ABINIT/chi0q0_intraband [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate chi0 in the limit q-->0


 Copyright (C) 2010-2018 ABINIT group (MG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  use_tr=If .TRUE. Wfs_val are allocate and only resonant transitions are evaluated (assumes time reversal symmetry)
  Ep= datatype gathering differening parameters related to the calculation of the inverse dielectric matrix
  Gsph_epsG0<gvectors_data_type>: Info on the G-sphere used to describe chi0/espilon (including umklapp)
    %ng=number of G vectors
    %rottbm1(ng,2,nsym)=contains the index (IS^{-1}) G  in the array gvec
    %phmGt(ng,nsym)=phase factor e^{-iG.\tau} needed to symmetrize oscillator matrix elements and chi0
    %gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric ($\textrm{bohr}^{-2}$).
    %gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations (b^-1)
  Ep%nbnds=number of bands
  ngfft_gw(18)= array containing all the information for 3D FFT for the oscillator strengths.
  Ep%nomega=number of frequencies
  Cryst<crystal_t>= data type gathering info on symmetries and unit cell
   %natom=number of atoms
   %nsym=number of symmetry operations
   %symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in reciprocal space
   %typat(natom)=type of each atom
   %xred(3,natom)=reduced coordinated of atoms
   %rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
   %timrev=2 if time-reversal symmetry can be used, 1 otherwise
  Ep%npwe=number of planewaves for sigma exchange (input variable)
  Ep%nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
     %mpsang=1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotential
  Pawang<pawang_type> angular mesh discretization and related data:
  Pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)<Pawrad_type>=paw radial mesh and related data
  Paw_ij(natom*usepaw)<Paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  BSt<ebands_t>=Quasiparticle energies and occupations (for the moment real quantities)
    %mband=MAX number of bands over k-points and spin (==Ep%nbnds)
    %occ(mband,nkpt,nsppol)=QP occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, and each band
    %eig(mband,nkpt,nsppol)=GW energies, for self-consistency purposes
  Paw_pwff<pawpwff_t>=Form factor used to calculate the onsite mat. elements of a plane wave.


  chi0(Ep%npwe,Ep%npwe,Ep%nomega)=independent-particle susceptibility matrix for wavevector qq,
   and frequencies defined by Ep%omega


  *) The terms "head", "wings" and "body" of chi(G,Gp) refer to
     G=Gp=0, either G or Gp=0, and neither=0 respectively


  Check npwepG0 before Switching on umklapp






 75 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 76 #include "config.h"
 77 #endif
 79 #include "abi_common.h"
 81 subroutine chi0q0_intraband(Wfd,Cryst,Ep,Psps,BSt,Gsph_epsG0,Pawang,Pawrad,Pawtab,Paw_ij,Paw_pwff,use_tr,usepawu,&
 82 &  ngfft_gw,chi0,chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing)
 84  use defs_basis
 85  use defs_datatypes
 86  use m_xmpi
 87  use m_errors
 88  use m_profiling_abi
 89  use m_wfd
 91  use m_gwdefs,          only : GW_TOL_DOCC, GW_TOL_W0, czero_gw, em1params_t, g0g0w
 92  use m_geometry,        only : vdotw
 93  use m_numeric_tools,   only : print_arr
 94  use m_crystal,         only : crystal_t
 95  use m_fft_mesh,        only : rotate_FFT_mesh
 96  use m_occ,             only : getnel
 97  use m_ebands,          only : pack_eneocc, unpack_eneocc
 98  use m_bz_mesh,         only : kmesh_t, kmesh_init, kmesh_free, get_BZ_item, &
 99 &                              littlegroup_t, littlegroup_print, littlegroup_free, littlegroup_init
100  use m_gsphere,         only : gsphere_t, gsph_fft_tabs
101  use m_oscillators,     only : rho_tw_g
102  use m_pawhr,           only : pawhur_t, pawhur_free, pawhur_init, paw_ihr
103  use m_vkbr,            only : vkbr_t, vkbr_free, vkbr_init, nc_ihr_comm
104  use m_chi0,            only : assemblychi0_sym, symmetrize_afm_chi0
105  use m_pawang,          only : pawang_type
106  use m_pawrad,          only : pawrad_type
107  use m_pawtab,          only : pawtab_type
108  use m_paw_ij,          only : paw_ij_type
109  use m_pawcprj,         only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy
110  use m_pawpwij,         only : pawpwff_t, pawpwij_t, pawpwij_init, pawpwij_free, paw_rho_tw_g
112 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
113 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
114 #undef ABI_FUNC
115 #define ABI_FUNC 'chi0q0_intraband'
116  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
117  use interfaces_65_paw
118 !End of the abilint section
120  implicit none
122 !Arguments ------------------------------------
123 !scalars
124  integer,intent(in) :: usepawu
125  logical,intent(in) :: use_tr
126  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: BSt
127  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
128  type(em1params_t),intent(in) :: Ep
129  type(gsphere_t),intent(in) :: Gsph_epsG0
130  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
131  type(Pawang_type),intent(in) :: Pawang
132  type(wfd_t),target,intent(inout) :: Wfd
133 !arrays
134  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft_gw(18)
135  complex(gwpc),intent(out) :: chi0(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega)
136  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: chi0_lwing(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%nomega,3)
137  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: chi0_uwing(Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,3)
138  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: chi0_head(3,3,Ep%nomega)
139  type(Pawrad_type),intent(in) :: Pawrad(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
140  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
141  type(Paw_ij_type),intent(in) :: Paw_ij(Cryst%natom*Psps%usepaw)
142  type(pawpwff_t),intent(in) :: Paw_pwff(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
144 !Local variables ------------------------------
145 !scalars
146  integer,parameter :: tim_fourdp1=1,two_poles=2,one_pole=1,ndat1=1
147  integer,parameter :: unitdos0=0,option1=1,NOMEGA_PRINTED=15
148  integer :: nqlwl,nband_k,iomega,istwf_k,npw_k,my_nband,lbidx
149  integer :: band,itim_k,ik_bz,ik_ibz,io,isym_k,spin,iqlwl!,gw_eet !ig,ig1,ig2,my_nbbp,my_nbbpks
150  integer :: nkpt_summed,dim_rtwg,use_padfft,gw_fftalga,ifft
151  integer :: kptopt,isym,nsppol,nspinor
152  integer :: comm,ierr,gw_mgfft,use_umklp,inclvkb
153  real(dp) :: spin_fact,deltaf_b1b2,weight
154  real(dp) :: deltaeGW_b1b2,zcut
155  real(dp),parameter :: dummy_dosdeltae=HUGE(zero)
156  real(dp) :: o_entropy,o_nelect,maxocc
157  complex(dpc) :: ph_mkt
158  logical :: iscompatibleFFT !,ltest
159  character(len=500) :: msg,msg_tmp !,allup
160  type(kmesh_t) :: Kmesh
161  type(littlegroup_t) :: Ltg_q
162  type(vkbr_t) :: vkbr
163 !arrays
164  integer :: my_band_list(Wfd%mband)
165  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: kg_k(:,:)
166  integer,allocatable :: ktabr(:,:),irottb(:,:)
167  !integer :: got(Wfd%nproc)
168  integer,allocatable :: tabr_k(:),igffteps0(:),gw_gbound(:,:)
169  real(dp),parameter :: q0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
170  real(dp) :: kpt(3),dedk(3),kbz(3),spinrot_kbz(4)
171  !real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ks_energy(:,:,:),qp_energy(:,:,:),qp_occ(:,:,:)
172  real(dp) :: shift_ene(BSt%mband,BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol)
173  real(dp) :: delta_occ(BSt%mband,BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol)
174  !real(dp) :: eigen_vec(BSt%bantot)
175  real(dp) :: o_doccde(BSt%bantot)
176  real(dp) :: eigen_pdelta_vec(BSt%bantot),eigen_mdelta_vec(BSt%bantot)
177  real(dp) :: o_occ_pdelta(BSt%bantot),o_occ_mdelta(BSt%bantot)
178  real(dp) :: delta_ene(BSt%mband,BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol)
179  real(dp) :: test_docc(BSt%mband,BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol)
180  real(dp),allocatable :: qlwl(:,:)
181  complex(gwpc) :: comm_kbbs(3,Wfd%nspinor**2)
182  complex(dpc),allocatable :: ihr_comm(:,:,:,:,:)
183  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: rhotwg(:)
184  complex(dpc) :: green_w(Ep%nomega)
185  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur1(:)
186  complex(gwpc),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ug(:)
187  logical :: bmask(Wfd%mband)
188  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cprj1_bz(:,:),Cprj1_ibz(:,:),Cp_bks(:,:)
189  type(pawpwij_t),allocatable :: Pwij(:)
190  type(pawhur_t),allocatable :: Hur(:)
192 !************************************************************************
196  nsppol  = Wfd%nsppol
197  nspinor = Wfd%nspinor
199  gw_mgfft = MAXVAL(ngfft_gw(1:3))
200  gw_fftalga = ngfft_gw(7)/100 !; gw_fftalgc=MOD(ngfft_gw(7),10)
202  ! Calculate <k,b1|i[H,r]|k',b2>.
203  inclvkb=2; if (Wfd%usepaw==1) inclvkb=0
204  ABI_MALLOC(ihr_comm,(3,nspinor**2,Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz,nsppol))
205  ihr_comm = czero
207  if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
208    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Cp_bks,(Cryst%natom,nspinor))
209    call pawcprj_alloc(Cp_bks,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
210    ABI_DT_MALLOC(HUr,(Cryst%natom))
211    if (usepawu/=0) then ! For PAW+LDA+U, precalculate <\phi_i|[Hu,r]|phi_j\>.
212      call pawhur_init(hur,nsppol,Wfd%pawprtvol,Cryst,Pawtab,Pawang,Pawrad,Paw_ij)
213    end if
214  end if
216  do spin=1,nsppol
217    do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz
218      npw_k  =  Wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz)
219      nband_k=  Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
220      kpt    =  Wfd%kibz(:,ik_ibz)
221      kg_k   => Wfd%Kdata(ik_ibz)%kg_k
222      istwf_k = Wfd%istwfk(ik_ibz)
223      ABI_CHECK(istwf_k==1,"istwf_k/=1 not coded")
225      ! Distribute bands.
226      bmask=.FALSE.; bmask(1:nband_k)=.TRUE. ! TODO only bands around EF should be included.
227      call wfd_distribute_bands(Wfd,ik_ibz,spin,my_nband,my_band_list,bmask=bmask)
228      if (my_nband==0) CYCLE
230      if (Wfd%usepaw==0.and.inclvkb/=0) then ! Include term <n,k|[Vnl,iqr]|n"k>' for q->0.
231        call vkbr_init(vkbr,Cryst,Psps,inclvkb,istwf_k,npw_k,kpt,kg_k)
232      end if
234      do lbidx=1,my_nband
235        band=my_band_list(lbidx)
236        ug => Wfd%Wave(band,ik_ibz,spin)%ug
238        if (Wfd%usepaw==0) then
239          ! Matrix elements of i[H,r] for NC pseudopotentials.
240          comm_kbbs = nc_ihr_comm(vkbr,cryst,psps,npw_k,nspinor,istwf_k,inclvkb,Kmesh%ibz(:,ik_ibz),ug,ug,kg_k)
241        else
242          ! Matrix elements of i[H,r] for PAW.
243          call wfd_get_cprj(Wfd,band,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cp_bks,sorted=.FALSE.)
244          comm_kbbs = paw_ihr(spin,nspinor,npw_k,istwf_k,Kmesh%ibz(:,ik_ibz),Cryst,Pawtab,ug,ug,kg_k,Cp_bks,Cp_bks,HUr)
245        end if
247        ihr_comm(:,:,band,ik_ibz,spin) = comm_kbbs
248      end do
250      call vkbr_free(vkbr) ! Not need anymore as we loop only over IBZ.
251    end do
252  end do
253  !
254  ! Gather the commutator on each node.
255  call xmpi_sum(ihr_comm,Wfd%comm,ierr)
257  if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
258    call pawcprj_free(Cp_bks)
259    ABI_DT_FREE(Cp_bks)
260    call pawhur_free(Hur)
261    ABI_DT_FREE(Hur)
262  end if
264  nqlwl=1
265  ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
266  !qlwl = GW_Q0_DEFAULT(3)
267  qlwl(:,1) = (/0.00001_dp, 0.00002_dp, 0.00003_dp/)
268  !
269  write(msg,'(a,i3,a)')' Q-points for long wave-length limit in chi0q_intraband. # ',nqlwl,ch10
270  do iqlwl=1,nqlwl
271    write(msg_tmp,'(1x,i5,a,2x,3f12.6,a)') iqlwl,')',qlwl(:,iqlwl),ch10
272    msg=TRIM(msg)//msg_tmp
273  end do
274  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
275  !
276  ! delta_ene =  e_{b,k-q} - e_{b,k} = -q. <b,k| i[H,r] |b,k> + O(q^2).
277  delta_ene = zero
278  do spin=1,nsppol
279    do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz
280      do band=1,Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
281        dedk = REAL(ihr_comm(:,1,band,ik_ibz,spin))
282        delta_ene(band,ik_ibz,spin) = -vdotw(qlwl(:,1),dedk,Cryst%gmet,"G")
283      end do
284    end do
285  end do
287  maxocc=two/(nsppol*nspinor)
289  ! Calculate the occupations at f(e+delta/2).
290  shift_ene = BSt%eig + half*delta_ene
292  call pack_eneocc(BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol,BSt%mband,BSt%nband,BSt%bantot,shift_ene,eigen_pdelta_vec)
294  call getnel(o_doccde,dummy_dosdeltae,eigen_pdelta_vec,o_entropy,BSt%fermie,maxocc,BSt%mband,BSt%nband,&
295 &  o_nelect,BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol,o_occ_pdelta,BSt%occopt,option1,BSt%tphysel,BSt%tsmear,unitdos0,BSt%wtk)
296  write(std_out,*)"nelect1: ",o_nelect
297  !
298  ! Calculate the occupations at f(e-delta/2).
299  shift_ene = BSt%eig - half*delta_ene
301  call pack_eneocc(BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol,BSt%mband,BSt%nband,BSt%bantot,shift_ene,eigen_mdelta_vec)
303  call getnel(o_doccde,dummy_dosdeltae,eigen_mdelta_vec,o_entropy,BSt%fermie,maxocc,BSt%mband,BSt%nband,&
304 &  o_nelect,BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol,o_occ_mdelta,BSt%occopt,option1,BSt%tphysel,BSt%tsmear,unitdos0,BSt%wtk)
305  write(std_out,*)"nelect2: ",o_nelect
306  !
307  ! f(e-delta/2) - f(e+delta/2).
308  o_occ_pdelta = o_occ_mdelta - o_occ_pdelta
310  call unpack_eneocc(BSt%nkpt,BSt%nsppol,BSt%mband,BSt%nband,o_occ_pdelta,delta_occ)
311  !
312  ! Expand f(e-delta/2) - f(e+delta/2) up to the first order in the small q.
313  do spin=1,nsppol
314    do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz
315      do band=1,Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
316        dedk = REAL(ihr_comm(:,1,band,ik_ibz,spin))
317        test_docc(band,ik_ibz,spin) = +vdotw(qlwl(:,1),dedk,Cryst%gmet,"G") * BSt%doccde(band,ik_ibz,spin)
318        write(std_out,'(a,3(i0,1x),1x,3es16.8)')" spin,ik_ibz,band, delta_occ: ",&
319 &      spin,ik_ibz,band,delta_occ(band,ik_ibz,spin),&
320 &      test_docc(band,ik_ibz,spin),delta_occ(band,ik_ibz,spin)-test_docc(band,ik_ibz,spin)
321      end do
322    end do
323  end do
326 ! do spin=1,nsppol
327 !   do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz
328 !     nband_k = Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
329 !     do band=1,nband_k
330 !       write(std_out,'(a,3i3,2es14.6)')" spin, band, ik_ibz, delta_ene, delta_occ ",&
331 !&        spin,band,ik_ibz,delta_ene(band,ik_ibz,spin),delta_occ(band,ik_ibz,spin)
332 !     end do
333 !   end do
334 ! end do
336  ABI_FREE(ihr_comm)
337  ABI_FREE(qlwl)
339  if ( ANY(ngfft_gw(1:3) /= Wfd%ngfft(1:3)) ) call wfd_change_ngfft(Wfd,Cryst,Psps,ngfft_gw)
341  ! TODO take into account the case of random k-meshes.
342  kptopt=3
343  call kmesh_init(Kmesh,Cryst,Wfd%nkibz,Wfd%kibz,kptopt)
344  !
345  !=== Get the FFT index of $ (R^{-1}(r-\tau)) $ ===
346  !* S= $\transpose R^{-1}$ and k_BZ = S k_IBZ
347  !* irottb is the FFT index of $ R^{-1} (r-\tau) $ used to symmetrize u_Sk.
348  ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(Wfd%nfftot,Cryst%nsym))
350  call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,Wfd%ngfft,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
351  ABI_CHECK(iscompatibleFFT,"FFT mesh not compatible with symmetries")
353  ABI_MALLOC(ktabr,(Wfd%nfftot,Kmesh%nbz))
354  do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
355    isym=Kmesh%tabo(ik_bz)
356    do ifft=1,Wfd%nfftot
357      ktabr(ifft,ik_bz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
358    end do
359  end do
360  ABI_FREE(irottb)
361  !
362  ! === Setup weight (2 for spin unpolarized systems, 1 for polarized) ===
363  ! spin_fact is used to normalize the occupation factors to one.
364  ! Consider also the AFM case.
365  SELECT CASE (nsppol)
366  CASE (1)
367    weight=two/Kmesh%nbz; spin_fact=half
368    if (Wfd%nspden==2) then
369      weight=one/Kmesh%nbz; spin_fact=half
370    end if
371    if (nspinor==2) then
372      weight=one/Kmesh%nbz; spin_fact=one
373    end if
374  CASE (2)
375    weight=one/Kmesh%nbz; spin_fact=one
377    MSG_BUG("Wrong nsppol")
380  use_umklp=0
381  call littlegroup_init(q0,Kmesh,Cryst,use_umklp,Ltg_q,Ep%npwepG0,gvec=Gsph_epsG0%gvec)
383  write(msg,'(a,i2)')' Using symmetries to sum only over the IBZ_q  = ',Ep%symchi
384  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
385  !
386  ! === Evaluate oscillator matrix elements btw partial waves. Note that q=Gamma is used.
387  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
388    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pwij,(Psps%ntypat))
389    call pawpwij_init(Pwij,Ep%npwepG0, [zero,zero,zero], Gsph_epsG0%gvec,Cryst%rprimd,Psps,Pawtab,Paw_pwff)
391    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Cprj1_bz ,(Cryst%natom,nspinor))
392    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj1_bz, 0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
393    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Cprj1_ibz,(Cryst%natom,nspinor))
394    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj1_ibz,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
395  end if
397  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg,(Ep%npwe*nspinor**2))
398  ABI_MALLOC(tabr_k,(Wfd%nfftot))
399  ABI_MALLOC(ur1,(Wfd%nfft*nspinor))
400  !
401  ! Tables for the FFT of the oscillators.
402  !  a) FFT index of the G sphere (only vertical transitions, unlike cchi0, no need to shift the sphere).
403  !  b) gw_gbound table for the zero-padded FFT performed in rhotwg.
404  ABI_MALLOC(gw_gbound,(2*gw_mgfft+8,2))
405  ABI_MALLOC(igffteps0,(Gsph_epsG0%ng))
407  call gsph_fft_tabs(Gsph_epsG0, [0, 0, 0], gw_mgfft,ngfft_gw,use_padfft,gw_gbound,igffteps0)
408  if ( ANY(gw_fftalga == [2, 4]) ) use_padfft=0 ! Pad-FFT is not coded in rho_tw_g
409  if (use_padfft==0) then
410    ABI_FREE(gw_gbound)
411    ABI_MALLOC(gw_gbound,(2*gw_mgfft+8,2*use_padfft))
412  end if
414  nkpt_summed=Kmesh%nbz
415  if (Ep%symchi/=0) then
416    nkpt_summed=Ltg_q%nibz_ltg
417    call littlegroup_print(Ltg_q,std_out,Wfd%prtvol,'COLL')
418  end if
419  !
420  ! ============================================
421  ! === Begin big fat loop over transitions ====
422  ! ============================================
423  chi0 = czero_gw
424  chi0_head = czero_gw; chi0_lwing = czero_gw; chi0_uwing = czero_gw
425  dim_rtwg=1; if (nspinor==2) dim_rtwg=2 !can reduce size depending on Ep%nI and Ep%nj
427  zcut = Ep%zcut
428  zcut = 0.1/Ha_eV
429  write(std_out,*)" using zcut ",zcut*Ha_eV," [eV]"
431  ! Loop on spin to calculate $ \chi_{\up,\up} + \chi_{\down,\down}
432  do spin=1,nsppol
433    ! Loop over k-points in the BZ.
434    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
435      if (Ep%symchi==1) then
436        if (Ltg_q%ibzq(ik_bz)/=1) CYCLE ! Only IBZ_q
437      end if
439      ! Get ik_ibz, non-symmorphic phase and symmetries from ik_bz.
440      call get_BZ_item(Kmesh,ik_bz,kbz,ik_ibz,isym_k,itim_k,ph_mkt)
441      tabr_k=ktabr(:,ik_bz) ! Table for rotated FFT points
442      spinrot_kbz(:)=Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_k)
443      nband_k=Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
445      ! Distribute bands.
446      bmask=.FALSE.; bmask(1:nband_k)=.TRUE. ! TODO only bands around EF should be included.
447      call wfd_distribute_bands(Wfd,ik_ibz,spin,my_nband,my_band_list,bmask=bmask)
448      if (my_nband==0) CYCLE
450      write(msg,'(2(a,i4),a,i2,a,i3)')' ik = ',ik_bz,' / ',Kmesh%nbz,' spin = ',spin,' done by processor ',Wfd%my_rank
451      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
453      do lbidx=1,my_nband
454        ! Loop over bands treated by this node.
455        band=my_band_list(lbidx)
456        call wfd_get_ur(Wfd,band,ik_ibz,spin,ur1)
458        if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
459          call wfd_get_cprj(Wfd,band,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj1_ibz,sorted=.FALSE.)
460          call pawcprj_copy(Cprj1_ibz,Cprj1_bz)
461          call paw_symcprj(ik_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj1_bz)
462        end if
464        deltaf_b1b2  = spin_fact*delta_occ(band,ik_ibz,spin)
465        deltaeGW_b1b2= delta_ene(band,ik_ibz,spin)
467        ! Add small imaginary of the Time-Ordered resp function but only for non-zero real omega  FIXME What about metals?
468        if (.not.use_tr) then
469          do io=1,Ep%nomega
470            !green_w(io) = g0g0w(Ep%omega(io),deltaf_b1b2,deltaeGW_b1b2,zcut,-one,one_pole)
471            green_w(io) = g0g0w(Ep%omega(io),deltaf_b1b2,deltaeGW_b1b2,zcut,GW_TOL_W0,one_pole)
472          end do
473        else
474          do io=1,Ep%nomega ! This expression implements time-reversal even when the input k-mesh breaks it.
475            !green_w(io) = half * g0g0w(Ep%omega(io),deltaf_b1b2,deltaeGW_b1b2,zcut,-one,two_poles)
476            green_w(io) = half * g0g0w(Ep%omega(io),deltaf_b1b2,deltaeGW_b1b2,zcut,GW_TOL_W0,two_poles)
477          end do !io
478        end if ! use_tr
480        ! FFT of u^*_{b1,k}(r) u_{b2,k}(r).
481        call rho_tw_g(nspinor,Ep%npwe,Wfd%nfft,ndat1,ngfft_gw,1,use_padfft,igffteps0,gw_gbound,&
482 &        ur1,itim_k,tabr_k,ph_mkt,spinrot_kbz,&
483 &        ur1,itim_k,tabr_k,ph_mkt,spinrot_kbz,&
484 &        dim_rtwg,rhotwg)
486        if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
487          ! Add PAW onsite contribution, projectors are already in the BZ.
488          call paw_rho_tw_g(Ep%npwe,dim_rtwg,nspinor,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Cryst%typat,Cryst%xred,Gsph_epsG0%gvec,&
489 &          Cprj1_bz,Cprj1_bz,Pwij,rhotwg)
490        end if
492        ! ==== Adler-Wiser expression, to be consistent here we use the KS eigenvalues (?) ====
493        call assemblychi0_sym(ik_bz,nspinor,Ep,Ltg_q,green_w,Ep%npwepG0,rhotwg,Gsph_epsG0,chi0)
494      end do !band
495    end do !ik_bz
496  end do !spin
498  ! Collect body, heads and wings within comm
499  comm=Wfd%comm
500  do io=1,Ep%nomega
501    call xmpi_sum(chi0(:,:,io),comm,ierr)
502  end do
503  call xmpi_sum(chi0_head,comm,ierr)
504  call xmpi_sum(chi0_lwing,comm,ierr)
505  call xmpi_sum(chi0_uwing,comm,ierr)
507  ! Divide by the volume
508  chi0       = chi0       * weight/Cryst%ucvol
509  chi0_head  = chi0_head  * weight/Cryst%ucvol
510  do io=1,Ep%nomega ! Tensor in the basis of the reciprocal lattice vectors.
511    chi0_head(:,:,io) = MATMUL(chi0_head(:,:,io),Cryst%gmet) * (two_pi**2)
512  end do
513  chi0_lwing = chi0_lwing * weight/Cryst%ucvol
514  chi0_uwing = chi0_uwing * weight/Cryst%ucvol
515  !
516  ! ===============================================
517  ! ==== Symmetrize chi0 in case of AFM system ====
518  ! ===============================================
519  ! * Reconstruct $chi0{\down,\down}$ from $chi0{\up,\up}$.
520  ! * Works only in the case of magnetic group Shubnikov type IV.
521  if (Cryst%use_antiferro) then
522    call symmetrize_afm_chi0(Cryst,Gsph_epsG0,Ltg_q,Ep%npwe,Ep%nomega,chi0,chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing)
523  end if
524  !
525  ! ===================================================
526  ! ==== Construct heads and wings from the tensor ====
527  ! ===================================================
528  !do io=1,Ep%nomega
529  !  do ig=2,Ep%npwe
530  !    wng = chi0_uwing(ig,io,:)
531  !    chi0(1,ig,io) = vdotw(Ep%qlwl(:,1),wng,Cryst%gmet,"G")
532  !    wng = chi0_lwing(ig,io,:)
533  !    chi0(ig,1,io) = vdotw(Ep%qlwl(:,1),wng,Cryst%gmet,"G")
534  !  end do
535  !  chq = MATMUL(chi0_head(:,:,io), Ep%qlwl(:,1))
536  !  chi0(1,1,io) = vdotw(Ep%qlwl(:,1),chq,Cryst%gmet,"G")  ! Use user-defined small q
537  !end do
538  !call wfd_barrier(Wfd)
540  ! Impose Hermiticity (valid only for zero or purely imaginary frequencies)
541  ! MG what about metals, where we have poles around zero?
542  !if (dtset%gw_eet/=-1) then
543  !  do io=1,Ep%nomega
544  !    if (ABS(REAL(Ep%omega(io)))<0.00001) then
545  !      do ig2=1,Ep%npwe
546  !        do ig1=1,ig2-1
547  !         chi0(ig2,ig1,io)=CONJG(chi0(ig1,ig2,io))
548  !        end do
549  !      end do
550  !    end if
551  !  end do
552  !end if
554  do iomega=1,MIN(Ep%nomega,NOMEGA_PRINTED)
555    write(msg,'(1x,a,i4,a,2f9.4,a)')' chi0_intra(G,G'') at the ',iomega,' th omega',Ep%omega(iomega)*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
556    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
557    call print_arr(chi0(:,:,iomega),unit=std_out)
558  end do
560  ! =====================
561  ! ==== Free memory ====
562  ! =====================
563  ABI_FREE(rhotwg)
564  ABI_FREE(tabr_k)
565  ABI_FREE(ur1)
566  ABI_FREE(gw_gbound)
567  ABI_FREE(ktabr)
568  ABI_FREE(igffteps0)
570  ! deallocation for PAW.
571  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
572    call pawcprj_free(Cprj1_bz)
573    ABI_DT_FREE(Cprj1_bz)
574    call pawcprj_free(Cprj1_ibz)
575    ABI_DT_FREE(Cprj1_ibz)
576    call pawpwij_free(Pwij)
577    ABI_DT_FREE(Pwij)
578  end if
580  call littlegroup_free(Ltg_q)
581  call kmesh_free(Kmesh)
585 end subroutine chi0q0_intraband