ABINIT/setup_sigma [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Initialize the data type containing parameters for a sigma calculation.


  Copyright (C) 2008-2018 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


 acell(3)=length scales of primitive translations (bohr)
 wfk_fname=Name of the WFK file.
 Dtset<type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
 Dtfil<type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
 rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations
 ngfft(18)=information on the (fine) FFT grid used for the density.
 Psps <Pseudopotential_type)>=Info on pseudopotential, only for consistency check of the WFK file


 Sigp<sigparams_t>=Parameters governing the self-energy calculation.
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 Qmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the q-point sampling.
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Info on unit cell and symmetries.
 Gsph_Max<gsphere_t>=Info on the G-sphere
 Gsph_c<gsphere_t>=Info on the G-sphere for W and Sigma_c
 Gsph_x<gsphere_t>=Info on the G-sphere for and Sigma_x
 Hdr_wfk<hdr_type>=The header of the WFK file
 Hdr_out<hdr_type>=The header to be used for the results of sigma calculations.
 Vcp<vcoul_t>= Datatype gathering information on the coulombian interaction and the cutoff technique.
 Er<Epsilonm1_results>=Datatype storing data used to construct the screening (partially Initialized in OUTPUT)
 KS_BSt<ebands_t>=The KS energies and occupation factors.
 gwc_ngfft(18), gwx_ngfft(18)= FFT meshes for the oscillator strengths used for the correlated and the
   exchange part of the self-energy, respectively.
 comm=MPI communicator.





  48 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  49 #include "config.h"
  50 #endif
  52 #include "abi_common.h"
  54 subroutine setup_sigma(codvsn,wfk_fname,acell,rprim,ngfftf,Dtset,Dtfil,Psps,Pawtab,&
  55 & gwx_ngfft,gwc_ngfft,Hdr_wfk,Hdr_out,Cryst,Kmesh,Qmesh,KS_BSt,Gsph_Max,Gsph_x,Gsph_c,Vcp,Er,Sigp,comm)
  57  use defs_basis
  58  use defs_datatypes
  59  use defs_abitypes
  60  use defs_wvltypes
  61  use m_profiling_abi
  62  use m_errors
  63  use m_xmpi
  64  use m_nctk
  65  use m_hdr
  67  use m_gwdefs,        only : GW_Q0_DEFAULT, SIG_GW_AC, sigparams_t, sigma_is_herm, sigma_needs_w
  68  use m_io_tools,      only : file_exists
  69  use m_fstrings,      only : basename, sjoin, ktoa, ltoa
  70  use m_geometry,      only : mkrdim, metric
  71  use m_crystal,       only : crystal_print, idx_spatial_inversion, crystal_t
  72  use m_crystal_io,    only : crystal_from_hdr
  73  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t, kmesh_init, has_BZ_item, isamek, get_ng0sh, kmesh_print,&
  74 &                            get_bz_item, has_IBZ_item, find_qmesh
  75  use m_ebands,        only : ebands_init, enclose_degbands, get_valence_idx, ebands_update_occ, ebands_report_gap, &
  76 &                            get_gaps, gaps_free, gaps_t, gaps_print
  77  use m_vcoul,         only : vcoul_t, vcoul_init, vcoul_free
  78  use m_fft_mesh,      only : setmesh
  79  use m_gsphere,       only : gsphere_t, gsph_init, merge_and_sort_kg, gsph_extend, setshells
  80  use m_screening,     only : init_er_from_file, epsilonm1_results
  81  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type
  82  use m_pawrhoij,      only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free
  83  use m_io_kss,        only : make_gvec_kss
  84  use m_wfk,           only : wfk_read_eigenvalues
  85  use m_xcdata,        only : get_xclevel
  87 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
  88 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
  89 #undef ABI_FUNC
  90 #define ABI_FUNC 'setup_sigma'
  91  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
  92  use interfaces_56_io_mpi
  93  use interfaces_70_gw, except_this_one => setup_sigma
  94 !End of the abilint section
  96  implicit none
  98 !Arguments ------------------------------------
  99 !scalars
 100  integer,intent(in) :: comm
 101  character(len=6),intent(in) :: codvsn
 102  character(len=*),intent(in) :: wfk_fname
 103  type(Datafiles_type),intent(in) :: Dtfil
 104  type(Dataset_type),intent(inout) :: Dtset
 105  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
 106  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat*Dtset%usepaw)
 107  type(sigparams_t),intent(out) :: Sigp
 108  type(Epsilonm1_results),intent(out) :: Er
 109  type(ebands_t),intent(out) :: KS_BSt
 110  type(kmesh_t),intent(out) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
 111  type(crystal_t),intent(out) :: Cryst
 112  type(gsphere_t),intent(out) :: Gsph_Max,Gsph_x,Gsph_c
 113  type(Hdr_type),intent(out) :: Hdr_wfk,Hdr_out
 114  type(vcoul_t),intent(out) :: Vcp
 115 !arrays
 116  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftf(18)
 117  integer,intent(out) :: gwc_ngfft(18),gwx_ngfft(18)
 118  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),rprim(3,3)
 120 !Local variables-------------------------------
 121 !scalars
 122  integer,parameter :: pertcase0=0,master=0
 123  integer :: bantot,enforce_sym,gwcalctyp,ib,ibtot,icutcoul_eff,ii,ikcalc,ikibz,io,isppol,itypat,jj,method
 124  integer :: mod10,mqmem,mband,ng_kss,nsheps,ikcalc2bz,ierr,gap_err,ng
 125  integer :: gwc_nfftot,gwx_nfftot,nqlwl,test_npwkss,my_rank,nprocs,ik,nk_found,ifo,timrev,usefock_ixc
 126  integer :: iqbz,isym,iq_ibz,itim,ic,pinv,ig1,ng_sigx,spin,gw_qprange,ivcoul_init,nvcoul_init,xclevel_ixc
 127  real(dp),parameter :: OMEGASIMIN=0.01d0,tol_enediff=0.001_dp*eV_Ha
 128  real(dp) :: domegas,domegasi,ucvol,rcut
 129  logical,parameter :: linear_imag_mesh=.TRUE.
 130  logical :: ltest,remove_inv,changed,found
 131  character(len=500) :: msg
 132  character(len=fnlen) :: fname,fcore,string
 133  type(wvl_internal_type) :: wvl
 134  type(gaps_t) :: gaps
 135 !arrays
 136  integer :: ng0sh_opt(3),G0(3),q_umklp(3),kpos(6)
 137  integer,allocatable :: npwarr(:),val_indeces(:,:)
 138  integer,pointer :: gvec_kss(:,:),gsphere_sigx_p(:,:)
 139  integer,pointer :: test_gvec_kss(:,:)
 140  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),sq(3),q_bz(3),gamma_point(3,1)
 141  real(dp),pointer :: energies_p(:,:,:)
 142  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde(:),eigen(:),occfact(:),qlwl(:,:)
 143  type(Pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: Pawrhoij(:)
 144  type(vcoul_t) :: Vcp_ks
 146 ! *************************************************************************
 150  ! Check for calculations that are not implemented
 151  ltest=ALL(Dtset%nband(1:Dtset%nkpt*Dtset%nsppol)==Dtset%nband(1))
 152  ABI_CHECK(ltest,'Dtset%nband(:) must be constant')
 154  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs  = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
 156  ! Basic parameters
 157  Sigp%ppmodel    = Dtset%ppmodel
 158  Sigp%gwcalctyp  = Dtset%gwcalctyp
 159  Sigp%nbnds      = Dtset%nband(1)
 160  Sigp%symsigma   = Dtset%symsigma
 161  Sigp%zcut       = Dtset%zcut
 162  Sigp%mbpt_sciss = Dtset%mbpt_sciss
 164  timrev=  2 ! This information is not reported in the header
 165             ! 1 => do not use time-reversal symmetry
 166             ! 2 => take advantage of time-reversal symmetry
 167  if (any(dtset%kptopt == [3, 4])) timrev = 1
 169  ! === For HF, SEX or COHSEX use Hybertsen-Louie PPM (only $\omega=0$) ===
 170  ! * Use fake screening for HF.
 171  ! FIXME Why, we should not redefine Sigp%ppmodel
 172  gwcalctyp=Sigp%gwcalctyp
 173  mod10 =MOD(Sigp%gwcalctyp,10)
 174  if (mod10==5.or.mod10==6.or.mod10==7) Sigp%ppmodel=2
 175  if (mod10<5.and.MOD(Sigp%gwcalctyp,1)/=1) then ! * One shot GW (PPM or contour deformation).
 176    if (Dtset%nomegasrd==1) then ! avoid division by zero!
 177      Sigp%nomegasrd  =1
 178      Sigp%maxomega4sd=zero
 179      Sigp%deltae     =zero
 180    else
 181      Sigp%nomegasrd   = Dtset%nomegasrd
 182      Sigp%maxomega4sd = Dtset%omegasrdmax
 183      Sigp%deltae     = (2*Sigp%maxomega4sd)/(Sigp%nomegasrd-1)
 184    endif
 185  else
 186    ! For AC no need to evaluate derivative by finite differences.
 187    Sigp%nomegasrd  =1
 188    Sigp%maxomega4sd=zero
 189    Sigp%deltae     =zero
 190  end if
 192  ! For analytic continuation define the number of imaginary frequencies for Sigma
 193  ! Tests show than more than 12 freqs in the Pade approximant worsen the results!
 194  Sigp%nomegasi=0
 196  if (mod10==1) then
 197    Sigp%nomegasi  =Dtset%nomegasi
 198    Sigp%omegasimax=Dtset%omegasimax
 199    Sigp%omegasimin=OMEGASIMIN
 200    write(msg,'(4a,i3,2(2a,f8.3),a)')ch10,&
 201 &    ' Parameters for analytic continuation : ',ch10,&
 202 &    '  number of imaginary frequencies for sigma =  ',Sigp%nomegasi,ch10,&
 203 &    '  min frequency for sigma on imag axis [eV] =  ',Sigp%omegasimin*Ha_eV,ch10,&
 204 &    '  max frequency for sigma on imag axis [eV] =  ',Sigp%omegasimax*Ha_eV,ch10
 205    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 207    !TODO this should not be done here but in init_sigma_t
 208    ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%omegasi,(Sigp%nomegasi))
 210    if (linear_imag_mesh) then  ! * Linear mesh along the imaginary axis.
 211      domegasi=Sigp%omegasimax/(Sigp%nomegasi-1)
 212      do io=1,Sigp%nomegasi
 213        Sigp%omegasi(io)=CMPLX(zero,(io-1)*domegasi)
 214      end do
 215    else ! * Logarithmic mesh along the imaginary axis.
 216      MSG_ERROR("AC + log mesh not implemented")
 217      !domegasi=(Sigp%omegasimax/Sigp%omegasimin)**(one/(Sigp%nomegasi-1))
 218      !Sigp%omegasi(1)=czero; ldi=domegasi
 219      !do io=2,Sigp%nomegasi
 220      ! omega(io)=CMPLX(zero,ldi*Sigp%omegasimin)
 221      ! Sigp%omegasi(io)=ldi*domegasi
 222      !end do
 223    end if
 225    write(msg,'(4a)')ch10,&
 226 &    ' setup_sigma : calculating Sigma(iw)',&
 227 &    ' at imaginary frequencies [eV] (Fermi Level set to 0) ',ch10
 228    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 229    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 230    do io=1,Sigp%nomegasi
 231      write(msg,'(2(f10.3,2x))')Sigp%omegasi(io)*Ha_eV
 232      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 233      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 234    end do
 236    ltest=(Sigp%omegasimax>0.1d-4.and.Sigp%nomegasi>0)
 237    ABI_CHECK(ltest,'Wrong value of omegasimax or nomegasi')
 238    if (Sigp%gwcalctyp/=1) then ! only one shot GW is allowed for AC.
 239      MSG_ERROR("SC-GW with analytic continuation is not coded")
 240    end if
 241  end if
 243  if (Sigp%symsigma/=0.and.gwcalctyp>=20) then
 244    MSG_WARNING("SC-GW with symmetries is still under development. Use at your own risk!")
 245  end if
 247  ! Setup parameters for Spectral function.
 248  if (Dtset%gw_customnfreqsp/=0) then
 249    Sigp%nomegasr = Dtset%gw_customnfreqsp
 250    MSG_WARNING('Custom grid for spectral function specified. Assuming experienced user.')
 251    if (Dtset%gw_customnfreqsp/=0) then
 252      Dtset%nfreqsp = Dtset%gw_customnfreqsp
 253      MSG_WARNING('nfreqsp has been set to the same number as gw_customnfreqsp')
 254    end if
 255  else
 256    Sigp%nomegasr  =Dtset%nfreqsp
 257    Sigp%minomega_r=Dtset%freqspmin
 258    Sigp%maxomega_r=Dtset%freqspmax
 259  end if
 261  if (Sigp%nomegasr>0) then
 262    if (Dtset%gw_customnfreqsp==0) then
 263      ! Check
 264      if (Sigp%minomega_r >= Sigp%maxomega_r) then
 265        MSG_ERROR('freqspmin must be smaller than freqspmax!')
 266      end if
 267      if(Sigp%nomegasr==1) then
 268       domegas=0.d0
 269      else
 270       domegas=(Sigp%maxomega_r-Sigp%minomega_r)/(Sigp%nomegasr-1)
 271      endif
 272      !TODO this should be moved to Sr% and done in init_sigma_t
 273      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%omega_r,(Sigp%nomegasr))
 274      do io=1,Sigp%nomegasr
 275        Sigp%omega_r(io) = CMPLX(Sigp%minomega_r + domegas*(io-1),zero)
 276      end do
 277      write(msg,'(4a,i8,3(2a,f8.3),a)')ch10,&
 278 &      ' Parameters for the calculation of the spectral function : ',ch10,&
 279 &      '  Number of points    = ',Sigp%nomegasr,ch10,&
 280 &      '  Min frequency  [eV] = ',Sigp%minomega_r*Ha_eV,ch10,&
 281 &      '  Max frequency  [eV] = ',Sigp%maxomega_r*Ha_eV,ch10,&
 282 &      '  Frequency step [eV] = ',domegas*Ha_eV,ch10
 283      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 284    else
 285      Sigp%minomega_r = MINVAL(Dtset%gw_freqsp(:))
 286      Sigp%maxomega_r = MAXVAL(Dtset%gw_freqsp(:))
 287      !TODO this should be moved to Sr% and done in init_sigma_t
 288      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%omega_r,(Sigp%nomegasr))
 289      do io=1,Sigp%nomegasr
 290        Sigp%omega_r(io) = CMPLX(Dtset%gw_freqsp(io),zero)
 291      end do
 292      write(msg,'(4a,i8,2(2a,f8.3),3a)')ch10,&
 293 &      ' Parameters for the calculation of the spectral function : ',ch10,&
 294 &      '  Number of points    = ',Sigp%nomegasr,ch10,&
 295 &      '  Min frequency  [eV] = ',Sigp%minomega_r*Ha_eV,ch10,&
 296 &      '  Max frequency  [eV] = ',Sigp%maxomega_r*Ha_eV,ch10,&
 297 &      '  A custom set of frequencies is used! See the input file for values.',ch10
 298      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 299    end if
 300  else
 301    !In indefo all these quantities are set to zero
 302    !Sigp%nomegasr=1
 303    !allocate(Sigp%omega_r(Sigp%nomegasr))
 304    !Sigp%omega_r(1)=0
 305  end if
 307  ! Dimensional primitive translations rprimd (from input), gprimd, metrics and unit cell volume
 308  call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
 309  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 311  Sigp%npwwfn=Dtset%npwwfn
 312  Sigp%npwx  =Dtset%npwsigx
 314  ! Read parameters of the WFK, verifify them and retrieve all G-vectors.
 315  call wfk_read_eigenvalues(wfk_fname,energies_p,Hdr_wfk,comm)
 316  mband = MAXVAL(Hdr_wfk%nband)
 318  remove_inv = .FALSE.
 319  call hdr_vs_dtset(Hdr_wfk,Dtset)
 321  test_npwkss = 0
 322  call make_gvec_kss(Dtset%nkpt,Dtset%kptns,Hdr_wfk%ecut_eff,Dtset%symmorphi,Dtset%nsym,Dtset%symrel,Dtset%tnons,&
 323 &  gprimd,Dtset%prtvol,test_npwkss,test_gvec_kss,ierr)
 324  ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"Fatal error in make_gvec_kss")
 326  ABI_MALLOC(gvec_kss,(3,test_npwkss))
 327  gvec_kss = test_gvec_kss
 328  ng_kss = test_npwkss
 330  ng = MIN(SIZE(gvec_kss,DIM=2),SIZE(test_gvec_kss,DIM=2))
 331  ierr = 0
 332  do ig1=1,ng
 333    if (ANY(gvec_kss(:,ig1)/=test_gvec_kss(:,ig1))) then
 334      ierr=ierr+1
 335      write(std_out,*)" gvec_kss ",ig1,"/",ng,gvec_kss(:,ig1),test_gvec_kss(:,ig1)
 336    end if
 337  end do
 338  ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "Mismatch between gvec_kss and test_gvec_kss")
 340  ABI_FREE(test_gvec_kss)
 342  ! Get important dimensions from the WFK header
 343  Sigp%nsppol =Hdr_wfk%nsppol
 344  Sigp%nspinor=Hdr_wfk%nspinor
 345  Sigp%nsig_ab=Hdr_wfk%nspinor**2  ! TODO Is it useful calculating only diagonal terms?
 347  if (Sigp%nbnds>mband) then
 348    Sigp%nbnds    =mband
 349    Dtset%nband(:)=mband
 350    Dtset%mband   =MAXVAL(Dtset%nband)
 351    write(msg,'(3a,i4,a)')&
 352 &    'Number of bands found less then required',ch10,&
 353 &    'calculation will proceed with nbnds = ',mband,ch10
 354    MSG_WARNING(msg)
 355  end if
 357  ! Check input
 358  if (Sigp%ppmodel==3.or.Sigp%ppmodel==4) then
 359    if (gwcalctyp>=10) then
 360      write(msg,'(a,i3,a)')' The ppmodel chosen and gwcalctyp ',Dtset%gwcalctyp,' are not compatible. '
 361      MSG_ERROR(msg)
 362    end if
 363    if (Sigp%nspinor==2) then
 364      write(msg,'(a,i3,a)')' The ppmodel chosen and nspinor ',Sigp%nspinor,' are not compatible. '
 365      MSG_ERROR(msg)
 366    end if
 367  end if
 369  ! Create crystal_t data type
 370  call crystal_from_hdr(Cryst,Hdr_wfk,timrev,remove_inv)
 371  call crystal_print(Cryst)
 373  if (Sigp%npwwfn>ng_kss) then ! cannot use more G"s for the wfs than those stored on file
 374    Sigp%npwwfn  =ng_kss
 375    Dtset%npwwfn =ng_kss
 376    write(msg,'(2a,(a,i8,a))')&
 377 &    'Number of G-vectors for WFS found in the KSS file is less than required',ch10,&
 378 &    'calculation will proceed with npwwfn  = ',Sigp%npwwfn,ch10
 379    MSG_WARNING(msg)
 380  end if
 382  if (Sigp%npwx>ng_kss) then
 383    ! Have to recalcuate the (large) sphere for Sigma_x.
 384    pinv=1; if (remove_inv.and.Cryst%timrev==2) pinv=-1
 385    gamma_point(:,1) = (/zero,zero,zero/); nullify(gsphere_sigx_p)
 387    call merge_and_sort_kg(1,gamma_point,Dtset%ecutsigx,Cryst%nsym,pinv,Cryst%symrel,&
 388 &   Cryst%gprimd,gsphere_sigx_p,Dtset%prtvol)
 390    ng_sigx=SIZE(gsphere_sigx_p,DIM=2)
 391    Sigp%npwx     = ng_sigx
 392    Dtset%npwsigx = ng_sigx
 394    write(msg,'(2a,(a,i8,a))')&
 395 &    'Number of G-vectors for Sigma_x found in the KSS file is less than required',ch10,&
 396 &    'calculation will proceed with npwsigx = ',Sigp%npwx,ch10
 397    MSG_WARNING(msg)
 399    ltest = (Sigp%npwx >= ng_kss)
 400    ABI_CHECK(ltest,"Sigp%npwx<ng_kss!")
 402    ! * Fill gvec_kss with larger sphere.
 403    ABI_FREE(gvec_kss)
 404    ABI_MALLOC(gvec_kss,(3,Sigp%npwx))
 405    gvec_kss = gsphere_sigx_p
 406    ABI_FREE(gsphere_sigx_p)
 407  end if
 409  ! Set up of the k-points and tables in the whole BZ ===
 410  ! TODO Recheck symmorphy and inversion
 411  call kmesh_init(Kmesh,Cryst,Hdr_wfk%nkpt,Hdr_wfk%kptns,Dtset%kptopt,wrap_1zone=.FALSE.)
 412  !call kmesh_init(Kmesh,Cryst,Hdr_wfk%nkpt,Hdr_wfk%kptns,Dtset%kptopt,wrap_1zone=.TRUE.)
 414  ! Some required information are not filled up inside kmesh_init
 415  ! So doing it here, even though it is not clean
 416  Kmesh%kptrlatt(:,:) =Dtset%kptrlatt(:,:)
 417  Kmesh%nshift        =Dtset%nshiftk
 418  ABI_ALLOCATE(Kmesh%shift,(3,Kmesh%nshift))
 419  Kmesh%shift(:,:)    =Dtset%shiftk(:,1:Dtset%nshiftk)
 421  call kmesh_print(Kmesh,"K-mesh for the wavefunctions",std_out,Dtset%prtvol,"COLL")
 422  call kmesh_print(Kmesh,"K-mesh for the wavefunctions",ab_out, 0,           "COLL")
 424  ! === Initialize the band structure datatype ===
 425  ! * Copy WFK energies and occupations up to Sigp%nbnds==Dtset%nband(:)
 426  bantot=SUM(Dtset%nband(1:Dtset%nkpt*Dtset%nsppol))
 427  ABI_MALLOC(doccde,(bantot))
 428  ABI_MALLOC(eigen,(bantot))
 429  ABI_MALLOC(occfact,(bantot))
 430  doccde(:)=zero; eigen(:)=zero; occfact(:)=zero
 432  jj=0; ibtot=0
 433  do isppol=1,Dtset%nsppol
 434    do ikibz=1,Dtset%nkpt
 435      do ib=1,Hdr_wfk%nband(ikibz+(isppol-1)*Dtset%nkpt)
 436        ibtot=ibtot+1
 437        if (ib<=Sigp%nbnds) then
 438          jj=jj+1
 439          occfact(jj)=Hdr_wfk%occ(ibtot)
 440          eigen  (jj)=energies_p(ib,ikibz,isppol)
 441        end if
 442      end do
 443    end do
 444  end do
 445  ABI_FREE(energies_p)
 447  ! Make sure that Dtset%wtk==Kmesh%wt due to the dirty treatment of
 448  ! symmetry operations in the old GW code (symmorphy and inversion)
 449  ltest=(ALL(ABS(Dtset%wtk(1:Kmesh%nibz)-Kmesh%wt(1:Kmesh%nibz))<tol6))
 450  ABI_CHECK(ltest,'Mismatch between Dtset%wtk and Kmesh%wt')
 452  ABI_MALLOC(npwarr,(Dtset%nkpt))
 453  npwarr(:)=Sigp%npwwfn
 455  call ebands_init(bantot,KS_BSt,Dtset%nelect,doccde,eigen,Dtset%istwfk,Kmesh%ibz,Dtset%nband,&
 456 &  Kmesh%nibz,npwarr,Dtset%nsppol,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%tphysel,Dtset%tsmear,Dtset%occopt,occfact,Kmesh%wt,&
 457 &  dtset%charge, dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig,&
 458 &  dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
 460  ABI_FREE(doccde)
 461  ABI_FREE(eigen)
 462  ABI_FREE(npwarr)
 464  ! Calculate KS occupation numbers and ks_vbk(nkibz,nsppol) ====
 465  ! ks_vbk gives the (valence|last Fermi band) index for each k and spin.
 466  ! spinmagntarget is passed to fermi.F90 to fix the problem with newocc in case of magnetic metals
 467  call ebands_update_occ(KS_BSt,Dtset%spinmagntarget,prtvol=0)
 469  gap_err = get_gaps(KS_BSt, gaps)
 470  call gaps_print(gaps, unit=std_out)
 471  call ebands_report_gap(KS_BSt, unit=std_out)
 473  ABI_MALLOC(val_indeces,(KS_BSt%nkpt,KS_BSt%nsppol))
 474  val_indeces = get_valence_idx(KS_BSt)
 476  ! Create Sigma header
 477  ! TODO Fix problems with symmorphy and k-points
 478  call hdr_init(KS_BSt,codvsn,Dtset,Hdr_out,Pawtab,pertcase0,Psps,wvl)
 480  ! Get Pawrhoij from the header of the WFK file
 481  ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pawrhoij,(Cryst%natom*Dtset%usepaw))
 482  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then
 483    call pawrhoij_alloc(Pawrhoij,1,Dtset%nspden,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%nsppol,Cryst%typat,pawtab=Pawtab)
 484    call pawrhoij_copy(Hdr_wfk%Pawrhoij,Pawrhoij)
 485  end if
 486  call hdr_update(hdr_out,bantot,1.0d20,1.0d20,1.0d20,Cryst%rprimd,occfact,Pawrhoij,Cryst%xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1))
 488  ABI_FREE(occfact)
 489  call pawrhoij_free(Pawrhoij)
 490  ABI_DT_FREE(Pawrhoij)
 492  ! ===========================================================
 493  ! ==== Setup of k-points and bands for the GW corrections ====
 494  ! ===========================================================
 495  ! * maxbdgw and minbdgw are the Max and min band index for GW corrections over k-points.
 496  !   They are used to dimension the wavefunctions and to calculate the matrix elements.
 497  !
 498  if (dtset%nkptgw==0) then
 499    ! Use qp_range to select the interesting k-points and the corresponing bands.
 500    !
 501    !    0 --> Compute the QP corrections only for the fundamental and the optical gap.
 502    ! +num --> Compute the QP corrections for all the k-points in the irreducible zone and include `num`
 503    !           bands above and below the Fermi level.
 504    ! -num --> Compute the QP corrections for all the k-points in the irreducible zone.
 505    !          Include all occupied states and `num` empty states.
 507    call wrtout(std_out, "nkptgw == 0 ==> Automatic selection of k-points and bands for the corrections.")
 508    if (gap_err /=0 .and. dtset%gw_qprange==0) then
 509      msg = "Problem while computing the fundamental and optical gap (likely metal). Will replace gw_qprange=0 with gw_qprange=1"
 510      MSG_WARNING(msg)
 511      dtset%gw_qprange = 1
 512    end if
 513    gw_qprange = dtset%gw_qprange
 515    if (dtset%ucrpa>0) then
 516      dtset%nkptgw=Kmesh%nbz
 517      Sigp%nkptgw =dtset%nkptgw
 518      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%kptgw,(3,Sigp%nkptgw))
 519      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%minbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 520      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%maxbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 521      Sigp%kptgw(:,:)=Kmesh%bz(:,:)
 522      Sigp%minbnd=1
 523      Sigp%maxbnd=Sigp%nbnds
 525    else if (gw_qprange/=0) then
 526      ! Include all the k-points in the IBZ.
 527      ! Note that kptgw == ebands%kptns so we can use a single ik index in the loop over k-points
 528      ! No need to map kptgw onto ebands%kptns.
 529      dtset%nkptgw=Kmesh%nibz
 530      Sigp%nkptgw =dtset%nkptgw
 531      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%kptgw,(3,Sigp%nkptgw))
 532      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%minbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 533      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%maxbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 534      Sigp%kptgw(:,:)=Kmesh%ibz(:,:)
 535      Sigp%minbnd=1
 536      Sigp%maxbnd=Sigp%nbnds
 538      if (gw_qprange>0) then
 539        ! All k-points: Add buffer of bands above and below the Fermi level.
 540        do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 541          do ik=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 542            Sigp%minbnd(ik,spin) = MAX(val_indeces(ik,spin) - gw_qprange, 1)
 543            Sigp%maxbnd(ik,spin) = MIN(val_indeces(ik,spin) + gw_qprange + 1, Sigp%nbnds)
 544          end do
 545        end do
 547      else
 548        ! All k-points: include all occupied states and -gw_qprange empty states.
 549        Sigp%minbnd = 1
 550        do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 551          do ik=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 552            Sigp%maxbnd(ik,spin) = MIN(val_indeces(ik,spin) - gw_qprange, Sigp%nbnds)
 553          end do
 554        end do
 555      end if
 557    else
 558      ! gw_qprange is not specified in the input.
 559      ! Include the optical and the fundamental KS gap.
 560      ! The main problem here is that kptgw and nkptgw do not depend on the spin and therefore
 561      ! we have compute the union of the k-points where the fundamental and the optical gaps are located.
 562      !
 563      ! Find the list of `interesting` kpoints.
 564      ABI_CHECK(gap_err == 0, "gw_qprange 0 cannot be used because I cannot find the gap (gap_err !=0)")
 565      nk_found = 1; kpos(1) = gaps%fo_kpos(1,1)
 567      do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 568        do ifo=1,3
 569          ik = gaps%fo_kpos(ifo, spin)
 570          found = .FALSE.; jj = 0
 571          do while (.not. found .and. jj < nk_found)
 572            jj = jj + 1; found = (kpos(jj) == ik)
 573          end do
 574          if (.not. found) then
 575            nk_found = nk_found + 1; kpos(nk_found) = ik
 576          end if
 577        end do
 578      end do
 580      ! Now we can define the list of k-points and the bands range.
 581      dtset%nkptgw=nk_found
 582      Sigp%nkptgw =dtset%nkptgw
 584      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%kptgw,(3,Sigp%nkptgw))
 585      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%minbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 586      ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%maxbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 588      do ii=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 589        ik = kpos(ii)
 590        Sigp%kptgw(:,ii)=Kmesh%ibz(:,ik)
 591        do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 592          Sigp%minbnd(ii,spin) = val_indeces(ik,spin)
 593          Sigp%maxbnd(ii,spin) = val_indeces(ik,spin) + 1
 594        end do
 595      end do
 596    end if
 598  else
 599    ! Treat only the k-points and bands specified in the input file.
 600    Sigp%nkptgw=dtset%nkptgw
 601    ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%kptgw,(3,Sigp%nkptgw))
 602    ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%minbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 603    ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%maxbnd,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 605    do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 606      Sigp%minbnd(:,spin)=dtset%bdgw(1,:,spin)
 607      Sigp%maxbnd(:,spin)=dtset%bdgw(2,:,spin)
 608    end do
 610    do ii=1,3
 611      do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 612        Sigp%kptgw(ii,ikcalc)=Dtset%kptgw(ii,ikcalc)
 613      end do
 614    end do
 616    do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 617      do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 618        if (Dtset%bdgw(2,ikcalc,spin)>Sigp%nbnds) then
 619          write(msg,'(a,2i0,2(a,i0),2a,i0)')&
 620 &          "For (k,s) ",ikcalc,spin," bdgw= ",Dtset%bdgw(2,ikcalc,spin), " > nbnds=",Sigp%nbnds,ch10,&
 621 &          "Calculation will continue with bdgw =",Sigp%nbnds
 622          MSG_COMMENT(msg)
 623          Dtset%bdgw(2,ikcalc,spin)=Sigp%nbnds
 624        end if
 625      end do
 626    end do
 628  end if
 630  ! Make sure that all the degenerate states are included.
 631  ! * We will have to average the GW corrections over degenerate states if symsigma=1 is used.
 632  ! * KS states belonging to the same irreducible representation should be included in the basis set used for SCGW.
 633  if (Sigp%symsigma/=0 .or. gwcalctyp>=10) then
 634    do isppol=1,Sigp%nsppol
 635      do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 637        if (has_IBZ_item(Kmesh,Sigp%kptgw(:,ikcalc),ikibz,G0)) then
 638          call enclose_degbands(KS_BSt,ikibz,isppol,Sigp%minbnd(ikcalc,isppol),Sigp%maxbnd(ikcalc,isppol),changed,tol_enediff)
 639          if (changed) then
 640            write(msg,'(2(a,i0),2a,2(1x,i0))')&
 641 &            "Not all the degenerate states at ikcalc= ",ikcalc,", spin= ",isppol,ch10,&
 642 &            "were included in the bdgw set. bdgw has been changed to: ",Sigp%minbnd(ikcalc,isppol),Sigp%maxbnd(ikcalc,isppol)
 643            MSG_COMMENT(msg)
 644          end if
 645        else
 646          MSG_ERROR(sjoin('k-point', ktoa(Sigp%kptgw(:,ikcalc)), 'not in IBZ'))
 647        end if
 649      end do
 650    end do
 651  end if
 653  !if (.not. associated(Dtset%bdgw)) then
 654  !  ABI_MALLOC(Dtset%bdgw, (2,Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
 655  !end if
 656  !do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
 657  !  Dtset%bdgw(1,:,spin) = Sigp%minbnd(:,spin)
 658  !  Dtset%bdgw(2,:,spin) = Sigp%maxbnd(:,spin)
 659  !end do
 661  Sigp%minbdgw=MINVAL(Sigp%minbnd)
 662  Sigp%maxbdgw=MAXVAL(Sigp%maxbnd)
 664  ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%kptgw2bz,(Sigp%nkptgw))
 665  !
 666  !=== Check if the k-points are in the BZ ===
 667  !FB TODO Honestly the code is not able to treat k-points, which are not in the IBZ.
 668  !This extension should require to change the code in different places.
 669  !Therefore, one should by now prevent the user from calculating sigma for a k-point not in the IBZ.
 671  do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 672    if (has_BZ_item(Kmesh,Sigp%kptgw(:,ikcalc),ikcalc2bz,G0)) then
 673      !found = has_IBZ_item(Kmesh,Sigp%kptgw(:,ikcalc),ikcalc2bz,G0)
 674      Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc) = ikcalc2bz
 675    else
 676      MSG_ERROR(sjoin('k-point:', ktoa(Sigp%kptgw(:,ikcalc)), 'not in the kbz set'))
 677    end if
 678  end do
 680  ! Check if there are duplicated k-point in Sigp%
 681  do ii=1,Sigp%nkptgw
 682    do jj=ii+1,Sigp%nkptgw
 683      if (isamek(Sigp%kptgw(:,ii),Sigp%kptgw(:,jj),G0)) then
 684        write(msg,'(5a)')&
 685 &        'kptgw contains duplicated k-points. This is not allowed since ',ch10,&
 686 &        'the QP corrections for this k-point will be calculated more than once. ',ch10,&
 687 &        'Check your input file. '
 688        MSG_ERROR(msg)
 689      end if
 690    end do
 691  end do
 692  !
 693  ! Warn the user if SCGW run and not all the k-points are included.
 694  if (gwcalctyp>=10 .and. Sigp%nkptgw/=Hdr_wfk%nkpt) then
 695    write(msg,'(3a,2(a,i0),2a)')ch10,&
 696 &    " COMMENT: In a self-consistent GW run, the QP corrections should be calculated for all the k-points of the KSS file ",ch10,&
 697 &    " but nkptgw= ",Sigp%nkptgw," and WFK nkpt= ",Hdr_wfk%nkpt,ch10,&
 698 &    " Assuming expert user. Execution will continue. "
 699    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,"COLL")
 700  end if
 702  ! Setup of the table used in the case of SCGW on wavefunctions to reduce the number
 703  ! of elements <i,kgw,s|\Sigma|j,kgw,s> that have to be calculated. No use of symmetries, except for Hermiticity.
 704  call sigma_tables(Sigp,Kmesh)
 706  ! === Read external file and initialize basic dimension of Er% ===
 707  ! TODO use mqmem as input variable instead of gwmem
 709  ! === If required, use a matrix for $\Sigma_c$ which is smaller than that stored on file ===
 710  ! * By default the entire matrix is read and used,
 711  ! * Define consistently npweps and ecuteps for \Sigma_c according the input
 712  if (Dtset%npweps>0.or.Dtset%ecuteps>0) then
 713    ! This should not happen: the Dtset array should not be modified after having been initialized.
 714    if (Dtset%npweps>0) Dtset%ecuteps=zero
 715    nsheps=0
 716    call setshells(Dtset%ecuteps,Dtset%npweps,nsheps,Dtset%nsym,gmet,gprimd,Dtset%symrel,'eps',ucvol)
 717  end if
 719  mqmem=0; if (Dtset%gwmem/10==1) mqmem=1
 721  if (Dtset%getscr/=0.or.Dtset%irdscr/=0) then
 722    fname=Dtfil%fnameabi_scr
 723  else if (Dtset%getsuscep/=0.or.Dtset%irdsuscep/=0) then
 724    fname=Dtfil%fnameabi_sus
 725  else
 726    fname=Dtfil%fnameabi_scr
 727    !FIXME this has to be cleaned, in tgw2_3 Dtset%get* and Dtset%ird* are  not defined
 728    !MSG_ERROR("getsuscep or irdsuscep are not defined")
 729  end if
 730  !
 731  ! === Setup of q-mesh in the whole BZ ===
 732  ! * Stop if a nonzero umklapp is needed to reconstruct the BZ. In this case, indeed,
 733  !   epsilon^-1(Sq) should be symmetrized in csigme using a different expression (G-G_o is needed)
 734  !
 735  if (sigma_needs_w(Sigp)) then
 736    if (.not. file_exists(fname)) then
 737      fname = nctk_ncify(fname)
 738      MSG_COMMENT(sjoin("File not found. Will try netcdf file:", fname))
 739    end if
 741    call init_Er_from_file(Er,fname,mqmem,Dtset%npweps,comm)
 743    Sigp%npwc=Er%npwe
 744    if (Sigp%npwc>Sigp%npwx) then
 745      Sigp%npwc=Sigp%npwx
 746      MSG_COMMENT("Found npw_correlation > npw_exchange, Imposing npwc=npwx")
 747      ! There is a good reason for doing so, see csigme.F90 and the size of the arrays
 748      ! rhotwgp and rhotwgp: we need to define a max size and we opt for Sigp%npwx.
 749    end if
 750    Er%npwe=Sigp%npwc
 751    Dtset%npweps=Er%npwe
 752    call kmesh_init(Qmesh,Cryst,Er%nqibz,Er%qibz,Dtset%kptopt)
 754  else
 755    Er%npwe     =1
 756    Sigp%npwc   =1
 757    Dtset%npweps=1
 758    call find_qmesh(Qmesh,Cryst,Kmesh)
 759    ABI_MALLOC(Er%gvec,(3,1))
 760    Er%gvec(:,1) = (/0,0,0/)
 761  end if
 763  call kmesh_print(Qmesh,"Q-mesh for screening function",std_out,Dtset%prtvol,"COLL")
 764  call kmesh_print(Qmesh,"Q-mesh for screening function",ab_out ,0           ,"COLL")
 766  do iqbz=1,Qmesh%nbz
 767    call get_BZ_item(Qmesh,iqbz,q_bz,iq_ibz,isym,itim,umklp=q_umklp)
 769    if (ANY(q_umklp/=0)) then
 770      sq = (3-2*itim)*MATMUL(Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym),Qmesh%ibz(:,iq_ibz))
 771      write(std_out,*) sq,Qmesh%bz(:,iqbz)
 772      write(msg,'(a,3f6.3,a,3f6.3,2a,9i3,a,i2,2a)')&
 773 &      'qpoint ',Qmesh%bz(:,iqbz),' is the symmetric of ',Qmesh%ibz(:,iq_ibz),ch10,&
 774 &      'through operation ',Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym),' and itim ',itim,ch10,&
 775 &      'however a non zero umklapp G_o vector is required and this is not yet allowed'
 776      MSG_ERROR(msg)
 777    end if
 778  end do
 779  !
 780  ! === Find optimal value for G-sphere enlargment due to oscillator matrix elements ===
 781  ! * Here I have to be sure that Qmesh%bz is always inside the BZ, not always true size bz is buggy
 782  ! * -one is used because we loop over all the possibile differences, unlike screening
 784  call get_ng0sh(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%kptgw,Kmesh%nbz,Kmesh%bz,Qmesh%nbz,Qmesh%bz,-one,ng0sh_opt)
 785  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(' Optimal value for ng0sh ', ltoa(ng0sh_opt)), "COLL")
 786  Sigp%mG0=ng0sh_opt
 788  ! G-sphere for W and Sigma_c is initialized from the SCR file.
 789  call gsph_init(Gsph_c,Cryst,Er%npwe,gvec=Er%gvec)
 790  call gsph_init(Gsph_x,Cryst,Sigp%npwx,gvec=gvec_kss)
 792  ! === Make biggest G-sphere of Sigp%npwvec vectors ===
 793  Sigp%npwvec=MAX(Sigp%npwwfn,Sigp%npwx)
 794  call gsph_init(Gsph_Max,Cryst,Sigp%npwvec,gvec=gvec_kss)
 797  ! Make sure that the two G-spheres are equivalent.
 798  ierr=0
 799  if (sigma_needs_w(Sigp)) then
 800    ng = MIN(SIZE(Gsph_c%gvec,DIM=2),SIZE(gvec_kss,DIM=2))
 801    do ig1=1,ng
 802      if (ANY(Gsph_c%gvec(:,ig1)/=gvec_kss(:,ig1))) then
 803        ierr=ierr+1
 804        write(std_out,*)" Gsph_c, gvec_kss ",ig1,"/",ng,Gsph_c%gvec(:,ig1),gvec_kss(:,ig1)
 805      end if
 806    end do
 807    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"Mismatch between Gsph_c and gvec_kss")
 808  end if
 809  ierr=0
 810  ng = MIN(SIZE(Gsph_x%gvec,DIM=2),SIZE(gvec_kss,DIM=2))
 811  do ig1=1,ng
 812    if (ANY(Gsph_x%gvec(:,ig1)/=gvec_kss(:,ig1))) then
 813      ierr=ierr+1
 814      write(std_out,*)" Gsph_x, gvec_kss ",ig1,"/",ng,Gsph_x%gvec(:,ig1),gvec_kss(:,ig1)
 815    end if
 816  end do
 817  ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"Mismatch between Gsph_x and gvec_kss")
 820  ABI_FREE(gvec_kss)
 821  !
 822  ! === Get Fourier components of the Coulombian for all q-points in the IBZ ===
 823  ! * If required, use a cutoff in the interaction
 824  ! * Pcv%vc_sqrt contains Vc^{-1/2}
 825  ! * Setup also the analytical calculation of the q->0 component
 826  ! FIXME recheck ngfftf since I got different charge outside the cutoff region
 828  if (Dtset%gw_nqlwl==0) then
 829    nqlwl=1
 830    ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
 831    qlwl(:,1)= GW_Q0_DEFAULT
 832  else
 833    nqlwl=Dtset%gw_nqlwl
 834    ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
 835    qlwl(:,:)=Dtset%gw_qlwl(:,1:nqlwl)
 836  end if
 838 !The Coulomb interaction used here might have two terms :
 839 !the first term generates the usual sigma self-energy, but possibly, one should subtract
 840 !from it the Coulomb interaction already present in the Kohn-Sham basis,
 841 !if the usefock associated to ixc is one.
 842 !The latter excludes (in the present implementation) mod(Dtset%gwcalctyp,10)==5
 843  nvcoul_init=1
 844  call get_xclevel(Dtset%ixc,xclevel_ixc,usefock_ixc)
 845  if(usefock_ixc==1)then
 846    nvcoul_init=2
 847    if(mod(Dtset%gwcalctyp,10)==5)then
 848      write(msg,'(4a,i3,a,i3,4a,i5)')ch10,&
 849 &     ' The starting wavefunctions were obtained from self-consistent calculations in the planewave basis set',ch10,&
 850 &     ' with ixc = ',Dtset%ixc,' associated with usefock =',usefock_ixc,ch10,&
 851 &     ' In this case, the present implementation does not allow that the self-energy for sigma corresponds to',ch10,&
 852 &     '  mod(gwcalctyp,10)==5, while your gwcalctyp= ',Dtset%gwcalctyp
 853      MSG_ERROR(msg)
 854    endif
 855  endif
 857  do ivcoul_init=1,nvcoul_init
 858    rcut = Dtset%rcut
 859    icutcoul_eff=Dtset%icutcoul
 860    Sigp%sigma_mixing=one
 861    if( mod(Dtset%gwcalctyp,10)==5 .or. ivcoul_init==2)then
 862      if(abs(Dtset%hyb_mixing)>tol8)then
 863 !      Warning : the absolute value is needed, because of the singular way used to define the default for this input variable
 864        Sigp%sigma_mixing=abs(Dtset%hyb_mixing)
 865      else if(abs(Dtset%hyb_mixing_sr)>tol8)then
 866        Sigp%sigma_mixing=abs(Dtset%hyb_mixing_sr)
 867        icutcoul_eff=5
 868      endif
 869      if(abs(rcut)<tol6 .and. abs(Dtset%hyb_range_fock)>tol8)rcut=one/Dtset%hyb_range_fock
 870    endif
 872 !#if 1
 873    if(ivcoul_init==1)then
 875      if (Gsph_x%ng > Gsph_c%ng) then
 876        call vcoul_init(Vcp,Gsph_x,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,rcut,icutcoul_eff,Dtset%vcutgeo,&
 877 &        Dtset%ecutsigx,Gsph_x%ng,nqlwl,qlwl,ngfftf,comm)
 878      else
 879        call vcoul_init(Vcp,Gsph_c,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,rcut,icutcoul_eff,Dtset%vcutgeo,&
 880 &        Dtset%ecutsigx,Gsph_c%ng,nqlwl,qlwl,ngfftf,comm)
 881      end if
 883    else
 885 !    Use a temporary Vcp_ks to compute the Coulomb interaction already present in the Fock part of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian
 886      if (Gsph_x%ng > Gsph_c%ng) then
 887        call vcoul_init(Vcp_ks,Gsph_x,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,rcut,icutcoul_eff,Dtset%vcutgeo,&
 888 &        Dtset%ecutsigx,Gsph_x%ng,nqlwl,qlwl,ngfftf,comm)
 889      else
 890        call vcoul_init(Vcp_ks,Gsph_c,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,rcut,icutcoul_eff,Dtset%vcutgeo,&
 891 &        Dtset%ecutsigx,Gsph_c%ng,nqlwl,qlwl,ngfftf,comm)
 892      end if
 894 !    Now compute the residual Coulomb interaction
 895      Vcp%vc_sqrt_resid=sqrt(Vcp%vc_sqrt**2-Sigp%sigma_mixing*Vcp_ks%vc_sqrt**2)
 896      Vcp%i_sz_resid=Vcp%i_sz-Sigp%sigma_mixing*Vcp_ks%i_sz
 897 !    The mixing factor has already been accounted for, so set it back to one
 898      Sigp%sigma_mixing=one
 899      call vcoul_free(Vcp_ks)
 901 !DEBUG
 902      write(std_out,'(a)')' setup_sigma : the residual Coulomb interaction has been computed'
 905    endif
 906 !#else
 907 !   call vcoul_init(Vcp,Gsph_Max,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,rcut,icutcoul_eff,ivcoul_init,Dtset%vcutgeo,&
 908 !&    Dtset%ecutsigx,Sigp%npwx,nqlwl,qlwl,ngfftf,comm)
 909 !#endif
 911  enddo
 913 #if 0
 914  ! Using the random q for the optical limit is one of the reasons
 915  ! why sigma breaks the initial energy degeneracies.
 916  Vcp%i_sz=zero
 917  Vcp%vc_sqrt(1,:)=czero
 918  Vcp%vcqlwl_sqrt(1,:)=czero
 919 #endif
 921  ABI_FREE(qlwl)
 923  Sigp%ecuteps = Dtset%ecuteps
 924  Sigp%ecutwfn = Dtset%ecutwfn
 925  Sigp%ecutsigx = Dtset%ecutsigx
 927  ! === Setup of the FFT mesh for the oscilator strengths ===
 928  ! * gwc_ngfft(7:18)==Dtset%ngfft(7:18) which is initialized before entering screening.
 929  ! * Here we redefine gwc_ngfft(1:6) according to the following options :
 930  !
 931  ! method==0 --> FFT grid read from (debugging purpose)
 932  ! method==1 --> Normal FFT mesh
 933  ! method==2 --> Slightly augmented FFT grid to calculate exactly rho_tw_g (see setmesh.F90)
 934  ! method==3 --> Doubled FFT grid, same as the the FFT for the density,
 935  !
 936  ! enforce_sym==1 ==> Enforce a FFT mesh compatible with all the symmetry operation and FFT library
 937  ! enforce_sym==0 ==> Find the smallest FFT grid compatbile with the library, do not care about symmetries
 938  !
 939  gwc_ngfft(1:18)=Dtset%ngfft(1:18)
 940  gwx_ngfft(1:18)=Dtset%ngfft(1:18)
 942  method=2
 943  if (Dtset%fftgw==00 .or. Dtset%fftgw==01) method=0
 944  if (Dtset%fftgw==10 .or. Dtset%fftgw==11) method=1
 945  if (Dtset%fftgw==20 .or. Dtset%fftgw==21) method=2
 946  if (Dtset%fftgw==30 .or. Dtset%fftgw==31) method=3
 947  enforce_sym=MOD(Dtset%fftgw,10)
 949  ! FFT mesh for sigma_x.
 950  call setmesh(gmet,Gsph_Max%gvec,gwx_ngfft,Sigp%npwvec,Sigp%npwx,Sigp%npwwfn,&
 951 &  gwx_nfftot,method,Sigp%mG0,Cryst,enforce_sym)
 953  ! FFT mesh for sigma_c.
 954  call setmesh(gmet,Gsph_Max%gvec,gwc_ngfft,Sigp%npwvec,Er%npwe,Sigp%npwwfn,&
 955 &  gwc_nfftot,method,Sigp%mG0,Cryst,enforce_sym,unit=dev_null)
 957  !call new_setmesh(Cryst,ecut_osc,ecutwfn,nkpt,kpoints,method,Sigp%mG0,enforce_sym,gwx_ngfft,gwx_nfftot)
 958  !call new_setmesh(Cryst,ecut_osc,ecutwfn,nkpt,kpoints,method,Sigp%mG0,enforce_sym,gwc_ngfft,gwc_nfftot)
 960  ! ======================================================================
 961  ! ==== Check for presence of files with core orbitals, for PAW only ====
 962  ! ======================================================================
 963  Sigp%use_sigxcore=0
 964  if (Dtset%usepaw==1.and.Dtset%gw_sigxcore==1) then
 965    ii = 0
 966    do itypat=1,Cryst%ntypat
 967      string = Psps%filpsp(itypat)
 968      fcore = "CORE_"//TRIM(basename(string))
 969      ic = INDEX (TRIM(string), "/" , back=.TRUE.)
 970      if (ic>0 .and. ic<LEN_TRIM(string)) then
 971        ! string defines a path, prepend path to fcore
 972        fcore = Psps%filpsp(itypat)(1:ic)//TRIM(fcore)
 973      end if
 974      if (file_exists(fcore)) then
 975        ii = ii+1
 976      else
 977        MSG_WARNING(sjoin("HF decoupling is required but cannot find file:", fcore))
 978      end if
 979    end do
 981    Sigp%use_sigxcore=1
 982    if (ii/=Cryst%ntypat) then
 983      MSG_ERROR("Files with core orbitals not found")
 984    end if
 985  end if ! PAW+HF decoupling
 986  !
 987  ! ==============================
 988  ! ==== Extrapolar technique ====
 989  ! ==============================
 990  Sigp%gwcomp   = Dtset%gwcomp
 991  Sigp%gwencomp = Dtset%gwencomp
 993  if (Sigp%gwcomp==1) then
 994    write(msg,'(6a,e11.4,a)')ch10,&
 995 &    'Using the extrapolar approximation to accelerate convergence',ch10,&
 996 &    'with respect to the number of bands included',ch10,&
 997 &    'with gwencomp: ',Sigp%gwencomp*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
 998    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 999  end if
1000  !
1001  ! ===================================
1002  ! ==== Final compatibility tests ====
1003  ! ===================================
1004  if (ANY(KS_BSt%istwfk/=1)) then
1005    MSG_WARNING('istwfk/=1 is still under development')
1006  end if
1008  ltest=(KS_BSt%mband==Sigp%nbnds.and.ALL(KS_BSt%nband==Sigp%nbnds))
1009  ABI_CHECK(ltest,'BUG in definition of KS_BSt%nband')
1011  ! FIXME
1012  if (Dtset%symsigma/=0 .and. Sigp%nomegasr/=0) then
1013    if (idx_spatial_inversion(Cryst) == 0) then
1014      write(msg,'(5a)')' setup_sigma : BUG :',ch10,&
1015 &      'It is not possible to use symsigma/=0 to calculate the spectral function ',ch10,&
1016 &      'when the system does not have the spatial inversion. Please use symsigma=0 '
1017      MSG_WARNING(msg)
1018    end if
1019  end if
1021  if (mod10==SIG_GW_AC) then
1022    if (Sigp%gwcalctyp/=1) MSG_ERROR("Self-consistency with AC not implemented")
1023    if (Sigp%gwcomp==1) MSG_ERROR("AC with extrapolar technique not implemented")
1024  end if
1026  call gaps_free(gaps)
1028  ABI_FREE(val_indeces)
1030  DBG_EXIT('COLL')
1032 end subroutine setup_sigma

ABINIT/sigma_bksmask [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Compute tables for the distribution and the storage of the wavefunctions in the SIGMA code.


 Dtset<type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
 Sigp<sigparams_t>=Parameters governing the self-energy calculation.
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 nprocs=Total number of MPI processors
 my_rank=Rank of this this processor.


 my_spins(:)=Pointer to NULL in input. In output: list of spins treated by this node.
 bks_mask(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)=True if this node will treat this state.
 keep_ur(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)=True if this node will store this state in real space.
 ierr=Exit status.





1262 subroutine sigma_bksmask(Dtset,Sigp,Kmesh,my_rank,nprocs,my_spins,bks_mask,keep_ur,ierr)
1264  use defs_basis
1265  use defs_datatypes
1266  use defs_abitypes
1267  use m_xmpi
1268  use m_gwdefs
1269  use m_errors
1270  use m_profiling_abi
1272  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t
1274 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
1275 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
1276 #undef ABI_FUNC
1277 #define ABI_FUNC 'sigma_bksmask'
1278 !End of the abilint section
1280  implicit none
1282 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1283 !scalars
1284  integer,intent(in) :: my_rank,nprocs
1285  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
1286  type(Dataset_type),intent(in) :: Dtset
1287  type(sigparams_t),intent(in) :: Sigp
1288  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
1289 !arrays
1290  integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: my_spins(:)
1291  logical,intent(out) :: bks_mask(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)
1292  logical,intent(out) :: keep_ur(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)
1294 !Local variables-------------------------------
1295 !scalars
1296  integer :: my_nspins,my_maxb,my_minb,isp,spin,band,nsppol,rank_spin
1297  logical :: store_ur
1298 !arrays
1299  integer :: tmp_spins(Sigp%nsppol),nprocs_spin(Sigp%nsppol)
1301 ! *************************************************************************
1303  ierr=0; nsppol=Sigp%nsppol
1305  ! List of spins for each node, number of processors per each spin
1306  ! and the MPI rank in the "spin" communicator.
1307  my_nspins=nsppol
1308  ABI_MALLOC(my_spins, (nsppol))
1309  my_spins= [(isp, isp=1,nsppol)]
1310  nprocs_spin = nprocs; rank_spin = my_rank
1312  if (nsppol==2 .and. nprocs>1) then
1313    ! Distribute spins (optimal distribution if nprocs is even)
1314    nprocs_spin(1) = nprocs/2
1315    nprocs_spin(2) = nprocs - nprocs/2
1316    my_nspins=1
1317    my_spins(1)=1
1318    if (my_rank+1>nprocs/2) then
1319      ! I will treate spin=2, compute shifted rank.
1320      my_spins(1)=2
1321      rank_spin = my_rank - nprocs/2
1322    end if
1323  end if
1325  store_ur = (MODULO(Dtset%gwmem,10)==1)
1326  keep_ur=.FALSE.; bks_mask=.FALSE.
1328  select case (Dtset%gwpara)
1329  case (1)
1330    ! Parallelization over transitions **without** memory distributions (Except for the spin).
1331    my_minb=1; my_maxb=Sigp%nbnds
1332    if (dtset%ucrpa>0) then
1333      bks_mask(my_minb:my_maxb,:,:)=.TRUE.
1334      if (store_ur) keep_ur(my_minb:my_maxb,:,:)=.TRUE.
1335    else
1336      do isp=1,my_nspins
1337        spin = my_spins(isp)
1338        bks_mask(my_minb:my_maxb,:,spin)=.TRUE.
1339        if (store_ur) keep_ur(my_minb:my_maxb,:,spin)=.TRUE.
1340      end do
1341    end if
1343  case (2)
1344    ! Distribute bands and spin (alternating planes of bands)
1345    do isp=1,my_nspins
1346      spin = my_spins(isp)
1347      do band=1,Sigp%nbnds
1348        if (xmpi_distrib_with_replicas(band,Sigp%nbnds,rank_spin,nprocs_spin(spin))) then
1349        !if (MODULO(band-1,nprocs_spin(spin))==rank_spin) then
1350          bks_mask(band,:,spin)=.TRUE.
1351          if (store_ur) keep_ur(band,:,spin)=.TRUE.
1352        end if
1353      end do
1354    end do
1356 #if 0
1357    ! Each node store the full set of occupied states to speed up Sigma_x.
1358    do isp=1,my_nspins
1359      spin = my_spins(isp)
1360      do ik_ibz=1,Kmesh%nibz
1361        ks_iv=ks_vbik(ik_ibz,spin) ! Valence index for this (k,s)
1362        bks_mask(1:ks_iv,:,spin)=.TRUE.
1363        if (store_ur) keep_ur(1:ks_iv,:,spin)=.TRUE.
1364      end do
1365    end do
1366 #endif
1368  case default
1369    MSG_WARNING("Wrong value for gwpara")
1370    ierr = 1
1371  end select
1373  ! Return my_spins with correct size.
1374  tmp_spins(1:my_nspins) = my_spins(1:my_nspins)
1376  ABI_FREE(my_spins)
1377  ABI_MALLOC(my_spins, (my_nspins))
1378  my_spins = tmp_spins(1:my_nspins)
1380 end subroutine sigma_bksmask

ABINIT/sigma_tables [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Build symmetry tables used to speedup self-consistent GW calculations.


 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 [Bnd_sym(Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)] <type(Bands_Symmetries)>

 Sigp<sigparams_t>=This routine initializes the tables:
  that are used to select the matrix elements of the self-energy that have to be calculated.





1062 subroutine sigma_tables(Sigp,Kmesh,Bnd_sym)
1064  use defs_basis
1065  use defs_datatypes
1066  use m_gwdefs
1067  use m_profiling_abi
1068  use m_errors
1070  use m_bz_mesh,     only : kmesh_t
1071  use m_esymm,       only : esymm_t, esymm_failed
1073 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
1074 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
1075 #undef ABI_FUNC
1076 #define ABI_FUNC 'sigma_tables'
1077 !End of the abilint section
1079  implicit none
1081 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1082 !scalars
1083  type(sigparams_t),intent(inout) :: Sigp
1084  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
1085 !arrays
1086  type(esymm_t),optional,intent(in) :: Bnd_sym(Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)
1088 !Local variables-------------------------------
1089 !scalars
1090  integer :: gwcalctyp,spin,ikcalc,ik_ibz,bmin,bmax,bcol,brow
1091  integer :: ii,idx_x,idx_c,irr_idx1,irr_idx2
1092 !arrays
1093  integer,allocatable :: sigc_bidx(:),sigx_bidx(:)
1094  logical :: use_sym_at(Kmesh%nibz,Sigp%nsppol)
1096 ! *************************************************************************
1098  gwcalctyp=Sigp%gwcalctyp
1100  ! Recreate the Sig_ij tables taking advantage of the classification of the bands.
1101  if (allocated(Sigp%Sigxij_tab)) then
1102    call sigijtab_free(Sigp%Sigxij_tab)
1103    ABI_DT_FREE(Sigp%Sigxij_tab)
1104  end if
1105  if (allocated(Sigp%Sigcij_tab)) then
1106    call sigijtab_free(Sigp%Sigcij_tab)
1107    ABI_DT_FREE(Sigp%Sigcij_tab)
1108  end if
1110  ABI_DT_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigcij_tab,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
1111  ABI_DT_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigxij_tab,(Sigp%nkptgw,Sigp%nsppol))
1113  use_sym_at=.FALSE.
1114  if (PRESENT(Bnd_sym)) then
1115    do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
1116      do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
1117       ik_ibz = Kmesh%tab(Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc))
1118       use_sym_at(ik_ibz,spin) = ( .not.esymm_failed(Bnd_sym(ik_ibz,spin)) )
1119      end do
1120    end do
1121  end if
1123  do spin=1,Sigp%nsppol
1124    do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
1125      ik_ibz = Kmesh%tab(Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc))
1127      if (use_sym_at(ik_ibz,spin)) then
1128        if (gwcalctyp<20) then
1129          MSG_ERROR("You should not be here!")
1130        end if
1132        bmin=Sigp%minbnd(ikcalc,spin); bmax=Sigp%maxbnd(ikcalc,spin)
1133        ABI_DT_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col,(bmin:bmax))
1134        ABI_DT_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col,(bmin:bmax))
1136        do bcol=bmin,bmax
1137          ABI_MALLOC(sigc_bidx,(bmax-bmin+1))
1138          ABI_MALLOC(sigx_bidx,(bmax-bmin+1))
1140          if (Bnd_sym(ik_ibz,spin)%err_status/=0) then   ! Band classification failed.
1141            sigc_bidx = (/(ii,ii=bmin,bmax)/)
1142            idx_c = bmax-bmin+1
1143            sigx_bidx = (/(ii,ii=bmin,bcol)/) ! Hermitian
1144            idx_x = bcol-bmin+1
1145          else
1146            irr_idx2 = Bnd_sym(ik_ibz,spin)%b2irrep(bcol)
1147            idx_c = 0
1148            do brow=bmin,bmax
1149              irr_idx1 = Bnd_sym(ik_ibz,spin)%b2irrep(brow)
1150              if (sigma_is_herm(Sigp).and.bcol<brow) CYCLE  ! Only the upper triangle for HF, SEX, or COHSEX.
1151              if (irr_idx1 == irr_idx2) then ! same character, add this row to the list.
1152                idx_c = idx_c +1
1153                sigc_bidx(idx_c) = brow
1154              end if
1155            end do
1156            idx_x = 0
1157            do brow=bmin,bcol
1158              irr_idx1 = Bnd_sym(ik_ibz,spin)%b2irrep(brow)
1159              if (bcol<brow) CYCLE  ! Sig_x is always Hermitian.
1160              if (irr_idx1 == irr_idx2) then ! same character, add this row to the list.
1161                idx_x = idx_x +1
1162                sigx_bidx(idx_x) = brow
1163              end if
1164            end do
1165          end if
1166          !
1167          ! Table for Sigma_x matrix elements taking into account symmetries of the bands.
1168          ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx,(idx_x))
1170          Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%size1= idx_x
1171          Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(:) = sigx_bidx(1:idx_x)
1172          !write(std_out,*)" Sigxij_tab: ikcalc, spin, bcol ",ikcalc,spin,bcol
1173          !write(std_out,*)" size: ",idx_x,(Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(ii),ii=1,idx_x)
1174          !
1175          ! Table for Sigma_c matrix elements taking into account symmetries of the bands.
1176          ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx,(idx_c))
1178          Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%size1= idx_c
1179          Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(:) = sigc_bidx(1:idx_c)
1180          !write(std_out,*)" Sigcij_tab: ikcalc, spin, bcol ",ikcalc,spin,bcol
1181          !write(std_out,*)" size: ",idx_c,(Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(ii), ii=1,idx_c)
1183          ABI_FREE(sigx_bidx)
1184          ABI_FREE(sigc_bidx)
1185        end do ! bcol
1187      else  ! Symmetries cannot be used for this (k,s).
1189        bmin=Sigp%minbnd(ikcalc,spin); bmax=Sigp%maxbnd(ikcalc,spin)
1190        ABI_DT_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col,(bmin:bmax))
1191        ABI_DT_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col,(bmin:bmax))
1193        if (gwcalctyp<20) then  ! QP wavefunctions == KS, therefore only diagonal elements are calculated.
1194          do bcol=bmin,bmax
1195            ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx,(1:1))
1196            Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%size1= 1
1197            Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(1) = bcol
1198            ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx,(1:1))
1199            Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%size1= 1
1200            Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(1) = bcol
1201          end do
1202        else
1203          ! Use QP wavefunctions, Sigma_ij matrix is sparse but we have to classify the states in sigma.
1204          ! The only thing we can do here is filling the entire matrix taking advantage of Hermiticity (if any).
1205          do bcol=bmin,bmax
1206            ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx,(bcol-bmin+1))
1207            Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%size1= bcol-bmin+1
1208            Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(:) = (/(ii,ii=bmin,bcol)/) ! Sigma_x is Hermitian.
1209            !write(std_out,*)"Sigxij_tab: ikcalc, spin, bcol ",ikcalc,spin,bcol,Sigp%Sigxij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(:)
1211            ABI_MALLOC(sigc_bidx,(bmax-bmin+1))
1212            idx_c = 0
1213            do brow=bmin,bmax
1214              if (sigma_is_herm(Sigp).and.bcol<brow) CYCLE  ! Only the upper triangle of Sigc_ij is needed (SEX, COHSEX).
1215              idx_c = idx_c +1
1216              sigc_bidx(idx_c) = brow
1217            end do
1218            ABI_MALLOC(Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx,(idx_c))
1219            Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%size1= idx_c
1220            Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(:) = sigc_bidx(1:idx_c)
1221            ABI_FREE(sigc_bidx)
1222            !write(std_out,*)"Sigcij_tab: ikcalc, spin, bcol ",ikcalc,spin,bcol,Sigp%Sigcij_tab(ikcalc,spin)%col(bcol)%bidx(:)
1223          end do
1224        end if
1225      end if
1227    end do !ikcalc
1228  end do !spin
1230 end subroutine sigma_tables