ABINIT/dfpt_nstpaw [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Initially designed for PAW approach, but works also for NCPP.
 This routine compute the non-stationary expression for the
 second derivative of the total energy, for a whole row of
 mixed derivatives (including diagonal terms contributing
 to non-stationnary 2nd-order total energy).
 Compared with NC-pseudopotentials, PAW contributions include:
  - changes of the overlap between 0-order wave-functions,
  - on-site contributions.


 Copyright (C) 2010-2024 ABINIT group (MT, AM)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  cg (2,mpw *nspinor*mband_mem*mkmem*nsppol)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions at k
  cgq(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem*mkqmem*nsppol)=pw coefficients of GS wavefunctions at k+q.
  cg1(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem*mk1mem*nsppol)=pw coefficients of RF wavefunctions at k,q.
  cplex=if 1, real space 1-order functions on FFT grid are REAL, if 2, COMPLEX
  cprj(natom,nspinor*mband_mem*mkmem*nsppol*usecprj)= wave functions at k projected with non-local projectors
  cprjq(natom,nspinor*mband_mem*mkqmem*nsppol*usecprj)= wave functions at k+q projected with non-local projectors
  docckqde(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=derivative of occkq wrt the energy
  doccde_rbz(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=derivative of occ_rbz wrt the energy
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  eigenq(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=GS eigenvalues at k+q (hartree)
  eigen0(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=GS eigenvalues at k (hartree)
  eigen1(2*mband*mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=1st-order eigenvalues at k,q (hartree)
  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2.
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  gsqcut=cutoff on (k+G)^2 (bohr^-2)
  idir=direction of the perturbation
  indkpt1(nkpt_rbz)=non-symmetrized indices of the k-points
  indsy1(4,nsym1,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  ipert=type of the perturbation
  irrzon1(nfft**(1-1/nsym1),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=irreducible zone data for RF symmetries
  istwfk_rbz(nkpt_rbz)=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  kg1(3,mpw1*mk1mem)=reduced planewave coordinates at k+q, with RF k points
  kpt_rbz(3,nkpt_rbz)=reduced coordinates of k points in the reduced BZ
  kxc(nfftf,nkxc)=exchange and correlation kernel
  mgfftf=maximum size of 1D FFTs for the "fine" grid (see NOTES in respfn.F90)
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  mkqmem =number of k+q points treated by this node (GS data).
  mk1mem =number of k points treated by this node (RF data)
  mpert =maximum number of ipert
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw or wfs at k
  mpw1=maximum dimensioned size of npw for wfs at k+q (also for 1-order wfs).
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  nband_rbz(nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=number of bands at each RF k point for each spin
  mband_mem=number of bands per processor
  ncpgr=number of gradients stored in cprj array (cprj=<p_i|Cnk>)
  nfftf=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this proc) for the "fine" grid
  ngfftf(1:18)=integer array with FFT box dimensions and other for the "fine" grid
  nhat(nfft,nspden*nhatdim)= -PAW only- compensation density
  nhat1(cplex*nfftf,nspden*usepaw)=1st-order compensation charge density (PAW)
  nkpt_rbz=number of k points in the reduced BZ for this perturbation
  nkxc=second dimension of the kxc array
  npwarr(nkpt_rbz)=number of planewaves in basis at this GS k point
  npwar1(nkpt_rbz)=number of planewaves in basis at this RF k+q point
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsym1=number of symmetry elements in space group consistent with i perturbation
  n3xccc=dimension of xccc3d1 ; 0 if no XC core correction is used otherwise, cplex*nfftf
  occkq(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=occupation number for each band at each k+q point of the reduced BZ
  occ_rbz(mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)=occupation number for each band and k in the reduced BZ
  paw_an(natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh for the GS
  paw_an1(natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=1st-order paw arrays given on angular mesh for the perturbation (j1)
  paw_ij(natom*usepaw) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels for the GS
  paw_ij1(natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=1st-order paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawang1 <type(pawang_type)>=pawang datastructure containing only the symmetries preserving the perturbation
  pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
  pawfgrtab(natom*usepaw) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid for the GS
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data for the GS
  pawrhoij1(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= 1st-order paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  phnons1(2,nfft**(1-1/nsym1),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=nonsymmorphic transl. phases, for RF symmetries
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=one-dimensional structure factor information
  ph1df(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*natom)=one-dimensional structure factor information for the "fine" grid
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=array for GS electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
  rhor1(cplex*nfftf,nspden)=RF electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
  rmet(3,3)=real space metric (bohr**2)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  symaf1(nsym1)=anti(ferromagnetic) part of symmetry operations
  symrc1(3,3,nsym1)=symmetry operations in reciprocal space
  symrl1(3,3,nsym1)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
  ucvol=unit cell volume in bohr**3.
  usecprj= 1 if cprj, cprjq arrays are stored in memory
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  usexcnhat= -PAW only- flag controling use of compensation density in Vxc
  useylmgr1= 1 if ylmgr1 array is allocated
  vectornd(with_vectornd*nfftf,3)=nuclear dipole moment vector potential
  vhartr1(cplex*nfft)=1-order Hartree potential
  vpsp1(cplex*nfftf)=first-order derivative of the ionic potential
  vtrial(nfftf,nspden)=GS potential (Hartree).
  vtrial1(cplex*nfftf,nspden)= RF 1st-order potential (Hartree).
  vxc(nfftf,nspden)=XC GS potential
  with_vectornd = 1 if vectornd allocated
  wtk_rbz(nkpt_rbz)=weight assigned to each k point in the reduced BZ
  xccc3d1(cplex*n3xccc)=3D change in core charge density, see n3xccc
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
  ylm1(mpw1*mk1mem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k+q point
  ylmgr1(mpw1*mk1mem,3,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= gradients of real spherical harmonics at k+q


  blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)=flags for each element of the 2DTE (=1 if computed)
  d2lo(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)=local contributions to the 2DTEs
  d2nl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)=non-local contributions to the 2DTEs
  d2ovl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert*usepaw)=overlap contributions to the 2DTEs (PAW only)
  eovl1=1st-order change of wave-functions overlap, part of 2nd-order energy
        PAW only - Eq(79) and Eq(80) of PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]]


   We perform here the computation of
     delta_u^(j1)=-1/2 Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|S^(j1)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>]
     see PRB 78, 035105 (2008), Eq. (42) [[cite:Audouze2008]]


 217 subroutine dfpt_nstpaw(blkflg,cg,cgq,cg1,cplex,cprj,cprjq,docckqde,doccde_rbz,dtfil,dtset,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,&
 218 &                  eigenq,eigen0,eigen1,eovl1,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,indkpt1,indsy1,ipert,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
 219 &                  kg,kg1,kpt_rbz,kxc,mgfftf,mkmem,mkqmem,mk1mem,&
 220 &                  mpert,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,nattyp,nband_rbz,mband_mem_rbz,ncpgr,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nhat1,&
 221 &                  nkpt_rbz,nkxc,npwarr,npwar1,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym1,n3xccc,occkq,occ_rbz,&
 222 &                  paw_an,paw_an1,paw_ij,paw_ij1,pawang,pawang1,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,&
 223 &                  pawrhoij1,pawtab,phnons1,ph1d,ph1df,psps,rhog,rhor,rhor1,rmet,rprimd,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,tnons1,&
 224 &                  ucvol,usecprj,usepaw,usexcnhat,useylmgr1,vectornd,vhartr1,vpsp1,vtrial,vtrial1,vxc,&
 225 &                  with_vectornd,wtk_rbz,xccc3d1,xred,ylm,ylm1,ylmgr1)
 227 !Arguments -------------------------------
 228 !scalars
 229  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,idir,ipert,mgfftf,mkmem,mkqmem,mk1mem,mpert,mpw,mpw1
 230  integer,intent(in) :: ncpgr,nfftf,nkpt_rbz,nkxc,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym1
 231  integer,intent(in) :: n3xccc,usecprj,usepaw,usexcnhat,useylmgr1
 232  integer,intent(in) :: mband_mem_rbz,with_vectornd
 233  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut,ucvol
 234  real(dp),intent(out) :: eovl1
 235  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 236  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 237  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 238  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang,pawang1
 239  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
 240  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 241 !arrays
 242  integer,intent(in) :: nattyp(dtset%ntypat),nband_rbz(nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
 243  integer,intent(in) :: indkpt1(nkpt_rbz),indsy1(4,nsym1,dtset%natom)
 244  integer,intent(in) :: irrzon1(dtset%nfft**(1-1/nsym1),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
 245  integer,intent(in) :: istwfk_rbz(nkpt_rbz),kg(3,mpw*mkmem),kg1(3,mpw1*mk1mem)
 246  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftf(18),npwarr(nkpt_rbz),npwar1(nkpt_rbz)
 247  integer,intent(in) :: symaf1(nsym1),symrc1(3,3,nsym1),symrl1(3,3,nsym1)
 248  integer,intent(inout) :: blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)
 249  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkmem*nsppol)
 250  real(dp),intent(in) :: cgq(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem*nsppol)
 251  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg1(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem*nsppol)
 252  real(dp),intent(in) :: docckqde(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
 253  real(dp),intent(in) :: doccde_rbz(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
 254  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigenq(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol),eigen0(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
 255  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen1(2*dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
 256  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),kpt_rbz(3,nkpt_rbz)
 257  real(dp),intent(in) :: kxc(nfftf,nkxc),nhat(nfftf,nspden),nhat1(cplex*nfftf,nspden*usepaw)
 258  real(dp),intent(in) :: occkq(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol)
 259  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ_rbz(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*nsppol)
 260  real(dp),intent(in) :: phnons1(2,dtset%nfft**(1-1/nsym1),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
 261  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*dtset%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom)
 262  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1df(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*dtset%natom),rhog(2,nfftf)
 263  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(cplex*nfftf,nspden),rhor1(cplex*nfftf,nspden),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
 264  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons1(3,nsym1),vhartr1(cplex*nfftf),vtrial1(cplex*nfftf,nspden),vxc(nfftf,nspden)
 265  real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk_rbz(nkpt_rbz),xred(3,dtset%natom)
 266  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylm(mpw*mkmem,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
 267  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylm1(mpw1*mk1mem,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
 268  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylmgr1(mpw1*mk1mem,3,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*useylmgr1)
 269  real(dp),target,intent(in) :: vpsp1(cplex*nfftf),vtrial(nfftf,nspden),xccc3d1(cplex*n3xccc)
 270  real(dp),intent(inout) :: d2nl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
 271  real(dp),intent(inout) :: d2lo(2,3,mpert,3,mpert),d2ovl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert*usepaw)
 272  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vectornd(with_vectornd*nfftf,3)
 273  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprj(dtset%natom,nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkmem*nsppol*usecprj)
 274  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprjq(dtset%natom,nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem*nsppol*usecprj)
 275  type(paw_an_type),intent(in) :: paw_an(:)
 276  type(paw_an_type),intent(inout) :: paw_an1(:)
 277  type(paw_ij_type),intent(in) :: paw_ij(:)
 278  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij1(:)
 279  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(:)
 280  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(dtset%ntypat*usepaw)
 281  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij(:)
 282  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij1(:)
 283  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat*usepaw)
 285 !Local variables-------------------------------
 286 !scalars
 287  integer,parameter :: tim_fourwf=18,tim_getgh1c=2,tim_projbd=3,formeig1=1
 288  integer :: bd2tot_index,bdtot_index,berryopt,bufsz,choice,cpopt,cplex_rhoij,ddkcase
 289  integer :: dimffnl,dimffnl1,dimffnl1_idir1,dimylmgr1,g0term
 290  integer :: ia,iatom,iband,ibg,ibgq,ibg1,icg,icgq,icg1,ider,idir0,idir1,idir_cprj
 291  integer :: ierr,ii,ikg,ikg1,ikpt,ikpt_me,ilmn,iorder_cprj,ipert1
 292  integer :: ispden,isppol,istwf_k,istr,istr1,itypat,jband,jj,kdir1,kpert1,master,mcgq,mcprjq
 293  integer :: mdir1,me,mpert1,my_natom,my_comm_atom,my_nsppol,nband_k,nband_kocc,need_ylmgr1
 294  integer :: nfftot,nkpg,nkpg1,nkpt_me,npw_,npw_k,npw1_k,nspden_rhoij
 295  integer :: nvh1,nvxc1,nzlmopt_ipert,nzlmopt_ipert1,optlocal,optnl
 296  integer :: option,opt_gvnlx1,qphase_rhoij,sij_opt,spaceworld,usevnl,wfcorr,ik_ddk
 297  integer :: nband_me, iband_me, jband_me, iband_
 298  integer :: do_scprod, do_bcast
 299  integer :: startband, endband
 300  real(dp) :: arg,doti,dotr,dot1i,dot1r,dot2i,dot2r,dot3i,dot3r,elfd_fact,invocc,lambda,wtk_k
 301  logical :: force_recompute,has_dcwf,has_dcwf2,has_drho,has_ddk_file,has_vectornd
 302  logical :: is_metal,is_metal_or_qne0,need_ddk_file,need_pawij10
 303  logical :: need_wfk,need_wf1,nmxc,paral_atom,qne0,t_exist
 304  character(len=500) :: msg
 305  character(len=fnlen) :: fiwfddk(3)
 306  type(gs_hamiltonian_type) :: gs_hamkq
 307  type(rf_hamiltonian_type) :: rf_hamkq
 308  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_seq
 309 !arrays
 310  integer :: ddkfil(3),my_spintab(2),nband_tmp(1),npwar1_tmp(1)
 311  integer,allocatable :: bands_treated_now(:),band_procs(:)
 312  integer,allocatable :: jpert1(:),jdir1(:),kg1_k(:,:),kg_k(:,:)
 313  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
 314  real(dp) :: dum1(1,1),dum2(1,1),dum3(1,1),epawnst(2),kpoint(3),kpq(3)
 315  real(dp) :: sumelfd(2),symfact(3),tsec(2),ylmgr_dum(1,3,1)
 316  real(dp),allocatable :: buffer(:),ch1c(:,:,:,:),cs1c(:,:,:,:)
 317  real(dp),allocatable :: ch1c_tmp(:,:)
 318  real(dp),allocatable :: cs1c_tmp(:,:)
 319  real(dp),allocatable :: cwave0(:,:),cwavef(:,:),dcwavef(:,:)
 320  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_ddk(:,:,:)
 321  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde_k(:),doccde_kq(:)
 322  real(dp),allocatable :: dnhat1(:,:),drhoaug1(:,:,:,:)
 323  real(dp),allocatable :: drhor1(:,:),drho1wfg(:,:),drho1wfr(:,:,:)
 324  real(dp),allocatable :: d2nl_elfd(:,:),dkinpw(:)
 325  real(dp),allocatable :: d2nl_k(:,:),d2ovl_drho(:,:,:,:,:),d2ovl_k(:,:)
 326  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_k(:),eig_kq(:),eig1_k(:)
 327  real(dp),allocatable,target :: e1kbfr_spin(:,:,:,:,:,:),ffnlk(:,:,:,:),ffnl1(:,:,:,:)
 328  real(dp),allocatable :: gh1(:,:),gs1(:,:),gvnlx1(:,:),kinpw1(:),kpg_k(:,:),kpg1_k(:,:)
 329  real(dp),allocatable :: gvnlx1_tmp(:,:)
 330  real(dp),allocatable :: occ_k(:),occ_kq(:),ph3d(:,:,:),ph3d1(:,:,:),rhotmp(:,:),rocceig(:,:)
 331  real(dp),allocatable :: vectornd_pac(:,:,:,:,:),vectornd_pac_idir(:,:,:,:)
 332  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm_k(:,:),ylm1_k(:,:),ylmgr1_k(:,:,:),vtmp1(:,:),vxc10(:,:)
 333  real(dp),allocatable,target :: work(:,:,:),e1kb_work(:,:,:,:)
 334  real(dp),pointer :: e1kbfr(:,:,:,:,:),e1kb_ptr(:,:,:,:)
 335  real(dp),pointer :: ffnl1_idir1(:,:,:,:),vhartr01(:),vpsp1_idir1(:),xccc3d1_idir1(:)
 336  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: dcwaveprj(:,:)
 337  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable,target :: cwaveprj0(:,:)
 338  type(pawcprj_type),pointer :: cwaveprj0_idir1(:,:)
 339  type(paw_ij_type),allocatable :: paw_ij10(:,:)
 340  type(pawrhoij_type),target,allocatable :: pawdrhoij1(:,:)
 341  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawdrhoij1_unsym(:,:)
 342  type(wfk_t) :: ddks(3)
 344 ! *********************************************************************
 348 !Keep track of total time spent in dfpt_nstpaw
 349  call timab(566,1,tsec)
 351 !Not valid for PrintBandByBand
 352  if (dtset%prtbbb/=0) then
 353    ABI_BUG('not yet valid for prtbbb/=0!')
 354  end if
 356 !NCPP restrictions
 357  if (usepaw==0) then
 358 !  cprj cannot be used
 359    if (usecprj/=0) then
 360      ABI_BUG('NCPP: usecprj should be 0!')
 361    end if
 362 !  d2ovl cannot be used
 363    if (size(d2ovl)/=0) then
 364      ABI_BUG('NCPP: d2ovl should not be allocated!')
 365    end if
 366  end if
 368 !PAW restrictions
 369  if (usepaw==1) then
 370 !  Test on FFT grid sizes
 371    if (pawfgr%nfft/=nfftf) then
 372      ABI_BUG('PAW: wrong values for nfft, nfftf!')
 373    end if
 374 !  Test gradients of cprj
 375    if (ipert<=dtset%natom.and.ncpgr/=3) then
 376      ABI_BUG('PAW: wrong value of ncpgr for ipert<=natom!')
 377    end if
 378    if (ipert==dtset%natom+1.and.ncpgr/=1.and.dtset%orbmag==0) then
 379      ABI_BUG('PAW: wrong value of ncpgr for ipert=natom+1!')
 380    end if
 381    if (ipert==dtset%natom+2.and.ncpgr/=3) then
 382      ABI_BUG('PAW: wrong value of ncpgr for ipert=natom+2!')
 383    end if
 384    if ((ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4).and.ncpgr/=1) then
 385      ABI_BUG('PAW: wrong value of ncpgr for ipert=natom+3 or 4!')
 386    end if
 387 !  Test on availability of DijHartree and XC on-site potentials
 388    if (mpi_enreg%my_natom>0.and.ipert/=dtset%natom+1)  then
 389      if (paw_ij1(1)%has_dijhartree==0.or.paw_an1(1)%has_vxc==0) then
 390        msg='PAW: paw_ij1%dijhartree and paw=_an1%vxc1 should be allocated !'
 391      end if
 392    end if
 393  end if
 395 !Set up parallelism
 396  master=0;me=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
 397  spaceworld=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
 398  paral_atom=(mpi_enreg%my_natom/=dtset%natom)
 399  my_comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom
 400  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
 401  my_atmtab=>mpi_enreg%my_atmtab
 402  my_spintab=mpi_enreg%my_isppoltab
 403  my_nsppol=count(my_spintab==1)
 405 !Fake MPI data to be used in sequential calls to parallel routines
 406  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_seq)
 407  mpi_enreg_seq%my_natom=dtset%natom
 409 !Compute effective number of k-points
 410  nkpt_me=nkpt_rbz
 411  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
 412    nkpt_me=0
 413    do isppol=1,nsppol
 414      do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
 415        nband_k=nband_rbz(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt_rbz)
 416        if (.not.(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me))) nkpt_me=nkpt_me+1
 417      end do
 418    end do
 419  end if
 421 !Sizes for WF at k+q
 422  mcgq=mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem*nsppol
 423  mcprjq=nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem*nsppol*usecprj
 425  ABI_MALLOC(bands_treated_now, (maxval(nband_rbz)))
 427 !Check ddk files (needed to compute electric field perturbations)
 428  ddkfil(:)=0
 429  do idir1=1,3
 430    ddkcase=idir1+dtset%natom*3
 431    call appdig(ddkcase,dtfil%fnamewffddk,fiwfddk(idir1))
 432    t_exist = file_exists(fiwfddk(idir1))
 434    if (.not. t_exist) then
 435      ! Try netcdf file.
 436      t_exist = file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwfddk(idir1)))
 437      if (t_exist) then
 438        fiwfddk(idir1) = nctk_ncify(fiwfddk(idir1))
 439        write(msg,"(3a)")"- File: ",trim(fiwfddk(idir1))," does not exist but found netcdf file with similar name."
 440        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 441      end if
 442    end if
 444    if (t_exist) then
 445      ddkfil(idir1)=20+idir1 ! Note the use of unit numbers 21, 22 and 23
 446    end if
 447  end do
 448  has_ddk_file=(any(ddkfil(:)>0))
 450 !Define the set of perturbations (j1)=(ipert1,idir1)
 451 !The first perturbation must be (j1)=(j2)=(ipert,idir)
 452 !because we need to compute <g|H^(j2)-Eps.S^(j2)|u0> first.
 453  if (ipert/=dtset%natom+1) then
 454    mpert1=0
 455    ABI_MALLOC(jpert1,(mpert))
 456    jpert1 = 0
 457    if (ipert/=dtset%natom+2.or.has_ddk_file) then
 458      mpert1=mpert1+1;jpert1(mpert1)=ipert
 459    end if
 460    do ipert1=1,mpert
 461      if (ipert1/=ipert.and.&
 462 &     (ipert1<=dtset%natom.or.&
 463 &     (ipert1==dtset%natom+2.and.has_ddk_file).or.&
 464 &     ((ipert>dtset%natom.and.ipert/=dtset%natom+5).and.(ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4)).or. &
 465 &     ((ipert1==dtset%natom+2).and.has_ddk_file))) then
 466        mpert1=mpert1+1;jpert1(mpert1)=ipert1
 467      end if
 468    end do
 469  else
 470    mpert1=1
 471    ABI_MALLOC(jpert1,(mpert1))
 472    jpert1(1)=dtset%natom+1
 473  end if
 474  mdir1=3
 475  ABI_MALLOC(jdir1,(mdir1))
 476  jdir1(1:3)= (/ (idir1,idir1=1,3) /)
 477  jdir1(1)=idir;jdir1(idir)=1
 479 !Index of strain perturbation, if any
 480  istr=idir;if (ipert==dtset%natom+4) istr=idir+3
 482 !Open ddk WF file(s) in sequential mode
 483  if (has_ddk_file) then
 484    do kdir1=1,mdir1
 485      idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
 486      if (ddkfil(idir1)/=0) then
 487        write(msg, '(a,a)') '-open ddk wf file :',trim(fiwfddk(idir1))
 488        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out],msg)
 489        call wfk_open_read(ddks(idir1),fiwfddk(idir1),formeig1,dtset%iomode,ddkfil(idir1), xmpi_comm_self)
 490      end if
 491    end do
 493    ABI_MALLOC(cg_ddk,(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz,3))
 494    cg_ddk = zero ! not all may be initialized below if only certain ddk directions are provided
 495  end if
 497 !Zero only portion of matrix to be computed here
 498  d2nl(:,:,1:dtset%natom+4,idir,ipert)=zero
 499  if (usepaw==1) d2ovl(:,:,1:dtset%natom+4,idir,ipert)=zero
 501 !Update list of computed matrix elements
 502  do kpert1=1,mpert1
 503    ipert1=jpert1(kpert1)
 504    do kdir1=1,mdir1
 505      idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
 506      if ((ipert1<=dtset%natom).or.ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4.or.&
 507 &     (ipert1==dtset%natom+1.and.((ddkfil(idir1)/=0).or.(dtset%rfdir(idir1)/=0.and.idir1<=idir))).or.&
 508 &     (ipert1==dtset%natom+2.and.ddkfil(idir1)/=0).or.&
 509 &     ((ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4).and.ddkfil(idir1)/=0)) then
 510        blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=1
 511      end if
 512    end do
 513  end do
 515 !Initialize most of the (1st-order) Hamiltonian
 516 !1) Allocate all arrays and initialize quantities that do not depend on k and spin.
 517 !2) Perform the setup needed for the non-local factors:
 518  call init_hamiltonian(gs_hamkq,psps,pawtab,nspinor,nsppol,nspden,dtset%natom,&
 519 & dtset%typat,xred,dtset%nfft,dtset%mgfft,dtset%ngfft,rprimd,dtset%nloalg,ph1d=ph1d,&
 520 & paw_ij=paw_ij,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,comm_atom=my_comm_atom,mpi_spintab=mpi_enreg%my_isppoltab,&
 521 & usecprj=usecprj,nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom,gpu_option=dtset%gpu_option)
 522 has_vectornd = (with_vectornd .EQ. 1)
 523  if(has_vectornd) then
 524     ABI_MALLOC(vectornd_pac,(dtset%ngfft(4),dtset%ngfft(5),dtset%ngfft(6),gs_hamkq%nvloc,3))
 525     ABI_MALLOC(vectornd_pac_idir,(dtset%ngfft(4),dtset%ngfft(5),dtset%ngfft(6),gs_hamkq%nvloc))
 526  end if
 528 !Variables common to all perturbations
 529  arg=maxval(occ_rbz)-minval(occ_rbz)
 530  qne0=(dtset%qptn(1)**2+dtset%qptn(2)**2+dtset%qptn(3)**2>=tol14)
 531  is_metal=((dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8).or.(abs(arg)>tol8))
 532  is_metal_or_qne0=((is_metal).or.(qne0))
 533  nmxc=(dtset%usepaw==1.and.mod(abs(dtset%usepawu),10)==4)
 534  ABI_MALLOC(ch1c,(2,mband_mem_rbz,dtset%mband,nkpt_me))
 535  ABI_MALLOC(ch1c_tmp,(2,mband_mem_rbz))
 536  ch1c(:,:,:,:)=zero
 537  nzlmopt_ipert=0;nzlmopt_ipert1=0
 538  if (usepaw==1) then
 539    ABI_MALLOC(d2ovl_drho,(2,3,mpert,3,mpert))
 540    d2ovl_drho=zero
 541    if (dtset%pawnzlm/=0) then
 542      nzlmopt_ipert=1;if (dtset%nstep<2) nzlmopt_ipert=-1
 543      nzlmopt_ipert1=-1
 544    end if
 545    if (is_metal_or_qne0) then
 546      ABI_MALLOC(cs1c,(2,dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,nkpt_me))
 547      ABI_MALLOC(cs1c_tmp,(2,dtset%mband))
 548      cs1c(:,:,:,:)=zero
 549    end if
 550  end if
 552 !Force the recomputation of on-site potentials and DijHartree
 553  if (usepaw==1) then
 554    call paw_an_reset_flags(paw_an1)
 555    call paw_ij_reset_flags(paw_ij1,dijhartree=.true.)
 556  end if
 560  do kpert1=1,mpert1
 561    ipert1=jpert1(kpert1)
 563 !  Flag for use of DDK file
 564    need_ddk_file=(has_ddk_file.and.(ipert1==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+2))
 566 !  Factor to be applied for electric Field (Eff. charges and piezo. tensor are "minus" d2E)
 567    elfd_fact=one
 568    if ((ipert <=dtset%natom.or.ipert ==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert ==dtset%natom+4).and. &
 569 &   (ipert1==dtset%natom+2)) elfd_fact=-one
 570    if ((ipert1<=dtset%natom.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4).and. &
 571 &   (ipert ==dtset%natom+2)) elfd_fact=-one
 573 !  We want to compute delta_u^(j1))=-1/2 Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|S^(j1)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>]
 574 !  see PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]], Eq. (42)
 575    has_dcwf=.false.;has_dcwf2=.false.;has_drho=.false.
 576    if (usepaw==1) then
 577      has_dcwf =(ipert1/=dtset%natom+2)
 578      has_dcwf2=(ipert /=dtset%natom+2)
 579      has_drho =(has_dcwf.and.ipert1/=dtset%natom+1)
 580    end if
 582 !  Select which WF are needed
 583    need_wfk=(.true.)
 584    need_wf1=(.true.)
 586 !  Initialize data for NL 1st-order (j1) hamiltonian
 587    call init_rf_hamiltonian(cplex,gs_hamkq,ipert1,rf_hamkq,mpi_spintab=[0,0])
 589 !  The following contributions are needed only for non-DDK perturbation:
 590 !  - Frozen part of 1st-order Dij
 591 !  - Contribution from local potential to dynamical matrix (due to Vxc^(j1)(tild_nc)+VH^(j1)(tild_nZc))
 592    if (ipert/=dtset%natom+1.and.ipert1/=dtset%natom+1) then
 594 !    Allocations
 595      force_recompute=(usepaw==0) ! This is dangerous...
 596      nfftot=ngfftf(1)*ngfftf(2)*ngfftf(3)
 597      nvxc1=0;if (ipert1<=dtset%natom.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) nvxc1=nspden
 598      nvh1=0;if (ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) nvh1=1
 599      ABI_MALLOC(vxc10,(cplex*nfftf,nvxc1))
 600      ABI_MALLOC(vhartr01,(cplex*nfftf*nvh1))
 601      need_pawij10=(usepaw==1)
 602      if (need_pawij10) then
 603        ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij10,(my_natom,mdir1))
 604        ABI_MALLOC(e1kbfr_spin,(rf_hamkq%dime1kb1,rf_hamkq%dime1kb2,nspinor**2,cplex,mdir1,my_nsppol))
 605      else
 606        ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij10,(0,0))
 607      end if
 610      do kdir1=1,mdir1
 611        idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
 612        istr1=idir1;if (ipert1==dtset%natom+4) istr1=idir1+3
 614 !      Get first-order local potential and first-order pseudo core density
 615        if (ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1.and.(.not.force_recompute)) then
 616          vpsp1_idir1 => vpsp1
 617          xccc3d1_idir1 => xccc3d1
 618        else
 619          ABI_MALLOC(vpsp1_idir1,(cplex*nfftf))
 620          ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d1_idir1,(cplex*n3xccc))
 621          if (usepaw==1) then
 622            call dfpt_atm2fft(gs_hamkq%atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,istr1,ipert1,&
 623 &           mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,1,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%ntypat,&
 624 &           ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
 625 &           atmrhor1=xccc3d1_idir1,atmvlocr1=vpsp1_idir1,optv_in=1,optn_in=n3xccc/nfftf,optn2_in=1,&
 626 &           vspl=psps%vlspl)
 627          else
 628            if(ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
 630              !To compute Absolute Deformation Potentials toghether with FxE tensor
 631              !the reference has to be the same as in the FxE routines
 632              g0term=0; if (dtset%rfstrs_ref==1) g0term=1
 634              call vlocalstr(gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,istr1,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,&
 635 &             nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%ntypat,ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,ucvol,&
 636 &             psps%vlspl,vpsp1_idir1,g0term=g0term)
 637            else
 638              call dfpt_vlocal(gs_hamkq%atindx,cplex,gmet,gsqcut,idir1,ipert1,mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,&
 639 &             dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%ntypat,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),&
 640 &             ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,ucvol,psps%vlspl,vpsp1_idir1,xred)
 641            end if
 642            if(psps%n1xccc/=0)then
 643              call dfpt_mkcore(cplex,idir1,ipert1,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,ngfftf(1),psps%n1xccc,&
 644 &             ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),dtset%qptn,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,&
 645 &             psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d1_idir1,xred)
 646            end if
 647          end if
 648        end if
 650 !      Compute 1st-order non-local factors (Dij^(j1)_fr)
 651        if (need_pawij10) then
 652          call paw_ij_nullify(paw_ij10(:,idir1))
 653          call paw_ij_init(paw_ij10(:,idir1),cplex,nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspden,&
 654 &         0,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,has_dijfr=1,&
 655 &         mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,comm_atom=my_comm_atom)
 656          if (ipert/=ipert1.or.idir/=idir1.or.force_recompute) then
 657            option=0
 658            call pawdijfr(gprimd,idir1,ipert1,my_natom,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,&
 659 &           nspden,nsppol,dtset%ntypat,option,paw_ij10(:,idir1),pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrad,&
 660 &           pawtab,cplex,dtset%qptn,rprimd,ucvol,vpsp1_idir1,vtrial,vxc,xred,&
 661 &           mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,comm_atom=my_comm_atom)
 662          else
 663            do iatom=1,my_natom
 664              paw_ij10(iatom,idir1)%has_dijfr=paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr
 665              if (paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr==2) paw_ij10(iatom,idir1)%dijfr=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr
 666            end do
 667          end if
 668        end if
 670 !      Get first-order exchange-correlation potential (core-correction contribution only)
 671        if (nvxc1>0) then
 672          if(ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
 673            option=0
 674            call dfpt_mkvxcstr(cplex,idir1,ipert1,kxc,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,&
 675 &           nhat,nhat1,nkxc,nmxc,nspden,n3xccc,option,dtset%qptn,rhor,rhor1,rprimd,&
 676 &           usepaw,usexcnhat,vxc10,xccc3d1_idir1)
 677          else
 678 !          Non-collinear magnetism (should the second nkxc be nkxc_cur ?)
 679            if (nspden==4) then
 680              option=0
 681              call dfpt_mkvxc_noncoll(cplex,dtset%ixc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dum1,0,dum2,0,dum3,0,nkxc,&
 682 &             nmxc,nspden,n3xccc,1,option,dtset%qptn,dum1,dum1,rprimd,0,vxc,&
 683 &             vxc10,xccc3d1_idir1)
 684            else
 685              call dfpt_mkvxc(cplex,dtset%ixc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dum2,0,dum3,0,nkxc,&
 686 &             nmxc,nspden,n3xccc,0,dtset%qptn,dum1,rprimd,0,vxc10,xccc3d1_idir1)
 687            end if
 688          end if
 689        end if
 691 !      Get first-order Hartree potential (metric tensor contribution only)
 692        if (nvh1>0) then
 693          call hartrestr(gsqcut,idir1,ipert1,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,&
 694 &         nfftf,ngfftf,rhog,rprimd,vhartr01)
 695        end if
 697 !      Get Hartree + xc + local contributions to dynamical matrix or elastic tensor
 698        if (ipert1<=dtset%natom.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
 699          if (usepaw==0) then
 700 !          vxc1 is integrated with the total 1st-order density (rhor1 )
 701 !          vpsp1 is integrated with the 1st-order pseudo density (rhor1)
 702            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhor1,dot1r,dot1i,nfftf,nfftot,nspden,2,vxc10,ucvol)
 703            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhor1,dot2r,dot2i,nfftf,nfftot,1,2,vpsp1_idir1,ucvol)
 704          else if (usexcnhat/=0) then
 705 !          vxc1 is integrated with the total 1st-order density (rhor1 including nhat1)
 706 !          vpsp1 is integrated with the 1st-order pseudo density (rhor1 without nhat1)
 707            ABI_MALLOC(rhotmp,(cplex*nfftf,1))
 708            rhotmp(:,1)=rhor1(:,1)-nhat1(:,1)
 709            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhor1,dot1r,dot1i,nfftf,nfftot,nspden,2,vxc10,ucvol)
 710            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhotmp,dot2r,dot2i,nfftf,nfftot,1,2,vpsp1_idir1,ucvol)
 711            ABI_FREE(rhotmp)
 712          else
 713 !          vxc1 is integrated with the 1st-order pseudo density (rhor1 without nhat1)
 714 !          vpsp1 is integrated with the 1st-order pseudo density (rhor1 without nhat1)
 715            ABI_MALLOC(rhotmp,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
 716            rhotmp(:,:)=rhor1(:,:)-nhat1(:,:)
 717            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhotmp,dot1r,dot1i,nfftf,nfftot,nspden,2,vxc10,ucvol)
 718            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhotmp,dot2r,dot2i,nfftf,nfftot,1,2,vpsp1_idir1,ucvol)
 719            ABI_FREE(rhotmp)
 720          end if
 721          if (nvh1>0) then
 722            call dotprod_vn(cplex,rhor1,dot3r,dot3i,nfftf,nfftot,1,2,vhartr01,ucvol)
 723          else
 724            dot3r=zero ; dot3i=zero
 725          end if
 726 !        Note: factor 2 (from d2E/dj1dj2=2E^(j1j2)) eliminated by factor 1/2
 727          dotr=dot1r+dot2r+dot3r;doti=dot1i+dot2i+dot3i
 728 !        In case ipert = natom+2, these lines compute the local part
 729 !        of the Born effective charges from phonon and electric
 730 !        field type perturbations, see eq. 43 of X. Gonze and C. Lee, PRB 55, 10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]]
 731 !        The minus sign is due to the fact that the effective charges
 732 !        are minus the second derivatives of the energy
 733          if (ipert/=dtset%natom+1) then
 734            d2lo(1,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=elfd_fact*dotr
 735            d2lo(2,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=elfd_fact*doti
 736          end if
 737        end if ! ipert1<=natom
 739        if (ipert/=ipert1.or.idir/=idir1.or.force_recompute)  then
 740          ABI_FREE(vpsp1_idir1)
 741          ABI_FREE(xccc3d1_idir1)
 742        end if
 744 !      End loop on directions
 745      end do
 747 !    Free memory
 748      ABI_FREE(vxc10)
 749      ABI_FREE(vhartr01)
 751    else ! ddk perturbation
 752      d2lo(1:2,1:mdir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=zero
 753      need_pawij10=.false.
 754      ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij10,(0,0))
 755    end if
 757 !  Prepare RF PAW files for reading and writing if mkmem, mkqmem or mk1mem==0
 758    iorder_cprj=0
 760 !  Allocate arrays used to accumulate density change due to overlap
 761    if (has_drho) then
 762      ABI_MALLOC(drhoaug1,(cplex*dtset%ngfft(4),dtset%ngfft(5),dtset%ngfft(6),mdir1))
 763      ABI_MALLOC(drho1wfr,(cplex*dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden,mdir1))
 764      ABI_MALLOC(pawdrhoij1,(my_natom,mdir1))
 765      if (paral_atom) then
 766        ABI_MALLOC(pawdrhoij1_unsym,(dtset%natom,mdir1))
 767      else
 768        pawdrhoij1_unsym => pawdrhoij1
 769      end if
 770      do kdir1=1,mdir1
 771        idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
 772        drho1wfr(:,:,idir1)=zero
 773        call pawrhoij_inquire_dim(cplex_rhoij=cplex_rhoij,qphase_rhoij=qphase_rhoij,nspden_rhoij=nspden_rhoij,&
 774 &                            nspden=dtset%nspden,spnorb=dtset%pawspnorb,cplex=cplex,cpxocc=dtset%pawcpxocc)
 775        call pawrhoij_alloc(pawdrhoij1(:,idir1),cplex_rhoij,nspden_rhoij,dtset%nspinor,&
 776 &       dtset%nsppol,dtset%typat,qphase=qphase_rhoij,pawtab=pawtab,use_rhoijp=1,use_rhoij_=0,&
 777 &       comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab)
 778        if (paral_atom) then
 779          call pawrhoij_alloc(pawdrhoij1_unsym(:,idir1),cplex_rhoij,nspden_rhoij,dtset%nspinor,&
 780 &         dtset%nsppol,dtset%typat,qphase=qphase_rhoij,pawtab=pawtab,&
 781 &         use_rhoijp=0,use_rhoij_=1)
 782        else
 783          call pawrhoij_init_unpacked(pawdrhoij1_unsym(:,idir1))
 784        end if
 785      end do
 786    end if
 788 !  Initialize shifts for global arrays
 789    bdtot_index=0
 790    bd2tot_index=0
 791    ibg=0;icg=0
 792    ibg1=0;icg1=0
 793    ibgq=0;icgq=0
 796 !  Has to get 1st-order non-local factors before the loop over spins
 797 !  because this needs a communication over comm_atom (=comm_spinkpt)
 798    if (need_pawij10) then
 799      if (my_nsppol<nsppol) then
 800        ABI_MALLOC(e1kb_work,(rf_hamkq%dime1kb1,rf_hamkq%dime1kb2,nspinor**2,cplex))
 801      end if
 802      ii=0
 803      do isppol=1,nsppol
 804        if (my_spintab(isppol)==1) ii=ii+1
 805        if (my_spintab(isppol)/=1) e1kb_ptr => e1kb_work
 806        do kdir1=1,mdir1
 807          idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
 808          if (my_spintab(isppol)==1) e1kb_ptr => e1kbfr_spin(:,:,:,:,idir1,ii)
 809          call pawdij2e1kb(paw_ij10(:,idir1),isppol,my_comm_atom,e1kbfr=e1kb_ptr,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab)
 810        end do
 811      end do
 812      if (my_nsppol<nsppol) then
 813        ABI_FREE(e1kb_work)
 814      end if
 815    end if
 818    do isppol=1,nsppol
 820      ikpt_me=0
 822 !    Rewind (k+G) data if needed
 823      ikg=0;ikg1=0
 825 !    Continue to initialize the GS/RF Hamiltonian
 826      call gs_hamkq%load_spin(isppol,with_nonlocal=.true.)
 827      if (need_pawij10) then
 828        ii=min(isppol,size(e1kbfr_spin,6))
 829        if (ii>0) e1kbfr => e1kbfr_spin(:,:,:,:,:,ii)
 830      end if
 832      ! if vectornd is present, set it up for addition to gs_hamkq and rf_hamkq.
 833      ! Note that it must be done for the three Cartesian directions. Also, the following
 834      ! code assumes explicitly and implicitly that nvloc = 1. This should eventually be generalized.
 835      if(has_vectornd) then
 836        call gspot_transgrid_and_pack(isppol, psps%usepaw, dtset%paral_kgb, dtset%nfft, dtset%ngfft, nfftf, &
 837          & dtset%nspden, gs_hamkq%nvloc, 3, pawfgr, mpi_enreg, vectornd,vectornd_pac)
 838        call gs_hamkq%load_spin(isppol, vectornd=vectornd_pac)
 839        vectornd_pac_idir(:,:,:,:)=vectornd_pac(:,:,:,:,idir)
 840        call rf_hamkq%load_spin(isppol, vectornd=vectornd_pac_idir)
 841      end if
 843 !    Initialize accumulation of density
 844      if (has_drho) drhoaug1(:,:,:,:)=zero
 847      do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
 849 !      Load dimensions for this k-point
 850        nband_k=nband_rbz(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt_rbz)
 851        istwf_k=istwfk_rbz(ikpt)
 852        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
 853        npw1_k=npwar1(ikpt)
 854        nband_me = proc_distrb_nband(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,nband_k,isppol,me)
 856 !      Skip loop if this k-point is not to be treated by this proc
 857        if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me)) then
 858          bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
 859          bd2tot_index=bd2tot_index+2*nband_k**2
 860          cycle ! Skip the rest of the k-point loop
 861        end if
 863 !      Allocate/initialize local arrays and scalars for this k-point
 864        ABI_MALLOC(d2nl_k,(2,3))
 865        ABI_MALLOC(d2ovl_k,(2,3))
 866        ABI_MALLOC(eig_k,(nband_k))
 867        ABI_MALLOC(eig_kq,(nband_k))
 868        ABI_MALLOC(eig1_k,(2*nband_k**2))
 869        ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(nband_k))
 870        d2nl_k(:,:)=zero
 871        d2ovl_k(:,:)=zero
 872        eig_k (:)=eigen0(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 873        eig_kq(:)=eigenq(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 874        eig1_k(:)=eigen1(1+bd2tot_index:2*nband_k**2+bd2tot_index)
 875        occ_k(:)=occ_rbz(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 876        nband_kocc=count(abs(occ_k(:))>tol8)
 877        kpoint(:)=kpt_rbz(:,ikpt)
 878        kpq(:)=kpoint(:);if (ipert1<dtset%natom+3) kpq(:)=kpq(:)+dtset%qptn(1:3)
 879        wtk_k=wtk_rbz(ikpt)
 880        need_ylmgr1=0;dimylmgr1=0
 881        nkpg=0;nkpg1=0
 882        ikpt_me=ikpt_me+1
 883        if (is_metal) then
 884 !        For each pair of active bands (m,n), generates the ratios
 885 !        rocceig(m,n)=(occ_kq(m)-occ_k(n))/(eig0_kq(m)-eig0_k(n))
 886          ABI_MALLOC(doccde_k,(nband_k))
 887          ABI_MALLOC(doccde_kq,(nband_k))
 888          ABI_MALLOC(occ_kq,(nband_k))
 889          ABI_MALLOC(rocceig,(nband_k,nband_k))
 890          doccde_k(:)=doccde_rbz(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 891          doccde_kq(:)=docckqde(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 892          occ_kq(:)=occkq(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 893          call occeig(doccde_k,doccde_kq,eig_k,eig_kq,nband_k,dtset%occopt,occ_k,occ_kq,rocceig)
 894        end if
 896 !      Take care of the npw and kg records in WF and DDK files
 897        if (need_ddk_file) then
 898          do kdir1=1,mdir1
 899            idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
 900            if (ddkfil(idir1)/=0)then
 901              !ik_ddk = wfk_findk(ddks(idir1), kpt_rbz(:,ikpt)
 902              ik_ddk = indkpt1(ikpt)
 903              npw_ = ddks(idir1)%hdr%npwarr(ik_ddk)
 904              if (npw_/=npw_k) then
 905                write(msg, '(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a,a,i0,a,a,i0)')&
 906                'For isppol = ',isppol,', ikpt = ',ikpt,' and idir = ',idir,ch10,&
 907                'the number of plane waves in the ddk file is equal to', npw_,ch10,&
 908                'while it should be ',npw_k
 909                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 910              end if
 912 !   NB: this will fail if the bands are not contiguous.
 913              startband = nband_k
 914              endband = 1
 915              do iband=1,nband_k
 916                if(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol) == mpi_enreg%me_kpt) then
 917                  if (iband < startband) startband = iband
 918                  if (iband > endband) endband = iband
 919                end if
 920              end do
 921 ! NB: eig_k is band distributed in call to read_band_block, though array has full size,
 922 !     only certain columns for my iband are filled, then used below
 923              call ddks(idir1)%read_band_block((/startband,endband/),ik_ddk,isppol,xmpio_collective, &
 924 &                 cg_k=cg_ddk(:,:,idir1))
 925            end if ! ddk file is already present
 926          end do
 927        end if
 929 !      Allocate arrays used for NL form factors
 930        ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,npw_k))
 931        ABI_MALLOC(kg1_k,(3,npw1_k))
 932        ABI_MALLOC(ylm_k,(npw_k,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
 933        ABI_MALLOC(ylm1_k,(npw1_k,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
 934        if (psps%useylm==1.and.(need_ddk_file.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+1)) need_ylmgr1=1
 935        if (psps%useylm==1.and.(ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4)) need_ylmgr1=1
 936        dimylmgr1=max(useylmgr1,need_ylmgr1)
 937        ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr1_k,(npw1_k,3,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*dimylmgr1))
 939 !      Get plane-wave vectors and related data at k
 940        kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
 941        if (psps%useylm==1) then
 942          do jj=1,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang
 943            ylm_k(1:npw_k,jj)=ylm(1+ikg:npw_k+ikg,jj)
 944          end do
 945        end if
 947 !      Get plane-wave vectors and related data at k+q
 948        kg1_k(:,1:npw1_k)=kg1(:,1+ikg1:npw1_k+ikg1)
 949        if (psps%useylm==1) then
 950          do jj=1,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang
 951            ylm1_k(1:npw1_k,jj)=ylm1(1+ikg1:npw1_k+ikg1,jj)
 952          end do
 953          if (need_ylmgr1==1.and.useylmgr1/=0) then
 954            do jj=1,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang
 955              do ia=1,3
 956                ylmgr1_k(1:npw1_k,ia,jj)=ylmgr1(1+ikg1:npw1_k+ikg1,ia,jj)
 957              end do
 958            end do
 959          end if
 960        end if
 962 !      If Ylm gradients at k+q are needed and not in memory, compute them
 963        if (need_ylmgr1==1.and.useylmgr1==0) then
 964          option=-1;npwar1_tmp(1)=npw1_k;nband_tmp(1)=nband_k
 965          !Subtlety: initylmg is called in sequential mode
 966          call initylmg(gprimd,kg1_k,kpq,1,mpi_enreg_seq,psps%mpsang,&
 967 &         npw1_k,nband_tmp,1,npwar1_tmp,nsppol,option,rprimd,&
 968 &         ylm1_k,ylmgr1_k)
 969        end if
 971 !      Compute (k+G) vectors
 972        nkpg=0;if(ipert1<=dtset%natom) nkpg=3*dtset%nloalg(3)
 973        ABI_MALLOC(kpg_k,(npw_k,nkpg))
 974        if (nkpg>0) then
 975          call mkkpg(kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,nkpg,npw_k)
 976        end if
 978 !      Compute (k+q+G) vectors
 979        nkpg1=0;if(ipert1<=dtset%natom.or.need_ylmgr1==1) nkpg1=3*dtset%nloalg(3)
 980        ABI_MALLOC(kpg1_k,(npw1_k,nkpg1))
 981        if (nkpg1>0) then
 982          call mkkpg(kg1_k,kpg1_k,kpq,nkpg1,npw1_k)
 983        end if
 985 !      Allocate kinetic contributions
 986        ABI_MALLOC(dkinpw,(npw_k))
 987        ABI_MALLOC(kinpw1,(npw1_k))
 988        dkinpw=zero
 989 !      Compute (1/2) (2 Pi)**2 (k+q+G)**2:
 990 !       call mkkin(dtset%ecut,dtset%ecutsm,dtset%effmass_free,gmet,kg1_k,kinpw1,kpq,npw1_k)
 991        call mkkin(dtset%ecut,dtset%ecutsm,dtset%effmass_free,gmet,kg1_k,kinpw1,kpq,npw1_k,0,0)
 993 !      Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl at (k+G), for all atoms
 994        ider=0;idir0=0
 995        dimffnl=0;if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) dimffnl=1
 996        ABI_MALLOC(ffnlk,(npw_k,dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,psps%ntypat))
 997        if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) then
 998          call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl,psps%ekb,ffnlk,psps%ffspl,gs_hamkq%gmet,gs_hamkq%gprimd,&
 999 &         ider,idir0,psps%indlmn,kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,&
1000 &         psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg,npw_k,psps%ntypat,psps%pspso,psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,usepaw,&
1001 &         psps%useylm,ylm_k,ylmgr_dum)
1002        end if
1004 !      Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl1 at (k+q+G), for all atoms
1005        ider=1;if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) ider=0
1006        if(ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4)then
1007          dimffnl1=1;if (ider>=1) dimffnl1=2+5*psps%useylm
1008          idir0=0;if (ider>0.and.psps%useylm==1) idir0=-7
1009        else
1010          dimffnl1=1;if (ider>=1) dimffnl1=2+2*psps%useylm
1011          idir0=0;if (ider>0.and.psps%useylm==1) idir0=4
1012        end if
1013        ABI_MALLOC(ffnl1,(npw1_k,dimffnl1,psps%lmnmax,psps%ntypat))
1014        call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl1,psps%ekb,ffnl1,psps%ffspl,gs_hamkq%gmet,gs_hamkq%gprimd,&
1015 &       ider,idir0,psps%indlmn,kg1_k,kpg1_k,kpq,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,&
1016 &       psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg1,npw1_k,psps%ntypat,psps%pspso,psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,usepaw,&
1017 &       psps%useylm,ylm1_k,ylmgr1_k)
1019 !      Extract non-local form factors for H^(j1)
1020        if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) then
1021          ffnl1_idir1 => ffnl1(:,:,:,:)
1022          dimffnl1_idir1=dimffnl1
1023        else
1024          dimffnl1_idir1=1+ider
1025          ABI_MALLOC(ffnl1_idir1,(npw1_k,dimffnl1_idir1,psps%lmnmax,psps%ntypat))
1026          ii=1;if (psps%useylm==0) ii=1+ider
1027          do itypat=1,psps%ntypat
1028            do ilmn=1,psps%lmnmax
1029              ffnl1_idir1(1:npw1_k,1:ii,ilmn,itypat)=ffnl1(1:npw1_k,1:ii,ilmn,itypat)
1030            end do
1031          end do
1032        end if
1034 !      Load k-dependent part in the Hamiltonian datastructure
1035        ABI_MALLOC(ph3d,(2,npw_k,gs_hamkq%matblk))
1036        call gs_hamkq%load_k(kpt_k=kpoint,npw_k=npw_k,istwf_k=istwf_k,kg_k=kg_k,kpg_k=kpg_k,&
1037 &       ph3d_k=ph3d,compute_ph3d=.true.,compute_gbound=.true.)
1038        if (size(ffnlk)>0) then
1039          call gs_hamkq%load_k(ffnl_k=ffnlk)
1040        else
1041          call gs_hamkq%load_k(ffnl_k=ffnl1)
1042        end if
1044 !      Load k+q-dependent part in the Hamiltonian datastructure
1045 !          Note: istwf_k is imposed to 1 for RF calculations (should use istwf_kq instead)
1046        call gs_hamkq%load_kprime(kpt_kp=kpq,npw_kp=npw1_k,istwf_kp=istwf_k,&
1047 &       kinpw_kp=kinpw1,kg_kp=kg1_k,kpg_kp=kpg1_k,ffnl_kp=ffnl1_idir1,&
1048 &       compute_gbound=.true.)
1049        if (qne0) then
1050          ABI_MALLOC(ph3d1,(2,npw1_k,gs_hamkq%matblk))
1051          call gs_hamkq%load_kprime(ph3d_kp=ph3d1,compute_ph3d=.true.)
1052        end if
1054 !      Load k-dependent part in the 1st-order Hamiltonian datastructure
1055        call rf_hamkq%load_k(npw_k=npw_k,dkinpw_k=dkinpw)
1057 !      Allocate memory space for one band
1058        if (need_wfk)  then
1059          ABI_MALLOC(cwave0,(2,npw_k*nspinor))
1060        end if
1061        if (need_wf1)  then
1062          ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1063        end if
1064        ABI_MALLOC(gh1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1065        nullify(cwaveprj0_idir1)
1066        if (usecprj==1) then
1067          ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj0,(dtset%natom,nspinor))
1068          call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj0,ncpgr,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
1069        end if
1070        if (has_dcwf) then
1071          ABI_MALLOC(gs1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1072        else
1073          ABI_MALLOC(gs1,(0,0))
1074        end if
1076        ABI_MALLOC(band_procs, (nband_k))
1077        call proc_distrb_band(band_procs,mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,isppol,nband_k,&
1078 &        mpi_enreg%me_band,mpi_enreg%me_kpt,mpi_enreg%comm_band)
1080 !      LOOP OVER BANDS
1081        iband_me = 0
1082        do iband=1,nband_k
1084 !        Skip band if not to be treated by this proc
1085          if (xmpi_paral==1) then
1086            if (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol)/=me) cycle
1087          end if
1088          iband_me = iband_me + 1
1090          ch1c_tmp = zero
1092          bands_treated_now = 0
1093          bands_treated_now(iband) = 1
1094          call xmpi_sum(bands_treated_now,mpi_enreg%comm_band,ierr)
1096 !        Extract GS wavefunctions
1097          if (need_wfk) then
1098            cwave0(:,:)=cg(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg:iband_me*npw_k*nspinor+icg)
1099            if (usecprj==1) then
1100              call pawcprj_get(gs_hamkq%atindx1,cwaveprj0,cprj,dtset%natom,iband_me,ibg,ikpt,iorder_cprj,&
1101 &             isppol,mband_mem_rbz,mkmem,dtset%natom,1,nband_me,nspinor,nsppol,dtfil%unpaw)
1102 ! in distributed cprj memory, no need for these? cg and cprj have same distribution
1103 !&             mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
1104            end if
1105          end if
1107 !        Extract 1st-order wavefunctions
1108          if (need_wf1) then
1109            cwavef(:,:)=cg1(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1:iband_me*npw1_k*nspinor+icg1)
1110          end if
1113          do kdir1=1,mdir1
1114            idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1115            istr1=idir1;if(ipert1==dtset%natom+4) istr1=idir1+3
1117 !          Not able to compute if ipert1=(Elect. field) and no ddk WF file
1118            if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2.and.ddkfil(idir1)==0) cycle
1120 !          Extract 1st-order NL form factors derivatives for this idir1
1121            if (dimffnl1_idir1>=2.and.psps%useylm==1.and.ipert1>dtset%natom) then
1122              do itypat=1,psps%ntypat
1123                do ilmn=1,psps%lmnmax
1124                  ffnl1_idir1(1:npw1_k,2,ilmn,itypat)=ffnl1(1:npw1_k,1+istr1,ilmn,itypat)
1125                end do
1126              end do
1127            end if
1129 !          Extract ground state projected WF and derivatives in idir1 direction
1130            if (usecprj==1) then
1131              cpopt=1
1133 !            === Atomic displ. perturbation
1134              if (ipert<=dtset%natom) then
1135                ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj0_idir1,(dtset%natom,nspinor))
1136                call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj0_idir1,1,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
1137                if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) then
1138                  call pawcprj_copy(cwaveprj0,cwaveprj0_idir1,icpgr=idir1)
1139                else
1140                  if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2) then
1141                    idir_cprj=idir1;choice=5
1142                  end if
1143                  if (ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
1144                    idir_cprj=istr1;choice=3
1145                  end if
1146                  call pawcprj_copy(cwaveprj0,cwaveprj0_idir1,icpgr=-1)
1147                  call getcprj(choice,cpopt,cwave0,cwaveprj0_idir1,&
1148 &                 gs_hamkq%ffnl_kp,idir_cprj,gs_hamkq%indlmn,gs_hamkq%istwf_kp,&
1149 &                 gs_hamkq%kg_kp,gs_hamkq%kpg_kp,gs_hamkq%kpt_kp,gs_hamkq%lmnmax,&
1150 &                 gs_hamkq%mgfft,mpi_enreg,gs_hamkq%natom,gs_hamkq%nattyp,gs_hamkq%ngfft,&
1151 &                 gs_hamkq%nloalg,gs_hamkq%npw_kp,gs_hamkq%nspinor,gs_hamkq%ntypat,gs_hamkq%phkpxred,&
1152 &                 gs_hamkq%ph1d,gs_hamkq%ph3d_kp,gs_hamkq%ucvol,gs_hamkq%useylm)
1153                end if
1155 !            === Wave-vector perturbation
1156              else if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) then
1157                cwaveprj0_idir1 => cwaveprj0
1159 !            == Electric field perturbation
1160              else if (ipert==dtset%natom+2) then
1161                ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj0_idir1,(dtset%natom,nspinor))
1162                call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj0_idir1,1,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
1163                if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2) then
1164                  call pawcprj_copy(cwaveprj0,cwaveprj0_idir1,icpgr=idir1)
1165                else
1166                  if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) then
1167                    idir_cprj=idir1;choice=2
1168                  end if
1169                  if (ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
1170                    idir_cprj=istr1;choice=3
1171                  end if
1172                  call pawcprj_copy(cwaveprj0,cwaveprj0_idir1,icpgr=-1)
1173                  call getcprj(choice,cpopt,cwave0,cwaveprj0_idir1,&
1174 &                 gs_hamkq%ffnl_kp,idir_cprj,gs_hamkq%indlmn,gs_hamkq%istwf_kp,&
1175 &                 gs_hamkq%kg_kp,gs_hamkq%kpg_kp,gs_hamkq%kpt_kp,gs_hamkq%lmnmax,&
1176 &                 gs_hamkq%mgfft,mpi_enreg,gs_hamkq%natom,gs_hamkq%nattyp,gs_hamkq%ngfft,gs_hamkq%nloalg,&
1177 &                 gs_hamkq%npw_kp,gs_hamkq%nspinor,gs_hamkq%ntypat,gs_hamkq%phkpxred,gs_hamkq%ph1d,&
1178 &                 gs_hamkq%ph3d_kp,gs_hamkq%ucvol,gs_hamkq%useylm)
1179                end if
1181 !            === Strain perturbation
1182              else if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
1183                if ((ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4).and.(istr==istr1)) then
1184                  cwaveprj0_idir1 => cwaveprj0
1185                else
1186                  ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj0_idir1,(dtset%natom,nspinor))
1187                  call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj0_idir1,ncpgr,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
1188                  if (ipert1<=dtset%natom) then
1189                    idir_cprj=idir1;choice=2
1190                  end if
1191                  if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2) then
1192                    idir_cprj=idir1;choice=5
1193                  end if
1194                  if (ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
1195                    idir_cprj=istr1;choice=3
1196                  end if
1197                  call pawcprj_copy(cwaveprj0,cwaveprj0_idir1,icpgr=-1)
1198                  call getcprj(choice,cpopt,cwave0,cwaveprj0_idir1,&
1199 &                 gs_hamkq%ffnl_kp,idir_cprj,gs_hamkq%indlmn,gs_hamkq%istwf_kp,gs_hamkq%kg_kp,&
1200 &                 gs_hamkq%kpg_kp,gs_hamkq%kpt_kp,gs_hamkq%lmnmax,gs_hamkq%mgfft,mpi_enreg,&
1201 &                 gs_hamkq%natom,gs_hamkq%nattyp,gs_hamkq%ngfft,gs_hamkq%nloalg,gs_hamkq%npw_kp,&
1202 &                 gs_hamkq%nspinor,gs_hamkq%ntypat,gs_hamkq%phkpxred,gs_hamkq%ph1d,gs_hamkq%ph3d_kp,&
1203 &                 gs_hamkq%ucvol,gs_hamkq%useylm)
1204                end if
1205              end if ! ipert
1207            else ! usecprj=0: cwaveprj0_idir1 is not used
1208              cwaveprj0_idir1 => cwaveprj0
1209            end if
1211 !          Eventually compute 1st-order kinetic operator
1212            if (ipert1==dtset%natom+1) then
1213              call mkkin(dtset%ecut,dtset%ecutsm,dtset%effmass_free,gmet,kg_k,dkinpw,kpoint,npw_k,idir1,0)
1214            else if (ipert1==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert1==dtset%natom+4) then
1215              call kpgstr(dkinpw,dtset%ecut,dtset%ecutsm,dtset%effmass_free,gmet,gprimd,istr1,kg_k,kpoint,npw_k)
1216            end if
1218 !          Finalize initialization of 1st-order NL hamiltonian
1219            if (need_pawij10) rf_hamkq%e1kbfr => e1kbfr(:,:,:,:,idir1)
1221 !          Read DDK wave function (if ipert1=electric field)
1222            if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2) then
1223              usevnl=1
1224              ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor*usevnl))
1225              if (need_ddk_file) then
1226                if (ddkfil(idir1)/=0) then
1227                  !ik_ddk = wfk_findk(ddks(idir1), kpt_rbz(:,ikpt)
1228                  !ik_ddk = indkpt1(ikpt)
1229                  !call ddks(idir1)%read_bks(iband, ik_ddk, isppol, xmpio_single, cg_bks=gvnlx1)
1230                  gvnlx1 = cg_ddk(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw1_k*nspinor:iband_me*npw1_k*nspinor,idir1)
1231                else
1232                  gvnlx1=zero
1233                end if
1234                if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2) then
1235                  do ii=1,npw1_k*nspinor ! Multiply ddk by +i (to be consistent with getgh1c)
1236                    arg=gvnlx1(1,ii)
1237                    gvnlx1(1,ii)=-gvnlx1(2,ii)
1238                    gvnlx1(2,ii)=arg
1239                  end do
1240                end if
1241              else
1242                gvnlx1=zero
1243              end if
1244            else
1245              usevnl=0
1246              ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor*usevnl))
1247            end if
1249 !          Get |H^(j2)-Eps_k_i.S^(j2)|u0_k_i> (VHxc-dependent part not taken into account) and S^(j2)|u0>
1250            lambda=eig_k(iband);berryopt=0;optlocal=0
1251            optnl=0;if (ipert1/=dtset%natom+1.or.idir==idir1) optnl=1
1252            opt_gvnlx1=0;if (ipert1==dtset%natom+2) opt_gvnlx1=2
1253            sij_opt=-1;if (has_dcwf) sij_opt=1
1254            if (usepaw==0) sij_opt=0
1255            call getgh1c(berryopt,cwave0,cwaveprj0_idir1,gh1,dum1,gs1,gs_hamkq,gvnlx1,idir1,ipert1,&
1256 &           lambda,mpi_enreg,optlocal,optnl,opt_gvnlx1,rf_hamkq,sij_opt,tim_getgh1c,usevnl)
1257            if (sij_opt==1.and.optnl==1) gh1=gh1-lambda*gs1
1258            ABI_FREE(gvnlx1)
1260 !          If needed, compute here <delta_u^(j1)_k_i|H^(j2)-Eps_k_i.S^(j2)|u0_k_i>
1261 !          with delta_u^(j1)=-1/2 Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|S^(j1)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>]
1262 !          (see PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]], Eq. (42))
1263 !          This can be rewritten as:
1264 !          -1/2.<u0_k_i|S^(j1)| Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|H^(j2)-Eps_k_i.S^(j2)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>
1265 !          The sum over j can be computed with a single call to projbd routine
1266 !          At first call (when j1=j2), ch1c=<u0_k+q_j|H^(j2)-Eps_k_i.S^(j2)|u0_k_i> is stored
1267 !          For the next calls, it is re-used.
1268            if (has_dcwf.or.(ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1.and.usepaw==1)) then
1269 !            note: gvnlx1 used as temporary space
1270              ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1271              ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1_tmp,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1272              if (ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1) then
1273                option=0;gvnlx1=gh1
1274              else
1275                option=1;gvnlx1=zero
1276              end if
1277              do iband_=1, nband_k
1278                if (bands_treated_now(iband_) == 0) cycle
1280 ! distribute gvnlx1 to my subcomm
1281                gvnlx1_tmp = zero
1282                if (iband_ == iband) then
1283                  gvnlx1_tmp = gvnlx1
1284                end if
1286                !call xmpi_bcast(gvnlx1_tmp, band_procs(iband_), mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
1287                call xmpi_sum(gvnlx1_tmp, mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
1288                if (option == 1) then
1289 ! in case I need to reuse the ch1c (option 1) then load them here
1290                  ch1c_tmp(:,1:nband_me) = ch1c(:,1:nband_me,iband_,ikpt_me)
1291                end if
1294 !            Compute -Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|H^(j2)-Eps_k_i.S^(j2)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>
1295                call projbd(cgq,gvnlx1_tmp,-1,icgq,0,istwf_k,mcgq,0,nband_me,npw1_k,nspinor,&
1296 &                 dum1,ch1c_tmp,option,tim_projbd,0,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
1298 !sum over all jband by combining the projbd
1299                call xmpi_sum(gvnlx1_tmp,mpi_enreg%comm_band,ierr)
1300 ! keep my own gvnlx
1301                if (iband_ == iband) then
1302 ! if bands are parallelized, I have only projected against bands on my cpu
1303 !   Pc|work>  = |work> - Sum_l <psi_{k+q, l}|work> |psi_{k+q, l}>
1304 !             = Sum_nproc_band (|work> - Sum_{my l} <psi_{k+q, l}|work> |psi_{k+q, l}>) - (nproc_band-1) |work>
1305 !TODO: make this a blas call? zaxpy
1306                  gvnlx1 = gvnlx1_tmp - (mpi_enreg%nproc_band-1)*gvnlx1
1307                end if
1309                if (option == 0) then
1310 ! save ch1c for all of the iband_ on each proc, for later use. First band index only for my nband_me which matches cgq
1311                  ch1c(:,1:nband_me,iband_,ikpt_me) = ch1c_tmp(:,1:nband_me)
1312                end if
1313              end do ! iband_
1314              ABI_FREE(gvnlx1_tmp)
1316              if (has_dcwf) then
1317                if (ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1) gvnlx1=gvnlx1-gh1
1318                dotr=zero;doti=zero
1319                if (abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8) then
1320 !                Compute: -<u0_k_i|S^(j1)| Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|H^(j2)-Eps_k_i.S^(j2)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>
1321                  call dotprod_g(dotr,doti,istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,2,gs1,gvnlx1,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
1322 !                Add contribution to DDB
1323 !                Note: factor 2 (from d2E/dj1dj2=2E^(j1j2)) eliminated by factor 1/2
1324 !                (-1) factor already present
1325                  d2ovl_k(1,idir1)=d2ovl_k(1,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*elfd_fact*dotr
1326                  d2ovl_k(2,idir1)=d2ovl_k(2,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*elfd_fact*doti
1327                end if
1328              end if
1329              ABI_FREE(gvnlx1)
1330            end if
1332 !          If needed, compute here <delta_u^(j1)_k_i|H-Eps_k_i.S|u^(j2)_k_i>
1333 !          This is equal to <delta_u^(j1)_k_i|H-Eps_k_i.S|delta_u^(j2)_k_i>  (I)
1334 !                          +<delta_u^(j1)_k_i|H-Eps_k_i.S|u^paral^(j2)_k_i>  (II)
1335 !          (u^paral^(j2)_k_i is the part of u^(j2)_k_i parallel to active space : metals)
1336 !          (I) can be rewritten as:
1337 !          Sum_j{ 1/4.<u0_k_i|S^(j1)|u0_k+q_j>.<u0_k+q_j|S^(j2)|u0_k_i>.(Eps_k+q_j-Eps_k_i) }
1338 !          (II) can be rewritten as:
1339 !          Sum_j{1/2.(occ_kq_j-occ_k_i).Eps1_k,q_ij.<u0_k_i|S^(j1)|u0_k+q_j> }
1340 !          where Eps1_k,q_ij=<u0_k+q_j|H^(j2)-1/2(Eps_k+q_j-Eps_k_i)S^(j2)|u0_k_i>
1341 !          At first call (when j1=j2), cs1c=<u0_k_i|S^(j1)|u0_k+q_j> is stored
1342 !          For the next calls, it is re-used.
1343            if (has_dcwf.and.is_metal_or_qne0) then
1344              ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1345 ! dotX is local to my proc, and should accumulate sum over all jband, for my iband_me
1346              dotr=zero;doti=zero
1347 ! flag to broadcast the j dependent vector in the band pool, to get full sum over j
1348              do_bcast = 0
1349 ! flag to do scalar product: only needed if we are saving cs1c or if the band is occupied
1350              do_scprod = 0
1351              if ((ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1)) then
1352                do_bcast = 1
1353                do_scprod = 1
1354              end if
1355              invocc=zero
1356              if (abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8) then
1357                invocc=two/occ_k(iband)
1358                do_scprod = 1
1359              end if
1360              ! does anyone else need the cgq(j) below?
1361              do iband_ = 1, nband_k
1362                if (bands_treated_now(iband_) > 0 .and. abs(occ_k(iband_))>tol8) then
1363                  do_bcast = 1
1364                end if
1365              end do
1368              jband_me = 0
1369              do jband=1,nband_k
1370                if (do_bcast > 0) then
1371                  gvnlx1 = zero
1372                  if (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,jband,isppol)==me) then
1373                    jband_me = jband_me + 1
1374 ! gvnlx1 depends on j only, I have it, and everyone needs it
1375                    gvnlx1(:,1:npw1_k*nspinor)=cgq(:,1+npw1_k*nspinor*(jband_me-1)+icgq:npw1_k*nspinor*jband_me+icgq)
1376                  end if
1377 ! xmpi bcast the current jband to other procs in band pool
1378                  !call xmpi_bcast(gvnlx1, band_procs(jband), mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
1379                  call xmpi_sum(gvnlx1, mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
1380 !              Computation of cs1c=<u0_k_i|S^(j1)|u0_k+q_j>
1381 !                  do _I_ need to calculate the dot1X?
1382                  if (do_scprod > 0) then
1383                    call dotprod_g(dot1r,dot1i,istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,2,gs1,gvnlx1,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
1384                    if (ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1.and.has_dcwf2) then
1385                      cs1c(1,jband,iband_me,ikpt_me)=dot1r
1386                      cs1c(2,jband,iband_me,ikpt_me)=dot1i
1387                    end if
1388                  end if
1389                end if ! ipert==ipert1.and.idir==idir1 or some iband for some proc in pool is filled
1391                if (abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8) then
1392 !                Computation of term (I)
1393                  if (has_dcwf2) then
1394                    arg=eig_kq(jband)-eig_k(iband)
1395                    dot2r=cs1c(1,jband,iband_me,ikpt_me)
1396                    dot2i=cs1c(2,jband,iband_me,ikpt_me)
1397                    dotr=dotr+(dot1r*dot2r+dot1i*dot2i)*arg
1398                    doti=doti+(dot1i*dot2r-dot1r*dot2i)*arg
1399                  end if
1400 !                Computation of term (II) TODO: the next two ifs could be combined
1401                  if (is_metal) then
1402                    if (abs(rocceig(jband,iband))>tol8) then
1403                      ii=2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*nband_k
1404                      arg=invocc*rocceig(jband,iband)*(eig_k(iband)-eig_kq(jband))
1405                      dot2r=eig1_k(ii)
1406                      dot2i=eig1_k(ii+1)
1407                      dotr=dotr+arg*(dot1r*dot2r-dot1i*dot2i)
1408                      doti=doti+arg*(dot1r*dot2i+dot2r*dot1i)
1409                    end if
1410                  end if
1411                end if ! occ bands
1412              end do ! jband
1414              dotr=quarter*dotr
1415              doti=quarter*doti
1417 !            Note: factor 2 (from d2E/dj1dj2=2E^(j1j2))
1418 !  Note2: do not sum over bands here - comm_band is a sub communicator of spacecomm, and a full sum is done later
1419              d2ovl_k(1,idir1)=d2ovl_k(1,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*elfd_fact*dotr
1420              d2ovl_k(2,idir1)=d2ovl_k(2,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*elfd_fact*doti
1421              ABI_FREE(gvnlx1)
1422            end if
1424 !          Build the matrix element <u0_k_i|H^(j1)-Eps_k_i.S^(j1)|u^(j2)_k,q_i>
1425 !          and add contribution to DDB
1426            if (ipert1/=dtset%natom+1) then
1427              if (abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8) then
1428                call dotprod_g(dotr,doti,istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,2,gh1,cwavef,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
1429 !              Case ipert1=natom+2 (electric field):
1430 !              gh1 contains H^(j1)|u0_k_i> (VHxc constant) which corresponds
1431 !              to i.d/dk in Eq. (38) of Gonze, PRB 55, 10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]].
1432 !              * if ipert==natom+2, we apply directly Eq. (38)
1433 !              * if ipert/=natom+2, Born effective charges are minus D2E
1434                d2nl_k(1,idir1)=d2nl_k(1,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*elfd_fact*dotr
1435                d2nl_k(2,idir1)=d2nl_k(2,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*elfd_fact*doti
1436              end if
1438 !            Or compute localisation tensor (ddk)
1439 !            See M. Veithen thesis Eq(2.5)
1440 !            MT jan-2010: this is probably not correctly implemented for PAW !!!
1441 !            missing terms due to S^(1) and S^(2)
1442            else
1443 !            note: gh1 used as temporary space (to store idir ddk WF)
1444              if (idir==idir1) then
1445                gh1=cwavef
1446              else
1447                if (need_ddk_file.and.ddkfil(idir1)/=0) then
1448                  !ik_ddk = wfk_findk(ddks(idir1), kpt_rbz(:,ikpt)
1449                  !ik_ddk = indkpt1(ikpt)
1450                  !call ddks(idir1)%read_bks(iband, ik_ddk, isppol, xmpio_single, cg_bks=gh1)
1451                  gh1 = cg_ddk(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw1_k*nspinor:iband_me*npw1_k*nspinor,idir1)
1452                else
1453                  gh1=zero
1454                end if
1455              end if
1456              if (abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8) then
1457                call dotprod_g(dotr,doti,istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,2,gh1,cwavef,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
1458                call dotprod_g(dot1r,dot1i,istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,2,cwave0,gh1,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
1459                call dotprod_g(dot2r,dot2i,istwf_k,npw1_k*nspinor,2,cwavef,cwave0,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
1460                dotr=dotr-(dot1r*dot2r-dot1i*dot2i)
1461                doti=doti-(dot1r*dot2i+dot1i*dot2r)
1462                d2nl_k(1,idir1)=d2nl_k(1,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*dotr/(nband_kocc*two)
1463                d2nl_k(2,idir1)=d2nl_k(2,idir1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*doti/(nband_kocc*two)
1464              end if
1465            end if
1467 !          Accumulate here 1st-order density change due to overlap operator changes (if any)
1468            if (has_drho) then
1469 !            Compute here delta_u^(j1)=-1/2 Sum_{j}[<u0_k+q_j|S^(j1)|u0_k_i>.|u0_k+q_j>]
1470 !            (see PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]], Eq. (42))
1471              ABI_MALLOC(dcwavef,(2,npw1_k*nspinor))
1472              ABI_MALLOC(dcwaveprj,(dtset%natom,nspinor))
1473              call pawcprj_alloc(dcwaveprj,0,gs_hamkq%dimcprj)
1474 ! NB: have to call getdc with all band processors to distribute cgq cprjq correctly
1475              call getdc1(iband,band_procs,bands_treated_now,cgq,cprjq,dcwavef,dcwaveprj,&
1476 &               ibgq,icgq,istwf_k,mcgq,&
1477 &               mcprjq,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nband_k,nband_me,npw1_k,nspinor,1,gs1)
1479              if (abs(occ_k(iband))>tol8) then
1480 !              Accumulate 1st-order density due to delta_u^(j1)
1481                option=1;wfcorr=0
1482                call dfpt_accrho(cplex,cwave0,dcwavef,dcwavef,cwaveprj0_idir1,dcwaveprj,&
1483 &               lambda,gs_hamkq,iband,idir1,ipert1,isppol,dtset%kptopt,&
1484 &               mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nband_k,1,npw_k,npw1_k,nspinor,occ_k,option,&
1485 &               pawdrhoij1_unsym(:,idir1),drhoaug1(:,:,:,idir1),tim_fourwf,wfcorr,wtk_k)
1486              end if
1488              call pawcprj_free(dcwaveprj)
1489              ABI_FREE(dcwaveprj)
1490              ABI_FREE(dcwavef)
1491            end if ! has_drho
1493            if((usecprj==1).and..not.(associated(cwaveprj0_idir1,cwaveprj0)))then
1494              call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj0_idir1)
1495              ABI_FREE(cwaveprj0_idir1)
1496            end if
1498 !          End of loops
1499          end do   ! idir1
1500        end do     ! iband
1502        ABI_FREE(band_procs)
1504 !      Accumulate contribution of this k-point
1505        d2nl (:,:,ipert1,idir,ipert)=d2nl (:,:,ipert1,idir,ipert)+d2nl_k (:,:)
1506        if (usepaw==1) d2ovl(:,:,ipert1,idir,ipert)=d2ovl(:,:,ipert1,idir,ipert)+d2ovl_k(:,:)
1509 !      Deallocations of arrays used for this k-point
1510        ABI_FREE(gh1)
1511        ABI_FREE(gs1)
1512        if (need_wfk)  then
1513          ABI_FREE(cwave0)
1514        end if
1515        if (need_wf1)  then
1516          ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1517        end if
1518        ABI_FREE(kg_k)
1519        ABI_FREE(kg1_k)
1520        ABI_FREE(ylm_k)
1521        ABI_FREE(ylm1_k)
1522        ABI_FREE(ylmgr1_k)
1523        ABI_FREE(kpg_k)
1524        ABI_FREE(kpg1_k)
1525        ABI_FREE(d2nl_k)
1526        ABI_FREE(d2ovl_k)
1527        ABI_FREE(eig_k)
1528        ABI_FREE(eig_kq)
1529        ABI_FREE(eig1_k)
1530        ABI_FREE(occ_k)
1531        if (is_metal)  then
1532          ABI_FREE(doccde_k)
1533          ABI_FREE(doccde_kq)
1534          ABI_FREE(occ_kq)
1535          ABI_FREE(rocceig)
1536        end if
1537        ABI_FREE(dkinpw)
1538        ABI_FREE(kinpw1)
1539        ABI_FREE(ph3d)
1540        if (allocated(ph3d1)) then
1541          ABI_FREE(ph3d1)
1542        end if
1543        ABI_FREE(ffnlk)
1544        ABI_FREE(ffnl1)
1545        if (ipert1>dtset%natom)  then
1546          ABI_FREE(ffnl1_idir1)
1547        end if
1548        nullify(ffnl1_idir1)
1549        if (usecprj==1) then
1550          call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj0)
1551          ABI_FREE(cwaveprj0)
1552        end if
1553        nullify(cwaveprj0_idir1)
1554 !      Shift arrays
1555        bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
1556        bd2tot_index=bd2tot_index+2*nband_k**2
1557        if (mkmem/=0) then
1558          ibg=ibg+nspinor*nband_me
1559          icg=icg+npw_k*nspinor*nband_me
1560          ikg=ikg+npw_k
1561        end if
1562        if (mkqmem/=0) then
1563          ibgq=ibgq+nspinor*nband_me
1564          icgq=icgq+npw1_k*nspinor*nband_me
1565        end if
1566        if (mk1mem/=0) then
1567          ibg1=ibg1+nspinor*nband_me
1568          icg1=icg1+npw1_k*nspinor*nband_me
1569          ikg1=ikg1+npw1_k
1570        end if
1573      end do ! End loop over K-POINTS
1574 !----------------------------------------------------------------
1576 !    Transfer 1st-order density change due to overlap; also take into account the spin.
1577      if(has_drho) then
1578        do kdir1=1,mdir1
1579          idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1580          call fftpac(isppol,mpi_enreg,nspden,cplex*dtset%ngfft(1),dtset%ngfft(2),dtset%ngfft(3),&
1581 &         cplex*dtset%ngfft(4),dtset%ngfft(5),dtset%ngfft(6),&
1582 &         dtset%ngfft,drho1wfr(:,:,idir1),drhoaug1(:,:,:,idir1),1)
1583        end do
1584      end if
1586    end do ! End loop over SPINS
1587 !----------------------------------------------------------------
1589 !  Free memory used for this type of perturbation
1590    call rf_hamkq%free()
1591    if (has_vectornd) then
1592      ABI_FREE(vectornd_pac_idir)
1593    end if
1594    if (has_drho)  then
1595      ABI_FREE(drhoaug1)
1596    end if
1597    if (need_pawij10) then
1598      do kdir1=1,mdir1
1599        idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1600        call paw_ij_free(paw_ij10(:,idir1))
1601      end do
1602      ABI_FREE(e1kbfr_spin)
1603    end if
1604    ABI_FREE(paw_ij10)
1606 !  In case of parallelism, sum 1st-order density and occupation matrix over processors
1607    if (has_drho.and.xmpi_paral==1) then
1609 !    Accumulate 1st-order density
1610      call timab(48,1,tsec)
1611      bufsz=cplex*dtset%nfft*nspden*mdir1
1612      ABI_MALLOC(buffer,(bufsz))
1613      buffer(1:bufsz)=reshape(drho1wfr,(/bufsz/))
1614      call xmpi_sum(buffer,bufsz,spaceworld,ierr)
1615      drho1wfr(:,:,:)=reshape(buffer(1:bufsz),(/cplex*dtset%nfft,nspden,mdir1/))
1616      ABI_FREE(buffer)
1617      call timab(48,2,tsec)
1619 !    Accumulate 1st-order PAW occupancies
1620      if (usepaw==1) then
1621        call pawrhoij_mpisum_unpacked(pawdrhoij1_unsym,spaceworld)
1622      end if
1624    end if
1626 !  Compute second part of overlap contribution (due to VHxc^(j2)(tild_n+hat_n))
1627    if (has_drho) then
1629      ABI_MALLOC(drhor1,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1630      ABI_MALLOC(dnhat1,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1633      do kdir1=1,mdir1
1634        idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1636 !      Build and symmetrize 1st-order density change due to change of overlap
1637        ABI_MALLOC(drho1wfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
1638        call symrhg(cplex,gprimd,irrzon1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nfft,dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,&
1639 &       nspden,nsppol,nsym1,phnons1,drho1wfg,drho1wfr(:,:,idir1),&
1640 &       rprimd,symaf1,symrl1,tnons1)
1641        if (dtset%pawstgylm/=0) then
1642          option=0
1643          call pawnhatfr(option,idir1,ipert1,my_natom,dtset%natom,nspden,dtset%ntypat,&
1644 &         pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,pawtab,rprimd,&
1645 &         mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,comm_atom=my_comm_atom)
1646        end if
1647        call pawmkrho(1,arg,cplex,gprimd,idir1,indsy1,ipert1,&
1648 &       mpi_enreg,my_natom,dtset%natom,nspden,nsym1,dtset%ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,pawang,&
1649 &       pawfgr,pawfgrtab,-10001,pawdrhoij1(:,idir1),pawdrhoij1_unsym(:,idir1),pawtab,&
1650 &       dtset%qptn,drho1wfg,drho1wfr(:,:,idir1),drhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrc1,dtset%typat,&
1651 &       ucvol,dtset%usewvl,xred,pawang_sym=pawang1,pawnhat=dnhat1,pawrhoij0=pawrhoij)
1652        ABI_FREE(drho1wfg)
1654 !      Compute plane-wave contribution to overlap contribution
1655 !      This is subtle as it is a mix of Eq(79) and Eq(80) of PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]]
1656 !      Details:
1657 !      The VH(tild_nZc)^(1) term of Eq(79) is:
1658 !      <VH(tild_nZc)^(j2)|delta_tild_rho^(j1)>            = <vpsp1|drhor1-dnhat1>
1659 !      The first term of Eq(80) is:
1660 !      <VHxc^(j2)|delta_tild_rho^(j1)+delta_hat_rho^(j1)> = <vtrial1-vpsp1|drhor1>
1661 !      The addition of these two terms gives:
1662 !      <vtrial1|drhor1>-<vpsp1|dnhat1>
1663 !      And this is more subtle when usexcnhat=0
1664        call dotprod_vn(cplex,drhor1,dot1r,dot1i,nfftf,nfftot,nspden,2,vtrial1,ucvol)
1665        if (usexcnhat/=0) then
1666          call dotprod_vn(cplex,dnhat1,dot2r,dot2i,nfftf,nfftot,1   ,2,vpsp1,ucvol)
1667        else
1668          ABI_MALLOC(vtmp1,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1669          do ispden=1,nspden
1670            vtmp1(:,ispden)=vtrial1(:,ispden)-vhartr1(:)
1671          end do
1672          call dotprod_vn(cplex,dnhat1,dot2r,dot2i,nfftf,nfftot,nspden,2,vtmp1,ucvol)
1673          ABI_FREE(vtmp1)
1674        end if
1675        dotr=dot1r-dot2r;doti=dot1i-dot2i
1677 !      Compute on-site contributions to overlap contribution
1678 !      (two last terms of Eq(80) of PRB 78, 035105 (2008)) [[cite:Audouze2008]]
1679 !      (note: Dij^(j2) and Vxc^(j2) are computed for ipert at first call)
1680        call pawdfptenergy(epawnst,ipert,ipert1,dtset%ixc,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,&
1681 &       nzlmopt_ipert,nzlmopt_ipert1,paw_an,paw_an1,paw_ij1,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,&
1682 &       pawrad,pawrhoij1,pawdrhoij1(:,idir1),pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%xclevel,&
1683 &       mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,comm_atom=my_comm_atom)
1685 !      Accumulate in 2nd-order matrix:
1686 !      Note: factor 2 (from d2E/dj1dj2=2E^(j1j2)) eliminated by factor 1/2
1687 !      has to take the complex conjugate because we want here Int[VHxc^(j1)^*.delta_rho^(j2)]
1688        dotr=dotr+epawnst(1);doti=-(doti+epawnst(2))
1689        d2ovl_drho(1,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=elfd_fact*dotr
1690        d2ovl_drho(2,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=elfd_fact*doti
1692      end do ! End loop over perturbation directions
1694 !    Free no more needed memory
1695      ABI_FREE(drhor1)
1696      ABI_FREE(dnhat1)
1697      ABI_FREE(drho1wfr)
1698      do iatom=1,my_natom
1699        if (pawfgrtab(iatom)%nhatfr_allocated>0)  then
1700          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%nhatfr)
1701        end if
1702        pawfgrtab(iatom)%nhatfr_allocated=0
1703      end do
1704      if (paral_atom) then
1705        do kdir1=1,mdir1
1706          idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1707          call pawrhoij_free(pawdrhoij1_unsym(:,idir1))
1708        end do
1709        ABI_FREE(pawdrhoij1_unsym)
1710      end if
1711      do kdir1=1,mdir1
1712        idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1713        call pawrhoij_free(pawdrhoij1(:,idir1))
1714      end do
1715      ABI_FREE(pawdrhoij1)
1716    end if ! has_drho
1718 !  End loop over perturbations (j1)
1719  end do
1721 !Final deallocations
1722  ABI_FREE(ch1c)
1723  ABI_FREE(ch1c_tmp)
1724  if (usepaw==1.and.is_metal_or_qne0) then
1725    ABI_FREE(cs1c)
1726    ABI_FREE(cs1c_tmp)
1727  end if
1728  call gs_hamkq%free()
1729  if (has_vectornd) then
1730    ABI_FREE(vectornd_pac)
1731  end if
1733 !In case of parallelism, sum over processors
1734  if (xmpi_paral==1)then
1735    call timab(161,1,tsec)
1736    call xmpi_barrier(spaceworld)
1737    call timab(161,2,tsec)
1738    ABI_MALLOC(buffer,(6*mpert*(1+usepaw)))
1739    buffer(1:6*mpert)=reshape(d2nl(:,:,:,idir,ipert),(/6*mpert/))
1740    if (usepaw==1) buffer(6*mpert+1:6*mpert+6*mpert)=reshape(d2ovl(:,:,:,idir,ipert),(/6*mpert/))
1741    call timab(48,1,tsec)
1742    call xmpi_sum(buffer,6*mpert*(1+usepaw),spaceworld,ierr)
1743    call timab(48,2,tsec)
1744    d2nl (:,:,:,idir,ipert)=reshape(buffer(1:6*mpert),(/2,3,mpert/))
1745    if (usepaw==1) d2ovl(:,:,:,idir,ipert)=reshape(buffer(6*mpert+1:6*mpert+6*mpert),(/2,3,mpert/))
1746    ABI_FREE(buffer)
1747  end if
1749 !Build complete d2ovl matrix
1750  if (usepaw==1) d2ovl(:,:,:,idir,ipert)=d2ovl(:,:,:,idir,ipert)+d2ovl_drho(:,:,:,idir,ipert)
1752  if (usepaw==1) then
1753    ABI_FREE(d2ovl_drho)
1754  end if
1756 !Close the ddk WF files
1757  if (has_ddk_file) then
1758    do kdir1=1,mdir1
1759      idir1=jdir1(kdir1)
1760      if (ddkfil(idir1)/=0) call ddks(idir1)%close()
1761    end do
1762    ABI_FREE(cg_ddk)
1763  end if
1764  ABI_FREE(jpert1)
1765  ABI_FREE(jdir1)
1767 !Symmetrize the phonons contributions, as was needed for the forces in a GS calculation
1768  ABI_MALLOC(work,(2,3,dtset%natom))
1769  do ipert1=1,dtset%natom
1770    do idir1=1,3
1771      work(:,idir1,ipert1)=d2nl(:,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)
1772    end do
1773  end do
1774  call dfpt_sygra(dtset%natom,d2nl(:,:,:,idir,ipert),work,indsy1,ipert,nsym1,dtset%qptn,symrc1)
1775  if (usepaw==1) then
1776    do ipert1=1,dtset%natom
1777      do idir1=1,3
1778        work(:,idir1,ipert1)=d2ovl(:,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)
1779      end do
1780    end do
1781    call dfpt_sygra(dtset%natom,d2ovl(:,:,:,idir,ipert),work,indsy1,ipert,nsym1,dtset%qptn,symrc1)
1782  end if
1783  ABI_FREE(work)
1785 !In the case of the strain perturbation time-reversal symmetry will always
1786 !be true so imaginary part of d2nl will be must be set to zero here since
1787 !the symmetry-reduced kpt set will leave a non-zero imaginary part.
1788  if(ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
1789    d2nl(2,:,:,idir,ipert)=zero
1790    if (usepaw==1) d2ovl(2,:,:,idir,ipert)=zero
1791  else
1792    d2nl(2,:,dtset%natom+3:dtset%natom+4,idir,ipert)=zero
1793    if (usepaw==1) d2ovl(2,:,dtset%natom+3:dtset%natom+4,idir,ipert)=zero
1794  end if
1797 !Symmetrize the strain perturbation contributions, as was needed for the stresses in a GS calculation
1798 !if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4)then
1799  if (nsym1>1) then
1800    ABI_MALLOC(work,(6,1,1))
1801    ii=0
1802    do ipert1=dtset%natom+3,dtset%natom+4
1803      do idir1=1,3
1804        ii=ii+1
1805        work(ii,1,1)=d2nl(1,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)
1806      end do
1807    end do
1808    call stresssym(gprimd,nsym1,work(:,1,1),symrc1)
1809    ii=0
1810    do ipert1=dtset%natom+3,dtset%natom+4
1811      do idir1=1,3
1812        ii=ii+1
1813        d2nl(1,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=work(ii,1,1)
1814      end do
1815    end do
1816    if (usepaw==1) then
1817      ii=0
1818      do ipert1=dtset%natom+3,dtset%natom+4
1819        do idir1=1,3
1820          ii=ii+1
1821          work(ii,1,1)=d2ovl(1,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)
1822        end do
1823      end do
1824      call stresssym(gprimd,nsym1,work(:,1,1),symrc1)
1825      ii=0
1826      do ipert1=dtset%natom+3,dtset%natom+4
1827        do idir1=1,3
1828          ii=ii+1
1829          d2ovl(1,idir1,ipert1,idir,ipert)=work(ii,1,1)
1830        end do
1831      end do
1832      ABI_FREE(work)
1833    end if
1834  end if
1835 !end if
1837 !Must also symmetrize the electric field perturbation response !
1838 !Note: d2ovl is not symetrized because it is zero for electric field perturbation
1839  if (has_ddk_file) then
1840    ABI_MALLOC(d2nl_elfd,(2,3))
1841 !  There should not be any imaginary part, but stay general (for debugging)
1842    d2nl_elfd (:,:)=d2nl(:,:,dtset%natom+2,idir,ipert)
1843    do ii=1,3
1844      sumelfd(:)=zero
1845      do ia=1,nsym1
1846        do jj=1,3
1847          if(symrl1(ii,jj,ia)/=0)then
1848            if(ddkfil(jj)==0)then
1849              blkflg(ii,dtset%natom+2,idir,ipert)=0
1850            end if
1851          end if
1852        end do
1853        symfact(1)=dble(symrl1(ii,1,ia))
1854        symfact(2)=dble(symrl1(ii,2,ia))
1855        symfact(3)=dble(symrl1(ii,3,ia))
1856        sumelfd(:)=sumelfd(:)+symfact(1)*d2nl_elfd(:,1) &
1857 &       +symfact(2)*d2nl_elfd(:,2)+symfact(3)*d2nl_elfd(:,3)
1858      end do
1859      d2nl(:,ii,dtset%natom+2,idir,ipert)=sumelfd(:)/dble(nsym1)
1860    end do
1861    ABI_FREE(d2nl_elfd)
1862  end if
1864 !Overlap: store the diagonal part of the matrix in the
1865 !         2nd-order energy non-stationnary expression
1866  eovl1=zero;if (usepaw==1) eovl1=d2ovl(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
1868  ABI_FREE(bands_treated_now)
1870  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_seq)
1871  call timab(566,2,tsec)
1873  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1875 end subroutine dfpt_nstpaw

ABINIT/dfpt_nstwf [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine computes the non-local contribution to the
 2DTE matrix elements, in the non-stationary formulation
 Only for norm-conserving pseudopotentials (no PAW)


 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (XG,AR,MB,MVer,MT, MVeithen)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband_mem*mkmem*nsppol)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions at k
  cg1(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem*mk1mem*nsppol)=pw coefficients of RF wavefunctions at k,q.
  ddkfil(3)=unit numbers for the three possible ddk files for ipert1
       equal to 0 if no dot file is available for this direction
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  eig_k(mband*nsppol)=GS eigenvalues at k (hartree)
  eig1_k(2*nsppol*mband**2)=matrix of first-order eigenvalues (hartree)
  gs_hamkq <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the Hamiltonian at k+q
  icg=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg
  icg1=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg1
  idir=direction of the current perturbation
  ikpt=number of the k-point
  ipert=type of the perturbation
  isppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  istwf_k=parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg_k(3,npw_k)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  kg1_k(3,npw1_k)=reduced planewave coordinates at k+q, with RF k points
  kpt(3)=reduced coordinates of k point
  kpq(3)=reduced coordinates of k+q point
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node
  mk1mem =number of k points treated by this node (RF data)
  mpert =maximum number of ipert
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw or wfs at k
  mpw1=maximum dimensioned size of npw for wfs at k+q (also for 1-order wfs).
  nband_k=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  npw_k=number of plane waves at this k point
  npw1_k=number of plane waves at this k+q point
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  occ_k(nband_k)=occupation number for each band (usually 2) for each k.
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rmet(3,3)=real space metric (bohr**2)
  ddks(3)<wfk_t>=struct info for for the three possible DDK files for ipert1
  wtk_k=weight assigned to the k point.
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
  ylm1(mpw1*mk1mem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k+q point


  d2bbb_k(2,3,mband,mband*prtbbb)=band by band decomposition of the second
   order derivatives, for the present k point, and perturbation idir, ipert
  d2nl_k(2,3,mpert)=non-local contributions to
   non-stationary 2DTE, for the present k point, and perturbation idir, ipert


  XG 20141103 The localization tensor cannot be defined in the metallic case. It should not be computed.


1943 subroutine dfpt_nstwf(cg,cg1,ddkfil,dtset,d2bbb_k,d2nl_k,eig_k,eig1_k,gs_hamkq,&
1944 &                 icg,icg1,idir,ikpt,ipert,isppol,istwf_k,kg_k,kg1_k,kpt,kpq,&
1945 &                 mband_mem_rbz,mkmem,mk1mem,mpert,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,nband_k,npw_k,npw1_k,nsppol,&
1946 &                 occ_k,psps,rmet,ddks,wtk_k,ylm,ylm1)
1948 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1949 !scalars
1950  integer,intent(in) :: icg,icg1,idir,ikpt,ipert,isppol,istwf_k
1951  integer,intent(in) :: mkmem,mk1mem,mpert,mpw,mpw1,nsppol
1952  integer,intent(in) :: mband_mem_rbz
1953  integer,intent(inout) :: nband_k,npw1_k,npw_k
1954  real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk_k
1955  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1956  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1957  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),intent(inout) :: gs_hamkq
1958  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
1959 !arrays
1960  integer,intent(in) :: ddkfil(3),kg1_k(3,npw1_k)
1961  integer,intent(in) :: kg_k(3,npw_k)
1962  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mpw*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkmem*nsppol)
1963  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg1(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem*nsppol)
1964  real(dp),intent(in) :: eig_k(dtset%mband*nsppol),kpt(3),kpq(3),occ_k(nband_k),rmet(3,3)
1965  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylm(npw_k,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
1966  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylm1(npw1_k,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
1967  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eig1_k(2*nsppol*dtset%mband**2)
1968  real(dp),intent(out) :: d2bbb_k(2,3,dtset%mband,dtset%mband*dtset%prtbbb)
1969  real(dp),intent(inout) :: d2nl_k(2,3,mpert)
1970  type(wfk_t),intent(inout) :: ddks(3)
1972 !Local variables-------------------------------
1973 !scalars
1974  integer :: berryopt,dimffnl,dimffnl1,dimph3d
1975  integer :: iband,ider,idir1,ipert1,ipw,jband,nband_kocc,nkpg,nkpg1
1976  integer :: ierr, iband_me, jband_me
1977  integer :: npw_disk,nsp,optlocal,optnl,opt_gvnlx1,sij_opt,tim_getgh1c,usevnl
1978  integer :: nddk_needed, startband, endband
1979  logical :: ddk
1980  real(dp) :: aa,dot1i,dot1r,dot2i,dot2r,dot_ndiagi,dot_ndiagr,doti,dotr,lambda
1981  character(len=500) :: msg
1982  type(rf_hamiltonian_type) :: rf_hamkq
1983 !arrays
1984  integer :: ik_ddks(3)
1985  integer :: band_procs(nband_k)
1986  logical :: distrb_cycle(nband_k)
1987  real(dp) :: dum_grad_berry(1,1),dum_gvnlx1(1,1),dum_gs1(1,1),dum_ylmgr(1,3,1),tsec(2)
1988  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_k(:,:),cwave0(:,:),cwavef(:,:),cwavef_da(:,:)
1989  real(dp),allocatable :: cwaveddk(:,:,:)
1990  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_ddk(:,:,:) !2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem*nsppol,3) ==
1992  real(dp),allocatable :: cwavef_db(:,:),dkinpw(:),eig2_k(:),ffnl1(:,:,:,:),ffnlk(:,:,:,:)
1993  real(dp),allocatable :: eig2_ddk(:,:)
1994  real(dp),allocatable :: gvnlx1(:,:),kinpw1(:),kpg1_k(:,:),kpg_k(:,:),ph3d(:,:,:)
1995  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: dum_cwaveprj(:,:)
1997 ! *********************************************************************
2001 !Not valid for PAW
2002  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2003    msg='  This routine cannot be used for PAW (use pawnst3 instead) !'
2004    ABI_BUG(msg)
2005  end if
2007 !Keep track of total time spent in dfpt_nstwf
2008  call timab(112,1,tsec)
2009  tim_getgh1c=2
2011 !Miscelaneous inits
2012  ABI_MALLOC(dum_cwaveprj,(0,0))
2013  ddk=(ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)
2015 ! filter for bands on this cpu for cg cg1 etc.
2016  distrb_cycle = (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,1:nband_k,isppol) /= mpi_enreg%me_kpt)
2017  call proc_distrb_band(band_procs,mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,isppol,nband_k,&
2018 &  mpi_enreg%me_band,mpi_enreg%me_kpt,mpi_enreg%comm_band)
2020 !Additional allocations
2021  if (.not.ddk) then
2022    ABI_MALLOC(dkinpw,(npw_k))
2023    ABI_MALLOC(kinpw1,(npw1_k))
2024    kinpw1=zero;dkinpw=zero
2025  else
2026    ABI_MALLOC(dkinpw,(0))
2027    ABI_MALLOC(kinpw1,(0))
2028  end if
2029  ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1,(2,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor))
2030  ABI_MALLOC(eig2_k,(2*nsppol*dtset%mband**2))
2031  ABI_MALLOC(cwave0,(2,npw_k*dtset%nspinor))
2032  ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor))
2034  nddk_needed = 0
2035  do idir1=1,3
2036    if (ddkfil(idir1)/=0)  nddk_needed = nddk_needed+1
2037  end do
2038  if (nddk_needed > 0) then
2039    ABI_MALLOC(cwaveddk,(2,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor,3))
2040 !TODO: for the moment avoid indirect indexing of the ddk directions in case not all are present. Here all are allocated and read in
2041    ABI_MALLOC(cg_ddk,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz,3))
2042    cg_ddk = zero ! not all may be initialized below if only certain ddk directions are provided
2044    ABI_MALLOC(eig2_ddk,(2*dtset%mband**2,3))
2045    eig2_ddk = zero
2046  end if
2048 !Compute (k+G) vectors
2049  nkpg=0;if (.not.ddk) nkpg=3*gs_hamkq%nloalg(3)
2050  ABI_MALLOC(kpg_k,(npw_k,nkpg))
2051  if (nkpg>0) then
2052    call mkkpg(kg_k,kpg_k,kpt,nkpg,npw_k)
2053  end if
2055 !Compute (k+q+G) vectors
2056  nkpg1=0;if (.not.ddk) nkpg1=3*gs_hamkq%nloalg(3)
2057  ABI_MALLOC(kpg1_k,(npw1_k,nkpg1))
2058  if (nkpg1>0) then
2059    call mkkpg(kg1_k,kpg1_k,kpq,nkpg1,npw1_k)
2060  end if
2062 !Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl at (k+G)
2063  dimffnl=0;if (.not.ddk) dimffnl=1
2064  ABI_MALLOC(ffnlk,(npw_k,dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,psps%ntypat))
2065  if (.not.ddk) then
2066    ider=0
2067    call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl,psps%ekb,ffnlk,psps%ffspl,gs_hamkq%gmet,&
2068 &   gs_hamkq%gprimd,ider,ider,psps%indlmn,kg_k,kpg_k,kpt,psps%lmnmax,&
2069 &   psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg,npw_k,psps%ntypat,psps%pspso,&
2070 &   psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,psps%usepaw,psps%useylm,ylm,dum_ylmgr)
2071  end if
2073 !Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl1 at (k+q+G)
2074  dimffnl1=0;if (.not.ddk) dimffnl1=1
2075  ABI_MALLOC(ffnl1,(npw1_k,dimffnl1,psps%lmnmax,psps%ntypat))
2076  if (.not.ddk) then
2077    ider=0
2078    call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl1,psps%ekb,ffnl1,psps%ffspl,gs_hamkq%gmet,&
2079 &   gs_hamkq%gprimd,ider,ider,psps%indlmn,kg1_k,kpg1_k,kpq,&
2080 &   psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg1,npw1_k,psps%ntypat,&
2081 &   psps%pspso,psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,psps%usepaw,psps%useylm,ylm1,dum_ylmgr)
2082  end if
2084 !Load k-dependent part in the Hamiltonian datastructure
2085  call gs_hamkq%load_k(kpt_k=kpt,npw_k=npw_k,istwf_k=istwf_k,&
2086 & kg_k=kg_k,kpg_k=kpg_k,ffnl_k=ffnlk)
2088 !Load k+q-dependent part in the Hamiltonian datastructure
2089 !    Note: istwf_k is imposed to 1 for RF calculations (should use istwf_kq instead)
2090  dimph3d=0;if (.not.ddk) dimph3d=gs_hamkq%matblk
2091  ABI_MALLOC(ph3d,(2,npw1_k,dimph3d))
2092  call gs_hamkq%load_kprime(kpt_kp=kpq,npw_kp=npw1_k,istwf_kp=istwf_k,&
2093 & kinpw_kp=kinpw1,kg_kp=kg1_k,kpg_kp=kpg1_k,ffnl_kp=ffnl1,&
2094 & ph3d_kp=ph3d,compute_ph3d=(.not.ddk))
2096 !Load k-dependent part in the 1st-order Hamiltonian datastructure
2097  call rf_hamkq%load_k(npw_k=npw_k,dkinpw_k=dkinpw)
2099 !Take care of the npw and kg records
2100 !NOTE : one should be able to modify the rwwf routine to take care
2101 !of the band parallelism, which is not the case yet ...
2102  ik_ddks = 0
2103  do idir1=1,3
2104    if (ddkfil(idir1)/=0)then
2105 !    Read npw record
2106      nsp=dtset%nspinor
2107      ik_ddks(idir1) = ddks(idir1)%findk(kpt)
2108      ABI_CHECK(ik_ddks(idir1) /= -1, "Cannot find kpt")
2109      npw_disk = ddks(idir1)%hdr%npwarr(ik_ddks(idir1))
2110      if (npw_k /= npw_disk) then
2111        write(unit=msg,fmt='(a,i3,a,i5,a,i3,a,a,i5,a,a,i5)')&
2112 &       'For isppol = ',isppol,', ikpt = ',ikpt,' and idir = ',idir,ch10,&
2113 &       'the number of plane waves in the ddk file is equal to', npw_disk,ch10,&
2114 &       'while it should be ',npw_k
2115        ABI_BUG(msg)
2116      end if
2118 !   NB: this will fail if the bands are not contiguous.
2119      startband = nband_k
2120      endband = 1
2121      do iband=1,nband_k
2122        if(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol) == mpi_enreg%me_kpt) then
2123          if (iband < startband) startband = iband
2124          if (iband > endband) endband = iband
2125        end if
2126      end do
2127 ! NB: eig_k is band distributed in call to read_band_block, though array has full size,
2128 !     only certain columns for my iband are filled, then used below
2129      call ddks(idir1)%read_band_block((/startband,endband/),ik_ddks(idir1),isppol,xmpio_collective, &
2130 &         cg_k=cg_ddk(:,:,idir1), eig_k=eig2_ddk(:,idir1))
2131    end if ! ddk file is already present
2132  end do ! idir1
2134  if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) then
2135    nband_kocc = 0
2136    do iband = 1,nband_k
2137      if (abs(occ_k(iband)) > tol8) nband_kocc = nband_kocc + 1
2138      nband_kocc = max (nband_kocc, 1)
2139    end do
2140  end if
2142  if(dtset%prtbbb==1)then
2143    ABI_MALLOC(cwavef_da,(2,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor))
2144    ABI_MALLOC(cwavef_db,(2,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor))
2145    ABI_MALLOC(cg_k,(2,npw_k*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz))
2146    if ((ipert == dtset%natom + 1).or.(ipert <= dtset%natom).or. &
2147 &      (ipert == dtset%natom + 2).or.(ipert == dtset%natom + 5)) then
2148      cg_k(:,:) = cg(:,1+icg:icg+mband_mem_rbz*npw_k*dtset%nspinor)
2149    end if
2150    d2bbb_k(:,:,:,:) = zero
2151  end if
2153 !Loop over ALL bands
2154  iband_me = 0
2155  do iband=1,nband_k
2157 ! if band is mine, retrieve it and then broadcast it
2158    if(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol) == mpi_enreg%me_kpt) then
2159      iband_me = iband_me + 1
2161 !  Read ground-state wavefunction for iband
2162      if (dtset%prtbbb==0 .or. ipert==dtset%natom+2) then
2163        cwave0(:,:)=cg(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw_k*dtset%nspinor+icg:iband_me*npw_k*dtset%nspinor+icg)
2164      else    ! prtbbb==1 and ipert<=natom , already in cg_k
2165        cwave0(:,:)=cg_k(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw_k*dtset%nspinor:iband_me*npw_k*dtset%nspinor)
2166      end if
2168 !  Get first-order wavefunctions for iband
2169      cwavef(:,:)=cg1(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw1_k*dtset%nspinor+icg1:iband_me*npw1_k*dtset%nspinor+icg1)
2170 !  Get ddk wavefunctions for iband
2171      if(nddk_needed > 0) then
2172        cwaveddk(:,:,:)=cg_ddk(:,1+(iband_me-1)*npw1_k*dtset%nspinor:iband_me*npw1_k*dtset%nspinor,:)
2173      end if
2174    end if
2175    call xmpi_bcast(cwave0, band_procs(iband), mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
2176    call xmpi_bcast(cwavef, band_procs(iband), mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
2177    if(nddk_needed > 0) then
2178      call xmpi_bcast(cwaveddk, band_procs(iband), mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
2179    end if
2181 !  In case non ddk perturbation
2182    if (ipert /= dtset%natom + 1) then
2184      do ipert1=1,mpert
2186        if( ipert1<=dtset%natom .or. ipert1==dtset%natom+2 )then
2188 !        Initialize data for NL 1st-order hamiltonian
2189          call init_rf_hamiltonian(1,gs_hamkq,ipert1,rf_hamkq)
2191          if (((ipert <= dtset%natom).or.(ipert == dtset%natom + 2)) &
2192 &         .and.(ipert1 == dtset%natom+2).and. dtset%prtbbb==1) then
2193            call gaugetransfo(cg_k,cwavef,cwavef_db,mpi_enreg%comm_band,distrb_cycle,eig_k,eig1_k,iband,nband_k, &
2194 &            dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,npw_k,npw1_k,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,mpi_enreg%nproc_band,occ_k)
2195            cwavef(:,:) = cwavef_db(:,:)
2196          end if
2198 !        Define the direction along which to move the atom :
2199 !        the polarisation (ipert1,idir1) is refered as j1.
2200          do idir1=1,3
2201            if (ipert1<=dtset%natom.or.(ipert1==dtset%natom+2.and.ddkfil(idir1)/=0)) then
2203 !            Get |Vnon-locj^(1)|u0> :
2204 !            First-order non-local, applied to zero-order wavefunction
2205 !            This routine gives MINUS the non-local contribution
2207 !            ==== Atomic displ. perturbation
2208              if( ipert1<=dtset%natom )then
2209                lambda=eig_k((isppol-1)*nband_k+iband)
2210                berryopt=1;optlocal=0;optnl=1;usevnl=0;opt_gvnlx1=0;sij_opt=0
2211                call getgh1c(berryopt,cwave0,dum_cwaveprj,gvnlx1,dum_grad_berry,&
2212 &               dum_gs1,gs_hamkq,dum_gvnlx1,idir1,ipert1,lambda,mpi_enreg,optlocal,&
2213 &               optnl,opt_gvnlx1,rf_hamkq,sij_opt,tim_getgh1c,usevnl)
2215 !              ==== Electric field perturbation
2216              else if( ipert1==dtset%natom+2 )then
2217                ! TODO: Several tests fail here ifdef HAVE_MPI_IO_DEFAULT
2218                ! The problem is somehow related to the use of MPI-IO file views!.
2219 !TODO MJV: Check if it works with HAVE_MPI_IO_DEFAULT now.
2221                gvnlx1 = cwaveddk(:,:,idir1)
2222                eig2_k(1+(iband-1)*2*nband_k:iband*2*nband_k) = eig2_ddk(1+(iband-1)*2*nband_k:iband*2*nband_k,idir1)
2224                !write(777,*)"eig2_k, gvnlx1 for band: ",iband,", ikpt: ",ikpt
2225                !do ii=1,2*nband_k
2226                !  write(777,*)eig2_k(ii+(iband-1))
2227                !end do
2228                !write(777,*)gvnlx1
2230 !              In case of band-by-band,
2231 !              construct the first-order wavefunctions in the diagonal gauge
2232                if (((ipert <= dtset%natom).or.(ipert == dtset%natom + 2)).and.(dtset%prtbbb==1)) then
2233                  call gaugetransfo(cg_k,gvnlx1,cwavef_da,mpi_enreg%comm_band,distrb_cycle,eig_k,eig2_k,iband,nband_k, &
2234 &                  dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,npw_k,npw1_k,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,mpi_enreg%nproc_band,occ_k)
2235                  gvnlx1(:,:) = cwavef_da(:,:)
2236                end if
2237 !              Multiplication by -i
2238                do ipw=1,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor
2239                  aa=gvnlx1(1,ipw)
2240                  gvnlx1(1,ipw)=gvnlx1(2,ipw)
2241                  gvnlx1(2,ipw)=-aa
2242                end do
2243              end if
2245 ! at this stage if iband is not mine I can cycle
2246              if (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol) /= mpi_enreg%me_kpt) then
2247                cycle
2248              end if
2250 !            MVeithen 021212 :
2251 !            1) Case ipert1 = natom + 2 and ipert = natom + 2:
2252 !            the second derivative of the energy with respect to an electric
2253 !            field is computed from Eq. (38) of X. Gonze, PRB 55 ,10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]].
2254 !            The evaluation of this formula needs the operator $i \frac{d}{dk}.
2255 !            2) Case ipert1 = natom + 2 and ipert < natom:
2256 !            the computation of the Born effective charge tensor uses
2257 !            the operator $-i \frac{d}{dk}.
2258              if (ipert==dtset%natom+2) gvnlx1(:,:) = -gvnlx1(:,:)
2260 !            <G|Vnl1|Cnk> is contained in gvnlx1
2261 !            construct the matrix element (<uj2|vj1|u0>)complex conjug and add it to the 2nd-order matrix
2262              call dotprod_g(dotr,doti,istwf_k,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor,2,cwavef,gvnlx1,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
2263              d2nl_k(1,idir1,ipert1)=d2nl_k(1,idir1,ipert1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*dotr
2264              d2nl_k(2,idir1,ipert1)=d2nl_k(2,idir1,ipert1)-wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*doti
2266 !            Band by band decomposition of the Born effective charges
2267 !            calculated from a phonon perturbation
2268              if(dtset%prtbbb==1) then ! .and. mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol) == mpi_enreg%me_kpt)then
2269                d2bbb_k(1,idir1,iband,iband) =      wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*dotr
2270                d2bbb_k(2,idir1,iband,iband) = -one*wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*two*doti
2271              end if
2273            end if
2274          end do ! idir
2276          call rf_hamkq%free()
2277        end if     ! ipert1<=dtset%natom .or. ipert1==dtset%natom+2
2278      end do     ! ipert1
2279    end if     ! ipert /= natom +1
2281 !  Compute the localization tensor
2283    if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) then
2285      ipert1=dtset%natom+1
2286      if(dtset%prtbbb==1)then
2287        call gaugetransfo(cg_k,cwavef,cwavef_db,mpi_enreg%comm_band,distrb_cycle,eig_k,eig1_k,iband,nband_k, &
2288 &       dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,npw_k,npw1_k,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,mpi_enreg%nproc_band,occ_k)
2289        cwavef(:,:) = cwavef_db(:,:)
2290      end if
2292      do idir1 = 1,3
2293        eig2_k(:) = zero
2294        gvnlx1(:,:) = zero
2295        if (idir == idir1) then
2296          gvnlx1(:,:) = cwavef(:,:)
2297          eig2_k(:) = eig1_k(:)
2298        else
2299          if (ddkfil(idir1) /= 0) then
2300            gvnlx1 = cwaveddk(:,:,idir1)
2301            eig2_k(1+(iband-1)*2*nband_k:iband*2*nband_k) = eig2_ddk(1+(iband-1)*2*nband_k:iband*2*nband_k,idir1)
2303            !write(778,*)"eig2_k, gvnlx1 for band: ",iband,", ikpt: ",ikpt
2304            !do ii=1,2*nband_k
2305            !  write(778,*)eig2_k(ii+(iband-1))
2306            !end do
2307            !write(778,*)gvnlx1
2309            if(dtset%prtbbb==1)then
2310              call gaugetransfo(cg_k,gvnlx1,cwavef_da,mpi_enreg%comm_band,distrb_cycle,eig_k,eig2_k,iband,nband_k, &
2311 &             dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,npw_k,npw1_k,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,mpi_enreg%nproc_band,occ_k)
2313              gvnlx1(:,:) = cwavef_da(:,:)
2314            end if
2316          end if    !ddkfil(idir1)
2317        end if    !idir == idir1
2319 !      <G|du/dqa> is contained in gvnlx1 and <G|du/dqb> in cwavef
2320 !      construct the matrix elements <du/dqa|du/dqb> -> dot
2321 !      <u|du/dqa> -> dot1
2322 !      <du/dqb|u> -> dot2
2323 !      and add them to the 2nd-order matrix
2325        call dotprod_g(dotr,doti,istwf_k,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor,2,gvnlx1,cwavef,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
2326        d2nl_k(1,idir1,ipert1)=d2nl_k(1,idir1,ipert1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*dotr/(nband_kocc*two)
2327        d2nl_k(2,idir1,ipert1)=d2nl_k(2,idir1,ipert1)+wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*doti/(nband_kocc*two)
2330 !      XG 020216 : Marek, could you check the next forty lines
2331 !      In the parallel gauge, dot1 and dot2 vanishes
2332        if(dtset%prtbbb==1)then
2333          if (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,iband,isppol) == mpi_enreg%me_kpt) then
2334            d2bbb_k(1,idir1,iband,iband)=d2bbb_k(1,idir1,iband,iband)+dotr
2335            d2bbb_k(2,idir1,iband,iband)=d2bbb_k(2,idir1,iband,iband)+doti
2336          end if
2337          dot_ndiagr=zero ; dot_ndiagi=zero
2338          jband_me = 0
2339          do jband = 1,nband_k              !compute dot1 and dot2
2340            if (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt,jband,isppol) /= mpi_enreg%me_kpt) then
2341              cycle
2342            end if
2343            jband_me = jband_me + 1
2345            if (abs(occ_k(jband)) > tol8) then
2346              dot1r=zero ; dot1i=zero
2347              dot2r=zero ; dot2i=zero
2348              cwave0(:,:)=cg_k(:,1+(jband_me-1)*npw_k*dtset%nspinor:jband_me*npw_k*dtset%nspinor)
2350              call dotprod_g(dot1r,dot1i,istwf_k,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor,2,cwave0,gvnlx1,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
2351              call dotprod_g(dot2r,dot2i,istwf_k,npw1_k*dtset%nspinor,2,cwavef,cwave0,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_spinorfft)
2353              dot_ndiagr = dot_ndiagr + dot1r*dot2r - dot1i*dot2i
2354              dot_ndiagi = dot_ndiagi + dot1r*dot2i + dot1i*dot2r
2355 ! this should fill all of the iband but only the local cpu jband indices
2356              d2bbb_k(1,idir1,iband,jband) = d2bbb_k(1,idir1,iband,jband) - &
2357 &               (dot1r*dot2r - dot1i*dot2i)
2358              d2bbb_k(2,idir1,iband,jband) = d2bbb_k(2,idir1,iband,jband) - &
2359 &               (dot1r*dot2i + dot1i*dot2r)
2360            end if  ! occ_k
2361          end do !jband
2363          d2bbb_k(:,idir1,iband,:)=d2bbb_k(:,idir1,iband,:)*wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*half
2364          d2nl_k(1,idir1,ipert1)= &
2365 &         d2nl_k(1,idir1,ipert1)-wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*dot_ndiagr/(nband_kocc*two)
2366          d2nl_k(2,idir1,ipert1)=&
2367 &         d2nl_k(2,idir1,ipert1)-wtk_k*occ_k(iband)*dot_ndiagi/(nband_kocc*two)
2368        end if ! prtbbb==1
2370      end do  ! idir1
2371    end if   ! Compute localization tensor, ipert=natom+1
2373  end do !  End loop over iband
2375 ! if(dtset%prtbbb==1)then
2376 !   ! complete over jband index
2377 !   call xmpi_sum(d2bbb_k, mpi_enreg%comm_band, ierr)
2378 ! end if
2380 !Final deallocations
2381  ABI_FREE(cwave0)
2382  ABI_FREE(cwavef)
2383  ABI_FREE(eig2_k)
2384  ABI_FREE(gvnlx1)
2385  ABI_FREE(ffnlk)
2386  ABI_FREE(ffnl1)
2387  ABI_FREE(dkinpw)
2388  ABI_FREE(kinpw1)
2389  ABI_FREE(kpg_k)
2390  ABI_FREE(kpg1_k)
2391  ABI_FREE(ph3d)
2392  ABI_FREE(dum_cwaveprj)
2393  if(dtset%prtbbb==1)  then
2394    ABI_FREE(cg_k)
2395    ABI_FREE(cwavef_da)
2396    ABI_FREE(cwavef_db)
2397  end if
2398  if (nddk_needed > 0) then
2399    ABI_FREE(cwaveddk)
2400    ABI_FREE(cg_ddk)
2401    ABI_FREE(eig2_ddk)
2402  end if
2404  call timab(112,2,tsec)
2406  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2408 end subroutine dfpt_nstwf

ABINIT/gaugetransfo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine allows the passage from the parallel-transport gauge
 to the diagonal gauge for the first-order wavefunctions


  cg_k(2,mpw*nspinor*mband_mem*nsppol)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions
                                   for a particular k point.
  cwavef(2,npw1_k*nspinor)=first order wavefunction for a particular k point
                           in the parallel gauge
  comm=mpi communicator for bands
  distrb_cycle=array of logical flags to skip certain bands in parallelization scheme
  eig_k(mband*nsppol)=GS eigenvalues at k (hartree)
  eig1_k(2*nsppol*mband**2)=matrix of first-order eigenvalues (hartree)
  iband=band index of the 1WF for which the transformation has to be applied
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mband_mem_rbz=maximum number of bands on this cpu
  nband_k=number of bands for this k point
  npw_k=maximum dimensioned size of npw or wfs at k
  npw1_k=number of plane waves at this k+q point
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  occ_k(nband_k)=occupation number for each band (usually 2) for each k


  cwavef_d(2,npw1_k*nspinor)=first order wavefunction for a particular k point
                             in the diagonal gauge


2444 subroutine gaugetransfo(cg_k,cwavef,cwavef_d,comm,distrb_cycle,eig_k,eig1_k,iband,nband_k, &
2445 &                      mband,mband_mem_rbz,npw_k,npw1_k,nspinor,nsppol,nproc_band,occ_k)
2447 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2448 !scalars
2449  integer,intent(in) :: iband,mband,mband_mem_rbz,nband_k,npw1_k,npw_k,nspinor,nsppol
2450  integer,intent(in) :: comm, nproc_band
2451 !arrays
2452  logical, intent(in) :: distrb_cycle(nband_k)
2453  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg_k(2,npw_k*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz),cwavef(2,npw1_k*nspinor)
2454  real(dp),intent(in) :: eig1_k(2*nsppol*mband**2),eig_k(mband*nsppol)
2455  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ_k(nband_k)
2456  real(dp),intent(out) :: cwavef_d(2,npw1_k*nspinor)
2458 !Local variables-------------------------------
2459 !tolerance for non degenerated levels
2460 !scalars
2461  integer :: ierr, jband,jband_me
2462  real(dp),parameter :: etol=1.0d-3
2463 !arrays
2464  real(dp) :: cwave0(2,npw1_k*nspinor),eig1(2)
2466 ! *********************************************************************
2468    cwavef_d(:,:) = cwavef(:,:)
2470    jband_me = 0
2471    do jband = 1,nband_k !loop over bands
2472      if (distrb_cycle(jband)) cycle
2473      jband_me = jband_me + 1
2475      if ((abs(eig_k(iband)-eig_k(jband)) > etol).and.(abs(occ_k(jband)) > tol8 )) then
2477        cwave0(:,:) = cg_k(:,1+(jband_me-1)*npw_k*nspinor:jband_me*npw_k*nspinor)
2479        eig1(1) = eig1_k(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*nband_k)
2480        eig1(2) = eig1_k(2*jband +(iband-1)*2*nband_k)
2482        cwavef_d(1,:)=cwavef_d(1,:) &
2483 &       - (eig1(1)*cwave0(1,:)-eig1(2)*cwave0(2,:))/(eig_k(jband)-eig_k(iband))
2484        cwavef_d(2,:)=cwavef_d(2,:) &
2485 &       - (eig1(1)*cwave0(2,:)+eig1(2)*cwave0(1,:))/(eig_k(jband)-eig_k(iband))
2487      end if
2489    end do    !loop over bands
2490    call xmpi_sum(cwavef_d, comm, ierr)
2491    ! here we have summed the cwavef N times (N-1 too many), but the correction is completed over bands
2492    cwavef_d = cwavef_d - dble(nproc_band-1)*cwavef
2494   end subroutine gaugetransfo

ABINIT/m_dfpt_nstwf [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group ()
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


15 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 #include "config.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "abi_common.h"
21 module m_dfpt_nstwf
23  use defs_basis
24  use m_xmpi
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_wfk
28  use m_hamiltonian
29  use m_cgtools
30  use m_nctk
31  use m_dtset
32  use m_dtfil
34  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type
35  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
36  use m_time,     only : timab
37  use m_io_tools, only : file_exists
38  use m_fourier_interpol, only : transgrid
39  use m_geometry, only : stresssym
40  use m_dynmat,   only : dfpt_sygra
41  use m_mpinfo,   only : destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq, proc_distrb_cycle, proc_distrb_band, proc_distrb_nband
42  use m_hdr,      only : hdr_skip
43  use m_occ,      only : occeig
44  use m_pawang,   only : pawang_type
45  use m_pawrad,   only : pawrad_type
46  use m_pawtab,   only : pawtab_type
47  use m_paw_an,   only : paw_an_type, paw_an_reset_flags
48  use m_paw_ij,   only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_init, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify, paw_ij_reset_flags
49  use m_pawfgrtab,only : pawfgrtab_type
50  use m_pawrhoij, only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_free, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_nullify, &
51                         pawrhoij_init_unpacked, pawrhoij_mpisum_unpacked, pawrhoij_inquire_dim
52  use m_pawcprj,  only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_get, pawcprj_copy
53  use m_pawdij,   only : pawdijfr
54  use m_pawfgr,   only : pawfgr_type
55  use m_paw_mkrho,only : pawmkrho
56  use m_paw_nhat, only : pawnhatfr
57  use m_paw_dfpt, only : pawdfptenergy
58  use m_kg,       only : mkkin, kpgstr, mkkpg
59  use m_fft,      only : fftpac
60  use m_spacepar, only : hartrestr, symrhg
61  use m_initylmg, only : initylmg
62  use m_mkffnl,   only : mkffnl
63  use m_getgh1c,  only : getgh1c, getdc1
64  use m_dfpt_mkrho, only : dfpt_accrho
65  use m_atm2fft,    only : dfpt_atm2fft
66  use m_mkcore,     only : dfpt_mkcore
67  use m_dfpt_mkvxc,    only : dfpt_mkvxc, dfpt_mkvxc_noncoll
68  use m_dfpt_mkvxcstr, only : dfpt_mkvxcstr
69  use m_mklocl,     only : dfpt_vlocal, vlocalstr
70  use m_cgprj,      only : getcprj
72  implicit none
74  private