ABINIT/ddb_elast [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Get the elastic and compliance tensors, both clamped ion and relaxed ion,
 under the fixed electric field boundary condition; in which realxed ion
 tensors can generate two output tensors one is conventional, the other
 considers the sress correction.


 inp= (derived datatype) contains all the input variables
 crystal<crystal_t>=Info on crystalline structure.
   second derivatives of total energy with respect to electric fields
   atom displacements,strain,...... all in cartesian coordinates
 d2asr= ASR correction to the dynamical matrix at Gamma
 iblok= bolk number in DDB file
 iblok_stress= blok number which contain stress tensor
 instrain=force response internal strain tensor
 iout=out file number
 mpert=maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 nblok=number of total bloks in DDB file
 ncid=NC file handle (open in the caller)


 elast=relaxed-ion elastic tensor(without stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
 elast_clamped=clamped-ion elastic tensor(without stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
 elast_stress=relaxed-ion elastic tensor(with stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation


 The elastic (compliance) tensors calculated here are under boundary conditions of
 fixed Electric Field, different from those in ddb_piezo.F90 which are under fixed
 Displacement Field and incorporate piezoelectric corrections.


 89 subroutine ddb_elast(inp,crystal,blkval,compl,compl_clamped,compl_stress,d2asr,&
 90 &            elast,elast_clamped,elast_stress,iblok,iblok_stress,&
 91 &            instrain,iout,mpert,natom,nblok,ncid)
 93 !Arguments -------------------------------------------
 94 !scalars
 95  integer,intent(in) :: iblok,iblok_stress,iout,mpert,natom,nblok,ncid
 96 !integer,intent(in) :: msize
 97  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
 98  type(anaddb_dataset_type),intent(in) :: inp
 99 !arrays
100  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval(2,3,mpert,3,mpert,nblok),instrain(3*natom,6)
101  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2asr(2,3,natom,3,natom)
102  real(dp),intent(out) :: compl(6,6), compl_clamped(6,6),compl_stress(6,6)
103  real(dp),intent(out) :: elast(6,6), elast_clamped(6,6),elast_stress(6,6)
105 !Local variables------------------------------------
106 !scalars
107  integer :: ier,ii1,ii2,ipert1,ipert2,ivarA,ivarB,ncerr
108  real(dp) :: ucvol
109  logical :: iwrite
110  character(len=500) :: message
111 !arrays
112  real(dp) :: Amatr(3*natom-3,3*natom-3),Apmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
113  real(dp) :: Bmatr(2,((3*natom-3)*(3*natom-2))/2)
114  real(dp) :: Bpmatr(2,(3*natom*(3*natom+1))/2),Cmatr(3*natom-3,3*natom-3)
115  real(dp) :: Cpmatr(3*natom,3*natom),Nmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
116  real(dp) :: compl_relaxed(6,6),eigval(3*natom-3)
117  real(dp) :: eigvalp(3*natom),eigvec(2,3*natom-3,3*natom-3)
118  real(dp) :: eigvecp(2,3*natom,3*natom),elast_relaxed(6,6)
119  real(dp) :: kmatrix(3*natom,3*natom),new1(6,3*natom)
120  real(dp) :: new2(6,6),stress(6),zhpev1(2,2*3*natom-4),zhpev1p(2,2*3*natom-1)
121  real(dp) :: zhpev2(3*3*natom-5),zhpev2p(3*3*natom-2)
122  real(dp) :: d2cart(2,3*natom,3*natom)
124 !***************************************************************************
125  compl = zero; compl_clamped = zero; compl_stress = zero
126  elast = zero; elast_clamped = zero; elast_stress = zero
128  ucvol = crystal%ucvol
129  iwrite = iout > 0
131 !extraction of the elastic constants from the blkvals
133  do ivarA=1,6
134    do ivarB=1,6
135 !    because the elastic constant is 6*6,
136 !    so we should judge if the idir is larger than 3 or not
137      if(ivarA>3) then
138        ii1=ivarA-3
139        ipert1=natom+4  !for the shear modulus
140      else if(ivarA<=3) then
141        ii1=ivarA
142        ipert1=natom+3  !for the diagonal part
143      end if
144      if(ivarB>3) then
145        ii2=ivarB-3
146        ipert2=natom+4  !for the shear modulus
147      else if(ivarB<=3) then
148        ii2=ivarB
149        ipert2=natom+3  !for the diagonal part
150      end if
151      elast(ivarA,ivarB)=blkval(1,ii1,ipert1,ii2,ipert2,iblok)
152    end do
153  end do
155 !then consider the volume, because the unit above is in
156 !Hartree, in fact the elastic constant should be in
157 !the units of presure, the energy/volume
158 !And then transform the unit to si unit using GPa
159 !from Hartree/Bohr^3
161  do ivarA=1,6
162    do ivarB=1,6
163      elast(ivarA,ivarB)=(elast(ivarA,ivarB)/ucvol)*HaBohr3_GPa
164    end do
165  end do
167 !then should consider the two situations:clamped and relaxed
168 !ions respectively,give the initial value of elast_clamped
169  elast_clamped(:,:)=elast(:,:)
170  elast_relaxed(:,:)=elast(:,:)
172 !then do the matrix mulplication of instrain*K*instrain to get the
173 !correction of the relaxed ion quantities, in case natom/=1
175  if( (inp%elaflag==2 .or. inp%elaflag==3&
176 & .or. inp%elaflag==4 .or. inp%elaflag==5) .and. natom/=1 )then
177 !  extracting force matrix at gamma
178    d2cart = zero
179    do ipert1=1,natom
180      do ii1=1,3
181        ivarA=ii1+3*(ipert1-1)
182        do ipert2=1,natom
183          do ii2=1,3
184            ivarB=ii2+3*(ipert2-1)
185            d2cart(1,ivarA,ivarB)=blkval(1,ii1,ipert1,ii2,ipert2,iblok)
186          end do
187        end do
188      end do
189    end do
191 !  Eventually impose the acoustic sum rule
192 !  FIXME: this might depend on ifcflag: impose that it is 0 or generalize
193    !call asrq0_apply(asrq0, natom, mpert, msize, crystal%xcart, d2cart)
194    call asria_corr(inp%asr,d2asr,d2cart,natom,natom)
195    kmatrix = d2cart(1,:,:)
197 !  DEBUG
198 !  write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the k matrix before inverse'
199 !  do ii1=1,3*natom
200 !  write(std_out,'(6es16.3)')kmatrix(ii1,1),kmatrix(ii1,2),kmatrix(ii1,3),&
201 !  & kmatrix(ii1,4),kmatrix(ii1,5),kmatrix(ii1,6)
202 !  end do
205 !  according to formula, invert the kmatrix(3natom,3natom)
206    Apmatr(:,:)=kmatrix(:,:)
208 !  NOTE: MJV 13/3/2011 This is just the 3x3 unit matrix copied throughout the dynamical matrix
209    Nmatr(:,:)=zero
210    do ivarA=1,3*natom
211      do ivarB=1,3*natom
212        if (mod(ivarA,3)==0 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==0) Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
213        if (mod(ivarA,3)==1 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==1) Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
214        if (mod(ivarA,3)==2 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==2) Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
215      end do
216    end do
218 !  DEBUG
219 !  The k matrix is not the inverse here - it has not been changed!
220 !  write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the direct inverse of the Kmatrix'
221 !  do ivarA=1,3*natom
222 !  write(std_out,'(/)')
223 !  do ivarB=1,3*natom
224 !  write(std_out,'(es16.6)')kmatrix(ivarA,ivarB)
225 !  end do
226 !  end do
230 !  starting the pseudo-inverse processes
231 !  then get the eigenvectors of the big matrix,give values to matrixBp
232 !  Pack the Nmatr matrix in Hermitian form
233    ii1=1
234    do ivarA=1,3*natom
235      do ivarB=1,ivarA
236        Bpmatr(1,ii1)=Nmatr(ivarB,ivarA)
237        ii1=ii1+1
238      end do
239    end do
240    Bpmatr(2,:)=zero  !the imaginary part of the force matrix
241 !  then call the subroutines CHPEV and ZHPEV to get the eigenvectors
242 !  NOTE: MJV there is a huge indeterminacy in this matrix, which has all identical 3x3 block lines
243 !  this means the orientation of the 0-eigenvalue eigenvectors is kind of random...
244 !  Is the usage just to get out the translational modes? We know what the eigenvectors look like already!
245 !  The translational modes are the last 3 with eigenvalue 6
246 !
247    call ZHPEV ('V','U',3*natom,Bpmatr,eigvalp,eigvecp,3*natom,zhpev1p,zhpev2p,ier)
248    ABI_CHECK(ier == 0, sjoin("ZHPEV returned:", itoa(ier)))
250 !  DEBUG
251 !  the eigenval and eigenvec
252 !  write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the eigenvalues and eigenvectors'
253 !  do ivarA=1,3*natom
254 !  write(std_out,'(/)')
255 !  write(std_out,'(es16.6)')eigvalp(ivarA)
256 !  end do
257 !  do ivarA=1,3*natom
258 !  write(std_out,'(/)')
259 !  do ivarB=1,3*natom
260 !  write(std_out,'(es16.6)')eigvecp(1,ivarB,ivarA)
261 !  end do
262 !  end do
265 !  do the multiplication to get the reduced matrix,in two steps
266 !  rotate to eigenbasis constructed above to isolate acoustic modes
267    Cpmatr(:,:)=zero
268    do ivarA=1,3*natom
269      do ivarB=1,3*natom
270        do ii1=1,3*natom
271          Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvecp(1,ii1,ivarA)*&
272 &         Apmatr(ii1,ivarB)
273        end do
274      end do
275    end do
277    Apmatr(:,:)=zero
278    do ivarA=1,3*natom
279      do ivarB=1,3*natom
280        do ii1=1,3*natom
281          Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+Cpmatr(ivarA,ii1)*&
282 &         eigvecp(1,ii1,ivarB)
283        end do
284      end do
285    end do
287 !  DEBUG
288 !  the blok diagonal parts
289 !  write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'Apmatr'
290 !  do ivarA=1,3*natom
291 !  write(std_out,'(/)')
292 !  do ivarB=1,3*natom
293 !  write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
294 !  end do
295 !  end do
299 !  check the last three eigenvalues whether too large
300    ivarB=0
301    do ivarA=3*natom-2,3*natom
302      if (ABS(Apmatr(ivarA,ivarA))>tol6) ivarB=1
303    end do
304    if(ivarB==1)then
305      write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,3es16.6)')ch10,&
306 &     '  Acoustic sum rule violation met : the eigenvalues of accoustic mode',ch10,&
307 &     '  are too large at Gamma point',ch10,&
308 &     '  increase cutoff energy or k-points sampling.',ch10,&
309 &     '  The three eigenvalues are:',Apmatr(3*natom-2,3*natom-2),&
310 &     Apmatr(3*natom-1,natom-1),Apmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
311      ABI_WARNING(message)
312      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
313    end if
314 !  then give the value of reduced matrix form Apmatr to Amatr
315    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
316      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
317        Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
318      end do
319    end do
321 !  now the reduced matrix is in the Amatr, the convert it
322 !  first give the give the value of Bmatr from Amatr
323    ii1=1
324    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
325      do ivarB=1,ivarA
326        Bmatr(1,ii1)=Amatr(ivarB,ivarA)
327        ii1=ii1+1
328      end do
329    end do
330    Bmatr(2,:)=zero
331 !  then call the subroutines CHPEV and ZHPEV to get the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues
332    call ZHPEV ('V','U',3*natom-3,Bmatr,eigval,eigvec,3*natom-3,zhpev1,zhpev2,ier)
333    ABI_CHECK(ier == 0, sjoin("ZHPEV returned:", itoa(ier)))
335 !  check the unstable phonon modes, if the first is negative then print warning message
336    if(eigval(1)<-1.0*tol8)then
337      write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10,&
338 &     'Unstable eigenvalue detected in force constant matrix at Gamma point.',ch10,&
339 &     'The system under calculation is physically unstable.'
340      ABI_WARNING(message)
341      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
342    end if
344 !  the do the matrix muplication to get pseudoinverse inverse matrix
345    Cmatr(:,:)=zero
346    Amatr(:,:)=zero
347    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
348      Cmatr(ivarA,ivarA)=1.0_dp/eigval(ivarA)
349    end do
350    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
351      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
352        do ii1=1,3*natom-3
353          Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvec(1,ivarA,ii1)*&
354 &         Cmatr(ii1,ivarB)
355        end do
356      end do
357    end do
359 !  then the second mulplication
360    Cmatr(:,:)=zero
361    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
362      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
363        do ii1=1,3*natom-3
364          Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+&
365 &         Amatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvec(1,ivarB,ii1)
366        end do
367      end do
368    end do
370 !  DEBUG
371 !  write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the pseudo inverse of the force matrix'
372 !  do ivarA=1,3*natom
373 !  write(std_out,'(/)')
374 !  do ivarB=1,3*natom
375 !  write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
376 !  end do
377 !  end do
380 !  so now the inverse of the reduced matrix is in the matrixC
381 !  now do another mulplication to get the pseudoinverse of the original
382    Cpmatr(:,:)=zero
383    Apmatr(:,:)=zero
384    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
385      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
386        Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
387      end do
388    end do
390 !  times the eigvecp
391    do ivarA=1,3*natom
392      do ivarB=1,3*natom
393        do ii1=1,3*natom
394          Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvecp(1,ivarA,ii1)*&
395 &         Cpmatr(ii1,ivarB)
396        end do
397      end do
398    end do
399    Cpmatr(:,:)=zero
400    do ivarA=1,3*natom
401      do ivarB=1,3*natom
402        do ii1=1,3*natom
403          Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+&
404 &         Apmatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvecp(1,ivarB,ii1)
405        end do
406      end do
407    end do
409 !  now the inverse in in Cpmatr
410    kmatrix(:,:)=Cpmatr(:,:)
411 !  transfer the inverse of k-matrix back to the k matrix
412 !  so now the inverse of k matrix is in the kmatrix
413 !  ending the part for pseudoinversing the K matrix
414 !  then do the first matrix mulplication
415    new1(:,:)=zero
416    do ii1=1,6
417      do ii2=1,3*natom
418        do ivarA=1,3*natom
419          new1(ii1,ii2)=new1(ii1,ii2)+instrain(ivarA,ii1)*&
420 &         kmatrix(ivarA,ii2)
421        end do
422      end do
423    end do
424 !  then do the second matrix mulplication, and change the value of kmatrix
425    new2(:,:)=zero
426    do ii1=1,6
427      do ii2=1,6
428        do ivarB=1,3*natom
429          new2(ii1,ii2)=new2(ii1,ii2)+new1(ii1,ivarB)*&
430 &         instrain(ivarB,ii2)
431        end do
432      end do
433    end do
434 !  then finish the matrix mupl., consider the unit cellvolume
435 !  and the unit change next step
436    do ivarA=1,6
437      do ivarB=1,6
438        new2(ivarA,ivarB)=(new2(ivarA,ivarB)/ucvol)*HaBohr3_GPa
439      end do
440    end do
441 !  then the relaxed one should be the previous one minus the new2 element
442    do ivarA=1,6
443      do ivarB=1,6
444        elast_relaxed(ivarA,ivarB)=elast_relaxed(ivarA,ivarB)-&
445 &       new2(ivarA,ivarB)
446      end do
447    end do
448  end if
449 !the above end if end if for elaflag=2 or elafalg=3 or elafalg=4,
450 !or elafalg=5 in line 125
452 !DEBUG
453 !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'debug the unit cell volume'
454 !write(std_out,'(2es16.6)')ucvol,HaBohr3_GPa
457 !then give the initial value of the compl_relaxed(6,6)
458  compl_relaxed(:,:)=elast_relaxed(:,:)
460 !*******************************************************************
461  if(inp%elaflag==1.or. inp%elaflag==3)then
462 !  print out the clamped-ion elastic constants to output file
463    write(message,'(3a)')ch10,' Elastic Tensor (clamped ion) (unit:10^2GP):',ch10
464    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
465    do ivarA=1,6
466      write(std_out,'(6f12.7)')elast(ivarA,1)/100.00_dp,elast(ivarA,2)/100.00_dp,&
467 &     elast(ivarA,3)/100.00_dp,elast(ivarA,4)/100.00_dp,&
468 &     elast(ivarA,5)/100.00_dp,elast(ivarA,6)/100.00_dp
469    end do
471    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
472    if (iwrite) then
473      do ivarA=1,6
474        write(iout,'(6f12.7)')elast(ivarA,1)/100.00_dp,elast(ivarA,2)/100.00_dp,&
475 &       elast(ivarA,3)/100.00_dp,elast(ivarA,4)/100.00_dp,&
476 &       elast(ivarA,5)/100.00_dp,elast(ivarA,6)/100.00_dp
477      end do
478    end if
479  end if
481  if(inp%elaflag==2.or.inp%elaflag==3&
482 & .or. inp%elaflag==4.or. inp%elaflag==5)then
483    if(inp%instrflag==0)then
484      write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
485 &     'in order to get the elastic  tensor(relaxed ion), ',ch10,&
486 &     'one needs information about internal strain ',ch10,&
487 &     'one should set  instrflag==1;',ch10,&
488 &     'otherwise the program will continue but give wrong values.'
489      ABI_WARNING(message)
490      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
491    end if
493    write(message,'(5a)')ch10,&
494 &   ' Elastic Tensor (relaxed ion) (unit:10^2GP):',ch10,&
495 &   '  (at fixed electric field boundary condition)',ch10
496    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
497    do ivarA=1,6
498      write(std_out,'(6f12.7)')elast_relaxed(ivarA,1)/100.00_dp,&
499 &     elast_relaxed(ivarA,2)/100.00_dp,elast_relaxed(ivarA,3)/100.00_dp,&
500 &     elast_relaxed(ivarA,4)/100.00_dp,elast_relaxed(ivarA,5)/100.00_dp,&
501 &     elast_relaxed(ivarA,6)/100.00_dp
502    end do
504    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
505    if (iwrite) then
506      do ivarA=1,6
507        write(iout,'(6f12.7)')elast_relaxed(ivarA,1)/100.00_dp,&
508 &       elast_relaxed(ivarA,2)/100.00_dp,elast_relaxed(ivarA,3)/100.00_dp,&
509 &       elast_relaxed(ivarA,4)/100.00_dp,elast_relaxed(ivarA,5)/100.00_dp,&
510 &       elast_relaxed(ivarA,6)/100.00_dp
511      end do
512    end if
513  end if
515 !then print the corresponding compliances
517  if(inp%elaflag==1.or.inp%elaflag==3)then
518 !  compl(:,:)=elast_clamped(:,:) !convert the elastic tensor
519    compl_clamped(:,:)=elast_clamped(:,:)
520    call matrginv(compl_clamped,6,6)
521    write(message,'(a,a,a)')ch10,' Compliance Tensor (clamped ion) (unit: 10^-2GP^-1):',ch10
522    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
524    do ivarB=1,6
525      write(std_out,'(6f12.7)')compl_clamped(ivarB,1)*100.00_dp,&
526 &     compl_clamped(ivarB,2)*100.00_dp,&
527 &     compl_clamped(ivarB,3)*100.00_dp,compl_clamped(ivarB,4)*100.00_dp,&
528 &     compl_clamped(ivarB,5)*100.00_dp,&
529 &     compl_clamped(ivarB,6)*100.00_dp
530    end do
532    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
534    if (iwrite) then
535      do ivarB=1,6
536        write(iout,'(6f12.7)')compl_clamped(ivarB,1)*100.00_dp,&
537 &       compl_clamped(ivarB,2)*100.00_dp,&
538 &       compl_clamped(ivarB,3)*100.00_dp,compl_clamped(ivarB,4)*100.00_dp,&
539 &       compl_clamped(ivarB,5)*100.00_dp,&
540 &       compl_clamped(ivarB,6)*100.00_dp
541      end do
542    end if
543  end if
545  if(inp%elaflag==2.or.inp%elaflag==3&
546 & .or. inp%elaflag==4 .or. inp%elaflag==5)then
547 !  compl(:,:)=elast_relaxed(:,:)
548    call matrginv(compl_relaxed,6,6)
549    if(inp%instrflag==0)then
550      write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
551 &     'in order to get the compliance tensor(relaxed ion), ',ch10,&
552 &     'one needs information about internal strain ',ch10,&
553 &     'one should set  instrflag==1;',ch10,&
554 &     'otherwise the program will continue but give wrong values.'
555      ABI_WARNING(message)
556      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
557    end if
558    write(message,'(5a)')ch10,&
559 &   ' Compliance Tensor (relaxed ion)  (unit: 10^-2GP^-1):',ch10,&
560 &   '  (at fixed electric field boundary condition)',ch10
561    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
563    do ivarB=1,6
564      write(std_out,'(6f12.7)')compl_relaxed(ivarB,1)*100.00_dp,&
565 &     compl_relaxed(ivarB,2)*100.00_dp,&
566 &     compl_relaxed(ivarB,3)*100.00_dp,compl_relaxed(ivarB,4)*100.00_dp,&
567 &     compl_relaxed(ivarB,5)*100.00_dp,&
568 &     compl_relaxed(ivarB,6)*100.00_dp
569    end do
570    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
572    if (iwrite) then
573      do ivarB=1,6
574        write(iout,'(6f12.7)')compl_relaxed(ivarB,1)*100.00,&
575 &       compl_relaxed(ivarB,2)*100.00_dp,&
576 &       compl_relaxed(ivarB,3)*100.00_dp,compl_relaxed(ivarB,4)*100.00_dp,&
577 &       compl_relaxed(ivarB,5)*100.00_dp,&
578 &       compl_relaxed(ivarB,6)*100.00_dp
579      end do
580    end if
581  end if
583 !befor the end , make sure the tensor elast(6,6)
584 !will have the relaxed ion values and tensor elast_clamped has the clamped ion
585 !values, and similarily for the corresponding compliance tensors
586  elast_clamped(:,:)=elast(:,:)
587  elast(:,:)=elast_relaxed(:,:)
588  compl(:,:)=compl_relaxed(:,:)
590 !begin the part of computing stress corrected elastic tensors
591  if(inp%elaflag==5)then
593 !  DEBUG
594 !  check the iblok number of first derivative of energy
595 !  write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'iblok number at 8:00Pm'
596 !  write(std_out,'(i)')iblok_stress
597 !  write(std_out,'(a,f12.7)')'the total energy', blkval(1,1,1)
598 !  write(std_out,*)'',blkval(1,:,:,:,:,iblok_stress)
599 !  write(std_out,*)'',blkval(1,:,7,1,1,iblok_stress)
602 !  firts give the corect stress values diagonal parts
603    stress(1)=blkval(1,1,natom+3,1,1,iblok_stress)
604    stress(2)=blkval(1,2,natom+3,1,1,iblok_stress)
605    stress(3)=blkval(1,3,natom+3,1,1,iblok_stress)
606 !  the shear parts
607    stress(4)=blkval(1,1,natom+4,1,1,iblok_stress)
608    stress(5)=blkval(1,2,natom+4,1,1,iblok_stress)
609    stress(6)=blkval(1,3,natom+4,1,1,iblok_stress)
610 !  then convert the unit from atomic to the GPa unit
611    do ivarA=1,6
612      stress(ivarA)=stress(ivarA)*HaBohr3_GPa
613    end do
614 !  give the initial values of elast_stress tensor
615    elast_stress(:,:)=elast_relaxed(:,:)
616 !  notice that only the first three rows need to be corrected
617    do ivarA=1,3
618      do ivarB=1,6
619        elast_stress(ivarA,ivarB)=elast_stress(ivarA,ivarB)-stress(ivarB)
620      end do
621    end do
622 !  then compute the values of compliance tensor with stress correction
623    compl_stress(:,:)=elast_stress(:,:)
624    call matrginv(compl_stress,6,6)
625 !  then print out the results of stress corrected elastic and compliance tensors
626    if(inp%instrflag==0)then
627      write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
628 &     'In order to get the elastic tensor (relaxed ion with stress correction), ',ch10,&
629 &     'one needs information about internal strain ',ch10,&
630 &     'one should set  instrflag==1;',ch10,&
631 &     'otherwise the program will continue but give wrong values.'
632      ABI_WARNING(message)
633      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
634    end if
635    write(message,'(5a)')ch10,&
636 &   ' Elastic Tensor (relaxed ion with stress corrected) (unit:10^2GP)',ch10,&
637 &   '  (at fixed electric field boundary condition)',ch10
638    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
639    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
640    do ivarA=1,6
641      write(std_out,'(6f12.7)')elast_stress(ivarA,1)/100.00_dp,elast_stress(ivarA,2)/100.00_dp,&
642 &     elast_stress(ivarA,3)/100.00_dp,elast_stress(ivarA,4)/100.00_dp,&
643 &     elast_stress(ivarA,5)/100.00_dp,elast_stress(ivarA,6)/100.00_dp
644    end do
645    if (iwrite) then
646      do ivarA=1,6
647        write(iout,'(6f12.7)')elast_stress(ivarA,1)/100.00_dp,elast_stress(ivarA,2)/100.00_dp,&
648 &       elast_stress(ivarA,3)/100.00_dp,elast_stress(ivarA,4)/100.00_dp,&
649 &       elast_stress(ivarA,5)/100.00_dp,elast_stress(ivarA,6)/100.00_dp
650      end do
651    end if
653 !  then the complinace tensors with stress correction
654    write(message,'(5a)')ch10,&
655 &   ' Compliance Tensor (relaxed ion with stress correction) (unit: 10^-2(GP)^-1):',ch10,&
656 &   '  (at fixed electric field boundary condition)',ch10
657    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
658    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
659    do ivarB=1,6
660      write(std_out,'(6f12.7)')compl_stress(ivarB,1)*100.00_dp,&
661 &     compl_stress(ivarB,2)*100.00_dp,&
662 &     compl_stress(ivarB,3)*100.00_dp,compl_stress(ivarB,4)*100.00_dp,&
663 &     compl_stress(ivarB,5)*100.00_dp,&
664 &     compl_stress(ivarB,6)*100.00_dp
665    end do
666    if (iwrite) then
667      do ivarB=1,6
668        write(iout,'(6f12.7)')compl_stress(ivarB,1)*100.00_dp,&
669 &       compl_stress(ivarB,2)*100.00_dp,&
670 &       compl_stress(ivarB,3)*100.00_dp,compl_stress(ivarB,4)*100.00_dp,&
671 &       compl_stress(ivarB,5)*100.00_dp,&
672 &       compl_stress(ivarB,6)*100.00_dp
673      end do
674    end if
675  end if
676 !end the if 510th line
677 !end the part of stress corrected elastic and compliance tensors
680  ! Writes the elastic constants tensors (clamped-ion, relaxed-ion with and
681  ! without stress corrections) to a netCDF file.
682  !
683  ! compl=relaxed-ion compliance tensor(without stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
684  ! compl_clamped=clamped-ion compliance tensor(without stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
685  ! compl_stress=relaxed-ion compliance tensor(with stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
686  ! elast=relaxed-ion elastic tensor(without stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
687  ! elast_clamped=clamped-ion elastic tensor(without stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
688  ! elast_stress=relaxed-ion elastic tensor(with stress correction) (6*6) in Voigt notation
689  ! Units are GPa for elastic constants and GPa^-1 for compliance constants
691  if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
692 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
693    ! Define dimensions
694    NCF_CHECK(nctk_def_basedims(ncid, defmode=.True.))
696    ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "asr", "elaflag", "instrflag"])
697    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
699    !arrays
700    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [&
701      nctkarr_t('internal_strain_tensor', "dp", 'natom3, six'), &
702      nctkarr_t('compliance_constants_relaxed_ion', "dp", 'six, six'), &
703      nctkarr_t('compliance_constants_clamped_ion', "dp", 'six, six'), &
704      nctkarr_t('compliance_constants_relaxed_ion_stress_corrected', "dp", "six, six"), &
705      nctkarr_t('elastic_constants_relaxed_ion', "dp", 'six, six'), &
706      nctkarr_t('elastic_constants_clamped_ion', "dp", 'six, six'), &
707      nctkarr_t('elastic_constants_relaxed_ion_stress_corrected', "dp", 'six, six')])
708    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
710    ! Write variables.
711    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
712    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('asr'), inp%asr))
713    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('elaflag'), inp%elaflag))
714    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('instrflag'), inp%instrflag))
715    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('internal_strain_tensor'), instrain))
716    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('compliance_constants_relaxed_ion'), compl))
717    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('compliance_constants_clamped_ion'), compl_clamped))
718    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('compliance_constants_relaxed_ion_stress_corrected'), compl_stress))
719    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('elastic_constants_relaxed_ion'), elast))
720    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('elastic_constants_clamped_ion'), elast_clamped))
721    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid('elastic_constants_relaxed_ion_stress_corrected'), elast_stress))
723 #else
724    ABI_ERROR("Netcdf support not enabled")
725 #endif
726  end if
728 contains
730  integer function vid(vname)
731    character(len=*),intent(in) :: vname
732    vid = nctk_idname(ncid, vname)
733  end function vid
735 end subroutine ddb_elast

ABINIT/m_ddb_elast [ Modules ]

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  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (XW, DW)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_ddb_elast
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_crystal
28  use m_ddb
29  use m_nctk
30 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
31  use netcdf
32 #endif
34  use m_fstrings,       only : itoa, sjoin
35  use m_hide_lapack,    only : matrginv
36  use m_dynmat,         only : asria_corr
37  use m_anaddb_dataset, only : anaddb_dataset_type
39  implicit none
41  private