ABINIT/suscep_stat [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the susceptibility matrix
 from input wavefunctions, band occupations, and k point wts.
 Include the usual sum-over-state terms, but also the
 corrections due to the change of the Fermi level in the metallic
 case, as well as implicit sum over higher lying conduction
 states, thanks to the closure relation (referred to as an extrapolation).


 Copyright (C) 1998-2017 ABINIT group (XG,AR,MB)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see scfcv.f)
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see scfcv.f)
  cg(2,mcg)=wf in G space
  cprj(natom,mcg*usecprj)= wave functions projected with non-local projectors:
                           cprj_nk(i)=<p_i|Cnk> where p_i is a non-local projector.
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix and susceptibility:
  dimcprj(natom*usepaw)=array of dimensions of array cprj (ordered by atom-type)
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt
           the energy for each band and k point
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for the dielectric matrix
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  irrzondiel(nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=irreducible zone data
  istwfk(nkpt)=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  lmax_diel=1+max. value of l angular momentum used for dielectric matrix
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfftdiel=maximum size of 1D FFTs, for the computation of the dielectric matrix
  mkmem=number of k points treated by this node 
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum allowed value for npw
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands to be included in summation
   at each k point for each spin channel
  neglect_pawhat=1 if PAW contribution from hat density (compensation charge)
                 has to be neglected (to be used when only an estimation of
                 suscep. matrix has to be evaluated, i.e. for SCF precondictioning)
  nfftdiel=number of fft grid points for the computation of the diel matrix
  ngfftdiel(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, for dielectric matrix,
    see ~abinit/doc/input_variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves and boundary planewaves
   at each k, for going from the WF sphere to the medium size FFT grid.
  npwdiel=third and fifth dimension of the susmat array.
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in group (at least 1 for identity)
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
          occupation numbers for each band (usually 2.0) at each k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  phnonsdiel(2,nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=nonsymmorphic translation phases
  ph1ddiel(2,3*(2*mgfftdiel+1)*natom*usepaw)=one-dimensional structure factor information
                                             for the dielectric matrix
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry matrices in real space (integers)
  tnons(3,nsym)=reduced nonsymmorphic translations
     (symrel and tnons are in terms of real space primitive translations)
  typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
  ucvol=unit cell volume (Bohr**3)
  unpaw=unit number for cprj PAW data (if used)
  usecprj= 1 if cprj array is stored in memory
  usepaw=flag for PAW
  usetimerev=1 if Time-Reversal symmetry has to be used when symmetrizing susceptibility
  wtk(nkpt)=k point weights (they sum to 1.0)
  ylmdiel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
                                 for the dielectric matrix


   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space


  Case of non-collinear magnetism:
   In principle, we should compute 16 susceptibility matrix: chi0-(s1,s2),(s3,s4)
   (where s1, s2, s3,and s4 are spin indexes)...
   But, for the time being, the susceptibility is only used to compute the
   dielectric matrix within RPA approximation; in this approximation, only
   four susceptibilities are non-zero: chi0-(s1,s1),(s3,s3).
   They are stored in susmat(:,ipw1,1:2,ipw2,1:2)






111 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
112 #include "config.h"
113 #endif
115 #include "abi_common.h"
118 subroutine suscep_stat(atindx,atindx1,cg,cprj,dielar,dimcprj,doccde,&
119 &  eigen,gbound_diel,gprimd,irrzondiel,istwfk,kg,&
120 &  kg_diel,lmax_diel,&
121 &  mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftdiel,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,natom,nband,&
122 &  neglect_pawhat,nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,nkpt,npwarr,&
123 &  npwdiel,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,occ,occopt,&
124 &  pawang,pawtab,phnonsdiel,ph1ddiel,rprimd,&
125 &  susmat,symafm,symrel,tnons,typat,ucvol,unpaw,usecprj,usepaw,usetimerev,&
126 &  wtk,ylmdiel)
128  use defs_basis
129  use defs_abitypes
130  use m_xmpi
131  use m_errors
132  use m_profiling_abi
134  use m_pawang,  only : pawang_type
135  use m_pawtab,  only : pawtab_type
136  use m_pawcprj, only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, &
137 &                      pawcprj_get, pawcprj_mpi_allgather, pawcprj_free
138  use m_mpinfo,  only : destroy_mpi_enreg
140 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
141 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
142 #undef ABI_FUNC
143 #define ABI_FUNC 'suscep_stat'
144  use interfaces_18_timing
145  use interfaces_32_util
146  use interfaces_51_manage_mpi
147  use interfaces_52_fft_mpi_noabirule
148  use interfaces_53_ffts
149  use interfaces_56_recipspace
150  use interfaces_65_paw
151  use interfaces_67_common
152  use interfaces_77_suscep, except_this_one => suscep_stat
153 !End of the abilint section
155  implicit none
157 !Arguments ------------------------------------
158 !scalars
159  integer,intent(in) :: lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftdiel,mkmem,mpw,natom,neglect_pawhat
160  integer,intent(in) :: nfftdiel,nkpt,npwdiel,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,occopt
161  integer,intent(in) :: unpaw,usecprj,usepaw,usetimerev
162  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
163  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
164  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
165 !arrays
166  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(natom),atindx1(natom),dimcprj(natom*usepaw)
167  integer,intent(in) :: gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
168 !no_abirules
169 !nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym) is 1 if nsym==1, and nfftdiel otherwise
170  integer,intent(in) :: irrzondiel(nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)),&
171  & istwfk(nkpt)
172  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,mpw*mkmem),kg_diel(3,npwdiel),&
173  & nband(nkpt*nsppol),ngfftdiel(18)
174  integer,intent(in) :: npwarr(nkpt),symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym),typat(ntypat)
175  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg),dielar(7)
176  real(dp),intent(in) :: doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol),eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
177  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
178 !nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym) is 1 if nsym==1, and nfftdiel otherwise
179  real(dp),intent(in) :: phnonsdiel(2,nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)),&
180  &                                 tnons(3,nsym),wtk(nkpt)
181  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1ddiel(2,(3*(2*mgfftdiel+1)*natom)*usepaw),rprimd(3,3)
182  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylmdiel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2)
183  real(dp),intent(out) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
184  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)
185  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)
187 !Local variables-------------------------------
188 !scalars
189  integer :: bdtot_index,diag,extrap,i1,i2,i3,iband,ibg,icg,ier,ierr
190  integer :: ifft,ii,ikg,ikpt,indx,iorder_cprj,ipw1,ipw2,isp,isp1,isp2
191  integer :: ispinor,istwf_k,isym,j1,j2,j3,jj,jsp,k1,k2,k3
192  integer :: my_nspinor,nband_k,nband_loc,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6
193  integer :: nkpg_diel,npw_k,npwsp,nspden_eff,nspden_tmp,nsym1,nsym2
194  integer :: paral_kgb_diel,spaceComm,t1,t2,testocc
195  real(dp) :: ai,ai2,ar,ar2,diegap,dielam,emax,invnsym
196  real(dp) :: invnsym1,invnsym2,phi1,phi12,phi2,phr1,phr12
197  real(dp) :: phr2,sumdocc,weight
198  logical :: antiferro
199  character(len=500) :: message
200  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_diel
202 !arrays
203  integer,allocatable :: gbound(:,:),kg_k(:,:),sym_g(:,:)
204  integer,allocatable :: tmrev_g(:)
205  real(dp) :: kpt_diel(3,1),tsec(2)
206  real(dp),allocatable :: drhode(:,:,:),drhode_wk(:,:,:)
207  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_diel(:),gylmg_diel(:,:,:),kpg_dum(:,:)
208  real(dp),allocatable :: occ_deavg(:),ph3d_diel(:,:,:),phdiel(:,:,:)
209  real(dp),allocatable :: phkxred_diel(:,:),rhoextrap(:,:,:,:),rhoextrg(:,:)
210  real(dp),allocatable :: rhoextrr(:,:),sush(:),sussum(:),susvec(:,:,:)
211  real(dp),allocatable :: suswk(:,:,:,:),zhpev1(:,:),zhpev2(:)
212  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k(:,:),cprj_loc(:,:)
214 ! *************************************************************************
216  call timab(740,1,tsec)
217  call timab(741,1,tsec)
219  ABI_CHECK(mkmem/=0,"mkmem==0 not supported anymore!")
222 !----- Initialisations -----------------------------------------------------------
223 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
225  if (usecprj==0.and.usepaw==1) then
226    write (message,'(3a)')&
227 &   ' cprj datastructure must be allocated !',ch10,&
228 &   ' Action: change pawusecp input keyword.'
229    MSG_ERROR(message)
230  end if
232  if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
233    message = ' not yet allowed for parallelization over spinors !'
234    MSG_ERROR(message)
235  end if
237 !Init mpicomm
238  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
239    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
240  else
241    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
242  end if
244 !The dielectric stuff is performed in sequential mode.
245 !Set mpi_enreg_diel accordingly
246  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_diel)
247  call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_diel%distribfft,'c',ngfftdiel(2),ngfftdiel(3),'all')
249 !testocc to be taken away
250  testocc=1
252  my_nspinor=max(1,nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
254  iorder_cprj=0 ! order for the cprj reading...
256 !Initialize some scalar quantities
257  antiferro=(nsppol==1.and.nspden==2)
258  nspden_eff=min(max(nsppol,nspden),2) ! Size for the computed part of susmat
259  bdtot_index=0 ; icg=0 ; ibg=0
260  ndiel1=ngfftdiel(1) ; ndiel2=ngfftdiel(2) ; ndiel3=ngfftdiel(3)
262 !ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6 are FFT dimensions, modified to avoid cache trashing
263  ndiel4=ngfftdiel(4) ; ndiel5=ngfftdiel(5) ; ndiel6=ngfftdiel(6)
264  diegap=dielar(5) ; dielam=dielar(6)
265  extrap=0
267 !If dielam is too small, there is no extrapolation.
268  if(dielam>1.0d-6)extrap=1
270 !Some stuff for symmetries
271  nsym1=sum(symafm,mask=symafm==1)
272  nsym2=nsym-nsym1
273  invnsym =one/dble(nsym)
274  invnsym1=one/dble(nsym1)
275  invnsym2=one
276 !FIXME: make sure this is consistent with following code
277 !div by 0 for several v5 tests
278  if (nsym2 > 0) invnsym2=one/dble(nsym2)
280 !Allocations
281  ABI_ALLOCATE(occ_deavg,(mband))
282  if(occopt>=3) then
283    ABI_ALLOCATE(drhode,(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff))
284  else
285    ABI_ALLOCATE(drhode,(0,0,0))
286  end if
287  if(extrap==1) then
288    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoextrap,(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor))
289  else
290    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoextrap,(0,0,0,0))
291  end if
293 !zero the susceptibility matrix and other needed quantities
294  susmat(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
295  if(occopt>=3)then
296    drhode(:,:,:)=zero
297    sumdocc=zero
298  end if
300 !PAW additional initializations
301  if (usepaw==1) then
302    ABI_ALLOCATE(gylmg_diel,(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat))
303    ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3d_diel,(2,npwdiel,natom))
304    if (neglect_pawhat==0) then
305      ABI_ALLOCATE(phkxred_diel,(2,natom))
306      ABI_ALLOCATE(kpg_dum,(0,0))
307      kpt_diel(1:3,1)=zero;phkxred_diel(1,:)=one;phkxred_diel(2,:)=zero;nkpg_diel=0
308 !    write(std_out,*) ' lmax_diel ', lmax_diel
309      call pawgylmg(gprimd,gylmg_diel,kg_diel,kpg_dum,kpt_diel,lmax_diel,nkpg_diel,npwdiel,ntypat,pawtab,ylmdiel)
310      call ph1d3d(1,natom,kg_diel,natom,natom,npwdiel,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3,phkxred_diel,ph1ddiel,ph3d_diel)
311      ABI_DEALLOCATE(phkxred_diel)
312      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpg_dum)
313    else
314      gylmg_diel=zero;ph3d_diel=one
315    end if
316  else
317    ABI_ALLOCATE(gylmg_diel,(0,0,0))
318    ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3d_diel,(0,0,0))
319  end if
321  call timab(741,2,tsec)
325 !--BIG loop over spins ------------------------------------------------------------
326 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
328  do isp=1,nsppol
329    ikg=0
331    if(extrap==1)rhoextrap(:,:,:,:)=zero
333 !  --BIG loop over k-points --------------------------------------------------------
334 !  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
336    do ikpt=1,nkpt
338      nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isp-1)*nkpt)
339      istwf_k=istwfk(ikpt)
340      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
342      if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isp,mpi_enreg%me_kpt)) then
343        bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
344        cycle
345      end if
347      call timab(742,1,tsec)
350      ABI_ALLOCATE(gbound,(2*mgfftdiel+8,2))
351      ABI_ALLOCATE(kg_k,(3,npw_k))
353      if (usepaw==1) then
354        ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj_k,(natom,my_nspinor*nband_k))
355        if (neglect_pawhat==0) then
356          call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_k,0,dimcprj)
357          if (mpi_enreg%nproc_band==1) then
358            call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_k,cprj,natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder_cprj,isp,&
359 &           mband,mkmem,natom,nband_k,nband_k,my_nspinor,nsppol,unpaw,&
360 &           mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
361          else
362            nband_loc=nband_k/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
363            ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj_loc,(natom,my_nspinor*nband_loc))
364            call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_loc,0,dimcprj)
365            call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_loc,cprj,natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder_cprj,isp,&
366 &           mband/mpi_enreg%nproc_band,mkmem,natom,nband_loc,nband_loc,my_nspinor,nsppol,unpaw,&
367 &           mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
368            call pawcprj_mpi_allgather(cprj_loc,cprj_k,natom,my_nspinor*nband_loc,dimcprj,0,&
369 &           mpi_enreg%nproc_band,mpi_enreg%comm_band,ierr,rank_ordered=.true.)
370            call pawcprj_free(cprj_loc)
371            ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(cprj_loc)
372          end if
373        else
374          !call pawcprj_nullify(cprj_k)
375        end if
376      else
377        ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj_k,(0,0))
378      end if
380      kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
381      call sphereboundary(gbound,istwf_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,npw_k)
383      if(extrap==1)then
384 !      Compute inverse of average dielectric gap for each band
385 !      and multiply by occupation factor
386        emax=maxval(eigen(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index))
387        do iband=1,nband_k
388          occ_deavg(iband)= occ(iband+bdtot_index)*dielam &
389 &         / ( emax-eigen(iband+bdtot_index)  + diegap )
390        end do
391      else
392        occ_deavg(:)=zero
393      end if
395      call timab(742,2,tsec)
396      call timab(743,1,tsec)
398 !    Compute the contribution of each k-point to susmat, rhoextrap, drhode and sumdocc.
399      if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1)then !Only this version is in parallel
400 !      Use either the simpler implementation
401 !      Should provide a test !!!
402        call susk(atindx,bdtot_index,cg,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
403 &       gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg,ikpt,&
404 &       isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
405 &       natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
406 &       npwdiel,npw_k,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,&
407 &       pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
408 &       susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
409      else
410 !      Or the more sophisticated one, needed to save memory.
411        call suskmm(atindx,bdtot_index,cg,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
412 &       gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg,ikpt,&
413 &       isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
414 &       natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
415 &       npwdiel,npw_k,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,paral_kgb_diel,&
416 &       pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
417 &       susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
418      end if
420      call timab(743,2,tsec)
422      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gbound)
423      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kg_k)
425      bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
427      if (mkmem/=0) then
428        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_k
429        icg=icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k
430        ikg=ikg+npw_k
431      end if
432      if (usepaw==1) then
433        if (neglect_pawhat==0) then
434          call pawcprj_free(cprj_k)
435        end if
436      end if
439 !    End loop on ikpt:  --------------------------------------------------------
440    end do
442 !  Here include the contribution from the extrapolation to susmat,
443 !  diagonal part
444    if(extrap==1)then
446      call timab(744,1,tsec)
448 !    Transfer extrapolating density on augmented fft grid to
449 !    normal fft grid in real space.
450 !    Warning1 : if collinear magnetism, must treat only one spin at a time
451 !    Warning2 : if non-collinear magnetism, treat both spins
452 !    Warning3 : this is subtle for antiferro magnetism
453      nspden_tmp=1;if (antiferro) nspden_tmp=2
454      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoextrr,(nfftdiel,nspden_tmp))
455      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoextrg,(2,nfftdiel))
456      if (nspden==1.and.nspinor==2) rhoextrap(:,:,:,1)=rhoextrap(:,:,:,1)+rhoextrap(:,:,:,2)
458      do ispinor=1,min(nspinor,nspden)
459        jsp=isp+ispinor-1
461        call fftpac(1,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
462 &       ngfftdiel,rhoextrr(:,1),rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor),1)
464 !      Generate the density in reciprocal space, and symmetrize it
465 !      (note symrhg also make the reverse FFT, to get symmetrized density;
466 !      this is useless here, and should be made an option)
467        call symrhg(1,gprimd,irrzondiel,mpi_enreg_diel,nfftdiel,nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,&
468 &       nspden_tmp,1,nsym,paral_kgb_diel,phnonsdiel,rhoextrg,rhoextrr,rprimd,symafm,symrel)
470        do ipw2=1,npwdiel
471          j1=kg_diel(1,ipw2) ; j2=kg_diel(2,ipw2) ; j3=kg_diel(3,ipw2)
472 !        static:    Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
473 !        dynamical: fill all, will not affect susopt==2 for which extrap==0
474          do ipw1=1,npwdiel
475            i1=kg_diel(1,ipw1) ; i2=kg_diel(2,ipw1) ; i3=kg_diel(3,ipw1)
476 !          NOTE that there is a FFT folding (superposition) bias here
477 !          Should use kgindex, in the same spirit as in prcref
478            k1=i1-j1; k1=modulo(k1,ndiel1)
479            k2=i2-j2; k2=modulo(k2,ndiel2)
480            k3=i3-j3; k3=modulo(k3,ndiel3)
481            ifft=k1+1+ndiel1*(k2+ndiel2*k3)
482            susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+rhoextrg(1,ifft)
483            susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+rhoextrg(2,ifft)
484          end do
485        end do
487      end do
488      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoextrg)
489      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoextrr)
491      call timab(744,2,tsec)
493    end if
495 !  End loop over spins ---------------------------------------------------------
496  end do
498  ABI_DEALLOCATE(occ_deavg)
499  ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoextrap)
500  ABI_DEALLOCATE(gylmg_diel)
501  ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph3d_diel)
502  !end if
504  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_diel)
506 !-- Stuff for parallelism --------------------------------------------------------
507 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
509  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
510    call timab(746,1,tsec)
511    ABI_ALLOCATE(sussum,(2*npwdiel*nspden*npwdiel*nspden))
512 !  Recreate full susmat on all proc.
513 !  This should be coded more efficiently,
514 !  since half of the matrix is still empty, and
515 !  it is spin-diagonal.
516    sussum(:)=reshape(susmat(:,:,:,:,:),(/2*npwdiel*nspden*npwdiel*nspden/))
517    call xmpi_sum(sussum,spaceComm,ierr)
518    susmat(:,:,:,:,:)=reshape(sussum(:),(/2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden/))
519    ABI_DEALLOCATE(sussum)
520 !  Recreate full drhode on all proc.
521    if(occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1)then
522      call xmpi_sum(drhode,spaceComm,ierr)
523 !    Should use only one mpi-allreduce call instead of the three
524      call xmpi_sum(sumdocc,spaceComm,ierr)
525    end if
526    call timab(746,2,tsec)
527  end if
529 !-- Apply spatial hermitian/symmetries on spin-diagonal susceptibility matrix ----
530 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
532  call timab(747,1,tsec)
534 !If antiferro magnetism, has to divide (spin-diagonal) susceptibility by 2 (due to dble occupations)
535  if (antiferro) then
536    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
537      do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
538        susmat(:,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=half*susmat(:,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
539      end do
540    end do
541  end if
543 !Generate upper half of the spin-diagonal matrix (still the susceptibility matrix)
544  do isp=1,nspden_eff
545    do ipw2=2,npwdiel
546      do ipw1=1,ipw2-1
547        susmat(1,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)= susmat(1,ipw2,isp,ipw1,isp)
548        susmat(2,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=-susmat(2,ipw2,isp,ipw1,isp)
549      end do
550    end do
551  end do
553 !Compute symmetric of G-vectors and eventual phases
554 !(either time-reversal or spatial symmetries)
555  ABI_ALLOCATE(tmrev_g,(npwdiel))
556  ABI_ALLOCATE(sym_g,(npwdiel,nsym))
557  ABI_ALLOCATE(phdiel,(2,npwdiel,nsym))
558  call symg(kg_diel,npwdiel,nsym,phdiel,sym_g,symrel,tmrev_g,tnons)
560 !Impose spatial symmetries to the spin-diagonal susceptibility matrix
561  ABI_ALLOCATE(suswk,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel,nspden_eff))
562  do isp=1,nspden_eff
563    suswk(:,:,:,isp)=susmat(:,:,isp,:,isp) ! Temporary storage
564  end do
566  do isp=1,nspden_eff
567    jsp=min(3-isp,nsppol)
568    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
569      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
570        ar=suswk(1,ipw1,ipw2,isp)
571        ai=suswk(2,ipw1,ipw2,isp)
572        ar2=zero;ai2=zero
573        if(nsym>1)then
574          do isym=2,nsym
575            t1=sym_g(ipw1,isym) ; t2=sym_g(ipw2,isym)
576 !          Not all symmetries are non-symmorphic. Should save time here ...
577            phr1=phdiel(1,ipw1,isym) ; phi1=phdiel(2,ipw1,isym)
578            phr2=phdiel(1,ipw2,isym) ; phi2=phdiel(2,ipw2,isym)
579            phr12= phr1*phr2+phi1*phi2 ; phi12=phi1*phr2-phr1*phi2
580            if (symafm(isym)==1) then
581              ar=ar+suswk(1,t1,t2,isp)*phr12-suswk(2,t1,t2,isp)*phi12
582              ai=ai+suswk(2,t1,t2,isp)*phr12+suswk(1,t1,t2,isp)*phi12
583            else
584              ar2=ar2+suswk(1,t1,t2,jsp)*phr12-suswk(2,t1,t2,jsp)*phi12
585              ai2=ai2+suswk(2,t1,t2,jsp)*phr12+suswk(1,t1,t2,jsp)*phi12
586            end if
587          end do
588        end if
589        if (antiferro) then
590          susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar*invnsym1
591          susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai*invnsym1
592          susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)=ar2*invnsym2
593          susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)=ai2*invnsym2
594        else
595          susmat(1,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=(ar+ar2)*invnsym
596          susmat(2,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=(ai+ai2)*invnsym
597        end if
598      end do
599    end do
600  end do
601  ABI_DEALLOCATE(suswk)
604 !--  Add contribibution to susceptibility due to change of Fermi level -----------
605 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
607  if (occopt>=3.and.testocc==1) then
609 !  Impose spatial symmetries to drhode
610    ABI_ALLOCATE(drhode_wk,(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff))
611    do isp=1,nspden_eff
612      jsp=min(3-isp,nsppol)
613      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
614        ar=drhode(1,ipw1,isp)
615        ai=drhode(2,ipw1,isp)
616        ar2=zero;ai2=zero
617        if (nsym>1) then
618          do isym=2,nsym
619            t1=sym_g(ipw1,isym)
620 !          Not all symmetries are non-symmorphic. Should save time here ...
621            phr1=phdiel(1,ipw1,isym);phi1=phdiel(2,ipw1,isym)
622            if (symafm(isym)==1) then
623              ar=ar+drhode(1,t1,isp)*phr1-drhode(2,t1,isp)*phi1
624              ai=ai+drhode(2,t1,isp)*phr1+drhode(1,t1,isp)*phi1
625            else
626              ar2=ar2+drhode(1,t1,jsp)*phr1-drhode(2,t1,jsp)*phi1
627              ai2=ai2+drhode(2,t1,jsp)*phr1+drhode(1,t1,jsp)*phi1
628            end if
629          end do
630        end if
631        if (antiferro) then  ! 1/2 factor due to (dble) occupations
632          drhode_wk(1,ipw1,1)=half*ar*invnsym1
633          drhode_wk(2,ipw1,1)=half*ai*invnsym1
634          drhode_wk(1,ipw1,2)=half*ar2*invnsym2
635          drhode_wk(2,ipw1,2)=half*ai2*invnsym2
636        else
637          drhode_wk(1,ipw1,isp)=(ar+ar2)*invnsym
638          drhode_wk(2,ipw1,isp)=(ai+ai2)*invnsym
639        end if
640      end do
641    end do
643 !  Add contribution to non-diagonal susceptibility
644 !  Presently fills complete susceptibility matrix, not only lower half
645    weight=one/sumdocc
646    do isp2=1,nspden_eff
647      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
648        do isp1=1,nspden_eff
649          do ipw1=1,npwdiel
650            susmat(1,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)=susmat(1,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)- &
651 &           weight*( drhode_wk(1,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(1,ipw2,isp2)  &
652 &           +drhode_wk(2,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(2,ipw2,isp2) )
653            susmat(2,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)=susmat(2,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)- &
654 &           weight*( drhode_wk(2,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(1,ipw2,isp2)  &
655 &           -drhode_wk(1,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(2,ipw2,isp2) )
656          end do
657        end do
658      end do
659    end do
660    ABI_DEALLOCATE(drhode_wk)
662  end if
663  !if (occopt>=3)  then
664  ABI_DEALLOCATE(drhode)
665  !end if
668 !--- Impose the time-reversal symmetry to the susceptibility matrix --------------
669 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
671  if (usetimerev==1) then
672    ABI_ALLOCATE(suswk,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel,1))
674 !  Impose the time-reversal symmetry to the spin-diagonal susceptibility matrix
675    do isp=1,nspden_eff
676      suswk(:,:,:,1)=susmat(:,:,isp,:,isp) ! Temporary storage
677      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
678        t2=tmrev_g(ipw2)
679        do ipw1=1,npwdiel
680          t1=tmrev_g(ipw1)
681          susmat(1,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=half*(suswk(1,ipw1,ipw2,1)+suswk(1,t1,t2,1))
682          susmat(2,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=half*(suswk(2,ipw1,ipw2,1)-suswk(2,t1,t2,1))
683        end do
684      end do
685    end do
687 !  Impose the time-reversal symmetry to the off-diagonal susceptibility matrix
688    if (nspden_eff/=1.and.occopt>=3.and.testocc==1) then
689      suswk(:,:,:,1)=susmat(:,:,1,:,2) ! Temporary storage
690      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
691        t2=tmrev_g(ipw2)
692        do ipw1=1,npwdiel
693          t1=tmrev_g(ipw1)
694          ar=half*(suswk(1,ipw1,ipw2,1)+suswk(1,t1,t2,1))
695          ai=half*(suswk(2,ipw1,ipw2,1)-suswk(2,t1,t2,1))
696          susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)= ar
697          susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)= ai
698          susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)= ar
699          susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)=-ai
700        end do
701      end do
702    end if
703    ABI_DEALLOCATE(suswk)
704  end if
706  ABI_DEALLOCATE(phdiel)
707  ABI_DEALLOCATE(sym_g)
708  ABI_DEALLOCATE(tmrev_g)
711 !-- The full susceptibility matrix is computed -----------------------------------
712 !-- Now, eventually diagonalize it and stop --------------------------------------
713 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
715 !Must turn on this flag to make the diagonalisation
716  diag=0
717  if(diag==1)then
719    npwsp=npwdiel*nspden_eff
720    ABI_ALLOCATE(sush,(npwsp*(npwsp+1)))
721    ABI_ALLOCATE(susvec,(2,npwsp,npwsp))
722    ABI_ALLOCATE(eig_diel,(npwsp))
723    ABI_ALLOCATE(zhpev1,(2,2*npwsp-1))
724    ABI_ALLOCATE(zhpev2,(3*npwsp-2))
725    ier=0
727 !  Store the susceptibility matrix in proper mode before calling zhpev
728    indx=1
729    do ii=1,npwdiel
730      do jj=1,ii
731        sush(indx  )=susmat(1,jj,1,ii,1)
732        sush(indx+1)=susmat(2,jj,1,ii,1)
733        indx=indx+2
734      end do
735    end do
737 !  If spin-polarized, need to store other parts of the matrix
738    if(nspden_eff/=1)then
739      do ii=1,npwdiel
740 !      Here, spin-flip contribution
741        do jj=1,npwdiel
742          sush(indx  )=susmat(1,jj,1,ii,2)
743          sush(indx+1)=susmat(2,jj,1,ii,2)
744          indx=indx+2
745        end do
746 !      Here spin down-spin down upper matrix
747        do jj=1,ii
748          sush(indx  )=susmat(1,jj,2,ii,2)
749          sush(indx+1)=susmat(2,jj,2,ii,2)
750          indx=indx+2
751        end do
752      end do
753    end if
755    call ZHPEV ('V','U',npwsp,sush,eig_diel,susvec,npwsp,zhpev1,&
756 &   zhpev2,ier)
758    write(std_out,*)' suscep_stat : print eigenvalues of the susceptibility matrix'
759    do ii=1,npwsp
760      write(std_out,'(i5,es16.6)' )ii,eig_diel(ii)
761    end do
763    ABI_DEALLOCATE(sush)
764    ABI_DEALLOCATE(susvec)
765    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eig_diel)
766    ABI_DEALLOCATE(zhpev1)
767    ABI_DEALLOCATE(zhpev2)
768    MSG_ERROR("Stopping here!")
769  end if
771  call timab(747,2,tsec)
772  call timab(740,2,tsec)
774 end subroutine suscep_stat