ABINIT/dfpt_vtowfk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine compute the partial density at a given k-point,
 for a given spin-polarization, from a fixed potential (vlocal1).


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (XG, AR, DRH, MB, MVer,XW, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions
  cgq(2,mcgq)=array for planewave coefficients of wavefunctions.
  cg1(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol)=pw coefficients of RF wavefunctions at k,q.
  cplex=1 if rhoaug1 is real, 2 if rhoaug1 is complex
  cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol*usecprj)= wave functions at k
              projected with non-local projectors: cprj=<p_i|Cnk>
  cprjq(natom,mcprjq)= wave functions at k+q projected with non-local projectors: cprjq=<p_i|Cnk+q>
  dim_eig2rf = dimension for the second order eigenvalues
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  eig0_k(nband_k)=GS eigenvalues at k (hartree)
  eig0_kq(nband_k)=GS eigenvalues at k+Q (hartree)
  fermie1=derivative of fermi energy wrt (strain) perturbation
  grad_berry(2,mpw1,dtefield%mband_occ) = the gradient of the Berry phase term
  gs_hamkq <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the Hamiltonian at k+q
  ibg=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cprj
  ibgq=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cprjq
  ibg1=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cprj1
  icg=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg
  icgq=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cgq
  icg1=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg1
  idir=direction of the current perturbation
  ikpt=number of the k-point
  ipert=type of the perturbation
  isppol=1 index of current spin component
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcgq=second dimension of the cgq array
  mcprjq=second dimension of the cprjq array
  mkmem =number of k points trated by this node (GS data).
  mk1mem =number of k points treated by this node (RF data)
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw or wfs at k
  mpw1=maximum dimensioned size of npw for wfs at k+q (also for 1-order wfs).
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nband_k=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  ncpgr=number of gradients stored in cprj array (cprj=<p_i|Cnk>)
  nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial
    (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations)
  npw_k=number of plane waves at this k point
  npw1_k=number of plane waves at this k+q point
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  n4,n5,n6 used for dimensioning real space arrays
  occ_k(nband_k)=occupation number for each band (usually 2) for each k.
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rf_hamkq <type(rf_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the 1st-order Hamiltonian at k,q
  rf_hamk_dir2 <type(rf_hamiltonian_type)>= (used only when ipert=natom+11, so q=0)
    same as rf_hamkq, but the direction of the perturbation is different
  rhoaug1(cplex*n4,n5,n6,nspden)= density in electrons/bohr**3,
   on the augmented fft grid. (cumulative, so input as well as output)
  rocceig(nband_k,nband_k)= (occ_kq(m)-occ_k(n))/(eig0_kq(m)-eig0_k(n)),
    if this ratio has been attributed to the band n (second argument), zero otherwise
  ddk<wfk_t>=struct info for DDK file.
  wtk_k=weight assigned to the k point.


  cg1(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol)=pw coefficients of RF
    wavefunctions at k,q. They are orthogonalized to the occupied states.
  cg1_active(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*dim_eig2rf)=pw coefficients of RF
    wavefunctions at k,q. They are orthogonalized to the active. Only needed for ieigrf/=0
  edocc_k(nband_k)=correction to 2nd-order total energy coming
      from changes of occupation
  eeig0_k(nband_k)=zero-order eigenvalues contribution to 2nd-order total
      energy from all bands at this k point.
  eig1_k(2*nband_k**2)=first-order eigenvalues (hartree)
  ek0_k(nband_k)=0-order kinetic energy contribution to 2nd-order total
      energy from all bands at this k point.
  ek1_k(nband_k)=1st-order kinetic energy contribution to 2nd-order total
      energy from all bands at this k point.
  eloc0_k(nband_k)=zero-order local contribution to 2nd-order total energy
      from all bands at this k point.
  enl0_k(nband_k)=zero-order non-local contribution to 2nd-order total energy
      from all bands at this k point.
  enl1_k(nband_k)=first-order non-local contribution to 2nd-order total energy
      from all bands at this k point.
  gh1c_set(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*dim_eig2rf)= set of <G|H^{(1)}|nK>
  gh0c1_set(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*dim_eig2rf)= set of <G|H^{(0)}k+q-eig^{(0)}nk|\Psi^{(1)}kq>
      The wavefunction is orthogonal to the active space (for metals). It is not coherent with cg1.
  resid_k(nband_k)=residuals for each band over all k points,
  rhoaug1(cplex*n4,n5,n6,nspden)= density in electrons/bohr**3,
   on the augmented fft grid. (cumulative, so input as well as output).
  ==== if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1) ====
              1st-order wave functions at k,q projected with non-local projectors:
                       cprj1=<p_i|C1nk,q> where p_i is a non-local projector
    pawrhoij1(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= 1st-order paw rhoij occupancies and related data
                                            (cumulative, so input as well as output)






118 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
119 #include "config.h"
120 #endif
122 #include "abi_common.h"
124 subroutine dfpt_vtowfk(cg,cgq,cg1,cg1_active,cplex,cprj,cprjq,cprj1,&
125 & dim_eig2rf,dtfil,dtset,&
126 & edocc_k,eeig0_k,eig0_k,eig0_kq,eig1_k,&
127 & ek0_k,ek1_k,eloc0_k,enl0_k,enl1_k,&
128 & fermie1,gh0c1_set,gh1c_set,grad_berry,gs_hamkq,&
129 & ibg,ibgq,ibg1,icg,icgq,icg1,idir,ikpt,ipert,&
130 & isppol,mband,mcgq,mcprjq,mkmem,mk1mem,&
131 & mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,natom,nband_k,ncpgr,&
132 & nnsclo_now,npw_k,npw1_k,nspinor,nsppol,&
133 & n4,n5,n6,occ_k,pawrhoij1,prtvol,psps,resid_k,rf_hamkq,rf_hamk_dir2,rhoaug1,rocceig,&
134 & ddk_f,wtk_k,nlines_done,cg1_out)
136  use defs_basis
137  use defs_datatypes
138  use defs_abitypes
139  use m_profiling_abi
140  use m_errors
141  use m_xmpi
142  use m_cgtools
143  use m_wfk
144  use m_rf2
146  use m_pawrhoij,     only : pawrhoij_type
147  use m_pawcprj,      only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_put, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_get,pawcprj_copy
148  use m_hamiltonian,  only : gs_hamiltonian_type,rf_hamiltonian_type,KPRIME_H_KPRIME
150 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
151 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
152 #undef ABI_FUNC
153 #define ABI_FUNC 'dfpt_vtowfk'
154  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
155  use interfaces_18_timing
156  use interfaces_32_util
157  use interfaces_53_spacepar
158  use interfaces_66_wfs
159  use interfaces_72_response, except_this_one => dfpt_vtowfk
160 !End of the abilint section
162  implicit none
164 !Arguments ------------------------------------
165 !scalars
166  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,dim_eig2rf,ibg
167  integer,intent(in) :: ibg1,ibgq,icg,icg1,icgq,idir,ikpt,ipert,isppol
168  integer,intent(in) :: mband,mcgq,mcprjq,mk1mem,mkmem
169  integer,intent(in) :: mpw,mpw1,n4,n5,n6,natom,ncpgr
170  integer,intent(in) :: nnsclo_now,nspinor,nsppol,prtvol
171  integer,optional,intent(in) :: cg1_out
172  integer,intent(in) :: nband_k,npw1_k,npw_k
173  integer,intent(inout) :: nlines_done
174  real(dp),intent(in) :: fermie1,wtk_k
175  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
176  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
177  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
178  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),intent(inout) :: gs_hamkq
179  type(rf_hamiltonian_type),intent(inout) :: rf_hamkq,rf_hamk_dir2
180  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
181 !arrays
182  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol),cgq(2,mcgq)
183  real(dp),intent(in) :: eig0_k(nband_k),eig0_kq(nband_k)
184  real(dp),intent(in) :: grad_berry(2,mpw1*nspinor,nband_k)
185  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ_k(nband_k),rocceig(nband_k,nband_k)
186  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg1(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol)
187  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhoaug1(cplex*n4,n5,n6,gs_hamkq%nvloc)
188  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg1_active(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*dim_eig2rf)
189  real(dp),intent(inout) :: gh1c_set(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*dim_eig2rf)
190  real(dp),intent(inout) :: gh0c1_set(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*dim_eig2rf)
191  real(dp),intent(inout) :: edocc_k(nband_k),eeig0_k(nband_k),eig1_k(2*nband_k**2)
192  real(dp),intent(out) :: ek0_k(nband_k),eloc0_k(nband_k)
193  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ek1_k(nband_k)
194  real(dp),intent(out) :: enl0_k(nband_k),enl1_k(nband_k)
195  real(dp),intent(out) :: resid_k(nband_k)
196  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol*gs_hamkq%usecprj)
197  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprjq(natom,mcprjq)
198  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj1(natom,nspinor*mband*mk1mem*nsppol*gs_hamkq%usecprj)
199  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij1(natom*gs_hamkq%usepaw)
200  type(wfk_t),intent(inout) :: ddk_f(4)
202 !Local variables-------------------------------
203 !scalars
204  integer,parameter :: level=14,tim_fourwf=5
205  integer,save :: nskip=0
206  integer :: counter,iband,idir0,ierr,iexit,igs,igscq,ii,dim_dcwf,inonsc
207  integer :: iorder_cprj,iorder_cprj1,ipw,iscf_mod,ispinor,me,mgscq,nkpt_max
208  integer :: option,opt_gvnl1,quit,test_ddk
209  integer :: tocceig,usedcwavef,ptr,shift_band
210  real(dp) :: aa,ai,ar,eig0nk,resid,residk,scprod,energy_factor
211  character(len=500) :: message
212  type(rf2_t) :: rf2
213 !arrays
214  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
215  real(dp),allocatable :: cwave0(:,:),cwave1(:,:),cwavef(:,:)
216  real(dp),allocatable :: dcwavef(:,:),gh1c_n(:,:),gh0c1(:,:)
217  real(dp),allocatable :: gsc(:,:),gscq(:,:),gvnl1(:,:),gvnlc(:,:)
218  real(dp),pointer :: kinpw1(:)
219  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cwaveprj(:,:),cwaveprj0(:,:),cwaveprj1(:,:)
221 ! *********************************************************************
225 !Keep track of total time spent in dfpt_vtowfk
226  call timab(128,1,tsec)
228  nkpt_max=50; if (xmpi_paral==1) nkpt_max=-1
230  if(prtvol>2 .or. ikpt<=nkpt_max)then
231    write(message,'(2a,i5,2x,a,3f9.5,2x,a)')ch10,' Non-SCF iterations; k pt #',ikpt,'k=',&
232 &   gs_hamkq%kpt_k(:),'band residuals:'
233    call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
234  end if
236 !Initializations and allocations
237  me=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
238  quit=0
240 !The value of iscf must be modified if ddk perturbation
241  iscf_mod=dtset%iscf;if(ipert==natom+1.or.ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) iscf_mod=-3
243  kinpw1 => gs_hamkq%kinpw_kp
244  ABI_ALLOCATE(gh0c1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
245  ABI_ALLOCATE(gvnlc,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
246  ABI_ALLOCATE(gvnl1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
247  ABI_ALLOCATE(cwave0,(2,npw_k*nspinor))
248  ABI_ALLOCATE(cwavef,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
249  ABI_ALLOCATE(cwave1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
250  ABI_ALLOCATE(gh1c_n,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
251  if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1) then
252    ABI_ALLOCATE(gsc,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
253  else
254    ABI_ALLOCATE(gsc,(0,0))
255  end if
257 !Read the npw and kg records of wf files
258  call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'before WffRead')
259  test_ddk=0
260  if ((ipert==natom+2.and.sum((dtset%qptn(1:3))**2)<1.0d-7.and.&
261 & (dtset%berryopt/= 4.and.dtset%berryopt/= 6.and.dtset%berryopt/= 7.and.&
262 & dtset%berryopt/=14.and.dtset%berryopt/=16.and.dtset%berryopt/=17)).or.&
263 & ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) then
264    test_ddk=1
265    if(ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) test_ddk=0
266  end if
268 !Additional stuff for PAW
269  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj0,(0,0))
270  if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1) then
271 !  1-Compute all <g|S|Cnk+q>
272    igscq=0
273    mgscq=mpw1*nspinor*mband
274    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(gscq,(2,mgscq), ierr)
275    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out of memory in gscq")
277    call getgsc(cgq,cprjq,gs_hamkq,gscq,ibgq,icgq,igscq,ikpt,isppol,mcgq,mcprjq,&
278 &   mgscq,mpi_enreg,natom,nband_k,npw1_k,dtset%nspinor,select_k=KPRIME_H_KPRIME)
279 !  2-Initialize additional scalars/arrays
280    iorder_cprj=0;iorder_cprj1=0
281    dim_dcwf=npw1_k*nspinor;if (ipert==natom+2.or.ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) dim_dcwf=0
282    ABI_ALLOCATE(dcwavef,(2,dim_dcwf))
283    if (gs_hamkq%usecprj==1) then
284      ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(cwaveprj0)
285      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj0,(natom,nspinor))
286      call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj0,1,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
287    end if
288    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj,(natom,nspinor))
289    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj1,(natom,nspinor))
290    call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj ,0,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
291    call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj1,0,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
292  else
293    igscq=0;mgscq=0;dim_dcwf=0
294    ABI_ALLOCATE(gscq,(0,0))
295    ABI_ALLOCATE(dcwavef,(0,0))
296    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj,(0,0))
297    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj1,(0,0))
298  end if
300  energy_factor=two
301  if(ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) energy_factor=six
303 !For rf2 perturbation :
304  if(ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) then
305    call rf2_init(cg,cprj,rf2,dtset,dtfil,eig0_k,eig1_k,gs_hamkq,ibg,icg,idir,ikpt,ipert,isppol,mkmem,&
306    mpi_enreg,mpw,nband_k,nsppol,rf_hamkq,rf_hamk_dir2,occ_k,rocceig,ddk_f)
307  end if
309  call timab(139,1,tsec)
311 !======================================================================
312 !==================  LOOP OVER BANDS ==================================
313 !======================================================================
315  do iband=1,nband_k
317 !  Skip bands not treated by current proc
318    if( (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt, iband,isppol)/=me)) cycle
320 !  Get ground-state wavefunctions
321    ptr = 1+(iband-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
322    call cg_zcopy(npw_k*nspinor,cg(1,ptr),cwave0)
324 !  Get PAW ground state projected WF (cprj)
325    if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1.and.gs_hamkq%usecprj==1.and.ipert/=natom+10.and.ipert/=natom+11) then
326      idir0 = idir
327      if(ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) idir0 =1
328      call pawcprj_get(gs_hamkq%atindx1,cwaveprj0,cprj,natom,iband,ibg,ikpt,iorder_cprj,&
329 &     isppol,mband,mkmem,natom,1,nband_k,nspinor,nsppol,dtfil%unpaw,&
330 &     mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,&
331 &     icpgr=idir0,ncpgr=ncpgr)
332    end if
334 !  Get first-order wavefunctions
335    ptr = 1+(iband-1)*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1
336    call cg_zcopy(npw1_k*nspinor,cg1(1,ptr),cwavef)
338 !  Read PAW projected 1st-order WF (cprj)
339 !  Unuseful for the time being (will be recomputed in dfpt_cgwf)
340 !  if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1.and.gs_hamkq%usecprj==1) then
341 !  call pawcprj_get(gs_hamkq%atindx1,cwaveprj,cprj1,natom,iband,ibg1,ikpt,iorder_cprj1,&
342 !  &    isppol,mband,mk1mem,natom,1,nband_k,nspinor,nsppol,dtfil%unpaw1,
343 !  &    mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
344 !  end if
346 !  Filter the wavefunctions for large modified kinetic energy
347 !  The GS wavefunctions should already be non-zero
348    do ispinor=1,nspinor
349      igs=(ispinor-1)*npw1_k
350      do ipw=1+igs,npw1_k+igs
351        if(kinpw1(ipw-igs)>huge(zero)*1.d-11)then
352          cwavef(1,ipw)=zero
353          cwavef(2,ipw)=zero
354        end if
355      end do
356    end do
359 !  If electric field, the derivative of the wf should be read, and multiplied by i.
360    if(test_ddk==1) then
361      ii = wfk_findk(ddk_f(1), gs_hamkq%kpt_k)
362      ABI_CHECK(ii == ikpt, "ii != ikpt")
363      call wfk_read_bks(ddk_f(1), iband, ikpt, isppol, xmpio_single, cg_bks=gvnl1)
365 !    Multiplication by -i
366 !    MVeithen 021212 : use + i instead,
367 !    See X. Gonze, Phys. Rev. B 55, 10337 (1997) Eq. (79)
368 !    the operator used to compute the first-order derivative
369 !    of the wavefunctions with respect to an electric field
370 !    is $+i \frac{d}{dk}$
371 !    This change will affect the computation of the 2dtes from non
372 !    stationary expressions, see dfpt_nstdy.f and dfpt_nstwf.f
373      do ipw=1,npw1_k*nspinor
374 !      aa=gvnl1(1,ipw)
375 !      gvnl1(1,ipw)=gvnl1(2,ipw)
376 !      gvnl1(2,ipw)=-aa
377        aa=gvnl1(1,ipw)
378        gvnl1(1,ipw)=-gvnl1(2,ipw)
379        gvnl1(2,ipw)=aa
380      end do
381    end if
383 !  Unlike in GS calculations, the inonsc loop is inside the band loop
384 !  nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial
385 !  (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations)
386    do inonsc=1,nnsclo_now
388      counter=100*iband+inonsc
390 !    Note that the following translation occurs in the called routine :
391 !    iband->band, nband_k->nband, npw_k->npw, npw1_k->npw1
392      eig0nk=eig0_k(iband)
393      usedcwavef=gs_hamkq%usepaw;if (dim_dcwf==0) usedcwavef=0
394      if (inonsc==1) usedcwavef=2*usedcwavef
395      opt_gvnl1=0;if (ipert==natom+2) opt_gvnl1=1
396      if (ipert==natom+2.and.gs_hamkq%usepaw==1.and.inonsc==1) opt_gvnl1=2
398      if ( (ipert/=natom+10 .and. ipert/=natom+11) .or. abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8 ) then
399        call dfpt_cgwf(iband,dtset%berryopt,cgq,cwavef,cwave0,cwaveprj,cwaveprj0,rf2,dcwavef,&
400 &       eig0nk,eig0_kq,eig1_k,gh0c1,gh1c_n,grad_berry,gsc,gscq,gs_hamkq,gvnlc,gvnl1,icgq,&
401 &       idir,ipert,igscq,mcgq,mgscq,mpi_enreg,mpw1,natom,nband_k,dtset%nbdbuf,dtset%nline,&
402 &       npw_k,npw1_k,nspinor,opt_gvnl1,prtvol,quit,resid,rf_hamkq,dtset%dfpt_sciss,dtset%tolrde,&
403 &       dtset%tolwfr,usedcwavef,dtset%wfoptalg,nlines_done)
404        resid_k(iband)=resid
405      else
406        resid_k(iband)=zero
407      end if
409      if (ipert/=natom+10 .and. ipert/= natom+11) then
410 !    At this stage, the 1st order function cwavef is orthogonal to cgq (unlike
411 !    when it is input to dfpt_cgwf). Here, restore the "active space" content
412 !    of the first-order wavefunction, to give cwave1.
413 !    PAW: note that dcwavef (1st-order change of WF due to overlap change)
414 !         remains in the subspace orthogonal to cgq
415        call corrmetalwf1(cgq,cprjq,cwavef,cwave1,cwaveprj,cwaveprj1,edocc_k,eig1_k,fermie1,gh0c1,&
416 &       iband,ibgq,icgq,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,mcgq,mcprjq,mpi_enreg,natom,nband_k,npw1_k,nspinor,&
417 &       occ_k,rocceig,0,gs_hamkq%usepaw,tocceig)
418      else
419        tocceig=0
420        call cg_zcopy(npw1_k*nspinor,cwavef,cwave1)
421        if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1) then
422          call pawcprj_copy(cwaveprj,cwaveprj1)
423        end if
424      end if
426      if (abs(occ_k(iband))<= tol8) then
427        ek0_k(iband)=zero
428        ek1_k(iband)=zero
429        eeig0_k(iband)=zero
430        enl0_k(iband)=zero
431        enl1_k(iband)=zero
432        eloc0_k(iband)=zero
433        nskip=nskip+1
434      else
435 !      Compute the 0-order kinetic operator contribution (with cwavef)
436        call meanvalue_g(ar,kinpw1,0,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,mpi_enreg,npw1_k,nspinor,cwavef,cwavef,0)
437 !      There is an additional factor of 2 with respect to the bare matrix element
438        ek0_k(iband)=energy_factor*ar
439 !      Compute the 1-order kinetic operator contribution (with cwave1 and cwave0), if needed.
440 !      Note that this is called only for ddk or strain, so that npw1_k=npw_k
441        if(ipert==natom+1 .or. ipert==natom+3 .or. ipert==natom+4)then
442          call matrixelmt_g(ai,ar,rf_hamkq%dkinpw_k,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,0,npw_k,nspinor,cwave1,cwave0,&
443 &         mpi_enreg%me_g0, mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
444 !        There is an additional factor of 4 with respect to the bare matrix element
445          ek1_k(iband)=two*energy_factor*ar
446        end if
448 !      Compute eigenvalue part of total energy (with cwavef)
449        if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1) then
450          call dotprod_g(scprod,ai,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,1,cwavef,gsc,mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
451 &         mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
452        else
453          call sqnorm_g(scprod,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,cwavef,mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
454 &         mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
455        end if
456        eeig0_k(iband)=-energy_factor*(eig0_k(iband)- (dtset%dfpt_sciss) )*scprod
458 !      Compute nonlocal psp contributions to nonlocal energy:
459 !      <G|Vnl|C1nk(perp)> is contained in gvnlc (with cwavef)
460        call dotprod_g(scprod,ai,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,1,cwavef,gvnlc,mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
461 &       mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
462        enl0_k(iband)=energy_factor*scprod
464        if(ipert/=natom+10.and.ipert/=natom+11) then
465 !        <G|Vnl1|Cnk> is contained in gvnl1 (with cwave1)
466          call dotprod_g(scprod,ai,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,1,cwave1,gvnl1,mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
467 &         mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
468          enl1_k(iband)=two*energy_factor*scprod
469        end if
471 !      Removal of the 1st-order kinetic energy from the 1st-order non-local part.
472        if(ipert==natom+1 .or. ipert==natom+3 .or. ipert==natom+4) then
473          enl1_k(iband)=enl1_k(iband)-ek1_k(iband)
474        end if
476 !      Accumulate 1st-order density (only at the last inonsc)
477 !      Accumulate zero-order potential part of the 2nd-order total energy
478 !   BUGFIX from Max Stengel: need to initialize eloc at each inonsc iteration, in case nnonsc > 1
479        eloc0_k(iband) = zero
480        option=2;if (iscf_mod>0.and.inonsc==nnsclo_now) option=3
481        call dfpt_accrho(counter,cplex,cwave0,cwave1,cwavef,cwaveprj0,cwaveprj1,eloc0_k(iband),&
482 &       dtfil%filstat,gs_hamkq,iband,idir,ipert,isppol,dtset%kptopt,mpi_enreg,natom,nband_k,ncpgr,&
483 &       npw_k,npw1_k,nspinor,occ_k,option,pawrhoij1,prtvol,rhoaug1,tim_fourwf,tocceig,wtk_k)
484        if(ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) eloc0_k(iband)=energy_factor*eloc0_k(iband)/two
486        if(ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) then
487          shift_band=(iband-1)*npw1_k*nspinor
488          call dotprod_g(scprod,ai,gs_hamkq%istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,1,cwave1,&
489 &         rf2%RHS_Stern(:,1+shift_band:npw1_k*nspinor+shift_band),mpi_enreg%me_g0, mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
490          ek1_k(iband)=two*energy_factor*scprod
491        end if
493      end if ! End of non-zero occupation
495 !    Exit loop over inonsc if converged and if non-self-consistent
496      if (iscf_mod<0 .and. resid<dtset%tolwfr) exit
498    end do ! End loop over inonsc
500 !  Get first-order eigenvalues and wavefunctions
501    ptr = 1+(iband-1)*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1
502    if (.not. present(cg1_out)) then
503      call cg_zcopy(npw1_k*nspinor,cwave1,cg1(1,ptr))
504    end if
505    if(dim_eig2rf > 0) then
506      if (.not. present(cg1_out)) then
507        cg1_active(:,1+(iband-1)*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1:iband*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1)=cwavef(:,:)
508      end if
509      gh1c_set(:,1+(iband-1)*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1:iband*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1)=gh1c_n(:,:)
510      gh0c1_set(:,1+(iband-1)*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1:iband*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1)=gh0c1(:,:)
511    end if
513 !  PAW: write first-order projected wavefunctions
514    if (psps%usepaw==1.and.gs_hamkq%usecprj==1) then
515      call pawcprj_put(gs_hamkq%atindx,cwaveprj,cprj1,natom,iband,ibg1,ikpt,iorder_cprj1,isppol,&
516 &     mband,mk1mem,natom,1,nband_k,gs_hamkq%dimcprj,nspinor,nsppol,dtfil%unpaw1,&
517 &     mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,to_be_gathered=.true.)
518    end if
520  end do
522 !======================================================================
523 !==================  END LOOP OVER BANDS ==============================
524 !======================================================================
526 !For rf2 perturbation
527  if(ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) call rf2_destroy(rf2)
529 !Find largest resid over bands at this k point
530  residk=maxval(resid_k(:))
531  if (prtvol>2 .or. ikpt<=nkpt_max) then
532    do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8
533      write(message,'(1p,8e10.2)')(resid_k(iband),iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8))
534      call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
535    end do
536  end if
538  call timab(139,2,tsec)
539  call timab(130,1,tsec)
541  ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwave0)
542  ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwavef)
543  ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwave1)
544  ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh0c1)
545  ABI_DEALLOCATE(gvnlc)
546  ABI_DEALLOCATE(gvnl1)
547  ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh1c_n)
549  if (gs_hamkq%usepaw==1) then
550    call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj)
551    call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj1)
552    if (gs_hamkq%usecprj==1) then
553      call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj0)
554    end if
555  end if
556  ABI_DEALLOCATE(dcwavef)
563 !###################################################################
565 !Write the number of one-way 3D ffts skipped until now (in case of fixed occupation numbers)
566  if(iscf_mod>0 .and. (prtvol>2 .or. ikpt<=nkpt_max))then
567    write(message,'(a,i0)')' dfpt_vtowfk : number of one-way 3D ffts skipped in vtowfk3 until now =',nskip
568    call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
569  end if
571  if(prtvol<=2 .and. ikpt==nkpt_max+1)then
572    write(message,'(3a)') ch10,' dfpt_vtowfk : prtvol=0, 1 or 2, do not print more k-points.',ch10
573    call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
574  end if
576  if (residk>dtset%tolwfr .and. iscf_mod<=0 .and. iscf_mod/=-3) then
577    write(message,'(a,2i0,a,es13.5)')'Wavefunctions not converged for nnsclo,ikpt=',nnsclo_now,&
578 &   ikpt,' max resid=',residk
579    MSG_WARNING(message)
580  end if
582  call timab(130,2,tsec)
583  call timab(128,2,tsec)
587 end subroutine dfpt_vtowfk