ABINIT/stress [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the stress tensor
 strten(i,j) = (1/ucvol)*d(Etot)/(d(eps(i,j)))
 where Etot is energy per unit cell, ucvol is the unstrained unit cell
 volume, r(i,iat) is the ith position of atom iat,
 and eps(i,j) is an infinitesimal strain which maps each
 point r to r(i) -> r(i) + Sum(j) [eps(i,j)*r(j)].


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, FJ, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
 berryopt    =  4/14: electric field is on -> add the contribution of the
                      -ebar_i p_i - Omega/(8*pi) (g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j  terms to the total energy
     = 6/16, or 7/17: electric displacement field is on  -> add the contribution of the
                      Omega/(8*pi) (g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j  terms to the total energy
   from Etot(npw) data (at fixed geometry), used for making
   Pulay correction to stress tensor (hartree).  Should be <=0.
  dtefield <type(efield_type)> = variables related to Berry phase
  eei=local pseudopotential part of Etot (hartree)
  efield = cartesian coordinates of the electric field in atomic units
  ehart=Hartree energy (hartree)
  eii=pseudoion core correction energy part of Etot (hartree)
  fock <type(fock_type)>= quantities to calculate Fock exact exchange
  gsqcut=cutoff value on G**2 for (large) sphere inside FFT box.
  ixc = choice of exchange-correlation functional
  kinstr(6)=kinetic energy part of stress tensor
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mpi_enreg=informations about MPI parallelization
  mqgrid=dimensioned number of q grid points for local psp spline
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nlstr(6)=nonlocal part of stress tensor
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsym=number of symmetries in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim phase (structure factor) array
  prtvol=integer controlling volume of printed output
  qgrid(mqgrid)=q point array for local psp spline fits
  red_efieldbar(3) = efield in reduced units relative to reciprocal lattice
  rhog(2,nfft)=Fourier transform of charge density (bohr^-3)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  strsxc(6)=xc correction to stress
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries in reciprocal space, reduced coordinates
  typat(natom)=type integer for each atom in cell
  usefock=1 if fock operator is used; 0 otherwise.
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  vdw_tol= Van der Waals tolerance
  vdw_tol_3bt= Van der Waals tolerance on the 3-body term (only effective
  vdw_xc= Van der Waals correction flag
  vlspl(mqgrid,2,ntypat)=local psp spline
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=exchange-correlation potential (hartree) in real space
  vxc_hf(nfft,nspden)=exchange-correlation potential (hartree) in real space for Hartree-Fock corrections
  xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6,ntypat)=1D core charge function and five derivatives,
                          for each type of atom, from psp (used in Norm-conserving only)
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction, bohr^-3
  xcccrc(ntypat)=XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr) for each atom type
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  zion(ntypat)=valence charge of each type of atom
  znucl(ntypat)=atomic number of atom type


  strten(6)=components of the stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3) for the
    6 unique components of this symmetric 3x3 tensor:
    Given in order (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (3,2), (3,1), (2,1).
    The diagonal components of the returned stress tensor are
    CORRECTED for the Pulay stress.


  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)


 * Concerning the stress tensor:
   See O. H. Nielsen and R. M. Martin, PRB 32, 3792 (1985).
   Note that first term in equation (2) should have minus sign
   (for kinetic energy contribution to stress tensor).
   Normalizations in this code differ somewhat from those employed
   by Nielsen and Martin.
   For the stress tensor contribution from the nonlocal Kleinman-Bylander
   separable pseudopotential, see D. M. Bylander, L. Kleinman, and
   S. Lee, PRB 42, 1394 (1990).
   Again normalization conventions differ somewhat.
   See Doug Allan s notes starting page 795 (13 Jan 1992).
 * This subroutine calls different subroutines to compute the stress
   tensor contributions from the following parts of the total energy:
   (1) kinetic energy, (2) exchange-correlation energy,
   (3) Hartree energy, (4) local pseudopotential energy,
   (5) pseudoion core correction energy, (6) nonlocal pseudopotential energy,
   (7) Ewald energy.






120 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
121 #include "config.h"
122 #endif
124 #include "abi_common.h"
126  subroutine stress(atindx1,berryopt,dtefield,eei,efield,ehart,eii,fock,gsqcut,ixc,kinstr,&
127 &                  mgfft,mpi_enreg,mqgrid,n1xccc,n3xccc,natom,nattyp,&
128 &                  nfft,ngfft,nlstr,nspden,nsym,ntypat,paral_kgb,psps,pawrad,pawtab,ph1d,&
129 &                  prtvol,qgrid,red_efieldbar,rhog,rprimd,strten,strsxc,symrec,&
130 &                  typat,usefock,usepaw,vdw_tol,vdw_tol_3bt,vdw_xc,&
131 &                  vlspl,vxc,vxc_hf,xccc1d,xccc3d,xcccrc,xred,zion,znucl,qvpotzero,&
132 &                  electronpositron) ! optional argument
134  use defs_basis
135  use defs_abitypes
136  use m_efield
137  use m_profiling_abi
138  use m_errors
140  use m_geometry,         only : metric
141  use m_fock,             only : fock_type
142  use m_ewald,            only : ewald2
143  use defs_datatypes,     only : pseudopotential_type
144  use m_pawrad,           only : pawrad_type
145  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
146  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype
147  use m_fft,              only : zerosym
149 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
150 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
151 #undef ABI_FUNC
152 #define ABI_FUNC 'stress'
153  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
154  use interfaces_18_timing
155  use interfaces_41_geometry
156  use interfaces_53_ffts
157  use interfaces_56_xc
158  use interfaces_64_psp
159  use interfaces_67_common, except_this_one => stress
160 !End of the abilint section
162  implicit none
164 !Arguments ------------------------------------
165 !scalars
166  integer,intent(in) :: berryopt,ixc,mgfft,mqgrid,n1xccc,n3xccc,natom,nfft,nspden
167  integer,intent(in) :: nsym,ntypat,paral_kgb,prtvol,usefock,usepaw,vdw_xc
168  real(dp),intent(in) :: eei,ehart,eii,gsqcut,vdw_tol,vdw_tol_3bt,qvpotzero
169  type(efield_type),intent(in) :: dtefield
170  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
171  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
172  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
173  type(fock_type),pointer, intent(inout) :: fock
174 !arrays
175  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),symrec(3,3,nsym)
176  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
177  real(dp),intent(in) :: efield(3),kinstr(6),nlstr(6)
178  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom),qgrid(mqgrid)
179  real(dp),intent(in) :: red_efieldbar(3),rhog(2,nfft),rprimd(3,3),strsxc(6)
180  real(dp),intent(in) :: vlspl(mqgrid,2,ntypat),vxc(nfft,nspden)
181  real(dp),allocatable,intent(in) :: vxc_hf(:,:)
182  real(dp),intent(in) :: xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6,ntypat),xcccrc(ntypat)
183  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom),zion(ntypat),znucl(ntypat)
184  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc3d(n3xccc)
185  real(dp),intent(out) :: strten(6)
186  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)
187  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)
189 !Local variables-------------------------------
190 !scalars
191  integer :: coredens_method,iatom,icoulomb,idir,ii,ipositron,mu,optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,opt_hybr,optgr,option
192  integer :: optn,optn2,optstr,optv,sdir,vloc_method
193  real(dp),parameter :: tol=1.0d-15
194  real(dp) :: e_dum,strsii,ucvol,vol_element
195  character(len=500) :: message
196  logical :: calc_epaw3_stress, efield_flag
197 !arrays
198  integer :: qprtrb_dum(3)
199  real(dp) :: corstr(6),ep3(3),epaws3red(6),ewestr(6),gmet(3,3)
200 !Maxwell-stress constribution, and magnitude of efield
201  real(dp) :: Maxstr(6),ModE
202  real(dp) :: gprimd(3,3),harstr(6),lpsstr(6),rmet(3,3),tsec(2),uncorr(3)
203  real(dp) :: vdwstr(6),vprtrb_dum(2)
204  real(dp) :: dummy_in(0)
205  real(dp) :: dummy_out1(0),dummy_out2(0),dummy_out3(0),dummy_out4(0),dummy_out5(0),dummy_out6(0),dummy_out7(0)
206  real(dp),allocatable :: dummy(:),dyfr_dum(:,:,:),gr_dum(:,:),rhog_ep(:,:),v_dum(:)
207  real(dp),allocatable :: vxctotg(:,:)
208  character(len=10) :: EPName(1:2)=(/"Electronic","Positronic"/)
210 ! *************************************************************************
212  call timab(37,1,tsec)
214 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
215  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
216  opt_hybr=0
217  if (allocated(vxc_hf)) opt_hybr=1
218 !=======================================================================
219 !========= Local pseudopotential and core charge contributions =========
220 !=======================================================================
222 !Determine by which method the local ionic potential and/or the pseudo core charge density
223 ! contributions have to be computed
224 !Local ionic potential:
225 ! Method 1: PAW
226 ! Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, icoulomb>0, wavelets
227  vloc_method=1;if (usepaw==0) vloc_method=2
228  if (psps%usewvl==1) vloc_method=2
229 !Pseudo core charge density:
230 ! Method 1: PAW, nc_xccc_gspace
231 ! Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, wavelets
232  coredens_method=1;if (usepaw==0) coredens_method=2
233  if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) coredens_method=1
234  if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==0) coredens_method=2
235  if (psps%usewvl==1) coredens_method=2
237 !Local ionic potential and/or pseudo core charge by method 1
238  if (vloc_method==1.or.coredens_method==1) then
239    call timab(551,1,tsec)
240    optv=0;if (vloc_method==1) optv=1
241    optn=0;if (coredens_method==1) optn=n3xccc/nfft
242    optatm=0;optdyfr=0;opteltfr=0;optgr=0;optstr=1;optn2=1
243    if (coredens_method==1.and.n3xccc>0) then
244      ABI_ALLOCATE(v_dum,(nfft))
245      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxctotg,(2,nfft))
246      v_dum(:)=vxc(:,1);if (nspden>=2) v_dum(:)=0.5_dp*(v_dum(:)+vxc(:,2))
247      call fourdp(1,vxctotg,v_dum,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
248      call zerosym(vxctotg,2,ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),&
249 &     comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
250      ABI_DEALLOCATE(v_dum)
251    else
252      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxctotg,(0,0))
253    end if
254    call atm2fft(atindx1,dummy_out1,dummy_out2,dummy_out3,dummy_out4,&
255 &   dummy_out5,dummy_in,gmet,gprimd,dummy_out6,dummy_out7,gsqcut,&
256 &   mgfft,mqgrid,natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,&
257 &   psps,pawtab,ph1d,qgrid,qprtrb_dum,rhog,corstr,lpsstr,ucvol,usepaw,vxctotg,vxctotg,vxctotg,vprtrb_dum,vlspl,&
258 &   comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
259 &   paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
260    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxctotg)
261    if (n3xccc==0.and.coredens_method==1) corstr=zero
262    call timab(551,2,tsec)
263  end if
265 !Local ionic potential by method 2
266  if (vloc_method==2) then
267    option=3
268    ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfr_dum,(3,3,natom))
269    ABI_ALLOCATE(gr_dum,(3,natom))
270    ABI_ALLOCATE(v_dum,(nfft))
271    call mklocl_recipspace(dyfr_dum,eei,gmet,gprimd,gr_dum,gsqcut,lpsstr,mgfft,&
272 &   mpi_enreg,mqgrid,natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,option,paral_kgb,ph1d,qgrid,&
273 &   qprtrb_dum,rhog,ucvol,vlspl,vprtrb_dum,v_dum)
274    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfr_dum)
275    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gr_dum)
276    ABI_DEALLOCATE(v_dum)
277  end if
279 !Pseudo core electron density by method 2
280  if (coredens_method==2) then
281    if (n1xccc/=0) then
282      call timab(55,1,tsec)
283      option=3
284      ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfr_dum,(3,3,natom))
285      ABI_ALLOCATE(gr_dum,(3,natom))
286      ABI_ALLOCATE(v_dum,(nfft))
287      icoulomb=0 ! not yet compatible with icoulomb
288      if (psps%usewvl==0.and.usepaw==0.and.icoulomb==0) then
289        if(opt_hybr==0) then
290          call mkcore(corstr,dyfr_dum,gr_dum,mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,nspden,ntypat,ngfft(1),&
291 &         n1xccc,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,typat,ucvol,vxc,&
292 &         xcccrc,xccc1d,xccc3d,xred)
293        else
294          call mkcore(corstr,dyfr_dum,gr_dum,mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,nspden,ntypat,ngfft(1),&
295 &         n1xccc,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,typat,ucvol,vxc_hf,&
296 &         xcccrc,xccc1d,xccc3d,xred)
297        end if
298      else if (psps%usewvl==0.and.(usepaw==1.or.icoulomb==1)) then
299        call mkcore_alt(atindx1,corstr,dyfr_dum,gr_dum,icoulomb,mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,&
300 &       nspden,nattyp,ntypat,ngfft(1),n1xccc,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,&
301 &       ucvol,vxc,xcccrc,xccc1d,xccc3d,xred,pawrad,pawtab,usepaw)
302      end if
303      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfr_dum)
304      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gr_dum)
305      ABI_DEALLOCATE(v_dum)
306      call timab(55,2,tsec)
307    else
308      corstr(:)=zero
309    end if
310  end if
312 !=======================================================================
313 !======================= Hartree energy contribution ===================
314 !=======================================================================
316  call strhar(ehart,gsqcut,harstr,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,rhog,rprimd)
318 !=======================================================================
319 !======================= Ewald contribution ============================
320 !=======================================================================
322  call timab(38,1,tsec)
323  call ewald2(gmet,natom,ntypat,rmet,rprimd,ewestr,typat,ucvol,xred,zion)
325 !=======================================================================
326 !================== VdW DFT-D contribution ============================
327 !=======================================================================
329  if (vdw_xc==5) then
330    call vdw_dftd2(e_dum,ixc,natom,ntypat,0,typat,rprimd,vdw_tol,&
331 &   xred,znucl,str_vdw_dftd2=vdwstr)
332  elseif (vdw_xc==6.or.vdw_xc==7) then
333    call vdw_dftd3(e_dum,ixc,natom,ntypat,0,typat,rprimd,vdw_xc,&
334 &   vdw_tol,vdw_tol_3bt,xred,znucl,str_vdw_dftd3=vdwstr)
335  end if
337  call timab(38,2,tsec)
339 !HONG  no Berry phase contribution if using reduced ebar or d according to
340 !HONG  (PRL 89, 117602 (2002)   Nature Physics: M. Stengel (2009))
341 !=======================================================================
342 !=================== Berry phase contribution ==========================
343 !=======================================================================
345 !if (berryopt==4) then
346 !berrystr_tmp(:,:) = zero
347 !Diagonal:
348 !do mu = 1, 3
349 !do ii = 1, 3
350 !berrystr_tmp(mu,mu) = berrystr_tmp(mu,mu) - &
351 !&       efield(mu)*rprimd(mu,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
352 !end do
353 !end do
354 !Off-diagonal (symmetrized before adding it to strten):
355 !do ii = 1, 3
356 !berrystr_tmp(3,2) = berrystr_tmp(3,2) &
357 !&     - efield(3)*rprimd(2,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
358 !berrystr_tmp(2,3) = berrystr_tmp(2,3) &
359 !&     - efield(2)*rprimd(3,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
360 !berrystr_tmp(3,1) = berrystr_tmp(3,1) &
361 !&     - efield(3)*rprimd(1,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
362 !berrystr_tmp(1,3) = berrystr_tmp(1,3) &
363 !&     - efield(1)*rprimd(3,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
364 !berrystr_tmp(2,1) = berrystr_tmp(2,1) &
365 !&     - efield(2)*rprimd(1,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
366 !berrystr_tmp(1,2) = berrystr_tmp(1,2) &
367 !&     - efield(1)*rprimd(2,ii)*(pel(ii) + pion(ii))/ucvol
368 !end do
369 !berrystr(1) = berrystr_tmp(1,1)
370 !berrystr(2) = berrystr_tmp(2,2)
371 !berrystr(3) = berrystr_tmp(3,3)
372 !berrystr(4) = (berrystr_tmp(3,2) + berrystr_tmp(2,3))/two
373 !berrystr(5) = (berrystr_tmp(3,1) + berrystr_tmp(1,3))/two
374 !berrystr(6) = (berrystr_tmp(2,1) + berrystr_tmp(1,2))/two
375 !end if
377 !=======================================================================
378 !================= Other (trivial) contributions =======================
379 !=======================================================================
381 !Nonlocal part of stress has already been computed
382 !(in forstrnps(norm-conserving) or pawgrnl(PAW))
384 !Kinetic part of stress has already been computed
385 !(in forstrnps)
387 !XC part of stress tensor has already been computed in "strsxc"
389 !ii part of stress (diagonal) is trivial!
390  strsii=-eii/ucvol
391 !qvpotzero is non zero, only when usepotzero=1
392  strsii=strsii+qvpotzero/ucvol
394 !======================================================================
395 !HONG  Maxwell stress when electric/displacement field is non-zero=====
396 !======================================================================
397  efield_flag = (berryopt==4 .or. berryopt==6 .or. berryopt==7 .or. &
398 & berryopt==14 .or. berryopt==16 .or. berryopt==17)
399  calc_epaw3_stress = (efield_flag .and. usepaw == 1)
400  if ( efield_flag ) then
401    ModE=dot_product(efield,efield)
402    do ii=1,3
403      Maxstr(ii)=two*efield(ii)*efield(ii)-ModE
404    end do
405    Maxstr(4)=two*efield(3)*efield(2)
406    Maxstr(5)=two*efield(3)*efield(1)
407    Maxstr(6)=two*efield(2)*efield(1)
408 !  Converting to units of Ha/Bohr^3
409 !  Maxstr(:)=Maxstr(:)*e_Cb*Bohr_Ang*1.0d-10/(Ha_J*8.0d0*pi)
411    Maxstr(:)=Maxstr(:)*eps0*Ha_J*Bohr_Ang*1.0d-10/(8.0d0*pi*e_Cb**2)
413    write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
414 &   ' Cartesian components of Maxwell stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)'
415    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
416    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
417    write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
418 &   ' Maxstr(1 1)=',Maxstr(1),' Maxstr(3 2)=',Maxstr(4)
419    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
420    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
421    write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
422 &   ' Maxstr(2 2)=',Maxstr(2),' Maxstr(3 1)=',Maxstr(5)
423    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
424    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
425    write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
426 &   ' Maxstr(3 3)=',Maxstr(3),' Maxstr(2 1)=',Maxstr(6)
427    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
428    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
429    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
430    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
431    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
433  end if
435 ! compute additional F3-type stress due to projectors for electric field with PAW
436  if ( efield_flag .and. calc_epaw3_stress ) then
437    do sdir = 1, 6
438      ep3(:) = zero
439      do idir = 1, 3
440        vol_element=one/(ucvol*dtefield%nstr(idir)*dtefield%nkstr(idir))
441        do iatom = 1, natom
442          ep3(idir) = ep3(idir) + vol_element*dtefield%epaws3(iatom,idir,sdir)
443        end do ! end loop over atoms
444      end do ! end loop over idir (components of P)
445 ! note no appearance of ucvol here unlike in forces, stress definition includes
446 ! division by ucvol, which cancels the factor in -ucvol e . p
447      epaws3red(sdir) = -dot_product(red_efieldbar(1:3),ep3(1:3))
448    end do
450 !   write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
451 !&   ' Cartesian components of PAW sigma_3 stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)'
452 !   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
453 !   call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
454 !   write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
455 !&   ' epaws3red(1 1)=',epaws3red(1),' epaws3red(3 2)=',epaws3red(4)
456 !   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
457 !   call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
458 !   write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
459 !&   ' epaws3red(2 2)=',epaws3red(2),' epaws3red(3 1)=',epaws3red(5)
460 !   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
461 !   call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
462 !   write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
463 !&   ' epaws3red(3 3)=',epaws3red(3),' epaws3red(2 1)=',epaws3red(6)
464 !   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
465 !   call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
466 !   write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
467 !   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
468 !   call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
470  end if
472 !=======================================================================
473 !===== Assemble the various contributions to the stress tensor =========
474 !=======================================================================
475 !In cartesian coordinates (symmetric storage)
477  strten(:)=kinstr(:)+ewestr(:)+corstr(:)+strsxc(:)+harstr(:)+lpsstr(:)+nlstr(:)
479  if (usefock==1 .and. associated(fock).and.fock%fock_common%optstr) then
480    strten(:)=strten(:)+fock%fock_common%stress(:)
481  end if
483 !Add contributions for constant E or D calculation.
484  if ( efield_flag ) then
485    strten(:)=strten(:)+Maxstr(:)
486    if ( calc_epaw3_stress ) strten(:) = strten(:) + epaws3red(:)
487  end if
488  if (vdw_xc>=5.and.vdw_xc<=7) strten(:)=strten(:)+vdwstr(:)
490 !Additional stuff for electron-positron
491  ipositron=0
492  if (present(electronpositron)) then
493    if (associated(electronpositron)) then
494      if (allocated(electronpositron%stress_ep)) ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
495    end if
496  end if
497  if (abs(ipositron)==1) then
498    strten(:)=strten(:)-harstr(:)-ewestr(:)-corstr(:)-lpsstr(:)
499    harstr(:)=zero;ewestr(:)=zero;corstr(:)=zero;strsii=zero
500    lpsstr(:)=-lpsstr(:);lpsstr(1:3)=lpsstr(1:3)-two*eei/ucvol
501    strten(:)=strten(:)+lpsstr(:)
502    if (vdw_xc>=5.and.vdw_xc<=7) strten(:)=strten(:)-vdwstr(:)
503    if (vdw_xc>=5.and.vdw_xc<=7) vdwstr(:)=zero
504  end if
505  if (abs(ipositron)==2) then
506    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhog_ep,(2,nfft))
507    ABI_ALLOCATE(dummy,(6))
508    call fourdp(1,rhog_ep,electronpositron%rhor_ep,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
509    rhog_ep=-rhog_ep
510    call strhar(electronpositron%e_hartree,gsqcut,dummy,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,rhog_ep,rprimd)
511    strten(:)=strten(:)+dummy(:);harstr(:)=harstr(:)+dummy(:)
512    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhog_ep)
513    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dummy)
514  end if
515  if (ipositron>0) strten(:)=strten(:)+electronpositron%stress_ep(:)
517 !Symmetrize resulting tensor if nsym>1
518  if (nsym>1) then
519    call stresssym(gprimd,nsym,strten,symrec)
520  end if
522 !Set to zero very small values of stress
523  do mu=1,6
524    if (abs(strten(mu))<tol) strten(mu)=zero
525  end do
527 !Include diagonal terms, save uncorrected stress for output
528  do mu=1,3
529    uncorr(mu)=strten(mu)+strsii
530    strten(mu)=uncorr(mu)
531  end do
533 !=======================================================================
534 !================ Print out info about stress tensor ===================
535 !=======================================================================
536  if (prtvol>=10.and.ipositron>=0) then
537    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
538    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
539    do mu=1,6
540      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
541 &     ' stress: component',mu,' of hartree stress is',harstr(mu)
542      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
543    end do
544    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
545    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
546    do mu=1,6
547      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
548 &     ' stress: component',mu,' of loc psp stress is',lpsstr(mu)
549      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
550    end do
551    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
552    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
553    do mu=1,6
554      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
555 &     ' stress: component',mu,&
556 &     ' of kinetic stress is',kinstr(mu)
557      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
558    end do
559    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
560    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
561    do mu=1,6
562      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
563 &     ' stress: component',mu,' of nonlocal ps stress is',nlstr(mu)
564      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
565    end do
566    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
567    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
568    do mu=1,6
569      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
570 &     ' stress: component',mu,' of     core xc stress is',corstr(mu)
571      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
572    end do
573    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
574    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
575    do mu=1,6
576      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
577 &     ' stress: component',mu,&
578 &     ' of Ewald energ stress is',ewestr(mu)
579      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
580    end do
581    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
582    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
583    do mu=1,6
584      write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' ) &
585 &     ' stress: component',mu,' of xc stress is',strsxc(mu)
586      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
587    end do
588    if (vdw_xc>=5.and.vdw_xc<=7) then
589      write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
590      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
591      do mu=1,6
592        write(message, '(a,i5,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
593 &       ' stress: component',mu,&
594 &       ' of VdW DFT-D stress is',vdwstr(mu)
595        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
596      end do
597    end if
598    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
599    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
600    write(message, '(a,1p,e22.12)' ) &
601 &   ' stress: ii (diagonal) part is',strsii
602    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
603    if (berryopt==4 .or. berryopt==6 .or. berryopt==7 .or.  &
604 &   berryopt==14 .or. berryopt==16 .or. berryopt==17) then  !!HONG
605      write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
606      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
607      do mu = 1, 6
608        write(message, '(a,i2,a,1p,e22.12)' )&
609 &       ' stress: component',mu,' of Maxwell stress is',&
610 &       Maxstr(mu)
611        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
612      end do
613    end if
614    if (ipositron/=0) then
615      write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
616      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
617      do mu=1,6
618        write(message, '(a,i5,3a,1p,e22.12)' ) &
619 &       ' stress: component',mu,' of ',EPName(abs(ipositron)), &
620 &       ' stress is',electronpositron%stress_ep(mu)
621        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
622      end do
623    end if
625  end if ! prtvol
626  if (ipositron>=0) then
627    write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
628 &   ' Cartesian components of stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)'
629    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
630    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
631    write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
632 &   '  sigma(1 1)=',strten(1),'  sigma(3 2)=',strten(4)
633    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
634    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
635    write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
636 &   '  sigma(2 2)=',strten(2),'  sigma(3 1)=',strten(5)
637    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
638    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
639    write(message, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
640 &   '  sigma(3 3)=',strten(3),'  sigma(2 1)=',strten(6)
641    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
642    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
643    write(message, '(a)' ) ' '
644    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
645    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
646  end if
647  call timab(37,2,tsec)
649 end subroutine stress