtset%xclevel,dtset%xc_denpos)
557      end if
558    else
559      energies%e_xc=zero
560      call rhohxcpositron(electronpositron,gprimd,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,nhat,nkxc,dtset%nspden,n3xccc,&
561 &     dtset%paral_kgb,rhor,strsxc,ucvol,usexcnhat,psps%usepaw,vhartr,vxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,dtset%xc_denpos)
562    end if
563    if (ipositron/=0) then
564      if (optene>=1) then
565        call dotprod_vn(1,rhor,electronpositron%e_hartree,doti,&
566 &       nfft,nfftot,1,1,electronpositron%vha_ep,ucvol,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
567      end if
568      vhartr=vhartr+electronpositron%vha_ep
569    end if
570  end if
572 !Compute the trial potential
573 !-------------------------------------------------------------
574  if (.not. wvlbigdft) then
575 !  Now, compute trial Hxc potential. Local psp potential will be added later.
576    if(moved_atm_inside==0 .or.dtset%iscf>=10) then
578 !    Compute starting Hxc potential.
579 !    Multiply by identity, should not change anything if nspden /= 4
580      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
581        vtrial(:,ispden)=vhartr(:)*identity(ispden)+vxc(:,ispden)
582      end do
584    else
586 !    One should be here only when moved_atm_inside==1
587 !    The (H)xc now added corrects the previous one.
588      if(dtset%densfor_pred==1)then
589 !      xc was substracted off. This should be rationalized later
590        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
591          vtrial(:,ispden)=vtrial(:,ispden)+vxc(:,ispden)
592        end do
593      else if(abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==2.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==5.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==6)then
594 !      Hxc was substracted off. This should be rationalized later
595        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
596          vtrial(:,ispden)=vtrial(:,ispden)+vhartr(:)*identity(ispden)+vxc(:,ispden)
597        end do
598      end if
599    end if
601 !  Adds the local part of the potential
602    if ((moved_atm_inside==0).or.(dtset%densfor_pred/=3)) then
603      do ispden=1,min(2,dtset%nspden)
604        do ifft=1,nfft
605          vtrial(ifft,ispden)=vtrial(ifft,ispden)+vpsp(ifft)
606        end do
607      end do
608    end if
610 !  Adds the compensating vxc for hybrids
611    if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11)then
612      vtrial(:,:)=vtrial(:,:)+vxc_hybcomp(:,:)
613    end if
615    if(dtset%usewvl==1) then
616      call wvl_vtrial_abi2big(1,vtrial,wvl%den)
617    end if
619  else
621 !  Compute with covering comms the different part of the potential.
622 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
623 !  Copy e_ewald.
624    wvl%e%energs%eion = energies%e_ewald
625 !  Setup the mixing, if necessary
626    call denspot_set_history(wvl%den%denspot,dtset%iscf,dtset%nsppol, &
627 &   wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(1),wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(2))
628 #endif
629    ABI_ALLOCATE(xcart,(3, dtset%natom))
630    call xred2xcart(dtset%natom, rprimd, xcart, xred)
631    call wvl_psitohpsi(dtset%diemix,energies%e_exactX, energies%e_xc, energies%e_hartree, &
632 &   energies%e_kinetic, energies%e_localpsp, energies%e_nonlocalpsp, energies%e_sicdc, &
633 &   istep, 1, dtset%iscf, mpi_enreg%me_wvl, dtset%natom, dtset%nfft, mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl, dtset%nspden, &
634 &   rpnrm, .true.,evxc, wvl,.true., xcart, strsxc,&
635 &   vtrial, vxc)
636    if (optene==3.or.optene==4) energies%e_xcdc=evxc
637    ABI_DEALLOCATE(xcart)
639  end if
641 !Add the zeeman field to vtrial
642  if (any(abs(dtset%zeemanfield(:))>tol8)) then
643    vzeeman(:) = zero                            ! vzeeman_ij = -1/2*sigma_ij^alpha*B_alpha
644    if(dtset%nspden==2)then
645      vzeeman(1) = -half*dtset%zeemanfield(3)   ! v_dwndwn = -1/2*B_z
646      vzeeman(2) =  half*dtset%zeemanfield(3)   ! v_upup   =  1/2*B_z
647      do ifft=1,nfft
648        vtrial(ifft,1) = vtrial(ifft,1) + vzeeman(1) !SPr: added 1st component
649        vtrial(ifft,2) = vtrial(ifft,2) + vzeeman(2)
650      end do !ifft
651    end if
652    if(dtset%nspden==4)then
653      vzeeman(1)=-half*dtset%zeemanfield(3)     ! v_dwndwn                  => v_11
654      vzeeman(2)= half*dtset%zeemanfield(3)     ! v_upup                    => v_22
655      vzeeman(3)=-half*dtset%zeemanfield(1)     ! Re(v_dwnup) = Re(v_updwn) => Re(v_12)
656      vzeeman(4)= half*dtset%zeemanfield(2)     ! Im(v_dwnup) =-Im(v_dwnup) => Im(v_12)
657      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
658        do ifft=1,nfft
659          vtrial(ifft,ispden) = vtrial(ifft,ispden) + vzeeman(ispden)
660        end do
661      end do
662    end if
663  end if
665 !Compute the constrained potential for the magnetic moments
666  if (dtset%magconon==1.or.dtset%magconon==2) then
667    ABI_ALLOCATE(Vmagconstr, (nfft,dtset%nspden))
668    Vmagconstr = zero
669    call mag_constr(dtset%natom,dtset%spinat,dtset%nspden,dtset%magconon,dtset%magcon_lambda,rprimd, &
670 &   mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%ntypat,dtset%ratsph,rhor,dtset%typat,Vmagconstr,xred)
671    if(dtset%nspden==4)then
672      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden ! (SPr: both components should be used? EB: Yes it should be the case, corrected now)
673        do ifft=1,nfft
674          vtrial(ifft,ispden) = vtrial(ifft,ispden) + Vmagconstr(ifft,ispden)
675        end do !ifft
676      end do !ispden
677    else if(dtset%nspden==2)then
678      do ifft=1,nfft
679 !      TODO : MJV: check that magnetic constraint works also for nspden 2 or add input variable condition
680 !              EB: ispden=2 is rho_up only: to be tested
681 !             SPr: for ispden=2, both components should be used (e.g. see definition for vzeeman)?
682        vtrial(ifft,1) = vtrial(ifft,1) + Vmagconstr(ifft,1) !SPr: added the first component here
683        vtrial(ifft,2) = vtrial(ifft,2) + Vmagconstr(ifft,2)
684      end do !ifft
685    end if
686    ABI_DEALLOCATE(Vmagconstr)
687  end if
689 !Compute parts of total energy depending on potentials
690 !--------------------------------------------------------------
692 !For icoulomb==0 or usewvl Ehartree is calculated in psolver_rhohxc().
693 !For PAW we recalculate this since nhat was not taken into account
694 !in psolver_rhohxc: E_H= int v_H (n+nhat) dr
696  if (optene>=1 .and. .not. wvlbigdft .and. (dtset%icoulomb==0 .or. dtset%usepaw==1 ) ) then
697 !  Compute Hartree energy ehart
698 !  Already available in the Psolver case through psolver_rhohxc().
699    if (ipositron/=1) then
700      call dotprod_vn(1,rhor,energies%e_hartree,doti,nfft,nfftot,1,1,vhartr,ucvol_local,&
701 &     mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
702      if (ipositron==0) energies%e_hartree = half * energies%e_hartree
703      if (ipositron==2) energies%e_hartree = half * (energies%e_hartree-electronpositron%e_hartree)
704    else
705      energies%e_hartree=zero
706    end if
707  end if
709  if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11)then
710    if (.not. wvlbigdft) then
711      call dotprod_vn(1,rhor,energies%e_hybcomp_v0,doti,nfft,nfftot,1,1,vxc_hybcomp,ucvol_local,&
712 &     mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
713      energies%e_hybcomp_v=energies%e_hybcomp_v0
714    end if
715  end if
717  if (optene==2.or.optene==4 .and. .not. wvlbigdft) then
718 !  Compute local psp energy eei
719    call dotprod_vn(1,rhor,energies%e_localpsp,doti,nfft,nfftot,1,1,vpsp,ucvol_local,&
720 &   mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
721  end if
723  if (optene==3.or.optene==4 .and. .not. wvlbigdft) then
724 !  Compute double-counting XC energy enxcdc
725    if (ipositron/=1) then
726      if (dtset%usepaw==0.or.usexcnhat/=0) then
727        call dotprod_vn(1,rhor,energies%e_xcdc,doti,nfft,nfftot,dtset%nspden,1,vxc,ucvol_local,&
728 &       mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
729        if (with_vxctau) then
730          call dotprod_vn(1,taur,e_xcdc_vxctau,doti,nfft,nfftot,dtset%nspden,1,vxctau(:,:,1),&
731 &         ucvol_local,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
732          energies%e_xcdc=energies%e_xcdc+e_xcdc_vxctau
733        end if
734      else
735        ABI_ALLOCATE(rhowk,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
736        rhowk=rhor-nhat
737        call dotprod_vn(1,rhowk,energies%e_xcdc,doti,nfft,nfftot,dtset%nspden,1,vxc,ucvol_local,&
738 &       mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_comm_sphgrid)
739        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhowk)
740      end if
741      if (ipositron==2) energies%e_xcdc=energies%e_xcdc-electronpositron%e_xcdc
742    else
743      energies%e_xcdc=zero
744    end if
745  end if
747 !--------------------------------------------------------------
749 !The initialisation for the new atomic positions has been done
750  moved_atm_inside=0
752  call timab(91,2,tsec)
754 end subroutine setvtr