ABINIT/qmc_prep_ctqmc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Prepare and call the qmc subroutines


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (BAmadon,VPlanes)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  cryst_struc <type(crystal_t)>=crystal structure data
  hu <type(hu_type)>= U interaction
  paw_dmft <type(paw_dmft_type)>= DMFT data structure
  pawang <type(pawang)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawprtvol = drive the amount of writed data.
  weiss <type(green_type)>= weiss function


  green <type(green_type)>= green function







  46 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  47 #include "config.h"
  48 #endif
  50 #include "abi_common.h"
  52 subroutine qmc_prep_ctqmc(cryst_struc,green,self,hu,paw_dmft,pawang,pawprtvol,weiss)
  54  use defs_basis
  55  use defs_datatypes
  56  use defs_abitypes
  57  use m_errors
  58  use m_xmpi
  60  use m_special_funcs, only : sbf8
  61  use m_pawang, only : pawang_type
  62  use m_crystal, only : crystal_t
  63  use m_green, only : green_type,occup_green_tau,print_green,printocc_green,spline_fct,copy_green,init_green,destroy_green,&
  64 & int_fct,greenldacompute_green,fourier_green
  65  use m_paw_dmft, only : paw_dmft_type
  66  use m_abilasi,         only : xginv
  67  use m_oper, only : oper_type,destroy_oper,init_oper,inverse_oper
  68  use m_self, only : self_type
  69  use m_matlu, only : matlu_type,sym_matlu, print_matlu, &
  70 & diag_matlu,init_matlu,destroy_matlu,rotate_matlu,checkdiag_matlu,checkreal_matlu, &
  71 & copy_matlu, diff_matlu, slm2ylm_matlu, shift_matlu, prod_matlu,fac_matlu,&
  72 & add_matlu,printplot_matlu,identity_matlu
  73  use m_hu, only : hu_type,rotatevee_hu,vee_ndim2tndim_hu_r
  74  use m_Ctqmc
  75  use m_CtqmcInterface
  76  use m_GreenHyb
  77  use m_data4entropyDMFT
  78  !use m_self, only : self_type,initialize_self,destroy_self,print_self,rw_self
  79  use m_io_tools, only : flush_unit, open_file
  80  use m_paw_numeric, only : jbessel=>paw_jbessel
  82 #if defined HAVE_TRIQS
  83  use TRIQS_CTQMC !Triqs module
  84 #endif
  85  use ISO_C_BINDING
  87 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
  88 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
  89 #undef ABI_FUNC
  90 #define ABI_FUNC 'qmc_prep_ctqmc'
  91  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
  92  use interfaces_68_dmft, except_this_one => qmc_prep_ctqmc
  93 !End of the abilint section
  95  implicit none
  97 !Arguments ------------------------------------
  98 !scalars
  99 ! type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
 100  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst_struc
 101  type(green_type), intent(inout) :: green  ! MGNAG: This fix the problem with v7[27:29] on nag@petrus
 102  type(hu_type), intent(in) :: hu(cryst_struc%ntypat)
 103  type(paw_dmft_type), intent(inout)  :: paw_dmft
 104  type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
 105  integer, intent(in) :: pawprtvol
 106  type(green_type), intent(inout) :: weiss
 107  type(self_type), intent(in) :: self
 109 !Local variables ------------------------------
 110  character(len=500) :: message
 111  character(len=2) :: gtau_iter,iatomnb
 112  integer :: iatom,ierr,if1,if2,iflavor,iflavor1,iflavor2,iflavor3,ifreq,im,im1,ispinor,ispinor1,isppol,itau,itypat,im2,ispinor2
 113  integer :: lpawu,master,mbandc,natom,nflavor,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol,nsppol_imp,tndim,ispa,ispb,ima,imb
 114  integer :: nproc,opt_diag,opt_nondiag,testcode,testrot,dmft_nwlo,opt_fk,useylm,nomega,opt_rot
 115  integer :: ier,rot_type_vee
 116  complex(dpc) :: omega_current,integral(2,2)
 117  real(dp) :: omega
 118  real(dp) :: facd,facnd
 119  logical :: nondiaglevels
 120 ! arrays
 121  real(dp), allocatable :: docc(:,:)
 122  real(dp), allocatable, target :: gtmp(:,:), levels_ctqmc(:) !modif
 123  complex(dpc), allocatable :: levels_ctqmc_nd(:,:)
 124  complex(dpc), allocatable :: hybri_limit(:,:)
 125  real(dp), allocatable, target :: gtmp_nd(:,:,:)
 126  real(dp) :: umod(2,2)
 127  character(len=30) :: tmpfil
 128  complex(dpc), allocatable :: fw1(:,:),gw_tmp(:,:)
 129  complex(dpc), allocatable, target :: gw_tmp_nd(:,:,:) !modif
 130  complex(dpc), allocatable, target :: fw1_nd(:,:,:) !modif
 131  complex(dpc), allocatable :: gw1_nd(:,:,:)
 132  complex(dpc), allocatable :: shift(:)
 133  integer,parameter :: optdb=0
 134  type(coeff2_type), allocatable :: udens_atoms(:)
 135 ! Type    -----------------------------------------
 136  type(coeff2c_type), allocatable :: eigvectmatlu(:,:)
 137  type(green_type)  :: weiss_for_rot
 138  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: dmat_diag(:)
 139  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: matlu1(:)
 140  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: matlu2(:)
 141  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: matlu3(:)
 142  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: matlu4(:)
 143  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: identity(:)
 144  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: level_diag(:)
 145  type(oper_type)  :: energy_level
 146  !type(self_type) :: self
 147 ! type(green_type) :: gw_loc
 148  type(CtqmcInterface) :: hybrid   !!! WARNING THIS IS A BACKUP PLAN
 149  type(green_type) :: greenlda
 150  type(matlu_type), allocatable  :: hybri_coeff(:)
 151 ! Var added to the code for TRIQS_CTQMC test and default value -----------------------------------------------------------
 152  logical(kind=1) :: rot_inv = .false.
 153  logical(kind=1) :: leg_measure = .true.
 154 #if defined HAVE_TRIQS
 155  logical(kind=1) :: hist = .false.
 156  logical(kind=1) :: wrt_files = .true.
 157  logical(kind=1) :: tot_not = .true.
 158 #endif
 160  integer :: nfreq,unt,unt2
 161  integer :: ntau ! >= 2*nfreq + 1
 162  integer :: nleg
 163  integer :: ileg
 164  integer :: verbosity_solver ! min 0 -> max 3
 166  real(dp) :: beta,besp,bespp,xx
 167  complex(dpc) :: u_nl
 169  complex(dpc), allocatable, target ::fw1_nd_tmp(:,:,:)
 170  complex(dpc), allocatable, target :: g_iw(:,:,:)
 171  real(dp), allocatable, target :: u_mat_ij(:,:)
 172  real(dp), allocatable, target :: u_mat_ijkl(:,:,:,:)
 173  real(dp), allocatable, target :: u_mat_ijkl_tmp(:,:,:,:)
 174 !  real(dp), allocatable, target :: gtau(:,:,:)
 175  real(dp), allocatable, target :: gl_nd(:,:,:)
 176  real(dp), allocatable :: jbes(:)
 178  type(c_ptr) :: levels_ptr, fw1_nd_ptr, u_mat_ij_ptr, u_mat_ijkl_ptr, g_iw_ptr, gtau_ptr, gl_ptr
 180 ! ************************************************************************
 181  mbandc=paw_dmft%mbandc
 182  nkpt=paw_dmft%nkpt
 183  nsppol=paw_dmft%nsppol
 184  natom=paw_dmft%natom
 185  nspinor=paw_dmft%nspinor
 186  greenlda%whichgreen="LDA"
 188  call init_green(weiss_for_rot,paw_dmft,opt_oper_ksloc=2)
 189 ! weiss_for_rot=>weiss
 190 ! call init_green(gw_loc,paw_dmft)
 191  call copy_green(weiss,weiss_for_rot,opt_tw=2)
 192 !=======================================================================
 193 !== Use one QMC solver   ===============================================
 194 !=======================================================================
 195  write(message,'(2a)') ch10,'  ===  CT-QMC solver === '
 196  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 198 ! Initialise for compiler
 199  omega_current=czero
 201 ! Initialise nproc
 202  nproc=paw_dmft%nproc
 204 ! ======================================
 205 ! Allocations: diagonalization and eigenvectors
 206 ! ======================================
 207  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(udens_atoms,(natom))
 208  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(eigvectmatlu,(natom,nsppol))
 209  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(dmat_diag,(natom))
 210  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(identity,(natom))
 211  call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,dmat_diag)
 212  call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,identity)
 213  call identity_matlu(identity,natom)
 214  do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
 215    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
 216    if(lpawu/=-1) then
 217      tndim=nspinor*(2*lpawu+1)
 218      do isppol=1,nsppol
 219        ABI_ALLOCATE(eigvectmatlu(iatom,isppol)%value,(tndim,tndim))
 220      end do
 221      ABI_ALLOCATE(udens_atoms(iatom)%value,(2*(2*lpawu+1),2*(2*lpawu+1)))
 222      dmat_diag(iatom)%mat=czero
 223    end if
 224  end do
 226 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
 227 !
 229 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
 230 !
 232 ! =================================================================
 233 ! Choose to diagonalize and how to do it
 234 ! =================================================================
 236 ! =================================================================
 237 ! Impose diago of density matrix
 238 ! =================================================================
 240 ! =================================================================
 241 ! Impose diago of levels and Ylm basis if opt_nondiag=1
 242 ! =================================================================
 243 ! opt_diag=1 ! 1: diago the levels (The best choice).
 244 ! opt_diag=2 ! 2: diago density matrix (can be used for historical reasons)
 246 !  Need in the general case of two input variable for opt_diag and
 247 !  opt_nondiag!
 248 !  The default value of opt_diag should be 2 for historical reasons (or
 249 !  we decide to change the automatic tests)
 250 !  opt_nondiag should be 0 by default
 251  opt_diag    = 1
 252  if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=6)  then
 253    opt_nondiag = 1 ! Use cthyb in triqs
 254  else
 255    opt_nondiag = 0 ! use fast ctqmc in ABINIT without non diagonal terms.
 256  end if
 258  useylm=0
 259  if(nspinor==2) then
 260    useylm=1      ! to avoid complex G(tau)
 261  end if
 263  !write(6,*) "nspinor,useylm",nspinor,useylm
 264  if(useylm==0) then
 265    write(std_out,*) " Slm basis is used (before rotation)"
 266    rot_type_vee=1 ! for rotatevee_hu
 267  else if(useylm==1) then
 268    write(std_out,*) " Ylm basis is used (before rotation)"
 269    rot_type_vee=4 ! for rotatevee_hu
 270  end if
 273 ! if(useylm==1.and.opt_diag/=1) MSG_ERROR("useylm==1 and opt_diag/=0 is not possible")
 274  if(hu(1)%jpawu_zero.and.nsppol==2) nsppol_imp=2 ! J=0 and nsppol=2
 275  if( nsppol_imp=1  ! J/=0 ou nsppol=1
 276 ! =================================================================
 277 ! Compute LDA Green's function to compare to weiss_for_rot (check)
 278 ! =================================================================
 279 ! call init_green(greenlda,paw_dmft,opt_oper_ksloc=3)
 280 ! call greenldacompute_green(cryst_struc,greenlda,pawang,paw_dmft)
 281 !! call copy_green(greenlda,weiss_for_rot,2)
 283 ! =================================================================
 284 ! Compute atomic levels
 285 ! =================================================================
 286  call init_oper(paw_dmft,energy_level,opt_ksloc=3)
 288  ! Compute atomic levels in Slm basis
 289  ! ----------------------------------
 290  call compute_levels(cryst_struc,energy_level,self%hdc,pawang,paw_dmft,nondiag=nondiaglevels)
 292  ! If levels are not diagonal, then diagonalize it (according to
 293  ! dmftctqmc_basis)
 294  ! ------------------------------------------------
 295  if(paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_basis==1) then
 296    if(nondiaglevels.or.useylm==1) then
 297      opt_diag=1
 298      write(message,'(3a)') ch10, "   == Hamiltonian in local basis is non diagonal: diagonalise it",ch10
 299    else
 300      opt_diag=0
 301      write(message,'(5a)') ch10, "   == Hamiltonian in local basis is diagonal in the Slm basis ",ch10 &
 302 &     ,"      CTQMC will use this basis",ch10
 303    end if
 304  else if (paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_basis==2) then
 305    if(nondiaglevels.or.useylm==1) then
 306      write(message,'(7a)') ch10, "   == Hamiltonian in local basis is non diagonal",ch10, &
 307 &     "   == According to dmftctqmc_basis: diagonalise density matrix",ch10, &
 308 &     "   == Warning : Check that the Hamiltonian is diagonal !",ch10
 309      opt_diag=2
 310    else
 311      write(message,'(5a)') ch10, "   == Hamiltonian in local basis is diagonal in the Slm basis ",ch10 &
 312 &     ,"      CTQMC will use this basis",ch10
 313      opt_diag=0
 314    end if
 315  else if (paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_basis==0) then
 316    if(nondiaglevels) then
 317      write(message,'(4a)') ch10, "   == Hamiltonian in local basis is non diagonal",ch10, &
 318 &     "   == According to dmftctqmc_basis: keep this non diagonal basis for the calculation"
 319    else
 320      write(message,'(5a)') ch10, "   == Hamiltonian in local basis is diagonal in the Slm basis ",ch10 &
 321 &     ,"      CTQMC will use this basis",ch10
 322    end if
 323    opt_diag=0
 324  end if
 325  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 327  if(opt_diag==1) then
 328    write(std_out,*) "  ==  The atomic levels are diagonalized"
 329  else if(opt_diag==2) then
 330    write(std_out,*) "  ==  The correlated occupation matrix is diagonalized"
 331  end if
 333 ! =================================================================
 334 ! Now, check if diagonalisation is necessary
 335 ! =================================================================
 338 ! =================================================================
 339 ! First rotate to Ylm basis the atomic levels
 340 ! =================================================================
 342  if(useylm==1) then
 344    ! Rotate from Slm to Ylm the atomic levels
 345    ! ----------------------------------------
 346    call slm2ylm_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1,pawprtvol)
 348    ! Print atomic energy levels in Ylm basis
 349    ! --------------------------------
 350    if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 351      write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " == Print Energy levels in Ylm basis"
 352      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 353      call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1)
 354    end if
 356  end if ! useylm
 358 ! ===========================================================================================
 359 ! Start for diagonalization of levels/density matrix according to opt_diag
 360 ! ===========================================================================================
 361  !opt_rot=2 ! do it one time before CTQMC
 362  opt_rot=1 ! do all the rotations successively on all different quantities.
 363  if(opt_diag==1.or.opt_diag==0) then
 366    if(opt_diag==1) then
 367 ! =================================================================
 368 ! Diagonalize atomic levels
 369 ! =================================================================
 370      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(level_diag,(natom))
 371      call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,level_diag)
 373      ! Diagonalise atomic levels (opt_real is necessary, because
 374      ! rotation must be real in order for the occupations and Green's
 375      ! function to be real)
 376      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
 377      call diag_matlu(energy_level%matlu,level_diag,natom,&
 378 &     prtopt=pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu=eigvectmatlu,nsppol_imp=nsppol_imp,optreal=1)
 380 !     call rotate_matlu(energy_level%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 381 !       write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
 382 !&       " == Print first Diagonalized Energy levels for Fermi Level=",paw_dmft%fermie
 383 !       call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 384 !       call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=1)
 386      if(opt_rot==1) call copy_matlu(level_diag,energy_level%matlu,natom)
 389      call destroy_matlu(level_diag,natom)
 390      ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(level_diag)
 392      ! Print diagonalized levels
 393      ! --------------------------
 394      if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 395        write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
 396 &       " == Print Diagonalized Energy levels for Fermi Level=",paw_dmft%fermie
 397        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 398        call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=1)
 399      else
 400        write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
 401 &       " == Energy levels Diagonalized for Fermi Level=",paw_dmft%fermie
 402        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 403      end if
 404      call rotatevee_hu(cryst_struc,hu,nspinor,nsppol,pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu,udens_atoms,rot_type_vee)
 405    else if (opt_diag==0) then
 406      do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
 407        lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
 408        itypat=cryst_struc%typat(iatom)
 409        if(lpawu/=-1) then
 410        !  write(6,*) size(udens_atoms(iatom)%value)
 411        !  write(6,*) size(hu(itypat)%udens)
 412        !  write(6,*) udens_atoms(iatom)%value
 413        !  write(6,*) hu(itypat)%udens
 414          udens_atoms(iatom)%value=hu(itypat)%udens
 415        end if
 416      end do
 417    end if
 418   ! call rotatevee_hu(cryst_struc,hu,nspinor,nsppol,pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu,udens_atoms)
 420  else if(opt_diag==2) then
 421 ! =================================================================
 422 ! Diagonalizes density matrix and keep eigenvectors in eigvectmatlu
 423 ! =================================================================
 425    ! Print density matrix before diagonalization
 426    ! -------------------------------------------
 427    if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 428      write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,        " == Density Matrix before diagonalisation ="
 429      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 430      !MGNAG: This call is wrong if green has intent(out), now we use intent(inout)
 431      call print_matlu(green%occup%matlu,natom,1)
 432    end if
 434 !!  checkstop: we can have two different diagonalisation basis for the up and dn
 435 !!  but one use the same basis, unless the error is really to large(>0.1)
 437    ! Diagonalize density matrix
 438    ! ---------------------------
 439    call diag_matlu(green%occup%matlu,dmat_diag,natom,&
 440 &   prtopt=4,eigvectmatlu=eigvectmatlu,nsppol_imp=nsppol_imp,checkstop=.false.)
 442    ! Print diagonalized density matrix
 443    ! ----------------------------------
 444    if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 445      write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
 446 &     " == Diagonalized Density Matrix in the basis used for QMC ="
 447      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 448      call print_matlu(dmat_diag,natom,1)
 450      !write(message,'(2a,i3,13x,a)') ch10,'    ==  Rotation of interaction matrix =='
 451      !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 452    end if
 454    !if ( &
 455    !MSG_WARNING("In qmc_prep_ctqmc J/=0 and rotation matrix not rotated")
 456 !  Rotate interaction.
 457 !   call rotatevee_hu(cryst_struc,hu,nspinor,nsppol,pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu,udens_atoms)
 458    call rotatevee_hu(cryst_struc,hu,nspinor,nsppol,pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu,udens_atoms,rot_type_vee)
 460  end if
 461 ! ===========================================================================================
 462 ! END Of diagonalization
 463 ! ===========================================================================================
 465  call flush_unit(std_out)
 467 ! ===========================================================================================
 468 ! Broadcast matrix of rotation from processor 0 to the other
 469 ! In case of degenerate levels, severals rotations are possible. Here we
 470 ! choose the rotation of proc 0. It is arbitrary.
 471 ! ===========================================================================================
 472  do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
 473    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
 474    if(lpawu/=-1) then
 475      tndim=nspinor*(2*lpawu+1)
 476      do isppol=1,nsppol
 477        call xmpi_bcast(eigvectmatlu(iatom,isppol)%value,0,paw_dmft%spacecomm,ier)
 478      end do
 479    end if
 480  end do
 483      !unitnb=300000+paw_dmft%myproc
 484      !call int2char4(paw_dmft%myproc,tag_proc)
 485      !tmpfil = 'eigvectmatluaftermpi'//tag_proc
 486      !open (unit=unitnb,file=trim(tmpfil),status='unknown',form='formatted')
 487      !do iflavor1=1,14
 488      !  do iflavor2=1,14
 489      !    write(unitnb,*) iflavor1,iflavor2,eigvectmatlu(1,1)%value(iflavor1,iflavor2)
 490      !  enddo
 491      !enddo
 493 ! ===========================================================================================
 494 ! Now rotate various quantities in the new basis
 495 ! ===========================================================================================
 497 !=======================================================
 498 ! Allocate, Compute, and Rotate atomic levels for CTQMC
 499 !=======================================================
 501    ! If levels not rotated, rotate them
 502    ! -----------------------------------
 503  if(opt_diag==2.and.opt_rot==1) call rotate_matlu(energy_level%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 505    ! Print atomic levels
 506    ! -------------------
 507  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 508    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Print Energy levels after rotation"
 509    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 510    call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1)
 511  else
 512    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == CT-QMC Energy levels rotated"
 513    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 514  end if
 516 !====================================================================
 517 ! If levels were diagonalized before, then rotate density matrix for
 518 ! information.
 519 !====================================================================
 520  if(opt_diag==1) then
 521    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu1,(natom))
 522    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu1)
 523    call copy_matlu(green%occup%matlu,matlu1,natom)
 524    if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 525      write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
 526 &     " == Occupations before rotations"
 527      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 528      call print_matlu(green%occup%matlu,natom,1)
 529    end if
 531    ! 1) rotate density matrix to Ylm basis
 532    ! --------------------------------------
 533    if(useylm==1) then
 534      call slm2ylm_matlu(matlu1,natom,1,pawprtvol)
 535      if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 536        write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " == Print occupations in Ylm basis"
 537        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 538        call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1)
 539      end if
 540    end if
 542    ! 2) rotate density matrix to rotated basis
 543    ! -------------------------------------------
 544    if(opt_rot==1.or.opt_rot==2) call rotate_matlu(matlu1,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 545    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Rotated occupations (for information)"
 546    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 547    call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1,compl=1)
 548    call checkreal_matlu(matlu1,natom,tol10)
 549    call destroy_matlu(matlu1,natom)
 552  end if
 554  call flush_unit(std_out)
 557 ! =================================================================
 558 ! Rotate weiss function according to eigenvectors.
 559 ! =================================================================
 560 !!!stop
 561   ! Rotate Weiss function first in Ylm basis
 562   ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
 563  if(useylm==1) then
 564    write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10, " == Rotation of weiss and greenlda in the Ylm Basis="
 565    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 566    do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
 567      call slm2ylm_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,1,0)
 568      call slm2ylm_matlu(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,1,0)
 569      ! call slm2ylm_matlu(greenlda%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,1,0)
 570    end do
 571  end if
 573  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 574    !   write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 575    !   " == Print weiss for small freq 1 before rot" ! debug
 576    !   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 577    !   call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1) !  debug
 579     ! Print Weiss function
 580     ! --------------------
 581    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 582 &  " == Print weiss for 1st freq before rot" ! debug
 583    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 584    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1) !  debug
 585    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 586 &  " == Print weiss for last freq before rot" ! debug
 587    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 588    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1) !  debug
 589 !    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 590 !&   " == Print LDA G for 1st freq before rot" ! debug
 591 !    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 592 !    call print_matlu(greenlda%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=2) !  debug
 593 !    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 594 !&   " == Print LDA G for last freq before rot" ! debug
 595 !    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 596 !    call print_matlu(greenlda%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=2) !  debug
 597  end if
 599  if(opt_diag/=0) then
 600    ! Rotate Weiss function first in Ylm basis then in the rotated basis.
 601    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
 602    write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10, " == Rotation of weiss ="
 603    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 604    do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
 605      if(opt_rot==1) call rotate_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 606      if(opt_rot==1) call rotate_matlu(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 607 !    call checkdiag_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,tol6)
 608    end do
 610    if(paw_dmft%myproc .eq. mod(nproc+1,nproc)) then
 611      if (open_file(trim(paw_dmft%filapp)//"_atom__G0w_.dat", message, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
 612        MSG_ERROR(message)
 613      end if
 614      do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
 615        write(unt,'(29f21.14)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),&
 616 &       (((weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor),&
 617 &       im1=1,3),ispinor=1,nspinor),isppol=1,nsppol)
 618      end do
 619      close(unt)
 620    end if
 622    call flush_unit(std_out)
 623    if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 624      write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 625 &    " == Print weiss for small freq 1 after rot" ! debug
 626      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 627      call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1) !  debug
 628      write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&   ! debug
 629 &    " == Print weiss for last freq after rot"   ! debug
 630      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')   ! debug
 631      call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1) ! debug
 632    end if
 634 !   ! Rotate LDA Green's function first in Ylm basis then in the rotated basis and compare to weiss_for_rot
 635 !   ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 636 !   write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10, " == Rotation of greenlda ="
 637 !   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 638 !   do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
 639 !     if(opt_rot==1) call rotate_matlu(greenlda%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 640 !     call diff_matlu("Weiss_for_rot","greenlda",weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,greenlda%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,1,tol14)
 641 !!    call checkdiag_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,tol6)
 642 !   end do
 643 !   if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 644 !     write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,& ! debug
 645 !&    " == Print greenlda for small freq 1 after rot" ! debug
 646 !     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL') ! debug
 647 !     call print_matlu(greenlda%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=2) !  debug
 648 !     write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&   ! debug
 649 !&    " == Print greenlda for last freq after rot"   ! debug
 650 !     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')   ! debug
 651 !     call print_matlu(greenlda%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=2) ! debug
 652 !   end if
 653 !   call flush_unit(std_out)
 654  end if
 656 ! =================================================================
 657 ! Compute analytic limit of hybridization and rotate it
 658 ! =================================================================
 659  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(hybri_coeff,(paw_dmft%natom))
 660  call init_matlu(paw_dmft%natom,paw_dmft%nspinor,paw_dmft%nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,hybri_coeff)
 661  !write(6,*)"hybri1",hybri_coeff(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1),paw_dmft%natom,cryst_struc%natom
 663  ! Compute analytical C_ij such that F_ij -> C_ij/iw_n
 664  ! ---------------------------------------
 665  call hybridization_asymptotic_coefficient(cryst_struc,paw_dmft,pawang,hybri_coeff)
 666  write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10," == Coeff analytical C_ij such that F -> C_ij/iw_n for large frequency"
 667  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 669  ! Print analytical C_ij (not rotated)
 670  ! ---------------------------------------
 671  call print_matlu(hybri_coeff,natom,1)
 673  ! Rotate analytical C_ij in Ylm basis
 674  ! ---------------------------------------
 675  if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(hybri_coeff,natom,1,pawprtvol)
 676  if(opt_diag/=0)  then
 678  ! Rotate analytical C_ij in rotated basis
 679  ! ---------------------------------------
 680    if(opt_rot==1.or.opt_rot==2) call rotate_matlu(hybri_coeff,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 682  ! Print analytical C_ij (rotated)
 683  ! ---------------------------------------
 684    write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10," == Coeff analytical C_ij such that F -> C_ij/iw_n after rotation"
 685    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 686    call print_matlu(hybri_coeff,natom,1,compl=1,opt_exp=1)
 687  end if
 689 ! =================================================================
 690 ! Check if rotation is properly done.
 691 ! =================================================================
 692  if(3==4) then
 693    write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
 694 &   " == Print  dmat before rot"
 695    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 696    call print_matlu(green%occup%matlu,natom,1)
 697    if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(green%occup%matlu,natom,1,pawprtvol)
 698    if(opt_rot==1) call rotate_matlu(green%occup%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 699    write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
 700 &   " == Print  dmat after rot"
 701    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 702    call print_matlu(green%occup%matlu,natom,1)
 704    write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' QMC STOP: DEBUG'
 705    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 706    MSG_ERROR(message)
 707  end if
 708 ! =================================================================
 709 ! Check
 710 ! =================================================================
 712 ! write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
 713 !&   " == Print weiss for small tau"
 714 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 715 ! call print_matlu(weiss%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)
 716 ! write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
 717 !&   " == Print weiss for large tau"
 718 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 719 ! call print_matlu(weiss%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1)
 720 ! call flush_unit(std_out)
 721 ! write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' Check weiss_for_rot(last freq)'
 722 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 723 ! call checkdiag_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,tol6,opt=nspinor)
 724 ! call flush_unit(std_out)
 725 ! write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' Check weiss_for_rot(ifreq=1)'
 726 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 727 ! call checkdiag_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,tol6,opt=nspinor)
 728 ! call flush_unit(std_out)
 730  master=0
 732 ! =================================================================
 733 ! Print out
 734 ! =================================================================
 736 ! Print Weiss
 737 ! -------------
 738  if(paw_dmft%dmft_prgn==1) then
 739    call print_green('Weiss_diag',weiss_for_rot,1,paw_dmft,pawprtvol=1,opt_wt=1,opt_decim=1)
 740  end if
 742  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
 743 & " == Preparing data for CTQMC"
 744  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 746 ! Print Rotate Weiss for 1st and last frequencies
 747 ! ------------------------------------------------
 748  if (pawprtvol>=3) then
 749    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
 750 &  " == Print rotated weiss function for small freq in the rotated basis"  ! debug
 751    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
 752    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1)  ! debug
 753    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
 754 &  " == Print rotated weiss function for largest freq in the rotated basis"  ! debug
 755    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
 756    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1)  ! debug
 757  end if
 759 ! =================================================================
 761  testcode = 0
 762  testrot  = 0
 763  opt_fk=0 ! for developpers to check Fourier transform and computes G0(tau)
 764  opt_fk=1 ! usual case: for real calculations
 765 ! =================================================================
 767 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
 768 !
 770 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
 771 !
 772 ! ===========================================================================================
 773 ! Compute inverse of weiss  and compute hybridization
 774 ! ===========================================================================================
 776 ! Compute inverse of weiss  for each Frequency
 777 ! ----------------------------------------------
 778  do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
 779    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu1,(natom))
 780    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu2,(natom))
 781    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu1)
 782    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu2)
 784    call copy_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,matlu1,natom)
 786    ! Print G_0(iw_n)
 787    ! ----------------
 788    if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"go",60000,imre=1)
 790    ! Compute G_0^-1
 791    ! -------------------------------------------
 792    ! if opt_fk=1 or testcode/=0  Do the inversion
 793    ! if opt_fk=0                 Do not inverse.
 794    ! If testcode=2 and opt_fk=0  Do the inversion
 795    ! If testcode=1 and opt_fk=0  Do the inversion but no effect, because it will nevertheless be erased
 796    ! If opt_fk=1                 Do the inversion
 797    ! -------------------------------------------
 798    if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu1,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"weiss",12000,imre=1)
 799    if(opt_fk==1.or.testcode/=0) call inverse_oper(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq),option=1,prtopt=1)
 801    ! Print G_0^-1(iw_n)
 802    ! ----------------
 803    if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"goinv",70000,imre=1)
 805    if(pawprtvol>=4.or.ifreq==paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo) then
 806      if(opt_fk==1.or.testcode/=0) then
 807       ! Check inversion : do the product
 808       ! ----------------------------------------------
 809        call prod_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,matlu1,matlu2,natom)
 810        write(message,'(a,2x,a,i7)') ch10,&  ! debug
 811 &      " == Print product of  weiss times invers for freq",ifreq
 812        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
 813        call print_matlu(matlu2,natom,1)  ! debug
 814      end if
 815    end if
 817    call destroy_matlu(matlu1,natom)
 818    call destroy_matlu(matlu2,natom)
 821  end do
 823  ! Copy weiss_for_rot into weiss
 824  ! -------------------------------
 825  !call copy_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom)
 828  ! Print G_0^-1 for 1st and last frequencies.
 829  ! -----------------------------------------
 830  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 831    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
 832 &  " == Print G_0^-1 for small freq in the rotated basis"  ! debug
 833    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
 834    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
 835    write(message,'(a,2x,a,e18.10,a)') ch10,&   ! debug
 836 &  " == Print G_0^-1 for last freq in the rotated basis (last freq=", paw_dmft%omega_lo(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo),")"  ! debug
 837    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')   ! debug
 838    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1) ! debug
 839  end if
 841 ! Substract frequency from diagonal part
 842 ! ======================================
 844  ABI_ALLOCATE(shift,(natom))
 845  do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
 846    shift(:)=cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)
 848 !  write(5555,'(400e17.4)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),((((((weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat&
 849 !  & (im,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor1)-cmplx(0.d0,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)),im=1,2*3+1),&
 850 !&      im1=1,2*3+1),isppol=1,nsppol),ispinor=1,nspinor),ispinor1=1,nspinor)
 852   ! Compute G_0^-1-iw_n
 853   ! --------------------
 854    if(opt_fk==1) call shift_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,shift)
 856   ! Compute -G_0^-1+iw_n
 857   ! --------------------
 858    if(opt_fk==1) call fac_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,-cone)
 860   ! Print -G_0^-1+iw_n
 861   ! --------------------
 862    if(optdb==1) then
 863      call printplot_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"G0inv_minus_omega",20000,imre=1)
 864    end if
 865  end do
 867  ! Print -G_0^+1-iw_n=(F-levels) for last freq in the rotated basis"
 868  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
 869  ABI_DEALLOCATE(shift)
 870  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
 871    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
 872 &  " == Print G_0^-1-iw_n=-(F-levels) for last freq in the rotated basis"  ! debug
 873    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')   ! debug
 874    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo)%matlu,natom,1,compl=1) ! debug
 875  end if
 877 ! Check numerical limit of F(i_wn)*iw_n (can be used also to compute F )
 878 ! ======================================
 880  if(opt_nondiag==1) then
 881    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu1,(natom))
 882    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu2,(natom))
 883    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu3,(natom))
 884    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu4,(natom))
 885    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu1)
 886    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu2)
 887    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu3)
 888    call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu4)
 890    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,  " == energy_levels"
 891    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 892    call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1,opt_exp=2,compl=1)
 894    do ifreq=paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,1,-1 ! necessary to have matlu4 computed for the max frequency and available for all frequency.
 895    !do ifreq=paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,1,-1 ! necessary to have matlu4 computed for the max frequency and available for all frequency.
 896       ! Compute F (substract levels) for max frequency
 897       ! -----------------------------------------------
 898      call add_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,energy_level%matlu,matlu1,natom,-1)
 900       ! Print F(iw_n)=-(G_0^-1-iw_n+levels)  for last frequency.
 901       ! --------------------------------------------------------
 902      if(ifreq==paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo.or.ifreq==paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l) then
 903        write(message,'(a,2x,a,i4,a,f13.5,a)') ch10, &
 904 &       " == Print F(iw_n)=-(G_0^-1-iw_n+levels) for freq nb",ifreq," (=",paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),")"
 905        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 906        call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1,opt_exp=1,compl=1)
 907      end if
 908      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu1,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"Hybridization",10000,imre=1)
 910       ! Put F in weiss_for_rot -> CTQMC
 911       ! -------------------------------
 912      if(opt_rot==2) call rotate_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 913 !   The following line will produce directly the weiss function for the CTQMC code
 914      if(opt_fk==1) call copy_matlu(matlu1,weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom)
 917       ! Multiply F by frequency
 918       ! ------------------------
 919      call copy_matlu(matlu1,matlu2,natom)
 920      call fac_matlu(matlu1,natom,cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp))
 921      if(ifreq==paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo.or.ifreq==paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l) then
 922        write(message,'(a,2x,a,i4,a,f13.5,a)') ch10, &
 923 &       " == Print numerical C_ij = F(iw_n)*iw_n for freq nb",ifreq," (=",paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),")"
 924        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 925        call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1,opt_exp=1,compl=1)
 926      end if
 927      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu1,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"cij",72800,imre=1)
 928      !call rotate_matlu(matlu1,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,1)
 930      if(ifreq==paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo.or.ifreq==paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l) then
 931        write(message,'(a,2x,a,i4,a,f13.5,a)') ch10, &
 932 &       " == Print numerical after back rotation C_ij = F(iw_n)*iw_n for freq nb",ifreq," (=",paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),")"
 933        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 934        call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1,opt_exp=1,compl=1)
 935      end if
 936      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu1,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"cij_rotated",72900,imre=1)
 938       ! Built C_ij/iw_n
 939       ! ------------------------
 940      call copy_matlu(hybri_coeff,matlu1,natom)
 941      call fac_matlu(matlu1,natom,1.d0/cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp))
 942      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu1,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"cij_over_omega",72000)
 943     ! if(ifreq==paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo) then
 944     !   write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,  " == Print numerical C_ij/iw_n for frequency",paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq)
 945     !   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 946     !   call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1,opt_exp=1,compl=1)
 947     ! endif
 949       ! For test: put C_ij/i_wn into weiss_for_rot
 950       ! --------------------------------------------
 951      !call copy_matlu(matlu1,weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,opt_non_diag=1)
 953       ! Compute Hybri - C_ij/iw_n
 954       ! ------------------------
 955      call add_matlu(matlu2,matlu1,matlu3,natom,-1)
 957       ! Print Hybri - C_ij/iw_n
 958       ! ------------------------
 959      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu3,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"hybri_minus_asymp",74000,imre=1)
 961       ! Multiply (F-C_ij/i_wn) by (iw_n)**2 to find D_ij such that (F-C_ij/i_wn) -> D_ij/(iw_n)^2 only for last frequency.
 962       ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 963      call copy_matlu(matlu3,matlu2,natom)
 964      call fac_matlu(matlu2,natom,cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)**2)
 965      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu2,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"fminuscijtimesw2",75000,imre=1)
 966      if(ifreq==paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo.or.ifreq==paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l) then
 967        call copy_matlu(matlu2,matlu4,natom)
 968        write(message,'(a,2x,a,i4,a,f13.5,a)') ch10, &
 969 &       " == Print numerical (F(iw_n)-C_ij/iw_n)%iw_n^2 for freq nb",ifreq," (=",paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),")"
 970        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 971        call print_matlu(matlu4,natom,1)
 972      end if
 974       ! Built C_ij/iw_n+D_ij/(iw_n)^2
 975       ! ------------------------
 976      call copy_matlu(matlu4,matlu3,natom,opt_re=1)
 977      call fac_matlu(matlu3,natom,1.d0/cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)**2)
 978      call add_matlu(matlu1,matlu3,matlu2,natom,1)
 979      if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(matlu2,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"cij_w_plus_dij_w2",72700,imre=1)
 980       ! For test: put C_ij/i_wn +D_ij/(iw_n)^2 into weiss_for_rot
 981       ! --------------------------------------------
 982      !call copy_matlu(matlu2,weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,opt_non_diag=1)
 985    end do
 987    call destroy_matlu(matlu1,natom)
 988    call destroy_matlu(matlu2,natom)
 989    call destroy_matlu(matlu3,natom)
 990    call destroy_matlu(matlu4,natom)
 995  end if
 997 ! =========================================================================================
 998 ! Start big loop to compute hybridization
 999 ! =========================================================================================
1000  do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
1001    green%ecorr_qmc(iatom)=zero
1002    itypat=cryst_struc%typat(iatom)
1003    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
1004    tndim=2*lpawu+1
1005    if(lpawu/=-1) then
1007      nflavor=2*(tndim)
1008      if(testcode>=1) then
1009        nflavor=2
1010        if(testcode==2) then
1011          ispa=1
1012          ispb=2
1013          if(nspinor==1) ispb=1
1014          ima=1
1015          imb=1
1016          if(tndim>4) then
1017            ima=5 ! row
1018            imb=4 ! column
1019          end if
1020        end if
1021      end if
1023      !allocate(correl_loc(nflavor,nflavor))
1024      !ABI_ALLOCATE(f_with_k,(MIN(paw_dmft%dmft_nwli,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l),nflavor))
1025      ABI_ALLOCATE(fw1,(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,nflavor))
1026      ABI_ALLOCATE(fw1_nd,(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,nflavor,nflavor))
1027      ABI_ALLOCATE(levels_ctqmc,(nflavor))
1028      ABI_ALLOCATE(levels_ctqmc_nd,(nflavor,nflavor))
1029      levels_ctqmc_nd=czero
1030      ABI_ALLOCATE(hybri_limit,(nflavor,nflavor))
1031      hybri_limit=czero
1032      fw1_nd=czero
1033      fw1=czero
1034      !allocate(fw2(paw_dmft%dmft_nwli))
1035 ! =================================================================
1036 ! Compute Hybridization
1037 ! =================================================================
1039      if (testcode==0) then
1040        iflavor1=0
1041        iflavor2=0
1042        do isppol=1,nsppol
1043          do ispinor1=1,nspinor
1044            do ispinor2=1,nspinor
1045              do im1=1,tndim
1046                do im2=1,tndim
1047                  ! first diagonal terms whatever opt_nondiag
1048                  iflavor1=im1+tndim*(ispinor1-1)+tndim*(isppol-1)
1049                  iflavor2=im2+tndim*(ispinor2-1)+tndim*(isppol-1)
1050                  !write(6,*) isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2,im1,im2
1051                  !write(6,*) iflavor1,iflavor2
1053                  if ( iflavor1==iflavor2 ) then
1055 !              Do spline of weiss function for im and isppol
1056 !              Construction of fw1
1057 !             =================================================================
1059                    do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1060                      if(opt_fk==1) then
1061                        fw1(ifreq,iflavor1)= weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor1)
1062                      else if (opt_fk==0) then
1063                        fw1(ifreq,iflavor1)= weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor1)
1064                      end if
1065                    end do
1066                    fw1_nd(:,iflavor1,iflavor1)=fw1(:,iflavor1)
1068                    levels_ctqmc(iflavor1)=real(energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor1),kind=dp)
1069                    hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor1)=hybri_coeff(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor1)
1072                    if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1073                      !f_with_k(:,iflavor+tndim)=f_with_k(:,iflavor)
1074                      fw1(:,iflavor1+tndim)=fw1(:,iflavor1)
1075                      fw1_nd(:,iflavor1+tndim,iflavor1+tndim)=fw1(:,iflavor1)
1076                      levels_ctqmc(iflavor1+tndim)=levels_ctqmc(iflavor1)
1077                      hybri_limit(iflavor1+tndim,iflavor1+tndim)=hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor1)
1078                    end if
1080                  else
1082                    do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1083                      if(opt_fk==1) then
1084                        fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)= &
1085 &                       weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)
1086                      else if (opt_fk==0) then
1087                        fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)= &
1088 &                       weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)
1089                      end if
1091         ! omega=pi*paw_dmft%temp*(two*float(ifreq)-1)
1092          !write(3333,*) omega,weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)
1093          !write(4444,*) omega,fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2),"#",iflavor1,iflavor2
1094         ! if(iflavor1/=iflavor2)write(5555,*) omega,imag(fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)),"#",iflavor1,iflavor2
1096                    end do
1097                    hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor2)=hybri_coeff(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)
1099         ! write(3333,*)
1100         ! write(4444,*)
1101         ! write(5555,*)
1103                    if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1104                      fw1_nd(:,iflavor1+tndim,iflavor2+tndim) = fw1_nd(:,iflavor1,iflavor2)
1105                      hybri_limit(iflavor1+tndim,iflavor2+tndim)=hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor2)
1106                    end if
1108                  end if
1110 ! <  / HACK >
1111                end do !im2
1112              end do !im1
1113            end do  !ispinor2
1114          end do  !ispinor1
1115        end do  !isppol
1116 ! < HACK >
1117        ! JB. On 1000 cpus this can not work since all CPU try to open/write the files
1118        ! Action : Don't print it or check only one cpu does it.
1119        if(pawprtvol>=10000000) then
1120          write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,  " == Hybri for all flavors for CTQMC "
1121          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1122          do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1123            write(message,'(4x,14(2e14.5,2x))') (hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor2),iflavor2=1,nflavor)
1124            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1125          end do
1127          if (open_file('Hybri_cijoveromega',message, newunit=unt, status='unknown', form='formatted') /= 0) then
1128            MSG_ERROR(message)
1129          end if
1130          if (open_file('Hybri',message,newunit=unt2,status='unknown',form='formatted') /= 0) then
1131            MSG_ERROR(message)
1132          end if
1133          do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1134 !              weiss_for_rot is G_0^-1-iw_n=-(F-levels)
1135            if(optdb==1) call printplot_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),"weissbefore112",30000)
1136          end do
1137          do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1138            do iflavor2=1,nflavor
1139              do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1140                omega=pi*paw_dmft%temp*(two*float(ifreq)-1)
1141 !              fw1_nd is -G_0^+1-iw_n=(F-levels)
1142                write(unt,'(300e16.5)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq)&
1143 &               ,fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)-hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor2)/cmplx(0.d0,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)
1144                write(unt2,'(300e16.5)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)
1145                !write(1111,*) omega,real(fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2))
1146                !write(1112,*) omega,imag(fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2))
1147              end do
1148              write(unt,*)
1149              write(unt2,*)
1150             ! write(1111,*)
1151             ! write(1112,*)
1152            end do
1153          end do
1154          close(unt)
1155          close(unt2)
1156        end if
1157      end if ! testcode
1158    ! </ HACK >
1160 ! ====================================================================================
1161 !  TEST
1162 !  For testing purpose, built ultra simple hybridization (constant in
1163 !  imaginary time or very simple) or extract some part of the calculated hybridization
1164 ! ====================================================================================
1166      if(testcode>=1) then
1167        dmft_nwlo=paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1168        paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo=paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1169        ABI_ALLOCATE(gw1_nd,(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,nflavor,nflavor))
1170        gw1_nd=czero
1172        !  Call testcode_ctqmc: built simple hybridization
1173        !--------------------------------------------------
1174        if (testcode==1) then
1175          call testcode_ctqmc(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,fw1_nd,fw1,gtmp_nd,gw_tmp_nd,&
1176 &         levels_ctqmc,hybri_limit,nflavor,1,paw_dmft%temp,testrot,testcode,umod)
1177        !  Select 2x2 hybridization matrix from the current larger matrix
1178        !  ima and imb are defined above.
1179        !----------------------------------------------------------------
1180        else if (testcode==2) then
1181          facnd=0.8d0
1182          facd=1.0d0
1183          !write(6,*) "fac",facnd,facd
1184          levels_ctqmc_nd(2,2)   = energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,imb,1,ispb,ispb)
1185          levels_ctqmc_nd(1,1)   = energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,ima,1,ispa,ispa)
1186          levels_ctqmc(2)   = real(energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,imb,1,ispb,ispb),kind=dp)
1187          levels_ctqmc(1)   = real(energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,ima,1,ispa,ispa),kind=dp)
1188          if(opt_diag/=1) then
1189            levels_ctqmc_nd(1,2)   = energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,imb,1,ispa,ispb)
1190            levels_ctqmc_nd(2,1)   = energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,ima,1,ispb,ispa)
1191          end if
1192          hybri_limit(1,1)  = facd*hybri_coeff(iatom)%mat(ima,ima,1,ispa,ispa)
1193          hybri_limit(2,2)  = facd*hybri_coeff(iatom)%mat(imb,imb,1,ispb,ispb)
1194          hybri_limit(1,2)  = facnd*hybri_coeff(iatom)%mat(ima,imb,1,ispa,ispb)
1195          hybri_limit(2,1)  = facnd*hybri_coeff(iatom)%mat(imb,ima,1,ispb,ispa)
1196          !write(6,*) "hybri_limit",hybri_limit
1197          !write(6,*) "levels_ctqmc",levels_ctqmc
1198          umod=zero
1200          tmpfil = 'fw1_nd_re'
1201          !if (open_file(newunit=unt,message,file=trim(tmpfil),status='unknown',form='formatted')/=0) then
1202          !  MSG_ERROR(message)
1203          !end if
1204          tmpfil = 'fw1_nd_im'
1205          !if (open_file(newunit=unt2,message,file=trim(tmpfil),status='unknown',form='formatted')/=0) then
1206          !  MSG_ERROR(message)
1207          !end if
1208          write(std_out,*) "testcode==2",ispa,ispb,ima,imb
1209          write(std_out,*) "opt_fk==",opt_fk
1210          do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1211            if (opt_fk==1) then
1212              fw1_nd(ifreq,1,1) = facd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,ima,1,ispa,ispa)
1213              fw1_nd(ifreq,2,2) = facd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,imb,1,ispb,ispb)
1214              !fw1_nd(ifreq,1,2) =  weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,imb,1,ispa,ispb)
1215              !fw1_nd(ifreq,2,1) =  weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,ima,1,ispb,ispa)
1216              fw1_nd(ifreq,1,2) = facnd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,imb,1,ispa,ispb)
1217              fw1_nd(ifreq,2,1) = facnd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,ima,1,ispb,ispa)
1218              omega=pi*paw_dmft%temp*(two*float(ifreq)-1)
1219            else if (opt_fk==0) then
1220              fw1_nd(ifreq,1,1) =  facd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,ima,1,ispa,ispa)
1221              fw1_nd(ifreq,2,2) =  facd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,imb,1,ispb,ispb)
1222              fw1_nd(ifreq,1,2) =  facnd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(ima,imb,1,ispa,ispb)
1223              fw1_nd(ifreq,2,1) =  facnd*weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(imb,ima,1,ispb,ispa)
1224              call xginv(fw1_nd(ifreq,:,:),2)
1225            end if
1226          end do
1227          !close(unt)
1228          !close(unt2)
1229        end if
1231        ! Calculation of Inverse Green's function from hybridization
1232        !-------------------------------------------------------------
1233        do if1=1,2
1234          do if2=1,2
1235            do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1236              omega=pi*paw_dmft%temp*(two*float(ifreq)-1)
1237              if(if1==if2) then
1238                gw1_nd(ifreq,if1,if2) =  (cmplx(0.d0,omega,kind=dp)-fw1_nd(ifreq,if1,if2))
1239              else
1240                gw1_nd(ifreq,if1,if2) =  (-fw1_nd(ifreq,if1,if2))
1241              end if
1242            end do
1243          end do
1244        end do
1245        ! Calculation of Green's function (call inverse)
1246        !-------------------------------------------------------------
1247        do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1248          call xginv(gw1_nd(ifreq,:,:),2)
1249        end do
1250        write(std_out,*) " testctqmc high frequency limit of hybridization",fw1_nd(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,:,:)
1252        ! Integrate Green's function
1253        !-------------------------------------------------------------
1254        do if1=1,2
1255          do if2=1,2
1256            do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1257              omega=pi*paw_dmft%temp*(two*float(ifreq)-1)
1258              !write(999,*) omega,gw1_nd(ifreq,if1,if2)
1259            end do
1260            !write(999,*)
1261            call int_fct(gw1_nd(:,if1,if2),(if1==if2),2,paw_dmft,integral(if1,if2))  ! test_1
1262           ! write(std_out,*) "testctqmc occupations of input Green's function",(integral(if1,if2))
1263          end do
1264        end do
1265        ! Write Occupations
1266        !-------------------------------------------------------------
1267        do if1=1,2
1268          do if2=1,2
1269           ! write(std_out,*) "testctqmc occupations of input Green's function",(integral(if1,if2)+conjg(integral(if2,if1)))/two
1270          end do
1271        end do
1272        write(std_out,*) "Occupation of model in matrix form"
1273        do if1=1,2
1274          write(std_out,'(2(2f13.5,3x))') ((integral(if1,if2)+conjg(integral(if2,if1)))/two,if2=1,2)
1275        end do
1276        write(std_out,*) "Limit of hybridization "
1277        do if1=1,2
1278          write(std_out,'(2(2f13.5,3x))') (hybri_limit(if1,if2),if2=1,2)
1279        end do
1281        ! If opt_fk=0, give Green's function to CTQMC code instead of
1282        ! hybridization
1283        !-------------------------------------------------------------
1284        if(opt_fk==0) then
1285          fw1_nd=gw1_nd
1286        end if
1288        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gw1_nd)
1289        paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo=dmft_nwlo
1290      end if
1292      call flush_unit(std_out)
1293 ! =================================================================
1295 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
1296 !
1298 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
1300 ! =================================================================
1301 !    Main calls to CTQMC code in ABINIT
1302 ! =================================================================
1303      if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv==5) then
1305        write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
1306 &       " == Initializing CTQMC"
1307        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1309 !    Initialisation
1310 ! =================================================================
1311        nomega=paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1312        call CtqmcInterface_init(hybrid,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_seed,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_n, &
1313 &       paw_dmft%dmftqmc_therm, paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_meas,nflavor,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,one/paw_dmft%temp,zero,&
1314 &       std_out,paw_dmft%spacecomm)
1316 !  for non diagonal code
1317 !     call CtqmcInterface_init(hybrid,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_seed,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_n, &
1318 !&         paw_dmft%dmftqmc_therm, paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_meas,nflavor,&
1319 !&         paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,one/paw_dmft%temp,zero,&
1320 !&         std_out,paw_dmft%spacecomm,opt_nondiag)
1322 !    options
1323 ! =================================================================
1324        call CtqmcInterface_setOpts(hybrid,&
1325        opt_Fk      =opt_fk,&
1326 &       opt_order   =paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_order ,&
1327 &       opt_movie   =paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_mov   ,&
1328 &       opt_analysis=paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_correl,&
1329 &       opt_check   =paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_check ,&
1330 &       opt_noise   =paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_grnns ,&
1331 &       opt_spectra =paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_mrka  ,&
1332 &       opt_gmove   =paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_gmove )
1333        write(message,'(a,2x,2a)') ch10,&
1334 &       " == Initialization CTQMC done", ch10
1335        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1336      end if
1338      if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=6) then
1339        ABI_ALLOCATE(gw_tmp_nd,(paw_dmft%dmft_nwli,nflavor,nflavor)) !because size allocation problem with TRIQS paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo must be >= paw_dmft%dmft_nwli
1340        open(unit=505,file=trim(paw_dmft%filapp)//"_Legendre_coefficients.dat", status='unknown',form='formatted')
1341      else
1342        ABI_ALLOCATE(gw_tmp,(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,nflavor+1))
1343        ABI_ALLOCATE(gw_tmp_nd,(paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,nflavor,nflavor+1))
1344 !     use  gw_tmp to put freq
1345        do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1346          gw_tmp(ifreq,nflavor+1)=cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)
1347          gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,nflavor,nflavor+1)=cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)
1348        end do
1349      end if
1351      ABI_ALLOCATE(gtmp,(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,nflavor))
1352      ! THIS IS A BACKUP PLAN. USING paw_dmft%hybrid makes a segfault on TIKAL
1353      ! PSC with MPI only (and max2_open64). paw_dmf%hybrid is corrupted
1354      ! somewhere but I could not find the place in all DMFT routines
1355      ABI_ALLOCATE(gtmp_nd,(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,nflavor,nflavor))
1356      call flush_unit(std_out)
1358      if(testcode==0) then
1359       !unitnb=100000+paw_dmft%myproc
1360       !call int2char4(paw_dmft%myproc,tag_proc)
1361       !tmpfil = 'hybrilimit'//tag_proc
1362       !open (unit=unitnb,file=trim(tmpfil),status='unknown',form='formatted')
1363       !do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1364       !  do iflavor2=1,nflavor
1365       !    write(unitnb,*) iflavor1,iflavor2,hybri_limit(iflavor1,iflavor2)
1366       !  enddo
1367       !enddo
1369 ! =================================================================
1370 !    CTQMC run Abinit
1371 ! =================================================================
1372        if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv==5) then
1374          ABI_ALLOCATE(docc,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor))
1375          docc(:,:) = zero
1376          call CtqmcInterface_run(hybrid,fw1(1:paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,:),Gtau=gtmp,&
1377 &         Gw=gw_tmp,D=docc(:,:),E=green%ecorr_qmc(iatom),&
1378 !&       matU=hu(itypat)%udens,opt_levels=levels_ctqmc)
1379 &         matU=udens_atoms(iatom)%value,opt_levels=levels_ctqmc)
1380          call data4entropyDMFT_setDocc(paw_dmft%forentropyDMFT,iatom,docc)
1381          ABI_DEALLOCATE(docc)
1383 ! =================================================================
1384 !    CTQMC run TRIQS
1385 ! =================================================================
1386        else if (paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=6) then
1388        ! fw1_nd: Hybridation
1389        ! levels_ctqmc: niveaux
1390        ! hu(itypat)%udens(:,:) : U_ij
1391        ! hu(itypat)%u(:,:,:,:) : uijkl
1392        ! temperature : paw_dmft%temp
1393        ! paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l: nombre de points en temps -1
1394        ! paw_dmft%dmftqmc_n: nombre de cycles
1395        ! ?? Quelles sorties: Les fonctions de Green
1396        ! frequence/temps/Legendre.
1397        ! Double occupations ?? <n_i n_j>
1398        ! test n_tau > 2*nfreq => ntau = 2*nfreq + 1
1399 !        for non diagonal code:
1400 !        call CtqmcInterface_run(hybrid,fw1_nd(1:paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,:,:),Gtau=gtmp_nd,&
1401 !&       Gw=gw_tmp_nd,D=Doccsum,E=green%ecorr_qmc(iatom),&
1402 !&       Noise=Noise,matU=hu(itypat)%udens,opt_levels=levels_ctqmc,hybri_limit=hybri_limit)
1403        !Check choice of user to fix model bool var for the solver
1404          if (paw_dmft%dmft_solv==6) then
1405            rot_inv = .false.
1406          else !obviously paw_dmft%dmft_solv==7 with rot invariant terms
1407            rot_inv = .true.
1408          end if
1410          nfreq = paw_dmft%dmft_nwli
1411        !paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo = paw_dmft%dmft_nwli !transparent for user
1412          ntau  = paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l !(2*paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l)+1 !nfreq=paw_dmft%dmft_nwli
1413          nleg  = paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_triqs_nleg
1415          if ( ntau >= (2*nfreq)+1 ) then
1417            verbosity_solver = paw_dmft%prtvol
1418            beta = 1.0/(paw_dmft%temp*Ha_eV)
1420          !Allocation in/output array phase:
1421            ABI_ALLOCATE(fw1_nd_tmp,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:nfreq)) !column major
1422            ABI_ALLOCATE(g_iw,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:nfreq)) !column major
1423 !          ABI_ALLOCATE(gtau,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:ntau)) !column major
1424            ABI_ALLOCATE(u_mat_ij,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor)) !column major
1425            ABI_ALLOCATE(u_mat_ijkl,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:nflavor)) !column major
1426            ABI_ALLOCATE(u_mat_ijkl_tmp,(1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:nflavor,1:nflavor)) !column major
1428            if ( leg_measure ) then !only if functionality is enabled
1429              ABI_ALLOCATE(gl_nd,(1:nleg,1:nflavor,1:nflavor)) !column major !nl = 30 by default
1430            end if
1432        !Conversion datas Ha -> eV (some duplications for test...)
1433        !fw1_nd_tmp = fw1_nd(1:paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,:,:) * Ha_eV !fw1_nd = fw1_nd * Ha_eV !Ok?
1435            do iflavor=1,nflavor
1436              do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1437                do ifreq=1,nfreq
1438                  fw1_nd_tmp(iflavor,iflavor1,ifreq) = fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1) * Ha_eV
1439 !              WRITE(500,*) "[IN Fortran] F[ w= ",ifreq," l= ",iflavor," l_= ",iflavor1,"] = ",fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1)
1440                end do
1441              end do
1442            end do
1444          !Report test
1445 !         WRITE(502,*) hu(itypat)%udens
1446 !         do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1447 !           write(501,*) ((fw1_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1),iflavor=1,nflavor),iflavor1=1,nflavor)
1448 !         enddo
1449          !write(866,*)paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1450          !write(866,*) u_mat_ij
1451 !        do iflavor=1,nflavor+1
1452 !          do iflavor1=1,nflavor+1
1453 !            WRITE(502,*) "[OUT Fortran] U(i,j)[ l= ",iflavor," l_= ",iflavor1,"] = ",hu(itypat)%udens(iflavor,iflavor1)
1454 !          enddo
1455 !        enddo
1457 !          if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) then
1458 !          do iflavor=1,nflavor
1459 !            do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1460 !               do iflavor2=1,nflavor
1461 !                  do iflavor3=1,nflavor
1462 !                    write(490,*), hu(itypat)%vee(iflavor,iflavor1,iflavor2,iflavor3)
1463 !                  enddo
1464 !                 enddo
1465 !                enddo
1466 !              enddo
1467 !          endif
1469 !          if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) then
1470 !          do iflavor=1,nflavor
1471 !            do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1472 !            write(491,*), hu(itypat)%udens(iflavor,iflavor1) !(1,1,1,1)
1473 !            enddo
1474 !          enddo
1475 !          endif
1477 !          do iflavor=1,nflavor
1478 !            do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1479 !          do iflavor2=1,nflavor
1480 !            do iflavor3=1,nflavor
1481                  ! WRITE(552,*), hu(itypat)%vee!(iflavor,iflavor1,iflavor2,iflavor3)
1482 !            enddo
1483 !          enddo
1484 !            enddo
1485 !          enddo
1487            call vee_ndim2tndim_hu_r(lpawu,hu(itypat)%vee,u_mat_ijkl_tmp,1)
1488            do iflavor=1,nflavor
1489              do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1490                do iflavor2=1,nflavor
1491                  do iflavor3=1,nflavor
1492                    u_mat_ijkl(iflavor,iflavor1,iflavor2,iflavor3)   =  Ha_eV * u_mat_ijkl_tmp(iflavor,iflavor1,iflavor2,iflavor3)
1493                  end do
1494                end do
1495              end do
1496            end do
1498          !u_mat_ijkl   =  Ha_eV * reshape( u_mat_ijkl , [nflavor,nflavor,nflavor,nflavor] )  !column -> row major + conversion
1499            u_mat_ij     = transpose( hu(itypat)%udens ) * Ha_eV !column -> row major + conversion
1500            levels_ctqmc = levels_ctqmc * Ha_eV
1502          !Location array in memory for C++ pointer args to pass
1503            g_iw_ptr       = C_LOC( gw_tmp_nd ) !C_LOC( g_iw )
1504            gtau_ptr       = C_LOC( gtmp_nd ) !C_LOC( gtau )
1505            gl_ptr         = C_LOC( gl_nd )
1506            fw1_nd_ptr     = C_LOC( fw1_nd_tmp )
1507            u_mat_ij_ptr   = C_LOC( u_mat_ij )
1508            u_mat_ijkl_ptr = C_LOC( u_mat_ijkl )
1509            levels_ptr     = C_LOC( levels_ctqmc )
1511          !Calling interfaced TRIQS solver subroutine from src/01_triqs_ext package
1512 #if defined HAVE_TRIQS
1513            call Ctqmc_triqs_run (     rot_inv, leg_measure, hist, wrt_files, tot_not,                            &
1514 &           nflavor, nfreq, ntau , nleg, int(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_n/paw_dmft%nproc),       &
1515 &           paw_dmft%dmftctqmc_meas*2*2*nflavor, paw_dmft%dmftqmc_therm,               &
1516 &           verbosity_solver, paw_dmft%dmftqmc_seed,beta,                              &
1517 &           levels_ptr,  u_mat_ij_ptr, u_mat_ijkl_ptr, fw1_nd_ptr,                     &
1518 &           g_iw_ptr, gtau_ptr, gl_ptr, paw_dmft%spacecomm                             )
1519 #endif
1521          !WRITE(*,*) "Hello Debug"
1522          !call xmpi_barrier(paw_dmft%spacecomm) !Resynch all processus after calling Impurity solver from TRIQS
1524          !Report output datas from TRIQS to Abinit
1525          !Interacting G(iw)
1526            do ifreq=1,nfreq
1527              do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1528                do iflavor=1,nflavor
1529 !                gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1) = g_iw(iflavor,iflavor1,ifreq) !* Ha_eV !because 1/ G0(eV)
1530             !  WRITE(503,*) "[OUT Fortran] G(iw)[ w= ",ifreq," l= ",iflavor," l_= ",iflavor1,"] = ",gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1)!g_iw(iflavor,iflavor1,ifreq)
1531                end do
1532              end do
1533            end do
1535 !        Convert in Ha
1536            gw_tmp_nd = gw_tmp_nd*Ha_eV
1538 !            do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1539 !              do iflavor=1,nflavor
1540 !
1541 !               WRITE(510,*) "[OUT Fortran] U[ l= ",iflavor," l_= ",iflavor1,"] = ",u_mat_ij(iflavor,iflavor1)
1542 !              enddo
1543 !            enddo
1545 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) write(6,*) "essai",paw_dmft%myproc, gw_tmp_nd(2,1,1)
1546 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==1) write(6,*) "essai",paw_dmft%myproc,gw_tmp_nd(2,1,1)
1547 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) write(621,*) "essai",paw_dmft%myproc, gw_tmp_nd(2,1,1)
1548 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==1) write(622,*) "essai",paw_dmft%myproc,gw_tmp_nd(2,1,1)
1549 !        call flush_unit(621)
1550 !        call flush_unit(622)
1551 !        write(message,*) ch10, "essai",paw_dmft%myproc, paw_dmft%myproc,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_seed!gw_tmp_nd(2,1,1)
1552 !        call wrtout(555,message,'PERS',.true.)
1553 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) write(499,*) "essai",paw_dmft%myproc, paw_dmft%dmftqmc_seed
1554 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==1) write(498,*) "essai",paw_dmft%myproc,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_seed
1556          !Its associated G(tau): Problem of compatibility => paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l < (2*paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l)+1 => We report only  paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l =  first values of G(tau)...
1557 !          do iflavor=1,nflavor
1558 !            do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1559 !              do itau=1,ntau
1560 !                if ( modulo(itau,2) == 1 ) then !Problem of binding: paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l =! ntau => We take one value by 2 and Write in file all the G(tau) out function from TRIQS
1561                  !gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor,iflavor1) = gtau(iflavor,iflavor1,itau)
1562 !                endif
1563 !                if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) then
1564 !                  WRITE(504,*) "[OUT Fortran] G[ tau= ",itau," l= ",iflavor," l_= ",iflavor1,"] = ",gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor,iflavor1) !gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor,iflavor1) !passage ok avec ntau/iflavor1/iflavor (iflavor,iflavor1,ntau)
1565 !                endif
1566 !              enddo
1567 !            enddo
1568 !          enddo
1570          !Legendre Polynoms G(L) for extrapolation of Interacting G(iw) by FT, only if leg_measure == TRUE
1571            if (leg_measure) then
1572              do ileg=1,nleg
1573                WRITE(505,*) ileg,((gl_nd(ileg,iflavor,iflavor1),iflavor=1,nflavor),iflavor1=1,nflavor)
1574              end do
1575              close(505)
1576            end if
1577 !        if(paw_dmft%myproc==0) then
1578 !          do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1579 !            write(490,*) ((gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor,iflavor1),iflavor=1,nflavor),iflavor1=1,nflavor)
1580 !          enddo
1581 !        endif
1582            ABI_DEALLOCATE( fw1_nd_tmp )
1583            ABI_DEALLOCATE( g_iw )
1584            ABI_DEALLOCATE( u_mat_ijkl )
1585            ABI_DEALLOCATE( u_mat_ijkl_tmp )
1586            ABI_DEALLOCATE( u_mat_ij )
1587 ! =========================================================================
1588 !   Compute Green's function in imaginary freq using Legendre coefficients
1589 ! =========================================================================
1590            if (leg_measure) then
1591              call xmpi_barrier(paw_dmft%spacecomm)
1592              call flush_unit(std_out)
1593              write(message,'(2a)') ch10,"    ==  Compute G(iw_n) from Legendre coefficients"
1594              call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1595              ABI_ALLOCATE( jbes, (nleg))
1596              gw_tmp_nd=czero
1598         !   write(77,*) " TEST OF BESSEL S ROUTINES 0 0"
1600         !   xx=0_dp
1601         !   ileg=0
1602         !   call sbf8(ileg+1,xx,jbes)
1603         !   write(77,*) "T0 A",jbes(ileg+1)
1604         !   call jbessel(jbes(ileg+1),besp,bespp,ileg,1,xx)
1605         !   write(77,*) "T0 B",jbes(ileg+1)
1606         !   write(77,*) "T0 C",bessel_jn(ileg,xx)
1608         !   write(77,*) " TEST OF BESSEL S ROUTINES 1.5 0"
1610         !   xx=1.5_dp
1611         !   ileg=0
1612         !   call sbf8(ileg+1,xx,jbes)
1613         !   write(77,*) "T1 A",jbes(ileg+1)
1614         !   call jbessel(jbes(ileg+1),besp,bespp,ileg,1,xx)
1615         !   write(77,*) "T1 B",jbes(ileg+1)
1616         !   write(77,*) "T1 C",bessel_jn(ileg,xx)
1618         !   write(77,*) " TEST OF BESSEL S ROUTINES 1.5 1"
1620         !   xx=1.5_dp
1621         !   ileg=1
1622         !   call sbf8(ileg+1,xx,jbes)
1623         !   write(77,*) "T2 A",jbes(ileg+1)
1624         !   call jbessel(jbes(ileg+1),besp,bespp,ileg,1,xx)
1625         !   write(77,*) "T2 B",jbes(ileg+1)
1626         !   write(77,*) "T2 C",bessel_jn(ileg,xx)
1629              do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwli
1630                xx=real(2*ifreq-1,kind=dp)*pi/two
1631                if(xx<=100_dp) call sbf8(nleg,xx,jbes)
1632                do ileg=1,nleg
1633               ! write(77,*) "A",ifreq,jbes(ileg),xx
1635                  if(xx>=99) call jbessel(jbes(ileg),besp,bespp,ileg-1,1,xx)
1636               ! write(77,*) "B",ifreq,jbes(ileg),xx
1638                !write(77,*) "C",ifreq,jbes(ileg),xx
1640                  u_nl=sqrt(float(2*ileg-1))*(-1)**(ifreq-1)*cmplx(0_dp,one)**(ileg)*jbes(ileg)
1641            !    write(77,*) "----------",ileg,jbes(ileg), u_nl,gl_nd(ileg,1,1)
1643                  do iflavor=1,nflavor
1644                    do iflavor1=1,nflavor
1645                      gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1)= gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor1) + &
1646 &                     u_nl*gl_nd(ileg,iflavor,iflavor1)
1647                    end do
1648                  end do
1650            !    write(77,*) "------------------", gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,1,1)
1652                end do
1653            !  write(77,*) "------------------ sum ", gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,1,1)
1654              end do
1655              ABI_DEALLOCATE( jbes )
1656              call xmpi_barrier(paw_dmft%spacecomm)
1657              call flush_unit(std_out)
1658            end if
1659            gw_tmp_nd = gw_tmp_nd*Ha_eV
1663 ! =========================================================================
1665            if ( leg_measure ) then !only if functionality is enabled
1666              ABI_DEALLOCATE(gl_nd)
1667            end if
1669          else
1670            write(message,'(2a)') ch10," Can't launch TRIQS CTHYB solver because dmftqmc_l must be >= 2*dmft_nwli + 1"
1671            MSG_ERROR(message)
1672          end if
1674        end if
1676 ! =================================================================
1677 !    END CTQMC run TRIQS
1678 ! =================================================================
1680      else if (testcode>=1) then
1683 ! =================================================================
1684 !    CTQMC run for tests
1685 ! =================================================================
1686        write(std_out,*) "nomega,dmftqmc_l",nomega,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1687        call CtqmcInterface_run(hybrid,fw1(1:nomega,:),Gtau=gtmp,&
1688 &       Gw=gw_tmp,E=green%ecorr_qmc(iatom),&
1689 &       matU=umod,opt_levels=levels_ctqmc)
1691 ! for non diagonal code
1692 !       call CtqmcInterface_run(hybrid,fw1_nd(1:nomega,:,:),Gtau=gtmp_nd,&
1693 !&       Gw=gw_tmp_nd,D=Doccsum,E=green%ecorr_qmc(iatom),&
1694 !&       Noise=Noise,matU=umod,opt_levels=levels_ctqmc,hybri_limit=hybri_limit)
1696      end if
1698 ! =================================================================
1699 !  TEST
1700 !  If test of the code is activated, and testrot =1 rotate back green's function
1701 !  and stop the code.
1702 ! =================================================================
1703      if(testcode==1) then
1705        call testcode_ctqmc(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l,fw1_nd,fw1,gtmp_nd,gw_tmp_nd,&
1706 &       levels_ctqmc,hybri_limit,nflavor,2,paw_dmft%temp,testrot,testcode,umod)
1708        write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' testcode end of test calculation'
1709        MSG_ERROR(message)
1710      end if
1711      if(testcode==2) then
1712        write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' testcode 2 end of test calculation'
1713        MSG_ERROR(message)
1714      end if
1716 ! =================================================================
1717      ABI_DEALLOCATE(fw1)
1718      ABI_DEALLOCATE(fw1_nd)
1720      !----------------------------------------
1721      ! <DEBUG>
1722      !----------------------------------------
1723      ! Construct UNIT
1724      if(paw_dmft%idmftloop < 10) then
1725        write(gtau_iter,'("0",i1)') paw_dmft%idmftloop
1726      elseif(paw_dmft%idmftloop >= 10 .and. paw_dmft%idmftloop < 100) then
1727        write(gtau_iter,'(i2)') paw_dmft%idmftloop
1728      else
1729        gtau_iter="xx"
1730      end if
1731      if(iatom < 10) then
1732        write(iatomnb,'("0",i1)') iatom
1733      elseif(iatom >= 10 .and. iatom < 100) then
1734        write(iatomnb,'(i2)') iatom
1735      else
1736        iatomnb='xx'
1737      end if
1739      if(paw_dmft%myproc .eq. mod(nproc+1,nproc)) then
1740 ! < HACK >
1741        if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=6) then
1742          if (open_file(trim(paw_dmft%filapp)//"_atom_"//iatomnb//"_Gw_"//gtau_iter//".dat", message, newunit=unt) /=0) then
1743            MSG_ERROR(message)
1744          end if
1745          do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwli
1746            write(unt,'(29f21.14)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),((gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor,iflavor)), iflavor=1, nflavor)
1747          end do
1748          close(unt)
1749        else
1750          if (open_file(trim(paw_dmft%filapp)//"_atom_"//iatomnb//"_Gtau_"//gtau_iter//".dat", message, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
1751            MSG_ERROR(message)
1752          end if
1753          !call Ctqmc_printGreen(paw_dmft%hybrid(iatom)%hybrid,unt) !Problem here
1754          do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1755            write(unt,'(29f21.14)') float(itau-1)/float(paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l)/paw_dmft%temp,&
1756            (gtmp(itau,iflavor), iflavor=1, nflavor)
1757          end do
1758          write(unt,'(29f21.14)') 1/paw_dmft%temp, (-1_dp-gtmp(1,iflavor), iflavor=1, nflavor)
1759          close(unt)
1760          !open(unit=4243, file=trim(paw_dmft%filapp)//"_atom_"//iatomnb//"_F_"//gtau_iter//".dat")
1761          !call BathOperator_printF(paw_dmft%hybrid(iatom)%hybrid%bath,4243) !Already comment here
1762          !close(4243)
1763          if (open_file(trim(paw_dmft%filapp)//"_atom_"//iatomnb//"_Gw_"//gtau_iter//".dat", message, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
1764            MSG_ERROR(message)
1765          end if
1766          do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1767            write(unt,'(29f21.14)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq), &
1768 &           (gw_tmp(ifreq,iflavor), iflavor=1, nflavor)
1769          end do
1770          close(unt)
1771        end if
1772 ! </ HACK >
1773      end if
1775      !----------------------------------------
1776      ! </DEBUG>
1777      !----------------------------------------
1778      if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=6) then
1779      !Nothing just hybrid var problem
1780      else
1781        write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
1782 &       " == Destroy CTQMC"
1783        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1784        call CtqmcInterface_finalize(hybrid)
1785        write(message,'(a,2x,a)') ch10,&
1786 &       " == Destroy CTQMC done"
1787        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1788      end if
1789      !ABI_DEALLOCATE(f_with_k)
1790      ABI_DEALLOCATE(hybri_limit)
1791      ABI_DEALLOCATE(levels_ctqmc_nd)
1792      ABI_DEALLOCATE(levels_ctqmc)
1794 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
1795 !
1797 ! ___________________________________________________________________________________
1798 !
1799      do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1800        green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(:,:,:,:,:)=czero
1801      end do
1802      green%occup_tau%matlu(iatom)%mat(nflavor:,:,:,:,:)=czero
1804      do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1805        green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(:,:,:,:,:)=czero
1806      end do
1807      green%occup%matlu(iatom)%mat(:,:,:,:,:)=czero
1809 !   built time and frequency green's function from output of CTQMC
1810 ! =================================================================
1811      if(opt_nondiag==1) then
1812        do isppol=1,nsppol
1813          do ispinor1=1,nspinor
1814            do im1=1,tndim
1815              iflavor1=im1+tndim*(ispinor1-1)+tndim*(isppol-1)
1816              do ispinor2=1,nspinor
1817                do im2=1,tndim
1818                  iflavor2=im2+tndim*(ispinor2-1)+tndim*(isppol-1)
1819                   ! NNtodo here: nsppol=1 above, only, with symetrisation
1820                   ! automatic
1821 !               iflavor1=im+(isppol-1)*tndim
1822                  do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1823                    green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)=&
1824 &                   gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor1,iflavor2)
1825                    if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1826                      green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)=&
1827 &                     (gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor1,iflavor2)+gtmp_nd(itau,iflavor1+tndim,iflavor2+tndim))/two
1828                    end if
1829                   ! NNtodo here: isppol above should be one and symetrized
1830                   ! gtmp
1831                  end do  !itau
1832 !               ifreq2=0
1833                  if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv<6.or.leg_measure) then
1834                    do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1835 !                   if(paw_dmft%select_log(ifreq)==1) then
1836 !                     ifreq2=ifreq2+1
1837                      green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)=&
1838 &                     gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)
1839                      if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1840                        green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im2,isppol,ispinor1,ispinor2)=&
1841 &                       (gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor1,iflavor2)+&
1842 &                       gw_tmp_nd(ifreq,iflavor1+tndim,iflavor2+tndim))/two
1843                      end if
1844                     ! NNtodo here: isppol above should be one and symetrized
1845                     ! gw_tmp
1846 !                   endif
1847                    end do ! ifreq
1848                  end if
1849                end do  ! im2
1850              end do  ! ispinor2
1851            end do  ! im1
1852          end do  ! ispinor
1853        end do ! isppol
1854        if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=6.and..not.leg_measure) then
1855          write(message,'(2a,i3,13x,a)') ch10,'   ===  Direct Fourier Transform t->w of Weiss Field'
1856          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1857          call fourier_green(cryst_struc,green,paw_dmft,&
1858 &         pawang,opt_ksloc=2,opt_tw=1)
1859        end if
1860      else
1861        iflavor=0
1862        do isppol=1,nsppol
1863          do ispinor=1,nspinor
1864            do im=1,tndim
1865               ! NNtodo here: nsppol=1 above, only, with symetrisation
1866               ! automatic
1867 !           iflavor=im+(isppol-1)*tndim
1868              iflavor=iflavor+1
1869              do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1870                green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=gtmp(itau,iflavor)
1871                if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1872                  green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=&
1873 &                 (gtmp(itau,iflavor)+gtmp(itau,iflavor+tndim))/two
1874                end if
1875               ! NNtodo here: isppol above should be one and symetrized
1876               ! gtmp
1877              end do
1878 !           ifreq2=0
1879              do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1880 !             if(paw_dmft%select_log(ifreq)==1) then
1881 !               ifreq2=ifreq2+1
1882                green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=gw_tmp(ifreq,iflavor)
1883                if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1884                  green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=&
1885 &                 (gw_tmp(ifreq,iflavor)+gw_tmp(ifreq,iflavor+tndim))/two
1886                end if
1887                ! if opt_nondiag=0, then:
1888                ! As Green's function is diagonal, one suppress off diag  terms in Weiss, if any.
1889                ! (If off diag are non zero in the density matrix and thus in the Green's function,
1890                !  there is a warning in checkreal_matlu above).
1891                do im1=1,tndim
1892                  do ispinor1=1,nspinor
1893                    if(im/=im1.or.ispinor/=ispinor1) then
1894                      weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor1)=czero
1895                    end if
1896                  end do
1897                end do
1898               ! NNtodo here: isppol above should be one and symetrized
1899               ! gw_tmp
1900 !             endif
1901              end do
1902            end do
1903          end do
1904        end do
1905      end if
1906      if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv<6) ABI_DEALLOCATE(gw_tmp)
1907      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gw_tmp_nd)
1908      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gtmp)
1909      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gtmp_nd)
1910      if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
1911        write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
1912 &       " == nsppol==1 and nspden==1: Green functions from CTQMC have been symetrized over spin"
1913        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1914      end if
1915      !write(message,'(i3,4x,2e21.14)') 5,weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
1916      !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
1917 !     do im=1,tndim
1918 !       do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
1919 !         gtt=(green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,1,1,1)+&
1920 !&         green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,2,1,1))/two
1921 !         green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,1,1,1)=gtt
1922 !         green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,2,1,1)=gtt
1923 !       enddo
1924 !     enddo
1925 !     write(6,*)" SYMETRISATION OVER ISPPOL"
1926      !deallocate(correl_loc,f_with_k,gtmp,fw1,fw2)
1927    end if
1928  end do ! iatom
1931  if(paw_dmft%dmft_prgn==1) then
1932    call print_green('QMC_diag_notsym',green,1,paw_dmft,pawprtvol=1,opt_wt=2)
1933    call print_green('QMC_diag_notsym',green,1,paw_dmft,pawprtvol=1,opt_wt=1)
1934  end if
1935  !write(message,'(i3,4x,2e21.14)') 6,weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
1936  !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
1937 ! =================================================================
1938 ! Inverse Weiss, then
1939 ! Copy Weiss_for_rot into weiss and rotate back weiss to the original basis
1940 ! =================================================================
1942 ! ABI_ALLOCATE(shift,(natom))
1943 ! do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
1944 !  ! First weiss_for_rot contains -G_0^-1+iw_n
1945 !  ! -------------------------------------------
1946 !  ! Compute G_0^-1-iw_n
1947 !  ! --------------------
1948 !       write(6,*) "1"
1949 !  if(opt_fk==1) call fac_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,-cone)
1950 !
1951 !
1952 !       write(6,*) "2"
1953 !  ! Compute G_0^-1
1954 !  ! --------------------
1955 !  shift(:)=cmplx(zero,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)
1956 !  if(opt_fk==1) call shift_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,shift,signe=1)
1957 !
1958 !       write(6,*) "3"
1959 !  ! Compute G_0
1960 !  ! --------------------
1961 !   call inverse_oper(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq),option=1,prtopt=1)
1962 !   ! No need to copy if weiss_for_rot is a pointer to weiss ...
1963 !!   if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,2,0)
1964 !!   if(opt_diag/=0) call rotate_matlu(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
1965 !
1966 !  ! Compute G_0 in the original basis
1967 !  ! --------------------
1968 !   call rotate_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
1969 ! end do
1970 ! ABI_DEALLOCATE(shift)
1972 ! =================================================================
1973 ! Here compute Self energy from Dyson and print it
1974 ! Warning : Weiss_for_rot is inversed inside dyson
1975 ! =================================================================
1976 ! call initialize_self(self,paw_dmft)
1977 ! call dyson(green,paw_dmft,self,weiss_for_rot,opt_weissself=2)
1978 ! call rw_self(self,mpi_enreg,paw_dmft,prtopt=2,opt_rw=2,opt_char="diag")
1979 ! call destroy_self(self)
1980  !write(message,'(i3,4x,2e21.14)') 7,weiss%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
1981  !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
1983 ! =================================================================
1984 ! Rotate back green function to original basis (non-diagonal)
1985 !  (and Weiss for further use: might be useful if an back Fourier
1986 !     transformation is done).
1987 ! =================================================================
1988  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
1989    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
1990 &  " == Print green function for small tau after CTQMC"  ! debug
1991    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
1992    call print_matlu(green%oper_tau(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
1993    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
1994 &  " == Print green function for small freq after CTQMC"  ! debug
1995    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
1996    call print_matlu(green%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
1997  end if
2000 !  === Compute rotated Occupations in green%occup_tau
2001  call occup_green_tau(green)
2003  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
2004 !  === Compute non rotated Occupations in green%occup_tau
2005    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Occupation from G(tau) in the ctqmc basis"
2006    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2007    call print_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,natom,1)
2008  end if
2010  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
2011 & " == Rotate Green function to original basis "
2012  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2013  !write(message,'(i3,4x,2e21.14)') 8,weiss%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
2014  !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2016  ! Rotate oper_tau into Ylm basis and then Slm basis
2017  !-------------------------------------------------------------
2018  do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
2019    if(opt_diag/=0) call rotate_matlu(green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
2020    if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu,natom,2,0)
2021  end do
2023  ! Rotate occup_tau into Ylm basis and then Slm basis
2025  ! Rotate occup_tau into Ylm basis and then Slm basis
2026  !-------------------------------------------------------------
2027  if(opt_diag/=0) call rotate_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
2028  if(useylm==1) then
2029    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Occupation from G(tau) in the Ylm basis"
2030    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2031    call print_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,natom,1)
2032  end if
2034  if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,natom,2,0)
2035  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Occupation from G(tau) in the Slm basis"
2036  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2037  call print_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,natom,1)
2039  ! Rotate Green's and Weiss functions into Ylm basis and then Slm basis
2040  !-------------------------------------------------------------
2041  do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
2042    if(opt_diag/=0) call rotate_matlu(green%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
2043    if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(green%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,2,0)
2044    if(opt_diag/=0) call rotate_matlu(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
2045    if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,2,0)
2046  end do
2047  !write(message,'(i3,4x,2e21.14)') 10,weiss%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
2048  !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2050  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
2051    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&                  ! debug
2052 &  " == Print green function for small time after rotation (in the original basis)" ! debug
2053    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')                  ! debug
2054    call print_matlu(green%oper_tau(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2055    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&                  ! debug
2056 &  " == Print green function for small freq after rotation (in the original basis)" ! debug
2057    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')                  ! debug
2058    call print_matlu(green%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2059    !< HACK >
2060    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
2061 &  " == Print diagonalized weiss_for_rot function after rotation for small freq in the ctqmc basis"  ! debug
2062    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2063    call print_matlu(weiss_for_rot%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2064    !</ HACK >
2065    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
2066 &  " == Print weiss function for small freq in the original basis"  ! debug
2067    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2068    call print_matlu(weiss%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2070    do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
2071      call sym_matlu(cryst_struc,weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu,pawang)
2072    end do
2073    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
2074 &  " == Print symetrized weiss function for small freq in the original basis"  ! debug
2075    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2076    call print_matlu(weiss%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2077  end if
2080  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(matlu1,(natom))
2081  call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,matlu1)
2082  call copy_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,matlu1,natom)
2083  call sym_matlu(cryst_struc,matlu1,pawang)
2085  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Occupation from G(tau) in the original basis"
2086  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2087  call print_matlu(green%occup_tau%matlu,natom,1)
2089  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Symetrized occupations"
2090  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2091  call print_matlu(matlu1,natom,1)
2093  call diff_matlu("CTQMC Occup","CTQMC Occup symetrized",green%occup_tau%matlu,matlu1,natom,0,tol4,ierr)
2094  call destroy_matlu(matlu1,natom)
2097 ! =================================================================
2098 ! Symetrise green function G(tau) and G(ifreq) to recover symetry
2099 ! artificially broken by QMC
2100 ! =================================================================
2101  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
2102 & " == Symetrise green function after QMC "
2103  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2104  do itau=1,paw_dmft%dmftqmc_l
2105    call sym_matlu(cryst_struc,green%oper_tau(itau)%matlu,pawang)
2106  end do
2107  do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
2108    call sym_matlu(cryst_struc,green%oper(ifreq)%matlu,pawang)
2109  end do
2110  if(pawprtvol>=3) then
2111    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
2112 &  " == Print green function for small time after symetrisation"  !  debug
2113    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2114    call print_matlu(green%oper_tau(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2115    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&  ! debug
2116 &  " == Print green function for small freq after symetrisation"  !  debug
2117    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')  ! debug
2118    call print_matlu(green%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)  ! debug
2119  end if
2120  if(paw_dmft%dmft_prgn==1) then
2121    call print_green('QMC_sym',green,1,paw_dmft,pawprtvol=1,opt_wt=2)
2122    call print_green('QMC_sym',green,1,paw_dmft,pawprtvol=1,opt_wt=1)
2123  end if
2125 !  === Compute Occupations  (Symetrized from oper_tau)
2126  call occup_green_tau(green)
2129 !  === Print occupations
2130  call printocc_green(green,6,paw_dmft,3)
2132  call destroy_oper(energy_level)
2133  call destroy_matlu(dmat_diag,natom)
2135  call destroy_matlu(identity,natom)
2137  do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
2138    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
2139    if(lpawu/=-1) then
2140      do isppol=1,nsppol
2141        ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigvectmatlu(iatom,isppol)%value)
2142        !ABI_DEALLOCATE(udens_atoms(iatom))
2143      end do
2144      ABI_DEALLOCATE(udens_atoms(iatom)%value)
2145    end if
2146  end do
2147  ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(udens_atoms)
2148  ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(eigvectmatlu)
2149  call destroy_green(weiss_for_rot)
2150 ! call destroy_green(gw_loc)
2151 ! call destroy_green(greenlda)
2153 !  destroy limit of hybridization
2154  call destroy_matlu(hybri_coeff,paw_dmft%natom)
2155  ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(hybri_coeff)
2157 end subroutine qmc_prep_ctqmc