ABINIT/dfpt_prtph [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print the phonon frequencies, on unit 6 as well as the printing
 unit (except if the associated number -iout- is negative),
 and for the latter, in Hartree, meV, Thz, Kelvin or cm-1.
 If eivec==1,2, also print the eigenmodes : displacements in cartesian coordinates.
 If eivec==4, generate output files for band2eps (drawing tool for the phonon band structure


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  displ(2,3*natom,3*natom)= contains the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
  The first index means either the real or the imaginary part,
  The second index runs on the direction and the atoms displaced
  The third index runs on the modes.
  eivec=(if eivec==0, the eigendisplacements are not printed,
    if eivec==1,2, the eigendisplacements are printed,
    if eivec==4, files for band2eps
  enunit=units for output of the phonon frequencies :
    0=> Hartree and cm-1, 1=> eV and Thz, other=> Ha,Thz,eV,cm-1 and K
  iout= unit for long print (if negative, the routine only print on unit 6, and in Hartree only).
  natom= number of atom
  phfreq(3*natom)= phonon frequencies in Hartree
  qphnrm=phonon wavevector normalisation factor
  qphon(3)=phonon wavevector


  Only printing


 called by one processor only






 51 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 52 #include "config.h"
 53 #endif
 55 #include "abi_common.h"
 58 subroutine dfpt_prtph(displ,eivec,enunit,iout,natom,phfrq,qphnrm,qphon)
 60  use defs_basis
 61  use m_profiling_abi
 62  use m_errors
 64 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 65 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 66 #undef ABI_FUNC
 67 #define ABI_FUNC 'dfpt_prtph'
 68  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 69 !End of the abilint section
 71  implicit none
 73 !Arguments -------------------------------
 74 !scalars
 75  integer,intent(in) :: eivec,enunit,iout,natom
 76  real(dp),intent(in) :: qphnrm
 77 !arrays
 78  real(dp),intent(in) :: displ(2,3*natom,3*natom),phfrq(3*natom),qphon(3)
 80 !Local variables -------------------------
 81 !scalars
 82  integer :: i,idir,ii,imode,jj
 83  real(dp) :: tolerance
 84  logical :: t_degenerate
 85  character(len=500) :: message
 86 !arrays
 87  real(dp) :: vecti(3),vectr(3)
 88  character(len=1) :: metacharacter(3*natom)
 90 ! *********************************************************************
 92 !Check the value of eivec
 93  if (all(eivec /= [0,1,2,4])) then
 94    write(message, '(a,i0,a,a)' )&
 95 &   'In the calling subroutine, eivec is',eivec,ch10,&
 96 &   'but allowed values are between 0 and 4.'
 97    MSG_BUG(message)
 98  end if
100 !write the phonon frequencies on unit std_out
101  write(message,'(4a)' )' ',ch10,&
102 & ' phonon wavelength (reduced coordinates) , ','norm, and energies in hartree'
103  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
105 !The next format should be rewritten
106  write(message,'(a,4f5.2)' )' ',(qphon(i),i=1,3),qphnrm
107  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
108  do jj=1,3*natom,5
109    if (3*natom-jj<5) then
110      write(message,'(5es17.9)') (phfrq(ii),ii=jj,3*natom)
111    else
112      write(message,'(5es17.9)') (phfrq(ii),ii=jj,jj+4)
113    end if
114    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
115  end do
116  write(message,'(a,es17.9)')' Zero Point Motion energy (sum of freqs/2)=',sum(phfrq(1:3*natom))/2
117  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
119 !Put the wavevector in nice format
120  if(iout>=0)then
121    call wrtout(iout,' ','COLL')
122    if(qphnrm/=0.0_dp)then
123      write(message, '(a,3f9.5)' )&
124 &     '  Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) :',(qphon(i)/qphnrm+tol10,i=1,3)
125    else
126      write(message, '(3a,3f9.5)' )&
127 &     '  Phonon at Gamma, with non-analyticity in the',ch10,&
128 &     '  direction (cartesian coordinates)',qphon(1:3)+tol10
129    end if
130    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
132 !  Write it, in different units.
133    if(enunit/=1)then
134      write(iout, '(a)' )' Phonon energies in Hartree :'
135      do jj=1,3*natom,5
136        if (3*natom-jj<5) then
137          write(message, '(1x,5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii),ii=jj,3*natom)
138        else
139          write(message, '(1x,5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii),ii=jj,jj+4)
140        end if
141        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
142      end do
143    end if
144    if(enunit/=0)then
145      write(iout, '(a)' )' Phonon energies in meV     :'
146      do jj=1,3*natom,5
147        if (3*natom-jj<5) then
148          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)*Ha_eV*1.0d3,ii=jj,3*natom)
149        else
150          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)*Ha_eV*1.0d3,ii=jj,jj+4)
151        end if
152        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
153      end do
154    end if
155    if(enunit/=1)then
156      write(iout, '(a)' )' Phonon frequencies in cm-1    :'
157      do jj=1,3*natom,5
158        if (3*natom-jj<5) then
159          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)*Ha_cmm1,ii=jj,3*natom)
160        else
161          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)*Ha_cmm1,ii=jj,jj+4)
162        end if
163        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
164      end do
165    end if
166    if(enunit/=0)then
167      write(iout, '(a)' )' Phonon frequencies in Thz     :'
168      do jj=1,3*natom,5
169        if (3*natom-jj<5) then
170          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)*Ha_THz,ii=jj,3*natom)
171        else
172          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)*Ha_THz,ii=jj,jj+4)
173        end if
174        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
175      end do
176    end if
177    if(enunit/=0.and.enunit/=1)then
178      write(iout, '(a)' )' Phonon energies in Kelvin  :'
179      do jj=1,3*natom,5
180        if (3*natom-jj<5) then
181          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)/kb_HaK,ii=jj,3*natom)
182        else
183          write(message, '("-",5es14.6)') (phfrq(ii)/kb_HaK,ii=jj,jj+4)
184        end if
185        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
186      end do
187    end if
188  end if
190 !Take care of the eigendisplacements
191  if(eivec==1 .or. eivec==2)then
192    write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
193 &   ' Eigendisplacements ',ch10,&
194 &   ' (will be given, for each mode : in cartesian coordinates',ch10,&
195 &   '   for each atom the real part of the displacement vector,',ch10,&
196 &   '   then the imaginary part of the displacement vector - absolute values smaller than 1.0d-7 are set to zero)'
197    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
198    if(iout>=0) then
199      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
200    end if
202 !  Examine the degeneracy of each mode. The portability of the echo of the eigendisplacements
203 !  is very hard to obtain, and has not been attempted.
204    do imode=1,3*natom
205 !    The degenerate modes are not portable
206      t_degenerate=.false.
207      if(imode>1)then
208        if(phfrq(imode)-phfrq(imode-1)<tol6)t_degenerate=.true.
209      end if
210      if(imode<3*natom)then
211        if(phfrq(imode+1)-phfrq(imode)<tol6)t_degenerate=.true.
212      end if
213      metacharacter(imode)=';'; if(t_degenerate)metacharacter(imode)='-'
214    end do
216    do imode=1,3*natom
217      write(message,'(a,i4,a,es16.6)' )'  Mode number ',imode,'   Energy',phfrq(imode)
218      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
219      if(iout>=0)then
220        write(message, '(a,i4,a,es16.6)' )'  Mode number ',imode,'   Energy',phfrq(imode)
221        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
222      end if
223      tolerance=1.0d-7
224      if(abs(phfrq(imode))<1.0d-5)tolerance=2.0d-7
225      if(phfrq(imode)<1.0d-5)then
226        write(message,'(3a)' )' Attention : low frequency mode.',ch10,&
227 &       '   (Could be unstable or acoustic mode)'
228        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
229        if(iout>=0)then
230          write(iout, '(3a)' )' Attention : low frequency mode.',ch10,&
231 &         '   (Could be unstable or acoustic mode)'
232        end if
233      end if
234      do ii=1,natom
235        do idir=1,3
236          vectr(idir)=displ(1,idir+(ii-1)*3,imode)
237          if(abs(vectr(idir))<tolerance)vectr(idir)=0.0_dp
238          vecti(idir)=displ(2,idir+(ii-1)*3,imode)
239          if(abs(vecti(idir))<tolerance)vecti(idir)=0.0_dp
240        end do
241        write(message,'(i4,3es16.8,a,4x,3es16.8)' ) ii,vectr(:),ch10,vecti(:)
242        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
243        if(iout>=0)then
244          write(message,'(a,i3,3es16.8,2a,3x,3es16.8)') metacharacter(imode),ii,vectr(:),ch10,&
245 &         metacharacter(imode),   vecti(:)
246          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
247        end if
248      end do
249    end do
250  end if
252 end subroutine dfpt_prtph