ABINIT/elphon [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine extracts the electron phonon coupling matrix
 elements and calculates related properties - Tc, phonon linewidths...


 Copyright (C) 2004-2018 ABINIT group (MVer,BXu,MG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public Licence, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


   anaddb_dtset=dataset with input variables
     anaddb_dtset%a2fsmear = smearing for alpha2F function
     anaddb_dtset%brav = type of Bravais lattice
     anaddb_dtset%elphsmear = smearing width for gaussian integration
           or buffer in energy for calculations with tetrahedra (telphint=0)
     anaddb_dtset%elph_fermie = input value of Fermi energy
           0 means use value from wfk file
     anaddb_dtset%enunit = governs the units to be used for the output of
           the phonon frequencies and e-ph quantities
     anaddb_dtset%gkk2write= flag to write out gkk2 matrix elements to disk
     anaddb_dtset%gkk_rptwrite= flag to write out real space gkk_rpt matrix elements to disk
     anaddb_dtset%gkqwrite= flag to write out gkq matrix elements to disk
     anaddb_dtset%ep_b_min= first band taken into account in FS integration (if telphint==2)
     anaddb_dtset%ep_b_max= last band taken into account in FS integration (if telphint==2)
     anaddb_dtset%prtfsurf = integer flag for the output of the Fermi surface (XCrysden file format)
     anaddb_dtset%prtnest = integer flag for the calculation of the nesting function
     anaddb_dtset%ifcflag = flag for IFC matrices in anaddb calling routine
           the IFCs are presumed to be known!
     anaddb_dtset%ifltransport= flag for transport properties (no=0: yes_LOVA=1; yes_nonLOVA=2 )
     anaddb_dtset%kptrlatt=kpoint grid generating vectors, as in abinit
     anaddb_dtset%kptrlatt_fine=kpoint grid generating vectors, for fine grid used in FS integration
     anaddb_dtset%mustar = parameter for Coulombic pseudo-potential in McMillan T_c calculation
     anaddb_dtset%ngqpt(3)=integers defining the number of points in the qpt sampling
     anaddb_dtset%nqpath=number of vertices in the path in reciprocal space, for band structure
           and phonon linewidth output
     anaddb_dtset%nqshft= number of shift vectors for defining the sampling of q points
     anaddb_dtset%ntemper = number of temperature points to calculate, from tempermin to
     anaddb_dtset%qpath=vertices in the path in reciprocal space, for band structure
           and phonon linewidth output
     anaddb_dtset%q1shft(3,4) =qpoint shifts considered
     anaddb_dtset%telphint = flag for integration over the FS with 0=tetrahedra 1=gaussians
     anaddb_dtset%tempermin = minimum temperature at which resistivity etc are calculated (in K)
     anaddb_dtset%temperinc = interval temperature grid on which resistivity etc are calculated (in K)
     anaddb_dtset%ep_keepbands = flag to keep gamma matrix dependence on electronic bands
 Cryst<crystal_t>=data type gathering info on the crystalline structure.
 Ifc<ifc_type>=Object containing the interatomic force constants.
     atmfrc  = inter-atomic force constants from anaddb
     rpt(3,nprt) =canonical positions of R points in the unit cell
     nrpt =number of real space points used to integrate IFC (for interpolation of dynamical matrices)
     wghatm(natom,natom,nrpt) =Weight for the pair of atoms and the R vector
 filnam(7)=character strings giving file names
 comm=MPI communicator.



  inspired to a large extent by epcouple.f from the DecAFT package by J. Kay Dewhurst
  most inputs taken from mkifc.f
  in anaddb anaddb_dtset%ifcflag must be 1 such that the IFC are calculated in atmfrc prior to calling elphon

  brav not taken into account propely in all of the code. (MG?)

  could choose to make a full 3 dimensional kpt array (:,:,:). Easier for many operations







  93 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  94 #include "config.h"
  95 #endif
  97 #include "abi_common.h"
  99 subroutine elphon(anaddb_dtset,Cryst,Ifc,filnam,comm)
 101  use defs_basis
 102  use defs_datatypes
 103  use defs_abitypes
 104  use defs_elphon
 105  use m_profiling_abi
 106  use m_kptrank
 107  use m_errors
 108  use m_xmpi
 109  use m_hdr
 110  use m_ebands
 112  use m_io_tools,        only : open_file, is_open
 113  use m_numeric_tools,   only : wrap2_pmhalf
 114  use m_pptools,         only : printvtk
 115  use m_dynmat,          only : ftgam_init, ftgam
 116  use m_crystal,         only : crystal_t
 117  use m_ifc,             only : ifc_type
 118  use m_nesting,         only : mknesting
 119  use m_anaddb_dataset,  only : anaddb_dataset_type
 121 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 122 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 123 #undef ABI_FUNC
 124 #define ABI_FUNC 'elphon'
 125  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 126  use interfaces_18_timing
 127  use interfaces_41_geometry
 128  use interfaces_77_ddb, except_this_one => elphon
 129 !End of the abilint section
 131  implicit none
 133 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 134 !scalars
 135  type(anaddb_dataset_type),intent(inout) :: anaddb_dtset
 136  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
 137  type(ifc_type),intent(inout) :: Ifc
 138  integer,intent(in) :: comm
 139 !arrays
 140  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam(7)
 142 !Local variables-------------------------------
 143 !scalars
 144  integer,parameter :: timrev2=2,space_group0=0,master=0
 145  integer :: ikpt_fine,ierr,unitgkk, unit_epts,iband,ibandp,ii
 146  integer :: ikpt,jkpt,kkpt, ik1,ik2,ik3,nk1, nk2, nk3
 147  integer :: iqpt,isppol,n1wf,nband,natom,onegkksize
 148  integer :: timrev,unitfskgrid,qtor,idir,iFSkpq,symrankkpt,ikpt_irr
 149  integer :: ep_prt_wtk ! eventually to be made into an input variable
 150  integer :: fform,ie,ie1,ie2,i_start,i_end
 151  integer :: ssp,s1,s2,tmp_nenergy, top_vb,nproc,me
 152  integer :: nkpt_tmp
 153  real(dp) :: max_occ,realdp_ex,res !,ss
 154  real(dp) :: tcpu, twall, tcpui, twalli
 155  real(dp) :: e1, e2, btocm3,diff, omega_max
 156  real(dp) :: e_vb_max, e_cb_min, etemp_vb
 157  logical :: make_gkk2,use_afm,use_tr
 158  character(len=500) :: message
 159  character(len=fnlen) :: fname,elph_base_name,ddkfilename,gkk_fname
 160  character(len=fnlen) :: nestname
 161  type(elph_tr_type) :: elph_tr_ds
 162  type(elph_type) :: elph_ds
 163  type(hdr_type) :: hdr,hdr1
 164  type(ebands_t) :: Bst
 165 !arrays
 166  integer :: s1ofssp(4), s2ofssp(4)
 167  integer :: qptrlatt(3,3),kptrlatt_fine(3,3)
 168  integer,allocatable :: indkpt1(:)
 169  integer,allocatable :: FSfullpqtofull(:,:)
 170  integer,allocatable :: qpttoqpt(:,:,:)
 171  integer,allocatable :: pair2red(:,:), red2pair(:,:)
 172  !real(dp) :: acell_in(3),rprim_in(3,3),rprim(3,3),acell(3),
 173  real(dp) :: kpt(3),shiftk(3)
 174  real(dp),allocatable :: wtk_fullbz(:),wtk_folded(:)
 175  real(dp),allocatable :: a2f_1d(:),dos_phon(:)
 176  real(dp),allocatable :: eigenGS(:,:,:),eigenGS_fine(:,:,:)
 177  real(dp),allocatable :: v_surf(:,:,:,:,:,:)
 178  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_veloc_sq1(:,:), tmp_veloc_sq2(:,:)
 179  real(dp),allocatable :: coskr(:,:), sinkr(:,:)
 181 ! *************************************************************************
 183  write(message, '(a,a,(80a),a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 184 & ' Properties based on electron-phonon coupling ',ch10
 185  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 186  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 188  call timein(tcpui,twalli)
 189  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 190 & '-begin elphon at tcpu',tcpui,'  and twall',twalli,' sec'
 191  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 193  nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); me = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
 195  write(message, '(a,i0,a,i0)' )'- running on ', nproc,'  cpus me = ', me
 196  call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
 197  write(std_out,*) message
 199 !==================================
 200 !Initialization of some variables
 201 !==================================
 203  if (master == me) then
 204    gkk_fname = filnam(5)
 205    if (open_file(gkk_fname,message,newunit=unitgkk,form="unformatted",status="old",action="read") /=0) then
 206      MSG_ERROR(message)
 207    end if
 208  end if
 210  elph_base_name=trim(filnam(2))//"_ep"
 211  ddkfilename=trim(filnam(7))
 213 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 215  natom = Cryst%natom
 216  elph_ds%mustar       = anaddb_dtset%mustar        ! input mustar
 217  elph_ds%nbranch      = 3*natom                    ! number of phonon modes = 3 * natom
 218  elph_ds%natom        = natom                      !
 219  elph_ds%ep_keepbands = anaddb_dtset%ep_keepbands  ! flag to sum over bands
 220  elph_ds%a2fsmear     = anaddb_dtset%a2fsmear      ! smearing for Eliashberg functions
 221  elph_ds%elphsmear    = anaddb_dtset%elphsmear     ! smearing for Eliashberg functions
 222  elph_ds%ep_b_min     = anaddb_dtset%ep_b_min
 223  elph_ds%ep_b_max     = anaddb_dtset%ep_b_max
 224  elph_ds%telphint     = anaddb_dtset%telphint
 225  elph_ds%kptrlatt     = anaddb_dtset%kptrlatt
 226  elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine= anaddb_dtset%kptrlatt_fine
 227  elph_ds%tempermin    = anaddb_dtset%tempermin
 228  elph_ds%temperinc    = anaddb_dtset%temperinc
 229  elph_ds%ntemper      = anaddb_dtset%ntemper
 230  elph_ds%use_k_fine   = anaddb_dtset%use_k_fine
 231  elph_ds%ep_int_gkk   = anaddb_dtset%ep_int_gkk
 232  elph_ds%ep_nspline   = anaddb_dtset%ep_nspline
 233  elph_ds%ep_scalprod  = anaddb_dtset%ep_scalprod
 234  elph_ds%prtbltztrp   = anaddb_dtset%prtbltztrp
 236  elph_ds%tuniformgrid = 1
 237  elph_ds%na2f         = 400                        ! maximum number of Matsubara frequencies.
 238  elph_ds%ep_lova      = 0                          ! 1 for lova and 0 for general
 239  elph_ds%nenergy      = 8
 240  btocm3 = 1.4818474347690475d-25
 242 !The nenergy needs to be 1) large enough to converge the integral, 2) greater
 243 !than the max phonon energy.
 244 !elph_ds%nenergy      = INT(8*(anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%ntemper*anaddb_dtset%temperinc)/ &
 245 !&                              (anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc))  ! number of energy levels
 247  write(message,'(a,i6)')' The initial number of energy levels above/below Ef is set to be :',elph_ds%nenergy
 248  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 249 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 251 !The precise number used depends on the value of Tc:
 252 !they span $w_n = (2n+1) \pi T_c$  where $abs(w_n) < w_{cutoff}$
 253 !ie $|n| < n_{cutoff} = ( \frac{w_{cutoff}}{\pi T_c} ) / 2$
 255 !save gkk data for full kpoints to file on disk
 257  elph_ds%gkqwrite     = anaddb_dtset%gkqwrite
 258  elph_ds%gkk_rptwrite = anaddb_dtset%gkk_rptwrite
 259  elph_ds%gkk2write    = anaddb_dtset%gkk2write
 261 !This should never be turned off: symmetrization of elphon matrix elements in complete_gkk. See get_all_gkq
 262  elph_ds%symgkq=anaddb_dtset%symgkq
 264  elph_ds%elph_base_name = trim(elph_base_name)
 266  !MG: @Matthieu: Why this? Now we should always use the value of rprim and acell reported in IFC
 267  !rprim_in  = Ifc%rprim
 268  !acell_in = Ifc%acell
 270 !normalize input rprim and acell.
 271  !do ii=1,3
 272  !  ss = sqrt(rprim_in(1,ii)**2+rprim_in(2,ii)**2+rprim_in(3,ii)**2)
 273  !  rprim(:,ii) = rprim_in(:,ii)/ss
 274  !  acell(ii) = acell_in(ii) * ss
 275  !end do
 277 !make dimension-ful rprimd and gprimd for transformation of derivatives to cartesian coordinates.
 278  !call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
 279  !call matr3inv(rprimd,gprimd)
 281  !rprimd = cryst%rprimd
 282  !gprimd = cryst%gprimd
 284 !===================
 285 !Check some inputs
 286 !===================
 287  if (Cryst%nsym==1) then
 288    write (message,'(7a)')ch10,&
 289 &   ' elphon: COMMENT- ',ch10,&
 290 &   ' Symmetries are not used! ',ch10,&
 291 &   ' Full matrix elements must be supplied for all perturbations and qpoints!',ch10
 292    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 293    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 294    if ( ANY( ABS(Cryst%tnons(:,1)) > tol10) ) then
 295      MSG_ERROR('nsym==1 but the symmetry is not the identity')
 296    end if
 297  end if
 299  if (anaddb_dtset%ifcflag/=1) then
 300    write(message,'(a,i0)')&
 301 &   ' ifcflag should be set to 1 since the IFC matrices are supposed to exist but ifcflag= ',anaddb_dtset%ifcflag
 302    MSG_ERROR(message)
 303  end if
 305  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 306  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 307 & '-elphon begin setup after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 308  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 309  tcpui = tcpu
 310  twalli = twall
 312 !=================================
 313 !Set up the full grid of qpoints
 314 !=================================
 315 !use time reversal symmetry always when possible for kpoint reduction,
 316 !and suppose it has been used in WF generation
 317 !not used for the moment: values are always taken from input files.
 318  timrev = 1
 319  call ep_setupqpt(elph_ds,cryst,anaddb_dtset,qptrlatt,timrev)
 321 !====================================
 322 !Read the GS header of the GKK file
 323 !this will give the phon grid of k
 324 !and the Fermi surface integration weights
 325 !====================================
 326  call wrtout (std_out,' elphon: reading and checking the GS header of the GKK file','COLL')
 328  if (master == me) then
 329    call rchkGSheader(hdr,natom,nband,unitgkk)
 330  end if
 332 !the following is for the non master nodes
 333  call hdr_bcast(hdr,master,me,comm)
 334  call xmpi_bcast(nband, master,comm,ierr)
 335  elph_ds%nband = nband
 337  elph_ds%nsppol =hdr%nsppol
 338  elph_ds%nspinor=hdr%nspinor
 340 !in spinor or spin polarized case, orbitals have occupation <= 1 instead of 2
 341  max_occ = one
 342  if (hdr%nspinor == 2) max_occ = half ! this accounts for the doubling of the num of bands, even though spin channels are not well defined
 343  if (elph_ds%nsppol > 1) max_occ = one
 344  write (std_out,*) ' max_occ factor  ', max_occ
 346  elph_ds%occ_factor = one
 347  if (hdr%nspinor == 1 .and. hdr%nsppol == 1) then
 348    elph_ds%occ_factor = one
 349  else if (hdr%nspinor == 2) then
 350    elph_ds%occ_factor = two
 351  else if (hdr%nsppol == 2) then
 352    elph_ds%occ_factor = one
 353  end if
 355 !==================================================
 356 !Read GS eigenvalues for each irreducible kpt and
 357 !number of 1WF files contributing to the GKK file
 358 !==================================================
 360  ABI_ALLOCATE(eigenGS,(nband,hdr%nkpt,elph_ds%nsppol))
 362  if (master == me) then
 363    do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
 364      do ikpt=1,hdr%nkpt
 365        read(unitgkk) eigenGS(:,ikpt,isppol)
 366      end do
 367    end do
 369 !  read number of 1WF files contributing to the GKK file
 370    read(unitgkk) n1wf
 371    write(message,'(a,i0)')' elphon : number of perturbations in the gkk file = ',n1wf
 372    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 373  end if
 374  call xmpi_bcast(n1wf, master, comm, ierr)
 375  call xmpi_bcast(eigenGS, master, comm, ierr)
 377 !==================================================
 378 !Set elph_ds%fermie: either comes from anaddb input file or from wfk file
 379 !==================================================
 380  elph_ds%fermie = hdr%fermie
 381  !elph_ds%nelect = hdr_get_nelect_byocc(Hdr)
 382  elph_ds%nelect = Hdr%nelect
 383  if (abs(anaddb_dtset%elph_fermie) > tol10) then
 384    elph_ds%fermie = anaddb_dtset%elph_fermie
 385    write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Fermi level set by the user at :',elph_ds%fermie
 386    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 387    Bst = ebands_from_hdr(Hdr,nband,eigenGS)
 388  else if (abs(anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael) > tol10) then
 389    if (abs(anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael) > 1.0d2) then
 390      write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Doping set by the user is (negative for el doping) :',&
 391 &     anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael
 392      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 393      anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael = anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael*cryst%ucvol*btocm3*(-1.0d0)
 394    end if
 395    write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Additional electrons per unit cell set by the user at :',&
 396 &   anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael
 397    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 398    elph_ds%nelect = elph_ds%nelect + anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael
 399    bst = ebands_from_hdr(Hdr,nband,eigenGS,nelect=elph_ds%nelect)
 401 !  set Bst to use FD occupations:
 402    Bst%occopt = 3
 403 !   Bst%tsmear = 0.00001_dp ! is this small etol9 Bst%tsmeatol90001_dp ! last used
 404    Bst%tsmear = tol9 ! is this small etol9 Bst%tsmeatol90001_dp ! last used
 405 !  Calculate occupation numbers.
 406    call ebands_update_occ(Bst,-99.99_dp)
 407    write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Fermi level is now calculated to be :',Bst%fermie
 408    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 409    elph_ds%fermie = BSt%fermie
 410  else
 411    bst = ebands_from_hdr(Hdr,nband,eigenGS)
 412  end if
 413  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 415 !====================================================================
 416 !Setup of the phon k-grid :
 417 !1) get bands near Ef
 418 !====================================================================
 419  call get_fs_bands(eigenGS,hdr,elph_ds%fermie,anaddb_dtset%ep_b_min, anaddb_dtset%ep_b_max,&
 420 & elph_ds%minFSband,elph_ds%maxFSband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkptirr)
 422  elph_ds%nFSband = elph_ds%maxFSband - elph_ds%minFSband + 1
 424 !Modify the band gap by sissor shift of the CB
 425  if (abs(anaddb_dtset%band_gap) < 10.0d0) then
 426    anaddb_dtset%band_gap = anaddb_dtset%band_gap*0.036749309 ! eV2Ha
 427    do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
 429 !First find where the gap is
 430      etemp_vb = 999.0d0
 431      top_vb = elph_ds%minFSband
 432      do iband = elph_ds%minFSband, elph_ds%maxFSband
 433        e_vb_max = maxval(eigenGS(iband,:,isppol))
 434        if (dabs(e_vb_max-elph_ds%fermie) < etemp_vb) then
 435          etemp_vb = dabs(e_vb_max-elph_ds%fermie)
 436          top_vb = iband
 437        end if
 438      end do
 439      do iband = top_vb, elph_ds%maxFSband
 440        e_vb_max = maxval(eigenGS(iband,:,isppol))
 441        if (dabs(e_vb_max-maxval(eigenGS(top_vb,:,isppol))) < tol6) then
 442          etemp_vb = dabs(e_vb_max-elph_ds%fermie)
 443          top_vb = iband
 444        end if
 445      end do
 446      e_vb_max = maxval(eigenGS(top_vb,:,isppol))
 447      e_cb_min = minval(eigenGS(top_vb+1,:,isppol))
 448      write(message,'(a,E20.12,2x,E20.12)')' elphon : original fermi energy = ', elph_ds%fermie
 449      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 450      write(message,'(a,E20.12,2x,E20.12)')' elphon : top of VB, bottom of CB = ',e_vb_max, e_cb_min
 451      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 453      do iband = top_vb+1, elph_ds%maxFSband
 454        eigenGS(iband,:,isppol) = eigenGS(iband,:,isppol) + (anaddb_dtset%band_gap-(e_cb_min-e_vb_max))
 455      end do
 456    end do !nsppol
 458 !! recalculate Fermi level
 459    !elph_ds%nelect = hdr_get_nelect_byocc(Hdr)
 460    elph_ds%nelect = Hdr%nelect
 461    if (abs(anaddb_dtset%elph_fermie) > tol10) then
 462      elph_ds%fermie = anaddb_dtset%elph_fermie
 463      write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Fermi level set by the user at :',elph_ds%fermie
 464      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 465      bst = ebands_from_hdr(Hdr,nband,eigenGS)
 466    else if (abs(anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael) > tol10) then
 467      write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Additional electrons per unit cell set by the user at :',anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael
 468      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 469      elph_ds%nelect = elph_ds%nelect + anaddb_dtset%ep_extrael
 470      bst = ebands_from_hdr(Hdr,nband,eigenGS,nelect=elph_ds%nelect)
 472 !    set Bst to use FD occupations:
 473      Bst%occopt = 3
 474 !     Bst%tsmear = 0.00001_dp ! is this small etol9 Bst%tsmeatol90001_dp ! last used
 475      Bst%tsmear = tol9 ! is this small etol9 Bst%tsmeatol90001_dp ! last used
 476 !    Calculate occupation numbers.
 477      call ebands_update_occ(Bst,-99.99_dp)
 478      write(message,'(a,E20.12)')' Fermi level is now calculated to be :',Bst%fermie
 479      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 480      elph_ds%fermie = BSt%fermie
 481    else
 482      bst = ebands_from_hdr(Hdr,nband,eigenGS)
 483    end if
 484    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 485  end if !modify band_gap
 487  if (elph_ds%ep_keepbands == 0) then !we are summing over bands
 488    elph_ds%ngkkband = 1
 489  else if (elph_ds%ep_keepbands == 1) then
 490 !  keep the band dependency btw elph_ds%minFSband and elph_ds%maxFSband
 491    elph_ds%ngkkband = elph_ds%nFSband
 492  else
 493    write(message,'(a,i0)')' ep_keepbands must be 0 or 1 while it is: ',elph_ds%ep_keepbands
 494    MSG_BUG(message)
 495  end if
 497  write(message,'(a,i0,2x,i0)')' elphon : minFSband, maxFSband = ',elph_ds%minFSband,elph_ds%maxFSband
 498  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 501  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%kptirr,(3,elph_ds%k_phon%nkptirr))
 502  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%irredtoGS,(elph_ds%k_phon%nkptirr))
 504 !====================================================================
 505 !2) order irred k-points
 506 !====================================================================
 507  if (master == me) then
 508    call order_fs_kpts(hdr%kptns, hdr%nkpt, elph_ds%k_phon%kptirr,elph_ds%k_phon%nkptirr,elph_ds%k_phon%irredtoGS)
 509  end if
 510  call xmpi_bcast(elph_ds%k_phon%nkptirr, master, comm, ierr)
 511  call xmpi_bcast(elph_ds%k_phon%kptirr, master, comm, ierr)
 512  call xmpi_bcast(elph_ds%k_phon%irredtoGS, master, comm, ierr)
 514 !==========================================
 515 !3) reconstruct full kgrid from irred kpoints,
 516 !==========================================
 517  call mkFSkgrid (elph_ds%k_phon, Cryst%nsym, Cryst%symrec, timrev)
 519 ! check that kptrlatt is coherent with kpt found here
 520  nkpt_tmp = elph_ds%kptrlatt(1,1)*elph_ds%kptrlatt(2,2)*elph_ds%kptrlatt(3,3)
 521  if (sum(abs(elph_ds%kptrlatt(:,:))) /= nkpt_tmp) then
 522    MSG_WARNING(' the input kptrlatt is not diagonal... ')
 523  end if
 524  if (anaddb_dtset%ifltransport > 1 .and. nkpt_tmp /= elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt) then
 525    write(message,'(a,i0,a,i0)')&
 526 &   ' the input kptrlatt is inconsistent  ', nkpt_tmp, " /= ", elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 527    MSG_ERROR(message)
 528  end if
 530  if (anaddb_dtset%ifltransport==3 ) then
 531 !====================================================================
 532 ! The real irred kpt, now only used by get_tau_k
 533 !====================================================================
 535    ABI_ALLOCATE(indkpt1,(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt))
 536    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk_fullbz,(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt))
 537    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk_folded,(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt))
 539    wtk_fullbz(:) = one/dble(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt) !weights normalized to unity
 540    call symkpt(0,cryst%gmet,indkpt1,0,elph_ds%k_phon%kpt,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%k_phon%new_nkptirr,&
 541 &   Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrec,timrev,wtk_fullbz,wtk_folded)
 543    write (message,'(2a,i0)')ch10,' Number of irreducible k-points = ',elph_ds%k_phon%new_nkptirr
 544    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 546    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%new_kptirr,(3,elph_ds%k_phon%new_nkptirr))
 547    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%new_wtkirr,(elph_ds%k_phon%new_nkptirr))
 548    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%new_irredtoGS,(elph_ds%k_phon%new_nkptirr))
 550    ikpt_irr = 0
 551    do ikpt=1,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 552      if (wtk_folded(ikpt) /= zero) then
 553        ikpt_irr = ikpt_irr + 1
 554        elph_ds%k_phon%new_kptirr(:,ikpt_irr) = elph_ds%k_phon%kpt(:,ikpt)
 555        elph_ds%k_phon%new_wtkirr(ikpt_irr) = wtk_folded(ikpt)
 556        elph_ds%k_phon%new_irredtoGS(ikpt_irr) = ikpt
 557      end if
 558    end do
 559    if (ikpt_irr .ne. elph_ds%k_phon%new_nkptirr) then
 560      write (message,'(a)')' The number of irred nkpt does not match! '
 561      MSG_ERROR(message)
 562    end if
 564    ABI_DEALLOCATE(indkpt1)
 565    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk_fullbz)
 566    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk_folded)
 567  end if
 569 !====================================================================
 570 !4) setup weights for integration (gaussian or tetrahedron method)
 571 !====================================================================
 572  elph_ds%k_phon%nband = elph_ds%nFSband
 573  elph_ds%k_phon%nsppol = elph_ds%nsppol
 574  elph_ds%k_phon%nsym = Cryst%nsym
 575  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%wtk,(elph_ds%nFSband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%k_phon%nsppol))
 577  call ep_fs_weights(anaddb_dtset%ep_b_min, anaddb_dtset%ep_b_max, eigenGS, anaddb_dtset%elphsmear, &
 578 & elph_ds%fermie, cryst%gprimd, elph_ds%k_phon%irredtoGS, elph_ds%kptrlatt, max_occ, elph_ds%minFSband, nband, elph_ds%nFSband, &
 579 & elph_ds%nsppol, anaddb_dtset%telphint, elph_ds%k_phon)
 581 !distribute k-points among processors, if any
 582  call elph_k_procs(nproc, elph_ds%k_phon)
 584 !=====================================================
 585 !get kpt info from the fine grid part
 586 !=====================================================
 587  if (anaddb_dtset%use_k_fine == 1) then
 589    if (abs(anaddb_dtset%band_gap) < 10.0d0) then
 590      write (message,'(a)')' Not coded yet when use_k_fine and band_gap are both used'
 591      MSG_ERROR(message)
 592    end if
 594    if (master == me) then
 595      if (open_file("densergrid_GKK",message,newunit=unitfskgrid,form="unformatted",status="old") /=0) then
 596        MSG_ERROR(message)
 597      end if
 598      !read the header of file
 599      call hdr_fort_read(hdr1, unitfskgrid, fform)
 600      ABI_CHECK(fform/=0,'denser grid GKK header was mis-read. fform == 0')
 601    end if
 602    call hdr_bcast(hdr1,master,me,comm)
 604    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigenGS_fine,(nband,hdr1%nkpt,elph_ds%nsppol))
 606    if (master == me) then
 607      do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
 608        do ikpt=1,hdr1%nkpt
 609          read(unitfskgrid) eigenGS_fine(:,ikpt,isppol)
 610        end do
 611      end do
 612      close(unitfskgrid)
 613    end if
 614    call xmpi_bcast(eigenGS_fine, master, comm, ierr)
 616 !  Reinit the structure storing the eigevalues.
 617 !  Be careful. This part has not been tested.
 618    call ebands_free(Bst)
 619    bst = ebands_from_hdr(hdr1,nband,eigenGS_fine)
 621    elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr = hdr1%nkpt
 622    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%kptirr,(3,elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr))
 623    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%irredtoGS,(elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr))
 625    call order_fs_kpts(hdr1%kptns, hdr1%nkpt, elph_ds%k_fine%kptirr,&
 626 &   elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr,elph_ds%k_fine%irredtoGS)
 628    call hdr_free(hdr1)
 630    call mkFSkgrid (elph_ds%k_fine, Cryst%nsym, Cryst%symrec, timrev)
 632    elph_ds%k_fine%nband = elph_ds%nFSband
 633    elph_ds%k_fine%nsppol = elph_ds%nsppol
 634    elph_ds%k_fine%nsym = Cryst%nsym
 636    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%wtk,(elph_ds%nFSband,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt,elph_ds%nsppol))
 638    kptrlatt_fine = elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine
 640    call ep_fs_weights(anaddb_dtset%ep_b_min, anaddb_dtset%ep_b_max, &
 641 &   eigenGS_fine, anaddb_dtset%elphsmear, &
 642 &   elph_ds%fermie, cryst%gprimd, elph_ds%k_fine%irredtoGS, kptrlatt_fine, &
 643 &   max_occ, elph_ds%minFSband, nband, elph_ds%nFSband, &
 644 &   elph_ds%nsppol, anaddb_dtset%telphint, elph_ds%k_fine)
 646  else ! not using k_fine
 647    elph_ds%k_fine%nband = elph_ds%k_phon%nband
 648    elph_ds%k_fine%nsppol = elph_ds%k_phon%nsppol
 649    elph_ds%k_fine%nsym = elph_ds%k_phon%nsym
 651    elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt = elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 652    elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr = elph_ds%k_phon%nkptirr
 654    elph_ds%k_fine%my_nkpt = elph_ds%k_phon%my_nkpt
 656    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%my_kpt,(elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
 657    elph_ds%k_fine%my_kpt = elph_ds%k_phon%my_kpt
 659    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%my_ikpt,(elph_ds%k_fine%my_nkpt))
 660    elph_ds%k_fine%my_ikpt = elph_ds%k_phon%my_ikpt
 662    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%kptirr,(3,elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr))
 663    elph_ds%k_fine%kptirr = elph_ds%k_phon%kptirr
 664    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%wtkirr,(elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr))
 665    elph_ds%k_fine%wtkirr = elph_ds%k_phon%wtkirr
 667    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%wtk,(elph_ds%nFSband,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt,elph_ds%k_fine%nsppol))
 668    elph_ds%k_fine%wtk = elph_ds%k_phon%wtk
 669    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%kpt,(3,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
 670    elph_ds%k_fine%kpt = elph_ds%k_phon%kpt
 672    call copy_kptrank(elph_ds%k_phon%kptrank_t, elph_ds%k_fine%kptrank_t)
 674    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%irr2full,(elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr))
 675    elph_ds%k_fine%irr2full = elph_ds%k_phon%irr2full
 676    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%full2irr,(3,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
 677    elph_ds%k_fine%full2irr = elph_ds%k_phon%full2irr
 678    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%full2full,(2,elph_ds%k_fine%nsym,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
 679    elph_ds%k_fine%full2full = elph_ds%k_phon%full2full
 681    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%irredtoGS,(elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr))
 682    elph_ds%k_fine%irredtoGS = elph_ds%k_phon%irredtoGS
 684 !  call elph_k_copy(elph_ds%k_phon, elph_ds%k_fine)
 686    kptrlatt_fine = elph_ds%kptrlatt
 688    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigenGS_fine,(nband,elph_ds%k_fine%nkptirr,elph_ds%nsppol))
 690    eigenGS_fine = eigenGS
 691  end if ! k_fine or not
 693  if (elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine(1,1) == 0) then ! when there is not input for kptrlatt_fine
 694    elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine = kptrlatt_fine
 695  end if
 697  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 698  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 699 & '-elphon k and q grids have been setup after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 700  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 701  tcpui = tcpu
 702  twalli = twall
 704 !====================================================================
 705 !5) calculate DOS at Ef
 706 !====================================================================
 707  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%n0,(elph_ds%nsppol))
 709 !SPPOL sum over spin channels to get total DOS
 710 !channels decoupled => use separate values for DOS_up(Ef) resp down
 711  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
 712    elph_ds%n0(isppol) = sum(elph_ds%k_fine%wtk(:,:,isppol))/elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt
 713  end do
 715  if (elph_ds%nsppol == 1) then
 716    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : the estimated DOS(E_Fermi) = ', elph_ds%n0(1), ' states/Ha/spin '
 717    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : the total FS weight and # of kpoints = ',sum(elph_ds%k_fine%wtk),elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt
 718  else if (elph_ds%nsppol == 2) then
 719    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : the spin up   DOS(E_Fermi) = ', elph_ds%n0(1), ' states/Ha/spin '
 720    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : the spin down DOS(E_Fermi) = ', elph_ds%n0(2), ' states/Ha/spin '
 721    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : total DOS(E_Fermi) = ', elph_ds%n0(1)+elph_ds%n0(2), ' states/Ha '
 722    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : the spin up   FS weight and # of kpoints = ',&
 723 &   sum(elph_ds%k_fine%wtk(:,:,1)),elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt
 724    write (std_out,*) ' elphon : the spin down FS weight and # of kpoints = ',&
 725 &   sum(elph_ds%k_fine%wtk(:,:,2)),elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt
 726  else
 727    write (message,'(a,i0)') 'bad value for nsppol ', elph_ds%nsppol
 728    MSG_ERROR(message)
 729  end if
 731  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%gkk_intweight,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%nsppol))
 733  if (elph_ds%ep_keepbands == 0) then
 734 !  use trivial integration weights  for single band,
 735 !  since average over bands is done in normsq_gkk
 736    elph_ds%gkk_intweight(1,:,:) = one
 738  else if (elph_ds%ep_keepbands == 1) then
 739 !  use elph_ds%k_fine%wtk since average over bands is not done in normsq_gkk
 740    if (elph_ds%use_k_fine == 1) then
 741      call d2c_weights(elph_ds)
 742    end if
 743    elph_ds%gkk_intweight(:,:,:) = elph_ds%k_phon%wtk(:,:,:)
 744  else
 745    write(message,'(a,i0)')' ep_keepbands must be 0 or 1 while it is : ',elph_ds%ep_keepbands
 746    MSG_ERROR(message)
 747  end if
 749  ep_prt_wtk = 0
 750  if (ep_prt_wtk == 1) then
 751    do iband=1, elph_ds%ngkkband
 752      do ikpt_fine=1, elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt
 753        write (300,*) ikpt_fine, elph_ds%gkk_intweight(iband,ikpt_fine,1)
 754      end do
 755    end do
 756  end if
 759  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 760  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 761 & '-elphon weights and DOS setup after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 762  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 763  tcpui = tcpu
 764  twalli = twall
 766 !Output of the Fermi Surface
 767  if (anaddb_dtset%prtfsurf == 1 .and. master == me) then
 768    fname=trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_BXSF'
 769    if (ebands_write_bxsf(Bst, Cryst, fname) /= 0) then
 770      MSG_WARNING("Cannot produce file for Fermi surface, check log file for more info")
 771    end if
 772  end if
 774 !=========================================================
 775 !Get equivalence between a kpt_phon pair and a qpt in qpt_full
 776 !only works if the qpt grid is complete (identical to
 777 !the kpt one, with a basic shift of (0,0,0)
 778 !=========================================================
 780 !mapping of k + q onto k' for k and k' in full BZ
 781  ABI_ALLOCATE(FSfullpqtofull,(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%nqpt_full))
 783 !qpttoqpt(itim,isym,iqpt) = qpoint index which transforms to iqpt under isym and with time reversal itim.
 784  ABI_ALLOCATE(qpttoqpt,(2,Cryst%nsym,elph_ds%nqpt_full))
 786  call wrtout(std_out,'elphon: calling mkqptequiv to set up the FS qpoint set',"COLL")
 788  call mkqptequiv (FSfullpqtofull,Cryst,elph_ds%k_phon%kpt,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,&
 789 & elph_ds%nqpt_full,qpttoqpt,elph_ds%qpt_full)
 791 !==========================================
 792 !Set up dataset for phonon interpolations
 793 !==========================================
 795 !transfer ifltransport flag to structure
 796  elph_tr_ds%ifltransport=anaddb_dtset%ifltransport
 797 !transfer name of files file for ddk
 798  elph_tr_ds%ddkfilename=ddkfilename
 800 !reduce qpt_full to correct zone
 801  do iqpt=1,elph_ds%nqpt_full
 802    call wrap2_pmhalf(elph_ds%qpt_full(1,iqpt),kpt(1),res)
 803    call wrap2_pmhalf(elph_ds%qpt_full(2,iqpt),kpt(2),res)
 804    call wrap2_pmhalf(elph_ds%qpt_full(3,iqpt),kpt(3),res)
 805    elph_ds%qpt_full(:,iqpt)=kpt
 806  end do
 808 !test density of k+q grid: the following should be close to n0 squared
 809 !FIXME: generalize for sppol
 810  res = zero
 811  do ikpt_fine = 1, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 812    do iqpt = 1, elph_ds%nqpt_full
 813      kpt = elph_ds%k_phon%kpt(:,ikpt_fine) + elph_ds%qpt_full(:,iqpt)
 814      call get_rank_1kpt (kpt,symrankkpt,elph_ds%k_phon%kptrank_t)
 815      iFSkpq = elph_ds%k_phon%kptrank_t%invrank(symrankkpt)
 816      do iband = 1, elph_ds%ngkkband
 817        do ibandp = 1, elph_ds%ngkkband
 818          res = res + elph_ds%gkk_intweight(iband,ikpt_fine,1)*elph_ds%gkk_intweight(ibandp,iFSkpq,1)
 819        end do
 820      end do
 821    end do
 822  end do
 823  res = res / elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt/elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 824  write (std_out,*) 'elphon: integrated value of intweight for given k and q grid : ', res, res / elph_ds%n0(1)**2
 826  res = zero
 827  do ikpt_fine = 1, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 828    do iqpt = 1, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 829      kpt = elph_ds%k_phon%kpt(:,ikpt_fine) + elph_ds%k_phon%kpt(:,iqpt)
 830      call get_rank_1kpt (kpt,symrankkpt,elph_ds%k_phon%kptrank_t)
 831      iFSkpq = elph_ds%k_phon%kptrank_t%invrank(symrankkpt)
 832      do iband = 1, elph_ds%ngkkband
 833        do ibandp = 1, elph_ds%ngkkband
 834          res = res + elph_ds%gkk_intweight(iband,ikpt_fine,1)*elph_ds%gkk_intweight(ibandp,iFSkpq,1)
 835        end do
 836      end do
 837    end do
 838  end do
 839  res = res / elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt/elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
 840  write (std_out,*) 'elphon: integrated value of intweight for double k grid : ', res, res / elph_ds%n0(1)**2
 842 !===================================================
 843 !Allocate all important arrays for FS integrations
 844 !===================================================
 846 !Record sizes for matrices on disk: complex and real versions (for real and recip space resp!)
 847  onegkksize = 2*elph_ds%nbranch*elph_ds%nbranch*&
 848 & elph_ds%ngkkband*elph_ds%ngkkband*&
 849 & elph_ds%nsppol*kind(realdp_ex)
 851  elph_tr_ds%onegkksize=onegkksize
 853  write (message,'(4a)')&
 854 & ' elphon : preliminary setup completed ',ch10,&
 855 & '          calling get_all_gkq to read in all the e-ph matrix elements',ch10
 856  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 858 !flag to do scalar product in gkq before interpolation:
 859 !should also used in interpolate_gkk and mkph_linwid
 860  if (elph_ds%ep_scalprod==0) then
 861    write (std_out,*) ' elphon: will NOT perform scalar product with phonon'
 862    write (std_out,*) '  displacement vectors in read_gkk. ep_scalprod==0'
 863  else if (elph_ds%ep_scalprod==1) then
 864    write (std_out,*) ' elphon: will perform scalar product with phonon'
 865    write (std_out,*) '  displacement vectors in read_gkk. ep_scalprod==1'
 866  else
 867    MSG_ERROR('illegal value for ep_scalprod')
 868  end if
 870  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 871  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 872 & '-elphon begin gkq construction after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 873  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 874  tcpui = tcpu
 875  twalli = twall
 877  call get_all_gkq (elph_ds,Cryst,ifc,Bst,FSfullpqtofull,nband,n1wf,onegkksize,&
 878 & qpttoqpt,anaddb_dtset%ep_prt_yambo,unitgkk,elph_tr_ds%ifltransport)
 880  if (master == me) then
 881    close (unitgkk)
 882  end if
 884  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 885  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 886 & '-elphon end gkq construction after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 887  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 888  tcpui = tcpu
 889  twalli = twall
 891  if (elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==1 .or. elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==2 .or. elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==3)then
 893 !  check inputs
 894 !  TODO: should be done at earlier stage of initialization and checking
 895    if (elph_ds%ngkkband /= elph_ds%nFSband) then
 896      write (message,'(a)') 'need to keep electron band dependency in memory for transport calculations'
 897      MSG_ERROR(message)
 898    end if
 900 !  bxu, moved the allocation from get_veloc_tr to elphon
 901    if (anaddb_dtset%use_k_fine == 1) then
 902      ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%el_veloc,(elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt,nband,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
 903    else
 904      ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%el_veloc,(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,nband,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
 905    end if
 906    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%FSelecveloc_sq,(3,elph_ds%nsppol))
 908 !  this only needs to be read in once - the fermi level average is later done many times with get_veloc_tr
 909    if (me == master) then
 910      if (anaddb_dtset%use_k_fine == 1) then
 911        call read_el_veloc(nband,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt,elph_ds%k_fine%kpt,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_tr_ds)
 912      else
 913        call read_el_veloc(nband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%k_phon%kpt,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_tr_ds)
 914      end if
 915    end if
 916    call xmpi_bcast (elph_tr_ds%el_veloc, master, comm, ierr)
 918    call get_veloc_tr(elph_ds,elph_tr_ds)
 919  end if
 921 !Output of the Fermi velocities
 922 !to be used for Mayavi visualization
 923  if (anaddb_dtset%prtfsurf == 1 .and. master == me) then
 924    fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_VTK'
 926 !  FIXME
 927 !  shiftk is defined neither in the anaddb nor in the hdr data type
 928 !  an incorrect FS will be produced in case of a shifted k-grid used during the GS calculation
 929 !  check if we are using a unshifthed kgrid, obviously doesnt work in case
 930 !  of multiple shifts containg a zero translation but in this case prtbxsf should work
 931    shiftk=one
 932    do ii=1,hdr%nkpt
 933      if (all(hdr%kptns(:,ii) == zero)) shiftk=zero
 934    end do
 936    use_afm=(hdr%nsppol==1.and.hdr%nspden==2)
 937 !  MG FIXME warning time reversal is always assumed to be present.
 938 !  the header should report this information.
 940    use_tr=(timrev==1)
 942    nk1 = elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine(1,1)
 943    nk2 = elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine(2,2)
 944    nk3 = elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine(3,3)
 946    ABI_ALLOCATE(v_surf,(nband,nk1+1,nk2+1,nk3+1,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
 947    v_surf = zero
 948    do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
 949      do iband=1,nband
 950        do ikpt = 1, nk1+1
 951          do jkpt = 1, nk2+1
 952            do kkpt = 1, nk3+1
 953              ik1 = ikpt
 954              ik2 = jkpt
 955              ik3 = kkpt
 956              if (ikpt > nk1) ik1 = ikpt - nk1
 957              if (jkpt > nk2) ik2 = jkpt - nk2
 958              if (kkpt > nk3) ik3 = kkpt - nk3
 959              ikpt_fine = (ik1-1)*nk2*nk3 + (ik2-1)*nk3 + ik3
 960 !            v_surf(iband,ikpt,jkpt,kkpt,:,isppol)=elph_tr_ds%el_veloc(ikpt_fine,iband,:,isppol)*elph_ds%k_fine%wtk(iband,ikpt_fine,isppol)
 961              v_surf(iband,ikpt,jkpt,kkpt,:,isppol)=elph_tr_ds%el_veloc(ikpt_fine,iband,:,isppol)
 962            end do
 963          end do
 964        end do
 965      end do
 966    end do
 968    call printvtk(eigenGS,v_surf,zero,elph_ds%fermie,Cryst%gprimd,&
 969 &   elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine,nband,hdr%nkpt,hdr%kptns,&
 970 &   Cryst%nsym,use_afm,Cryst%symrec,Cryst%symafm,use_tr,elph_ds%nsppol,shiftk,1,fname,ierr)
 972    ABI_DEALLOCATE(v_surf)
 974  end if !anaddb_dtset%prtfsurf
 976 !============================================================================
 977 !Evaluate lambda and omega_log using the weighted sum over the irred q-points
 978 !found in the GKK file. All the data we need are stored in elph_ds%qgrid_data
 979 !============================================================================
 981  if (master == me) then
 982    fname=trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_QPTS'
 983    call outelph(elph_ds,anaddb_dtset%enunit,fname)
 984  end if
 986 !========================================================
 987 !Get FS averaged gamma matrices and Fourier transform to real space
 988 !========================================================
 990  ABI_ALLOCATE(coskr, (elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt))
 991  ABI_ALLOCATE(sinkr, (elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt))
 992  call ftgam_init(ifc%gprim, elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt, elph_ds%qpt_full, Ifc%rpt, coskr, sinkr)
 994  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 995  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
 996 & '-elphon begin integration of gkq after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 997  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 998  tcpui = tcpu
 999  twalli = twall
1001  call integrate_gamma(elph_ds,FSfullpqtofull)
1003  if (elph_ds%symgkq ==1) then
1004 !  complete the gamma_qpt here instead of the gkk previously
1005    call complete_gamma(Cryst,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_ds%nqptirred,elph_ds%nqpt_full,&
1006 &   elph_ds%ep_scalprod,elph_ds%qirredtofull,qpttoqpt,elph_ds%gamma_qpt)
1007  end if
1009 !Now FT to real space too
1010 !NOTE: gprim (not gprimd) is used for all FT interpolations,
1011 !to be consistent with the dimensions of the rpt, which come from anaddb.
1012  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%gamma_rpt, (2,elph_ds%nbranch**2,elph_ds%nsppol,Ifc%nrpt))
1013  elph_ds%gamma_rpt = zero
1015  qtor = 1 ! q --> r
1016  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
1017    call ftgam(Ifc%wghatm,elph_ds%gamma_qpt(:,:,isppol,:),elph_ds%gamma_rpt(:,:,isppol,:),natom,&
1018 &   elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt,qtor, coskr, sinkr)
1019  end do
1021  call timein(tcpu,twall)
1022  write(message, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )&
1023 & '-elphon end integration and completion of gkq after tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
1024  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1025  tcpui = tcpu
1026  twalli = twall
1029 !==========================================================
1030 !calculate transport matrix elements, integrated over FS
1031 !==========================================================
1033  if (elph_tr_ds%ifltransport == 1)then ! LOVA
1035    call integrate_gamma_tr_lova(elph_ds,FSfullpqtofull,elph_tr_ds)
1037    call complete_gamma_tr(cryst,elph_ds%ep_scalprod,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nqptirred,&
1038 &   elph_ds%nqpt_full,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_trout,elph_ds%qirredtofull,qpttoqpt)
1040    call complete_gamma_tr(cryst,elph_ds%ep_scalprod,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nqptirred,&
1041 &   elph_ds%nqpt_full,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_trin,elph_ds%qirredtofull,qpttoqpt)
1043    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_trout,(2,9,elph_ds%nbranch**2,elph_ds%nsppol,Ifc%nrpt))
1044    elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_trout = zero
1046    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_trin,(2,9,elph_ds%nbranch**2,elph_ds%nsppol,Ifc%nrpt))
1047    elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_trin = zero
1049 !  Now FT to real space too
1050    qtor = 1 ! q --> r
1051    do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
1052      do idir=1,9
1053        call ftgam(Ifc%wghatm,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_trout(:,idir,:,isppol,:),&
1054 &       elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_trout(:,idir,:,isppol,:),natom,&
1055 &       elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt,qtor, coskr, sinkr)
1057        call ftgam(Ifc%wghatm,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_trin(:,idir,:,isppol,:),&
1058 &       elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_trin(:,idir,:,isppol,:),natom,&
1059 &       elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt,qtor, coskr, sinkr)
1060      end do
1061    end do
1063  else if (elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==2) then ! non-LOVA case
1065 !  Get Ef, DOS(Ef), veloc(Ef) for looped temperatures
1066    call get_nv_fs_temp(elph_ds,BSt,eigenGS_fine,cryst%gprimd,max_occ,elph_tr_ds)
1068 !  Get DOS(E), veloc(E) for looped energy levels
1069    call get_nv_fs_en(cryst,ifc,elph_ds,eigenGS_fine,max_occ,elph_tr_ds,omega_max)
1071 !  Save the E, N(E), v^2(E), dE
1072    if (master == me) then
1073      fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_EPTS'
1074      if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_epts,status="unknown") /=0) then
1075        MSG_ERROR(message)
1076      end if
1077      do isppol = 1, elph_ds%nsppol
1078        write(unit_epts,"(a,i6)") '# E, N(E), v^2(E), dE for spin channel ', isppol
1079        do ie1 = 1, elph_ds%nenergy
1080          write(unit_epts,"(4E20.12)") elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie1), elph_tr_ds%dos_n(ie1,isppol),&
1081 &         elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(1,isppol,ie1), elph_tr_ds%de_all(isppol,ie1)
1082        end do
1083      end do
1084      close(unit=unit_epts)
1085    end if
1087    ABI_ALLOCATE(tmp_veloc_sq1,(3,elph_ds%nsppol))
1088    ABI_ALLOCATE(tmp_veloc_sq2,(3,elph_ds%nsppol))
1089    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight1,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%nsppol))
1090    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight2,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%nsppol))
1091    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk1,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
1092    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk2,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
1093    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk1,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,3,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
1094    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk2,(elph_ds%ngkkband,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,3,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
1096    tmp_veloc_sq1 = zero
1097    tmp_veloc_sq2 = zero
1098    elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight1 = zero
1099    elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight2 = zero
1100    elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk1 = zero
1101    elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk2 = zero
1102    elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk1 = zero
1103    elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk2 = zero
1105    if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 1) then
1106      tmp_nenergy = 1
1107    else if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 0) then
1108      tmp_nenergy = elph_ds%nenergy
1109    else
1110      write(message,'(a,i0)')' ep_lova must be 0 or 1 while it is : ', elph_ds%ep_lova
1111      MSG_ERROR(message)
1112    end if
1114 !  This only works for ONE temperature!! for test only
1115    elph_ds%n0(:) = elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(1,:)
1117 !  bxu, no need for complete sets of ie1 and ie2
1118 !  Only save those within the range of omega_max from Ef
1119    ABI_ALLOCATE(pair2red,(tmp_nenergy,tmp_nenergy))
1120    pair2red = zero
1122    elph_ds%n_pair = 0
1123    do ie1=1,tmp_nenergy
1124      e1 = elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,ie1)
1125      e2 = e1 - omega_max
1126      if (e2 .lt. elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,1)) then
1127        i_start = 1
1128      else
1129        i_start = 1
1130        diff = dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,1))
1131        do ie2 = 2, tmp_nenergy
1132          if (dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,ie2)) .lt. diff) then
1133            diff = dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,ie2))
1134            i_start = ie2
1135          end if
1136        end do
1137      end if
1138      e2 = e1 + omega_max
1139      if (e2 .gt. elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,tmp_nenergy)) then
1140        i_end = tmp_nenergy
1141      else
1142        i_end = 1
1143        diff = dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,1))
1144        do ie2 = 2, tmp_nenergy
1145          if (dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,ie2)) .lt. diff) then
1146            diff = dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(1,ie2))
1147            i_end = ie2
1148          end if
1149        end do
1150      end if
1151      do ie2 = i_start, i_end
1152        elph_ds%n_pair = elph_ds%n_pair + 1
1153        pair2red(ie1,ie2) = elph_ds%n_pair
1154      end do
1155    end do
1157 !  symmetrize paire2red
1158    elph_ds%n_pair = 0
1159    do ie1 = 1, tmp_nenergy
1160      do ie2 = 1, tmp_nenergy
1161        if (pair2red(ie1,ie2) .ne. 0 .or. pair2red(ie2,ie1) .ne. 0) then
1162          elph_ds%n_pair = elph_ds%n_pair + 1
1163          pair2red(ie1,ie2) = elph_ds%n_pair
1164        end if
1165      end do
1166    end do
1168    write(message,'(a,i3,a)')' There are  ', elph_ds%n_pair, '  energy pairs. '
1169    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1171    ABI_ALLOCATE(red2pair,(2,elph_ds%n_pair))
1172    red2pair = zero
1173    elph_ds%n_pair = 0
1174    do ie1 = 1, tmp_nenergy
1175      do ie2 = 1, tmp_nenergy
1176        if (pair2red(ie1,ie2) .ne. 0 .or. pair2red(ie2,ie1) .ne. 0) then
1177          elph_ds%n_pair = elph_ds%n_pair + 1
1178          red2pair(1,elph_ds%n_pair) = ie1
1179          red2pair(2,elph_ds%n_pair) = ie2
1180        end if
1181      end do
1182    end do
1184 !  moved from integrate_gamma_tr to here
1185    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_tr,(2,9,elph_ds%nbranch**2,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_ds%nqpt_full))
1186    ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_tr,(2,9,elph_ds%nbranch**2,elph_ds%nsppol,Ifc%nrpt,4,elph_ds%n_pair))
1187    elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_tr = zero
1189    s1ofssp = (/1,1,-1,-1/)
1190    s2ofssp = (/1,-1,1,-1/)
1192 !  Get gamma
1193    do ie=1,elph_ds%n_pair
1194      ie1 = red2pair(1,ie)
1195      ie2 = red2pair(2,ie)
1197      tmp_veloc_sq1(:,:)=elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(:,:,ie1)
1198      elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight1(:,:,:) = elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight(:,:,:,ie1)
1199      elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk1(:,:,:,:) = elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk(:,:,:,:,ie1)
1200      elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk1(:,:,:,:,:) = elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk(:,:,:,:,:,ie1)
1202      tmp_veloc_sq2(:,:)=elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(:,:,ie2)
1203      elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight2(:,:,:) = elph_tr_ds%tmp_gkk_intweight(:,:,:,ie2)
1204      elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk2(:,:,:,:) = elph_tr_ds%tmp_velocwtk(:,:,:,:,ie2)
1205      elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk2(:,:,:,:,:) = elph_tr_ds%tmp_vvelocwtk(:,:,:,:,:,ie2)
1207      do ssp=1,4  ! (s,s'=+/-1, condense the indices)
1208        s1=s1ofssp(ssp)
1209        s2=s2ofssp(ssp)
1210        elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_tr = zero
1212        call integrate_gamma_tr(elph_ds,FSfullpqtofull,s1,s2, &
1213 &       tmp_veloc_sq1,tmp_veloc_sq2,elph_tr_ds)
1215        call complete_gamma_tr(cryst,elph_ds%ep_scalprod,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nqptirred,&
1216 &       elph_ds%nqpt_full,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_tr,elph_ds%qirredtofull,qpttoqpt)
1218 !      Now FT to real space too
1219        qtor = 1 ! q --> r
1220        do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
1221          do idir=1,9
1222            call ftgam(Ifc%wghatm,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_tr(:,idir,:,isppol,:),&
1223 &           elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_tr(:,idir,:,isppol,:,ssp,ie),natom,&
1224 &           elph_ds%nqpt_full,Ifc%nrpt,qtor,coskr, sinkr)
1225          end do
1226        end do
1228      end do !ss
1229    end do !ie
1231    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tmp_veloc_sq1)
1232    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tmp_veloc_sq2)
1233  end if ! ifltransport
1235  ABI_DEALLOCATE(qpttoqpt)
1236  ABI_DEALLOCATE(FSfullpqtofull)
1239 !==============================================================
1240 !Calculate phonon linewidths, interpolating on chosen qpoints
1241 !==============================================================
1243  call mkph_linwid(Cryst,ifc,elph_ds,anaddb_dtset%nqpath,anaddb_dtset%qpath)
1245 !==============================================================
1246 !the nesting factor calculation
1247 !FIXME: this could go higher up, before the call to get_all_gkq
1248 !you only need the kpt and weight info
1249 !==============================================================
1250  if (any(anaddb_dtset%prtnest==[1,2])) then
1252    nestname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // "_NEST"
1253    call mknesting(elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt,elph_ds%k_phon%kpt,elph_ds%kptrlatt,elph_ds%nFSband,&
1254 &   elph_ds%k_phon%wtk,anaddb_dtset%nqpath,anaddb_dtset%qpath,elph_ds%nqpt_full, &
1255 &   elph_ds%qpt_full,nestname,cryst%gprimd,cryst%gmet,anaddb_dtset%prtnest,qptrlatt)
1256  end if
1258 !======================================================
1259 !Calculate alpha^2 F integrating over fine kpt_phon grid
1260 !======================================================
1262  ABI_ALLOCATE(a2f_1d,(elph_ds%na2f))
1263  ABI_ALLOCATE(dos_phon,(elph_ds%na2f))
1265  call mka2f(Cryst,Ifc,a2f_1d,dos_phon,elph_ds,elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine,elph_ds%mustar)
1267 !calculate transport spectral function and coefficients
1268  if (elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==1 )then ! LOVA
1270    call mka2f_tr_lova(cryst,ifc,elph_ds,elph_ds%ntemper,elph_ds%tempermin,elph_ds%temperinc,elph_tr_ds)
1272  else if (elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==2 )then ! non LOVA
1274    call mka2f_tr(cryst,ifc,elph_ds,elph_ds%ntemper,elph_ds%tempermin,elph_ds%temperinc,pair2red,elph_tr_ds)
1276    ABI_DEALLOCATE(pair2red)
1277    ABI_DEALLOCATE(red2pair)
1279  else if (elph_tr_ds%ifltransport==3 )then ! get k-dependent tau
1281    call get_tau_k(Cryst,ifc,Bst,elph_ds,elph_tr_ds,eigenGS,max_occ)
1282    !call trans_rta(elph_ds,elph_tr_ds,cryst%gprimd,eigenGS,max_occ,cryst%ucvol)
1283  end if ! ifltransport
1286  ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigenGS_fine)
1289 !evaluate a2F only using the input Q-grid (without using interpolated matrices)
1290 !SCOPE: test the validity of the Fourier interpolation
1291  call wrtout(std_out,' elphon : calling mka2fQgrid',"COLL")
1293  fname=trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_A2F_QGRID'
1294  call mka2fQgrid(elph_ds,fname)
1296 !=============================================
1297 !Eliashberg equation in 1-D (isotropic case)
1298 !=============================================
1300  call eliashberg_1d(a2f_1d,elph_ds,anaddb_dtset%mustar)
1302  ABI_DEALLOCATE(a2f_1d)
1303  ABI_DEALLOCATE(dos_phon)
1305 !MJV: 20070805 should exit here. None of the rest is tested or used yet to my knowledge
1307 !========================================================================
1308 !Now gkk contains the matrix elements of dH(1)/dxi i=1,2,3
1309 !for kpoints on the FS but qpoints only in the given grid {Q}.
1310 !
1311 !1.) Need to complete the gkk elements for q and k\prime=k+q not
1312 !in the set of {k+Q} by Fourier interpolation on the Q.
1313 !
1314 !2.) Need to complete the dynamical matrices and phonon freqs for
1315 !all q between points on the FS.
1316 !
1317 !3.) With the eigenvectors e_ph of the dyn mats, do the scalar product
1318 !e_ph . gkk, which implies the gkk are turned to the eigenbasis of
1319 !the phonons. Before the (non eigen-) modes are ordered
1320 !atom1 xred1 atom1 xred2 atom1 xred3
1321 !atom2 xred1 atom2 xred2 atom2 xred3 ...
1322 !=======================================================================
1324  make_gkk2=.false.
1326  if (.not. make_gkk2) then
1327    call wrtout(std_out,' elphon : skipping full g(k,k") interpolation ',"COLL")
1328  else
1330 !  ==========================================================
1331 !  FT of recip space gkk matrices to real space (gkk_rpt)
1332 !  NOTE: could be made into FFT, couldnt it? If shifts are
1333 !  used with a homogeneous grid
1334 !  ==========================================================
1335    write (message,'(2a,i0)')ch10,&
1336 &   ' elphon : Fourier transform (q --> r) of the gkk matrices using nrpt = ',Ifc%nrpt
1337    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1339    call get_all_gkr(elph_ds,ifc%gprim,natom,Ifc%nrpt,onegkksize,Ifc%rpt,elph_ds%qpt_full,Ifc%wghatm)
1341 !  =========================================================
1342 !  complete gkk2 for all qpts between points
1343 !  on full kpt grid (interpolation from real space values)
1344 !  =========================================================
1346    write(message,'(2a)')ch10,&
1347 &   ' elphon : Calling get_all_gkk2 to calculate gkk2 for q points over the full k grid'
1348    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1350    call get_all_gkk2(cryst,ifc,elph_ds,elph_ds%k_phon%kptirr,elph_ds%k_phon%kpt)
1351  end if
1353 !=====================================================
1354 !Here should be the anisotropic Eliashberg equations.
1355 !=====================================================
1357 !clean and deallocate junk
1358  call ebands_free(Bst)
1359  call elph_ds_clean(elph_ds)
1360  call elph_tr_ds_clean(elph_tr_ds)
1361  call hdr_free(hdr)
1363  ABI_DEALLOCATE(coskr)
1364  ABI_DEALLOCATE(sinkr)
1366  if (is_open(elph_ds%unitgkq)) close(elph_ds%unitgkq)
1368 end subroutine elphon