ABINIT/m_mlwfovlp [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Interface with Wannier90


  Copyright (C) 2005-2024 ABINIT group (BAmadon, CEspejo, FJollet, TRangel, DRH)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_mlwfovlp
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_wannier90
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_errors
28  use m_atomdata
29  use m_xmpi
30  use m_sort
31 #ifdef FC_NAG
32  use f90_unix_dir
33 #endif
34 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
35  use netcdf
36 #endif
37  use m_nctk
38  use m_hdr
39  use m_dtset
40  use m_dtfil
42  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
43  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
44  use m_io_tools, only : delete_file, get_unit, open_file
45  use m_hide_lapack,     only : matrginv
46  use m_fstrings,      only : strcat, sjoin
47  use m_numeric_tools, only : uniformrandom, simpson_int, c2r, l2int
48  use m_special_funcs,   only : besjm
49  use m_geometry,  only : xred2xcart, rotmat, wigner_seitz
50  use m_fftcore,  only : sphereboundary
51  use m_crystal,  only : crystal_t
52  use m_ebands,   only : ebands_ncwrite
53  use m_pawang,   only : pawang_type
54  use m_pawrad,   only : pawrad_type, simp_gen
55  use m_pawtab,   only : pawtab_type
56  use m_pawcprj,  only : pawcprj_type
57  use m_paw_sphharm, only : ylm_cmplx, initylmr
58  use m_paw_overlap, only : smatrix_pawinit
59  use m_evdw_wannier, only : evdw_wannier
60  use m_fft,            only : fourwf
62  implicit none
64  private

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Routine which computes overlap M_{mn}(k,b) and projection A_{mn}(k)
 for Wannier code ( f90 version).
 Various file are written (wannier90.*) which can be used to run a
 separate wannier calculation with the wannier90 code.


  crystal<crystal_t>=Info on the crystalline structure.
  ebands<ebands_t>=The object describing the band structure.
  hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
  cg(2,mcg)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions.
  cprj(natom,mcprj)= <p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk> and each |p_lmn> non-local projector
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  ecut=cut-off energy for plane wave basis sphere (Ha)
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mgfftc=maximum size of 1D FFTs (coarse grid)
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor) (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  nkpt=number of k points.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol) Occupation number for each band (often 2) for each k point.
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr**3)
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  (only writing, printing)


  (only writing, printing)



 129  subroutine mlwfovlp(crystal, ebands, hdr, atindx1,cg,cprj,dtset,dtfil,eigen,gprimd,kg,&
 130 & mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,natom,&
 131 & nattyp,nfft,ngfft,nkpt,npwarr,nsppol,ntypat,occ,&
 132 & pawang,pawrad,pawtab,prtvol,psps,rprimd,ucvol,xred)
 134 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 135 !scalars
 136  integer,intent(in) :: mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpw,natom,nfft,nkpt
 137  integer,intent(in) :: nsppol,ntypat,prtvol
 138  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
 139  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
 140  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
 141  type(hdr_type),intent(in) :: hdr
 142  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 143  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 144  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 145  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 146  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 147 !arrays
 148  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom)
 149  integer :: kg(3,mpw*mkmem),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),npwarr(nkpt)
 150  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg)
 151  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol),gprimd(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
 152  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
 153  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom)
 154  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj(natom,mcprj)
 155  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 156  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 158 !Local variables-------------------------------
 159 !scalars
 160  integer :: band_index,cplex,i,iatom,iband,iband1,iband2,icgtemp
 161  integer :: ig,ii,ikg,ierr
 162  integer :: ikpt,ikpt1,ikpt2,ilmn,intot,isppol,itypat
 163  integer :: iun(nsppol),iun_plot,iwan,jband,jband1,jband2,jj,jj1,jj2,jj3
 164  integer :: lmn_size,lproj,lwanniersetup,mwan,mgfft,n1
 165 #if defined HAVE_WANNIER90
 166  integer :: kk
 167 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 168  integer :: ncid, ncerr, nrpts
 169  character(len=fnlen) :: abiwan_fname
 170  integer :: have_disentangled_spin(nsppol)
 171  integer,allocatable :: irvec(:,:),ndegen(:)
 172 #endif
 173 #endif
 174  integer :: n1tmp,n2,n2tmp,n3,n3tmp,n4,n5,n6,nband_k
 175  integer :: nntot,npw_k,num_nnmax,spacing
 176  integer :: tim_fourwf
 177  integer :: master,max_num_bands,nprocs,spaceComm,rank
 178  integer  :: nwan(nsppol),nband_inc(nsppol),num_bands(nsppol)
 179  real(dp) :: weight
 180 #if defined HAVE_WANNIER90
 181  real(dp) :: corrvdw
 182  complex(dpc) :: caux,caux2,caux3
 183 #endif
 184  logical :: gamma_only,leig,lmmn,lwannierrun,spinors !,have_disentangled
 185  character(len=fnlen) :: wfnname
 186  character(len=1000) :: message
 187  character(len=fnlen) :: seed_name(nsppol)
 188  character(len=fnlen) :: fname,filew90_win(nsppol),filew90_wout(nsppol),filew90_amn(nsppol),filew90_ramn(nsppol)
 189  character(len=fnlen) :: filew90_mmn(nsppol),filew90_eig(nsppol)
 190 !arrays
 191  integer :: g1temp(3),ngkpt(3)
 192  integer,allocatable :: g1(:,:,:),gbound(:,:),icg(:,:)
 193  integer,allocatable:: iwav(:,:,:),kg_k(:,:),ovikp(:,:)
 194  integer,allocatable :: proj_l(:,:),proj_m(:,:),proj_radial(:,:)
 195  integer,allocatable :: proj_s_loc(:)
 196  real(dp) :: real_lattice(3,3)
 197  real(dp) :: recip_lattice(3,3)
 198  real(dp),allocatable :: cm1(:,:,:,:,:,:),cm2_paw(:,:,:),cwavef(:,:)
 199  real(dp),allocatable :: denpot(:,:,:)
 200  real(dp),allocatable :: eigenvalues_w(:,:,:),fofgout(:,:),fofr(:,:,:,:)
 201  real(dp),allocatable :: proj_site(:,:,:),proj_x(:,:,:),proj_z(:,:,:),proj_zona(:,:)
 202  real(dp),allocatable :: wann_centres(:,:,:),wann_spreads(:,:),xcart(:,:)
 203  real(dp),allocatable :: proj_s_qaxis_loc(:,:)
 204  complex(dpc),allocatable :: A_paw(:,:,:,:)
 205  complex(dpc),allocatable :: M_matrix(:,:,:,:,:),U_matrix(:,:,:,:)
 206  complex(dpc),allocatable :: U_matrix_opt(:,:,:,:)
 207  complex(dpc),pointer :: A_matrix(:,:,:,:)
 208  logical,allocatable :: band_in(:,:),lwindow(:,:,:)
 209  character(len=3),allocatable :: atom_symbols(:)
 210  logical,allocatable::just_augmentation(:,:)
 211 #if defined HAVE_WANNIER90
 212  real(dp) :: spreadw(3,nsppol)
 213  real(dp),allocatable :: csix(:,:,:,:)
 214  real(dpc),allocatable :: occ_arr(:,:,:),occ_wan(:,:,:)
 215  real(dp),allocatable :: tdocc_wan(:,:)
 216 #endif
 218 !************************************************************************
 220  ABI_UNUSED((/crystal%natom, ebands%nkpt, hdr%nkpt/))
 222 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 223 !1) Initialize variables and allocations
 224 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 225 !
 226 !Some initialization and checks
 227 !
 228  lwanniersetup=1 ! 1 is mandatory ( 0 is for debug)
 229 !to use lwanniersetup=0, one would need
 230 !to define which bands to exclude.
 231  lwannierrun=.true.   ! .false. and .true. are possible
 232  lmmn=.true.          ! .false. and .true. are possible
 233  leig=.true.          ! .false. and .true. are possible
 234 !
 235  gamma_only=.false. !not yet implemented
 236  spinors=.false. !not yet implemented
 237 !
 238 !mpi initialization
 239 !
 240  spaceComm=MPI_enreg%comm_cell
 241  nprocs=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
 242  rank=MPI_enreg%me_kpt
 243  master=0
 245 !write(std_out,'("master ",i3," rank ",i3," nprocs ",i3)') master,rank,nprocs
 246 !
 247 !Generate seed names for wannier90 files, and file names
 248 !
 249  call mlwfovlp_seedname(dtfil%fnameabo_w90,filew90_win,filew90_wout,filew90_amn,&
 250 & filew90_ramn,filew90_mmn,filew90_eig,nsppol,seed_name)
 251 !
 252 !Check the validity of input variables
 253 !FIXME: this is not a check, and prints a warning even if the input is fine!
 254 !must be changed to not print anything if kptopt 3 and istwfk 1 (the latter is easier to check)
 255 !
 256  if(rank==master) then
 257    write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
 258 &   '   mlwfovlp:  you should give k-point in the full brillouin zone ',ch10,&
 259 &   '   with explicit k-points (or kptopt=3) and istwfk 1'
 260    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 261    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 262  end if
 263 !
 264  if(MPI_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
 265    message = ' Parallelization over spinorial components not yet available !'
 266    ABI_ERROR(message)
 267  end if
 269  if(nsppol==2) then
 270    write(message, '(3a)' ) ch10,&
 271 &   '   mlwfovlp:  Calculating matrices for both spin polarization  ',ch10
 272    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 273    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 274  end if
 275 !
 276 !get lattice parameters in wannier90 format
 277 !
 278  do i=1, 3
 279    real_lattice(:,i)=Bohr_Ang*rprimd(i,:)
 280    recip_lattice(:,i)=two_pi*gprimd(i,:)/Bohr_Ang
 281  end do
 282 !
 283  if(psps%npsp/=psps%ntypat) then
 284    ABI_ERROR("prb npsp")
 285  end if
 286 !
 287 !Allocations.
 288 !
 289  num_nnmax=12 !limit fixed for compact structure in wannier_setup.
 290  ABI_MALLOC(g1,(3,nkpt,num_nnmax))
 291  ABI_MALLOC(ovikp,(nkpt,num_nnmax))
 292  ABI_MALLOC(atom_symbols,(natom))
 293  ABI_MALLOC(xcart,(3,natom))
 294  ABI_MALLOC(band_in,(mband,nsppol))
 295  ABI_MALLOC(proj_site,(3,mband,nsppol))
 296  ABI_MALLOC(proj_l,(mband,nsppol))
 297  ABI_MALLOC(proj_m,(mband,nsppol))
 298  ABI_MALLOC(proj_radial,(mband,nsppol))
 299  ABI_MALLOC(proj_x,(3,mband,nsppol))
 300  ABI_MALLOC(proj_s_loc,(mband))
 301  ABI_MALLOC(proj_s_qaxis_loc,(3,mband))
 302  ABI_MALLOC(proj_z,(3,mband,nsppol))
 303  ABI_MALLOC(proj_zona,(mband,nsppol))
 304 !
 305 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 306 !2) Call to  Wannier setup
 307 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 308 !
 309  nullify(A_matrix)
 311  !
 312  call mlwfovlp_setup(atom_symbols,band_in,dtset,filew90_win,gamma_only,&
 313 &  g1,lwanniersetup,mband,natom,nband_inc,nkpt,&
 314 &  nntot,num_bands,num_nnmax,nsppol,nwan,ovikp,&
 315 &  proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial,proj_site,proj_s_loc, proj_s_qaxis_loc, proj_x,proj_z,proj_zona,&
 316 &  real_lattice,recip_lattice,rprimd,seed_name,spinors,xcart,xred)
 318  do isppol=1, nsppol
 319    write(message, '(6a)' ) ch10,&
 320 &   '   mlwfovlp :  mlwfovlp_setup done -',ch10,&
 321 &   '-  see ',trim(filew90_wout(isppol)),' for details.'
 322    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 323    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 324  end do
 326 !
 327 !some allocations after wannier90 setup
 328 !
 329  max_num_bands=maxval(num_bands(:))
 330  mwan=maxval(nwan(:))
 331  ABI_MALLOC(eigenvalues_w,(max_num_bands,nkpt,nsppol))
 332  ABI_MALLOC(M_matrix,(max_num_bands,max_num_bands,nntot,nkpt,nsppol))
 333  ABI_MALLOC(A_matrix,(max_num_bands,mwan,nkpt,nsppol))
 334  ABI_MALLOC(iwav,(mband,nkpt,nsppol))
 336 !
 337 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 338 !3) Write Eigenvalues (file seed_name.eig)
 339 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 340 !
 341  if(leig) then
 342 !
 343 !  Assign file unit numbers
 344    if(rank==master) then
 345      iun(1)=444
 346      if(nsppol==2) iun(2)=455
 347      do isppol=1,nsppol
 348        open(unit=iun(isppol),file=filew90_eig(isppol),form='formatted',status='unknown')
 349      end do
 350    end if !rank==master
 351 !  Loop to write eigenvalues
 352    band_index=0
 353    do isppol=1,nsppol
 354      do ikpt=1,nkpt
 355        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 356        jband=0
 357        do iband=1,mband
 358          if(band_in(iband,isppol)) then
 359            jband=jband+1
 360 !          Writing data
 361            if(rank==master) write(iun(isppol), '(2i6,4x,f10.5)' ) jband,ikpt,Ha_eV*eigen(iband+band_index)
 362 !          Finish writing, now save eigenvalues
 363            eigenvalues_w(jband,ikpt,isppol)=Ha_eV*eigen(iband+band_index)
 364          end if
 365        end do !iband
 366        band_index=band_index+nband_k
 367      end do !ikpt
 368    end do  !nsppol
 369    if(rank==master) then
 370      do isppol=1,nsppol
 371        close(iun(isppol))
 372      end do
 373      write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
 374 &     '   mlwfovlp :  eigenvalues written'
 375      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 376    end if !master
 377  end if !leig
 378 !else if( leig . and. lwannierun) then
 379 !read .eig file
 381 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 382 !4) Calculate overlaps (file seed_name.mmn)
 383 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 384 !
 385 !First calculate indices and shift
 386 !
 387 !write(std_out,*) "Computes shift for cg"
 388  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
 389 & '   mlwfovlp : compute shifts for g-points '
 390  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 391 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 392 !Compute shifts for g points (icg,iwav)
 393 !(here mband is not used, because shifts are internal variables of abinit)
 394 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 395 !write(std_out,*) mpw*dtset%nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
 396  ABI_MALLOC(icg,(nsppol,nkpt))
 397  icg=0
 398  icgtemp=0
 399  iwav(:,:,:)=0
 400  do isppol=1,nsppol
 401    do ikpt=1,nkpt
 402 !
 403 !    MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
 404 !
 406      if (nprocs>1 ) then !sometimes we can have just one processor
 407        if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-rank)  /=0) CYCLE
 408      end if
 410 !    write(std_out,*)'rank',rank,'ikpt',ikpt,'isppol',isppol
 411      nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 412 !    write(std_out,*) ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt,nkpt
 413      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
 414      do iband=1,nband_k
 415        if( then
 416          write(message,'(a,3i0)')" mband",iband,mband,nband_k
 417          ABI_ERROR(message)
 418        end if
 419        iwav(iband,ikpt,isppol)= &
 420 &       (iband-1)*npw_k*dtset%nspinor+icgtemp
 421      end do ! iband
 422      icgtemp=icgtemp+ npw_k*dtset%nspinor*nband_k
 423 !    icg(isppol,ikpt)=icgtemp
 424 !    write(std_out,*) "icg", isppol,ikpt,icg(isppol,ikpt)
 425    end do  ! ikpt
 426  end do   ! isppol
 427 !write(std_out,*) "shift for cg computed"
 428  ABI_FREE(icg)
 429 !
 430 !Shifts computed.
 431 !
 432  if( lmmn) then
 433 !
 434 !  In case of parallelization write out cg for all k-points
 435 !
 436    if (nprocs > 1) then
 437 !
 438      if(prtvol>0) then
 439        write(message, '(3a)' ) ch10,&
 440 &       '   mlwfovlp :  Creating temporary files with cg and cprj (PAW)',ch10
 441        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 442        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 443      end if
 444 !
 445      do isppol=1,nsppol
 446        do ikpt=1,nkpt
 447 !
 448 !        MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
 449 !
 450          if (nprocs>1 ) then !sometimes we can have just one processor
 451            if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-rank)  /=0) CYCLE
 452          end if
 454 !        write(std_out,*)'writing kpt ',ikpt,'isppol',isppol,' by node ', rank
 455          write(wfnname,'(a,I5.5,".",I1)') trim(dtfil%fnametmp_cg),ikpt,isppol
 456          iun_plot=1000+ikpt+ikpt*(isppol-1)
 458          open (unit=iun_plot, file=wfnname,form='unformatted')
 459          npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
 460          do iband=1,mband
 461            do ig=1,npw_k*dtset%nspinor
 462              write(iun_plot) (cg(i,ig+iwav(iband,ikpt,isppol)),i=1,2)
 463            end do
 464          end do
 465          close(iun_plot)
 466        end do !ikpt
 467      end do !isppol
 468 !
 469 !    In the PAW case we also need to write out cprj into files
 470 !
 471      if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 472 !
 473 !      big loop on atoms, kpts, bands and lmn
 474 !
 475        ikpt2=0
 476        do isppol=1,nsppol
 477          do ikpt=1,nkpt
 478 !
 479 !          MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
 480 !
 481            if (nprocs>1 ) then !sometimes we can have just one processor
 482              if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-MPI_enreg%me)  /=0) CYCLE
 483            end if
 485            ikpt2=ikpt2+1 !sums just on the k-points treated by this node
 486 !
 487            write(wfnname,'(a,I5.5,".",I1)') trim(dtfil%fnametmp_cprj),ikpt,isppol
 488            iun_plot=1000+ikpt
 489            open (unit=iun_plot, file=wfnname,form='unformatted')
 490 !
 491            do iband=1,mband*dtset%nspinor
 492              ig=iband+(ikpt2-1)*mband*dtset%nspinor +(isppol-1)*nkpt*mband*dtset%nspinor !index for cprj(:,ig)
 493 !
 494              do iatom=1,natom
 495                itypat=dtset%typat(iatom)
 496                lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
 497 !
 498                do ilmn=1,lmn_size
 499                  write(iun_plot) (( cprj(iatom,ig)%cp(i,ilmn)),i=1,2)
 500                end do !ilmn
 501              end do !iatom
 502            end do !iband
 504            close(iun_plot)
 505          end do !ikpt
 506        end do !isppol
 507      end if !usepaw==1
 509 !
 510 !
 511    end if !MPI nprocs>1
 512 !
 513 !  End of MPI preliminarities
 514 !  Calculate PW contribution of overlaps
 515 !
 516    ABI_MALLOC(cm1,(2,mband,mband,nntot,nkpt,nsppol))
 517    ! this loops over spin internally
 518    call mlwfovlp_pw(cg,cm1,g1,iwav,kg,mband,&
 519 &   mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,nfft,ngfft,nkpt,nntot,&
 520 &   npwarr,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,ovikp,dtfil%fnametmp_cg)
 521    write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
 522 &   '   mlwfovlp : PW part of overlap computed   '
 523    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 524 !
 525 !  compute PAW Contribution and add it to PW contribution
 526 !
 527    if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 528      write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
 529 &     '** smatrix_pawinit : PAW part of overlap  '
 530      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 531      ABI_MALLOC(cm2_paw,(2,mband,mband))
 532      do isppol=1,nsppol
 533        do ikpt1=1,nkpt
 534 !
 535 !        MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
 536 !
 537          if (nprocs>1 ) then !sometimes we can have just one processor
 538            if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt1,1,isppol)-rank)  /=0) CYCLE
 539          end if
 541          write(message, '(a,i6,a,2i6)' ) &
 542 &         '   processor',rank,' computes PAW part for kpt and spin',ikpt1,isppol
 543          call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 545          do intot=1,nntot
 546            ikpt2= ovikp(ikpt1,intot)
 547            g1temp(:)=g1(:,ikpt1,intot)
 548            call smatrix_pawinit(atindx1,cm2_paw,cprj,ikpt1,ikpt2,isppol,&
 549 &           g1temp,gprimd,dtset%kpt,mband,mband,mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
 550 &           natom,dtset%nband,nkpt,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,dtset%ntypat,pawang,pawrad,pawtab,rprimd,&
 551 &           dtfil%fnametmp_cprj,dtset%typat,xred)
 552 !          cm1(:,:,:,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=four_pi*cm2_paw(:,:,:)
 553 !           write(6,*) "ikpt1=",ikpt1
 554 !           do iband=1,mband
 555 !             write(6,*) "iband=",iband
 556 !             write(6,*) "Wannier PW       overlap",cm1(:,iband,iband,intot,ikpt1,isppol)
 557 !             write(6,*) "Wannier PAW      overlap",four_pi*cm2_paw(:,iband,iband)
 558 !             write(6,*) "Wannier PW+PAW   overlap",cm1(:,iband,iband,intot,ikpt1,isppol)+four_pi*cm2_paw(:,iband,iband)
 559 !           enddo
 560            cm1(:,:,:,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=cm1(:,:,:,intot,ikpt1,isppol)+four_pi*cm2_paw(:,:,:)
 561          end do ! intot
 562        end do ! ikpt1
 563      end do ! isppol
 564      ABI_FREE(cm2_paw)
 565      write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
 566 &     '   mlwfovlp : PAW part of overlap computed '
 567      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 568    end if ! usepaw
 569 !
 570    call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
 571    call xmpi_sum(cm1,spaceComm,ierr)
 572 !
 573 !  write overlap for separate calculation of wannier functions
 574 !
 575    if(rank==master) then
 576      do isppol=1,nsppol !we write separate output files for each isppol
 577        iun(isppol)=220+isppol
 578        open(unit=iun(isppol),file=filew90_mmn(isppol),form='formatted',status='unknown')
 579        write(iun(isppol),*) "nnkp version 90"
 580        write(iun(isppol),*) num_bands(isppol),nkpt,nntot
 581      end do
 582    end if ! rank==master
 584    do isppol=1,nsppol
 585      do ikpt1=1,nkpt
 586        do intot=1,nntot
 587          if( rank==master) write(iun(isppol),'(2i6,3x,3x,3i5)') ikpt1,ovikp(ikpt1,intot),(g1(jj,ikpt1,intot),jj=1,3)
 588          jband2=0
 589          do iband2=1,mband ! the first index is faster
 590            if(band_in(iband2,isppol)) then
 591              jband2=jband2+1
 592              jband1=0
 593              do iband1=1,mband
 594                if(band_in(iband1,isppol)) then
 595                  jband1=jband1+1
 596                  if(rank==master) write(iun(isppol),*) &
 597 &                 cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol),cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)
 598                  M_matrix(jband1,jband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=&
 599 &                 cmplx(cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol),cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol))
 600 !                write(2211,*) ikpt1,intot,iband1,iband2
 601 !                write(2211,*) cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol),cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)
 602                end if ! band_in(iband1)
 603              end do ! iband1
 604            end if ! band_in(iband2)
 605          end do ! iband2
 606        end do !intot
 607      end do !ikpt
 608      if( rank==master ) then
 609        close(iun(isppol))
 610        write(message, '(3a)' )  '   ',trim(filew90_mmn(isppol)),' written'
 611        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 612      end if !rank==master
 613    end do !isppol
 614 !
 615    ABI_FREE(cm1)
 616 !
 617 !  Write down part of the matrix to the output file
 618 !  This is for the automatic tests
 619 !
 620    if(rank==master) then
 621      write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 622 &     '   Writing top of the overlap matrix: M_mn(ikb,ik)',ch10,&
 623 &     '   m=n=1:3, ikb=1, ik=1'
 624      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 625      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 626 !
 627 !    just write down the first 3 elements
 628 !
 629      do isppol=1,nsppol
 630        write(message, '( " " )')
 631        if (nsppol>1 ) then
 632          if (isppol==1) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin up:'
 633          if (isppol==2) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin down:'
 634        end if
 635        do ii=1,3
 636          if(ii>num_bands(isppol)) cycle
 637          write(message,'(3a)') trim(message),ch10,';   ( '
 638          do jj=1,3
 639            if(jj>num_bands(isppol))cycle
 640            write(message, '(a,2f11.6,a)') trim(message),&
 641 &           M_matrix(ii,jj,1,1,isppol),' , '
 642          end do
 643          write(message,'(2a)') trim(message),'    ) '
 644        end do
 645        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 646        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 647      end do
 648 !
 649 !    Now write down bottom of the matrix
 650 !
 651      write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 652 &     '   Writing bottom of the overlap matrix: M_mn(ikb,ik)',ch10,&
 653 &     '   m=n=num_bands-2:num_bands, ikb=nntot, ik=nkpt'
 654      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 655      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 656 !
 657      do isppol=1,nsppol
 658        write(message, '( " " )')
 659        if (nsppol>1 ) then
 660          if (isppol==1) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin up:'
 661          if (isppol==2) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin down:'
 662        end if
 663        do ii=num_bands(isppol)-2,num_bands(isppol)
 664          if(ii<1) cycle
 665          write(message,'(3a)') trim(message),ch10,';   ( '
 666          do jj=num_bands(isppol)-2,num_bands(isppol)
 667            if(jj<1)cycle
 668            write(message, '(a,2f11.6,a)') trim(message),&
 669 &           M_matrix(ii,jj,nntot,nkpt,isppol),' , '
 670          end do !j
 671          write(message,'(2a)') trim(message),'    ) '
 672        end do !ii
 673        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 674        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 675      end do !isppol
 676    end if !rank==master
 677 !
 678 !  erase temporary files created for parallel runs
 679 !
 680    if (nprocs > 1) then
 681 !
 682      if(prtvol>0) then
 683        write(message, '(3a)' ) ch10,&
 684 &       '   mlwfovlp :  Removing temporary files with cg and cprj (PAW)',ch10
 685        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 686        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 687      end if
 688 !
 689 !    Just master  node will remove the files
 690 !
 691      if(rank==master) then
 692        do isppol=1,nsppol
 693          do ikpt=1,nkpt
 694            write(wfnname,'(a,I5.5,".",I1)') trim(dtfil%fnametmp_cg),ikpt,isppol
 695            call delete_file(wfnname,ierr)
 696            if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 697              write(wfnname,'(a,I5.5,".",I1)') trim(dtfil%fnametmp_cprj),ikpt,isppol
 698              call delete_file(wfnname,ierr)
 699            end if
 700          end do !ikpt
 701        end do !isppol
 702      end if
 703    end if !MPI nprocs>1
 704 !
 705  end if !lmmn
 706 !if ( lmmn== .false. .and. lwannierun ) the
 707 !read .mmn file
 708 !
 709 !Deallocate arrays  no longer used
 710 !
 711  ABI_FREE(ovikp)
 712  ABI_FREE(g1)
 714 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 715 !5) Calculate initial projections
 716 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 718  if(dtset%w90iniprj/=0 )  then
 721 !
 722 !  Set value for lproj (type of projections to be computed)
 723 !  In PAW, options 5 and 6 are not in use.
 724 !  5 means that there will be a contribution from inside the spheres and another from the PW part
 725 !  6 means that we take into account just the inside-spheres contribution
 726 !  2 means that PW part will be calculated
 728 !
 729    lproj=dtset%w90iniprj
 730    if(dtset%w90iniprj == 5 ) lproj=2 ! Necessary to calculate PW contribution
 731 !
 732    ABI_MALLOC(just_augmentation,(mwan,nsppol))
 733    just_augmentation(:,:)=.false.
 735    if( psps%usepaw==1 .and. (dtset%w90iniprj==2 .or. dtset%w90iniprj>4)) then
 736      if (dtset%w90iniprj==6) just_augmentation(:,:)=.true.
 737      if (dtset%w90iniprj==5) then
 738        do isppol=1,nsppol
 739          do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
 740 !
 741 !          Trick to skip the planewave contribution for some Wannier functions
 742 !          (Not in production).
 743 !
 744            if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol) > 4) then
 745              just_augmentation(iwan,isppol)=.true.
 746              proj_radial(iwan,isppol)=proj_radial(iwan,isppol)-3
 747              write(message, '(2a,2i4)' ) &
 748 &             '   ','Skiping planewave contribution for iwan, ispin=',iwan,isppol
 749              call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 750            end if !proj_radial>4
 751          end do !iwan
 752        end do !isppol
 753      end if !w90iniprj == 5
 754    end if !paw
 755 !
 756 !  Call mlwfovlp_proj (plane waves part of projections)
 757 !
 758    if (dtset%w90iniprj/=6) then ! option 6 not yet in use
 759      call mlwfovlp_proj(A_matrix,band_in,cg,cprj,dtset,gprimd,just_augmentation,kg,&
 760 &     lproj,max_num_bands,mband,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,mwan,natom,&
 761 &     nattyp,nkpt,npwarr,&
 762 &     dtset%nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,num_bands,nwan,pawtab,proj_l,proj_m,&
 763 &     proj_radial,proj_site,proj_x,proj_z,proj_zona,psps,ucvol)
 764      write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
 765 &     '   mlwfovlp:  mlwfovlp_proj done -',ch10,&
 766 &     '   Projectors computed.'
 767      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 768    end if !w90proj/=6
 769 !
 770 !  Calculate inside-sphere part of projections (PAW)
 771 !
 772    if (psps%usepaw ==1 .and. ( dtset%w90iniprj>4)) then
 773      ABI_MALLOC(A_paw,(max_num_bands,mwan,nkpt,nsppol))
 774      call mlwfovlp_projpaw(A_paw,band_in,cprj,just_augmentation,max_num_bands,mband,mkmem,&
 775 &     mwan,natom,dtset%nband,nkpt,&
 776 &     dtset%nspinor,nsppol,dtset%ntypat,nwan,pawrad,pawtab,&
 777 &     proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial,proj_site,proj_x,proj_z,proj_zona,psps,&
 778 &     rprimd,dtset%typat,xred)
 779 !
 780      write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
 781 &     '   mlwfovlp:  mlwfovlp_proj_paw done -',ch10,&
 782 &     '   Inside-spheres part of projectors computed.'
 783      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 784 !
 785 !    Add in-sphere contribution to A_matrix
 786 !
 787 !
 788 !    w90iniprj==5. Plane waves + augmentation contributions
 789 !
 790      if(dtset%w90iniprj==5) A_matrix(:,:,:,:)=A_matrix(:,:,:,:)+A_paw(:,:,:,:)
 791 !
 792 !    w90iniprj==6. Just augmentation contribution
 793 !
 794      if(dtset%w90iniprj==6) A_matrix(:,:,:,:)=A_paw(:,:,:,:)
 795 !
 796 !    deallocations
 797 !
 798      ABI_FREE(A_paw)
 799    end if !usepaw==1
 801    ABI_FREE(just_augmentation)
 802 !
 803    call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
 804    call xmpi_sum(A_matrix,spaceComm,ierr)
 806 !
 807 !  write      projections  to a file
 808 !
 809    if(rank==master) then
 810      if(dtset%w90iniprj==1) then
 811        do isppol=1,nsppol
 812          iun(isppol)=219+isppol
 813          open(unit=iun(isppol),file=trim(filew90_ramn(isppol)),form='formatted',status='unknown')
 814          write(iun(isppol),*) 'Projections from Abinit : mband,nkpt,nwan. indices: iband1,iwan,ikpt'
 815          write(iun(isppol),*) num_bands(isppol),nkpt,nwan(isppol)
 816        end do
 817      else
 818        do isppol=1,nsppol
 819          iun(isppol)=220+isppol
 820          open(unit=iun(isppol),file=trim(filew90_amn(isppol)),form='formatted',status='unknown')
 821          write(iun(isppol),*) 'Projections from Abinit : mband,nkpt,nwan. indices: iband1,iwan,ikpt'
 822          write(iun(isppol),*) num_bands(isppol),nkpt,nwan(isppol)
 823        end do
 824      end if
 825 !
 826      do isppol=1,nsppol
 827        do ikpt=1,nkpt
 828          do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
 829            jband=0
 830            do iband=1,mband
 831              if(band_in(iband,isppol)) then
 832                jband=jband+1
 833                write(iun(isppol),'(3i6,13x,3x,2f18.14)')jband,iwan,ikpt,A_matrix(jband,iwan,ikpt,isppol)
 834              end if !band_in
 835            end do !iband
 836          end do !iwan
 837        end do !ikpt
 838      end do !isppol
 839 !
 840      if(dtset%w90iniprj==1) then
 841        do isppol=1,nsppol
 842          close(iun(isppol))
 843          write(message, '(3a)' ) &
 844 &         '   ',trim(filew90_ramn(isppol)),' written'
 845          call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 846        end do
 847      else
 848        do isppol=1,nsppol
 849          close(iun(isppol))
 850          write(message, '(3a)' ) &
 851 &         '   ',trim(filew90_amn(isppol)),' written'
 852          call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 853        end do
 854      end if
 855    end if !rank==master
 857 !
 858 !
 859 !  Write down part of the matrix to the output file
 860 !  This is for the automatic tests
 861 !
 862    if(rank==master) then
 863      write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 864 &     '   Writing top of the initial projections matrix: A_mn(ik)',ch10,&
 865 &     '   m=1:3, n=1:3, ik=1'
 866      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 867      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 868 !
 869 !    just write down the first 3 elements
 870 !
 871      do isppol=1,nsppol
 872        write(message, '( " " )')
 873        if (nsppol>1 ) then
 874          if (isppol==1) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin up:'
 875          if (isppol==2) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin down:'
 876        end if
 877        do ii=1,3
 878          if(ii>num_bands(isppol)) cycle
 879          write(message,'(3a)') trim(message),ch10,';   ( '
 880          do jj=1,3
 881            if(jj>nwan(isppol))cycle
 882            write(message, '(a,2f11.6,a)') trim(message),&
 883 &           A_matrix(ii,jj,1,isppol),' , '
 884          end do
 885          write(message,'(2a)') trim(message),'    ) '
 886        end do
 887        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 888        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 889      end do
 890 !
 891 !    Now write down bottom of the matrix
 892 !
 893      write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 894 &     '   Writing bottom of the initial projections matrix: A_mn(ik)',ch10,&
 895 &     '   m=num_bands-2:num_bands, n=nwan-2:nwan, ik=nkpt'
 896      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 897      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 898 !
 899      do isppol=1,nsppol
 900        write(message, '( " " )')
 901        if (nsppol>1 ) then
 902          if (isppol==1) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin up:'
 903          if (isppol==2) write(message,'(2a)')trim(message),'   spin down:'
 904        end if
 905        do ii=num_bands(isppol)-2,num_bands(isppol)
 906          if(ii<1) cycle
 907          write(message,'(3a)') trim(message),ch10,';   ( '
 908          do jj=nwan(isppol)-2,nwan(isppol)
 909            if(jj<1)cycle
 910            write(message, '(a,2f11.6,a)') trim(message),&
 911 &           A_matrix(ii,jj,nkpt,isppol),' , '
 912          end do
 913          write(message,'(2a)') trim(message),'    ) '
 914        end do
 915        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 916        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 917      end do !isppol
 918    end if !rank==master
 919  end if !dtset%w90iniprj/=0
 920 !
 921 !Deallocations
 922 !
 923  ABI_FREE(proj_site)
 924  ABI_FREE(proj_l)
 925  ABI_FREE(proj_m)
 926  ABI_FREE(proj_radial)
 927  ABI_FREE(proj_x)
 928  ABI_FREE(proj_z)
 929  ABI_FREE(proj_zona)
 930  ABI_FREE(proj_s_loc)
 931  ABI_FREE(proj_s_qaxis_loc)
 933 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 934 !6) write files for wannier function plot
 935 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 936  if( dtset%w90prtunk>0) then
 937    if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 938      write(message, '( a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)')ch10,&
 939 &     "   WARNING: The UNK matrices will not contain the correct wavefunctions ",ch10,&
 940 &     "   since we are just writing the plane wave contribution.",ch10,&
 941 &     "   The contribution from inside the spheres is missing. ",ch10,&
 942 &     "   However, these files can be used for plotting purposes",ch10
 943      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 944    end if
 945 !
 946    spacing = dtset%w90prtunk
 947    write(message, '( 8a,i3,2a)')ch10,&
 948 &   "   UNK files will be written.",ch10,&
 949 &   "   According to the chosen value of w90prtunk",ch10,&
 950 &   "   the wavefunctions are to be written ",ch10, &
 951 &   "   at every ", spacing," records.",ch10
 952    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 953 !
 954    ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,mpw))
 955    n1=ngfft(1)
 956    n2=ngfft(2)
 957    n3=ngfft(3)
 958    n4=ngfft(4)
 959    n5=ngfft(5)
 960    n6=ngfft(6)
 961    cplex=1
 962    mgfft=mgfftc ! error
 963    do isppol=1,nsppol
 964      ikg=0
 965      do ikpt=1,nkpt
 966 !
 967 !      MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
 968 !
 969        if (nprocs>1 ) then !sometimes we can have just one processor
 970          if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-rank)  /=0) CYCLE
 971        end if
 972 !
 973        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
 974        kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
 975        ABI_MALLOC(denpot,(cplex*n4,n5,n6))
 976        ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw_k))
 977        ABI_MALLOC(fofr,(2,n4,n5,n6))
 978        ABI_MALLOC(gbound,(2*mgfft+8,2))
 979        ABI_MALLOC(fofgout,(2,npw_k))
 980        iun_plot=1000+ikpt+ikpt*(isppol-1)
 981        write(wfnname,'("UNK",I5.5,".",I1)') ikpt, isppol
 982 !      open (unit=iun_plot, file=wfnname,form='formatted')
 983        open(unit=iun_plot, file=wfnname,form='unformatted')
 984 !      optimizing grid for UNK files
 985        n1tmp = n1/spacing
 986        n2tmp = n2/spacing
 987        n3tmp = n3/spacing
 988        if( mod(n1,spacing) /= 0) then
 989          n1tmp = n1tmp + 1
 990        end if
 991        if( mod(n2,spacing) /= 0) then
 992          n2tmp = n2tmp + 1
 993        end if
 994        if( mod(n3,spacing) /= 0) then
 995          n3tmp = n3tmp + 1
 996        end if
 997 !      write(iun_plot,*) n1tmp,n2tmp,n3tmp,ikpt,nband_inc
 998        write(iun_plot) n1tmp,n2tmp,n3tmp,ikpt,nband_inc(isppol)
 999 !      gbound=zero
1000        call sphereboundary(gbound,dtset%istwfk(ikpt),kg_k,mgfft,npw_k)
1001        write(std_out,*) "  writes UNK file for ikpt, spin=",ikpt,isppol
1002        denpot(:,:,:)=zero
1003        weight = one
1004        do iband=1,mband
1005          if(band_in(iband,isppol)) then
1006            do ig=1,npw_k*dtset%nspinor
1007              cwavef(1,ig)=cg(1,ig+iwav(iband,ikpt,isppol))
1008              cwavef(2,ig)=cg(2,ig+iwav(iband,ikpt,isppol))
1009            end do
1010            tim_fourwf=0
1011            call fourwf(cplex,denpot,cwavef,fofgout,fofr,&
1012 &           gbound,gbound,dtset%istwfk(ikpt),kg_k,kg_k,mgfft,&
1013 &           mpi_enreg,1,ngfft,npw_k,npw_k,n4,n5,n6,0,&
1014 &           tim_fourwf,weight,weight,gpu_option=dtset%gpu_option)
1015 !          do jj3=1,n3,spacing
1016 !          do jj2=1,n2,spacing
1017 !          do jj1=1,n1,spacing
1018 !          write(iun_plot,*) fofr(1,jj1,jj2,jj3),&
1019 !          & fofr(2,jj1,jj2,jj3)
1020 !          end do !jj1
1021 !          end do !jj2
1022 !          end do !jj3
1023 !          unformatted (must be one record)
1024            write(iun_plot) (((fofr(1,jj1,jj2,jj3),fofr(2,jj1,jj2,jj3),&
1025 &           jj1=1,n1,spacing),jj2=1,n2,spacing),jj3=1,n3,spacing)
1026          end if !iband
1027        end do ! iband
1028        ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1029        ABI_FREE(fofr)
1030        ABI_FREE(gbound)
1031        ABI_FREE(denpot)
1032        ABI_FREE(fofgout)
1033        ikg=ikg+npw_k
1034        close(iun_plot)
1035      end do  ! ikpt
1036    end do  ! nsppol
1037    ABI_FREE(kg_k)
1038 !
1039    write(message, '(4a)' )ch10, &
1040 &   '   ','UNK files written',ch10
1041    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1042  end if !dtset%w90prtunk
1043 !
1044  ABI_FREE(iwav)
1046 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1047 !7) Call to  Wannier90
1048 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1049  if(lwannierrun) then
1050    if( ABI_ERROR("")
1051    ABI_MALLOC(U_matrix,(mwan,mwan,nkpt,nsppol))
1052    ABI_MALLOC(U_matrix_opt,(max_num_bands,mwan,nkpt,nsppol))
1053    ABI_MALLOC(lwindow,(max_num_bands,nkpt,nsppol))
1054    ABI_MALLOC(wann_centres,(3,mwan,nsppol))
1055    ABI_MALLOC(wann_spreads,(mwan,nsppol))
1056 !  Initialize
1057    U_matrix(:,:,:,:)=czero
1058    U_matrix_opt(:,:,:,:)=czero
1059    lwindow(:,:,:)=.false.
1060    wann_centres(:,:,:)=zero
1061    wann_spreads(:,:)=zero
1062 !
1063 !  write(std_out,*) seed_name
1064 !  write(std_out,*) ngkpt
1065    ngkpt(1)=dtset%kptrlatt(1,1)
1066    ngkpt(2)=dtset%kptrlatt(2,2) ! ajouter test de verif que kptrlatt est bien diagonal
1067    ngkpt(3)=dtset%kptrlatt(3,3)
1068 !  write(std_out,*) nkpt
1069 !  write(std_out,*) rprimd*Bohr_Ang
1070 !  write(std_out,*) two_pi*gprimd/Bohr_Ang
1071 !  write(std_out,*) mband
1072 !  write(std_out,*) "nwan",nwan
1073 !  write(std_out,*) nntot
1074 !  write(std_out,*) natom
1075 !  write(std_out,*) atom_symbols
1076 !  write(std_out,*) xcart
1077 !  write(std_out,*) num_bands,num_bands,nntot,nkpt
1078 !  write(std_out,*) wann_spreads
1079 !  wann_spreads=2
1080 !  do i=1, nkpt
1081 !  do j=1, nntot
1082 !  write(std_out,*) i,j
1083 !  do k=1, num_bands
1084 !  do l=1, num_bands
1085 !  write(std_out,*) "m",M_matrix(l,k,j,i,1)
1086 !  enddo
1087 !  enddo
1088 !  enddo
1089 !  enddo
1093 #if defined HAVE_WANNIER90
1094    do isppol=1,nsppol
1095 !    when nsppol>1, master runs isppol 1 and rank==1 runs isppol 2
1096      if(nprocs>1 .and. cycle
1097      if(nprocs>1 .and. cycle
1099      write(message, '(8a)' ) ch10,&
1100 &     '** mlwfovlp :   call wannier90 library subroutine wannier_run ',ch10,&
1101 &     '   Calculation is running         ',ch10,&
1102 &     '-  see ',trim(filew90_wout(isppol)),' for details.'
1103      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1104 !
1105      call wannier_run(trim(seed_name(isppol)),ngkpt,nkpt,&            !input
1106 &    real_lattice,recip_lattice,dtset%kpt,num_bands(isppol),& !input
1107 &    nwan(isppol),nntot,natom,atom_symbols,&                  !input
1108 &    xcart*Bohr_Ang,gamma_only,M_matrix(:,:,:,:,isppol),A_matrix(:,:,:,isppol),eigenvalues_w(:,:,isppol),& !input
1109 &    U_matrix(1:nwan(isppol),1:nwan(isppol),:,isppol),& !output
1110 &    U_matrix_opt(1:num_bands(isppol),1:nwan(isppol),:,isppol),& !output
1111 &    lwindow_loc=lwindow(1:num_bands(isppol),:,isppol),& !output
1112 &    wann_centres_loc=wann_centres(:,1:nwan(isppol),isppol),&     !output
1113 &    wann_spreads_loc=wann_spreads(1:nwan(isppol),isppol),spread_loc=spreadw(:,isppol))                            !output
1115 !    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1117      write(message, '(7a)' ) ch10,&
1118 &     '   mlwfovlp :  mlwfovlp_run completed -',ch10,&
1119 &     '-  see ',trim(filew90_wout(isppol)),' for details.',ch10
1120      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1121      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1123    end do !isppol
1125 !  collect output of  wannier90 from different processors
1126    call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
1128    call xmpi_sum(U_matrix,spaceComm,ierr)
1129    call xmpi_sum(U_matrix_opt,spaceComm,ierr)
1130    call xmpi_lor(lwindow,spaceComm)
1131    call xmpi_sum(wann_centres,spaceComm,ierr)
1132    call xmpi_sum(wann_spreads,spaceComm,ierr)
1134    ! Output file
1135 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1136    if (dtset%kptopt == 0) then
1137      ABI_WARNING("Output of requires kptopt /= 0. file won't be produced!")
1138      ! Need kptrlatt in wigner_seitz and client code need to know the k-grid.
1139    end if
1140    if (rank == master .and. dtset%kptopt /= 0) then
1141      abiwan_fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
1142      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("Saving wannier90 ouput results in:", abiwan_fname))
1143      call wigner_seitz([zero, zero, zero], [2, 2, 2], dtset%kptrlatt, crystal%rmet, nrpts, irvec, ndegen)
1144      ! We know if disentanglement has been done by looking at the output values of lwindow
1145      ! Not elegant but it is the only way to avoid the parsing of the wannier input.
1146      ! In wannier_run lwindow is set to True if not disentanglement
1147      have_disentangled_spin = 0
1148      do isppol=1,nsppol
1149        !if nwan(isppol) < num_bands(isppol)
1150        if (.not. all(lwindow(:,:,isppol))) have_disentangled_spin(isppol) = 1
1151      end do
1153      NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(ncid, abiwan_fname, xmpi_comm_self))
1154      NCF_CHECK(hdr%ncwrite(ncid, fform_from_ext("ABIWAN"), nc_define=.True.))
1155      NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
1156      NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands, ncid))
1158      ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
1159        nctkdim_t("mwan", mwan), &
1160        nctkdim_t("max_num_bands", max_num_bands), &
1161        nctkdim_t("nrpts", nrpts) &
1162      ], defmode=.True.)
1163      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1165      ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "nntot"])
1166      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1167      !ncerr = nctk_def_dpscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "fermi_energy", "smearing_width"])
1168      !NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1170      ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
1171        nctkarr_t("nwan", "int", "number_of_spins"), &
1172        nctkarr_t("num_bands", "int", "number_of_spins"), &
1173        nctkarr_t("band_in_int", "int", "max_number_of_states, number_of_spins"), &
1174        nctkarr_t("lwindow_int", "int", "max_num_bands, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins"), &
1175        !nctkarr_t("exclude_bands", "int", "max_number_of_states, number_of_spins"), &
1176        !nctkarr_t("eigenvalues_w", "int", "max_num_bands, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins"), &
1177        nctkarr_t("spread", "dp", "three, number_of_spins"), &
1178        !nctkarr_t("A_matrix", "dp", "two, max_num_bands, mwan, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins"), &
1179        nctkarr_t("irvec", "int", "three, nrpts"), &
1180        nctkarr_t("ndegen", "int", "nrpts"), &
1181        nctkarr_t("have_disentangled_spin", "int", "number_of_spins"), &
1182        nctkarr_t("U_matrix", "dp", "two, mwan, mwan, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins"), &
1183        nctkarr_t("U_matrix_opt", "dp", "two, max_num_bands, mwan, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins"), &
1184        nctkarr_t("wann_centres", "dp", "three, mwan, number_of_spins"), &
1185        nctkarr_t("wann_spreads", "dp", "mwan, number_of_spins") &
1186        ])
1187      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1189      ! Write data.
1190      NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
1191      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "nntot"), nntot))
1192      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "nwan"), nwan))
1193      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "num_bands"), num_bands))
1194      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "band_in_int"), l2int(band_in)))
1195      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "lwindow_int"), l2int(lwindow)))
1196      !NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "exclude_bands"), exclude_bands))
1197      !NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "eigenvalues_w"), eigenvalues_w))
1198      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "spread"), spreadw))
1199      !NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "A_matrix"), c2r(A_matrix)))
1200      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "irvec"), irvec))
1201      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ndegen"), ndegen))
1202      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "have_disentangled_spin"), have_disentangled_spin))
1203      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "U_matrix"), c2r(U_matrix)))
1204      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "U_matrix_opt"), c2r(U_matrix_opt)))
1205      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "wann_centres"), wann_centres))
1206      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "wann_spreads"), wann_spreads))
1207      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
1209      ABI_FREE(irvec)
1210      ABI_FREE(ndegen)
1211    end if
1212 #endif
1215 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1216    if (dtset%vdw_xc==10.or.dtset%vdw_xc==11.or.dtset%vdw_xc==12.or.dtset%vdw_xc==14.and.rank==master) then
1217 !    vdw_xc==10,11,12,14 starts the
1218 !    vdW interaction using MLWFs
1219      write(std_out,*) 'nwan(nsppol)=',ch10
1220      do ii=1,nsppol
1221        write(std_out,*) 'nsppol=',ii, 'nwan(nsppol)=',nwan(ii),ch10
1222      end do
1223      write(std_out,*) 'mwan=', mwan, ch10
1225      ABI_MALLOC(occ_arr,(mband,nkpt,isppol))
1226      ABI_MALLOC(occ_wan,(mwan,nkpt,nsppol))
1227      ABI_MALLOC(tdocc_wan,(mwan,nsppol))
1229      occ_arr(:,:,:)=zero
1230      occ_wan(:,:,:)=zero
1231      tdocc_wan(:,:)=zero
1232      jj = 0
1233      do isppol=1,nsppol
1234        do ikpt=1,nkpt
1235          do iband=1,num_bands(isppol)
1236            jj = jj + 1
1237            occ_arr(iband,ikpt,isppol) = occ(jj)
1238          end do
1239        end do
1240      end do
1242      do isppol=1,nsppol
1243        do ikpt=1,nkpt
1244          do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
1245            caux=czero
1246            caux2=czero
1247            caux3=czero
1248            do iband=1,num_bands(isppol) !nband_inc(isppol) !nwan(isppol)
1249              do ii=1,nwan(isppol)
1250                caux=U_matrix(ii,iwan,ikpt,isppol)*U_matrix_opt(iband,ii,ikpt,isppol)
1251 !              DEBUG
1252 !              if(ISNAN(dble(caux))) then
1253 !              write(std_out,*) 'NaN: caux(ikpt,iwan,iband,ii):',ikpt,iwan,iband,ii,ch10
1254 !              end if
1255 !              END DEBUG
1256                do kk=1,nwan(isppol)
1257                  caux2=conjg(U_matrix(kk,iwan,ikpt,isppol))*conjg(U_matrix_opt(iband,kk,ikpt,isppol))
1258                  caux3= caux3+caux*caux2*occ_arr(iband,ikpt,isppol) !take care here as exclude_bands case is not well
1259 !                DEBUG
1260 !                if(ISNAN(dble(caux2))) then
1261 !                write(std_out,*) 'NaN: caux2(ikpt,iwan,iband,kk):',ikpt,iwan,iband,kk,ch10
1262 !                end if
1263 !                if(ISNAN(dble(caux3))) then
1264 !                write(std_out,*) 'NaN: caux3(ikpt,iwan,iband,kk,jj):',ikpt,iwan,iband,kk,jj
1265 !                end if
1266 !                END DEBUG
1267                end do
1268              end do
1269            end do
1270            occ_wan(iwan,ikpt,isppol) = dble(caux3)
1271 !          DEBUG
1272 !          write(std_out,*) occ_wan(iwan,ikpt,isppol)
1273 !          END DEBUG
1274 !          end do
1275          end do
1276        end do
1277      end do
1279      write(std_out,*) ch10,'MLWFs Occupation Matrix diagonal terms:',ch10
1281      do jj=1,nsppol
1282        forall(iwan=1:nwan(jj)) tdocc_wan(iwan,jj) = sum(occ_wan(iwan,1:nkpt,jj)) / real(nkpt,dp)
1283        write(std_out,*) 'tdocc_wan(iwan),isppol:',ch10
1284        write(std_out,*) (tdocc_wan(iwan,jj),iwan=1,nwan(jj)),jj
1285      end do
1287      ABI_MALLOC(csix,(mwan,mwan,nsppol,nsppol))
1289      call evdw_wannier(csix,corrvdw,mwan,natom,nsppol,nwan,tdocc_wan,dtset%vdw_nfrag,&
1290 &     dtset%vdw_supercell,dtset%vdw_typfrag,dtset%vdw_xc,rprimd,wann_centres,wann_spreads,xcart)
1292      ABI_FREE(csix)
1293      ABI_FREE(occ_arr)
1294      ABI_FREE(occ_wan)
1295      ABI_FREE(tdocc_wan)
1296    end if
1297 #else
1298    ABI_UNUSED(occ)
1299 #endif
1300 !  FIXME: looks like there is no automatic test which goes through here: g95 bot did not catch
1301 !  the missing deallocations
1302    ABI_FREE(wann_centres)
1303    ABI_FREE(wann_spreads)
1304    ABI_FREE(U_matrix)
1305    ABI_FREE(U_matrix_opt)
1306    ABI_FREE(lwindow)
1308  end if !lwannierrun
1309 !
1310 !deallocation
1311 !
1312  ABI_FREE(band_in)
1313  ABI_FREE(atom_symbols)
1314  ABI_FREE(xcart)
1315  ABI_FREE(eigenvalues_w)
1316  ABI_FREE(M_matrix)
1317  ABI_FREE(A_matrix)
1319 contains

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_proj [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Routine which computes projection A_{mn}(k) for Wannier code ( f90 version).


  cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions
  cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)= <p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk>
                                          and each |p_lmn> non-local projector
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  filew90_win = secondary input file for wannier90   (WAS NOT USED IN v6.7.1 - so has been temporarily removed)
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  lproj= flag 0: no projections, 1: random projections,
              2: projections on atomic orbitals
              3: projections on projectors
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  nkpt=number of k points.
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  num_bands=number of bands actually used to construct the wannier function
  nwan= number of wannier fonctions (read in
  proj_l(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number l)
  proj_m(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number m)
  proj_radial(mband)= radial part of the projection.
  proj_site(3,mband)= site of the projection.
  proj_x(3,mband)= x axis for the projection.
  proj_z(3,mband)= z axis for the projection.
  proj_zona(mband)= extension of the radial part.
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials


  A_matrix(num_bands,nwan,nkpt,nsppol)= Matrix of projections needed by wannier_run
  ( also wannier90random.amn is written)


  (only writing, printing)



2236  subroutine mlwfovlp_proj(A_matrix,band_in,cg,cprj,dtset,gprimd,just_augmentation,kg,&
2237 &lproj,max_num_bands,mband,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,mwan,natom,nattyp,&
2238 &nkpt,npwarr,nspinor,&
2239 &nsppol,ntypat,num_bands,nwan,pawtab,proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial,&
2240 &proj_site,proj_x,proj_z,proj_zona,psps,ucvol)
2242 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2243 !scalars
2244  complex(dpc),parameter :: c1=(1._dp,0._dp)
2245  integer,intent(in) :: lproj,max_num_bands,mband,mkmem,mpw,mwan,natom,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol
2246  integer,intent(in) :: ntypat
2247  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2248  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
2249  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
2250 !arrays
2251  integer ::nattyp(ntypat)
2252  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,mpw*mkmem),npwarr(nkpt),num_bands(nsppol),nwan(nsppol),proj_l(mband,nsppol)
2253  integer,intent(in) :: proj_m(mband,nsppol)
2254  integer,intent(inout)::proj_radial(mband,nsppol)
2255  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)
2256  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),proj_site(3,mband,nsppol)
2257  real(dp),intent(in) :: proj_x(3,mband,nsppol),proj_z(3,mband,nsppol),proj_zona(mband,nsppol)
2258  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: A_matrix(max_num_bands,mwan,nkpt,nsppol)
2259 !character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filew90_win(nsppol)
2260  logical,intent(in) :: band_in(mband,nsppol)
2261  logical,intent(in)::just_augmentation(mwan,nsppol)
2262  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)
2263  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
2265 !Local variables-------------------------------
2266 !scalars
2267  integer :: iatom,iatprjn,iband,iband1,iband2,ibg,icat,icg,icg_shift
2268  integer :: idum,idx,ikg,ikpt,ilmn,ipw,iproj
2269  integer :: ispinor,isppol,itypat,iwan,jband,jj1,libprjn
2270  integer :: lmn_size,natprjn,nband_k,nbprjn,npw_k
2271  integer :: sumtmp
2272  integer :: max_lmax,max_lmax2,mproj,nprocs,spaceComm,rank
2273  real(dp),parameter :: qtol=2.0d-8
2274  real(dp) :: arg,norm_error,norm_error_bar
2275  real(dp) :: ucvol,x1,x2,xnorm,xnormb,xx,yy,zz
2276  complex(dpc) :: amn_tmp(nspinor)
2277  complex(dpc) :: cstr_fact
2278  character(len=500) :: message
2279 !arrays
2280  integer :: kg_k(3,mpw),lmax(nsppol),lmax2(nsppol),nproj(nsppol)
2281  integer,allocatable :: lprjn(:),npprjn(:)
2282  real(dp) :: kpg(3),kpt(3)
2283  real(dp),allocatable :: amn(:,:,:,:,:),amn2(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
2284  real(dp),allocatable :: gsum2(:),kpg2(:),radial(:)
2285  complex(dpc),allocatable :: gf(:,:),gft_lm(:)
2286  complex(dpc),allocatable :: ylmc_fac(:,:,:),ylmcp(:)
2288 !no_abirules
2289 !Tables 3.1 & 3.2, User guide
2290  integer,save :: orb_l_defs(-5:3)=(/2,2,1,1,1,0,1,2,3/)
2291 ! integer,parameter :: mtransfo(0:3,7)=&
2292 !&  reshape((/1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,-2,-1,2,1,0,0,0,-1,1,2,-2,-3,3/),(/4,7/))
2294 !************************************************************************
2296 !mpi initialization
2297  spaceComm=MPI_enreg%comm_cell
2298  nprocs=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
2299  rank=MPI_enreg%me_kpt
2301 !Check input variables
2302  if ((lproj/=1).and.(lproj/=2).and.(lproj/=5)) then
2303    write(message, '(3a)' )&
2304 &   ' Value of lproj no allowed ',ch10,&
2305 &   ' Action : change lproj.'
2306    ABI_ERROR(message)
2307  end if
2309  write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
2310 & '** mlwfovlp_proj:  compute A_matrix of initial guess for wannier functions'
2311  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2313 !Initialize to 0.d0
2314  A_matrix(:,:,:,:)=cmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
2316 !End of preliminarities
2318 !********************* Write Random projectors
2319  if(lproj==1) then
2320    idum=123456
2321 !  Compute random projections
2322    ABI_MALLOC(amn,(2,mband,mwan,nkpt,nsppol))
2323    amn=zero
2324    do isppol=1,nsppol
2325      do ikpt=1,nkpt
2326 !
2327 !      MPI: cycle over kpts not treated by this node
2328 !
2329        if (ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-rank)/=0) CYCLE
2330 !      write(std_out,'("kpt loop2: ikpt",i3," rank ",i3)') ikpt,rank
2332 !
2333        do iband1=1,mband
2334          xnormb=0.d0
2335          do iband2=1,nwan(isppol)
2336            x1=uniformrandom(idum)
2337            x2=uniformrandom(idum)
2338            xnorm=sqrt(x1**2+x2**2)
2339            xnormb=xnormb+xnorm
2340            amn(1,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol)=x1
2341            amn(2,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol)=x2
2342          end do
2343          do iband2=1,nwan(isppol)
2344            amn(1,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol)=amn(1,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol)/xnormb
2345            amn(2,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol)=amn(2,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol)/xnormb
2346          end do !iband2
2347        end do !iband1
2348      end do !ikpt
2349    end do !isppol
2350    do isppol=1,nsppol
2351      do ikpt=1,nkpt
2352 !
2353 !      MPI: cycle over kpts not treated by this node
2354 !
2355        if (ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-rank)/=0) CYCLE
2356 !
2357        do iband2=1,nwan(isppol)
2358          jband=0
2359          do iband1=1,mband
2360            if(band_in(iband1,isppol)) then
2361              jband=jband+1
2362              if( then
2363                write(message, '(3a)' )&
2364 &               'Value of jband is above num_bands ',ch10,&
2365 &               'Action: contact Abinit group'
2366                ABI_ERROR(message)
2367              end if
2368              A_matrix(jband,iband2,ikpt,isppol)=cmplx(amn(1,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol),amn(2,iband1,iband2,ikpt,isppol))
2369            end if
2370          end do !iband1
2371        end do !iband2
2372      end do !ikpt
2373    end do !isppol
2374    ABI_FREE(amn)
2375  end if
2377 !********************* Projection on atomic orbitals based on .win file
2378  if( lproj==2) then !based on .win file
2379    nproj(:)=nwan(:)/nspinor !if spinors, then the number of projections are
2380    mproj=maxval(nproj(:))
2381 !  half the total of wannier functions
2382 !
2383 !  obtain lmax and lmax2
2384    lmax(:)=0
2385    lmax2(:)=0
2386 !
2387    do isppol=1,nsppol
2388      do iproj=1,nproj(isppol)
2389        lmax(isppol)=max(lmax(isppol),orb_l_defs(proj_l(iproj,isppol)))
2390      end do !iproj
2391      lmax2(isppol)=(lmax(isppol)+1)**2
2392    end do !isppol
2393    max_lmax=maxval(lmax(:))
2394    max_lmax2=maxval(lmax2(:))
2395 !  Allocate arrays
2396    ABI_MALLOC(ylmc_fac,(max_lmax2,mproj,nsppol))
2397 !
2398 !  get ylmfac, factor used for rotations and hybrid orbitals
2399    do isppol=1,nsppol
2400      call mlwfovlp_ylmfac(ylmc_fac(1:lmax2(isppol),1:nproj(isppol),isppol),lmax(isppol),lmax2(isppol),&
2401 &     mband,nproj(isppol),proj_l(:,isppol),proj_m(:,isppol),proj_x(:,:,isppol),proj_z(:,:,isppol))
2402    end do
2403 !
2404    norm_error=zero
2405    norm_error_bar=zero
2406    icg=0
2407 !
2408    do isppol=1,nsppol
2409 !    Allocate arrays
2410 !      this has to be done this way because the variable icg changes at the end of the
2411 !      cycle. We cannot just skip the hole cycle.
2412      ABI_MALLOC(gf,(mpw,nproj(isppol)))
2413      ABI_MALLOC(gft_lm,(lmax2(isppol)))
2414      ABI_MALLOC(gsum2,(nproj(isppol)))
2415      ABI_MALLOC(kpg2,(mpw))
2416      ABI_MALLOC(radial,(lmax2(isppol)))
2417      ABI_MALLOC(ylmcp,(lmax2(isppol)))
2418 !
2419      ikg=0
2420      do ikpt=1, nkpt
2421 !
2422 !      MPI: cycle over kpts not treated by this node
2423 !
2424        if (ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-rank)/=0) CYCLE
2425 !
2426        write(message, '(a,i6,a,2i6)' ) &
2427 &       '   processor',rank,' will compute k-point,spin=',ikpt,isppol
2428        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2430 !      Initialize variables
2431        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
2432        gsum2(:)=0.d0
2433        gf(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
2434        kpt(:)=dtset%kpt(:,ikpt)
2435        kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
2437        do ipw=1, npw_k
2438          kpg(1)= (kpt(1) + real(kg_k(1,ipw),dp))     !k+G
2439          kpg(2)= (kpt(2) + real(kg_k(2,ipw),dp))
2440          kpg(3)= (kpt(3) + real(kg_k(3,ipw),dp))
2441 !
2442 !        Calculate modulus of k+G
2443          xx=gprimd(1,1)*kpg(1)+gprimd(1,2)*kpg(2)+gprimd(1,3)*kpg(3)
2444          yy=gprimd(2,1)*kpg(1)+gprimd(2,2)*kpg(2)+gprimd(2,3)*kpg(3)
2445          zz=gprimd(3,1)*kpg(1)+gprimd(3,2)*kpg(2)+gprimd(3,3)*kpg(3)
2446          kpg2(ipw)= two_pi*sqrt(xx**2+yy**2+zz**2)
2447 !
2448 !        Complex Y_lm for k+G
2449          if(lmax(isppol)==0) then
2450            ylmcp(1)=c1/sqrt(four_pi)
2451          else
2452            call ylm_cmplx(lmax(isppol),ylmcp,xx,yy,zz)
2453          end if
2454 !
2455 !        !
2456          do iproj=1,nproj(isppol)
2457 !
2458 !          In PAW, we can use proj_radial > 4 to indicate that we just
2459 !          want the in-sphere contribution
2460 !
2461            if( psps%usepaw==1) then
2462              if( just_augmentation(iproj,isppol)) cycle
2463            end if
2464 !
2465 !          obtain radial part
2466            call mlwfovlp_radial(proj_zona(iproj,isppol),lmax(isppol),lmax2(isppol)&
2467 &           ,radial,proj_radial(iproj,isppol),kpg2(ipw))
2468 !
2469 !          scale complex representation of projector orbital with radial functions
2470 !          of appropriate l
2471            gft_lm(:)=radial(:)*ylmc_fac(1:lmax2(isppol),iproj,isppol)
2472 !
2473 !          complex structure factor for projector orbital position
2474            arg = ( kpg(1)*proj_site(1,iproj,isppol) + &
2475 &           kpg(2)*proj_site(2,iproj,isppol) + &
2476 &           kpg(3)*proj_site(3,iproj,isppol) ) * 2*pi
2477            cstr_fact = cmplx(cos(arg), -sin(arg) )
2478 !
2479 !          obtain guiding functions
2480            gf(ipw,iproj)=cstr_fact*dot_product(ylmcp,gft_lm)
2481 !
2482            gsum2(iproj)=gsum2(iproj)+real(gf(ipw,iproj))**2+aimag(gf(ipw,iproj))**2
2483          end do !iproj
2484        end do !ipw
2485 !
2486        do iproj=1,nproj(isppol)
2487 !
2488 !        In PAW, we can use proj_radial > 4 to indicate that we just
2489 !        want the in-sphere contribution
2490 !
2491          if(psps%usepaw==1 ) then
2492            if (just_augmentation(iproj,isppol)) cycle
2493          end if
2494 !
2495          gsum2(iproj)=16._dp*pi**2*gsum2(iproj)/ucvol
2496          gf(:,iproj)=gf(:,iproj)/sqrt(gsum2(iproj))
2497          norm_error=max(abs(gsum2(iproj)-one),norm_error)
2498          norm_error_bar=norm_error_bar+(gsum2(iproj)-one)**2
2499        end do !iproj
2500 !
2501 !      Guiding functions are computed.
2502 !      compute overlaps of gaussian projectors and wave functions
2503        do iproj=1,nproj(isppol)
2504 !
2505 !        In PAW, we can use proj_radial > 4 to indicate that we just
2506 !        want the in-sphere contribution
2507 !
2508          if(psps%usepaw==1 ) then
2509            if ( just_augmentation(iproj,isppol)) cycle
2510          end if
2511 !
2512          jband=0
2513          do iband=1,mband
2514            if(band_in(iband,isppol)) then
2515              icg_shift=npw_k*nspinor*(iband-1)+icg
2516              jband=jband+1
2517              amn_tmp(:)=cmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
2518              do ispinor=1,nspinor
2519                do ipw=1,npw_k
2520 !
2521 !                The case of spinors is tricky, we have nproj =  nwan/2
2522 !                so we project to spin up and spin down separately, to have at
2523 !                the end an amn matrix with nwan projections.
2524 !
2525 !                idx=ipw*nspinor - (nspinor-ispinor)
2526                  idx=ipw+(ispinor-1)*npw_k
2527                  amn_tmp(ispinor)=amn_tmp(ispinor)+gf(ipw,iproj)*cmplx(cg(1,idx+icg_shift),-cg(2,idx+icg_shift))
2528                end do !ipw
2529              end do !ispinor
2530              do ispinor=1,nspinor
2531                iwan=(iproj*nspinor)- (nspinor-ispinor)
2532                A_matrix(jband,iwan,ikpt,isppol)=amn_tmp(ispinor)
2533              end do
2534            end if !band_in
2535          end do !iband
2536        end do !iproj
2537        icg=icg+npw_k*nspinor*mband
2538        ikg=ikg+npw_k
2539      end do !ikpt
2540 !    Deallocations
2541      ABI_FREE(gf)
2542      ABI_FREE(gft_lm)
2543      ABI_FREE(gsum2)
2544      ABI_FREE(kpg2)
2545      ABI_FREE(radial)
2546      ABI_FREE(ylmcp)
2547    end do !isppol
2548 !
2549 !  if(isppol==1) then
2550 !    norm_error_bar=sqrt(norm_error_bar/real(nkpt*(nwan(1)),dp))
2551 !  else
2552 !    norm_error_bar=sqrt(norm_error_bar/real(nkpt*(nwan(1)+nwan(2)),dp))
2553 !  end if
2554 !  if(norm_error>0.05_dp) then
2555 !  write(message, '(6a,f6.3,a,f6.3,12a)' )ch10,&
2556 !  &     ' mlwfovlp_proj : WARNING',ch10,&
2557 !  &     '  normalization error for wannier projectors',ch10,&
2558 !  &     '  is',norm_error_bar,' (average) and',norm_error,' (max).',ch10,&
2559 !  &     '  this may indicate more cell-to-cell overlap of the radial functions',ch10,&
2560 !  &     '  than you want.',ch10,&
2561 !  &     '  Action : modify zona (inverse range of radial functions)',ch10,&
2562 !  '  under "begin projectors" in ',trim(filew90_win),' file',ch10
2563 !  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2564 !  end if
2565 !
2566 !  !Deallocate
2567 !  deallocate(ylmc_fac)
2568 !
2569    ABI_FREE(ylmc_fac)
2570  end if !lproj==2
2573 !*************** computes projection  from PROJECTORS ********************
2574  if(lproj==3) then  !! if LPROJPRJ
2575 !  ----- set values for projections --------------------- ! INPUT
2576 !  nbprjn:number of  different l-values for projectors
2577 !  lprjn: value of l for each projectors par ordre croissant
2578 !  npprjn: number of projectors for each lprjn
2579    natprjn=1  ! atoms with wannier functions are first
2580    if(natprjn/=1) then ! in this case lprjn should depend on iatprjn
2581      ABI_ERROR("natprjn/=1")
2582    end if
2583    nbprjn=2
2584    ABI_MALLOC(lprjn,(nbprjn))
2585    lprjn(1)=0
2586    lprjn(2)=1
2587    ABI_MALLOC(npprjn,(0:lprjn(nbprjn)))
2588    npprjn(0)=1
2589    npprjn(1)=1
2590 !  --- test coherence of nbprjn and nwan
2591    sumtmp=0
2592    do iatprjn=1,natprjn
2593      do libprjn=0,lprjn(nbprjn)
2594        sumtmp=sumtmp+(2*libprjn+1)*npprjn(libprjn)
2595      end do
2596    end do
2597    if(sumtmp/=nwan(1)) then
2598      write(std_out,*) "Number of Wannier orbitals is not equal to number of projections"
2599      write(std_out,*) "Action: check values of lprjn,npprjn % nwan"
2600      write(std_out,*) "nwan, sumtmp=",nwan,sumtmp
2601      ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
2602    end if
2603 !  --- end test of coherence
2604    ABI_MALLOC(amn2,(2,natom,nsppol,nkpt,mband,nspinor,nwan(1)))
2605    if(psps%usepaw==1) then
2606      amn2=zero
2607      ibg=0
2608      do isppol=1,nsppol
2609        do ikpt=1,nkpt
2610          nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
2611          do iband=1,nband_k
2612 !          write(std_out,*)"amn2",iband,ibg,ikpt
2613            do ispinor=1,nspinor
2614              icat=1
2615              do itypat=1,dtset%ntypat
2616                lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
2617                do iatom=icat,icat+nattyp(itypat)-1
2618                  jj1=0
2619                  do ilmn=1,lmn_size
2620                    if(iatom.le.natprjn) then
2621 !                    do iwan=1,nwan
2622                      do libprjn=0,lprjn(nbprjn)
2623 !                      if (psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)==proj_l(iwan)) then
2624 !                      if (psps%indlmn(2,ilmn,itypat)==mtransfo(proj_l(iwan),proj_m(iwan))) then
2625                        if (psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)==libprjn) then
2626                          if (psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)<=npprjn(libprjn)) then
2627                            if(band_in(iband,isppol)) then
2628                              jj1=jj1+1
2629                              if(jj1>nwan(isppol)) then
2630                                write(std_out,*) "number of wannier orbitals is lower than lmn_size"
2631                                write(std_out,*) jj1,nwan(isppol)
2632                                ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
2633                              end if
2634                              amn2(1,iatom,isppol,ikpt,iband,ispinor,jj1)=cprj(iatom,iband+ibg)%cp(1,ilmn)
2635                              amn2(2,iatom,isppol,ikpt,iband,ispinor,jj1)=cprj(iatom,iband+ibg)%cp(2,ilmn)
2636                            end if
2637                          end if
2638                        end if
2639                      end do ! libprjn
2640 !                    endif
2641 !                    endif
2642 !                    enddo ! iwan
2643                    end if ! natprjn
2644                  end do !ilmn
2645                end do ! iatom
2646                icat=icat+nattyp(itypat)
2647              end do ! itypat
2648            end do ! ispinor
2649          end do !iband
2650          ibg=ibg+nband_k*nspinor
2651 !        write(std_out,*)'amn2b',iband,ibg,ikpt
2652        end do !ikpt
2653      end do ! isppol
2655 !    -----------------------  Save Amn   --------------------
2656      do isppol=1,nsppol
2657        do ikpt=1,nkpt
2658          do iband2=1,nwan(isppol)
2659            jband=0
2660            do iband1=1,mband
2661              if(band_in(iband1,isppol)) then
2662                jband=jband+1
2663                A_matrix(jband,iband2,ikpt,isppol)=&
2664 &               cmplx(amn2(1,1,1,ikpt,iband1,1,iband2),amn2(2,1,1,ikpt,iband1,1,iband2))
2665              end if
2666            end do
2667          end do
2668        end do
2669      end do
2670    end if !usepaw
2671    ABI_FREE(amn2)
2672    ABI_FREE(npprjn)
2673    ABI_FREE(lprjn)
2675  end if ! lproj==3
2677 end subroutine mlwfovlp_proj

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_projpaw [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Calculates the functions that are given to Wannier90 as an starting guess.
 Here we project them inside the PAW spheres


  band_in(mband)= logical array which indicates the bands to be excluded from the calculation
  cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)= <p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk>
                                          and each |p_lmn> non-local projector
  just_augmentation= flag used to indicate that we are just going
                     to compute augmentation part of the matrix
                     and we are excluding the plane wave part.
  mband= maximum number of bands
  mkmem= number of k points which can fit in memory; set to 0 if use disk
  natom= number of atoms in cell.
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)= array cointaining number of bands at each k-point and isppol
  nkpt=number of k points.
  num_bands=number of bands actually used to construct the wannier function (NOT USED IN 6.7.1 SO WAS TEMPORARILY REMOVED)
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  nwan= number of wannier fonctions (read in
  pawrad(ntypat)= type(pawrad_type) radial information of paw objects
  pawtab(ntypat)= For PAW, TABulated data initialized at start
  proj_l(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number l)
  proj_m(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number m)
  proj_radial(mband)= radial part of the projection.
  proj_site(3,mband)= site of the projection.
  proj_x(3,mband)= x axis for the projection.
  proj_z(3,mband)= z axis for the projection.
  proj_zona(mband)= extension of the radial part.
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rprimd(3,3)= Direct lattice vectors, Bohr units.
  typat(natom)= atom type
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  A_paw(max_num_bands,nwan,nkpt) = A matrix containing initial guess for MLWFs
                          (augmentation part of the matrix)



 This routine is still under developement


2730 subroutine mlwfovlp_projpaw(A_paw,band_in,cprj,just_augmentation,max_num_bands,mband,mkmem,&
2731 &mwan,natom,nband,nkpt,&
2732 &nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,nwan,pawrad,pawtab,&
2733 &proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial,proj_site,proj_x,proj_z,proj_zona,psps,&
2734 &rprimd,typat,xred)
2736 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2737  integer,intent(in) :: max_num_bands,mband,mkmem,mwan,natom,nkpt
2738  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,nsppol,ntypat
2739  !arrays
2740  integer,intent(in) :: nband(nsppol*nkpt),nwan(nsppol)
2741  integer,intent(in) :: proj_l(mband,nsppol),proj_m(mband,nsppol),proj_radial(mband,nsppol)
2742  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
2743  real(dp),intent(in):: proj_site(3,mband,nsppol)
2744  real(dp),intent(in) :: proj_x(3,mband,nsppol),proj_z(3,mband,nsppol),proj_zona(mband,nsppol)
2745  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
2746  complex(dpc),intent(out) :: A_paw(max_num_bands,mwan,nkpt,nsppol)
2747  logical,intent(in) :: band_in(mband,nsppol)
2748  logical,intent(in)::just_augmentation(mwan,nsppol)
2749  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)
2750  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat)
2751  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
2752  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
2754 !Local variables-------------------------------
2755  !local variables
2756  integer :: basis_size,iatom,iband,ii
2757  integer :: ikpt,ir,isppol,itypat,iwan,jband
2758  integer :: ll,lm,ln,mm,ilmn
2759  integer :: lmn_size,max_lmax2, mesh_size,nn
2760  integer :: lmax(nsppol),lmax2(nsppol)
2761  real(dp):: aa,int_rad2,prod_real,prod_imag
2762  real(dp),parameter :: dx=0.015d0,rmax=10.d0,xmin=0.d0
2763  real(dp):: sum,wan_lm_fac,x
2764  complex(dpc)::prod
2765  character(len=500) :: message
2766  !arrays
2767  integer :: index(mband,nkpt,nsppol)
2768  real(dp):: dist,norm(mwan,nsppol)
2769  real(dp):: proj_cart(3,mwan,nsppol),proj_site_unit(3,mwan,nsppol)
2770  real(dp):: xcart_unit(3,natom),xred_unit(3,natom)
2771  real(dp),allocatable ::aux(:),ff(:),r(:),int_rad(:),rad_int(:)
2772  real(dp),allocatable::ylmr_fac(:,:,:)
2774 !no_abirules
2775 !Tables 3.1 & 3.2, User guide
2776  integer,save :: orb_l_defs(-5:3)=(/2,2,1,1,1,0,1,2,3/)
2777 !real(dp),allocatable :: ylm(:,:)
2780 ! *************************************************************************
2782  write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,'** mlwfovlp_proj:  compute in-sphere part of A_matrix'
2783  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2785 !Check input variables
2786  do isppol=1,nsppol
2787    do iwan=1,nwan(nsppol)
2788      if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)<1 .or. proj_radial(iwan,isppol)>4)then
2789        write(message,'(a,a,a,i6)')&
2790 &       '  proj_radial should be between 1 and 4,',ch10,&
2791 &       '  however, proj_radial=',proj_radial(iwan,isppol)
2792        ABI_BUG(message)
2793      end if
2794    end do
2795  end do
2797 !Initialize
2798  A_paw(:,:,:,:)=cmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
2800 !Get index for cprj
2801  ii=0
2802  do isppol=1,nsppol
2803    do ikpt=1,nkpt
2804      do iband=1,nband(ikpt)
2805        ii=ii+1
2806        index(iband,ikpt,isppol)=ii
2807      end do
2808    end do
2809  end do
2811 !obtain lmax and lmax2
2812  lmax(:)=0
2813  lmax2(:)=0
2814  do isppol=1,nsppol
2815    do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
2816      lmax(isppol)=max(lmax(isppol),orb_l_defs(proj_l(iwan,isppol)))
2817    end do !iwan
2818    lmax2(isppol)=(lmax(isppol)+1)**2
2819  end do
2820  max_lmax2=maxval(lmax2(:))
2821 !
2822 !get ylmfac, factor used for rotations and hybrid orbitals
2823 !
2824  ABI_MALLOC(ylmr_fac,(max_lmax2,mwan,nsppol))
2827  do isppol=1,nsppol
2828    call mlwfovlp_ylmfar(ylmr_fac(1:lmax2(isppol),1:nwan(isppol),isppol),&
2829 &   lmax(isppol),lmax2(isppol),mband,nwan(isppol),proj_l(:,isppol),proj_m(:,isppol),&
2830 &   proj_x(:,:,isppol),proj_z(:,:,isppol))
2831 !
2832 !  Shift projection centers and atom centers to the primitive cell
2833 !  This will be useful after, when we check if the Wannier function
2834 !  lies on one specific atom
2835 !
2836    proj_site_unit(:,:,:)=0.d0
2837    do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
2838      do ii=1,3
2839        proj_site_unit(ii,iwan,isppol)=ABS(proj_site(ii,iwan,isppol)-AINT(proj_site(ii,iwan,isppol)) )
2840      end do
2841    end do
2842    do iatom=1,natom
2843      do ii=1,3
2844        xred_unit(ii,iatom)=ABS(xred(ii,iatom)-AINT(xred(ii,iatom)) )
2845      end do
2846    end do
2847    call xred2xcart(natom,rprimd,xcart_unit,xred_unit)
2848    call xred2xcart(mwan,rprimd,proj_cart(:,:,isppol),proj_site_unit(:,:,isppol))
2849 !
2850 !  Normalize the Wannier functions
2851 !
2852 !  Radial part
2853    mesh_size= nint((rmax - xmin ) / dx + 1)
2854    ABI_MALLOC( ff,(mesh_size))
2855    ABI_MALLOC(r,(mesh_size))
2856    ABI_MALLOC(rad_int,(mesh_size))
2857    ABI_MALLOC(aux,(mesh_size))
2858    do ir=1, mesh_size
2859      x=xmin+DBLE(ir-1)*dx
2860      r(ir)=x
2861    end do   !ir
2862    do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
2863 !    write(std_out,*)'iwan',iwan
2864 !    radial functions shown in table 3.3 of wannier90 manual
2865      if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==1) ff(:) = 2.d0 * proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**(1.5d0) * exp(-proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*r(:))
2866      if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==2) ff(:) = 1.d0/(2.d0*sqrt(2.d0))*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**(1.5d0) *&
2867 &     (2.d0 - proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*r(:))*exp(-proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*r(:)/2.d0)
2868      if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==3) ff(:) = sqrt(4.d0/27.d0)*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**(1.5d0)&
2869 &     * (1.d0 - 2.d0*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*r(:)/3.d0 + 2.d0*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**2*r(:)**2/27.d0)&
2870 &     * exp(-proj_zona(iwan,isppol) * r(:)/3.d0)
2872      if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)/=4) then
2873        aux(:)=ff(:)**2*r(:)**2
2874        call simpson_int(mesh_size,dx,aux,rad_int)
2875        sum=0.d0
2876        do ir=1,mesh_size
2877          sum=sum+rad_int(ir)
2878        end do
2879        int_rad2=sum/real(mesh_size,dp)
2880 !
2881 !      do ir=1,mesh_size
2882 !      if(iwan==1) write(400,*)r(ir),aux(ir),rad_int(ir)
2883 !      end do
2884      else
2885 !
2886 !      ==4: gaussian function
2887 !      f(x)=\exp(-1/4(x/aa)**2)
2888 !      \int f(x)f(x) dx = \int \exp(-1/2(x/aa)**2) = aa*sqrt(2pi)
2889 !
2890        int_rad2=sqrt(2.d0*pi)*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)
2891      end if
2893 !
2894 !    Now angular part
2895 !
2896      prod_real=0.d0
2897      do lm=1,lmax2(isppol)
2898        wan_lm_fac=ylmr_fac(lm,iwan,isppol)
2899 !      write(std_out,*)'wan_lm_fac',wan_lm_fac
2900 !      write(std_out,*)'int_rad2',int_rad2
2901        prod_real= prod_real + wan_lm_fac**2 * int_rad2
2902      end do
2903      norm(iwan,isppol)=sqrt(prod_real)
2904    end do !iwan
2905    ABI_FREE(ff)
2906    ABI_FREE(r)
2907    ABI_FREE(rad_int)
2908    ABI_FREE(aux)
2909 !
2910 !  Now that we found our guiding functions
2911 !  We proceed with the internal product of
2912 !  our guiding functions and the wave function
2913 !  Amn=<G_m|\Psi_n> inside the sphere.
2914 !  The term <G_m|\Psi_n> inside the sphere is:
2915 !  = \sum_i <G_n | \phi_i - \tphi_i> <p_im|\Psi_m>
2916 !
2917 !
2918 !  G_n \phi and \tphi can be decomposed in
2919 !  a radial function times an angular function.
2920 !
2921 !
2922 !  Big loop on iwan and iatom
2923 !
2924    do iwan=1,nwan(isppol)
2925      do iatom=1,natom
2926 !
2927 !      check if center of wannier function coincides
2928 !      with the center of the atom
2929 !
2930        dist=((proj_cart(1,iwan,isppol)-xcart_unit(1,iatom))**2 + &
2931 &       (proj_cart(2,iwan,isppol)-xcart_unit(2,iatom))**2 + &
2932 &       (proj_cart(3,iwan,isppol)-xcart_unit(3,iatom))**2)**0.5
2933 !
2934 !      if the distance between the centers is major than 0.1 angstroms skip
2935 !
2936        if( dist > 0.188972613) cycle
2937 !
2938        write(message, '(2a,i4,a,i4,2a)')ch10, '   Wannier function center',iwan,' is on top of atom',&
2939 &       iatom,ch10,'      Calculating in-sphere contribution'
2940        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
2941        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2942 !
2943 !      Get useful quantities
2944 !
2945        itypat=typat(iatom)
2946        lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
2947        basis_size=pawtab(itypat)%basis_size
2948        mesh_size=pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size
2949        ABI_MALLOC(int_rad,(basis_size))
2950        ABI_MALLOC(ff,(mesh_size))
2951        ABI_MALLOC(aux,(mesh_size))
2953 !
2954 !      Integrate first the radial part
2955 !      and save it into an array
2956 !
2957 !
2958 !      radial functions shown in table 3.3 of wannier90 manual
2959 !
2960        if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==1) aux(1:mesh_size) = 2.d0 * proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**(1.5d0) *&
2961 &       exp(-proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size))
2962        if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==2) aux(1:mesh_size) = 1.d0/(2.d0*sqrt(2.d0))*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**(1.5d0) *&
2963 &       (2.d0 - proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)) &
2964 &       * exp(-proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)/2.d0)
2965        if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==3) aux(1:mesh_size) = sqrt(4.d0/27.d0)*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**(1.5d0)&
2966 &       * (1.d0 - 2.d0*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)*pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)/3.d0 &
2967 &       + 2.d0*proj_zona(iwan,isppol)**2 *pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)**2/27.d0)&
2968 &       * exp(-proj_zona(iwan,isppol) * pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)/3.d0)
2969 !
2970 !      ==4: gaussian function
2971 !      f(x)=\exp(-1/4(x/aa)**2)
2972 !
2973        if(proj_radial(iwan,isppol)==4) then
2974          aa=1.d0/proj_zona(iwan,isppol)
2975          aux(1:mesh_size)= exp(-0.25d0*(pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)*aa)**2)
2976        end if
2977 !
2978 !      Normalize aux
2979        aux(:)=aux(:)/norm(iwan,isppol)
2980 !
2981        do ln=1,basis_size
2982          if(just_augmentation(iwan,isppol)) then
2983 !
2984 !          just augmentation region contribution
2985 !          In this case there is no need to use \tphi
2986 !          ff= \int R_wan(r) (R_phi(ln;r)/r ) r^2 dr
2987 !
2988            ff(1:mesh_size)= aux(1:mesh_size) * pawtab(itypat)%phi(1:mesh_size,ln) &
2989 &           * pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)
2990          else
2991 !          Inside sphere contribution = \phi - \tphi
2992 !          ff= \int R_wan(r) (R_phi(ln;r)/r - R_tphi(ln;r)/r) r^2 dr
2993            ff(1:mesh_size)= aux(1:mesh_size) * (pawtab(itypat)%phi(1:mesh_size,ln)-pawtab(itypat)%tphi(1:mesh_size,ln)) &
2994 &           * pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)
2995          end if
2996 !
2997 !        Integration with simpson routine
2998 !
2999          call simp_gen(int_rad(ln),ff,pawrad(itypat))
3000 !        do ii=1,mesh_size
3001 !        unit_ln=400+ln
3002 !        if( iwan==1 ) write(unit_ln,*)pawrad(itypat)%rad(ii),ff(ii),int_rad(ln)
3003 !        end do
3004        end do !ln
3005        ABI_FREE(ff)
3006        ABI_FREE(aux)
3007 !
3008 !      Now integrate the angular part
3009 !      Cycle on i indices
3010 !
3011 !      prod_real=0.d0
3012        do ilmn=1, lmn_size
3013          ll=Psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
3014          mm=Psps%indlmn(2,ilmn,itypat)
3015          nn=Psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
3016          lm=Psps%indlmn(4,ilmn,itypat)
3017          ln=Psps%indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)
3018 !        write(std_out,*)'ll ',ll,' mm ',mm,'nn',nn,"lm",lm,"ln",ln
3019 !
3020 !        Get wannier factor for that lm component
3021          if(lm <=lmax2(isppol)) then
3022            wan_lm_fac=ylmr_fac(lm,iwan,isppol)
3023 !          Make delta product
3024 !          Here we integrate the angular part
3025 !          Since the integral of the product of two spherical harmonics
3026 !          is a delta function
3027            if( abs(wan_lm_fac) > 0.0d0) then
3028 !            write(std_out,*) 'll',ll,'mm',mm,'lm',lm,'ln',ln,'factor',wan_lm_fac !lm index for wannier function
3029 !
3030 !            Calculate Amn_paw, now that the radial and angular integrations are done
3031 !
3032              prod=cmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
3033              do ikpt=1,nkpt
3034                jband=0
3035                do iband=1,nband(ikpt)
3036                  if(band_in(iband,isppol)) then
3037                    jband=jband+1
3039                    prod_real= cprj(iatom,index(iband,ikpt,isppol))%cp(1,ilmn) * int_rad(ln) * wan_lm_fac
3040                    prod_imag= cprj(iatom,index(iband,ikpt,isppol))%cp(2,ilmn) * int_rad(ln) * wan_lm_fac
3041                    prod=cmplx(prod_real,prod_imag)
3043                    A_paw(jband,iwan,ikpt,isppol)=A_paw(jband,iwan,ikpt,isppol)+prod
3044                  end if !band_in
3045                end do !iband
3046              end do !ikpt
3047 !
3048            end if !lm<=lmax2
3049          end if  ! abs(wan_lm_fac) > 0.0d0
3050        end do !ilmn=1, lmn_size
3051        ABI_FREE(int_rad)
3052      end do !iatom
3053    end do !iwan
3054  end do !isppol
3056 !Deallocate quantities
3057  ABI_FREE(ylmr_fac)
3059 end subroutine mlwfovlp_projpaw

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_pw [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Routine which computes PW part of overlap M_{mn}(k,b)
 for Wannier code ( f90 version).


  cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions.
  g1(3,nkpt,nntot) = G vector shift which is necessary to obtain k1+b
  iwav(mband,nkpt,nsppol): shift for pw components in cg.
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor) (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  nkpt=number of k points.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ovikp(nkpt,nntot)= gives  nntot value of k2 (in the BZ) for each k1  (k2=k1+b mod(G))
  seed_name= seed_name of files containing cg for all k-points to be used with MPI


  cm1(2,mband,mband,nntot,nkpt,nsppol): overlap <u_(nk1)|u_(mk1+b)>.


  (only writing, printing)



1885 subroutine mlwfovlp_pw(cg,cm1,g1,iwav,kg,mband,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,nfft,ngfft,nkpt,nntot,&
1886 &  npwarr,nspinor,nsppol,ovikp,seed_name)
1888 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1889 !scalars
1890  integer,intent(in) :: mband,mkmem,mpw,nfft,nkpt,nntot
1891  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,nsppol
1892  character(len=fnlen) ::  seed_name  !seed names of files containing cg info used in case of MPI
1893  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1894 !arrays
1895  integer,intent(in) :: g1(3,nkpt,nntot),kg(3,mpw*mkmem),ngfft(18),npwarr(nkpt)
1896  integer,intent(in) :: iwav(mband,nkpt,nsppol)
1897  integer,intent(in) :: ovikp(nkpt,nntot)
1898  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)
1899  real(dp),intent(out) :: cm1(2,mband,mband,nntot,nkpt,nsppol)
1901 !Local variables-------------------------------
1902 !scalars
1903  integer :: iband1,iband2,ierr,ig,ig1,ig1b,ig2,ig2b
1904  integer :: ig3,ig3b,igk1,igk2,igks1,igks2,ii,ikg,ikpt,ikpt1,ikpt2,imntot,index,intot,ios,ipw
1905  integer :: ispinor,isppol,iunit,me,n1,n2,n3,npoint,npoint2,npw_k,npw_k2
1906  integer :: nprocs,spaceComm
1907  integer,allocatable::indpwk(:,:),kg_k(:,:)
1908  integer,allocatable :: invpwk(:,:)
1909  character(len=500) :: message
1910  character(len=fnlen) ::  cg_file  !file containing cg info used in case of MPI
1911  logical::lfile
1912  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_read(:,:) !to be used in case of MPI
1914 !************************************************************************
1916  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
1917 & '** mlwfovlp_pw : compute pw part of overlap'
1918  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1920 !initialize flags
1921  lfile=.false.
1922 !mpi initialization
1923  spaceComm=MPI_enreg%comm_cell
1924  nprocs=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
1925  me=MPI_enreg%me_kpt
1927  if(nprocs>1) then
1928    ABI_MALLOC(cg_read,(2,nspinor*mpw*mband))
1929  end if
1932 !****************compute intermediate quantities  (index, shifts) ******
1933 !------------compute index for g points--------------------------------
1934 !ig is a plane waves which belongs to the sphere ecut for ikpt (they
1935 !are npwarr(ikpt))
1936 !npoint is the position in the grid of planes waves
1937 !(they are nfft)
1938 !indpwk is a application ig-> npoint
1939 !invpwk is not an application (some npoint have no ig corresponding)
1940 !cg are ordered with npw_k !
1941 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1942 !------------compute index for g points--------------------------------
1943 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1944  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
1945 & '   first compute index for g-points'
1946  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1947 !
1948 !Allocations
1949  ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,mpw))
1950  ABI_MALLOC(indpwk,(nkpt,mpw))
1951  ABI_MALLOC(invpwk,(nkpt,nfft))
1952 !
1953  n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
1954  invpwk=0
1955  indpwk=0
1956  kg_k=0
1957  do isppol=1,1  !invpwk is not spin dependent
1958 !  so we just do it once
1959    ikg=0
1960    do ikpt=1,nkpt
1961 !
1962 !    MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
1963 !
1964      if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1,isppol)-me)  /=0) CYCLE
1966 !
1967 !    write(std_out,*)'me',me,'ikpt',ikpt,'isppol',isppol
1968      do npoint=1,nfft
1969        if(invpwk(ikpt,npoint)/=0 )then
1970          write(std_out,*) "error0 , invpwk is overwritten"
1971          write(std_out,*) ikpt,npoint
1972          ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
1973        end if
1974      end do
1975      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
1976 !    write(std_out,*) ikpt,npw_k,nfft
1977      kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
1978      do ig=1,npw_k
1979        if( then
1980          write(std_out,*)"error ig",ig,"greater than mpw ",mpw
1981          ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
1982        end if
1983        if(indpwk(ikpt,ig)/=0) then
1984          write(std_out,*) "error, indpwk is overwritten"
1985          write(std_out,*) ikpt,ig,indpwk(ikpt,ig)
1986          ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
1987        end if
1988        ig1=modulo(kg_k(1,ig),n1)
1989        ig2=modulo(kg_k(2,ig),n2)
1990        ig3=modulo(kg_k(3,ig),n3)
1991        indpwk(ikpt,ig)=ig1+1+n1*(ig2+n2*ig3)
1992        npoint=indpwk(ikpt,ig)
1993        if( then
1994          ABI_ERROR("error npoint")
1995        end if
1996 !      write(std_out,*) ikpt,ig,npoint,invpwk(ikpt,npoint)
1997        if(invpwk(ikpt,npoint)/=0) then
1998          write(std_out,*) "error, invpwk is overwritten"
1999          write(std_out,*) ikpt,ig,npoint,invpwk(ikpt,npoint)
2000          ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
2001        end if
2002        invpwk(ikpt,npoint)=ig
2003 !      write(std_out,*)'ikpt,npoint,invpwk',ikpt,npoint,invpwk(ikpt,npoint)
2004 !      if(ikpt.eq.1) write(std_out,*) "ig npoint",ig, npoint
2005 !      write(std_out,*) "ikpt ig npoint",ikpt,ig, npoint
2006      end do
2007      ikg=ikg+npw_k
2009    end do !ikpt
2010  end do !isppol
2011 !write(std_out,*) "index for g points has been computed"
2013  call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
2014  call xmpi_sum(invpwk,spaceComm,ierr)
2016 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2017 !------------test invpwk-----------------------------------------------
2018 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 !write(std_out,*) "TEST INVPWK"
2020 !ikpt=3
2021 !isppol=1
2022 !do ig=1,npwarr(ikpt)
2023 !npoint=indpwk(ikpt,ig)
2024 !write(std_out,*) "ig npoint    ",ig, npoint
2025 !write(std_out,*) "ig npoint inv",invpwk(ikpt,npoint),npoint
2026 !end do
2027 !do ig3=1,n3
2028 !do ig2=1,n2
2029 !do ig1=1,n1
2030 !npoint=ig1+(ig2-1)*n1+(ig3-1)*n2*n1
2031 !ig=invpwk(ikpt,npoint)
2032 !!   if(ig/=0)  write(std_out,*) "ig npoint",ig, npoint
2033 !end do
2034 !end do
2035 !end do
2037 !Deallocate unused variables
2038  ABI_FREE(kg_k)
2039  ABI_FREE(indpwk)
2041 !***********************************************************************
2042 !**calculate overlap M_{mn}(k,b)=<\Psi_{k,m}|e^{-ibr}|\Psi_{k+b,n}>*****
2043 !***********************************************************************
2044  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
2045 & '   mlwfovlp_pw : compute overlaps '
2046  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2047  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
2048 & "     nkpt  nntot  mband "
2049  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2050  write(message, '(i6,2x,i6,2x,i6,2x,i6)' ) &
2051 & nkpt,nntot,mband
2052  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2053  cm1=zero
2054  write(message, '(a)' )  '  '
2055  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2056  do isppol=1,nsppol
2057    imntot=0
2058    do ikpt1=1,nkpt
2059 !
2060 !    MPI:cycle over k-points not treated by this node
2061 !
2062      if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt1,1,isppol)-me)  /=0) CYCLE
2063 !
2064      write(message, '(a,i6,a,i6,a,i6)' ) &
2065 &     '     Processor',me,' computes k-point',ikpt1,' and spin=',isppol
2066      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2067 !    write(std_out,*)trim(message)
2069      do intot=1,nntot
2070        lfile=.false. !flag to know if this kpt will be read from a file, see below
2071        imntot=imntot+1
2072        ikpt2= ovikp(ikpt1,intot)
2073 !      write(std_out,*)'me',me,'ikpt1',ikpt1,'ikpt2',ikpt2,'intot',intot,'isppol',isppol
2075 !
2076 !      MPI: if ikpt2 not found in this processor then
2077 !      read info from an unformatted file
2078 !
2079        if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt2,1,isppol)-me)  /=0) then
2080          lfile=.true.
2081          write(cg_file,'(a,I5.5,".",I1)') trim(seed_name),ikpt2,isppol
2082          iunit=1000+ikpt2+ikpt2*(isppol-1)
2083          npw_k2=npwarr(ikpt2)
2084          open (unit=iunit, file=cg_file,form='unformatted',status='old',iostat=ios)
2085          if(ios /= 0) then
2086            write(message,*) " mlwfovlp_pw: file",trim(cg_file), "not found"
2087            ABI_ERROR(message)
2088          end if
2089 !
2090          do iband2=1,mband
2091            do ipw=1,npw_k2*nspinor
2092              index=ipw+(iband2-1)*npw_k2*nspinor
2093              read(iunit) (cg_read(ii,index),ii=1,2)
2094 !            if(me==0 .and. ikpt2==4)write(300,*)'ipw,iband2,index',ipw,iband2,index,cg_read(:,index)
2095 !            if(me==1 .and. ikpt2==4)write(301,*)'ipw,iband2,index',ipw,iband2,index,cg_read(:,index)
2096            end do
2097          end do
2098          close(iunit)
2099        end if
2100 !
2101        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt1)
2102        npw_k2=npwarr(ikpt2)
2103        do ig3=1,n3
2104          do ig2=1,n2
2105            do ig1=1,n1
2106 !            write(std_out,*) isppol,ikpt1,iband1,iband2,intot
2107              npoint=ig1+(ig2-1)*n1+(ig3-1)*n2*n1
2108              if( then
2109                write(std_out,*) "error npoint  b"
2110                ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
2111              end if
2112              ig1b=ig1+g1(1,ikpt1,intot)
2113              ig2b=ig2+g1(2,ikpt1,intot)
2114              ig3b=ig3+g1(3,ikpt1,intot)
2115 !            write(std_out,*) ig1,ig2,ig3
2116 !            write(std_out,*) ig1b,ig2b,ig3b
2117              if( ig1b=ig1b+n1
2118              if( ig2b=ig2b+n2
2119              if( ig3b=ig3b+n3
2120              if( ig1b=ig1b-n1
2121              if( ig2b=ig2b-n2
2122              if( ig3b=ig3b-n3
2123              npoint2=ig1b+(ig2b-1)*n1+(ig3b-1)*n2*n1
2124              if( then
2125                write(std_out,*)"error npoint  c"
2126                ABI_ERROR("Aborting now")
2127              end if
2128              igk1=invpwk(ikpt1,npoint)
2129              igk2=invpwk(ikpt2,npoint2)
2131 !            if(intot==10) write(std_out,*)'Before igk1 and igk2',ikpt1,ikpt2,isppol
2133              if(igk1/=0.and.igk2/=0) then
2134                do iband2=1,mband
2135                  do iband1=1,mband
2136                    do ispinor=1,nspinor
2137 !                    igks1= (igk1*nspinor)-(nspinor-ispinor)
2138 !                    igks2= (igk2*nspinor)-(nspinor-ispinor)
2139                      igks1= igk1+ (ispinor-1)*npw_k
2140                      igks2= igk2+ (ispinor-1)*npw_k2
2142 !                    Here the igks is to include the spinor component missing in igk
2143                      if(lfile) index=igks2+npw_k2*nspinor*(iband2-1) !In case of MPI, see below
2144 !
2145 !                    If MPI sometimes the info was read from an unformatted file
2146 !                    If that is the case lfile==.true.
2147 !
2148 ! TODO: this filter should be outside, not inside 1000 loops!!!
2149                      if(lfile) then
2150                        cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)+ &
2151 &                       cg(1,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg_read(1,index)&
2152 &                       + cg(2,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg_read(2,index)
2153                        cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)+ &
2154 &                       cg(1,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg_read(2,index)&
2155 &                       - cg(2,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg_read(1,index)
2156 !
2157                      else
2158                        cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=cm1(1,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)+ &
2159 &                       cg(1,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg(1,igks2+iwav(iband2,ikpt2,isppol))&
2160 &                       + cg(2,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg(2,igks2+iwav(iband2,ikpt2,isppol))
2161                        cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)=cm1(2,iband1,iband2,intot,ikpt1,isppol)+ &
2162 &                       cg(1,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg(2,igks2+iwav(iband2,ikpt2,isppol))&
2163 &                       - cg(2,igks1+iwav(iband1,ikpt1,isppol))*cg(1,igks2+iwav(iband2,ikpt2,isppol))
2164                      end if
2165                    end do !ispinor
2166                  end do ! iband1
2167                end do ! iband2
2168              end if
2169            end do ! ig1
2170          end do ! ig2
2171        end do ! ig3
2172      end do ! intot
2173    end do ! ikpt1
2174  end do ! isppol
2175 !
2176 !Deallocations
2177 !
2178  ABI_FREE(invpwk)
2179  if(nprocs>1)  then
2180    ABI_FREE(cg_read)
2181  end if
2183  end subroutine mlwfovlp_pw

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_radial [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Calculates the radial part of the initial functions given to Wannier90
 as an starting point for the minimization.
 The trial functions are a set of solutions to the radial part of the hydrogenic
 Schrodinger equation as it is explained in Table 3.3 of the Wannier90 user guide.


  alpha= Z/a = zona
  lmax= maximum value of l
  rvalue= integer defining the choice for radial functions R(r).
   It can take values from 1-3.
   It is associted to the radial part of the hydrogenic Schrodinger equation for l=0,
   See the manual of Wannier90 for more information. (
  xx= scalar number used to calculate the spherical bessel function. J_il(xx)


  mlwfovlp_radial= radial part for initial projections used to construct MLWF




  Calculates the radial part of the initial functions given as an initial
  guess by the user to construct the MLWF.


3093 subroutine mlwfovlp_radial(alpha,lmax,lmax2,radial,rvalue,xx)
3095 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3096 !scalars
3097  integer,intent(in) :: lmax,lmax2,rvalue
3098  real(dp),intent(in) :: alpha,xx
3099 !arrays
3100  real(dp),intent(out) :: radial(lmax2)
3102 !Local variables
3103 !scalars
3104  integer :: ir,ll,lm,mesh,mm
3105  real(dp),parameter :: dx=0.015d0,rmax=10.d0,xmin=0.d0
3106  real(dp) :: aa,ftmp,gauss,rtmp,x
3107  character(len=500) :: message
3108 !arrays
3109  real(dp),save :: dblefact(4)=(/1_dp,3_dp,15_dp,105_dp/)
3110  real(dp),allocatable :: aux(:),bes(:),cosr(:),func_r(:),r(:),rad_int(:)
3111  real(dp),allocatable :: sinr(:)
3113 ! *************************************************************************
3115 !Radial functions in the form of hydrogenic orbitals as defined in the
3116 !wannier90 manual.
3117  if(( rvalue > 0 ).and.(rvalue < 4)) then
3119 !  mesh
3120    mesh= nint((rmax - xmin ) / dx + 1)
3121    ABI_MALLOC( bes,(mesh))
3122    ABI_MALLOC(func_r,(mesh))
3123    ABI_MALLOC(r,(mesh))
3124    ABI_MALLOC(rad_int,(mesh))
3125    ABI_MALLOC( aux,(mesh))
3126    ABI_MALLOC(cosr,(mesh))
3127    ABI_MALLOC(sinr,(mesh))
3128    do ir=1, mesh
3129      x=xmin+DBLE(ir-1)*dx
3130      r(ir)=x
3131    end do   !ir
3133 !  radial functions shown in table 3.3 of wannier90 manual
3134    if (rvalue==1) func_r(:) = 2.d0 * alpha**(3.d0/2.d0) * exp(-alpha*r(:))
3135    if (rvalue==2) func_r(:) = 1.d0/(2.d0*sqrt(2.d0))*alpha**(3.d0/2.d0) *&
3136 &   (2.d0 - alpha*r(:))*exp(-alpha*r(:)/2.d0)
3137    if (rvalue==3) func_r(:) = sqrt(4.d0/27.d0)*alpha**(3.d0/2.d0)&
3138 &   * (1.d0 - 2.d0*alpha*r(:)/3.d0 + 2.d0*alpha**2*r(:)**2/27.d0)&
3139 &   * exp(-alpha * r(:)/3.d0)
3141 !  compute spherical bessel functions
3142    cosr(:)=cos(xx*r(:))
3143    sinr(:)=sin(xx*r(:))
3144    lm=0
3145    do ll=0,lmax
3146      call besjm(xx,bes,cosr,ll,mesh,sinr,r)
3147      aux(:)=bes(:)*func_r(:)*r(:)
3148 !    do ir=1,mesh
3149 !    write(310,*) r(ir),bes(ir)
3150 !    end do
3151      call simpson_int(mesh,dx,aux,rad_int)
3152      rtmp=rad_int(mesh)/mesh
3153      do mm=-ll,ll
3154        lm=lm+1
3155        radial(lm)=rtmp
3156      end do !mm
3157    end do !ll
3158    ABI_FREE(bes)
3159    ABI_FREE(func_r)
3160    ABI_FREE(r)
3161    ABI_FREE(aux)
3162    ABI_FREE(rad_int)
3163    ABI_FREE(cosr)
3164    ABI_FREE(sinr)
3166 !  Radial part in the form of Gaussian functions of a given width
3167 !  Taken by code of made by drh.
3168  elseif ( rvalue == 4) then
3169    aa=1._dp/alpha
3170    gauss=exp(-0.25_dp*(aa*xx)**2)
3171    lm=0
3172    do ll=0,lmax
3173      ftmp=(0.5_dp*pi)**(0.25_dp)*aa*sqrt(aa/dblefact(ll+1))*(aa*xx)**ll*gauss
3174      do mm=-ll,ll
3175        lm=lm+1
3176        radial(lm)=ftmp
3177      end do
3178    end do
3179  else ! rvalue < 0 of rvalue > 4
3180    write(message,'(a,i6,5a)')&
3181 &   '  Radial function r=',rvalue,ch10,&
3182 &   '  is not defined',ch10,&
3183 &   '  Modify .win file',ch10
3184    ABI_BUG(message)
3185  end if !rvalue
3187 end subroutine mlwfovlp_radial

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_seedname [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Get seed name and file names of all wannier90 related files


 fname_w90=root name of file appended with _w90


 filew90_win= main input file for Wannier90
 filew90_wout= main output file for Wannier90
 filew90_amn= file containing Amn matrix
 filew90_ramn= file containing Amn matrix (random initial projections)
 filew90_mmn= file containing Mmn matrix
 filew90_eig= file containing eigenvalues
 nsppol= number of spin polarizations
 seed_name= common seed name for all wannier90 related files




1414 subroutine mlwfovlp_seedname(fname_w90,filew90_win,filew90_wout,filew90_amn,&
1415 & filew90_ramn,filew90_mmn,filew90_eig,nsppol,seed_name)
1417 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1418  integer,intent(in) :: nsppol
1419  character(len=fnlen),intent(out) :: filew90_win(nsppol),filew90_wout(nsppol),filew90_amn(nsppol),filew90_ramn(nsppol)
1420  character(len=fnlen),intent(out) :: filew90_mmn(nsppol),filew90_eig(nsppol),seed_name(nsppol)
1421  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: fname_w90
1423 !Local variables-------------------------------
1424  integer::isppol
1425  character(len=fnlen) :: test_win1,test_win2,test_win3
1426  logical :: lfile
1427  character(len=2000) :: message
1428  character(len=10)::postfix
1429 ! *************************************************************************
1431  seed_name(:)=trim(fname_w90)
1432  do isppol=1,nsppol
1433    if(nsppol==1)postfix='.win'
1434    if(nsppol==2 .and. isppol==1)postfix=''
1435    if(nsppol==2 .and. isppol==2)postfix=''
1436 !
1437    filew90_win(isppol)=trim(seed_name(isppol))//trim(postfix)
1438    test_win1=filew90_win(isppol)
1439    inquire(file=filew90_win(isppol),exist=lfile)
1441    if(.not.lfile) then
1442      seed_name(isppol)='wannier90'
1443      filew90_win(isppol)=trim(seed_name(isppol))//trim(postfix)
1444      test_win2=filew90_win(isppol)
1445      inquire(file=filew90_win(isppol),exist=lfile)
1446    end if
1448    if(.not.lfile) then
1449      seed_name(isppol)='w90'
1450      filew90_win=trim(seed_name(isppol))//trim(postfix)
1451      test_win3=filew90_win(isppol)
1452      inquire(file=filew90_win(isppol),exist=lfile)
1453    end if
1455    if(.not.lfile) then
1456      write(message,'(17a)')ch10,&
1457 &     ' mlwfovlp_seedname : ERROR - ',ch10,&
1458 &     ' wannier90 interface needs one of the following files:',ch10,&
1459 &     '      ',trim(test_win1),ch10,&
1460 &     '      ',trim(test_win2),ch10,&
1461 &     '      ',trim(test_win3),ch10,&
1462 &     ' Action: read wannier90 tutorial and/or user manual',ch10,&
1463 &     '  and supply proper *.win file'
1464      ABI_ERROR(message)
1465    end if
1466  end do !isppol
1469 !Files having different names for
1470 !different spin polarizations
1471  if(nsppol==1) then
1472    filew90_win(1) =trim(seed_name(1))//'.win'
1473    filew90_wout(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'.wout'
1474    filew90_ramn(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'random.amn'
1475    filew90_amn(1) =trim(seed_name(1))//'.amn'
1476    filew90_mmn(1) =trim(seed_name(1))//'.mmn'
1477    filew90_eig(1) =trim(seed_name(1))//'.eig'
1478  elseif(nsppol==2) then
1479    filew90_win(1) =trim(seed_name(1))//''
1480    filew90_win(2) =trim(seed_name(2))//''
1481 !
1482    filew90_wout(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'_up.wout'
1483    filew90_wout(2)=trim(seed_name(2))//'_down.wout'
1484 !
1485    filew90_ramn(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'random_up.amn'
1486    filew90_ramn(2)=trim(seed_name(2))//'random_down.amn'
1487 !
1488    filew90_amn(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'_up.amn'
1489    filew90_amn(2)=trim(seed_name(2))//'_down.amn'
1490 !
1491    filew90_mmn(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'_up.mmn'
1492    filew90_mmn(2)=trim(seed_name(2))//'_down.mmn'
1493 !
1494    filew90_eig(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'_up.eig'
1495    filew90_eig(2)=trim(seed_name(2))//'_down.eig'
1496  end if
1497 !change also seed_name for nsppol=2
1498  if(nsppol==2) then
1499    seed_name(1)=trim(seed_name(1))//'_up'
1500    seed_name(2)=trim(seed_name(2))//'_down'
1501  end if
1502 !End file-name section
1504  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
1505 & '---------------------------------------------------------------'
1506  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1507  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1508  write(message, '(5a)' ) ch10,&
1509 & '  Calculation of overlap and call to wannier90 library ',ch10,&
1510 & '  to obtain maximally localized wannier functions ',ch10
1512  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1513  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1515  if(nsppol==1) then
1516    write(message, '(23a)' ) &
1517 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_win(1)),' is a mandatory secondary input',ch10,&
1518 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_wout(1)),' is the output for the library',ch10,&
1519 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_ramn(1)),' contains random projections',ch10,&
1520 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_amn(1)),' contains projections',ch10,&
1521 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_mmn(1)),' contains the overlap',ch10,&
1522 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_eig(1)),' contains the eigenvalues'
1523  elseif(nsppol==2) then
1524    write(message, '(41a)' ) &
1525 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_win(1)),&
1526 &   ' and ',trim(filew90_win(2)),ch10,'are mandatory secondary input',ch10,&
1527 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_wout(1)),&
1528 &   ' and ',trim(filew90_wout(2)),ch10,' are the output for the library',ch10,&
1529 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_ramn(1)),&
1530 &   ' and ',trim(filew90_ramn(2)),ch10,' contain random projections',ch10,&
1531 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_amn(1)),&
1532 &   ' and ',trim(filew90_amn(2)),ch10,' contain projections',ch10,&
1533 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_mmn(1)),&
1534 &   ' and ',trim(filew90_mmn(2)),ch10,' contain the overlap',ch10,&
1535 &   '  - ',trim(filew90_eig(1)),&
1536 &   ' and ',trim(filew90_eig(2)),ch10,' contain the eigenvalues'
1537  end if
1538  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1539  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1541  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
1542 & '---------------------------------------------------------------'
1543  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1544  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1546 end subroutine mlwfovlp_seedname

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_setup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Routine which creates table g1 and ovikp  necessary to compute
 overlap for Wannier code ( f90 version).


  atom_symbols(natom)= table of symbol for each atom
                                          and each |p_lmn> non-local projector
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  filew90_win(nsppol) secondary input files for w90
  lwanniersetup= flag: only 1 is fully working.
  natom              =number of atoms in cell.
  mband=maximum number of bands
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nkpt=number of k points.
  num_bands(isppol)=number of bands actually used to construct the wannier function
  nwan(isppol)= number of wannier fonctions (read in
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  real_lattice(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space
                 in format required by wannier90
  recip_lattice(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space
                 in format required by wannier90
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  seed_name=character string for generating wannier90 filenames
  xcart(3,natom)=atomic coordinates in bohr
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  band_in(mband,nsppol)   = band to take into account for wannier calculation
  g1(3,nkpt,nntot) = G vector shift which is necessary to obtain k1+b
                     from k2 in the case where k1+b does not belong to the 1st BZ.
  nband_inc(nsppol) = # of included bands
  nntot            = number of k-point neighbour
  ovikp(nkpt,nntot)= gives  nntot value of k2 (in the BZ) for each k1  (k2=k1+b mod(G))


  (only writing, printing)



1594  subroutine mlwfovlp_setup(atom_symbols,band_in,dtset,filew90_win,gamma_only,&
1595 & g1,lwanniersetup,mband,natom,nband_inc,nkpt,&
1596 & nntot,num_bands,num_nnmax,nsppol,nwan,ovikp,&
1597 & proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial,proj_site,proj_s_loc,proj_s_qaxis_loc,proj_x,proj_z,proj_zona,&
1598 & real_lattice,recip_lattice,rprimd,seed_name,spinors,xcart,xred)
1600 !Arguments---------------------------
1601 ! scalars
1602 !scalars
1603  integer,intent(in) :: lwanniersetup,mband,natom,nkpt,nsppol
1604  integer,intent(in) :: num_nnmax
1605  integer,intent(out) :: nband_inc(nsppol),nntot,num_bands(nsppol),nwan(nsppol)
1606  logical,intent(in) :: gamma_only,spinors
1607  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1608 !arrays
1609  integer,intent(out) :: g1(3,nkpt,num_nnmax),ovikp(nkpt,num_nnmax)
1610  integer,intent(out) :: proj_l(mband,nsppol),proj_m(mband,nsppol),proj_radial(mband,nsppol)
1611  real(dp),intent(in) :: real_lattice(3,3)
1612  real(dp),intent(in) :: recip_lattice(3,3),rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
1613  real(dp),intent(out) :: proj_site(3,mband,nsppol),proj_x(3,mband,nsppol),proj_z(3,mband,nsppol)
1614  real(dp),intent(out) :: proj_zona(mband,nsppol),xcart(3,natom)
1615  logical,intent(out) :: band_in(mband,nsppol)
1616  character(len=3),intent(out) :: atom_symbols(natom)
1617  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: seed_name(nsppol),filew90_win(nsppol)
1619  integer, optional, intent(out) :: proj_s_loc(mband)
1620  real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: proj_s_qaxis_loc(3,mband)
1622 !Local variables---------------------------
1623 !scalars
1624  integer :: iatom,icb,ikpt,ikpt1,intot,isppol,itypat,jj,mband_,unt
1625  real(dp) :: znucl1
1626  character(len=2) :: symbol
1627  character(len=500) :: message
1628  character(len=fnlen) :: filew90_nnkp
1629  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
1630 !arrays
1631  integer :: exclude_bands(mband,nsppol),ngkpt(3)
1633 ! *************************************************************************
1635 !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^read wannier90.nnkp^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1636  if(lwanniersetup==0) then  !this part is not coded for nsppol>1
1637    isppol=1
1638    filew90_nnkp=trim(seed_name(isppol))//'.nnkp'
1639    if (open_file(filew90_nnkp,message,newunit=unt,form='formatted',status='old') /= 0) then
1640      ABI_ERROR(message)
1641    end if
1642    read(unt,*)
1643    read(unt,*) nntot , mband_, nwan(1)
1644    write(message, '(a,a,i6,i6,i6)' )ch10,&
1645 &   ' mlwfovlp_setup nntot,mband,nwan ', nntot,mband_,nwan(1)
1646    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1647    if( then
1648      write(message, '(4a)' )&
1649 &     'mband_ is not equal to mband ',ch10,&
1650 &     'Action: check ',trim(filew90_nnkp)
1651      ABI_ERROR(message)
1652    end if
1653    if(nwan(1)>mband) then
1654      write(message, '(4a)' )&
1655 &     'nwan > mband ',ch10,&
1656 &     'Action: check ',trim(filew90_nnkp)
1657      ABI_ERROR(message)
1658    end if
1659    if(nwan(1)==0) then
1660      write(message, '(4a)' )&
1661 &     'nwan = 0 ',ch10,&
1662 &     'Action: check ',trim(filew90_nnkp)
1663      ABI_ERROR(message)
1664    end if
1665    do ikpt=1,nkpt
1666      do intot=1,nntot
1667 !      ikpt1: k point  (ikpt=ikpt1)
1668 !      ovikp(intot,ikpt): neighbour number intot for ikpt
1669 !      g1(1:3,intot,ikpt): non reciprocal space vector between the 2 k-points
1670        read(unt,*)  &
1671 &       ikpt1,ovikp(ikpt,intot),(g1(jj,ikpt,intot),jj=1,3)
1672        if( write(std_out,*) "warning: ikpt1 .ne ikpt : ?"
1673      end do
1674    end do
1675    close(unt)
1676    write(message, '(3a)' )ch10,&
1677 &   trim(filew90_nnkp),'wannier90.nnkp has been read !'
1678    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1680    message = ' exclude bands is not given in this case (not implemented) '
1681    ABI_ERROR(message)
1683 !  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call wannier_setup begin^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1684  else if (lwanniersetup==1) then
1685    num_bands(:)=mband
1686 !  num_nnmax=12 !limit fixed for compact structure in wannier_setup.
1687    ovikp=0.d0
1688 !  "When nshiftk=1, kptrlatt is initialized as a diagonal (3x3) matrix, whose diagonal
1689 !  elements are the three values ngkpt(1:3)"
1690    ngkpt(1)=dtset%kptrlatt(1,1)
1691    ngkpt(2)=dtset%kptrlatt(2,2) !  have to verif kptrlatt is diagonal
1692    ngkpt(3)=dtset%kptrlatt(3,3)
1693    do iatom=1,natom
1694      itypat=dtset%typat(iatom)
1695      znucl1=dtset%znucl(itypat)
1696      call atomdata_from_znucl(atom, znucl1)
1697      symbol=trim(adjustl(atom%symbol))
1698 !    write(309,*) symbol
1699      atom_symbols(iatom)=symbol
1700      xcart(:,iatom)=rprimd(:,1)*xred(1,iatom)+&
1701 &     rprimd(:,2)*xred(2,iatom)+&
1702 &     rprimd(:,3)*xred(3,iatom)
1703    end do ! iatom
1704 !  write(std_out,*) xcart
1705 !  write(std_out,*) Bohr_Ang
1706 !  write(std_out,*) rprimd*Bohr_Ang
1707 !  write(std_out,*) seed_name
1708 !  write(std_out,*) ngkpt
1709 !  write(std_out,*) nkpt
1710 !  write(std_out,*) mband
1711 !  write(std_out,*) natom
1712 !  write(std_out,*) atom_symbols
1713    write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
1714 &   '** mlwfovlp_setup:  call wannier90 library subroutine wannier_setup'
1715    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1716 #if defined HAVE_WANNIER90
1717    nwan(:)=0
1718    num_bands(:)=0
1719    do isppol=1,nsppol
1720 #ifdef HAVE_WANNIER90_V1
1721        call wannier_setup(seed_name(isppol),ngkpt,nkpt&            !input
1722 &      ,real_lattice,recip_lattice,dtset%kpt&                      !input
1723 &      ,mband,natom,atom_symbols,xcart*Bohr_Ang&                   !input
1724 &      ,gamma_only,spinors&                                        !input
1725 &      ,nntot,ovikp,g1,num_bands(isppol),nwan(isppol)&             !output
1726 &      ,proj_site(:,:,isppol),proj_l(:,isppol)&                    !output
1727 &      ,proj_m(:,isppol),proj_radial(:,isppol)&                    !output
1728 &      ,proj_z(:,:,isppol),proj_x(:,:,isppol)&                     !output
1729 &      ,proj_zona(:,isppol),exclude_bands(:,isppol))               !output
1730 #else
1731 !WANNIER90_V2 has the 2 optional arguments
1732      if (present(proj_s_loc)) then
1733        call wannier_setup(seed_name(isppol),ngkpt,nkpt&            !input
1734 &      ,real_lattice,recip_lattice,dtset%kpt&                      !input
1735 &      ,mband,natom,atom_symbols,xcart*Bohr_Ang&                   !input
1736 &      ,gamma_only,spinors&                                        !input
1737 &      ,nntot,ovikp,g1,num_bands(isppol),nwan(isppol)&             !output
1738 &      ,proj_site(:,:,isppol),proj_l(:,isppol)&                    !output
1739 &      ,proj_m(:,isppol),proj_radial(:,isppol)&                    !output
1740 &      ,proj_z(:,:,isppol),proj_x(:,:,isppol)&                     !output
1741 &      ,proj_zona(:,isppol),exclude_bands(:,isppol)&               !output
1742 &      ,proj_s_loc,proj_s_qaxis_loc)                               !output
1743      else
1744 !no proj_s_loc provided
1745        call wannier_setup(seed_name(isppol),ngkpt,nkpt&            !input
1746 &      ,real_lattice,recip_lattice,dtset%kpt&                      !input
1747 &      ,mband,natom,atom_symbols,xcart*Bohr_Ang&                   !input
1748 &      ,gamma_only,spinors&                                        !input
1749 &      ,nntot,ovikp,g1,num_bands(isppol),nwan(isppol)&             !output
1750 &      ,proj_site(:,:,isppol),proj_l(:,isppol)&                    !output
1751 &      ,proj_m(:,isppol),proj_radial(:,isppol)&                    !output
1752 &      ,proj_z(:,:,isppol),proj_x(:,:,isppol)&                     !output
1753 &      ,proj_zona(:,isppol),exclude_bands(:,isppol))               !output
1754      end if
1755 #endif
1756    end do !isppol
1757 ! if we do not have w90, avoid complaints about unused input variables
1758 #else
1759    ABI_UNUSED(gamma_only)
1760    ABI_UNUSED(real_lattice)
1761    ABI_UNUSED(recip_lattice)
1762    ABI_UNUSED(spinors)
1763 #endif
1764 !  do isppol=1,nsppol
1765 !  write(std_out,*)  "1", nntot,nwan(isppol)
1766 !  write(std_out,*)  "2",num_bands(isppol)  ! states on which wannier functions are computed
1767 !  write(std_out,*)  "3", proj_site(:,1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1768 !  write(std_out,*)  "4",proj_l(1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1769 !  write(std_out,*)  "5",proj_m(1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1770 !  write(std_out,*)  "6", proj_radial(1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1771 !  write(std_out,*)  "7", proj_z(:,1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1772 !  write(std_out,*)  "8", proj_x(:,1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1773 !  write(std_out,*)  "9",proj_zona(1:nwan(isppol),isppol)
1774 !  write(std_out,*)  "10",exclude_bands(:,isppol)
1775 !  end do!isppol
1776 !  testdebug:  ovikp(1,1)=1
1777 !  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1778  end if  ! lwanniersetup
1779  do isppol=1,nsppol
1780    band_in(:,isppol)=.true.
1781    do icb=1,mband
1782      if(exclude_bands(icb,isppol).ne.0)  band_in(exclude_bands(icb,isppol),isppol)=.false.
1783    end do
1784    nband_inc(isppol)=0
1785    do icb=1, mband
1786      if (band_in(icb,isppol)) then
1787        nband_inc(isppol)=nband_inc(isppol)+1
1788      end if
1789    end do
1790  end do !isppol
1791  if(any( then
1792    write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
1793 &   '   Following bands are excluded from the calculation of wannier functions:'
1794    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1796    do isppol=1,nsppol
1797      if(nsppol==2) then
1798        write(message,'("For spin",i4)')isppol
1799 !      write(message,'(a,i)')'For spin=',isppol
1800        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1801      end if !nsppol
1802      do jj=1,mband-num_bands(isppol),10
1803        write(message,'(10i7)') exclude_bands(jj:min(jj+9,mband-num_bands(isppol)),isppol)
1804        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1805      end do
1806    end do !isppol
1807  end if
1809  do isppol=1,nsppol
1810    if(nsppol==2) then
1811      write(message,'("For spin",i4)')isppol
1812      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1813    end if !nsppol
1814    write(message, '(a,i6,3a)' )ch10,&
1815 &   nwan(isppol),' wannier functions will be computed (see ',trim(filew90_win(isppol)),')'
1816    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1817 !  write(std_out,*) exclude_bands(icb),band_in(icb)
1818 !  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^END OF READING
1819    write(message, '(a,i6,a)' )ch10,&
1820 &   num_bands(isppol),' bands will be used to extract wannier functions'
1821    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1822    if(num_bands(isppol).lt.nwan(isppol)) then
1823      write(message, '(4a)' )&
1824 &     ' number of bands is lower than the number of wannier functions',ch10,&
1825 &     ' Action : check input file and ',trim(filew90_win(isppol))
1826      ABI_ERROR(message)
1827    else if (num_bands(isppol)==nwan(isppol)) then
1828      write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
1829 &     '   Number of bands is equal to the number of wannier functions',ch10,&
1830 &     '   Disentanglement will not be necessary'
1831      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1832    else if  (num_bands(isppol).gt.nwan(isppol)) then
1833      write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
1834 &     '   Number of bands is larger than the number of wannier functions',ch10,&
1835 &     '   Disentanglement will be necessary'
1836      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1837    end if
1838    write(message, '(2x,a,a,i3,1x,a)' )ch10,&
1839 &   '   Each k-point has', nntot,'neighbours'
1840    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1842  end do !isppol
1844 end subroutine mlwfovlp_setup

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_ylmfac [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Routine that produces a factor by which the initial
 guess of functions will be multiplied for the Wannier90 interface.
 It is just used if there are rotations, or if the functions required
 are linear combinations of the ylm real functions.

 For a function G(r)= 1/2 s + 1/3 px - 1/2 pz
   it would produce a matrix of the following form:

 The real spherical harmonics are given as factors of complex spherical harmonics
 The real spherical harmonics are given in table 3.1 of Wannier90 user guide.


  lmax= maximum l value for spherical harmonics
  lmax2=number of ylm functions
  mband=maximum number of bands
  nwan = number of wannier functions
  proj_l(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number l)
  proj_m(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number m)
  proj_x(3,mband)= x axis for the projection.
  proj_z(3,mband)= z axis for the projection.


  ylmc_fac(lmax2,nwan)=matrix containig a factor for ylm hybrid orbitals


  (only writing, printing)



3229 subroutine mlwfovlp_ylmfac(ylmc_fac,lmax,lmax2,mband,nwan,proj_l,proj_m,proj_x,proj_z)
3231 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3232  integer, intent(in):: lmax,lmax2,nwan,mband
3233 ! arrays
3234  integer,intent(in) :: proj_l(mband),proj_m(mband)
3235  real(dp),intent(in) :: proj_x(3,mband),proj_z(3,mband)
3236  complex(dp),intent(out)::ylmc_fac(lmax2,nwan)
3237 !
3238 !Local variables-------------------------------
3239 !
3240  integer :: orb_idx(16)=(/1,3,4,2,7,8,6,9,5,13,14,12,15,11,16,10/) !Tab3.1 Wannier90 user guide
3241  integer :: idum,ii,info,inversion_flag
3242  integer :: ir,iwan,jj,ll,lm,lmc,mm,mr
3243  real(dp):: onem,test
3244 ! arrays
3245  integer:: ipiv(lmax2)
3246  real(dp)::r(3,lmax2),rp(3,lmax2)
3247  real(dp)::rs2,rs3,rs6,rs12,umat(3,3)
3248  complex(dp)::crot(lmax2,lmax2),ctor(lmax2,lmax2),orb_lm(lmax2,-5:3,7)
3249  complex(dp):: ylmcp(lmax2)
3250  complex(dp):: ylmc_rr(lmax2,lmax2),ylmc_rr_save(lmax2,lmax2)
3251  complex(dp):: ylmc_rrinv(lmax2,lmax2),ylmc_rp(lmax2,lmax2)
3252  complex(dp),parameter :: c0=(0._dp,0._dp),c1=(1._dp,0._dp),ci=(0._dp,1._dp)
3253  character(len=500) :: message                   ! to be uncommented, if needed
3255 ! *************************************************************************
3258 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3259 !DEBUG
3260 !write(std_out,*)'lmax ',lmax,'lmax2 ',lmax2
3261 !write(std_out,*)'mband ',mband,'nwan ',nwan
3262 !
3263 !do iwan=1,nwan
3264 !write(std_out,*)'iwan,proj_l, proj_m',proj_l(iwan),proj_m(iwan)
3265 !write(std_out,*)'iwan,proj_x, proj_z',iwan,proj_x(:,iwan),proj_z(:,iwan)
3266 !end do
3267 !!END DEBUG
3269 !constants for linear combinations of ylm's
3270  rs2=1._dp/sqrt(2._dp)
3271  rs3=1._dp/sqrt(3._dp)
3272  rs6=1._dp/sqrt(6._dp)
3273  rs12=1._dp/sqrt(12._dp)
3275 !complex lm coefficients for real spherical harmonics in conventional order
3276 !s, py,pz,px, dxy,dyz,dz2,dxz,dx2-y2, fy(3x2-y2),fxyz,fyz2,fz3,fxz2,
3277 !fz(x2-y2),fx(x2-3y2)
3278  ctor(:,:)=c0
3279  do ll=0,lmax
3280    mm=0
3281    lm= ll**2+ll+mm+1
3282    ctor(lm,lm)=c1
3283    if(ll>0) then
3284      onem=one
3285      do mm=1,ll
3286        onem=-onem !(-1^mm)
3287        lm= ll**2+ll+mm+1
3288        lmc=ll**2+ll-mm+1
3289        ctor(lm ,lm )=rs2*c1
3290        ctor(lmc,lm )=onem*rs2*c1
3291        ctor(lm ,lmc)=rs2*ci
3292        ctor(lmc,lmc)=-onem*rs2*ci
3293      end do
3294    end if
3295  end do
3297  lm=0
3298  do ll=0,lmax
3299    do mm=-ll,ll
3300      lm=lm+1
3301      ctor(:,lm)=ctor(:,lm)*conjg(ci)**ll
3302    end do !mm
3303  end do !ll
3306 !coefficients for basic wannier orbitals in Table 3.1 order
3307  orb_lm(:,:,:)=c0
3308  ii=0
3309  do ll=0,lmax
3310    do mr=1,2*ll+1
3311      ii=ii+1
3312      orb_lm(:,ll,mr)=ctor(:,orb_idx(ii))
3313    end do
3314  end do
3318 !coefficients for linear combinations in table 3.2 order
3319  if(lmax>=1) then
3320 !  s            px
3321    orb_lm(:,-1,1)=rs2*ctor(:,1)+rs2*ctor(:,4)
3322    orb_lm(:,-1,2)=rs2*ctor(:,1)-rs2*ctor(:,4)
3323 !  s            px            py
3324    orb_lm(:,-2,1)=rs3*ctor(:,1)-rs6*ctor(:,4)+rs2*ctor(:,2)
3325    orb_lm(:,-2,2)=rs3*ctor(:,1)-rs6*ctor(:,4)-rs2*ctor(:,2)
3326    orb_lm(:,-2,3)=rs3*ctor(:,1)+2._dp*rs6*ctor(:,4)
3327 !  s        px        py        pz
3328    orb_lm(:,-3,1)=half*(ctor(:,1)+ctor(:,4)+ctor(:,2)+ctor(:,3))
3329    orb_lm(:,-3,2)=half*(ctor(:,1)+ctor(:,4)-ctor(:,2)-ctor(:,3))
3330    orb_lm(:,-3,3)=half*(ctor(:,1)-ctor(:,4)+ctor(:,2)-ctor(:,3))
3331    orb_lm(:,-3,4)=half*(ctor(:,1)-ctor(:,4)-ctor(:,2)+ctor(:,3))
3332  end if
3333  if(lmax>=2) then
3334 !  s            px            py
3335    orb_lm(:,-4,1)=rs3*ctor(:,1)-rs6*ctor(:,4)+rs2*ctor(:,2)
3336    orb_lm(:,-4,2)=rs3*ctor(:,1)-rs6*ctor(:,4)-rs2*ctor(:,2)
3337    orb_lm(:,-4,3)=rs3*ctor(:,1)+2._dp*rs6*ctor(:,4)
3338 !  pz           dz2
3339    orb_lm(:,-4,4)= rs2*ctor(:,3)+rs2*ctor(:,7)
3340    orb_lm(:,-4,5)=-rs2*ctor(:,3)+rs2*ctor(:,7)
3341 !  s            px            dz2         dx2-y2
3342    orb_lm(:,-5,1)=rs6*ctor(:,1)-rs2*ctor(:,4)-rs12*ctor(:,7)+half*ctor(:,9)
3343    orb_lm(:,-5,2)=rs6*ctor(:,1)+rs2*ctor(:,4)-rs12*ctor(:,7)+half*ctor(:,9)
3344 !  s            py            dz2         dx2-y2
3345    orb_lm(:,-5,3)=rs6*ctor(:,1)-rs2*ctor(:,2)-rs12*ctor(:,7)-half*ctor(:,9)
3346    orb_lm(:,-5,4)=rs6*ctor(:,1)+rs2*ctor(:,2)-rs12*ctor(:,7)-half*ctor(:,9)
3347 !  s            pz           dz2
3348    orb_lm(:,-5,5)=rs6*ctor(:,1)-rs2*ctor(:,3)+rs3*ctor(:,7)
3349    orb_lm(:,-5,6)=rs6*ctor(:,1)+rs2*ctor(:,3)+rs3*ctor(:,7)
3350  end if
3352 !stuff complex wannier orbital coefficient array
3353  do iwan=1,nwan
3354    ylmc_fac(:,iwan)=orb_lm(:,proj_l(iwan),proj_m(iwan))
3355  end do
3358 !setup to rotate ylmc_fac to new axes if called for
3359 !skip if only s projectors are used
3360  if ( lmax>0 ) then
3361 !  generate a set of nr=lmax2 random vectors
3362 !  idum=123456
3363    do ir=1,lmax2
3364      do ii=1,3
3365        r(ii,ir) = uniformrandom(idum)-0.5d0
3366      end do !ii
3367      call ylm_cmplx(lmax,ylmcp,r(1,ir),r(2,ir),r(3,ir))
3368      ylmc_rr(ir,:)=conjg(ylmcp(:))
3369      ylmc_rr_save(ir,:)=conjg(ylmcp(:))
3370    end do !ir
3372    ylmc_rrinv(:,:)=c0
3373    do ii=1,lmax2
3374      ylmc_rrinv(ii,ii)=c1
3375    end do !ii
3376 !  calculate inverse of ylmc(ir,lm) matrix
3377    call ZGESV(lmax2,lmax2,ylmc_rr,lmax2,ipiv,ylmc_rrinv,lmax2,info)
3379 !  check that r points are independent (ie., that matrix inversion wasn't
3380 !  too close to singular)
3381    ylmc_rr=matmul(ylmc_rrinv,ylmc_rr_save)
3382    test=zero
3383    do ii=1,lmax2
3384      ylmc_rr(ii,ii)=ylmc_rr(ii,ii)-c1
3385      do jj=1,lmax2
3386        test=max(abs(ylmc_rr(ii,jj)),test)
3387      end do !ii
3388    end do !jj
3389    if(test>tol8) then
3390      write(message, '(5a)' )&
3391 &     '  matrix inversion error for wannier rotations',ch10,&
3392 &     '  random vectors r(j,1:nr) are not all independent !! ',ch10,&
3393 &     '  Action : re-seed uniformrandom or maybe just try again'
3394      ABI_ERROR(message)
3395    end if !test>tol8
3397 !  end of the preliminaries, now to the rotations of the wannier orbitals
3398    do iwan=1,nwan
3399 !    don't bother for s orbitals
3400      if(proj_l(iwan)==0) cycle
3401 !    check for default axes and cycle if found
3402      if(proj_z(1,iwan)==zero .and. proj_z(2,iwan)==zero .and.&
3403 &     proj_z(3,iwan)== one .and. proj_x(1,iwan)==one .and.&
3404 &     proj_x(2,iwan)==zero .and. proj_x(3,iwan)==zero) cycle
3406 !    get the u matrix that rotates the reference frame
3407      call rotmat(proj_x(:,iwan),proj_z(:,iwan),inversion_flag,umat)
3409 !    find rotated r-vectors. Optional inversion
3410 !    operation is an extension of the wannier90 axis-setting options
3411 !    which only allow for proper axis rotations
3412      if(inversion_flag==1) then
3413        rp(:,:)= -matmul ( umat(:,:),  r(:,:) )
3414      else
3415        rp(:,:) = matmul ( umat(:,:) , r(:,:) )
3416      end if !inversion_flag
3418      do ir=1,lmax2
3419 !      get the ylm representation of the rotated vectors
3420        call ylm_cmplx(lmax,ylmcp,rp(1,ir),rp(2,ir),rp(3,ir))
3421        ylmc_rp(ir,:)=conjg(ylmcp(:))
3422      end do !ir
3423 !    the matrix product sum(ir) ylmc_rrinv(lm,ir)*ylmc_rp(ir,lm') gives the
3424 !    the complex lmXlm matrix representation of the coordinate rotation
3425      crot(:,:)=matmul(ylmc_rrinv(:,:),ylmc_rp(:,:))
3427 !    now rotate the current wannier orbital
3428      ylmcp(:)=matmul(crot(:,:),ylmc_fac(:,iwan))
3429      ylmc_fac(:,iwan)=ylmcp(:)
3431 !    write(std_out,*)'ylmc_fac',ylmc_fac(:,iwan)
3432    end do !iwan
3433  end if !lmax>0
3435 end subroutine mlwfovlp_ylmfac

m_mlwfovlp/mlwfovlp_ylmfar [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Routine that produces a fator by which the initial
 guess of functions will be multiplied for the Wannier90 interface.
 It is just used if there are rotations, or if the functions required
 are linear combinations of the ylm real functions.

 For a function G(r)= 1/2 s + 1/3 px - 1/2 pz
   it would produce a matrix of the following form:

 This function is similar to mlwfovlp_ylmfac, but the factors it uses
 real spherical harmonics instead of complex
 spherical harmonics. Remember that real spherical harmonics
 are linear combinations of complex
 spherical harmonics


  lmax= maximum l value for spherical harmonics
  lmax2=number of ylm functions
  mband=maximum number of bands
  nwan = number of wannier functions
  proj_l(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number l)
  proj_m(mband)= angular part of the projection function (quantum number m)
  proj_x(3,mband)= x axis for the projection.
  proj_z(3,mband)= z axis for the projection.


  ylmc_fac(lmax2,nwan)=matrix containig a factor for ylm hybrid orbitals




3478 subroutine mlwfovlp_ylmfar(ylmr_fac,lmax,lmax2,mband,nwan,proj_l,proj_m,proj_x,proj_z)
3480 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3481  integer, intent(in):: lmax,lmax2,nwan,mband
3482 ! arrays
3483  integer,intent(in) :: proj_l(mband),proj_m(mband)
3484  real(dp),intent(in) :: proj_x(3,mband),proj_z(3,mband)
3485  real(dp),intent(out)::ylmr_fac(lmax2,nwan)
3486 !
3487 !Local variables-------------------------------
3488 !
3489  integer :: idum,ii,inversion_flag
3490  integer :: ir,iwan,jj,ll,lm,mm,mr
3491  real(dp):: onem,test
3492 ! arrays
3493  real(dp),allocatable::dummy(:,:),nrm(:)
3494  real(dp)::r(3,lmax2),rp(3,lmax2)
3495  real(dp)::rs2,rs3,rs6,rs12,umat(3,3)
3496  real(dp)::rot(lmax2,lmax2),tor(lmax2,lmax2),orb_lm(lmax2,-5:3,7)
3497  real(dp):: ylmrp(lmax2)
3498  real(dp):: ylmr_rr(lmax2,lmax2),ylmr_rr_save(lmax2,lmax2)
3499  real(dp):: ylmr_rrinv(lmax2,lmax2),ylmr_rp(lmax2,lmax2)
3500  character(len=500) :: message                   ! to be uncommented, if needed
3501 !no_abirules
3502 !integer :: orb_idx(16)=(/1,3,4,2,7,8,6,9,5,13,14,12,15,11,16,10/) !Tab3.1 Wannier90 user guide
3504 ! *************************************************************************
3506 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3507 !DEBUG
3508 !write(std_out,*)'lmax ',lmax,'lmax2 ',lmax2
3509 !write(std_out,*)'mband ',mband,'nwan ',nwan
3510 !
3511 !do iwan=1,nwan
3512 !write(std_out,*)'iwan,proj_l, proj_m',proj_l(iwan),proj_m(iwan)
3513 !write(std_out,*)'iwan,proj_x, proj_z',iwan,proj_x(:,iwan),proj_z(:,iwan)
3514 !end do
3515 !!END DEBUG
3517 !constants for linear combinations of ylm's
3518  rs2=1._dp/sqrt(2._dp)
3519  rs3=1._dp/sqrt(3._dp)
3520  rs6=1._dp/sqrt(6._dp)
3521  rs12=1._dp/sqrt(12._dp)
3523 !
3524 !mapping lm coefficients for real spherical harmonics
3525 !table 3.1 of Wannier90 user guide with real spherical harmonics in routine initylmr
3526 !s, py,pz,px, dxy,dyz,dz2,dxz,dx2-y2, fy(3x2-y2),fxyz,fyz2,fz3,fxz2,
3527 !fz(x2-y2),fx(x2-3y2)
3528 !note: check ordering of f orbitals, it might be wrong
3530  tor(:,:)=0.d0
3531  lm=0
3532  do ll=0,lmax
3533    do mm=-ll,ll
3534      onem=(-1.d0)**mm
3535      lm=lm+1
3536      if(ll == 0) then
3537        tor(lm,lm)=1.d0
3538      else
3539        tor(lm,lm)=onem*1.d0
3540      end if
3541    end do !mm
3542  end do !ll
3543 !do lm=1,16
3544 !write(std_out,*)'tor lm=',lm,tor(:,lm)
3545 !end do
3547 !coefficients for basic wannier orbitals in Table 3.1 order
3548  orb_lm(:,:,:)=0.d0
3549  ii=0
3550  do ll=0,lmax
3551    do mr=1,2*ll+1
3552      ii=ii+1
3553      orb_lm(:,ll,mr)= tor(:,ii)
3554 !    write(std_out,*)'ii',ii,'orb_lm',orb_lm(:,ll,mr)
3555    end do
3556  end do
3560 !coefficients for linear combinations in table 3.2 order
3561  if(lmax>=1) then
3562 !  s            px
3563    orb_lm(:,-1,1)=rs2*tor(:,1)+rs2*tor(:,4)
3564    orb_lm(:,-1,2)=rs2*tor(:,1)-rs2*tor(:,4)
3565 !  s            px            py
3566    orb_lm(:,-2,1)=rs3*tor(:,1)-rs6*tor(:,4)+rs2*tor(:,2)
3567    orb_lm(:,-2,2)=rs3*tor(:,1)-rs6*tor(:,4)-rs2*tor(:,2)
3568    orb_lm(:,-2,3)=rs3*tor(:,1)+2._dp*rs6*tor(:,4)
3569 !  s        px        py        pz
3570    orb_lm(:,-3,1)=half*(tor(:,1)+tor(:,4)+tor(:,2)+tor(:,3))
3571    orb_lm(:,-3,2)=half*(tor(:,1)+tor(:,4)-tor(:,2)-tor(:,3))
3572    orb_lm(:,-3,3)=half*(tor(:,1)-tor(:,4)+tor(:,2)-tor(:,3))
3573    orb_lm(:,-3,4)=half*(tor(:,1)-tor(:,4)-tor(:,2)+tor(:,3))
3574  end if
3575  if(lmax>=2) then
3576 !  s            px            py
3577    orb_lm(:,-4,1)=rs3*tor(:,1)-rs6*tor(:,4)+rs2*tor(:,2)
3578    orb_lm(:,-4,2)=rs3*tor(:,1)-rs6*tor(:,4)-rs2*tor(:,2)
3579    orb_lm(:,-4,3)=rs3*tor(:,1)+2._dp*rs6*tor(:,4)
3580 !  pz           dz2
3581    orb_lm(:,-4,4)= rs2*tor(:,3)+rs2*tor(:,7)
3582    orb_lm(:,-4,5)=-rs2*tor(:,3)+rs2*tor(:,7)
3583 !  s            px            dz2         dx2-y2
3584    orb_lm(:,-5,1)=rs6*tor(:,1)-rs2*tor(:,4)-rs12*tor(:,7)+half*tor(:,9)
3585    orb_lm(:,-5,2)=rs6*tor(:,1)+rs2*tor(:,4)-rs12*tor(:,7)+half*tor(:,9)
3586 !  s            py            dz2         dx2-y2
3587    orb_lm(:,-5,3)=rs6*tor(:,1)-rs2*tor(:,2)-rs12*tor(:,7)-half*tor(:,9)
3588    orb_lm(:,-5,4)=rs6*tor(:,1)+rs2*tor(:,2)-rs12*tor(:,7)-half*tor(:,9)
3589 !  s            pz           dz2
3590    orb_lm(:,-5,5)=rs6*tor(:,1)-rs2*tor(:,3)+rs3*tor(:,7)
3591    orb_lm(:,-5,6)=rs6*tor(:,1)+rs2*tor(:,3)+rs3*tor(:,7)
3592  end if
3594 !real wannier orbital coefficient array
3595  do iwan=1,nwan
3596    ylmr_fac(:,iwan)=orb_lm(:,proj_l(iwan),proj_m(iwan))
3597  end do
3600 !setup to rotate ylmr_fac to new axes if called for
3601 !skip if only s projetors are used
3602  if ( lmax>0 ) then
3603 !  generate a set of nr=lmax2 random vetors
3604    idum=123456
3605    do ir=1,lmax2
3606      do ii=1,3
3607        r(ii,ir) = uniformrandom(idum)-0.5d0
3608      end do !ii
3609    end do !ir
3610    ABI_MALLOC(nrm,(lmax2))
3611    nrm(:)=sqrt(r(1,:)**2+r(2,:)**2+r(3,:)**2)**0.5
3612    call initylmr(lmax+1,1,lmax2,nrm,1,r(:,:),ylmr_rr_save(:,:),dummy)
3613    ylmr_rr(:,:)=ylmr_rr_save(:,:)
3614    do ir=1,lmax2
3615      ylmr_rr_save(ir,:)=ylmr_rr(:,ir)
3616    end do
3617    ABI_FREE(nrm)
3619    ylmr_rrinv(:,:)=0.d0
3620    do ii=1,lmax2
3621      ylmr_rrinv(ii,ii)=1.d0
3622    end do !ii
3623 !  calculate inverse of ylmr(ir,lm) matrix
3624    ylmr_rrinv(:,:)=ylmr_rr_save(:,:)
3625    call matrginv(ylmr_rrinv,lmax2,lmax2)
3627 !  check that r points are independent (ie., that matrix inversion wasn't
3628 !  too close to singular)
3629    ylmr_rr=matmul(ylmr_rrinv,ylmr_rr_save)
3630    test=0.d0
3631    do ii=1,lmax2
3632      ylmr_rr(ii,ii)=ylmr_rr(ii,ii)-1.d0
3633      do jj=1,lmax2
3634        test=max(abs(ylmr_rr(ii,jj)),test)
3635      end do !ii
3636    end do !jj
3637    if(test>tol8) then
3638      write(message, '(5a)' )&
3639 &     '  matrix inversion error for wannier rotations',ch10,&
3640 &     '  random vetors r(j,1:nr) are not all independent !! ',ch10,&
3641 &     '  Action : re-seed uniformrandom or maybe just try again'
3642      ABI_ERROR(message)
3643    end if !test>tol8
3645 !  end of the preliminaries, now to the rotations of the wannier orbitals
3646    do iwan=1,nwan
3647 !    don't bother for s orbitals
3648      if(proj_l(iwan)==0) cycle
3649 !    check for default axes and cycle if found
3650      if(proj_z(1,iwan)==0.d0 .and. proj_z(2,iwan)==0.d0 .and.&
3651 &     proj_z(3,iwan)== 1.d0 .and. proj_x(1,iwan)==1.d0 .and.&
3652 &     proj_x(2,iwan)==0.d0 .and. proj_x(3,iwan)==0.d0) cycle
3654 !    get the u matrix that rotates the reference frame
3655      call rotmat(proj_x(:,iwan),proj_z(:,iwan),inversion_flag,umat)
3656 !
3657 !    find rotated r-vetors. Optional inversion
3658 !    operation is an extension of the wannier90 axis-setting options
3659 !    which only allow for proper axis rotations
3660      if(inversion_flag==1) then
3661        rp(:,:)= -matmul ( umat(:,:),  r(:,:) )
3662      else
3663        rp(:,:) = matmul ( umat(:,:) , r(:,:) )
3664      end if !inversion_flag
3666 !    get the ylm representation of the rotated vetors
3667      ABI_MALLOC(nrm,(lmax2))
3668      nrm(:)=sqrt(rp(1,:)**2+rp(2,:)**2+rp(3,:)**2)**0.5
3669      call initylmr(lmax+1,1,lmax2,nrm,1,rp(:,:),ylmr_rp(:,:),dummy)
3670      ylmr_rr(:,:)=ylmr_rp(:,:)
3671      do ir=1,lmax2
3672        ylmr_rp(ir,:)=ylmr_rr(:,ir)
3673      end do
3674      ABI_FREE(nrm)
3675 !    the matrix product sum(ir) ylmr_rrinv(lm,ir)*ylmr_rp(ir,lm') gives the
3676 !    the  lmXlm matrix representation of the coordinate rotation
3678      rot(:,:)=matmul(ylmr_rrinv(:,:),ylmr_rp(:,:))
3679 !
3680 !    now rotate the current wannier orbital
3681      ylmrp(:)=matmul(rot(:,:),ylmr_fac(:,iwan))
3682      ylmr_fac(:,iwan)=ylmrp(:)
3683    end do !iwan
3684  end if !lmax>0
3686 end subroutine mlwfovlp_ylmfar

mlwfovlp/read_chkunit [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ mlwfovlp ] [ Functions ]




 Function which reads the .chk file produced by Wannier90




1336  subroutine read_chkunit(seed_name,nkpt,ndimwin,ierr)
1338 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1339 !scalars
1340  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt
1341  character(len=*),intent(in) :: seed_name
1342  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
1343 !arrays
1344  integer,intent(out) :: ndimwin(nkpt)
1346 !Local variables-------------------------------
1347 !scalars
1348  integer :: chk_unit,ios,ikpt
1349  logical :: have_disentangled
1351 !************************************************************************
1353    chk_unit=get_unit()
1354    fname=TRIM(seed_name)//'.chk'
1355    open(unit=chk_unit,file=fname,form='unformatted',status='old',iostat=ios)
1357    ierr=0
1358    read(chk_unit) ! header                                   ! Date and time
1359    read(chk_unit) ! ((real_lattice(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3)        ! Real lattice
1360    read(chk_unit) ! ((recip_lattice(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3)       ! Reciprocal lattice
1361    read(chk_unit) ! num_kpts
1362    read(chk_unit) ! ((kpt_latt(i,nkp),i=1,3),nkp=1,num_kpts) ! K-points
1363    read(chk_unit) ! nntot                  ! Number of nearest k-point neighbours
1364    read(chk_unit) ! num_wann               ! Number of wannier functions
1365    read(chk_unit) ! chkpt1                 ! Position of checkpoint
1366    read(chk_unit) have_disentangled        ! Whether a disentanglement has been performed
1367    if (have_disentangled) then
1368 !    read(chk_unit) ! omega_invariant     ! Omega invariant
1369 !    read(chk_unit) ((lwindow(i,nkp),i=1,num_bands),nkp=1,num_kpts)
1370      read(chk_unit) (ndimwin(ikpt),ikpt=1,nkpt)
1371 !    read(chk_unit) (((u_matrix_opt(i,j,nkp),i=1,num_bands),j=1,num_wann),nkp=1,num_kpts)
1372    else
1373 !    this is not expected. we should have disentanglement. Report the error.
1374      ierr=-1
1375    end if
1376 !  read(chk_unit)  (((u_matrix(i,j,k),i=1,num_wann),j=1,num_wann),k=1,num_kpts)               ! U_matrix
1377 !  read(chk_unit)  ((((m_matrix(i,j,k,l,1),i=1,num_wann),j=1,num_wann),k=1,nntot),l=1,num_kpts) ! M_matrix
1378 !  read(chk_unit)  ((wannier_centres(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,num_wann)
1379    close(chk_unit)
1381 end subroutine read_chkunit