ABINIT/calc_coh [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Calculates the partial contribution to the COH part of the COHSEX self-energy for a given q-point.


 iqibz=index of the irreducible q-point in the array qibz, point which is
  related by a symmetry operation to the point q summed over (see csigme).
  This index is also used to treat the integrable coulombian singularity at q=0
 ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT for GW wavefuntions,
  see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 nsig_ab=Number of components in the self-energy operator (1 for collinear magnetism)
 npwc=number of plane waves in $\tilde epsilon^{-1}$
 nspinor=Number of spinorial components.
 nfftot=number of points in real space
 i_sz=contribution arising from the integrable coulombian singularity at q==0
 (see csigme for the method used), note that in case of 3-D systems the factor
 4pi in the coulombian potential is included in the definition of i_sz
 gvec(3,npwc)=G vectors in reduced coordinates
 vc_sqrt(npwc)= square root of the coulombian matrix elements for this q-point
 epsm1q_o(npwc,npwc)= contains $\tilde epsilon^{-1}(q,w=0) - \delta_{G Gp}$ for
  the particular q-point considered in the sum
 wfg2_jk(nsig_ab*nfftot)= Fourier Transform of $\u_{jb k}^*(r) u_{kb k}$
  jb,kb=left and righ band indices definining the left and right states where the
  partial contribution to the matrix element of $\Sigma_{COH}$ is evaluated


 sigcohme=partial contribution to the matrix element of $<jb k \sigma|\Sigma_{COH} | kb k \sigma>$
  coming from this single q-point


871 subroutine calc_coh(nspinor,nsig_ab,nfftot,ngfft,npwc,gvec,wfg2_jk,epsm1q_o,vc_sqrt,i_sz,iqibz,same_band,sigcohme)
873 !Arguments ------------------------------------
874 !scalars
875  integer,intent(in) :: iqibz,nfftot,npwc,nsig_ab,nspinor
876  real(dp),intent(in) :: i_sz
877  logical,intent(in) :: same_band
878 !arrays
879  integer,intent(in) :: gvec(3,npwc),ngfft(18)
880  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: epsm1q_o(npwc,npwc),vc_sqrt(npwc)
881  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: wfg2_jk(nfftot*nsig_ab)
882  complex(gwpc),intent(out) :: sigcohme(nsig_ab)
884 !Local variables-------------------------------
885 !scalars
886  integer,save :: enough=0
887  integer :: ig,ig4,ig4x,ig4y,ig4z,igp,igmin,ispinor,spad,outofbox
888 !arrays
889  integer :: g2mg1(3)
891 ! *************************************************************************
895  ! === Partial contribution to the matrix element of Sigma_c ===
896  ! * For nspinor==2, the closure relation reads:
897  !  $\sum_s \psi_a^*(1)\psi_b(2) = \delta_{ab} \delta(1-2)$
898  !  where a,b are the spinor components. As a consequence, Sigma_{COH} is always
899  !  diagonal in spin-space and only diagonal matrix elements have to be calculated.
900  ! MG  TODO wfg2_jk should be calculated on an augmented FFT box to avoid spurious wrapping of G1-G2.
901  ! MG: One has to make sure G1-G2 is still in the FFT mesh for each G1 and G2 in chi0 (not always true)
902  ! MODULO wraps G1-G2 in the FFT box but the Fourier components are not periodic!
904  ! * Treat the case q --> 0 adequately.
905  ! TODO Better treatment of wings, check cutoff in the coulombian interaction.
906  igmin=1; if (iqibz==1) igmin=2
908  sigcohme(:)=czero_gw
910  do ispinor=1,nspinor
911    spad=(ispinor-1)*nfftot
912    outofbox=0
914    do igp=igmin,npwc
915      do ig=igmin,npwc
917       g2mg1 = gvec(:,igp)-gvec(:,ig)
918       if (ANY(g2mg1(:)>ngfft(1:3)/2) .or. ANY(g2mg1(:)<-(ngfft(1:3)-1)/2)) then
919         outofbox = outofbox+1; CYCLE
920       end if
922       ig4x=MODULO(g2mg1(1),ngfft(1))
923       ig4y=MODULO(g2mg1(2),ngfft(2))
924       ig4z=MODULO(g2mg1(3),ngfft(3))
925       ig4= 1+ig4x+ig4y*ngfft(1)+ig4z*ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)
927       sigcohme(ispinor) = sigcohme(ispinor) + &
928 &                         half*wfg2_jk(spad+ig4)*epsm1q_o(ig,igp)*vc_sqrt(ig)*vc_sqrt(igp)
929      end do !ig
930    end do !igp
932    if (iqibz==1.and.same_band) then
933      sigcohme(ispinor) = sigcohme(ispinor) + half*wfg2_jk(spad+ig4)*epsm1q_o(1,1)*i_sz
934    end if
935  end do !ispinor
937  if (outofbox/=0) then
938    enough=enough+1
939    if (enough<=50) then
940      ABI_WARNING(sjoin(' Number of G1-G2 pairs outside the G-sphere for Wfns:', itoa(outofbox)))
941      if (enough==50) then
942        call wrtout(std_out,' ========== Stop writing Warnings ==========')
943      end if
944    end if
945  end if
949 end subroutine calc_coh

ABINIT/cohsex_me [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of the SEX or COHSEX self-energy operator.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (FB, GMR, VO, LR, RWG, MG, RShaltaf)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 sigmak_ibz=Index of the k-point in the IBZ.
 minbnd, maxbnd= min and Max band index for GW correction (for this k-point)
 iomode=Option defining the file format of the SCR file (Fortran, NETCDF)
 Er <Epsilonm1_results> (see the definition of this structured datatype)
    %mqmem=if 0 use out-of-core method in which a single q-slice of espilon is read inside the loop over k
    %nomega_i=Number of imaginary frequencies.
    %nomega_r=Number of real frequencies.
    %nomega=Total number of frequencies.
 Gsph_c<gsphere_t>= info on the G-sphere for Sigma_x
    %nsym=number of symmetry operations
    %rottb(ng,timrev,nsym)=index of (IS) G where I is the identity or the inversion
      operation and G is one of the ng vectors in reciprocal space
    %timrev=2 if time-reversal symmetry is used, 1 otherwise
    %gvec(3,Sigp%npwc)=integer coordinates of each plane wave in reciprocal space
 ikcalc=index in the array Sigp%kptgw2bz of the k-point where GW corrections are calculated
 Ltg_k datatype containing information on the little group
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>
    %nbz=Number of points in the BZ
    %nibz=Number of points in IBZ
    %kibz(3,nibz)=k-point coordinates, irreducible Brillouin zone
    %kbz(3,nbz)=k-point coordinates, full Brillouin zone
    %ktab(nbz)= table giving for each k-point in the BZ (kBZ), the corresponding
    %ktabi(nbz)= for each k-point in the BZ defines whether inversion has to be considered
    %ktabp(nbz)= phase factor associated to tnons
 gwc_ngfft(18)=Information about 3D FFT for the oscillator strengths used for the correlation part,
 Vcp <vcoul_t datatype> containing information on the cutoff technique
    %vc_sqrt(npwc,nqibz)= square-root of the coulombian potential for q-points in the IBZ
 Pawtab(Psps%ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
 Pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
 Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
    %usepaw=1 for PAW, 0 for NC pseudopotentials.
 Qmesh <kmesh_t> : datatype gathering information of the q-mesh used
    %ibz=q points where $\tilde\epsilon^{-1}$ has been computed
    %bz(3,nqbz)=coordinates of all q-points in BZ
 Sigp <sigparams_t> (see the definition of this structured datatype)
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Info on unit cell and symmetries
    %natom=number of atoms in unit cell
    %ucvol=unit cell volume
    %nsym=number of symmetry operations
    %typat(natom)=type of each atom
  much slower but it requires less memory
 QP_BSt<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin
  Paw_pwff<pawpwff_t>=Form factor used to calculate the onsite mat. elements of a plane wave.
 allQP_sym(%nkibz,%nsppol)<esymm_t>=Datatype collecting data on the irreducible representaions of the
  little group of kcalc in the KS representation as well as the symmetry of the bdgw_k states.
  Sr=sigma_t (see the definition of this structured datatype)



  1) The treatment of the divergence of Gygi+Baldereschi (PRB 1986) [[cite:Gigy1986]] is included.
  2) The calculation of energy derivative is based on finite elements.
  3) On the symmetrization of Sigma matrix elements ***/
        If  Sk = k+G0 then  M_G(k, Sq)= e^{-i( Sq+G).t} M_{ S^-1(G}   (k,q)
        If -Sk = k+G0 then  M_G(k,-Sq)= e^{-i(-Sq+G).t} M_{-S^-1(G)}^*(k,q)

     Notice the absence of G0 in the expression. Moreover, when we sum over the little group, it turns out
     that there is a cancellation of the phase factor associated to the non-symmorphic operations due to a
     similar term coming from the symmetrization of \epsilon^{-1}. Mind however that the nonsymmorphic phase
     has to be considered when epsilon^-1 is reconstructed starting from the q-points in the IBZ.

  4) The unitary transformation relating wavefunctions
     at symmetric k-points should be taken into account during the symmetrization
     of the oscillator matrix elements. In case of G_oW_o and GW_o calculations, however,
     it is possible to make an invariant by just including all the degenerate states and
     averaging the final results over the degenerate subset.


150 subroutine cohsex_me(sigmak_ibz,ikcalc,nomega_sigc,minbnd,maxbnd,Cryst,QP_BSt,Sigp,Sr,Er,Gsph_c,Vcp,&
151 & Kmesh,Qmesh,Ltg_k,Pawtab,Pawang,Paw_pwff,Psps,Wfd,allQP_sym,gwc_ngfft,iomode,prtvol,sigcme_tmp)
153 !Arguments ------------------------------------
154 !scalars
155  integer,intent(in) :: sigmak_ibz,ikcalc,prtvol,iomode,nomega_sigc,minbnd,maxbnd
156  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
157  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: QP_BSt
158  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
159  type(vcoul_t),intent(in) :: Vcp
160  type(Epsilonm1_results),intent(inout) :: Er
161  type(gsphere_t),intent(in) :: Gsph_c
162  type(littlegroup_t),intent(in) :: Ltg_k
163  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
164  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
165  type(sigparams_t),target,intent(in) :: Sigp
166  type(sigma_t),intent(in) :: Sr
167  type(wfdgw_t),target,intent(inout) :: Wfd
168 !arrays
169  integer,intent(in) :: gwc_ngfft(18)
170  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: sigcme_tmp(nomega_sigc,minbnd:maxbnd,minbnd:maxbnd,Wfd%nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab)
171  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat)
172  type(pawpwff_t),intent(in) :: Paw_pwff(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
173  type(esymm_t),target,intent(in) :: allQP_sym(Wfd%nkibz,Wfd%nsppol)
175 !Local variables ------------------------------
176 !scalars
177  integer,parameter :: tim_fourdp=2,ndat1=1
178  integer :: iab,ib,ib1,ib2,ierr,ig,ii,iik,itim_q,i1,i2,npwc
179  integer :: ik_bz,ik_ibz,io,isym_q,iq_bz,iq_ibz,spin,isym,jb,is_idx
180  integer :: band,band1,band2,idle,rank
181  integer :: jik,jk_bz,jk_ibz,kb,nspinor,nsppol
182  integer :: nomega_tot,nq_summed,ispinor,ibsp,dimcprj_gw
183  integer :: spad,spadc,spadc1,spadc2,irow,my_nbks
184  integer :: ndegs,wtqm,wtqp,mod10
185  integer :: isym_kgw,isym_ki,gwc_mgfft,use_padfft,gwc_fftalga,gwc_nfftot,ifft,npw_k
186  real(dp) :: fact_sp,theta_mu_minus_e0i,tol_empty,gw_gsq
187  complex(dpc) :: ctmp,ph_mkgwt,ph_mkt
188  logical :: iscompatibleFFT,q_is_gamma
189  character(len=500) :: msg
190  type(wave_t),pointer :: wave_sum, wave_jb
191 !arrays
192  integer :: g0(3),spinor_padc(2,4),nbv_ks(Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)
193  integer,allocatable :: proc_distrb(:,:,:),coh_distrb(:,:,:,:),degtab(:,:,:)
194  integer,allocatable :: igfftcg0(:),gw_gfft(:,:),gw_gbound(:,:),irottb(:,:),ktabr(:,:)
195  integer :: got(Wfd%nproc)
196  real(dp) :: ksum(3),kgw(3),kgw_m_ksum(3),q0(3),tsec(2),qbz(3),spinrot_kbz(4),spinrot_kgw(4)
197  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: qp_ene(:,:,:),qp_occ(:,:,:)
198  complex(gwpc) :: sigcohme(Sigp%nsig_ab)
199  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: vc_sqrt_qbz(:),rhotwg(:),rhotwgp(:),sigsex(:)
200  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: epsm1_qbz(:,:,:)
201  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: sigc_ket(:,:)
202  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: rhotwg_ki(:,:)
203  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: sigctmp(:,:)
204  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: wfr_bdgw(:,:),ur_sum(:),wf1swf2_g(:)
205  complex(gwpc),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: cg_jb(:),cg_sum(:)
206  complex(dpc),allocatable :: sym_cme(:,:,:,:),sigc(:,:,:,:,:)
207  logical :: rank_mask(Wfd%nproc),can_symmetrize(Wfd%nsppol)
208  logical,allocatable :: bks_mask(:,:,:)
209  type(sigijtab_t),pointer :: Sigcij_tab(:)
210  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cprj_kgw(:,:),Cprj_ksum(:,:)
211  type(pawpwij_t),allocatable :: Pwij_qg(:),Pwij_fft(:)
212  type(esymm_t),pointer :: QP_sym(:)
214 !************************************************************************
218  call timab(423,1,tsec) ! cohsex_me
220  ! Initial check
221  ABI_CHECK(Sr%nomega_r == Sigp%nomegasr,"")
222  ABI_CHECK(Sr%nomega4sd == Sigp%nomegasrd,"")
223  !ABI_CHECK(Sigp%npwc==Gsph_c%ng,"")
225  ! Initialize some values
226  nspinor = Wfd%nspinor; nsppol = Wfd%nsppol
227  npwc = sigp%npwc
228  spinor_padc = RESHAPE([0, 0, npwc, npwc, 0, npwc, npwc,0], [2, 4])
230  qp_ene => QP_BSt%eig; qp_occ => QP_BSt%occ
232  ! Extract the symmetries of the bands for this k-point
233  QP_sym => allQP_sym(sigmak_ibz,1:nsppol)
235  ! Index of the GW point in the BZ array, its image in IBZ and time-reversal ===
236  jk_bz=Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)
237  call kmesh%get_BZ_item(jk_bz,kgw,jk_ibz,isym_kgw,jik,ph_mkgwt)
238  !%call get_IBZ_item(Kmesh,jk_ibz,kibz,wtk)
239  spinrot_kgw=Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_kgw)
240  ib1 = minbnd; ib2 = maxbnd
242  write(msg,'(2a,3f8.3,2a,2(i3,a))')ch10,&
243   ' Calculating <nk|Sigma_c(omega)|nk> at k = ',kgw(:),ch10,&
244   ' bands n = from ',ib1,' to ',ib2,ch10
245  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
247  if (ANY(gwc_ngfft(1:3) /= Wfd%ngfft(1:3)) ) call wfd%change_ngfft(Cryst,Psps,gwc_ngfft)
248  gwc_mgfft = MAXVAL(gwc_ngfft(1:3))
249  gwc_fftalga = gwc_ngfft(7)/100 !; gwc_fftalgc=MOD(gwc_ngfft(7),10)
251  can_symmetrize = .FALSE.
252  if (Sigp%symsigma>0) then
253    can_symmetrize = .TRUE.
254    if (Sigp%gwcalctyp >= 20) then
255     do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
256       can_symmetrize(spin) = .not. esymm_failed(QP_sym(spin))
257       if (.not.can_symmetrize(spin)) then
258         write(msg,'(a,i0,4a)')" Symmetrization cannot be performed for spin: ",spin,ch10,&
259 &         " band classification encountered the following problem: ",ch10,TRIM(QP_sym(spin)%err_msg)
260         ABI_WARNING(msg)
261       end if
262     end do
263    end if
264    if (nspinor == 2) ABI_WARNING('Symmetrization with nspinor=2 not implemented')
265  end if
267  mod10=MOD(Sigp%gwcalctyp, 10)
269  call timab(491,1,tsec) ! csigme(tot) Overall clock. TODO check this
270  call timab(495,1,tsec) ! csigme (SigC)
272  ! Normalization of theta_mu_minus_e0i
273  ! If nsppol==2, qp_occ $\in [0,1]$
274  SELECT CASE (nsppol)
275  CASE (1)
276    fact_sp=half; tol_empty=0.01   ! below this value the state is assumed empty
277    if (nspinor==2) then
278     fact_sp=one; tol_empty=0.005  ! below this value the state is assumed empty
279    end if
280  CASE (2)
281    fact_sp=one; tol_empty=0.005   ! to be consistent and obtain similar results if a metallic
282  CASE DEFAULT                     ! spin unpolarized system is treated using nsppol==2
283    ABI_BUG('Wrong nsppol')
286  call timab(442,1,tsec) ! csigme(init0)
288  ! Precalculate the FFT index of $(R^{-1}(r-\tau))$ ===
289  ! S=\transpose R^{-1} and k_BZ = S k_IBZ
290  ! irottb is the FFT index of $R^{-1} (r-\tau)$ used to symmetrize u_Sk.
291  gwc_nfftot = PRODUCT(gwc_ngfft(1:3))
292  ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(gwc_nfftot,Cryst%nsym))
293  call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,gwc_ngfft,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
294  if (.not.iscompatibleFFT) then
295    ABI_WARNING("FFT mesh is not compatible with symmetries. Results might be affected by large errors!")
296  end if
298  ABI_MALLOC(ktabr,(gwc_nfftot, Kmesh%nbz))
299  do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
300    isym=Kmesh%tabo(ik_bz)
301    do ifft=1,gwc_nfftot
302      ktabr(ifft,ik_bz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
303    end do
304  end do
305  ABI_FREE(irottb)
307  ! The number of occupied states for each point in the IBZ and spin.
308  do spin=1,nsppol
309    do ik_ibz=1,Kmesh%nibz
310      nbv_ks(ik_ibz,spin) = COUNT(qp_occ(:,ik_ibz,spin)>=tol_empty)
311    end do
312  end do
314  ! (b,k,s) mask for MPI distribution of the sum over occupied states in the BZ.
315  ABI_MALLOC(bks_mask,(Wfd%mband,Kmesh%nbz,nsppol))
316  bks_mask=.FALSE.
317  do spin=1,nsppol
318    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
319       ik_ibz = Kmesh%tab(ik_bz)
320       bks_mask(1:nbv_ks(ik_ibz,spin),ik_bz,spin) = .TRUE.
321    end do
322  end do
324  ! Distribute the individual terms of the sum over the BZ taking into account symmetries and MPI memory distribution.
325  ! got is used to optimize the distribution if more than one node can calculate the same (b,k,s) element.
326  got=0
327  ABI_MALLOC(proc_distrb,(Wfd%mband,Kmesh%nbz,nsppol))
328  call sigma_distribute_bks(Wfd,Kmesh,Ltg_k,Qmesh,nsppol,can_symmetrize,kgw,Sigp%mg0,my_nbks,&
329 &  proc_distrb,got,bks_mask,global=.TRUE.)
331  ABI_FREE(bks_mask)
333  write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')" Will sum ",my_nbks," (b,k,s) occupied states in (COHSEX|SEX)."
334  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
336  Sigcij_tab => Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,1:nsppol)
338  if (mod10==SIG_COHSEX) then
339    ! Distribute the COHSEX terms, taking into account the symmetries of the Sigma_ij matrix.
340    ABI_MALLOC(coh_distrb,(ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,Kmesh%nbz,nsppol))
342    coh_distrb = xmpi_undefined_rank
343    do spin=1,nsppol
344      do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
345         if (ANY(proc_distrb(:,ik_bz,spin) /= xmpi_undefined_rank) ) then ! This BZ point will be calculated.
346            rank_mask = .FALSE. ! To select only those nodes that will treat (k,s).
347            do band=1,Wfd%mband
348              rank = proc_distrb(band,ik_bz,spin)
349              if (rank /= xmpi_undefined_rank) rank_mask(rank+1)=.TRUE.
350            end do
351            do band2=ib1,ib2
352              do irow=1,Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(band2)%size1   ! Looping over the upper triangle of sigma_ij with non-zero elements.
353                band1 = Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(band2)%bidx(irow)
354                idle = imin_loc(got,mask=rank_mask)
355                got(idle) = got(idle)+1
356                coh_distrb(band1,band2,ik_bz,spin) = idle-1
357              end do
358            end do
359         end if
360      end do
361    end do
363    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')" will treat ",COUNT(coh_distrb==Wfd%my_rank)," COH terms."
364    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
365  end if
367  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg_ki, (npwc * nspinor, minbnd:maxbnd))
368  rhotwg_ki=czero_gw
369  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg, (npwc * nspinor))
370  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwgp  ,(npwc * nspinor))
371  ABI_MALLOC(vc_sqrt_qbz, (npwc))
373  ! Additional allocations for PAW
374  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
375    ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_ksum,(Cryst%natom,nspinor))
376    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_ksum,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
378    ! For COHSEX we need the onsite terms of the PW on the FFT mesh.
379    ! gw_gfft is the set of plane waves in the FFT Box for the oscillators.
380    if (mod10==SIG_COHSEX) then
381      ABI_MALLOC(gw_gfft,(3,gwc_nfftot))
382      q0=zero
383      call get_gftt(gwc_ngfft,q0,Cryst%gmet,gw_gsq,gw_gfft)
384      ABI_MALLOC(Pwij_fft,(Psps%ntypat))
385      call pawpwij_init(Pwij_fft,gwc_nfftot,(/zero,zero,zero/),gw_gfft,Cryst%rprimd,Psps,Pawtab,Paw_pwff)
386    end if
387  end if ! usepaw==1
389  ! === Calculate total number of frequencies and allocate related arrays ===
390  ! sigcme2 is used to accumulate the diagonal matrix elements over k-points and
391  ! GW bands, used only in case of ppmodel 3 and 4 (TODO save memory)
392  nomega_tot=Sr%nomega_r+Sr%nomega4sd
394  ABI_MALLOC(sigctmp, (nomega_sigc,Sigp%nsig_ab))
395  sigctmp = czero_gw
396  ABI_MALLOC(sigc_ket, (npwc*nspinor, nomega_sigc))
398  if (mod10==SIG_COHSEX)  then
399    ABI_MALLOC(wf1swf2_g,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor))
400  end if
402  ! Arrays storing the contribution given by the Hermitian/anti-Hermitian part of \Sigma_c
403  !allocate(aherm_sigc_ket(npwc*nspinor,nomega_sigc))
404  !allocate( herm_sigc_ket(npwc*nspinor,nomega_sigc))
405  ABI_MALLOC(sigsex,(npwc))
406  sigcme_tmp=czero
408  ABI_MALLOC(sigc,(2,nomega_sigc,ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab))
409  sigc=czero
411  ! Here we divide the states where the QP energies are required into complexes. Note however that this approach is not
412  ! based on group theory, and it might lead to spurious results in case of accidental degeneracies.
413  nq_summed=Kmesh%nbz
414  if (Sigp%symsigma > 0) then
415    call Ltg_k%print(std_out, prtvol, mode_paral='COLL')
416    nq_summed=SUM(Ltg_k%ibzq(:))
417    !
418    ! Find number of degenerate states and number of bands in each subspace
419    ! The tolerance is a little bit arbitrary (0.001 eV)
420    ! It could be reduced, in particular in case of nearly accidental degeneracies
421    ABI_MALLOC(degtab,(ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,nsppol))
422    degtab=0
423    do spin=1,nsppol
424      do ib=ib1,ib2
425        do jb=ib1,ib2
426         if (ABS(qp_ene(ib,jk_ibz,spin)-qp_ene(jb,jk_ibz,spin))<0.001/Ha_ev) then
427           degtab(ib,jb,spin)=1
428         end if
429        end do
430      end do
431    end do
432  end if !symsigma
434  write(msg,'(2a,i6,a)')ch10,' calculation status ( ',nq_summed,' to be completed):'
435  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
437  ! TODO if single q (ex molecule) dont allocate epsm1q, avoid waste of memory
438  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(epsm1_qbz, (npwc, npwc, 1), ierr)
439  ABI_MALLOC(igfftcg0,(Gsph_c%ng))
441  ! Out-of-core solution for epsilon.
442  if (Er%mqmem==0) then
443    ABI_COMMENT('Reading q-slices from file. Slower but less memory.')
444  end if
446  call timab(442,2,tsec)
448  ! ==========================================
449  ! ==== Fat loop over k_i in the full BZ ====
450  ! ==========================================
451  ABI_MALLOC(ur_sum,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor))
453  do spin=1,nsppol
454    if (ALL(proc_distrb(:,:,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank)) CYCLE
456    ABI_MALLOC(wfr_bdgw,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
457    call wfd%get_many_ur([(jb, jb=ib1,ib2)], jk_ibz, spin, wfr_bdgw)
459    if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
460      ! Load cprj for GW states, note the indexing.
461      dimcprj_gw=nspinor*(ib2-ib1+1)
462      ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_kgw,(Cryst%natom,ib1:ib1+dimcprj_gw-1))
463      call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_kgw,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
464      ibsp=ib1
465      do jb=ib1,ib2
466        call wfd%get_cprj(jb,jk_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj_ksum,sorted=.FALSE.)
467        call paw_symcprj(jk_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_ksum)
468        call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_ksum,Cprj_kgw(:,ibsp:ibsp+(nspinor-1)))
469        ibsp=ibsp+nspinor
470      end do
471    end if
473    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
474      ! Parallelization over k-points and spin
475      ! For the spin there is another check in the inner loop.
476      if (ALL(proc_distrb(:,ik_bz,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank)) CYCLE
478      call timab(443,1,tsec) ! csigme (initq)
480      ! Find the corresponding irreducible k-point
481      call kmesh%get_BZ_item(ik_bz,ksum,ik_ibz,isym_ki,iik,ph_mkt)
482      spinrot_kbz(:)=Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_ki)
484      ! Identify q and G0 where q+G0=k_GW-k_i
485      kgw_m_ksum=kgw-ksum
486      call findqg0(iq_bz,g0,kgw_m_ksum,Qmesh%nbz,Qmesh%bz,Sigp%mG0)
488      ! Symmetrize the matrix elements.
489      ! Sum only q"s in IBZ_k. In this case elements are weighted
490      ! according to wtqp and wtqm. wtqm is for time-reversal.
491      wtqp=1; wtqm=0
492      if (can_symmetrize(spin)) then
493        if (Ltg_k%ibzq(iq_bz)/=1) CYCLE
494        wtqp=0; wtqm=0
495        do isym=1,Ltg_k%nsym_sg
496          wtqp=wtqp+Ltg_k%wtksym(1,isym,iq_bz)
497          wtqm=wtqm+Ltg_k%wtksym(2,isym,iq_bz)
498        end do
499      end if
501      !%write(msg,'(2(a,i4),a,i3)')' csigme : ik_bz ',ik_bz,'/',Kmesh%nbz,' done by processor ',Wfd%my_rank
502      !%call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
504      ! Find the corresponding irred q-point.
505      call qmesh%get_BZ_item(iq_bz,qbz,iq_ibz,isym_q,itim_q)
506      q_is_gamma = (normv(qbz, Cryst%gmet, "G") < GW_TOLQ0)
508      ! Tables for the FFT of the oscillators.
509      !  a) FFT index of the G-G0.
510      !  b) gw_gbound table for the zero-padded FFT performed in rhotwg.
511      ABI_MALLOC(gw_gbound,(2*gwc_mgfft+8,2))
512      call Gsph_c%fft_tabs(g0,gwc_mgfft,gwc_ngfft,use_padfft,gw_gbound,igfftcg0)
513      if ( ANY(gwc_fftalga == [2, 4]) ) use_padfft=0 ! Pad-FFT is not coded in rho_tw_g
514 #ifdef FC_IBM
515      ! XLF does not deserve this optimization (problem with [v67mbpt][t03])
516      use_padfft = 0
517 #endif
518      if (use_padfft==0) then
519        ABI_FREE(gw_gbound)
520        ABI_MALLOC(gw_gbound,(2*gwc_mgfft+8,2*use_padfft))
521      end if
523      if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
524        ! Get PAW oscillator matrix elements $ <phj/r|e^{-i(q+G)}|phi/r> - <tphj/r|e^{-i(q+G)}|tphi/r> $ in packed form.
525        ABI_MALLOC(Pwij_qg,(Psps%ntypat))
526        q0 = qbz !;if (q_is_gamma) q0 = (/0.00001_dp,0.00001_dp,0.00001_dp/) ! GW_Q0_DEFAULT
527        call pawpwij_init(Pwij_qg, npwc, q0, Gsph_c%gvec, Cryst%rprimd, Psps, Pawtab, Paw_pwff)
528      end if
530      if (Er%mqmem==0) then
531        ! Read q-slice of epsilon^{-1}|chi0 in Er%epsm1(:,:,:,1) (much slower but less memory).
532        call get_epsm1(Er,Vcp,0,0,iomode,xmpi_comm_self,iqibzA=iq_ibz)
533      end if
535      ! Only omega==0 for SEX or COHSEX
536      call Epsm1_symmetrizer(iq_bz, 1, npwc, Er, Gsph_c, Qmesh, .True., epsm1_qbz)
538      ! Get Fourier components of the Coulomb interaction in the BZ.
539      ! In 3D systems, neglecting umklapp,  vc(Sq,sG)=vc(q,G)=4pi/|q+G|
540      ! The same relation holds for 0-D systems, but not in 1-D or 2D systems. It depends on S.
541      do ig=1,npwc
542        vc_sqrt_qbz(Gsph_c%rottb(ig,itim_q,isym_q)) = Vcp%vc_sqrt(ig,iq_ibz)
543      end do
545      call timab(443,2,tsec) ! csigme (initq)
547      ! Sum over bands.
548      do ib=1,Sigp%nbnds
549        ! Parallelism over spin
550        ! This processor has this k-point but what about spin?
551        if (proc_distrb(ib,ik_bz,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank) CYCLE
553        ! Skip empty state ib for HF, SEX, and COHSEX.
554        if (qp_occ(ib,ik_ibz,spin)<tol_empty) CYCLE
556        theta_mu_minus_e0i=fact_sp*qp_occ(ib,ik_ibz,spin)
558        call wfd%get_ur(ib,ik_ibz,spin,ur_sum)
560        if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
561          ! Load cprj for point ksum, this spin or spinor and *THIS* band.
562          ! TODO MG I could avoid doing this but I have to exchange spin and bands ???
563          ! For sure there is a better way to do this!
564          call wfd%get_cprj(ib,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj_ksum,sorted=.FALSE.)
565          call paw_symcprj(ik_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_ksum)
566        end if
568        do jb=ib1,ib2
569          ! Get all <k-q,ib,s|e^{-i(q+G).r}|s,jb,k>, at once.
570          call rho_tw_g(nspinor,npwc,gwc_nfftot,ndat1,gwc_ngfft,1,use_padfft,igfftcg0,gw_gbound,&
571 &          ur_sum       ,iik,ktabr(:,ik_bz),ph_mkt  ,spinrot_kbz,  &
572 &          wfr_bdgw(:,jb),jik,ktabr(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw,&
573 &          nspinor,rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
575          if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
576            ! Add on-site contribution, projectors are already in BZ !TODO Recheck this!
577            i2=jb; if (nspinor==2) i2=(2*jb-1)
578            spad=(nspinor-1)
579            call paw_rho_tw_g(cryst,Pwij_qg, npwc,nspinor,nspinor,Gsph_c%gvec,&
580                              Cprj_ksum(:,:),Cprj_kgw(:,i2:i2+spad),rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
581          end if
583          ! Multiply by the square root of the Coulomb term.
584          ! In 3-D systems, the factor sqrt(4pi) is included)
585          do ii=1,nspinor
586            spad = (ii-1) * npwc
587            rhotwg_ki(spad+1:spad+npwc,jb) = rhotwg_ki(spad+1:spad+npwc,jb)*vc_sqrt_qbz(1:npwc)
588          end do
590          ! === Treat analytically the case q --> 0 ===
591          ! * The oscillator is evaluated at q=O as it is considered constant in the small cube around Gamma
592          !   while the Colulomb term is integrated out
593          ! * In the scalar case we have nonzero contribution only if ib==jb
594          ! * For nspinor==2 evalute <ib,up|jb,up> and <ib,dwn|jb,dwn>,
595          !   impose orthonormalization since npwwfn might be < npwvec.
596          if (ik_bz == jk_bz) then
597            if (nspinor == 1) then
598              rhotwg_ki(1, jb) = czero_gw
599              if (ib==jb) rhotwg_ki(1, jb)=CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp)
600            else
601              npw_k = Wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz)
602              rhotwg_ki(1, jb) = zero; rhotwg_ki(npwc+1, jb) = zero
603              if (ib == jb) then
604                ABI_CHECK(wfd%get_wave_ptr(ib, ik_ibz, spin, wave_sum, msg) == 0, msg)
605                cg_sum => wave_sum%ug
606                ABI_CHECK(wfd%get_wave_ptr(jb, jk_ibz, spin, wave_jb, msg) == 0, msg)
607                cg_jb => wave_jb%ug
608                ctmp = xdotc(npw_k, cg_sum(1:), 1, cg_jb(1:), 1)
609                rhotwg_ki(1,jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp) * real(ctmp)
610                ctmp = xdotc(npw_k, cg_sum(npw_k+1:), 1, cg_jb(npw_k+1:), 1)
611                rhotwg_ki(npwc+1,jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp) * real(ctmp)
612                ! PAW is missing
614                !rhotwg_ki(1,jb)=CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp) * sqrt(half)
615                !rhotwg_ki(npwc+1,jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp) * sqrt(half)
616              end if
617            end if
618          end if
619        end do !jb  Got all matrix elements from minbnd up to maxbnd.
621        do kb=ib1,ib2
622          ! Get the ket \Sigma|\phi_{k,kb}> according to the method.
623          rhotwgp(:) = rhotwg_ki(:,kb)
624          sigc_ket = czero_gw
626          ! SEX part. TODO add check on theta_mu_minus_e0i
627          do ispinor=1,nspinor
628            spadc = (ispinor-1) * npwc
629            call XGEMV('N',npwc,npwc,cone_gw,epsm1_qbz(:,:,1),npwc,rhotwgp(1+spadc:),1,czero_gw,sigsex,1)
631            sigsex(:)= -theta_mu_minus_e0i*sigsex(:)
633            do io=1,nomega_tot ! nomega==1 as SEX is energy independent.
634              sigc_ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,io) = sigsex(:)
635            end do
636          end do
638          ! Loop over the non-zero row elements of this column.
639          ! 1) If gwcalctyp<20 : only diagonal elements since QP==KS.
640          ! 2) If gwcalctyp>=20:
641          !     * Only off-diagonal elements connecting states with same character.
642          !     * Only the upper triangle if HF, SEX, or COHSEX.
643          do irow=1,Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(kb)%size1
644            jb = Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(kb)%bidx(irow)
645            rhotwg = rhotwg_ki(:,jb)
647            ! Calculate <\phi_j|\Sigma_c|\phi_k>
648            ! Different freqs according to method (AC or Perturbative), see nomega_sigc.
649            do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
650              spadc1=spinor_padc(1,iab); spadc2=spinor_padc(2,iab)
651              do io=1,nomega_sigc
652                sigctmp(io,iab) = XDOTC(npwc,rhotwg(spadc1+1:),1,sigc_ket(spadc2+1:,io),1)
653              end do
654            end do
656            ! TODO: save wf1swf2_g to avoid having to recalculate it at each q-point.
657            if (mod10==SIG_COHSEX) then
658              ! Evaluate Static COH. TODO add spinor.
659              if (coh_distrb(jb,kb,ik_bz,spin) == Wfd%my_rank) then
660                ! COH term is done only once for each k-point.
661                ! It does not depend on the index ib summed over.
662                coh_distrb(jb,kb,ik_bz,spin) = xmpi_undefined_rank
664 #if 1
665                call calc_wfwfg(ktabr(:,jk_ibz),jik, spinrot_kgw, & ! TODO why jk_ibz?
666 &                gwc_nfftot,nspinor,gwc_ngfft,wfr_bdgw(:,jb),wfr_bdgw(:,kb),wf1swf2_g)
667 #else
668                ABI_CHECK(jik==1,"jik")
669                call calc_wfwfg(ktabr(:,jk_bz),jik, spinrot_kgw, &
670                  gwc_nfftot,nspinor,gwc_ngfft,wfr_bdgw(:,jb),wfr_bdgw(:,kb),wf1swf2_g)
671 #endif
673                if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
674                  i1=jb; i2=kb
675                  if (nspinor==2) then
676                    i1=(2*jb-1); i2=(2*kb-1)
677                  end if
678                  spad=(nspinor-1)
679                  call paw_rho_tw_g(cryst,Pwij_fft,gwc_nfftot,Sigp%nsig_ab,nspinor,&
680                                    gw_gfft,Cprj_kgw(:,i1:i1+spad),Cprj_kgw(:,i2:i2+spad),wf1swf2_g)
681                end if
683                call calc_coh(nspinor,Sigp%nsig_ab,gwc_nfftot,gwc_ngfft,npwc,Gsph_c%gvec,wf1swf2_g,epsm1_qbz(:,:,1),&
684                              vc_sqrt_qbz,Vcp%i_sz,iq_ibz,(jb==kb),sigcohme)
686                do io=1,nomega_sigc ! Should be 1
687                  sigctmp(io,:) = sigctmp(io,:)+sigcohme(:)
688                end do
690              end if
691            end if ! COHSEX
693            ! Accumulate and, in case, symmetrize matrix elements of Sigma_c.
694            do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
695              is_idx = spin; if (nspinor==2) is_idx=iab
697              sigcme_tmp(:,jb,kb,is_idx)=sigcme_tmp(:,jb,kb,is_idx) + &
698 &              (wtqp+wtqm)*DBLE(sigctmp(:,iab)) + (wtqp-wtqm)*j_gw*AIMAG(sigctmp(:,iab))
700              sigc(1,:,jb,kb,is_idx)=sigc(1,:,jb,kb,is_idx) + wtqp*      sigctmp(:,iab)
701              sigc(2,:,jb,kb,is_idx)=sigc(2,:,jb,kb,is_idx) + wtqm*CONJG(sigctmp(:,iab))
702              ! TODO this should be the contribution coming from the anti-hermitian part.
703            end do
704          end do !jb used to calculate matrix elements of $\Sigma$
706        end do !kb to calculate matrix elements of $\Sigma$
707      end do !ib
709      ! Deallocate k-dependent quantities.
710      ABI_FREE(gw_gbound)
711      if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
712        call pawpwij_free(Pwij_qg)
713        ABI_FREE(Pwij_qg)
714      end if
715    end do !ik_bz
717    ABI_FREE(wfr_bdgw)
718    if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
719      call pawcprj_free(Cprj_kgw)
720      ABI_FREE(Cprj_kgw)
721    end if
722  end do !spin
724  ABI_FREE(igfftcg0)
726  ! Gather contributions from all the CPUs.
727  call xmpi_sum(sigcme_tmp, wfd%comm, ierr)
728  call xmpi_sum(sigc, wfd%comm, ierr)
730  ! Multiply by constants
731  ! For 3D systems sqrt(4pi) is included in vc_sqrt_qbz.
732  sigcme_tmp = sigcme_tmp /(Cryst%ucvol*Kmesh%nbz)
733  sigc       = sigc       /(Cryst%ucvol*Kmesh%nbz)
735  ! If we have summed over the IBZ_q now we have to average over degenerate states.
736  ! Presently only diagonal terms are considered
737  ! TODO it does not work if nspinor==2.
738  do spin=1,nsppol
739    if (can_symmetrize(spin)) then
740      ABI_MALLOC(sym_cme, (nomega_tot, ib1:ib2, ib1:ib2, sigp%nsig_ab))
741      sym_cme=czero
743      ! Average over degenerate diagonal elements.
744      ! NOTE: frequencies for \Sigma_c(\omega) should be equal to avoid spurious results.
745      ! another good reason to use a strict criterion for the tolerance on eigenvalues.
746      do ib=ib1,ib2
747        ndegs=0
748        do jb=ib1,ib2
749          if (degtab(ib,jb,spin)==1) then
750            if (nspinor == 1) then
751              sym_cme(:, ib, ib, 1) = sym_cme(:, ib, ib, 1) + SUM(sigc(:, :, jb, jb, spin), dim=1)
752            else
753              do ii=1,sigp%nsig_ab
754                sym_cme(:, ib, ib, ii) = sym_cme(:, ib, ib, ii) + SUM(sigc(:, :, jb, jb, ii), dim=1)
755              end do
756            end if
758          end if
759          ndegs = ndegs + degtab(ib,jb,spin)
760        end do
761        sym_cme(:,ib,ib,:) = sym_cme(:,ib,ib,:) / ndegs
762      end do
764      if (Sigp%gwcalctyp >= 20) then
765        call esymm_symmetrize_mels(QP_sym(spin),ib1,ib2,sigc(:,1,:,:,spin),sym_cme(1,:,:,1))
766      end if
768      ! Copy symmetrized values.
769      do ib=ib1,ib2
770        do jb=ib1,ib2
771          if (nspinor == 1) then
772            sigcme_tmp(:,ib,jb,spin) = sym_cme(:,ib,jb,1)
773          else
774            sigcme_tmp(:,ib,jb,:) = sym_cme(:,ib,jb,:)
775          end if
776        end do
777      end do
778      ABI_FREE(sym_cme)
779    end if
780  end do
782  ! Reconstruct the full sigma matrix from the upper triangle (only for HF, SEX and COHSEX)
783  if (Sigp%gwcalctyp>=20 .and. sigma_is_herm(Sigp) ) then
784    ABI_CHECK(nspinor==1,"cannot hermitianize non-collinear sigma!")
785    do spin=1,nsppol
786      do io=1,nomega_sigc
787        call hermitianize(sigcme_tmp(io,:,:,spin),"Upper")
788      end do
789    end do
790  end if
792  ! ===========================
793  ! ==== Deallocate memory ====
794  ! ===========================
795  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
796    if (allocated(gw_gfft)) then
797      ABI_FREE(gw_gfft)
798    end if
799    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_ksum)
800    ABI_FREE(Cprj_ksum)
801    if (allocated(Pwij_fft)) then
802      call pawpwij_free(Pwij_fft)
803      ABI_FREE(Pwij_fft)
804    end if
805  end if
807  ABI_FREE(ktabr)
808  ABI_FREE(ur_sum)
809  ABI_FREE(rhotwg_ki)
810  ABI_FREE(rhotwg)
811  ABI_FREE(rhotwgp)
812  ABI_FREE(vc_sqrt_qbz)
813  ABI_FREE(sigc_ket)
814  ABI_FREE(epsm1_qbz)
815  ABI_FREE(sigctmp)
816  ABI_FREE(sigc)
817  ABI_FREE(sigsex)
818  ABI_FREE(proc_distrb)
819  if (mod10==SIG_COHSEX) then
820    ABI_FREE(wf1swf2_g)
821    ABI_FREE(coh_distrb)
822  end if
824  if (allocated(degtab)) then
825    ABI_FREE(degtab)
826  end if
828  call timab(495,2,tsec) ! csigme(SigC)
829  call timab(491,2,tsec)
830  call timab(423,2,tsec) ! cohsex_me
834 end subroutine cohsex_me

ABINIT/m_cohsex [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Calculate diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of the SEX or COHSEX self-energy operator.


  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (FB, GMR, VO, LR, RWG, MG, RShaltaf)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_cohsex
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_defs_ptgroups
26  use m_gwdefs
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_errors
29  use m_abicore
31  use defs_datatypes,  only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
32  use m_time,          only : timab
33  use m_fstrings,      only : sjoin, itoa
34  use m_hide_blas,     only : xdotc, xgemv
35  use m_numeric_tools, only : hermitianize, imin_loc
36  use m_geometry,      only : normv
37  use m_crystal,       only : crystal_t
38  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t, findqg0, littlegroup_t
39  use m_gsphere,       only : gsphere_t
40  use m_fft_mesh,      only : get_gftt, rotate_fft_mesh, cigfft
41  use m_vcoul,         only : vcoul_t
42  use m_pawpwij,       only : pawpwff_t, pawpwij_t, pawpwij_init, pawpwij_free, paw_rho_tw_g
43  use m_wfd,           only : wfdgw_t, wave_t
44  use m_oscillators,   only : rho_tw_g, calc_wfwfg
45  use m_screening,     only : epsm1_symmetrizer, get_epsm1, epsilonm1_results
46  use m_esymm,         only : esymm_t, esymm_symmetrize_mels, esymm_failed
47  use m_sigma,         only : sigma_t, sigma_distribute_bks
48  use m_pawang,        only : pawang_type
49  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type
50  use m_pawcprj,       only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy, paw_overlap
51  use m_paw_sym,       only : paw_symcprj
53  implicit none
55  private