ABINIT/calc_coh_comp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Calculates the COH-like contribution to the self-energy when
  the extrapolar technique and the closure relation is used to
  reduce the number of empty states to be summed over in the Green
  function entering the definition of the GW self-energy.


 iqibz=index of the irreducible q-point in the array qibz, point which is
  related by a symmetry operation to the point q summed over (see csigme).
  This index is also used to treat the integrable coulombian singularity at q=0
 ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT for GW wavefuntions,
  see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 nsig_ab=Number of components in the self-energy operator (1 for collinear magnetism)
 npwc=number of plane waves in $\tilde epsilon^{-1}$
 nspinor=Number of spinorial components.
 i_sz=contribution arising from the integrable coulomb singularity at q==0
 (see csigme for the method used), note that in case of 3-D systems the factor
 4pi in the Coulomb potential is included in the definition of i_sz
 gvec(3,npwc)=G vectors in reduced coordinates
 vc_sqrt(npwc)= square root of the coulombian matrix elements for this q-point
 botsq = Plasmon-pole parameters
 otq  = PPm parameters


 sigcohme=partial contribution to the matrix element of $<jb k|\Sigma_{COH}| kb k>$
  coming from this single q-point for completeness trick



1415 subroutine calc_coh_comp(iqibz,i_sz,same_band,nspinor,nsig_ab,ediff,npwc,gvec,&
1416 &  ngfft,nfftot,wfg2_jk,vc_sqrt,botsq,otq,sigcohme)
1418 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1419 !scalars
1420  integer,intent(in) :: iqibz,npwc,nsig_ab,nspinor,nfftot
1421  real(dp),intent(in) :: i_sz,ediff
1422  logical,intent(in) :: same_band
1423 !arrays
1424  integer,intent(in) :: gvec(3,npwc),ngfft(18)
1425  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: botsq(npwc,npwc),otq(npwc,npwc)
1426  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: vc_sqrt(npwc)
1427  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: wfg2_jk(nfftot*nsig_ab)
1428  complex(gwpc),intent(out) :: sigcohme(nsig_ab)
1430 !Local variables-------------------------------
1431 !scalars
1432  integer,save :: enough=0
1433  integer :: ig,ig4,ig4x,ig4y,ig4z,igp,igmin,ispinor,ngfft1,ngfft2,ngfft3,spad,outofbox
1434 !arrays
1435  integer :: g2mg1(3)
1437 ! *************************************************************************
1441  ! === Treat the case q --> 0 adequately ===
1442  ! TODO Better treatment of wings
1443  igmin=1 ; if (iqibz==1) igmin=2
1444  !
1445  ! === Partial contribution to the matrix element of Sigma_c ===
1446  ! * For nspinor==2, the closure relation reads:
1447  !  $\sum_s \psi_a^*(1)\psi_b(2) = \delta_{ab} \delta(1-2)$
1448  !  where a,b are the spinor components. As a consequence, Sigma_{COH} is always
1449  !  diagonal in spin-space and only diagonal matrix elements have to be calculated.
1450  ! MG  TODO wfg2_jk should be calculated on an augmented FFT box to avoid spurious wrapping of G1-G2.
1451  !
1452  ngfft1 = ngfft(1); ngfft2 = ngfft(2); ngfft3 = ngfft(3)
1453  sigcohme(:) = czero_gw
1455  do ispinor=1,nspinor
1456   spad=(ispinor-1)*nfftot
1457   outofbox=0
1459    do igp=igmin,npwc
1460      do ig=igmin,npwc
1462       g2mg1 = gvec(:,igp)-gvec(:,ig)
1463       if (ANY(g2mg1(:)>ngfft(1:3)/2) .or. ANY(g2mg1(:)<-(ngfft(1:3)-1)/2)) then
1464         outofbox = outofbox+1; CYCLE
1465       end if
1467       ig4x=MODULO(g2mg1(1),ngfft1)
1468       ig4y=MODULO(g2mg1(2),ngfft2)
1469       ig4z=MODULO(g2mg1(3),ngfft3)
1470       ig4= 1+ig4x+ig4y*ngfft1+ig4z*ngfft1*ngfft2
1472       !MG where is neta here, ediff, otq might be close to zero depending on gwecomp
1473       sigcohme(ispinor) = sigcohme(ispinor) + &
1474 &       half*wfg2_jk(spad+ig4)*vc_sqrt(ig)*vc_sqrt(igp) * botsq(ig,igp) / ( otq(ig,igp) * ( ediff -otq(ig,igp) ) )
1475      end do
1476    end do
1478    if (iqibz==1.and.same_band) then
1479      sigcohme(ispinor) = sigcohme(ispinor) + half*wfg2_jk(spad+ig4)*i_sz*botsq(1,1) / ( otq(1,1) * (ediff -otq(1,1)) )
1480    end if
1481  end do !ispinor
1483  if (outofbox/=0) then
1484    enough=enough+1
1485    if (enough<=50) then
1486      ABI_WARNING(sjoin('Number of G1-G2 pairs outside the G-sphere for Wfns: ',itoa(outofbox)))
1487      if (enough==50) then
1488        call wrtout(std_out,' ========== Stop writing Warnings ==========')
1489      end if
1490    end if
1491  end if
1493  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1495 end subroutine calc_coh_comp

ABINIT/calc_sig_ppm_comp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculating contributions to self-energy operator using a plasmon-pole model


  nomega=number of frequencies to consider
  npwc= number of G vectors in the plasmon pole
  npwc1= 1 if ppmodel==3, =npwc if ppmodel== 4, 1 for all the other cases
  npwc2= 1 if ppmodel==3, =1    if ppmodel== 4, 1 for all the other cases
  npwx=number of G vectors in rhotwgp
  ppmodel=plasmon pole model
  theta_mu_minus_e0i= $\theta(\mu-\epsilon_{k-q,b1,s}), defines if the state is occupied or not
  zcut=small imaginary part to avoid the divergence. (see related input variable)
  omegame0i(nomega)=frequencies where evaluate \Sigma_c ($\omega$ - $\epsilon_i$
  otq(npwc,npwc2)=plasmon pole parameters for this q-point
  botsq(npwc,npwc1)=plasmon pole parameters for this q-point
  eig(npwc,npwc)=the eigvectors of the symmetrized inverse dielectric matrix for this q point
   (first index for G, second index for bands)
  rhotwgp(npwx)=oscillator matrix elements divided by |q+G| i.e
    $\frac{\langle b1 k-q s | e^{-i(q+G)r | b2 k s \rangle}{|q+G|}$


  sigcme(nomega) (to be described), only relevant if ppm3 or ppm4


  In case of ppmodel==1,2 it contains

   ket(G,omega) = Sum_G2       conjg(rhotw(G)) * Omega(G,G2) * rhotw(G2)
                            2 omegatw(G,G2) (omega-E_i + omegatw(G,G2)(2f-1))


 Taken from old routine


1949 subroutine calc_sig_ppm_comp(npwc,nomega,rhotwgp,botsq,otq,omegame0i_io,zcut,theta_mu_minus_e0i,ket,ppmodel,npwx,npwc1,npwc2)
1951 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1952 !scalars
1953  integer,intent(in) :: nomega,npwc,npwc1,npwc2,npwx,ppmodel
1954  real(dp),intent(in) :: omegame0i_io,theta_mu_minus_e0i,zcut
1955 !arrays
1956  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: botsq(npwc,npwc1),rhotwgp(npwx),otq(npwc,npwc2)
1957  complex(gwpc),intent(inout) :: ket(npwc,nomega)
1959 !Local variables-------------------------------
1960 !scalars
1961  integer :: ig,igp,io
1962  real(dp) :: den,otw,twofm1_zcut
1963  complex(gwpc) :: num,rhotwgdp_igp
1964  logical :: fully_occupied,totally_empty
1965  character(len=500) :: msg
1966 !arrays
1967  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ket_comp(:)
1969 !*************************************************************************
1971  if (ppmodel/=1.and.ppmodel/=2) then
1972    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' The completeness trick cannot be used when ppmodel is ',ppmodel,' It should be set to 1 or 2. '
1973    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1974  end if
1976  ABI_MALLOC(ket_comp,(npwc))
1977  ket_comp(:)=0.d0
1979  fully_occupied=(abs(theta_mu_minus_e0i-1.)<0.001)
1980  totally_empty=(abs(theta_mu_minus_e0i)<0.001)
1982  if(.not.(totally_empty)) then ! not totally empty
1983    twofm1_zcut=zcut
1984    do igp=1,npwc
1985      rhotwgdp_igp=rhotwgp(igp)
1986      do ig=1,npwc
1987        otw=DBLE(otq(ig,igp)) ! in principle otw -> otw - ieta
1988        num = botsq(ig,igp)*rhotwgdp_igp
1990        den = omegame0i_io-otw
1991        if (den**2>zcut**2) then
1992          ket_comp(ig) = ket_comp(ig) - num/(den*otw)*theta_mu_minus_e0i
1993        end if
1994      end do !ig
1995    end do !igp
1996  end if ! not totally empty
1998  if(.not.(fully_occupied)) then ! not fully occupied
1999    twofm1_zcut=-zcut
2001    do igp=1,npwc
2002      rhotwgdp_igp=rhotwgp(igp)
2003      do ig=1,npwc
2004        otw=DBLE(otq(ig,igp)) ! in principle otw -> otw - ieta
2005        num = botsq(ig,igp)*rhotwgdp_igp
2007        den = omegame0i_io-otw
2008        if (den**2>zcut**2) then
2009          ket_comp(ig) = ket_comp(ig) - num/(den*otw)*(1.-theta_mu_minus_e0i)
2010        end if
2011      end do !ig
2012    end do !igp
2013  end if ! not fully occupied
2015  do io=1,nomega
2016    ket(:,io)=ket(:,io)+0.5*ket_comp(:)
2017  end do
2019  ABI_FREE(ket_comp)
2021 end subroutine calc_sig_ppm_comp

ABINIT/calc_sigc_cd [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate contributions to the self-energy operator with the contour deformation method.


  nomega=Total number of frequencies where $\Sigma_c$ matrix elements are evaluated.
  nomegae=Number of frequencies where $\epsilon^{-1}$ has been evaluated.
  nomegaei=Number of imaginary frequencies for $\epsilon^{-1}$ (non zero).
  nomegaer=Number of real frequencies for $\epsilon^{-1}$
  npwc=Number of G vectors for the correlation part.
  npwx=Number of G vectors in rhotwgp for each spinorial component.
  nspinor=Number of spinorial components.
  theta_mu_minus_e0i=1 if e0i is occupied, 0 otherwise. Fractional occupancy in case of metals.
  omegame0i(nomega)=Contains $\omega-\epsilon_{k-q,b1,\sigma}$
  epsm1q(npwc,npwc,nomegae)=Symmetrized inverse dielectric matrix (exchange part is subtracted).
  omega(nomegae)=Set of frequencies for $\epsilon^{-1}$.
  rhotwgp(npwx*nspinor)=Matrix elements: $<k-q,b1,\sigma|e^{-i(q+G)r} |k,b2,\sigma>*vc_sqrt$


 ket(npwc,nomega)=Contains \Sigma_c(\omega)|\phi> in reciprocal space.


 npoles_missing=Incremented with the number of poles whose contribution has not been taken into account due to
  limited frequency mesh used for W.


1528 subroutine calc_sigc_cd(npwc,npwx,nspinor,nomega,nomegae,nomegaer,nomegaei,rhotwgp,&
1529 & omega,epsm1q,omegame0i,theta_mu_minus_e0i,ket,plasmafreq,npoles_missing,calc_poles,method)
1531 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1532 !scalars
1533  integer,intent(in) :: nomega,nomegae,nomegaei,nomegaer,npwc,npwx,nspinor
1534  integer,intent(inout) :: npoles_missing
1535  real(dp),intent(in) :: theta_mu_minus_e0i,plasmafreq
1536 !arrays
1537  real(dp),intent(in) :: omegame0i(nomega)
1538  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: omega(nomegae)
1539  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: epsm1q(npwc,npwc,nomegae)
1540  complex(gwpc),intent(in) :: rhotwgp(npwx*nspinor)
1541  complex(gwpc),intent(inout) :: ket(nspinor*npwc,nomega)
1542  logical, intent(in), optional :: calc_poles(nomega)
1543  integer, intent(in), optional :: method
1545 !Local variables-------------------------------
1546 !scalars
1547  integer, parameter :: FABIEN=1,TRAPEZOID=2,NSPLINE=3
1548  integer :: ii,ig,io,ios,ispinor,spadc,spadx,my_err,ierr,GK_LEVEL,INTMETHOD
1549  integer :: i,j
1550  real(dp) :: rt_imag,rt_real,local_one,local_zero
1551  real(dp) :: intsign,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4
1552  real(dp) :: alph,inv_alph,beta,alphsq,betasq,inv_beta
1553  real(dp) :: re_intG,re_intK,im_intG,im_intK,GKttab,tau,ttil
1554  real(dp) :: ref,imf,r,s,r2,s2
1555  complex(dpc) :: ct,domegaleft,domegaright
1556  complex(gwpc) :: fact
1557 !arrays
1558  real(dp) :: omegame0i_tmp(nomega),tmp_x(2),tmp_y(2)
1559  real(dp) :: left(nomega),right(nomega)
1560  real(dp) :: tbeta(nomega),tinv_beta(nomega),tbetasq(nomega)
1561  real(dp) :: atermr(nomega),aterml(nomega),logup(nomega),logdown(nomega)
1562  real(dp) :: rtmp_r(nomegaer),rtmp_i(nomegaer)
1563  real(dp) :: ftab(nomegaei+2),ftab2(nomegaei+2),xtab(nomegaei+2),y(3,nomegaei+2)
1564  real(dp) :: work(nomegaei+2),work2(nomegaei+2),y2(3,nomegaei+2)
1565  complex(dpc) :: omega_imag(nomegaei+1)
1566  complex(gwpc) :: epsrho(npwc,nomegae),epsrho_imag(npwc,nomegaei+1)
1567  complex(gwpc) :: tfone(npwc,nomegaei+1),tftwo(npwc,nomegaei+1)
1568  complex(gwpc) :: weight(nomegaei+1,nomega)
1569  complex(gwpc) :: weight2(nomegaei,nomega)
1570  logical :: my_calc_poles(nomega)
1571  real(dp), allocatable :: KronN(:),KronW(:),GaussW(:),fint(:),fint2(:)
1572 !*************************************************************************
1574  my_calc_poles=.TRUE.; my_err=0
1576  ! Set integration method for imaginary axis
1578  if (present(method)) then
1579    if (method==1) INTMETHOD = FABIEN
1580    if (method==2) INTMETHOD = TRAPEZOID
1581    if (method>2) then
1583      if (method==3) then
1584        GK_LEVEL = 15
1585        ABI_MALLOC(KronN,(GK_LEVEL))
1586        ABI_MALLOC(KronW,(GK_LEVEL))
1587        ABI_MALLOC(GaussW,(GK_LEVEL-8))
1588        ABI_MALLOC(fint,(GK_LEVEL))
1589        ABI_MALLOC(fint2,(GK_LEVEL))
1590        KronN(:) = Kron15N(:); KronW(:) = Kron15W(:); GaussW(:) = Gau7W(:)
1591      else if (method==4) then
1592        GK_LEVEL = 23
1593        ABI_MALLOC(KronN,(GK_LEVEL))
1594        ABI_MALLOC(KronW,(GK_LEVEL))
1595        ABI_MALLOC(GaussW,(GK_LEVEL-12))
1596        ABI_MALLOC(fint,(GK_LEVEL))
1597        ABI_MALLOC(fint2,(GK_LEVEL))
1598        KronN(:) = Kron23N(:); KronW(:) = Kron23W(:); GaussW(:) = Gau11W(:)
1599      else if (method>4) then
1600        GK_LEVEL = 31
1601        ABI_MALLOC(KronN,(GK_LEVEL))
1602        ABI_MALLOC(KronW,(GK_LEVEL))
1603        ABI_MALLOC(GaussW,(GK_LEVEL-16))
1604        ABI_MALLOC(fint,(GK_LEVEL))
1605        ABI_MALLOC(fint2,(GK_LEVEL))
1606        KronN(:) = Kron31N(:); KronW(:) = Kron31W(:); GaussW(:) = Gau15W(:)
1607      end if
1608    end if
1609  end if
1611  ! Avoid divergences in $\omega - \omega_s$.
1612  omegame0i_tmp(:)=omegame0i(:)
1613  do ios=1,nomega
1614    if (ABS(omegame0i_tmp(ios))<tol6) omegame0i_tmp(ios)=sign(tol6,omegame0i_tmp(ios))
1615  end do
1617  do ispinor=1,nspinor
1618    spadx=(ispinor-1)*npwx; spadc=(ispinor-1)*npwc
1620    ! Calculate $ \sum_{Gp} (\epsilon^{-1}_{G Gp}(\omega)-\delta_{G Gp}) \rhotwgp(Gp) $
1621 !$omp parallel do
1622    do io=1,nomegae
1623      call XGEMV('N',npwc,npwc,cone_gw,epsm1q(:,:,io),npwc,rhotwgp(1+spadx:),1,czero_gw,epsrho(:,io),1)
1624    end do
1626    ! Integrand along the imaginary axis.
1627    epsrho_imag(:,1)=epsrho(:,1)
1628    epsrho_imag(:,2:nomegaei+1)=epsrho(:,nomegaer+1:nomegae)
1630    ! Frequency mesh for integral along the imaginary axis.
1631    omega_imag(1)=omega(1)
1632    omega_imag(2:nomegaei+1)=omega(nomegaer+1:nomegae)
1634    ! Original implementation -- saved here for reference during development
1635    ! === Perform integration along the imaginary axis ===
1636    !do io=1,nomegaei+1
1637    !  if (io==1) then
1638    !    domegaleft  = omega_imag(io)
1639    !    domegaright =(omega_imag(io+1)-omega_imag(io  ))*half
1640    !  else if (io==nomegaei+1) then
1641    !    domegaleft  =(omega_imag(io  )-omega_imag(io-1))*half
1642    !    domegaright =(omega_imag(io  )-omega_imag(io-1))*half
1643    !  else
1644    !    domegaleft  =(omega_imag(io  )-omega_imag(io-1))*half
1645    !    domegaright =(omega_imag(io+1)-omega_imag(io  ))*half
1646    !  end if
1647    !  do ios=1,nomega
1648    !    omg2 = -AIMAG(omega_imag(io)+domegaright)/REAL(omegame0i_tmp(ios))
1649    !    omg1 = -AIMAG(omega_imag(io)-domegaleft )/REAL(omegame0i_tmp(ios))
1650    !    fact = ATAN(omg2)-ATAN(omg1)
1651    !    ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,ios)=ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,ios)+epsrho_imag(:,io)*fact
1652    !  end do
1653    !end do !io
1655    !ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,:)=ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,:)/pi
1656    ! ---------------- end of original implementation -----------------------
1658    select case(INTMETHOD)
1659    case(FABIEN)
1660      ! Hopefully more effective implementation MS 04.08.2011
1661      ! Perform integration along imaginary axis using BLAS
1662      ! First calculate first and last weights
1663      weight(1,:) = ATAN(-half*AIMAG(omega_imag(2))/REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:)))
1664      domegaleft  = (three*omega_imag(nomegaei+1)-omega_imag(nomegaei))
1665      domegaright = (omega_imag(nomegaei+1)+omega_imag(nomegaei))
1666      right(:)    = -AIMAG(omega_imag(nomegaei+1)-omega_imag(nomegaei))*REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:))
1667      left(:)     = quarter*AIMAG(domegaleft)*AIMAG(domegaright) &
1668 &                   +REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:))*REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:))
1669      do ios=1,nomega
1670        weight(nomegaei+1,ios) = ATAN(right(ios)/left(ios))
1671      end do
1672      ! Calculate the rest of the weights
1673      do io=2,nomegaei
1674        domegaleft  = (omega_imag(io  )+omega_imag(io-1))
1675        domegaright = (omega_imag(io+1)+omega_imag(io  ))
1676        right(:)    = -half*AIMAG(omega_imag(io+1)-omega_imag(io-1))*REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:))
1677        left(:)     = REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:))*REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:)) &
1678 &       +quarter*AIMAG(domegaleft)*AIMAG(domegaright)
1679        do ios=1,nomega
1680          weight(io,ios) = ATAN(right(ios)/left(ios))
1681        end do
1682      end do
1684      ! Use BLAS call to perform matrix-matrix multiplication and accumulation
1685      fact = CMPLX(piinv,zero)
1687      call xgemm('N','N',npwc,nomega,nomegaei+1,fact,epsrho_imag,npwc,&
1688 &     weight,nomegaei+1,cone_gw,ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,:),npwc)
1690    case(TRAPEZOID)
1691 !   Trapezoidal rule Transform omega coordinates
1692      alph     = plasmafreq
1693      alphsq   = alph*alph
1694      inv_alph = one/alph
1696      xtab(1:nomegaei+1) = AIMAG(omega_imag(:))/(AIMAG(omega_imag(:)) + alph)
1697      xtab(nomegaei+2)   = one
1699 !   Efficient trapezoidal rule with BLAS calls
1700      tbeta(:)     = REAL(omegame0i_tmp(:))
1701      tbetasq(:)   = tbeta(:)*tbeta(:)
1702      tinv_beta(:) = one/tbeta(:)
1704      do io=1,nomegaei
1705        atermr(:)    = inv_alph*tinv_beta(:)*((alphsq+tbetasq(:))*xtab(io+1)-tbetasq(:))
1706        aterml(:)    = inv_alph*tinv_beta(:)*((alphsq+tbetasq(:))*xtab(io  )-tbetasq(:))
1707        right(:)     = ATAN((atermr(:)-aterml(:))/(one+atermr(:)*aterml(:)))
1708        logup(:)     = ABS(((alphsq+tbetasq(:))*xtab(io+1)-two*tbetasq(:)) &
1709 &                     *xtab(io+1)+tbetasq(:))
1710        logdown(:)   = ABS(((alphsq+tbetasq(:))*xtab(io  )-two*tbetasq(:)) &
1711 &                     *xtab(io  )+tbetasq(:))
1712        ! Trapezoid integration weights
1713        weight(io,:)  = CMPLX(-(half*alph*tbeta(:)*LOG(logup(:)/logdown(:)) + tbetasq(:) &
1714 &                         *right(:))/(alphsq+tbetasq(:)),zero)
1715        weight2(io,:) = CMPLX(-right(:),zero)
1716        ! Linear interpolation coefficients for each section (sum over ig)
1717        tfone(:,io)   = (epsrho_imag(:,io+1)-epsrho_imag(:,io)) &
1718 &                      /(xtab(io+1)-xtab(io))
1719        tftwo(:,io)   = epsrho_imag(:,io) - tfone(:,io)*xtab(io)
1720      end do
1722      ! Calculate weights for asymptotic behaviour
1723      atermr(:)   = alph*tinv_beta(:)
1724      aterml(:)   = inv_alph*tinv_beta(:)*((alphsq+tbetasq(:))*xtab(nomegaei+1)-tbetasq(:))
1725      logup(:)    = alphsq*xtab(nomegaei+1)*xtab(nomegaei+1)
1726      logdown(:)  = ABS(((alphsq+tbetasq(:))*xtab(nomegaei+1)-two*tbetasq(:)) &
1727 &                   *xtab(nomegaei+1)+tbetasq(:))
1728      right(:)     = ATAN((atermr(:)-aterml(:))/(one+atermr(:)*aterml(:)))
1729      weight (nomegaei+1,:) = CMPLX(-(half*(alphsq*tinv_beta(:)*LOG(logdown(:)/logup(:)) &
1730 &     - tbeta(:)*LOG(xtab(nomegaei+1)*xtab(nomegaei+1))) - alph*right(:)),zero)
1731      tfone(:,nomegaei+1) = -(zero-epsrho_imag(:,nomegaei+1)*AIMAG(omega_imag(nomegaei+1))) &
1732                            /(one-xtab(nomegaei+1))
1734      ! Use BLAS call to perform matrix-matrix multiplication and accumulation
1735      fact = CMPLX(piinv,zero)
1737      call xgemm('N','N',npwc,nomega,nomegaei+1,fact,tfone,npwc,&
1738 &     weight ,nomegaei+1,cone_gw,ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,:),npwc)
1739      call xgemm('N','N',npwc,nomega,nomegaei  ,fact,tftwo,npwc,&
1740 &     weight2,nomegaei  ,cone_gw,ket(spadc+1:spadc+npwc,:),npwc)
1742    case(NSPLINE)
1743      ! Natural spline followed by Gauss-Kronrod
1744      ! Transform omega coordinates
1745      alph     = plasmafreq
1746      alphsq   = alph*alph
1747      inv_alph = one/alph
1749      xtab(1:nomegaei+1) = AIMAG(omega_imag(:))/(AIMAG(omega_imag(:)) + alph)
1750      xtab(nomegaei+2)   = one
1752 ! Gauss-Kronrod integration of spline fit of f(t)/(1-t) in transformed space
1753 ! *** OPENMP SECTION *** Added by MS
1754 !!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ig,ftab,ftab2,s,s2,r,r2,y,y2,work,work2,beta,betasq,inv_beta, &
1755 !!$OMP  intsign,io,ii,i,j,re_intG,re_intK,im_intG,im_intK,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4, &
1756 !!$OMP  ttil,tau,ref,fint,imf,fint2,GKttab)
1757      do ig=1,npwc
1758        ! Spline fit
1759        ftab (1:nomegaei+1) =  REAL(epsrho_imag(ig,1:nomegaei+1))/(one-xtab(1:nomegaei+1))
1760        ftab2(1:nomegaei+1) = AIMAG(epsrho_imag(ig,1:nomegaei+1))/(one-xtab(1:nomegaei+1))
1761        ftab (nomegaei+2)   = zero; ftab2(nomegaei+2) = zero
1762        ! Explicit calculation of spline coefficients
1763        s  = zero; s2 = zero
1764        do i = 1, nomegaei+2-1
1765          r  = ( ftab (i+1) - ftab (i) ) / ( xtab(i+1) - xtab(i) )
1766          r2 = ( ftab2(i+1) - ftab2(i) ) / ( xtab(i+1) - xtab(i) )
1767          y (2,i) = r  - s; y2(2,i) = r2 - s2
1768          s  = r; s2 = r2
1769        end do
1770        s = zero; s2 = zero
1771        r = zero; r2 = zero
1772        y(2,1) = zero; y2(2,1) = zero
1773        y(2,nomegaei+2) = zero; y2(2,nomegaei+2) = zero
1774        do i = 2, nomegaei+2-1
1775          y (2,i) = y (2,i) + r  * y (2,i-1)
1776          y2(2,i) = y2(2,i) + r2 * y2(2,i-1)
1777          work (i) = two * ( xtab(i-1) - xtab(i+1) ) - r  * s
1778          work2(i) = two * ( xtab(i-1) - xtab(i+1) ) - r2 * s2
1779          s = xtab(i+1) - xtab(i)
1780          s2 = s
1781          r  = s  / work (i)
1782          r2 = s2 / work2(i)
1783        end do
1784        do j = 2, nomegaei+2-1
1785          i = nomegaei+2+1-j
1786          y (2,i) = ( ( xtab(i+1) - xtab(i) ) * y (2,i+1) - y (2,i) ) / work (i)
1787          y2(2,i) = ( ( xtab(i+1) - xtab(i) ) * y2(2,i+1) - y2(2,i) ) / work2(i)
1788        end do
1789        do i = 1, nomegaei+2-1
1790          s = xtab(i+1) - xtab(i); s2 = s;
1791          r = y(2,i+1) - y(2,i); r2 = y2(2,i+1) - y2(2,i);
1792          y(3,i) = r / s; y2(3,i) = r2 / s2;
1793          y(2,i) = three * y(2,i); y2(2,i) = three * y2(2,i);
1794          y (1,i) = ( ftab (i+1) - ftab (i) ) / s  - ( y (2,i) + r  ) * s
1795          y2(1,i) = ( ftab2(i+1) - ftab2(i) ) / s2 - ( y2(2,i) + r2 ) * s2
1796        end do
1797        ! End of spline interpolation
1798        do ios=1,nomega
1799          beta     = REAL(omegame0i_tmp(ios))
1800          betasq   = beta*beta
1801          inv_beta = one/beta
1802          intsign = sign(half*piinv,beta)
1803          beta = ABS(beta)
1804          io = 1; re_intG = zero; re_intK = zero; im_intG = zero; im_intK = zero
1805          do ii=1,GK_LEVEL
1806            do
1807              GKttab = two*alph*xtab(io+1)/(beta-(beta-alph)*xtab(io+1))-one
1808              if (GKttab > KronN(ii)) EXIT
1809              io = io + 1
1810            end do
1811            temp1     = half*(KronN(ii)+one)
1812            temp2     = temp1 - half
1813            temp3     = temp2*temp2
1814            temp4     = half/(temp3 + quarter)
1815            ttil      = beta*temp1/(alph-(alph-beta)*temp1)
1816            tau       = ttil - xtab(io)
1817            ref       = ftab (io) + tau*(y (1,io)+tau*(y (2,io)+tau*y (3,io)))
1818            fint (ii) = -ref*(one-ttil)*temp4
1819            imf       = ftab2(io) + tau*(y2(1,io)+tau*(y2(2,io)+tau*y2(3,io)))
1820            fint2(ii) = -imf*(one-ttil)*temp4
1821            re_intK   = KronW(ii)*fint (ii)
1822            im_intK   = KronW(ii)*fint2(ii)
1823            ket(spadc+ig,ios) = ket(spadc+ig,ios)+intsign*CMPLX(re_intK,im_intK)
1824            end do ! ii
1825        end do !ios
1826      end do !ig
1829    end select !intmethod
1831    local_one = one
1832    local_zero = zero
1834    ! ============================================
1835    ! ==== Add contribution coming from poles ====
1836    ! ============================================
1837    ! First see if the contribution has been checked before the routine is entered
1838    if (present(calc_poles)) then
1839      my_calc_poles = calc_poles
1840    else ! Otherwise check locally if there is a contribution
1841      do ios=1,nomega
1842        if (omegame0i_tmp(ios)>tol12) then
1843          if ((local_one-theta_mu_minus_e0i)<tol12) my_calc_poles(ios) = .FALSE.
1844        end if
1845        if (omegame0i_tmp(ios)<-tol12) then
1846          if (theta_mu_minus_e0i<tol12) my_calc_poles(ios) = .FALSE.
1847        end if
1848      end do !ios
1849    end if
1851    if (ANY(my_calc_poles(:))) then ! Make sure we only enter if necessary
1852 ! *** OPENMP SECTION *** Added by MS
1853 !!OMP !write(std_out,'(a,i0)') ' Entering openmp loop. Number of threads: ',xomp_get_num_threads()
1854 !$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(npwc,nomega,nomegaer,theta_mu_minus_e0i,spadc,local_one,local_zero, &
1855 !$OMP                    omega,epsrho,omegame0i_tmp,ket,my_calc_poles) &
1856 !$OMP PRIVATE(ig,ios,rtmp_r,rtmp_i,tmp_x,tmp_y,rt_real,rt_imag,ct,ierr) REDUCTION(+:my_err)
1857 !!OMP $ write(std_out,'(a,i0)') ' Entering openmp loop. Number of threads: ',xomp_get_num_threads()
1858 !$OMP DO
1859      do ig=1,npwc
1860        ! Prepare the spline interpolation by filling at once the arrays rtmp_r, rtmp_i
1861        call spline(DBLE(omega(1:nomegaer)),DBLE(epsrho(ig,1:nomegaer)),nomegaer,local_zero,local_zero,rtmp_r)
1862        call spline(DBLE(omega(1:nomegaer)),DBLE(AIMAG(epsrho(ig,1:nomegaer))),nomegaer,local_zero,local_zero,rtmp_i)
1863        ! call spline_complex( DBLE(omega(1:nomegaer)), epsrho(ig,1:nomegaer), nomegaer, zero, zero, rtmp )
1865        do ios=1,nomega
1866          if (.NOT.my_calc_poles(ios)) CYCLE
1868          ! Interpolate real and imaginary part of epsrho at |omegame0i_tmp|.
1869          tmp_x(1) = ABS(omegame0i_tmp(ios))
1870          call splint(nomegaer,DBLE(omega(1:nomegaer)),DBLE(epsrho(ig,1:nomegaer)),rtmp_r,1,tmp_x,tmp_y,ierr=ierr)
1871          if (ig==1.and.ispinor==1) my_err = my_err + ierr
1872          rt_real = tmp_y(1)
1874          tmp_x(1) = ABS(omegame0i_tmp(ios))
1875          call splint(nomegaer,DBLE(omega(1:nomegaer)),DBLE(AIMAG(epsrho(ig,1:nomegaer))),rtmp_i,1,tmp_x,tmp_y)
1876          rt_imag = tmp_y(1)
1877          !!call splint_complex(nomegaer,DBLE(omega(1:nomegaer)),epsrho(ig,1:nomegaer),rtmp,1,tmp_x,yfit)
1879          ct=DCMPLX(rt_real,rt_imag)
1881          if (omegame0i_tmp(ios)>tol12) then
1882            ket(spadc+ig,ios)=ket(spadc+ig,ios)+ct*(local_one-theta_mu_minus_e0i)
1883          end if
1884          if (omegame0i_tmp(ios)<-tol12) then
1885            ket(spadc+ig,ios)=ket(spadc+ig,ios)-ct*theta_mu_minus_e0i
1886          end if
1888        end do !ios
1889      end do !ig
1890 !$OMP END DO
1892    end if ! ANY(my_calc_poles)
1893  end do !ispinor
1895  npoles_missing = npoles_missing + my_err
1897  if (INTMETHOD>2) then
1898    ABI_FREE(KronN)
1899    ABI_FREE(KronW)
1900    ABI_FREE(GaussW)
1901    ABI_FREE(fint)
1902    ABI_FREE(fint2)
1903  end if
1905 end subroutine calc_sigc_cd

ABINIT/calc_sigc_me [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of the self-energy operator.


 sigmak_ibz=Index of the k-point in the IBZ.
 minbnd, maxbnd= min and Max band index for GW correction (for this k-point)
 Dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
    %nspinor=Number of spinorial components.
    %gwcomp=If 1 use an extrapolar approximation to accelerate convergence.
    %gwencomp=Extrapolar energy.
 Er <Epsilonm1_results> (see the definition of this structured datatype)
    %mqmem=if 0 use out-of-core method in which a single q-slice of espilon is read inside the loop over k
      much slower but it requires less memory
    %nomega_i=Number of imaginary frequencies.
    %nomega_r=Number of real frequencies.
    %nomega=Total number of frequencies.
 Gsph_c<gsphere_t>= info on G-sphere for Sigma_c
 Gsph_Max<gsphere_t>= info on biggest G-sphere
    %nsym=number of symmetry operations
    %rottb(ng,timrev,nsym)=index of (IS) G where I is the identity or the inversion
      operation and G is one of the ng vectors in reciprocal space
    %timrev=2 if time-reversal symmetry is used, 1 otherwise
    %gvec(3,ng)=integer coordinates of each plane wave in reciprocal space
 ikcalc=index in the array Sigp%kptgw2bz of the k-point where GW corrections are calculated
 Ltg_k datatype containing information on the little group
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>
    %nbz=Number of points in the BZ
    %nibz=Number of points in IBZ
    %kibz(3,nibz)=k-point coordinates, irreducible Brillouin zone
    %kbz(3,nbz)=k-point coordinates, full Brillouin zone
    %ktab(nbz)= table giving for each k-point in the BZ (kBZ), the corresponding
    %ktabi(nbz)= for each k-point in the BZ defines whether inversion has to be considered
    %ktabp(nbz)= phase factor associated to tnons
 gwc_ngfft(18)=Information about 3D FFT for the oscillator strengths used for the correlation part,
 Vcp <vcoul_t datatype> containing information on the cutoff technique
    %vc_sqrt(npwc,nqibz)= square-root of the coulombian potential for q-points in the IBZ
 Pawtab(Psps%ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
 Pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
 Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
    %usepaw=1 for PAW, 0 for NC pseudopotentials.
 Qmesh <kmesh_t> : datatype gathering information of the q-mesh used
    %ibz=q points where $\tilde\epsilon^{-1}$ has been computed
    %bz(3,nqbz)=coordinates of all q-points in BZ
 Sigp <sigparams_t> (see the definition of this structured datatype)
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Info on unit cell and symmetries
    %natom=number of atoms in unit cell
    %ucvol=unit cell volume
    %nsym=number of symmetry operations
    %typat(natom)=type of each atom
 PPm<ppmodel_t>= Datatype gathering information on the Plasmonpole technique (see also ppm_get_qbz).
    %model=type of ppmodel
    %npwc=number of G-vectors for the correlation part.
    %dm2_otq =size of second dimension of otq array
    %dm2_bots=size of second dimension of botsq arrays
    %dm_eig  =size of second dimension of eig arrays
 QP_BSt<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin
  Paw_pwff<pawpwff_t>=Form factor used to calculate the onsite mat. elements of a plane wave.
 allQP_sym(Wfd%nkibz,Wfd%nsppol)<esymm_t>=Datatype collecting data on the irreducible representaions of the
    little group of kcalc in the KS representation as well as the symmetry of the bdgw_k states.
  Sr=sigma_t (see the definition of this structured datatype)
  use_aerhor=1 is aepaw_rhor is used, 0 otherwise.
  aepaw_rhor(rho_nfftot,Wfd%nspden*use_aerhor)=AE PAW density used to generate PPmodel paramenters if mqmem==0



  1) The treatment of the divergence of Gygi+Baldereschi (PRB 1986) [[cite:Gigy1986]] is included.
  2) The calculation of energy derivative is based on finite elements.
  3) On the symmetrization of Sigma matrix elements ***/
        If  Sk = k+G0 then  M_G(k, Sq)= e^{-i( Sq+G).t} M_{ S^-1(G}   (k,q)
        If -Sk = k+G0 then  M_G(k,-Sq)= e^{-i(-Sq+G).t} M_{-S^-1(G)}^*(k,q)

     Notice the absence of G0 in the expression. Moreover, when we sum over the little group, it turns out
     that there is a cancellation of the phase factor associated to the non-symmorphic operations due to a
     similar term coming from the symmetrization of \epsilon^{-1}. Mind however that the nonsymmorphic phase
     has to be considered when epsilon^-1 is reconstructed starting from the q-points in the IBZ.

  4) The unitary transformation relating wavefunctions
     at symmetric k-points should be taken into account during the symmetrization
     of the oscillator matrix elements. In case of G_oW_o and GW_o calculations, however,
     it is possible to make an invariant by just including all the degenerate states and
     averaging the final results over the degenerate subset.


 159 subroutine calc_sigc_me(sigmak_ibz,ikcalc,nomega_sigc,minbnd,maxbnd,&
 160 & Dtset,Cryst,QP_BSt,Sigp,Sr,Er,Gsph_Max,Gsph_c,Vcp,Kmesh,Qmesh,Ltg_k,&
 161 & PPm,Pawtab,Pawang,Paw_pwff,Pawfgrtab,Paw_onsite,Psps,Wfd,Wfdf,allQP_sym,&
 162 & gwc_ngfft,rho_ngfft,rho_nfftot,rhor,use_aerhor,aepaw_rhor,sigcme_tmp)
 164 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 165 !scalars
 166  integer,intent(in) :: sigmak_ibz,ikcalc,rho_nfftot,nomega_sigc,minbnd,maxbnd
 167  integer,intent(in) :: use_aerhor
 168  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
 169  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: QP_BSt
 170  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
 171  type(vcoul_t),intent(in) :: Vcp
 172  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: Dtset
 173  type(epsilonm1_results),intent(inout) :: Er
 174  type(gsphere_t),intent(in) :: Gsph_Max,Gsph_c
 175  type(littlegroup_t),intent(in) :: Ltg_k
 176  type(ppmodel_t),intent(inout) :: PPm
 177  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
 178  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 179  type(sigparams_t),target,intent(in) :: Sigp
 180  type(sigma_t),intent(in) :: Sr
 181  type(wfdgw_t),target,intent(inout) :: Wfd,Wfdf
 182 !arrays
 183  integer,intent(in) :: gwc_ngfft(18),rho_ngfft(18)
 184  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(rho_nfftot,Wfd%nspden)
 185  real(dp),intent(in) :: aepaw_rhor(rho_nfftot,Wfd%nspden*use_aerhor)
 186  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: sigcme_tmp(nomega_sigc,minbnd:maxbnd,minbnd:maxbnd,Wfd%nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab)
 187  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat)
 188  type(pawpwff_t),intent(in) :: Paw_pwff(Psps%ntypat*Psps%usepaw)
 189  type(esymm_t),target,intent(in) :: allQP_sym(Wfd%nkibz,Wfd%nsppol)
 190  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: Pawfgrtab(Cryst%natom*Psps%usepaw)
 191  type(paw_pwaves_lmn_t),intent(in) :: Paw_onsite(Cryst%natom*Psps%usepaw)
 193 !Local variables ------------------------------
 194 !scalars
 195  integer,parameter :: tim_fourdp2=2,ndat1=1
 196  integer :: npw_k,iab,ib,ib1,ib2,ierr,ig,ii,iik,itim_q,i1,i2,npls
 197  integer :: ik_bz,ik_ibz,io,iiw,isym_q,iq_bz,iq_ibz,spin,isym,jb,is_idx
 198  integer :: band,band1,band2,idle,rank,jik,jk_bz,jk_ibz,kb,nspinor
 199  integer :: nomega_tot,nq_summed,ibsp,dimcprj_gw,npwc
 200  integer :: spad,spadc1,spadc2,irow,my_nbks,ndegs,wtqm,wtqp,mod10
 201  integer :: isym_kgw,isym_ki,gwc_mgfft,use_padfft,gwc_fftalga,gwc_nfftot,nfftf,mgfftf,use_padfftf
 202  integer :: iwc,ifft
 203  real(dp) :: cpu_time,wall_time,gflops
 204  real(dp) :: e0i,fact_sp,theta_mu_minus_e0i,tol_empty,z2,en_high,gw_gsq,w_localmax,w_max
 205  complex(dpc) :: ctmp,omegame0i2_ac,omegame0i_ac,ph_mkgwt,ph_mkt
 206  logical :: iscompatibleFFT,q_is_gamma
 207  character(len=500) :: msg,sigma_type
 208  type(wave_t),pointer :: wave_sum, wave_jb
 209  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: botsq(:,:),otq(:,:),eig(:,:)
 210 !arrays
 211  integer :: g0(3),spinor_padc(2,4),got(Wfd%nproc)
 212  integer,allocatable :: proc_distrb(:,:,:),extrapolar_distrb(:,:,:,:),degtab(:,:,:)
 213  integer,allocatable :: igfftcg0(:),gw_gfft(:,:),gw_gbound(:,:),irottb(:,:),ktabr(:,:)
 214  integer,allocatable :: igfftfcg0(:),gboundf(:,:),ktabrf(:,:),npoles_missing(:)
 215  real(dp) :: ksum(3),kgw(3),kgw_m_ksum(3),omegap(Er%nomega_i),omegap2(Er%nomega_i),q0(3),tsec(2),qbz(3)
 216  real(dp) :: gl_knots(Er%nomega_i),gl_wts(Er%nomega_i)
 217  real(dp) :: spinrot_kbz(4),spinrot_kgw(4)
 218  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: qp_ene(:,:,:),qp_occ(:,:,:)
 219  real(dp),allocatable :: omegame0i(:), w_maxval(:)
 220  complex(gwpc) :: sigcohme(Sigp%nsig_ab)
 221  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: vc_sqrt_qbz(:),rhotwg(:),rhotwgp(:)
 222  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: botsq_conjg_transp(:,:),ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,:,:)
 223  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: epsm1_qbz(:,:,:),epsm1_trcc_qbz(:,:,:), epsm1_tmp(:,:)
 224  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: sigc_ket(:,:),ket1(:,:),ket2(:,:)
 225  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: herm_sigc_ket(:,:),aherm_sigc_ket(:,:)
 226  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: rhotwg_ki(:,:)
 227  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: sigcme2(:,:),sigcme_3(:),sigcme_new(:),sigctmp(:,:)
 228  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: wfr_bdgw(:,:),ur_ibz(:),wf1swf2_g(:),usr_bz(:)
 229  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur_ae_sum(:),ur_ae_onsite_sum(:),ur_ps_onsite_sum(:)
 230  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur_ae_bdgw(:,:),ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,:),ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,:)
 231  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: otq_transp(:,:)
 232  complex(gwpc),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: cg_jb(:),cg_sum(:)
 233  complex(dpc),allocatable :: sym_cme(:,:,:,:),sigc(:,:,:,:,:)
 234  logical :: rank_mask(Wfd%nproc),can_symmetrize(Wfd%nsppol)
 235 !logical :: me_calc_poles(Sr%nomega_r+Sr%nomega4sd)
 236  type(sigijtab_t),pointer :: Sigcij_tab(:)
 237  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cprj_kgw(:,:),Cprj_ksum(:,:)
 238  type(pawpwij_t),allocatable :: Pwij_qg(:),Pwij_fft(:)
 239  type(esymm_t),pointer :: QP_sym(:)
 240  integer :: ilwrk, neigmax
 241  integer :: neig(Er%nomega_i)
 242  real(gwp) :: epsm1_ev(Sigp%npwc)
 243  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: epsm1_sqrt_rhotw(:,:), rhotw_epsm1_rhotw(:,:,:)
 245 !************************************************************************
 249  ! Initial check
 250  ABI_CHECK(Sr%nomega_r==Sigp%nomegasr,"")
 251  ABI_CHECK(Sr%nomega4sd==Sigp%nomegasrd,"")
 252  ABI_CHECK(Sigp%npwc==Gsph_c%ng,"")
 253  ABI_CHECK(Sigp%npwvec==Gsph_Max%ng,"")
 255  mod10=MOD(Sigp%gwcalctyp,10)
 257  call timab(424,1,tsec) ! calc_sigc_me
 258  call timab(431,1,tsec) ! calc_sigc_me
 259  call timab(432,1,tsec) ! Init
 260  call cwtime(cpu_time,wall_time,gflops,"start")
 262  ! Initialize MPI variables
 263  qp_ene => QP_BSt%eig; qp_occ => QP_BSt%occ
 265  ! Extract the symmetries of the bands for this k-point
 266  QP_sym => allQP_sym(sigmak_ibz,1:Wfd%nsppol)
 268  ! Index of the GW point in the BZ array, its image in IBZ and time-reversal ===
 269  jk_bz=Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)
 270  call kmesh%get_BZ_item(jk_bz,kgw,jk_ibz,isym_kgw,jik,ph_mkgwt)
 271  !%call kmesh%get_IBZ_item(jk_ibz,kibz,wtk)
 273  ! TODO: the new version based of get_uug won't suppporte kptgw vectors that are not in
 274  ! the IBZ since one should perform the rotation before entering the band loop
 275  ! In the old version, the rotation was done in rho_tw_g
 276  !ABI_CHECK(jik==1,"jik!=1")
 277  !ABI_CHECK(isym_kgw==1,"isym_kgw!=1")
 278  !ABI_CHECK((ABS(ph_mkgwt - cone) < tol12),"ph_mkgwt!")
 280  spinrot_kgw=Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_kgw)
 281  ib1=minbnd; ib2=maxbnd
 283  write(msg,'(2a,3f8.3,2a,2(i3,a))')ch10,&
 284   ' Calculating <nk|Sigma_c(omega)|nk> at k = ',kgw(:),ch10,&
 285   ' bands n = from ',ib1,' to ',ib2,ch10
 286  call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 288  if ( Dtset%gwaclowrank > 0 ) then
 289    ! Today we use the same number of eigenvectors irrespective to iw'
 290    ! Tomorrow we might optimize this further
 291    neigmax = MIN(Dtset%gwaclowrank,Sigp%npwc)
 292  else
 293    neigmax = Sigp%npwc
 294  endif
 296  ABI_MALLOC(w_maxval,(minbnd:maxbnd))
 297  w_maxval = zero
 299  if ( ANY(gwc_ngfft(1:3) /= Wfd%ngfft(1:3)) ) call Wfd%change_ngfft(Cryst,Psps,gwc_ngfft)
 300  gwc_mgfft   = MAXVAL(gwc_ngfft(1:3))
 301  gwc_fftalga = gwc_ngfft(7)/100 !; gwc_fftalgc=MOD(gwc_ngfft(7),10)
 303  if (Dtset%pawcross==1) mgfftf = MAXVAL(rho_ngfft(1:3))
 305  can_symmetrize = .FALSE.
 306  if (Sigp%symsigma>0) then
 307    can_symmetrize = .TRUE.
 308    if (Sigp%gwcalctyp >= 20) then
 309     do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
 310       can_symmetrize(spin) = .not. esymm_failed(QP_sym(spin))
 311       if (.not.can_symmetrize(spin)) then
 312         write(msg,'(a,i0,4a)')&
 313           " Symmetrization cannot be performed for spin: ",spin,ch10,&
 314           " band classification encountered the following problem: ",ch10,TRIM(QP_sym(spin)%err_msg)
 315         ABI_WARNING(msg)
 316       end if
 317     end do
 318    end if
 319    if (Wfd%nspinor == 2) ABI_WARNING("Symmetrization with nspinor=2 not implemented")
 320  end if
 322  ABI_UNUSED(Pawang%l_max)
 324  ! Print type of calculation.
 325  sigma_type = sigma_type_from_key(mod10)
 326  call wrtout(std_out, sigma_type)
 328  ! Set up logical flags for Sigma calculation
 329  if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC.and.Sigp%gwcalctyp/=1) then
 330    if(Sigp%gwcalctyp/=21) then
 331        ABI_ERROR("not implemented")
 332    else
 333      write(msg,'(a34,i9)')'Constructing Sigma_c(iw) for k = ',ikcalc
 334      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 335    end if
 336  end if
 338  if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC.and.Sigp%gwcomp==1) then
 339    ABI_ERROR("not implemented")
 340  end if
 342  if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) then
 343    write(msg,'(3a,i6,a,i6)')&
 344      ' Using a low-rank formula for AC', ch10, &
 345      ' Number of epsm1 eigenvectors retained: ',neigmax,' over ',Sigp%npwc
 346    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 347  endif
 350  ! Initialize some values
 351  nspinor = Wfd%nspinor
 352  npwc = Sigp%npwc
 353  spinor_padc(:,:)=RESHAPE([0, 0, npwc, npwc, 0, npwc, npwc, 0], [2, 4])
 354  ABI_MALLOC(npoles_missing,(minbnd:maxbnd))
 355  npoles_missing=0
 357  ! Normalization of theta_mu_minus_e0i
 358  ! If nsppol==2, qp_occ $\in [0,1]$
 359  SELECT CASE (Wfd%nsppol)
 360  CASE (1)
 361    fact_sp=half; tol_empty=0.01   ! below this value the state is assumed empty
 362    if (Wfd%nspinor==2) then
 363     fact_sp=one; tol_empty=0.005  ! below this value the state is assumed empty
 364    end if
 365  CASE (2)
 366    fact_sp=one; tol_empty=0.005   ! to be consistent and obtain similar results if a metallic
 367  CASE DEFAULT                     ! spin unpolarized system is treated using nsppol==2
 368    ABI_BUG('Wrong nsppol')
 371  ! Allocate arrays used to accumulate the matrix elements of \Sigma_c over
 372  ! k-points and bands. Note that for AC requires only the imaginary frequencies
 373  !nomega_sigc=Sr%nomega_r+Sr%nomega4sd
 374  !if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) nomega_sigc=Sr%nomega_i
 375  !
 376  ! === Define the G-G0 shifts for the FFT of the oscillators ===
 377  ! * Sigp%mG0 gives the MAX G0 component to account for umklapp.
 378  ! * Note the size MAX(Sigp%npwx,npwc).
 379  !
 380  ! === Precalculate the FFT index of $(R^{-1}(r-\tau))$ ===
 381  ! * S=\transpose R^{-1} and k_BZ = S k_IBZ
 382  ! * irottb is the FFT index of $R^{-1} (r-\tau)$ used to symmetrize u_Sk.
 383  gwc_nfftot = PRODUCT(gwc_ngfft(1:3))
 384  ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(gwc_nfftot,Cryst%nsym))
 385  call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,gwc_ngfft,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
 386  if (.not.iscompatibleFFT) then
 387    msg = "FFT mesh is not compatible with symmetries. Results might be affected by large errors!"
 388    ABI_WARNING(msg)
 389  end if
 391  ABI_MALLOC(ktabr,(gwc_nfftot,Kmesh%nbz))
 392  do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
 393    isym=Kmesh%tabo(ik_bz)
 394    do ifft=1,gwc_nfftot
 395      ktabr(ifft,ik_bz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
 396    end do
 397  end do
 398  ABI_FREE(irottb)
 400  if (Psps%usepaw==1 .and. Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 401    nfftf = PRODUCT(rho_ngfft(1:3))
 402    ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(nfftf,Cryst%nsym))
 403    call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,rho_ngfft,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
 405    ABI_MALLOC(ktabrf,(nfftf,Kmesh%nbz))
 406    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
 407      isym=Kmesh%tabo(ik_bz)
 408      do ifft=1,nfftf
 409        ktabrf(ifft,ik_bz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
 410      end do
 411    end do
 412    ABI_FREE(irottb)
 413  end if
 415  Sigcij_tab => Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,1:Wfd%nsppol)
 417  got=0
 418  ABI_MALLOC(proc_distrb,(Wfd%mband,Kmesh%nbz,Wfd%nsppol))
 419  call sigma_distribute_bks(Wfd,Kmesh,Ltg_k,Qmesh,Wfd%nsppol,can_symmetrize,kgw,Sigp%mg0,&
 420 &  my_nbks,proc_distrb,got,global=.TRUE.)
 422  write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')" Will sum ",my_nbks," (b,k,s) states in Sigma_c."
 423  call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 425  if (Sigp%gwcomp==1) then
 426    en_high=MAXVAL(qp_ene(Sigp%nbnds,:,:)) + Sigp%gwencomp
 427    write(msg,'(6a,e11.4,a)')ch10,&
 428     ' Using the extrapolar approximation to accelerate convergence',ch10,&
 429     ' with respect to the number of bands included',ch10,&
 430     ' with extrapolar energy: ',en_high*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
 431    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 432    ABI_MALLOC(wf1swf2_g,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor))
 433  end if
 435  if (Sigp%gwcomp == 1) then
 436    ! Setup of MPI table for extrapolar contributions.
 437    ABI_MALLOC(extrapolar_distrb,(ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,Kmesh%nbz,Wfd%nsppol))
 438    extrapolar_distrb = xmpi_undefined_rank
 440    do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
 441      do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
 442         if (ANY(proc_distrb(:,ik_bz,spin) /= xmpi_undefined_rank) ) then ! This BZ point will be calculated.
 443            rank_mask = .FALSE. ! The set of node that will treat (k,s).
 444            do band=1,Wfd%mband
 445              rank = proc_distrb(band,ik_bz,spin)
 446              if (rank /= xmpi_undefined_rank) rank_mask(rank+1)=.TRUE.
 447            end do
 448            do band2=ib1,ib2
 449              do irow=1,Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(band2)%size1   ! Looping over the non-zero elements of sigma_ij.
 450                band1 = Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(band2)%bidx(irow)
 451                idle = imin_loc(got,mask=rank_mask)
 452                got(idle) = got(idle)+1
 453                extrapolar_distrb(band1,band2,ik_bz,spin) = idle-1
 454              end do
 455            end do
 456         end if
 457      end do
 458    end do
 460    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')" Will treat ",COUNT(extrapolar_distrb==Wfd%my_rank)," extrapolar terms."
 461    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 462  end if
 464  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg_ki, (npwc*nspinor, minbnd:maxbnd))
 465  rhotwg_ki=czero_gw
 466  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwg, (npwc*nspinor))
 467  ABI_MALLOC(rhotwgp, (npwc*nspinor))
 468  ABI_MALLOC(vc_sqrt_qbz, (npwc))
 470  if (Er%mqmem == 0) then ! Use out-of-core solution for epsilon.
 471    ABI_COMMENT('Reading q-slices from file. Slower but less memory.')
 472  end if                                                                                !
 474  ! Additional allocations for PAW.
 475  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
 476    ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_ksum,(Cryst%natom,nspinor))
 477    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_ksum,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
 478    !
 479    ! For the extrapolar method we need the onsite terms of the PW in the FT mesh.
 480    ! * gw_gfft is the set of plane waves in the FFT Box for the oscillators.
 481    if (Sigp%gwcomp==1) then
 482      ABI_MALLOC(gw_gfft,(3,gwc_nfftot))
 483      q0=zero
 484      call get_gftt(gwc_ngfft,q0,Cryst%gmet,gw_gsq,gw_gfft)
 485      ABI_MALLOC(Pwij_fft,(Psps%ntypat))
 486      call pawpwij_init(Pwij_fft,gwc_nfftot, [zero,zero,zero], gw_gfft,Cryst%rprimd,Psps,Pawtab,Paw_pwff)
 487    end if
 488  end if ! usepaw==1
 490  if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) then
 491    ! Calculate Gauss-Legendre quadrature knots and weights for analytic continuation
 493    ABI_MALLOC(rhotw_epsm1_rhotw, (minbnd:maxbnd, minbnd:maxbnd, Er%nomega_i))
 494    call coeffs_gausslegint(zero,one,gl_knots,gl_wts,Er%nomega_i)
 496    ierr = 0
 497    do io=1,Er%nomega_i ! First frequencies are always real
 498      if (ABS(AIMAG(one*Er%omega(Er%nomega_r+io))-(one/gl_knots(io)-one)) > 0.0001) then
 499       ierr = ierr + 1
 500       if (Wfd%my_rank == Wfd%master) then
 501         if (io == 1) write(std_out, "(a)")"omega_file, gauss_legendre_omega (ev)"
 502         write(std_out,*)io, AIMAG(Er%omega(Er%nomega_r+io)) * Ha_eV, (one/gl_knots(io)-one) * Ha_eV
 503       end if
 504      end if
 505    end do
 506    if (ierr /= 0) then
 507      write(std_out, *)"Er%nomega_r:", Er%nomega_r, "Er%nomega_i:", Er%nomega_i
 508      write(msg,'(3a)')&
 509        'Frequencies in the SCR file are not compatible with the analytic continuation. ',ch10,&
 510        'Verify the frequencies in the SCR file. '
 511      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 512   end if
 514    ! To calculate \int_0^\infty domegap f(omegap), we calculate \int_0^1 dz f(1/z-1)/z^2.
 515    omegap(:)=one/gl_knots(:)-one
 516    omegap2(:)=omegap(:)*omegap(:)
 517    ABI_MALLOC(ac_epsm1cqwz2, (npwc, npwc, Er%nomega_i))
 518  end if
 520  ! Calculate total number of frequencies and allocate related arrays.
 521  ! sigcme2 is used to accumulate the diagonal matrix elements over k-points and
 522  ! GW bands, used only in case of ppmodel 3 and 4 (TODO save memory)
 523  nomega_tot=Sr%nomega_r+Sr%nomega4sd
 524  ABI_MALLOC(sigcme2,(nomega_tot,ib1:ib2))
 525  ABI_MALLOC(sigcme_3,(nomega_tot))
 526  sigcme2=czero_gw; sigcme_3=czero_gw
 528  ABI_MALLOC(sigctmp,(nomega_sigc,Sigp%nsig_ab))
 529  sigctmp=czero_gw
 530  if (mod10/=SIG_GW_AC) then
 531    ABI_MALLOC(sigc_ket, (npwc*nspinor, nomega_sigc))
 532  endif
 534 #if 0
 535  !TODO gmatteo: these arrays are never used in practice. Should we remove them?
 536  ! Arrays storing the contribution given by the Hermitian/anti-Hermitian part of \Sigma_c
 537  ABI_MALLOC(aherm_sigc_ket, (npwc*nspinor, nomega_sigc))
 538  ABI_MALLOC( herm_sigc_ket, (npwc*nspinor, nomega_sigc))
 539 #endif
 541  sigcme_tmp=czero
 543  ABI_MALLOC(sigc,(2,nomega_sigc,ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,Wfd%nsppol*Sigp%nsig_ab))
 544  sigc=czero
 546  if( mod10==SIG_QPGW_PPM .or. mod10==SIG_QPGW_CD ) then
 547    ABI_MALLOC(ket1, (npwc*nspinor, nomega_tot))
 548    ABI_MALLOC(ket2, (npwc*nspinor, nomega_tot))
 549  endif
 550  ABI_MALLOC(omegame0i,(nomega_tot))
 552  ! Here we divide the states where the QP energies are required into degenerate groups
 553  ! Note however that this approach is not based on group theory, and it might lead to
 554  ! spurious results in case of accidental degeneracies.
 555  nq_summed=Kmesh%nbz
 556  if (Sigp%symsigma > 0) then
 557    call Ltg_k%print(std_out, Dtset%prtvol, mode_paral='COLL')
 558    nq_summed=SUM(Ltg_k%ibzq(:))
 559    !
 560    ! Find number of degenerate subspaces and number of bands in each subspace
 561    ! The tolerance is a little bit arbitrary (0.001 eV)
 562    ! It could be reduced, in particular in case of nearly accidental degeneracies
 563    ABI_MALLOC(degtab,(ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,Wfd%nsppol))
 564    degtab=0
 565    do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
 566      do ib=ib1,ib2
 567        do jb=ib1,ib2
 568         if (ABS(qp_ene(ib,jk_ibz,spin)-qp_ene(jb,jk_ibz,spin))<0.001/Ha_ev) then
 569           degtab(ib,jb,spin)=1
 570         end if
 571        end do
 572      end do
 573    end do
 574  end if !symsigma
 576  write(msg,'(2a,i6,a)')ch10,' calculation status ( ',nq_summed,' to be completed):'
 577  call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 579  ! Here we have a problem in case of CD since epsm1q might be huge
 580  ! TODO if single q (ex molecule) dont allocate epsm1q, avoid waste of memory
 581  if ( ANY(mod10 == [SIG_GW_AC, SIG_GW_CD, SIG_QPGW_CD])) then
 582    if (.not.(mod10==SIG_GW_CD.and.Er%mqmem==0)) then
 583      ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(epsm1_qbz, (npwc, npwc, Er%nomega), ierr)
 584    end if
 585  end if
 587  ! TODO epsm1_trcc_qbz is needed for SIG_GW_CD with symmetries since
 588  ! the Hermitian and the anti-Hermitian part have to be symmetrized in a different way.
 589  !if (mod10==SIG_QPGW_CD) then
 590  if (mod10==SIG_QPGW_CD) then
 591    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(epsm1_trcc_qbz, (npwc, npwc, Er%nomega), ierr)
 592    ABI_MALLOC(epsm1_tmp, (npwc, npwc))
 593  end if
 595  ABI_MALLOC(igfftcg0,(Gsph_Max%ng))
 596  ABI_MALLOC(ur_ibz,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor))
 597  ABI_MALLOC(usr_bz,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor))
 599  if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 600    ABI_MALLOC(igfftfcg0,(Gsph_c%ng))
 601    ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_sum,(nfftf*nspinor))
 602    ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_onsite_sum,(nfftf*nspinor))
 603    ABI_MALLOC(ur_ps_onsite_sum,(nfftf*nspinor))
 604  end if
 605  call timab(432,2,tsec) ! Init
 607  ! ==========================================
 608  ! ==== Fat loop over k_i in the full BZ ====
 609  ! ==========================================
 610  do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
 611    if (ALL(proc_distrb(:,:,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank)) CYCLE
 612    call timab(433,1,tsec) ! Init spin
 614    ! Load wavefunctions for GW corrections
 615    ! TODO: Rotate the functions here instead of calling rho_tw_g
 616    ABI_MALLOC(wfr_bdgw,(gwc_nfftot*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
 617    call Wfd%get_many_ur([(jb, jb=ib1,ib2)], jk_ibz, spin, wfr_bdgw)
 619    if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
 620      ! Load cprj for GW states, note the indexing.
 621      dimcprj_gw=nspinor*(ib2-ib1+1)
 622      ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_kgw,(Cryst%natom,ib1:ib1+dimcprj_gw-1))
 623      call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_kgw,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
 624      ibsp=ib1
 625      do jb=ib1,ib2
 626        call Wfd%get_cprj(jb,jk_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj_ksum,sorted=.FALSE.)
 627        call paw_symcprj(jk_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_ksum)
 628        call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_ksum,Cprj_kgw(:,ibsp:ibsp+(nspinor-1)))
 629        ibsp=ibsp+nspinor
 630      end do
 631      if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 632        ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_bdgw,(nfftf*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
 633        ABI_MALLOC(ur_ae_onsite_bdgw,(nfftf*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
 634        ABI_MALLOC(ur_ps_onsite_bdgw,(nfftf*nspinor,ib1:ib2))
 635        do jb=ib1,ib2
 636          call Wfdf%paw_get_aeur(jb,jk_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,&
 637 &          ur_ae_sum,ur_ae_onsite_sum,ur_ps_onsite_sum)
 638          ur_ae_bdgw(:,jb)=ur_ae_sum
 639          ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,jb)=ur_ae_onsite_sum
 640          ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,jb)=ur_ps_onsite_sum
 641        end do
 642      end if
 643    end if ! usepaw
 645    call timab(433,2,tsec) ! Init spin
 647    do ik_bz=1,Kmesh%nbz
 648      ! Parallelization over k-points and spin
 649      ! For the spin there is another check in the inner loop
 650      if (ALL(proc_distrb(:,ik_bz,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank)) CYCLE
 652      call timab(434,1,tsec) ! initq
 654      ! Find the corresponding irreducible k-point
 655      call kmesh%get_BZ_item(ik_bz,ksum,ik_ibz,isym_ki,iik,ph_mkt)
 656      spinrot_kbz(:)=Cryst%spinrot(:,isym_ki)
 658      ! Identify q and G0 where q + G0 = k_GW - k_i
 659      kgw_m_ksum=kgw-ksum
 660      call findqg0(iq_bz,g0,kgw_m_ksum,Qmesh%nbz,Qmesh%bz,Sigp%mG0)
 662      ! If symsigma, symmetrize the matrix elements.
 663      ! Sum only q"s in IBZ_k. In this case elements are weighted
 664      ! according to wtqp and wtqm. wtqm is for time-reversal.
 665      wtqp = 1; wtqm = 0
 666      if (can_symmetrize(spin)) then
 667        if (Ltg_k%ibzq(iq_bz)/=1) CYCLE
 668        wtqp = 0; wtqm = 0
 669        do isym=1,Ltg_k%nsym_sg
 670          wtqp = wtqp + Ltg_k%wtksym(1,isym,iq_bz)
 671          wtqm = wtqm + Ltg_k%wtksym(2,isym,iq_bz)
 672        end do
 673      end if
 675      write(msg,'(3(a,i0),a,i0)')' Sigma_c: ik_bz ',ik_bz,'/',Kmesh%nbz,", spin: ",spin,' done by mpi-rank: ',Wfd%my_rank
 676      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 678      ! Find the corresponding irred q-point.
 679      call qmesh%get_BZ_item(iq_bz,qbz,iq_ibz,isym_q,itim_q)
 680      q_is_gamma = normv(qbz, Cryst%gmet, "G") < GW_TOLQ0
 682      !q_is_gamma = (normv(qbz,Cryst%gmet,"G") < 0.7)
 683      !if (iq_ibz/=2.and.iq_ibz/=1) CYCLE
 684      !if (ANY(qbz<=-(half-tol16)) .or. ANY(qbz>(half+tol16))) CYCLE
 685      !if (q_is_gamma) then; write(std_out,*)"skipping q=Gamma"; CYCLE; end if
 686      !
 687      ! Tables for the FFT of the oscillators.
 688      !  a) FFT index of the G-G0.
 689      !  b) gw_gbound table for the zero-padded FFT performed in rhotwg.
 690      ABI_MALLOC(gw_gbound,(2*gwc_mgfft+8,2))
 691      call Gsph_c%fft_tabs(g0,gwc_mgfft,gwc_ngfft,use_padfft,gw_gbound,igfftcg0)
 693      if (ANY(gwc_fftalga == [2, 4])) use_padfft=0 ! Pad-FFT is not coded in rho_tw_g
 694 #ifdef FC_IBM
 695      ! XLF does not deserve this optimization (problem with [v67mbpt][t03])
 696      use_padfft = 0
 697 #endif
 698      if (use_padfft==0) then
 699        ABI_FREE(gw_gbound)
 700        ABI_MALLOC(gw_gbound,(2*gwc_mgfft+8,2*use_padfft))
 701      end if
 703      if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 704        ABI_MALLOC(gboundf,(2*mgfftf+8,2))
 705        call Gsph_c%fft_tabs(g0,mgfftf,rho_ngfft,use_padfftf,gboundf,igfftfcg0)
 706        if ( ANY(gwc_fftalga == (/2,4/)) ) use_padfftf=0
 707        if (use_padfftf==0) then
 708          ABI_FREE(gboundf)
 709          ABI_MALLOC(gboundf,(2*mgfftf+8,2*use_padfftf))
 710        end if
 711      end if
 713      ! Evaluate oscillator matrix elements
 714      ! $ <phj/r|e^{-i(q+G)}|phi/r> - <tphj/r|e^{-i(q+G)}|tphi/r> $ in packed form.
 715      if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
 716        ABI_MALLOC(Pwij_qg,(Psps%ntypat))
 717        q0 = qbz !;if (q_is_gamma) q0 = (/0.00001_dp,0.00001_dp,0.00001_dp/) ! GW_Q0_DEFAULT
 718        call pawpwij_init(Pwij_qg,npwc,q0,Gsph_c%gvec,Cryst%rprimd,Psps,Pawtab,Paw_pwff)
 719      end if
 721      if (Er%mqmem==0) then
 722        ! Read q-slice of epsilon^{-1}|chi0 in Er%epsm1(:,:,:,1) (much slower but less memory).
 723        call get_epsm1(Er,Vcp,0,0,Dtset%iomode,xmpi_comm_self,iqibzA=iq_ibz)
 724        if (sigma_needs_ppm(Sigp)) then
 725          if (Wfd%usepaw==1.and.PPm%userho==1) then
 726            ! Use PAW AE rhor.
 727            call setup_ppmodel(PPm,Cryst,Qmesh,Er%npwe,Er%nomega,Er%omega,Er%epsm1,rho_nfftot,Gsph_c%gvec,&
 728                               rho_ngfft,aepaw_rhor(:,1),iqiA=iq_ibz)
 729          else
 730            call setup_ppmodel(PPm,Cryst,Qmesh,Er%npwe,Er%nomega,Er%omega,Er%epsm1,rho_nfftot,Gsph_c%gvec,&
 731                               rho_ngfft,rhor(:,1),iqiA=iq_ibz)
 732          end if
 733        end if
 734      end if
 736      ! Symmetrize PPM parameters and epsm1 (q_IBZ --> q_BZ):
 737      ! NOTE:
 738      !    - We are not considering umklapp with G0/=0. In this case,
 739      !      indeed the equation is different since we have to use G-G0.
 740      !      A check, however, is performed in sigma.
 741      !    - If gwcomp==1 and mod10 in [1,2,9], one needs both to set up botsq and epsm1_q
 742      if (sigma_needs_ppm(Sigp)) then
 743        ABI_MALLOC(botsq,(PPm%npwc,PPm%dm2_botsq))
 744        ABI_MALLOC(otq,(PPm%npwc,PPm%dm2_otq))
 745        ABI_MALLOC(eig,(PPm%dm_eig,PPm%dm_eig))
 746        call ppm_get_qbz(PPm,Gsph_c,Qmesh,iq_bz,botsq,otq,eig)
 747      end if
 749      if ( ANY(mod10 == [SIG_GW_AC,SIG_GW_CD,SIG_QPGW_CD])) then
 750        ! Numerical integration or model GW with contour deformation or Analytic Continuation
 751        ! TODO In case of AC we should symmetrize only the imaginary frequencies
 752        if (mod10==SIG_GW_CD.and.Er%mqmem==0) then
 753          ! Do in-place symmetrisation
 754          call Epsm1_symmetrizer_inplace(iq_bz,Er%nomega, npwc,Er,Gsph_c,Qmesh,.TRUE.)
 755        else
 756          call Epsm1_symmetrizer(iq_bz,Er%nomega, npwc,Er,Gsph_c,Qmesh,.TRUE.,epsm1_qbz)
 757        end if
 759        if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) then
 761          call timab(444,1,tsec) ! ac_lrk_diag
 762          ! Important to set to zero here for all procs since we're going to use a dirty reduction later
 763          ! The reduction 'xmpi_sum' does not induce a significant performance loss in the tested systems
 764          ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,:,:) = czero_gw
 765          neig(:) = 0
 766          do iiw=1,Er%nomega_i
 767            ! Use the available MPI tasks to parallelize over iw'
 768            if ( Dtset%gwpara == 2 .and. MODULO(iiw-1,Wfd%nproc) /= Wfd%my_rank ) CYCLE
 770            ! Prepare the integration weights w_i 1/z_i^2 f(1/z_i-1)..
 771            ! The first frequencies are always real, skip them.
 772            z2=gl_knots(iiw)*gl_knots(iiw)
 773            ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,:,iiw)= gl_wts(iiw)*epsm1_qbz(:,:,Er%nomega_r+iiw)/z2
 775            ! (epsm1-1) has negative eigenvalues
 776            ! after the diago, they will be sorted starting from the most negative
 777            call xheev('V','L',npwc,ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,:,iiw),epsm1_ev)
 779            ! Eliminate the spurious positive eigenvalues that may occur in harsh conditions
 780            neig(iiw) = MIN(COUNT(epsm1_ev(:)<-1.0e-10_dp),neigmax)
 782            do ilwrk=1,neig(iiw)
 783              ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,ilwrk,iiw) = ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,ilwrk,iiw) * SQRT( -epsm1_ev(ilwrk) )
 784            end do
 785          end do
 786          if ( Dtset%gwpara == 2 ) then
 787            call xmpi_sum(ac_epsm1cqwz2, Wfd%comm, ierr)
 788            call xmpi_sum(neig, Wfd%comm, ierr)
 789          endif
 790          call timab(444,2,tsec) ! ac_lrk_diag
 792        end if
 794        if (mod10==SIG_QPGW_CD) then
 795          ! For model GW we need transpose(conjg(epsm1_qbz)) ===
 796          do io=1,Er%nomega
 797           epsm1_tmp(:,:) = GWPC_CONJG(epsm1_qbz(:,:,io))
 798           epsm1_trcc_qbz(:,:,io) = TRANSPOSE(epsm1_tmp)
 799          end do
 800        end if
 801      end if !gwcalctyp
 803      ! Get Fourier components of the Coulomb interaction in the BZ
 804      ! In 3D systems, neglecting umklapp: vc(Sq,sG) = vc(q,G) = 4pi/|q+G|**2
 805      ! The same relation holds for 0-D systems, but not in 1-D or 2D systems. It depends on S.
 806      do ig=1,npwc
 807        vc_sqrt_qbz(Gsph_c%rottb(ig,itim_q,isym_q)) = Vcp%vc_sqrt(ig,iq_ibz)
 808      end do
 810      call timab(434,2,tsec) ! initq
 812      ! Sum over band
 813      call timab(445,1,tsec) ! loop
 814      do ib=1,Sigp%nbnds
 816        ! Parallelism over spin
 817        ! This processor has this k-point but what about spin?
 818        if (proc_distrb(ib,ik_bz,spin)/=Wfd%my_rank) CYCLE
 820        call Wfd%get_ur(ib,ik_ibz,spin,ur_ibz)
 822        if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
 823          ! Load cprj for point ksum, this spin or spinor and *THIS* band.
 824          ! TODO MG I could avoid doing this but I have to exchange spin and bands ???
 825          ! For sure there is a better way to do this!
 826          call Wfd%get_cprj(ib,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Cprj_ksum,sorted=.FALSE.)
 827          call paw_symcprj(ik_bz,nspinor,1,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_ksum)
 828          if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 829            call Wfdf%paw_get_aeur(ib,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,&
 830                                   ur_ae_sum,ur_ae_onsite_sum,ur_ps_onsite_sum)
 831          end if
 832        end if
 834        call timab(436,2,tsec) ! (1)
 835        call timab(437,1,tsec) ! rho_tw_g
 837        ! Get all <k-q,ib,s|e^{-i(q+G).r}|s,jb,k>, at once
 838        do jb=ib1,ib2
 840          call rho_tw_g(nspinor,npwc,gwc_nfftot,ndat1,gwc_ngfft,1,use_padfft,igfftcg0,gw_gbound,&
 841             ur_ibz        ,iik,ktabr(:,ik_bz),ph_mkt  ,spinrot_kbz,  &
 842             wfr_bdgw(:,jb),jik,ktabr(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw,&
 843             nspinor,rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
 845          if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
 846            ! Add on-site contribution, projectors are already in BZ !TODO Recheck this!
 847            i2=jb; if (nspinor==2) i2=(2*jb-1)
 848            spad=(nspinor-1)
 849            call paw_rho_tw_g(cryst,Pwij_qg,npwc,nspinor,nspinor,Gsph_c%gvec, &
 850                              Cprj_ksum(:,:),Cprj_kgw(:,i2:i2+spad),rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
 852            if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then ! Add paw cross term
 853              call paw_cross_rho_tw_g(nspinor,npwc,nfftf,rho_ngfft,1,use_padfftf,igfftfcg0,gboundf,&
 854                ur_ae_sum,ur_ae_onsite_sum,ur_ps_onsite_sum,iik,ktabrf(:,ik_bz),ph_mkt,spinrot_kbz,&
 855                ur_ae_bdgw(:,jb),ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,jb),ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,jb),jik,ktabrf(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw,&
 856                nspinor,rhotwg_ki(:,jb))
 857            end if
 858          end if
 860          ! Multiply by the square root of the Coulomb term
 861          ! In 3-D systems, the factor sqrt(4pi) is included)
 862          do ii=1,nspinor
 863            spad=(ii-1)*npwc
 864            rhotwg_ki(spad+1:spad+npwc,jb) = rhotwg_ki(spad+1:spad+npwc,jb)*vc_sqrt_qbz(1:npwc)
 865          end do
 867          ! === Treat analytically the case q --> 0 ===
 868          ! * The oscillator is evaluated at q=O as it is considered constant in the small cube around Gamma
 869          !   while the Colulomb term is integrated out.
 870          ! * In the scalar case we have nonzero contribution only if ib==jb
 871          ! * For nspinor==2 evalute <ib,up|jb,up> and <ib,dwn|jb,dwn>,
 872          !   impose orthonormalization since npwwfn might be < npwvec.
 873          if (ik_bz==jk_bz) then
 874            if (nspinor==1) then
 875              rhotwg_ki(1,jb)=czero_gw
 876              if (ib==jb) rhotwg_ki(1,jb)=CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp)
 878            else
 879              npw_k = Wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz)
 880              rhotwg_ki(1, jb) = zero; rhotwg_ki(npwc+1, jb) = zero
 881              if (ib==jb) then
 882                ABI_CHECK(Wfd%get_wave_ptr(ib, ik_ibz, spin, wave_sum, msg) == 0, msg)
 883                cg_sum => wave_sum%ug
 884                ABI_CHECK(Wfd%get_wave_ptr(jb, jk_ibz, spin, wave_jb, msg) == 0, msg)
 885                cg_jb  => wave_jb%ug
 886                ctmp = xdotc(npw_k, cg_sum(1:), 1, cg_jb(1:), 1)
 887                rhotwg_ki(1,jb)=CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp) * real(ctmp)
 888                ctmp = xdotc(npw_k, cg_sum(npw_k+1:), 1, cg_jb(npw_k+1:), 1)
 889                rhotwg_ki(npwc+1,jb) = CMPLX(SQRT(Vcp%i_sz),0.0_gwp) * real(ctmp)
 890                ! PAW is missing
 891              end if
 892            end if
 893          end if
 894        end do !jb  Got all matrix elements from minbnd up to maxbnd.
 896        theta_mu_minus_e0i=fact_sp*qp_occ(ib,ik_ibz,spin)
 898        ! Starting point to evaluate the derivative of Sigma and the Spectral function
 899        e0i=qp_ene(ib,ik_ibz,spin)
 901        ! Frequencies for the spectral function, e0i=qp_ene(ib,ik_ibz,spin)
 902        ! FIXME the interval is not centered on eoi ! WHY?
 903        if (Sr%nomega_r>0) omegame0i(1:Sr%nomega_r)=DBLE(Sr%omega_r(1:Sr%nomega_r))-e0i
 905        call timab(437,2,tsec) ! rho_tw_g
 906        call timab(443,1,tsec) ! ac_lrk_appl
 908        if (mod10 == SIG_GW_AC) then
 909          rhotw_epsm1_rhotw(:,:,:) = czero_gw
 910          do iiw=1,Er%nomega_i
 911            ABI_MALLOC(epsm1_sqrt_rhotw, (neig(iiw), minbnd:maxbnd))
 912            ! epsm1_sqrt_rhotw = SQRT(epsm1) * rho_tw
 913            call xgemm('C','N',neig(iiw),maxbnd-minbnd+1,npwc,cone_gw,ac_epsm1cqwz2(:,:,iiw),npwc,&
 914                       rhotwg_ki,npwc,czero_gw,epsm1_sqrt_rhotw,neig(iiw))
 915            call xherk('L','C',maxbnd-minbnd+1,neig(iiw),one_gw,epsm1_sqrt_rhotw,neig(iiw),zero_gw,&
 916                      rhotw_epsm1_rhotw(:,:,iiw),maxbnd-minbnd+1)
 918            ! Get the upper part of rhotw_epsm1_rhotw that is hermitian by construction
 919            do jb=minbnd,maxbnd
 920              do kb=jb+1,maxbnd
 921                rhotw_epsm1_rhotw(jb,kb,iiw) = CONJG( rhotw_epsm1_rhotw(kb,jb,iiw) )
 922              end do
 923            end do
 924            ABI_FREE(epsm1_sqrt_rhotw)
 925          end do
 926          call timab(443,2,tsec) ! ac_lrk_appl
 927        endif
 929        do kb=ib1,ib2
 930          call timab(438,1,tsec) ! (2)
 932          ! Get frequencies $\omega$-\epsilon_in$ to evaluate  $d\Sigma/dE$, note the spin
 933          ! subtract e_KS since we have stored e_KS+ Delta \omega in Sr%omega4sd, not required for AC
 934          do io=Sr%nomega_r+1,nomega_tot
 935            omegame0i(io)=DBLE(Sr%omega4sd(kb,jk_ibz,io-Sr%nomega_r,spin))-e0i
 936          end do
 938          ! Get the ket \Sigma|\phi_{k,kb}> according to the method.
 939          rhotwgp(:)=rhotwg_ki(:,kb)
 941          SELECT CASE (mod10)
 942          CASE (SIG_GW_PPM)
 943            ! GW WITH Plasmon-Pole Model.
 944            ! Note that ppmodel 3 or 4 work only in case of standard perturbative approach!
 945            ! Moreover, for ppmodel 3 and 4, spinorial case is not allowed
 946            sigc_ket  = czero_gw
 947            call calc_sig_ppm(PPm,nspinor,npwc,nomega_tot,rhotwgp,botsq,otq,&
 948                              omegame0i,Sigp%zcut,theta_mu_minus_e0i,eig,npwc,sigc_ket,sigcme_3)
 950            if (PPm%model==3.or.PPm%model==4) then
 951              sigcme2(:,kb)=sigcme2(:,kb) + (wtqp+wtqm)*DBLE(sigcme_3(:)) + (wtqp-wtqm)*j_gw*AIMAG(sigcme_3(:))
 952            end if
 954          CASE (SIG_GW_AC)
 955            ! GW with Analytic continuation.
 956            ! This part is so optimized for AC that there is nothing to do here !
 958          CASE (SIG_GW_CD)
 959            ! GW with contour deformation.
 960            ! Check if pole contributions need to be summed
 961            ! (this avoids unnecessary splint calls and saves time)
 962            !me_calc_poles = .TRUE.
 963            sigc_ket  = czero_gw
 964            do io=1,nomega_tot
 965              if (omegame0i(io)>=zero.AND.(ABS(one-theta_mu_minus_e0i)>zero)) then
 966                !me_calc_poles(io) = .TRUE.
 967                if ( w_maxval(kb) < ABS(omegame0i(io)) ) w_maxval(kb) = ABS(omegame0i(io))
 968              else if (omegame0i(io)<zero.AND.(ABS(theta_mu_minus_e0i)>zero)) then
 969                !me_calc_poles(io) = .TRUE.
 970                if ( w_maxval(kb) < ABS(omegame0i(io)) ) w_maxval(kb) = ABS(omegame0i(io))
 971              end if
 972            end do
 974            ! Check memory saving
 975            if (Er%mqmem == 0) then
 976              call calc_sigc_cd(npwc,npwc,nspinor,nomega_tot,Er%nomega,Er%nomega_r,Er%nomega_i,rhotwgp,&
 977                 Er%omega,Er%epsm1(:,:,:,1),omegame0i,theta_mu_minus_e0i,sigc_ket,Dtset%ppmfrq,npoles_missing(kb),&
 978                 method=Dtset%cd_frqim_method)
 979            else
 980              call calc_sigc_cd(npwc,npwc,nspinor,nomega_tot,Er%nomega,Er%nomega_r,Er%nomega_i,rhotwgp,&
 981                Er%omega,epsm1_qbz,omegame0i,theta_mu_minus_e0i,sigc_ket,Dtset%ppmfrq,npoles_missing(kb),&
 982                method=Dtset%cd_frqim_method)
 983            end if
 985 #if 0
 986            if (wtqm/=0) then
 987              call calc_sigc_cd(npwc,npwc,nspinor,,nomega_tot,Er%nomega,Er%nomega_r,Er%nomega_i,rhotwgp,&
 988                 Er%omega,epsm1_trcc_qbz,omegame0i,theta_mu_minus_e0i,aherm_sigc_ket,Dtset%ppmfrq,npoles_missing(kb),&
 989                method=Dtset%cd_frqim_method)
 991              herm_sigc_ket  = half*(sigc_ket + aherm_sigc_ket)
 992              aherm_sigc_ket = half*(sigc_ket - aherm_sigc_ket)
 993            else
 994              herm_sigc_ket  = sigc_ket
 995              aherm_sigc_ket = czero_gw
 996            end if
 997 #endif
 999          CASE (SIG_QPGW_PPM)
1000            ! MODEL GW calculation WITH PPm  TODO Spinor not tested.
1001            ! Calculate \Sigma(E_k) |k> to obtain <j|\Sigma(E_k)|k>
1002            ABI_MALLOC(sigcme_new,(nomega_tot))
1003            sigc_ket  = czero_gw
1004            ket1      = czero_gw
1005            ket2      = czero_gw
1007            call calc_sig_ppm(PPm,nspinor,npwc,nomega_tot,rhotwgp,botsq,otq,&
1008                              omegame0i,Sigp%zcut,theta_mu_minus_e0i,eig,npwc,ket1,sigcme_new)
1010            if (Sigp%gwcalctyp==28) then
1011              if (PPm%model/=1.and.PPm%model/=2) then
1012                ! This is needed to have npwc=PPm%dm2_botsq=PPm%dm2_otq
1013                write(msg,'(3a)')&
1014                   'For the time being, gwcalctyp=28 cannot be used with ppmodel=3,4.',ch10,&
1015                   'Use another Plasmon Pole Model when gwcalctyp=28.'
1016                ABI_ERROR(msg)
1017              end if
1018              ABI_MALLOC(botsq_conjg_transp,(PPm%dm2_botsq,npwc))
1019              botsq_conjg_transp=TRANSPOSE(botsq) ! Keep these two lines separated, otherwise gfortran messes up
1020              botsq_conjg_transp=CONJG(botsq_conjg_transp)
1021              ABI_MALLOC(otq_transp,(PPm%dm2_otq,PPm%npwc))
1022              otq_transp=TRANSPOSE(otq)
1024              call calc_sig_ppm(PPm,nspinor,npwc,nomega_tot,rhotwgp,botsq_conjg_transp,otq_transp,&
1025                 omegame0i,Sigp%zcut,theta_mu_minus_e0i,eig,npwc,ket2,sigcme_3)
1027              ABI_FREE(botsq_conjg_transp)
1028              ABI_FREE(otq_transp)
1029              sigc_ket= half*(ket1+ket2)
1030            else
1031              sigc_ket= ket1
1032            end if
1034            ABI_FREE(sigcme_new)
1036          CASE (SIG_QPGW_CD)
1037            ! MODEL GW with numerical integration.
1038            ! Check if pole contributions need to be summed
1039            ! (this avoids unnecessary splint calls and saves time)
1040            !me_calc_poles = .TRUE.
1041            sigc_ket  = czero_gw
1042            ket1      = czero_gw
1043            ket2      = czero_gw
1045            do io=1,nomega_tot
1046              if (omegame0i(io)>=zero.AND.(ABS(one-theta_mu_minus_e0i)>zero)) then
1047                !me_calc_poles(io) = .TRUE.
1048                if ( w_maxval(kb) < ABS(omegame0i(io)) ) w_maxval(kb) = ABS(omegame0i(io))
1049              else if (omegame0i(io)<zero.AND.(ABS(theta_mu_minus_e0i)>zero)) then
1050                !me_calc_poles(io) = .TRUE.
1051                if ( w_maxval(kb) < ABS(omegame0i(io)) ) w_maxval(kb) = ABS(omegame0i(io))
1052              end if
1053            end do
1055            ! Calculate \Sigma(E_k)|k> to obtain <j|\Sigma(E_k)|k>
1056            call calc_sigc_cd(npwc,npwc,nspinor,nomega_tot,Er%nomega,Er%nomega_r,Er%nomega_i,rhotwgp,&
1057               Er%omega,epsm1_qbz,omegame0i,theta_mu_minus_e0i,ket1,Dtset%ppmfrq,npoles_missing(kb),&
1058               method=Dtset%cd_frqim_method)
1060            if (Sigp%gwcalctyp==29) then
1061              ! Calculate \Sigma^*(E_k)|k> to obtain <k|\Sigma(E_k)|j>^*
1062              call calc_sigc_cd(npwc,npwc,nspinor,nomega_tot,Er%nomega,Er%nomega_r,Er%nomega_i,rhotwgp,&
1063                Er%omega,epsm1_trcc_qbz,omegame0i,theta_mu_minus_e0i,ket2,Dtset%ppmfrq,npoles_missing(kb),&
1064                method=Dtset%cd_frqim_method)
1065              sigc_ket = half*(ket1+ket2)
1066            else
1067              sigc_ket = ket1
1068            end if
1070          CASE DEFAULT
1071            ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Unsupported value for mod10:", itoa(mod10)))
1072          END SELECT
1074          if (Sigp%gwcomp==1) then
1075            ! TODO spinor not implemented
1076            call calc_sig_ppm_comp(npwc,nomega_tot,rhotwgp,botsq,otq,DBLE(Sr%egw(kb,jk_ibz,spin)-en_high),&
1077               Sigp%zcut,theta_mu_minus_e0i,sigc_ket,PPm%model,npwc,PPm%dm2_botsq,PPm%dm2_otq)
1078          end if
1080          call timab(438,2,tsec) !
1081          call timab(439,1,tsec) ! sigma_me
1083          ! Loop over the non-zero row elements of this column.
1084          ! 1) If gwcalctyp<20 : only diagonal elements since QP==KS.
1085          ! 2) If gwcalctyp>=20: only off-diagonal elements connecting states with same character.
1086          do irow=1,Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(kb)%size1
1087            jb = Sigcij_tab(spin)%col(kb)%bidx(irow)
1088            rhotwg=rhotwg_ki(:,jb)
1090            ! Calculate <\phi_j|\Sigma_c|\phi_k>
1091            ! Different freqs according to method (AC or Perturbative), see nomega_sigc.
1092            if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) then
1093              sigctmp(:,:) = czero_gw
1094              do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
1095                do io=1,nomega_sigc
1096                  omegame0i_ac  = Sr%omega_i(io)-qp_ene(ib,ik_ibz,spin)
1097                  omegame0i2_ac = omegame0i_ac*omegame0i_ac
1098                  do iiw=1,Er%nomega_i
1099                    sigctmp(io,iab) = sigctmp(io,iab) + piinv * rhotw_epsm1_rhotw(jb,kb,iiw) * omegame0i_ac &
1100                                                       / (omegame0i2_ac + omegap2(iiw))
1101                  end do
1102                end do
1103              end do
1104            else
1105              do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
1106                spadc1 = spinor_padc(1, iab); spadc2 = spinor_padc(2, iab)
1107                do io=1,nomega_sigc
1108                  sigctmp(io,iab) = XDOTC(npwc,rhotwg(spadc1+1:),1,sigc_ket(spadc2+1:,io),1)
1109                end do
1110              end do
1111            end if
1113            if (Sigp%gwcomp==1) then
1114              ! Evaluate Extrapolar term TODO this does not work with spinor
1115              if (extrapolar_distrb(jb,kb,ik_bz,spin) == Wfd%my_rank ) then
1116                ! Do it once as it does not depend on the ib index summed over.
1117                extrapolar_distrb(jb,kb,ik_bz,spin) = xmpi_undefined_rank
1118 #if 1
1119                call calc_wfwfg(ktabr(:,jk_ibz),jik, spinrot_kgw, & ! TODO: why jk_ibz?
1120                  gwc_nfftot,nspinor,gwc_ngfft,wfr_bdgw(:,jb),wfr_bdgw(:,kb),wf1swf2_g)
1121 #else
1122                call calc_wfwfg(ktabr(:,jk_bz),jik,spinrot_kgw,&
1123                  gwc_nfftot,nspinor,gwc_ngfft,wfr_bdgw(:,jb),wfr_bdgw(:,kb),wf1swf2_g)
1124 #endif
1126                if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
1127                  i1=jb; i2=kb
1128                  if (nspinor==2) then
1129                    i1=(2*jb-1); i2=(2*kb-1)
1130                  end if
1131                  spad=(nspinor-1)
1132                  call paw_rho_tw_g(cryst, Pwij_fft,gwc_nfftot,Sigp%nsig_ab,nspinor, &
1133                    gw_gfft,Cprj_kgw(:,i1:i1+spad),Cprj_kgw(:,i2:i2+spad),wf1swf2_g)
1135                  if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then ! Add paw cross term
1136                    call paw_cross_rho_tw_g(nspinor,npwc,nfftf,rho_ngfft,1,use_padfftf,igfftfcg0,gboundf,&
1137                    ur_ae_bdgw(:,jb),ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,jb),ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,jb),jik,ktabrf(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw,&
1138                    ur_ae_bdgw(:,kb),ur_ae_onsite_bdgw(:,kb),ur_ps_onsite_bdgw(:,kb),jik,ktabrf(:,jk_bz),ph_mkgwt,spinrot_kgw,&
1139                    nspinor,wf1swf2_g)
1140                  end if
1141                end if
1143                ! The static contribution from completeness relation is calculated once ===
1144                call calc_coh_comp(iq_ibz,Vcp%i_sz,(jb==kb),nspinor,Sigp%nsig_ab,DBLE(Sr%egw(kb,jk_ibz,spin)-en_high),&
1145                  npwc,Gsph_c%gvec,gwc_ngfft,gwc_nfftot,wf1swf2_g,vc_sqrt_qbz,botsq,otq,sigcohme)
1147                do io=1,nomega_sigc
1148                  sigctmp(io,:) = sigctmp(io,:)+sigcohme(:)
1149                end do
1150              end if ! gwcomp==1
1151            end if ! gwcom==1
1153            ! Accumulate and, in case, symmetrize matrix elements of Sigma_c
1154            do iab=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
1155              is_idx=spin; if (nspinor==2) is_idx=iab
1157              sigcme_tmp(:,jb,kb,is_idx)=sigcme_tmp(:,jb,kb,is_idx) + &
1158                (wtqp+wtqm)*DBLE(sigctmp(:,iab)) + (wtqp-wtqm)*j_gw*AIMAG(sigctmp(:,iab))
1160              sigc(1,:,jb,kb,is_idx)=sigc(1,:,jb,kb,is_idx) + wtqp*      sigctmp(:,iab)
1161              sigc(2,:,jb,kb,is_idx)=sigc(2,:,jb,kb,is_idx) + wtqm*CONJG(sigctmp(:,iab))
1162              ! TODO this should be the contribution coming from the anti-hermitian part.
1163            end do
1164          end do ! irow used to calculate matrix elements of $\Sigma$
1166          ! shaltaf (030406): this has to be done in a clean way later.
1167          ! TODO does not work with spinor.
1168          if (mod10==SIG_GW_PPM.and.(PPm%model==3.or.PPm%model==4)) then
1169            sigcme_tmp(:,kb,kb,spin)= sigcme2(:,kb)
1170            sigc(1,:,kb,kb,spin)= sigcme2(:,kb)
1171            sigc(2,:,kb,kb,spin)= czero
1172          end if
1174          call timab(439,2,tsec) ! csigme(SigC)
1175        end do !kb to calculate matrix elements of $\Sigma$
1176      end do !ib
1178      call timab(445,2,tsec) ! csigme(SigC)
1180      ! Deallocate k-dependent quantities.
1181      ABI_FREE(gw_gbound)
1182      if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
1183        ABI_FREE(gboundf)
1184      end if
1186      if (sigma_needs_ppm(Sigp)) then
1187        ABI_FREE(botsq)
1188        ABI_FREE(otq)
1189        ABI_FREE(eig)
1190      end if
1191      if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
1192        call pawpwij_free(Pwij_qg)
1193        ABI_FREE(Pwij_qg)
1194      end if
1196    end do ! ik_bz
1198    ABI_FREE(wfr_bdgw)
1199    if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
1200      call pawcprj_free(Cprj_kgw)
1201      ABI_FREE(Cprj_kgw)
1202      if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
1203        ABI_FREE(ur_ae_bdgw)
1204        ABI_FREE(ur_ae_onsite_bdgw)
1205        ABI_FREE(ur_ps_onsite_bdgw)
1206      end if
1207    end if
1208  end do ! spin
1210  ABI_FREE(sigcme2)
1211  ABI_FREE(sigcme_3)
1212  ABI_FREE(igfftcg0)
1213  if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
1214    ABI_FREE(igfftfcg0)
1215  end if
1217  ! Gather contributions from all the CPUs
1218  call timab(440,1,tsec) ! wfd_barrier
1219  call timab(440,2,tsec) ! wfd_barrier
1220  call timab(441,1,tsec) ! xmpi_sum
1222  call xmpi_sum(sigcme_tmp, Wfd%comm, ierr)
1223  call xmpi_sum(sigc, Wfd%comm, ierr)
1224  call timab(441,2,tsec) ! xmpi_sum
1226  ! Multiply by constants. In 3D systems sqrt(4pi) is included in vc_sqrt_qbz ===
1227  sigcme_tmp = sigcme_tmp /(Cryst%ucvol*Kmesh%nbz)
1228  sigc       = sigc       /(Cryst%ucvol*Kmesh%nbz)
1230  ! If we have summed over the IBZ_q now we have to average over degenerate states
1231  ! Presently only diagonal terms are considered
1232  ! TODO QP-SCGW required a more involved approach, there is a check in sigma
1233  ! TODO it does not work if nspinor==2.
1234  call timab(442,1,tsec) ! final ops
1236  do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
1237    if (can_symmetrize(spin)) then
1238      if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) then ! FIXME here there is a problem in case of AC with symmetries
1239        ABI_MALLOC(sym_cme, (Sr%nomega_i, ib1:ib2, ib1:ib2, Sigp%nsig_ab))
1240      else
1241        ABI_MALLOC(sym_cme, (nomega_tot, ib1:ib2, ib1:ib2, Sigp%nsig_ab))
1242      end if
1243      sym_cme=czero
1245      ! Average over degenerate diagonal elements
1246      ! NOTE: frequencies for \Sigma_c(\omega) should be equal to avoid spurious results.
1247      ! another good reason to use a strict criterion for the tolerance on eigenvalues.
1248      do ib=ib1,ib2
1249        ndegs=0
1250        do jb=ib1,ib2
1251          if (degtab(ib,jb,spin)==1) then
1252            if (nspinor == 1) then
1253              sym_cme(:, ib, ib, 1) = sym_cme(:, ib, ib, 1) + SUM(sigc(:,:,jb,jb,spin), DIM=1)
1254            else
1255              do ii=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
1256                sym_cme(:, ib, ib, ii) = sym_cme(:, ib, ib, ii) + SUM(sigc(:,:,jb,jb,ii), dim=1)
1257              end do
1258            end if
1259          end if
1260          ndegs = ndegs + degtab(ib,jb,spin)
1261        end do
1262        sym_cme(:,ib,ib,:) = sym_cme(:,ib,ib,:) / ndegs
1263      end do
1265      if (Sigp%gwcalctyp >= 20) then
1266        do iwc=1,nomega_sigc
1267          call esymm_symmetrize_mels(QP_sym(spin),ib1,ib2,sigc(:,iwc,:,:,spin),sym_cme(iwc,:,:,1))
1268        end do
1269      end if
1271      ! Copy symmetrized values
1272      do ib=ib1,ib2
1273        do jb=ib1,ib2
1274          !if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC.and.average_real) CYCLE ! this is to check another scheme in case of AC
1275          if (nspinor == 1) then
1276            sigcme_tmp(:,ib,jb,spin) = sym_cme(:,ib,jb,1)
1277          else
1278            do ii=1,Sigp%nsig_ab
1279              sigcme_tmp(:,ib,jb,ii) = sym_cme(:,ib,jb,ii)
1280            end do
1281          end if
1282        end do
1283      end do
1284      ABI_FREE(sym_cme)
1285    end if
1286  end do
1288  ! Reconstruct the full sigma matrix from the upper triangle (only for HF, SEX and COHSEX)
1289  !if (Sigp%gwcalctyp>=20 .and. sigma_is_herm(Sigp) ) then
1290  !  ABI_CHECK(nspinor==1,"cannot hermitianize non-collinear sigma!")
1291  !  do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
1292  !    do io=1,nomega_sigc
1293  !      call hermitianize(sigcme_tmp(io,:,:,spin),"Upper")
1294  !    end do
1295  !  end do
1296  !end if
1298  ! GW with contour deformation: check on the number of poles not included.
1299  if (ANY(mod10 == [SIG_GW_CD,SIG_QPGW_CD])) then
1300    call xmpi_sum(npoles_missing, Wfd%comm, ierr)
1301    npls = SUM(npoles_missing)
1302    if (npls>0) then
1303      ABI_WARNING(sjoin("Total number of missing poles for contour deformation method:", itoa(npls)))
1304      do band=minbnd,maxbnd
1305        npls = npoles_missing(band)
1306        if (npls>0) then
1307          write(msg,'(a,2(i0,a))')" For band ",band," there are ",npls," missing poles"
1308          call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1309        end if
1310      end do
1311    end if
1312    ! Print data on the maximum value needed for the screening along the real axis
1313    w_localmax = MAXVAL(w_maxval)
1314    call xmpi_max(w_localmax,w_max, Wfd%comm, ierr)
1315    write(msg,'(a,f12.5,a)') ' Max omega value used in W(omega): ',w_max*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
1316    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1317  end if
1318  call timab(442,2,tsec) ! final ops
1320  ! ===========================
1321  ! ==== Deallocate memory ====
1322  ! ===========================
1323  if (Psps%usepaw==1) then
1324    ABI_SFREE(gw_gfft)
1325    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_ksum)
1326    ABI_FREE(Cprj_ksum)
1327    if (allocated(Pwij_fft)) then
1328      call pawpwij_free(Pwij_fft)
1329      ABI_FREE(Pwij_fft)
1330    end if
1331    if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
1332      ABI_FREE(ur_ae_sum)
1333      ABI_FREE(ur_ae_onsite_sum)
1334      ABI_FREE(ur_ps_onsite_sum)
1335      ABI_FREE(ktabrf)
1336    end if
1337  end if
1339  ABI_FREE(npoles_missing)
1340  ABI_FREE(ur_ibz)
1341  ABI_FREE(usr_bz)
1342  ABI_FREE(ktabr)
1343  ABI_FREE(rhotwg_ki)
1344  ABI_FREE(rhotwg)
1345  ABI_FREE(rhotwgp)
1346  ABI_FREE(vc_sqrt_qbz)
1347  ABI_FREE(omegame0i)
1348  ABI_FREE(sigctmp)
1349  ABI_FREE(sigc)
1350  ABI_FREE(w_maxval)
1352  ABI_SFREE(sigc_ket)
1353  ABI_SFREE(ket1)
1354  ABI_SFREE(ket2)
1355  ABI_SFREE(epsm1_qbz)
1356  ABI_SFREE(epsm1_trcc_qbz)
1357  ABI_SFREE(epsm1_tmp)
1358  ABI_SFREE(degtab)
1359  ABI_SFREE(ac_epsm1cqwz2)
1360  ABI_SFREE(rhotw_epsm1_rhotw)
1361  ABI_SFREE(aherm_sigc_ket)
1362  ABI_SFREE(herm_sigc_ket)
1363  ABI_SFREE(wf1swf2_g)
1364  ABI_SFREE(extrapolar_distrb)
1365  ABI_SFREE(proc_distrb)
1367  call timab(431,2,tsec)
1368  call timab(424,2,tsec) ! calc_sigc_me
1370  call cwtime(cpu_time,wall_time,gflops,"stop")
1371  write(std_out,'(2(a,f9.1))')" cpu_time = ",cpu_time,", wall_time = ",wall_time
1373  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1375 end subroutine calc_sigc_me

ABINIT/m_sigc [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Compute matrix elements of the correlated part of the e-h self-energy


10 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
11 #include "config.h"
12 #endif
14 #include "abi_common.h"
16 module m_sigc
18  use defs_basis
19  use m_gwdefs
20  use m_abicore
21  use m_xmpi
22  use m_xomp
23  use m_defs_ptgroups
24  use m_errors
25  use m_time
26  use m_splines
27  use m_dtset
29  use defs_datatypes,  only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
30  use m_hide_blas,     only : xdotc, xgemv, xgemm, xherk
31  use m_hide_lapack,   only : xheev
32  use m_numeric_tools, only : hermitianize, imin_loc, coeffs_gausslegint
33  use m_fstrings,      only : sjoin, itoa
34  use m_geometry,      only : normv
35  use m_crystal,       only : crystal_t
36  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t, findqg0, littlegroup_t
37  use m_gsphere,       only : gsphere_t
38  use m_fft_mesh,      only : get_gftt, rotate_fft_mesh, cigfft
39  use m_vcoul,         only : vcoul_t
40  use m_wfd,           only : wfdgw_t, wave_t
41  use m_oscillators,   only : rho_tw_g, calc_wfwfg
42  use m_screening,     only : epsilonm1_results, epsm1_symmetrizer, epsm1_symmetrizer_inplace, get_epsm1
43  use m_ppmodel,       only : setup_ppmodel, ppm_get_qbz, ppmodel_t, calc_sig_ppm
44  use m_sigma,         only : sigma_t, sigma_distribute_bks
45  use m_esymm,         only : esymm_t, esymm_symmetrize_mels, esymm_failed
46  use m_pawang,        only : pawang_type
47  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type
48  use m_pawfgrtab,     only : pawfgrtab_type
49  use m_pawcprj,       only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy, paw_overlap
50  use m_pawpwij,       only : pawpwff_t, pawpwij_t, pawpwij_init, pawpwij_free, paw_rho_tw_g, paw_cross_rho_tw_g
51  use m_paw_sym,       only : paw_symcprj
52  use m_paw_pwaves_lmn,only : paw_pwaves_lmn_t
53  use m_hide_lapack,   only : xheev
55  implicit none
57  private