ABINIT/alignph [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Construct linear combinations of the phonon eigendisplacements
 of degenerate modes in order to align the mode effective charges
 along the axes of the cartesian frame.


 amu(ntypat)=mass of the atoms (atomic mass unit)
 the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
 The first index means either the real or the imaginary part,
 The second index runs on the direction and the atoms displaced
 The third index runs on the modes.
  dynamical matrix, effective charges, dielectric tensor,....
  all in cartesian coordinates
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 ntypat=number of types of atoms
 phfrq(3*natom)=phonon frequencies (square root of the dynamical
  matrix eigenvalues, except if these are negative, and in this
  case, give minus the square root of the absolute value
  of the matrix eigenvalues). Hartree units.
 typat(natom)=integer label of each type of atom (1,2,...)


  the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
  The eigendisplacements of degenerate modes have been aligned along
  the cartesian axes.


640 subroutine alignph(amu,displ,d2cart,mpert,natom,ntypat,phfrq,typat)
642 !Arguments -------------------------------
643 !scalars
644  integer,intent(in) :: mpert,natom,ntypat
645 !arrays
646  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
647  real(dp),intent(in) :: amu(ntypat),d2cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert),phfrq(3*natom)
648  real(dp),intent(inout) :: displ(2,3*natom,3*natom)
650 !Local variables -------------------------
651 !scalars
652  integer,parameter :: master=0
653  integer :: i1,idir1,idir2,ii,imode,imodex,imodey,imodez,ipert1
654  real(dp) :: theta
655 !arrays
656  integer,allocatable :: deg(:)
657  real(dp) :: zvec(3,3),zvect(3,3)
658  real(dp),allocatable :: modez(:,:,:),modezabs(:),oscstr(:,:,:),vec(:,:),vect(:,:)
660 ! *********************************************************************
662 !Get the oscillator strength and mode effective charge for each mode
663  ABI_MALLOC(oscstr,(2,3,3*natom))
664  ABI_MALLOC(modez,(2,3,3*natom))
665  ABI_MALLOC(modezabs,(3*natom))
666  ABI_MALLOC(vec,(3*natom,3))
667  ABI_MALLOC(vect,(3*natom,3))
668  ABI_MALLOC(deg,(3*natom))
670  write(std_out,'(a,a)')ch10,' alignph : before modifying the eigenvectors, mode number and mode effective charges :'
671  do imode=1,3*natom
672    modezabs(imode)=zero
673    do ii=1,2
674      do idir2=1,3
675        oscstr(ii,idir2,imode)=zero
676        modez(ii,idir2,imode)=zero
677        do idir1=1,3
678          do ipert1=1,natom
679            i1=idir1+(ipert1-1)*3
680            oscstr(ii,idir2,imode)=oscstr(ii,idir2,imode)+&
681 &           displ(ii,i1,imode)*&
682 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)
683            modez(ii,idir2,imode)=modez(ii,idir2,imode)+&
684 &           displ(ii,i1,imode)*&
685 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)*&
686 &           sqrt(amu(typat(ipert1))*amu_emass)
687          end do
688        end do
689        if(abs(modez(ii,idir2,imode))>modezabs(imode))modezabs(imode)=abs(modez(ii,idir2,imode))
690      end do
691    end do
692    write(std_out,'(i4,3f16.6)')imode,modez(1,:,imode)
693  end do
695 !Find degenerate modes with non-zero mode effective charge
696  imode = 0
697  do while (imode < 3*natom)
698    imode = imode + 1
699    if (imode == 3*natom) then
700      deg(imode) = 1
701    else if (abs(phfrq(imode) - phfrq(imode+1)) > tol6 .or. modezabs(imode)<tol8 .or. modezabs(imode+1)<tol8) then
702 !    Differ by phonon frequency or zero mode effective charge
703      deg(imode) = 1
704    else
705      deg(imode) = 2
706      if (imode < 3*natom - 1) then
707        if (abs(phfrq(imode) - phfrq(imode+2)) < tol6 .and. modezabs(imode+2)>tol8) then
708          deg(imode) = 3
709          imode = imode + 1
710        end if
711      end if
712      imode = imode + 1
713    end if
714  end do
717 !In case of a degenerate mode, with non-zero mode effective charge, align the mode effective charge vector along
718 !the axes of the cartesian frame
719  imode = 1
720  do while (imode <= 3*natom)
722    write(std_out,'(a,a,i4,a,i2)')ch10,' Mode number ',imode,' has degeneracy ',deg(imode)
723    write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of this mode =',modez(1,:,imode)
725    if (deg(imode) == 2) then
727 !    Optimize on the x direction
728      write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of next mode =',modez(1,:,imode+1)
729      if (abs(modez(1,1,imode)) > tol8) then
730        theta = atan(-modez(1,1,imode+1)/modez(1,1,imode))
731        vec(:,1) = displ(1,:,imode)
732        vec(:,2) = displ(1,:,imode+1)
733        displ(1,:,imode) = cos(theta)*vec(:,1) - sin(theta)*vec(:,2)
734        displ(1,:,imode+1) = sin(theta)*vec(:,1) + cos(theta)*vec(:,2)
735      end if
737    else if (deg(imode) == 3) then
739      write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of next mode =',modez(1,:,imode+1)
740      write(std_out,'(a,3es16.6)') ' Mode effective charge of next-next mode =',modez(1,:,imode+2)
742 !    Before mixing them, select the mode-effective charge vectors as being predominently "x", "y" or "z" type.
743      if(abs(modez(1,1,imode))>abs(modez(1,2,imode))-tol12 .and. &
744 &     abs(modez(1,1,imode))>abs(modez(1,3,imode))-tol12) then
745        imodex=imode
746        if(abs(modez(1,2,imode+1))>abs(modez(1,3,imode+1))-tol12)then
747          imodey=imode+1 ; imodez=imode+2
748        else
749          imodez=imode+1 ; imodey=imode+2
750        end if
751      else if(abs(modez(1,2,imode))>abs(modez(1,1,imode))-tol12 .and. &
752 &       abs(modez(1,2,imode))>abs(modez(1,3,imode))-tol12) then
753        imodey=imode
754        if(abs(modez(1,1,imode+1))>abs(modez(1,3,imode+1))-tol12)then
755          imodex=imode+1 ; imodez=imode+2
756        else
757          imodez=imode+1 ; imodex=imode+2
758        end if
759      else
760        imodez=imode
761        if(abs(modez(1,1,imode+1))>abs(modez(1,2,imode+1))-tol12)then
762          imodex=imode+1 ; imodey=imode+2
763        else
764          imodey=imode+1 ; imodex=imode+2
765        end if
766      end if
767      vec(:,1)=displ(1,:,imodex)
768      vec(:,2)=displ(1,:,imodey)
769      vec(:,3)=displ(1,:,imodez)
770      zvec(:,1)=modez(1,:,imodex)
771      zvec(:,2)=modez(1,:,imodey)
772      zvec(:,3)=modez(1,:,imodez)
775 !    Optimize along x : does the first vector has a component along x ?
776      if (abs(zvec(1,1)) > tol8) then
777 !      Optimize on the (1,2) pair of modes along x
778        theta = atan(-zvec(1,2)/zvec(1,1))
779        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
780        zvec(:,1) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,1) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,2)
781        zvec(:,2) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,1) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,2)
782        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
783        vec(:,1) = cos(theta)*vect(:,1) - sin(theta)*vect(:,2)
784        vec(:,2) = sin(theta)*vect(:,1) + cos(theta)*vect(:,2)
785 !      Optimize on the (1,3) pair of modes along x
786        theta = atan(-zvec(1,3)/zvec(1,1))
787        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
788        zvec(:,1) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,1) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
789        zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,1) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
790        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
791        vec(:,1) = cos(theta)*vect(:,1) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
792        vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,1) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
793        if (abs(zvec(2,2)) > tol8) then
794 !        Optimize on the (2,3) pair of modes along y
795          theta = atan(-zvec(2,3)/zvec(2,2))
796          zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
797          zvec(:,2) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,2) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
798          zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,2) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
799          vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
800          vec(:,2) = cos(theta)*vect(:,2) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
801          vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,2) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
802        end if
803 !    Likely, the remaining is not needed ... because the vectors have been ordered in x, y, and z major component ...
804 !    Optimize along x : does the second vector has a component along x ?
805      else if(abs(zvec(1,2)) > tol8) then
806 !      Optimize on the (2,3) pair of modes along x
807        theta = atan(-zvec(1,3)/zvec(1,2))
808        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
809        zvec(:,2) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,2) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
810        zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,2) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
811        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
812        vec(:,2) = cos(theta)*vect(:,2) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
813        vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,2) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
814 !      Optimize on the (1,3) pair of modes along y
815        if (abs(zvec(2,1)) > tol8) then
816          theta = atan(-zvec(2,3)/zvec(2,1))
817          zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
818          zvec(:,1) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,1) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
819          zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,1) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
820          vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
821          vec(:,1) = cos(theta)*vect(:,1) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
822          vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,1) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
823        end if
824 !    We are left with the pair of vectors (2,3)
825      else if (abs(zvec(2,2)) > tol8) then
826 !      Optimize on the (2,3) pair of modes along y
827        theta = atan(-zvec(2,3)/zvec(2,2))
828        zvect(:,:)=zvec(:,:)
829        zvec(:,2) = cos(theta)*zvect(:,2) - sin(theta)*zvect(:,3)
830        zvec(:,3) = sin(theta)*zvect(:,2) + cos(theta)*zvect(:,3)
831        vect(:,:)=vec(:,:)
832        vec(:,2) = cos(theta)*vect(:,2) - sin(theta)*vect(:,3)
833        vec(:,3) = sin(theta)*vect(:,2) + cos(theta)*vect(:,3)
834      end if
836      displ(1,:,imodex)=vec(:,1)
837      displ(1,:,imodey)=vec(:,2)
838      displ(1,:,imodez)=vec(:,3)
840 !    Previous coding, from Marek. Apparently, break the orthogonalization of vectors ...
841 !    do ii = 1,3
842 !      coeff(:) = 0._dp
843 !      if (ii == 1) then
844 !        jj = 2 ; kk = 3
845 !      else if (ii == 2) then
846 !        jj = 1 ; kk = 3
847 !      else
848 !        jj = 1 ; kk = 2
849 !      end if
850 !      coeff(ii) = 1._dp
851 !      c1 = modez(1,jj,imode+ii-1)
852 !      c2 = modez(1,jj,imode+jj-1)
853 !      c3 = modez(1,jj,imode+kk-1)
854 !      c4 = modez(1,kk,imode+ii-1)
855 !      c5 = modez(1,kk,imode+jj-1)
856 !      c6 = modez(1,kk,imode+kk-1)
857 !      dtm = c2*c6 - c3*c5
858 !      if (abs(dtm) > tol8) then
859 !        coeff(jj) = (c3*c4 - c1*c6)/dtm
860 !        coeff(kk) = (c1*c5 - c2*c4)/dtm
861 !      end if
862 !      mod_ = sqrt(1._dp + coeff(jj)*coeff(jj) + coeff(kk)*coeff(kk))
863 !      coeff(:) = coeff(:)/mod_
864 !      displ(1,:,imode+ii-1) = coeff(1)*vec(1,:) + coeff(2)*vec(2,:) + &
865 !&       coeff(3)*vec(3,:)
866 !    end do
868    end if ! if deg mode
870    imode = imode + deg(imode)
872  end do
874  write(std_out,'(a,a)')ch10,' alignph : after modifying the eigenvectors, mode number and mode effective charges :'
875  do imode=1,3*natom
876    do ii=1,2
877      do idir2=1,3
878        modez(ii,idir2,imode)=zero
879        do idir1=1,3
880          do ipert1=1,natom
881            i1=idir1+(ipert1-1)*3
882            modez(ii,idir2,imode)=modez(ii,idir2,imode)+&
883 &           displ(ii,i1,imode)*&
884 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)*&
885 &           sqrt(amu(typat(ipert1))*amu_emass)
886          end do
887        end do
888      end do
889    end do
890    write(std_out,'(i4,3f16.6)')imode,modez(1,:,imode)
891  end do
893  ABI_FREE(deg)
894  ABI_FREE(oscstr)
895  ABI_FREE(modez)
896  ABI_FREE(modezabs)
897  ABI_FREE(vec)
898  ABI_FREE(vect)
900 end subroutine alignph

ABINIT/ddb_diel [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Get the frequency-dependent dielectric matrix, as well as the
 oscillator strengths and mode effective charges,
 and reflectivities (without damping)
 See the definitions Eq.(53-54) in PRB55, 10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]].


 amu(ntypat)=mass of the atoms (atomic mass unit)
 anaddb_dtset= (derived datatype) contains all the input variables
 matrix (diagonal in the atoms)
  the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
  The first index means either the real or the imaginary part,
  The second index runs on the direction and the atoms displaced
  The third index runs on the modes.
 d2cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)=dynamical matrix, effective charges, dielectric tensor,... all in cartesian coordinates
 iout=unit number for outputs
 lst(3*nph2l)=log. of product of frequencies**2, needed to calculate
  the generalized Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation at zero frequency
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 nph2l=input variable from anaddb_dtset, needed to dimension lst
 phfrq(3*natom)=phonon frequencies (square root of the dynamical
  matrix eigenvalues, except if these are negative, and in this
  case, give minus the square root of the absolute value
  of the matrix eigenvalues). Hartree units.
 comm=MPI communicator.
 ncid=the id of the open NetCDF file. Set to nctk_noid if netcdf output is not wanted.


 fact_oscstr(2,3,3*natom)=oscillator strengths for the different eigenmodes,
  for different direction of the electric field;
 dielt_rlx(3,3) relaxed ion (zero frequency) dielectric tensor.


 1. The phonon frequencies phfrq should correspond to the
 wavevector at Gamma, without any non-analyticities.
 2. Should clean for no imaginary part ...
 This routine should be used only by one processor.
 3. frdiel(3,3,nfreq)= frequency-dependent dielectric tensor
 mode effective charges for the different eigenmodes,
 for different direction of the electric field


 98 subroutine ddb_diel(Crystal,amu,anaddb_dtset,dielt_rlx,displ,d2cart,epsinf,fact_oscstr,&
 99 & iout,lst,mpert,natom,nph2l,phfrq,comm,ncid)
101 !Arguments -------------------------------
102 !scalars
103  integer,intent(in) :: iout,mpert,natom,nph2l,comm,ncid
104  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Crystal
105  type(anaddb_dataset_type),intent(in) :: anaddb_dtset
106  real(dp),intent(in) :: lst(nph2l+1)
108 !arrays
109  real(dp),intent(in) :: amu(Crystal%ntypat),d2cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
110  real(dp),intent(in) :: phfrq(3*natom),epsinf(3,3)
111  real(dp),intent(inout) :: displ(2,3*natom,3*natom)
112  real(dp),intent(out) :: dielt_rlx(3,3),fact_oscstr(2,3,3*natom)
114 !Local variables -------------------------
115 !scalars
116  integer,parameter :: master=0
117  integer :: dieflag,idir1,idir2,ifreq,ii,imode,iphl2,nfreq
118  integer :: nprocs,my_rank,ncerr
119  real(dp) :: afreq,difffr,eps,q2,ucvol
120  character(len=500) :: message
121 !arrays
122  real(dp) :: qphon(3),refl(3)
123  real(dp),allocatable :: frdiel(:,:,:),modez(:,:,:),oscstr(:,:,:,:),dielt_modedecompo(:,:,:)
125 ! *********************************************************************
127  nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
129  dieflag=anaddb_dtset%dieflag
130  nfreq=anaddb_dtset%nfreq
132  ucvol = Crystal%ucvol
135 ! frdiel(3,3,nfreq)= frequency-dependent dielectric tensor
136 ! modez=mode effective charge
137  ABI_MALLOC(frdiel,(3,3,nfreq))
138  ABI_MALLOC(oscstr,(2,3,3,3*natom))
139  ABI_MALLOC(modez,(2,3,3*natom))
140  ABI_MALLOC(dielt_modedecompo,(3,3,3*natom))
142 !In case only the electronic dielectric constant should be printed
143  if (dieflag==2) then
144    call ddb_diel_elec(iout,epsinf)
145  else
146 !  In case the ionic contribution to the dielectric tensor is asked
147    if (dieflag/=2 .and. nph2l==0) then
148 !   Check if the alignement of phonon modes eigenvector is requested from the input flag alphon;
149 !   useful in case of degenerate modes 
150      if (anaddb_dtset%alphon > 0) then
151        write(message, '(3a)' )&
152         ' The alphon input variable is non-zero, will mix the degenerate phonon modes',ch10,&
153         ' in order to align the mode effective charges with the cartesian axes.'
154        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
155        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
156        call alignph(amu,displ,d2cart,mpert,natom,Crystal%ntypat,phfrq,Crystal%typat)
157      end if ! alignment of the phonon eigenvectors
159 !    Compute the mode effective charge and oscillator strength
160      call ddb_oscstr(displ,d2cart,fact_oscstr,oscstr,modez,iout,mpert,natom,phfrq,ncid,my_rank)
162 !      Calculation of epsilon_r (Eq.55 PRB 55, 10355)
163 !      Check the acousticity of the three lowest modes, assuming
164 !      that they are ordered correctly
165        if (abs(phfrq(1))>abs(phfrq(4)))then
166 !        This means that there is at least one mode with truly negative frequency
167          write(message, '(12a,4es16.8)' )&
168            'The lowest mode appears to be a "true" negative mode,',ch10,&
169            'and not an acoustic mode. This precludes the computation',ch10,&
170            'of the frequency-dependent dielectric tensor.',ch10,&
171            'Action : likely there is no action to be taken, although you,',ch10,&
172            'could try to raise your convergence parameters (ecut and k-points).',ch10,&
173            'For your information, here are the four lowest frequencies :',ch10,&
174            (phfrq(ii),ii=1,4)
175          ABI_ERROR(message)
176        end if
178 !      Compute the relaxed ion dielectric tensor
179        do idir1=1,3
180          do idir2=1,3
181 !          The electronic contribution to epsilon is added 
182            dielt_rlx(idir1,idir2)=epsinf(idir1,idir2)
183 !          calculation of the phonon contribution (ionic) to epsilon
184            do imode=4,3*natom
185 !            Note that the acoustic modes are not included : their
186 !            oscillator strength should be exactly zero
187 !            Also, only the real part of oscstr is taken into account:
188 !            the possible imaginary parts of degenerate modes
189 !            will cancel.
190              dielt_rlx(idir1,idir2)=dielt_rlx(idir1,idir2)+&
191 &             oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode) / (phfrq(imode)**2)*four_pi/ucvol
192 !            Mode decomposition of epsilon
193              if (dieflag==3)then
194                dielt_modedecompo(idir1,idir2,imode)=oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode) / (phfrq(imode)**2)*four_pi/ucvol
195              endif ! mode decompo of epsilon 
196 !DEBUG
197 !         if(idir1==1 .and. idir2==2)then
198 !           write(std_out,'(a,i4,a,3es16.6)')'imode=',imode,' dielt_rlx(idir1,idir2),oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode),phfrq(imode)=',&
199 !&            dielt_rlx(idir1,idir2),oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode),phfrq(imode)
200 !         endif
202            end do ! imode
203          end do ! idir2
204        end do ! idir1
206        ! Print the electronic dielectric tensor 
207        call ddb_diel_elec(iout,epsinf)
209        ! Print the relaxed ion dielectric tensor
210        write(message,'(a,a)') ch10,' Relaxed ion dielectric tensor'
211        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
212        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
214        do idir1=1,3
215          write(message,'(3f16.8)')(dielt_rlx(idir1,idir2),idir2=1,3)
216          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
217          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
218        end do
219        call wrtout(iout, " ",'COLL')
220        call wrtout(std_out, " ",'COLL')
222 !      Mode decompo of epsilon
223        if (dieflag==3) then
224          write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10,' Mode by mode decomposition of the ionic dielectric tensor',&
225                                     ch10,' (the electronic contribution is not included)'
226          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
227          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
228          do imode=4,3*natom
229            write(message,'(a,a,i4,a,es14.6,a,a,3f8.3)') ch10,' Mode number ',imode, '    freq = ',phfrq(imode),' Ha', &
230                                                           '   Mode Z* (|x|, |y|, |z|)', (abs(modez(1,idir1,imode)),idir1=1,3)
231            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
232            call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
233            do idir1=1,3
234            ! write(message,'(a,a,i4)') ch10,' Mode number 2',imode
235              write(message,'(3f16.8)')(dielt_modedecompo(idir1,idir2,imode),idir2=1,3)
236              call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
237              call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
238            end do 
239          end do
240        endif ! mode decompo of epsilon
242        ! write the relaxed ion dielectric tensor to the netcdf
243 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
244        if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
245          ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [nctkarr_t("emacro_cart_rlx", "dp", &
246          "number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_cartesian_directions")],defmode=.True.)
247          NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
248          NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
249          NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "emacro_cart_rlx"), dielt_rlx))
250        end if
251 #endif
253 !    Frequency-dependent dielectric tensor case
254      if(dieflag==1) then
255        write(message,'(4a)') ch10,ch10,' Calculate the freq. dep. dielectric constant',ch10
256        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
257        write(message,'(3a)') ch10,' Frequency dependent dielectric constant:',ch10
258        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
260 !      Check the possibility of asking the frequency-dependent
261 !      dielectric tensor (there should be more than one atom in the unit cell)
262 !      EB: this check is not in any automatic test
263        if(natom==1)then
264          write(message, '(6a)' )&
265            ' ddb_diel : WARNING -',ch10,&
266            '  When there is only one atom in the unit cell',ch10,&
267            '  cell, the dielectric tensor is frequency-independent.'!,&
268 !           '  Consequently, dieflag has been reset to 2 . '
269          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
270          call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
271        end if
273        difffr=zero
274        if(nfreq>1)difffr=(anaddb_dtset%frmax-anaddb_dtset%frmin)/(nfreq-1)
276        if (nfreq>10 .and. my_rank == master) then
277          write(iout, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
278           ' ddb_diel : the number of frequencies is larger',&
279           ' than 10 => I will consider only',ch10,&
280           ' the three principal directions, assume that the tensor',ch10,&
281           ' is diagonalized, and give dielectric constant and ',ch10,&
282           ' reflectivities.'
283          write(iout, '(a,a)' )&
284           ' Frequency(Hartree)    Dielectric constant   ',&
285           '             Reflectivity    '
286          write(iout, '(a,a)' )&
287           '                     x           y          z',&
288           '          x        y        z'
289        end if
291 !      Loop on frequencies
292        do ifreq=1,nfreq
293          afreq=anaddb_dtset%frmin+difffr*(ifreq-1)
294          do idir1=1,3
295            do idir2=1,3
296              frdiel(idir1,idir2,ifreq)=epsinf(idir1,idir2)
297              do imode=4,3*natom
298 !              Note that the acoustic modes are not included : their
299 !              oscillator strength should be exactly zero
300 !              Also, only the real part of oscstr is taken into account:
301 !              the possible imaginary parts of degenerate modes
302 !              will cancel.
303                frdiel(idir1,idir2,ifreq)=frdiel(idir1,idir2,ifreq)+&
304 &               oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode) / (phfrq(imode)**2-afreq**2)*four_pi/ucvol
305              end do
306            end do
307          end do
309         ! Write all this information (actually, there should be a choice of units for the frequencies ...
310         if (nfreq>10) then
311           do idir1=1,3
312             if(frdiel(idir1,idir1,ifreq)<=zero)then
313               refl(idir1)=one
314             else
315 !             See Gervais and Piriou PRB11,3944(1975) [[cite:Gervais1975]].
316               refl(idir1)=( (sqrt(frdiel(idir1,idir1,ifreq)) -one) /(sqrt(frdiel(idir1,idir1,ifreq)) +one) )**2
317             end if
318           end do
319           if (my_rank == master) then
320             write(iout, '(7es12.4)' )afreq,(frdiel(idir1,idir1,ifreq),idir1=1,3),(refl(idir1),idir1=1,3)
321           end if
323         else
324           if (my_rank == master) then
325             write(iout, '(a,es12.4,a)' )' Full dielectric tensor at frequency',afreq,' Hartree'
326             do idir1=1,3
327               write(iout, '(3f16.8)' ) (frdiel(idir1,idir2,ifreq),idir2=1,3)
328             end do
329             write(iout, '(a)' )' '
330           end if
331         end if
333       end do ! End of the loop on frequencies
334     end if ! End the condition on frequency-dependent dielectric tensor (dieflag=1)
335   end if ! dieflag/=2 .and. nph2l==0
336 end if
338 !Calculation of the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller value of the dielectric constant at zero frequency
339 if(nph2l/=0 .and. dieflag/=2) then
341 !  Prepare the output
342    write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
343     ' Generalized Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation at zero frequency :',ch10,&
344     ' Direction                     Dielectric constant'
345    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
346    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
348 !  Examine every wavevector in the phonon list
349    do iphl2=1,anaddb_dtset%nph2l
351      qphon(1:3)=anaddb_dtset%qph2l(1:3,iphl2)
353      if(abs(qphon(1))>DDB_QTOL .or. abs(qphon(2))>DDB_QTOL .or. abs(qphon(3))>DDB_QTOL)then
354        q2=qphon(1)**2+qphon(2)**2+qphon(3)**2
355        eps=qphon(1)**2*epsinf(1,1)+qphon(2)**2*epsinf(2,2)+&
356 &      qphon(3)**2*epsinf(3,3)+ 2* ( qphon(1)*qphon(2)*epsinf(1,2)+&
357 &      qphon(1)*qphon(3)*epsinf(1,3)+qphon(2)*qphon(3)*epsinf(2,3))
358        eps=eps/q2*exp(lst(iphl2)-lst(anaddb_dtset%nph2l+1))
359        if (my_rank == master) then
360          write(iout, '(3f10.5,f16.8)' )qphon,eps
361          write(std_out,'(3f10.5,f16.8)' )qphon,eps
362        end if
363      end if
364    end do
365  end if ! End of the condition of nph2l does not vanish for Lyddane-Sachs-Teller
368  ABI_FREE(frdiel)
369  ABI_FREE(modez)
370  ABI_FREE(oscstr)
371  ABI_FREE(dielt_modedecompo)
373 end subroutine ddb_diel

ABINIT/ddb_diel_elec [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print the electronic dielectric constant (clamped ions)


 iout=unit number for outputs
 epsinf(3,3)= epsilon^infty = electronic contribution to the
  dielectric tensor



395 subroutine ddb_diel_elec(iout,epsinf)
397 !Arguments -------------------------------
398 !scalars
399  integer,intent(in) :: iout
400 !arrays
401  real(dp),intent(in) :: epsinf(3,3)
403 !Local variables -------------------------
404 !scalars
405  integer :: idir1,idir2
406  character(len=500) :: message
407 !arrays
409  write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,' Electronic dielectric tensor'
410  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
411  call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
413  !Compute the electronic contribution to the dielectric tensor
414  !Needs only the perturbations with E-field from the DDB 
415  do idir1=1,3
416 !   do idir2=1,3
417 !     epsinf(idir1,idir2)=d2cart(1,idir1,natom+2,idir2,natom+2)
418 !   end do
419    write(message, '(3f16.8)' )(epsinf(idir1,idir2),idir2=1,3)
420    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
421    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
422  end do
423  call wrtout(iout, " ",'COLL')
424  call wrtout(std_out, " ",'COLL')
426 end subroutine ddb_diel_elec

ABINIT/ddb_oscstr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the oscillator strength and the mode effective charge


  the displacements of atoms in cartesian coordinates.
  The first index means either the real or the imaginary part,
  The second index runs on the direction and the atoms displaced
  The third index runs on the modes.
  dynamical matrix, effective charges, dielectric tensor,....
  all in cartesian coordinates
 iout=unit number for outputs
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 phfrq(3*natom)=phonon frequencies (square root of the dynamical
  matrix eigenvalues, except if these are negative, and in this
  case, give minus the square root of the absolute value
  of the matrix eigenvalues). Hartree units.


 fact_oscstr(2,3,3*natom)=oscillator strengths for the different eigenmodes,
  for different direction of the electric field.
 modez(2,3,3*natom)=mode effective charges for the different eigenmodes,
  for different directions of the electric field, following
  the definition Eq.(53) in PRB55, 10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]]
 oscstr(2,3,3,3*natom)=oscillator strengths, following
  the definition Eq.(54) in PRB55, 10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]]


467 subroutine ddb_oscstr(displ,d2cart,fact_oscstr,oscstr,modez,iout,mpert,natom,phfrq,ncid,my_rank)
469 !Arguments -------------------------------
470 !scalars
471  integer,intent(in) :: iout,mpert,natom,ncid,my_rank
472 !arrays
473  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
474  real(dp),intent(in) :: phfrq(3*natom)
475  real(dp),intent(inout) :: displ(2,3*natom,3*natom)
476  real(dp),intent(out) :: fact_oscstr(2,3,3*natom),oscstr(2,3,3,3*natom),modez(2,3,3*natom)
478 !Local variables -------------------------
479 !scalars
480  integer,parameter :: master=0
481  integer :: i1,idir1,idir2,imode,ipert1
482  integer :: ncerr
483  real(dp) :: usquare
484  logical :: t_degenerate
485 !arrays
486  character(len=1),allocatable :: metacharacter(:)
488 ! *********************************************************************
490 !  Get the factors of the oscillator strength, and the mode effective charge for each mode
491    do imode=1,3*natom
492      usquare=zero
493      do idir1=1,3
494        do ipert1=1,natom
495          i1=idir1+(ipert1-1)*3
496          usquare=usquare+displ(1,i1,imode)*displ(1,i1,imode)+displ(2,i1,imode)*displ(2,i1,imode)
497        end do
498      end do
499      do idir2=1,3
500        fact_oscstr(:,idir2,imode)=zero
501        modez(:,idir2,imode)=zero
502        do idir1=1,3
503          do ipert1=1,natom
504            i1=idir1+(ipert1-1)*3
505            fact_oscstr(:,idir2,imode)=fact_oscstr(:,idir2,imode)+&
506 &           displ(:,i1,imode)*d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)
507            modez(:,idir2,imode)=modez(:,idir2,imode)+&
508 &           displ(:,i1,imode)*&
509 &           d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,natom+2)/sqrt(usquare)
510          end do
511        end do
512      end do
513    end do
515 !  Examine the degeneracy of each mode. The portability of the echo of the mode effective
516 !  charges and oscillator strengths is very hard to guarantee. On the contrary,
517 !  the scalar reductions of these quantities are OK.
518    ABI_MALLOC(metacharacter,(3*natom))
519    do imode=1,3*natom
520 !    The degenerate modes are not portable
521      t_degenerate=.false.
522      if(imode>1)then
523        if(phfrq(imode)-phfrq(imode-1)<tol6)t_degenerate=.true.
524      end if
525      if(imode<3*natom)then
526        if(phfrq(imode+1)-phfrq(imode)<tol6)t_degenerate=.true.
527      end if
528      metacharacter(imode)=';'
529      if(t_degenerate)metacharacter(imode)='-'
530    end do
532    if (my_rank == master) then
533      !  Write the mode effective charge for each mode
534      write(iout, '(a)' )'  '
535      write(iout, '(a)' )' Mode effective charges '
536      write(iout, '(a)' )' Mode number.    x            y            z            length '
537      do imode=1,3*natom
538        write(iout, '(a,i6,a,4f13.6)' )metacharacter(imode),imode,'     ',(modez(1,idir1,imode),idir1=1,3),&
539 &                                   (sqrt(modez(1,1,imode)**2+modez(1,2,imode)**2+modez(1,3,imode)**2))
540      end do
541    end if ! master
543 !  Get the oscillator strengths
544    do imode=1,3*natom
545      do idir1=1,3
546        do idir2=1,3
547          oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode)= &
548 &         fact_oscstr(1,idir1,imode)*fact_oscstr(1,idir2,imode) +&
549 &         fact_oscstr(2,idir1,imode)*fact_oscstr(2,idir2,imode)
550          if(abs(oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode))<tol14)oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode)=zero
552 !DEBUG
553 !         if(idir1==1 .and. idir2==2)then
554 !           write(std_out,'(a,i4,a,5es16.6)')'imode=',imode,&
555 !&           ' oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode), fact_oscstr(:,idir1,imode),fact_oscstr(:,idir2,imode)=',&
556 !&            oscstr(1,idir1,idir2,imode), fact_oscstr(:,idir1,imode),fact_oscstr(:,idir2,imode)
557 !         endif
560          oscstr(2,idir1,idir2,imode)= &
561 &         fact_oscstr(1,idir1,imode)*fact_oscstr(2,idir2,imode) -&
562 &         fact_oscstr(2,idir1,imode)*fact_oscstr(1,idir2,imode)
563          if(abs(oscstr(2,idir1,idir2,imode))<tol14)oscstr(2,idir1,idir2,imode)=zero
564        end do
565      end do
566    end do
568    if (my_rank == master) then
569      !  Write the oscillator strength for each mode
570      write(iout, '(a)' )'  '
571      write(iout, '(a)' )' Oscillator strengths (in a.u. ; 1 a.u.=253.2638413 m3/s2). Set to zero if abs()<tol14.'
572      write(iout, '(a)' )' Mode number.       xx          yy          zz          xy          xz          yz          trace'
573      do imode=1,3*natom
574        write(iout, '(a,i4,a,7es12.4)' )&
575 &       metacharacter(imode),imode,'     Real  ',(oscstr(1,idir1,idir1,imode),idir1=1,3),&
576 &       oscstr(1,1,2,imode), oscstr(1,1,3,imode),oscstr(1,2,3,imode),&
577 &       ((oscstr(1,1,1,imode)+oscstr(1,2,2,imode)+oscstr(1,3,3,imode)))
578        write(iout, '(a,a,6es12.4)' )&
579 &       metacharacter(imode),'         Imag  ',(oscstr(2,idir1,idir1,imode),idir1=1,3),&
580 &       oscstr(2,1,2,imode),oscstr(2,1,3,imode),oscstr(2,2,3,imode)
581      end do
583      ! write the oscillator strength to the netcdf
584 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
585      if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
586        ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [nctkarr_t("oscillator_strength", "dp", &
587        "complex, number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_phonon_modes")], &
588        defmode=.True.)
589        NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
590        NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
591        NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "oscillator_strength"), oscstr))
592      end if
593 #endif
594    end if
596    ABI_FREE(metacharacter)
598 end subroutine ddb_oscstr

ABINIT/m_ddb_diel [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 This module provides routines for the calculation of the dielectric constant (anaddb)


  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (XG,XW, MVeithen, EB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_ddb_diel
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_xmpi
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_ddb
29  use m_nctk
30 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
31  use netcdf
32 #endif
34  use m_anaddb_dataset, only : anaddb_dataset_type
35  use m_crystal,        only : crystal_t
37  implicit none
39  private