ABINIT/ddb_internalstr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Get the insternal strain tensors,both force response and displacement response ones.


 asrq0<asrq0_t>=Object for the treatment of the ASR based on the q=0 block found in the DDB file.
   second derivatives of total energy with respect to electric fields
   atom displacements,strain,...... all in cartesian coordinates
 crystal<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure info.
 iblok= blok number in DDB file
 iout=out file number
 mpert=maximum number of ipert
 msize=Maximum size of dynamical matrices and other perturbations (ddk, dde...)
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 nblok=number of total bloks in DDB file
 prt_internalstr=if 2 or higher, print force and displacement internal strain,
                 if 1, print only force internal strain,
                 if 0, do not print internal strain.


 instrain=force response internal strain tensor


 In output of internal strain tensor,column runs from strain1 to
 strain6(in Voigt notation),row runs from atom1x,atom1y,atom1z,atom2x,.......
 sum rule is applied on the internal strain tensor


 78 subroutine ddb_internalstr(asr,&
 79 !&crystal,&
 80 & blkval,&
 81 !&asrq0,&
 82 & d2asr,iblok,instrain,iout,mpert,&
 83 !&msize,&
 84 natom,nblok,prt_internalstr)
 86 !Arguments----------------------------------------------
 87 !scalars
 88  integer,intent(in) :: asr,iblok,iout,mpert,natom,nblok,prt_internalstr
 89 !integer,intent(in) :: msize
 90 !type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
 91 !type(asrq0_t),intent(inout) :: asrq0
 92 !arrays
 93  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2asr(2,3,natom,3,natom)
 94  real(dp),intent(in) :: blkval(2,3,mpert,3,mpert,nblok)
 95  real(dp),intent(out) :: instrain(3*natom,6)
 97 !Local variables------------------------------------
 98 !scalars
 99  integer :: idirA,idirB,ier,ii1,ii2,ipertA,ipertB,ivarA,ivarB
100  character(len=500) :: direction,message
101 !arrays
102  real(dp) :: Amatr(3*natom-3,3*natom-3),Apmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
103  real(dp) :: Bmatr(2,((3*natom-3)*(3*natom-2))/2)
104  real(dp) :: Bpmatr(2,(3*natom*(3*natom+1))/2),Cmatr(3*natom-3,3*natom-3)
105  real(dp) :: Cpmatr(3*natom,3*natom),Nmatr(3*natom,3*natom),deviation(3,6)
106  real(dp) :: eigval(3*natom-3),eigvalp(3*natom),eigvec(2,3*natom-3,3*natom-3)
107  real(dp) :: eigvecp(2,3*natom,3*natom),instrain_dis(6,3*natom)
108  real(dp) :: kmatrix(3*natom,3*natom),zhpev1(2,2*3*natom-4)
109  real(dp) :: zhpev1p(2,2*3*natom-1),zhpev2(3*3*natom-5),zhpev2p(3*3*natom-2)
110  real(dp) :: d2cart(2,3*natom,3*natom)
112 !***************************************************************
114 !extract internal strain from DDB matrix data
116  do ipertA=1,natom
117    do idirA=1,3
118      ivarA=idirA+3*(ipertA-1)
119      do ivarB=1,6
120        if(ivarB<=3) then
121          idirB=ivarB
122          ipertB=natom+3
123 !        for the diagonal modulus
124        else if(ivarB>3) then
125          idirB=ivarB-3
126          ipertB=natom+4
127 !        for the shear modulus
128        end if
129        instrain(ivarA,ivarB)=(-1.0_dp)*blkval(1,idirA,ipertA,idirB,ipertB,iblok)
130 !      write(std_out,'(es16.6)')blkval(1,idirA,ipertA,idirB,ipertB,iblok)
131      end do
132    end do
133  end do
134 !according to the definition there is a minus sign before the second derivative
136 !apply sum rule to the internal strain tensor
137  deviation(:,:)=zero
138  do ivarB=1,6
139    do ivarA=1,3*natom
140      if(mod(ivarA,3)==0)then
141        deviation(1,ivarB)=deviation(1,ivarB)+instrain(ivarA,ivarB)
142      end if
143      if(mod(ivarA,3)==1)then
144        deviation(2,ivarB)=deviation(2,ivarB)+instrain(ivarA,ivarB)
145      end if
146      if(mod(ivarA,3)==2)then
147        deviation(3,ivarB)=deviation(3,ivarB)+instrain(ivarA,ivarB)
148      end if
149    end do
150  end do
152  do ivarB=1,6
153    do ivarA=1,3*natom
154      if(mod(ivarA,3)==0)then
155        instrain(ivarA,ivarB)=instrain(ivarA,ivarB)-deviation(1,ivarB)/natom
156      end if
157      if(mod(ivarA,3)==1)then
158        instrain(ivarA,ivarB)=instrain(ivarA,ivarB)-deviation(2,ivarB)/natom
159      end if
160      if(mod(ivarA,3)==2)then
161        instrain(ivarA,ivarB)=instrain(ivarA,ivarB)-deviation(3,ivarB)/natom
162      end if
163    end do
164  end do
165 !ending the sum rule
167 !print the force response internal strain constants into the output file
168  if(prt_internalstr>0)then
169    write(message,'(a,a,a,a)')ch10,&
170 &   ' Force-response internal strain tensor','(Unit:Hartree/bohr)',ch10
171    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
172    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
174    write(message,'(a5,a4,a11,a12,a12,a12,a12,a12)')' Atom',' dir','strainxx',&
175 &   'strainyy','strainzz','strainyz','strainxz','strainxy'
176    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
177    do ii1=1,3*natom
178      if(mod(ii1,3)==1)then
179        direction='x'
180      elseif(mod(ii1,3)==2)then
181        direction='y'
182      elseif(mod(ii1,3)==0)then
183        direction='z'
184      end if
185      write(message,'(a1,i2,a2,a3,6f12.7)')' ',int((ii1-1)/3)+1,'  ',direction,&
186 &     instrain(ii1,1),instrain(ii1,2),instrain(ii1,3),&
187 &     instrain(ii1,4),instrain(ii1,5),instrain(ii1,6)
188      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
189    end do
190  endif
192 !now write into the ddb output file
193  write(message,'(a5,a4,a11,a12,a12,a12,a12,a12)')' Atom',' dir','strainxx',&
194 & 'strainyy','strainzz','strainyz','strainxz','strainxy'
195  call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
196  do ii1=1,3*natom
197    if(mod(ii1,3)==1)then
198      direction='x'
199    elseif(mod(ii1,3)==2)then
200      direction='y'
201    elseif(mod(ii1,3)==0)then
202      direction='z'
203    end if
204    write(message,'(a1,i2,a2,a3,6f12.7)')' ',int((ii1-1)/3)+1,'  ',direction,&
205 &   instrain(ii1,1),&
206 &   instrain(ii1,2),instrain(ii1,3),&
207 &   instrain(ii1,4),instrain(ii1,5),instrain(ii1,6)
208    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
209  end do
211 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 !Try to get the displacement response internal strain tensor
214 !first need the inverse of force constant matrix
215  d2cart = zero
216  do ipertA=1,natom
217    do ii1=1,3
218      ivarA=ii1+3*(ipertA-1)
219      do ipertB=1,natom
220        do ii2=1,3
221          ivarB=ii2+3*(ipertB-1)
222          d2cart(1,ivarA,ivarB)=blkval(1,ii1,ipertA,ii2,ipertB,iblok)
223        end do
224      end do
225    end do
226  end do
228 !Eventually impose the acoustic sum rule
229 !FIXME: this might depend on ifcflag: impose that it is 0 or generalize
230  call asria_corr(asr,d2asr,d2cart,natom,natom)
231  !call asrq0_apply(asrq0, natom, mpert, msize, crystal%xcart, d2cart)
232  kmatrix = d2cart(1,:,:)
233  Apmatr(:,:)=kmatrix(:,:)
235 !DEBUG
236 !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the force constant matrix'
237 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
238 !write(std_out,'(/)')
239 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
240 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')kmatrix(ivarB,ivarA)
241 !end do
242 !end do
245  Nmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
246  do ivarA=1,3*natom
247    do ivarB=1,3*natom
248      if (mod(ivarA,3)==0 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==0)then
249        Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
250      end if
251      if (mod(ivarA,3)==1 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==1)then
252        Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
253      end if
254      if (mod(ivarA,3)==2 .and. mod(ivarB,3)==2)then
255        Nmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=one
256      end if
257    end do
258  end do
260 !DEBUG
261 !do ivarA=1,3*natom
262 !write(std_out,'(/)')
263 !do ivarB=1,3*natom
264 !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Nmatr(ivarB,ivarA)
265 !end do
266 !end do
269  if (natom > 1) then
271   !starting the pseudoinverting processes
272   !then get the eigenvectors of the big matrix,give values to matrixBp
273    Bpmatr=0.0_dp
274    ii1=1
275    do ivarA=1,3*natom
276      do ivarB=1,ivarA
277        Bpmatr(1,ii1)=Nmatr(ivarB,ivarA)
278        ii1=ii1+1
279      end do
280    end do
282   !Bpmatr(2,:) is the imaginary part of the force matrix
283   !then call the subroutines CHPEV and ZHPEV to get the eigenvectors
284    call ZHPEV ('V','U',3*natom,Bpmatr,eigvalp,eigvecp,3*natom,zhpev1p,zhpev2p,ier)
285    ABI_CHECK(ier == 0, sjoin("ZHPEV returned:", itoa(ier)))
287   !DEBUG
288   !the eigenval and eigenvec
289   !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the eigenvalues and eigenvectors'
290   !do ivarA=1,3*natom
291   !write(std_out,'(/)')
292   !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')eigvalp(ivarA)
293   !end do
294   !do ivarA=1,3*natom
295   !write(std_out,'(/)')
296   !do ivarB=1,3*natom
297   !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')eigvecp(1,ivarB,ivarA)
298   !end do
299   !end do
302   !Then do the multiplication to get the reduced matrix,in two steps
303   !After this the force constant matrix is decouple in two bloks,
304   !acoustic and optical ones
305    Cpmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
306    do ivarA=1,3*natom
307      do ivarB=1,3*natom
308        do ii1=1,3*natom
309          Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvecp(1,ii1,ivarA)*Apmatr(ii1,ivarB)
310        end do
311      end do
312    end do
314    Apmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
315    do ivarA=1,3*natom
316      do ivarB=1,3*natom
317        do ii1=1,3*natom
318          Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+Cpmatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvecp(1,ii1,ivarB)
319        end do
320      end do
321    end do
323   !DEBUG
324   !the blok diago
325   !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'matrixAp'
326   !do ivarA=1,3*natom
327   !write(std_out,'(/)')
328   !do ivarB=1,3*natom
329   !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
330   !end do
331   !end do
334   !Check the last three eigenvalues whether too large or not
335    ivarB=0
336    do ivarA=3*natom-2,3*natom
337      if (ABS(Apmatr(ivarA,ivarA))>tol6)then
338        ivarB=1
339      end if
340    end do
342    if(ivarB==1)then
343      write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,3es16.6)')ch10,&
344   &   '  Acoustic sum rule violation met : the eigenvalues of accoustic mode',ch10,&
345   &   '  are too large at Gamma point.',ch10,&
346   &   '  Increase cutoff energy or k-points sampling.',ch10,&
347   &   '  The three eigenvalues are:',Apmatr(3*natom-2,3*natom-2),Apmatr(3*natom-1,natom-1),Apmatr(3*natom,3*natom)
348      ABI_WARNING(message)
349      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
350    end if
352   !Give the value of reduced matrix form Apmatr to Amatr
353    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
354      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
355        Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
356      end do
357    end do
359   !Now the reduced matrix is in the matrixA, the convert it
360   !first give the give the value of matixB from matrixA
361    ii1=1
362    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
363      do ivarB=1,ivarA
364        Bmatr(1,ii1)=Amatr(ivarB,ivarA)
365        ii1=ii1+1
366      end do
367    end do
368    Bmatr(2,:)=0.0_dp
370   !Call the subroutines CHPEV and ZHPEV to get the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues
371    call ZHPEV ('V','U',3*natom-3,Bmatr,eigval,eigvec,3*natom-3,zhpev1,zhpev2,ier)
372    ABI_CHECK(ier == 0, sjoin("ZHPEV returned:", itoa(ier)))
374   !Check the unstable phonon modes, if the first is negative then print
375   !warning message
376    if(eigval(1)<-1.0*tol8)then
377      write(message,'(9a)') ch10,&
378   &   ' --- !WARNING',ch10,&
379   &   '     Unstable eigenvalue detected in force constant matrix at Gamma point',ch10,&
380   &   '     The system under calculation is physically unstable.',ch10,&
381   &   ' ---',ch10
382      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
383    end if
385   !Do the matrix mutiplication to get pseudoinverse inverse matrix
386    Cmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
387    Amatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
388    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
389      Cmatr(ivarA,ivarA)=1.0_dp/eigval(ivarA)
390    end do
392    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
393      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
394        do ii1=1,3*natom-3
395          Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Amatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvec(1,ivarA,ii1)*Cmatr(ii1,ivarB)
396        end do
397      end do
398    end do
401   !The second multiplication
402    Cmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
403    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
404      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
405        do ii1=1,3*natom-3
406          Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+ Amatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvec(1,ivarB,ii1)
407        end do
408      end do
409    end do
411   !DEBUG
412   !write(std_out,'(/,a,/)')'the pseudo inverse of the force matrix'
413   !do ivarA=1,3*natom
414   !write(std_out,'(/)')
415   !do ivarB=1,3*natom
416   !write(std_out,'(es16.6)')Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
417   !end do
418   !end do
421   !So now the inverse of the reduced matrix is in the matrixC
422   !now do another mutilplication to get the pseudoinverse of the original
423    Cpmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
424    Apmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
425    do ivarA=1,3*natom-3
426      do ivarB=1,3*natom-3
427        Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cmatr(ivarA,ivarB)
428      end do
429    end do
431   !Now times the eigvecp
432    do ivarA=1,3*natom
433      do ivarB=1,3*natom
434        do ii1=1,3*natom
435          Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Apmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+eigvecp(1,ivarA,ii1)*&
436   &       Cpmatr(ii1,ivarB)
437        end do
438      end do
439    end do
440    Cpmatr(:,:)=0.0_dp
441    do ivarA=1,3*natom
442      do ivarB=1,3*natom
443        do ii1=1,3*natom
444          Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)=Cpmatr(ivarA,ivarB)+ Apmatr(ivarA,ii1)*eigvecp(1,ivarB,ii1)
445        end do
446      end do
447    end do
449   !Now the inverse is in Cpmatr
450    kmatrix(:,:)=Cpmatr(:,:)
451   !transfer the inverse of k-matrix back to the k matrix
452   !so now the inverse of k matrix is in the kmatrix
453   !ending the part for pseudoinversing the K matrix
455   !Now do simple mulplication to obtain the displacement response
456   !internal strain tensor
457    instrain_dis(:,:)=0.0_dp
458    do ivarA=1,6
459      do ivarB=1,3*natom
460        do ii1=1,3*natom
461          instrain_dis(ivarA,ivarB)=instrain_dis(ivarA,ivarB)+&
462   &       instrain(ii1,ivarA)*kmatrix(ii1,ivarB)
463        end do
464      end do
465    end do
467  else 
468    instrain_dis(:,:)=0.0_dp
469  end if
471 !Print out the results
472  if(prt_internalstr>1)then
473    write(message,'(a,a,a,a)')ch10,&
474 &   ' Displacement-response internal strain ', 'tensor (Unit:Bohr)',ch10
475    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
476    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
477    write(message,'(a5,a4,a11,a12,a12,a12,a12,a12)')' Atom',' dir','strainxx',&
478 &   'strainyy','strainzz','strainyz','strainxz','strainxy'
479    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
480    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
481    do ivarA=1,3*natom
482      if(mod(ivarA,3)==1)then
483        direction='x'
484      elseif(mod(ivarA,3)==2)then
485        direction='y'
486      elseif(mod(ivarA,3)==0)then
487        direction='z'
488      end if
489      write(message,'(a1,i2,a2,a3,6f12.7)')' ',int((ivarA-1)/3)+1,'  ',direction,&
490 &     instrain_dis(1,ivarA),instrain_dis(2,ivarA),&
491 &     instrain_dis(3,ivarA),instrain_dis(4,ivarA),instrain_dis(5,ivarA),&
492 &     instrain_dis(6,ivarA)
493      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
494      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
495    end do
496  endif
498 end subroutine ddb_internalstr

ABINIT/m_ddb_internalstr [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (XW)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_ddb_internalstr
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_crystal
28  use m_ddb
30  use m_fstrings,     only : itoa, sjoin
31  use m_dynmat,       only : asria_corr
33  implicit none
35  private