ABINIT/dsksta [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine evaluates the amount of disk space required by the _KSS file.


  dimlmn(natom*usepaw)=Number of nlm partial waves for each atom.
  ishm=Number of G-shells to be saved in _KSS file.
  mpsang=Max angular momentum +1 for pseudos.
  natom=Number of atoms in the unit cell.
  nbandkss=Number of desired bands to be saved in _KSS file
  nkpt=Number of k points.
  npwkss=Number of desired G-vectors to be saved in _KSS file.
  nspinor=Number of spinorial components.
  nsppol=Number of independent spin polarizations.
  ntypat=Number of type of atoms.
  nsym2=Number of symmetries in space group, without INV
  usepaw=1 if PAW.


  Writes on standard output


2118 subroutine dsksta(ishm,usepaw,nbandkss,mpsang,natom,ntypat,npwkss,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol,nsym2,dimlmn)
2120 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2121 !scalars
2122  integer,intent(in) :: usepaw,ishm,nbandkss,mpsang,natom,ntypat,nkpt
2123  integer,intent(in) :: npwkss,nspinor,nsppol,nsym2
2124 !arrays
2125  integer,intent(in) :: dimlmn(natom*usepaw)
2127 !Local variables-------------------------------
2128 !scalars
2129  integer :: bsize_tot,bsize_hdr,bsize_kb,bsize_wf,bsize_cprj
2130  character(len=500) :: msg
2132 ! *********************************************************************
2134 !The Abinit header is not considered.
2135  bsize_hdr= 80*2 + & !title
2136 &5*4 + & !nsym2,nbandksseff,npwkss,ishm,mpsang
2137 &nsym2*9*4 + & !symrel2
2138 &nsym2*3*8 + & !tnons
2139 &npwkss*3*4 + & !gbig
2140 &ishm*4     !shlim
2142 !NOTE: vkb does not depend on nsppol, however the elements are written for each spin.
2143  bsize_kb=0
2144  if (usepaw==0) then
2145    bsize_kb= nsppol* &
2146 &   (         mpsang*ntypat       *8 + & !vkbsign
2147 &  2*(nkpt*mpsang*ntypat*npwkss*8)  & !vkbd,vkbd
2148 &  )
2149  end if
2151  bsize_wf= nsppol* &
2152 & ( nkpt*nbandkss                 *8 + & !energies
2153 &nkpt*nbandkss*nspinor*npwkss*2*8   & !wfg
2154 &)
2156 !For PAW add space required by projectors.
2157  bsize_cprj=0
2158  if (usepaw==1) then
2159    bsize_cprj=SUM(dimlmn(:))*(nsppol*nkpt*nspinor*nbandkss*2*8)
2160  end if
2162  bsize_tot = bsize_hdr + bsize_kb + bsize_wf + bsize_cprj
2163  write(msg,'(2a,f8.2,4a,4(a,f8.2,2a))')ch10,&
2164 & ' Total amount of disk space required by _KSS file = ',bsize_tot*b2Mb,' Mb.',ch10,&
2165 & '  Subdivided into : ',ch10,&
2166 & '  Header             = ',bsize_hdr *b2Mb,' Mb.',ch10,&
2167 & '  KB elements        = ',bsize_kb  *b2Mb,' Mb.',ch10,&
2168 & '  Wavefunctions (PW) = ',bsize_wf  *b2Mb,' Mb.',ch10,&
2169 & '  PAW projectors     = ',bsize_cprj*b2Mb,' Mb.',ch10
2170  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
2172 end subroutine dsksta

ABINIT/m_io_kss [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module contains procedured dealing with the IO of the KSS file.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (MG, MT, VO, AR, LR, RWG, MM, XG, RShaltaf)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 MODULE m_io_kss
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_errors
29  use m_nctk
30 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
31  use netcdf
32 #endif
33  use m_hdr
34  use m_wfk
35  use m_cgtools
36  use m_hamiltonian
37  use m_electronpositron
38  use m_pawtab
39  use m_paw_ij
40  use m_pawcprj
41  use m_pawfgr
42  use m_dtfil
43  use m_dtset
45  use defs_datatypes,     only : pseudopotential_type
46  use defs_abitypes,      only : MPI_type
47  use m_time,             only : timab
48  use m_io_tools,         only : open_file
49  use m_fstrings,         only : sjoin, itoa, strcat
50  use m_hide_lapack,      only : xheevx_cplex, xhegvx_cplex
51  use m_geometry,         only : metric, remove_inversion
52  use m_mpinfo,           only : destroy_mpi_enreg, proc_distrb_cycle
53  use m_fftcore,          only : get_kg, sphere
54  use m_fft,              only : fftpac
55  use m_crystal ,         only : crystal_t
56  use m_gsphere,          only : table_gbig2kg, merge_and_sort_kg
57  use m_kg,               only : mkkin, mkkpg
58  use m_ksdiago,          only : ksdiago, init_ddiago_ctl, ddiago_ctl_type
59  use m_mkffnl,           only : mkffnl
60  use m_getghc,           only : getghc
61  use m_fourier_interpol, only : transgrid
63  implicit none
65  private
67  public :: write_kss_header    ! Writes the header of the KSS file.
68  !private :: write_vkb         ! Writes the KB form factors and derivates on file for a single k-point.
69  public :: write_kss_wfgk      ! Write the Gamma-centered wavefunctions and energies on the KSS file for a single k-point.
70  public :: k2gamma_centered    ! Convert a set of wavefunctions from the k-centered to the gamma-centered basis set.
71  public :: make_gvec_kss       ! Build the list of G-vectors for the KSS file.
72  public :: outkss              ! Generate KSS file
74 CONTAINS  !===========================================================

ABINIT/memkss [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine evaluates the additional amount of memory required
 by routine 'outkss'.


  mband=maximum number of bands
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mproj=maximum dimension for number of projection operators for each
   angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotential
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points.
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsym=number of symmetries in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.


 This routine is not available for paw calculations


1995 subroutine memkss(mband,mgfft,mproj,mpsang,mpw,natom,ngfft,nkpt,nspinor,nsym,ntypat)
1997 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1998 !scalars
1999  integer,intent(in) :: mband,mgfft,mproj,mpsang,mpw,natom,nkpt,nspinor
2000  integer,intent(in) :: nsym,ntypat
2001 !arrays
2002  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
2004 !Local variables-------------------------------
2005 !scalars
2006  integer(i8b) :: isize,memsize
2007  character(len=500) :: msg
2009 ! *********************************************************************
2010 !
2011  isize=580+fnlen+4*(81+nkpt+9*nsym)+8*15    !non allocatable var.
2012  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
2013    isize=isize+4*4                           !kpt_distrb
2014  end if
2015  memsize=isize
2016  isize=isize+4*nkpt+12*mpw+20*nkpt*mpw      !nbasek,gbasek,cnormk,gcurr
2017  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2018  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
2019    isize=isize+12*mpw*nkpt                   !ibuf1,ibuf2,rbuf1
2020    memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2021    isize=isize-12*mpw*nkpt                   !ibuf1,ibuf2,rbuf1
2022  end if
2023  isize=isize+40*mpw                         !gbase,cnorm
2024  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2025  isize=isize-4*nkpt-20*mpw*nkpt             !nbasek,gbasek,cnormk
2026  isize=isize+4*mpw                          !insort
2027  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2028  isize=isize-16*mpw                         !cnorm
2029  isize=isize+28*mpw+24*nsym                 !gbig,nshell,gshell
2030  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2031  isize=isize+4*mpw                          !shlim
2032  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2033  isize=isize-44*mpw-24*nsym                 !gcurr,gbase,gshell,insort,nshell
2034  isize=isize-4*mpw                          !shlim
2035  isize=isize+8*mpw*nspinor&
2036 & +16*mpw*nspinor*(mpw*nspinor+1)       !eigval,eigvec
2037  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2038  isize=isize+8*mpw+8*ngfft(4)&
2039 & *ngfft(5)*ngfft(6)      !ts,vlocal
2040  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2041  isize=isize+8*mgfft+4+28*mpw               !gbound,indpw_k,kg_k
2042  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2043  isize=isize+8*natom&
2044 & +24*mpw*ntypat*mpsang*mproj      !phkxred,ffnl,kinpw
2045  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2046  isize=isize+16*mpw*natom                   !ph3d
2047  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2048  isize=isize+48*mpw*nspinor&
2049 & +8*mpw*nspinor*(mpw*nspinor+1)            !pwave,subghg,gvnlg
2050  if (nspinor==2)&
2051 & isize=isize+40*mpw*nspinor                !pwave_so,subghg_so
2052  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2053  isize=isize+8*mpw*nspinor*(mpw*nspinor+1)  !ghg
2054  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2055  isize=isize+8*ngfft(4)*ngfft(5)*ngfft(6)   !work
2056  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2057  isize=isize-8*ngfft(4)*ngfft(5)*ngfft(6)   !work
2058  isize=isize-8*mgfft+4+28*mpw&              !gbound,indpw_k,kg_k
2059 &-8*natom-24*mpw*ntypat*mpsang*mproj&  !phkxred,ffnl,kinpw
2060 &-16*mpw*natom                        !ph3d
2061  isize=isize-48*mpw*nspinor&
2062 & -8*mpw*nspinor*(mpw*nspinor+1)        !pwave,subghg,gvnlg
2063  if (nspinor==2)&
2064 & isize=isize-40*mpw*nspinor                !pwave_so,subghg_so
2066  isize=isize+56*mpw*nspinor                 !cwork,rwork
2067  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2068  isize=isize-56*mpw*nspinor                 !cwork,rwork
2069  isize=isize+112*mpw*nspinor                !cwork,rwork,iwork,ifail
2070  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2071  isize=isize-112*mpw*nspinor                !cwork,rwork,iwork,ifail
2072  isize=isize-8*mpw*nspinor*(mpw*nspinor+1)  !ghg
2073  isize=isize+8*mband                        !occ_k
2074  memsize=max(memsize,isize)
2075  isize=isize-8*mband                        !occ_k
2076  isize=isize-8*mpw*nspinor&
2077 & -16*mpw*nspinor*(mpw*nspinor+1)       !eigval,eigvec
2078  isize=isize-32*mpw-8*ngfft(4)&
2079 & *ngfft(5)*ngfft(6)     !gbig,ts,vlocal
2080  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
2081    isize=isize-4*4                           !kpt_distrb
2082  end if
2083  isize=isize-580-fnlen-4*(81+nkpt+9*nsym)-8*15   !non allocatable var.
2084 !
2085  write(msg,'(2a,f8.2,a)')ch10,&
2086 & ' Additional amount of memory required by "outkss" routine=',memsize*b2Mb,' Mbytes.'
2087  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
2088 !
2089 end subroutine memkss

m_io_kss/k2gamma_centered [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




  Helper function to translate a set of wavefunctions from the k-centered G-sphere
  to the Gamma-centered G-sphere used for GW calculations.


  npw_k=Number of planewaves in the k-centered basis set.
  kss_npw=Number of planewaves in the Gamma-centered G-sphere.
  nspinor=Number of spinorial component.
  nbandksseff=Number of bands in input-output arrays.
  [icg]=Shift to be used when accessing the cg array. 0 if not specified (usually k_index).
  [eig_vec(2,npw_k*nspinor,nbandksseff)]=wavefunctions defined on the k-centered G-sphere.
  [cg(2,ikg+1:ikg+npw_k*nspinor*nbandksseff)]=wavefunctions defined on the k-centered G-sphere.
  ngfft(18)=Info on the FFT.
  MPI_enreg<MPI_type>=Structure gathering info on the parallelization.


  wfg(2,kss_npw*nspinor,nbandksseff)=Wavefunctions in the Gamma-centered representation.


  1) icg is used only if cg is present.
  2) cg and eig_vec are mutually exclusive. One and only one can be passed to the routine.


595 subroutine k2gamma_centered(kpoint,npw_k,istwf_k,ecut,kg_k,kss_npw,nspinor,nbandksseff,ngfft,gmet,&
596 &  MPI_enreg,gbig,ug,icg,cg,eig_vec)
598 !Arguments ------------------------------------
599 !scalars
600  integer,intent(in) :: nbandksseff,nspinor,kss_npw,npw_k,istwf_k
601  integer,optional,intent(in) :: icg
602  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut
603  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: MPI_enreg
604 !arrays
605  integer,intent(in) :: gbig(3,kss_npw)
606  integer,intent(in) :: kg_k(3,npw_k)
607  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
608  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),kpoint(3)
609  real(dp),intent(out) :: ug(2,kss_npw*nspinor,nbandksseff)
610  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: eig_vec(2,npw_k*nspinor,nbandksseff)
611  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: cg(:,:)
613 !Local variables-------------------------------
614 !scalars
615  integer,parameter :: tobox=1,tosph=-1
616  integer :: band,ispinor,spinor_shift2,spinor_shift1,ig,my_icg,ierr
617  integer :: n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,ndat,full_npw_k,ii
618  character(len=500) :: msg
619 !arrays
620  integer :: identity(3,3)=RESHAPE((/1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1/),(/3,3/))
621  integer :: no_shift(3)=(/0,0,0/)
622  integer,allocatable :: trsl(:),full_kg_k(:,:)
623  real(dp),allocatable :: cfft(:,:,:,:)
624  real(dp),allocatable :: full_cg(:,:),tmp_cg(:,:)
626 ! *********************************************************************
628  if (PRESENT(cg).and.PRESENT(eig_vec)) then
629    ABI_ERROR("Both cg and eig_vec are present!")
630  end if
632 ! Mapping between the gamma-centered basis set and the k-centered one.
633 ! trsl(ig)=npw_k+1 if vector ig is not inside the k-centered G-sphere.
634  ABI_MALLOC(trsl,(kss_npw))
636  n1=ngfft(1); n2=ngfft(2); n3=ngfft(3)
637  n4=ngfft(4); n5=ngfft(5); n6=ngfft(6)
639  if (istwf_k==1) then ! Full k-centered G-sphere.
640    call table_gbig2kg(npw_k,kg_k,kss_npw,gbig,trsl,ierr)
641    if (ierr/=0.and.(kss_npw>=npw_k)) then
642      ABI_ERROR(' The set of G vectors is inconsistent')
643    end if
645  else  ! Calculate full kg with istwf_k=1 then do the mapping.
646    call get_kg(kpoint,1,ecut,gmet,full_npw_k,full_kg_k)
648    call table_gbig2kg(full_npw_k,full_kg_k,kss_npw,gbig,trsl,ierr)
649    if (ierr/=0.and.(kss_npw>=npw_k)) then
650      ABI_ERROR(' The set of G vectors is inconsistent')
651    end if
652  end if
653  !
654  ! Branching, depending on optional arguments.
655  if (PRESENT(cg)) then
656    my_icg=0; if (PRESENT(icg)) my_icg=icg
658    SELECT CASE (istwf_k)
660    CASE (1)
661      do band=1,nbandksseff
662        do ispinor=1,nspinor
663          spinor_shift1=(ispinor-1)*kss_npw
664          spinor_shift2=(ispinor-1)*npw_k
665          do ig=1,kss_npw ! Retrieve the correct components
666            if (trsl(ig)<=npw_k) then
667              ug(:,ig+spinor_shift1,band)=cg(:,trsl(ig)+spinor_shift2+(band-1)*npw_k*nspinor+my_icg)
668            else
669              ug(:,ig+spinor_shift1,band)=zero
670            end if
671          end do
672        end do
673      end do
675    CASE (2:9)
677      ABI_CHECK(nspinor==1,"nspinor/=1!")
678      !
679      ! Convert input wfs from reduced to full G-sphere.
680      ndat=1
681      ABI_MALLOC(cfft,(2,n4,n5,n6*ndat))
682      ABI_MALLOC(full_cg,(2,full_npw_k*ndat))
683      ABI_MALLOC(tmp_cg,(2,npw_k*ndat))
685      !write(std_out,*)"npw_k, full_kg_k",npw_k,full_npw_k
687      do band=1,nbandksseff
688        ii = (band-1)*npw_k
689        tmp_cg = cg(:,my_icg+ii+1:my_icg+ii+npw_k)
690        !write(776,*)"band= ",band,tmp_cg !cg(1:,my_icg+1+ii:my_icg+ii+npw_k)
692        call sphere(tmp_cg,ndat,npw_k,cfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg_k,istwf_k,tobox,MPI_enreg%me_g0,no_shift,identity,one)
694        call sphere(full_cg,ndat,full_npw_k,cfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,full_kg_k,1,tosph,MPI_enreg%me_g0,no_shift,identity,one)
695        !write(777,*)"band= ",band,full_cg(:,:)
697        do ig=1,kss_npw ! Retrieve the correct components
698          if (trsl(ig)<=full_npw_k) then
699            ug(:,ig,band)=full_cg(:,trsl(ig))
700          else
701            ug(:,ig,band)=zero
702          end if
703        end do
704      end do !band
706      ABI_FREE(cfft)
707      ABI_FREE(tmp_cg)
708      ABI_FREE(full_cg)
711      ABI_BUG("Wrong istwf_k")
714  else if (PRESENT(eig_vec)) then
716    SELECT CASE (istwf_k)
718    CASE (1)
719      do band=1,nbandksseff
720        do ispinor=1,nspinor
721          spinor_shift1=(ispinor-1)*kss_npw
722          spinor_shift2=(ispinor-1)*npw_k
723          do ig=1,kss_npw ! Retrieve the correct components
724            if (trsl(ig)<=npw_k) then
725              ug(:,ig+spinor_shift1,band)=eig_vec(:,trsl(ig)+spinor_shift2,band)
726            else
727              ug(:,ig+spinor_shift1,band)=zero
728            end if
729          end do
730        end do
731      end do
734      write(msg,'(a,i0)')" Unsupported value for istwf_k: ",istwf_k
735      ABI_ERROR(msg)
738  else
739    ABI_ERROR("neither cg not eig_vec are in input")
740  end if
742  ABI_FREE(trsl)
743  if (allocated(full_kg_k))  then
744    ABI_FREE(full_kg_k)
745  end if
747 end subroutine k2gamma_centered

m_io_kss/kss_calc_vkb [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




  This routine calculates the Kleynman-Bylander form factors and its derivatives
  needed for the evaluation of the matrix elements of the dipole operator <phi1|r|phi2>.


  npw_k=Number of plane waves for this k-point.
  Psps<pseudopotential_type>=Structured datatype gathering information on the pseudopotentials.
  kg_k(3,npw_k)=Reduced coordinates of the G-vectors.
  kpoint(3)=The k-point in reduced coordinates.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)


  vkb (npw_k,Psps%ntypat,Psps%mpsang)=KB form factors.
  vkbd(npw_k,Psps%ntypat,Psps%mpsang)=KB form factor derivatives.
  vkbsign(Psps%mpsang,Psps%ntypat)   =KS dyadic sign.


  This piece of code has been extracted from outkss.F90. The implementation is consistent
  with the KSS file formata (Fortran version) but it presents two design flaws.

   1) Pseudo with more that one projector per l-channel are not supported.
   2) Ordering of dimensions in vkb and vkbd is not optimal. We are not programming C!!!


  *) Spinorial case is not implemented.


 934 subroutine kss_calc_vkb(Psps,kpoint,npw_k,kg_k,rprimd,vkbsign,vkb,vkbd)
 936 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 937 !scalars
 938  integer,intent(in) :: npw_k
 939  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
 940 !arrays
 941  integer,intent(in) :: kg_k(3,npw_k)
 942  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpoint(3),rprimd(3,3)
 943  real(dp),intent(out) :: vkb (npw_k,Psps%ntypat,Psps%mpsang)
 944  real(dp),intent(out) :: vkbd(npw_k,Psps%ntypat,Psps%mpsang)
 945  real(dp),intent(out) :: vkbsign(Psps%mpsang,Psps%ntypat)
 947 !Local variables ------------------------------
 948 !scalars
 949  integer :: dimffnl,ider,idir,itypat,nkpg,il0,in
 950  integer :: il,ilmn,ig,is
 951  real(dp) :: ucvol,effmass_free,ecutsm,ecut
 952 !arrays
 953  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3)
 954  real(dp),allocatable :: ffnl(:,:,:,:),kpg_dum(:,:),modkplusg(:)
 955  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm(:,:),ylm_gr(:,:,:),ylm_k(:,:)
 957 ! *************************************************************************
 961  ABI_CHECK(Psps%usepaw==0,"You should not be here!")
 962  ABI_CHECK(Psps%useylm==0,"useylm/=0 not considered!")
 964  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 965  !
 966  ! === Save KB dyadic sign (integer-valued) ===
 967  vkbsign=zero
 968  do itypat=1,Psps%ntypat
 969    il0=0
 970    do ilmn=1,Psps%lmnmax
 971      il=1+Psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
 972      in=Psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
 973      if (il/=il0 .and. in==1) then
 974        il0=il
 975        vkbsign(il,itypat)=DSIGN(one,Psps%ekb(ilmn,itypat))
 976      end if
 977    end do
 978  end do
 980  ! === Allocate KB form factor and derivative wrt k+G ===
 981  ! * Here we do not use correct ordering for dimensions
 983  ider=1; dimffnl=2 ! To retrieve the first derivative.
 984  idir=0; nkpg=0
 985  !
 986  ! Quantities used only if useylm==1
 987  ABI_MALLOC(ylm,(npw_k,Psps%mpsang**2*Psps%useylm))
 988  ABI_MALLOC(ylm_gr,(npw_k,3+6*(ider/2),Psps%mpsang**2*Psps%useylm))
 989  ABI_MALLOC(ylm_k,(npw_k,Psps%mpsang**2*Psps%useylm))
 990  ABI_MALLOC(kpg_dum,(npw_k,nkpg))
 992  ABI_MALLOC(ffnl,(npw_k,dimffnl,Psps%lmnmax,Psps%ntypat))
 994  call mkffnl(Psps%dimekb,dimffnl,Psps%ekb,ffnl,Psps%ffspl,gmet,gprimd,ider,idir,Psps%indlmn,&
 995    kg_k,kpg_dum,kpoint,Psps%lmnmax,Psps%lnmax,Psps%mpsang,Psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg,npw_k,&
 996    Psps%ntypat,Psps%pspso,Psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,Psps%usepaw,Psps%useylm,ylm_k,ylm_gr)
 998  ABI_FREE(kpg_dum)
 999  ABI_FREE(ylm)
1000  ABI_FREE(ylm_gr)
1001  ABI_FREE(ylm_k)
1003  ABI_MALLOC(modkplusg,(npw_k))
1005  effmass_free=one; ecutsm=zero; ecut=HUGE(one)
1006 ! call mkkin(ecut,ecutsm,effmass_free,gmet,kg_k,modkplusg,kpoint,npw_k)
1007  call mkkin(ecut,ecutsm,effmass_free,gmet,kg_k,modkplusg,kpoint,npw_k,0,0)
1008  modkplusg(:)=SQRT(half/pi**2*modkplusg(:))
1009  modkplusg(:)=MAX(modkplusg(:),tol10)
1011  !do ig=1,npw_k
1012  ! kpg(:)= kpoint(:)+kg_k(:,ig)
1013  ! modkplusg(ig) = normv(kpg,gmet,"G")
1014  !end do
1016  ! Calculate matrix elements.
1017  vkb=zero; vkbd=zero
1019  do is=1,Psps%ntypat
1020    il0=0
1021    do ilmn=1,Psps%lmnmax
1022      il=1+Psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,is)
1023      in=Psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,is)
1024      if ((il/=il0).and.(in==1)) then
1025        il0=il
1026        if (ABS(Psps%ekb(ilmn,is))>1.0d-10) then
1027          if (il==1) then
1028            vkb (1:npw_k,is,il) = ffnl(:,1,ilmn,is)
1029            vkbd(1:npw_k,is,il) = ffnl(:,2,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)/two_pi
1030          else if (il==2) then
1031            vkb(1:npw_k,is,il)  = ffnl(:,1,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)
1032            do ig=1,npw_k
1033              vkbd(ig,is,il) = ((ffnl(ig,2,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(ig)*modkplusg(ig))+&
1034               ffnl(ig,1,ilmn,is) )/two_pi
1035            end do
1036          else if (il==3) then
1037            vkb (1:npw_k,is,il) =  ffnl(:,1,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)**2
1038            vkbd(1:npw_k,is,il) = (ffnl(:,2,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)**3+&
1039             2*ffnl(:,1,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:) )/two_pi
1040          else if (il==4) then
1041            vkb (1:npw_k,is,il) =  ffnl(:,1,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)**3
1042            vkbd(1:npw_k,is,il) = (ffnl(:,2,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)**4+&
1043             3*ffnl(:,1,ilmn,is)*modkplusg(:)**2 )/two_pi
1044          end if
1045          vkb (:,is,il) = SQRT(4*pi/ucvol*(2*il-1)*ABS(Psps%ekb(ilmn,is)))*vkb (:,is,il)
1046          vkbd(:,is,il) = SQRT(4*pi/ucvol*(2*il-1)*ABS(Psps%ekb(ilmn,is)))*vkbd(:,is,il)
1047        else
1048          vkb (:,is,il)=zero
1049          vkbd(:,is,il)=zero
1050        end if
1051      end if
1052    end do
1053  end do
1055  ABI_FREE(ffnl)
1056  ABI_FREE(modkplusg)
1058  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1060 end subroutine kss_calc_vkb

m_io_kss/make_gvec_kss [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




   Build the list of G-vectors using the KSS convention.


  nkpt=Number of k-points.
  nsym=Number of symmetries.
  prtvol=Verbosity option.
    0 : Old (Obsolete) implementation => Suppress inversion from symmetries list
    1 : Use input symrel, tnons.
  ecut_eff=Effective cutoff
  symrel(3,3,nsym)= Symmetry operation in real space.
  tnons(3,nsym)=Fractional translations
  kptns(3,nkpt)=K-points in reduced coordinates.


  npwkss = Input: Initial guess for the number of G-vectors required. Use 0 to have the
           full list of G-vectors that form a closed shell.
           Output: Actual number of G-vectors that form a set of closed shells
  gvec_kss(:,:) = Input: null pointer. Output: gvec_kss(3,npwkss), list of G-vectors (closed shells)
  ierr=Status error


780 subroutine make_gvec_kss(nkpt,kptns,ecut_eff,symmorphi,nsym,symrel,tnons,gprimd,prtvol,npwkss,gvec_kss,ierr)
782 !Arguments ------------------------------------
783 !scalars
784  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nsym,prtvol,symmorphi
785  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
786  integer,intent(inout) :: npwkss
787  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut_eff
788 !arrays
789  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,nsym)
790  integer,pointer :: gvec_kss(:,:)
791  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym),kptns(3,nkpt)
792  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3)
794 !Local variables-------------------------------
795 !scalars
796  integer :: ii,ishm,maxpw,nbase
797  integer :: nrst1,nrst2,nsym2,pinv
798  integer,pointer :: gbig(:,:)
799  character(len=500) :: msg
800 !arrays
801  integer,pointer :: symrel2(:,:,:),shlim(:)
802  real(dp),pointer :: tnons2(:,:)
803 ! *********************************************************************
805  ierr = 0
806  write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' Sorting g-vecs for an output of states on an unique "big" PW basis.'
807  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
809  !ecut_eff = ecut * Dtset%dilatmx**2  ! Use ecut_eff instead of ecut_eff since otherwise
810  !
811  !============================================================
812  !=== Prepare set containing all G-vectors sorted by stars ===
813  !============================================================
814  !
815  !=== Analyze symmetry operations ===
816  if (symmorphi==0) then  ! Old (Obsolete) implementation: Suppress inversion from symmetries list:
817    nullify(symrel2,tnons2)
818    call remove_inversion(nsym,symrel,tnons,nsym2,symrel2,tnons2,pinv)
819    if (ANY(ABS(tnons2(:,1:nsym2))>tol8)) then
820      write(msg,'(3a)')&
821 &     ' Non-symmorphic operations still remain in the symmetries list ',ch10,&
822 &     ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
823      ABI_WARNING(msg)
824      ierr=ierr+1 ; RETURN
825    end if
826  else if (symmorphi==1) then
827 !  If in the input file symmorphi==1 all the symmetry operations are retained:
828 !  both identity and inversion (if any) as well as non-symmorphic operations.
829    nsym2=nsym ; pinv=1
830    ABI_MALLOC(symrel2,(3,3,nsym))
831    ABI_MALLOC(tnons2,(3,nsym))
832    symrel2(:,:,:)=symrel(:,:,1:nsym)
833    tnons2(:,:)   =tnons(:,1:nsym)
834  else
835    write(msg,'(a,i4,3a)')&
836 &   ' symmorphi = ',symmorphi,' while it must be 0 or 1',ch10,&
837 &   ' Program does not stop but KSS file will not be created...'
838    ABI_WARNING(msg)
839    ierr=ierr+1 ; RETURN
840  end if
841  !
842  !===================================================================
843  !==== Merge the set of k-centered G-spheres into a big set gbig ====
844  !===================================================================
845  !* Vectors in gbig are ordered by shells
846  !
847  nullify(gbig,shlim)
848  call merge_and_sort_kg(nkpt,kptns,ecut_eff,nsym2,pinv,symrel2,gprimd,gbig,prtvol,shlim_p=shlim)
850  nbase = SIZE(shlim)   ! Number of independent G in the big sphere.
851  maxpw = shlim(nbase)  ! Total number of G"s in the big sphere.
852  !
853  ! * Determine optimal number of bands and G"s to be written.
854  !npwkss=Dtset%npwkss
855  if ((npwkss==0).or.(npwkss>=maxpw)) then
856    npwkss=maxpw
857    write(msg,'(5a)')&
858 &   ' Since the number of g''s to be written on file',ch10,&
859 &   ' was 0 or too large, it has been set to the max. value.,',ch10,&
860 &   ' computed from the union of the sets of G vectors for the different k-points.'
861    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
862  end if
864  ishm=0
865  do ii=1,nbase
866    if (shlim(ii)<=npwkss) then
867      ishm=ii
868    else
869      EXIT
870    end if
871  end do
872  !ishm=bisect(shlim,npwkss)
874  if (shlim(ishm)/=npwkss) then
875    nrst1=shlim(ishm)
876    nrst2=MIN0(shlim(MIN0(ishm+1,nbase)),maxpw)
877    if (IABS(npwkss-nrst2)<IABS(npwkss-nrst1)) nrst1=nrst2
878    npwkss=nrst1
879    if (shlim(ishm)<npwkss) ishm=ishm+1
880    write(msg,'(3a)')&
881 &   ' The number of G''s to be written on file is not a whole number of stars ',ch10,&
882 &   ' the program set it to the nearest star limit.'
883    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
884  end if
886  write(msg,'(a,i5)')' Number of G-vectors is: ',npwkss
887  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
889  ABI_MALLOC(gvec_kss,(3,npwkss))
890  gvec_kss = gbig(:,1:npwkss)
892  ABI_FREE(gbig)
893  ABI_FREE(symrel2)
894  ABI_FREE(tnons2)
895  ABI_FREE(shlim)
897 end subroutine make_gvec_kss

m_io_kss/outkss [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




  This routine creates an output file containing the Kohn-Sham electronic Structure
  for a large number of eigenstates (energies and eigen-functions).
  The resulting file (_KSS) is needed for a GW post-treatment.

 The routine drives the following operations:
  - Re-ordering G-vectors according to stars (sets of Gs related by symmetry operations).
    A set of g for all k-points is created.
  - Creating and opening the output "_KSS'" file
  - Printing out output file header information...
 ... and, for each k-point:
    According to 'kssform', either
      - Re-computing <G|H|G_prim> matrix elements for all (G, G_prim).
        Diagonalizing H in the plane-wave basis.
   or - Taking eigenvalues/vectors from congugate-gradient ones.
  - Writing out eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


  cg(2,mcg)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions.
  usecprj=1 if cprj datastructure has been allocated (ONLY PAW)
  Cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj) <type(pawcprj_type)>=
    projected input wave functions <Proj_i|Cnk> with all NL projectors (only for PAW)
    NOTE that Cprj are unsorted, see ctoprj.F90
  Dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  Dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  ecut=cut-off energy for plane wave basis sphere (Ha)
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2.
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  Hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  kssform=govern the Kohn-Sham Structure file format
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  MPI_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  nkpt=number of k points.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nspden=number of density components
  nsym=number of symmetries in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band (usually 2) for each k.
  Pawtab(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  Pawfgr<pawfgr_type>=fine grid parameters and related data
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
  Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  vtrial(nfft,nspden)=the trial potential
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  Output is written on file.
  ierr=Status error.


 * This routine is maintained for legacy reasons. Abinit8 is not able to read KSS files
   anymore hence KSS files should be used only to interface Abinit with external codes
   that are still using the old KSS format.

 * The routine can be time consuming (in particular when computing
   <G|H|G_prim> elements for all (G, G_prim)) (kssform=1).
   So, it is recommended to call it once per run...

 * The IO code is not parallelized and this represents a serious bottleneck when np is large.

 * when kssform==1, the routine RE-computes all Hamiltonian terms.
   So it is equivalent to an additional electronic SC cycle.
   (This has no effect is convergence was reach...
   If not, eigenvalues/vectors may differs from the congugaste gradient ones)

 *  The KB form factors and derivatives are not calculated correctly if there are
    pseudos with more than one projector in an angular momentum channel.

 * In the ETSF output format (Dtset%iomode == 3), the complete symmetry set
   is output. So, if reading programs need only the symmorphic symmetries, they
   will need to remove themselves the non-symmorphic ones.

 * There exists two file formats:
    kssform==1 diagonalized file _KSS in real(dp) is generated.
    kssform==3 same as kssform=1 but the wavefunctions are not diagonalized
               (they are taken from conjugate-gradient ones)
    Old kssform=0 and kssform=2 are obsolete and no longer available

 * ETSF_IO output is tested in tests/etsf_io/t02.


1163 subroutine outkss(crystal,Dtfil,Dtset,ecut,gmet,gprimd,Hdr,&
1164 & kssform,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfft,mkmem,MPI_enreg,mpsang,mpw,my_natom,natom,&
1165 & nfft,nkpt,npwarr,nspden,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,occ,Pawtab,Pawfgr,Paw_ij,&
1166 & prtvol,Psps,rprimd,vtrial,xred,cg,usecprj,Cprj,eigen,ierr)
1168  use m_linalg_interfaces
1170 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1171 !scalars
1172  integer,intent(in) :: kssform,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfft,mkmem,mpsang,mpw,my_natom,natom,usecprj
1173  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,nkpt,nsppol,nspden,nsym,ntypat,prtvol
1174  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
1175  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut
1176  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: MPI_enreg
1177  type(Datafiles_type),intent(in) :: Dtfil
1178  type(Dataset_type),intent(in) :: Dtset
1179  type(Hdr_type),intent(inout) :: Hdr
1180  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
1181  type(pawfgr_type), intent(in) :: Pawfgr
1182  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
1183 !arrays
1184  integer,intent(in),target :: npwarr(nkpt)
1185  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1186  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
1187  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vtrial(nfft,nspden)
1188  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom)
1189  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg),eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1190  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: Cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)
1191  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
1192  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout),target :: Paw_ij(my_natom*Psps%usepaw)
1194 !Local variables-------------------------------
1195 !scalars
1196  integer,parameter :: tim_rwwf=0,bufnb=20
1197  integer :: untkss,onband_diago
1198  integer :: bdtot_index,i,ib,ibp,iomode
1199  integer :: ibsp,ibsp1,ibsp2,ibg,ig,ii,ikpt
1200  integer :: master,receiver,sender,spinor_shift1,shift
1201  integer :: ishm,ispinor,isppol,istwf_k,my_rank,j
1202  integer :: k_index,maxpw,mproj,mtag,n1,n2,n2dim,n3,n4,n5,n6,nband_k
1203  integer :: nbandkss_k,nbandksseff,nbase,nprocs,npw_k,onpw_k,npwkss
1204  integer :: nrst1,nrst2,nsym2,ntemp,pinv,sizepw,spaceComm,comm_self
1205  integer :: pad1,pad2
1206  integer :: bufrt,bufsz
1207  real(dp) :: cinf=1.0e24,csup=zero,einf=1.0e24,esup=zero
1208  real(dp) :: norm,cfact,ecut_eff
1209  logical :: do_diago,found,ltest,lhack
1210  logical,parameter :: skip_test_ortho=.FALSE.
1211  character(len=500) :: msg
1212  character(len=80) :: frmt1,frmt2
1213  character(len=10) :: stag(2)=(/'          ','          '/)
1214 !arrays
1215  integer :: nbandkssk(nkpt)
1216  integer,pointer :: symrel2(:,:,:)
1217  integer,pointer :: gbig(:,:)
1218  integer,pointer :: shlim(:)
1219  integer,allocatable :: kg_k(:,:)
1220  integer,allocatable :: dimlmn(:)
1221  integer :: nattyp_dum(0)
1222  real(dp) :: ovlp(2),kpoint(3),tsec(2)
1223  real(dp),pointer :: tnons2(:,:)
1224  real(dp),allocatable :: ene(:)
1225  real(dp),pointer :: eig_ene(:),eig_vec(:,:,:)
1226  real(dp),allocatable :: occ_k(:)
1227  real(dp),allocatable,target :: wfg(:,:,:)
1228  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ug1(:,:),ug2(:,:)
1229  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cprjnk_k(:,:)
1230  type(pawcprj_type),pointer :: Cprj_diago_k(:,:)
1231  type(ddiago_ctl_type) :: Diago_ctl
1232  type(paw_ij_type),pointer :: Paw_ij_all(:)
1233 ! *********************************************************************
1235  ABI_UNUSED(mkmem)
1239  call timab(933,1,tsec) ! outkss
1240  call timab(934,1,tsec) ! outkss(Gsort+hd)
1242  spaceComm=MPI_enreg%comm_cell
1243  my_rank=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)
1244  nprocs=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
1245  master=0
1247  iomode = Dtset%iomode
1248  nullify(eig_ene)
1249  nullify(eig_vec)
1250  nullify(Cprj_diago_k)
1252  ! JB: Valgrind complains about non initialized value. Set to -1 so if an array
1253  ! should be allocated with this "unintialized value" it crashes
1254  onband_diago = -1
1256 !MG: since in seq case MPI_enreg%proc_distrb is not defined
1257 !we hack a bit the data type in order to get rid of MPI preprocessing options.
1258 !The previous status of %proc_distrb is restored before exiting.
1259 !Note that in case of seq run MPI_enreg%proc_distrb is nullified at the very beginning of abinit.F90
1260 !
1261 !FIXME this is a design flaw that should be solved: proc_distrb should always
1262 !be allocated and filled with my_rank in case of sequential run otherwise checks like
1263 !if (nprocs>1.and.MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ii)==me) leads to SIGFAULT under gfortran.
1264 !as the second array is not allocated.
1265  lhack=.FALSE.
1266  if (nprocs==1) then
1267    ltest=allocated(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb)
1268    if (.not.ltest) then
1269      ABI_MALLOC(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb,(nkpt,mband,nsppol))
1270      MPI_enreg%proc_distrb=my_rank
1271      lhack=.TRUE.
1272    end if
1273    ltest=ALL(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb==my_rank)
1274    ABI_CHECK(ltest,'wrong values in %proc_distrb')
1275  end if
1276 !
1277 !============================
1278 !==== Perform some tests ====
1279 !============================
1280  ierr=0
1282  if (iomode==IO_MODE_ETSF) then
1283    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1284 &   'when iomode==3 in outkss, support for netcdf ',ch10,&
1285 &   'must be compiled. Use --enable-netcdf when configuring '
1286 #ifndef HAVE_NETCDF
1287    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1288    ierr = ierr + 1
1289 #endif
1290  end if
1292  if (kssform==3) then
1293    write(msg,'(a,70("="),4a)')ch10,ch10,&
1294 &   ' Calculating and writing out Kohn-Sham electronic Structure file',ch10, &
1295 &   ' Using conjugate gradient wavefunctions and energies (kssform=3)'
1296  else if (kssform==1) then
1297    write(msg,'(a,70("="),4a,i1,a)') ch10,ch10, &
1298 &   ' Calculating and writing out Kohn-Sham electronic Structure file',ch10, &
1299 &   ' Using diagonalized wavefunctions and energies (kssform=',kssform,')'
1300  else
1301    write(msg,'(a,i0,2a)')&
1302 &   " Unsupported value for kssform: ",kssform,ch10,&
1303 &   "  Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created..."
1304    ierr=ierr+1
1305  end if
1306  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1307  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1308 !
1309 !* Check whether nband is constant in metals
1310  if ( (Dtset%occopt>=2.and.Dtset%occopt<=8) .and. (ANY(Dtset%nband(1:nkpt*nsppol)/=Dtset%nband(1))) ) then
1311    write(msg,'(3a,i4,a,i3,a,i4,3a)')&
1312 &   ' The number of bands must be the same for all k-points ',ch10,&
1313 &   ' but nband(1)=',Dtset%nband(1),' is different of nband(',&
1314 &   ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt,')=',Dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt),'.',ch10,&
1315 &   '  Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1316    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1317    ierr=ierr+1
1318  end if
1319 !* istwfk must be 1 for each k-point
1320  if (ANY(Dtset%istwfk(1:nkpt)/=1).and.kssform/=3) then
1321    write(msg,'(7a)')&
1322 &   ' istwfk/=1 not allowed when kssform/=3 :',ch10,&
1323 &   ' States output not programmed for time-reversal symmetry.',ch10,&
1324 &   ' Action : change istwfk in input file (put it to 1 for all kpt).',ch10,&
1325 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1326    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1327    ierr=ierr+1
1328  end if
1329 !* Check spin-orbit
1330  if (Psps%mpssoang/=mpsang) then
1331    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1332 &   ' Variable mpspso should be 1 !',ch10,&
1333 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1334    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1335    ierr=ierr+1
1336  end if
1337 !* Check mproj
1338  mproj=MAXVAL(Psps%indlmn(3,:,:))
1339  if (mproj>1.and.Psps%usepaw==0) then ! TODO One has to derive the expression for [Vnl,r], in particular HGH and GTH psps
1340    write(msg,'(8a)')ch10,&
1341 &   ' outkss : COMMENT - ',ch10,&
1342 &   ' At least one NC pseudopotential has more that one projector per angular channel',ch10,&
1343 &   ' Note that inclvkb==0 should be used in screening, since the evaluation of the commutator',ch10,&
1344 &   ' for this particular case is not implemented yet'
1345    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1346    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1347  end if
1348 !* Check max angular momentum
1349  if (MAXVAL(Psps%indlmn(1,:,:))+1 >= 5) then
1350    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1351 &   ' Pseudopotentials with f-projectors not implemented',ch10,&
1352 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1353    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1354    ierr=ierr+1
1355  end if
1356 !* Check useylm
1357  if (Psps%useylm/=0.and.Psps%usepaw==0) then
1358    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1359 &   ' The present version of outkss does not work with useylm/=0 !',ch10,&
1360 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1361    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1362    ierr=ierr+1
1363  end if
1364 !* Check PAW and kssform value
1365  if (Psps%usepaw/=0) then
1366    if (nprocs>1.and.kssform==1) then
1367      write(msg,'(3a)')&
1368 &     ' Parallel PAW with kssform=1, not yet allowed',ch10,&
1369 &     ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1370      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1371      ierr=ierr+1
1372    end if
1373    if (kssform==3.and.usecprj/=1) then
1374      write(msg,'(3a)')&
1375 &     ' If PAW and kssform=3, usecprj must be 1',ch10,&
1376 &     ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1377      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1378      ierr=ierr+1
1379    end if
1380  end if
1381 !* Check parallelization
1382  if (MPI_enreg%paralbd/=0) then
1383    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1384 &   ' outkss cannot be used with parallelization on bands (paralbd/=0) !',ch10,&
1385 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1386    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1387    ierr=ierr+1
1388  end if
1389  if (MPI_enreg%paral_spinor/=0) then
1390    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1391 &   ' outkss cannot be used yet with parallelization on nspinors !',ch10,&
1392 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1393    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1394    ierr=ierr+1
1396  endif
1397  if (ierr/=0) then
1398    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1399 &   ' outkss: Not allowed options found !',ch10,&
1400 &   ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1401    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1402    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1403    write(msg,'(a)')' outkss: see the log file for more information.'
1404    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1405    RETURN ! Houston we have a problem!
1406  end if
1407 !
1408 !Estimate required memory in case of diagonalization.
1409 !TODO to be modified to take into account the case nsppol=2
1410  if (kssform/=3) then
1411    call memkss(mband,mgfft,mproj,Psps%mpssoang,mpw,natom,Dtset%ngfft,nkpt,dtset%nspinor,nsym,ntypat)
1412  end if
1413 !
1414 !=== Initialize some variables ===
1415  if (nsppol==2) stag(:)=(/'SPIN UP:  ','SPIN DOWN:'/)
1416  n1=Dtset%ngfft(1); n2=Dtset%ngfft(2); n3=Dtset%ngfft(3)
1417  n4=Dtset%ngfft(4); n5=Dtset%ngfft(5); n6=Dtset%ngfft(6)
1418  ecut_eff = ecut * Dtset%dilatmx**2  ! Use ecut_eff instead of ecut_eff since otherwise
1419 !one cannot restart from a previous density file
1420  sizepw=2*mpw ; do_diago=(kssform/=3)
1421  ABI_MALLOC(dimlmn,(natom*Psps%usepaw))
1422  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
1423    call pawcprj_getdim(dimlmn,natom,nattyp_dum,ntypat,Dtset%typat,pawtab,'R')
1424  end if
1425 !
1426 !============================================================
1427 !=== Prepare set containing all G-vectors sorted by stars ===
1428 !============================================================
1429  write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' Sorting g-vecs for an output of states on an unique "big" PW basis.'
1430  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1431 !
1432 !=== Analyze symmetry operations ===
1433  if (Dtset%symmorphi==0) then  ! Old (Obsolete) implementation: Suppress inversion from symmetries list:
1434    nullify(symrel2,tnons2)
1435    call remove_inversion(nsym,Dtset%symrel,Dtset%tnons,nsym2,symrel2,tnons2,pinv)
1436    if (ANY(ABS(tnons2(:,1:nsym2))>tol8)) then
1437      write(msg,'(3a)')&
1438 &     ' Non-symmorphic operations still remain in the symmetries list ',ch10,&
1439 &     ' Program does not stop but _KSS file will not be created...'
1440      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1441      ierr=ierr+1 ; RETURN
1442    end if
1443  else if (Dtset%symmorphi==1) then
1444 !  If in the input file symmorphi==1 all the symmetry operations are retained:
1445 !  both identity and inversion (if any) as well as non-symmorphic operations.
1446    nsym2=nsym ; pinv=1
1447    ABI_MALLOC(symrel2,(3,3,nsym))
1448    ABI_MALLOC(tnons2,(3,nsym))
1449    symrel2(:,:,:)=Dtset%symrel(:,:,1:nsym)
1450    tnons2(:,:)   =Dtset%tnons(:,1:nsym)
1451  else
1452    write(msg,'(a,i4,3a)')&
1453 &   ' symmorphi = ',Dtset%symmorphi,' while it must be 0 or 1',ch10,&
1454 &   ' Program does not stop but KSS file will not be created...'
1455    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1456    ierr=ierr+1 ; RETURN
1457  end if
1458 !
1459 !===================================================================
1460 !==== Merge the set of k-centered G-spheres into a big set gbig ====
1461 !===================================================================
1462 !* Vectors in gbig are ordered by shells
1463 !
1464  nullify(gbig,shlim)
1465  call merge_and_sort_kg(nkpt,Dtset%kptns,ecut_eff,nsym2,pinv,symrel2,gprimd,gbig,prtvol,shlim_p=shlim)
1467  nbase = SIZE(shlim)   ! Number of independent G in the big sphere.
1468  maxpw = shlim(nbase)  ! Total number of G"s in the big sphere.
1469 !
1470 !* Determine optimal number of bands and G"s to be written.
1471  npwkss=Dtset%npwkss
1472  if ((npwkss==0).or.(npwkss>=maxpw)) then
1473    npwkss=maxpw
1474    write(msg,'(5a)')&
1475 &   ' Since the number of g''s to be written on file',ch10,&
1476 &   ' was 0 or too large, it has been set to the max. value.,',ch10,&
1477 &   ' computed from the union of the sets of G vectors for the different k-points.'
1478    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1479  end if
1481  ishm=0
1482  do ii=1,nbase
1483    if (shlim(ii)<=npwkss) then
1484      ishm=ii
1485    else
1486      EXIT
1487    end if
1488  end do
1490  if (shlim(ishm)/=npwkss) then
1491    nrst1=shlim(ishm)
1492    nrst2=MIN0(shlim(MIN0(ishm+1,nbase)),maxpw)
1493    if (IABS(npwkss-nrst2)<IABS(npwkss-nrst1)) nrst1=nrst2
1494    npwkss=nrst1
1495    if (shlim(ishm)<npwkss) ishm=ishm+1
1496    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1497 &   ' The number of G''s to be written on file is not a whole number of stars ',ch10,&
1498 &   ' the program set it to the nearest star limit.'
1499    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1500  end if
1502  write(msg,'(a,i5)')' Number of g-vectors written on file is: ',npwkss
1503  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1504 !
1505 !=== Check on the number of stored bands ===
1506  if (do_diago) then
1508    if (Dtset%nbandkss==-1.or.Dtset%nbandkss>=maxpw) then
1509      nbandkssk(1:nkpt)=npwarr(1:nkpt)
1510      write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
1511 &     ' Since the number of bands to be computed was (-1) or',ch10,&
1512 &     ' too large, it has been set to the max. value. allowed for each k,',ch10,&
1513 &     ' thus, the minimum of the number of plane waves for each k point.'
1514      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1515    else
1516      nbandkssk(1:nkpt)=Dtset%nbandkss
1517      found=.FALSE.
1518      do ikpt=1,nkpt
1519        if (Dtset%nbandkss>npwarr(ikpt)) then
1520          nbandkssk(ikpt)=npwarr(ikpt)
1521          found=.TRUE.
1522        end if
1523      end do
1524      if (found) then
1525        write(msg,'(7a)')&
1526 &       ' The value choosen for the number of bands in file',ch10,&
1527 &       ' (nbandkss) was greater than at least one number of plane waves ',ch10,&
1528 &       ' for a given k-point (npw_k).',ch10,' It has been modified consequently.'
1529        ABI_WARNING(msg)
1530      end if
1531    end if
1532    found=.FALSE.
1533    do ikpt=1,nkpt
1534      if (nbandkssk(ikpt)>npwkss) then
1535        nbandkssk(ikpt)=npwkss
1536        found=.TRUE.
1537      end if
1538    end do
1539    if (found) then
1540      write(msg,'(5a)')&
1541 &     ' The number of bands to be computed (for one k) was',ch10,&
1542 &     ' greater than the number of g-vectors to be written.',ch10,&
1543 &     ' It has been modified consequently.'
1544      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1545    end if
1546    nbandksseff=MINVAL(nbandkssk)
1548  else ! .not. do_diago
1549    do ikpt=1,nkpt
1550      do isppol=1,nsppol
1551        nbandkssk(ikpt)=Dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1552      end do
1553    end do
1554    nbandksseff=MINVAL(nbandkssk)
1555    if (Dtset%nbandkss>0 .and. Dtset%nbandkss<nbandksseff) then
1556      write(msg,'(a,i5,a,i5,2a)')&
1557 &     ' Number of bands calculated=',nbandksseff,', greater than nbandkss=',Dtset%nbandkss,ch10,&
1558 &     ' will write nbandkss bands on the KSS file'
1559      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1560      nbandksseff=Dtset%nbandkss
1561    end if
1562  end if
1564  write(msg,'(a,i5)')' Number of bands written on file is: ',nbandksseff
1565  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1567  found= ANY(nbandkssk(1:nkpt)<npwarr(1:nkpt))
1569  if (do_diago) then
1570    if (found) then
1571      write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
1572 &     ' Since the number of bands to be computed',ch10,&
1573 &     ' is less than the number of G-vectors found,',ch10,&
1574 &     ' the program will perform partial diagonalizations.'
1575    else
1576      write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
1577 &     ' Since the number of bands to be computed',ch10,&
1578 &     ' is equal to the nb of G-vectors found for each k-pt,',ch10,&
1579 &     ' the program will perform complete diagonalizations.'
1580    end if
1581    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1582  end if
1583 !
1584 !==========================================================================
1585 !=== Open KSS file for output, write header with dimensions and kb sign ===
1586 !==========================================================================
1587 !
1588 !* Output required disk space.
1589  call dsksta(ishm,Psps%usepaw,nbandksseff,mpsang,natom,ntypat,npwkss,nkpt,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,nsym2,dimlmn)
1591  if (my_rank==master) then
1592    call write_kss_header(dtfil%fnameabo_kss,npwkss,ishm,nbandksseff,mband,nsym2,symrel2,tnons2,occ,gbig,shlim,&
1593 &   crystal,Dtset,Hdr,Psps,iomode,untkss)
1594  end if
1596  ABI_FREE(shlim)
1598  if (     do_diago) msg = ' Diagonalized eigenvalues'
1599  if (.not.do_diago) msg = ' Conjugate gradient eigenvalues'
1600  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1602  if (Dtset%enunit==1) then
1603    msg='   k    eigenvalues [eV]'
1604  else
1605    msg='   k    eigenvalues [Hartree]'
1606  end if
1607  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1608 !
1609 !=== In case of PAW distributed atomic sites, need to retrieve the full paw_ij%dij ===
1610  if (do_diago.and.Psps%usepaw==1.and.MPI_enreg%nproc_atom>1) then
1611    ABI_MALLOC(Paw_ij_all,(dtset%natom))
1612    call paw_ij_gather(Paw_ij,Paw_ij_all,-1,MPI_enreg%comm_atom)
1613  else
1614    paw_ij_all => paw_ij
1615  end if
1618  call timab(934,2,tsec) ! outkss(Gsort+hd)
1619 !
1621  k_index=0; bdtot_index=0; ibg=0
1623  do isppol=1,nsppol ! Loop over spins
1624 !
1625    do ikpt=1,nkpt ! Loop over k-points.
1626      call timab(935,1,tsec) ! outkss(k-Loop)
1628      nband_k   =Dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1629      npw_k     =npwarr(ikpt)
1630      istwf_k   =Dtset%istwfk(ikpt)
1631      kpoint    =Dtset%kptns(:,ikpt)
1632      nbandkss_k=nbandkssk(ikpt)
1633      mtag      =5*(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1636      ! Get G-vectors, for this k-point.
1637      call get_kg(kpoint,istwf_k,ecut_eff,gmet,onpw_k,kg_k)
1638      ABI_CHECK(onpw_k==npw_k,"Mismatch in npw_k")
1639 !
1640 !    ============================================
1641 !    ==== Parallelism over k-points and spin ====
1642 !    ============================================
1643      if (MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)==my_rank) then
1645        write(msg,'(2a,i3,3x,a)')ch10,' k-point ',ikpt,stag(isppol)
1646        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1648        if (do_diago) then
1649          ! Direct diagonalization of the KS Hamiltonian.
1650          ABI_SFREE_PTR(eig_ene)
1651          ABI_SFREE_PTR(eig_vec)
1652          comm_self = xmpi_comm_self
1654          call timab(936,1,tsec)
1656          call init_ddiago_ctl(Diago_ctl,"Vectors",isppol,dtset%nspinor,ecut_eff,Dtset%kptns(:,ikpt),Dtset%nloalg,gmet,&
1657            nband_k=nbandkssk(ikpt),effmass_free=Dtset%effmass_free,istwf_k=Dtset%istwfk(ikpt),prtvol=Dtset%prtvol)
1659          call ksdiago(Diago_ctl,nbandkssk(ikpt),Dtset%nfft,mgfft,Dtset%ngfft,natom,&
1660            Dtset%typat,nfft,dtset%nspinor,nspden,nsppol,Pawtab,Pawfgr,Paw_ij_all,&
1661            Psps,rprimd,vtrial,xred,onband_diago,eig_ene,eig_vec,Cprj_diago_k,comm_self,ierr)
1663          call timab(936,2,tsec)
1664        end if
1666      end if ! END of kpt+spin parallelism.
1667 !
1668 !    ===========================================================
1669 !    ==== Transfer data between master and the working proc ====
1670 !    ===========================================================
1671      call timab(937,1,tsec) !outkss(MPI_exch)
1672      ABI_MALLOC(Cprjnk_k,(0,0))
1673      if (nprocs==1) then
1675        if (Psps%usepaw==1) then ! Copy projectors for this k-point
1676          n2dim=min(nbandksseff*dtset%nspinor,onband_diago)
1677          if (kssform==3) n2dim=nband_k*dtset%nspinor
1678          ABI_FREE(Cprjnk_k)
1679          ABI_MALLOC(Cprjnk_k,(natom,n2dim))
1680          call pawcprj_alloc(Cprjnk_k,0,dimlmn)
1681          if (kssform==3) then
1682            call pawcprj_copy(Cprj(:,ibg+1:ibg+dtset%nspinor*nband_k),Cprjnk_k)
1683          else
1684            !ABI_WARNING("Here I have to use onband_diago") !FIXME
1685            call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_diago_k(:,1:n2dim),Cprjnk_k)
1686          end if
1687        end if
1689      else
1690        !parallel case
1692        receiver=master; sender=MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)
1694        bufsz=nbandksseff/bufnb; bufrt=nbandksseff-bufnb*bufsz
1696        if (my_rank==receiver.or.my_rank==sender) then
1698          if (do_diago.and.(my_rank==receiver.and.my_rank/=sender)) then ! Alloc arrays if not done yet.
1699            ABI_MALLOC(eig_ene,(npw_k*dtset%nspinor))
1700            ABI_MALLOC(eig_vec,(2,npw_k*dtset%nspinor,nbandkssk(ikpt)))
1701          end if
1703          if (.not.do_diago) then
1705            ABI_MALLOC(eig_vec,(2,npw_k*dtset%nspinor,nbandkssk(ikpt)))
1707            if (my_rank==sender) then
1708              do ib=1,nbandksseff
1709                shift = k_index + (ib-1)*npw_k*dtset%nspinor
1710                do ig=1,npw_k*dtset%nspinor
1711                  eig_vec(:,ig,ib)=cg(:,ig+shift)
1712                end do
1713              end do
1714            end if
1715 !
1716 !          In case of PAW and kssform==3, retrieve matrix elements of the PAW projectors for this k-point
1717            if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
1718              n2dim=min(nbandksseff*dtset%nspinor,onband_diago)
1719              if (kssform==3) n2dim=nband_k*dtset%nspinor
1720              ABI_FREE(Cprjnk_k)
1721              ABI_MALLOC(Cprjnk_k,(natom,n2dim))
1722              call pawcprj_alloc(Cprjnk_k,0,dimlmn)
1723              if (my_rank==sender) then
1724                if (kssform==3) then
1725                  call pawcprj_copy(Cprj(:,ibg+1:ibg+dtset%nspinor*nband_k),Cprjnk_k)
1726                else
1727                 !ABI_WARNING("Here I have to use onband_diago") !FIXME
1728                  call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_diago_k(:,1:n2dim),Cprjnk_k)
1729                end if
1730              end if
1731              if (sender/=receiver) then
1732                call pawcprj_mpi_exch(natom,n2dim,dimlmn,0,Cprjnk_k,Cprjnk_k,sender,receiver,spaceComm,mtag+4,ierr)
1733              end if
1734            end if ! usepaw
1736          else ! do_diago
1737            call xmpi_exch(eig_ene,nbandksseff,sender,eig_ene,receiver,spaceComm,mtag+1,ierr)
1738          end if
1740 !        Exchange eigenvectors.
1741          if (bufsz>0) then
1742            do i=0,bufnb-1
1743              call xmpi_exch(eig_vec(:,:,i*bufsz+1:(i+1)*bufsz),2*npw_k*dtset%nspinor*bufsz,&
1744 &             sender,eig_vec(:,:,i*bufsz+1:(i+1)*bufsz),receiver,spaceComm,mtag+2,ierr)
1745            end do
1746          end if
1747          if (bufrt>0) then
1748            call xmpi_exch(eig_vec(:,:,bufnb*bufsz+1:bufnb*bufsz+bufrt),2*npw_k*dtset%nspinor*bufrt,&
1749 &           sender,eig_vec(:,:,bufnb*bufsz+1:bufnb*bufsz+bufrt),receiver,spaceComm,mtag+3,ierr)
1750          end if
1752        end if
1753      end if !nprocs > 1
1754      call timab(937,2,tsec) !outkss(MPI_exch)
1756      call timab(938,1,tsec) !outkss(write)
1758      if (my_rank==master) then ! Prepare data for writing on disk.
1759        ABI_MALLOC(ene,(nbandksseff))
1760        ABI_MALLOC(wfg,(2,npwkss*dtset%nspinor,nbandksseff))
1761        ene=zero; wfg=zero
1763        if (.not.do_diago) then
1764          ene(1:nbandksseff)=eigen(1+bdtot_index:nbandksseff+bdtot_index)
1766          if (nprocs>1) then
1767            call k2gamma_centered(kpoint,npw_k,istwf_k,ecut_eff,kg_k,npwkss,dtset%nspinor,nbandksseff,Dtset%ngfft,gmet,&
1768 &           MPI_enreg,gbig,wfg,eig_vec=eig_vec)
1769          else
1770            call k2gamma_centered(kpoint,npw_k,istwf_k,ecut_eff,kg_k,npwkss,dtset%nspinor,nbandksseff,Dtset%ngfft,gmet,&
1771 &           MPI_enreg,gbig,wfg,icg=k_index,cg=cg)
1772          end if
1774        else ! Direct diagonalization.
1775          ene(1:nbandksseff)=eig_ene(1:nbandksseff)
1777 !        FIXME: receiver does not know Diago_ctl%npw_k
1778          call k2gamma_centered(kpoint,npw_k,istwf_k,ecut_eff,kg_k,npwkss,dtset%nspinor,nbandksseff,Dtset%ngfft,gmet,&
1779 &         MPI_enreg,gbig,wfg,eig_vec=eig_vec)
1781 !        * Check diagonalized eigenvalues with respect to conjugate gradient ones
1782          ntemp=MIN(nbandksseff,nband_k)
1783          if (ANY(ABS(ene(1:ntemp)-eigen(1+bdtot_index:ntemp+bdtot_index))>tol3)) then
1784            write(msg,'(3a)')&
1785 &           ' The diagonalized eigenvalues differ by more than 10^-3 Hartree',ch10,&
1786 &           ' with respect to the conjugated gradient values.'
1787            ABI_WARNING(msg)
1788          end if
1789        end if
1790 !
1791 !      * Write out energies
1792        if (Dtset%enunit==1) then
1793          cfact=Ha_eV ; frmt1='(i4,4x,9(1x,f7.2))' ; frmt2='(8x,9(1x,f7.2))'
1794          write(msg,'(a,i3,3x,a)')' Eigenvalues in eV for ikpt= ',ikpt,stag(isppol)
1795        else
1796          cfact=one   ; frmt1='(i4,4x,9(1x,f7.4))' ; frmt2='(8x,9(1x,f7.4))'
1797          write(msg,'(a,i3,3x,a)')' Eigenvalues in Hartree for ikpt= ',ikpt,stag(isppol)
1798        end if
1799        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1801        write(msg,frmt1)ikpt,(ene(ib)*cfact,ib=1,MIN(9,nbandksseff))
1802        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1803        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1805        if (nbandksseff>9) then
1806          do j=10,nbandksseff,9
1807            write(msg,frmt2) (ene(ib)*cfact,ib=j,MIN(j+8,nbandksseff))
1808            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1809            call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1810          end do
1811        end if
1813        if (skip_test_ortho) then ! Set this if to FALSE to skip test below
1814          einf=one; esup=one; cinf=zero; csup=zero
1815        else
1816          !
1817          ! Test on the normalization of wavefunctions.
1818          ibsp=0
1819          do ib=1,nbandksseff
1820            norm=zero
1821            do ispinor=1,dtset%nspinor
1822              ibsp=ibsp+1
1823              spinor_shift1=(ispinor-1)*npwkss
1824              ug1 => wfg(:,1+spinor_shift1:npwkss+spinor_shift1,ib)
1826              !ovlp(1) =ddot(npwkss,ug1(1,:),1,ug1(1,:),1) + ddot(npwkss,ug1(2,:),1,ug1(2,:),1)
1827              ovlp(1) = cg_dznrm2(npwkss,ug1)
1828              ovlp(1) = ovlp(1)**2
1829              ovlp(2) = zero
1830              if (Psps%usepaw==1) ovlp = ovlp &
1831 &               + paw_overlap(Cprjnk_k(:,ibsp:ibsp),Cprjnk_k(:,ibsp:ibsp),Dtset%typat,Pawtab,&
1832 &                             spinor_comm=MPI_enreg%comm_spinor)
1833              norm = norm + DABS(ovlp(1))
1834            end do
1835            if (norm<einf) einf=norm
1836            if (norm>esup) esup=norm
1837          end do
1838 !
1839 !        Test on the orthogonalization of wavefunctions.
1840          do ib=1,nbandksseff
1841            pad1=(ib-1)*dtset%nspinor
1842            do ibp=ib+1,nbandksseff
1843              pad2=(ibp-1)*dtset%nspinor
1844              ovlp(:)=zero
1845              do ispinor=1,dtset%nspinor
1846                ibsp1=pad1+ispinor
1847                ibsp2=pad2+ispinor
1848                spinor_shift1=(ispinor-1)*npwkss
1849                ug1 => wfg(:,1+spinor_shift1:npwkss+spinor_shift1,ib )
1850                ug2 => wfg(:,1+spinor_shift1:npwkss+spinor_shift1,ibp)
1852                !ovlp(1)=ddot(npwkss,ug1(1,:),1,ug2(1,:),1) + ddot(npwkss,ug1(2,:),1,ug2(2,:),1)
1853                !ovlp(2)=ddot(npwkss,ug1(1,:),1,ug2(2,:),1) - ddot(npwkss,ug1(2,:),1,ug2(1,:),1)
1854                ovlp = cg_zdotc(npwkss,ug1,ug2)
1856                if (Psps%usepaw==1) ovlp= ovlp &
1857 &                 + paw_overlap(Cprjnk_k(:,ibsp1:ibsp1),Cprjnk_k(:,ibsp2:ibsp2),Dtset%typat,Pawtab,&
1858 &                               spinor_comm=MPI_enreg%comm_spinor)
1859              end do
1860              norm = DSQRT(ovlp(1)**2+ovlp(2)**2)
1861              if (norm<cinf) cinf=norm
1862              if (norm>csup) csup=norm
1863            end do
1864          end do
1865        end if
1867        write(msg,'(a,i3,3x,a)')' Writing out eigenvalues/vectors for ikpt=',ikpt,stag(isppol)
1868        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1869 !
1870 !      * Write occupation numbers on std_out.
1871        ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(MAX(nband_k,nbandksseff)))
1872        occ_k(1:nband_k)=occ(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
1873        if (nband_k < nbandksseff) occ_k(nband_k+1:nbandksseff)=zero
1875        write(msg,'(a,i3,3x,a)')' Occupation numbers for ikpt=',ikpt,stag(isppol)
1876        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1877        write(msg,'(i4,4x,9(1x,f7.4))')ikpt,(occ_k(ib),ib=1,MIN(9,nbandksseff))
1878        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1879        if (nbandksseff>9) then
1880          do j=10,nbandksseff,9
1881            write(msg,'(8x,9(1x,f7.4))') (occ_k(ib),ib=j,MIN(j+8,nbandksseff))
1882            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1883          end do
1884        end if
1885 !
1886 !      =================================================================
1887 !      ==== Write wavefunctions, KB and PAW matrix elements on disk ====
1888 !      =================================================================
1889        call write_kss_wfgk(untkss,ikpt,isppol,kpoint,dtset%nspinor,npwkss,&
1890              nbandksseff,natom,Psps,ene,occ_k,rprimd,gbig,wfg,Cprjnk_k,iomode)
1892        ABI_FREE(occ_k)
1893        ABI_FREE(ene)
1894        ABI_FREE(wfg)
1896      end if ! my_rank==master
1897      call timab(938,2,tsec) !outkss(write)
1899      if (my_rank==master.or.my_rank==MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)) then
1900        ABI_SFREE_PTR(eig_ene)
1901        ABI_SFREE_PTR(eig_vec)
1902        if (Psps%usepaw==1) call pawcprj_free(Cprjnk_k)
1903      end if
1904      ABI_FREE(Cprjnk_k)
1905      ABI_SFREE(kg_k)
1907 !    if (MPI_enreg%paral_compil_kpt==1) then !cannot be used in seq run!
1908      if (.not.(proc_distrb_cycle(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,my_rank))) then
1909        k_index=k_index+npw_k*nband_k*dtset%nspinor
1910        ibg=ibg+dtset%nspinor*nband_k
1911      end if
1912      bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
1914      call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm) ! FIXME this barrier is detrimental in the case of direct diago!
1916      call timab(935,2,tsec) !outkss(k-loop)
1917    end do ! ! End loop over k-points.
1918  end do ! spin
1920  write(msg,'(3a,f9.6,2a,f9.6,4a,f9.6,2a,f9.6,a)')&
1921 & ' Test on the normalization of the wavefunctions',ch10,&
1922 & '  min sum_G |a(n,k,G)| = ',einf,ch10,&
1923 & '  max sum_G |a(n,k,G)| = ',esup,ch10,&
1924 & ' Test on the orthogonalization of the wavefunctions',ch10,&
1925 & '  min sum_G a(n,k,G)a(n'',k,G) = ',cinf,ch10,&
1926 & '  max sum_G a(n,k,G)a(n'',k,G) = ',csup,ch10
1927  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1928  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1930  ABI_FREE(gbig)
1931  ABI_FREE(symrel2)
1932  ABI_FREE(tnons2)
1933  if (Psps%usepaw==1)  then
1934    ABI_FREE(dimlmn)
1935    if (do_diago.and.MPI_enreg%nproc_atom>1) then
1936      ABI_FREE(Paw_ij_all)
1937    end if
1938  end if
1939 !
1940 !* Close file
1941  if (my_rank==master) then
1942    if (iomode==IO_MODE_FORTRAN) close(unit=untkss)
1943 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
1944    if (iomode==IO_MODE_ETSF) then
1945      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(untkss))
1946    end if
1947 #endif
1948  end if
1950  if (associated(Cprj_diago_k)) then
1951    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_diago_k)
1952    ABI_FREE(Cprj_diago_k)
1953  end if
1955  if (lhack)  then
1956    ABI_FREE(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb)
1957  end if
1959  call wrtout(std_out, "outkss done", "COLL")
1960  call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
1962  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1963  call timab(933,2,tsec) ! outkss
1965 contains

m_io_kss/write_kss_header [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




  Write the header of the KSS file either using plain Fortran-IO or netcdf with ETSF-IO format.
  Returns the unit number to be used for further writing.
  It should be executed by master node only.


  filekss(len=fnlen)=The name of the KSS file.
  kss_npw=Number of planewaves used for the wavefunctions in the KSS files.
  ishm=Max number of shells written on file
  shlim(ishm)=The cumulative number of G"s in each shell.
  nbandksseff=Number of bands to be written.
  mband=The maximum number of bands treated by abinit.
  nsym2=Number of symmetry operations to be written on the header.
  symrel2(3,3,nsym2)=The symmetry operations in real space to be written.
  tnons2(3,nsym2)=The fractional translations associateed to symrel2.
  gbig(3,kss_npw)=The set of G-vectors for the KSS wavefunctions (Gamma-centered)
  Hdr<hdr_type>=The abinit header.
  Dtset <dataset_type>=all input variables for this dataset
  Psps<pseudopotential_type>=Structure gathering info on the pseudopotentials.
  iomode=Input variables specifying the fileformat. (0-->Fortran,3-->netcdf with ETSF-IO format).
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=The occupation factors.


  kss_unt=The unit number of the opened file.


  The KSS Header is written on file.


111 subroutine write_kss_header(filekss,kss_npw,ishm,nbandksseff,mband,nsym2,symrel2,tnons2,occ,gbig,shlim,&
112                             crystal,Dtset,Hdr,Psps,iomode,kss_unt)
114 !Arguments ------------------------------------
115 !scalars
116  integer,intent(in) :: iomode,kss_npw,nbandksseff,ishm,nsym2,mband
117  integer,intent(out) :: kss_unt
118  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filekss
119  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
120  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
121  type(Hdr_type),intent(in) :: Hdr
122  type(Dataset_type),intent(in) :: Dtset
123 !arrays
124  integer,intent(in) :: symrel2(3,3,nsym2)
125  integer,intent(in) :: gbig(3,kss_npw),shlim(ishm)
126  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons2(3,nsym2)
127  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*Dtset%nkpt*Dtset%nsppol)
129 !Local variables-------------------------------
130 !scalars
131  integer :: nspinor,nsppol,nkpt,itypat,ierr
132  integer :: nb,isppol,ik,fform,ii,jj,kk,ig
133  integer :: il,il0,ilmn,in,ind1,ind2
134  character(len=80) :: title
135  character(len=500) :: msg
136  type(hdr_type) :: my_Hdr
137  type(dataset_type) :: Dtset_cpy
138 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
139  integer :: ncerr
140 #endif
141 !arrays
142  integer,allocatable :: vkbsign_int(:,:,:)
143  real(dp),allocatable :: vkbsign(:,:)
145 ! *********************************************************************
149  nsppol = Dtset%nsppol
150  nkpt   = Dtset%nkpt
151  nspinor= Dtset%nspinor
153  write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Opening file for KS structure output: ',TRIM(filekss)
154  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
156  write(msg,'(a,i6)') ' number of Gamma centered plane waves ',kss_npw
157  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
158  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
159  write(msg,'(a,i6)') ' number of Gamma centered shells ',ishm
160  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
161  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
162  write(msg,'(a,i6)') ' number of bands ',nbandksseff
163  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
164  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
165  write(msg,'(a,i6)') ' maximum angular momentum components ',Psps%mpsang
166  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
167  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
168  write(msg,'(a,i2,a)')' number of symmetry operations ',nsym2,' (without inversion)'
169  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
171 !Copy the header so that we can change some basic dimensions using the KSS values:
172 !(bantot, npwarr, nband) and the occupation factors
174 !Note that nsym and symrel might have been changed this has to be fixed
175 !carefully in the next patch since in the new implementation symmorphy=0 should be dafault
176  call hdr_copy(Hdr,my_Hdr)
178  my_Hdr%npwarr =kss_npw
179  my_Hdr%nband  =nbandksseff
180  my_hdr%mband = maxval(my_hdr%nband)
181  my_Hdr%bantot =nbandksseff*nkpt*nsppol
183  my_Hdr%istwfk = 1  ! KSS file does not support istwfk/=1 even though the GS run
184                     ! can take advantage of time-reversal symmetry.
186 !Copy the occ number in the new header with correct dimensions
187 !fill with zero the rest since mband can be < nbandksseff
188  !write(std_out,*)associated(my_Hdr%occ)
189  ABI_FREE(my_Hdr%occ)
190  ABI_MALLOC(my_Hdr%occ,(my_Hdr%bantot))
191  !mband = MAXVAL(Hdr%nband)
193  my_Hdr%occ=zero; nb=MIN(mband,nbandksseff)
194  do isppol=1,nsppol
195    do ik=1,nkpt
196      ind1=1+(ik-1)*nbandksseff+(isppol-1)*nkpt*nbandksseff
197      ind2=1+(ik-1)*mband      +(isppol-1)*nkpt*mband
198      my_Hdr%occ(ind1:ind1+nb-1) = occ(ind2:ind2+nb-1)
199    end do
200  end do
202 !Change dimension in the local Dtset_cpy as well.
203  dtset_cpy = Dtset%copy()
204  Dtset_cpy%mpw   = kss_npw
205  Dtset_cpy%mband = nbandksseff
207  fform=502
209  SELECT CASE (iomode)
213    if (open_file(filekss, msg, newunit=kss_unt, form="unformatted") /= 0) then
214      ABI_ERROR(msg)
215    end if
217    call my_hdr%fort_write(kss_unt, fform, ierr)
218    ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "hdr_Fort_write returned ierr != 0")
220    title='Results from ABINIT code';          write(kss_unt) title(1:80)
221    title='Ab-initio plane waves calculation'; write(kss_unt) title(1:80)
223    write(kss_unt) nsym2,nbandksseff,kss_npw,ishm,Psps%mpsang ! To be modified to deal with more than one projector
224    write(kss_unt) (((symrel2(ii,jj,kk),ii=1,3),jj=1,3),kk=1,nsym2)
225    write(kss_unt) ((tnons2(ii,kk),ii=1,3),kk=1,nsym2)
226    write(kss_unt) ((gbig(ii,ig),ii=1,3),ig=1,kss_npw)
227    write(kss_unt) (shlim(in),in=1,ishm)
229    ! Write vkbsign for NC pseudos with Fortran IO
230    ! MG FIXME: only one projector in each angular channel is treated.
231    ! Moreover the allocation is done in the wrong order for dimensions...
232    ! but if I change this code, compatibility with external codes is broken.
233    if (Psps%usepaw==0) then
234      ABI_MALLOC(vkbsign,(Psps%ntypat,Psps%mpsang))
235      vkbsign(:,:)=zero
236      do itypat=1,Psps%ntypat
237        il0=0
238        do ilmn=1,Psps%lmnmax
239          il=1+Psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
240          in=Psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
241          if (il/=il0 .and. in==1) then
242            il0=il
243            vkbsign(itypat,il)=DSIGN(one,Psps%ekb(ilmn,itypat))
244          end if
245        end do
246      end do
247      write(kss_unt) ((vkbsign(itypat,il),il=1,Psps%mpsang),itypat=1,Psps%ntypat)
248      ABI_FREE(vkbsign)
249    end if
251 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
254    ! Create file.
255    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(kss_unt, nctk_ncify(filekss), xmpi_comm_self))
257    ! Add additional info from abinit header.
258    NCF_CHECK(my_hdr%ncwrite(kss_unt, fform, nc_define=.True.))
260    ! Add info on crystalline structure
261    ! FIXME: Check symmorphi trick and crystal%symrel!
262    ! We currently use the dataset symmetries, as defined in the Hdr structure
263    ! instead of the symmetries recomputed in outkss.
264    NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(kss_unt))
266    ! Defined G-vectors and wavefunctions.
267    call wfk_ncdef_dims_vars(kss_unt, my_hdr, fform, iskss=.True.)
268    !call abi_etsf_init(Dtset_cpy, filekss, 4, .false., my_Hdr%lmn_size, Psps, Dummy_wfs)
270    ! If NC pseudos, write vkbsign.
271    ! Here multi-projectors are supported, array is dimensioned according to etsf-io standard.
272    if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
274      ! Define dims and variables needed for KB matrix elements.
275      ncerr = nctk_def_dims(kss_unt, [ &
276        nctkdim_t("max_number_of_angular_momenta", psps%mpsang), &
277        nctkdim_t("max_number_of_projectors", psps%mproj) &
278      ])
279      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
281      ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(kss_unt, [ &
282        nctkarr_t("kb_formfactor_sign", "int", &
283 &"max_number_of_projectors, max_number_of_angular_momenta, number_of_atom_species"), &
284        nctkarr_t("kb_formfactors", "dp", &
285 &"max_number_of_coefficients, number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_projectors,&
286 &max_number_of_angular_momenta, number_of_atom_species"), &
287        nctkarr_t("kb_formfactor_derivative", "dp", &
288 &"max_number_of_coefficients, number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_projectors,&
289 &max_number_of_angular_momenta, number_of_atom_species") &
290      ])
291      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
293      ABI_MALLOC(vkbsign_int, (psps%mproj, Psps%mpsang, Psps%ntypat))
294      vkbsign_int=0
295      do itypat=1,Psps%ntypat
296        do ilmn=1,Psps%lmnmax
297          il=1+Psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
298          in=Psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
299          vkbsign_int(in,il,itypat)=NINT(DSIGN(one,Psps%ekb(ilmn,itypat)))
300        end do
301      end do
303      NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(kss_unt))
305      ! Write KB sign here
306      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(kss_unt, nctk_idname(kss_unt, "kb_formfactor_sign"), vkbsign_int))
307      ABI_FREE(vkbsign_int)
308    end if
310    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(kss_unt))
311 #endif
314    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Unsupported value for iomode:", itoa(iomode)))
317  call Dtset_cpy%free()
318  call my_Hdr%free()
322 end subroutine write_kss_header

m_io_kss/write_kss_wfgk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




  Write the Gamma-centered wavefunctions and energies on the KSS file for a single k-point.
  (Only the master node should call this routine).


  kss_unt=The unit number of the file
  ikpt=The index of the k-point
  isppol=The spin index.
  nspinor=number of spinorial components (on current proc)
  kss_npw=Number of planewaves used for the wavefunctions in the KSS files.
  npw_k=Number of plane-waves in the k-centered basis set.
  nbandksseff=Number of bands to be written.
  natom=Number of atoms.
  Psps<Pseudopotential_type>=Structure gathering pseudopotential data.
  kpoint(3)=The k-points in reduced coordinates.
  ene_k(nbandksseff)=Energies at this k-point
  occ_k(nbandksseff)=Occupation factors at this k-point.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr).
  gbig(3,kss_npw)=The set of G-vectors for the KSS wavefunctions (Gamma-centered)
  wfg(2,kss_npw*nspinor,nbandksseff)=The wavefunction Fourier coefficients.
  iomode=Input variables specifying the fileformat. (0-->Fortran,3--> netcdf with ETSF-IO format).


  Only writing.


472 subroutine write_kss_wfgk(kss_unt,ikpt,isppol,kpoint,nspinor,kss_npw,&
473 &          nbandksseff,natom,Psps,ene_k,occ_k,rprimd,gbig,wfg,Cprjnk_k,iomode)
475 !Arguments ------------------------------------
476 !scalars
477  integer,intent(in) :: ikpt,isppol,iomode,kss_npw,nspinor,kss_unt,nbandksseff
478  integer,intent(in) :: natom
479  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
480 !arrays
481  integer,intent(in) :: gbig(3,kss_npw)
482  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpoint(3),rprimd(3,3)
483  real(dp),intent(in) :: ene_k(nbandksseff),occ_k(nbandksseff)
484  real(dp),intent(in) ::  wfg(2,kss_npw*nspinor,nbandksseff)
485  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: Cprjnk_k(natom,nspinor*nbandksseff*Psps%usepaw)
487 !Local variables-------------------------------
488 !scalars
489  integer :: ib,ibsp,ig,ispinor,iatom,ii !,ierr
490 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
491  integer :: kg_varid,cg_varid,ncerr
492  character(len=nctk_slen) :: kdep
493 #endif
495 ! *********************************************************************
497  ! Calculate and write KB form factors and derivative at this k-point.
498  if (Psps%usepaw==0) then
499    call write_vkb(kss_unt,ikpt,kpoint,kss_npw,gbig,rprimd,Psps,iomode)
500  end if
502  ! ============================================================
503  ! ==== Write wavefunctions and PAW matrix elements on disk ====
504  ! ============================================================
505  SELECT CASE (iomode)
508    write(kss_unt) (ene_k(ib),ib=1,nbandksseff)
510    ibsp=0
511    do ib=1,nbandksseff
512      write(kss_unt) (wfg(:,ig,ib),ig=1,kss_npw*nspinor)
513      if (Psps%usepaw==1) then ! Remember that cprj are unsorted.
514        do ispinor=1,nspinor
515          ibsp=ibsp+1
516          do iatom=1,natom
517            ii=Cprjnk_k(iatom,ibsp)%nlmn
518            write(kss_unt) (Cprjnk_k(iatom,ibsp)%cp(:,1:ii))
519          end do
520        end do
521      end if
522    end do
524 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
526    if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
527      ABI_WARNING("PAW output with ETSF-IO netcdf: cprj won't be written")
528    end if
530    ! Write G-vectors (gbig because it's not k-dependent)
531    NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(kss_unt, "reduced_coordinates_of_plane_waves", kg_varid))
532    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_att(kss_unt, kg_varid, "k_dependent", kdep))
533    if (kdep == "no") then
534      ncerr = nf90_put_var(kss_unt, kg_varid, gbig, start=[1,1], count=[3,kss_npw])
535    else
536      ncerr = nf90_put_var(kss_unt, kg_varid, gbig, start=[1,1,ikpt], count=[3,kss_npw,1])
537    end if
538    NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "putting gibg")
540    ! Write wavefunctions
541    ! The coefficients_of_wavefunctions on file have shape [cplex, mpw, nspinor, mband, nkpt, nsppol]
542    NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(kss_unt, "coefficients_of_wavefunctions", cg_varid))
543    ncerr = nf90_put_var(kss_unt, cg_varid, wfg, start=[1,1,1,1,ikpt,isppol], &
544      count=[2,kss_npw,nspinor,nbandksseff,1,1])
545    NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "putting cg_k")
547    ! Write eigenvalues and occupations
548    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(kss_unt, nctk_idname(kss_unt, "eigenvalues"), ene_k, start=[1,ikpt,isppol]))
549    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(kss_unt, nctk_idname(kss_unt, "occupations"), occ_k, start=[1,ikpt,isppol]))
550 #endif
553    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Unsupported iomode:", itoa(iomode)))
556 end subroutine write_kss_wfgk

m_io_kss/write_vkb [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_io_kss ] [ Functions ]




  Writes the KB form factors and derivates on file for a single k-point.
  Supports plain Fortran IO and netcdf with ETSF-IO format


  kss_unt=The unit number of the file
  ikpt=The index of the k-point
  kpoint(3)=The k-point in reduced coordinates.
  kss_npw=Number of planewaves used for the wavefunctions in the KSS files.
  npw_k=Number of planewaves at this k-point in the k-centered basis set used in abinit (ecut).
  ecut=cutoff energy used in abinit.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr).
  Psps<Pseudopotential_type>=Datatype gathering data on the Pseudopotentials.
  iomode=Input variables specifying the fileformat. (0-->Fortran,3-->netcdf with ETSF-IO).
  gbig(3,kss_npw)=Set of G-vectors used in the KSS file.


  Only writing.


352 subroutine write_vkb(kss_unt,ikpt,kpoint,kss_npw,gbig,rprimd,Psps,iomode)
354 !Arguments ------------------------------------
355 !scalars
356  integer,intent(in) :: ikpt,iomode,kss_npw,kss_unt
357  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
358 !arrays
359  integer,intent(in) :: gbig(3,kss_npw)
360  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpoint(3),rprimd(3,3)
362 !Local variables-------------------------------
363 !scalars
364  integer :: itypat,il,ig,mpsang,ntypat
365 !array
366  real(dp),allocatable :: vkb(:,:,:),vkbd(:,:,:)
367  real(dp),allocatable :: dum_vkbsign(:,:)
368 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
369  integer :: ncerr,varid
370  real(dp),allocatable,target :: vkb_tgt(:,:,:,:), vkbd_tgt(:,:,:,:)
371 #endif
373 ! *********************************************************************
375  mpsang = Psps%mpsang; ntypat = Psps%ntypat
377  ABI_MALLOC(vkb ,(kss_npw,ntypat,mpsang))
378  ABI_MALLOC(vkbd,(kss_npw,ntypat,mpsang))
379  ABI_MALLOC(dum_vkbsign,(ntypat,mpsang))
381  call kss_calc_vkb(Psps,kpoint,kss_npw,gbig,rprimd,dum_vkbsign,vkb,vkbd)
382  ABI_FREE(dum_vkbsign)
384  SELECT CASE (iomode)
387   do itypat=1,ntypat
388     do il=1,mpsang
389       write(kss_unt) (vkb (ig,itypat,il),ig=1,kss_npw)
390       write(kss_unt) (vkbd(ig,itypat,il),ig=1,kss_npw)
391     end do
392   end do
394 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
396    ABI_MALLOC(vkb_tgt ,(kss_npw,1,mpsang,ntypat))
397    ABI_MALLOC(vkbd_tgt,(kss_npw,1,mpsang,ntypat))
398    do itypat=1,ntypat
399      do il=1,mpsang
400        do ig=1,kss_npw
401          vkb_tgt (ig,1,il,itypat)=vkb (ig,itypat,il)
402          vkbd_tgt(ig,1,il,itypat)=vkbd(ig,itypat,il)
403        end do
404      end do
405    end do
407    ! FIXME: Multiple projectors
408    !ABI_MALLOC(vkbd, (npw, psps%lnmax, cryst%ntypat))
409    !call calc_vkb(cryst,psps,kpoint,npw,npw,gvec,vkbsign,vkb,vkbd)
410    !ABI_FREE(vkbsign)
411    !ABI_FREE(vkb)
412    !ABI_FREE(vkbd)
414    ! The shape of the variable on disk is (Fortran API):
415    !  (max_number_of_coefficients, number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_projectors,
416    !   max_number_of_angular_momenta, number_of_atom_species)
417    varid = nctk_idname(kss_unt, "kb_formfactors")
418    ncerr = nf90_put_var(kss_unt, varid, vkb_tgt, start=[1,ikpt,1,1,1], count=[kss_npw,1,1,mpsang,ntypat])
419    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
421    varid = nctk_idname(kss_unt, "kb_formfactor_derivative")
422    ncerr = nf90_put_var(kss_unt, varid, vkbd_tgt, start=[1,ikpt,1,1,1], count=[kss_npw,1,1,mpsang,ntypat])
423    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
425    ABI_FREE(vkb_tgt)
426    ABI_FREE(vkbd_tgt)
427 #endif
430    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Unsupported value for iomode:", itoa(iomode)))
433  ABI_FREE(vkb)
434  ABI_FREE(vkbd)
436 end subroutine write_vkb