ABINIT/dfpt_newvtr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute new first-order trial potential by mixing new and old values.
 First, compute preconditioned residual first-order potential.
 Then, call one of the self-consistency drivers, and  update vtrial.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


  cplex: if 1, real space 1-order functions on FFT grid are REAL, if 2, COMPLEX
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix:
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | isecur=level of security of the computation
   | mffmem=governs the number of FFT arrays which are fit in core memory
   |          it is either 1, in which case the array f_fftgr is used,
   |          or 0, in which case the array f_fftgr_disk is used
   | natom=number of atoms
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | paral_kgb=option for (kpt,g vectors,bands) parallelism
   | pawoptmix= - PAW only - 1 if the computed residuals include the PAW (rhoij) part
  etotal=the total energy obtained from the input vtrial
  ffttomix(nfft*(1-nfftmix/nfft))=Index of the points of the FFT (fine) grid on the grid used for mixing (coarse)
  initialized= if 0 the initialization of the RF run is not yet finished
   iscf=( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)
    iscf =1 => determination of the largest eigenvalue of the SCF cycle
    iscf =2 => SCF cycle, simple mixing
    iscf =3 => SCF cycle, Anderson mixing
    iscf =4 => SCF cycle, Anderson mixing (order 2)
    iscf =5 => SCF cycle, CG based on the minimization of the energy
    iscf =7 => SCF cycle, Pulay mixing
  ispmix=1 if mixing is done in real space, 2 if mixing is done in reciprocal space
  istep= number of the step in the SCF cycle
  mixtofft(nfftmix*(1-nfftmix/nfft))=Index of the points of the FFT grid used for mixing (coarse) on the FFT (fine) grid
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  nfftmix=dimension of FFT grid used to mix the densities (used in PAW only)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngfftmix(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, for the grid corresponding to nfftmix
  npawmix=-PAW only- number of spherical part elements to be mixed
  qphon(3)=reduced coordinates for the phonon wavelength (needed if cplex==2).
  pawrhoij(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
                                         Use here rhoij residuals (and gradients)
  rhor(cplex*nfft,nspden)=array for 1st-order electron density
    in electrons/bohr**3.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  vresid(cplex*nfft,nspden)=array for the residual of the potential
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  dbl_nnsclo=1 if nnsclo has to be doubled to secure the convergence.


  vtrial(cplex*nfft,nspden)= at input, it is the "in" trial potential that gave vresid=(v_out-v_in)
       at output, it is an updated "mixed" trial potential
  ==== if usepaw==1
    pawrhoij(natom)%nrhoijsel,rhoijselect,rhoijp= several arrays
                containing new values of rhoij (augmentation occupancies)


  In case of PAW calculations:
    Computations are done either on the fine FFT grid or the coarse grid (depending on dtset%pawmixdg)
    All variables (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) refer to the fine FFT grid.
    All arrays (densities/potentials...) are computed on this fine FFT grid.
    Developpers have to be careful when introducing others arrays:
      they have to be stored on the fine FFT grid.
  In case of norm-conserving calculations the FFT grid is the usual FFT grid.

  Subtility in PAW and non-collinear magnetism:
    Potentials are stored in (up-up,dn-dn,Re[up-dn],Im[up-dn]) format
    On-site occupancies (rhoij) are stored in (n,mx,my,mz)
    This is compatible provided that the mixing factors for n and m are identical
    and that the residual is not a combination of V_res and rhoij_res (pawoptmix=0).






 94 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 95 #include "config.h"
 96 #endif
 98 #include "abi_common.h"
100 subroutine dfpt_newvtr(cplex,dbl_nnsclo,dielar,dtset,etotal,ffttomix,&
101 &          initialized,iscf,ispmix,istep,mix,mixtofft,&
102 &          mpi_enreg,my_natom,nfft,nfftmix,ngfft,ngfftmix,npawmix,pawrhoij,&
103 &          qphon,rhor,rprimd,usepaw,vresid,vtrial)
105  use defs_basis
106  use defs_abitypes
107  use m_profiling_abi
108  use m_ab7_mixing
109  use m_errors
111  use m_geometry, only : metric
112  use m_pawrhoij, only : pawrhoij_type
114 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
115 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
116 #undef ABI_FUNC
117 #define ABI_FUNC 'dfpt_newvtr'
118  use interfaces_18_timing
119  use interfaces_53_ffts
120  use interfaces_67_common
121 !End of the abilint section
123  implicit none
125 !Arguments-------------------------------
126 !scalars
127  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,initialized,iscf,ispmix,istep,my_natom,nfft
128  integer,intent(in) :: nfftmix,npawmix,usepaw
129  integer,intent(inout) :: dbl_nnsclo !vz_i
130  real(dp),intent(in) :: etotal
131  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
132  type(ab7_mixing_object), intent(inout) :: mix
133  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
134 !arrays
135  integer,intent(in) :: ffttomix(nfft*(1-nfftmix/nfft))
136  integer,intent(in) :: mixtofft(nfftmix*(1-nfftmix/nfft)),ngfft(18)
137  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftmix(18)
138  real(dp),intent(in) :: dielar(7),qphon(3)
139  real(dp), intent(in), target :: rhor(cplex*nfft,dtset%nspden)
140  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
141  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vresid(cplex*nfft,dtset%nspden)
142  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vtrial(cplex*nfft,dtset%nspden)
143  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw)
145 !Local variables-------------------------------
146 !scalars
147  integer :: cplex_mix,cplex_rhoij,dplex,i_vresid1,i_vrespc1,iatom,ifft,indx
148  integer :: irhoij,ispden,jfft,jrhoij,klmn,kmix,moved_atm_inside,nfftot,nselect
149  integer :: mpicomm,errid
150  logical :: mpi_summarize,reset
151  real(dp) :: fact,mixfac,mixfac_eff,mixfacmag,ucvol
152  character(len=500) :: msg
153 !arrays
154  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),tsec(2)
155  real(dp),allocatable :: rhoijrespc(:),rhoijtmp(:,:)
156  real(dp),allocatable :: vresid0(:,:),vrespc(:,:),vreswk(:,:)
157  real(dp), pointer :: vtrial0(:,:),vpaw(:)
158  real(dp),allocatable :: vtrialg(:,:,:)
160 ! *************************************************************************
164  call timab(158,1,tsec)
166 !Compatibility tests
167  if(usepaw==1) then
168    if(dtset%nspden==4.and.dtset%pawoptmix==1) then
169      msg='pawoptmix=1 is not compatible with nspden=4 !'
170      MSG_ERROR(msg)
171    end if
172    if (my_natom>0) then
173      if (pawrhoij(1)%cplex<cplex) then
174        msg='pawrhoij()%cplex must be >=cplex !'
175        MSG_ERROR(msg)
176      end if
177    end if
178  end if
180  nfftot=ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
181  cplex_mix=max(cplex,ispmix)
182  if (usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) cplex_rhoij=pawrhoij(1)%cplex
184 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
185  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
186  moved_atm_inside=0
188 !Select components of potential to be mixed
189  ABI_ALLOCATE(vtrial0,(cplex_mix*nfftmix,dtset%nspden))
190  ABI_ALLOCATE(vresid0,(cplex_mix*nfftmix,dtset%nspden))
191  if (ispmix==1.and.nfft==nfftmix) then
192    vtrial0=vtrial;vresid0=vresid
193  else if (nfft==nfftmix) then
194    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
195      call fourdp(cplex,vtrial0(:,ispden),vtrial(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
196      call fourdp(cplex,vresid0(:,ispden),vresid(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
197    end do
198  else
199    ABI_ALLOCATE(vtrialg,(2,nfft,dtset%nspden))
200    ABI_ALLOCATE(vreswk,(2,nfft))
201    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
202      fact=dielar(4);if (ispden>1) fact=dielar(7)
203      call fourdp(cplex,vtrialg(:,:,ispden),vtrial(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
204      call fourdp(cplex,vreswk,vresid(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
205      do ifft=1,nfft
206        if (ffttomix(ifft)>0) then
207          jfft=2*ffttomix(ifft)
208          vtrial0(jfft-1,ispden)=vtrialg(1,ifft,ispden)
209          vtrial0(jfft  ,ispden)=vtrialg(2,ifft,ispden)
210          vresid0(jfft-1,ispden)=vreswk(1,ifft)
211          vresid0(jfft  ,ispden)=vreswk(2,ifft)
212        else
213          vtrialg(:,ifft,ispden)=vtrialg(:,ifft,ispden)+fact*vreswk(:,ifft)
214        end if
215      end do
216    end do
217    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vreswk)
218  end if
220 !Precondition the potential residual:
221 !Use a model dielectric function preconditioning, or simple mixing
222  ABI_ALLOCATE(vrespc,(cplex_mix*nfftmix,dtset%nspden))
223  call moddiel(cplex_mix,dielar,mpi_enreg,nfftmix,ngfftmix,dtset%nspden,ispmix,0,&
224 & dtset%paral_kgb,qphon,rprimd,vresid0,vrespc)
226 !PAW only : precondition the rhoij quantities (augmentation occupancies) residuals.
227 !Use a simple preconditionning with the same mixing factor
228 !as the model dielectric function.
229  if (usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) then
230    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoijrespc,(npawmix))
231    mixfac=dielar(4);mixfacmag=abs(dielar(7))
232    if (cplex_rhoij==1) then
233      indx=0
234      do iatom=1,my_natom
235        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
236          mixfac_eff=mixfac;if (ispden>1) mixfac_eff=mixfacmag
237          do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
238            indx=indx+1;klmn=pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)
239            rhoijrespc(indx)=mixfac_eff*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn,ispden)
240          end do
241        end do
242      end do
243    else
244      indx=-1
245      do iatom=1,my_natom
246        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
247          mixfac_eff=mixfac;if (ispden>1) mixfac_eff=mixfacmag
248          do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
249            indx=indx+2;klmn=2*pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)-1
250            rhoijrespc(indx:indx+1)=mixfac_eff*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn:klmn+1,ispden)
251          end do
252        end do
253      end do
254    end if
255  end if
257 !------Compute new vtrial
259  i_vresid1=mix%i_vresid(1)
260  i_vrespc1=mix%i_vrespc(1)
262 !Initialise working arrays for the mixing object.
263  call ab7_mixing_eval_allocate(mix, istep)
265 !Copy current step arrays.
266  call ab7_mixing_copy_current_step(mix, vresid0, errid, msg, arr_respc = vrespc)
268  if (errid /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
269    MSG_ERROR(msg)
270  end if
272  ABI_DEALLOCATE(vrespc)
273  ABI_DEALLOCATE(vresid0)
275 !PAW: either use the array f_paw or the array f_paw_disk
276  ABI_ALLOCATE(vpaw,(npawmix*usepaw))
277  if (usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) then
278    dplex=cplex_rhoij-1
279    indx=-dplex
280    do iatom=1,my_natom
281      do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
282        ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoijtmp,(cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size,1))
283        rhoijtmp=zero
284        jrhoij=1
285        do irhoij=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel
286          klmn=cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(irhoij)-dplex
287          rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,1)=pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+dplex,ispden)
288          jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
289        end do
290        do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
291          indx=indx+cplex_rhoij;klmn=cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)-dplex
292          vpaw(indx:indx+dplex)=rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,1)-pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)
293          mix%f_paw(indx:indx+dplex,i_vresid1)=pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)
294          mix%f_paw(indx:indx+dplex,i_vrespc1)=rhoijrespc(indx:indx+dplex)
295        end do
296        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoijtmp)
297      end do
298    end do
299  end if
301 !Unlike for GS, no need to modify the mean of vtrial
303  mpicomm=0;mpi_summarize=.false.
304  reset=.false.;if (initialized==0) reset=.true.
305  call ab7_mixing_eval(mix, vtrial0, istep, nfftot, ucvol, &
306 & mpicomm, mpi_summarize, errid, msg, &
307 & reset = reset, isecur = dtset%isecur, &
308 & pawopt = dtset%pawoptmix, response = 1, pawarr = vpaw, &
309 & etotal = etotal, potden = rhor, comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
311  if (errid == AB7_ERROR_MIXING_INC_NNSLOOP) then
312    dbl_nnsclo = 1
313  else if (errid /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
314    ! MG FIXME, Why this?
315    ! One should propagate the error so that we can handle it
316    ! in the caller!
317    MSG_ERROR(msg)
318  end if
320 !Do here the mixing of the potential
321  if(iscf==2 .or. iscf==3 .or. iscf==7)then
322 !  PAW: restore rhoij from compact storage
323    if (usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) then
324      dplex=cplex_rhoij-1
325      indx=-dplex
326      do iatom=1,my_natom
327        ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoijtmp,(cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden))
328        rhoijtmp=zero
329        if (pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz<pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size) then
330          do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
331            jrhoij=1
332            do irhoij=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel
333              klmn=cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(irhoij)-dplex
334              rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)=pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+dplex,ispden)
335              jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
336            end do
337          end do
338        end if
339        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
340          do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
341            indx=indx+cplex_rhoij;klmn=cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)-dplex
342            rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)=vpaw(indx:indx+dplex)
343          end do
344        end do
345        nselect=0
346        do klmn=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size
347          if (any(abs(rhoijtmp(cplex_rhoij*klmn-dplex:cplex_rhoij*klmn,:))>tol10)) then
348            nselect=nselect+1
349            pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(nselect)=klmn
350            do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
351              pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(cplex_rhoij*nselect-dplex:cplex_rhoij*nselect,ispden)=&
352 &             rhoijtmp(cplex_rhoij*klmn-dplex:cplex_rhoij*klmn,ispden)
353            end do
354          end if
355        end do
356        pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel=nselect
357        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoijtmp)
358      end do
359    end if
361  else if(iscf==5 .or. iscf==6)then
362    if(ispmix/=1) then
363      msg = ' Mixing on reciprocal space not allowed with iscf=5 or 6.'
364      MSG_ERROR(msg)
365    end if
366 !  PAW: apply a simple mixing to rhoij (this is temporary)
367    if (usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) then
368      indx=1-cplex_rhoij
369      do iatom=1,my_natom
370        ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoijtmp,(cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden))
371        rhoijtmp=zero
372        if (pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz<pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size) then
373          do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
374            do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
375              indx=indx+cplex_rhoij;klmn=cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)-dplex
376              rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)=rhoijrespc(indx:indx+dplex) &
377 &             -pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)
378            end do
379          end do
380        end if
381        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
382          jrhoij=1
383          do irhoij=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel
384            klmn=cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(irhoij)-dplex
385            rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden)=rhoijtmp(klmn:klmn+dplex,ispden) &
386 &           +pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+dplex,ispden)
387            jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
388          end do
389        end do
390        nselect=0
391        do klmn=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size
392          if (any(abs(rhoijtmp(cplex_rhoij*klmn-dplex:cplex_rhoij*klmn,:))>tol10)) then
393            nselect=nselect+1
394            pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(nselect)=klmn
395            do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
396              pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(cplex_rhoij*nselect-dplex:cplex_rhoij*nselect,ispden)=&
397 &             rhoijtmp(cplex_rhoij*klmn-dplex:cplex_rhoij*klmn,ispden)
398            end do
399          end if
400        end do
401        pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel=nselect
402        ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoijtmp)
403      end do
404    end if
405  end if
408  if (usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0)  then
409    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoijrespc)
410  end if
412 !Eventually write the data on disk and deallocate f_fftgr_disk
413  call ab7_mixing_eval_deallocate(mix)
415 !Restore potential
416  if (ispmix==1.and.nfft==nfftmix) then
417    vtrial=vtrial0
418  else if (nfft==nfftmix) then
419    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
420      call fourdp(cplex,vtrial0(:,ispden),vtrial(:,ispden),+1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
421    end do
422  else
423    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
424      do ifft=1,nfftmix
425        jfft=mixtofft(ifft)
426        vtrialg(1,jfft,ispden)=vtrial0(2*ifft-1,ispden)
427        vtrialg(2,jfft,ispden)=vtrial0(2*ifft  ,ispden)
428      end do
429      call fourdp(cplex,vtrialg(:,:,ispden),vtrial(:,ispden),+1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
430    end do
431    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vtrialg)
432  end if
433  ABI_DEALLOCATE(vtrial0)
435  call timab(158,2,tsec)
439 end subroutine dfpt_newvtr