ABINIT/mka2f_tr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  calculates the FS averaged Transport alpha^2F_tr function
  calculates and outputs the associated electrical conductivity, relaxation time, and Seebeck coefficient
  and thermal conductivities
  for the first task : copied from mka2F


 Copyright (C) 2004-2018 ABINIT group (JPC, MJV, BXU)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public Licence, see ~abinit/COPYINGS=
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 crystal<crystal_t>=data type gathering info on the crystalline structure.
 Ifc<ifc_type>=Object containing the interatomic force constants.
    elph_ds%gkk2 = gkk2 matrix elements on full FS grid for each phonon mode
    elph_ds%nbranch = number of phonon branches = 3*natom
    elph_ds%nFSband = number of bands included in the FS integration
    elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt = number of kpts included in the FS integration
    elph_ds%k_phon%wtk = integration weights on the FS
    delph_ds%n0 = DOS at the Fermi level calculated from the k_phon integration weights
    elph_ds%k_phon%kpt = coordinates of all FS kpoints
  mustar = coulomb pseudopotential parameter eventually for 2 spin channels
  natom = number of atoms
  ntemper = number of temperature points to calculate, from tempermin to tempermin+ntemper*temperinc
  tempermin = minimum temperature at which resistivity etc are calculated (in K)
  temperinc = interval for temperature grid on which resistivity etc are calculated (in K)
  elph_tr_ds%dos_n0 = DOS at the Fermi level calculated from the k_phon integration
           weights, but has a temperature dependence
  elph_tr_ds%dos_n  = DOS at varied energy levels around Fermi level
  elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq0 = Fermi velocity square with T dependence








   copied from ftiaf9.f


 57 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 58 #include "config.h"
 59 #endif
 61 #include "abi_common.h"
 64 subroutine mka2f_tr(crystal,ifc,elph_ds,ntemper,tempermin,temperinc,pair2red,elph_tr_ds)
 66  use defs_basis
 67  use defs_elphon
 68  use m_errors
 69  use m_profiling_abi
 70  use m_xmpi
 72  use m_io_tools,        only : open_file
 73  use m_numeric_tools,   only : simpson_int
 74  use m_abilasi,         only : matrginv
 75  use m_crystal,         only : crystal_t
 76  use m_ifc,             only : ifc_type, ifc_fourq
 77  use m_dynmat,          only : ftgam_init, ftgam
 79 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 80 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 81 #undef ABI_FUNC
 82 #define ABI_FUNC 'mka2f_tr'
 83  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 84  use interfaces_77_ddb, except_this_one => mka2f_tr
 85 !End of the abilint section
 87  implicit none
 89 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 90 !scalars
 91  integer,intent(in) :: ntemper
 92  real(dp),intent(in) :: tempermin,temperinc
 93  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
 94  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
 95  type(elph_tr_type),intent(inout) :: elph_tr_ds
 96  type(elph_type),intent(inout) :: elph_ds
 97 !arrays
 98  integer,intent(in) :: pair2red(elph_ds%nenergy,elph_ds%nenergy)
100 !Local variables -------------------------
101 !x =w/(2kbT)
102 !scalars
103  integer :: iFSqpt,ibranch,iomega,isppol,jbranch,nerr
104  integer :: unit_a2f_tr,natom,ii,jj
105  integer :: idir, iatom, k1, kdir
106  integer :: unit_lor,unit_rho,unit_tau,unit_sbk, unit_therm
107  integer :: itemp, tmp_nenergy
108  integer :: itrtensor, icomp, jcomp!, kcomp
109  integer :: ie, ie_1, ie2, ie_2, ie1, ie_tmp, ssp, s1(4), s2(4)
110  integer :: ie2_left, ie2_right
111  integer :: ik_this_proc, ierr,nrpt
112  logical,parameter :: debug=.False.
113  real(dp) :: Temp,chgu,chtu,chsu,chwu,diagerr,ucvol
114  real(dp) :: a2fprefactor, gtemp
115  real(dp) :: lambda_tr,lor0,lorentz,maxerr,omega
116  real(dp) :: rho,tau,wtherm,xtr
117  real(dp) :: lambda_tr_trace
118  real(dp) :: domega, omega_min, omega_max
119  real(dp) :: gaussval, gaussprefactor, gaussfactor, gaussmaxarg, xx
120  real(dp) :: qnorm2, tmp_fermie
121  real(dp) :: e1, e2, diff, xe
122  real(dp) :: occ_omega, occ_e1, occ_e2
123  real(dp) :: nv1, nv2, sigma1, sigma2
124  real(dp) :: dos_n_e2, veloc_sq_icomp, veloc_sq_jcomp
125  real(dp) :: tointegq00_1, tointegq00_2, tointegq01_1, tointegq01_2,tointegq11_1, tointegq11_2
126  real(dp) :: j00, j01, j11
127  real(dp) :: tointegq00,tointegq01,tointegq11
128  real(dp) :: pref_s, pref_w, tmp_veloc_sq0, tmp_veloc_sq1, tmp_veloc_sq2
129  character(len=500) :: message
130  character(len=fnlen) :: fname
131 !arrays
132  real(dp),parameter :: c0(2)=(/0.d0,0.d0/),c1(2)=(/1.d0,0.d0/)
133  real(dp) ::  gprimd(3,3)
134  real(dp) :: eigval(elph_ds%nbranch)
135  real(dp) :: displ_red(2,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nbranch)
136  real(dp) :: gam_now(2,elph_ds%nbranch*elph_ds%nbranch)
137  real(dp) :: tmpa2f(elph_ds%na2f)
138  real(dp) :: tmpgam1(2,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nbranch)
139  real(dp) :: tmpgam2(2,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nbranch)
140  real(dp) :: q11_inv(3,3)
141 !real(dp) ::  fullq(6,6)
142  real(dp),allocatable :: phfrq(:,:)
143  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_a2f_1d_tr(:,:,:,:,:)
144  real(dp),allocatable :: displ(:,:,:,:)
145  real(dp),allocatable :: pheigvec(:,:)
146  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_wtq(:,:,:)
147  real(dp),allocatable :: integrho(:), tointegrho(:)
148  real(dp),allocatable :: integrand_q00(:),integrand_q01(:),integrand_q11(:)
149  real(dp),allocatable :: q00(:,:,:,:), q01(:,:,:,:),q11(:,:,:,:)
150  real(dp),allocatable :: seebeck(:,:,:,:)!, rho_nm(:,:,:,:)
151  real(dp),allocatable :: rho_T(:)
152  real(dp),allocatable :: coskr(:,:), sinkr(:,:)
154 ! *********************************************************************
155 !calculate a2f_tr for frequencies between 0 and omega_max
158  write(std_out,*) 'mka2f_tr : enter '
160  ucvol = crystal%ucvol
161  natom = crystal%natom
162  gprimd = crystal%gprimd
164  ! number of real-space points for FT interpolation
165  nrpt = ifc%nrpt
166 !
167 !MG: the step should be calculated locally using nomega and the extrema of the spectrum.
168 !One should not rely on previous calls for the setup of elph_ds%domega
169 !I will remove elph_ds%domega since mka2f.F90 will become a method of gamma_t
170  domega =elph_ds%domega
171  omega_min       = elph_ds%omega_min
172  omega_max       = elph_ds%omega_max
174  if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 1) then
175    tmp_nenergy = 1
176  else if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 0) then
177    tmp_nenergy = elph_ds%nenergy
178  end if
180 !! defaults for number of temperature steps and max T (all in Kelvin...)
181 !ntemper=1000
182 !tempermin=zero
183 !temperinc=one
185  ABI_ALLOCATE(rho_T,(ntemper))
188  gaussprefactor = sqrt(piinv) / elph_ds%a2fsmear
189  gaussfactor = one / elph_ds%a2fsmear
190  gaussmaxarg = sqrt(-log(1.d-90))
191 !lor0=(pi*kb_HaK)**2/3.
192  lor0=pi**2/3.0_dp
194 !maximum value of frequency (a grid has to be chosen for the representation of alpha^2 F)
195 !WARNING! supposes this value has been set in mkelph_linwid.
197 !ENDMG
199  maxerr=0.
200  nerr=0
202  ABI_ALLOCATE(tmp_wtq,(elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt, elph_ds%na2f+1))
203  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%wtq,(elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt, elph_ds%na2f))
204  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%wtq,(elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt, elph_ds%na2f))
206  ABI_ALLOCATE(phfrq,(elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
207  ABI_ALLOCATE(displ,(2, elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
208  ABI_ALLOCATE(pheigvec,(2*elph_ds%nbranch*elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt))
210  do iFSqpt=1,elph_ds%k_fine%nkpt
211    call ifc_fourq(ifc,crystal,elph_ds%k_fine%kpt(:,iFSqpt),phfrq(:,iFSqpt),displ(:,:,:,iFSqpt),out_eigvec=pheigvec(:,iFSqpt))
212  end do
213  omega_min = omega_min - domega
215 !bxu, obtain wtq for the q_fine, then condense to q_phon
216  call ep_ph_weights(phfrq,elph_ds%a2fsmear,omega_min,omega_max,elph_ds%na2f+1,gprimd,elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine, &
217 & elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%telphint,elph_ds%k_fine,tmp_wtq)
218 !call ep_ph_weights(phfrq,elph_ds%a2fsmear,omega_min,omega_max,elph_ds%na2f+1,gprimd,elph_ds%kptrlatt_fine, &
219 !& elph_ds%nbranch,1,elph_ds%k_fine,tmp_wtq)
220  omega_min = omega_min + domega
222  do iomega = 1, elph_ds%na2f
223    elph_ds%k_fine%wtq(:,:,iomega) = tmp_wtq(:,:,iomega+1)
224  end do
225  ABI_DEALLOCATE(tmp_wtq)
227  if (elph_ds%use_k_fine == 1) then
228    call d2c_wtq(elph_ds)
229  end if
231  ABI_DEALLOCATE(phfrq)
232  ABI_DEALLOCATE(displ)
233  ABI_DEALLOCATE(pheigvec)
235 !reduce the dimension from fine to phon for phfrq and pheigvec
236  ABI_ALLOCATE(phfrq,(elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt))
237  ABI_ALLOCATE(displ,(2, elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt))
238  ABI_ALLOCATE(pheigvec,(2*elph_ds%nbranch*elph_ds%nbranch, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt))
240  do iFSqpt=1,elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
241    call ifc_fourq(ifc,crystal,elph_ds%k_phon%kpt(:,iFSqpt),phfrq(:,iFSqpt),displ(:,:,:,iFSqpt),out_eigvec=pheigvec(:,iFSqpt))
242  end do
244  ABI_ALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr,(elph_ds%na2f,9,elph_ds%nsppol,4,tmp_nenergy**2,ntemper))
245  ABI_ALLOCATE(tmp_a2f_1d_tr,(elph_ds%na2f,9,elph_ds%nsppol,4,tmp_nenergy**2))
247 ! prepare phase factors
248  ABI_ALLOCATE(coskr, (elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt, nrpt))
249  ABI_ALLOCATE(sinkr, (elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt, nrpt))
250  call ftgam_init(ifc%gprim, elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt, nrpt, elph_ds%k_phon%kpt, ifc%rpt, coskr, sinkr)
252  elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr = zero
253  tmp_a2f_1d_tr = zero
256  do ie = 1, elph_ds%n_pair
257    do ssp = 1,4
258      do isppol = 1, elph_ds%nsppol
260 !      loop over qpoint in full kpt grid (presumably dense)
261        do ik_this_proc =1,elph_ds%k_phon%my_nkpt
262          iFSqpt = elph_ds%k_phon%my_ikpt(ik_this_proc)
264          qnorm2 = sum(elph_ds%k_phon%kpt(:,iFSqpt)**2)
265 !        if (flag_to_exclude_soft_modes = .false.) qnorm2 = zero
266          do itrtensor=1,9
268            if (elph_ds%ep_int_gkk == 1) then
269              gam_now(:,:) = elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_tr(:,itrtensor,:,isppol,iFSqpt)
270            else
271 !            Do FT from real-space gamma grid to 1 qpt.
272              call ftgam(ifc%wghatm,gam_now,elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_tr(:,itrtensor,:,isppol,:,ssp,ie),natom,1,nrpt,0,&
273 &             coskr(iFSqpt,:), sinkr(iFSqpt,:))
274            end if
276 !          Diagonalize gamma matrix at this qpoint (complex matrix).
278 !          if ep_scalprod==0 we have to dot in the displacement vectors here
279            if (elph_ds%ep_scalprod==0) then
281              displ_red(:,:,:) = zero
282              do jbranch=1,elph_ds%nbranch
283                do iatom=1,natom
284                  do idir=1,3
285                    ibranch=idir+3*(iatom-1)
286                    do kdir=1,3
287                      k1 = kdir+3*(iatom-1)
288                      displ_red(1,ibranch,jbranch) = displ_red(1,ibranch,jbranch) + &
289 &                     gprimd(kdir,idir)*displ(1,k1,jbranch,iFSqpt)
290                      displ_red(2,ibranch,jbranch) = displ_red(2,ibranch,jbranch) + &
291 &                     gprimd(kdir,idir)*displ(2,k1,jbranch,iFSqpt)
292                    end do
293                  end do
294                end do
295              end do
297              tmpgam2 = reshape (gam_now, (/2,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nbranch/))
298              call gam_mult_displ(elph_ds%nbranch, displ_red, tmpgam2, tmpgam1)
299              do jbranch=1,elph_ds%nbranch
300                eigval(jbranch) = tmpgam1(1, jbranch, jbranch)
301              end do
303            else if (elph_ds%ep_scalprod == 1) then
306 !            NOTE: in these calls gam_now and pheigvec do not have the right rank, but blas usually does not care
308              call ZGEMM ( 'N', 'N', 3*natom, 3*natom, 3*natom, c1, gam_now, 3*natom,&
309 &             pheigvec(:,iFSqpt), 3*natom, c0, tmpgam1, 3*natom)
310              call ZGEMM ( 'C', 'N', 3*natom, 3*natom, 3*natom, c1, pheigvec(:,iFSqpt), 3*natom,&
311 &             tmpgam1, 3*natom, c0, tmpgam2, 3*natom)
312              diagerr = zero
313              do ibranch=1,elph_ds%nbranch
314                eigval(ibranch) = tmpgam2(1,ibranch,ibranch)
315                do jbranch=1,ibranch-1
316                  diagerr = diagerr + abs(tmpgam2(1,jbranch,ibranch))
317                end do
318                do jbranch=ibranch+1,elph_ds%nbranch
319                  diagerr = diagerr + abs(tmpgam2(1,jbranch,ibranch))
320                end do
321              end do
322              if (diagerr > tol12) then
323                nerr=nerr+1
324                maxerr=max(diagerr, maxerr)
325              end if
326            end if  ! end ep_scalprod if
328 !          Add all contributions from the phonon modes at this qpoint to a2f and the phonon dos.
329            do ibranch=1,elph_ds%nbranch
330 !            if (abs(phfrq(ibranch,iFSqpt)) < tol10) then
331              if ( abs(phfrq(ibranch,iFSqpt)) < tol7 .or. &
332 &             (phfrq(ibranch,iFSqpt) < tol4 .and. qnorm2 > 0.03 )) then
333 !              note: this should depend on the velocity of sound, to accept acoustic modes!
334                a2fprefactor = zero
335              else
336 !              a2fprefactor  = eigval (ibranch)/(two_pi*abs(phfrq(ibranch,iFSqpt))*elph_ds%n0(isppol))
337 !              Use the dos_n0 at the lowest input temperature, assuming to be low
338                a2fprefactor  = eigval (ibranch)/(two_pi*abs(phfrq(ibranch,iFSqpt)))
339              end if
341              omega = omega_min
342              tmpa2f(:) = zero
343              do iomega=1,elph_ds%na2f
344                xx = (omega-phfrq(ibranch,iFSqpt))*gaussfactor
345                omega = omega+domega
346                if (abs(xx) > gaussmaxarg) cycle
348                gaussval = gaussprefactor*exp(-xx*xx)
349                gtemp = gaussval*a2fprefactor
351                if (dabs(gtemp) < 1.0d-50) gtemp = zero
352                tmpa2f(iomega) = tmpa2f(iomega) + gtemp
353              end do
355 !            tmpa2f(:) = zero
356 !            do iomega=1,elph_ds%na2f
357 !            gtemp = a2fprefactor*elph_ds%k_phon%wtq(ibranch,iFSqpt,iomega)
358 !            if (dabs(gtemp) < 1.0d-50) gtemp = zero
359 !            tmpa2f(iomega) = tmpa2f(iomega) + gtemp
360 !            end do
362              tmp_a2f_1d_tr (:,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie) = tmp_a2f_1d_tr (:,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie) + tmpa2f(:)
364            end do ! end ibranch
365          end do ! end itrtensor
366        end do ! end iFSqpt  - loop done in parallel
367      end do ! end isppol
368    end do ! ss'
369  end do ! n_pair
371  ! MG: FIXME: Why xmpi_world? besides only one CPU should perform IO (see below)
372  ! Likely this routine is never executed in parallel
373  call xmpi_sum (tmp_a2f_1d_tr, xmpi_world, ierr)
375  ABI_DEALLOCATE(coskr)
376  ABI_DEALLOCATE(sinkr)
378  do itemp=1,ntemper  ! runs over termperature in K
379    do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
380      do jj=1,tmp_nenergy**2
381        do ii=1,4
382          elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(:,:,isppol,ii,jj,itemp) = tmp_a2f_1d_tr(:,:,isppol,ii,jj)/elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)
383        end do
384      end do
385    end do
386  end do
388  ABI_DEALLOCATE(tmp_a2f_1d_tr)
390 !second 1 / elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt factor for the integration weights
391  elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr  = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr  / elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
393  if (elph_ds%ep_scalprod == 1) then
394    write(std_out,*) 'mka2f_tr: errors in diagonalization of gamma_tr with phon eigenvectors: ', nerr,maxerr
395  end if
397 !output the elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr
398  fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_A2F_TR'
399  if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_a2f_tr,status='unknown') /= 0) then
400    MSG_ERROR(message)
401  end if
403  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a)')       '#'
404  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a)')       '# ABINIT package : a2f_tr file'
405  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a)')       '#'
406  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a)')       '# a2f_tr function integrated over the FS. omega in a.u.'
407  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a,I10)')   '#     number of kpoints integrated over : ', elph_ds%k_phon%nkpt
408  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a,I10)')   '#     number of energy points : ',elph_ds%na2f
409  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a,E16.6,a,E16.6,a)') '#       between omega_min = ', omega_min,' Ha and omega_max = ', omega_max, ' Ha'
410  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a,E16.6)') '#   and the smearing width for gaussians is ', elph_ds%a2fsmear
411  write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a)')       '#'
413 !done with header
414  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
415    write (unit_a2f_tr,'(a,E16.6)') '# The DOS at Fermi level is ', elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(1,isppol)
416    omega = omega_min
417    do iomega=1,elph_ds%na2f
418 !    bxu, at which eps and eps' should I save it
419 !    better to save them all, but could be too many
420      write (unit_a2f_tr,   '(10D16.6)') omega, elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,:,isppol,1,INT(elph_ds%n_pair/2)+1,1)
421      omega=omega+domega
422    end do
423    write (unit_a2f_tr,*)
424  end do !isppol
426  close (unit=unit_a2f_tr)
428 !calculation of transport properties
429  ABI_ALLOCATE(integrho,(elph_ds%na2f))
430  ABI_ALLOCATE(tointegrho,(elph_ds%na2f))
431  ABI_ALLOCATE(integrand_q00,(elph_ds%na2f))
432  ABI_ALLOCATE(integrand_q01,(elph_ds%na2f))
433  ABI_ALLOCATE(integrand_q11,(elph_ds%na2f))
434  ABI_ALLOCATE(q00,(ntemper,3,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
435  ABI_ALLOCATE(q01,(ntemper,3,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
436  ABI_ALLOCATE(q11,(ntemper,3,3,elph_ds%nsppol))
437  ABI_ALLOCATE(seebeck,(elph_ds%nsppol,ntemper,3,3))
438 !ABI_ALLOCATE(rho_nm,(elph_ds%nsppol,ntemper,3,3))
440  fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_RHO'
441  if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_rho,status='unknown') /= 0) then
442    MSG_ERROR(message)
443  end if
444 !print header to resistivity file
445  write (unit_rho,*) '# Resistivity as a function of temperature.'
446  write (unit_rho,*) '#  the formalism is isotropic, so non-cubic crystals may be wrong'
447  write (unit_rho,*) '#  '
448  write (unit_rho,*) '#  Columns are: '
449  write (unit_rho,*) '#  temperature[K]   rho[au]   rho [SI]        rho/temp [au]'
450  write (unit_rho,*) '#  '
452  fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_TAU'
453  if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_tau,status='unknown') /= 0) then
454    MSG_ERROR(message)
455  end if
456 !print header to relaxation time file
457  write (unit_tau,*) '# Relaxation time as a function of temperature.'
458  write (unit_tau,*) '#  the formalism is isotropic, so non-cubic crystals may be wrong'
459  write (unit_tau,*) '#  '
460  write (unit_tau,*) '#  Columns are: '
461  write (unit_tau,*) '#  temperature[K]   tau[au]   tau [SI]     '
462  write (unit_tau,*) '#  '
464  fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_SBK'
465  if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_sbk,status='unknown') /= 0) then
466    MSG_ERROR(message)
467  end if
468 !print header to relaxation time file
469  write (unit_sbk,*) '# Seebeck Coefficint as a function of temperature.'
470  write (unit_sbk,*) '#  the formalism is isotropic, so non-cubic crystals may be wrong'
471  write (unit_sbk,*) '#  '
472  write (unit_sbk,*) '#  Columns are: '
473  write (unit_sbk,*) '#  temperature[K]   S [au]   S [SI]     '
474  write (unit_sbk,*) '#  '
476  fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_WTH'
477  if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_therm,status='unknown') /= 0) then
478    MSG_ERROR(message)
479  end if
481 !print header to thermal conductivity file
482  write (unit_therm,'(a)') '# Thermal conductivity/resistivity as a function of temperature.'
483  write (unit_therm,'(a)') '#  the formalism is isotropic, so non-cubic crystals may be wrong'
484  write (unit_therm,'(a)') '#  '
485  write (unit_therm,'(a)') '#  Columns are: '
486  write (unit_therm,'(a)') '#  temperature[K]   thermal rho[au]   thermal cond [au]   thermal rho [SI]   thermal cond [SI]'
487  write (unit_therm,'(a)') '#  '
489  fname = trim(elph_ds%elph_base_name) // '_LOR'
490  if (open_file(fname,message,newunit=unit_lor,status='unknown') /= 0) then
491    MSG_ERROR(message)
492  end if
494 !print header to lorentz file
495  write (unit_lor,*) '# Lorentz number as a function of temperature.'
496  write (unit_lor,*) '#  the formalism is isotropic, so non-cubic crystals may be wrong'
497  write (unit_lor,*) '#  '
498  write (unit_lor,*) '#  Columns are: '
499  write (unit_lor,*) '#  temperature[K]   Lorentz number[au]   Lorentz quantum = (pi*kb_HaK)**2/3'
500  write (unit_lor,*) '#  '
502  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
503    lambda_tr_trace = zero
504    do itrtensor=1,9
505      omega = omega_min
506      tointegrho = zero
507      do iomega=1,elph_ds%na2f
508        if(omega<=0) then
509          omega=omega+domega
510          cycle
511        end if
512 !      bxu, agian, which eps and eps' to use?
513 !      sometimes Ef is in the gap
514        tointegrho(iomega)=two*elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,1,1,1)/omega
515        omega=omega+domega
516      end do
518      integrho = zero
519      call simpson_int(elph_ds%na2f,domega,tointegrho,integrho)
520      lambda_tr=integrho(elph_ds%na2f)
521      write (message, '(a,2i3,a,es16.6)' )&
522 &     ' mka2f_tr: TRANSPORT lambda for isppol itrtensor', isppol, itrtensor, ' =  ', lambda_tr
523      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
524      if (itrtensor == 1 .or. itrtensor == 5 .or. itrtensor == 9) lambda_tr_trace = lambda_tr_trace + lambda_tr
525    end do !end itrtensor do
527    lambda_tr_trace = lambda_tr_trace / three
528    write (message, '(a,i3,a,es16.6)' )&
529 &   ' mka2f_tr: 1/3 trace of TRANSPORT lambda for isppol ', isppol, ' =  ', lambda_tr_trace
530    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
531    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
532  end do !end isppol do
534 !constant to change units of rho from au to SI
535  chgu=2.173969*1.0d-7
536  chtu=2.4188843265*1.0d-17
537  chsu=8.617343101*1.0d-5 ! au to J/C/K
538  chwu=9.270955772*1.0d-5 ! au to mK/W
540 !change the fermi level to zero, as required for q01 to vanish.
541  tmp_fermie = elph_ds%fermie
542 !Get Q00, Q01, Q11, and derive rho, tau
543  q00 = zero
544  q01 = zero
545  q11 = zero
546 ! prepare s1 and s2 arrays
547  s1 = (/1, 1, -1, -1/)
548  s2 = (/1, -1, 1, -1/)
550  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
551    do icomp=1, 3
552      do jcomp=1, 3
553        itrtensor=(icomp-1)*3+jcomp
555        write(unit_rho,*) '# Rho for isppol, itrten = ', isppol, itrtensor
556        write(unit_tau,*) '# Tau for isppol, itrten = ', isppol, itrtensor
558        do itemp=1,ntemper  ! runs over termperature in K
559          Temp=tempermin+temperinc*dble(itemp)
560          tmp_veloc_sq0 = sqrt(elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq0(itemp,icomp,isppol)*elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq0(itemp,jcomp,isppol))
562          integrand_q00 = zero
563          integrand_q01 = zero
564          integrand_q11 = zero
566          omega = omega_min
567          do iomega=1,elph_ds%na2f
568            if(omega .le. 0) then
569              omega=omega+domega
570              cycle
571            end if
572            xtr=omega/(kb_HaK*Temp)
573            occ_omega=1.0_dp/(exp(xtr)-1.0_dp)
575            tmp_veloc_sq1 = zero
576            tmp_veloc_sq2 = zero
577            do ie1=1,elph_ds%nenergy
578              e1 = elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie1)
580 !! BXU, the tolerance here needs to be used with caution
581 !! which depends on the dimensions of the system
582 !! E.g. in 2D system, DOS can be much smaller
583              if (elph_tr_ds%dos_n(ie1,isppol)/natom .lt. 0.1d0) cycle ! energy in the gap forbidden
585              xtr=(e1-tmp_fermie)/(kb_HaK*Temp)
586              occ_e1=1.0_dp/(exp(xtr)+1.0_dp)
588              e2 = e1 + omega
589              xtr=(e2-tmp_fermie)/(kb_HaK*Temp)
590              occ_e2=1.0_dp/(exp(xtr)+1.0_dp)
591 !            Do we need to change the fermie to the one with T dependence?
592 !            find which ie2 give the closest energy
593              if (e2 .gt. elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,elph_ds%nenergy)) then
594                ie2 = 0
595                cycle
596              else
597                ie_tmp = 1
598                diff = dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,1))
599                do ie2 = 2, elph_ds%nenergy
600                  if (dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie2)) .lt. diff) then
601                    diff = dabs(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie2))
602                    ie_tmp = ie2
603                  end if
604                end do
605                ie2 = ie_tmp
607                if (e2 < elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie2)) then
608                  ie2_right = ie2
609                  ie2_left  = ie2-1
610                else
611                  ie2_right = ie2+1
612                  ie2_left  = ie2
613                end if
615              end if
617              if (elph_tr_ds%dos_n(ie2,isppol)/natom .lt. 0.1d0) cycle
619              tointegq00 = zero
620              tointegq01 = zero
621              tointegq11 = zero
623 ! BXU linear interpolation of volec_sq and dos_n
624              xe=(e2-elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie2_left))/ &
625 &             (elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie2_right)-elph_tr_ds%en_all(isppol,ie2_left))
626              veloc_sq_icomp = elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(icomp,isppol,ie2_left)*(1.0d0-xe) + &
627 &             elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(icomp,isppol,ie2_right)*xe
628              veloc_sq_jcomp = elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(jcomp,isppol,ie2_left)*(1.0d0-xe) + &
629 &             elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(jcomp,isppol,ie2_right)*xe
630              dos_n_e2 = elph_tr_ds%dos_n(ie2_left,isppol)*(1.0d0-xe) + &
631 &             elph_tr_ds%dos_n(ie2_right,isppol)*xe
633              tmp_veloc_sq1 = sqrt(elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(icomp,isppol,ie1)*elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(jcomp,isppol,ie1))
634 !             tmp_veloc_sq2 = sqrt(elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(icomp,isppol,ie2)*elph_tr_ds%veloc_sq(jcomp,isppol,ie2))
635              tmp_veloc_sq2 = sqrt(veloc_sq_icomp*veloc_sq_jcomp)
637 !            ie_1 = (ie1-1)*elph_ds%nenergy + ie2
638 !            ie_2 = (ie2-1)*elph_ds%nenergy + ie1
639              ie_1 = pair2red(ie1,ie2)
640              ie_2 = pair2red(ie2,ie1)
641              if (ie_1 .eq. 0 .or. ie_2 .eq. 0) then
642                MSG_BUG('CHECK pair2red!')
643              end if
645              do ssp=1,4  ! (s,s'=+/-1, condense the indices)
647                nv1 = 1.0_dp/(elph_tr_ds%dos_n(ie1,isppol)*sqrt(tmp_veloc_sq1))
648                sigma1 = sqrt(3.0_dp)*(e1-tmp_fermie)/(pi*Temp*kb_HaK)
649 !DEBUG
650                if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 1) then
651                  nv1 = 1.0_dp/(elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)*sqrt(tmp_veloc_sq0))
652                  sigma1 = sqrt(3.0_dp)*(e1-tmp_fermie)/(pi*Temp*kb_HaK)
653                end if
656                tointegq00_1 = zero
657                tointegq01_1 = zero
658                tointegq11_1 = zero
660 !DEBUG
661                if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 1) then
662                  nv2 = 1.0_dp/(elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)*sqrt(tmp_veloc_sq0))
663                  sigma2 = sqrt(3.0_dp)*(e2-tmp_fermie)/(pi*Temp*kb_HaK)
664                  j00 = (nv1 + s1(ssp)*nv2)*(nv1 + s2(ssp)*nv2)/4.0_dp
665                  j01 = (nv1 + s1(ssp)*nv2)*(nv1*sigma1 + s2(ssp)*nv2*sigma2)/4.0_dp
666                  j11 = (nv1*sigma1 + s1(ssp)*nv2*sigma2)*(nv1*sigma1 + s2(ssp)*nv2*sigma2)/4.0_dp
667                  tointegq00_1 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,1,itemp)* &
668 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j00*occ_omega
669                  tointegq01_1 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,1,itemp)* &
670 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j01*occ_omega
671                  tointegq11_1 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,1,itemp)* &
672 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j11*occ_omega
674                else if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 0) then
675                  nv2 = 1.0_dp/(dos_n_e2*sqrt(tmp_veloc_sq2))
676                  sigma2 = sqrt(3.0_dp)*(e2-tmp_fermie)/(pi*Temp*kb_HaK)
677                  j00 = (nv1 + s1(ssp)*nv2)*(nv1 + s2(ssp)*nv2)/4.0_dp
678                  j01 = (nv1 + s1(ssp)*nv2)*(nv1*sigma1 + s2(ssp)*nv2*sigma2)/4.0_dp
679                  j11 = (nv1*sigma1 + s1(ssp)*nv2*sigma2)*(nv1*sigma1 + s2(ssp)*nv2*sigma2)/4.0_dp
680 !                bxu TEST
681                  if (debug) then
682                    if (ssp .eq. 1 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
683                      write(21,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie1, ie2, &
684 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp), j01, &
685 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01, &
686 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01*occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*occ_omega
687                    end if
688                    if (ssp .eq. 2 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
689                      write(22,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie1, ie2, &
690 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp), j01, &
691 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01, &
692 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01*occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*occ_omega
693                    end if
694                    if (ssp .eq. 3 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
695                      write(23,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie1, ie2, &
696 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp), j01, &
697 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01, &
698 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01*occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*occ_omega
699                    end if
700                    if (ssp .eq. 4 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
701                      write(24,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie1, ie2, &
702 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp), j01, &
703 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01, &
704 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)*j01*occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*occ_omega
705                    end if
706                  end if
707                  tointegq00_1 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)* &
708 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j00*occ_omega
709                  tointegq01_1 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)* &
710 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j01*occ_omega
711                  tointegq11_1 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_1,itemp)* &
712 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j11*occ_omega
713                end if
715                tointegq00_2 = zero
716                tointegq01_2 = zero
717                tointegq11_2 = zero
719 !DEBUG
720                if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 1) then
721                  nv2 = 1.0_dp/(elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)*sqrt(tmp_veloc_sq0))
722                  sigma2 = sqrt(3.0_dp)*(e2-tmp_fermie)/(pi*Temp*kb_HaK)
723                  j00 = (nv2 + s1(ssp)*nv1)*(nv2 + s2(ssp)*nv1)/4.0_dp
724                  j01 = (nv2 + s1(ssp)*nv1)*(nv2*sigma2 + s2(ssp)*nv1*sigma1)/4.0_dp
725                  j11 = (nv2*sigma2 + s1(ssp)*nv1*sigma1)*(nv2*sigma2 + s2(ssp)*nv1*sigma1)/4.0_dp
726                  tointegq00_2 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,1,itemp)* &
727 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j00*(occ_omega+1)
728                  tointegq01_2 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,1,itemp)* &
729 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j01*(occ_omega+1)
730                  tointegq11_2 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,1,itemp)* &
731 &                 occ_e1*(1.0_dp-occ_e2)*j11*(occ_omega+1)
733                else if (elph_ds%ep_lova .eq. 0) then
734                  nv2 = 1.0_dp/(dos_n_e2*sqrt(tmp_veloc_sq2))
735                  sigma2 = sqrt(3.0_dp)*(e2-tmp_fermie)/(pi*Temp*kb_HaK)
736                  j00 = (nv2 + s1(ssp)*nv1)*(nv2 + s2(ssp)*nv1)/4.0_dp
737                  j01 = (nv2 + s1(ssp)*nv1)*(nv2*sigma2 + s2(ssp)*nv1*sigma1)/4.0_dp
738                  j11 = (nv2*sigma2 + s1(ssp)*nv1*sigma1)*(nv2*sigma2 + s2(ssp)*nv1*sigma1)/4.0_dp
739 !DEBUG           bxu TEST
740                  if (debug) then
741                    if (ssp .eq. 1 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
742                      write(31,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie2, ie1, &
743 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp), j01, &
744 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01, &
745 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01*occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*(occ_omega+1)
746                    end if
747                    if (ssp .eq. 2 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
748                      write(32,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie2, ie1, &
749 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp), j01, &
750 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01, &
751 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01*occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*(occ_omega+1)
752                    end if
753                    if (ssp .eq. 3 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
754                      write(33,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie2, ie1, &
755 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp), j01, &
756 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01, &
757 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01*occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*(occ_omega+1)
758                    end if
759                    if (ssp .eq. 4 .and. itrtensor .eq. 1) then
760                      write(34,"(3i5,4E20.12)") iomega, ie2, ie1, &
761 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp), j01, &
762 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01, &
763 &                     elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)*j01*occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*(occ_omega+1)
764                    end if
765                  end if
767                  tointegq00_2 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)* &
768 &                 occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*j00*(occ_omega+1)
769                  tointegq01_2 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)* &
770 &                 occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*j01*(occ_omega+1)
771                  tointegq11_2 = elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr(iomega,itrtensor,isppol,ssp,ie_2,itemp)* &
772 &                 occ_e2*(1.0_dp-occ_e1)*j11*(occ_omega+1)
773                end if ! elph_ds%ep_lova
775                tointegq00 = tointegq00 + tointegq00_1 + tointegq00_2
776                tointegq01 = tointegq01 + tointegq01_1 + tointegq01_2
777                tointegq11 = tointegq11 + tointegq11_1 + tointegq11_2
779              end do ! ss' = 4
780              integrand_q00(iomega) = integrand_q00(iomega) + elph_tr_ds%de_all(isppol,ie1)*tointegq00
781              integrand_q01(iomega) = integrand_q01(iomega) + elph_tr_ds%de_all(isppol,ie1)*tointegq01
782              integrand_q11(iomega) = integrand_q11(iomega) + elph_tr_ds%de_all(isppol,ie1)*tointegq11
783            end do ! ie1 ~ 20
784            omega=omega+domega
785            q00(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol) = q00(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol) +&
786 &           domega*integrand_q00(iomega)
787            q01(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol) = q01(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol) +&
788 &           domega*integrand_q01(iomega)
789            q11(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol) = q11(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol) +&
790 &           domega*integrand_q11(iomega)
791          end do ! omega ~ 400
793          q00(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)=q00(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)* &
794 &         ucvol*two_pi*elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)/(kb_HaK*Temp)
795          q01(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)=q01(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)* &
796 &         ucvol*two_pi*elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)/(kb_HaK*Temp)
797          q11(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)=q11(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)* &
798 &         ucvol*two_pi*elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)/(kb_HaK*Temp)
800          rho = 0.5_dp*q00(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)
801 !        is tau energy dependent?
802          tau = 2.0d0*ucvol/(q00(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)*elph_tr_ds%dos_n0(itemp,isppol)*tmp_veloc_sq0)
803          write(unit_rho,'(4D20.10)')temp,rho,rho*chgu,rho/temp
804          write(unit_tau,'(3D20.10)')temp,tau,tau*chtu
805          rho_T(itemp)=rho
806        end do ! temperature = 1?
807        write(unit_rho,*)
808        write(unit_tau,*)
810      end do ! jcomp = 3
811    end do ! icomp = 3
812  end do ! isppol = 2
814 !-----------------------------
816  seebeck = zero
817 !rho_nm  = zero
819 !do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
820 !do itemp=1,ntemper
821 !q11_inv(:,:)=q11(itemp,:,:,isppol)
822 !call matrginv(q11_inv,3,3)
823 !do icomp=1,3
824 !do jcomp=1,3
825 !do kcomp=1,3
826 !seebeck(isppol,itemp,icomp,jcomp) = seebeck(isppol,itemp,icomp,jcomp) + &
827 !&                             q01(itemp,icomp,kcomp,isppol)*q11_inv(kcomp,jcomp)
828 !end do
829 !end do
830 !end do
831 !end do
832 !end do
834  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
835    do itemp=1,ntemper
836      q11_inv(:,:)=q11(itemp,:,:,isppol)
837      call matrginv(q11_inv,3,3)
838      call DGEMM('N','N',3,3,3,one,q01(itemp,:,:,isppol),3,q11_inv,&
839 &     3,zero,seebeck(isppol,itemp,:,:),3)
840 !    call DGEMM('N','N',3,3,3,one,seebeck(isppol,itemp,:,:),3,q01(itemp,:,:,isppol),&
841 !    &     3,zero,rho_nm(isppol,itemp,:,:),3)
842    end do
843  end do
844  pref_s = pi/sqrt(3.0_dp)
845  seebeck=pref_s*seebeck
847 !fullq = zero
848 !do icomp=1,3
849 !do jcomp=1,3
850 !fullq(icomp,jcomp) = q00(1,icomp,jcomp,1)
851 !end do
852 !end do
853 !do icomp=1,3
854 !do jcomp=4,6
855 !fullq(icomp,jcomp) = q01(1,icomp,jcomp-3,1)
856 !end do
857 !end do
858 !do icomp=4,6
859 !do jcomp=1,3
860 !fullq(icomp,jcomp) = q01(1,icomp-3,jcomp,1)
861 !end do
862 !end do
863 !do icomp=4,6
864 !do jcomp=4,6
865 !fullq(icomp,jcomp) = q11(1,icomp-3,jcomp-3,1)
866 !end do
867 !end do
868 !write(*,*)' fullq'
869 !write(*,"(6E20.12)") (fullq(1,jcomp),jcomp=1,6)
870 !write(*,"(6E20.12)") (fullq(2,jcomp),jcomp=1,6)
871 !write(*,"(6E20.12)") (fullq(3,jcomp),jcomp=1,6)
872 !write(*,"(6E20.12)") (fullq(4,jcomp),jcomp=1,6)
873 !write(*,"(6E20.12)") (fullq(5,jcomp),jcomp=1,6)
874 !write(*,"(6E20.12)") (fullq(6,jcomp),jcomp=1,6)
875  write(message,'(a)') 'q00:'
876  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
877  write(message,'(3E20.12)') (q00(1,1,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3)
878  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
879  write(message,'(3E20.12)') (q00(1,2,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3)
880  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
881  write(message,'(3E20.12)') (q00(1,3,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3)
882  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
883  write(message,'(a)') 'q01:'
884  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
885  write(message,'(3E20.12)') (q01(1,1,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3)
886  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
887  write(message,'(3E20.12)') (q01(1,2,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3)
888  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
889  write(message,'(3E20.12)') (q01(1,3,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3)
890  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
891  write(message,'(a)') 'q11, q11_inv:'
892  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
893  write(message,'(6E20.12)') (q11(1,1,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3),(q11_inv(1,jcomp),jcomp=1,3)
894  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
895  write(message,'(6E20.12)') (q11(1,2,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3),(q11_inv(2,jcomp),jcomp=1,3)
896  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
897  write(message,'(6E20.12)') (q11(1,3,jcomp,1),jcomp=1,3),(q11_inv(3,jcomp),jcomp=1,3)
898  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
899 !q11_inv = zero
900 !do icomp = 1, 3
901 !q11_inv(icomp,icomp) = 2.0_dp
902 !end do
904 !call matrginv(fullq,6,6)
906 !do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
907 !do itemp=1,ntemper
908 !rho_nm(isppol,itemp,:,:) = q00(itemp,:,:,isppol) - rho_nm(isppol,itemp,:,:)
909 !end do
910 !end do
911 !rho_nm = 0.5_dp*rho_nm
913 !Output of Seebeck coefficient
914  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
915    do icomp=1,3
916      do jcomp=1,3
917        itrtensor=(icomp-1)*3+jcomp
918        write(unit_sbk,*) '# Seebeck for isppol, itrten = ', isppol, itrtensor
919 !      write(88,*) '# Rho for isppol, itrten = ', isppol, itrtensor
920 !      write(89,*) '# Rho for isppol, itrten = ', isppol, itrtensor
921        do itemp=1,ntemper
922          Temp=tempermin+temperinc*dble(itemp)
923          write(unit_sbk,'(3D20.10)')temp, seebeck(isppol,itemp,icomp,jcomp), seebeck(isppol,itemp,icomp,jcomp)*chsu
924 !        write(88,'(3D20.10)')temp, rho_nm(isppol,itemp,icomp,jcomp), rho_nm(isppol,itemp,icomp,jcomp)*chgu
925 !        write(89,'(3D20.10)')temp, 0.5_dp/fullq(1,1), 0.5_dp*chgu/fullq(1,1)
926        end do ! temperature
927        write(unit_sbk,*)
928 !      write(88,*)
929 !      write(89,*)
930      end do ! jcomp
931    end do ! icomp
932  end do ! isppol
934 !Get thermal resistivity, based on eqn. (52) in Allen's PRB 17, 3725 (1978)
935 !WARNING: before 6.13.1 the thermal resistivity and Lorentz number were not in
936 !atomic units, BUT the SI units are good.
937  pref_w = 3.0_dp/(2.0_dp*pi**2.0d0)
938  do isppol=1,elph_ds%nsppol
939    do icomp=1, 3
940      do jcomp=1, 3
941        itrtensor=(icomp-1)*3+jcomp
943        write(unit_therm,*) '# Thermal resistivity for isppol, itrten= ', isppol
944        write(unit_lor,*) '# Lorentz coefficient for isppol, itrten= ', isppol
946        do itemp=1,ntemper
948          Temp=tempermin + temperinc*dble(itemp)
950          wtherm = pref_w*q11(itemp,icomp,jcomp,isppol)/(kb_HaK*Temp)
952 !        write(unit_therm,'(5D20.10)')temp,wtherm,1./wtherm,wtherm/3.4057d9,1./(wtherm) *3.4057d9
953          write(unit_therm,'(5D20.10)')temp,wtherm,1.0_dp/wtherm,wtherm*chwu,1.0_dp/(wtherm*chwu)
955          lorentz=rho_T(itemp)/(wtherm*kb_HaK*Temp)
956          write(unit_lor,*)temp,lorentz,lor0
958        end do
959        write(unit_therm,*)
960        write(unit_lor,*)
961      end do ! jcomp
962    end do ! icomp
963  end do ! isppol
966  ABI_DEALLOCATE(phfrq)
967  ABI_DEALLOCATE(displ)
968  ABI_DEALLOCATE(pheigvec)
969  ABI_DEALLOCATE(integrand_q00)
970  ABI_DEALLOCATE(integrand_q01)
971  ABI_DEALLOCATE(integrand_q11)
975  ABI_DEALLOCATE(seebeck)
977  ABI_DEALLOCATE(integrho)
978  ABI_DEALLOCATE(tointegrho)
980  close (unit=unit_lor)
981  close (unit=unit_rho)
982  close (unit=unit_tau)
983  close (unit=unit_sbk)
984  close (unit=unit_therm)
986  ABI_DEALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_fine%wtq)
987  ABI_DEALLOCATE(elph_ds%k_phon%wtq)
989  ABI_DEALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%a2f_1d_tr)
991  ABI_DEALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_tr)
992  ABI_DEALLOCATE(elph_tr_ds%gamma_rpt_tr)
993  write(std_out,*) ' mka2f_tr : end '
995 end subroutine mka2f_tr