ABINIT/chi0_bksmask [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Compute tables for the distribution and the storage of the wavefunctions in the SCREENING code.


 Dtset<type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
 Ep<em1params_t>=Parameters for the screening calculation.
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 nbvw = Max. number of fully/partially occupied states over spin
 nbcw = Max. number of unoccupied states considering the spin
 nprocs=Total number of MPI processors
 my_rank=Rank of this this processor.


 bks_mask(Ep%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)=True if this node will treat this state.
 keep_ur(Ep%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)=True if this node will store this state in real space.
 ierr=Exit status.






718 subroutine chi0_bksmask(Dtset,Ep,Kmesh,nbvw,nbcw,my_rank,nprocs,bks_mask,keep_ur,ierr)
720  use defs_basis
721  use defs_datatypes
722  use defs_abitypes
723  use m_gwdefs
724  use m_errors
725  use m_xmpi
727  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t
729 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
730 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
731 #undef ABI_FUNC
732 #define ABI_FUNC 'chi0_bksmask'
733 !End of the abilint section
735  implicit none
737 !Arguments ------------------------------------
738 !scalars
739  integer,intent(in) :: my_rank,nprocs,nbvw,nbcw
740  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
741  type(Dataset_type),intent(in) :: Dtset
742  type(em1params_t),intent(in) :: Ep
743  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
744 !arrays
745  logical,intent(out) :: bks_mask(Ep%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Dtset%nsppol)
746  logical,intent(out) :: keep_ur(Ep%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Dtset%nsppol)
748 !Local variables-------------------------------
749 !scalars
750  integer :: my_nspins,my_maxb,my_minb,isp,spin,distr_err,nsppol,band,rank_spin,ib
751  character(len=500) :: msg
752  logical :: store_ur
753 !arrays
754  integer :: my_spins(Dtset%nsppol),nprocs_spin(Dtset%nsppol)
755  integer,allocatable :: istart(:),istop(:)
757 ! *************************************************************************
759  ierr=0; nsppol=Dtset%nsppol
761  my_nspins=Dtset%nsppol; my_spins= [(isp,isp=1,nsppol)]
763  ! List of spins for each node, number of processors per each spin
764  ! and the MPI rank in the "spin" communicator.
765  nprocs_spin = nprocs; rank_spin = my_rank
767  if (nsppol==2.and.nprocs>1) then
768    ! Distribute spins (optimal distribution if nprocs is even)
769    nprocs_spin(1) = nprocs/2
770    nprocs_spin(2) = nprocs - nprocs/2
771    my_nspins=1; my_spins(1)=1
772    if (my_rank+1>nprocs/2) then
773      my_spins(1)=2
774      rank_spin = my_rank - nprocs/2
775    end if
776  end if
778  store_ur = (MODULO(Dtset%gwmem,10)==1)
779  bks_mask=.FALSE.; keep_ur=.FALSE.
781  select case (Dtset%gwpara)
782  case (1)
783    ! Parallelization over transitions **without** memory distributions (Except for the spin).
784    my_minb=1; my_maxb=Ep%nbnds
785    do isp=1,my_nspins
786      spin = my_spins(isp)
787      bks_mask(my_minb:my_maxb,:,spin) = .TRUE.
788      if (store_ur) keep_ur(my_minb:my_maxb,:,spin)=.TRUE.
789    end do
791  case (2)
792    ! Distribute bands and spin.
793    do isp=1,my_nspins
794      spin = my_spins(isp)
796      if (nprocs_spin(spin) <= nbcw) then
797        ! Distribute nbcw empty bands among nprocs_spin (block of bands without replicas).
798        ! Bands are distributed in contiguous blocks because
799        ! this distribution is well suited for the Hilber transform
800        ! since each node will allocate only a smaller frequency interval
801        ! for the spectral function whose size scales with the number of MPI nodes.
802        ! Note it is now meaningless to distinguish gwcomp=0 or 1 since the workload is well balanced later on
803        ABI_MALLOC(istart,(nprocs_spin(spin)))
804        ABI_MALLOC(istop,(nprocs_spin(spin)))
806        call xmpi_split_work2_i4b(nbcw,nprocs_spin(spin),istart,istop,msg,distr_err)
808        if (distr_err==2) then
809          ! Too many processors.
810          !MSG_WARNING(msg)
811          ierr=1
812        end if
814        my_minb = nbvw + istart(rank_spin+1)
815        my_maxb = nbvw + istop (rank_spin+1)
817        ABI_FREE(istart)
818        ABI_FREE(istop)
820        if (my_maxb-my_minb+1<=0) then
821          write(msg,'(3a,2(i0,a),2a)')&
822 &         'One or more processors has zero number of bands ',ch10,&
823 &         'my_minb= ',my_minb,' my_maxb= ',my_maxb,ch10,&
824 &         'This is a waste, decrease the number of processors.'
825          MSG_ERROR(msg)
826        end if
828        bks_mask(my_minb:my_maxb,:,spin)=.TRUE.
829        if (store_ur) keep_ur(my_minb:my_maxb,:,spin)=.TRUE.
831      else
832        ! New version (alternate bands with replicas if nprocs > nbcw)
833        ! FIXME: Fix segmentation fault with Hilbert transform.
834        do ib=1,nbcw
835          if (xmpi_distrib_with_replicas(ib,nbcw,rank_spin,nprocs_spin(spin))) then
836            band = ib + nbvw
837            bks_mask(band,:,spin)=.TRUE.
838            if (store_ur) keep_ur(band,:,spin)=.TRUE.
839          end if
840        end do
841      end if
843      ! This is needed to have all the occupied states on each node.
844      bks_mask(1:nbvw,:,spin) = .TRUE.
845      if (store_ur) keep_ur(1:nbvw,:,spin)=.TRUE.
846    end do ! isp
848  case default
849    ierr = 1
850    MSG_WARNING("Wrong value for gwpara")
851  end select
853 end subroutine chi0_bksmask

ABINIT/setup_screening [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Initialize the Ep% data type containing the parameters used during the screening calculation.
  as well as basic objects describing the BZ sampling .... TODO list to be completed


  Copyright (C) 2008-2018 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


 wfk_fname=Name of the input WFK file.
 acell(3)=length scales of primitive translations (Bohr).
 rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations.
 ngfftf(18)=Contain all needed information about the 3D FFT for densities and potentials.
 dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files


 ngfft_gw(18)=Contain all needed information about the 3D FFT for the oscillator strengths.
  See ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 Ep<em1params_t>=Parameters for the screening calculation.
  Most part of it is Initialized and checked.
 Hdr_wfk type(Hdr_type)=Header of the KSS file.
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Definition of the unit cell and its symmetries.
 Kmesh<kmesh_t>=Structure defining the k-point sampling (wavefunctions).
 Qmesh<kmesh_t>=Structure defining the q-point sampling (screening)
 Gsph_wfn<gsphere_t>=Structure defining the G-sphere for the wavefunctions (not k-dependent).
 Gsph_epsG0<gsphere_t>=The G-sphere for the screening, enlarged to take into account for umklapps.
 Psps <Pseudopotential_type)>=Info on pseudopotential, only for consistency check of the KSS file
 Vcp <type vcoul_t> datatype gathering information on the coulombian cutoff technique
 comm=MPI communicator.


 Dtset<Dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
  %ecutwfn, %npwwfn,
  %ecuteps, %npweps
   might be redefined in setshells in order to close the shell.






 53 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 54 #include "config.h"
 55 #endif
 57 #include "abi_common.h"
 59 subroutine setup_screening(codvsn,acell,rprim,ngfftf,wfk_fname,dtfil,Dtset,Psps,Pawtab,&
 60 & ngfft_gw,Hdr_wfk,Hdr_out,Cryst,Kmesh,Qmesh,KS_BSt,Ltg_q,Gsph_epsG0,Gsph_wfn,Vcp,Ep,comm)
 62  use defs_basis
 63  use defs_datatypes
 64  use defs_abitypes
 65  use defs_wvltypes
 66  use m_errors
 67  use m_profiling_abi
 68  use m_xmpi
 69  use m_nctk
 70 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 71  use netcdf
 72 #endif
 73  use m_hdr
 75  use m_gwdefs,        only : GW_TOLQ0, GW_TOLQ, GW_Q0_DEFAULT, czero_gw, em1params_t
 76  use m_fstrings,      only : strcat, sjoin, ltoa, itoa
 77  use m_io_tools,      only : file_exists
 78  use m_geometry,      only : normv, mkrdim, metric
 79  use m_crystal,       only : crystal_print, crystal_t
 80  use m_crystal_io,    only : crystal_from_hdr
 81  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t, kmesh_init, get_ng0sh, kmesh_print, find_qmesh, get_BZ_item,&
 82 &                            littlegroup_t, littlegroup_init, make_mesh, kmesh_free
 83  use m_ebands,        only : ebands_init
 84  use m_vcoul,         only : vcoul_t, vcoul_init
 85  use m_fft_mesh,      only : setmesh
 86  use m_gsphere,       only : gsphere_t, gsph_init, merge_and_sort_kg, gsph_free, setshells
 87  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type
 88  use m_pawrhoij,      only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free
 89  use m_io_kss,        only : make_gvec_kss
 90  use m_wfk,           only : wfk_read_eigenvalues
 92 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 93 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 94 #undef ABI_FUNC
 95 #define ABI_FUNC 'setup_screening'
 96  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 97  use interfaces_56_io_mpi
 98 !End of the abilint section
100  implicit none
102 !Arguments ------------------------------------
103 !scalars
104  integer,intent(in) :: comm
105  character(len=6),intent(in) :: codvsn
106  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: wfk_fname
107  type(Dataset_type),intent(inout) :: Dtset !INOUT is due to setshells
108  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
109  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
110  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat*Dtset%usepaw)
111  type(em1params_t),intent(out) :: Ep
112  type(Hdr_type),intent(out) :: Hdr_wfk,Hdr_out
113  type(ebands_t),intent(out) :: KS_BSt
114  type(kmesh_t),intent(out) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
115  type(crystal_t),intent(out) :: Cryst
116  type(gsphere_t),intent(out) :: Gsph_epsG0,Gsph_wfn
117  type(vcoul_t),intent(out) :: Vcp
118 !arrays
119  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftf(18)
120  integer,intent(out) :: ngfft_gw(18)
121  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),rprim(3,3)
122  type(littlegroup_t),pointer :: Ltg_q(:)
124 !Local variables-------------------------------
125 !scalars
126  integer,parameter :: NOMEGAGAUSS=30,NOMEGAREAL=201,pertcase0=0,master=0
127  integer :: bantot,ib,ibtot,ikibz,iq,iqp,isppol,ig,ng,ierr
128  integer :: jj,mod10,mband,ng_kss,iqbz,isym,iq_ibz,itim
129  integer :: timrev,use_umklp,ncerr
130  integer :: npwepG0,nshepspG0,method,enforce_sym,nfftgw_tot !,spin,band,ik_ibz,
131  integer :: istart,iend,test_npwkss,my_rank,nprocs !ii
132  real(dp),parameter :: OMEGAERMAX=100.0/Ha_eV
133  real(dp) :: ecutepspG0,ucvol,domegareal
134  logical :: remove_inv,ltest,found,is_static,has_q0
135  character(len=500) :: msg
136  type(wvl_internal_type) :: wvl
137 !arrays
138  integer :: ng0sh_opt(3)
139  integer,allocatable :: npwarr(:)
140  integer,pointer :: gvec_kss(:,:)
141  integer,pointer :: test_gvec_kss(:,:)
142  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),qtmp(3),sq(3),qbz(3)
143  real(dp),pointer :: energies_p(:,:,:)
144  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde(:),eigen(:),occfact(:)
145  type(Pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: Pawrhoij(:)
147 ! *************************************************************************
151  ! Check for calculations that are not implemented
152  ltest = ALL(Dtset%nband(1:Dtset%nkpt*Dtset%nsppol) == Dtset%nband(1))
153  ABI_CHECK(ltest, 'dtset%nband(:) must be constant in the GW code.')
155  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
157  call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
158  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
160  ! Set up basic parameters of the calculation
161  Ep%gwcalctyp            =Dtset%gwcalctyp
162  Ep%plasmon_pole_model   =.TRUE.
163  Ep%analytic_continuation=.FALSE.
164  Ep%contour_deformation  =.FALSE.
166  mod10=MOD(Ep%gwcalctyp,10)
167  if (mod10/=0.and.mod10/=8) Ep%plasmon_pole_model   =.FALSE.
168  if (mod10==1)              Ep%analytic_continuation=.TRUE.
169  if (mod10==2.or.mod10==9)  Ep%contour_deformation  =.TRUE.
170  is_static=(mod10==5.or.mod10==6.or.mod10==7)
172  Ep%nbnds  =Dtset%nband(1)
173  Ep%symchi =Dtset%symchi
174  Ep%inclvkb=Dtset%inclvkb; if (Dtset%usepaw/=0) Ep%inclvkb=0
175  Ep%zcut   =Dtset%zcut
177  write(msg,'(2a,i4,2a,f10.6,a)')ch10,&
178 &  ' GW calculation type              = ',Ep%gwcalctyp,ch10,&
179 &  ' zcut to avoid poles in chi0 [eV] = ',Ep%zcut*Ha_eV,ch10
180  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
182  Ep%awtr  =Dtset%awtr
183  Ep%npwe  =Dtset%npweps
184  Ep%npwwfn=Dtset%npwwfn
185  Ep%npwvec=MAX(Ep%npwe,Ep%npwwfn)
187  timrev = 2 ! This information is not reported in the header
188             ! 1 --> do not use time-reversal symmetry
189             ! 2 --> take advantage of time-reversal symmetry
190  if (any(dtset%kptopt == [3, 4])) timrev = 1
192  if (timrev==1.and.Dtset%awtr/=0) then
193    MSG_ERROR("awtr/=0 cannot be used when time-reversal symmetry doesn't hold")
194  end if
196  ! Read parameters from WFK and verifify them.
197  call wfk_read_eigenvalues(wfk_fname,energies_p,Hdr_wfk,comm)
198  mband = MAXVAL(Hdr_wfk%nband)
199  call hdr_vs_dtset(Hdr_wfk,Dtset)
200  remove_inv=.FALSE.
202  test_npwkss = 0
203  call make_gvec_kss(Dtset%nkpt,Dtset%kptns,Hdr_wfk%ecut_eff,Dtset%symmorphi,Dtset%nsym,Dtset%symrel,Dtset%tnons,&
204 &   gprimd,Dtset%prtvol,test_npwkss,test_gvec_kss,ierr)
205  ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"Fatal error in make_gvec_kss")
207  ABI_MALLOC(gvec_kss,(3,test_npwkss))
208  gvec_kss = test_gvec_kss
209  ng_kss = test_npwkss
211  if (Ep%npwvec>ng_kss) then
212    Ep%npwvec=ng_kss
213    if (Ep%npwwfn> ng_kss) Ep%npwwfn=ng_kss
214    if (Ep%npwe  > ng_kss) Ep%npwe  =ng_kss
215    write(msg,'(3a,3(a,i6,a))')ch10,&
216 &    ' Number of G-vectors found less then required. Calculation will proceed with ',ch10,&
217 &    '  npwvec = ',Ep%npwvec,ch10,&
218 &    '  npweps = ',Ep%npwe  ,ch10,&
219 &    '  npwwfn = ',Ep%npwwfn,ch10
220    MSG_WARNING(msg)
221  end if
223  ng = MIN(SIZE(gvec_kss,DIM=2),SIZE(test_gvec_kss,DIM=2))
224  ierr = 0
225  do ig=1,ng
226    if (ANY(gvec_kss(:,ig)/=test_gvec_kss(:,ig))) then
227      ierr=ierr+1
228      write(std_out,*)" gvec_kss ",ig,"/",ng,gvec_kss(:,ig),test_gvec_kss(:,ig)
229    end if
230  end do
231  ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "Mismatch between gvec_kss and test_gvec_kss")
232  ABI_FREE(test_gvec_kss)
234  ! Get important dimension from Hdr_wfk
235  ! Check also the consistency btw Hdr_wfk and Dtset.
236  Ep%nsppol=Hdr_wfk%nsppol
237  Ep%nkibz =Hdr_wfk%nkpt
239  if (Ep%nbnds>mband) then
240    Ep%nbnds=mband
241    Dtset%nband(:)=mband
242    write(msg,'(4a,i4,a)')ch10,&
243 &    ' Number of bands found less then required. ',ch10,&
244 &    ' Calculation will proceed with nbnds = ',mband,ch10
245    MSG_WARNING(msg)
246  end if
248  call crystal_from_hdr(Cryst,Hdr_wfk,timrev,remove_inv)
249  call crystal_print(Cryst,mode_paral='COLL')
251  ! === Create basic data types for the calculation ===
252  ! * Kmesh defines the k-point sampling for the wavefunctions.
253  ! * Qmesh defines the q-point sampling for chi0, all possible differences k1-k2 reduced to the IBZ.
254  ! TODO Kmesh%bz should be [-half,half[ but this modification will be painful!
256  call kmesh_init(Kmesh,Cryst,Ep%nkibz,Hdr_wfk%kptns,Dtset%kptopt,wrap_1zone=.FALSE.)
257  !call kmesh_init(Kmesh,Cryst,Ep%nkibz,Hdr_wfk%kptns,Dtset%kptopt,wrap_1zone=.TRUE.)
258  ! Some required information are not filled up inside kmesh_init
259  ! So doing it here, even though it is not clean
260  Kmesh%kptrlatt(:,:) =Dtset%kptrlatt(:,:)
261  Kmesh%nshift        =Dtset%nshiftk
262  ABI_ALLOCATE(Kmesh%shift,(3,Kmesh%nshift))
263  Kmesh%shift(:,:)    =Dtset%shiftk(:,1:Dtset%nshiftk)
265  call kmesh_print(Kmesh,"K-mesh for the wavefunctions",std_out,Dtset%prtvol,"COLL")
266  call kmesh_print(Kmesh,"K-mesh for the wavefunctions",ab_out, 0,           "COLL")
268  ! === Find Q-mesh, and do setup for long wavelength limit ===
269  ! * Stop if a nonzero umklapp is needed to reconstruct the BZ. In this case, indeed,
270  !   epsilon^-1(Sq) should be symmetrized in csigme using a different expression (G-G_o is needed)
271  call find_qmesh(Qmesh,Cryst,Kmesh)
273  call kmesh_print(Qmesh,"Q-mesh for the screening function",std_out,Dtset%prtvol,"COLL")
274  call kmesh_print(Qmesh,"Q-mesh for the screening function",ab_out ,0           ,"COLL")
276  do iqbz=1,Qmesh%nbz
277    call get_BZ_item(Qmesh,iqbz,qbz,iq_ibz,isym,itim)
278    sq = (3-2*itim)*MATMUL(Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym),Qmesh%ibz(:,iq_ibz))
279    if (ANY(ABS(qbz-sq )>1.0d-4)) then
280      write(msg,'(a,3f6.3,a,3f6.3,2a,9i3,a,i2,2a)')&
281 &      ' qpoint ',qbz,' is the symmetric of ',Qmesh%ibz(:,iq_ibz),ch10,&
282 &      ' through operation ',Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym),' and itim ',itim,ch10,&
283 &      ' however a non zero umklapp G_o vector is required and this is not yet allowed'
284      MSG_ERROR(msg)
285    end if
286  end do
288  ! Write the list of qpoints for the screening in netcdf format and exit.
289  ! This file is used by abipy to generate multiple input files.
290  if (Dtset%nqptdm == -1) then
291    if (my_rank==master) then
292 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
293       ncerr = nctk_write_ibz(strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), ""), qmesh%ibz, qmesh%wt)
294       NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
295 #endif
296    end if
297    MSG_ERROR_NODUMP("Aborting now")
298  end if
300  if (Dtset%gw_nqlwl==0) then
301    Ep%nqlwl=1
302    ABI_MALLOC(Ep%qlwl,(3,Ep%nqlwl))
303    Ep%qlwl(:,1)=GW_Q0_DEFAULT ! Use default shift 0.000010, 0.000020, 0.000030
304  else
305    Ep%nqlwl=Dtset%gw_nqlwl
306    ABI_MALLOC(Ep%qlwl,(3,Ep%nqlwl))
307    Ep%qlwl(:,:)=Dtset%gw_qlwl(:,1:Ep%nqlwl)
308    ABI_CHECK(Ep%nqlwl==1,"nqlwl/=1 not coded")
309  end if
310  !write(std_out,*)" Using qlwl = ",Ep%qlwl
312  ! Find optimal value for G-sphere enlargment due to oscillator matrix elements
313  call get_ng0sh(Kmesh%nbz,Kmesh%bz,Qmesh%nibz,Qmesh%ibz,Kmesh%nbz,Kmesh%bz,GW_TOLQ0,ng0sh_opt)
314  call wrtout(std_out,sjoin(' Optimal value for ng0sh:',ltoa(ng0sh_opt)),"COLL")
316  Ep%mG0(:)=ng0sh_opt(:) !Ep%mG0(:) = [3, 3, 3]
318  ! === In case of symmetrization, find the little group of the q"s ===
319  ! * For the long-wavelength limit we consider a small but finite q. However the oscillators are
320  !  evaluated setting q==0. Thus it is possible to take advantage of symmetries also when q --> 0.
321  ! * Here we calculate the enlargement of the G-sphere, npwepG0, needed to account for umklapps.
322  ! TODO Switch on use_umklp, write all this stuff to ab_out
324  Ep%npwepG0=Ep%npwe
325  ABI_DT_MALLOC(Ltg_q,(Qmesh%nibz))
327  do iq=1,Qmesh%nibz
328    qtmp(:)=Qmesh%ibz(:,iq); if (normv(qtmp,gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0) qtmp(:)=zero; use_umklp=0
329    call littlegroup_init(qtmp,Kmesh,Cryst,use_umklp,Ltg_q(iq),Ep%npwe,gvec=gvec_kss)
330  end do
332  ecutepspG0 = Dtset%ecuteps
333  ABI_CHECK(ecutepspG0 > zero, "ecuteps must be > 0")
334  if (Ep%symchi/=0) then
335    ecutepspG0=MAXVAL(Ltg_q(:)%max_kin_gmG0)+tol6; npwepG0=0; nshepspG0=0
336    write(std_out,*)" Due to umklapp processes : ecutepspg0= ",ecutepspG0
337    call setshells(ecutepspG0,npwepG0,nshepspG0,Cryst%nsym,gmet,gprimd,Cryst%symrel,'eps_pG0',Cryst%ucvol)
338    Ep%npwepG0=npwepG0
339  end if
341  if (Ep%npwepG0>Ep%npwvec) then
342    write(msg,'(3a,i5,a,i5)')&
343 &    ' npwepG0 > npwvec, decrease npweps or increase npwwfn. ',ch10,&
344 &    ' npwepG0 = ',Ep%npwepG0,' npwvec = ',Ep%npwvec
345    MSG_ERROR(msg)
346  end if
348  ! === Create structure describing the G-sphere used for chi0/espilon and Wfns ===
349  ! * The cutoff is >= ecuteps to allow for umklapp
350 #if 0
351  call gsph_init(Gsph_wfn,Cryst,0,ecut=Dtset%ecutwfn)
352  Dtset%npwwfn = Gsph_wfn%ng
353  Ep%npwwfn = Gsph_wfn%ng
354  ierr = 0
355  do ig=1,MIN(Gsph_wfn%ng, ng_kss)
356    if ( ANY(Gsph_wfn%gvec(:,ig) /= gvec_kss(:,ig)) ) then
357      write(std_out,*)ig, Gsph_wfn%gvec(:,ig), gvec_kss(:,ig)
358    end if
359  end do
360  ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"Wrong gvec_wfn")
361 #else
362  call gsph_init(Gsph_wfn,Cryst,Ep%npwvec,gvec=gvec_kss)
363 #endif
365 #if 0
366  call gsph_init(Gsph_epsG0,Cryst,0,ecut=ecutepspG0)
367  Ep%npwepG0 = Gsph_epsG0%ng
368  ierr = 0
369  do ig=1,MIN(Gsph_epsG0%ng, ng_kss)
370    if ( ANY(Gsph_epsG0%gvec(:,ig) /= gvec_kss(:,ig)) ) then
371      write(std_out,*)ig, Gsph_epsG0%gvec(:,ig), gvec_kss(:,ig)
372    end if
373  end do
374  ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"Wrong gvec_epsG0")
375 #else
376  call gsph_init(Gsph_epsG0,Cryst,Ep%npwepG0,gvec=gvec_kss)
377 #endif
378  !
379  ! =======================================================================
380  ! ==== Setup of the FFT mesh used for the oscillator matrix elements ====
381  ! =======================================================================
382  ! * ngfft_gw(7:18) is the same as Dtset%ngfft(7:18), initialized before entering setup_screening.
383  !   Here we just redefine ngfft_gw(1:6) according to the following options:
384  !
385  !    method==0 ==> FFT grid read from __fft.in__ (only for debugging purpose)
386  !    method==1 ==> normal FFT grid
387  !    method==2 ==> slightly augmented FFT grid to calculate exactly rho_tw_g (see setmesh.F90)
388  !    method==3 ==> doubled FFT grid, to treat exactly the convolution defining the density,
389  !      Useful in sigma if ppmodel=[2,3,4] since rho(G-Gp) or to calculate matrix elements of v_Hxc.
390  !
391  !    enforce_sym==1 ==> enforce a direct space FFT mesh compatible with all symmetries operation
392  !    enforce_sym==0 ==> Find the smallest FFT grid compatibile with the library, do not care about symmetries
393  !
394  ngfft_gw(1:18)=Dtset%ngfft(1:18); method=2
395  if (Dtset%fftgw==00 .or. Dtset%fftgw==01) method=0
396  if (Dtset%fftgw==10 .or. Dtset%fftgw==11) method=1
397  if (Dtset%fftgw==20 .or. Dtset%fftgw==21) method=2
398  if (Dtset%fftgw==30 .or. Dtset%fftgw==31) method=3
399  enforce_sym=MOD(Dtset%fftgw,10)
401  ! Use npwepG0 to account for umklapps.
402  call setmesh(gmet,gvec_kss,ngfft_gw,Ep%npwvec,Ep%npwepG0,Ep%npwwfn,nfftgw_tot,method,Ep%mG0,Cryst,enforce_sym)
403  !call new_setmesh(Cryst,ecut_osc,ecutwfn,nkpt,kpoints,method,Ep%mG0,enforce_sym,ngfft_gw,nfftgw_tot)
405  ABI_FREE(gvec_kss)
407  ! FIXME this wont work if nqptdm/=0
408  call vcoul_init(Vcp,Gsph_epsG0,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,Dtset%rcut,Dtset%icutcoul,Dtset%vcutgeo,Dtset%ecuteps,Ep%npwe,Ep%nqlwl,&
409 &  Ep%qlwl,ngfftf,comm)
411 #if 0
412  ! Using the random q for the optical limit is one of the reasons
413  ! why sigma breaks the initial energy degeneracies.
414  Vcp%i_sz=zero
415  Vcp%vc_sqrt(1,:)=czero
416  Vcp%vcqlwl_sqrt(1,:)=czero
417 #endif
419  ! Value of scissor energy
420  Ep%mbpt_sciss=Dtset%mbpt_sciss
422  ! Define the frequency mesh for epsilon according to the method used.
423  Ep%nomegaei=1
424  Ep%nomegaer=1; if (is_static) Ep%nomegaer=0
425  Ep%nomegaec=0
426  Ep%omegaermax=zero
428  ! For ppmodels 2,3,4, only omega=0 is needed.
429  if (Ep%plasmon_pole_model.and.Dtset%nfreqre==1.and.Dtset%nfreqim==0) then
430    Ep%nomegaer=1; Ep%nomegaei=0
431    write(msg,'(7a)')ch10,&
432 &    ' The inverse dielectric matrix will be calculated on zero frequency only',ch10,&
433 &    ' please note that the calculated epsilon^-1 cannot be used ',ch10,&
434 &    ' to calculate QP corrections using plasmonpole model 1',ch10
435    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
436    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
437  end if
439  ! Max number of omega along the imaginary axis
440  if (Ep%analytic_continuation.or.Ep%contour_deformation) then
441    Ep%nomegaei=Dtset%nfreqim
442    if (Dtset%gw_frqim_inzgrid==1) then
443      MSG_WARNING('iomega = z/1-z transfom grid will be used for imaginary frequency grid')
444    end if
445    if (Dtset%cd_customnimfrqs/=0) then
446      MSG_WARNING('Custom imaginary grid specified. Assuming experienced user.')
447      Ep%nomegaei=Dtset%cd_customnimfrqs
448    end if
449    if (Ep%nomegaei==-1) then
450      Ep%nomegaei=NOMEGAGAUSS
451      MSG_WARNING(sjoin('Number of imaginary frequencies set to default= ',itoa(NOMEGAGAUSS)))
452    end if
453    if (Ep%nomegaei==0) then
454      MSG_WARNING(' nfreqim = 0! Assuming experienced user merging several frequency calculations.')
455    end if
456  end if
458  ! Range and total number of real frequencies.
459  Ep%omegaermin = zero
460  if (Ep%contour_deformation) then
461    Ep%nomegaer=Dtset%nfreqre; Ep%omegaermin=Dtset%freqremin; Ep%omegaermax=Dtset%freqremax
462    if (Dtset%gw_frqre_tangrid==1) then
463      Ep%omegaermax=Dtset%cd_max_freq
464      MSG_WARNING('Tangent transfom grid will be used for real frequency grid')
465    end if
466    if (Dtset%gw_frqre_tangrid==1) then
467      MSG_WARNING('Tangent transfom grid will be used for real frequency grid')
468    end if
469    if (Ep%nomegaer==-1) then
470      Ep%nomegaer=NOMEGAREAL
471      MSG_WARNING(sjoin('Number of real frequencies set to default= ',itoa(NOMEGAREAL)))
472    end if
473    if (Ep%nomegaer==0) then
474      MSG_WARNING('nfreqre = 0 ! Assuming experienced user.')
475    end if
476    if (ABS(Ep%omegaermin)<TOL16) then
477      Ep%omegaermin=zero
478      write(msg,'(a,f8.4)')' Min real frequency set to default [Ha] = ',Ep%omegaermin
479      MSG_WARNING(msg)
480    end if
481    if (Ep%omegaermin>Ep%omegaermax) then
482      MSG_ERROR('freqremin > freqremax !')
483    end if
484    if (Ep%omegaermax<TOL16) then
485      Ep%omegaermax=OMEGAERMAX
486      write(msg,'(a,f8.4)')' Max real frequency set to default [Ha] = ',OMEGAERMAX
487      MSG_WARNING(msg)
488    end if
489    ! Check if a subset of the frequencies is to be used
490    if (Dtset%cd_subset_freq(1)/=0) then
491      istart = Dtset%cd_subset_freq(1)
492      iend   = Dtset%cd_subset_freq(2)
493      if (istart>iend.or.istart<0.or.iend<0) then
494        MSG_ERROR(' check indices of cd_subset_freq!')
495      end if
496      write(msg,'(2(a,i0))')' Using cd_subset_freq to only do freq. from ',istart,' to ',iend
497      MSG_WARNING(msg)
498      ! Reset the numbers
499      if (Dtset%gw_frqre_tangrid/=1) then ! Normal equidistant grid
500        Ep%nomegaer = iend-istart+1
501        domegareal=(Ep%omegaermax-Ep%omegaermin)/(Ep%nomegaer-1)
502        Ep%omegaermin = Ep%omegaermin+(istart-1)*domegareal
503        Ep%omegaermax = Ep%omegaermin+(iend-1)*domegareal
504      else
505        Ep%nomegaer = iend-istart+1
506      end if
507    end if
508  end if
510  ! Check full grid calculations
511  if (Dtset%cd_full_grid/=0) then
513    if (Dtset%cd_subset_freq(1)/=0) then
514      MSG_ERROR('cd_subset_freq cannot be used with cd_full_grid!')
515    end if
516    Ep%nomegaec = Ep%nomegaei*(Ep%nomegaer-1)
517  end if
519  Ep%nomega=Ep%nomegaer+Ep%nomegaei+Ep%nomegaec ! Total number of frequencies.
521  ! ==== Setup of the spectral method ====
522  Ep%spmeth  =Dtset%spmeth; Ep%nomegasf=Dtset%nomegasf; Ep%spsmear =Dtset%spbroad
524  if (Ep%spmeth/=0) then
525    write(msg,'(2a,i3,2a,i8)')ch10,&
526 &    ' setup_screening: using spectral method: ',Ep%spmeth,ch10,&
527 &    ' Number of frequencies for imaginary part: ',Ep%nomegasf
528    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
529    if (Ep%spmeth==2) then
530      write(msg,'(a,f8.5,a)')' Gaussian broadening = ',Ep%spsmear*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
531      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
532    end if
533  end if
535  Ep%nI=1; Ep%nJ=1
536  if (Dtset%nspinor==2) then
537    !if (Dtset%usepaw==1.and.Dtset%pawspnorb>0) then
538    !  Ep%nI=1; Ep%nJ=4
539    !end if
540    ! For spin-spin interaction
541    ! Ep%nI=4; Ep%nJ=4
542    ABI_CHECK(Ep%npwepG0 == Ep%npwe, "npwepG0 must be == npwe if spinor==2")
543    !ABI_CHECK(Ep%symchi == 0, "symchi/=0 and nspinor=2 not available")
544  end if
546  ! === Enable the calculations of chi0 on user-specified q-points ===
547  Ep%nqibz=Qmesh%nibz
548  ABI_MALLOC(Ep%qibz,(3,Ep%nqibz))
549  Ep%qibz(:,:)=Qmesh%ibz(:,:)
551  Ep%nqcalc=Ep%nqibz
552  if (Dtset%nqptdm>0) Ep%nqcalc=Dtset%nqptdm
554  ABI_MALLOC(Ep%qcalc,(3,Ep%nqcalc))
555  if (Ep%nqcalc/=Ep%nqibz) then
556    write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
557 &    ' Dielectric matrix will be calculated only for some ',ch10,&
558 &    ' selected q points provided by the user through the input variables ',ch10,&
559 &    ' nqptdm and qptdm'
560    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
561    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
562    ltest= Ep%nqcalc <= Qmesh%nibz
563    ABI_CHECK(ltest, 'nqptdm should not exceed the number of q points in the IBZ')
564    Ep%qcalc(:,:)=Dtset%qptdm(:,1:Ep%nqcalc)
565    ! Check whether the q-points provided are correct.
566    do iq=1,Ep%nqcalc
567      found=.FALSE.
568      do iqp=1,Qmesh%nibz
569        qtmp(:)=Ep%qcalc(:,iq)-Qmesh%ibz(:,iqp)
570        found=(normv(qtmp,gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ)
571        if (found) EXIT
572      end do
573      ABI_CHECK(found, 'One or more points specified by Dtset%qptdm do not satisfy q=k1-k2')
574    end do
575  else
576    Ep%qcalc(:,:)=Ep%qibz(:,:)
577  end if
579  ! To write the SCR header correctly, with heads and wings, we have
580  ! to make sure that q==0, if present, is the first q-point in the list.
581  !has_q0=(ANY(normv(Ep%qcalc(:,:),gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0)) !commented to avoid problems with sunstudio12
582  has_q0=.FALSE.
583  do iq=1,Ep%nqcalc
584    if (normv(Ep%qcalc(:,iq),gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0) then
585      has_q0=.TRUE.; EXIT
586    end if
587  end do
589  if (has_q0.and.normv(Ep%qcalc(:,1),gmet,'G')>=GW_TOLQ0) then
590    write(msg,'(5a)')&
591 &    'The list of q-points to be calculated contains the Gamma point, ',ch10,&
592 &    'however Gamma is not the first point in the list. ' ,ch10,&
593 &    'Please, change your input file accordingly. '
594    MSG_ERROR(msg)
595  end if
597  ! === Initialize the band structure datatype ===
598  ! * Copy KSS energies and occupations up to Ep%nbnds==Dtset%nband(:)
599  ! TODO Recheck symmorphy and inversion
600  bantot=SUM(Dtset%nband(1:Dtset%nkpt*Dtset%nsppol))
602  ABI_MALLOC(doccde,(bantot))
603  ABI_MALLOC(eigen,(bantot))
604  ABI_MALLOC(occfact,(bantot))
605  doccde(:)=zero; eigen(:)=zero; occfact(:)=zero
607  jj=0; ibtot=0
608  do isppol=1,Dtset%nsppol
609    do ikibz=1,Dtset%nkpt
610      do ib=1,Hdr_wfk%nband(ikibz+Dtset%nkpt*(isppol-1))
611        ibtot=ibtot+1
612        if (ib<=Ep%nbnds) then
613          jj=jj+1
614          occfact(jj)=Hdr_wfk%occ(ibtot)
615          eigen  (jj)=energies_p(ib,ikibz,isppol)
616        end if
617      end do
618    end do
619  end do
620  ABI_FREE(energies_p)
622  ! Make sure that Dtset%wtk==Kmesh%wt due to the dirty treatment of
623  ! the symmetry operations in the old GW code (symmorphy and inversion)
624  ltest=(ALL(ABS(Dtset%wtk(1:Kmesh%nibz)-Kmesh%wt(1:Kmesh%nibz))<tol6))
625  ABI_CHECK(ltest,'Mismatch between Dtset%wtk and Kmesh%wt')
627  ABI_MALLOC(npwarr,(Hdr_wfk%nkpt))
628  npwarr(:)=Ep%npwwfn
630  call ebands_init(bantot,KS_BSt,Dtset%nelect,doccde,eigen,Dtset%istwfk,Kmesh%ibz,Dtset%nband,&
631 & Kmesh%nibz,npwarr,Dtset%nsppol,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%tphysel,Dtset%tsmear,Dtset%occopt,occfact,Kmesh%wt,&
632 & dtset%charge, dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
633 & dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
635  ! TODO modify outkss in order to calculate the eigenvalues also if NSCF calculation.
636  ! this fails simply because in case of NSCF occ  are zero
637  !ltest=(ALL(ABS(occfact-KS_BSt%occ)<1.d-2))
638  !call assert(ltest,'difference in occfact')
639  !write(std_out,*)MAXVAL(ABS(occfact(:)-KS_BSt%occ(:)))
641  !TODO call ebands_update_occ here
642  !$call ebands_update_occ(KS_BSt,spinmagntarget,stmbias,Dtset%prtvol)
644  ABI_FREE(doccde)
645  ABI_FREE(eigen)
646  ABI_FREE(npwarr)
648  ! Initialize abinit header for the screening part
649  call hdr_init(KS_BSt,codvsn,Dtset,Hdr_out,Pawtab,pertcase0,Psps,wvl)
651  ! Get Pawrhoij from the header.
652  ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pawrhoij,(Cryst%natom*Dtset%usepaw))
653  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then
654    call pawrhoij_alloc(Pawrhoij,1,Dtset%nspden,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%nsppol,Cryst%typat,pawtab=Pawtab)
655    call pawrhoij_copy(Hdr_wfk%Pawrhoij,Pawrhoij)
656  end if
657  call hdr_update(Hdr_out,bantot,1.0d20,1.0d20,1.0d20,Cryst%rprimd,occfact,Pawrhoij,Cryst%xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1))
659  ABI_FREE(occfact)
660  call pawrhoij_free(Pawrhoij)
661  ABI_DT_FREE(Pawrhoij)
663  ! ==== Setup of extrapolar technique ====
664  Ep%gwcomp = Dtset%gwcomp; Ep%gwencomp = Dtset%gwencomp
665  if (Ep%gwcomp == 1) then
666    write(msg,'(a,f8.2,a)')' Using the completeness correction with gwencomp ',Ep%gwencomp*Ha_eV,' [eV] '
667    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
668  end if
670  ! Final compatibility tests
671  if (ANY(KS_BSt%istwfk /= 1)) then
672    MSG_WARNING('istwfk/=1 is still under development')
673  end if
675  ltest = (KS_BSt%mband == Ep%nbnds .and. ALL(KS_BSt%nband == Ep%nbnds))
676  ABI_CHECK(ltest,'BUG in definition of KS_BSt%nband')
678  if (Ep%gwcomp==1 .and. Ep%spmeth>0) then
679    MSG_ERROR("Hilbert transform and extrapolar method are not compatible")
680  end if
684 end subroutine setup_screening