ABINIT/eig2tot [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine calculates the second-order eigenvalues.
 The output eig2nkq is this quantity for the input k points.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (SP,PB,XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors .


  bdeigrf = number of bands for which to calculate the second-order eigenvalues.
  clflg(3,mpert)= array on calculated perturbations for eig2rf.
  dim_eig2nkq = 1 if eig2nkq is to be computed.
  eigbrd(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt,3,natom,3,natom) = broadening factors for the 
            electronic eigenvalues (optional).
  eigen0(nkpt_rbz*mband*nsppol) = 0-order eigenvalues at all K-points: 
            <k,n'|H(0)|k,n'> (hartree).
  eigenq(nkpt_rbz*mband*nsppol) = 0-order eigenvalues at all shifted K-points:
            <k+Q,n'|H(0)|k+Q,n'> (hartree).
  eigen1(nkpt_rbz*2*nsppol*mband**2,3,mpert) = matrix of first-order: 
            <k+Q,n'|H(1)|k,n> (hartree) (calculated in dfpt_cgwf).
  eig2nkq(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eig2nkq) = second derivatives of
            the electronic eigenvalues.
  elph2_imagden = imaginary part of the denominator of the sum-over-state expression
            for the electronic eigenenergy shift due to second-order electron-phonon
  ieig2rf = integer for calculation type.
  indsym(4,nsym,natom) = indirect indexing array for atom labels
            (not used yet, but will be used with symmetries).
  mband = maximum number of bands.
  mpert = maximum number of perturbations.
  natom = number of atoms in the unit cell.
  npert = number of phonon perturbations, without taking into account directions:
  nsym = number of symmetries (not used yet).
  mpi_enreg = informations about MPI parallelization.
  nkpt_rbz = number of k-points for each perturbation.
  nsppol = 1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized.
  smdelta = integer controling the calculation of electron lifetimes.
  symq(4,2,nsym) = 1 if symmetry preserves present qpoint. From littlegroup_q (not used yet).
  symrec(3,3,nsym) = 3x3 matrices of the group symmetries (reciprocal space)
            (not used yet).
  symrel(3,3,nsym) = array containing the symmetries in real space (not used yet).
  timrev = 1 if time-reversal preserves the q wavevector; 0 otherwise 
            (not in use yet).
  dtset = OPTIONAL, dataset structure containing the input variable of the
            calculation. This is required to use the k-interpolation routine.
  eigenq_fine(mband_fine,mkpt_fine,nsppol_fine) = OPTIONAL, 0-order eigenvalues
            at all shifted K-points: <k+Q,n'|H(0)|k+Q,n'> (hartree) of the
            fine grid. This information is read from the WF dense k-grid file.  
  hdr_fine = OPTIONAL, header of the WF file of the fine k-point grid. This
            variable is required for the k-interpolation routine.  
  hdr0     = header of the GS WF file of the corse k-point grid. 


  eig2nkq(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt_rbz,3,npert,3,npert)= diagonal part of the 
            second-order eigenvalues: E^{(2),diag}_{k,q,j}.
  eigbrd(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt_rbz,3,npert,3,npert)= OPTIONAL, array containing the
            electron lifetimes.






 80 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 81 #include "config.h"
 82 #endif
 84 #include "abi_common.h"
 86 subroutine eig2tot(dtfil,xred,psps,pawtab,natom,bdeigrf,clflg,dim_eig2nkq,eigen0,eigenq,eigen1,eig2nkq,&
 87 &  elph2_imagden,esmear,ieig2rf,mband,mpert,npert,mpi_enreg,doccde,&
 88 &  nkpt_rbz,nsppol,smdelta,rprimd,dtset,occ_rbz,hdr0,eigbrd,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine) 
 91  use defs_basis
 92  use defs_datatypes
 93  use defs_abitypes
 94  use m_profiling_abi
 95  use m_xmpi
 96  use m_nctk
 97  use m_errors
 98 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 99  use netcdf
100 #endif
101  use m_ebands
103  use m_fstrings,   only : strcat
104  use m_eig2d,      only : eigr2d_init,eigr2d_t,eigr2d_ncwrite,eigr2d_free,fan_t,&
105                           & fan_init,fan_ncwrite,fan_free, gkk_t, gkk_init, &
106                           & gkk_ncwrite,gkk_free
107  use m_crystal,    only : crystal_init, crystal_free, crystal_t
108  use m_crystal_io, only : crystal_ncwrite
109  use m_pawtab,     only : pawtab_type
110  use m_ddb,        only : DDB_VERSION
111  use m_ddb_hdr,    only : ddb_hdr_type, ddb_hdr_init, ddb_hdr_free, ddb_hdr_open_write
113 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
114 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
115 #undef ABI_FUNC
116 #define ABI_FUNC 'eig2tot'
117  use interfaces_18_timing
118  use interfaces_32_util
119  use interfaces_51_manage_mpi
120  use interfaces_72_response, except_this_one => eig2tot
121 !End of the abilint section
123  implicit none
125 !Arguments ------------------------------------
126 !scalars
127  integer,intent(in) :: bdeigrf,dim_eig2nkq,ieig2rf,mband,mpert,natom,nkpt_rbz
128  integer,intent(in) :: npert,nsppol,smdelta
129  real(dp),intent(in) :: elph2_imagden,esmear
130  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
131  type(datafiles_type), intent(in) :: dtfil
132  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
133 !arrays
134  type(dataset_type), intent(in) :: dtset
135  integer,intent(in) :: clflg(3,mpert)
136  real(dp),intent(in) :: doccde(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
137  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen0(nkpt_rbz*mband*nsppol)
138  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen1(nkpt_rbz*2*nsppol*mband**2,3,mpert)
139  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigenq(nkpt_rbz*mband*nsppol)
140  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ_rbz(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
141  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eig2nkq(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt_rbz,3,npert,3,npert*dim_eig2nkq)
142  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
143  real(dp),intent(inout),optional :: eigbrd(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt_rbz,3,npert,3,npert)
144  real(dp),intent(in),pointer,optional :: eigenq_fine(:,:,:)
145  type(pawtab_type), intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
146  type(hdr_type),intent(in) :: hdr0
147  type(hdr_type),intent(in),optional :: hdr_fine
149 !Local variables-------------------------------
150 !tolerance for non degenerated levels
151 !scalars
152  integer :: band2tot_index,band_index,bantot,bandtot_index,iband,idir1,idir2
153  integer :: ikpt,ipert1,ipert2,isppol,jband,nkpt_sub,ikpt2,unitout,ncid
154 !integer :: ipw
155  character(len=fnlen) :: dscrpt,fname
156  integer :: master,me,spaceworld,ierr
157 ! real(dp),parameter :: etol=1.0d-6
158  real(dp),parameter :: etol=1.0d-7
159 !real(dp),parameter :: etol=zero 
160  real(dp) :: ar,ai,deltae,den,eig1_i1,eig1_i2,eigen_corr
161  real(dp) :: eig1_r1,eig1_r2,eig2_diai,den_av
162  real(dp) :: eig2_diar,eigbrd_i,eigbrd_r,wgt_int
163  character(len=500) :: message
164  logical :: remove_inv,test_do_band
165  type(crystal_t) :: Crystal
166  type(ebands_t)  :: Bands
167  type(eigr2d_t)  :: eigr2d,eigi2d
168  type(fan_t)     :: fan2d
169  type(gkk_t)     :: gkk2d
170  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: ddb_hdr
171 !arrays
172  integer, allocatable :: nband_rbz(:)
173  integer,pointer      :: kpt_fine_sub(:)
174  real(dp)             :: tsec(2)
175  real(dp),allocatable :: center(:)
176  real(dp) :: eigen(mband*nsppol),eigen_prime(mband*nsppol)
177  real(dp),allocatable :: fan(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
178  real(dp),allocatable :: gkk(:,:,:,:,:)
179  real(dp),allocatable :: eig2nkq_tmp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
180  real(dp),allocatable :: smdfun(:,:)
181  real(dp),pointer     :: wgt_sub(:)
183 ! *********************************************************************
185 !Init parallelism
186  master =0
187  spaceworld=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
188  me=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
189 !DEBUG
190 !write(std_out,*)' eig2tot : enter '
191 !write(std_out,*)' mband=',mband
192 !write(std_out,*)' nsppol=',nsppol
193 !write(std_out,*)' nkpt_rbz=',nkpt_rbz
194 !write(std_out,*)' npert=',npert
197 !Init interpolation method
198  if(present(eigenq_fine))then
199    ABI_ALLOCATE(center,(3))
200  end if
202  call timab(148,1,tsec)
204  if(nsppol==2)then
205    message = 'nsppol=2 is still under development. Be careful when using it ...'
206    MSG_COMMENT(message)
207  end if        
209  band2tot_index =0
210  bandtot_index=0
211  band_index=0
213  if(xmpi_paral==1) then
214    ABI_ALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,(nkpt_rbz,mband,nsppol))
215    ABI_ALLOCATE(nband_rbz,(nkpt_rbz*nsppol))
216    if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)) then
217      ABI_DEALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
218    end if
219    ABI_ALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab,(nkpt_rbz))
220 !  Assume the number of bands is the same for all k points.
221    nband_rbz(:)=mband
222    call distrb2(mband,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,mpi_enreg%nproc_cell,nsppol,mpi_enreg)
223  end if
225  if(ieig2rf == 4 ) then
226    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(fan,(2*mband*nsppol,dtset%nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eig2nkq,mband), ierr)
227    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in fan")
228    fan(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = zero
229    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(eig2nkq_tmp,(2,mband*nsppol,dtset%nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eig2nkq), ierr)
230    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in eig2nkq_tmp")
231    eig2nkq_tmp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = zero
232 !  This is not efficient because double the memory. Alternative: use buffer and
233 !  print part by part.
234    eig2nkq_tmp = eig2nkq
235    if(present(eigbrd))then
236      eigbrd(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=zero
237    end if
238    eigen_corr = 0
239  end if
241  if(ieig2rf == 5 ) then
242    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(gkk,(2*mband*nsppol,dtset%nkpt,3,natom,mband), ierr)
243    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in gkk")
244    gkk(:,:,:,:,:) = zero
245    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(eig2nkq_tmp,(2,mband*nsppol,dtset%nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eig2nkq), ierr)
246    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in eig2nkq_tmp")
247    eig2nkq_tmp(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = zero
248 !  This is not efficient because double the memory. Alternative: use buffer and
249 !  print part by part.
250    eig2nkq_tmp = eig2nkq
251    if(present(eigbrd))then
252      eigbrd(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=zero
253    end if
254    eigen_corr = 0
255  end if
257  do isppol=1,nsppol
258    do ikpt =1,nkpt_rbz
260      if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,mband,isppol,me)) then
261        band2tot_index = band2tot_index + 2*mband**2
262        bandtot_index = bandtot_index + mband
263        cycle
264      end if
266      if(present(eigenq_fine))then
267        write(std_out,*) 'Start of the energy denominator interpolation method.'
268        nkpt_sub = 0
269 !      center is the k+q point around which we will average the kpt_fine
270        center = hdr0%kptns(:,ikpt)+ dtset%qptn(:) 
272        call kptfine_av(center,dtset%qptrlatt,hdr_fine%kptns,hdr_fine%nkpt,&
273 &       kpt_fine_sub,nkpt_sub,wgt_sub)
274        write(std_out,'(a,3f8.4,a,i3)') 'Number of k-points of the fine grid &
275 &       around the k+Q point ',center,' is:',nkpt_sub
276        write(std_out,'(a,f10.5)') 'The sum of the weights of the k-points is: ',SUM(wgt_sub)
277      end if
279      if(smdelta >0) then   !broadening
280        if(.not.allocated(smdfun))  then
281          ABI_ALLOCATE(smdfun,(mband,mband))
282        end if
283        smdfun(:,:) = zero
284        do iband=1,mband
285          eigen(iband) = eigen0(iband+bandtot_index)
286          eigen_prime(iband) =eigenq(iband+bandtot_index)
287        end do
288        if(esmear>tol6) then
289          call smeared_delta(eigen,eigen_prime,esmear,mband,smdelta,smdfun)
290        end if
291      end if
293      ipert1=1 ! Suppose all perturbations lead to the same number of planewaves
295      do iband=1,bdeigrf
297 !      If the k point and band belong to me, compute the contribution
298        test_do_band=.true.
299        if(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol)/=me)test_do_band=.false.
301        if(test_do_band)then
302 !        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
303 !        ------- ieig2rf ==3 : Non dynamic traditional AHC theory with Sternheimer (computed in eig2stern.F90)-!
304 !        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
305 !        Note that ieig2rf==4 and ieig2rf==5 also goes into that part only for later printing of the ZPR in the ouput of abinit
306 !        later in the code
307          if(ieig2rf==3 .or. ieig2rf==4 .or. ieig2rf==5) then
308            do ipert1=1,npert
309              do idir1=1,3
310                if(clflg(idir1,ipert1)==0) cycle
311                do ipert2=1,npert
312                  do idir2=1,3
313                    if(clflg(idir2,ipert2)==0)cycle
314                    eig2_diar = zero ; eig2_diai = zero ; eigbrd_r = zero ; eigbrd_i = zero
315                    do jband=1,mband
316                      eig1_r1 = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir1,ipert1)
317                      eig1_r2 = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir2,ipert2)
318                      eig1_i1 = eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir1,ipert1)
319                      eig1_i2 = - eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir2,ipert2) !the negative sign is from the CC
320 !                    If no interpolation, fallback on to the previous
321 !                    implementation
322                      if(.not. present(eigenq_fine))then
323                        deltae=eigenq(jband+bandtot_index)-eigen0(iband+bandtot_index)
324                      end if
325                      ar=eig1_r1*eig1_r2-eig1_i1*eig1_i2
326                      ai=eig1_r1*eig1_i2+eig1_i1*eig1_r2
328 !                    Sum over all active space to retrieve the diagonal gauge
329 !                    if(abs(deltae)>etol) then ! This is commented because
330 !                    there is no problem with divergencies with elph2_imag != 0
331                      if( present(eigenq_fine))then
332                        den_av = zero
333                        wgt_int = zero
334                        do ikpt2=1,nkpt_sub
335                          deltae=eigenq_fine(jband,kpt_fine_sub(ikpt2),1)&
336 &                         -eigen0(iband+bandtot_index)
337                          den_av = den_av-(wgt_sub(ikpt2)*deltae)/(deltae**2+elph2_imagden**2)
338                          wgt_int = wgt_int+wgt_sub(ikpt2)
339                        end do
340                        den = den_av/wgt_int
341                      else
342                        if(abs(elph2_imagden) < etol) then  
343                          if(abs(deltae)>etol) then
344                            den=-one/(deltae**2+elph2_imagden**2)
345                          else
346                            den= zero
347                          end if
348                        else
349                          den=-one/(deltae**2+elph2_imagden**2)
350                        end if
351                      end if
353                      if( present(eigenq_fine))then
354                        eig2_diar=eig2_diar+ar*den
355                        eig2_diai=eig2_diai+ai*den
356                      else
357                        eig2_diar=eig2_diar+ar*deltae*den
358                        eig2_diai=eig2_diai+ai*deltae*den
359                      end if
361                      if(present(eigbrd))then
362                        if(smdelta >0) then   !broadening
363                          eigbrd_r = eigbrd_r + ar*smdfun(iband,jband)
364                          eigbrd_i = eigbrd_i + ai*smdfun(iband,jband)
365                        end if
366                      end if
367                    end do !jband
369 !                  Store the contribution
370                    eig2nkq(1,iband+band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2) = &
371 &                   eig2nkq(1,iband+band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2) + eig2_diar
372                    eig2nkq(2,iband+band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2) = &
373 &                   eig2nkq(2,iband+band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2) + eig2_diai 
375                    if(present(eigbrd))then
376                      if(smdelta >0) then   !broadening
377                        eigbrd(1,iband+band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2) = eigbrd_r
378                        eigbrd(2,iband+band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2) = eigbrd_i
379                      end if
380                    end if
382                  end do !idir2
383                end do !ipert2
384              end do  !idir1
385            end do   !ipert1
386          end if !ieig2rf 3
388 !        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
389 !        ------- ieig2rf ==4  Dynamic AHC using second quantization and Sternheimer from eig2stern -!
390 !        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!   
391          if(ieig2rf ==4 ) then
392            do ipert1=1,npert
393              do idir1=1,3
394                if(clflg(idir1,ipert1)==0) cycle
395                do ipert2=1,npert
396                  do idir2=1,3
397                    if(clflg(idir2,ipert2)==0)cycle
398                    do jband=1,mband
399                      eig1_r1 = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir1,ipert1)
400                      eig1_r2 = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir2,ipert2)
401                      eig1_i1 = eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir1,ipert1)
402                      eig1_i2 = - eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir2,ipert2) !the negative sign is from the CC
403                      ar=eig1_r1*eig1_r2-eig1_i1*eig1_i2
404                      ai=eig1_r1*eig1_i2+eig1_i1*eig1_r2
405 !                  Store the contribution
406                      fan(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2,jband) = &
407 &                     fan(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2,jband) + ar
408                      fan(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2,jband) = &
409 &                     fan(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2,jband) + ai
410                    end do !jband
411                  end do !idir2
412                end do !ipert2
413              end do  !idir1
414            end do   !ipert1
415          end if !ieig2rf 4
416 !        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
417 !        ------- ieig2rf ==5  Dynamic AHC with Sternheimer from eig2stern but print GKK -!
418 !        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------!   
419          if(ieig2rf ==5 ) then
420            do ipert1=1,npert
421              do idir1=1,3
422                if(clflg(idir1,ipert1)==0) cycle
423                do jband=1,mband
424                  eig1_r1 = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir1,ipert1)
425                  eig1_i1 = eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index,idir1,ipert1)
426 !              Store the contribution
427                  gkk(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,jband) = &
428 &                 gkk(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,jband) + eig1_r1
429                  gkk(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,jband) = &
430 &                 gkk(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,idir1,ipert1,jband) + eig1_i1
431                end do !jband
432              end do  !idir1
433            end do   !ipert1
434          end if !ieig2rf 5
435        end if ! Selection of processor
436      end do !iband
438      band2tot_index = band2tot_index + 2*mband**2
439      bandtot_index = bandtot_index + mband
441      if(present(eigenq_fine))then
442        ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpt_fine_sub) ! Deallocate the variable
443        ABI_DEALLOCATE(wgt_sub)
444      end if
446    end do    !ikpt
447    band_index = band_index + mband
448  end do !isppol
450 !Accumulate eig2nkq and/or eigbrd
451  if(xmpi_paral==1) then
452    if(ieig2rf == 3) then
453      call xmpi_sum(eig2nkq,spaceworld,ierr)
454    end if
455    if(ieig2rf == 4) then
456      call xmpi_sum(eig2nkq,spaceworld,ierr)
457      call xmpi_sum(eig2nkq_tmp,spaceworld,ierr)
458      call xmpi_sum(fan,spaceworld,ierr)
459    end if
460    if(ieig2rf == 5) then
461      call xmpi_sum(eig2nkq,spaceworld,ierr)
462      call xmpi_sum(eig2nkq_tmp,spaceworld,ierr)
463      call xmpi_sum(gkk,spaceworld,ierr)
464    end if
465    if(present(eigbrd) .and. (ieig2rf == 3 .or. ieig2rf == 4 .or. ieig2rf == 5))then
466      if(smdelta >0) then
467        call xmpi_sum(eigbrd,spaceworld,ierr)
468      end if
469    end if
470    ABI_DEALLOCATE(nband_rbz)
471    ABI_DEALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
472    ABI_DEALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
473  end if
475  if(ieig2rf > 2) then
476    write(ab_out,'(a)')' Components of second-order derivatives of the electronic energy, EIGR2D.'
477    write(ab_out,'(a)')' For automatic tests, printing the matrix for the first k-point, first band, first atom.'
478    band_index = 0
479    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
480      do idir1=1,3
481        do idir2=1,3
482          ar=eig2nkq(1,1+band_index,1,idir1,1,idir2,1) ; if(abs(ar)<tol10)ar=zero
483          ai=eig2nkq(2,1+band_index,1,idir1,1,idir2,1) ; if(abs(ai)<tol10)ai=zero
484          write (ab_out,'(4i4,2es20.10)') idir1,1,idir2,1,ar,ai 
485        end do ! idir2
486      end do ! idir1
487      band_index = band_index + mband
488      write(ab_out,'(a)')' '
489    end do
490  end if 
492  if(present(eigbrd))then
493    if(smdelta >0) then   !broadening
494      write(ab_out,'(a)')' Components of second-order derivatives of the electronic energy, EIGI2D.'
495      write(ab_out,'(a)')' For automatic tests, printing the matrix for the first k-point, first band, first atom.'
496      band_index = 0
497      do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
498        do idir1=1,3
499          do idir2=1,3
500            ar=eigbrd(1,1+band_index,1,idir1,1,idir2,1) ; if(abs(ar)<tol10)ar=zero
501            ai=eigbrd(2,1+band_index,1,idir1,1,idir2,1) ; if(abs(ai)<tol10)ai=zero
502            write (ab_out,'(4i4,2es20.10)') idir1,1,idir2,1,ar,ai
503          end do
504        end do
505        band_index = band_index + mband
506        write(ab_out,'(a)')' '
507      end do
508    end if
509  end if
511  if(allocated(smdfun))  then
512    ABI_DEALLOCATE(smdfun)
513  end if
514  if(present(eigenq_fine))then
515    ABI_DEALLOCATE(center)
516  end if
518  master=0
519  if (me==master) then
520 !  print _EIGR2D file for this perturbation in the case of ieig2rf 3 or 4 or 5
521    if (ieig2rf == 3 .or. ieig2rf == 4 .or. ieig2rf == 5) then 
523      dscrpt=' Note : temporary (transfer) database '
524      unitout = dtfil%unddb
526      call ddb_hdr_init(ddb_hdr,dtset,psps,pawtab,DDB_VERSION,dscrpt,&
527 &     1,xred=xred,occ=occ_rbz)
529      call ddb_hdr_open_write(ddb_hdr, dtfil%fnameabo_eigr2d, unitout)
531      call ddb_hdr_free(ddb_hdr)
533    end if
534    if(ieig2rf == 3 ) then
535      call outbsd(bdeigrf,dtset,eig2nkq,dtset%natom,nkpt_rbz,unitout)
536    end if
537    if(ieig2rf == 4 .or. ieig2rf == 5 ) then
538      call outbsd(bdeigrf,dtset,eig2nkq_tmp,dtset%natom,nkpt_rbz,unitout)
539    end if
540 !  Output of the file.
541    fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4),"")
542 !  Crystalline structure.
543    remove_inv=.false.
544    if(dtset%nspden==4 .and. dtset%usedmft==1) remove_inv=.true.
545    call crystal_init(dtset%amu_orig(:,1),Crystal,dtset%spgroup,dtset%natom,dtset%npsp,psps%ntypat, &
546 &   dtset%nsym,rprimd,dtset%typat,xred,dtset%ziontypat,dtset%znucl,1,&
547 &   dtset%nspden==2.and.dtset%nsppol==1,remove_inv,hdr0%title,&
548 &   dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtset%symafm)
549 !  Electronic band energies.
550    bantot= dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol
551    call ebands_init(bantot,Bands,dtset%nelect,doccde,eigen0,hdr0%istwfk,hdr0%kptns,&
552 &   hdr0%nband, hdr0%nkpt,hdr0%npwarr,hdr0%nsppol,hdr0%nspinor,&
553 &   hdr0%tphysel,hdr0%tsmear,hdr0%occopt,hdr0%occ,hdr0%wtk,&
554 &   hdr0%charge, hdr0%kptopt, hdr0%kptrlatt_orig, hdr0%nshiftk_orig, hdr0%shiftk_orig, &
555 &   hdr0%kptrlatt, hdr0%nshiftk, hdr0%shiftk)
557 !  Second order derivative EIGR2D (real and Im)
558    if(ieig2rf == 3 ) then
559      call eigr2d_init(eig2nkq,eigr2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom)
560    end if
561    if(ieig2rf == 4 .or. ieig2rf == 5 ) then
562      call eigr2d_init(eig2nkq_tmp,eigr2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom)
563    end if
564 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
565    NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating EIGR2D file")
566    NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(Crystal,ncid))
567    NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(Bands, ncid))
568    call eigr2d_ncwrite(eigr2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq,ncid)
569    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
570 #else
571    ABI_UNUSED(ncid)
572 #endif
574 !  print _FAN file for this perturbation. Note that the Fan file will only be produced if
575 !  abinit is compiled with netcdf.
576    if(ieig2rf == 4 ) then
577 !    Output of the file.
578 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
579      fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4),"")
580      call fan_init(fan,fan2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom)
581      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating FAN file")
582      NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(Crystal, ncid))
583      NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(Bands, ncid))
584      call fan_ncwrite(fan2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq, ncid)
585      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
586 #else
587      MSG_ERROR("Dynamical calculation with ieig2rf 4 only work with NETCDF support.")
588      ABI_UNUSED(ncid)
589 #endif
590      ABI_DEALLOCATE(fan)
591      ABI_DEALLOCATE(eig2nkq_tmp)
592    end if
593 !  print file for this perturbation. Note that the GKK file will only be produced if
594 !  abinit is compiled with netcdf.
595    if(ieig2rf == 5 ) then
596 !    Output of the file.
597 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
598      fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4),"")
599      call gkk_init(gkk,gkk2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom,3)
600      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating GKK file")
601      NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(Crystal, ncid))
602      NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(Bands, ncid))
603      call gkk_ncwrite(gkk2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq, ncid)
604      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
605 #else
606      MSG_ERROR("Dynamical calculation with ieig2rf 5 only work with NETCDF support.")
607      ABI_UNUSED(ncid)
608 #endif
609      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gkk)
610      ABI_DEALLOCATE(eig2nkq_tmp)
611    end if
612 !  print _EIGI2D file for this perturbation
613    if (ieig2rf /= 5 ) then
614      if(smdelta>0) then
615        unitout = dtfil%unddb
616        dscrpt=' Note : temporary (transfer) database '
618        call ddb_hdr_init(ddb_hdr,dtset,psps,pawtab,DDB_VERSION,dscrpt,&
619 &       1,xred=xred,occ=occ_rbz)
621        call ddb_hdr_open_write(ddb_hdr, dtfil%fnameabo_eigi2d, unitout)
623        call ddb_hdr_free(ddb_hdr)
625        call outbsd(bdeigrf,dtset,eigbrd,dtset%natom,nkpt_rbz,unitout)
627 !      Output of the file.
628        fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4),"")
629 !      Broadening EIGI2D (real and Im)
630        call eigr2d_init(eigbrd,eigi2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom)
631 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
632        NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating EIGI2D file")
633        NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(Crystal, ncid))
634        NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(Bands, ncid))
635        call eigr2d_ncwrite(eigi2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq,ncid)
636        NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
637 #else
638        ABI_UNUSED(ncid)
639 #endif
640      end if !smdelta
641    end if 
642  end if
644  if (allocated(fan)) then
645    ABI_DEALLOCATE(fan)
646  end if
647  if (allocated(eig2nkq_tmp)) then
648    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eig2nkq_tmp)
649  end if
650  if (allocated(gkk)) then
651    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gkk)
652  end if
654  call crystal_free(Crystal)
655  call ebands_free(Bands)
656  call eigr2d_free(eigr2d)
657  call eigr2d_free(eigi2d)
658  call fan_free(fan2d)
659  call gkk_free(gkk2d)
662  call timab(148,2,tsec)
663 !DEBUG
664 !write(std_out,*)' eig2tot: exit'
667 end subroutine eig2tot