ABINIT/alignph [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Construct linear combinations of the phonon eigendisplacements
 of degenerate modes in order to align the mode effective charges
 along the axes of the cartesian frame.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (MVeithen)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public Licence, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 amu(ntypat)=mass of the atoms (atomic mass unit)
 the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
 The first index means either the real or the imaginary part,
 The second index runs on the direction and the atoms displaced
 The third index runs on the modes.
  dynamical matrix, effective charges, dielectric tensor,....
  all in cartesian coordinates
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 ntypat=number of types of atoms
 phfrq(3*natom)=phonon frequencies (square root of the dynamical
  matrix eigenvalues, except if these are negative, and in this
  case, give minus the square root of the absolute value
  of the matrix eigenvalues). Hartree units.
 typat(natom)=integer label of each type of atom (1,2,...)


 the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
 The eigendisplacements of degenerate modes have been aligned along
 the cartesian axes.





 51 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 52 #include "config.h"
 53 #endif
 55 #include "abi_common.h"
 58 subroutine alignph(amu,displ,d2cart,mpert,natom,ntypat,phfrq,typat)
 60  use defs_basis
 61  use m_profiling_abi
 63 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 64 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 65 #undef ABI_FUNC
 66 #define ABI_FUNC 'alignph'
 67 !End of the abilint section
 69  implicit none
 71 !Arguments -------------------------------
 72 !scalars
 73  integer,intent(in) :: mpert,natom,ntypat
 74 !arrays
 75  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
 76  real(dp),intent(in) :: amu(ntypat),d2cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert),phfrq(3*natom)
 77  real(dp),intent(inout) :: displ(2,3*natom,3*natom)
 79 !Local variables -------------------------
 80 !scalars
 81  integer :: i1,idir1,idir2,ii,imode,imodex,imodey,imodez,ipert1
 82  real(dp) :: theta
 83 !arrays
 84  integer,allocatable :: deg(:)
 85  real(dp) :: zvec(3,3),zvect(3,3)
 86  real(dp),allocatable :: modez(:,:,:),modezabs(:),oscstr(:,:,:),vec(:,:),vect(:,:)
 88 ! *********************************************************************
 90 !DEBUG
 91 ! write(std_out,*)'alignph : enter'
 94 !Get the oscillator strength and mode effective charge for each mode
 95  ABI_ALLOCATE(oscstr,(2,3,3*natom))
 96  ABI_ALLOCATE(modez,(2,3,3*natom))
 97  ABI_ALLOCATE(modezabs,(3*natom))
 98  ABI_ALLOCATE(vec,(3*natom,3))
 99  ABI_ALLOCATE(vect,(3*natom,3))
100  ABI_ALLOCATE(deg,(3*natom))
102  write(std_out,'(a,a)')ch10,' alignph : before modifying the eigenvectors, mode number and mode effective charges :'
103  do imode=1,3*natom
104    modezabs(imode)=zero
105    do ii=1,2
106      do idir2=1,3
107        oscstr(ii,idir2,imode)=zero
108        modez(ii,idir2,imode)=zero
109        do idir1=1,3
110          do ipert1=1,natom
111            i1=idir1+(ipert1-1)*3
112            oscstr(ii,idir2,imode)=oscstr(ii,idir2,imode)+&
113 &           displ(ii,i1,imode)*&
114 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)
115            modez(ii,idir2,imode)=modez(ii,idir2,imode)+&
116 &           displ(ii,i1,imode)*&
117 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)*&
118 &           sqrt(amu(typat(ipert1))*amu_emass)
119          end do
120        end do
121        if(abs(modez(ii,idir2,imode))>modezabs(imode))modezabs(imode)=abs(modez(ii,idir2,imode))
122      end do
123    end do
124    write(std_out,'(i4,3f16.6)')imode,modez(1,:,imode)
125  end do
127 !Find degenerate modes with non-zero mode effective charge
128  imode = 0
129  do while (imode < 3*natom)
130    imode = imode + 1
131    if (imode == 3*natom) then
132      deg(imode) = 1
133    else if (abs(phfrq(imode) - phfrq(imode+1)) > tol6 .or. modezabs(imode)<tol8 .or. modezabs(imode+1)<tol8) then
134 !    Differ by phonon frequency or zero mode effective charge
135      deg(imode) = 1
136    else
137      deg(imode) = 2
138      if (imode < 3*natom - 1) then
139        if (abs(phfrq(imode) - phfrq(imode+2)) < tol6 .and. modezabs(imode+2)>tol8) then
140          deg(imode) = 3
141          imode = imode + 1
142        end if
143      end if
144      imode = imode + 1
145    end if
146  end do
149 !In case of a degenerate mode, with non-zero mode effective charge, align the mode effective charge vector along
150 !the axes of the cartesian frame
151  imode = 1
152  do while (imode <= 3*natom)
154    write(std_out,'(a,a,i4,a,i2)')ch10,' Mode number ',imode,' has degeneracy ',deg(imode)
155    write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of this mode =',modez(1,:,imode)
157    if (deg(imode) == 2) then
159 !    Optimize on the x direction
160      write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of next mode =',modez(1,:,imode+1)
161      if (abs(modez(1,1,imode)) > tol8) then
162        theta = atan(-modez(1,1,imode+1)/modez(1,1,imode))
163        vec(:,1) = displ(1,:,imode)
164        vec(:,2) = displ(1,:,imode+1)
165        displ(1,:,imode) = cos(theta)*vec(:,1) - sin(theta)*vec(:,2)
166        displ(1,:,imode+1) = sin(theta)*vec(:,1) + cos(theta)*vec(:,2)
167      end if
169    else if (deg(imode) == 3) then
171      write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of next mode =',modez(1,:,imode+1)
172      write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of next-next mode =',modez(1,:,imode+2)
174 !    Before mixing them, select the mode-effective charge vectors as being predominently "x", "y" or "z" type.
175      if(abs(modez(1,1,imode))>abs(modez(1,2,imode))-tol12 .and. &
176 &     abs(modez(1,1,imode))>abs(modez(1,3,imode))-tol12) then
177        imodex=imode
178        if(abs(modez(1,2,imode+1))>abs(modez(1,3,imode+1))-tol12)then
179          imodey=imode+1 ; imodez=imode+2
180        else
181          imodez=imode+1 ; imodey=imode+2
182        end if
183      else if(abs(modez(1,2,imode))>abs(modez(1,1,imode))-tol12 .and. &
184 &       abs(modez(1,2,imode))>abs(modez(1,3,imode))-tol12) then
185        imodey=imode
186        if(abs(modez(1,1,imode+1))>abs(modez(1,3,imode+1))-tol12)then
187          imodex=imode+1 ; imodez=imode+2
188        else
189          imodez=imode+1 ; imodex=imode+2
190        end if
191      else
192        imodez=imode
193        if(abs(modez(1,1,imode+1))>abs(modez(1,2,imode+1))-tol12)then
194          imodex=imode+1 ; imodey=imode+2
195        else
196          imodey=imode+1 ; imodex=imode+2
197        end if
198      end if
199      vec(:,1)=displ(1,:,imodex)
200      vec(:,2)=displ(1,:,imodey)
201      vec(:,3)=displ(1,:,imodez)
202      zvec(:,1)=modez(1,:,imodex)
203      zvec(:,2)=modez(1,:,imodey)
204      zvec(:,3)=modez(1,:,imodez)
207 !    Optimize along x : does the first vector has a component along x ?
208      if (abs(zvec(1,1)) > tol8) then
209 !      Optimize on the (1,2) pair of modes along x
210        theta = atan(-zvec(1,2)/zvec(1,1))
211        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
212        zvec(:,1) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,1) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,2)
213        zvec(:,2) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,1) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,2)
214        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
215        vec(:,1) = cos(theta)*vect(:,1) - sin(theta)*vect(:,2)
216        vec(:,2) = sin(theta)*vect(:,1) + cos(theta)*vect(:,2)
217 !      Optimize on the (1,3) pair of modes along x
218        theta = atan(-zvec(1,3)/zvec(1,1))
219        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
220        zvec(:,1) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,1) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
221        zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,1) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
222        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
223        vec(:,1) = cos(theta)*vect(:,1) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
224        vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,1) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
225        if (abs(zvec(2,2)) > tol8) then
226 !        Optimize on the (2,3) pair of modes along y
227          theta = atan(-zvec(2,3)/zvec(2,2))
228          zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
229          zvec(:,2) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,2) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
230          zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,2) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
231          vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
232          vec(:,2) = cos(theta)*vect(:,2) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
233          vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,2) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
234        end if
235 !    Likely, the remaining is not needed ... because the vectors have been ordered in x, y, and z major component ...
236 !    Optimize along x : does the second vector has a component along x ?
237      else if(abs(zvec(1,2)) > tol8) then
238 !      Optimize on the (2,3) pair of modes along x
239        theta = atan(-zvec(1,3)/zvec(1,2))
240        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
241        zvec(:,2) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,2) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
242        zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,2) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
243        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
244        vec(:,2) = cos(theta)*vect(:,2) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
245        vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,2) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
246 !      Optimize on the (1,3) pair of modes along y
247        if (abs(zvec(2,1)) > tol8) then
248          theta = atan(-zvec(2,3)/zvec(2,1))
249          zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
250          zvec(:,1) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,1) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
251          zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,1) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
252          vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
253          vec(:,1) = cos(theta)*vect(:,1) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
254          vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,1) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
255        end if
256 !    We are left with the pair of vectors (2,3)
257      else if (abs(zvec(2,2)) > tol8) then
258 !      Optimize on the (2,3) pair of modes along y
259        theta = atan(-zvec(2,3)/zvec(2,2))
260        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
261        zvec(:,2) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,2) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
262        zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,2) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
263        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
264        vec(:,2) = cos(theta)*vect(:,2) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
265        vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,2) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
266      end if
268      displ(1,:,imodex)=vec(:,1)
269      displ(1,:,imodey)=vec(:,2)
270      displ(1,:,imodez)=vec(:,3)
272 !    Previous coding, from Marek. Apparently, break the orthogonalization of vectors ...
273 !    do ii = 1,3
274 !      coeff(:) = 0._dp
275 !      if (ii == 1) then
276 !        jj = 2 ; kk = 3
277 !      else if (ii == 2) then
278 !        jj = 1 ; kk = 3
279 !      else
280 !        jj = 1 ; kk = 2
281 !      end if
282 !      coeff(ii) = 1._dp
283 !      c1 = modez(1,jj,imode+ii-1)
284 !      c2 = modez(1,jj,imode+jj-1)
285 !      c3 = modez(1,jj,imode+kk-1)
286 !      c4 = modez(1,kk,imode+ii-1)
287 !      c5 = modez(1,kk,imode+jj-1)
288 !      c6 = modez(1,kk,imode+kk-1)
289 !      dtm = c2*c6 - c3*c5
290 !      if (abs(dtm) > tol8) then
291 !        coeff(jj) = (c3*c4 - c1*c6)/dtm
292 !        coeff(kk) = (c1*c5 - c2*c4)/dtm
293 !      end if
294 !      mod_ = sqrt(1._dp + coeff(jj)*coeff(jj) + coeff(kk)*coeff(kk))
295 !      coeff(:) = coeff(:)/mod_
296 !      displ(1,:,imode+ii-1) = coeff(1)*vec(1,:) + coeff(2)*vec(2,:) + &
297 !&       coeff(3)*vec(3,:)
298 !    end do
300    end if ! if deg mode
302    imode = imode + deg(imode)
304  end do
306  write(std_out,'(a,a)')ch10,' alignph : after modifying the eigenvectors, mode number and mode effective charges :'
307  do imode=1,3*natom
308    do ii=1,2
309      do idir2=1,3
310        modez(ii,idir2,imode)=zero
311        do idir1=1,3
312          do ipert1=1,natom
313            i1=idir1+(ipert1-1)*3
314            modez(ii,idir2,imode)=modez(ii,idir2,imode)+&
315 &           displ(ii,i1,imode)*&
316 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)*&
317 &           sqrt(amu(typat(ipert1))*amu_emass)
318          end do
319        end do
320      end do
321    end do
322    write(std_out,'(i4,3f16.6)')imode,modez(1,:,imode)
323  end do
326  ABI_DEALLOCATE(oscstr)
327  ABI_DEALLOCATE(modez)
328  ABI_DEALLOCATE(modezabs)
332 end subroutine alignph