ABINIT/suskmm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the contribution of one k point to the susceptibility matrix
 from input wavefunctions, band occupations, and k point wts.
 Include the usual sum-over-state terms, but also the
 corrections due to the change of the Fermi level in the metallic
 case, as well as implicit sum over higher lying conduction
 states, thanks to the closure relation (referred to as an extrapolation).

 This routine is similar to susk, but use blocking on wavefunctions
 to decrease memory requirements, at the expense of CPU time.


 There is still room for optimization !!


 Copyright (C) 1998-2017 ABINIT group (XG).
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms
  bdtot_index=index for the number of the band
  cg(2,mcg)=wf in G space
  cprj_k(natom,nspinor*nband_k)= wave functions projected with non-local projectors:
                                 cprj_k=<p_i|Cnk> where p_i is a non-local projector.
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt
           the energy for each band and k point
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  extrap: if==1, the closure relation (an extrapolation) must be used
  gbound(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for going from WF sphere to
      medium size FFT grid
  gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for going from medium size
      FFT grid to small sphere.
  gylmg_diel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat*usepaw)= -PAW only- Fourier transform of g_l(r).Y_ml(r) shape functions
                                                   for dielectric matrix
  icg=index for cg
  ikpt=number of the k point
  isp=number of the current spin
  istwf_k=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  kg_k(3,npw)=coordinates of planewaves in basis sphere.
  lmax_diel=1+max. value of l angular momentum used for dielectric matrix
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=dimension of cg
  mgfftdiel=maximum size of 1D FFTs, for the computation of
     the dielectric matrix
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nband_k=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6= FFT dimensions, modified to avoid cache trashing
  neglect_pawhat=1 if PAW contribution from hat density (compensation charge)
                 has to be neglected (to be used when only an estimation of
                 suscep. matrix has to be evaluated, i.e. for SCF precondictioning)
  ngfftdiel(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, for dielectric matrix,
    see ~abinit/doc/input_variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  npwdiel=third and fifth dimension of the susmat array.
  npw_k=number of plane waves at this k point
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspden_eff=number of spin-density components actually computed in sussceptibility
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
          occupation numbers for each band (usually 2.0) at each k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  occ_deavg(mband)=factor for extrapolation (occup. divided by an energy gap)
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph3d_diel(2,npwdiel,natom*usepaw)=3-dim structure factors, for each atom and plane wave, for dielectric matrix
  typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
  ucvol=unit cell volume (Bohr**3)
  usepaw=flag for PAW
  wtk(nkpt)=k point weights (they sum to 1.0)


  (see side effects)


  drhode(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff)=weighted density, needed to compute the
   effect of change of fermi energy
  rhoextrap(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor)=density-like array, needed for the
   extrapolation procedure.
  sumdocc=sum of weighted occupation numbers, needed to compute the
   effect of change of fermi energy
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space






105 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
106 #include "config.h"
107 #endif
109 #include "abi_common.h"
112 subroutine suskmm(atindx,bdtot_index,cg,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
113 &  gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg,ikpt,isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k,&
114 &  lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
115 &  natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
116 &  npwdiel,npw_k,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,paral_kgb,&
117 &  pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
118 &  susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
120  use defs_basis
121  use defs_abitypes
122  use m_errors
123  use m_profiling_abi
124  use m_mpinfo,  only : destroy_mpi_enreg
126  use m_pawang,  only : pawang_type
127  use m_pawtab,  only : pawtab_type
128  use m_pawcprj, only : pawcprj_type
130 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
131 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
132 #undef ABI_FUNC
133 #define ABI_FUNC 'suskmm'
134  use interfaces_18_timing
135  use interfaces_51_manage_mpi
136  use interfaces_53_ffts
137  use interfaces_65_paw
138 !End of the abilint section
140  implicit none
142 !Arguments ------------------------------------
143 !This type is defined in defs_mpi
144 !scalars
145  integer,intent(in) :: bdtot_index,extrap,icg,ikpt,isp,istwf_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg
146  integer,intent(in) :: mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat
147  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,npw_k,npwdiel,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor
148  integer,intent(in) :: nsppol,ntypat,occopt,paral_kgb,usepaw
149  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
150  real(dp),intent(inout) :: sumdocc
151  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
152  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
153 !arrays
154  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(natom),gbound(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
155  integer,intent(in) :: gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
156  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel),kg_k(3,npw_k),ngfftdiel(18)
157  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
158  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg),doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
159  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
160  real(dp),intent(in) :: gylmg_diel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat*usepaw)
161  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol),occ_deavg(mband)
162  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph3d_diel(2,npwdiel,natom*usepaw),wtk(nkpt)
163  real(dp),intent(inout) :: drhode(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff)
164  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhoextrap(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor)
165  real(dp),intent(inout) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
166  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj_k(natom,nspinor*nband_k*usepaw)
167  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)
169 !Local variables-------------------------------
170 !scalars
171  integer :: comm_fft,i1,i2,i3,iband,iband_shift,iband_shift2,ibd1,ibd2,ibdshft1,ibdshft2
172  integer :: iblk1,iblk2,ipw,ipw1,ipw2,ispinor,iwf,jsp,mblk
173  integer :: nblk,nbnd_current,nbnd_in_blk,nbnd_in_blk1,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3
174  integer :: testocc,tim_fourwf
175  real(dp) :: eigdiff,occdiff,tolocc,weight,wght1,wght2
176  character(len=500) :: message
177  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_diel
178 !arrays
179  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
180  real(dp),allocatable :: cwavef(:,:),dummy(:,:),rhoaug(:,:,:),wfprod(:,:)
181  real(dp),allocatable :: wfraug(:,:,:,:),wfrspa1(:,:,:,:,:,:)
182  real(dp),allocatable :: wfrspa2(:,:,:,:,:,:)
184 ! *************************************************************************
186 !DEBUG
187 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : enter '
188 !if(.true.)stop
191  call timab(760,1,tsec)
192  call timab(761,1,tsec)
194 !Allocations, initializations
195  ndiel1=ngfftdiel(1) ; ndiel2=ngfftdiel(2) ; ndiel3=ngfftdiel(3)
196  testocc=1
197  ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoaug,(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6))
198  ABI_ALLOCATE(wfraug,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6))
199  ABI_ALLOCATE(wfprod,(2,npwdiel))
200  ABI_ALLOCATE(dummy,(2,1))
202 !The dielectric stuff is performed in sequential mode.
203 !Set mpi_enreg_diel accordingly
204  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_diel)
205  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg_diel%distribfft,'c',ngfftdiel(2),ngfftdiel(3),'all')
207  comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
209 !Prepare the blocking : compute the number of blocks,
210 !the number of bands in each normal block,
211 !and the number in the first one, usually smaller.
213 !Consider that if the number of bands is large, there are at most 8 blocks
214  nbnd_in_blk=0
215  if(nband_k>=48)then
216    mblk=8
217    nbnd_in_blk=(nband_k-1)/mblk+1
218 !  If the number of bands is medium, place 6 bands per block
219  else if(nband_k>=12)then
220    nbnd_in_blk=6
221 !  Otherwise, must have at least 2 blocks
222  else if(nband_k>=2)then
223    mblk=2
224    nbnd_in_blk=(nband_k-1)/mblk+1
225  else
226    write(message, '(a,a,a,i2,a,a,a)')&
227 &   '  The number of bands must be larger or equal to 2, in suskmm.',ch10,&
228 &   '  It is equal to ',nband_k,'.',ch10,&
229 &   '  Action : choose another preconditioner.'
230    MSG_ERROR(message)
231  end if
233 !Compute the effective number of blocks, and the number of bands in
234 !the first block.
235  nblk=(nband_k-1)/nbnd_in_blk+1
236  nbnd_in_blk1=nband_k-(nblk-1)*nbnd_in_blk
238 !DEBUG
239 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : nband_k,nblk,nbnd_in_blk,nbnd_in_blk1 '
240 !write(std_out,*)nband_k,nblk,nbnd_in_blk,nbnd_in_blk1
241 !stop
244 !wfrspa1 will contain the wavefunctions of the slow sampling (iblk1)
245  ABI_ALLOCATE(wfrspa1,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor,nbnd_in_blk))
246 !wfrspa2 will contain the wavefunctions of the rapid sampling (iblk2)
247  ABI_ALLOCATE(wfrspa2,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor,nbnd_in_blk))
249  ABI_ALLOCATE(cwavef,(2,npw_k))
251  call timab(761,2,tsec)
253 !First loop over blocks
254  do iblk1=1,nblk
256    call timab(762,1,tsec)
258 !  Initialisation
259    if(iblk1==1)then
261      nbnd_current=nbnd_in_blk1
262      iband_shift=0
263 !    Loop over bands to fft and store Fourier transform of wavefunction
264      do iband=1,nbnd_current
265 !      Loop on spinorial components
266        do ispinor=1,nspinor
267          iwf=(ispinor-1)*npw_k+(iband-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
268 !        Obtain Fourier transform in fft box
269          tim_fourwf=21
270          cwavef(:,1:npw_k)=cg(:,1+iwf:npw_k+iwf)
271          call fourwf(1,rhoaug,cwavef,dummy,wfraug,gbound,gbound,&
272 &         istwf_k,kg_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,npw_k,1,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
273 &         0,paral_kgb,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
274          wfrspa1(:,:,:,:,ispinor,iband)=wfraug(:,:,:,:)
275        end do
276      end do
278    else
280 !    The Fourier transform of wavefunctions have already been obtained
281      nbnd_current=nbnd_in_blk
282      iband_shift=nbnd_in_blk1+(iblk1-2)*nbnd_in_blk
284    end if
286 !  Loop over bands of this block, to generate band-diagonal
287    do iband=1,nbnd_current
289 !    Loop on spinorial components
290      do ispinor=1,nspinor
291        jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
293        if( (occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1) .or. extrap==1 )then
294 !        In the case of metallic occupation, or if the extrapolation
295 !        over higher bands is included, must compute the
296 !        Fourier transform of the density of each band, then
297 !        generate the part of the susceptibility matrix due
298 !        varying occupation numbers.
299          weight=-two*occ_deavg(iband+iband_shift)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
300          do i3=1,ndiel3
301            do i2=1,ndiel2
302              do i1=1,ndiel1
303                wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,iband)**2&
304 &               +wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,iband)**2
305                wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=zero
306              end do
307            end do
308 !          If extrapolation, accumulate density in real space
309            if(extrap==1.and.usepaw==0)then
310              do i2=1,ndiel2
311                do i1=1,ndiel1
312                  rhoextrap(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)=rhoextrap(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)+weight*wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)
313                end do
314              end do
315            end if
316          end do
318 !        In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
319          if (usepaw==1.and.extrap==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
320            call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,iband,iband,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
321 &           lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
322 &           ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,1,&
323 &           pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,dummy,wfraug,&
324 &           mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
325            rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor)=rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor)+weight*wfraug(1,:,:,:)
326          end if
328 !        Performs the Fourier Transform of the density of the band,
329 !        and store it in wfprod
330          tim_fourwf=31
331          call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
332 &         1,kg_diel,kg_diel,&
333 &         mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,paral_kgb,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
334 !        In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution if not already done
335          if (usepaw==1.and.extrap==0.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
336            call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,iband,iband,1,1,1,kg_diel,&
337 &           lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
338 &           ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
339 &           pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
340 &           mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
341          end if
343 !        Perform now the summation of terms related to direct change of eigenvalues
344 !        or extrapolation over higher bands
345          wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
346          if(occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1) wght1=doccde(iband+iband_shift+bdtot_index)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
347          if(extrap==1) wght2=two*occ_deavg(iband+iband_shift)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
348          weight=wght1+wght2
350          if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
351            do ipw2=1,npwdiel
352 !            Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
353 !            Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
354 !            so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
355 !            second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
356 !            with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
357 !            used. This explains the following signs...
358              do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
359                susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
360 &               weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
361                susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
362 &               weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
363              end do
364            end do
365          end if
367          if( occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1 .and. abs(wght1)>tol12) then
368 !          Accumulate product of band densities by their doccde, for the
369 !          computation of the effect of change of Fermi level.
370            do ipw=1,npwdiel
371              drhode(1,ipw,jsp)=drhode(1,ipw,jsp)+wfprod(1,ipw)*wght1
372              drhode(2,ipw,jsp)=drhode(2,ipw,jsp)+wfprod(2,ipw)*wght1
373            end do
374 !          Also accumulate weighted sum of doccde
375            sumdocc=sumdocc+wght1
376          end if
378 !        End condition of metallic occupancies or extrapolation
379        end if
381 !      End loop on spinorial components
382      end do
383 !    End loop on iband
384    end do
386    call timab(762,2,tsec)
388 !  -- Compute now off-band-diagonal terms ------------------------------------
389 !  -- Compute product of wavefunctions for different bands, inside the block -
391    call timab(763,1,tsec)
393 !  if (occopt<3) then
394    tolocc=1.0d-3
395 !  else
396 !  tolocc=1.0d-8
397 !  end if
399    if(nbnd_current>1)then
400      do ibd1=1,nbnd_current-1
401        ibdshft1=ibd1+iband_shift
402        do ibd2=ibd1+1,nbnd_current
403          ibdshft2=ibd2+iband_shift
405 !        If the occupation numbers are sufficiently different, or
406 !        if extrapolation is used and the corresponding factor is not zero,
407 !        then there is a contribution
408          occdiff=occ(ibdshft1+bdtot_index)-occ(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
409          if( abs(occdiff)>tolocc      .or. &
410 &         ( extrap==1 .and.            &
411 &         ( abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)) + abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) ) >tolocc ) &
412 &         ) then
414            eigdiff=eigen(ibdshft1+bdtot_index) - eigen(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
416 !          Loop on spinorial components
417            do ispinor=1,nspinor
418              jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
420 !            Store the contribution in wfraug
421              do i3=1,ndiel3
422                do i2=1,ndiel2
423                  do i1=1,ndiel1
424                    wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
425 &                   +wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
426                    wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
427 &                   -wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
428                  end do
429                end do
430              end do
432 !            Performs the Fourier Transform of the product, and store it in wfprod
433              tim_fourwf=32
434              call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
435 &             1,kg_diel,kg_diel, mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,&
436 &             ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,paral_kgb,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
438 !            In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
439              if (usepaw==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
440                call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,ibd1,ibd2,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
441 &               lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
442 &               ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
443 &               pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
444 &               mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
445              end if
447 !            Perform now the summation
448              wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
449              if(abs(occdiff)>tolocc) wght1= occdiff/eigdiff * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
450              if(extrap==1) wght2=(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)+occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
451              weight=wght1+wght2
453              if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
454                do ipw2=1,npwdiel
455 !                Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
456 !                Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
457 !                so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
458 !                second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
459 !                with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
460 !                used. This explains the following signs...
461                  do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
462                    susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
463 &                   weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
464                    susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
465 &                   weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
466                  end do
467                end do
468              end if
470 !            End loop on spinorial components
471            end do
472 !          End condition of different occupation numbers or extrapolation
473          end if
474 !        End internal loop over bands
475        end do
476 !      End external loop over bands
477      end do
478 !    End condition of having more than one band
479    end if
481 !  Loop on secondary block, with fast varying index, in decreasing order.
482    if(iblk1/=nblk)then
483      do iblk2=nblk,iblk1+1,-1
484        iband_shift2=nbnd_in_blk1+(iblk2-2)*nbnd_in_blk
486 !      Loop over bands to fft and store Fourier transform of wavefunction
487        iband_shift2=nbnd_in_blk1+(iblk2-2)*nbnd_in_blk
488        do iband=1,nbnd_in_blk
489 !        Loop on spinorial components
490          do ispinor=1,nspinor
491            iwf=(ispinor-1)*npw_k+(iband+iband_shift2-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
493 !          Obtain Fourier transform in fft box
494            tim_fourwf=22
495            cwavef(:,1:npw_k)=cg(:,1+iwf:npw_k+iwf)
496            call fourwf(1,rhoaug,cwavef,dummy,wfraug,gbound,gbound,&
497 &           istwf_k,kg_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,npw_k,1,&
498 &           ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,0,paral_kgb,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
499            wfrspa2(:,:,:,:,ispinor,iband)=wfraug(:,:,:,:)
500          end do
501        end do
503        do ibd1=1,nbnd_current
504          ibdshft1=ibd1+iband_shift
505          do ibd2=1,nbnd_in_blk
506            ibdshft2=ibd2+iband_shift2
508 !          If the occupation numbers are sufficiently different, or
509 !          if extrapolation is used and the corresponding factor is not zero,
510 !          then there is a contribution
511            occdiff=occ(ibdshft1+bdtot_index)-occ(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
512            if( abs(occdiff)>tolocc      .or. &
513 &           ( extrap==1 .and.            &
514 &           ( abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)) + abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) ) >tolocc ) &
515 &           ) then
517              eigdiff=eigen(ibdshft1+bdtot_index) - eigen(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
519 !            Loop on spinorial components
520              do ispinor=1,nspinor
521                jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
523 !              Store the contribution in wfraug
524                do i3=1,ndiel3
525                  do i2=1,ndiel2
526                    do i1=1,ndiel1
527                      wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
528 &                     +wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
529                      wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
530 &                     -wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
531                    end do
532                  end do
533                end do
535 !              Performs the Fourier Transform of the product, and store it in wfprod
536                tim_fourwf=32
537                call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
538 &               1,kg_diel,kg_diel,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,&
539 &               ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,paral_kgb,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
541 !              In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
542                if (usepaw==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
543                  call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,ibd1,ibdshft2,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
544 &                 lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
545 &                 ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
546 &                 pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
547 &                 mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
548                end if
550 !              Perform now the summation
551                wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
552                if(abs(occdiff)>tolocc) wght1= occdiff/eigdiff * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
553                if(extrap==1) wght2=(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)+occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
554                weight=wght1+wght2
556                if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
557                  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
558 !                  Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
559 !                  Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
560 !                  so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
561 !                  second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
562 !                  with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
563 !                  used. This explains the following signs...
564                    do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
565                      susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
566 &                     weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
567                      susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
568 &                     weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
569                    end do
570                  end do
571                end if
573 !              End loop on spinorial components
574              end do
575 !            End condition of different occupation numbers or extrapolation
576            end if
577 !          End internal loop over bands
578          end do
579 !        End external loop over bands
580        end do
581 !      End loop on bloks
582      end do
584 !    Finish the loop on blok with iblk2=iblk1+1, so can use the
585 !    FFTd wavefunctions for the next iblk1.
586      do iband=1,nbnd_in_blk
587        wfrspa1(:,:,:,:,1:nspinor,iband)=wfrspa2(:,:,:,:,1:nspinor,iband)
588      end do
590 !    End condition of iblk1/=nblk
591    end if
593    call timab(763,2,tsec)
595 !  End loop on iblk1
596  end do
598 !DEBUG
599 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : exit '
600 !do ipw1=1,npwdiel
601 !write(std_out,*)ipw1,susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw1,1),susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw1,1)
602 !end do
603 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : end of susmat '
604 !stop
607  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_diel)
608  ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwavef)
609  ABI_DEALLOCATE(dummy)
610  ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoaug)
611  ABI_DEALLOCATE(wfprod)
612  ABI_DEALLOCATE(wfraug)
613  ABI_DEALLOCATE(wfrspa1)
614  ABI_DEALLOCATE(wfrspa2)
616  call timab(760,2,tsec)
618 end subroutine suskmm