ABINIT/compute_anharmonics [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute strain phonon coupling by finite differences
 Return the effective_potential with the third order


 filenames(17) = path with all name files
 inp <type(multibinit_dtset_type)> = datatype with all the input variables
 comm=MPI communicator


 eff_pot<type(effective_potential_type)> = effective_potential datatype to be initialized






 32 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 33 #include "config.h"
 34 #endif
 36 #include "abi_common.h"
 38 subroutine compute_anharmonics(eff_pot,filenames,inp,comm)
 40  use defs_basis
 41  use m_errors
 42  use m_profiling_abi
 43  use m_xmpi
 44  use m_io_tools, only : open_file
 46  use m_ifc
 47  use m_anharmonics_terms
 48  use m_effective_potential
 49  use m_effective_potential_file
 50  use m_multibinit_dataset, only : multibinit_dtset_type
 51  use m_strain
 52  use m_fstrings, only : itoa,int2char4,ftoa
 54 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 55 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 56 #undef ABI_FUNC
 57 #define ABI_FUNC 'compute_anharmonics'
 58  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 59 !End of the abilint section
 61   implicit none
 63  !Arguments ------------------------------------
 64  !scalars
 65   integer, intent(in) :: comm
 66   character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filenames(17)
 67   type(effective_potential_type),target, intent(inout) :: eff_pot
 68   type(multibinit_dtset_type),intent(in) :: inp
 69  !arrays
 71  !Local variables-------------------------------
 72  !scalar
 73   integer :: ia,ii,ierr,irpt,jj,kk,my_rank,natom
 74   integer :: nfile,nrpt,nproc
 75   real(dp) :: delta,delta1,delta2
 76   character(len=500) :: message
 77   character(len=fnlen):: name
 78   logical :: files_availables = .True.,has_any_strain = .False.
 79   logical :: has_all_strain = .True.
 80   logical :: iam_master=.FALSE.
 81   integer,parameter :: master=0
 82  !arrays
 83   integer  :: have_strain(6)
 84   real(dp) :: deformation(6,2),elastics3rd(6,6,6)
 85   real(dp) :: elastics4th(6,6,6,6),rprimd_def(3,3)
 86   type(strain_type) :: strain
 87   type(ifc_type) :: phonon_strain(6)
 88   logical, allocatable :: file_usable(:)
 89   real(dp),allocatable :: elastic_displacement(:,:,:,:)
 90   type(effective_potential_type),dimension(:),allocatable :: eff_pots
 91   type(strain_type),dimension(:),allocatable :: effpot_strain
 92   type(effective_potential_type),pointer :: ref_eff_pot
 94  ! *************************************************************************
 96   write(message,'(a,(80a),a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10
 97   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 98   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
100   write(message, '(a,a,a)' )' Compute the third order derivative by finite differences',ch10
101   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
102   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
104   write(message, '(a,a,a)' )' The following files will be used :'
105   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
106   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
108  !==========================================
109  !0)Initialisation of variables:
110 ! Set MPI local varibaless
111   nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
112   iam_master = (my_rank == master)
114  !==========================================
115  !1) Get the list of files
116   nfile = 0
117   jj=6
118   do while (jj < 18)
119     if (filenames(jj)/="") then 
120       if(jj==6) nfile = 0
121       write(message, '(a,a)' )'  - ',trim(filenames(jj))
122       call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
123       call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL') 
124       jj = jj + 1
125       nfile = nfile + 1
126     else 
127       exit 
128     end if
129   end do
131   if(nfile==0) then
132     write(message,'(a)') '  - No file found -'
133     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
134     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
135   end if
137   write(message,'(a,(80a),a)') ch10,('-',ii=1,80),ch10  
138   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
139   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
141  !============================================
142  !2) Read the effectives potential from files"
143  !   - store the reference effective potential
144  !   - Also get the strain
145  !   - perform some checks
146   ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(eff_pots,(nfile))
147   ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(effpot_strain,(nfile))
148   ABI_ALLOCATE(file_usable,(nfile))
150   ref_eff_pot => eff_pot
151   file_usable(:) = .True.
153   ii = 1 ! Start at the index 1
154   jj = 6 ! Start at the index 6
155   do while (jj < 18) 
156     if (filenames(jj)/="".and.filenames(jj)/="no") then
157       !Read and Intialisation of the effective potential type
158       call effective_potential_file_read(filenames(jj),eff_pots(ii),inp,comm)
159       !Eventualy print the xml file
160 !      if(inp%prt_model==-1.or.inp%prt_model>=3) then
161 !        call int2char4(ii,message)
162 !        name = 'structure_'//trim(itoa(ii-1))//'.xml'
163 !        call isfile(name,'new')
164 !        call effective_potential_writeXML(eff_pots(ii),1,filename=name)
165 !      end if
167       !Fill the eff_pots with the conresponding strain
168       call strain_get(effpot_strain(ii),rprim=eff_pot%crystal%rprimd,&
169 &                     rprim_def=eff_pots(ii)%crystal%rprimd)
171       jj = jj + 1; ii = ii + 1
173       write(message,'(a,(80a))') ch10,('-',ia=1,80)
174       call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
175       call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
176     else
177       exit
178     end if
179   end do
181   !Do some checks
182   if(iam_master)then
183     do ii=1,size(eff_pots)
184       if (eff_pots(ii)%harmonics_terms%ifcs%nrpt/=ref_eff_pot%harmonics_terms%ifcs%nrpt) then
185         write(message,'(a,I0,a,a,a,a,a,I0,a,a,a,a)' )&
186 &      'the number of cell in reference  (',ref_eff_pot%harmonics_terms%ifcs%nrpt,&
187 &       ') is not equal to the  ',ch10,'the number of cell  in ',trim(filenames(ii+5)),&
188 &      ' (',eff_pots(ii)%harmonics_terms%ifcs%nrpt,')',ch10,'this files cannot be used',ch10
189         MSG_WARNING(message)
190         file_usable(ii) = .False.
191       end if
192       if (eff_pots(ii)%crystal%natom/=ref_eff_pot%crystal%natom) then
193         write(message, '(a,I0,a,a,a,a,a,I0,a,a,a,a)' )&
194 &      'the number of atoms in reference  (',ref_eff_pot%crystal%natom,') is not equal to the  ',ch10,&
195 &      'the number of atoms  in ',trim(filenames(ii+5)),' (',eff_pots(ii)%crystal%natom,')',ch10,&
196 &      'this files cannot be used',ch10
197         MSG_WARNING(message)
198         file_usable(ii) = .False.
199       end if
200       if (eff_pots(ii)%crystal%ntypat/=ref_eff_pot%crystal%ntypat) then
201         write(message, '(a,I0,a,a,a,a,a,I0,a,a,a,a)' )&
202 &      'the number of type of atoms in reference  (',ref_eff_pot%crystal%ntypat,&
203 &       ') is not equal to the  ',&
204 &       ch10,'the number of type of atoms  in ',trim(filenames(ii+5)),&
205 &       ' (',eff_pots(ii)%crystal%ntypat,')',&
206 &       ch10,'this files can not be used',ch10
207         MSG_WARNING(message)
208         file_usable(ii) = .False.
209       end if
210     end do
211   end if
214   do ii=1,size(eff_pots)
215     call xmpi_bcast (file_usable(ii), master, comm, ierr)
216   end do
218   if (count((effpot_strain%name=="reference"))>1) then
219     write(message, '(2a)' )&
220 &    ' There is several file corresponding to the reference ',ch10
221     MSG_BUG(message)
222   end if  
224   have_strain = 0
226   write(message,'(a)') ' Strains available after reading the files:'
227   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
228   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
229   do ii=1,size(eff_pots)
230     if(effpot_strain(ii)%name /= "".and.file_usable(ii)) then 
231       write(message,'(a,a,a,I2,a,(ES10.2),a)')&
232 &       ' A ',trim(effpot_strain(ii)%name),' strain in the direction ',&
233 &       effpot_strain(ii)%direction,' with delta of ',effpot_strain(ii)%delta
234       has_any_strain = .True.
235       call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
236       call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
237     end if
238   end do
241   if(nfile>1.and.has_any_strain) then
242     write(message,'(a,a,a)') ch10, ' ---analize in more details these files---',ch10
243     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
244     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
245   else
246     write(message,'(a)') '  - No strain found -'
247     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
248     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
249     write(message,'(a,(80a),a)') ch10,('-',ia=1,80),ch10
250     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
251     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
252   end if
254  !First check the strain  
255   do ii =1,6
256     jj = 0
257     jj = count(effpot_strain%direction==ii)
258     if(jj>2) then
259       write(message, '(a,I1,a)' )&
260  &    ' There is several file corresponding to strain uniaxial in direction ',ii,ch10
261       MSG_ERROR(message)
262     else
263       name = 'uniaxial'
264       if(ii>=4) name = 'shear'
265       if (jj==1) then
266         write(message, '(a,a,a,I1,a,a)' )&
267 &       ' WARNING: There is only one strain ',trim(name),' in direction ',ii,ch10,&
268 &       '          the finate diferences will not be centering'
269         call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
270         has_all_strain = .False.
271         have_strain(ii)=jj
272       else
273         if(jj==2)then 
274           write(message, '(a,a,a,I1,a)' )&
275 &          ' There is two files corresponding to strain ',trim(name),' in direction ',ii,ch10
276           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
277           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
278           have_strain(ii)=jj
279         else
280           write(message, '(a,a,a,I1,a,a)' )&
281 &        ' WARNING: There is no strain ',trim(name),' in direction ',ii,ch10
282           call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
283           has_all_strain = .False.
284           if (inp%strcpling == 2) then
285             do kk = 1,2 
286               delta = inp%delta_df
287               if (kk==1) delta = -1 * delta 
288               call strain_init(strain,name=name,direction=ii,delta=delta)
289               rprimd_def = matmul(eff_pot%crystal%rprimd,strain%strain)
290               if(kk==1) then
291                 write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a,I1,a,a,a,a)' )& 
292 &                 ' if you want to get the correct structure, please run dfpt calculation with',ch10,&
293 &                 ' strain ',trim(name),' in the direction',ii,' with delta=',trim(ftoa(delta)),ch10,&
294 &                 ' The corresponding primitive vectors are:'
295               else
296                 write(message, '(a,a,a,I1,a,a,a,a)' )& 
297 &                 ' And a strain ',trim(name),' in the direction',ii,' with delta = ',&
298 &                 trim(ftoa(delta)),ch10,' The corresponding primitive vectors are:'               
299               end if
300               call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
301               call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
302               write(message,'(3(F20.10),a,3(F20.10),a,3(F20.10))')&
303 &               rprimd_def(:,1),ch10, rprimd_def(:,2), ch10,rprimd_def(:,3)
304               call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
305               call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
306               if(iam_master)then
307                 call effective_potential_writeAbiInput(eff_pot,strain=strain)
308               end if
309               call strain_free(strain)
310             end do
311           end if
312         end if
313       end if
314     end if
315   end do
317 ! check if strain exist
318   if(all(have_strain==0).and.inp%strcpling /= 2) then
319       write(message, '(6a)' )&
320 &    ' WARNING: There is no file corresponding to strain',&
321 &    ' to compute 3rd order derivatives.',ch10,&
322 &    '          In this case the 3rd order derivatives are not set',ch10,&
323 &    '          (add files or set strcpling to 0)'
324       call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
325   end if
327 ! check if the existing strains have opposite deformation
328   deformation = zero
329   do ii=1,6
330     if(have_strain(ii)/=0) then
331       ia = 1
332       do jj=1,size(eff_pots)
333         if (effpot_strain(jj)%direction==ii)then
334           deformation(ii,ia) = effpot_strain(jj)%delta
335           ia = ia + 1
336         end if
337       end do
338       if (have_strain(ii)==2)  then 
339         delta1 = deformation(ii,1) 
340         delta2 = deformation(ii,2)
341         if (delta1+delta2 > tol15) then
342           write(message, '(a,I1,a,a)' )&
343 &             ' The deformations for strain ',ii,&
344 &             ' are not the opposite',ch10
345           MSG_ERROR(message)   
346         end if
347       end if
348     end if
349   end do
351   write(message,'(a,(80a))') ch10,('-',ia=1,80)
352   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
353   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
355   write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, ' After analyzing, the strains available are:'
356   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
357   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
358   if(has_any_strain) then
359     do ii=1,6
360       if(have_strain(ii)/=0) then
361         do jj=1,size(eff_pots)
362           if (effpot_strain(jj)%direction==ii)then
363             write(message,'(a,a,a,I2,a,(ES10.2),a)')&
364 &             ' A ',trim(effpot_strain(jj)%name),' strain in the direction ',&
365 &             effpot_strain(jj)%direction,' with delta of ',effpot_strain(jj)%delta
366             call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
367             call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
368           end if
369         end do
370       else
371         files_availables = .False.
372       end if
373     end do
374   else
375     files_availables = .False.
376     write(message,'(a)') '  - No strain available -'
377     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
378     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
379   end if
380   write(message,'(a,(80a))') ch10,('-',ia=1,80)
381   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
382   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
384   if(has_all_strain) then 
385     write(message,'(3a)') ch10, ' The computation of the third order derivative ',&
386 &    'is possible'
387   else
388     if (inp%strcpling /= 2) then
389       if(ref_eff_pot%has_anharmonicsTerms)then
390         write(message,'(10a)') ch10, ' The computation of the third order derivative ',&
391 &        'is not possible',ch10,' somes files are missing please use strcpling 2 to generate',&
392 &        ' inputs files',ch10,' usable by abinit. The third order derivatives  present in  ',&
393 &        trim(filenames(3)),' will be used'
394       else
395         write(message,'(9a)') ch10, ' The computation of the third order derivative ',&
396 &        'is not possible',ch10,' somes files are missing please use strcpling 2 to generate',&
397 &        ' inputs files',ch10,' usable by abinit. The third order derivative will not be set in',&
398 &        ' the XML file'
399       end if
400     else
401       if(ref_eff_pot%has_anharmonicsTerms)then
402         write(message,'(10a)') ch10, ' The computation of the third order derivative ',&
403 &      'is not possible',ch10,' somes files are missing, the input files usable by abinit have been',&
404 &      ' generate.',ch10,' The third order derivatives present in ',trim(filenames(3)),' will be used'
405       else
406         write(message,'(8a)') ch10, ' The computation of the third order derivative ',&
407 &      'is not possible',ch10,' somes files are missing, the input files usable by abinit have been',&
408 &      ' generate.',ch10,' The third order derivatives will be not set in the XML file'
409       end if
410     end if
411     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
412     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')   
413   end if
415  !================================================
416  !3) Compute finate differences
417   if(has_all_strain) then
419 !   Allocation of array and set some values
420     nrpt  = ref_eff_pot%harmonics_terms%ifcs%nrpt
421     natom = ref_eff_pot%crystal%natom
422     ABI_ALLOCATE(elastic_displacement,(6,6,3,natom))
424     elastics3rd = zero
425     elastics4th = zero
427     do ii=1,6
428       if(have_strain(ii)/=0) then
429  !      We want the find the index of the perturbation ii in eff_pots(ii)
430  !      And store in delta1 and delta2 
431         delta1 = zero
432         delta2 = zero
433         do jj=1,size(eff_pots)
434           if (effpot_strain(jj)%direction==ii.and.(effpot_strain(jj)%direction/=0))then
435             if (abs(delta1)<tol16) then
436               delta1 = jj 
437             else
438               delta2 = jj
439             end if
440           end if
441         end do
442         if (abs(delta1)>tol16.and.abs(delta1)>tol16)then
443  !        check if delta1 < delta2, in this case, inverse delta1 and delta2
444           if (effpot_strain(int(delta1))%delta < effpot_strain(int(delta2))%delta) then
445             delta = delta1
446             delta1 = delta2
447             delta2 = delta
448           end if
449 !         Compute strain phonon-coupling
450           phonon_strain(ii)%nrpt =  nrpt
451           ABI_ALLOCATE(phonon_strain(ii)%atmfrc,(3,natom,3,natom,nrpt))
452           ABI_ALLOCATE(phonon_strain(ii)%cell,(3,nrpt))
453           phonon_strain(ii)%atmfrc = zero
454           phonon_strain(ii)%cell =  eff_pots(int(delta1))%harmonics_terms%ifcs%cell
456           do irpt=1,phonon_strain(ii)%nrpt
457             phonon_strain(ii)%atmfrc(:,:,:,:,irpt) =&
458 &           (eff_pots(int(delta1))%harmonics_terms%ifcs%atmfrc(:,:,:,:,irpt)&
459 &          - eff_pots(int(delta2))%harmonics_terms%ifcs%atmfrc(:,:,:,:,irpt)) / &
460 &            (2 * abs(effpot_strain(int(delta1))%delta))
461           end do
463           if(inp%asr >= 0) then
464 !           Impose sum rule
465             call harmonics_terms_applySumRule(inp%asr,phonon_strain(ii),&
466 &                                                 eff_pot%crystal%natom)
467           end if
469 !         Compute elastic constants
470           elastics3rd(ii,:,:) = (eff_pots(int(delta1))%harmonics_terms%elastic_constants(:,:)&
471 &          - eff_pots(int(delta2))%harmonics_terms%elastic_constants(:,:)) / &
472 &            (2 * abs(effpot_strain(int(delta1))%delta))
474 !         Compute elastic-displacement coupling
475           elastic_displacement(ii,:,:,:)=(eff_pots(int(delta1))%harmonics_terms%strain_coupling(:,:,:)&
476 &          - eff_pots(int(delta2))%harmonics_terms%strain_coupling(:,:,:)) / &
477 &            (2 * abs(effpot_strain(int(delta1))%delta))
479 !         Compute elastic constants
480           elastics4th(ii,ii,:,:) = (eff_pots(int(delta1))%harmonics_terms%elastic_constants(:,:)&
481 &            - 2*ref_eff_pot%harmonics_terms%elastic_constants(:,:)&
482 &          + eff_pots(int(delta2))%harmonics_terms%elastic_constants(:,:)) / &
483 &            (abs(effpot_strain(int(delta1))%delta)**2)
484         end if
486       end if
487     end do
489 !   Set all the values in the effective potential type
490     call effective_potential_setStrainPhononCoupling(eff_pot,natom,phonon_strain)
491     call effective_potential_setElastic3rd(eff_pot,elastics3rd)
492     call effective_potential_setElastic4th(eff_pot,elastics4th)
493     call effective_potential_setElasticDispCoupling(eff_pot,natom,elastic_displacement)
496 !   Free the phonon-strain coupling array
497     do ii = 1,6
498       call ifc_free(phonon_strain(ii))
499     end do
500     ABI_DEALLOCATE(elastic_displacement)
502     write(message,'(4a)') ch10, ' The computation of the 3rd order elastics constants, ',ch10,&
503 &    ' the phonon-strain coupling and the elastic-displacement coupling is done'
504     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
505     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
507   end if
510  !===============================================
511  !4) Free the array of effective potential
513   do jj=1,nfile
514  !  Free the effective potential type
515     call effective_potential_free(eff_pots(jj))
516   end do
518   ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(effpot_strain)
520   ABI_DEALLOCATE(file_usable)
523   write(message,'(a,a,a,(80a))') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10  
524   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
525   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
527 end subroutine compute_anharmonics