ABINIT/calc_sigx_me [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of the exchange part of the self-energy operator.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (FB, GMR, VO, LR, RWG, MG, RShaltaf)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 sigmak_ibz=Index of the k-point in the IBZ.
 minbnd, maxbnd= min and Max band index for GW correction (for this k-point)
 Gsph_x<gsphere_t>= Info on the G-sphere used for Sigma_x
    %nsym=number of symmetry operations
    %rottb(ng,timrev,nsym)=index of (IS) G where I is the identity or the inversion
      operation and G is one of the ng vectors in reciprocal space
    %timrev=2 if time-reversal symmetry is used, 1 otherwise
    %gvec(3,ng)=integer coordinates of each plane wave in reciprocal space
 ikcalc=index in the array Sigp%kptgw2bz of the k-point where GW corrections are calculated
 Ltg_k datatype containing information on the little group
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>
    %nbz=Number of points in the BZ
    %nibz=Number of points in IBZ
    %kibz(3,nibz)=k-point coordinates, irreducible Brillouin zone
    %kbz(3,nbz)=k-point coordinates, full Brillouin zone
    %ktab(nbz)= table giving for each k-point in the BZ (kBZ), the corresponding
    %ktabi(nbz)= for each k-point in the BZ defines whether inversion has to be considered
    %ktabp(nbz)= phase factor associated to tnons
 gwx_ngfft(18)=Information about 3D FFT for the oscillator strengths, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 gwx_nfftot=number of points of the FFT grid for GW wavefunctions
 Vcp <vcoul_t datatype> containing information on the cutoff technique
    %vc_sqrt(npwx,nqibz)= square-root of the coulombian potential for q-points in the IBZ
 Pawtab(Psps%ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
 Pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
 Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
    %usepaw=1 for PAW, 0 for NC pseudopotentials.
 Qmesh <kmesh_t> : datatype gathering information of the q-mesh used
    %ibz=q points where $\tilde\epsilon^{-1}$ has been computed
    %bz(3,nqbz)=coordinates of all q-points in BZ
 Sigp <sigparams_t> (see the definition of this structured datatype)
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Info on unit cell and symmetries
    %natom=number of atoms in unit cell
    %ucvol=unit cell volume
    %nsym=number of symmetry operations
    %typat(natom)=type of each atom
  much slower but it requires less memory
 QP_BSt<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin
  Paw_pwff<pawpwff_t>=Form factor used to calculate the onsite mat. elements of a plane wave.
  allQP_sym(%nkibz, %nsppol)<esymm_t>=Datatype collecting data on the irreducible representations of the
    little group of kcalc in the KS representation as well as the symmetry of the bdgw_k states.
 prtvol=Flags governing verbosity level.


  Sr%x_mat(minbnd:maxbnd,minbnd:maxbnd,%nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab)=Matrix elements of Sigma_x.


  1) The treatment of the divergence of Gygi+Baldereschi (PRB 1986) is included.

  2) On the symmetrization of Sigma matrix elements
     If  Sk = k+G0 then  M_G(k, Sq)= e^{-i( Sq+G).t} M_{ S^-1(G}   (k,q)
     If -Sk = k+G0 then  M_G(k,-Sq)= e^{-i(-Sq+G).t} M_{-S^-1(G)}^*(k,q)

 Notice the absence of G0 in the expression. Moreover, when we sum over the little group, it turns out
 that there is a cancellation of the phase factor associated to the non-symmorphic operations due to a
 similar term coming from the symmetrization of \epsilon^{-1}. Mind however that the nonsymmorphic phase
 has to be considered when epsilon^-1 is reconstructed starting from the q-points in the IBZ.

  3) the unitary transformation relating wavefunctions
     at symmetric k-points should be taken into account during the symmetrization
     of the oscillator matrix elements. In case of G_oW_o and GW_o calculations, however,
     it is possible to make an invariant by just including all the degenerate states and
     averaging the final results over the degenerate subset. Here we divide the states
     where the QP energies are required into complexes. Note however that this approach is not
     based on group theory, and it might lead to spurious results in case of accidental degeneracies.






 97 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 98 #include "config.h"
 99 #endif
101 #include "abi_common.h"
103 subroutine calc_sigx_me(sigmak_ibz,ikcalc,minbnd,maxbnd,Cryst,QP_BSt,Sigp,Sr,Gsph_x,Vcp,Kmesh,Qmesh,&
104 & Ltg_k,Pawtab,Pawang,Paw_pwff,Pawfgrtab,Paw_onsite,Psps,Wfd,Wfdf,allQP_sym,gwx_ngfft,ngfftf,&
105 & prtvol,pawcross)
107  use defs_basis
108  use defs_datatypes
109  use m_profiling_abi
110  use m_gwdefs
111  use m_xmpi
112  use m_defs_ptgroups
113  use m_errors
114  use m_time
116  use m_blas,          only : xdotc, xgemv
117  use m_numeric_tools, only : hermitianize
118  use m_geometry,      only : normv
119  use m_crystal,       only : crystal_t
120  use m_fft_mesh,      only : rotate_FFT_mesh, cigfft
121  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t, get_BZ_item, findqg0, littlegroup_t, littlegroup_print
122  use m_gsphere,       only : gsphere_t, gsph_fft_tabs
123  use m_vcoul,         only : vcoul_t
124  use m_pawpwij,       only : pawpwff_t, pawpwij_t, pawpwij_init, pawpwij_free, paw_rho_tw_g, paw_cross_rho_tw_g
125  use m_paw_pwaves_lmn,only : paw_pwaves_lmn_t
126  use m_pawang,        only : pawang_type
127  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type
128  use m_pawfgrtab,     only : pawfgrtab_type
129  use m_pawcprj,       only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy, paw_overlap
130  use m_wfd,           only : wfd_t, wfd_get_ur, wfd_get_cprj, wfd_change_ngfft, wfd_paw_get_aeur, wfd_get_many_ur,&
131 &                            wfd_sym_ur
132  use m_sigma,         only : sigma_t, sigma_distribute_bks
133  use m_oscillators,   only : rho_tw_g
134  use m_esymm,         only : esymm_t, esymm_symmetrize_mels, esymm_failed
135  use m_ptgroups,      only : sum_irreps
137 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
138 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
139 #undef ABI_FUNC
140 #define ABI_FUNC 'calc_sigx_me'
141  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
142  use interfaces_18_timing
143  use interfaces_65_paw
144 !End of the abilint section
146  implicit none
148 !Arguments ------------------------------------
149 !scalars
150  integer,intent(in) :: sigmak_ibz,ikcalc,prtvol,minbnd,maxbnd,pawcross
151  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
152  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: QP_BSt
153  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
154  type(vcoul_t),intent(in) :: Vcp
155  type(gsphere_t),intent(in) :: Gsph_x
156  type(littlegroup_t),intent(in) :: Ltg_k
157  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
158  type(sigparams_t),target,intent(in) :: Sigp
159  type(sigma_t),intent(inout) :: Sr
160  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: Pawang
161  type(wfd_t),target,intent(inout) :: Wfd,Wfdf
162 !arrays
163  integer,intent(in) :: gwx_ngfft(18),ngfftf(18)
164  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat)
165  type(pawpwff_t),intent(in) :: Paw_pwff(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
166  type(esymm_t),target,intent(in) :: allQP_sym(Wfd%nkibz,Wfd%nsppol)
167  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: Pawfgrtab(Cryst%natom*Psps%usepaw)
168  type(paw_pwaves_lmn_t),intent(in) :: Paw_onsite(Cryst%natom*Psps%usepaw)
170 !Local variables ------------------------------
171 !scalars
172  integer,parameter :: tim_fourdp=2,ndat1=1
173  integer,parameter :: use_pawnhat=0,ider0=0
174  integer :: gwcalctyp,izero,iab,ib_sum,ib,ib1,ib2,ierr,ig,ig_rot,ii,iik,itim_q,i2
175  integer :: ik_bz,ik_ibz,isym_q,iq_bz,iq_ibz,spin,isym,jb,is_idx
176  integer :: jik,jk_bz,jk_ibz,kb,nspinor,nsppol,ifft
177  integer :: nq_summed,ibsp,dimcprj_gw,dim_rtwg
178  integer :: spad,spadx1,spadx2,irow,npw_k,ndegs,wtqm,wtqp,my_nbks
179  integer :: isym_kgw,isym_ki,gwx_mgfft,use_padfft,use_padfftf,gwx_fftalga,gwx_fftalgb
180  integer :: gwx_nfftot,nfftf,mgfftf,nhat12_grdim,npwx
181  real(dp) :: cpu_time,wall_time,gflops
182  real(dp) :: fact_sp,theta_mu_minus_esum,tol_empty
183  complex(dpc) :: ctmp,ph_mkgwt,ph_mkt
184  complex(gwpc) :: gwpc_sigxme
185  logical :: iscompatibleFFT,q_is_gamma
186  character(len=500) :: msg
187 !arrays
188  integer :: g0(3),spinor_padx(2,4)
189  integer,allocatable :: igfftxg0(:),igfftfxg0(:)
190  integer,allocatable :: degtab(:,:,:)
191  integer,allocatable :: gwx_gfft(:,:),gwx_gbound(:,:),gboundf(:,:)
192  integer,allocatable ::  ktabr(:,:),irottb(:,:),ktabrf(:,:)
193  integer,allocatable :: proc_distrb(:,:,:)
194  real(dp) :: ksum(3),kgw(3),kgw_m_ksum(3),qbz(3),q0(3),tsec(2)
195  real(dp) :: spinrot_kbz(4),spinrot_kgw(4)
196  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: qp_ene(:,:,:),qp_occ(:,:,:)
197  real(dp),allocatable :: nhat12(:,:,:),grnhat12(:,:,:,:)
198  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: vc_sqrt_qbz(:),rhotwg(:),rhotwgp(:)
199  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: rhotwg_ki(:,:)
200  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: wfr_bdgw(:,:),ur_ibz(:)
201  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur_ae_sum(:),ur_ae_onsite_sum(:),ur_ps_onsite_sum(:)
202  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur_ae_bdgw(:,:),ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,:),ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,:)
203  complex(dpc),allocatable :: sigxme_tmp(:,:,:),sym_sigx(:,:,:),sigx(:,:,:,:)
204  complex(gwpc),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: cg_jb(:),cg_sum(:)
205  logical :: can_symmetrize(Wfd%nsppol)
206  logical,allocatable :: bks_mask(:,:,:)
207  type(esymm_t),pointer :: QP_sym(:)
208  type(sigijtab_t),pointer :: Sigxij_tab(:)
209  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cprj_kgw(:,:),Cprj_ksum(:,:)
210  type(pawpwij_t),allocatable :: Pwij_qg(:),Pwij_fft(:)
212 !************************************************************************
216  call timab(430,1,tsec) ! csigme (SigX)
217  call cwtime(cpu_time,wall_time,gflops,"start")
219  ! Initialize some values.
220  gwcalctyp=Sigp%gwcalctyp
221  nspinor = Wfd%nspinor; nsppol = Wfd%nsppol; npwx = sigp%npwx
222  dim_rtwg = 1; if (nspinor == 2) dim_rtwg = 2
223  spinor_padx = RESHAPE([0, 0, npwx, npwx, 0, npwx, npwx, 0], [2, 4])
224  ABI_CHECK(Sigp%npwx==Gsph_x%ng,"")
226  qp_ene => QP_BSt%eig; qp_occ => QP_BSt%occ
228  ! Exctract the symmetries of the bands for this k-point
229  QP_sym => allQP_sym(sigmak_ibz,1:nsppol)
231  ib1=minbnd; ib2=maxbnd
233  ! Index of the GW point in the BZ array, its image in IBZ and time-reversal
234  jk_bz = Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)
235  call get_BZ_item(Kmesh,jk_bz,kgw,jk_ibz,isym_kgw,jik,ph_mkgwt)
237  ! TODO: the new version based of get_uug won't support kptgw vectors that are not in
238  ! the IBZ since one should perform the rotation before entering the band loop
239  ! In the old version, the rotation was done in rho_tw_g
240  !ABI_CHECK(jik==1,"jik!=1")
241  !ABI_CHECK(isym_kgw==1,"isym_kgw!=1")
242  !ABI_CHECK((ABS(ph_mkgwt - cone) < tol12),"ph_mkgwt!")
243  !%call get_IBZ_item(Kmesh,jk_ibz,kibz,wtk)
244  spinrot_kgw(:)=Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_kgw)
245  write(msg,'(2a,3f8.3,2a,2(i3,a))')ch10,&
246 &  ' Calculating <nk|Sigma_x|nk> at k= ',kgw,ch10,&
247 &  ' bands from ',ib1,' to ',ib2,ch10
248  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
250  if (ANY(gwx_ngfft(1:3) /= Wfd%ngfft(1:3)) ) call wfd_change_ngfft(Wfd,Cryst,Psps,gwx_ngfft)
251  gwx_mgfft = MAXVAL(gwx_ngfft(1:3))
252  gwx_fftalga = gwx_ngfft(7)/100; gwx_fftalgb = MOD(gwx_ngfft(7),100)/10
254  if (pawcross==1) mgfftf = MAXVAL(ngfftf(1:3))
256  can_symmetrize = .FALSE.
257  if (Sigp%symsigma>0) then
258    can_symmetrize = .TRUE.
259    if (gwcalctyp >= 20) then
260      do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
261        can_symmetrize(spin) = .not. esymm_failed(QP_sym(spin))
262        if (.not.can_symmetrize(spin)) then
263          write(msg,'(a,i0,4a)')&
264 &          "Symmetrization cannot be performed for spin: ",spin,ch10,&
265 &          "band classification encountered the following problem: ",ch10,&
266 &          TRIM(QP_sym(spin)%err_msg)
267          MSG_WARNING(msg)
268        end if
269      end do
270    end if
271    if (nspinor == 2) then
272      MSG_WARNING('Symmetrization with nspinor=2 not implemented')
273    end if
274  end if
276  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg_ki, (npwx*nspinor, minbnd:maxbnd))
277  rhotwg_ki=czero_gw
278  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg, (npwx*nspinor))
279  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwgp, (npwx*nspinor))
280  ABI_MALLOC(vc_sqrt_qbz, (npwx))
282  ! Normalization of theta_mu_minus_esum
283  ! If nsppol==2, qp_occ $\in [0,1]$
284  SELECT CASE (nsppol)
285  CASE (1)
286    fact_sp=half; tol_empty=0.01   ! below this value the state is assumed empty
287    if (Sigp%nspinor==2) then
288     fact_sp=one; tol_empty=0.005  ! below this value the state is assumed empty
289    end if
290  CASE (2)
291    fact_sp=one; tol_empty=0.005 ! to be consistent and obtain similar results if a metallic
292  CASE DEFAULT                    ! spin unpolarized system is treated using nsppol==2
293    MSG_BUG('Wrong nsppol')
296  ! Table for \Sigmax_ij matrix elements.
297  Sigxij_tab => Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,1:nsppol)
299  ! Remove empty states from the list of states that will be distributed.
300  ABI_MALLOC(bks_mask,(Wfd%mband,Kmesh%nbz,nsppol))
301  bks_mask=.FALSE.
302  do spin=1,nsppol
303    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
304      ik_ibz = Kmesh%tab(ik_bz)
305      do ib_sum=1,Sigp%nbnds
306        bks_mask(ib_sum,ik_bz,spin) = qp_occ(ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin) >= tol_empty
307      end do
308    end do
309  end do
311  ! Distribute tasks.
312  ABI_MALLOC(proc_distrb,(Wfd%mband,Kmesh%nbz,nsppol))
313  call sigma_distribute_bks(Wfd,Kmesh,Ltg_k,Qmesh,nsppol,can_symmetrize,kgw,Sigp%mg0,my_nbks,proc_distrb,bks_mask=bks_mask)
314  ABI_FREE(bks_mask)
315  write(msg,'(2(a,i4),a)')" Will sum ",my_nbks ," (b, k, s) occupied states in Sigma_x."
316  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
318  ! The index of G-G0 in the FFT mesh the oscillators
319  ! Sigp%mG0 gives the MAX G0 component to account for umklapp.
320  ! Note the size MAX(npwx, Sigp%npwc).
321  ABI_MALLOC(igfftxg0, (Gsph_x%ng))
323  ! Precalculate the FFT index of $ R^{-1}(r-\tau)$
324  ! S = \transpose R^{-1} and k_BZ = S k_IBZ
325  ! irottb is the FFT index of $R^{-1} (r-\tau)$ used to symmetrize u_Sk.
326  gwx_nfftot = PRODUCT(gwx_ngfft(1:3))
327  ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(gwx_nfftot,Cryst%nsym))
328  call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,gwx_ngfft,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
329  if (.not. iscompatibleFFT) then
330    MSG_WARNING("FFT mesh is not compatible with symmetries. Results might be affected by large errors!")
331  end if
333  ABI_MALLOC(ktabr,(gwx_nfftot,Kmesh%nbz))
334  do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
335    isym=Kmesh%tabo(ik_bz)
336    do ifft=1,gwx_nfftot
337      ktabr(ifft,ik_bz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
338    end do
339  end do
340  ABI_FREE(irottb)
342  if (Psps%usepaw==1 .and. pawcross==1) then
343    nfftf = PRODUCT(ngfftf(1:3))
344    ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(nfftf,Cryst%nsym))
345    call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,ngfftf,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
347    ABI_MALLOC(ktabrf,(nfftf,Kmesh%nbz))
348    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
349      isym=Kmesh%tabo(ik_bz)
350      do ifft=1,nfftf
351        ktabrf(ifft,ik_bz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
352      end do
353    end do
354    ABI_FREE(irottb)
355  end if
357  ! Additional allocations for PAW.
358  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
359    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Cprj_ksum,(Cryst%natom,nspinor))
360    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_ksum,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
362    nhat12_grdim=0
363    if (use_pawnhat==1) then
364      ! Compensation charge for \phi_a^*\phi_b
365      call wrtout(std_out,"Using nhat12","COLL")
366      ABI_MALLOC(nhat12  ,(2,gwx_nfftot,nspinor**2))
367      ABI_MALLOC(grnhat12,(2,gwx_nfftot,nspinor**2,3*nhat12_grdim))
368    end if
369  end if
371  ABI_MALLOC(sigxme_tmp, (minbnd:maxbnd, minbnd:maxbnd, Wfd%nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab))
372  ABI_MALLOC(sigx,(2, ib1:ib2, ib1:ib2, nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab))
373  sigxme_tmp = czero; sigx = czero
375  nq_summed=Kmesh%nbz
376  if (Sigp%symsigma > 0) then
377    call littlegroup_print(Ltg_k,std_out,prtvol,'COLL')
378    nq_summed=SUM(Ltg_k%ibzq(:))
380    ! Find number of degenerates subspaces and number of bands in each subspace.
381    ! The tolerance is a little bit arbitrary (0.001 eV)
382    ! It could be reduced, in particular in case of nearly accidental degeneracies
383    ABI_MALLOC(degtab,(ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,nsppol))
384    degtab=0
385    do spin=1,nsppol
386      do ib=ib1,ib2
387        do jb=ib1,ib2
388         if (ABS(qp_ene(ib,jk_ibz,spin)-qp_ene(jb,jk_ibz,spin))<0.001/Ha_ev) degtab(ib,jb,spin)=1
389        end do
390      end do
391    end do
392  end if !symsigma
394  write(msg,'(2a,i0,a)')ch10,' calc_sigx_me: calculation status (', nq_summed, ' to be completed):'
395  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
397  ABI_MALLOC(ur_ibz,(gwx_nfftot*nspinor))
398  if (pawcross==1) then
399    ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_sum,(nfftf*nspinor))
400    ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_onsite_sum,(nfftf*nspinor))
401    ABI_MALLOC(ur_ps_onsite_sum,(nfftf*nspinor))
402  end if
404  ! =======================================
405  ! ==== Begin loop over k_i in the BZ ====
406  ! =======================================
407  do spin=1,nsppol
408    if (ALL(proc_distrb(:,:,spin) /= Wfd%my_rank)) CYCLE
410    ! Load wavefunctions for GW corrections.
411    ABI_STAT_MALLOC(wfr_bdgw, (gwx_nfftot*nspinor,ib1:ib2), ierr)
412    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "Out of memory in wfr_bdgw")
413    call wfd_get_many_ur(Wfd, [(jb, jb=ib1,ib2)], jk_ibz, spin, wfr_bdgw)
415    if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
416      ! Load cprj for GW states, note the indexing.
417      dimcprj_gw=nspinor*(ib2-ib1+1)
418      ABI_DT_MALLOC(Cprj_kgw,(Cryst%natom,ib1:ib1+dimcprj_gw-1))
419      call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_kgw,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
420      ibsp=ib1
421      do jb=ib1,ib2
422        call wfd_get_cprj(Wfd,jb,jk_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj_ksum,sorted=.FALSE.)
423        call paw_symcprj(jk_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_ksum)
424        call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_ksum,Cprj_kgw(:,ibsp:ibsp+(nspinor-1)))
425        ibsp=ibsp+nspinor
426      end do
427      if (pawcross==1) then
428        ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_bdgw,(nfftf*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
429        ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_onsite_bdgw,(nfftf*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
430        ABI_MALLOC(ur_ps_onsite_bdgw,(nfftf*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
431        do jb=ib1,ib2
432          call wfd_paw_get_aeur(Wfdf,jb,jk_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,&
433 &          ur_ae_sum,ur_ae_onsite_sum,ur_ps_onsite_sum)
434          ur_ae_bdgw(:,jb)=ur_ae_sum
435          ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,jb)=ur_ae_onsite_sum
436          ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,jb)=ur_ps_onsite_sum
437        end do
438      end if
439    end if
441    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
442      ! Parallelization over k-points and spin.
443      ! For the spin there is another check in the inner loop
444      if (ALL(proc_distrb(:,ik_bz,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank)) CYCLE
446      ! Find the corresponding irreducible k-point
447      call get_BZ_item(Kmesh,ik_bz,ksum,ik_ibz,isym_ki,iik,ph_mkt)
448      spinrot_kbz = Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_ki)
450      ! Identify q and G0 where q+G0=k_GW-k_i
451      kgw_m_ksum = kgw - ksum
452      call findqg0(iq_bz,g0,kgw_m_ksum,Qmesh%nbz,Qmesh%bz,Sigp%mG0)
454      ! Symmetrize the matrix elements ===
455      ! Sum only q"s in IBZ_k. In this case elements are weighted
456      ! according to wtqp and wtqm. wtqm is for time-reversal.
457      wtqp=1; wtqm=0
458      if (can_symmetrize(spin)) then
459        if (Ltg_k%ibzq(iq_bz)/=1) CYCLE
460        wtqp=0; wtqm=0
461        do isym=1,Ltg_k%nsym_sg
462          wtqp = wtqp + Ltg_k%wtksym(1,isym,iq_bz)
463          wtqm = wtqm + Ltg_k%wtksym(2,isym,iq_bz)
464        end do
465      end if
467      write(msg,'(2(a,i4),a,i3)')' calc_sigx_me: ik_bz ',ik_bz,'/',Kmesh%nbz,' done by mpi-rank: ',Wfd%my_rank
468      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
470      ! Find the corresponding irreducible q-point.
471      call get_BZ_item(Qmesh,iq_bz,qbz,iq_ibz,isym_q,itim_q)
472      q_is_gamma = (normv(qbz,Cryst%gmet,"G") < GW_TOL_W0)
474      ! Tables for the FFT of the oscillators.
475      !  a) FFT index of the G-G0.
476      !  b) gwx_gbound table for the zero-padded FFT performed in rhotwg.
477      ABI_MALLOC(gwx_gbound,(2*gwx_mgfft+8,2))
478      call gsph_fft_tabs(Gsph_x,g0,gwx_mgfft,gwx_ngfft,use_padfft,gwx_gbound,igfftxg0)
480      if (ANY(gwx_fftalga == [2, 4])) use_padfft=0 ! Pad-FFT is not coded in rho_tw_g
481      !use_padfft=0
482      if (use_padfft==0) then
483        ABI_FREE(gwx_gbound)
484        ABI_MALLOC(gwx_gbound,(2*gwx_mgfft+8,2*use_padfft))
485      end if
487      if (pawcross==1) then
488        ABI_MALLOC(gboundf,(2*mgfftf+8,2))
489        ABI_MALLOC(igfftfxg0,(Gsph_x%ng))
490        call gsph_fft_tabs(Gsph_x,g0,mgfftf,ngfftf,use_padfftf,gboundf,igfftfxg0)
491        if ( ANY(gwx_fftalga == [2, 4]) ) use_padfftf=0
492        if (use_padfftf==0) then
493          ABI_FREE(gboundf)
494          ABI_MALLOC(gboundf,(2*mgfftf+8,2*use_padfftf))
495        end if
496      end if
498      if (Psps%usepaw==1 .and. use_pawnhat==0) then
499        ! Evaluate oscillator matrix elements
500        ! $ <phj/r|e^{-i(q+G)}|phi/r> - <tphj/r|e^{-i(q+G)}|tphi/r> $ in packed form
501        q0 = qbz !;if (q_is_gamma) q0 = (/0.00001_dp,0.00001_dp,0.00001_dp/) ! GW_Q0_DEFAULT
502        ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pwij_qg,(Psps%ntypat))
503        call pawpwij_init(Pwij_qg, npwx, q0, Gsph_x%gvec, Cryst%rprimd, Psps, Pawtab, Paw_pwff)
504      end if
506      ! Get Fourier components of the Coulomb interaction in the BZ
507      ! In 3D systems, neglecting umklapp,  vc(Sq,sG)=vc(q,G)=4pi/|q+G|
508      ! The same relation holds for 0-D systems, but not in 1-D or 2D systems. It depends on S.
509      do ig=1,npwx
510        ig_rot = Gsph_x%rottb(ig,itim_q,isym_q)
511        vc_sqrt_qbz(ig_rot)=Vcp%vc_sqrt_resid(ig,iq_ibz)
512      end do
514      ! Sum over (occupied) bands.
515      do ib_sum=1,Sigp%nbnds
516        ! Parallelism over bands
517        ! This processor has this k-point but what about spin?
518        if (proc_distrb(ib_sum,ik_bz,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank) CYCLE
520        ! Skip empty states.
521        if (qp_occ(ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin)<tol_empty) CYCLE
523        call wfd_get_ur(Wfd,ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin,ur_ibz)
525        if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
526          ! Load cprj for point ksum, this spin or spinor and *THIS* band.
527          ! TODO MG I could avoid doing this but I have to exchange spin and bands ???
528          ! For sure there is a better way to do this!
529          call wfd_get_cprj(Wfd,ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj_ksum,sorted=.FALSE.)
530          call paw_symcprj(ik_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_ksum)
531          if (pawcross==1) then
532            call wfd_paw_get_aeur(Wfdf,ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,&
533 &              ur_ae_sum,ur_ae_onsite_sum,ur_ps_onsite_sum)
534          end if
535        end if
537        ! Get all <k-q,ib_sum,s|e^{-i(q+G).r}|s,jb,k>
538        do jb=ib1,ib2
540          if (Psps%usepaw==1 .and. use_pawnhat==1) then
541            MSG_ERROR("use_pawnhat is disabled")
542            i2=jb; if (nspinor==2) i2=(2*jb-1)
543            spad=(nspinor-1)
545            izero=0
546            call pawmknhat_psipsi(Cprj_ksum,Cprj_kgw(:,i2:i2+spad),ider0,izero,Cryst%natom,&
547 &            Cryst%natom,gwx_nfftot,gwx_ngfft,nhat12_grdim,nspinor,Cryst%ntypat,Pawang,Pawfgrtab,&
548 &            grnhat12,nhat12,pawtab)
550          else
551            call rho_tw_g(nspinor,npwx,gwx_nfftot,ndat1,gwx_ngfft,1,use_padfft,igfftxg0,gwx_gbound, &
552 &            ur_ibz        ,iik,ktabr(:,ik_bz),ph_mkt  ,spinrot_kbz, &
553 &            wfr_bdgw(:,jb),jik,ktabr(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw, &
554 &            nspinor,rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
556            if (Psps%usepaw==1.and.use_pawnhat==0) then
557              ! Add on-site contribution, projectors are already in BZ.
558              i2=jb; if (nspinor==2) i2=(2*jb-1)
559              spad=(nspinor-1)
560              call paw_rho_tw_g(npwx,nspinor,nspinor,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Cryst%typat,Cryst%xred,Gsph_x%gvec,&
561 &              Cprj_ksum(:,:),Cprj_kgw(:,i2:i2+spad),Pwij_qg,rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
562            end if
563            if (Psps%usepaw==1.and.pawcross==1) then ! Add paw cross term
564              call paw_cross_rho_tw_g(nspinor,npwx,nfftf,ngfftf,1,use_padfftf,igfftfxg0,gboundf,&
565 &             ur_ae_sum,ur_ae_onsite_sum,ur_ps_onsite_sum,iik,ktabrf(:,ik_bz),ph_mkt,spinrot_kbz,&
566 &             ur_ae_bdgw(:,jb),ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,jb),ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,jb),jik,ktabrf(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw,&
567 &             nspinor,rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
568            end if
569          end if
571          ! Multiply by the square root of the Coulomb term
572          ! In 3-D systems, the factor sqrt(4pi) is included
573          do ii=1,nspinor
574            spad = (ii-1) * npwx
575            rhotwg_ki(spad+1:spad+npwx,jb) = rhotwg_ki(spad+1:spad + npwx,jb) * vc_sqrt_qbz(1:npwx)
576          end do
578          if (ik_bz == jk_bz) then
579            ! Treat analytically the case q --> 0
580            ! * The oscillator is evaluated at q=O as it is considered constant in the small cube around Gamma
581            !   while the Colulomb term is integrated out.
582            ! * In the scalar case we have nonzero contribution only if ib_sum==jb
583            ! * For nspinor==2 evalute <ib_sum,up|jb,up> and <ib_sum,dwn|jb,dwn>,
584            !   impose orthonormalization since npwwfn might be < npwvec.
586            if (nspinor==1) then
587              rhotwg_ki(1,jb) = czero_gw
588              !Note the use of i_sz_resid and not i_sz, to account for the possibility to have generalized KS basis set from hybrid
589              if (ib_sum == jb) rhotwg_ki(1,jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz_resid), 0.0_gwp)
590              !rhotwg_ki(1,jb) = czero_gw ! DEBUG
591            else
592              npw_k = Wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz)
593              rhotwg_ki(1, jb) = zero; rhotwg_ki(npwx+1, jb) = zero
594              if (ib_sum == jb) then
595                cg_sum => Wfd%Wave(ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin)%ug
596                cg_jb  => Wfd%Wave(jb,jk_ibz,spin)%ug
597                ctmp = xdotc(npw_k, cg_sum(1:), 1, cg_jb(1:), 1)
598                rhotwg_ki(1, jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz_resid), 0.0_gwp) * real(ctmp)
599                ctmp = xdotc(npw_k, cg_sum(npw_k+1:), 1, cg_jb(npw_k+1:), 1)
600                rhotwg_ki(npwx+1, jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz_resid), 0.0_gwp) * real(ctmp)
601              end if
602              !rhotwg_ki(1, jb) = zero; rhotwg_ki(npwx+1, jb) = zero
603              ! PAW is missing
604            end if
605          end if
606        end do ! jb Got all matrix elements from minbnd up to maxbnd.
608        theta_mu_minus_esum = fact_sp * qp_occ(ib_sum,ik_ibz,spin)
610        do kb=ib1,ib2
611          ! Compute the ket Sigma_x |phi_{k,kb}>.
612          rhotwgp(:) = rhotwg_ki(:,kb)
614          ! Loop over the non-zero row elements of this column.
615          ! If gwcalctyp <  20: only diagonal elements since QP == KS.
616          ! If gwcalctyp >= 20:
617          !      * Only off-diagonal elements connecting states with same character.
618          !      * Only the upper triangle if HF, SEX, or COHSEX.
619          do irow=1,Sigxij_tab(spin)%col(kb)%size1
620            jb = Sigxij_tab(spin)%col(kb)%bidx(irow)
621            rhotwg = rhotwg_ki(:,jb)
623            ! Calculate bare exchange <phi_j|Sigma_x|phi_k>.
624            ! Do the scalar product only if ib_sum is occupied.
625            if (theta_mu_minus_esum/fact_sp >= tol_empty) then
626              do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
627                spadx1 = spinor_padx(1, iab); spadx2 = spinor_padx(2, iab)
628                gwpc_sigxme = -XDOTC(npwx, rhotwg(spadx1+1:), 1, rhotwgp(spadx2+1:), 1) * theta_mu_minus_esum
630                ! Accumulate and symmetrize Sigma_x
631                ! -wtqm comes from time-reversal (exchange of band indeces)
632                is_idx = spin; if (nspinor == 2) is_idx = iab
633                sigxme_tmp(jb, kb, is_idx) = sigxme_tmp(jb, kb, is_idx) + &
634 &                (wtqp + wtqm)*DBLE(gwpc_sigxme) + (wtqp - wtqm)*j_gw*AIMAG(gwpc_sigxme)
636                sigx(1, jb, kb, is_idx) = sigx(1, jb, kb, is_idx) + wtqp *      gwpc_sigxme
637                sigx(2, jb, kb, is_idx) = sigx(2, jb, kb, is_idx) + wtqm *CONJG(gwpc_sigxme)
638              end do
639            end if
640          end do ! jb used to calculate matrix elements of Sigma_x
642        end do ! kb to calculate matrix elements of Sigma_x
643      end do ! ib_sum
645      ! Deallocate k-dependent quantities.
646      ABI_FREE(gwx_gbound)
647      if (pawcross==1) then
648        ABI_FREE(gboundf)
649      end if
651      if (Psps%usepaw==1.and.use_pawnhat==0) then
652        call pawpwij_free(Pwij_qg)
653        ABI_DT_FREE(Pwij_qg)
654      end if
655    end do ! ik_bz Got all diagonal (off-diagonal) matrix elements.
657    ABI_FREE(wfr_bdgw)
658    if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
659      call pawcprj_free(Cprj_kgw)
660      ABI_DT_FREE(Cprj_kgw)
661      if (pawcross==1) then
662        ABI_FREE(ur_ae_bdgw)
663        ABI_FREE(ur_ae_onsite_bdgw)
664        ABI_FREE(ur_ps_onsite_bdgw)
665      end if
666    end if
667  end do !spin
669  ABI_FREE(igfftxg0)
670  if (pawcross==1) then
671    ABI_FREE(igfftfxg0)
672  end if
674  ! Gather contributions from all the CPUs.
675  call xmpi_sum(sigxme_tmp, wfd%comm, ierr)
676  call xmpi_sum(sigx, wfd%comm, ierr)
678  ! Multiply by constants. For 3D systems sqrt(4pi) is included in vc_sqrt_qbz.
679  sigxme_tmp = (one/(Cryst%ucvol*Kmesh%nbz)) * sigxme_tmp * Sigp%sigma_mixing
680  sigx       = (one/(Cryst%ucvol*Kmesh%nbz)) * sigx       * Sigp%sigma_mixing
682  !
683  ! If we have summed over the IBZ_q now we have to average over degenerate states.
684  ! NOTE: Presently only diagonal terms are considered
685  ! TODO QP-SCGW required a more involved approach, there is a check in sigma
686  ! TODO it does not work if spinor==2.
687  do spin=1,nsppol
688    if (can_symmetrize(spin)) then
689      ABI_MALLOC(sym_sigx, (ib1:ib2, ib1:ib2, sigp%nsig_ab))
690      sym_sigx = czero
692      ! Average over degenerate diagonal elements.
693      ! NOTE: frequencies for \Sigma_c(\omega) should be equal to avoid spurious results.
694      ! another good reason to use a strict criterion for the tollerance on eigenvalues.
695      do ib=ib1,ib2
696        ndegs=0
697        do jb=ib1,ib2
698          if (degtab(ib,jb,spin)==1) then
699            if (nspinor == 1) then
700              sym_sigx(ib, ib, 1) = sym_sigx(ib, ib, 1) + SUM(sigx(:,jb,jb,spin))
701            else
702              do ii=1,sigp%nsig_ab
703                sym_sigx(ib, ib, ii) = sym_sigx(ib, ib, ii) + SUM(sigx(:,jb,jb,ii))
704              end do
705            end if
706          end if
707          ndegs = ndegs + degtab(ib,jb,spin)
708        end do
709        sym_sigx(ib,ib,:) = sym_sigx(ib,ib,:) / ndegs
710      end do
712      if (gwcalctyp >= 20) then
713        call esymm_symmetrize_mels(QP_sym(spin),ib1,ib2,sigx(:,:,:,spin),sym_sigx(:,:,1))
714      end if
716      ! Copy symmetrized values.
717      do ib=ib1,ib2
718        do jb=ib1,ib2
719          if (nspinor == 1) then
720            sigxme_tmp(ib,jb,spin) = sym_sigx(ib,jb,1)
721          else
722            do ii=1,sigp%nsig_ab
723              sigxme_tmp(ib,jb,ii) = sym_sigx(ib,jb,ii)
724            end do
725          end if
726        end do
727      end do
729      ABI_FREE(sym_sigx)
730    end if
731  end do
733  if (gwcalctyp>=20) then
734    ! Reconstruct the full sigma_x matrix from the upper triangle.
735    if (nspinor == 1) then
736      do spin=1,nsppol
737        call hermitianize(sigxme_tmp(:,:,spin), "Upper")
738      end do
739    else
740      MSG_WARNING("Should hermitianize non-collinear sigma!")
741    end if
742  end if
744  ! Save diagonal elements or ab components of Sigma_x (hermitian)
745  ! TODO It should be hermitian also if nspinor==2
746  do spin=1,nsppol
747    do jb=ib1,ib2
748      do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
749        is_idx = spin; if (Sigp%nsig_ab > 1) is_idx = iab
750        if (is_idx <= 2) then
751          Sr%sigxme(jb,jk_ibz,is_idx) = DBLE(sigxme_tmp(jb,jb,is_idx))
752        else
753          Sr%sigxme(jb,jk_ibz,is_idx) = sigxme_tmp(jb,jb,is_idx)
754        end if
755      end do
756      !if (Sigp%nsig_ab>1) then
757      !  write(std_out,'(i3,4f8.3,a,f8.3)')jb,Sr%sigxme(jb,jk_ibz,:)*Ha_eV,' Tot ',SUM(Sr%sigxme(jb,jk_ibz,:))*Ha_eV
758      !end if
759    end do
760  end do
762  ! Save full exchange matrix in Sr%
763  Sr%x_mat(minbnd:maxbnd,minbnd:maxbnd,jk_ibz,:) = sigxme_tmp(minbnd:maxbnd,minbnd:maxbnd,:)
764  ABI_FREE(sigxme_tmp)
766  ! ===========================
767  ! ==== Deallocate memory ====
768  ! ===========================
769  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
770    if (allocated(gwx_gfft))  then
771      ABI_FREE(gwx_gfft)
772    end if
773    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_ksum)
774    ABI_DT_FREE(Cprj_ksum)
775    if (allocated(Pwij_fft)) then
776      call pawpwij_free(Pwij_fft)
777      ABI_DT_FREE(Pwij_fft)
778    end if
779    if (use_pawnhat==1) then
780      ABI_FREE(nhat12)
781      ABI_FREE(grnhat12)
782    end if
783    if (pawcross==1) then
784      ABI_FREE(ur_ae_sum)
785      ABI_FREE(ur_ae_onsite_sum)
786      ABI_FREE(ur_ps_onsite_sum)
787      ABI_FREE(ktabrf)
788    end if
789  end if
791  ABI_FREE(ur_ibz)
792  ABI_FREE(rhotwg_ki)
793  ABI_FREE(rhotwg)
794  ABI_FREE(rhotwgp)
795  ABI_FREE(vc_sqrt_qbz)
796  ABI_FREE(ktabr)
797  ABI_FREE(sigx)
798  ABI_FREE(proc_distrb)
800  if (allocated(degtab)) then
801    ABI_FREE(degtab)
802  end if
804  call timab(430,2,tsec) ! csigme (SigX)
805  call cwtime(cpu_time,wall_time,gflops,"stop")
806  write(std_out,'(2(a,f9.1))')" cpu_time = ",cpu_time,", wall_time = ",wall_time
810 end subroutine calc_sigx_me