ABINIT/m_phgamma [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]



  Computation of phonon linewidths, isotropic superconducting properties
  and transport properties in metals within the LOVA approximation to the linearized Boltzmann equation.


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


  1) Implement restart capabilities (eph_restart)
  2) Sum over the IBZ(q) on the FS instead of full BZ
  3) Gaussian adaptive smearing for double delta (tetra version from libtetrabz really slow!)
  4) Automatic detections of energy window, improve filtering techniques.
  5) Interface with KERANGE trick
  6) More examples and tutorials (using precomputed Netcd files)
  7) SKW interpolation for ph linewidths and/or linear interpolation (I don't trust plain Fourier interpolation).
  8) Perform more benchmarks with dense meshes to detect hotspots and memory bottlenecks
  9) Test spin and SOC


27 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
28 #include "config.h"
29 #endif
31 #include "abi_common.h"
33 module m_phgamma
35  use defs_basis
36  use m_abicore
37  use m_xmpi
38  use m_errors
39  use m_krank
40  use m_htetra
41  use m_tetrahedron
42  use libtetrabz
43  use m_ifc
44  use m_ebands
45  use m_fstab
46  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
47  use m_nctk
48  use netcdf
49  use m_wfk
50  use m_ddb
51  use m_ddk
52  use m_dvdb
53  use m_crystal
54  use m_fft
55  use m_hamiltonian
56  use m_pawcprj
57  use m_dtset
58  use m_dtfil
59  use m_wfd
60  use m_ephtk
61  use m_mkffnl
63  use defs_abitypes,    only : mpi_type
64  use m_time,           only : cwtime, cwtime_report
65  use m_fstrings,       only : toupper, itoa, sjoin, ktoa, ltoa, strcat
66  use m_numeric_tools,  only : arth, wrap2_pmhalf, simpson_int, simpson, mkherm, get_diag, isdiagmat
67  use m_io_tools,       only : open_file, iomode_from_fname
68  use m_symtk,          only : littlegroup_q
69  use m_geometry,       only : normv
70  use m_special_funcs,  only : gaussian
71  use m_fftcore,        only : ngfft_seq, get_kg
72  use m_cgtools,        only : cg_zdotc
73  use m_kg,             only : getph, mkkpg
74  use m_dynmat,         only : symdyma, ftgam_init, ftgam, asrif9
75  use defs_datatypes,   only : ebands_t, pseudopotential_type
76  use m_bz_mesh,        only : kpath_t, kpath_new
77  use m_special_funcs,  only : fermi_dirac
78  use m_kpts,           only : kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt, tetra_from_kptrlatt, listkk, kpts_timrev_from_kptopt, kpts_map
79  use defs_elphon,      only : complete_gamma !, complete_gamma_tr
80  use m_getgh1c,        only : getgh1c, rf_transgrid_and_pack, getgh1c_setup
81  use m_pawang,         only : pawang_type
82  use m_pawrad,         only : pawrad_type
83  use m_pawtab,         only : pawtab_type
84  use m_pawfgr,         only : pawfgr_type
86  implicit none
88  private

m_phgamma/a2fw_ee_write [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Write alpha^2F(e,e',w) to an external file in text form


  a2f<a2fw_t>=Container storing the Eliashberg functions.
  basename=Filename for output.


  Output is written to file. This routine should be called by one MPI proc.


2425 subroutine a2fw_ee_write(a2f, basename)
2427 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2428 !scalars
2429  character(len=*),intent(in) :: basename
2430  type(a2fw_t),intent(in) :: a2f
2432 !Local variables -------------------------
2433 !scalars
2434  integer :: iw, spin, unt, ii, iene, jene
2435  real(dp) :: ene1, ene2
2436  character(len=500) :: msg
2437  character(len=fnlen) :: path
2439 ! *********************************************************************
2441  ! Write spin-resolved a2F(e,e',w)
2442  path = strcat(basename, "_A2FEEW")
2443  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form="formatted", action="write", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2444    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2445  end if
2447  call write_a2fw_header()
2449  write(unt,'(a)')"# en2, en1, Frequency, a2F_tot(w) (presently summed over spin)"
2450  do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2451    do iene=1,a2f%nene
2452      ene1 = a2f%enemin + (iene-1)*a2f%deltaene
2453      do jene=1,a2f%nene
2454        ene2 = a2f%enemin + (jene-1)*a2f%deltaene
2455        write(unt,'(3E20.10,2x,E20.10)') ene2, ene1, a2f%omega(iw), sum(a2f%vals_ee(jene,iene,iw,:))   ! TOT
2456      end do
2457    end do
2458  end do
2460  close(unt)
2462  ! Write spin-resolved a2F(ef, ef, w)
2463  path = strcat(basename, "_A2FW_reference")
2464  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form="formatted", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2465    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2466  end if
2468  call write_a2fw_header()
2470  write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tot(ef,ef,w) for comparison with normal a2F(w) (presently summed over spin)"
2471  iene = int(a2f%nene/2)
2472  jene = int(a2f%nene/2)
2473  do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2474    write(unt,'(E20.10,2x,E20.10)') a2f%omega(iw), sum(a2f%vals_ee(jene,iene,iw,:))   ! TOT
2475  end do
2477  close(unt)
2479 contains
2481 subroutine write_a2fw_header()
2483  ! Output the header.
2484  write(unt,'(a)')              '#'
2485  write(unt,'(a)')              '# ABINIT package: a2F(e,eprime,w) file'
2486  write(unt,'(a)')              '#'
2487  write(unt,'(a)')              '# a2F(e,eprime,w) function integrated over the FS. omega in a.u.'
2488  write(unt,'(2a)')             '# ngqpt: ',trim(ltoa(a2f%ngqpt))
2489  write(unt,'(a,i0,2(a,e16.6))')'# number of energies: ',a2f%nene," from enemin: ",a2f%enemin,' Ha with step ', a2f%deltaene
2490  write(unt,'(a,i0,3(a,e16.6))')'# number of frequencies: ',a2f%nomega," between omega_min: ",a2f%omega_min, &
2491                                ' Ha and omega_max: ',a2f%omega_max,' Ha with step:',a2f%wstep
2492  write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')         '#  the smearing width for gaussians is ',a2f%smear
2493  write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')"# Total DOS at Fermi level ",sum(a2f%n0)
2494  do spin=1,a2f%nsppol
2495    write(unt,"(a,i0,a,e16.6)")"# The DOS at Fermi level for spin ",spin," is ",a2f%n0(spin)
2496  end do
2497  do ii=1,2
2498    write(unt,'(a)')     "# "
2499  end do
2501 end subroutine write_a2fw_header
2503 end subroutine a2fw_ee_write

m_phgamma/a2fw_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Free the memory allocated in a2f


  a2f<a2fw_t>=Structure storing the Eliashberg function a2F.



1633 subroutine a2fw_free(a2f)
1635 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1636  class(a2fw_t),intent(inout) :: a2f
1638 ! *********************************************************************
1640  ! integer
1641  ABI_SFREE(a2f%qshift)
1643  ! real
1644  ABI_SFREE(a2f%n0)
1645  ABI_SFREE(a2f%omega)
1646  ABI_SFREE(a2f%vals)
1647  ABI_SFREE(a2f%vals_ee)
1648  ABI_SFREE(a2f%lambdaw)
1650 end subroutine a2fw_free

m_phgamma/a2fw_get_moment [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Compute \int dw [a2F(w)/w] w^n
  From Allen PRL 59 1460 [[cite:Allen1987]].
  See also [[cite:Grimvall1981]], Eq 6.72 page 175)


  a2f<a2fw_t>=Structure storing the Eliashberg function.
  nn=Value of n
  spin=The spin component. 0 to sum over spins.


  a2fw_get_moment = \int dw [a2F(w)/w] w^n
  [out_int(x)] = \int^{x} dw [a2F(w)/w] w^n


2139 real(dp) function a2fw_get_moment(a2f, nn, spin, out_int)
2141 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2142 !scalars
2143  integer,intent(in) :: spin,nn
2144  class(a2fw_t),intent(in) :: a2f
2145 !arrays
2146  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: out_int(a2f%nomega)
2148 !Local variables -------------------------
2149 !scalars
2150  integer :: iw
2151  real(dp) :: omg, omg_nm1
2152 !arrays
2153  real(dp) :: ff(a2f%nomega), int_ff(a2f%nomega), values(a2f%nomega)
2155 ! *********************************************************************
2157  ! Construct the integrand function. [a2F(w)/w] w^n
2158  ff = zero; int_ff = zero
2160  if (spin == 0) then
2161    if (a2f%nsppol == 1) then
2162       values = a2f%vals(:, 0, 1)
2163       !if (a2f%nspinor == 1) values = two * values
2164    else if (a2f%nsppol == 2) then
2165      values = sum(a2f%vals(:, 0, :), dim=2)
2166    end if
2168  else
2169    values = a2f%vals(:, 0, spin)
2170  end if
2172  if (nn - 1 >= 0) then
2173    do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2174      omg = a2f%omega(iw)
2175      omg_nm1 = omg ** (nn - 1)
2176      ff(iw) = values(iw) * omg_nm1
2177    end do
2178  else
2179    do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2180      omg = a2f%omega(iw)
2181      omg_nm1 = zero; if (abs(omg) > EPHTK_WTOL) omg_nm1 = omg**(nn-1)
2182      ff(iw) = values(iw) * omg_nm1
2183    end do
2184  end if
2186  ! Integration with simpson rule on a linear mesh.
2187  call simpson_int(a2f%nomega, a2f%wstep, ff, int_ff)
2189  a2fw_get_moment = int_ff(a2f%nomega)
2190  if (present(out_int)) out_int = int_ff
2192 end function a2fw_get_moment

m_phgamma/a2fw_init [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Calculates the FS averaged alpha^2F(w) function


  cryst<crystal_t>=Info on the unit cell.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  gams<phgamma_t>=Structure storing the phonon linewidths.
  wstep=Step for linear frequency mesh in Ha.
  wminmax(2)=Minimum and maximum phonon frequency. Used to construct the linear mesh for A2F(w).
  ph_intmeth=Integration method for phonons: 1 for gaussian, 2 for tetrahedra
  smear=Gaussian broadening used to approximate the Dirac delta.
  ngqpt(3)=Divisions of the Q-mesh used for interpolating the phonon linewidths (see also nqshift and qshift).
  nqshift=Number of shifts used to generated the Q-mesh.
  qshift(3,nqshift)=The shifts.
  comm=MPI communicator
  [qintp]=If set to False, ngqgpt, nqshift, qshift and qptop are ignored and
     A2F(w) is computed from the IBZ values stored in gams. Default: True i.e use Fourier interpolation.
  [qptopt]=Controls the generation of the q-points. If not specified, the routine takes fully into account
    the symmetries of the system to generate the q points in the IBZone i.e. qptopt=1
    Other values of qptopt can be used for debugging purpose.


  a2f<a2fw_t>=Structure storing the Eliashberg function a2F(w).


1685 subroutine a2fw_init(a2f, gams, cryst, ifc, ph_intmeth, wstep, wminmax, smear, ngqpt, nqshift, qshift, comm, &
1686                      qintp, qptopt) ! optional
1688 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1689 !scalars
1690  integer,intent(in) :: ph_intmeth,nqshift,comm
1691  integer,intent(in),optional :: qptopt
1692  real(dp),intent(in) :: wstep,smear
1693  logical,optional,intent(in) :: qintp
1694  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
1695  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
1696  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1697  type(a2fw_t),target,intent(out) :: a2f
1698 !arrays
1699  integer,intent(in) :: ngqpt(3)
1700  real(dp),intent(in) :: wminmax(2),qshift(3,nqshift)
1702 !Local variables -------------------------
1703 !scalars
1704  integer,parameter :: master = 0
1705  integer :: my_qptopt,iq_ibz,nqibz,ount,my_rank,nproc,cnt
1706  integer :: mu,iw,natom3,nsppol,spin,ierr,nomega,nqbz
1707  integer :: iene, jene, itemp, ntemp, jene_jump
1708  real(dp) :: cpu,wall,gflops
1709  real(dp) :: lambda_iso,omega,omega_log,xx,omega_min,omega_max,ww,mustar,tc_macmill
1710  real(dp) :: temp_el, min_temp, delta_temp, chempot, ene1, ene2, G0
1711  logical :: do_qintp
1712  character(len=500) :: msg
1713  type(htetra_t) :: qtetra
1714 !arrays
1715  integer :: qptrlatt(3,3),new_qptrlatt(3,3)
1716  real(dp) :: displ_cart(2,3,cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
1717  real(dp) :: phfrq(gams%natom3),gamma_ph(gams%natom3),lambda_ph(gams%natom3)
1718  real(dp) :: invphfrq(gams%natom3)
1719  real(dp),allocatable :: my_qshift(:,:), gamma_ph_ee(:,:,:,:), tmp_a2f(:)
1720  real(dp), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: a2f_1d(:)
1721  real(dp),allocatable :: qibz(:,:),wtq(:),qbz(:,:)
1722  real(dp),allocatable :: a2f_1mom(:),a2flogmom(:),a2flogmom_int(:),wdt(:,:)
1723  real(dp),allocatable :: lambda_tetra(:,:,:),phfreq_tetra(:,:), tmp_gaussian(:,:)
1724  real(dp), allocatable :: a2feew_partial(:), a2feew_partial_int(:), a2feew_w(:), a2feew_w_int(:)
1726 ! *********************************************************************
1728  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1729  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
1731  my_qptopt = 1; if (present(qptopt)) my_qptopt = qptopt
1732  do_qintp = .True.; if (present(qintp)) do_qintp = qintp
1733  nsppol = gams%nsppol; natom3 = gams%natom3
1735  if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1736    ABI_MALLOC(gamma_ph_ee, (gams%nene, gams%nene, gams%natom3, gams%nsppol))
1737  end if
1739  if (do_qintp) then
1740    ! Generate fine q-mesh, find the IBZ and the corresponding weights.
1741    qptrlatt = 0; qptrlatt(1,1) = ngqpt(1); qptrlatt(2,2) = ngqpt(2); qptrlatt(3,3) = ngqpt(3)
1743    call kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt(cryst, qptrlatt, my_qptopt, nqshift, qshift, nqibz, qibz, wtq, nqbz, qbz, &
1744       new_kptrlatt=new_qptrlatt, new_shiftk=my_qshift)
1745    ABI_FREE(qbz)
1747    ! Store quantities that cannot be easily (and safely) calculated if we only know the IBZ.
1748    a2f%ngqpt = ngqpt; a2f%nqshift = size(my_qshift, dim=2)
1749    ABI_MALLOC(a2f%qshift, (3, a2f%nqshift))
1750    a2f%qshift = my_qshift
1751    ABI_FREE(my_qshift)
1753  else
1754    ! No interpolation. Use q-mesh parameters from gams%
1755    a2f%ngqpt = gams%ngqpt; a2f%nqshift = 1
1756    nqibz = gams%nqibz
1757    ABI_MALLOC(qibz, (3, nqibz))
1758    ABI_MALLOC(wtq, (nqibz))
1759    ABI_MALLOC(a2f%qshift, (3, a2f%nqshift))
1760    qibz = gams%qibz; wtq = gams%wtq
1761    a2f%qshift = zero ! Note: assuming q-mesh centered on Gamma.
1762  end if
1764  call cwtime_report(" a2fw_init, q-setup:", cpu, wall, gflops)
1766  ! Define Min and max frequency for the mesh (enlarge it a bit)
1767  omega_min = wminmax(1); omega_max = wminmax(2)
1768  omega_min = omega_min - 0.1*abs(omega_min)
1769  if (omega_min >= zero) omega_min = one/Ha_meV
1770  omega_max = omega_max + 0.1*abs(omega_max)
1772  a2f%nsppol = nsppol; a2f%natom3 = gams%natom3; a2f%smear = smear
1773  a2f%omega_min = omega_min; a2f%omega_max = omega_max
1774  nomega = int((omega_max - omega_min) / wstep); a2f%nomega = nomega; a2f%wstep = wstep
1775  a2f%nene = gams%nene
1776  a2f%enemin = gams%enemin
1777  a2f%deltaene = gams%deltaene
1779  ABI_MALLOC(a2f%n0, (nsppol))
1780  a2f%n0 = gams%n0
1781  ! Build linear mesh.
1782  ABI_MALLOC(a2f%omega, (nomega))
1783  a2f%omega = arth(omega_min, wstep, nomega)
1785  ABI_CALLOC(a2f%vals, (nomega,0:natom3, nsppol))
1786  ABI_CALLOC(a2f%lambdaw, (nomega,0:natom3, nsppol))
1788  if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1789    ABI_CALLOC(a2f%vals_ee, (gams%nene, gams%nene, nomega, nsppol))
1790  end if
1792  ABI_MALLOC(tmp_a2f, (nomega))
1794  if (ph_intmeth == 2) then
1795    ! Prepare tetrahedron integration.
1796    call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1798    qptrlatt = 0; qptrlatt(1, 1) = a2f%ngqpt(1); qptrlatt(2, 2) = a2f%ngqpt(2); qptrlatt(3, 3) = a2f%ngqpt(3)
1799    qtetra = tetra_from_kptrlatt(cryst, my_qptopt, qptrlatt, a2f%nqshift, a2f%qshift, nqibz, qibz, comm, msg, ierr)
1800    if (ierr /= 0) ABI_ERROR(msg)
1802    ABI_CALLOC(lambda_tetra, (nqibz, natom3, nsppol))
1803    ABI_CALLOC(phfreq_tetra, (nqibz, natom3))
1804    cnt = 0
1805    do iq_ibz = 1, nqibz
1806      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle  ! MPI parallelism.
1807      call ifc%fourq(cryst, qibz(:,iq_ibz), phfrq, displ_cart)
1808      ! save for tetrahedron interpolation
1809      phfreq_tetra(iq_ibz,:) = phfrq(:)
1810    end do
1811    call xmpi_sum(phfreq_tetra, comm, ierr)
1812    call cwtime_report(" a2fw_init%tetra", cpu, wall, gflops)
1813  end if
1815  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1817  ! DEV_MJV
1818  !open (unit=900, file="a2fvals_ee.dat")
1819  !write (900,*) '# do_qintp ', do_qintp
1821  ! Loop over spins and q-points in the IBZ. For the moment parallelize over iq_ibz
1822  do spin=1,nsppol
1823    cnt = 0
1824    do iq_ibz=1,nqibz
1825      ! TODO: for the moment the memory is not distributed, only the calculation exception is vals_ee
1826      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
1828      ! Interpolate or evaluate gamma directly.
1829      if (do_qintp) then
1830        if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1831          call gams%interp(cryst,ifc,spin,qibz(:,iq_ibz),phfrq,gamma_ph,lambda_ph,displ_cart,gamma_ph_ee=gamma_ph_ee(:,:,:,spin))
1832        else
1833          call gams%interp(cryst,ifc,spin,qibz(:,iq_ibz),phfrq,gamma_ph,lambda_ph,displ_cart)
1834        end if
1835      else
1836        if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1837          call gams%eval_qibz(cryst,ifc,iq_ibz,spin,phfrq,gamma_ph,lambda_ph,displ_cart,gamma_ph_ee=gamma_ph_ee(:,:,:,spin))
1838        else
1839          call gams%eval_qibz(cryst,ifc,iq_ibz,spin,phfrq,gamma_ph,lambda_ph, displ_cart)
1840        end if
1841      end if
1843      select case (ph_intmeth)
1844      case (1)
1845        ! Gaussian: Add all contributions from the phonon modes at this qpoint to a2f
1846        ! (note that unstable modes are included).
1847        ABI_MALLOC(tmp_gaussian, (nomega, natom3))
1848        do mu=1,natom3
1849          tmp_a2f = zero
1850          do iw=1,nomega
1851            xx = a2f%omega(iw) - phfrq(mu)
1852            tmp_gaussian(iw, mu) = gaussian(xx, smear)
1853            tmp_a2f(iw) = tmp_a2f(iw) + tmp_gaussian(iw,mu) * lambda_ph(mu) * abs(phfrq(mu))
1854          end do
1855          a2f%vals(:,mu,spin) = a2f%vals(:,mu,spin) + tmp_a2f * wtq(iq_ibz)
1856        end do
1858        if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1859          ! reset phfrq for low freq modes
1860          invphfrq = zero
1861          do mu=1,natom3
1862            if (abs(phfrq(mu)) > EPHTK_WTOL) invphfrq(mu) = one / abs(phfrq(mu))
1863          end do
1865          do iene= 1, gams%nene
1866            do jene= 1, gams%nene
1867              tmp_a2f = zero
1868              ! TODO: following block is just a GEMM
1869              do mu=1,natom3
1870                do iw=1,nomega
1871                  tmp_a2f(iw) = tmp_a2f(iw) + tmp_gaussian(iw,mu) * gamma_ph_ee(jene,iene,mu,spin) * invphfrq(mu)
1872                end do
1873              end do
1875              a2f%vals_ee(jene, iene, :, spin) = a2f%vals_ee(jene, iene, :, spin) + tmp_a2f(:) * wtq(iq_ibz)
1876              !if (iene == gams%nene/2 .and. jene == gams%nene/2) then
1877              !  write (900, '(a,E20.10,2x,2x,I6,3E20.10)') '#', wtq(iq_ibz), iq_ibz, invphfrq(1:3)
1878              !  do iw=1,nomega
1879              !    write (900, '(i6,2x,E20.10,2x,3E20.10,2x,3E20.10)') iw, a2f%vals_ee(jene, iene, iw, spin), &
1880              !        gamma_ph_ee(jene,iene,:,spin), tmp_gaussian(iw,1:3)
1881              !  end do
1882              !  write (900,*)
1883              !end if
1884            end do
1885          end do
1886        end if
1888        ABI_FREE(tmp_gaussian)
1890      case (2)
1891        ! Tetra: store data.
1892        do mu=1,natom3
1893          lambda_tetra(iq_ibz, mu, spin) = lambda_ph(mu) * abs(phfrq(mu))
1894        end do
1896        if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1897          ABI_ERROR("Eliashberg function with tetra not coded")
1898        end if
1900      case default
1901        ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Wrong ph_intmeth:", itoa(ph_intmeth)))
1902      end select
1904    end do ! iq_ibz
1905  end do ! spin
1907  !DEV_MJV
1908  !close(900)
1910  if (ph_intmeth == 2) then
1911    ! workspace for tetra.
1912    ABI_MALLOC(wdt, (nomega, 2))
1914    ! For each mode get its contribution
1915    do spin=1,nsppol
1916      do mu=1,natom3
1917        cnt = 0
1918        do iq_ibz=1,nqibz
1919          ! NB: if we are interpolating the gamma, nqibz > gams%nqibz
1920          cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
1922          call qtetra%get_onewk(iq_ibz, gams%bcorr, nomega, nqibz, phfreq_tetra(:,mu), omega_min, omega_max, one, wdt)
1923          wdt = wdt * wtq(iq_ibz)
1925          ! Accumulate (Integral of a2F is computed afterwards)
1926          a2f%vals(:,mu,spin) = a2f%vals(:,mu,spin) + wdt(:,1) * lambda_tetra(iq_ibz,mu,spin)
1927          !a2f%lambdaw(:,mu,spin) = a2f%lambdaw(:,mu,spin) + wdt(:,2) * lambda_tetra(iq_ibz, mu, spin)
1928       end do
1929      end do
1930    end do
1932    ! Free memory allocated for tetra.
1933    ABI_FREE(wdt)
1934    ABI_FREE(lambda_tetra)
1935    ABI_FREE(phfreq_tetra)
1936    call qtetra%free()
1937  end if
1939  ! Collect final results on each node
1940  call xmpi_sum(a2f%vals, comm, ierr)
1941  do spin=1,nsppol
1942    a2f%vals(:,0,spin) = sum(a2f%vals(:,1:natom3,spin), dim=2)
1943    ! previously would divide by g(eF, spin)
1944    !a2f%vals(:,:,spin) = a2f%vals(:,:,spin) / (two_pi*a2f%n0(spin))
1945  end do
1947  if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
1948    ! For the moment vals_ee only works with gaussians
1949    call xmpi_sum(a2f%vals_ee, comm, ierr)
1950    do spin=1,nsppol
1951      a2f%vals_ee(:,:,:,spin) = a2f%vals_ee(:,:,:,spin) / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin))
1952    end do
1953  end if
1955  call cwtime_report(" a2fw_init, a2f_eval:", cpu, wall, gflops)
1957  ABI_MALLOC(a2f_1mom, (nomega))
1958  ABI_MALLOC(a2flogmom, (nomega))
1959  ABI_MALLOC(a2flogmom_int, (nomega))
1961  !call a2fw_print_info()
1963  ! Compute lambda(w) resolved in spin and phonon mode.
1964  ! lambda(w) = int a2F(w')/w' dw'
1965  do spin=1,nsppol
1966    do mu=0,natom3
1968      do iw=1,nomega
1969        ww = a2f%omega(iw)
1970        if (abs(ww) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
1971           a2f_1mom(iw) = a2f%vals(iw, mu, spin) / abs(ww)
1972        else
1973           a2f_1mom(iw) = zero
1974        end if
1975      end do
1977      call simpson_int(nomega, wstep, a2f_1mom, a2f%lambdaw(:, mu, spin))
1978    end do
1979  end do
1981  ! Logarithmic moment of alpha^2F: exp((2/\lambda) \int dw a2F(w) ln(w)/w)
1982  lambda_iso = a2f%get_moment(0, 0)
1984  ! Get log moment of alpha^2F.
1985  a2flogmom = zero
1986  do spin=1,nsppol
1987    a2f_1d => a2f%vals(:,0,spin)
1988    do iw=1,nomega
1989      omega = a2f%omega(iw)
1990      if (abs(omega) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
1991        a2flogmom(iw) = a2flogmom(iw) + a2f_1d(iw) * log(abs(omega)) / abs(omega)
1992      end if
1993    end do
1994  end do
1995  call simpson_int(nomega, wstep, a2flogmom, a2flogmom_int)
1996  omega_log = exp((one / lambda_iso) * a2flogmom_int(nomega))
1998  mustar = 0.12
1999  tc_macmill = omega_log/1.2_dp * exp((-1.04_dp*(one+lambda_iso)) / (lambda_iso-mustar*(one+0.62_dp*lambda_iso)))
2001  if (my_rank == master) then
2002    ount = std_out
2003    write(ount,'(a,es16.6)')' isotropic new_lambda = ',lambda_iso
2004    write(ount,'(a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)' )' new_omegalog  = ',omega_log,' (Ha) ', omega_log * Ha_K, ' (Kelvin) '
2005    write(ount,'(a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)')' MacMillan Tc = ',tc_macmill,' (Ha) ', tc_macmill * Ha_K, ' (Kelvin) '
2006  end if
2008 #if 1
2009  ! print log moments of the alpha^2 F functions.
2010  do spin=1,nsppol
2011    a2f_1d => a2f%vals(:,0,spin)
2013    lambda_iso = a2f%get_moment(0, spin)
2015    ! Get log moment of alpha^2F.
2016    a2flogmom = zero
2017    do iw=1,nomega
2018      omega = a2f%omega(iw)
2019      if (abs(omega) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
2020        a2flogmom(iw) = (two / lambda_iso) * a2f_1d(iw) * log(abs(omega)) / abs(omega)
2021        ! I think this is the correct expression.
2022        !a2flogmom(iw) = (one / lambda_iso) * a2f_1d(iw) * log(abs(omega)) / abs(omega)
2023      end if
2024    end do
2025    call simpson_int(nomega, wstep, a2flogmom, a2flogmom_int)
2026    omega_log = exp(a2flogmom_int(nomega))
2028    mustar = 0.12
2029    tc_macmill = omega_log/1.2_dp * exp((-1.04_dp*(one+lambda_iso)) / (lambda_iso-mustar*(one+0.62_dp*lambda_iso)))
2031    if (my_rank == master) then
2032      ount = std_out
2033      if (nsppol > 1) then
2034        write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,'Warning: some of the following quantities should be integrated over spin', ch10
2035        call wrtout(ount, msg)
2036      end if
2038      if (do_qintp) then
2039        write(ount,'(a)')' Superconductivity: isotropic evaluation of parameters from electron-phonon coupling (interpolated).'
2040      else
2041        write(ount,'(a)')' Superconductivity: isotropic evaluation of parameters from electron-phonon coupling (coarse grid).'
2042      endif
2043      write(ount,'(a,es16.6)')' isotropic lambda = ',lambda_iso
2044      write(ount,'(a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)' )' omegalog  = ',omega_log,' (Ha) ', omega_log * Ha_K, ' (Kelvin) '
2045      write(ount,'(a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)')' MacMillan Tc = ',tc_macmill,' (Ha) ', tc_macmill * Ha_K, ' (Kelvin) '
2046      write(ount,"(a)")'    positive moments of alpha2F:'
2047      write(ount,'(a,es16.6)' )' lambda <omega^2> = ',a2f%get_moment(2, spin)
2048      write(ount,'(a,es16.6)' )' lambda <omega^3> = ',a2f%get_moment(3, spin)
2049      write(ount,'(a,es16.6)' )' lambda <omega^4> = ',a2f%get_moment(4, spin)
2050      write(ount,'(a,es16.6)' )' lambda <omega^5> = ',a2f%get_moment(5, spin)
2051    end if
2052  end do
2053 #endif
2055  ! Calculate the temperature dependence of the a2f(e,e',w) integrals (G_0(T_e)
2056  ! as in PRL 110 016405 (2013) [[cite:Arnaud2013]])
2057  if (gams%prteliash == 3 .and. my_rank == master) then
2058    ntemp = 100
2059    min_temp = zero
2060    delta_temp = 40._dp ! Kelvin
2061    ABI_MALLOC(a2feew_partial, (a2f%nene))
2062    ABI_MALLOC(a2feew_partial_int, (a2f%nene))
2063    ABI_MALLOC(a2feew_w, (nomega))
2064    ABI_MALLOC(a2feew_w_int, (nomega))
2066    if (open_file("EPC_strength_aafo_T.dat", msg, newunit=ount, form="formatted", action="write", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2067      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2068    end if
2070    write(ount, "(a)")"# temp_el, G_0(T_e) in W/m^3/K, spin"
2071    do spin=1,nsppol
2072      do itemp = 1, ntemp
2073        temp_el = min_temp + (itemp-1)*delta_temp
2075        ! TODO: need to evolve the chemical potential with T, but I do not have access to the full DOS here!!
2076        ! possible fix using local information on DOS variation near E_F...
2077        chempot = a2f%enemin + half * a2f%nene * a2f%deltaene
2079        do iw=1,nomega
2080          omega = a2f%omega(iw)
2081          jene_jump = nint(omega/a2f%deltaene)
2082          a2feew_partial = zero
2083          do iene=1,a2f%nene
2084            ene1 = a2f%enemin + (iene-1)*a2f%deltaene
2085            ene2 = ene1 + omega
2086            a2feew_partial(iene) = a2f%vals_ee(min(a2f%nene,iene+jene_jump), iene, iw, spin) * &
2087               (fermi_dirac(ene1, chempot, temp_el/Ha_K) - fermi_dirac(ene2, chempot, temp_el/Ha_K))
2088          end do
2089          call simpson_int(a2f%nene, a2f%deltaene, a2feew_partial, a2feew_partial_int)
2090          a2feew_w(iw) = a2feew_partial_int(a2f%nene)
2091        end do
2092        call simpson_int(nomega, wstep, a2feew_w, a2feew_w_int)
2093        G0 = a2feew_w_int(nomega) * two_pi * a2f%n0(spin) / cryst%ucvol
2094        ! conversion factor for G0 to SI units =  Ha_J / Time_Sec / (Bohr_meter)**3 ~ 1.2163049915755545e+30
2095        write(ount, "(2(e20.10,2x),i5)") temp_el, G0  * kb_HaK / Time_Sec / (Bohr_meter)**3, spin !* Ha_J???
2096      end do
2097    end do
2098    close(ount)
2100    ABI_FREE(a2feew_partial)
2101    ABI_FREE(a2feew_partial_int)
2102    ABI_FREE(a2feew_w)
2103    ABI_FREE(a2feew_w_int)
2104    ABI_FREE(gamma_ph_ee)
2105  end if
2107  ABI_FREE(tmp_a2f)
2108  ABI_FREE(a2f_1mom)
2109  ABI_FREE(a2flogmom)
2110  ABI_FREE(a2flogmom_int)
2111  ABI_FREE(qibz)
2112  ABI_FREE(wtq)
2114 end subroutine a2fw_init

m_phgamma/a2fw_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Types ]




 Store the Eliashberg function a2F(w).


300  type,public :: a2fw_t
302   integer :: nomega
303   ! Number of frequency points in a2f(w).
305   integer :: nsppol
306   ! Number of independent spin polarizations.
308   integer :: natom3
309   ! Number of phonon modes.
311   integer :: nene
312   ! Number of chemical potential values used for inelastic integration
314   real(dp) :: enemin
315   ! Minimal chemical potential value used for inelastic integration Copied from fstab
317   real(dp) :: deltaene
318   ! Chemical potential increment for inelastic integration Copied from fstab
319   ! for simplicity could be made equal to phonon frequency step
321   real(dp) :: omega_min, omega_max
322   ! min and Max frequency (Ha) in the linear mesh.
324   real(dp) :: wstep
325   ! Step of the linear mesh
327   real(dp) :: smear
328   ! Gaussian broadening used to approximated the Dirac distribution.
330   integer :: nqshift
331   ! Number of shifts in the q-mesh
333   integer :: ngqpt(3)
334   ! The q-mesh used for calculating vals(w).
336   real(dp),allocatable :: qshift(:,:)
337   ! qshift(3,nqshift)
338   ! The shifts used to generate the q-mesh.
340   real(dp),allocatable :: n0(:)
341   ! n0(nsppol)
342   ! Electronic DOS at the Fermi level.
344   real(dp),allocatable :: omega(:)
345   ! omega(nomega)
346   ! Frequency mesh in Hartree (linear).
348   real(dp),allocatable :: vals(:,:,:)
349   ! vals(nomega, 0:natom3, nsppol)
350   ! Eliashberg function
351   !   vals(w, 1:natom3, 1:nsppol): a2f(w) decomposed per phonon branch and spin
352   !   vals(w, 0       , 1:nsppol): a2f(w) summed over phonons modes, decomposed in spin
354   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_ee(:,:,:,:)
355   ! vals_ee(nene,nene,nomega,nsppol)
356   ! Eliashberg function
357   !   vals(e,e',w,0,1:nsppol): a2f(e,e',w) summed over phonons modes, decomposed in spin
359   real(dp),allocatable :: lambdaw(:,:,:)
360   ! lambda(nomega,0:natom3,nsppol)
362   contains
364    procedure :: free => a2fw_free
365     ! Free the memory allocated in the structure.
367    procedure :: write => a2fw_write
368     ! Write alpha^2F(w) to an external file in text/netcdf format
370    procedure :: get_moment => a2fw_get_moment
371     ! Compute moments of alpha^2F(w)/w .
373  end type a2fw_t
375  public :: a2fw_init            ! Calculates the FS averaged alpha^2F(w) function.

m_phgamma/a2fw_tr_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Free the memory allocated in a2f


  a2f<a2fw_tr_t>=Structure storing the Eliashberg function a2F.



2522 subroutine a2fw_tr_free(a2f_tr)
2524 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2525  class(a2fw_tr_t),intent(inout) :: a2f_tr
2527 ! *********************************************************************
2529  ! integer
2530  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%qshift)
2532  ! real
2533  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%n0)
2534  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%omega)
2535  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%vals_in)
2536  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%vals_out)
2537  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%vals_tr)
2538  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%vals_tr_gen)
2539  ABI_SFREE(a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr)
2541 end subroutine a2fw_tr_free

m_phgamma/a2fw_tr_init [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Calculates the FS averaged alpha^2F_tr,in,out(w) functions


  cryst<crystal_t>=Info on the unit cell.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  gams<phgamma_t>=Structure storing the phonon linewidths.
  wstep=Step for linear frequency mesh in Ha.
  wminmax(2)=Minimum and maximum phonon frequency. Used to construct the linear mesh for A2F(w).
  ph_intmeth=Integration method for phonons: 1 for gaussian, 2 for tetrahedra
  smear=Gaussian broadening used to approximate the Dirac delta.
  ngqpt(3)=Divisions of the Q-mesh used for interpolating the phonon linewidths (see also nqshift and qshift).
  nqshift=Number of shifts used to generated the Q-mesh.
  qshift(3,nqshift)=The shifts.
  comm=MPI communicator
  [qintp]=If set to False, ngqgpt, nqshift, qshift and qptop  are ignored and
     A2F(w) is computed from the IBZ values stored in gams. Default: True i.e use Fourier interpolation.
  [qptopt]=Controls the generation of the q-points. If not specified, the routine takes fully into account
    the symmetries of the system to generate the q points in the IBZone i.e. qptopt=1
    Other values of qptopt can be used for debugging purpose.


  a2f_tr<a2fw_tr_t>=Structure storing the Eliashberg transport function a2F_tr(w).


2576 subroutine a2fw_tr_init(a2f_tr, gams, cryst, ifc, ph_intmeth, wstep, wminmax, smear, ngqpt, nqshift, qshift, comm,&
2577                         qintp, qptopt) ! optional
2579 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2580 !scalars
2581  integer,intent(in) :: ph_intmeth,nqshift,comm
2582  integer,intent(in),optional :: qptopt
2583  real(dp),intent(in) :: wstep,smear
2584  logical,optional,intent(in) :: qintp
2585  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
2586  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
2587  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
2588  type(a2fw_tr_t),target,intent(out) :: a2f_tr
2589 !arrays
2590  integer,intent(in) :: ngqpt(3)
2591  real(dp),intent(in) :: wminmax(2),qshift(3,nqshift)
2593 !Local variables -------------------------
2594 !scalars
2595  integer,parameter :: master = 0
2596  integer :: my_qptopt,iq_ibz,nqibz,ount,my_rank,nproc,cnt
2597  integer :: mu,iw,natom3,nsppol,spin,ierr,nomega,nqbz, idir, jdir
2598  real(dp) :: omega,xx,omega_min,omega_max,ww, cpu, wall, gflops
2599  logical :: do_qintp
2600  character(len=500) :: msg
2601  type(htetra_t) :: qtetra
2602 !arrays
2603  integer :: qptrlatt(3,3),new_qptrlatt(3,3)
2604  real(dp),allocatable :: my_qshift(:,:)
2605  real(dp) :: lambda_iso(3,3), omega_log(3,3)
2606  real(dp) :: phfrq(gams%natom3)
2607  real(dp) :: gamma_in_ph(3,3,gams%natom3), gamma_out_ph(3,3,gams%natom3)
2608  real(dp) :: lambda_in_ph(3,3,gams%natom3), lambda_out_ph(3,3,gams%natom3)
2609  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_a2f_in(:,:,:), tmp_a2f_out(:,:,:)
2610  real(dp), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: a2f_tr_1d(:)
2611  real(dp),allocatable :: qibz(:,:),wtq(:),qbz(:,:)
2612  real(dp),allocatable :: a2f_tr_1mom(:),a2f_tr_logmom(:),a2f_tr_logmom_int(:),wdt(:,:)
2613  real(dp),allocatable :: lambda_in_tetra(:,:,:,:,:),phfreq_tetra(:,:,:)
2614  real(dp),allocatable :: lambda_out_tetra(:,:,:,:,:)
2616 ! *********************************************************************
2618  my_qptopt = 1; if (present(qptopt)) my_qptopt = qptopt
2619  do_qintp = .True.; if (present(qintp)) do_qintp = qintp
2621  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
2622  nsppol = gams%nsppol; natom3 = gams%natom3
2624  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
2626  if (do_qintp) then
2627    ! Generate the q-mesh by finding the IBZ and the corresponding weights.
2628    qptrlatt = 0; qptrlatt(1,1) = ngqpt(1); qptrlatt(2,2) = ngqpt(2); qptrlatt(3,3) = ngqpt(3)
2630    call kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt(cryst, qptrlatt, my_qptopt, nqshift, qshift, nqibz, qibz, wtq, nqbz, qbz, &
2631       new_kptrlatt=new_qptrlatt, new_shiftk=my_qshift)
2632    ABI_FREE(qbz)
2634    ! Store quantities that cannot be easily (and safely) calculated if we only know the IBZ.
2635    a2f_tr%ngqpt = ngqpt; a2f_tr%nqshift = size(my_qshift, dim=2)
2636    ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr%qshift, (3, a2f_tr%nqshift))
2637    a2f_tr%qshift = my_qshift
2638    ABI_FREE(my_qshift)
2640  else
2641    ! No interpolation. Use q-mesh parameters from gams%
2642    a2f_tr%ngqpt = gams%ngqpt; a2f_tr%nqshift = 1
2643    nqibz = gams%nqibz
2644    ABI_MALLOC(qibz, (3,nqibz))
2645    ABI_MALLOC(wtq, (nqibz))
2646    ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr%qshift, (3, a2f_tr%nqshift))
2647    qibz = gams%qibz; wtq = gams%wtq
2648    a2f_tr%qshift = zero ! Note: assuming q-mesh centered on Gamma.
2649  end if
2651  call cwtime_report(" a2fw_tr_init, q-setup", cpu, wall, gflops)
2653  ! Define Min and max frequency for the mesh (enlarge it a bit)
2654  omega_min = wminmax(1); omega_max = wminmax(2)
2655  omega_min = omega_min - 0.1*abs(omega_min)
2656  if (omega_min >= zero) omega_min = one/Ha_meV
2657  omega_max = omega_max + 0.1*abs(omega_max)
2659  a2f_tr%nsppol = nsppol; a2f_tr%natom3 = gams%natom3; a2f_tr%smear = smear
2660  a2f_tr%omega_min = omega_min; a2f_tr%omega_max = omega_max
2661  nomega = int((omega_max - omega_min) / wstep); a2f_tr%nomega = nomega; a2f_tr%wstep = wstep
2663  ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr%n0, (nsppol))
2664  a2f_tr%n0 = gams%n0
2665  ! Build linear mesh.
2666  ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr%omega, (nomega))
2667  a2f_tr%omega = arth(omega_min, wstep, nomega)
2669  ABI_CALLOC(a2f_tr%vals_in, (nomega, 3, 3, 0:natom3, nsppol))
2670  ABI_CALLOC(a2f_tr%vals_out, (nomega,3, 3, 0:natom3, nsppol))
2671  ABI_CALLOC(a2f_tr%vals_tr, (nomega,3, 3, 0:natom3, nsppol))
2672  ABI_CALLOC(a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr, (nomega, 3, 3, 0:natom3, nsppol))
2673  ABI_MALLOC(tmp_a2f_in, (nomega, 3, 3))
2674  ABI_MALLOC(tmp_a2f_out, (nomega, 3, 3))
2676  if (ph_intmeth == 2) then
2677    call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
2679    ! Prepare tetrahedron integration.
2680    qptrlatt = 0; qptrlatt(1, 1) = a2f_tr%ngqpt(1); qptrlatt(2, 2) = a2f_tr%ngqpt(2); qptrlatt(3, 3) = a2f_tr%ngqpt(3)
2681    qtetra = tetra_from_kptrlatt(cryst, my_qptopt, qptrlatt, a2f_tr%nqshift, a2f_tr%qshift, nqibz, qibz, comm, msg, ierr)
2682    if (ierr/=0) ABI_ERROR(msg)
2684    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(lambda_in_tetra, (nqibz, 3, 3, natom3, nsppol), ierr)
2685    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(lambda_out_tetra, (nqibz, 3, 3, natom3, nsppol), ierr)
2686    lambda_in_tetra = zero
2687    lambda_out_tetra = zero
2689    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(phfreq_tetra, (nqibz, natom3, nsppol), ierr)
2690    phfreq_tetra = zero
2692    call cwtime_report(" a2fw_tr_init%tetra,", cpu, wall, gflops)
2693  end if
2695  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
2697  ! Loop over spins and qpoints in the IBZ
2698  cnt = 0
2699  do spin=1,nsppol
2700    do iq_ibz=1,nqibz
2701      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle
2703      ! Interpolate or evaluate lambda transport coefficients.
2704      if (do_qintp) then
2705        call phgamma_vv_interp(gams,cryst,ifc,spin,qibz(:,iq_ibz),phfrq,gamma_in_ph,gamma_out_ph,lambda_in_ph,lambda_out_ph)
2706      else
2707        call phgamma_vv_eval_qibz(gams,cryst,ifc,iq_ibz,spin,phfrq,gamma_in_ph,gamma_out_ph,lambda_in_ph,lambda_out_ph)
2708      end if
2710      select case (ph_intmeth)
2711      case (1)
2712        ! Gaussian: Add all contributions from the phonon modes at this qpoint to a2f_tr
2713        ! (note that unstable modes are included).
2714        do mu=1,natom3
2715          tmp_a2f_in = zero
2716          tmp_a2f_out = zero
2717          do iw=1,nomega
2718            xx = a2f_tr%omega(iw) - phfrq(mu)
2719            tmp_a2f_in(iw,:,:)  = tmp_a2f_in(iw,:,:)  + gaussian(xx, smear) * lambda_in_ph(:,:,mu)  * abs(phfrq(mu))
2720            tmp_a2f_out(iw,:,:) = tmp_a2f_out(iw,:,:) + gaussian(xx, smear) * lambda_out_ph(:,:,mu) * abs(phfrq(mu))
2721          end do
2722          a2f_tr%vals_in(:,:,:,mu,spin)  = a2f_tr%vals_in(:,:,:,mu,spin)  + tmp_a2f_in(:,:,:) * wtq(iq_ibz)
2723          a2f_tr%vals_out(:,:,:,mu,spin) = a2f_tr%vals_out(:,:,:,mu,spin) + tmp_a2f_out(:,:,:) * wtq(iq_ibz)
2724        end do
2726      case (2)
2727        ! Tetra: store data.
2728        do mu=1,natom3
2729          lambda_in_tetra(iq_ibz, :,:, mu, spin) = lambda_in_ph(:,:,mu) * abs(phfrq(mu))
2730          lambda_out_tetra(iq_ibz, :,:, mu, spin) = lambda_out_ph(:,:,mu) * abs(phfrq(mu))
2731          phfreq_tetra(iq_ibz, mu, spin) = phfrq(mu)
2732        end do
2733      end select
2735    end do ! iq_ibz
2736  end do ! spin
2738  if (ph_intmeth == 2) then
2739    ! Collect results on each node.
2740    call xmpi_sum(lambda_in_tetra, comm, ierr)
2741    call xmpi_sum(lambda_out_tetra, comm, ierr)
2742    call xmpi_sum(phfreq_tetra, comm, ierr)
2744    ! workspace for tetra.
2745    ABI_MALLOC(wdt, (nomega, 2))
2747    ! TODO: with the tetra_get_onewk call we can integrate this above
2748    ! and avoid allocating all of lambda_in_tetra and phfreq_tetra!!!
2749    ! For each mode get its contribution
2750    cnt = 0
2751    do spin=1,nsppol
2752      do mu=1,natom3
2753        do iq_ibz=1,nqibz
2754          cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle ! mpi-parallelism
2756          call qtetra%get_onewk(iq_ibz, gams%bcorr, nomega, nqibz, phfreq_tetra(:,mu,spin), omega_min, omega_max, one, wdt)
2757          wdt = wdt * wtq(iq_ibz)
2759          ! Accumulate (Integral of a2F_tr is computed afterwards)
2760          do idir=1,3
2761            do jdir=1,3
2762              a2f_tr%vals_in(:,idir,jdir,mu,spin)  = a2f_tr%vals_in(:,idir,jdir,mu,spin)  &
2763                 + wdt(:,1) * lambda_in_tetra(iq_ibz,idir,jdir,mu,spin)
2764              a2f_tr%vals_out(:,idir,jdir,mu,spin) = a2f_tr%vals_out(:,idir,jdir,mu,spin) &
2765                 + wdt(:,1) * lambda_out_tetra(iq_ibz,idir,jdir,mu,spin)
2766              !a2f_tr%lambdaw(:,mu,spin) = a2f_tr%lambdaw(:,mu,spin) + wdt(:,2) * lambda_XX_tetra(iq_ibz, mu, spin)
2767            end do
2768          end do
2769        end do
2770      end do
2771    end do
2773    ! Free memory allocated for qtetra.
2774    ABI_FREE(wdt)
2775    ABI_FREE(lambda_in_tetra)
2776    ABI_FREE(lambda_out_tetra)
2777    ABI_FREE(phfreq_tetra)
2778    call qtetra%free()
2779  end if
2781  ! Collect final results on each node
2782  call xmpi_sum(a2f_tr%vals_in, comm, ierr)
2783  call xmpi_sum(a2f_tr%vals_out, comm, ierr)
2785  ! TODO: divide by g(eF, spin)
2786  ! check normalization with N(0) and <v^2> from Savrasov eq 20
2787  do spin=1,nsppol
2788    a2f_tr%vals_in(:,:,:,0,spin)  = sum(a2f_tr%vals_in(:,:,:,1:natom3,spin), dim=4)
2789    a2f_tr%vals_out(:,:,:,0,spin) = sum(a2f_tr%vals_out(:,:,:,1:natom3,spin), dim=4)
2790    !a2f_tr%vals(:,:,spin) = a2f_tr%vals(:,:,spin) / (two_pi * a2f_tr%n0(spin))
2791  end do
2793  a2f_tr%vals_tr = a2f_tr%vals_out - a2f_tr%vals_in
2795  call cwtime_report(" a2fw_tr_init, a2f_eval", cpu, wall, gflops)
2797  ! NOTE: for the moment calculate the log moms etc on just the trace of the a2f functions
2798  ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr_1mom, (nomega))
2799  ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr_logmom, (nomega))
2800  ABI_MALLOC(a2f_tr_logmom_int, (nomega))
2802  !call a2fw_tr_print_info()
2804  ! Compute lambda_tr(w) (resolved in spin mode and directions)
2805  do spin=1,nsppol
2806    do mu=0,natom3
2807      do idir=1,3
2808        do jdir=1,3
2810          do iw=1,nomega
2811            ww = a2f_tr%omega(iw)
2812            if (abs(ww) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
2813               a2f_tr_1mom(iw)  = a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,idir,jdir,mu,spin) / abs(ww)
2814            else
2815               a2f_tr_1mom(iw) = zero
2816            end if
2817            ! TODO: Strange that the first value of int(f) is not set to zero!
2818            ! FIXME: The frequency integration overestimates lambda if there are negative phonon frequencies!
2819          end do
2821          call simpson_int(nomega, wstep, a2f_tr_1mom, a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(:,idir,jdir,mu,spin))
2822        end do ! jdir
2823      end do ! idir
2824    end do ! mu
2825  end do ! spin
2827  if (my_rank == master) then
2828    ount = std_out
2829    if (nsppol > 1) then
2830      write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,'Comment: some of the following quantities should be integrated over spin', ch10
2831      call wrtout(ount, msg)
2832    end if
2833  end if
2835  do spin=1,nsppol
2836    lambda_iso = a2fw_tr_moment(a2f_tr, 0, spin)
2838    do idir=1,3
2839      do jdir=1,3
2840        a2f_tr_1d => a2f_tr%vals_tr(:,idir,jdir,0,spin)
2842        ! Get log moment of alpha^2F.
2843        a2f_tr_logmom = zero
2844        do iw=1,nomega
2845          omega = a2f_tr%omega(iw)
2846          if (abs(omega) > EPHTK_WTOL .and. abs(lambda_iso(idir,jdir)) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
2847            a2f_tr_logmom(iw) = (two/lambda_iso(idir,jdir)) * a2f_tr_1d(iw)*log(abs(omega))/abs(omega)
2848          end if
2849        end do
2850        call simpson_int(nomega, wstep, a2f_tr_logmom, a2f_tr_logmom_int)
2851        !write(std_out,*)' iw,nomega,greatest_real,a2f_tr_logmom_int(nomega)=',& iw,nomega,greatest_real,a2f_tr_logmom_int(nomega)
2852        if(abs(a2f_tr_logmom_int(nomega)) < log(greatest_real*tol6)) then
2853          omega_log(idir,jdir) = exp(a2f_tr_logmom_int(nomega))
2854        else
2855          omega_log(idir,jdir)=greatest_real*tol6
2856        endif
2857      end do
2858    end do
2860    ! TODO: make output only for irred values xx yy zz and top half of matrix
2861    if (my_rank == master) then
2862      if (do_qintp) then
2863        write(ount,'(a)')' Evaluation of parameters analogous to electron-phonon coupling for 3x3 directions (interpolated) '
2864      else
2865        write(ount,'(a)')' Evaluation of parameters analogous to electron-phonon coupling for 3x3 directions (coarse grid) '
2866      endif
2867      write(ount,'(a,3(3es10.3,2x))') ' lambda = ',lambda_iso
2868      write(ount,'(a,3(3es10.3,2x),a)' )' omegalog  = ',omega_log,' (Ha) '
2869      write(ount,'(a,3(3es10.3,2x),a)' )'             ',omega_log*Ha_K, ' (Kelvin) '
2870      write(ount,"(a)")'    positive moments of alpha2Ftr:'
2871      write(ount,'(a,9(es10.3,2x))' )' lambda <omega^2> = ',a2fw_tr_moment(a2f_tr, 2, spin)
2872      write(ount,'(a,9(es10.3,2x))' )' lambda <omega^3> = ',a2fw_tr_moment(a2f_tr, 3, spin)
2873      write(ount,'(a,9(es10.3,2x))' )' lambda <omega^4> = ',a2fw_tr_moment(a2f_tr, 4, spin)
2874      write(ount,'(a,9(es10.3,2x))' )' lambda <omega^5> = ',a2fw_tr_moment(a2f_tr, 5, spin)
2875    end if
2876  end do
2878  ABI_FREE(tmp_a2f_in)
2879  ABI_FREE(tmp_a2f_out)
2880  ABI_FREE(a2f_tr_1mom)
2881  ABI_FREE(a2f_tr_logmom)
2882  ABI_FREE(a2f_tr_logmom_int)
2883  ABI_FREE(qibz)
2884  ABI_FREE(wtq)
2886 end subroutine a2fw_tr_init

m_phgamma/a2fw_tr_moment [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Compute \int dw [a2F_tr(w)/w] w^n
  From Allen PRL 59 1460 [[cite:Allen1987]] and later PRB papers.
  See also [[cite:Grimvall1981]] book.


  a2f_tr<a2fw_tr_t>=Structure storing the Eliashberg function.
  nn=Value of n
  spin=The spin component


  a2fw_tr_moment = \int dw [a2F_tr(w)/w] w^n
  [out_int(x)] = \int^{x} dw [a2F_tr(w)/w] w^n


2217 function a2fw_tr_moment(a2f_tr, nn, spin, out_int)
2219 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2220 !scalars
2221  integer,intent(in) :: spin,nn
2222  type(a2fw_tr_t),intent(in) :: a2f_tr
2223 !arrays
2224  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: out_int(a2f_tr%nomega,3,3)
2225  real(dp) :: a2fw_tr_moment(3,3)
2227 !Local variables -------------------------
2228 !scalars
2229  integer :: iw, idir, jdir
2230  real(dp) :: omg,omg_nm1
2231 !arrays
2232  real(dp) :: ff(a2f_tr%nomega),int_ff(a2f_tr%nomega)
2234 ! *********************************************************************
2236  do jdir = 1, 3
2237    do idir = 1, 3
2238      ! Construct the integrand function. [a2F_tr(w)/w] w^n
2239      ff = zero; int_ff = zero
2241      if (nn-1 >= 0) then
2242        do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2243          omg = a2f_tr%omega(iw)
2244          omg_nm1 = omg ** (nn-1)
2245          ff(iw) = a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,idir,jdir,0,spin) * omg_nm1
2246        end do
2247      else
2248        do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2249          omg = a2f_tr%omega(iw)
2250          omg_nm1 = zero; if (abs(omg) > EPHTK_WTOL) omg_nm1 = omg**(nn-1)
2251          ff(iw) = a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,idir,jdir,0,spin) * omg_nm1
2252        end do
2253      end if
2255      ! Integration with simpson rule on a linear mesh.
2256      call simpson_int(a2f_tr%nomega, a2f_tr%wstep, ff, int_ff)
2258      a2fw_tr_moment(idir, jdir) = int_ff(a2f_tr%nomega)
2259      if (present(out_int)) out_int(:,idir,jdir) = int_ff(:)
2260    end do
2261  end do
2263 end function a2fw_tr_moment

m_phgamma/a2fw_tr_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Types ]




 Store the Eliashberg transport spectral functions:
    a2F_trin(w, x, x')
    a2F_trout(w, x, x')
    a2F_tr(w, x, x') = in - out
    a2F_tr_gen(e, e', w, x, x')


391  type,public :: a2fw_tr_t
393   integer :: nomega
394   ! Number of frequency points in a2f_tr(w).
396   integer :: nene
397   ! Number of chemical potential values used for inelastic integration
398   ! Number of electron points in a2f_tr_gen(e,e',w).
400   integer :: nsppol
401   ! Number of independent spin polarizations.
403   integer :: natom3
404   ! Number of phonon modes.
406   real(dp) :: enemin
407   ! Minimal chemical potential value used for inelastic integration
409   real(dp) :: deltaene
410   ! Chemical potential increment for inelastic integration
412   real(dp) :: omega_min,omega_max
413   ! min and Max frequency (Ha) in the linear mesh.
415   real(dp) :: wstep
416   ! Step of the linear mesh
418   real(dp) :: smear
419   ! Gaussian broadening used to approximated the Dirac distribution.
421   integer :: nqshift
422   ! Number of shifts in the q-mesh
424   integer :: ngqpt(3)
425   ! The q-mesh used for calculating vals(w).
427   real(dp),allocatable :: qshift(:,:)
428   ! qshift(3,nqshift)
429   ! The shifts used to generate the q-mesh.
431   real(dp),allocatable :: n0(:)
432   ! n0(nsppol)
433   ! Electronic DOS at the Fermi level.
435   real(dp),allocatable :: omega(:)
436   ! omega(nomega)
437   ! Frequency mesh in Hartree (linear).
439   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_in(:,:,:,:,:)
440   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_out(:,:,:,:,:)
441   ! vals_in(nomega,3,3,0:natom3,nsppol)
442   ! Eliashberg transport functions for in and out scattering
443   !   vals_in(w,3,3,1:natom3,1:nsppol): a2f_tr(w) decomposed per phonon branch and spin
444   !   vals_in(w,3,3,0,1:nsppol): a2f_tr(w) summed over phonons modes, decomposed in spin
446   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_tr(:,:,:,:,:)
447   ! vals_tr(nomega,3,3,0:natom3,nsppol)
448   ! transport spectral function = in-out
450   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_tr_gen(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
451   ! vals(nene,nene,nomega,3,3,nsppol)
452   ! generalized transport spectral function from PB Allen Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1460 (1987) [[cite:Allen1987]]
454   real(dp),allocatable :: lambdaw_tr(:,:,:,:,:)
455   ! lambda(nomega,3,3,0:natom3,nsppol)
457   contains
459   procedure :: free => a2fw_tr_free
460    ! Free the memory allocated in the structure.
462   procedure :: write => a2fw_tr_write
463    ! Write alpha^2F(w) to an external file in text/netcdf format
465  end type a2fw_tr_t
467  public :: a2fw_tr_init            ! Calculates the FS averaged alpha^2F_tr,in,out(w, x, x') functions.

m_phgamma/a2fw_tr_write [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Write alpha^2F_tr(w) to an external file in text form


  a2f_tr<a2fw_tr_t>=Container storing the Eliashberg transport functions.
  basename=Filename for output.
  post=String appended to netcdf variables e.g. _qcoarse, _qintp
  ncid=Netcdf file handler. Set it to nctk_noid to disable output.


  Output is written to file. This routine should be called by one MPI proc.


2909 subroutine a2fw_tr_write(a2f_tr, basename, post, ncid)
2911 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2912 !scalars
2913  integer,intent(in) :: ncid
2914  character(len=*),intent(in) :: basename, post
2915  class(a2fw_tr_t),intent(in) :: a2f_tr
2917 !Local variables -------------------------
2918 !scalars
2919  integer :: iw,spin,unt,ii,mu,idir, jdir
2920  integer :: ncerr
2921  character(len=500) :: dim1_name
2922  character(len=500) :: msg
2923  character(len=fnlen) :: path
2925 ! *********************************************************************
2927  ! Write spin-resolved a2F_tr(w)
2928  path = strcat(basename, "_A2FW_tr")
2929  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form="formatted", action="write", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2930    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2931  end if
2933  call write_a2fw_tr_header()
2935  ! Reminder: vals_tr(nomega,3,3,0:natom3,nsppol)
2937  if (a2f_tr%nsppol == 1) then
2938    write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tr(w,i,j)"
2939    do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2940      write(unt,'(e16.6, 2x, 3(3e16.6,1x))') a2f_tr%omega(iw), a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,0,1)
2941    end do
2942    write(unt,'(3a)')ch10, ch10, "# Frequency, lambda(w,i,j)"
2943    do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2944      write(unt,'(e16.6, 2x, 3(3e16.6,1x))') a2f_tr%omega(iw), a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,0,1)
2945    end do
2947  else
2948    write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tr_tot(w,i,j), a2F_tr_spin1(w,i,j) ..."
2949    do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2950      write(unt,'(e16.6, 2x, 3(3e16.6,1x), 2x,  3(3e16.6,1x), 2x,  3(3e16.6,1x))') a2f_tr%omega(iw), &
2951                   ((sum(a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,idir,jdir,0,:)), idir=1,3), jdir=1,3) , &
2952                   a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,0,1), &  ! UP
2953                   a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,0,2)     ! DOWN
2954    end do
2955    write(unt,'(3a)') ch10, ch10, "# Frequency, lambda_tr_tot(w,i,j)dw, lambda_tr_spin1(w,i,j) ..."
2956    do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2957      write(unt,'(e16.6, 2x, 3(3e16.6,1x), 2x, 3(3e16.6,1x), 2x,      3(3e16.6,1x), 2x,  3(3e16.6,1x))') a2f_tr%omega(iw), &
2958                   ((sum(a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,idir,jdir,0,:)), idir=1,3), jdir=1,3) , &  ! TOT
2959                   a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,0,1), &  ! UP
2960                   a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,0,2)     ! DOWN
2961    end do
2962  end if
2964  close(unt)
2966  ! Write phonon mode contributions to a2F_tr(w,i,j)
2967  path = strcat(basename, "_PH_A2FW_tr")
2968  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form="formatted", action="write", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2969    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2970  end if
2971  call write_a2fw_tr_header()
2973  ! Reminder: vals_tr(nomega,3,3,0:natom3,nsppol)
2974  if (a2f_tr%nsppol == 1) then
2975    do mu=0,a2f_tr%natom3
2976      write(unt,'(a,i0)')"# Phonon mode ",mu
2977      write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tr(w)"
2978      do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2979        write(unt,'(e16.6,2x,3(3e16.6,1x))') a2f_tr%omega(iw), a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,mu,1)
2980      end do
2981      do ii=1,2; write(unt,'(a)')""; end do
2982      write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, lambda_tr(w)"
2983      do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2984        write(unt,'(e16.6,2x,3(3e16.6,1x))') a2f_tr%omega(iw), a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,mu,1)
2985      end do
2986      do ii=1,2; write(unt,'(a)')""; end do
2987    end do
2989  else
2990    do mu=0,a2f_tr%natom3
2991      write(unt,'(a,i0)')"# Phonon mode ",mu
2992      write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tot(w), a2F_spin1(w) ..."
2993      do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
2994        write(unt,*) a2f_tr%omega(iw), &
2995                     sum(a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,mu,:)), &  ! TOT
2996                     a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,mu,1)     , &  ! UP
2997                     a2f_tr%vals_tr(iw,:,:,mu,2)          ! DOWN
2998      end do
2999      write(unt,'(3a)')ch10,ch10,"# Frequency, lambda_tot(w)dw, lambda_spin1(w) ..."
3000      do iw=1,a2f_tr%nomega
3001        write(unt,*) a2f_tr%omega(iw), &
3002                      sum(a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,mu,:)), &  ! TOT
3003                      a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,mu,1),      &  ! UP
3004                      a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr(iw,:,:,mu,2)          ! DOWN
3005      end do
3006    end do
3007  end if
3009  close(unt)
3011  if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
3012    ! Define dimensions.
3013    dim1_name = strcat("a2ftr_nomega", post)
3014    ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
3015      nctkdim_t(dim1_name, a2f_tr%nomega), &
3016      nctkdim_t("natom3p1", a2f_tr%natom3 + 1), nctkdim_t("number_of_spins", a2f_tr%nsppol) &
3017    ], defmode=.True.)
3018    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3020    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
3021      nctkarr_t(strcat('a2ftr_mesh', post), "dp", dim1_name), &
3022      nctkarr_t(strcat('a2ftr_values', post), "dp", strcat(dim1_name, ", three, three, natom3p1, number_of_spins")), &
3023      nctkarr_t(strcat('a2ftr_lambdaw', post), "dp", strcat(dim1_name, ", three, three, natom3p1, number_of_spins")) &
3024    ])
3025    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3027    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
3028    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, strcat("a2ftr_mesh", post)), a2f_tr%omega))
3029    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, strcat("a2ftr_values", post)), a2f_tr%vals_tr))
3030    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, strcat("a2ftr_lambdaw", post)), a2f_tr%lambdaw_tr))
3031  end if
3033 contains
3035 subroutine write_a2fw_tr_header()
3037  ! Output the header.
3038  write(unt,'(a)')              '#'
3039  write(unt,'(a)')              '# ABINIT package: a2F_tr(w) file'
3040  write(unt,'(a)')              '#'
3041  write(unt,'(a)')              '# a2F_tr(w) function integrated over the FS. omega in a.u.'
3042  write(unt,'(2a)')             '# ngqpt: ',trim(ltoa(a2f_tr%ngqpt))
3043  write(unt,'(a,i0,3(a,e16.6))')'# number of frequencies: ',a2f_tr%nomega," between omega_min: ",a2f_tr%omega_min,&
3044                                ' Ha and omega_max: ',a2f_tr%omega_max,' Ha with step:',a2f_tr%wstep
3045  write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')        '#  the smearing width for gaussians is ',a2f_tr%smear
3046  if (a2f_tr%nsppol == 2) then
3047    write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')"# Total DOS at Fermi level ",sum(a2f_tr%n0)
3048  end if
3049  do spin=1,a2f_tr%nsppol
3050    write(unt,"(a,i0,a,e16.6)")"# The DOS at Fermi level for spin ",spin," is ",a2f_tr%n0(spin)
3051  end do
3052  do ii=1,2; write(unt,'(a)')     "# "; end do
3054 end subroutine write_a2fw_tr_header
3056 end subroutine a2fw_tr_write

m_phgamma/a2fw_write [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Write alpha^2F(w) to an external file in text form


  a2f<a2fw_t>=Container storing the Eliashberg functions.
  basename=Filename for output.
  post=String appended to netcdf variables e.g. _qcoarse, _qintp
  ncid=Netcdf file handler. Set it to nctk_noid to disable output.


  Output is written to file. This routine should be called by one MPI proc.


2286 subroutine a2fw_write(a2f, basename, post, ncid)
2288 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2289 !scalars
2290  integer,intent(in) :: ncid
2291  character(len=*),intent(in) :: basename, post
2292  class(a2fw_t),intent(in) :: a2f
2294 !Local variables -------------------------
2295 !scalars
2296  integer :: iw,spin,unt,ii,mu
2297  integer :: ncerr
2298  character(len=500) :: dim1_name
2299  character(len=500) :: msg
2300  character(len=fnlen) :: path
2302 ! *********************************************************************
2304  ! Write spin-resolved a2F(w)
2305  path = strcat(basename, "_A2FW")
2306  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form="formatted", action="write", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2307    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2308  end if
2310  call write_a2fw_header()
2312  if (a2f%nsppol == 1) then
2313    write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F(w), lambda(w)"
2314    do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2315      write(unt,*) a2f%omega(iw), a2f%vals(iw,0,1), a2f%lambdaw(iw,0,1)
2316    end do
2318  else
2319    write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tot(w), lambda_tot(w)dw, a2F_spin1(w), lambda_spin1(w) ..."
2320    do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2321      write(unt,'(E20.10,3x,3(2E20.10, 2x))') a2f%omega(iw), &
2322                   sum(a2f%vals(iw,0,:)) , sum(a2f%lambdaw(iw,0,:)), &  ! TOT
2323                   a2f%vals(iw,0,1)      , a2f%lambdaw(iw,0,1),      &  ! UP
2324                   a2f%vals(iw,0,2)      , a2f%lambdaw(iw,0,2)          ! DOWN
2325    end do
2326  end if
2328  close(unt)
2330  ! Write phonon contributions to a2F(w)
2331  path = strcat(basename, "_PH_A2FW")
2332  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form="formatted", action="write", status="unknown") /= 0) then
2333    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2334  end if
2335  call write_a2fw_header()
2337  if (a2f%nsppol == 1) then
2338    do mu=0,a2f%natom3
2339      write(unt,'(a,i0)')"# Phonon mode ",mu
2340      write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F(w), lambda(w)"
2341      do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2342        write(unt,*) a2f%omega(iw), a2f%vals(iw,mu,1), a2f%lambdaw(iw,mu,1)
2343      end do
2344      do ii=1,2; write(unt,'(a)')""; end do
2345    end do
2347  else
2348    do mu=0,a2f%natom3
2349      write(unt,'(a,i0)')"# Phonon mode ",mu
2350      write(unt,'(a)')"# Frequency, a2F_tot(w), lambda_tot(w)dw, a2F_spin1(w), lambda_spin1(w) ..."
2351      do iw=1,a2f%nomega
2352        write(unt,'(E20.10,3x,3(2E20.10, 2x))') a2f%omega(iw), &
2353                     sum(a2f%vals(iw,mu,:)), sum(a2f%lambdaw(iw,mu,:)), &  ! TOT
2354                     a2f%vals(iw,mu,1)     , a2f%lambdaw(iw,mu,1),      &  ! UP
2355                     a2f%vals(iw,mu,2)     , a2f%lambdaw(iw,mu,2)          ! DOWN
2356      end do
2357    end do
2358  end if
2360  close(unt)
2362  if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
2363    ! Define dimensions.
2364    dim1_name = strcat("a2f_nomega", post)
2365    ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
2366      nctkdim_t(dim1_name, a2f%nomega), &
2367      nctkdim_t("natom3p1", a2f%natom3 + 1), nctkdim_t("number_of_spins", a2f%nsppol) &
2368      ], defmode=.True.)
2369    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2371    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
2372      nctkarr_t(strcat('a2f_mesh', post), "dp", dim1_name), &
2373      nctkarr_t(strcat('a2f_values', post), "dp", strcat(dim1_name, ", natom3p1, number_of_spins")), &
2374      nctkarr_t(strcat('a2f_lambdaw', post), "dp", strcat(dim1_name, ", natom3p1, number_of_spins")) &
2375      ])
2376    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2378    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
2379    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, strcat("a2f_mesh", post)), a2f%omega))
2380    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, strcat("a2f_values", post)), a2f%vals))
2381    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, strcat("a2f_lambdaw", post)), a2f%lambdaw))
2382  end if
2384 contains
2386 subroutine write_a2fw_header()
2388  ! Output the header.
2389  write(unt,'(a)')              '#'
2390  write(unt,'(a)')              '# ABINIT package: a2F(w) file'
2391  write(unt,'(a)')              '#'
2392  write(unt,'(a)')              '# a2F(w) function integrated over the FS. omega in a.u.'
2393  write(unt,'(2a)')             '# ngqpt: ',trim(ltoa(a2f%ngqpt))
2394  write(unt,'(a,i0,3(a,e16.6))')'# number of frequencies: ',a2f%nomega," between omega_min: ",a2f%omega_min,&
2395                                ' Ha and omega_max: ',a2f%omega_max,' Ha with step:',a2f%wstep
2396  write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')        '#  the smearing width for gaussians is ',a2f%smear
2397  write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')"# Total DOS at Fermi level ",sum(a2f%n0)
2398  do spin=1,a2f%nsppol
2399    write(unt,"(a,i0,a,e16.6)")"# The DOS at Fermi level for spin ",spin," is ",a2f%n0(spin)
2400  end do
2401  do ii=1,2; write(unt,'(a)')     "# "; end do
2403 end subroutine write_a2fw_header
2405 end subroutine a2fw_write

m_phgamma/calc_dbldelta [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Compute Tetrahedron weights for the double delta.


4721 subroutine calc_dbldelta(cryst, ebands, ltetra, bstart, bstop, nqibz, qibz, wtqs, comm)
4723 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4724  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
4725  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
4726  integer,intent(in) :: ltetra, bstart, bstop, nqibz, comm
4727 !arrays
4728  real(dp),intent(in) :: qibz(3,nqibz)
4729  real(dp),intent(out) :: wtqs(nqibz, ebands%nsppol)
4731 !Local variables-------------------------------
4732 !scalars
4733  integer,parameter :: enough = 50
4734  integer :: nkbz, ierr, nb, ik_bz, ik_ibz, ikq_ibz, i1, i2, i3, nene, spin, iq_ibz
4735  integer :: ib1, ib2, my_rank, nproc, cnt
4736  real(dp),parameter :: max_occ1 = one
4737  real(dp) :: enemin, enemax !cpu, wall, gflops,
4738  !character(len=500) :: msg
4739  type(krank_t) :: ibz_krank
4740  type(t_tetrahedron) :: tetra
4741  !character(len=80) :: errorstring
4742 !arrays
4743  integer :: nge(3), ngw(3)
4744  integer,allocatable :: indkpt(:) !, symrecfm(:,:,:)
4745  real(dp) :: qpt(3), kk(3), kq(3)
4746  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_k(:,:), eig_kq(:,:), wght_bz(:,:,:), kbz(:,:)
4747  real(dp),allocatable :: work_k(:), work_kq(:), dtweightde(:,:,:), tweight(:,:,:)
4749 ! *************************************************************************
4751  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
4752  !call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
4754  ABI_CHECK(nqibz > 1, "Need more that 1 q-point")
4755  ABI_CHECK(isdiagmat(ebands%kptrlatt), "kptrlatt must be diagonal when tetra is used.")
4756  ABI_CHECK(ebands%nshiftk == 1, "nshiftk must be 1 when tetra is used")
4757  nge = get_diag(ebands%kptrlatt); ngw = nge
4758  nkbz = product(nge(1:3))
4760  ! TODO: Handle symmetries in a cleaner way. Change API of krank_new to pass symafm and kptopt
4761  ibz_krank = krank_new(ebands%nkpt, ebands%kptns, nsym=cryst%nsym, symrec=cryst%symrec, &
4762                        time_reversal=kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(ebands%kptopt) == 1)
4764  nb = bstop - bstart + 1
4765  ABI_MALLOC(kbz, (3, nkbz))
4766  ABI_MALLOC(indkpt, (nkbz))
4767  ABI_MALLOC(eig_k, (nb, nkbz))
4768  ABI_MALLOC(eig_kq, (nb, nkbz))
4770  wtqs = zero
4771  cnt = 0
4772  do spin=1,ebands%nsppol
4773    do iq_ibz=1,nqibz
4774      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
4775      qpt = qibz(:, iq_ibz)
4777      ! The double delta is ill-defined for q == 0
4778      if (all(abs(qpt) < tol12)) cycle
4780      ierr = 0; ik_bz = 0
4781      do i3=0,nge(3) - 1
4782        do i2=0,nge(2) - 1
4783          do i1=0,nge(1) - 1
4784            ik_bz = ik_bz + 1
4785            indkpt(ik_bz) = ik_bz
4787            ! Find correspondence between the grid and the IBZ
4788            kk = ([i1, i2, i3] + ebands%shiftk(:, 1)) / nge(:)
4789            kbz(:, ik_bz) = kk
4791            ik_ibz = ibz_krank%get_index(kk)
4792            if (ik_ibz < 1) then
4793              if (ierr <= enough) then
4794                ABI_WARNING(sjoin('kpt:', trim(ktoa(kk)), 'has no symmetric among the k-points!'))
4795              end if
4796              ierr = ierr + 1; cycle
4797            end if
4799            eig_k(:, ik_bz) = ebands%eig(bstart:bstop, ik_ibz, spin)
4801            ! Find correspondence between the BZ grid and the IBZ.
4802            kq = kk + qpt
4803            ikq_ibz = ibz_krank%get_index(kq)
4805            if (ikq_ibz < 1) then
4806              if (ierr <= enough) then
4807                ABI_WARNING(sjoin('kpt + qpt:', trim(ktoa(kq)), 'has no symmetric among the k-points!'))
4808              end if
4809              ierr = ierr + 1; cycle
4810            end if
4812            eig_kq(:, ik_bz) = ebands%eig(bstart:bstop, ikq_ibz, spin)
4813          end do
4814        end do
4815      end do
4817      ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "See above warnings")
4819      if (any(ltetra == [1, 2])) then
4820        ! Compute weights for double delta integration. Note that libtetra assumes Ef set to zero.
4821        ! TODO: Average weights over degenerate states?
4822        !write(std_out,"(a,i0,2a)")" Calling libtetrabz_dbldelta with ltetra: ", ltetra, " for q-point:", trim(ktoa(qpt))
4823        eig_k = eig_k - ebands%fermie; eig_kq = eig_kq - ebands%fermie
4824        ABI_MALLOC(wght_bz, (nb, nb, nkbz))
4825        call libtetrabz_dbldelta(ltetra, cryst%gprimd, nb, nge, eig_k, eig_kq, ngw, wght_bz, comm=comm)
4826        eig_k = eig_k + ebands%fermie !; eig_kq = eig_kq + ebands%fermie
4828        wtqs(iq_ibz, spin) = sum(abs(wght_bz))
4829        ABI_FREE(wght_bz)
4831      else if (ltetra == 3) then
4832        ! Tetrahedron method with Allen's approach for double delta.
4833        !write(std_out,"(2a)")" Calling Allen's version for q-point: ", trim(ktoa(qpt))
4834        nene = 3
4835        enemin = ebands%fermie - tol6
4836        enemax = ebands%fermie + tol6
4838        ABI_MALLOC(dtweightde, (nkbz, nene, nene))
4839        ABI_MALLOC(tweight, (nkbz, nene, nene))
4840        ABI_MALLOC(work_k, (nkbz))
4841        ABI_MALLOC(work_kq, (nkbz))
4843        ! TODO
4844        ABI_ERROR("Not Implemented")
4845        !call init_tetra(indkpt, cryst%gprimd, fs%klatt, kbz, nkbz, tetra, ierr, errorstring, comm)
4846        ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "init_tetra returned ierr /= 0")
4848        !fs%dbldelta_tetra_weights_kfs = zero
4849        do ib2=1,nb
4850          work_k = eig_k(ib2, :)
4851          do ib1=1,nb
4852           work_kq = eig_kq(ib1, :)
4853           ! TODO: Average weights over degenerate states?
4854           call get_dbl_tetra_weight(work_k, work_kq, enemin, enemax, enemin, enemax, &
4855                                     max_occ1, nene, nene, nkbz, tetra, tweight, dtweightde, ierr)
4856           ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "get_dbldelta_weights returned ierr /= 0")
4858           wtqs(iq_ibz, spin) = wtqs(iq_ibz, spin) + sum(abs(dtweightde(:, 2, 2)))
4859          end do
4860        end do
4862        call destroy_tetra(tetra)
4863        ABI_FREE(work_k)
4864        ABI_FREE(work_kq)
4865        ABI_FREE(dtweightde)
4866        ABI_FREE(tweight)
4867      else
4868        ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Invalid value of ltetra:", itoa(ltetra)))
4869      end if
4870    end do ! iq_ibz
4871  end do ! spin
4873  ABI_FREE(indkpt)
4874  ABI_FREE(kbz)
4875  ABI_FREE(eig_k)
4876  ABI_FREE(eig_kq)
4878  call ibz_krank%free()
4880  call xmpi_sum(wtqs, comm, ierr)
4881  !call cwtime_report(" calc_dbldelta", cpu, wall, gflops)
4883 end subroutine calc_dbldelta

m_phgamma/eph_phgamma [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Compute phonon linewidths in metals.


 wk0_path=String with the path to the GS unperturbed WFK file.
 ngfft(18),ngfftf(18)=Coarse and Fine FFT meshes.
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 ebands<ebands_t>=The GS KS band structure (energies, occupancies, k-weights...)
 dvdb<dbdb_type>=Database with the DFPT SCF potentials.
 ifc<ifc_type>=interatomic force constants and corresponding real space grid info.
 pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
 pawang<pawang_type)>=PAW angular mesh and related data.
 pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)<pawrad_type>=Paw radial mesh and related data.
 pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=Paw tabulated starting data.
 psps<pseudopotential_type>=Variables related to pseudopotentials.
 comm=MPI communicator.



3086 subroutine eph_phgamma(wfk0_path, dtfil, ngfft, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, dvdb, ifc, &
3087                        pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
3089 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3090 !scalars
3091  character(len=*),intent(in) :: wfk0_path
3092  integer,intent(in) :: comm
3093  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
3094  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
3095  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
3096  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
3097  type(dvdb_t),intent(inout) :: dvdb
3098  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
3099  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
3100  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
3101  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
3102  type(mpi_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
3103 !arrays
3104  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),ngfftf(18)
3105  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
3106  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
3108 !Local variables ------------------------------
3109 !scalars
3110  integer,parameter :: tim_getgh1c = 1, berryopt0 = 0, ider0 = 0, idir0 = 0, qptopt1 = 1
3111  integer,parameter :: useylmgr = 0, useylmgr1 = 0, master = 0, ndat1 = 1, eph_scalprod0 = 0
3112  integer :: my_rank,nproc,mband,nsppol,nkibz,idir,ipert,iq_ibz, ebands_timrev
3113  integer :: cplex,db_iqpt,natom,natom3,ipc,ipc1,ipc2,nspinor,onpw
3114  integer :: bstart_k,bstart_kq,nband_k,nband_kq,band_k, band_kq, ib_k, ib_kq !ib1,ib2,
3115  integer :: ik_ibz,ik_bz,ikq_bz,ikq_ibz,isym_k,isym_kq,trev_k,trev_kq,timerev_q
3116  integer :: ik_fs, myik, mys !, myiq
3117  integer :: spin,istwf_k,istwf_kq,npw_k,npw_kq
3118  integer :: ii,jj,ipw,mpw,my_mpw,mnb,ierr,cnt,ncid
3119  integer :: n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,nspden,do_ftv1q, ltetra
3120  integer :: sij_opt,usecprj,usevnl,optlocal,optnl,opt_gvnlx1
3121  integer :: nfft,nfftf,mgfft,mgfftf,kq_count,nkpg,nkpg1,edos_intmeth
3122  integer :: jene, iene, comm_rpt, nesting, my_npert, imyp, imyq
3123  integer :: ncerr
3124  real(dp) :: cpu, wall, gflops, cpu_q, wall_q, gflops_q, cpu_k, wall_k, gflops_k, cpu_all, wall_all, gflops_all
3125  real(dp) :: edos_step, edos_broad, sigma, ecut, eshift, eig0nk
3126  logical :: gen_eigenpb, need_velocities, isirr_k, isirr_kq
3127  type(wfd_t) :: wfd
3128  type(fstab_t),pointer :: fs
3129  type(gs_hamiltonian_type) :: gs_hamkq
3130  type(rf_hamiltonian_type) :: rf_hamkq
3131  type(edos_t) :: edos
3132  type(phgamma_t) :: gams
3133  type(a2fw_t) :: a2fw
3134  type(a2fw_tr_t) :: a2fw_tr
3135  type(ddkop_t) :: ddkop
3136  type(xcomm_t) :: pert_comm, qs_comm, qpt_comm, bsum_comm, kpt_comm, spin_comm, pkb_comm !, ncwrite_comm
3137  type(krank_t) :: krank
3138  character(len=500) :: msg
3139  character(len=fnlen) :: path
3140 !arrays
3141  integer :: g0_k(3),g0bz_kq(3),g0_kq(3),symq(4,2,cryst%nsym)
3142  integer :: work_ngfft(18),gmax(3),my_gmax(3),gamma_ngqpt(3) !g0ibz_kq(3),
3143  integer :: indkk_kq(6,1)
3144  integer,allocatable :: kg_k(:,:),kg_kq(:,:),gtmp(:,:),nband(:,:),wfd_istwfk(:)
3145  integer,allocatable :: my_pinfo(:,:), pert_table(:,:) !, qibz_done(:)
3146  real(dp) :: kk(3),kq(3),kk_ibz(3),kq_ibz(3),qpt(3), lf(2),rg(2),res(2), vk(3), vkq(3)
3147  real(dp) :: wminmax(2), n0(ebands%nsppol)
3148  real(dp) :: resvv_in(2,9), resvv_out(2,9), phfrq(3*cryst%natom)
3149  real(dp) :: ylmgr_dum(1,1,1)
3150  real(dp),allocatable :: displ_cart(:,:,:,:), displ_red(:,:,:,:)
3151  real(dp),allocatable :: grad_berry(:,:), kinpw1(:), kpg1_k(:,:), kpg_k(:,:), dkinpw(:)
3152  real(dp),allocatable :: ffnlk(:,:,:,:), ffnl1(:,:,:,:), ph3d(:,:,:), ph3d1(:,:,:)
3153  real(dp),allocatable :: v1scf(:,:,:,:), tgam(:,:,:), gkk_atm(:,:,:,:) !,gkq_nu(:,:,:,:)
3154  real(dp),allocatable :: bras_kq(:,:,:), kets_k(:,:,:), h1kets_kq(:,:,:), cgwork(:,:)
3155  real(dp),allocatable :: ph1d(:,:), vlocal(:,:,:,:), vlocal1(:,:,:,:,:)
3156  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm_kq(:,:), ylm_k(:,:), ylmgr_kq(:,:,:)
3157  real(dp),allocatable :: dummy_vtrial(:,:), gvnlx1(:,:), work(:,:,:,:)
3158  real(dp),allocatable :: gs1c(:,:), v1_work(:,:,:,:), vcar_ibz(:,:,:,:)
3159  real(dp),allocatable :: wt_ek(:,:), wt_ekq(:,:), dbldelta_wts(:,:)
3160  real(dp), allocatable :: tgamvv_in(:,:,:,:),  vv_kk(:,:,:), tgamvv_out(:,:,:,:), vv_kkq(:,:,:)
3161  real(dp), allocatable :: tmp_vals_ee(:,:,:,:,:), emesh(:)
3162  logical,allocatable :: bks_mask(:,:,:),keep_ur(:,:,:)
3163  type(fstab_t),target,allocatable :: fstab(:)
3164  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable  :: cwaveprj0(:,:)
3165  real(dp) :: abc(3)
3166 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
3167  integer :: ndims, comm_cart, me_cart
3168  logical :: reorder
3169  integer :: coords(5)
3170  integer,allocatable :: dims(:)
3171  logical,allocatable :: periods(:), keepdim(:)
3172 #endif
3174 !************************************************************************
3176  if (psps%usepaw == 1) then
3177    ABI_ERROR("PAW not implemented")
3178    ABI_UNUSED((/pawang%nsym, pawrad(1)%mesh_size/))
3179  end if
3181  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
3182  call cwtime(cpu_all, wall_all, gflops_all, "start")
3184  ! Copy important dimensions
3185  natom = cryst%natom; natom3 = 3 * natom; nsppol = ebands%nsppol; nspinor = ebands%nspinor; nspden = dtset%nspden
3186  nkibz = ebands%nkpt; mband = ebands%mband
3187  ebands_timrev = kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(ebands%kptopt)
3189  ! FFT meshes
3190  nfftf = product(ngfftf(1:3)); mgfftf = maxval(ngfftf(1:3))
3191  nfft = product(ngfft(1:3)) ; mgfft = maxval(ngfft(1:3))
3192  n1 = ngfft(1); n2 = ngfft(2); n3 = ngfft(3)
3193  n4 = ngfft(4); n5 = ngfft(5); n6 = ngfft(6)
3195  ! Compute electron DOS.
3196  edos_intmeth = 2; if (dtset%prtdos /= 0) edos_intmeth = dtset%prtdos
3197  edos_step = dtset%dosdeltae; edos_broad = dtset%tsmear
3198  edos_step = 0.01 * eV_Ha; edos_broad = 0.3 * eV_Ha
3199  edos = ebands_get_edos(ebands, cryst, edos_intmeth, edos_step, edos_broad, comm)
3201  ! Store DOS per spin channel
3202  n0(:) = edos%gef(1:edos%nsppol)
3203  if (my_rank == master) then
3204    call edos%print(unit=ab_out)
3205    path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_EDOS")
3206    call wrtout(ab_out, sjoin("- Writing electron DOS to file:", path, ch10))
3207    call edos%write(path)
3208  end if
3210  ! Find Fermi surface k-points
3211  ! TODO: support kptopt, change setup of k-points if tetra: fist tetra weights then k-points on the Fermi surface!
3212  ABI_MALLOC(fstab, (nsppol))
3213  call fstab_init(fstab, ebands, cryst, dtset, comm)
3214  if (my_rank == master) then
3215    call fstab_print(fstab, unit=std_out)
3216    call fstab_print(fstab, unit=ab_out)
3217  end if
3219  ! Define q-mesh. eph_ngqpt_fine activates the Fourier interpolation of the DFPT potentials.
3220  gamma_ngqpt = ifc%ngqpt; if (all(dtset%eph_ngqpt_fine /= 0)) gamma_ngqpt = dtset%eph_ngqpt_fine
3222  call phgamma_init(gams, cryst, ifc, ebands, fstab(1), dtset, eph_scalprod0, gamma_ngqpt, n0, comm)
3224  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("q-mesh for the phonon linewidths:", ltoa(gamma_ngqpt)))
3225  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("Will compute", itoa(gams%nqibz), "q-points in the IBZ"))
3227  ! Select option for double delta with tetra.
3228  !  2 for the optimized tetrahedron method.
3229  ! -2 for the linear tetrahedron method.
3230  ltetra = 0
3231  if (dtset%eph_intmeth ==  2) ltetra = 2
3232  if (dtset%eph_intmeth == -2) ltetra = 1
3234  ! Compute optimal energy window for tetra.
3235  !call find_ewin(gams%nqibz, gams%qibz, cryst, ebands, ltetra, sigma, comm)
3237  ! ========================
3238  ! === MPI DISTRIBUTION ===
3239  ! ========================
3240  ! Init for sequential execution.
3241  my_npert = natom3
3243  if (any(dtset%eph_np_pqbks /= 0)) then
3244    ! Use parameters from input file.
3245    pert_comm%nproc = dtset%eph_np_pqbks(1)
3246    qpt_comm%nproc  = dtset%eph_np_pqbks(2)
3247    bsum_comm%nproc = dtset%eph_np_pqbks(3)
3248    kpt_comm%nproc = dtset%eph_np_pqbks(4)
3249    spin_comm%nproc = dtset%eph_np_pqbks(5)
3250    my_npert = natom3 / pert_comm%nproc
3251    ABI_CHECK(my_npert > 0, "pert_comm_nproc cannot be greater than 3 * natom.")
3252    ABI_CHECK(mod(natom3, pert_comm%nproc) == 0, "pert_comm_nproc must divide 3 * natom.")
3253  else
3254    ! Automatic grid generation
3255    ! Not the most efficient distribution if large number of MPI procs.
3256    ! TODO: Add parallelism over perturbations although it's less efficient than the parallelism over k
3257    ! It starts to be interesting if we implement symmetries in the k-integration though.
3259    ! TODO: Spin
3260    ! Automatic grid generation over q-points and spins.
3261    !if (new%nsppol == 2 .and. mod(nprocs, 2) == 0) then
3262    !  spin_comm%nproc = 2
3263    !  new%qpt_comm%nproc = nprocs / 2
3264    !else
3265    !  new%qpt_comm%nproc = nprocs
3266    !end if
3268    ! Handle parallelism over perturbations first.
3269    ! Use MPI communicator to distribute the 3 * natom perturbations to reduce memory requirements for DFPT potentials.
3270    ! Ideally, perturbations are equally distributed --> total number of CPUs should be divisible by 3 * natom.
3271    ! or at least, divisible by one integer i for i in [2, 3 * natom - 1].
3273    if (nsppol == 2 .and. mod(nproc, 2) == 0) then
3274      spin_comm%nproc = 2
3275      kpt_comm%nproc = nproc / 2
3276    else
3278      ! Try to have 3 perts per proc first because the q-point parallelism is more efficient.
3279      ! The memory for W(R,r,ipert) will increase though.
3280      !do cnt=natom,2,-1
3281      !  if (mod(nprocs, cnt) == 0 .and. mod(natom3, cnt) == 0) then
3282      !    pert_comm%nproc = cnt; new%my_npert = natom3 / cnt; exit
3283      !  end if
3284      !end do
3286      !if (pert_comm%nproc == 1) then
3287      !  ! Try again with more procs.
3288      !  do cnt=natom3,2,-1
3289      !    if (mod(nprocs, cnt) == 0 .and. mod(natom3, cnt) == 0) then
3290      !      pert_comm%nproc = cnt; new%my_npert = natom3 / cnt; exit
3291      !    end if
3292      !  end do
3293      !end if
3295      !if (new%my_npert == natom3 .and. nprocs > 1) then
3296      !  ABI_WARNING("The number of MPI procs should be divisible by 3*natom to reduce memory requirements!")
3297      !end if
3299      kpt_comm%nproc = nproc
3300    end if
3301  end if
3303  ! Consistency check.
3304  if (pert_comm%nproc * qpt_comm%nproc * bsum_comm%nproc * kpt_comm%nproc * spin_comm%nproc /= nproc) then
3305    write(msg, "(a,i0,3a, 6(a,1x,i0))") &
3306      "Cannot create 5d Cartesian grid with total nproc: ", nproc, ch10, &
3307      "Idle processes are not supported. The product of the `nproc_*` vars should be equal to nproc.", ch10, &
3308      "pert_nproc (", pert_comm%nproc, ") x qpt_nproc (", qpt_comm%nproc, ") x bsum_nproc (", bsum_comm%nproc, &
3309      ") x kcalc_nproc (", kpt_comm%nproc, ") x spin_nproc (", spin_comm%nproc, ") != ", &
3310      pert_comm%nproc * qpt_comm%nproc * bsum_comm%nproc * kpt_comm%nproc * spin_comm%nproc
3311    ABI_ERROR(msg)
3312  end if
3314  ABI_CHECK(bsum_comm%nproc == 1, "Band parallelism not implemented in m_phgamma")
3316 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
3317  ! Create 5d cartesian communicator: 3*natom perturbations, q-points in IBZ, bands in FS, kpoints in FS, spins
3318  ndims = 5
3319  ABI_MALLOC(dims, (ndims))
3320  ABI_MALLOC(periods, (ndims))
3321  ABI_MALLOC(keepdim, (ndims))
3322  periods(:) = .False.; reorder = .False.
3323  dims = [pert_comm%nproc, qpt_comm%nproc, bsum_comm%nproc, kpt_comm%nproc, spin_comm%nproc]
3325  call MPI_CART_CREATE(comm, ndims, dims, periods, reorder, comm_cart, ierr)
3326  ! Find the index and coordinates of the current processor
3327  call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm_cart, me_cart, ierr)
3328  call MPI_CART_COORDS(comm_cart, me_cart, ndims, coords, ierr)
3330  ! Create communicator to distribute natom3 perturbations.
3331  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(1) = .True.
3332  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, pert_comm%value, ierr); pert_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(pert_comm%value)
3334  ! Create communicator for qpoints in self-energy integration.
3335  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(2) = .True.
3336  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, qpt_comm%value, ierr); qpt_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(qpt_comm%value)
3338  ! Create communicator for bands for band summation
3339  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(3) = .True.
3340  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, bsum_comm%value, ierr); bsum_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(bsum_comm%value)
3342  ! Create communicator for kpoints.
3343  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(4) = .True.
3344  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, kpt_comm%value, ierr); kpt_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(kpt_comm%value)
3346  ! Create communicator for spins.
3347  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(5) = .True.
3348  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, spin_comm%value, ierr); spin_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(spin_comm%value)
3350  ! Create communicator for the (qpoint, spin) loops
3351  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(2) = .True.; keepdim(5) = .True.
3352  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, qs_comm%value, ierr); qs_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(qs_comm%value)
3354  ! Create communicator for the (perturbation, k-point, band_sum)
3355  keepdim = .False.; keepdim(1) = .True.; keepdim(3:4) = .True.
3356  call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, keepdim, pkb_comm%value, ierr); pkb_comm%me = xmpi_comm_rank(pkb_comm%value)
3358  ABI_FREE(dims)
3359  ABI_FREE(periods)
3360  ABI_FREE(keepdim)
3361  call xmpi_comm_free(comm_cart)
3362 #endif
3364  ! Distribute spins and q-points in IBZ.
3365  call xmpi_split_cyclic(nsppol, spin_comm%value, gams%my_nspins, gams%my_spins)
3366  ABI_CHECK(gams%my_nspins > 0, sjoin("nsppol (", itoa(nsppol), ") < spin_comm_nproc (", itoa(spin_comm%nproc), ")"))
3368  call xmpi_split_cyclic(gams%nqibz, qpt_comm%value, gams%my_nqibz, gams%my_iqibz)
3369  ABI_CHECK(gams%my_nqibz > 0, sjoin("nqibz (", itoa(gams%nqibz), ") < qpt_comm_nproc (", itoa(qpt_comm%nproc), ")"))
3371  !ABI_CALLOC(qibz_done, (gams%nqibz))
3373  path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
3374  ncid = nctk_noid
3375  if (my_rank == master) then
3377    write(std_out, "(/,a)")" === MPI parallelism ==="
3378    !write(std_out, "(2(a,i0))")"P Allocating and summing bands from my_bsum_start: ", self%my_bsum_start, &
3379    !    " up to my_bsum_stop: ", self%my_bsum_stop
3380    write(std_out, "(a,i0)")"P Number of CPUs for parallelism over perturbations: ", pert_comm%nproc
3381    write(std_out, "(a,i0)")"P Number of perturbations treated by this CPU: ", my_npert
3382    write(std_out, "(a,i0)")"P Number of CPUs for parallelism over q-points: ", qpt_comm%nproc
3383    !write(std_out, "(2(a,i0))")"P Number of q-points in the IBZ treated by this proc: " , &
3384    !    count(self%itreat_qibz == 1), " of ", self%nqibz
3385    write(std_out, "(a,i0)")"P Number of CPUs for parallelism over bands: ", bsum_comm%nproc
3386    write(std_out, "(a,i0)")"P Number of CPUs for parallelism over spins: ", spin_comm%nproc
3387    write(std_out, "(a,i0)")"P Number of CPUs for parallelism over k-points: ", kpt_comm%nproc
3388    !write(std_out, "(2(a,i0),/)")"P Number of k-point in Sigma_nk treated by this proc: ", self%my_nkcalc, " of ", self%nkcalc
3390    ! Master creates the netcdf file used to store the results of the calculation.
3391    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(ncid, path, xmpi_comm_self))
3392    NCF_CHECK(cryst%ncwrite(ncid))
3393    NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands, ncid))
3394    NCF_CHECK(edos%ncwrite(ncid))
3396    ! Add dimensions.
3397    ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [nctkdim_t("nqibz", gams%nqibz), nctkdim_t("natom3", natom3)], defmode=.True.)
3398    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3399    ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "eph_intmeth", "eph_transport", "symdynmat"])
3400    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3401    ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "ph_intmeth"])
3402    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3403    ncerr = nctk_def_dpscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "eph_fsewin", "eph_fsmear", "eph_extrael", "eph_fermie"])
3404    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3405    ncerr = nctk_def_dpscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "ph_wstep", "ph_smear"])
3406    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3408    ! Define arrays for results.
3409    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
3410      nctkarr_t("ngqpt", "int", "three"), &
3411      nctkarr_t("eph_ngqpt_fine", "int", "three"), &
3412      nctkarr_t("ddb_ngqpt", "int", "three"), &
3413      nctkarr_t("ph_ngqpt", "int", "three"), &
3414      nctkarr_t('qibz', "dp", "number_of_reduced_dimensions, nqibz"), &
3415      nctkarr_t('wtq', "dp", "nqibz"), &
3416      !nctkarr_t('qibz_done', "int", "nqibz"), &
3417      nctkarr_t('phfreq_qibz', "dp", "natom3, nqibz"), &
3418      nctkarr_t('phdispl_cart_qibz', "dp", "two, natom3, natom3, nqibz"), &
3419      nctkarr_t('phgamma_qibz', "dp", "natom3, nqibz, number_of_spins"), &
3420      nctkarr_t('phlambda_qibz', "dp", "natom3, nqibz, number_of_spins") &
3421    ])
3422    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3424    ! ======================================================
3425    ! Write data that do not depend on the (kpt, spin) loop.
3426    ! ======================================================
3427    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
3429    ncerr = nctk_write_iscalars(ncid, &
3430        [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "eph_intmeth", "eph_transport", "symdynmat", "ph_intmeth"], &
3431        [dtset%eph_intmeth, dtset%eph_transport, dtset%symdynmat, dtset%ph_intmeth])
3432    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3433    ncerr = nctk_write_dpscalars(ncid, &
3434      [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "eph_fsewin", "eph_fsmear", "eph_extrael", "eph_fermie", "ph_wstep", "ph_smear"], &
3435      [dtset%eph_fsewin, dtset%eph_fsmear, dtset%eph_extrael, dtset%eph_fermie, dtset%ph_wstep, dtset%ph_smear])
3436    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
3438    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, 'qibz'), gams%qibz))
3439    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, 'wtq'), gams%wtq))
3440    !NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, 'qibz_done'), qibz_done))
3441    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ngqpt"), gamma_ngqpt))
3442    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "eph_ngqpt_fine"), dtset%eph_ngqpt_fine))
3443    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ph_ngqpt"), dtset%ph_ngqpt))
3444    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ddb_ngqpt"), dtset%ddb_ngqpt))
3445    !NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
3446  end if
3448  !call xmpi_barrier(comm)
3450  ! Now reopen the file inside ncwrite_comm to perform parallel-IO (required for q-point parallelism).
3451  !if (self%ncwrite_comm%value /= xmpi_comm_null) then
3452  !  NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_modify(self%ncid, path, self%ncwrite_comm%value))
3453  !  NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(self%ncid))
3454  !end if
3455  call edos%free()
3457  ! Open the DVDB file
3458  call dvdb%open_read(ngfftf, xmpi_comm_self)
3460  if (pert_comm%nproc > 1) then
3461    ! Activate parallelism over perturbations
3462    ! Build table with list of perturbations treated by this CPU inside pert_comm
3463    call ephtk_set_pertables(cryst%natom, my_npert, pert_table, my_pinfo, pert_comm%value)
3464    call dvdb%set_pert_distrib(my_npert, natom3, my_pinfo, pert_table, pert_comm%value)
3465    ABI_FREE(my_pinfo)
3466    ABI_FREE(pert_table)
3467  end if
3469  ! Check whether all q-points are available in the input DVDB file.
3470  do_ftv1q = 0
3471  do iq_ibz=1,gams%nqibz
3472    qpt = gams%qibz(:,iq_ibz)
3473    if (dvdb%findq(qpt) == -1) do_ftv1q = do_ftv1q + 1
3474    do spin=1,nsppol
3475      fs => fstab(spin)
3476      kq_count = 0
3477      do ik_bz=1,fs%nkfs
3478        kk = fs%kpts(:, ik_bz); kq = kk + qpt
3479        if (fs%findkg0(kq, g0bz_kq) == -1) cycle
3480        kq_count = kq_count + 1
3481      end do
3482      !write(std_out,"((a,i0,2a,a,i0))")" For spin: ",spin,", qpt: ",trim(ktoa(qpt)),", number of (k,q) pairs: ",kq_count
3483    end do
3484  end do
3485  call wrtout(std_out, " ", do_flush=.True.)
3487  if (do_ftv1q /= 0) then
3488    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], " Cannot find eph_ngqpt_fine q-points in DVDB --> Activating Fourier interpolation.")
3489    ! Prepare Fourier interpolation of DFPT potentials.
3490    comm_rpt = xmpi_comm_self
3491    !comm_rpt = bqs_comm%value
3492    call dvdb%ftinterp_setup(dtset%ddb_ngqpt, qptopt1, 1, dtset%ddb_shiftq, nfftf, ngfftf, comm_rpt)
3493  end if
3495  ! Initialize the wave function descriptor.
3496  ! Only wavefunctions on the FS are stored in wfd.
3497  ! Need all k-points on the FS because of k+q, spin is not distributed for the time being.
3498  ! It would be possible to reduce the memory allocated per MPI-rank via OpenMP.
3500  ABI_MALLOC(nband, (nkibz, nsppol))
3501  ABI_MALLOC(bks_mask, (mband, nkibz, nsppol))
3502  ABI_MALLOC(keep_ur, (mband, nkibz ,nsppol))
3503  nband = mband; bks_mask = .False.; keep_ur = .False.
3505  do mys=1,gams%my_nspins
3506    spin = gams%my_spins(mys)
3507    fs => fstab(spin)
3508    do ik_bz=1,fs%nkfs
3509      ik_ibz = fs%indkk_fs(1, ik_bz)
3510      bstart_k = fs%bstart_cnt_ibz(1, ik_ibz); nband_k = fs%bstart_cnt_ibz(2, ik_ibz)
3511      bks_mask(bstart_k:bstart_k+nband_k-1, ik_ibz, spin) = .True.
3512    end do
3513  end do
3514  !bks_mask(1:mband,:,:) = .True. ! no memory distribution, each node has the full set of states.
3516  ! Impose istwfk = 1 for all k-points. This is also done in respfn (see inkpts)
3517  ! wfd_read_wfk will handle a possible conversion if WFK contains istwfk /= 1.
3518  ABI_MALLOC(wfd_istwfk, (nkibz))
3519  wfd_istwfk = 1
3521  ecut = dtset%ecut ! dtset%dilatmx
3522  call wfd_init(wfd, cryst, pawtab, psps, keep_ur, mband, nband, nkibz, nsppol, bks_mask,&
3523    nspden, nspinor, ecut, dtset%ecutsm, dtset%dilatmx, wfd_istwfk, ebands%kptns, ngfft,&
3524    dtset%nloalg, dtset%prtvol, dtset%pawprtvol, comm)
3526  call wfd%print(header="Wavefunctions on the Fermi surface")
3528  ABI_FREE(nband)
3529  ABI_FREE(keep_ur)
3530  ABI_FREE(wfd_istwfk)
3532  ! Read wavefunctions.
3533  call wfd%read_wfk(wfk0_path, iomode_from_fname(wfk0_path))
3535  ! one-dimensional structure factor information on the coarse grid.
3536  ABI_MALLOC(ph1d, (2, 3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom))
3537  call getph(cryst%atindx, natom, n1, n2, n3, ph1d, cryst%xred)
3539  ! mpw is the maximum number of plane-waves over k and k+q where k and k+q are in the BZ.
3540  ! we also need the max components of the G-spheres (k, k+q) in order to allocate the workspace array work
3541  ! that will be used to symmetrize the wavefunctions in G-space.
3542  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
3543  call wrtout(std_out, " Computing mpw. This may take some time for dense k/q meshes...")
3544  !call fstab_get_mpw_gmax(nsppol, fstab, mpw, gmax, comm)
3545  mpw = 0; gmax = 0; cnt = 0
3547  ! FIXME: This is an hotspot due to the loop over nkfs.
3548  ! Should use a geometric approach to compute mpw gmax.
3549  do spin=1,nsppol
3550    fs => fstab(spin)
3551    do ik_bz=1,fs%nkfs
3552      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism inside comm
3553      kk = fs%kpts(:, ik_bz)
3554      ! Compute G sphere, returning npw. Note istwfk == 1.
3555      call get_kg(kk, 1, ecut, cryst%gmet, onpw, gtmp)
3556      mpw = max(mpw, onpw)
3557      do ipw=1,onpw
3558        do ii=1,3
3559         gmax(ii) = max(gmax(ii), abs(gtmp(ii,ipw)))
3560        end do
3561      end do
3562      ABI_FREE(gtmp)
3564      do iq_ibz=1,gams%nqibz
3565        qpt = gams%qibz(:,iq_ibz)
3566        ! TODO: g0 umklapp here can enter into play!
3567        ! fstab should contains the max of the umlapp G-vectors.
3568        ! gmax could not be large enough!
3569        kq = kk + qpt
3570        call get_kg(kq, 1, ecut, cryst%gmet, onpw, gtmp)
3571        mpw = max(mpw, onpw)
3572        do ipw=1,onpw
3573          do ii=1,3
3574           gmax(ii) = max(gmax(ii), abs(gtmp(ii,ipw)))
3575          end do
3576        end do
3577        ABI_FREE(gtmp)
3578      end do
3580    end do ! ik_bz
3581  end do ! spin
3583  my_mpw = mpw; call xmpi_max(my_mpw, mpw, comm, ierr)
3584  my_gmax = gmax; call xmpi_max(my_gmax, gmax, comm, ierr)
3585  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(' Optimal value of mpw: ', itoa(mpw)))
3586  call cwtime_report(" gmax and mpw", cpu, wall, gflops)
3588  ! Init work_ngfft
3589  gmax = gmax + 4 ! FIXME: this is to account for umklapp
3590  gmax = 2*gmax + 1
3591  call ngfft_seq(work_ngfft, gmax)
3592  !write(std_out,*)"work_ngfft(1:3): ",work_ngfft(1:3)
3593  ABI_MALLOC(work, (2, work_ngfft(4), work_ngfft(5), work_ngfft(6)))
3595  ! Allow PW-arrays dimensioned with mpw
3596  ABI_MALLOC(kg_k, (3, mpw))
3597  ABI_MALLOC(kg_kq, (3, mpw))
3599  ! Spherical Harmonics for useylm == 1.
3600  ABI_MALLOC(ylm_k, (mpw, psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
3601  ABI_MALLOC(ylm_kq, (mpw, psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
3602  ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr_kq, (mpw, 3, psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*useylmgr1))
3604  ! TODO FOR PAW
3605  usecprj = 0
3606  ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj0, (natom, nspinor*usecprj))
3608  ! Prepare call to getgh1c
3609  usevnl = 0
3610  optlocal = 1    ! local part of H^(1) is computed in gh1c=<G|H^(1)|C>
3611  optnl = 2       ! non-local part of H^(1) is totally computed in gh1c=<G|H^(1)|C>
3612  opt_gvnlx1 = 0  ! gvnlx1 is output
3613  ABI_MALLOC(gvnlx1, (2, usevnl))
3614  ABI_MALLOC(grad_berry, (2, nspinor*(berryopt0/4)))
3616  ! This part is taken from dfpt_vtorho
3617  !==== Initialize most of the Hamiltonian (and derivative) ====
3618  !1) Allocate all arrays and initialize quantities that do not depend on k and spin.
3619  !2) Perform the setup needed for the non-local factors:
3620  ! Norm-conserving: Constant kleimann-Bylander energies are copied from psps to gs_hamk.
3621  ! PAW: Initialize the overlap coefficients and allocate the Dij coefficients.
3623  call init_hamiltonian(gs_hamkq, psps, pawtab, nspinor, nsppol, nspden, natom, &
3624    dtset%typat, cryst%xred, nfft, mgfft, ngfft, cryst%rprimd, dtset%nloalg, &
3625    comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom, mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab, mpi_spintab=mpi_enreg%my_isppoltab, &
3626    usecprj=usecprj, ph1d=ph1d, nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom, gpu_option=dtset%gpu_option)
3628  ! Allocate vlocal. Note nvloc
3629  ! I set vlocal to huge to trigger possible bugs (DFPT routines should not access the data)
3630  ABI_MALLOC(vlocal, (n4, n5, n6, gs_hamkq%nvloc))
3631  vlocal = huge(one)
3633  ! Allocate work space arrays.
3634  ABI_MALLOC(tgam, (2, natom3, natom3))
3635  ABI_MALLOC(displ_cart, (2, 3, cryst%natom, natom3))
3636  ABI_MALLOC(displ_red, (2, 3, cryst%natom, natom3))
3638  ABI_CALLOC(dummy_vtrial, (nfftf, nspden))
3639  ! TODO: Save data to netcdf file for each q in IBZ and then read data to build a2Fw once all big
3640  ! datastructures (wfd, dvdb) have been deallocated.
3641  ! As a side effect, one can also implement restart over q-points
3643  ! Create ddkop object to compute group velocities if needed.
3644  !
3645  !   1) precompute group velocities in the IBZ and the ihave_ikibz_spin file (common to all procs)
3646  !   2) Use symmetries to reconstruct v_kq from vcar_ibz
3647  !
3648  ! NB: All procs store in memory the same set of Bloch states inside the energy window.
3650  ddkop = ddkop_new(dtset, cryst, pawtab, psps, wfd%mpi_enreg, mpw, wfd%ngfft)
3652  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start", msg=" Computing v_nk matrix elements for all states on the FS...")
3653  ii = huge(1); jj = -1
3654  do spin=1,nsppol
3655    ii = min(ii, fstab(spin)%bmin)
3656    jj = max(jj, fstab(spin)%bmax)
3657  end do
3658  ABI_CALLOC(vcar_ibz, (3, ii:jj, nkibz, nsppol))
3659  ABI_MALLOC(cgwork, (2, mpw * wfd%nspinor))
3661  cnt = 0
3662  do spin=1,nsppol
3663    fs => fstab(spin)
3664    do ik_ibz=1,ebands%nkpt
3665      kk = ebands%kptns(:, ik_ibz)
3666      npw_k = wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz); istwf_k = wfd%istwfk(ik_ibz)
3667      ! NB: The two checks below are global --> all procs will cycle.
3668      if (all(bks_mask(:, ik_ibz, spin) .eqv. .False.)) cycle
3669      if (npw_k == 1) cycle
3670      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
3672      call ddkop%setup_spin_kpoint(dtset, cryst, psps, spin, kk, istwf_k, npw_k, wfd%kdata(ik_ibz)%kg_k)
3674      do band_k=fs%bmin,fs%bmax
3675        if (.not. bks_mask(band_k, ik_ibz, spin)) cycle
3676        !if (.not. wfd%ihave_ug(band_k, ik_ibz, spin)) cycle
3677        call wfd%copy_cg(band_k, ik_ibz, spin, cgwork)
3678        eig0nk = ebands%eig(band_k, ik_ibz, spin)
3679        vk = ddkop%get_vdiag(eig0nk, istwf_k, npw_k, wfd%nspinor, cgwork, cwaveprj0)
3680        vcar_ibz(:, band_k, ik_ibz, spin) = vk
3682        ! TODO: Use ebands_get_edos_matrix_elements
3683        ! reald(dp) :: vv_fs(3,3,nsppol)
3684        !vv_fs = zero
3685        !sigma = fs%eph_fsmear
3686        !if (fs%eph_fsmear < zero) then
3687        !  sigma = max(maxval([(abs(dot_product(fs%vk(:, ib2), fs%kmesh_cartvec(:,ii))), ii=1,3)]), fs%min_smear)
3688        !end if
3689        !fs_wtk = gaussian(emesh - ebands%eig(band_k, ik_ibz, spin), sigma) / (one * fs%nktot)
3690        !do ii=1,3
3691        !  do jj=1,3
3692        !    vv_fs(ii,jj,spin) = vv_fs(ii,jj,spin) + vk(ii) * vk(jj) * fs_wtk
3693        !  end do
3694        !end do
3695        !call xmpi_sum(vv_fs, comm, ierr)
3697      end do
3698    end do
3699  end do ! spin
3701  call xmpi_sum(vcar_ibz, comm, ierr)
3702  ABI_FREE(cgwork)
3703  call cwtime_report(" Velocities", cpu, wall, gflops)
3705  ABI_FREE(bks_mask)
3707  ! Write v_nk to disk.
3708 ! if (my_rank == master) then
3709 !   NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(sigma%ncid, nctk_idname(sigma%ncid, "vcar_ibz"), vcar_ibz))
3710 ! end if
3712  if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
3713    ABI_MALLOC(tgamvv_in, (2, 9, natom3, natom3))
3714    ABI_MALLOC(tgamvv_out, (2, 9, natom3, natom3))
3715  end if
3717  ! Build krank object to find k-points
3718  krank = krank_from_kptrlatt(ebands%nkpt, ebands%kptns, ebands%kptrlatt, compute_invrank=.False.)
3720  ! Loop over my q-points in the IBZ.
3721  do imyq=1,gams%my_nqibz
3722    iq_ibz = gams%my_iqibz(imyq)
3724    ! Check if this (kpoint, spin) was already calculated
3725    !if (all(sigma%qp_done(ikcalc, :) == 1)) cycle
3727    call cwtime(cpu_q, wall_q, gflops_q, "start")
3729    qpt = gams%qibz(:, iq_ibz)
3730    msg = sjoin("[", itoa(iq_ibz), "/", itoa(gams%nqibz), "]")
3731    call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Computing phonon linewidths for IBZ q-point:", ktoa(qpt), msg))
3733    tgam = zero
3734    if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
3735      tgamvv_in = zero; tgamvv_out = zero
3736    end if
3738    if (do_ftv1q == 0) then
3739      ! No interpolation --> find the index of the q-point in the DVDB.
3740      db_iqpt = dvdb%findq(qpt)
3742      if (db_iqpt /= -1) then
3743        ! Read and reconstruct the dvscf potentials for all 3*natom perturbations.
3744        ! This call allocates v1scf(cplex, nfftf, nspden, 3*natom))
3745        call dvdb%readsym_allv1(db_iqpt, cplex, nfftf, ngfftf, v1scf, pkb_comm%value)
3747        if (dvdb%my_npert /= natom3) then
3748          ! Extract my npert from v1scf
3749          ABI_MALLOC(v1_work, (cplex, nfftf, nspden, dvdb%my_npert))
3750          do imyp=1,dvdb%my_npert
3751            v1_work(:,:,:,imyp) = v1scf(:,:,:,dvdb%my_pinfo(3, imyp))
3752          end do
3753          ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(v1_work, v1scf)
3754        end if
3756      else
3757        ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find q-point:", ktoa(qpt), "in the DVDB file."))
3758      end if
3760    else
3761      ! Use Fourier interpolation of DFPT potentials to get my_npert potentials.
3762      cplex = 2
3763      ABI_MALLOC(v1scf, (cplex, nfft, nspden, dvdb%my_npert))
3764      call dvdb%ftinterp_qpt(qpt, nfftf, ngfftf, v1scf, dvdb%comm_rpt)
3765    end if
3767    ! Examine the symmetries of the q wavevector.
3768    call littlegroup_q(cryst%nsym, qpt, symq, cryst%symrec, cryst%symafm, timerev_q, prtvol=dtset%prtvol)
3770    ! Get phonon frequencies and eigenvectors for this q-point.
3771    call ifc%fourq(cryst, qpt, phfrq, displ_cart, out_displ_red=displ_red)
3772    wminmax(1) = min(wminmax(1), phfrq(1))
3773    wminmax(2) = max(wminmax(2), phfrq(3*cryst%natom))
3775    ! Allocate vlocal1 with correct cplex. Note nvloc and my_npert.
3776    ABI_MALLOC(vlocal1, (cplex*n4, n5, n6, gs_hamkq%nvloc, my_npert))
3778    ! Loop over my spins.
3779    do mys=1,gams%my_nspins
3780      spin = gams%my_spins(mys)
3781      fs => fstab(spin)
3783      if (dtset%prteliash == 3) then
3784        ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(tmp_vals_ee, (2, gams%nene, gams%nene, natom3, natom3), ierr)
3785        tmp_vals_ee = zero
3786        ! Energy mesh for electrons in a2F(e,e',w) NB: It depends on the spin through enemin
3787        ABI_MALLOC(emesh, (gams%nene))
3788        emesh = arth(fs%enemin, fs%deltaene, gams%nene)
3789      end if
3791      ! Set up local potential vlocal1 with proper dimensioning from vtrial1 taking into account the spin.
3792      do imyp=1,my_npert
3793        call rf_transgrid_and_pack(spin, nspden, psps%usepaw, cplex, nfftf, nfft, ngfft, gs_hamkq%nvloc,&
3794                  pawfgr, mpi_enreg, dummy_vtrial, v1scf(:,:,:,imyp), vlocal, vlocal1(:,:,:,:,imyp))
3795      end do
3797      ! Continue to initialize the GS Hamiltonian
3798      call gs_hamkq%load_spin(spin, vlocal=vlocal, with_nonlocal=.true.)
3800      ! Allocate workspace for wavefunctions. Make npw larger than expected.
3801      ! maxnb is the maximum number of bands crossing the FS, used to dimension arrays.
3802      mnb = fs%maxnb
3803      ABI_MALLOC(bras_kq, (2, mpw*nspinor, mnb))
3804      ABI_MALLOC(kets_k, (2, mpw*nspinor, mnb))
3805      ABI_MALLOC(h1kets_kq, (2, mpw*nspinor, mnb))
3806      ABI_MALLOC(gkk_atm, (2, mnb, mnb, natom3))
3807      !ABI_MALLOC(gkq_nu, (2, mnb, natom3))
3809      ! The weights for the integration of the double-delta.
3810      ABI_MALLOC(dbldelta_wts, (mnb, mnb))
3812      if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
3813        ABI_MALLOC(vv_kk, (9, mnb, mnb))
3814        ABI_MALLOC(vv_kkq, (9, mnb, mnb))
3815      end if
3817      if (dtset%prteliash == 3) then
3818        ABI_MALLOC(wt_ek, (gams%nene, mnb))
3819        ABI_MALLOC(wt_ekq, (gams%nene, mnb))
3820      end if
3822      ! =====================================
3823      ! Integration over the FS for this spin
3824      ! =====================================
3825      ! Compute integration weights and distribute k-points (gams%my_nfsk_q)
3826      call phgamma_setup_qpoint(gams, fs, cryst, ebands, spin, ltetra, qpt, nesting, kpt_comm%value)
3828      do myik=1,gams%my_nfsk_q
3829        call cwtime(cpu_k, wall_k, gflops_k, "start")
3831        ! The k-point and the symmetries relating the BZ k-point to the IBZ.
3832        ik_fs = gams%my_ifsk_q(myik)
3833        kk = fs%kpts(:, ik_fs)
3834        ik_ibz = fs%indkk_fs(1, ik_fs); isym_k = fs%indkk_fs(2, ik_fs)
3835        trev_k = fs%indkk_fs(6, ik_fs); g0_k = fs%indkk_fs(3:5,ik_fs)
3836        isirr_k = (isym_k == 1 .and. trev_k == 0 .and. all(g0_k == 0))
3837        kk_ibz = ebands%kptns(:,ik_ibz)
3839        ! Number of bands crossing the Fermi level at k
3840        bstart_k = fs%bstart_cnt_ibz(1, ik_ibz); nband_k = fs%bstart_cnt_ibz(2, ik_ibz)
3842        ! Find k+q in the extended zone and extract symmetry info. cycle if k+q not in FS.
3843        ! Be careful here because there are two umklapp vectors to be considered:
3844        !
3845        !   k + q = k_bz + g0_bz = IS(k_ibz) + g0_ibz + g0_bz
3846        !
3847        kq = kk + qpt; ikq_bz = fs%findkg0(kq, g0bz_kq)
3849        ! Skip this point if kq does not belong to the FS window.
3850        if (ikq_bz == -1) cycle
3852        if (kpts_map("symrel", ebands_timrev, cryst, krank, 1, kq, indkk_kq) /= 0) then
3853          write(msg, '(9a)' ) &
3854           "The WFK file cannot be used to compute phonon linewidths.",ch10, &
3855           "At least one of the k-points on the FS could not be generated from a symmetrical one.", ch10, &
3856           "q-mesh: ", trim(ltoa(gamma_ngqpt)), ", k-mesh (from kptrlatt) ", trim(ltoa(get_diag(ebands%kptrlatt))), &
3857           'Action: check your WFK file and the (k, q) point input variables.'
3858           ABI_ERROR(msg)
3859        end if
3861        ikq_ibz = indkk_kq(1, 1); isym_kq = indkk_kq(2, 1)
3862        trev_kq = indkk_kq(6, 1); g0_kq = indkk_kq(3:5, 1)
3863        isirr_kq = (isym_kq == 1 .and. trev_kq == 0 .and. all(g0_kq == 0))
3864        kq_ibz = ebands%kptns(:, ikq_ibz)
3866        ! If we have used the KERANGE trick, we may have k or k+q points with just one G component set to zero
3867        ! so we skip this transition immediately. This should happen only if fsewin > sigma_erange.
3868        if (wfd%npwarr(ik_ibz) == 1 .or. wfd%npwarr(ikq_ibz) == 1) cycle
3870        ! Number of bands crossing the Fermi level at k+q
3871        bstart_kq = fs%bstart_cnt_ibz(1, ikq_ibz); nband_kq = fs%bstart_cnt_ibz(2, ikq_ibz)
3872        ABI_CHECK(nband_k <= mnb .and. nband_kq <= mnb, "wrong nband")
3874        ! Get npw_k, kg_k and symmetrize wavefunctions from IBZ (if needed).
3875        call wfd%sym_ug_kg(ecut, kk, kk_ibz, bstart_k, nband_k, spin, mpw, fs%indkk_fs(:,ik_fs), cryst, &
3876                           work_ngfft, work, istwf_k, npw_k, kg_k, kets_k)
3878        ! Get npw_kq, kg_kq and symmetrize wavefunctions from IBZ (if needed).
3879        call wfd%sym_ug_kg(ecut, kq, kq_ibz, bstart_kq, nband_kq, spin, mpw, indkk_kq(:,1), cryst, &
3880                           work_ngfft, work, istwf_kq, npw_kq, kg_kq, bras_kq)
3882        ! if PAW, one has to solve a generalized eigenproblem
3883        ! Be careful here because I will need sij_opt==-1
3884        gen_eigenpb = psps%usepaw == 1; sij_opt = 0; if (gen_eigenpb) sij_opt = 1
3885        ABI_MALLOC(gs1c, (2, npw_kq*nspinor*((sij_opt+1)/2)))
3887        ! Set up the spherical harmonics (Ylm) at k and k+q. See also dfpt_looppert
3888        !if (psps%useylm == 1) then
3889        !   optder = 0; if (useylmgr == 1) optder = 1
3890        !   call initylmg(cryst%gprimd, kg_k, kk, mkmem1, mpi_enreg, psps%mpsang, mpw, nband, mkmem1,&
3891        !     [npw_k], dtset%nsppol, optder, cryst%rprimd, ylm_k, ylmgr)
3892        !   call initylmg(cryst%gprimd, kg_kq, kq, mkmem1, mpi_enreg, psps%mpsang, mpw, nband, mkmem1,&
3893        !     [npw_kq], dtset%nsppol, optder, cryst%rprimd, ylm_kq, ylmgr_kq)
3894        !end if
3896        ! Compute k+G vectors
3897        nkpg = 3 * dtset%nloalg(3)
3898        ABI_MALLOC(kpg_k, (npw_k, nkpg))
3899        if (nkpg > 0) call mkkpg(kg_k, kpg_k, kk, nkpg, npw_k)
3901        ! Compute nonlocal form factors ffnlk at (k+G)
3902        ABI_MALLOC(ffnlk, (npw_k, 1, psps%lmnmax, psps%ntypat))
3904        call mkffnl_objs(cryst, psps, 1, ffnlk, ider0, idir0, kg_k, kpg_k, kk, nkpg, npw_k, ylm_k, ylmgr_dum, &
3905                         comm=pert_comm%value)
3907        ! Compute k+q+G vectors
3908        nkpg1 = 3 * dtset%nloalg(3)
3909        ABI_MALLOC(kpg1_k, (npw_kq, nkpg1))
3910        if (nkpg1 > 0) call mkkpg(kg_kq, kpg1_k, kq, nkpg1, npw_kq)
3912        ! Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl1 at (k+q+G)
3913        ABI_MALLOC(ffnl1, (npw_kq, 1, psps%lmnmax, psps%ntypat))
3915        call mkffnl_objs(cryst, psps, 1, ffnl1, ider0, idir0, kg_kq, kpg1_k, kq, nkpg1, npw_kq, ylm_kq, ylmgr_kq, &
3916                         comm=pert_comm%value)
3918        ! Loop over all my atomic perturbations and compute gkk_atm.
3919        gkk_atm = zero
3920        do imyp=1,my_npert
3921          idir = dvdb%my_pinfo(1, imyp); ipert = dvdb%my_pinfo(2, imyp); ipc = dvdb%my_pinfo(3, imyp)
3923          ! Prepare application of the NL part.
3924          call init_rf_hamiltonian(cplex, gs_hamkq, ipert, rf_hamkq, has_e1kbsc=.true.)
3926          call rf_hamkq%load_spin(spin, vlocal1=vlocal1(:,:,:,:,imyp), with_nonlocal=.true.)
3928          ! This call is not optimal because there are quantities in out that do not depend on idir,ipert
3929          call getgh1c_setup(gs_hamkq, rf_hamkq, dtset, psps, kk, kq, idir, ipert, &                    ! In
3930                              cryst%natom, cryst%rmet, cryst%gprimd, cryst%gmet, istwf_k, &             ! In
3931                              npw_k, npw_kq, useylmgr1, kg_k, ylm_k, kg_kq, ylm_kq, ylmgr_kq, &         ! In
3932                              dkinpw, nkpg, nkpg1, kpg_k, kpg1_k, kinpw1, ffnlk, ffnl1, ph3d, ph3d1, &  ! Out
3933                              reuse_kpg_k=1, reuse_kpg1_k=1, reuse_ffnlk=1, reuse_ffnl1=1)              ! Reuse some arrays
3935          ! Calculate dvscf * psi_k, results stored in h1kets_kq on the k+q sphere.
3936          ! Compute H(1) applied to GS wavefunction Psi(0)
3937          do ib_k=1,nband_k
3938            band_k = ib_k + bstart_k - 1
3939            eig0nk = ebands%eig(band_k, ik_ibz, spin)
3940            ! Use scissor shift on 0-order eigenvalue
3941            eshift = eig0nk - dtset%dfpt_sciss
3943            call getgh1c(berryopt0, kets_k(:,:,ib_k), cwaveprj0, h1kets_kq(:,:,ib_k), &
3944                         grad_berry, gs1c, gs_hamkq, gvnlx1, idir, ipert, eshift, mpi_enreg, optlocal, &
3945                         optnl, opt_gvnlx1, rf_hamkq, sij_opt, tim_getgh1c, usevnl)
3946          end do
3948          call rf_hamkq%free()
3950          ABI_FREE(kinpw1)
3951          ABI_FREE(dkinpw)
3952          ABI_FREE(ph3d)
3953          ABI_SFREE(ph3d1)
3955          ! Calculate elphmat(j,i) = <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q*psi_{k,i}> for this perturbation.
3956          ! No need to handle istwf_kq because it's always 1.
3957          ! The array eig1_k contains:
3958          !
3959          ! <u_(band,k+q)^(0)|H_(k+q,k)^(1)|u_(band,k)^(0)>                           (NC psps)
3960          ! <u_(band,k+q)^(0)|H_(k+q,k)^(1)-(eig0_k+eig0_k+q)/2.S^(1)|u_(band,k)^(0)> (PAW)
3961          do ib_k=1,nband_k
3962            do ib_kq=1,nband_kq
3963              gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc) = cg_zdotc(npw_kq*nspinor, bras_kq(1,1,ib_kq), h1kets_kq(1,1,ib_k))
3964            end do
3965          end do
3967        end do ! imyp (loop over my_npert atomic perturbations)
3969        ABI_FREE(gs1c)
3970        ABI_FREE(ffnlk)
3971        ABI_FREE(ffnl1)
3972        ABI_FREE(kpg1_k)
3973        ABI_FREE(kpg_k)
3975        ! Collect gkk_atm inside pert_comm so that all procs can operate on the data.
3976        if (pert_comm%nproc > 1) call xmpi_sum(gkk_atm, pert_comm%value, ierr)
3978        ! Get gkq in the phonon representation.
3979        !call ephtk_gkknu_from_atm(mnb, mnb, 1, natom, gkq_atm, phfrq, displ_red, gkq_nu)
3981        ! Compute group velocities if we are in transport mode or adaptive gaussian or
3982        ! tetrahedron with libtetrabz returning nesting condition.
3983        need_velocities = dtset%eph_transport > 0 .or. fs%eph_fsmear < zero .or. nesting /= 0
3985        if (need_velocities) then
3986          ! Compute diagonal matrix elements of velocity operator with DFPT routines
3987          ! Velocities are in Cartesian coordinates.
3988          !
3989          ! If k+q is not in the IBZ, we need to recostruct the value by symmetry using v(Sq) = S v(q).
3990          ! Use transpose(R) because we are using the tables for the wavefunctions
3991          ! In this case listkk has been called with symrec and use_symrec=False
3992          ! so q_bz = S^T q_ibz where S is the isym_kq symmetry
3994          !call ddkop%setup_spin_kpoint(dtset, cryst, psps, spin, kk, istwf_k, npw_k, kg_k)
3995          do ib_k=1,nband_k
3996            band_k = ib_k + bstart_k - 1
3997            vk = vcar_ibz(:, band_k, ik_ibz, spin)
3998            if (.not. isirr_k) then
3999              vk = matmul(transpose(cryst%symrel_cart(:,:,isym_k)), vk)
4000              if (trev_k /= 0) vk = -vk
4001            end if
4002            !vk = ddkop%get_vdiag(ebands%eig(band_k, ik_ibz, spin), &
4003            !                     istwf_k, npw_k, wfd%nspinor, kets_k(:,:,ib_k), cwaveprj0)
4004            fs%vk(:,ib_k) = vk
4005          end do
4007          !call ddkop%setup_spin_kpoint(dtset, cryst, psps, spin, kq, istwf_kq, npw_kq, kg_kq)
4008          do ib_kq=1,nband_kq
4009            band_kq = ib_kq + bstart_kq - 1
4010            vkq = vcar_ibz(:, band_kq, ikq_ibz, spin)
4011            if (.not. isirr_kq) then
4012              vkq = matmul(transpose(cryst%symrel_cart(:,:,isym_kq)), vkq)
4013              if (trev_kq /= 0) vkq = -vkq
4014            end if
4015            !vkq = ddkop%get_vdiag(ebands%eig(band_kq, ikq_ibz, spin), &
4016            !                                 istwf_kq, npw_kq, wfd%nspinor, bras_kq(:,:,ib_kq), cwaveprj0)
4017            fs%vkq(:,ib_kq) = vkq
4018          end do
4019        end if
4021        ! Compute weights for double delta integration at the Fermi level.
4022        ! Note that we have to call the routine here after the initialization of fs%vk and fs%vkq
4023        ! TODO: Could precompute weights before entering the loop, apply filter and compute MPI-distribution
4024        call fs%get_dbldelta_weights(ebands, ik_fs, ik_ibz, ikq_ibz, spin, nesting, dbldelta_wts)
4025        ! Multiply by the weight of the q-point if we are summing over the IBZ(q).
4026        !dbldelta_wts = dbldelta_wts * wtk_lgq
4028        ! Accumulate results in tgam (sum over FS k-points and bands for this spin).
4029        do ipc2=1,natom3
4030          do ipc1=1,natom3
4031            do ib_k=1,nband_k
4032              do ib_kq=1,nband_kq
4033                lf = gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc1)
4034                rg = gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc2)
4035                res(1) = lf(1) * rg(1) + lf(2) * rg(2)
4036                res(2) = lf(1) * rg(2) - lf(2) * rg(1)
4037                tgam(:,ipc1,ipc2) = tgam(:,ipc1,ipc2) + res(:) * dbldelta_wts(ib_kq, ib_k)
4038              end do
4039            end do
4040          end do
4041        end do
4043        if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
4044          ! TODO: could almost make this a BLAS call plus a reshape...
4045          do ib_k = 1,nband_k
4046            do ib_kq = 1,nband_kq
4047              do ipc2 = 1,3
4048                do ipc1 = 1,3
4049                  ! vk x vk
4050                  vv_kk(ipc1 + (ipc2-1)*3, ib_kq, ib_k) = fs%vk(ipc1, ib_kq) * fs%vk(ipc2, ib_k)
4051                  ! vk x vk+q
4052                  vv_kkq(ipc1 + (ipc2-1)*3, ib_kq, ib_k) = fs%vkq(ipc1, ib_kq) * fs%vk(ipc2, ib_k)
4053                end do
4054              end do
4055            end do
4056          end do
4058          ! Accumulate results (sum over FS and bands).
4059          do ipc2=1,natom3
4060            do ipc1=1,natom3
4061               do ib_k=1,nband_k
4062                 do ib_kq=1,nband_kq
4063                   lf = gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc1)
4064                   rg = gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc2)
4065                   ! res was missing in MJV version!
4066                   res(1) = lf(1) * rg(1) + lf(2) * rg(2)
4067                   res(2) = lf(1) * rg(2) - lf(2) * rg(1)
4068                   resvv_in(1,:) = res(1) * vv_kkq(:,ib_kq, ib_k)
4069                   resvv_in(2,:) = res(2) * vv_kkq(:,ib_kq, ib_k)
4070                   resvv_out(1,:) = res(1) * vv_kk(:,ib_kq, ib_k)
4071                   resvv_out(2,:) = res(2) * vv_kk(:,ib_kq, ib_k)
4072                   tgamvv_in(:,:,ipc1, ipc2)  = tgamvv_in(:,:,ipc1,ipc2) + resvv_in * dbldelta_wts(ib_kq, ib_k)
4073                   tgamvv_out(:,:,ipc1, ipc2) = tgamvv_out(:,:,ipc1,ipc2) + resvv_out * dbldelta_wts(ib_kq, ib_k)
4074                 end do
4075               end do
4076            end do
4077          end do
4079        end if ! add transport things
4081        if (dtset%prteliash == 3) then
4082          !
4083          ! Precompute deltas with gaussian (tetra is not supported here
4084          ! also because one should allocate (nene, nene, mband, mband)
4085          !call get_dbldelta_weights_emesh()
4086          do ib_k=1,nband_k
4087            band_k = ib_k + bstart_k - 1
4088            sigma = fs%eph_fsmear
4089            if (fs%eph_fsmear < zero) then
4090              !ori sigma = max(maxval([(abs(dot_product(fs%vk(:, ib_k), fs%kmesh_cartvec(:,ii))), ii=1,3)]), fs%min_smear)
4091              !replace the implicit loop by an explicit one
4092              !workaround works with both ifort and ifx on oneapi 2024
4093              do ii=1,3
4094                abc(ii) = abs(dot_product(fs%vk(:, ib_k), fs%kmesh_cartvec(:,ii)))
4095              end do
4096              sigma = max(maxval(abc), fs%min_smear)
4097            end if
4098            wt_ek(:, ib_k) = gaussian(emesh - ebands%eig(band_k, ik_ibz, spin), sigma) / sqrt(one * fs%nktot)
4099          end do
4101          do ib_kq=1,nband_kq
4102            band_kq = ib_kq + bstart_kq - 1
4103            sigma = fs%eph_fsmear
4104            if (fs%eph_fsmear < zero) then
4105              !ori sigma = max(maxval([(abs(dot_product(fs%vkq(:, ib_kq), fs%kmesh_cartvec(:,ii))), ii=1,3)]), fs%min_smear)
4106              !replace the implicit loop by an explicit one
4107              !workaround works with both ifort and ifx on oneapi 2024
4108              do ii=1,3
4109                abc(ii) = abs(dot_product(fs%vkq(:, ib_kq), fs%kmesh_cartvec(:,ii)))
4110              end do
4111              sigma = max(maxval(abc), fs%min_smear)
4112            end if
4113            wt_ekq(:, ib_kq) = gaussian(emesh - ebands%eig(band_kq, ikq_ibz, spin), sigma) / sqrt(one * fs%nktot)
4114          end do
4116          do ib_k=1,nband_k
4117            do ib_kq=1,nband_kq
4118              do ipc2=1,natom3
4119                do ipc1=1,natom3
4120                  lf = gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc1)
4121                  rg = gkk_atm(:, ib_kq, ib_k, ipc2)
4122                  res(1) = lf(1) * rg(1) + lf(2) * rg(2)
4123                  res(2) = lf(1) * rg(2) - lf(2) * rg(1)
4124                  do jene = 1, gams%nene
4125                    do iene = 1, gams%nene
4126                      ! TODO: distribute this in procs over q. Make a temp array here for 1 q
4127                      ! then mpi sync it and save it only on 1 processor below after mpisum over k
4128                      tmp_vals_ee(:,iene,jene,ipc1,ipc2) = tmp_vals_ee(:,iene,jene,ipc1,ipc2) + &
4129                        res(:) * wt_ekq(iene, ib_kq) * wt_ek(jene, ib_k)
4130                    end do
4131                  end do
4132                end do
4133              end do
4134            end do
4135          end do
4136        end if
4138        if (myik < 20 .or. (fs%nkfs > 100 .and. mod(myik, 200) == 0)) then
4139          write(msg,'(4(a,i0),a,f8.2)')" q-point [", iq_ibz, "/", gams%nqibz, "] k-point [", myik, "/", gams%my_nfsk_q, "]"
4140          call cwtime_report(msg, cpu_k, wall_k, gflops_k)
4141        end if
4143      end do ! ik_fs: sum over k-points on the BZ FS for this spin.
4145      ABI_FREE(dbldelta_wts)
4146      ABI_FREE(bras_kq)
4147      ABI_FREE(kets_k)
4148      ABI_FREE(h1kets_kq)
4149      ABI_FREE(gkk_atm)
4150      !ABI_FREE(gkq_nu)
4151      ABI_SFREE(wt_ek)
4152      ABI_SFREE(wt_ekq)
4154      ! Collect tgam values inside kpt comm and divide by the total number of k-points in the full mesh.
4155      call xmpi_sum(tgam, kpt_comm%value, ierr)
4157      ! Symmetrize gamma matrices (default). Note that this call is not executed in elphon!
4158      if (gams%symgamma == 1) call tgamma_symm(cryst, gams%qibz(:,iq_ibz), tgam)
4160      ! Save results in gams.
4161      gams%vals_qibz(:,:,:,iq_ibz, spin) = tgam
4163      if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
4164        ABI_FREE(vv_kk)
4165        ABI_FREE(vv_kkq)
4166        call xmpi_sum(tgamvv_in, kpt_comm%value, ierr)
4167        call xmpi_sum(tgamvv_out, kpt_comm%value, ierr)
4168        gams%vals_in_qibz(:,:,:,:,iq_ibz,spin)  = tgamvv_in
4169        gams%vals_out_qibz(:,:,:,:,iq_ibz,spin) = tgamvv_out
4170      end if
4172      if (dtset%prteliash == 3) then
4173        call xmpi_sum(tmp_vals_ee, kpt_comm%value, ierr)
4174        !TODO: write arrays to ncfile.
4175        gams%vals_ee(:,:,:,:,:, iq_ibz, spin) = tmp_vals_ee
4176        ABI_FREE(tmp_vals_ee)
4177        ABI_FREE(emesh)
4178      end if
4180    end do ! spin
4182    ABI_FREE(v1scf)
4183    ABI_FREE(vlocal1)
4185    write(msg,'(2(a,i0),a)')" Computation of q-point [", iq_ibz, "/", gams%nqibz, "]"
4186    call cwtime_report(msg, cpu_q, wall_q, gflops_q, end_str=ch10)
4187  end do ! iq_ibz
4189  call cwtime_report(" phonon linewidths k-loop", cpu_all, wall_all, gflops_all, pre_str=ch10, end_str=ch10)
4191  ! Free memory
4192  ABI_FREE(gvnlx1)
4193  ABI_FREE(grad_berry)
4194  ABI_FREE(dummy_vtrial)
4195  ABI_FREE(work)
4196  ABI_FREE(ph1d)
4197  ABI_FREE(vlocal)
4198  ABI_FREE(kg_k)
4199  ABI_FREE(kg_kq)
4200  ABI_FREE(ylm_k)
4201  ABI_FREE(ylm_kq)
4202  ABI_FREE(ylmgr_kq)
4203  ABI_FREE(tgam)
4204  ABI_FREE(displ_cart)
4205  ABI_FREE(displ_red)
4206  !ABI_FREE(qibz_done)
4207  ABI_SFREE(vcar_ibz)
4208  call krank%free()
4210  if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
4211    ABI_FREE(tgamvv_in)
4212    ABI_FREE(tgamvv_out)
4213  end if
4215  call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj0)
4216  ABI_FREE(cwaveprj0)
4217  call ddkop%free()
4218  call gs_hamkq%free()
4219  call wfd%free()
4220  do spin=1,ebands%nsppol
4221    call fstab(spin)%free()
4222  end do
4223  ABI_FREE(fstab)
4225  ! Collect results on each node
4226  call xmpi_sum(gams%vals_qibz, qs_comm%value, ierr)
4227  if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
4228    call xmpi_sum(gams%vals_in_qibz, qs_comm%value, ierr)
4229    call xmpi_sum(gams%vals_out_qibz, qs_comm%value, ierr)
4230  end if
4231  if (dtset%prteliash == 3) call xmpi_sum(gams%vals_ee, qs_comm%value, ierr)
4233  ! Close the netcdf file then master reopens it
4234  !if (ncwrite_comm%value /= xmpi_comm_null) then
4235  !  NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
4236  !end if
4237  !call xmpi_barrier(comm)
4239  !ncid = nctk_noid
4240  !if (my_rank == master) then
4241  !  NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_modify(ncid, path, xmpi_comm_self))
4242  !  NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
4243  !end if
4245  ! Deallocate MPI communicators.
4246  call pert_comm%free()
4247  call qpt_comm%free()
4248  call bsum_comm%free()
4249  call qs_comm%free()
4250  call kpt_comm%free()
4251  call spin_comm%free()
4252  call pkb_comm%free()
4253  !call ncwrite_comm%free()
4255  ! Print gamma(IBZ) to ab_out and ncid
4256  if (my_rank == master) call phgamma_ncwrite(gams, cryst, ifc, ncid)
4258  ! Interpolate linewidths along the q-path.
4259  if (dtset%ph_nqpath <= 0) then
4260    write(msg, '(7a,es16.6,4a)' ) &
4261     'You have not specified a path for the linewidth calculation - no interpolation or output will be done ',ch10,&
4262     'Action: check your input variables ph_nqpath and ph_qpath'
4263    ABI_WARNING(msg)
4264  else
4265    call gams%linwid(cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_ndivsm, dtset%ph_nqpath, dtset%ph_qpath, dtfil%filnam_ds(4), ncid, wminmax, comm)
4266  end if
4268  ! Compute a2Fw using the ab-initio q-points (no interpolation here)
4269  call a2fw_init(a2fw, gams, cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, wminmax, dtset%ph_smear, &
4270    dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, comm, qintp=.False., qptopt=1)
4272  if (my_rank == master) then
4273    call a2fw%write(strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_NOINTP"), "_qcoarse", ncid)
4274    if (dtset%prteliash == 3) call a2fw_ee_write(a2fw, strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_NOINTP"))
4275  end if
4276  call a2fw%free()
4278  ! Compute a2Fw using Fourier interpolation (R -> q) and ph_ngqpt grid.
4279  call a2fw_init(a2fw, gams, cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, wminmax, dtset%ph_smear, &
4280    dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, comm, qptopt=1)
4282  if (my_rank == master) then
4283    call a2fw%write(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_qintp", ncid)
4284    if (dtset%prteliash == 3) call a2fw_ee_write(a2fw, dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
4285  end if
4287  call a2fw%free()
4289  ! Compute A2fw using Fourier interpolation and full BZ for debugging purposes.
4290  !call a2fw_init(a2fw, gams, cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, wminmax, dtset%ph_smear,&
4291  !  dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, comm, qptopt=3)
4292  !if (my_rank == master) call a2fw%write(strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_A2FW_QPTOPT3"), "fake", nctk_noid)
4293  !call a2fw%free()
4295  if (dtset%eph_transport == 1) then
4296    ! Calculate and output transport quantities
4298    ! Compute a2Fw_tr using ab-initio q-points (no interpolation)
4299    call a2fw_tr_init(a2fw_tr, gams, cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, wminmax, dtset%ph_smear,&
4300      dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, comm, qintp=.False., qptopt=1)
4302    if (my_rank == master) call a2fw_tr%write(strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_NOINTP"), "_qcoarse", ncid)
4303    call a2fw_tr%free()
4305    ! Compute a2Fw_tr using Fourier interpolation (R --> q) and ph_ngqpt grid
4306    call a2fw_tr_init(a2fw_tr, gams, cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, wminmax, dtset%ph_smear,&
4307      dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, comm, qptopt=1)
4309    if (my_rank == master) call a2fw_tr%write(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_qintp", ncid)
4310    call a2fw_tr%free()
4312    ! Compute A2fw_tr using Fourier interpolation and full BZ for debugging purposes.
4313    !call a2fw_tr_init(a2fw_tr, gams, cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, wminmax, dtset%ph_smear,&
4314    !  dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, comm, qptopt=3)
4315    !if (my_rank == master) call a2fw_tr%write(strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_A2FWTR_QPTOPT3"), "fake", nctk_noid)
4316    !call a2fw_tr%free()
4317  end if
4319  if (my_rank == master) then
4320    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
4321  end if
4323  call gams%free()
4325 end subroutine eph_phgamma

m_phgamma/find_ewin [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Use bisection to find the optimal energy window around the Fermi level


4599 subroutine find_ewin(nqibz, qibz, cryst, ebands, ltetra, fs_ewin, comm)
4601 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4602  integer,intent(in) :: nqibz
4603  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
4604  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
4605  integer,intent(in) :: ltetra, comm
4606  real(dp),intent(out) :: fs_ewin
4607 !arrays
4608  real(dp),intent(in) :: qibz(3, nqibz)
4610 !Local variables-------------------------------
4611 !scalars
4612  integer,parameter :: master = 0
4613  integer :: my_rank, iq_ibz, spin, ii, unt
4614  real(dp) :: cpu, wall, gflops
4615  character(len=500) :: msg
4616 !arrays
4617  integer :: bstarts(3), bstops(3)
4618  real(dp) :: elows(3), ehighs(3), ewins(3), qsums(3)
4619  real(dp), allocatable :: wtqs(:,:,:)
4621 ! *************************************************************************
4623  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
4624  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
4626  unt = -1
4627  if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm) == master) then
4628    if (open_file("tetra.dat", msg, newunit=unt, action="write", form="formatted", status="unknown") /= 0) then
4629      ABI_ERROR(msg)
4630    end if
4631  end if
4633  ! 1 is low, 2 is high, 3 is for the workspace
4634  ABI_MALLOC(wtqs, (nqibz, ebands%nsppol, 3))
4635  ewins(1) = half * eV_Ha; elows(1) = ebands%fermie - ewins(1); ehighs(1) = ebands%fermie + ewins(1)
4636  call ebands_get_bands_from_erange(ebands, elows(1), ehighs(1), bstarts(1), bstops(1))
4637  call calc_dbldelta(cryst, ebands, ltetra, bstarts(1), bstops(1), nqibz, qibz, wtqs(:,:,1), comm)
4638  if (unt /= -1) write(unt, *) wtqs(:,:,1)
4640  !ewins(2) = five * eV_Ha; elows(2) = ebands%fermie - ewins(2); ehighs(2) = ebands%fermie + ewins(2)
4641  ewins(2) = two * eV_Ha; elows(2) = ebands%fermie - ewins(2); ehighs(2) = ebands%fermie + ewins(2)
4642  ewins(2) = one * eV_Ha; elows(2) = ebands%fermie - ewins(2); ehighs(2) = ebands%fermie + ewins(2)
4643  call ebands_get_bands_from_erange(ebands, elows(2), ehighs(2), bstarts(2), bstops(2))
4644  call calc_dbldelta(cryst, ebands, ltetra, bstarts(2), bstops(2), nqibz, qibz, wtqs(:,:,2), comm)
4645  if (unt /= -1) write(unt, *) wtqs(:,:,2)
4647  if (abs(sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,1)) - sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,2))))) / sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,2))) < tol2) then
4648    fs_ewin = ewins(1)
4649    call print_weights_index(1)
4650    goto 100
4651  end if
4653  ! Bisection part.
4654  do
4655    ewins(3) = (ewins(1) + ewins(2)) / two; elows(3) = ebands%fermie - ewins(3); ehighs(3) = ebands%fermie + ewins(3)
4656    call ebands_get_bands_from_erange(ebands, elows(3), ehighs(3), bstarts(3), bstops(3))
4657    call calc_dbldelta(cryst, ebands, ltetra, bstarts(3), bstops(3), nqibz, qibz, wtqs(:,:,3), comm)
4658    if (unt /= -1) write(unt, *) wtqs(:,:,3)
4660    do ii=1,3
4661      qsums(ii) = sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,ii))) / nqibz
4662    end do
4664    write(std_out,*)qsums(1), ", for ewins(1)_eV", ewins(1) * Ha_eV, " bstart(1)", bstarts(1), " bstopt(1)", bstops(1)
4665    write(std_out,*)qsums(2), ", for ewins(2)_eV", ewins(2) * Ha_eV, " bstart(1)", bstarts(2), " bstopt(1)", bstops(2)
4666    write(std_out,*)qsums(3), ", for ewins(3)_eV", ewins(3) * Ha_eV, " bstart(1)", bstarts(3), " bstopt(1)", bstops(3)
4668    !if (abs(sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,3)) - sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,2))))) / sum(abs(wtqs(:,:,2))) < tol3) then
4669    !  !  If 3 is close to 2, try to reduce the window by moving towards 1
4670    !  ewins(2) = ewins(3); elows(2) = elows(3); ehighs(2) = ehighs(3)
4672    if (abs(qsums(3) - qsums(2)) / qsums(2) < tol2) then
4673      fs_ewin = ewins(3)
4674      call print_weights_index(3)
4675      exit
4677    else
4678     ewins(1) = ewins(3); elows(1) = elows(3); ehighs(1) = ehighs(3)
4679    end if
4681  end do
4683 100 continue
4684  ABI_FREE(wtqs)
4685  if (unt /= -1) close(unt)
4687  call cwtime_report(" find_ewin", cpu, wall, gflops)
4689 contains
4691 subroutine print_weights_index(ind)
4693  integer,intent(in) :: ind
4695  if (my_rank == master) then
4696    write(std_out, "(a, f8.3, a)")" Optimal FS energy window: ", fs_ewin * Ha_eV, " (eV)"
4697    do iq_ibz=1,nqibz
4698      write(std_out, "(2a)")" For q-point:", trim(ktoa(qibz(:, iq_ibz)))
4699      do spin=1,ebands%nsppol
4700        write(std_out, *) wtqs(iq_ibz, spin, ind)
4701      end do
4702    end do
4703  end if
4705 end subroutine print_weights_index
4707 end subroutine find_ewin

m_phgamma/phgamma_eval_qibz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the phonon linewidths for q-points in the IBZ without performing the interpolation.


  cryst<crystal_t>=Crystal structure.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  iq_ibz=Index of the q-point in the IBZ array.
  spin=Spin index. See notes below.


  phfrq(gams%natom3)=Phonon frequencies
  gamma_ph(gams%natom3)=Phonon linewidths.
  lambda_ph(gams%natom3)=coupling strength coefficients
  displ_cart(2,3,cry%natom,3*cryst%natom)=Phonon displacement in cartesian coordinates.


  If nsppol == 1 and nspinor == 1, lambda and gamma are already summed over the two equivalent spin channels.
  If nsppol == 2, lambda and gamma are the particual contributions given by the input spin index.
  Client code is responsible for assembling the final observables by summing over spins.


801 subroutine phgamma_eval_qibz(gams, cryst, ifc, iq_ibz, spin, phfrq, gamma_ph, lambda_ph, displ_cart, gamma_ph_ee)
803 !Arguments ------------------------------------
804 !scalars
805  integer,intent(in) :: iq_ibz,spin
806  class(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
807  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
808  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
809 !arrays
810  real(dp),intent(out) :: phfrq(gams%natom3),gamma_ph(gams%natom3),lambda_ph(gams%natom3)
811  real(dp),intent(out) :: displ_cart(2,3,cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
812  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: gamma_ph_ee(gams%nene,gams%nene,gams%natom3)
814 !Local variables-------------------------------
815 !scalars
816  integer :: natom3, nu1, iene, jene
817  real(dp) :: spinfact
818  !character(len=500) :: msg
819  !arrays
820  real(dp) :: displ_red(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3), work_qnu(gams%natom3), gam_atm(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3)
822 ! *************************************************************************
824  natom3 = gams%natom3
826  ! Get phonon frequencies and eigenvectors.
827  call ifc%fourq(cryst, gams%qibz(:,iq_ibz), phfrq, displ_cart, out_displ_red=displ_red)
829  ! Scalar product with the displ_red vectors.
830  ! Note that the factor 1 / (2 * omega_qnu) coming from |g|^2 is absorbed in the expressions below.
831  gam_atm = reshape(gams%vals_qibz(:,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, natom3, natom3])
832  call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, gamma_ph)
834  if (present(gamma_ph_ee) .and. gams%my_iqibz(iq_ibz) /= -1) then
835    do iene = 1, gams%nene
836      do jene = 1, gams%nene
837        gam_atm = reshape(gams%vals_ee(:,jene,iene,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, natom3, natom3])
838        call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, work_qnu)
839        gamma_ph_ee(jene, iene, :) = work_qnu
840      end do
841    end do
842  end if
844  ! Compute lambda
845  ! TODO: check this - looks like a factor of 2 wrt the inline documentation!
846  ! NB: one factor of 2 comes from the phonon propagator and BE factor,
847  ! then you have to be careful with the convention for the Fermi level DOS
848  !
849  ! spinfact should be 1 for a normal non sppol calculation without spinorbit
850  ! for spinors it should also be 1 as bands are twice as numerous but n0 has been divided by 2
851  ! for nsppol 2 it should be 0.5 as we have 2 spin channels to sum
852  spinfact = two / (gams%nsppol * gams%nspinor)
854  do nu1=1,gams%natom3
855    gamma_ph(nu1) =  gamma_ph(nu1) * pi * spinfact
856    lambda_ph(nu1) = zero
857    if (abs(phfrq(nu1)) > EPHTK_WTOL) lambda_ph(nu1) = gamma_ph(nu1) / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin) * phfrq(nu1)**2)
858    if (present(gamma_ph_ee)) gamma_ph_ee(:,:,nu1) =  gamma_ph_ee(:,:,nu1) * pi * spinfact
859  end do
861  ! This to avoid spurious results for the acoustic modes as gamma(q) --> 0 and lambda(q) --> 0 for q --> 0.
862  ! Here we set everything to zero when we are inside a sphere of radius EPH_Q0TOL as this acoustic rule
863  ! is not fulfilled due to numerical inaccuracies.
864  if (normv(gams%qibz(:,iq_ibz), cryst%gmet, "G") < EPH_Q0TOL) then
865    gamma_ph(1:3) = zero
866    lambda_ph(1:3) = zero
867  end if
869 end subroutine phgamma_eval_qibz

m_phgamma/phgamma_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Free the dynamic memory in a <phgamma_t> datatype


486 subroutine phgamma_free(gams)
488 !Arguments ------------------------------------
489  class(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
491 ! *************************************************************************
493  !real
494  ABI_SFREE(gams%n0)
495  ABI_SFREE(gams%qibz)
496  ABI_SFREE(gams%wtq)
497  ABI_SFREE(gams%qbz)
498  ABI_SFREE(gams%rpt)
499  ABI_SFREE(gams%wghatm)
500  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_qibz)
501  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_rpt)
502  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_in_qibz)
503  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_in_rpt)
504  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_out_qibz)
505  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_out_rpt)
506  ABI_SFREE(gams%vals_ee)
507  ABI_SFREE(gams%my_iqibz)
508  ABI_SFREE(gams%my_ifsk_q)
509  ABI_SFREE(gams%my_spins)
511 end subroutine phgamma_free

m_phgamma/phgamma_init [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Creation method for the phgamma_t datatype.


 ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
 symdynmat=1 to activa symmetrization of gamma matrices.
 ngqpt(3)=Q-mesh divisions
 n0(dtset%nsppol)=Density of states at the Fermi level per spin.




535 subroutine phgamma_init(gams, cryst, ifc, ebands, fstab, dtset, eph_scalprod, ngqpt, n0, comm)
537 !Arguments ------------------------------------
538 !scalars
539  integer,intent(in) :: eph_scalprod
540  integer,intent(in) :: comm
541  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
542  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
543  type(phgamma_t),intent(out) :: gams
544  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
545  type(fstab_t), intent(in) :: fstab
546  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
547 !arrays
548  integer,intent(in) :: ngqpt(3)
549  real(dp),intent(in) :: n0(dtset%nsppol)
551 !Local variables-------------------------------
552 !scalars
553  integer :: my_rank, nproc, ierr, nsppol, natom3, qptopt, qtimrev
554 !arrays
555  integer :: qptrlatt(3,3)
557 ! *************************************************************************
559  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
561  ! Set basic dimensions.
562  nsppol = dtset%nsppol; gams%nsppol = nsppol; gams%nspinor = dtset%nspinor
564  gams%natom = cryst%natom; gams%natom3 = 3*cryst%natom; natom3 = gams%natom3
566  gams%symgamma = dtset%symdynmat; gams%eph_scalprod = eph_scalprod
567  !gams%asr = ifc%asr
568  gams%asr = 0
569  gams%prteliash = dtset%prteliash
571  gams%ndir_transp = 0; if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) gams%ndir_transp = 3
573  ! Copy DOS.
574  ABI_MALLOC(gams%n0, (nsppol))
575  gams%n0 = n0
577  gams%nene = fstab%nene
578  gams%enemin = fstab%enemin
579  gams%deltaene = fstab%deltaene
581  ! Setup IBZ, weights and BZ. Always use q --> -q symmetry for phonons even in systems wo inversion
582  gams%ngqpt = ngqpt
583  qptrlatt = 0; qptrlatt(1,1) = ngqpt(1); qptrlatt(2,2) = ngqpt(2); qptrlatt(3,3) = ngqpt(3)
584  qptopt = ebands%kptopt; if (dtset%qptopt /= 0) qptopt = dtset%qptopt
585  qtimrev = kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(qptopt)
587  call kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt(cryst, qptrlatt, qptopt, 1, [zero, zero, zero], &
588                              gams%nqibz, gams%qibz, gams%wtq, gams%nqbz, gams%qbz)
590  ! Allocate matrices in the IBZ.
591  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_qibz, (2, natom3, natom3, gams%nqibz, nsppol), ierr)
592  gams%vals_qibz = zero
594  if (dtset%eph_transport > 0) then
595    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_in_qibz, (2, 9, natom3, natom3, gams%nqibz, nsppol), ierr)
596    gams%vals_in_qibz = zero
597    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_out_qibz, (2, 9, natom3, natom3, gams%nqibz, nsppol), ierr)
598    gams%vals_out_qibz = zero
599  end if
601  if (gams%prteliash == 3) then
602    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_ee, (2, gams%nene, gams%nene, natom3, natom3, gams%nqibz, nsppol), ierr)
603    gams%vals_ee = zero
604  end if
606  ! Prepare Fourier interpolation.
607  gams%gprim = ifc%gprim
608  gams%nrpt  = ifc%nrpt
609  ABI_MALLOC(gams%rpt, (3, gams%nrpt))
610  gams%rpt = ifc%rpt
611  ABI_MALLOC(gams%wghatm, (gams%natom, gams%natom, gams%nrpt))
612  gams%wghatm = ifc%wghatm
614 end subroutine phgamma_init

m_phgamma/phgamma_interp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Interpolate the phonon linewidths at a given q-point.


  cryst<crystal_t>=crystalline structure.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  spin=Spin index
  qpt(3)=q-point in reduced coordinates
  gamma_ph(3*natom)=Phonon linewidths


  gamma_ph(gams%natom3)=Interpolated Phonon linewidths.
  lamda_ph(3*natom)=Lambda coefficients for the different phonon modes.
  phfrq(3*natom)=phonon frequencies at current q
  displ_cart(2,3,natom,3*natom) = Phonon displacement in Cartesian coordinates


897 subroutine phgamma_interp(gams, cryst, ifc, spin, qpt, phfrq, gamma_ph, lambda_ph, displ_cart, gamma_ph_ee)
899 !Arguments ------------------------------------
900 !scalars
901  integer,intent(in) :: spin
902  class(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
903  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
904  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
905 !arrays
906  real(dp),intent(in) :: qpt(3)
907  real(dp),intent(out) :: phfrq(gams%natom3),gamma_ph(gams%natom3),lambda_ph(gams%natom3)
908  real(dp),intent(out) :: displ_cart(2,3,cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
909  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: gamma_ph_ee(gams%nene,gams%nene,gams%natom3)
911 !Local variables-------------------------------
912 !scalars
913  integer,parameter :: qtor0 = 0
914  integer, save :: icall=0
915  integer :: natom3,nu1
916  real(dp) :: spinfact
917  character(len=500) :: msg
918  !arrays
919  real(dp) :: displ_red(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3)
920  real(dp) :: gam_now(2,gams%natom3**2), gam_atm(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3) !,work_qnu(gams%natom3)
921  real(dp),allocatable :: coskr(:,:),sinkr(:,:)
923 ! *************************************************************************
925  ! Compute internal tables used for Fourier interpolation.
926  if (.not. allocated(gams%vals_rpt)) call gams%interp_setup(cryst)
928  if (present(gamma_ph_ee) .and. icall == 0) then
929    gamma_ph_ee = zero
930    write (msg,'(3a)')&
931      " For the moment gams_ee matrix elements are not FT interpolated wrt q,",ch10,&
932      " only evaluated on the electron k grid. The resulting a2feew will be 0"
933    ABI_WARNING(msg)
934    icall = 1
935  end if
937  natom3 = gams%natom3
939  ! Taken from mkph_linwid
940  ! This reduced version of ftgkk supposes the kpoints have been integrated
941  ! in integrate_gamma. Do FT from real-space gamma grid to 1 qpt.
942  ABI_MALLOC(coskr, (1, gams%nrpt))
943  ABI_MALLOC(sinkr, (1, gams%nrpt))
944  ! TODO: This is not optimal
945  call ftgam_init(gams%gprim, 1, gams%nrpt, qpt, gams%rpt, coskr, sinkr)
947  call ftgam(gams%wghatm, gam_now, gams%vals_rpt(:,:,:,spin), gams%natom, 1, gams%nrpt, qtor0, coskr, sinkr)
949  ! This call is not executed in elphon!
950  if (gams%symgamma == 1) call tgamma_symm(cryst, qpt, gam_now)
952  ABI_FREE(coskr)
953  ABI_FREE(sinkr)
955  ! Get phonon frequencies and eigenvectors.
956  call ifc%fourq(cryst, qpt, phfrq, displ_cart, out_displ_red=displ_red)
958  ! Scalar product with the displ_red
959  gam_atm = reshape(gam_now, [2, natom3, natom3])
960  call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, gamma_ph)
962  ! Compute lambda
963  ! spinfact should be 1 for a normal non sppol calculation without spinorbit
964  ! for spinors it should also be 1 as bands are twice as numerous but n0 has been divided by 2
965  ! for nsppol 2 it should be 0.5 as we have 2 spin channels to sum
966  spinfact = two / (gams%nsppol * gams%nspinor)
968  ! Compute lambda
969  do nu1=1,gams%natom3
970    gamma_ph(nu1) = gamma_ph(nu1) * pi * spinfact
971    lambda_ph(nu1) = zero
972    if (abs(phfrq(nu1)) > EPHTK_WTOL) lambda_ph(nu1) = gamma_ph(nu1) / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin) * phfrq(nu1)**2)
973  end do
975  ! This to avoid spurious results for the acoustic modes.
976  ! In principle, gamma(q) --> 0 and lambda(q) --> 0 for q --> 0
977  ! but the Fourier interpolated gammas do not fulfill this property so we set everything
978  ! to zero when we are inside a sphere or radius
979  if (normv(qpt, cryst%gmet, "G") < EPH_Q0TOL) then
980    !write(std_out,*)"Setting values to zero."
981    gamma_ph(1:3) = zero
982    lambda_ph(1:3) = zero
983  end if
985 end subroutine phgamma_interp

m_phgamma/phgamma_interp_setup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  This routines prepares the internal tables used to interpolate the linewidths in q-space



1001 subroutine phgamma_interp_setup(gams, cryst)
1003 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1004 !scalars
1005  class(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
1006  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1008 !Local variables-------------------------------
1009 !scalars
1010  integer,parameter :: qtor1 = 1
1011  integer :: iq_bz,iq_ibz,spin,ierr,ii
1012  !character(len=500) :: msg
1013 !arrays
1014  integer,allocatable :: qirredtofull(:),qpttoqpt(:,:,:)
1015  real(dp),allocatable :: coskr(:,:),sinkr(:,:)
1016  real(dp),allocatable :: gamma_qpt(:,:,:,:),atmfrc(:,:)
1017  real(dp),allocatable :: vals_bz(:,:,:,:)
1019 ! *************************************************************************
1021  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(vals_bz, (2, gams%natom3**2, gams%nqbz, gams%nsppol), ierr)
1022  vals_bz = zero
1024  ! Build tables needed by complete_gamma.
1025  call ephtk_mkqtabs(cryst, gams%nqibz, gams%qibz, gams%nqbz, gams%qbz, qirredtofull, qpttoqpt)
1027  ! Fill BZ array with IBZ data.
1028  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1029    do iq_ibz=1,gams%nqibz
1030      iq_bz = qirredtofull(iq_ibz)
1031      vals_bz(:,:,iq_bz,spin) = reshape(gams%vals_qibz(:,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, gams%natom3**2])
1032    end do
1033  end do
1035  ! Complete vals_bz in the full BZ.
1036  ! FIXME: Change complete_gamma API to pass (..., nsppol)
1037  ABI_MALLOC(gamma_qpt, (2, gams%natom3**2, gams%nsppol, gams%nqbz))
1038  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1039    gamma_qpt(:, :, spin, :) = vals_bz(:, :, :, spin)
1040  end do
1042  call complete_gamma(cryst, gams%natom3, gams%nsppol, gams%nqibz, gams%nqbz, &
1043    gams%eph_scalprod, qirredtofull, qpttoqpt, gamma_qpt)
1045  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1046    vals_bz(:, :, :, spin) = gamma_qpt(:, :, spin, :)
1047  end do
1049  ABI_FREE(gamma_qpt)
1050  ABI_FREE(qirredtofull)
1051  ABI_FREE(qpttoqpt)
1053  ! This call is not executed in elphon!
1054  if (gams%symgamma == 1) then
1055    do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1056      do iq_bz=1,gams%nqbz
1057        call tgamma_symm(cryst, gams%qbz(:,iq_bz), vals_bz(:,:,iq_bz,spin))
1058      end do
1059    end do
1060  end if
1062  ! Now FT to real space too
1063  ! NOTE: gprim (not gprimd) is used for all FT interpolations,
1064  ! to be consistent with the dimensions of the rpt, which come from anaddb.
1065  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_rpt, (2, gams%natom3**2, gams%nrpt, gams%nsppol), ierr)
1066  gams%vals_rpt = zero
1068  ! q --> r
1069  ABI_MALLOC(coskr, (gams%nqbz, gams%nrpt))
1070  ABI_MALLOC(sinkr, (gams%nqbz, gams%nrpt))
1071  call ftgam_init(gams%gprim, gams%nqbz, gams%nrpt, gams%qbz, gams%rpt, coskr, sinkr)
1073  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1074    call ftgam(gams%wghatm, vals_bz(:,:,:,spin), gams%vals_rpt(:,:,:,spin), gams%natom, gams%nqbz,&
1075       gams%nrpt, qtor1, coskr, sinkr)
1077    ! Enforce "acoustic" rule on vals_rpt
1078    ! This call is not executed in elphon!
1079    if (gams%asr /= 0) then
1080      ABI_MALLOC(atmfrc, (3*gams%natom*3*gams%natom, gams%nrpt))
1081      do ii=1,2
1082        atmfrc = gams%vals_rpt(ii,:,:,spin)
1083        !gals%vals_rpt(2,:,,spin) = zero
1084        call asrif9(gams%asr, atmfrc, gams%natom, gams%nrpt, gams%rpt, gams%wghatm)
1085        gams%vals_rpt(ii,:,:,spin) = atmfrc
1086      end do
1087      ABI_FREE(atmfrc)
1088    end if
1089  end do
1091  ABI_FREE(vals_bz)
1092  ABI_FREE(coskr)
1093  ABI_FREE(sinkr)
1095 end subroutine phgamma_interp_setup

m_phgamma/phgamma_linwid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Interpolate the phonon linewidths along an arbitrary q-path (use Fourier interpolation).


  cryst<crystal_t>=Info on the unit cell and symmetries.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  ndivsm=Number of points used to sample the smallest segment
  nvert = Number of extrema in qverts
  qverts(3,nvert) = vertices of reciprocal space trajectory
  basename=name used to create the different output files (text format).
  ncid=Netcdf file handler (already open in the caller).
  comm=MPI communicator


  wminmax=Minimum and max phonon frequency obtained on the path (Hartree units)


1457 subroutine phgamma_linwid(gams, cryst, ifc, ndivsm, nvert, qverts, basename, ncid, wminmax, comm)
1459 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1460 !scalars
1461  integer,intent(in) :: nvert,ndivsm,comm,ncid
1462  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1463  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
1464  class(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
1465  character(len=*),intent(in) :: basename
1466 !arrays
1467  real(dp),intent(in) :: qverts(3,nvert)
1468  real(dp),intent(out) :: wminmax(2)
1470 !Local variables-------------------------------
1471 !scalars
1472  integer,parameter :: master = 0
1473  integer :: natom,ii,mu,iqpt,natom3,nsppol,ierr
1474  integer :: spin,unt,nqpt,nrpt,cnt,nproc,my_rank
1475  integer :: ncerr
1476  real(dp) :: omega_min,omega_max,wtmp,omega
1477  character(len=500) :: msg
1478  type(kpath_t) :: qpath
1479 !arrays
1480  real(dp) :: gamma_spin(gams%nsppol),lambda_spin(gams%nsppol)
1481  real(dp) :: displ_cart(2,3*cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
1482  real(dp) :: phfrq(3*cryst%natom),gamma_ph(3*cryst%natom),lambda_ph(3*cryst%natom)
1483  real(dp) :: qpt(3),shift(3)
1484  real(dp),allocatable :: all_phfreq(:,:),all_gammaq(:,:,:),all_lambdaq(:,:,:),all_displ_cart(:,:,:,:)
1486 ! *********************************************************************
1488  nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
1489  natom = cryst%natom; natom3 = gams%natom3; nsppol = gams%nsppol; nrpt = gams%nrpt
1491  ! Define the q-path along which phonon linwid will be interpolated.
1492  qpath = kpath_new(qverts, cryst%gprimd, ndivsm)
1493  nqpt = qpath%npts
1495  ! Allocate workspace arrays for MPI.
1496  ABI_CALLOC(all_phfreq, (natom3, nqpt))
1497  ABI_CALLOC(all_gammaq, (natom3, nqpt, nsppol))
1498  ABI_CALLOC(all_lambdaq, (natom3, nqpt, nsppol))
1499  ABI_CALLOC(all_displ_cart, (2, natom3, natom3, nqpt))
1501  ! initialize the minimum and maximum phonon frequency
1502  omega_min = huge(one); omega_max = -huge(one)
1504  ! Interpolation along specified path in q space (keep spin dep.)
1505  cnt = 0
1506  do spin=1,nsppol
1507    do iqpt=1,nqpt
1508      cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nproc) /= my_rank) cycle
1509      call wrap2_pmhalf(qpath%points(:,iqpt), qpt, shift)
1511      ! Get phgamma
1512      call gams%interp(cryst, ifc, spin, qpt, phfrq, gamma_ph, lambda_ph, displ_cart)
1513      all_gammaq(:, iqpt, spin) = gamma_ph
1514      all_lambdaq(:, iqpt, spin) = lambda_ph
1515      if (spin == 1) then
1516        all_phfreq(:, iqpt) = phfrq
1517        all_displ_cart(:, :, :, iqpt) = displ_cart
1518      end if
1520      ! Find max/min phonon frequency along path chosen
1521      ! presumed to be representative of full BZ to within 10 percent
1522      omega_min = min(omega_min, phfrq(1))
1523      omega_max = max(omega_max, phfrq(natom3))
1524    end do ! end iqpt do
1525  end do ! spin
1527  ! Collect results
1528  if (omega_min > tol12) omega_min = zero
1529  wtmp = omega_min; call xmpi_min(wtmp, omega_min, comm, ierr)
1530  wtmp = omega_max; call xmpi_max(wtmp, omega_max, comm, ierr)
1531  wminmax = [omega_min, omega_max]
1533  call xmpi_sum_master(all_gammaq, master, comm, ierr)
1534  call xmpi_sum_master(all_lambdaq, master, comm, ierr)
1535  call xmpi_sum_master(all_phfreq, master, comm, ierr)
1536  call xmpi_sum_master(all_displ_cart, master, comm, ierr)
1538  ! Master writes text file with final results.
1539  ! 3 * natom blocks, one block for each phonon mode.
1540  ! Each block contains:
1541  !   iqpt  omega_(q) gamma(q) lambda(q) nesting(q) ....
1543  if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm) == master) then
1544    if (open_file(strcat(basename, '_PHGAMMA'), msg, newunit=unt, action="write", form="formatted", status="unknown") /= 0) then
1545      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1546    end if
1548    write(unt,'(a)')     '#'
1549    write(unt,'(a)')     '# ABINIT package: E-PH band structure file. Hartree units'
1550    write(unt,'(a)')     '#'
1551    write(unt,'(a,i0,a)')'# Phonon frequencies, ph linewidths and lambda calculated on ',nqpt,' q-points'
1552    call qpath%print(header="Description of the q-path:", unit=unt, pre="#")
1553    do ii=1,2; write(unt,'(a)')     "# "; end do
1555    write(unt,'(a,e16.6)')"# Total DOS at Fermi level ",sum(gams%n0)
1556    do spin=1,nsppol
1557      write(unt,"(a,i0,a,e16.6)")"# The DOS at Fermi level for spin ",spin," is ",gams%n0(spin)
1558    end do
1560    do mu=1,natom3
1561      write(unt,'(a)')"#"
1562      if (nsppol == 1) write(unt,'(a,i0,a)')"# phonon mode [",mu,"] q-index omega gamma lambda"
1563      if (nsppol == 2) write(unt,'(a,i0,a)')&
1564        "# phonon mode [",mu,"] q-index omega gamma_tot lambda_tot gamma[spin=1] lambda[spin=1] gamma[2] lambda[2]"
1565      write(unt,'(a)')"#"
1566      do iqpt=1,nqpt
1567        omega = all_phfreq(mu, iqpt)
1568        gamma_spin = all_gammaq(mu, iqpt, :)
1569        lambda_spin = all_lambdaq(mu, iqpt, :)
1570        if (nsppol == 1) then
1571          write(unt,'(i8,3es16.6)' )iqpt,omega,gamma_spin(1),lambda_spin(1)
1572        else
1573          write(unt,'(i8,es20.6,6es16.6)' )iqpt,omega,&
1574             sum(gamma_spin),sum(lambda_spin),&
1575             gamma_spin(1),lambda_spin(1),&
1576             gamma_spin(2),lambda_spin(2)
1577        end if
1578      end do
1579    end do
1581    close(unt)
1583    ! Write data to netcdf file
1584    if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
1585      ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [&
1586        nctkdim_t("natom3", 3*natom), nctkdim_t("nqpath", nqpt), nctkdim_t("number_of_spins", nsppol) &
1587      ], defmode=.True.)
1588      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1590      ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [&
1591        nctkarr_t('qpath', "dp", "number_of_reduced_dimensions, nqpath"), &
1592        nctkarr_t('phfreq_qpath', "dp", "natom3, nqpath"), &
1593        nctkarr_t('phdispl_cart_qpath', "dp", "two, natom3, natom3, nqpath"), &
1594        nctkarr_t('phgamma_qpath', "dp", "natom3, nqpath, number_of_spins"), &
1595        nctkarr_t('phlambda_qpath', "dp", "natom3, nqpath, number_of_spins")])
1596      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1598      NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
1599      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "qpath"), qpath%points))
1600      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "phfreq_qpath"), all_phfreq))
1601      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "phdispl_cart_qpath"), all_displ_cart))
1602      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "phgamma_qpath"), all_gammaq))
1603      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "phlambda_qpath"), all_lambdaq))
1604    end if
1605  end if ! master
1607  ABI_FREE(all_phfreq)
1608  ABI_FREE(all_gammaq)
1609  ABI_FREE(all_lambdaq)
1610  ABI_FREE(all_displ_cart)
1612  call qpath%free()
1614 end subroutine phgamma_linwid

m_phgamma/phgamma_ncwrite [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Write the results stored in the phgamma_t datatype to netcdf file.


 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure.
 ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
 ncid=Netcdf file handler (already open in the caller).



635 subroutine phgamma_ncwrite(gams, cryst, ifc, ncid)
637 !Arguments ------------------------------------
638 !scalars
639  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
640  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
641  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
642  integer,intent(in) :: ncid
644 !Local variables-------------------------------
645 !scalars
646  integer :: iq_ibz,spin,mu
647  real(dp) :: lambda_tot
648  character(len=500) :: msg
649 !arrays
650  real(dp) :: phfrq(3*cryst%natom), gamma_ph(3*cryst%natom), lambda_ph(3*cryst%natom)
651  real(dp) :: displ_cart(2,3*cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
653 ! *************************************************************************
655  ! Write data to files for each q point, also compute total lambda.
656  lambda_tot = zero
657  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
658    do iq_ibz=1,gams%nqibz
660      ! Get phonon frequencies, gamma(q,nu) and lambda(q,nu)
661      ! Quantities are already summed over (collinear) spin channels if nsppol == 1
662      call gams%eval_qibz(cryst, ifc, iq_ibz, spin, phfrq, gamma_ph, lambda_ph, displ_cart)
664      do mu=1,gams%natom3
665        lambda_tot = lambda_tot + lambda_ph(mu) * gams%wtq(iq_ibz)
666      end do
668      ! Write data to netcdf file
669      if (ncid /= nctk_noid) then
670        if (spin == 1) then
671          NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "phfreq_qibz"), phfrq, start=[1, iq_ibz]))
672          NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, 'phdispl_cart_qibz'), displ_cart, start=[1, 1, 1, iq_ibz]))
673        end if
674        NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, 'phgamma_qibz'), gamma_ph, start=[1, iq_ibz, spin]))
675        NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, 'phlambda_qibz'), lambda_ph, start=[1, iq_ibz, spin]))
676      end if
678      ! Output to the main output file
679      if (gams%nsppol == 2) then
680        write(msg,'(2a,3es16.6,a,i1,a,a)')ch10,&
681          ' q-point =',gams%qibz(:, iq_ibz),'   spin = ',spin,ch10,&
682          ' Mode number    Frequency (Ha)  Linewidth (Ha)  Lambda(q,n)'
683      else
684        write(msg,'(2a,3es16.6,a,a)')ch10,&
685          ' q-point =',gams%qibz(:, iq_ibz),ch10,&
686          ' Mode number    Frequency (Ha)  Linewidth (Ha)  Lambda(q,n)'
687      end if
688      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
690      do mu=1,gams%natom3
691        write(msg,'(i5,es20.6,2es16.6)')mu, phfrq(mu), gamma_ph(mu), lambda_ph(mu)
692        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
693      end do
695    end do
696    ! Add blank lines to output files between spins
697    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], "")
698  end do
700  write(ab_out,"(a,f8.4)")" lambda= ",lambda_tot
701  !write(ab_out,"(a,f8.4)")" omega_log= ",omega_log
703 end subroutine phgamma_ncwrite

m_phgamma/phgamma_setup_qpoint [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]





4338 subroutine phgamma_setup_qpoint(gams, fs, cryst, ebands, spin, ltetra, qpt, nesting, comm)
4340 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4341  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
4342  type(fstab_t),intent(inout) :: fs
4343  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
4344  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
4345  integer,intent(in) :: spin, ltetra, comm
4346  integer,intent(out) :: nesting
4347 !arrays
4348  real(dp),intent(in) :: qpt(3)
4350 !Local variables-------------------------------
4351 !scalars
4352  integer,parameter :: enough = 5
4353  integer :: nkbz, ierr, nb, ik_bz, ik_ibz, ikq_ibz, ikq_fs, ik_fs, i1, i2, i3, nkfs_q, nene
4354  integer :: ib1, ib2 ! band_k, band_kq
4355  real(dp),parameter :: max_occ1 = one
4356  real(dp) :: cpu, wall, gflops, enemin, enemax
4357  character(len=500) :: msg
4358  type(krank_t) :: ibz_krank
4359  type(t_tetrahedron) :: tetra
4360  !type(lgroup_t) :: lgq
4361  character(len=80) :: errorstring
4362 !arrays
4363  integer :: nge(3), ngw(3), g0bz_kq(3)
4364  integer,allocatable :: select_ikfs(:), indkpt(:), kbz2fs(:) !, symrecfm(:,:,:)
4365  real(dp) :: kk(3), kq(3)
4366  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_k(:,:), eig_kq(:,:), wght_bz(:,:,:), kbz(:,:)
4367  real(dp),allocatable :: work_k(:), work_kq(:), dtweightde(:,:,:), tweight(:,:,:)
4369 ! *************************************************************************
4371  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
4373  ! The double delta with tetra is ill-defined for q == 0.
4374  ! Set nesting to 1 and return
4375  nesting = 0
4376  if (abs(fs%eph_intmeth) == 2 .and. all(abs(qpt) < tol12)) then
4377    ABI_COMMENT("Tetrahedron for double grid with q = 0 is ill-defined. Using adaptive gaussian.")
4378    nesting = 1
4379  end if
4381  ! Compute little group of the q-point. Map fs%kpts to ebands%kptns (IBZ)
4382  !lg_q = lgroup_new(cryst, qpt, self%timrev, fs%nkfs, fs%kpts, ebands%nkpt, ebands%kpnts, comm)
4383  !do ik_fs=1,fs%nkfs
4384  !  ik_lgibz = lg_q%bz2ibz_smap(1, ik_fs)
4385  !  lg_q%weights(iklg_ibz)
4386  !end do
4387  !call lg_q%free()
4389  if (fs%eph_intmeth == 1 .or. nesting == 1) then
4390    ! Gaussian method:
4391    ! Distribute k-points within the FS window inside comm.
4392    ! 1) Select k-points such that k+q is stil inside the FS window
4393    ! 2) Distribute effective k-points assuming all procs in comm have all FS k-points (no filtering)
4394    ABI_MALLOC(select_ikfs, (fs%nkfs))
4395    nkfs_q = 0
4396    do ik_fs=1,fs%nkfs
4397      kq = fs%kpts(:, ik_fs) + qpt
4398      ikq_fs = fs%findkg0(kq, g0bz_kq); if (ikq_fs == -1) cycle
4399      nkfs_q = nkfs_q + 1
4400      select_ikfs(nkfs_q) = ik_fs
4401    end do
4402    ABI_SFREE(gams%my_ifsk_q)
4403    call xmpi_split_list(nkfs_q, select_ikfs, comm, gams%my_nfsk_q, gams%my_ifsk_q)
4404    ABI_FREE(select_ikfs)
4405    call cwtime_report(" phgamma_setup_qpoint", cpu, wall, gflops)
4406    return
4407  end if
4409  ! Tetrahedron method:
4410  !
4411  !     1) Compute weights for double delta integration.
4412  !     2) Filter k-points according to the weights (k must be in FS window with non-zero weight)
4413  !     3) Distribute effective k-points assuming all procs have all FS k-points.
4415  fs%dbldelta_tetra_weights_kfs = zero
4417  ABI_CHECK(isdiagmat(ebands%kptrlatt), "kptrlatt must be diagonal when tetra is used.")
4418  ABI_CHECK(ebands%nshiftk == 1, "nshiftk must be 1 when tetra is used")
4419  nge = get_diag(ebands%kptrlatt); ngw = nge
4420  nkbz = product(nge(1:3))
4422  ! TODO: Handle symmetries in a cleaner way. Change API of krank_new to pass symafm and kptopt
4423  ibz_krank = krank_new(ebands%nkpt, ebands%kptns, nsym=cryst%nsym, symrec=cryst%symrec, &
4424                        time_reversal=kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(ebands%kptopt) == 1)
4426  ! Compute eig_k and eig_kq in full BZ for the relevant bands around Ef.
4427  nb = fs%maxnb
4428  ABI_MALLOC(kbz, (3, nkbz))
4429  ABI_MALLOC(indkpt, (nkbz))
4430  ABI_MALLOC(eig_k, (nb, nkbz))
4431  ABI_MALLOC(eig_kq, (nb, nkbz))
4432  ABI_MALLOC(kbz2fs, (nkbz))
4434  kbz2fs = -1; ierr = 0; ik_bz = 0
4435  do i3=0,nge(3) - 1
4436    do i2=0,nge(2) - 1
4437      do i1=0,nge(1) - 1
4438        ik_bz = ik_bz + 1
4439        indkpt(ik_bz) = ik_bz
4441        ! Find correspondence between libtetra mesh and the IBZ.
4442        kk = ([i1, i2, i3] + ebands%shiftk(:, 1)) / nge(:)
4443        kbz(:, ik_bz) = kk
4445        ik_fs = fs%krank%get_index(kk)
4446        if (ik_fs /= -1) then
4447          kbz2fs(ik_bz) = ik_fs
4448        else
4449          !ABI_ERROR(sjoin('kpt:', trim(ktoa(kk)), 'is not in FS!!'))
4450        end if
4452        ik_ibz = ibz_krank%get_index(kk)
4453        if (ik_ibz < 1) then
4454          if (ierr <= enough) then
4455            ABI_WARNING(sjoin('kpt:', trim(ktoa(kk)), 'has no symmetric among the k-points!'))
4456          end if
4457          ierr = ierr + 1; cycle
4458        end if
4460        eig_k(:, ik_bz) = ebands%eig(fs%bmin:fs%bmax, ik_ibz, spin)
4462        ! Find correspondence between the k+q in the BZ grid and the IBZ.
4463        kq = kk + qpt
4464        ikq_ibz = ibz_krank%get_index(kq)
4466        if (ikq_ibz < 1) then
4467          if (ierr <= enough) then
4468            ABI_WARNING(sjoin('kpt + qpt:', trim(ktoa(kq)), 'has no symmetric among the k-points!'))
4469          end if
4470          ierr = ierr + 1; cycle
4471        end if
4473        eig_kq(:, ik_bz) = ebands%eig(fs%bmin:fs%bmax, ikq_ibz, spin)
4474      end do
4475    end do
4476  end do
4478  ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "See above warnings")
4479  call ibz_krank%free()
4481  select case (ltetra)
4482  case (1, 2)
4483    ! Use libtetra routines.
4484    ! Compute weights for double delta integration. Note that libtetra assumes Ef set to zero.
4485    ! TODO: Average weights over degenerate states?
4486    if (ltetra == 1) call wrtout(std_out, " Using linear tetrahedron method from libtetrabz (ltetra 1)")
4487    if (ltetra == 2) call wrtout(std_out, " Using optimized tetrahedron method from libtetrabz (ltetra 2)")
4488    eig_k = eig_k - ebands%fermie; eig_kq = eig_kq - ebands%fermie
4489    ABI_MALLOC(wght_bz, (nb, nb, nkbz))
4490    call libtetrabz_dbldelta(ltetra, cryst%gprimd, nb, nge, eig_k, eig_kq, ngw, wght_bz, comm=comm)
4491    ! Revert changes to eig arrays
4492    eig_k = eig_k + ebands%fermie !; eig_kq = eig_kq + ebands%fermie
4494    ! Reindex from full BZ to fs% kpoints.
4495    do ik_bz=1,nkbz
4496      ik_fs = kbz2fs(ik_bz)
4497      if (ik_fs /= -1) then
4498        fs%dbldelta_tetra_weights_kfs(:,:,ik_fs) = wght_bz(:,:,ik_bz)
4499      else
4500        !write(std_out,*)"should be zero :", wght_bz(:,:,ik_bz)
4501      end if
4502    end do
4503    ABI_FREE(wght_bz)
4505  case (3)
4506    ! Tetrahedron method with Allen's approach for double delta.
4507    ! WARNING: wrong results maybe bug somewhere.
4508    call wrtout(std_out, " Calling Allen's version for q-point")
4509    nene = 3
4510    enemin = ebands%fermie - tol6
4511    enemax = ebands%fermie + tol6
4513    ABI_MALLOC(dtweightde, (nkbz, nene, nene))
4514    ABI_MALLOC(tweight, (nkbz, nene, nene))
4515    ABI_MALLOC(work_k, (nkbz))
4516    ABI_MALLOC(work_kq, (nkbz))
4518    call init_tetra(indkpt, cryst%gprimd, fs%klatt, kbz, nkbz, tetra, ierr, errorstring, comm)
4519    ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "init_tetra returned ierr /= 0")
4521    fs%dbldelta_tetra_weights_kfs = zero
4522    do ib2=1,nb
4523      work_k = eig_k(ib2, :)
4524      do ib1=1,nb
4525       work_kq = eig_kq(ib1, :)
4526       ! TODO: Average weights over degenerate states?
4527       call get_dbl_tetra_weight(work_k, work_kq, enemin, enemax, enemin, enemax, &
4528                                 max_occ1, nene, nene, nkbz, tetra, tweight, dtweightde, ierr)
4529       ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "get_dbldelta_weights returned ierr /= 0")
4531       ! Reindex from full BZ to fs% kpoints.
4532       do ik_bz=1,nkbz
4533         ik_fs = kbz2fs(ik_bz)
4534         if (ik_fs /= -1) then
4535           fs%dbldelta_tetra_weights_kfs(ib1,ib2,ik_fs) = dtweightde(ik_bz, 2, 2) ! / nkbz
4536         else
4537           !write(std_out,*)"should be zero :", wght_bz(:,:,ik_bz)
4538         end if
4539       end do
4540      end do
4541    end do
4543    call destroy_tetra(tetra)
4544    ABI_FREE(work_k)
4545    ABI_FREE(work_kq)
4546    ABI_FREE(dtweightde)
4547    ABI_FREE(tweight)
4549  case default
4550    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Invalid value of ltetra:", itoa(ltetra)))
4551  end select
4553  ! Now we can filter the k-points according to the tetra weights and distribute them inside comm.
4554  ! Assuming all procs in comm have all k-points in the IBZ.
4555  ! nkfs_q is the total number of BZ k-points on the FS contributing for this q-point.
4556  ABI_MALLOC(select_ikfs, (fs%nkfs))
4557  nkfs_q = 0
4558  do ik_fs=1,fs%nkfs
4559    if (any(abs(fs%dbldelta_tetra_weights_kfs(:,:,ik_fs)) > zero)) then
4560      nkfs_q = nkfs_q + 1
4561      select_ikfs(nkfs_q) = ik_fs
4562    end if
4563  end do
4565  ! Here we compute my_ifsk_q.
4566  ABI_SFREE(gams%my_ifsk_q)
4567  call xmpi_split_list(nkfs_q, select_ikfs, comm, gams%my_nfsk_q, gams%my_ifsk_q)
4568  ABI_FREE(select_ikfs)
4570  !write(std_out,"(2(a,i0),/)")" Treating ", gams%my_nfsk_q, " my k-points in the FS window over total nkfs: ", fs%nkfs
4572  write(msg, "(2(a,i0),a)") &
4573   " Number of k-points in the FS window treated by this MPI proc: ", gams%my_nfsk_q, " over: ", nkfs_q, ch10
4574   !" Number of MPI procs in kpt_comm: ", gams%kpt_comm%nproc
4575  call wrtout(std_out, msg)
4577  ABI_FREE(kbz2fs)
4578  ABI_FREE(indkpt)
4579  ABI_FREE(kbz)
4580  ABI_FREE(eig_k)
4581  ABI_FREE(eig_kq)
4583  call cwtime_report(" phgamma_setup_qpoint", cpu, wall, gflops)
4585 end subroutine phgamma_setup_qpoint

m_phgamma/phgamma_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Types ]




 Provides methods for computing phonon linewidths, interpolating the results
 in q-space and evaluate superconducting properties withing the isotropic formalism.


106  type,public :: phgamma_t
108   integer :: natom
109   ! Number of atoms per unit cell.
111   integer :: natom3
112   ! Number of phonon branches i.e. 3*natom.
114   integer :: nsppol
115   ! Number of independent spin polarizations.
117   integer :: nspinor
118   ! Number of spinorial components.
120   integer :: nqibz
121   ! Number of q-points in the IBZ.
123   integer :: my_nqibz
124   ! Number of q-points in the IBZ treated by the current MPI processor
126   integer :: nqbz
127   ! Number of q-points in the BZ.
129   integer :: eph_scalprod = 0
130   ! This to call anaddb routines. Note that eph_scalprod 1 is not supported in eph.
132   integer :: bcorr = 0
133    ! 1 to include Blochl correction in the tetrahedron method else 0.
135   integer :: prteliash = 0
136   ! This flag activates the computation of the Eliashberg function.
138   integer :: nrpt
139   ! Number of R-points in the real space representation of the gamma matrices.
141   integer :: symgamma
142   ! 1 if gamma matrices should be symmetrized by symdyma when using Fourier interpolation
144   integer :: asr
145   ! If the "Acoustic rule" at Gamma should be enforced.
147   integer :: ndir_transp
148   ! 0 if no transport, otherwise 3
150   integer :: ngqpt(3)
151   ! Number of divisions in the q-mesh.
153   integer :: nene
154   ! Number of chemical potential values used for inelastic integration
156   !integer :: my_nqpt
157   !integer,allocatable :: my_iqpt(:)
159   integer :: my_nfsk_q
160   ! Number of k-points in the FS treated by this MPI processor for a given q.
161   ! Computed in phgamma_setup_qpoint
163   integer,allocatable :: my_ifsk_q(:)
164   ! Index of the FS k-points treated by this processor for a given q
165   ! Computed in phgamma_setup_qpoint
167   integer :: my_nspins
168    ! Number of spins treated by the MPI rank
170   integer,allocatable :: my_spins(:)
171    ! my_spins(my_nspins)
172    ! Indirect table giving the spin indices treated by this rank.
173    ! Used only the collinear case with nspinor == 1
175   !integer :: my_npert
176    ! Number of atomic perturbations or phonon modes treated by this MPI rank.
178   !integer(i1b),allocatable :: itreat_qibz(:)
179    ! itreat_qibz(nqibz)
180    ! Table used to distribute potentials over q-points in the IBZ.
181    ! The loop over qpts in the IBZ(k) is MPI distributed inside qpt_comm accordinging to this table.
182    ! 0 if this IBZ point is not treated by this proc.
183    ! 1 if this IBZ is treated.
185   !integer,allocatable :: my_pinfo(:,:)
186    ! my_pinfo(3, my_npert)
187    ! my_pinfo(1, ip) gives the `idir` index of the ip-th perturbation.
188    ! my_pinfo(2, ip) gives the `ipert` index of the ip-th perturbation.
189    ! my_pinfo(3, ip) gives `pertcase`=idir + (ipert-1)*3
191   !integer,allocatable :: pert_table(:,:)
192    ! pert_table(2, natom3)
193    ! pert_table(1, npert): rank of the processor treating this atomic perturbation.
194    ! pert_table(2, npert): imyp index in my_pinfo table, -1 if this rank is not treating ipert.
196   integer, allocatable :: my_iqibz(:)
197   ! indices of ibz iq in local array. -1 if iq does not belong to current proc
199   integer, allocatable :: my_iqbz(:)
200   ! List of iq_ibz indices treated by current proc
202   real(dp) :: enemin
203   ! Minimal chemical potential value used for inelastic integration Copied from fstab
205   real(dp) :: deltaene
206   ! Chemical potential increment for inelastic integration Copied from fstab
207   !   for simplicity could be made equal to phonon frequency step
209   real(dp) :: gprim(3,3)
210   ! Needed for Fourier interpolation.
211   ! NOTE: gprim (not gprimd) is used for all FT interpolations,
212   ! to be consistent with the dimensions of the rpt, which come from anaddb.
214   real(dp),allocatable :: n0(:)
215    ! (%nsppol)
216    ! Density of states at the Fermi level per spin in a.u.
218   real(dp),allocatable :: qibz(:,:)
219   ! qibz(3,nqibz)
220   ! Reduced coordinates of the q-points in the IBZ.
222   real(dp),allocatable :: wtq(:)
223   ! wtq(nqibz)
224   ! Weights of the q-points in the IBZ (normalized to one)
226   real(dp),allocatable :: qbz(:,:)
227   ! qbz(3,nqbz)
228   ! Reduced coordinates of the q-points in the BZ.
230   real(dp),allocatable :: rpt(:,:)
231   ! rpt(3,nrpt)
232   !  Reduced coordinates ***in terms of rprim*** of the lattice points used
233   !  for the Fourier transform of the phonon linewidths.
235   real(dp),allocatable :: wghatm(:,:,:)
236   ! wghatm(natom,natom,nrpt)
237   ! Weights used in the FT of the phonon linewidths.
239   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_qibz(:,:,:,:,:)
240   ! vals_qibz(2,natom3,natom3,nqibz,nsppol)) in reduced coordinates for each q-point in the IBZ.
241   ! vals_qibz {\tau'\alpha',\tau\alpha} = sum over k, ib_kq, ib_k
242   !   <psi_{k+q,ib_kq} | H(1)_{\tau'\alpha'} | psi_{k,ib_k}>*  \cdot
243   !   <psi_{k+q,ib_kq} | H(1)_{\tau \alpha } | psi_{k,ib_k}>
245   !NOTE: choice to put nsppol before or after nqbz is a bit arbitrary
246   !   abinit uses nband,nkpt,nsppol, but here for convenience nkpt_phon,nsppol,nqbz interpolation is on qpt
247   !MG: I think that nsppol should be the last dimension set call to ftgam.
249   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_rpt(:,:,:,:)
250   ! vals_rpt(2,natom3**2,nrpt,nsppol)
251   ! tgamma matrices in real space in reduced coordinates. Used for the Fourier interpolation.
253   ! transport stuff with velocity factors
254   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_in_qibz(:,:,:,:,:,:)
255   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_out_qibz(:,:,:,:,:,:)
256   ! vals_XX_qibz(2,9,natom3,natom3,nqibz,nsppol)) in reduced coordinates for each q-point in the IBZ.
258   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_in_rpt(:,:,:,:,:)
259   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_out_rpt(:,:,:,:,:)
260   ! vals_XX_rpt(2,9,natom3**2,nrpt,nsppol)
261   ! tgamma matrices in real space in reduced coordinates.
263   ! gamma matrices keeping full electron energy dependency
264   real(dp),allocatable :: vals_ee(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
265   ! vals_eew(2, nene, nene, natom3, natom3, nqibz, nsppol)
267   contains
269    procedure :: free => phgamma_free
270     ! Free memory.
272    procedure :: interp => phgamma_interp
273     ! Interpolates the phonon linewidths.
275    procedure :: eval_qibz => phgamma_eval_qibz
276     ! Evaluate phonon linewidths without Fourier interpolation.
278    procedure :: interp_setup => phgamma_interp_setup
279     ! Compute the tables used for the interpolation in q-space.
281    procedure :: linwid => phgamma_linwid
282     ! Interpolate linewidths along an arbitrary q-path.
284  end type phgamma_t
286  public :: phgamma_init          ! Creation method.

m_phgamma/phgamma_vv_eval_qibz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the phonon linewidths times velocity squared, for q-points in the IBZ without performing interpolation.


  cryst<crystal_t>=Crystal structure.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  iq_ibz=Index of the q-point in the IBZ array.
  spin=Spin index


  phfrq(gams%natom3)=Phonon frequencies
  gamma_in_ph(gams%natom3)=Phonon linewidths.
  gamma_out_ph(gams%natom3)=Phonon linewidths.
  lambda_in_ph(gams%natom3)=Phonon linewidths.
  lambda_out_ph(gams%natom3)=Phonon linewidths.


1123 subroutine phgamma_vv_eval_qibz(gams, cryst, ifc, iq_ibz, spin, phfrq, gamma_in_ph, gamma_out_ph, lambda_in_ph, lambda_out_ph)
1125 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1126 !scalars
1127  integer,intent(in) :: iq_ibz,spin
1128  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
1129  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1130  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
1131 !arrays
1132  real(dp),intent(out) :: phfrq(gams%natom3)
1133  real(dp),intent(out) :: gamma_in_ph(3,3,gams%natom3),lambda_in_ph(3,3,gams%natom3)
1134  real(dp),intent(out) :: gamma_out_ph(3,3,gams%natom3),lambda_out_ph(3,3,gams%natom3)
1136 !Local variables-------------------------------
1137 !scalars
1138  integer,parameter :: qtor0 = 0
1139  integer :: natom3, nu1, idir, jdir, ii
1140  real(dp) :: spinfact
1141  !character(len=500) :: msg
1142 !arrays
1143  real(dp) :: displ_cart(2,3,cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom), displ_red(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3)
1144  real(dp) :: work_qnu(gams%natom3), gam_atm(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3)
1146 ! *************************************************************************
1148  natom3 = gams%natom3
1150  ! Get phonon frequencies and eigenvectors.
1151  call ifc%fourq(cryst, gams%qibz(:,iq_ibz), phfrq, displ_cart, out_displ_red=displ_red)
1153  do jdir=1,3
1154    do idir=1,3
1155      ii = idir + gams%ndir_transp * (jdir - 1)
1157      ! Scalar product with the displ_red vectors.
1158      gam_atm = reshape(gams%vals_in_qibz(:,ii,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, natom3, natom3])
1159      call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, work_qnu)
1160      gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,:) = work_qnu
1162      gam_atm = reshape(gams%vals_out_qibz(:,ii,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, natom3, natom3])
1163      call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, work_qnu)
1164      gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,:) = work_qnu
1165    end do ! idir
1166  end do ! jdir
1168  ! TODO : check this - looks like a factor of 2 wrt the inline documentation!
1169  !spinfact should be 1 for a normal non sppol calculation without spinorbit
1170  !for spinors it should also be 1 as bands are twice as numerous but n0 has been divided by 2
1171  !for sppol 2 it should be 0.5 as we have 2 spin channels to sum
1172  spinfact = two / (gams%nsppol*gams%nspinor)
1174  ! Compute lambda transport.
1175  do jdir =1,3
1176    do idir =1,3
1177      do nu1=1,gams%natom3
1178        gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1)  =  gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1)  * pi * spinfact
1179        gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) =  gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) * pi * spinfact
1180        lambda_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1)  = zero
1181        lambda_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = zero
1182        if (abs(phfrq(nu1)) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
1183          lambda_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1)  = gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1)  / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin) * phfrq(nu1)**2)
1184          lambda_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin) * phfrq(nu1)**2)
1185        end if
1186      end do
1187    end do ! idir
1188  end do ! jdir
1190 end subroutine phgamma_vv_eval_qibz

m_phgamma/phgamma_vv_interp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Interpolate the linewidths at a given q-point.


  cryst<crystal_t>=crystalline structure.
  ifc<ifc_type>=Interatomic force constants.
  spin=Spin index
  qpt(3)=q-point in reduced coordinates
  gamma_ph(3*natom)=Phonon linewidths
  displ_cart(2,3,cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)=Phonon displacement in cartesian coordinates.


  gamma_ph(gams%natom3)=Interpolated Phonon linewidths.
  lamda_ph(3*natom)=Lambda coefficients for the different phonon modes.
  phfrq(3*natom)=phonon frequencies at current q


1218 subroutine phgamma_vv_interp(gams, cryst, ifc, spin, qpt, phfrq, gamma_in_ph, gamma_out_ph, lambda_in_ph, lambda_out_ph)
1220 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1221 !scalars
1222  integer,intent(in) :: spin
1223  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
1224  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1225  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: ifc
1226 !arrays
1227  real(dp),intent(in) :: qpt(3)
1228  real(dp),intent(out) :: phfrq(gams%natom3)
1229  real(dp),intent(out) :: gamma_in_ph(3,3,gams%natom3),lambda_in_ph(3,3,gams%natom3)
1230  real(dp),intent(out) :: gamma_out_ph(3,3,gams%natom3),lambda_out_ph(3,3,gams%natom3)
1232 !Local variables-------------------------------
1233 !scalars
1234  integer,parameter :: qtor0 = 0
1235  integer :: natom3, nu1, idir,jdir,ii
1236  real(dp) :: spinfact
1237  !character(len=500) :: msg
1238  !arrays
1239  real(dp) :: displ_cart(2,3,cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
1240  real(dp) :: displ_red(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3),work_qnu(gams%natom3)
1241  real(dp) :: gam_in_now(2,3,3,gams%natom3**2)
1242  real(dp) :: gam_out_now(2,3,3,gams%natom3**2)
1243  real(dp) :: gam_atm(2,gams%natom3,gams%natom3)
1244  real(dp),allocatable :: coskr(:,:),sinkr(:,:)
1246 ! *************************************************************************
1248  ! Compute internal tables used for Fourier interpolation.
1249  if (.not.allocated(gams%vals_in_rpt)) call phgamma_vv_interp_setup(gams, cryst)
1251  natom3 = gams%natom3
1253  ! Get phonon frequencies and eigenvectors.
1254  call ifc%fourq(cryst, qpt, phfrq, displ_cart, out_displ_red=displ_red)
1256  ! Taken from mkph_linwid
1257  ! This reduced version of ftgkk supposes the kpoints have been integrated
1258  ! in integrate_gamma. Do FT from real-space gamma grid to 1 qpt.
1259  ABI_MALLOC(coskr, (1,gams%nrpt))
1260  ABI_MALLOC(sinkr, (1,gams%nrpt))
1261  ! TODO: This is not optimal
1262  call ftgam_init(gams%gprim, 1, gams%nrpt, qpt, gams%rpt, coskr, sinkr)
1264  do idir=1,3
1265    do jdir=1,3
1266      ii = idir+gams%ndir_transp*(jdir-1)
1268      call ftgam(gams%wghatm, gam_in_now, gams%vals_in_rpt(:,ii,:,:,spin), gams%natom, 1, gams%nrpt, qtor0, coskr, sinkr)
1269      call ftgam(gams%wghatm, gam_out_now, gams%vals_out_rpt(:,ii,:,:,spin), gams%natom, 1, gams%nrpt, qtor0, coskr, sinkr)
1271      ! This call is not executed in elphon!
1272      ! TODO: needs to take into account the matrix nature of _in_ and _out_ gammas
1273      if (gams%symgamma == 1) then
1274        call tgamma_symm(cryst, qpt, gam_in_now)
1275        call tgamma_symm(cryst, qpt, gam_out_now)
1276      end if
1278      ! Scalar product with the displ_red
1279      gam_atm = reshape(gam_in_now, [2, natom3, natom3])
1280      call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, work_qnu)
1281      gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,:) = work_qnu
1283      gam_atm = reshape(gam_out_now, [2, natom3, natom3])
1284      call ephtk_gam_atm2qnu(natom3, displ_red, gam_atm, work_qnu)
1285      gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,:) = work_qnu
1286    end do
1287  end do
1289  ABI_FREE(coskr)
1290  ABI_FREE(sinkr)
1292  ! Compute lambda
1293  ! spinfact should be 1 for a normal non sppol calculation without spinorbit
1294  ! for spinors it should also be 1 as bands are twice as numerous but n0 has been divided by 2
1295  ! for sppol 2 it should be 0.5 as we have 2 spin channels to sum
1296  spinfact = two / (gams%nsppol * gams%nspinor)
1298  ! Compute lambda
1299  do nu1=1,gams%natom3
1300    do idir=1,3
1301      do jdir=1,3
1302        gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) * pi * spinfact
1303        gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) * pi * spinfact
1304        lambda_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = zero
1305        lambda_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = zero
1306        if (abs(phfrq(nu1)) > EPHTK_WTOL) then
1307          lambda_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1)  = gamma_in_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin) * phfrq(nu1)**2)
1308          lambda_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) = gamma_out_ph(idir,jdir,nu1) / (two * pi * gams%n0(spin) * phfrq(nu1)**2)
1309        end if
1310      end do
1311    end do
1312  end do
1314 end subroutine phgamma_vv_interp

m_phgamma/phgamma_vv_interp_setup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  This routines prepare the internal tables used to interpolate the vv_linewidths in q-space


  action =
    "INIT" to allocate and compute the internal tables (default)
    "FREE" to deallocate the internal tables.


  gams<phgamma_t>= gams%vals_in_rpt, etc... depending on action.


1336 subroutine phgamma_vv_interp_setup(gams, cryst)
1338 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1339 !scalars
1340  type(phgamma_t),intent(inout) :: gams
1341  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1343 !Local variables-------------------------------
1344 !scalars
1345  integer,parameter :: qtor1 = 1
1346  integer :: iq_bz,iq_ibz,spin,ierr, ii, idir, jdir
1347  !character(len=500) :: msg
1348 !arrays
1349  integer,allocatable :: qirredtofull(:),qpttoqpt(:,:,:)
1350  real(dp),allocatable :: coskr(:,:),sinkr(:,:)
1351  real(dp),allocatable :: vals_in_bz(:,:,:,:,:), vals_out_bz(:,:,:,:,:)
1353 ! *************************************************************************
1355  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(vals_in_bz,(2, 9, gams%natom3**2, gams%nqbz, gams%nsppol), ierr)
1356  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(vals_out_bz,(2, 9, gams%natom3**2, gams%nqbz, gams%nsppol), ierr)
1357  vals_in_bz = zero
1358  vals_out_bz = zero
1360  ! Build tables needed by complete_gamma.
1361  call ephtk_mkqtabs(cryst, gams%nqibz, gams%qibz, gams%nqbz, gams%qbz, qirredtofull, qpttoqpt)
1363  ! Fill BZ array with IBZ data.
1364  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1365    do iq_ibz=1,gams%nqibz
1366      iq_bz = qirredtofull(iq_ibz)
1367      vals_in_bz(:,:,:,iq_bz,spin) = reshape(gams%vals_in_qibz(:,:,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, 9, gams%natom3**2])
1368      vals_out_bz(:,:,:,iq_bz,spin) = reshape(gams%vals_out_qibz(:,:,:,:,iq_ibz,spin), [2, 9, gams%natom3**2])
1369    end do
1370  end do
1372  ! Complete vals_bz in the full BZ.
1373  !TODO!!! rotate the vv in and out matrices, according to the symmetry operation, instead of just copying them
1374  !call complete_gamma_vv(cryst, gams%natom3, gams%nsppol, gams%nqibz, gams%nqbz,&
1375  !  gams%eph_scalprod, qirredtofull, qpttoqpt, vals_in_bz(:,:,:,:,spin))
1376  !call complete_gamma_vv(cryst, gams%natom3, gams%nsppol, gams%nqibz, gams%nqbz,&
1377  !  gams%eph_scalprod, qirredtofull, qpttoqpt, vals_out_bz(:,:,:,:,spin))
1379  ! TODO: replace the above with these calls from anaddb
1380  !call complete_gamma_tr(cryst,elph_ds%ep_scalprod,elph_ds%nbranch,elph_ds%nqptirred,&
1381  !&   elph_ds%nqpt_full,elph_ds%nsppol,elph_tr_ds%gamma_qpt_trout,elph_ds%qirredtofull,qpttoqpt)
1383  ! TODO: idem for vv_vals 3x3 matrices
1385  ABI_FREE(qirredtofull)
1386  ABI_FREE(qpttoqpt)
1388  !! This call is not executed in elphon!
1389  !if (gams%symgamma == 1) then
1390  !  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1391  !    do iq_bz=1,gams%nqbz
1392  !      call tgamma_symm_vv(cryst, gams%qbz(:,iq_bz), vals_in_bz(:,:,:,iq_bz,spin))
1393  !      call tgamma_symm_vv(cryst, gams%qbz(:,iq_bz), vals_out_bz(:,:,:,iq_bz,spin))
1394  !    end do
1395  !  end do
1396  !end if
1398  ! Now FT to real space
1399  ! NOTE: gprim (not gprimd) is used for all FT interpolations,
1400  ! to be consistent with the dimensions of the rpt, which come from anaddb.
1401  ! TODO: this is needed only if FT is used, not when the linear interpolation is employed.
1402  !if (.not. allocated(gams%vals_in_rpt)) then
1403  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_in_rpt, (2, 9, gams%natom3**2, gams%nrpt, gams%nsppol), ierr)
1404  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gams%vals_out_rpt, (2, 9, gams%natom3**2, gams%nrpt, gams%nsppol), ierr)
1405  gams%vals_in_rpt = zero
1406  gams%vals_out_rpt = zero
1408  ! q --> r
1409  ABI_MALLOC(coskr, (gams%nqbz,gams%nrpt))
1410  ABI_MALLOC(sinkr, (gams%nqbz,gams%nrpt))
1411  call ftgam_init(gams%gprim, gams%nqbz, gams%nrpt, gams%qbz, gams%rpt, coskr, sinkr)
1413  do spin=1,gams%nsppol
1414    do idir=1,3
1415      do jdir=1,3
1416        ii = idir+gams%ndir_transp*(jdir-1)
1417        ! TODO: this is no contiguous in memory and will be slow. Make adapted ftgam?
1418        call ftgam(gams%wghatm, vals_in_bz(:,ii,:,:,spin), gams%vals_in_rpt(:,ii,:,:,spin), gams%natom, gams%nqbz,&
1419          gams%nrpt, qtor1, coskr, sinkr)
1420        call ftgam(gams%wghatm, vals_out_bz(:,ii,:,:,spin), gams%vals_out_rpt(:,ii,:,:,spin), gams%natom, gams%nqbz,&
1421          gams%nrpt, qtor1, coskr, sinkr)
1422      end do
1423    end do
1424  end do
1426  ABI_FREE(vals_in_bz)
1427  ABI_FREE(vals_out_bz)
1428  ABI_FREE(coskr)
1429  ABI_FREE(sinkr)
1431 end subroutine phgamma_vv_interp_setup

m_phgamma/tgamma_symm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_phgamma ] [ Functions ]




  Symmetrize the tgamma matrix


 qpt(3)=phonon wavevector in reduced coordinates.
 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure.


721 subroutine tgamma_symm(cryst, qpt, tgamma)
723 !Arguments ------------------------------------
724 !scalars
725  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
726 !arrays
727  real(dp),intent(in) :: qpt(3)
728  real(dp),intent(inout) :: tgamma(2,3*cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
730 !Local variables-------------------------------
731 !scalars
732  integer :: ii,natom3,k
733 !arrays
734  real(dp) :: tgcart(2,3*cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
735  real(dp) :: umat(2,3*cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom),tmp_mat(2,3*cryst%natom,3*cryst%natom)
737 ! *********************************************************************
739  ! Build U matrix.
740  umat = zero; k = 1
741  do ii=1,cryst%natom
742    umat(1,k:k+2, k:k+2) = cryst%gprimd
743    k = k + 3
744  end do
746  natom3 = 3 * cryst%natom
748  ! Reduced --> Cartesian
749  call zgemm('N', 'N', natom3, natom3, natom3, cone, tgamma, natom3, umat, natom3, czero, tmp_mat, natom3)
750  call zgemm('T', 'N', natom3, natom3, natom3, cone, umat, natom3, tmp_mat, natom3, czero, tgcart, natom3)
752  ! Make the matrix hermitian
753  call mkherm(tgcart, 3*cryst%natom)
755  ! Symmetrize tgamma matrix.
756  call symdyma(tgcart, cryst%indsym, cryst%natom, cryst%nsym, qpt, cryst%rprimd, cryst%symrel, cryst%symafm)
758  umat = zero; k = 1
759  do ii=0,cryst%natom-1
760    umat(1,k:k+2, k:k+2) = cryst%rprimd
761    k = k + 3
762  end do
764  ! Cartesian --> Reduced
765  call zgemm('N', 'N', natom3, natom3, natom3, cone, tgcart, natom3, umat, natom3, czero, tmp_mat, natom3)
766  call zgemm('T', 'N', natom3, natom3, natom3, cone, umat, natom3, tmp_mat, natom3, czero, tgamma, natom3)
768 end subroutine tgamma_symm