ABINIT/m_ddb_flexo [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  FIXME: add description.


  Copyright (C) 2019-2024 ABINIT group (MR,MS)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .



18 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
19 #include "config.h"
20 #endif
22 #include "abi_common.h"
24 module m_ddb_flexo
26  use defs_basis
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_profiling_abi
29  use m_errors
31  use m_fstrings,       only : itoa,sjoin
32  use m_ddb_hdr
33  use m_ddb
34  use m_crystal,        only : crystal_t
35  use m_dynmat,       only : asria_corr,cart39
37  implicit none
39  private
41  public :: ddb_flexo
42 ! *************************************************************************
44 contains 

ABINIT/m_ddb_flexo/ddb_flexo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Get all the contributions to the flexoelectric tensor


  asr= if /=0 acustic sume rule is imposed on the dynamical matrix
  ddb<type(ddb_type)>=2nd order derivative database.
  ddb<type(ddb_type)>=Long wave 3rd order derivative database.
  ddb_version = 8 digit integer giving date. To mantain compatibility with old DDB files.
  Crystal<type(crystal_t)>=Crystal structure parameters
  filnamddb = name of the ddb file
  flexoflg=  1 -> Computes all contributions to FxE
             2 -> Computes electronic (clamped ion) contribution to FxE
             3 -> Computes mixed contribution to FxE
             4 -> Computes lattice contribution to FxE
  prtvol= if > 1 print all individual quantities of the lattice contribution FxE
  zeff(3,3,natom)= Born Effective charges





 77 subroutine ddb_flexo(asr,d2asr,ddb,ddb_lw,ddb_version,crystal,filnamddb,flexoflg,prtvol,zeff)
 79  implicit none
 81 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 82 !scalars
 83  integer,intent(in) :: ddb_version
 84  integer , intent(in)  :: asr,flexoflg,prtvol
 85  class(ddb_type),intent(in) :: ddb,ddb_lw
 86  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
 87  character(len=fnlen) :: filnamddb
 88 !arrays
 89  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2asr(2,3,ddb%natom,3,ddb%natom)
 90  real(dp),intent(in) :: zeff(3,3,ddb%natom)
 92 !Local variables-------------------------------
 93  integer :: elfd,iblok,ivar,jblok,kblok,lblok,lwsym,qvecd
 94  logical :: intstrn_only,iwrite
 95  character(len=500) :: msg
 97 !arrays
 98  integer,parameter :: alpha(6)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1/),beta(6)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2/)
 99  integer :: rfelfd(4),rfphon(4),rfstrs(4)
100  integer :: rfqvec(4)
101  real(dp) :: qphnrm(3),qphon(3,3)
102  real(dp) :: ciflexo(3,3,3,3)
103  real(dp) :: intstrn(3,3,3,ddb%natom)
104  real(dp) :: piezofr(3,ddb%natom,3,3)
105  real(dp) :: lattflexo(3,3,3,3)
106  real(dp) :: mixflexo(3,3,3,3)
107  real(dp) :: pol1(3,3,3,ddb%natom)
108  real(dp) :: psinvdm(3*ddb%natom,3*ddb%natom)
109  real(dp) :: totflexo(3,3,3,3)
110  character(len=2) :: voigt(9)=(/'xx','yy','zz','yz','xz','xy','zy','zx','yx'/)
112 ! *************************************************************************
116 ! First get the clamped-ion flexoelectric tensor
117  ciflexo(:,:,:,:)=zero
118  if (flexoflg==1.or.flexoflg==2) then
120    rfphon(:)=0
121    rfelfd(:)=0
122    rfstrs(:)=0
123    rfqvec(:)=0
125    ! Look for the Gamma Block in the DDB
126    qphon(:,:)=zero
127    qphnrm(:)=one
128    rfphon(:)=0
129    rfelfd(1)=2
130    rfstrs(2)=3
131    rfqvec(3)=1
133    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the electronic flexoelectric coeficients from 3DTE"
134    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') 
135    call ddb_lw%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,BLKTYP_d3E_lw,rfqvec=rfqvec)
137    if (iblok == 0) then
138      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
139      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
140      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find clamped ion FxE tensor in DDB file:", filnamddb))
141      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 2 requires the DDB file to include the corresponding long wave 3rd derivatives")
142    else
143      call dtciflexo(ddb_lw%val(:,:,iblok),ddb_version,ddb%mpert,ddb%natom,ciflexo,crystal%ucvol)
144    end if
146  end if
148 ! Then get the mixed contribution to the flexoelectric tensor
149  !Activate the calculation of internal strain necessary for lattice mediated contribution.
150  intstrn_only=.false.;if (flexoflg==4) intstrn_only=.true.
151  mixflexo(:,:,:,:)=zero
152  if (flexoflg==1.or.flexoflg==3.or.intstrn_only) then
154    ! Extract the P^(1) tensor from the DDB
155    if (.not.intstrn_only) then
156      lwsym=0
157      iblok = ddb_lw%get_quadrupoles(ddb_version,lwsym,BLKTYP_d3E_lw,pol1)
158    end if
160    rfphon(:)=0
161    rfelfd(:)=0
162    rfstrs(:)=0
163    rfqvec(:)=0
165    ! Look for the Gamma Block of the Phi^(1) tensor in the DDB
166    qphon(:,:)=zero
167    qphnrm(:)=one
168    rfphon(1)=1
169    rfphon(2)=1
170    rfqvec(3)=1
172    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the Phi^(1) coeficients from 3DTE"
173    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') 
174    call ddb_lw%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,BLKTYP_d3E_lw,rfqvec=rfqvec)
176    if (iblok == 0) then
177      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
178      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
179      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find Phi^(1) tensor in DDB file:", filnamddb))
180      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 3 requires the DDB file to include the corresponding long wave 3rd derivatives")
181    end if
183    ! Look for th block that contains the forces 
184    qphon(:,:)=zero
185    qphnrm(:)=one
186    rfphon(:)=0
187    rfphon(4)=1
189    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the forces from 1DTE"
190    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') 
191    call ddb%get_block(kblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,4)
193    if (kblok == 0) then
194      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
195      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
196      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find forces in DDB file:", filnamddb))
197      call wrtout(std_out, "  If there are nonzero residual atomic forces on the structure") 
198      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 3 will produce an improper piezoelectric force response tensor")
199      call wrtout(std_out, "  and a wrong value for the mixed contribution to the flexoelectric tensor")
200    end if
202    ! Look for the Gamma Block of the dynamical matrix in the DDB
203    qphon(:,:)=zero
204    qphnrm(:)=one
205    rfphon(:)=0
206    rfphon(1:2)=1
208    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the Dynamical Matrix from 2DTE"
209    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL') 
210    call ddb%get_block(jblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,1)
212    if (jblok == 0) then
213      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
214      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
215      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find Gamma point Dynamical Matrix in DDB file:", filnamddb))
216      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 3 requires the DDB file to include the corresponding 2nd derivatives")
217    end if
219    if (iblok/=0.and.jblok/=0) then
220      call dtmixflexo(asr,d2asr,ddb%val(:,:,kblok),ddb%val(:,:,jblok),ddb_lw%val(:,:,iblok),ddb_version,crystal%gprimd,&
221    & intstrn,intstrn_only,mixflexo,ddb%mpert,ddb%natom,piezofr,pol1,psinvdm,crystal%rprimd,crystal%ucvol)
222    end if
224  end if
226 ! Finally get the lattice mediated contribution to the flexoelectric tensor
227  lattflexo(:,:,:,:)=zero
228  if (flexoflg==1.or.flexoflg==4) then
230    rfphon(:)=0
231    rfelfd(:)=0
232    rfstrs(:)=0
233    rfqvec(:)=0
235    ! Look for the Gamma Block of the Phi^(1) tensor in the DDB
236    qphon(:,:)=zero
237    qphnrm(:)=one
238    rfphon(1)=1
239    rfphon(2)=1
240    rfqvec(3)=1
242    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the Phi^(1) coeficients from 3DTE"
243    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
244    call ddb_lw%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,BLKTYP_d3E_lw,rfqvec=rfqvec)
246    if (iblok == 0) then
247      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
248      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
249      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find Phi^(1) tensor in DDB file:", filnamddb))
250      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 4 requires the DDB file to include the corresponding long wave 3rd derivatives")
251    end if
253    ! Look for the Gamma Block of the flexoelectric force response tensor in the DDB
254    qphon(:,:)=zero
255    qphnrm(:)=one
256    rfphon(:)=0
257    rfphon(1)=1
258    rfstrs(2)=3
259    rfqvec(3)=1
261    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the FxE force response coeficients from 3DTE"
262    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
263    call ddb_lw%get_block(jblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,BLKTYP_d3E_lw,rfqvec=rfqvec)
265    if (jblok == 0) then
266      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
267      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
268      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find FxE force response tensor in DDB file:", filnamddb))
269      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 4 requires the DDB file to include the corresponding long wave 3rd derivatives")
270    end if
272    ! Look for the stress tensor in the DDB
273    qphon(:,:)=zero
274    qphnrm(:)=one
275    rfphon(:)=0
276    rfstrs(:)=0
277    rfqvec(:)=0
278    rfstrs(4)=3
280    write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10," Extract the stress tensor from 1DTE"
281    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
282    call ddb%get_block(lblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,4)
284    if (lblok == 0) then
285      call wrtout(std_out, "  ")
286      call wrtout(std_out, "--- !WARNING")
287      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("- Cannot find stress tensor in DDB file:", filnamddb))
288      call wrtout(std_out, "  flexoflag=1 or 4 requires the DDB file to include the corresponding 2nd derivatives")
289      call wrtout(std_out, "  to compute the Lagrange Elastic Tensor ")
290    end if
292    if (iblok/=0.and.jblok/=0) then
293      call dtlattflexo(ddb%amu,ddb%val(:,:,lblok),ddb_lw%val(:,:,jblok),ddb_lw%val(:,:,iblok),ddb_version,&
294    & intstrn,lattflexo,ddb%mpert,ddb%natom,crystal%ntypat,piezofr,prtvol,psinvdm,crystal%typat,crystal%ucvol,zeff)
295    end if
296  end if
298 !Merge the three contributions and print the total FxE tensor
299  totflexo(:,:,:,:)=ciflexo(:,:,:,:)+mixflexo(:,:,:,:)+lattflexo(:,:,:,:)
301  iwrite = ab_out > 0
302  if (iwrite) then
303    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' TOTAL flexoelectric tensor (units= nC/m) ',ch10
304    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
305    write(msg,*)'           xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
306    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
307    do ivar=1,6
308      elfd=alpha(ivar)
309      qvecd=beta(ivar)
310      write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivar),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3),&
311                            totflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
312      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
313    end do
314    do ivar=4,6
315      elfd=beta(ivar)
316      qvecd=alpha(ivar)
317      write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivar+3),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3),&
318                            totflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),totflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
319      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
320    end do
321  end if
326 end subroutine ddb_flexo

m_ddb/dm_psinv [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ddb ] [ Functions ]




 Computes the pseudoinverse of the dynamical matrix (PRB 72, 035105 (2005)).
 This piece of code is copied from m_ddb_internalstr.F90.


 asr= if /=0 acustic sume rule is imposed on the dynamical matrix
 blkval(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)= 2nd derivatives wrt two atom displacements (at least)
 iout=out file number
 mpert=maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell


 kmatrix(3*natom,3*natom) = array with the pseudo-inverse of dynamical matrix


1268  subroutine dm_psinv(asr,blkval,d2asr,iout,kmatrix,mpert,natom)
1270 !Arguments -------------------------------
1271 !scalars
1272  integer,intent(in) :: asr,iout,mpert,natom
1273 !arrays
1274  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
1275  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2asr(2,3,natom,3,natom)
1276  real(dp),intent(out) :: kmatrix(3*natom,3*natom)
1278 !Local variables -------------------------
1279 !scalars
1280  integer :: ii1,ipertA,ivarA
1281  integer :: ii2,ipertB,ivarB
1282  integer :: ier
1283  character(len=500) :: message
1284 !arrays
1285  real(dp) :: Amatr(3*natom-3,3*natom-3),Apmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
1286  real(dp) :: Bmatr(2,((3*natom-3)*(3*natom-2))/2)
1287  real(dp) :: Bpmatr(2,(3*natom*(3*natom+1))/2),Cmatr(3*natom-3,3*natom-3)
1288  real(dp) :: Cpmatr(3*natom,3*natom),Nmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
1289  real(dp) :: eigval(3*natom-3),eigvalp(3*natom),eigvec(2,3*natom-3,3*natom-3)
1290  real(dp) :: eigvecp(2,3*natom,3*natom)
1291  real(dp) :: zhpev1(2,2*3*natom-4)
1292  real(dp) :: zhpev1p(2,2*3*natom-1),zhpev2(3*3*natom-5),zhpev2p(3*3*natom-2)
1293  real(dp) :: d2cart(2,3*natom,3*natom)
1295 ! *********************************************************************
1299  d2cart = zero
1300  do ipertA=1,natom
1301    do ii1=1,3
1302      ivarA=ii1+3*(ipertA-1)
1303      do ipertB=1,natom
1304        do ii2=1,3
1305          ivarB=ii2+3*(ipertB-1)
1306          d2cart(1,ivarA,ivarB)=blkval(1,ii1,ipertA,ii2,ipertB)
1307        end do
1308      end do
1309    end do
1310  end do
1312 !Eventually impose the acoustic sum rule
1313 !FIXME: this might depend on ifcflag: impose that it is 0 or generalize
1314  call asria_corr(asr,d2asr,d2cart,natom,natom)
1315  !call asrq0_apply(asrq0, natom, mpert, msize, crystal%xcart, d2cart)
1316  kmatrix = d2cart(1,:,:)
1317  Apmatr(:,:)=kmatrix(:,:)
1319 !DEBUG
1320 !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the force constant matrix'
1321 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
1322 !write(std_out,'(/)')
1323 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
1324 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')kmatrix(ivarB,ivarA)
1325 !end do
1326 !end do
1329  Nmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1330  do ivarA=1,3*natom
1331    do ivarB=1,3*natom
1332      if (mod(ivarA,3)==0 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==0)then
1333        Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
1334      end if
1335      if (mod(ivarA,3)==1 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==1)then
1336        Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
1337      end if
1338      if (mod(ivarA,3)==2 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==2)then
1339        Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
1340      end if
1341    end do
1342  end do
1344 !DEBUG
1345 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
1346 !write(std_out,'(/)')
1347 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
1348 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Nmatr(ivarB,ivarA)
1349 !end do
1350 !end do
1353 !starting the pseudoinverting processes
1354 !then get the eigenvectors of the big matrix,give values to matrixBp
1355  Bpmatr=0.0_dp
1356  ii1=1
1357  do ivarA=1,3*natom
1358    do ivarB=1,ivarA
1359      Bpmatr(1,ii1)=Nmatr(ivarB,ivarA)
1360      ii1=ii1+1
1361    end do
1362  end do
1364 !Bpmatr(2,:) is the imaginary part of the force matrix
1365 !then call the subroutines CHPEV and ZHPEV to get the eigenvectors
1366  call ZHPEV ('V','U',3*natom,Bpmatr,eigvalp,eigvecp,3*natom,zhpev1p,zhpev2p,ier)
1367  ABI_CHECK(ier == 0, sjoin("ZHPEV returned:", itoa(ier)))
1369 !DEBUG
1370 !the eigenval and eigenvec
1371 !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the eigenvalues and eigenvectors'
1372 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
1373 !write(std_out,'(/)')
1374 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')eigvalp(ivarA)
1375 !end do
1376 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
1377 !write(std_out,'(/)')
1378 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
1379 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')eigvecp(1,ivarB,ivarA)
1380 !end do
1381 !end do
1384 !Then do the multiplication to get the reduced matrix,in two steps
1385 !After this the force constant matrix is decouple in two bloks,
1386 !acoustic and optical ones
1387  Cpmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1388  do ivarA=1,3*natom
1389    do ivarB=1,3*natom
1390      do ii1=1,3*natom
1391        Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvecp(1,ii1,ivarA)*Apmatr(ii1,ivarB)
1392      end do
1393    end do
1394  end do
1396  Apmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1397  do ivarA=1,3*natom
1398    do ivarB=1,3*natom
1399      do ii1=1,3*natom
1400        Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+Cpmatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvecp(1,ii1,ivarB)
1401      end do
1402    end do
1403  end do
1405 !DEBUG
1406 !the blok diago
1407 !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'matrixAp'
1408 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
1409 !write(std_out,'(/)')
1410 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
1411 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
1412 !end do
1413 !end do
1416 !Check the last three eigenvalues whether too large or not
1417  ivarB=0
1418  do ivarA=3*natom-2,3*natom
1419    if (ABS(Apmatr(ivarA,ivarA))>tol6)then
1420      ivarB=1
1421    end if
1422  end do
1424  if(ivarB==1)then
1425    write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,3es16.6)')ch10,&
1426 &   '  Acoustic sum rule violation met : the eigenvalues of accoustic mode',ch10,&
1427 &   '  are too large at Gamma point.',ch10,&
1428 &   '  Increase cutoff energy or k-points sampling.',ch10,&
1429 &   '  The three eigenvalues are:',Apmatr(3*natom-2,3*natom-2),Apmatr(3*natom-1,natom-1),Apmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
1430    ABI_WARNING(message)
1431    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
1432  end if
1434 !Give the value of reduced matrix form Apmatr to Amatr
1435  do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
1436    do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
1437      Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
1438    end do
1439  end do
1441 !Now the reduced matrix is in the matrixA, the convert it
1442 !first give the give the value of matixB from matrixA
1443  ii1=1
1444  do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
1445    do ivarB=1,ivarA
1446      Bmatr(1,ii1)=Amatr(ivarB,ivarA)
1447      ii1=ii1+1
1448    end do
1449  end do
1450  Bmatr(2,:)=0.0_dp
1452 !Call the subroutines CHPEV and ZHPEV to get the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues
1453  call ZHPEV ('V','U',3*natom-3,Bmatr,eigval,eigvec,3*natom-3,zhpev1,zhpev2,ier)
1454  ABI_CHECK(ier == 0, sjoin("ZHPEV returned:", itoa(ier)))
1456 !Check the unstable phonon modes, if the first is negative then print
1457 !warning message
1458  if(eigval(1)<-1.0*tol8)then
1459    write(message,'(9a)') ch10,&
1460 &   ' --- !WARNING',ch10,&
1461 &   '     Unstable eigenvalue detected in force constant matrix at Gamma point',ch10,&
1462 &   '     The system under calculation is physically unstable.',ch10,&
1463 &   ' ---',ch10
1464    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1465  end if
1467 !Do the matrix mutiplication to get pseudoinverse inverse matrix
1468  Cmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1469  Amatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1470  do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
1471    Cmatr(ivarA,ivarA)=1.0_dp/eigval(ivarA)
1472  end do
1474  do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
1475    do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
1476      do ii1=1,3*natom-3
1477        Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvec(1,ivarA,ii1)*Cmatr(ii1,ivarB)
1478      end do
1479    end do
1480  end do
1483 !The second multiplication
1484  Cmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1485  do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
1486    do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
1487      do ii1=1,3*natom-3
1488        Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+ Amatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvec(1,ivarB,ii1)
1489      end do
1490    end do
1491  end do
1493 !DEBUG
1494 !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the pseudo inverse of the force matrix'
1495 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
1496 !write(std_out,'(/)')
1497 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
1498 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
1499 !end do
1500 !end do
1503 !So now the inverse of the reduced matrix is in the matrixC
1504 !now do another mutilplication to get the pseudoinverse of the original
1505  Cpmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1506  Apmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1507  do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
1508    do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
1509      Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
1510    end do
1511  end do
1513 !Now times the eigvecp
1514  do ivarA=1,3*natom
1515    do ivarB=1,3*natom
1516      do ii1=1,3*natom
1517        Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvecp(1,ivarA,ii1)*&
1518 &       Cpmatr(ii1,ivarB)
1519      end do
1520    end do
1521  end do
1522  Cpmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
1523  do ivarA=1,3*natom
1524    do ivarB=1,3*natom
1525      do ii1=1,3*natom
1526        Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+ Apmatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvecp(1,ivarB,ii1)
1527      end do
1528    end do
1529  end do
1531 !Now the inverse is in Cpmatr
1532  kmatrix(:,:)=Cpmatr(:,:)
1533 !transfer the inverse of k-matrix back to the k matrix
1534 !so now the inverse of k matrix is in the kmatrix
1535 !ending the part for pseudoinversing the K matrix
1537  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1539  end subroutine dm_psinv

m_ddb/dtciflexo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ddb ] [ Functions ]




 Reads the Clamped Ion Flexoelectric Tensor
 in the Gamma Block coming from the Derivative Data Base
 (long wave third-order derivatives).


 blkval(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)= matrix of third-order energies
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom= number of atoms in unit cell
 ddb_version = 8 digit integer giving date. To mantain compatibility with old DDB files.
 ucvol= unit cell volume


 ciflexo(3,3,3,3) = type-II Clamped Ion Flexoelectric Tensor


350 subroutine dtciflexo(blkval,ddb_version,mpert,natom,ciflexo,ucvol)
352 !Arguments -------------------------------
353 !scalars
354  integer,intent(in) :: ddb_version,mpert,natom
355  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
356 !arrays
357  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)
358  real(dp),intent(out) :: ciflexo(3,3,3,3)
360 !Local variables -------------------------
361 !scalars
362  integer,parameter :: cvrsio8=20100401
363  integer :: elfd,istrs,ivarA,ri,strsd,strsd1,strsd2,strst,qvecd
364  logical :: iwrite
365  real(dp) :: fac
366  character(len=500) :: msg
367  real(dp),parameter :: confac=e_Cb/Bohr_meter*1.d9
368 !arrays
369  integer,parameter :: alpha(6)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1/),beta(6)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2/)
370  real(dp) :: d3cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert)
371  character(len=2) :: voigt(9)=(/'xx','yy','zz','yz','xz','xy','zy','zx','yx'/)
373 ! *********************************************************************
377  d3cart(1,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkval(1,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
378  d3cart(2,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkval(2,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
380 !Define the factors to apply if DDB file has been created with the old version of 
381 !the longwave driver.
382  if (ddb_version <= cvrsio8) then
383    fac=-two/ucvol
384    ri=2
385  else
386    fac=one/ucvol
387    ri=1
388  end if
390 !Extraction of the clamped-ion flexoelectric coeficients 
391  do qvecd=1,3
392    do istrs=1,6
393      strsd1=alpha(istrs)
394      strsd2=beta(istrs)
395      strst=natom+3; if (istrs>3) strst=natom+4
396      strsd=istrs; if (istrs>3) strsd=istrs-3
397      do elfd=1,3
398        ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=fac*d3cart(ri,elfd,natom+2,strsd,strst,qvecd,natom+8)*confac
399        if (istrs>3) ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,strsd2,strsd1)=ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)
400      end do
401    end do
402  end do
404 !Print results
405  iwrite = ab_out > 0
406  if (iwrite) then
407    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Type-II electronic (clamped ion) flexoelectric tensor (units= nC/m) ',ch10
408    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
409    write(msg,*)'           xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
410    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
411    do ivarA=1,6
412      elfd=alpha(ivarA)
413      qvecd=beta(ivarA)
414      write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivarA), ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2), &
415                                  ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3), ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3), &
416                                  ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
417      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
418    end do
419    do ivarA=4,6
420      elfd=beta(ivarA)
421      qvecd=alpha(ivarA)
422      write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivarA+3), ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2), &
423                                  ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3), ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3), &
424                                  ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),ciflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
425      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
426    end do
427  end if
431  end subroutine dtciflexo

m_ddb/dtlattflexo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ddb ] [ Functions ]




 Reads Phi^(1), flexoelectric force response and internal strain tensors 
 in the Gamma Block coming from the Derivative Data Base
 (long wave third-order derivatives). And computes the lattice mediated 
 contribution to the flexoelectric tensor.
 It also computes and writes the Lagrangian Elastic tensor.


 amu(ntypat)=mass each atom type in the unit cell 
 blkval1d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)= 1st derivative wrt stress (at least)
 blkval2d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)= 2nd derivatives wrt atom displacements and electric field (at least)
 blkvalA(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)= matrix of third-order energies for FxE force response tensor
 blkvalB(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)= matrix of third-order energies for Phi^(1) tensor
 ddb_version = 8 digit integer giving date. To mantain compatibility with old DDB files.
 intstrn(3,3,3,natom)= relaxed-ion internal strain tensor
 mpert= maximum number of ipert
 natom= number of atoms in unit cell
 piezofr(3,natom,3,3)= piezoelectric force response tensor (required to compute the Lagrange elastic tensor)
 prtvol= if >1 print all tensors entering the structure of lattflexo
 psinvdm(3*natom,3*natom) = pseudo inverse of dynamical matrix 
 typat(natom)= Type of each atom in the unit cell
 ucvol= unit cell volume


 lattflexo(3,3,3,3) = type-II lattice contribution to the Flexoelectric Tensor


 706 subroutine dtlattflexo(amu,blkval1d,blkvalA,blkvalB,ddb_version,intstrn,lattflexo,mpert,natom,&
 707                      & ntypat,piezofr,prtvol,psinvdm,typat,ucvol,zeff)
 709 !Arguments -------------------------------
 710 !scalars
 711  integer,intent(in) :: ddb_version,mpert,natom,ntypat,prtvol
 712  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
 714 !arrays
 715  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
 716  real(dp),intent(in) :: amu(ntypat)
 717  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval1d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
 718  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkvalA(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)
 719  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkvalB(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)
 720  real(dp),intent(in) :: intstrn(3,3,3,natom)
 721  real(dp),intent(in) :: piezofr(3,natom,3,3)
 722  real(dp),intent(in) :: psinvdm(3*natom,3*natom)
 723  real(dp),intent(in) :: zeff(3,3,natom)
 724  real(dp),intent(out) :: lattflexo(3,3,3,3)
 726 !Local variables -------------------------
 727 !scalars
 728  integer,parameter :: cvrsio8=20100401
 729  integer :: elfd,iat,iatd,istrs,ivar,jat,jatd,jvar,kat,katd,strsd
 730  integer :: strsd1,strsd2,strst,qvecd,qvecd2
 731  logical :: iwrite
 732  real(dp) :: fac,mtot
 733  real(dp),parameter :: confac=e_Cb/Bohr_meter*1.d9
 734  character(len=500) :: msg
 735 !arrays
 736  integer,parameter :: alpha(6)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1/),beta(6)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2/)
 737  real(dp) :: frcelast_t2(3,3,3,3)
 738  real(dp) :: Csupkap(3,natom,3,3,3),Csupkapsum(3,3,3,3)
 739  real(dp) :: d3cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert)
 740  real(dp) :: flexois(3,natom,3,3,3)
 741  real(dp) :: flexofr(3,natom,3,3,3)
 742  real(dp) :: hatCsupkap(3,natom,3,3,3)
 743  real(dp) :: lmcelast(3,3,3,3)
 744  real(dp) :: phi1(3,natom,3,natom,3)
 745  real(dp) :: ricelast_t2(3,3,3,3)
 746  real(dp) :: roundbkt_k(3,3,3,3,natom)
 747  real(dp) :: sqrbkt_t1(3,3,3,3)
 748  real(dp) :: stress(3,3)
 749  character(len=2) :: voigt(9)=(/'xx','yy','zz','yz','xz','xy','zy','zx','yx'/)
 751 ! MR: Kept for testing 
 752 ! integer :: i,j,k,l
 753 ! real(dp) :: delik,deljk,delil,deljl
 755 ! *********************************************************************
 759 !Extraction of the stress tensor
 760  stress(1,1)=blkval1d(1,1,natom+3,1,1)
 761  stress(2,2)=blkval1d(1,2,natom+3,1,1)
 762  stress(3,3)=blkval1d(1,3,natom+3,1,1)
 763  stress(2,3)=blkval1d(1,1,natom+4,1,1);stress(3,2)=stress(2,3)
 764  stress(1,3)=blkval1d(1,2,natom+4,1,1);stress(3,1)=stress(1,3)
 765  stress(1,2)=blkval1d(1,3,natom+4,1,1);stress(2,1)=stress(1,2)
 767 !Calculate the sublattice-dependent round bracket tensor of PRB 88,174106 (2013)
 768 !First we need to extract the Phi^(1) tensor
 769  d3cart(1,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkvalB(1,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
 770  d3cart(2,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkvalB(2,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
 772 !Define the factors to apply if DDB file has been created with the old version of 
 773 !the longwave driver.
 774  if (ddb_version <= cvrsio8) then
 775    fac=-two
 776  else
 777    fac=-one
 778  end if
 780  do qvecd=1,3
 781    do jat=1,natom
 782      do jatd=1,3
 783        do iat=1,natom
 784          do iatd=1,3
 785            phi1(iatd,iat,jatd,jat,qvecd)=fac*d3cart(2,iatd,iat,jatd,jat,qvecd,natom+8)
 786          end do
 787        end do
 788      end do
 789    end do
 790  end do
 792 !Now perform the multiplication with the internal strain
 793  roundbkt_k(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 794  do iat=1,natom
 795    do iatd=1,3
 796      do qvecd2=1,3
 797        do jatd=1,3
 798          do qvecd=1,3
 799            do katd=1,3
 800              do kat=1,natom
 801                roundbkt_k(iatd,qvecd,jatd,qvecd2,iat)=roundbkt_k(iatd,qvecd,jatd,qvecd2,iat) &
 802              + phi1(iatd,iat,katd,kat,qvecd)*intstrn(qvecd2,jatd,katd,kat)
 803              end do
 804            end do
 805 !         write(100,'(5i3,1x,f12.6)') iat, iatd,qvecd,jatd,qvecd2,roundbkt_k(iatd,qvecd,jatd,qvecd2,iat)
 806          end do
 807        end do
 808      end do
 809    end do
 810  end do
 812 !Calculate now the Lagrange elastic tensors 
 813 !First we need to extract the clamped-ion flexoelectric force response tensor
 814  d3cart(1,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkvalA(1,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
 815  d3cart(2,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkvalA(2,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
 817 !Define the factors to apply if DDB file has been created with the old version of 
 818 !the longwave driver.
 819  if (ddb_version <= cvrsio8) then
 820    fac=-two
 821  else
 822    fac=one
 823  end if
 825  do istrs=1,6
 826    strsd1=alpha(istrs)
 827    strsd2=beta(istrs)
 828    strst=natom+3; if (istrs>3) strst=natom+4
 829    strsd=istrs; if (istrs>3) strsd=istrs-3
 830    do qvecd=1,3
 831      do iat=1,natom
 832        do iatd=1,3
 833          flexofr(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=fac*d3cart(1,iatd,iat,strsd,strst,qvecd,natom+8)
 834          if (istrs>3) flexofr(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd2,strsd1)=flexofr(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)
 835        end do
 836      end do
 837    end do
 838  end do
 840 !Now compute the type-II frozen-ion elastic tensor (without stress corrected)
 841  frcelast_t2(:,:,:,:)=zero
 842  fac=one/ucvol
 843  do strsd2=1,3
 844    do strsd1=1,3
 845      do qvecd=1,3
 846        do iatd=1,3
 847          do iat=1,natom
 848            frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
 849         &  flexofr(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)*fac
 850          end do
 851 !         write(100,'(4i3,1x,f12.6)') iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2, frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)
 852        end do
 853      end do
 854    end do
 855  end do
 857 !Now convert to type-I to obtain the square bracketed tensor of Born and Huang
 858  do qvecd=1,3
 859    do strsd2=1,3
 860      do strsd1=1,3
 861        do iatd=1,3
 862          sqrbkt_t1(iatd,strsd1,strsd2,qvecd)=half*(frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
 863        & frcelast_t2(iatd,strsd2,strsd1,qvecd))
 864        end do
 865      end do
 866    end do
 867  end do
 869 !Now correct the stress in the square bracketed tesnor tensor
 870  do qvecd=1,3
 871    do strsd2=1,3
 872      do strsd1=1,3
 873        do iatd=1,3
 874          if (iatd==strsd1) then
 875            sqrbkt_t1(iatd,strsd1,strsd2,qvecd)=sqrbkt_t1(iatd,strsd1,strsd2,qvecd) - stress(strsd2,qvecd)
 876          endif
 877        end do
 878      end do
 879    end do
 880  end do
 882 !Now convert back to type-II in order to obtain the frozen ion Lagrange elastic tensor.
 883  frcelast_t2(:,:,:,:)=zero
 884  do iatd=1,3
 885    do qvecd=1,3
 886      do strsd1=1,3
 887        do strsd2=1,3
 888          frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=sqrbkt_t1(iatd,strsd1,qvecd,strsd2) + &
 889        & sqrbkt_t1(iatd,strsd2,strsd1,qvecd)-sqrbkt_t1(iatd,qvecd,strsd2,strsd1)
 890        end do
 891      end do
 892    end do
 893  end do
 895 !MR: kept for testing only. If uncommented the resulting elastic tensors must agree with HWRV's ones
 896 ! write(ab_out,*)
 897 ! write(ab_out,*) "Stress tensor"
 898 ! do i=1,3
 899 !   write(ab_out,*) stress(i,:)
 900 ! end do
 901 ! do i=1,3
 902 !   do j=1,3
 903 !     do k=1,3
 904 !       delik=0.d0; if(i==k) delik=1.d0
 905 !       deljk=0.d0; if(j==k) deljk=1.d0
 906 !       do l=1,3
 907 !         delil=0.d0; if(i==l) delil=1.d0
 908 !         deljl=0.d0; if(j==l) deljl=1.d0
 910 !         frcelast_t2(i,j,k,l)=frcelast_t2(i,j,k,l) + &
 911 !       & 0.5d0*( deljk*stress(i,l) + delik*stress(j,l) + delil*stress(j,k) &
 912 !       & + deljl*stress(i,k) )
 914 !       end do
 915 !     end do
 916 !   end do
 917 ! end do
 919 !Now compute the contribution to the elastic tensor due to ion relaxations  
 920 !and sum with the clamped ion elastic tensor to obtain the relaxed ion one
 921  lmcelast(:,:,:,:)=zero
 922  do strsd2=1,3
 923    do strsd1=1,3
 924      do qvecd=1,3
 925        do jatd=1,3
 926          do iatd=1,3
 927            do iat=1,natom
 928              lmcelast(jatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=lmcelast(jatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) - &
 929              intstrn(jatd,qvecd,iatd,iat)*piezofr(iatd,iat,strsd1,strsd2)*fac
 930            end do
 931          end do
 932          ricelast_t2(jatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=frcelast_t2(jatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
 933        & lmcelast(jatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)
 934        end do
 935      end do
 936    end do
 937  end do
 939 !In last place compute the lattice contribution to the FxE tensor
 940 !First obtain the C^{\kappa} tensor of Eq. 59 of PRB 88,174106 (2013) 
 941 !and its sublattice summation
 942  Csupkapsum(:,:,:,:)=zero
 943  do strsd2=1,3
 944    do strsd1=1,3
 945      do qvecd=1,3
 946        do iatd=1,3
 947          do iat=1,natom
 948            Csupkap(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=flexofr(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
 949          & roundbkt_k(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2,iat) 
 950            Csupkapsum(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=Csupkapsum(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
 951          & Csupkap(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)          
 952          end do
 953        end do
 954      end do
 955    end do
 956  end do
 958 !Then separate the mass-dependent part 
 959  mtot=zero
 960  do iat=1,natom
 961    mtot=mtot + amu(typat(iat))
 962  end do
 964  do strsd2=1,3
 965    do strsd1=1,3
 966      do qvecd=1,3
 967        do iatd=1,3
 968          do iat=1,natom
 969            hatCsupkap(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=Csupkap(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) - &
 970          & amu(typat(iat))/mtot*Csupkapsum(iatd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)
 971          end do
 972        end do
 973      end do
 974    end do
 975  end do
 977 !Now compute the type-II flexoelectric internal strain tensor
 978  flexois(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 979  do strsd2=1,3
 980    do strsd1=1,3
 981      do qvecd=1,3
 982        do iat=1,natom
 983          do iatd=1,3
 984            ivar=(iat-1)*3+iatd
 985            do jat=1,natom
 986              do jatd=1,3
 987                jvar=(jat-1)*3+jatd
 988                flexois(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=flexois(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
 989              & psinvdm(ivar,jvar)*hatCsupkap(jatd,jat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)
 990              end do
 991            end do
 992          end do
 993        end do
 994      end do
 995    end do
 996  end do
 998 !Finally multiply by the effective charges to obtain the FxE tensor
 999  lattflexo(:,:,:,:)=zero
1000  do strsd2=1,3
1001    do strsd1=1,3
1002      do qvecd=1,3
1003        do elfd=1,3
1004          do iat=1,natom
1005            do iatd=1,3
1006              lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)=lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2) + &
1007            & zeff(elfd,iatd,iat)*flexois(iatd,iat,qvecd,strsd1,strsd2)/ucvol*confac
1008            end do
1009          end do
1010        end do
1011      end do
1012    end do
1013  end do
1016  iwrite = ab_out > 0
1017  if (iwrite) then
1018    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Lagrange elastic tensor from long wave magnitudes (clamped ion) (units= 10^2 GPa) ',ch10
1019    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1020    write(msg,*)'      xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
1021    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1022    frcelast_t2(:,:,:,:)=frcelast_t2(:,:,:,:)*HaBohr3_GPa/100.00_dp
1023    do ivar=1,6
1024      iatd=alpha(ivar)
1025      qvecd=beta(ivar)
1026      write(msg,'(9f12.6)') frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,1,1), frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,2,2),frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,3,3), &
1027                            frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,2,3), frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,1,3),frcelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,1,2)
1029      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1030    end do
1032    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Lagrange elastic tensor from long wave magnitudes (relaxed ion) (units= 10^2 GPa) ',ch10
1033    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1034    write(msg,*)'      xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
1035    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1036    ricelast_t2(:,:,:,:)=ricelast_t2(:,:,:,:)*HaBohr3_GPa/100.00_dp
1037    do ivar=1,6
1038      iatd=alpha(ivar)
1039      qvecd=beta(ivar)
1040      write(msg,'(9f12.6)') ricelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,1,1), ricelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,2,2),ricelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,3,3), &
1041                            ricelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,2,3), ricelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,1,3),ricelast_t2(iatd,qvecd,1,2)
1043      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1044    end do
1045    if (prtvol > 1) then
1046      write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' (...)^kappa contribution to the flexoelectric force-response tensor (units: eV)',ch10
1047      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1048      write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx           yy           zz           yz           xz           xy'
1049      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1050      roundbkt_k(:,:,:,:,:)=roundbkt_k(:,:,:,:,:)*Ha_eV
1051      do iat=1,natom
1052        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xx', roundbkt_k(1,1,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(1,1,2,2,iat), &
1053                & roundbkt_k(1,1,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,1,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,1,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,1,1,2,iat)
1054        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1055        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yy', roundbkt_k(2,2,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(2,2,2,2,iat), &
1056                & roundbkt_k(2,2,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,2,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,2,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,2,1,2,iat)
1057        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1058        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zz', roundbkt_k(3,3,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(3,3,2,2,iat), &
1059                & roundbkt_k(3,3,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,3,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,3,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,3,1,2,iat)
1060        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1061        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yz', roundbkt_k(2,3,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(2,3,2,2,iat), &
1062                & roundbkt_k(2,3,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,3,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,3,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,3,1,2,iat)
1063        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1064        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xz', roundbkt_k(1,3,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(1,3,2,2,iat), &
1065                & roundbkt_k(1,3,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,3,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,3,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,3,1,2,iat)
1066        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1067        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xy', roundbkt_k(1,2,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(1,2,2,2,iat), &
1068                & roundbkt_k(1,2,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,2,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,2,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(1,2,1,2,iat)
1069        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1070        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zy', roundbkt_k(3,2,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(3,2,2,2,iat), &
1071                & roundbkt_k(3,2,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,2,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,2,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,2,1,2,iat)
1072        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1073        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zx', roundbkt_k(3,1,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(3,1,2,2,iat), &
1074                & roundbkt_k(3,1,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,1,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,1,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(3,1,1,2,iat)
1075        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1076        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yx', roundbkt_k(2,1,1,1,iat), roundbkt_k(2,1,2,2,iat), &
1077                & roundbkt_k(2,1,3,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,1,2,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,1,1,3,iat),roundbkt_k(2,1,1,2,iat)
1078        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1079      end do
1081      write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' [...]^kappa contribution to the flexoelectric force-response tensor (units: eV)',ch10
1082      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1083      write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx           yy           zz           yz           xz           xy'
1084      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1085      flexofr(:,:,:,:,:)=flexofr(:,:,:,:,:)*Ha_eV
1086      do iat=1,natom
1087        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xx', flexofr(1,iat,1,1,1),flexofr(1,iat,1,2,2),flexofr(1,iat,1,3,3),&
1088                                                      & flexofr(1,iat,1,2,3),flexofr(1,iat,1,1,3),flexofr(1,iat,1,1,2)  
1089        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1090        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yy', flexofr(2,iat,2,1,1),flexofr(2,iat,2,2,2),flexofr(2,iat,2,3,3),&
1091                                                      & flexofr(2,iat,2,2,3),flexofr(2,iat,2,1,3),flexofr(2,iat,2,1,2)  
1092        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1093        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zz', flexofr(3,iat,3,1,1),flexofr(3,iat,3,2,2),flexofr(3,iat,3,3,3),&
1094                                                      & flexofr(3,iat,3,2,3),flexofr(3,iat,3,1,3),flexofr(3,iat,3,1,2)  
1095        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1096        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yz', flexofr(2,iat,3,1,1),flexofr(2,iat,3,2,2),flexofr(2,iat,3,3,3),&
1097                                                      & flexofr(2,iat,3,2,3),flexofr(2,iat,3,1,3),flexofr(2,iat,3,1,2)  
1098        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1099        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xz', flexofr(1,iat,3,1,1),flexofr(1,iat,3,2,2),flexofr(1,iat,3,3,3),&
1100                                                      & flexofr(1,iat,3,2,3),flexofr(1,iat,3,1,3),flexofr(1,iat,3,1,2)  
1101        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1102        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xy', flexofr(1,iat,2,1,1),flexofr(1,iat,2,2,2),flexofr(1,iat,2,3,3),&
1103                                                      & flexofr(1,iat,2,2,3),flexofr(1,iat,2,1,3),flexofr(1,iat,2,1,2)  
1104        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1105        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zy', flexofr(3,iat,2,1,1),flexofr(3,iat,2,2,2),flexofr(3,iat,2,3,3),&
1106                                                      & flexofr(3,iat,2,2,3),flexofr(3,iat,2,1,3),flexofr(3,iat,2,1,2)  
1107        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1108        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zx', flexofr(3,iat,1,1,1),flexofr(3,iat,1,2,2),flexofr(3,iat,1,3,3),&
1109                                                      & flexofr(3,iat,1,2,3),flexofr(3,iat,1,1,3),flexofr(3,iat,1,1,2)  
1110        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1111        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yx', flexofr(2,iat,1,1,1),flexofr(2,iat,1,2,2),flexofr(2,iat,1,3,3),&
1112                                                      & flexofr(2,iat,1,2,3),flexofr(2,iat,1,1,3),flexofr(2,iat,1,1,2)  
1113        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1114        end do
1115    end if
1117    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Flexoelectric force-response tensor (units: eV)',ch10
1118    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1119    write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx           yy           zz           yz           xz           xy'
1120    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1121    Csupkap(:,:,:,:,:)=Csupkap(:,:,:,:,:)*Ha_eV
1122    do iat=1,natom
1123      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xx', Csupkap(1,iat,1,1,1),Csupkap(1,iat,1,2,2),Csupkap(1,iat,1,3,3),&
1124                                                    & Csupkap(1,iat,1,2,3),Csupkap(1,iat,1,1,3),Csupkap(1,iat,1,1,2)  
1125      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1126      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yy', Csupkap(2,iat,2,1,1),Csupkap(2,iat,2,2,2),Csupkap(2,iat,2,3,3),&
1127                                                    & Csupkap(2,iat,2,2,3),Csupkap(2,iat,2,1,3),Csupkap(2,iat,2,1,2)  
1128      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1129      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zz', Csupkap(3,iat,3,1,1),Csupkap(3,iat,3,2,2),Csupkap(3,iat,3,3,3),&
1130                                                    & Csupkap(3,iat,3,2,3),Csupkap(3,iat,3,1,3),Csupkap(3,iat,3,1,2)  
1131      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1132      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yz', Csupkap(2,iat,3,1,1),Csupkap(2,iat,3,2,2),Csupkap(2,iat,3,3,3),&
1133                                                    & Csupkap(2,iat,3,2,3),Csupkap(2,iat,3,1,3),Csupkap(2,iat,3,1,2)  
1134      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1135      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xz', Csupkap(1,iat,3,1,1),Csupkap(1,iat,3,2,2),Csupkap(1,iat,3,3,3),&
1136                                                    & Csupkap(1,iat,3,2,3),Csupkap(1,iat,3,1,3),Csupkap(1,iat,3,1,2)  
1137      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1138      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xy', Csupkap(1,iat,2,1,1),Csupkap(1,iat,2,2,2),Csupkap(1,iat,2,3,3),&
1139                                                    & Csupkap(1,iat,2,2,3),Csupkap(1,iat,2,1,3),Csupkap(1,iat,2,1,2)  
1140      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1141      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zy', Csupkap(3,iat,2,1,1),Csupkap(3,iat,2,2,2),Csupkap(3,iat,2,3,3),&
1142                                                    & Csupkap(3,iat,2,2,3),Csupkap(3,iat,2,1,3),Csupkap(3,iat,2,1,2)  
1143      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1144      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zx', Csupkap(3,iat,1,1,1),Csupkap(3,iat,1,2,2),Csupkap(3,iat,1,3,3),&
1145                                                    & Csupkap(3,iat,1,2,3),Csupkap(3,iat,1,1,3),Csupkap(3,iat,1,1,2)  
1146      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1147      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yx', Csupkap(2,iat,1,1,1),Csupkap(2,iat,1,2,2),Csupkap(2,iat,1,3,3),&
1148                                                    & Csupkap(2,iat,1,2,3),Csupkap(2,iat,1,1,3),Csupkap(2,iat,1,1,2)  
1149      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1150    end do
1151    if (prtvol > 1) then 
1152      write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Flexoelectric force-response tensor minus mass dependent part (units: eV)',ch10
1153      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1154      write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx           yy           zz           yz           xz           xy'
1155      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1156      hatCsupkap(:,:,:,:,:)=hatCsupkap(:,:,:,:,:)*Ha_eV
1157      do iat=1,natom
1158        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'xx',hatCsupkap(1,iat,1,1,1),hatCsupkap(1,iat,1,2,2),hatCsupkap(1,iat,1,3,3),&
1159                                                      & hatCsupkap(1,iat,1,2,3),hatCsupkap(1,iat,1,1,3),hatCsupkap(1,iat,1,1,2)  
1160        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1161        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'yy',hatCsupkap(2,iat,2,1,1),hatCsupkap(2,iat,2,2,2),hatCsupkap(2,iat,2,3,3),&
1162                                                      & hatCsupkap(2,iat,2,2,3),hatCsupkap(2,iat,2,1,3),hatCsupkap(2,iat,2,1,2)  
1163        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1164        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'zz',hatCsupkap(3,iat,3,1,1),hatCsupkap(3,iat,3,2,2),hatCsupkap(3,iat,3,3,3),&
1165                                                      & hatCsupkap(3,iat,3,2,3),hatCsupkap(3,iat,3,1,3),hatCsupkap(3,iat,3,1,2)  
1166        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1167        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'yz',hatCsupkap(2,iat,3,1,1),hatCsupkap(2,iat,3,2,2),hatCsupkap(2,iat,3,3,3),&
1168                                                      & hatCsupkap(2,iat,3,2,3),hatCsupkap(2,iat,3,1,3),hatCsupkap(2,iat,3,1,2)  
1169        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1170        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'xz',hatCsupkap(1,iat,3,1,1),hatCsupkap(1,iat,3,2,2),hatCsupkap(1,iat,3,3,3),&
1171                                                      & hatCsupkap(1,iat,3,2,3),hatCsupkap(1,iat,3,1,3),hatCsupkap(1,iat,3,1,2)  
1172        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1173        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'xy',hatCsupkap(1,iat,2,1,1),hatCsupkap(1,iat,2,2,2),hatCsupkap(1,iat,2,3,3),&
1174                                                      & hatCsupkap(1,iat,2,2,3),hatCsupkap(1,iat,2,1,3),hatCsupkap(1,iat,2,1,2)  
1175        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1176        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'zy',hatCsupkap(3,iat,2,1,1),hatCsupkap(3,iat,2,2,2),hatCsupkap(3,iat,2,3,3),&
1177                                                      & hatCsupkap(3,iat,2,2,3),hatCsupkap(3,iat,2,1,3),hatCsupkap(3,iat,2,1,2)  
1178        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1179        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'zx',hatCsupkap(3,iat,1,1,1),hatCsupkap(3,iat,1,2,2),hatCsupkap(3,iat,1,3,3),&
1180                                                      & hatCsupkap(3,iat,1,2,3),hatCsupkap(3,iat,1,1,3),hatCsupkap(3,iat,1,1,2)  
1181        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1182        write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat,'yx',hatCsupkap(2,iat,1,1,1),hatCsupkap(2,iat,1,2,2),hatCsupkap(2,iat,1,3,3),&
1183                                                      & hatCsupkap(2,iat,1,2,3),hatCsupkap(2,iat,1,1,3),hatCsupkap(2,iat,1,1,2)  
1184        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1185      end do
1186    end if
1188    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Displacement-response flexoelectric internal strain tensor (units: Bohr^2)',ch10
1189    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1190    write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx           yy           zz           yz           xz           xy'
1191    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1192    do iat=1,natom
1193      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xx', flexois(1,iat,1,1,1),flexois(1,iat,1,2,2),flexois(1,iat,1,3,3),&
1194                                                    & flexois(1,iat,1,2,3),flexois(1,iat,1,1,3),flexois(1,iat,1,1,2)  
1195      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1196      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yy', flexois(2,iat,2,1,1),flexois(2,iat,2,2,2),flexois(2,iat,2,3,3),&
1197                                                    & flexois(2,iat,2,2,3),flexois(2,iat,2,1,3),flexois(2,iat,2,1,2)  
1198      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1199      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zz', flexois(3,iat,3,1,1),flexois(3,iat,3,2,2),flexois(3,iat,3,3,3),&
1200                                                    & flexois(3,iat,3,2,3),flexois(3,iat,3,1,3),flexois(3,iat,3,1,2)  
1201      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1202      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yz', flexois(2,iat,3,1,1),flexois(2,iat,3,2,2),flexois(2,iat,3,3,3),&
1203                                                    & flexois(2,iat,3,2,3),flexois(2,iat,3,1,3),flexois(2,iat,3,1,2)  
1204      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1205      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xz', flexois(1,iat,3,1,1),flexois(1,iat,3,2,2),flexois(1,iat,3,3,3),&
1206                                                    & flexois(1,iat,3,2,3),flexois(1,iat,3,1,3),flexois(1,iat,3,1,2)  
1207      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1208      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'xy', flexois(1,iat,2,1,1),flexois(1,iat,2,2,2),flexois(1,iat,2,3,3),&
1209                                                    & flexois(1,iat,2,2,3),flexois(1,iat,2,1,3),flexois(1,iat,2,1,2)  
1210      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1211      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zy', flexois(3,iat,2,1,1),flexois(3,iat,2,2,2),flexois(3,iat,2,3,3),&
1212                                                    & flexois(3,iat,2,2,3),flexois(3,iat,2,1,3),flexois(3,iat,2,1,2)  
1213      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1214      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'zx', flexois(3,iat,1,1,1),flexois(3,iat,1,2,2),flexois(3,iat,1,3,3),&
1215                                                    & flexois(3,iat,1,2,3),flexois(3,iat,1,1,3),flexois(3,iat,1,1,2)  
1216      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1217      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6(f12.6,1x))') iat, 'yx', flexois(2,iat,1,1,1),flexois(2,iat,1,2,2),flexois(2,iat,1,3,3),&
1218                                                    & flexois(2,iat,1,2,3),flexois(2,iat,1,1,3),flexois(2,iat,1,1,2)  
1219      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1220    end do
1222    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Type-II lattice contribution to flexoelectric tensor (units= nC/m) ',ch10
1223    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1224    write(msg,*)'           xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
1225    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1226    do ivar=1,6
1227      elfd=alpha(ivar)
1228      qvecd=beta(ivar)
1229      write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivar),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3),&
1230                            lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
1231      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1232    end do
1233    do ivar=4,6
1234      elfd=beta(ivar)
1235      qvecd=alpha(ivar)
1236      write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivar+3),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3),&
1237                            lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),lattflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
1238      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
1239    end do
1241  end if
1242  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1244  end subroutine dtlattflexo

m_ddb/dtmixflexo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ddb ] [ Functions ]




 Reads the P^(1) and Phi^(1) tensors 
 in the Gamma Block coming from the Derivative Data Base
 (long wave third-order derivatives). And computes the mixed
 contribution to the flexoelectric tensor.


 asr= if /=0 acustic sume rule is imposed on the dynamical matrix
 blkval1d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)= 1st derivative wrt atom displacements (at least)
 blkval2d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)= 2nd derivatives wrt two atom displacements (at least)
 blkval(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)= matrix of third-order energies for Phi^(1) tensor
 ddb_version = 8 digit integer giving date. To mantain compatibility with old DDB files.
 gprimd(3,3)= basis vectors in the reciprocal space
 intstrn_only= activates only the calculation of the internal strain tensor
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom= number of atoms in unit cell
 piezofr(3,natom,3,3)= piezoelectric force response tensor 
 pol1(3,3,3,natom)= tensor with the polarization induced by an atomic displacement (P^(1))
 rprimd(3,3)= basis vectors in the real space
 ucvol= unit cell volume


 mixflexo(3,3,3,3) = type-II mixed contribution to the Flexoelectric Tensor
 intstrn(3,3,3,natom) = relaxed-ion internal strain tensor
 psinvdm(3*natom,3*natom) = pseudo inverse of dynamical matrix


467 subroutine dtmixflexo(asr,d2asr,blkval1d,blkval2d,blkval,ddb_version,gprimd,intstrn,intstrn_only, &
468               & mixflexo,mpert,natom,piezofr,pol1,psinvdm,rprimd,ucvol)
470 !Arguments -------------------------------
471 !scalars
472  integer,intent(in) :: asr,ddb_version,mpert,natom
473  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
474  logical,intent(in) :: intstrn_only
475 !arrays
476  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2asr(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
477  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval1d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
478  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval2d(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
479  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval(2,3*mpert*3*mpert*3*mpert)
480  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3)
481  real(dp),intent(out) :: intstrn(3,3,3,natom)
482  real(dp),intent(out) :: piezofr(3,natom,3,3)
483  real(dp),intent(inout) :: pol1(3,3,3,natom)
484  real(dp),intent(out) :: psinvdm(3*natom,3*natom)
485  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
486  real(dp),intent(out) :: mixflexo(3,3,3,3)
488 !Local variables -------------------------
489 !scalars
490  integer,parameter :: cvrsio8=20100401
491  integer :: elfd,iat,iatd,ivar,jat,jatd,jvar,katd,qvecd,qvecd2
492  logical :: iwrite
493  real(dp),parameter :: confac=e_Cb/Bohr_meter*1.d9
494  real(dp) :: fac
495  character(len=500) :: msg
496 !arrays
497  integer,parameter :: alpha(6)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1/),beta(6)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2/)
498  real(dp) :: d3cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert)
499  real(dp) :: redforces(3,natom),forces(3,natom)
500  real(dp) :: phi1(3,natom,3,natom,3)
501  integer :: flg1(3),flg2(3)
502  real(dp) :: vec1(3),vec2(3)
503  character(len=2) :: voigt(9)=(/'xx','yy','zz','yz','xz','xy','zy','zx','yx'/)
505 ! *********************************************************************
509  d3cart(1,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkval(1,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
510  d3cart(2,:,:,:,:,:,:) = reshape(blkval(2,:),shape = (/3,mpert,3,mpert,3,mpert/))
512 !P^(1) lacks the 1/ucvol factor
513  pol1=pol1/ucvol
515 !Define the factors to apply if DDB file has been created with the old version of 
516 !the longwave driver.
517  if (ddb_version <= cvrsio8) then
518    fac=-two
519  else
520    fac=-one
521  end if
523 !Extraction of Phi^(1) tensor
524  do qvecd=1,3
525    do jat=1,natom
526      do jatd=1,3
527        do iat=1,natom
528          do iatd=1,3
529            phi1(iatd,iat,jatd,jat,qvecd)=fac*d3cart(2,iatd,iat,jatd,jat,qvecd,natom+8)
530          end do
531        end do
532      end do
533    end do
534  end do
536 !Extraction of the forces and conversion to cartesian coordinates 
537 !to acount for the improper contribution
538  do iat=1,natom
539    do iatd=1,3
540      redforces(iatd,iat)=-blkval1d(1,iatd,iat,1,1)
541    end do
542  end do
543  forces(:,:)=redforces(:,:)
544  flg1(:)=1
545  do iat=1,natom
546    vec1(:)=forces(:,iat)
547    call cart39(flg1,flg2,gprimd,iat,natom,rprimd,vec1,vec2)
548    forces(:,iat)=vec2(:)
549  end do
551 !Calculate the piezoelectric force-response tensor including the improper contribution
552  piezofr(:,:,:,:)=zero
553  do qvecd=1,3
554    do iat=1,natom
555      do iatd=1,3
556        do jatd=1,3
557          do jat=1,natom
558            piezofr(iatd,iat,jatd,qvecd)=piezofr(iatd,iat,jatd,qvecd) + phi1(iatd,iat,jatd,jat,qvecd)
559          end do
560          if (iatd==qvecd) piezofr(iatd,iat,jatd,qvecd)=piezofr(iatd,iat,jatd,qvecd) + forces(jatd,iat)
561        end do
562      end do
563    end do
564  end do
566 !Calculate the ion-relaxed internal strain tensor
567  !First we need to obtain the pseudo-inverse of the dynamical matrix 
568  call dm_psinv(asr,blkval2d,d2asr,ab_out,psinvdm,mpert,natom)
570  !Perfom the product with the piezo force-response
571  intstrn(:,:,:,:)=zero
572  do qvecd=1,3
573    do katd=1,3
574      do iatd=1,3
575        do iat=1,natom
576          ivar=(iat-1)*3+iatd
577          do jatd=1,3
578            do jat=1,natom
579              jvar=(jat-1)*3+jatd
581              intstrn(qvecd,katd,iatd,iat)= intstrn(qvecd,katd,iatd,iat) + &
582            psinvdm(ivar,jvar)*piezofr(jatd,jat,katd,qvecd)
584            end do
585          end do
586        end do
587      end do
588    end do
589  end do
591  if (.not.intstrn_only) then
592  !Finally calculate the mixed contribution to the FxE tensor
593    mixflexo(:,:,:,:)=zero
594    do elfd=1,3
595      do qvecd=1,3
596        do katd=1,3
597          do qvecd2=1,3
598            do iatd=1,3
599              do iat=1,natom
601                mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,katd,qvecd2)=mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,katd,qvecd2) - &
602              pol1(elfd,qvecd,iatd,iat)*intstrn(qvecd2,katd,iatd,iat)*confac
604             end do
605           end do
606         end do
607       end do
608     end do
609   end do
610  end if
612 !Print results
613  iwrite = ab_out > 0
614  if (iwrite) then
615    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Force-response internal strain tensor from long-wave magnitudes (units: Hartree/Bohr)',ch10
616    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
617    write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
618    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
619    do iat=1,natom
620      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6f12.6)') iat, 'x', piezofr(1,iat,1,1),piezofr(1,iat,2,2),piezofr(1,iat,3,3),&
621                                                     piezofr(1,iat,2,3),piezofr(1,iat,1,3),piezofr(1,iat,1,2)
622      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
623      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6f12.6)') iat, 'y', piezofr(2,iat,1,1),piezofr(2,iat,2,2),piezofr(2,iat,3,3),&
624                                                     piezofr(2,iat,2,3),piezofr(2,iat,1,3),piezofr(2,iat,1,2)
625      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
626      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6f12.6)') iat, 'z', piezofr(3,iat,1,1),piezofr(3,iat,2,2),piezofr(3,iat,3,3),&
627                                                     piezofr(3,iat,2,3),piezofr(3,iat,1,3),piezofr(3,iat,1,2)
628      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
629    end do 
631    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Displacement-response internal strain tensor from long-wave magnitudes (units: Bohr)',ch10
632    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
633    write(msg,*)' atom   dir        xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
634    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
635    do iat=1,natom
636      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6f12.6)') iat, 'x', intstrn(1,1,1,iat),intstrn(2,2,1,iat),intstrn(3,3,1,iat),&
637                                                          intstrn(2,3,1,iat),intstrn(1,3,1,iat),intstrn(1,2,1,iat)
638      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
639      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6f12.6)') iat, 'y', intstrn(1,1,2,iat),intstrn(2,2,2,iat),intstrn(3,3,2,iat),&
640                                                          intstrn(2,3,2,iat),intstrn(1,3,2,iat),intstrn(1,2,2,iat)
641      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
642      write(msg,'(2x,i3,3x,a3,2x,6f12.6)') iat, 'z', intstrn(1,1,3,iat),intstrn(2,2,3,iat),intstrn(3,3,3,iat),&
643                                                          intstrn(2,3,3,iat),intstrn(1,3,3,iat),intstrn(1,2,3,iat)
644      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
645    end do 
647    if (.not.intstrn_only) then
648      write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,' Type-II mixed contribution to flexoelectric tensor (units: nC/m)',ch10
649      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
650      write(msg,*)'           xx          yy          zz          yz          xz          xy'
651      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
652      do ivar=1,6
653        elfd=alpha(ivar)
654        qvecd=beta(ivar)
655        write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivar),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3),&
656                              mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
657        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
658      end do
659      do ivar=4,6
660        elfd=beta(ivar)
661        qvecd=alpha(ivar)
662        write(msg,'(3x,a2,6f12.6)') voigt(ivar+3),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,1),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,2),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,3,3),&
663                              mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,2,3),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,3),mixflexo(elfd,qvecd,1,2)
664        call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
665      end do
666    end if
667  end if
671  end subroutine dtmixflexo