ABINIT/m_inwffil [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Initialization of wavefunctions.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, AR, MB, MVer, ZL, MB, TD, MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_inwffil
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_wvltypes
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_wffile
28  use m_wfk
29  use m_errors
30  use m_xomp
31  use m_xmpi
32  use m_nctk
33  use m_hdr
34  use m_dtset
35 #if defined HAVE_MPI2
36  use mpi
37 #endif
39  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
40  use m_fstrings, only : sjoin, itoa
41  use m_time,     only : timab, cwtime, cwtime_report
42  use m_io_tools, only : file_exists, get_unit
43  use m_geometry, only : getspinrot
44  use m_pptools,  only : prmat
45  use m_symtk,    only : matr3inv, mati3inv
46  use m_cgtools,  only : cg_envlop, pw_orthon
47  use m_fftcore,  only : kpgsph, sphere, sphereboundary
48  use m_pawrhoij, only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_io
49  use m_mpinfo,   only : destroy_mpi_enreg, copy_mpi_enreg, proc_distrb_cycle
50  use m_kg,       only : kpgio, ph1d3d, getph
51  use m_kpts,     only : listkk
52  use m_rwwf,     only : rwwf, WffReadSkipK
53  use m_wvl_wfsinp, only : wvl_wfsinp_disk, wvl_wfsinp_scratch
55  implicit none
57 #if defined HAVE_MPI1
58  include 'mpif.h'
59 #endif
61  private

m_inwffil/cg_from_atoms [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize wave functions at a given (k-point, spin) using Bloch sums of atomic orbitals.


  ikpt,isppol=k-point index, spin index
  rprimd(3,3)=Direct lattice vectors in Bohr.
  xred(3,natom)=Atomic positions.
  kg_k(3,npw_k)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  gs_hamk <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the hamiltonian at k
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nband=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  npw=number of plane waves at this k point
  my_nspinor=number of spinors treated by this MPI proc


  eig(nband)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)


  cg(2,*)=updated wavefunctions


3423 subroutine cg_from_atoms(ikpt, isppol, rprimd, xred, kg_k, cg, dtset, psps, eig, gs_hamk, &
3424                          mpi_enreg, nband, npw, my_nspinor)
3426  use defs_datatypes,  only : pseudopotential_type
3427  use m_geometry,      only : metric
3428  use m_splines,       only : splfit
3429  use m_initylmg,      only : initylmg_k
3430  use m_hamiltonian,   only : gs_hamiltonian_type
3431  use m_getghc,        only : getghc
3432  use m_nonlop,        only : nonlop
3433  use m_pawcprj,       only : pawcprj_type
3434  use m_rmm_diis,      only : subspace_rotation
3435  use m_cgtools,       only : cgpaw_cholesky, cgnc_cholesky
3437 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3438  integer,intent(in) :: ikpt, isppol, nband, npw, my_nspinor
3439  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),intent(inout) :: gs_hamk
3440  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
3441  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
3442  type(mpi_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
3443  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3), xred(3,dtset%natom)
3444  integer, intent(in) :: kg_k(3,npw)
3445  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,npw*my_nspinor,nband)
3446  real(dp),intent(out) :: eig(nband)
3448 !Local variables-------------------------------
3449  integer,parameter :: optder0 = 0, ider0 = 0, icg0 = 0
3450  !integer,parameter ::  idir0 = 0, !, type_calc0 = 0, option1 = 1, option2 = 2, tim_getghc = 0
3451  integer :: npwsp !, ortalgo, ierr,
3452  integer :: istwf_k, usepaw, mcg !, mgsc
3453  integer :: me_g0, me_cell !prev_mixprec,
3454  integer :: comm_bsf, savemem, ll
3455  integer :: iatom, itypat, iln, ig, iband, ilmn, ilm, im, lnmax
3456  real(dp) :: kpg1, kpg2, kpg3, kpgc1, kpgc2, kpgc3
3457  complex(dp) :: cfact
3458  logical :: supported !, use_fft_mixprec
3459  real(dp) :: ucvol, arg ! cpu, wall, gflops,
3460  !character(len=500) :: msg
3461 !arrays
3462  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3), gprimd(3,3), rmet(3,3), kpt(3), phase_l(2), ri(2)
3463  real(dp) :: enlx(nband) !, tsec(2)
3464  real(dp),allocatable :: ghc(:,:), gvnlxc(:,:)
3465  real(dp),allocatable :: kpg_k(:,:), tphiq(:,:,:), sf(:,:) !,ph3d(:,:,:)
3466  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm(:,:), ylm_gr(:,:,:), gsc(:,:)
3467  real(dp),allocatable :: kpgnorm(:), wk_ffnl2(:)
3469 ! *************************************************************************
3471  ! Define useful vars.
3472  usepaw = dtset%usepaw; istwf_k = gs_hamk%istwf_k
3473  me_g0 = mpi_enreg%me_g0; comm_bsf = mpi_enreg%comm_bandspinorfft
3474  npwsp = npw * my_nspinor; mcg = npwsp * nband !; mgsc = npwsp * nband * usepaw
3475  me_cell = mpi_enreg%me_cell
3476  kpt = dtset%kptns(:,ikpt)
3478  supported = .True.
3479  if (dtset%usepaw == 0) then
3480    lnmax = maxval(psps%nctab(:)%num_tphi)
3481    supported = supported .and. minval(psps%nctab(:)%num_tphi) > 0
3482  end if
3484  ! Test whether cg initialization from ps atomic orbitals is coded/supported.
3485  if (dtset%nspinor == 2) supported = .False.
3486  if (dtset%usepaw /= 0) supported = .False.
3487  if (.not. supported) then
3488    if (me_cell == 0 .and. ikpt == 1) then
3489      call wrtout(std_out, " cg initialization from atomic orbitals not available. returning")
3490    end if
3491    return
3492  end if
3494  if (me_cell == 0 .and. ikpt == 1) then
3495    call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Initializing cg from atomic orbitals for ikpt:", itoa(ikpt), ", spin:", itoa(isppol)))
3496  end if
3497  !call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
3499  call metric(gmet, gprimd, -1, rmet, rprimd, ucvol)
3501  ABI_MALLOC(ylm, (npw, psps%mpsang**2))
3502  ABI_MALLOC(ylm_gr, (npw, 3+6*(optder0/2), psps%mpsang**2))
3504  call initylmg_k(npw, psps%mpsang, optder0, rprimd, gprimd, kpt, kg_k, ylm, ylm_gr)
3505  ABI_SFREE(ylm_gr)
3507  ! Compute nonlocal form factors at (k+G)
3508  ! Note that we need to work with useylm = 1 to keep the m-dependency
3509  ! even when Vnl is applied with Legendre polynomials (useylm = 0)
3511  ! Get |k+G|
3512  ABI_MALLOC(kpgnorm, (npw))
3514 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(kpg1, kpg2, kpg3, kpgc1, kpgc2, kpgc3)
3515  do ig=1,npw
3516    kpg1=kpt(1)+dble(kg_k(1,ig))
3517    kpg2=kpt(2)+dble(kg_k(2,ig))
3518    kpg3=kpt(3)+dble(kg_k(3,ig))
3519    kpgc1=kpg1*gprimd(1,1)+kpg2*gprimd(1,2)+kpg3*gprimd(1,3)
3520    kpgc2=kpg1*gprimd(2,1)+kpg2*gprimd(2,2)+kpg3*gprimd(2,3)
3521    kpgc3=kpg1*gprimd(3,1)+kpg2*gprimd(3,2)+kpg3*gprimd(3,3)
3522    kpgnorm(ig)=sqrt(kpgc1*kpgc1+kpgc2*kpgc2+kpgc3*kpgc3)
3523  end do
3525  ABI_MALLOC(tphiq, (npw, lnmax, psps%ntypat))
3526  ABI_MALLOC(wk_ffnl2, (npw))
3528  do itypat=1,psps%ntypat
3529    do iln=1,psps%nctab(itypat)%num_tphi
3530      call splfit(psps%qgrid_ff, wk_ffnl2, psps%nctab(itypat)%tphi_qspl(:,:,iln), &
3531                  ider0, kpgnorm, tphiq(:,iln,itypat), psps%mqgrid_ff, npw)
3532    end do
3533  end do
3535  ABI_FREE(kpgnorm)
3536  ABI_FREE(wk_ffnl2)
3538  !call getph(atindx, natom, n1, n2, n3, ph1d, xred)
3539  !call ph1d3d(iatom, jatom, kg_k, matblk, natom, npw_k, n1, n2, n3, phkxred, ph1d, ph3d)
3541  ! Now init cg. Assuming cg has been already filled with random numbers previously
3542  ! so we only need to init the first states. We don't take into account the occupancies
3543  ! in the isolated atom. We just loop over all nlm states until we have filled max nband states.
3544  ABI_MALLOC(sf, (2, npw))
3545  iband = 0
3546  iatom_loop: do iatom=1,dtset%natom
3547    itypat = dtset%typat(iatom)
3549    ! Structure factor.
3550    do ig=1,npw
3551      arg = -two_pi * dot_product(xred(:,iatom), kpt + kg_k(:,ig))
3552      sf(1,ig) = cos(arg)
3553      sf(2,ig) = sin(arg)
3554    end do
3556    ilmn = 0
3557    do iln=1,psps%nctab(itypat)%num_tphi
3558      !if (psps%nctab(itypat)%tphi_occ(iln) < zero) cycle
3559      ll = psps%nctab(itypat)%tphi_l(iln)
3560      !cfact = (j_dpc ** ll) * four_pi / sqrt(ucvol)
3561      cfact = (-j_dpc ** ll) * four_pi / sqrt(ucvol)
3562      phase_l(1) = dble(cfact)
3563      phase_l(2) = aimag(cfact)
3564      do im=1, 2*ll+1
3565        ilmn = ilmn + 1
3566        ilm = im + ll**2
3567        iband = iband + 1
3568        ! Another good reason why nband should be > nbocc.
3569        if (iband > nband) exit iatom_loop
3571        ! NB: Assuming nspinor == 1
3572        do ig=1,npw ! *my_nspinor
3573          ri(1) = phase_l(1) * sf(1, ig) - phase_l(2) * sf(2, ig)
3574          ri(2) = phase_l(1) * sf(2, ig) + phase_l(2) * sf(1, ig)
3575          if (dtset%wfinit == 1) call randomize(ri)
3576          cg(:, ig, iband) = ri(:) * ylm(ig, ilm) * tphiq(ig, iln, itypat)
3577          !wfcatom (ig, 1, n_starting_wfc) = phase_l * sf(1, ig) * ylm(ig, ilm) * chiq(ig, nb, nt)
3578        end do ! ig
3580        ! XG030513: Time-reversal symmetry for k=gamma imposes zero imaginary part at G=0
3581        ! XG: I do not know what happens for spin-orbit here.
3582        if (istwf_k == 2 .and. mpi_enreg%me_g0 == 1) cg(2, 1, iband) = zero
3583      end do ! im
3584    end do ! iln
3585  end do iatom_loop
3587  !call cg_envlop(cg, dtset%ecut, gmet, icg0, kg_k, kpt, mcg, nband, npw, my_nspinor)
3589  ABI_FREE(sf)
3590  ABI_FREE(tphiq)
3591  ABI_SFREE(kpg_k)
3592  ABI_FREE(ylm)
3594  ! Use mixed precisions if requested by the user but only for low accuracy_level
3595  !use_fft_mixprec = dtset%mixprec == 1 .and. accuracy_level < 2
3596  !if (use_fft_mixprec) prev_mixprec = fftcore_set_mixprec(1)
3598  ! =========================
3599  ! === Subspace rotation ===
3600  ! =========================
3601  savemem = 1
3602  ABI_MALLOC(gsc, (2, npw*my_nspinor*nband*dtset%usepaw))
3603  call subspace_rotation(gs_hamk, dtset%prtvol, mpi_enreg, nband, npw, my_nspinor, savemem, &
3604                         enlx, eig, cg, gsc, ghc, gvnlxc)
3606  ABI_SFREE(ghc)
3607  ABI_SFREE(gvnlxc)
3609  ! Revert mixprec to previous status before returning.
3610  !if (use_fft_mixprec) prev_mixprec = fftcore_set_mixprec(prev_mixprec)
3612  ! Ortoghonalization is in principle not needed but it seems to improve a bit.
3613  if (dtset%wfinit < 0) then
3614    !ortalgo = 3 !; ortalgo = mpi_enreg%paral_kgb
3615    !call pw_orthon(0, 0, istwf_k, mcg, mgsc, npwsp, nband, ortalgo, gsc, usepaw, cg, me_g0, comm_bsf)
3617    ! TODO: Merge the two routines.
3618    if (usepaw == 1) then
3619      call cgpaw_cholesky(npwsp, nband, cg, gsc, istwf_k, me_g0, comm_bsf)
3620    else
3621      call cgnc_cholesky(npwsp, nband, cg, istwf_k, me_g0, comm_bsf, use_gemm=.False.)
3622    end if
3623  end if
3625  ABI_FREE(gsc)
3626  !call cwtime_report(" cg_from_atoms:", cpu, wall, gflops)
3628 contains
3629 subroutine randomize(ri)
3630   real(dp),intent(inout) :: ri(2)
3632 !Local variables-------------------------------
3633   real(dp) :: arg, rr
3634   complex(dp) :: c2, c1
3635 ! *************************************************************************
3637   call random_number(arg)
3638   arg = two_pi * arg
3639   call random_number(rr)
3640   c1 = cmplx(ri(1), ri(2), kind=dp)
3641   c2 = one + 0.05_dp * cmplx(rr*cos(arg), rr*sin(arg), kind=dp)
3642   c2 = c1 * c2
3643   ri(1) = real(c2)
3644   ri(2) = aimag(c2)
3646 end subroutine randomize
3648 end subroutine cg_from_atoms

m_inwffil/initwf [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 Initialization of wavefunctions.
 If formeig==1, and partially filled case, I am not sure that the eig_k are initialized properly ...
 formeig option (format of the eigenvalues and eigenvector) :
   0 => ground-state format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with random numbers, vector of eigenvalues)
   1 => respfn format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with 0 s, hermitian matrix of eigenvalues)


 formeig=see above
 headform=header format (might be needed to read the block of wfs)
 icg=shift to be given to the location of the data in the array cg
 ikpt= number of the k point of which the wf is initialised
 spin=spin index
 mcg=dimension of the cg array
 mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
 nband_k=number of bands at this particular k point
 nkpt=number of k points
 npw=number of plane waves
 nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions (on current proc)
 wff1=structure info for file containing wavefunctions (when needed)


 cg(2,mcg)=complex wf array
  if ground state format (formeig=0):
    eig_k(nband_k)=list of eigenvalues (input or init to large number), hartree
  if respfn format (formeig=1):
    eig_k(2*nband_k*nband_k)= matrix of eigenvalues (input or init to large number), hartree


 occ_k(nband_k)=list of occupations (input or left to their initial value)
 ikptsp_old=number of the previous spin-k point, or 0 if first call of present file


1820 subroutine initwf(cg,eig_k,formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,ikptsp_old,&
1821 &  spin,mcg,mpi_enreg,nband_k,nkpt,npw,nspinor,occ_k,wff1)
1823 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1824 !scalars
1825  integer,intent(in) :: formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,spin,mcg,nband_k,nkpt,npw,nspinor
1826  integer,intent(inout) :: ikptsp_old
1827  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1828  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wff1
1829 !arrays
1830  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ_k(nband_k)
1831  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg),eig_k((2*nband_k)**formeig*nband_k) !vz_i
1833 !Local variables-------------------------------
1834 !scalars
1835  integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50
1836  integer :: ikpt0,nband_disk,tim_rwwf
1837  character(len=500) :: msg
1838 !arrays
1839  integer,allocatable :: kg_dum(:,:)
1840  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
1841 #if 0
1842  integer :: iomode,comm,funt,ierr
1843  type(wfk_t) :: Wfk
1844 #endif
1846 ! *************************************************************************
1848 !write(std_out,*)' initwf : enter, ikptsp_old,ikpt,spin,nkpt= ',ikptsp_old,ikpt,spin,nkpt
1849 !stop
1851 #if 0
1852  ABI_WARNING("Entering new IO section")
1853 !call WffClose(wff1,ierr)
1854  comm   = MPI_enreg%comm_cell
1855  iomode = iomode_from_fname(wff1%fname)
1856  call wfk_open_read(Wfk,wff1%fname,formeig,iomode,get_unit(),comm)
1857  call wfk_read_band_block(Wfk,(/1,nband_k/),ikpt,spin,xmpio_at,cg_k=cg(1:,icg:),eig_k=eig_k,occ_k=occ_k)
1858  call wfk_close(Wfk)
1859 !call clsopn(wff1)
1860  RETURN
1861 #endif
1863  call timab(770,1,tsec)
1864  call timab(771,1,tsec)
1866  ABI_MALLOC(kg_dum,(3,0))
1868 !Skip wavefunctions for k-points not treated by this proc.
1869 !(from ikptsp_old+1 to ikpt+(spin-1)*nkpt-1)
1870  if (ikptsp_old<ikpt+(spin-1)*nkpt-1) then
1871    do ikpt0=ikptsp_old+1,ikpt+(spin-1)*nkpt-1
1872      call WffReadSkipK(formeig,headform,ikpt0,spin,mpi_enreg,wff1)
1873    end do
1874  end if
1876 !write(std_out,*)' initwf : before rwwf'
1877 !write(std_out,*)' formeig,icg,ikpt,spin=',formeig,icg,ikpt,spin
1878 !write(std_out,*)' nband_k,nband_disk,npw,nspinor=',nband_k,nband_disk,npw,nspinor
1879 !write(std_out,*)' unwff1=',unwff1
1880 !stop
1882  if(mpi_enreg%paralbd==0)tim_rwwf=2
1883  if(mpi_enreg%paralbd==1)tim_rwwf=20
1885  call timab(771,2,tsec)
1887  call rwwf(cg,eig_k,formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,spin,kg_dum,nband_k,mcg,mpi_enreg,nband_k,nband_disk,&
1888 & npw,nspinor,occ_k,1,0,tim_rwwf,wff1)
1890  call timab(772,1,tsec)
1892  if (ikpt<=nkpt_max) then
1893    write(msg,'(3(a,i0))')' initwf: disk file gives npw= ',npw,' nband= ',nband_disk,' for kpt number= ',ikpt
1894    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1895  else if (ikpt==nkpt_max+1) then
1896    call wrtout(std_out,' initwf: the number of similar message is sufficient... stop printing them')
1897  end if
1899  ! Check the number of bands on disk file against desired number. These are not required to agree)
1900  if (nband_disk /= nband_k .and. ikpt<=nkpt_max) then
1901    write(msg,'(3(a,i0),3a)')&
1902    'For kpt number: ',ikpt,' disk file has: ',nband_disk,' bands but input file gave nband: ',nband_k,'.',ch10,&
1903    'This is not fatal. Bands are skipped or filled with random numbers.'
1904    ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1905  end if
1907  if (ikpt<=nkpt_max) then
1908    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' initwf: ',nband_disk,' bands have been initialized from disk'
1909    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1910  end if
1912  ikptsp_old=ikpt+(spin-1)*nkpt
1914  ABI_FREE(kg_dum)
1916  call timab(772,2,tsec)
1917  call timab(770,2,tsec)
1919 end subroutine initwf

m_inwffil/inwffil [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 Do initialization of wavefunctions.
 Also call other relevant routines for this initialisation
 (initialization of wavefunctions from scratch or from file, translations of wavefunctions, ...)


  ask_accurate= if 1, the wavefunctions and eigenvalues must be
    accurate, that is, they must come from a k point that is
    symmetric of the needed k point, with a very small tolerance,
    the disk file contained sufficient bands to initialize all of them,
    the spinor and spin-polarisation characteristics must be identical
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  ecut=effective kinetic energy planewave cutoff (hartree), beyond
    which the coefficients of plane waves are zero
  ecut_eff=effective kinetic energy planewave cutoff (hartree), needed
    to generate the sphere of plane wave
  exchn2n3d=if 1, n2 and n3 are exchanged
  formeig=explained above
  hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  ireadwf=option parameter described above for wf initialization
  istwfk(nkpt)=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs to be initialized here.
  kg(3,mpw*my_nkpt)=dimensionless coords of G vecs in basis sphere at k point
  kptns(3,nkpt)=reduced coords of k points
  localrdwf=(for parallel case) if 1, the wffnm  file is local to each machine
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mband_mem=maximum number of bands for this cpu
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband_mem*mkmem*nsppol
  mkmem=number of k-points in core memory
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum number of planewaves as dimensioned in calling routine
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at each k point
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  npwarr(nkpt)=array holding npw for each k point.
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupations (from disk or left at their initial value)
  optorth= 1 if the WFS have to be orthogonalized; 0 otherwise
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
  tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for symmetry operations
  unkg=unit number for storage of basis sphere data: stores indirect
   indexing array and integer coordinates for all planewaves in basis
   sphere for each k point being considered
  unwff1,unwfnow= unit numbers for files wffnm and wft1nm.
  wffnm=name (character data) of file for input wavefunctions.


  wff1  = structure information for files wffnm .
  wffnow= structure information for wf file wft1nm
  if ground state format (formeig=0):
    eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=eigenvalues (input or init to large number), (Ha)
  if respfn format (formeig=1):
    eigen(2*mband*mband*nkpt*nsppol)=matrix of eigenvalues
                                     (input or init to large number), (Ha)
 Conditional output (returned if mkmem/=0):
  cg(2,mcg)=complex wf array
    be careful : an array of size cg(2,npw*nspinor), as used
    in the response function code, is not enough !
  wvl <type(wvl_data)>=all wavelets data.


 Detailed description:
  Initialize unit wff1%unwff for input of wf data if ireadwf=1
  Opens file on unit wffnow%unwff
   if the storage on disk is needed (mkmem==0)
  Initializes wf data on wffnow%unwff, by calling the appropriate routine.

 formeig option (format of the eigenvalues and occupations) :
   0 => ground-state format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with random numbers, vector of eigenvalues,
        occupations are present)
   1 => respfn format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with 0 s, hermitian matrix of eigenvalues)

 ireadwf options:
   0 => initialize with random numbers or 0 s
   1 => read from disk file wff1, initializing higher bands
        with random numbers or 0 s if not provided in disk file

 The wavefunctions after this initialisation are stored in unit wffnow%unwff


 * The symmetry operations are used to translate the data from one
   k point to another, symmetric, k point.
   They can be completely different from the symmetry operations
   contained on the disk file. No check is performed between the two sets.

 * Occupations will not be modified nor output, in the present status of this routine.

 * If ground state format (formeig=0) occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol) was output.


172 subroutine inwffil(ask_accurate,cg,dtset,ecut,ecut_eff,eigen,exchn2n3d,&
173 &           formeig,hdr,ireadwf,istwfk,kg,kptns,localrdwf,mband,&
174 &           mcg,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,nband,ngfft,nkpt,npwarr,&
175 &           nsppol,nsym,occ,optorth,symafm,symrel,tnons,unkg,wff1,&
176 &           wffnow,unwff1,wffnm,wvl)
178 !Arguments ------------------------------------
179  integer,intent(in) :: ask_accurate,exchn2n3d,formeig,ireadwf,localrdwf,mband,mcg,mkmem,mpw
180  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nsppol,nsym,optorth,unkg,unwff1
181  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut,ecut_eff
182  character(len=*),intent(in) :: wffnm
183  type(MPI_type),intent(inout),target :: mpi_enreg
184  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
185  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
186  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wff1
187  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wffnow
188  type(wvl_data),intent(inout) :: wvl
189  integer,intent(in) :: istwfk(nkpt),kg(3,mpw*mkmem),ngfft(18)
190  integer,intent(in) :: npwarr(nkpt),symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym)
191  integer,intent(in),target :: nband(nkpt*nsppol)
192  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: cg(2,mcg),eigen((2*mband)**formeig*mband*nkpt*nsppol)
193  real(dp),intent(in) :: kptns(3,nkpt),tnons(3,nsym)
194  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
196 !Local variables-------------------------------
197  integer,parameter :: master=0
198  integer :: iomode,accurate,ceksp,debug,doorth,fform,fform_dum,fill
199  integer :: headform0,iband,ibg,ibg0,icg,icg0,icgsft,ieigsft,ierr,ii
200  integer :: ikassoc,ikpt,ikpt0,ikptsp,ikptsp0,imax,increase_nkassoc,isppol,isppol0
201  integer :: mband0,mband0_rd,mband_eff,mcg_disk,me,me0,mkmem0,mpw0
202  integer :: my_nkpt,my_nspinor,my_nspinor0,nband_k,nband0_k
203  integer :: nkassoc,nkpt0,npw,npw0,nspinor0,nspinor_eff,nsppol0,nsppol_eff,nsppol2nspinor
204  integer :: rdwr,randalg,restart,restartpaw,spaceComm,spaceComm_io,sppoldbl,sppoldbl_eff,squeeze
205  logical :: out_of_core
206  real(dp) :: dksqmax,ecut0
207  character(len=500) :: message
208  type(hdr_type) :: hdr0
209  integer :: ngfft0(18)
210  integer,allocatable :: indkk0(:,:),indx(:),istwfk0(:),kg0(:,:)
211  integer,allocatable :: nband0_rd(:),npwarr0(:),npwi(:),npwtot0(:)
212  integer,allocatable,target :: indkk(:,:),nband0(:)
213  integer, pointer :: indkk_eff(:,:),nband_eff(:)
214  logical,allocatable :: my_kpt(:)
215  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gmet0(3,3),gprim0(3,3),rprim0(3,3),tsec(2)
216  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_disk(:,:),kptns0(:,:)
217  real(dp),pointer :: cg_eff(:,:),eigen_eff(:)
218  type(MPI_type),pointer :: mpi_enreg0
220 ! *************************************************************************
224 !Keep track of total time spent in inwffil
225  call timab(710,1,tsec)
226  call timab(711,1,tsec)
228 !Check the validity of formeig
229  if (formeig/=0.and.formeig/=1) then
230    write(message,'(a,i0,a)')' formeig = ',formeig,', but the only allowed values are 0 or 1.'
231    ABI_BUG(message)
232  end if
234 !Init mpi_comm
235  spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
236  spaceComm_io=xmpi_comm_self
237  if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) spaceComm_io= mpi_enreg%comm_bandspinorfft
238  if (mpi_enreg%paral_hf ==1) spaceComm_io= mpi_enreg%comm_hf
239  me=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)
241 !Determine number of k points processed by current node
242  my_nkpt=nkpt;if (size(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)>0) my_nkpt=maxval(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
243  out_of_core=(mkmem==0.and.my_nkpt/=0)
245  ngfft0(:)=ngfft(:)
246  headform0=0 !Default value for headform0 (will be needed later, to read wf blocks)
248 !Chebyshev is more sensitive to the quality of input random numbers, so use a new algorithm
249  if(dtset%wfoptalg == 1 .or. dtset%wfoptalg == 111) then
250    randalg = 1
251  else
252    ! Otherwise, use compatibility mode
253    randalg = 0
254  end if
256 !If the input data are on disk, determine the kind of restart
257  wff1%fname = wffnm
259 !Checking the existence of data file
260  if (ireadwf==1 .and. .not.file_exists(wff1%fname)) then
261    ! Trick needed to run Abinit test suite in netcdf mode.
262    if (file_exists(nctk_ncify(wff1%fname))) then
263      write(std_out,"(3a)")"- File: ",trim(wff1%fname)," does not exist but found netcdf file with similar name."
264      wff1%fname = nctk_ncify(wff1%fname)
265    end if
266    if (localrdwf/=0 .and. .not. file_exists(wff1%fname)) then
267      ABI_ERROR('Missing data file: '//TRIM(wff1%fname))
268    end if
269  end if
271 !Compute reciprocal space metric gmet
272  call matr3inv(hdr%rprimd,gprim0) ! gprim0 is used as temporary storage
273  gmet=matmul(transpose(gprim0),gprim0)
275  if (ireadwf==1)then
277    iomode=dtset%iomode
278    if (localrdwf==0) then
279      ! This is in case the wff file must be read by only the master proc
280      if (iomode /= IO_MODE_ETSF) iomode=IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER
281      !iomode=IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER
282    end if
284    call WffOpen(iomode,spaceComm,wff1%fname,ierr,wff1,master,me,unwff1,spaceComm_io)
286 !  Initialize hdr0 (sent to all procs), thanks to reading of wff1
287    rdwr=1
288    if ( ANY(wff1%iomode == (/IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER, IO_MODE_FORTRAN, IO_MODE_MPI/) )) then
289      call hdr_io(fform_dum,hdr0,rdwr,wff1)
290 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
291    else if (wff1%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
292      call hdr_ncread(hdr0, wff1%unwff, fform_dum)
293 #endif
294    end if
296    ! Handle IO Error.
297    if (fform_dum == 0) then
298      write(message,"(4a)")&
299 &     "hdr_io returned fform == 0 while trying to read the wavefunctions from file: ",trim(wff1%fname),ch10,&
300 &     "This usually means that the file does not exist or that you don't have enough privileges to read it"
301      ABI_ERROR(message)
302    end if
304    call wrtout(std_out,' inwffil: examining the header of disk file: '//trim(wff1%fname),'COLL')
306 !  Check hdr0 versus hdr (and from now on ignore header consistency and write new info to header for each file)
307    if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
308 !    wait for plane waves.
309      fform=2
310    else
311 !    wait for wavelets.
312      fform = 200
313    end if
314    call hdr_check(fform,fform_dum,hdr,hdr0,'PERS',restart,restartpaw)
316    nkpt0=hdr0%nkpt
317    nsppol0=hdr0%nsppol
318    headform0=hdr0%headform
320    write(message,'(2a)')'-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file ',trim(wff1%fname)
321    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
322    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
324  else
325    restart=1; restartpaw=0
327 !  Fill some data concerning an hypothetical file to be read
328 !  This is to allow the safe use of same routines than with ireadwf==1.
329    nkpt0=nkpt ; nsppol0=nsppol
330  end if ! end ireadwf
332  sppoldbl=1
333  if(minval(symafm(:))==-1)then
334    if(nsppol0==1 .and. nsppol==2)sppoldbl=2
335  end if
337  ABI_MALLOC(indkk,(nkpt*sppoldbl,6))
338  ABI_MALLOC(istwfk0,(nkpt0))
339  ABI_MALLOC(kptns0,(3,nkpt0))
340  ABI_MALLOC(nband0,(nkpt0*nsppol0))
341  ABI_MALLOC(npwarr0,(nkpt0))
343  if(restart==2)then ! restart with translations
345    ecut0=hdr0%ecut_eff
346    istwfk0(1:nkpt0)=hdr0%istwfk(1:nkpt0)
347    kptns0(1:3,1:nkpt0)=hdr0%kptns(1:3,1:nkpt0)
348    nband0(1:nkpt0*nsppol0)=hdr0%nband(1:nkpt0*nsppol0)
349    ngfft0(1:3)=hdr0%ngfft(1:3)
350    npwarr0(1:nkpt0)=hdr0%npwarr(1:nkpt0)
351    nspinor0=hdr0%nspinor
352    rprim0(:,:)=hdr0%rprimd(:,:)
353    mpw0=maxval(npwarr0(:))
355 !  Compute reciprocal space metric gmet for unit cell of disk wf
356    call matr3inv(rprim0,gprim0)
357    gmet0=matmul(transpose(gprim0),gprim0)
359    if ((mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1).or.(mpi_enreg%paral_hf==1)) then
360      ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enreg0,)
361      call copy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg,mpi_enreg0)
362      ABI_MALLOC(kg0,(3,mpw0*nkpt0))
363      ABI_MALLOC(npwtot0,(nkpt0))
364      message="tmpfil"
365      call kpgio(ecut0,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet0,istwfk0,kg0, &
366 &     kptns0,nkpt0,nband0,nkpt0,'PERS',mpi_enreg0,&
367 &     mpw0,npwarr0,npwtot0,nsppol0)
369      ABI_FREE(kg0)
370      ABI_FREE(npwtot0)
371    else
372      mpi_enreg0 => mpi_enreg
373    end if
375 !  At this stage, the header of the file wff1i%unwff is read, and
376 !  the pointer is ready to read the first wavefunction block.
378 !  Compute k points from input file closest to the output file
379    call listkk(dksqmax,gmet0,indkk,kptns0,kptns,nkpt0,nkpt,nsym,sppoldbl,symafm,symrel,1,spaceComm)
381  else if (restart==1) then ! direct restart
383 !  Fill variables that must be the same, as determined by hdr_check.f
384 !  This is to allow the safe use of the same routines than with restart==2.
385    nspinor0=dtset%nspinor
386    ecut0=ecut_eff
387    gmet0(:,:)=gmet(:,:)
388    istwfk0(:)=istwfk(:)
389    kptns0(:,:)=kptns(:,:)
390    npwarr0(:)=npwarr(:)
391    mpw0=mpw
393    do isppol=1,sppoldbl
394      do ikpt=1,nkpt
395        indkk(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt,1)=ikpt
396        indkk(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt,2:6)=0
397      end do
398    end do
399    dksqmax=0.0_dp
401 !  The treatment of nband0 asks for some care
402    if(ireadwf==0)then
403      nband0(:)=0
404    else
405      nband0(1:nkpt0*nsppol0)=hdr0%nband(1:nkpt0*nsppol0)
406    end if
408    mpi_enreg0 => mpi_enreg
410  else
411    mpi_enreg0 => mpi_enreg
412  end if
414  if(mpi_enreg0%paral_pert == 1.and.mpi_enreg0%me_pert/=-1) then
415    me0 = mpi_enreg0%me_pert
416  else
417    me0 = mpi_enreg0%me_cell
418  end if
420 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
421 !Before hdr_free:
422 !If restartpaw==1, store hdr0%pawrhoij in hdr%pawrhoij; else if restartpaw==0,
423 !hdr%pawrhoij(:)has been initialized in hdr_init.
424  if(restartpaw==1) then
425    call pawrhoij_copy(hdr0%pawrhoij,hdr%pawrhoij,keep_itypat=.true.)
426  end if
428  call timab(711,2,tsec)
429  call timab(712,1,tsec)
431 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
432 !At this stage, all the relevant information from the header of the disk file,
433 !has been exploited, and stored in variables, on all processors.
434 !It is also contained in hdr0
435 !(on all processors, except if restart=1 and localrdwf=0,
436 !in which case it is only on the master)
437 !These information might be changed later, while processing the
438 !wavefunction data, and converting it. The variable hdr0 might be kept
439 !for further checking, or reference, or debugging, but at present,
440 !it is simpler to close it. The other header, hdr, will be used for the new file, if any.
442  if(ask_accurate==1)then
444 !  Check whether the accuracy requirements might be fulfilled
445    if(ireadwf==0)then
446      write(message,'(9a)')&
447 &     'The file ',trim(wff1%fname),' cannot be used to start the ',ch10,&
448 &     'present calculation. It was asked that the wavefunctions be accurate,',ch10,&
449 &     'but they were not even read.',ch10,&
450 &     'Action: use a wf file, with ireadwf/=0.'
451      ABI_ERROR(message)
452    end if
453    if(dksqmax>tol12)then
454      write(message, '(9a,es16.6,4a)' )&
455 &     'The file ',trim(wff1%fname),' cannot be used to start the ',ch10,&
456 &     'present calculation. It was asked that the wavefunctions be accurate, but',ch10,&
457 &     'at least one of the k points could not be generated from a symmetrical one.',ch10,&
458 &     'dksqmax=',dksqmax,ch10,&
459 &     'Action: check your wf file and k point input variables',ch10,&
460 &     '        (e.g. kptopt or shiftk might be wrong in the present dataset or the preparatory one.'
461      ABI_ERROR(message)
462    end if
463    if(dtset%nspinor/=nspinor0)then
464      write(message,'(a,a, a,a,a,a,a, a,a,2i5,a,a)')&
465 &     'The file ',trim(wff1%fname),' cannot be used to start the ',ch10,&
466 &     'present calculation. It was asked that the wavefunctions be accurate, but',ch10,&
467 &     'nspinor differs in the file from the actual nspinor.',ch10,&
468 &     'nspinor,nspinor0=',dtset%nspinor,nspinor0,ch10,&
469 &     'Action: check your wf file, and nspinor input variables.'
470      ABI_ERROR(message)
471    end if
472    if((nsppol>nsppol0 .and. sppoldbl==1) .or. nsppol<nsppol0 ) then
473      write(message,'(a,a, a,a,a,a,a, a,a,3i5,a,a)')&
474 &     'The file ',trim(wff1%fname),' cannot be used to start the ',ch10,&
475 &     'present calculation. It was asked that the wavefunctions be accurate, but',ch10,&
476 &     'the nsppol variables do not match in the file and in the actual calculation',ch10,&
477 &     'nsppol,nsppol,sppoldbl=',dtset%nspinor,nspinor0,sppoldbl,ch10,&
478 &     'Action: check your wf file, and nsppol input variables.'
479      ABI_ERROR(message)
480    end if
482 !  Now, check the number of bands
483    accurate=1
484    do isppol=1,nsppol
485      do ikpt=1,nkpt
486        ikpt0=indkk(ikpt+(isppol-1)*(sppoldbl-1)*nkpt,1)
487        ikptsp =ikpt +(isppol-1)*nkpt
488        ikptsp0=ikpt0+(isppol-1)*(2-sppoldbl)*nkpt0
489        if(nband0(ikptsp0)<nband(ikptsp))accurate=0
490      end do
491    end do
492    if(accurate==0)then
493      write(message,'(a,a, a,a,a,a,a, a,a)')&
494 &     'The file ',trim(wff1%fname),' cannot be used to start the ',ch10,&
495 &     'present calculation. It was asked that the wavefunctions be accurate,',ch10,&
496 &     'but the number of bands differ in the file and in the actual calculation.',ch10,&
497 &     'Action: use a wf file with the correct characteristics.'
498      ABI_ERROR(message)
499    end if
501  end if
503 !Flag: do we need to translate WF to (from) spinors ?
504  nsppol2nspinor=0
505  if (nsppol0==2.and.dtset%nspinor==2) nsppol2nspinor=+1
506  if (nspinor0==2.and.nsppol==2) nsppol2nspinor=-1
508 !Take into account parallism over spinors
509  my_nspinor =max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
510  my_nspinor0=max(1,nspinor0/mpi_enreg0%nproc_spinor)
512 !Not all bands might be read, if not needed to fill the wavefunctions
513  mband0=maxval(nband0(1:nkpt0*nsppol0))
514  mband0_rd=min(mband0,(mband/dtset%nspinor)*nspinor0)
516 !****************************************************************************
517 !If needed, transfer the input wf from disk to core memory
518 !(in the parallel case, it allows to change localrdwf=0 in localrdwf=1)
520  mkmem0=0
522  if(xmpi_paral == 1 .or. mpi_enreg%paral_kgb == 1 .or. mpi_enreg%paral_hf == 1) then
523    if(localrdwf==0 .and. out_of_core)then
524      ABI_BUG('localrdwf==0 and mkmem==0 (out-of-core solution) are not allowed together (yet)')
525    end if
526  end if
528  call timab(712,2,tsec)
530 !Here, treat reading wavefunctions with mkmem/=0, first step
531  if(ireadwf==1 .and. (.not.out_of_core))then
533    call timab(713,1,tsec)
535 !  if(restart==1 .and. ireadwf==1 .and. mkmem/=0)then
537 !  Compute table of k point associations. Make a trial choice for nkassoc.
538    nkassoc=(nkpt/nkpt0+1)*2
539    ABI_MALLOC(indkk0,(nkpt0,nkassoc))
540 !  Infinite loops are allowed in F90
541    do
542      indkk0(:,:)=0
543      increase_nkassoc=0
544      do ikpt=1,nkpt*sppoldbl
545        ikpt0=indkk(ikpt,1)
546        do ikassoc=1,nkassoc
547          if(indkk0(ikpt0,ikassoc)==0)then
548            indkk0(ikpt0,ikassoc)=ikpt
549            exit
550          end if
551          if(nkassoc==ikassoc)increase_nkassoc=1
552        end do
553        if(increase_nkassoc==1)then
554          ABI_FREE(indkk0)
555          nkassoc=2*nkassoc
556          ABI_MALLOC(indkk0,(nkpt0,nkassoc))
557          exit
558        end if
559      end do
560      if(increase_nkassoc==0)exit
561    end do
563 !  DEBUG
564 !  write(std_out,*)' inwffil: indkk0, nkassoc=',nkassoc
565 !  do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
566 !  write(std_out,*)' ikpt0,indkk0(ikpt0,1)=',ikpt0,indkk0(ikpt0,1)
567 !  end do
570 !  DEBUG
571 !  write(std_out,*)' inwffil : indkk(:,1)=',indkk(:,1)
572 !  write(std_out,*)' inwffil : sppoldbl=',sppoldbl
575 !  To treat the case (nsppol0=2,nspinor0=1)<->(nsppol=1,nspinor=2),
576 !  apply the following trick:
577 !  1- We call wfsinp with fake arguments (nsppol_eff and nspinor_eff)
578 !  2- We transform collinear polarized WF into spinors
579 !  or  spinors into collinear polarized WF
580    if (nsppol2nspinor/=0.and.out_of_core.and.dtset%usewvl==0) then
581      write(message, '(7a)')&
582 &     'When mkmem=0 (out-of-core), the wavefunction translator is unable',ch10,&
583 &     'to interchange spin-polarized wfs and spinor wfs.',ch10,&
584 &     'Action: use a non-spin-polarized wf to start a spinor wf,',ch10,&
585 &     '        and a non-spinor wf to start a spin-polarized wf.'
586      ABI_ERROR(message)
587    end if
589 !  === Fake arguments definition for wfsinp
590    if (nsppol2nspinor==0.or.dtset%usewvl/=0) then
591      indkk_eff => indkk
592      nband_eff => nband
593      eigen_eff => eigen
594      cg_eff => cg
595      nspinor_eff=dtset%nspinor;nsppol_eff=nsppol;sppoldbl_eff=sppoldbl
596      mband_eff=maxval(nband_eff(1:nkpt*nsppol_eff))
597    else if (nsppol2nspinor==1.and.(.not.out_of_core)) then
598      nsppol_eff=2;nspinor_eff=1;sppoldbl_eff=1
599      ABI_MALLOC(indkk_eff,(nkpt*sppoldbl_eff,6))
600      ABI_MALLOC(nband_eff,(nkpt*nsppol_eff))
601      indkk_eff(1:nkpt,1:6)   =indkk(1:nkpt,1:6)
602      nband_eff(1:nkpt)       =nband(1:nkpt)/2
603      nband_eff(1+nkpt:2*nkpt)=nband(1:nkpt)/2
604      mband_eff=maxval(nband_eff(1:nkpt*nsppol_eff))
605      eigen_eff => eigen
606      cg_eff => cg
607    else if (nsppol2nspinor==-1.and.(.not.out_of_core)) then
608 !    WARNING: MT 07072011 -> this is memory consuming
609 !    A copy a spinorial WF (and eigenvalues) is temporary kept in memory;
610 !    But the case (nspinor=2 => nsppol=2) might be rare
611 !    and only useful for testing purposes.
612 !    => print a warning for the user
613 !    NOTE: in that case (nsppol=2), parallelization over spinors is not activated
615      write(message,'(5a)')&
616 &     'In the case of spinor WF read from disk and converted into',ch10,&
617 &     'spin-polarized non-spinor WF, the WF translator is memory',ch10,&
618 &     'consuming (a copy of the spinor WF is temporarily stored in memory).'
619      ABI_WARNING(message)
621      nsppol_eff=1;nspinor_eff=2;sppoldbl_eff=1
622      ABI_MALLOC(indkk_eff,(nkpt*sppoldbl_eff,6))
623      ABI_MALLOC(nband_eff,(nkpt*nsppol_eff))
624      indkk_eff(1:nkpt,1:6)=indkk(1:nkpt,1:6)
625      nband_eff(1:nkpt)    =2*nband(1:nkpt)
626      mband_eff=maxval(nband_eff(1:nkpt*nsppol_eff))
627      ABI_MALLOC(eigen_eff,((2*mband_eff)**formeig*mband_eff*nkpt*nsppol_eff))
628      ABI_MALLOC(cg_eff,(2,mpw0*nspinor_eff*mband_eff*mkmem*nsppol_eff))
629    end if
631 !  === nband0 argument definition for wfsinp
632    squeeze=0
633    ABI_MALLOC(cg_disk,(0,0))
634    if(.not.out_of_core)then
635      ABI_MALLOC(nband0_rd,(nkpt0*nsppol0))
636      nband0_rd(:)=0
637      do isppol=1,nsppol_eff
638        do ikpt=1,nkpt
639          ikpt0=indkk(ikpt+(isppol-1)*(sppoldbl-1)*nkpt,1)
640          isppol0=min(isppol,nsppol0)
641          ikptsp =ikpt +(isppol -1)*nkpt
642          ikptsp0=ikpt0+(isppol0-1)*(2-sppoldbl)*nkpt0
643          nband0_k=min(nband0(ikptsp0),(nband_eff(ikptsp)/nspinor_eff)*nspinor0)
644          nband0_rd(ikptsp0)=max(nband0_rd(ikptsp0),nband0_k)
645          npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
646          npw =npwarr (ikpt)
647          if(npw0*nspinor0*nband0_k > npw*nspinor_eff*nband_eff(ikptsp))squeeze=1
648        end do
649      end do
650      if(squeeze==1)then
651        mcg_disk=mpw0*my_nspinor0*mband0_rd
652        ABI_FREE(cg_disk)
653        ABI_MALLOC(cg_disk,(2,mcg_disk))
654      else
655        if(xmpi_paral == 1 .or. mpi_enreg0%paral_kgb == 1 .or. mpi_enreg0%paral_hf == 1)then
656          if(localrdwf==0)then
657            mcg_disk=mpw0*my_nspinor0*mband0_rd
658            ABI_FREE(cg_disk)
659            ABI_MALLOC(cg_disk,(2,mcg_disk))
660          end if
661        end if
662      end if
663    end if
665    call timab(713,2,tsec)
666    call timab(714,1,tsec)
668 !  === call to wfsinp
669    if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
670      call wfsinp(cg_eff,cg_disk,ecut,ecut0,ecut_eff,eigen,&
671 &     exchn2n3d,formeig,gmet,gmet0,headform0,&
672 &     indkk_eff,indkk0,istwfk,istwfk0,kptns,kptns0,localrdwf,&
673 &     mband_eff,mcg,mcg_disk,mpi_enreg,mpi_enreg0,mpw,mpw0,&
674 &     nband_eff,nband0_rd,ngfft,nkassoc,nkpt,nkpt0,npwarr,npwarr0,nspinor_eff,nspinor0,&
675 &     nsppol_eff,nsppol0,nsym,occ,optorth,dtset%prtvol,randalg,restart,hdr%rprimd,sppoldbl_eff,squeeze,&
676 &     symrel,tnons,wff1)
677      if (nsppol2nspinor/=0)  then
678        ABI_FREE(indkk_eff)
679        ABI_FREE(nband_eff)
680      end if
681    else
682 !    Read wavefunctions from file.
683      call wvl_wfsinp_disk(dtset, hdr0, hdr, mpi_enreg, occ, 1, &
684 &     hdr%rprimd, wff1, wvl%wfs, wvl%descr, hdr%xred)
685    end if
687    call timab(714,2,tsec)
688    call timab(715,1,tsec)
690 !  Now, update xyz0 variables, for use in newkpt
691    nband0(:)=nband0_rd(:)
693 !  If squeeze, the conversion was done in wfsinp, so no conversion left.
694    if(squeeze==1)then
695      ecut0=ecut_eff
696      gmet0(:,:)=gmet(:,:)
697      ABI_FREE(kptns0)
698      ABI_FREE(istwfk0)
699      ABI_FREE(nband0)
700      ABI_FREE(npwarr0)
701      ABI_MALLOC(kptns0,(3,nkpt))
702      ABI_MALLOC(istwfk0,(nkpt))
703      ABI_MALLOC(nband0,(nkpt*nsppol))
704      ABI_MALLOC(npwarr0,(nkpt))
705      kptns0(:,:)=kptns(:,:)
706      istwfk0(:)=istwfk(:)
707      npwarr0(:)=npwarr(:)
708      nband0(:)=0
709      do isppol=1,nsppol
710        do ikpt=1,nkpt
711          ikpt0=indkk(ikpt+(isppol-1)*(sppoldbl-1)*nkpt,1)
712          isppol0=min(isppol,nsppol0)
713          ikptsp =ikpt +(isppol -1)*nkpt
714          ikptsp0=ikpt0+(isppol0-1)*(sppoldbl-1)*nkpt0
715          nband0(ikptsp)=(nband0_rd(ikptsp0)/nspinor0)*dtset%nspinor
716        end do
717      end do
718      do ikpt=1,nkpt
719        indkk(ikpt,1)=ikpt
720        indkk(ikpt,2:6)=0
721      end do
722 !    This transfer must come after the nband0 transfer
723      nspinor0=dtset%nspinor
724      nkpt0=nkpt
725      nsppol0=nsppol
726    end if ! end squeeze == 1
728 !  The input wavefunctions have been transferred from disk to core memory
729    mkmem0=mkmem
731    ABI_FREE(indkk0)
732    ABI_FREE(nband0_rd)
733    ABI_FREE(cg_disk)
735    call timab(715,2,tsec)
737  else !ireadwf == 0
738    if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
740      call timab(714,1,tsec)
741 !    Compute wavefunctions from input guess.
742      call wvl_wfsinp_scratch(dtset, mpi_enreg, occ, hdr%rprimd, wvl, hdr%xred)
743      call timab(714,2,tsec)
744    end if
745  end if
747  call timab(716,1,tsec)
749 !=== Eventual conversion of WF into (from) spinors
750  if (dtset%usewvl==0) then
752 !  ***** No conversion (standard case) ****
753    if (nsppol2nspinor==0) then
754      nspinor_eff=nspinor0;nsppol_eff=nsppol0;sppoldbl_eff=sppoldbl
755      indkk_eff => indkk
756      nband_eff => nband0
758 !    ***** Conversion from collinear to spinorial WF ****
759    else if (nsppol2nspinor==1.and.(.not.out_of_core)) then
760 !    Translate the WF and eigenvalues from nsppol=2 to nspinor=2
761 !    This is tricky (because we do not want to create a temporary array for cg)
762      nsppol_eff=1;nspinor_eff=2;sppoldbl_eff=1
763      ABI_MALLOC(indkk_eff,(nkpt*sppoldbl_eff,6))
764      ABI_MALLOC(nband_eff,(nkpt0*nsppol_eff))
765      indkk_eff(1:nkpt,1:6)=indkk(1:nkpt,1:6)
766      nband_eff(1:nkpt0)=2*nband0(1:nkpt0)
767 !    Compute some shifts from isspol0=1 to isppol0=2
768      imax=0;icgsft=0;ieigsft=0
769      ABI_MALLOC(my_kpt,(nkpt0))
770      do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
771        nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);nband_k=nband(ikpt0)
772        my_kpt(ikpt0)=(.not.(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg0%proc_distrb,ikpt0,1,nband_k,1,me0)))
773        ieigsft=ieigsft+(2*nband0_k)**formeig*nband0_k
774        if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
775          imax=imax+nband0_k;icgsft=icgsft+nband0_k*npwarr0(ikpt0)
776        end if
777      end do
778 !    --- First version: no parallelization over spinors
779      if (mpi_enreg0%paral_spinor==0) then
780 !      Compute some useful indexes
781        ABI_MALLOC(indx,(2*imax))
782        ABI_MALLOC(npwi,(imax))
783        ii=0;icg=0
784        do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
785          if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
786            nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
787            do iband=1,nband0_k
788              ii=ii+1;npwi(ii)=npw0
789              indx(2*ii-1)=icg+mpw0;indx(2*ii)=icg+2*mpw0
790              icg=icg+4*mpw0
791            end do
792          end if
793        end do
794 !      Expand WF in cg (try to use the whole array)
795        ii=nsppol0*imax;icg0=nsppol0*icgsft
796        do isppol=nsppol0,1,-1
797          do ikpt0=nkpt0,1,-1
798            if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
799              nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
800              do iband=nband0_k,1,-1
801                icg0=icg0-npw0
802                if (indx(ii)<icg0) then
803                  ABI_BUG("Unable to read WF!")
804                end if
805                cg(:,indx(ii)+1:indx(ii)+npw0)=cg(:,icg0+1:icg0+npw0)
806                ii=ii-1
807              end do
808            end if
809          end do
810        end do
811 !      Convert polarized WF into spinors
812        ii=1
813        do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
814          if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
815            nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
816            do iband=1,nband0_k
817              npw0=npwi(ii)
818              cg(:,indx(2*ii-1)-mpw0+1:indx(2*ii-1)-mpw0+npw0)=cg(:,indx(ii)+1:indx(ii)+npw0)
819              cg(:,indx(2*ii  )+mpw0+1:indx(2*ii  )+mpw0+npw0)=cg(:,indx(ii+imax)+1:indx(ii+imax)+npw0)
820              ii=ii+1
821            end do
822          end if
823        end do
824 !      Compress new cg array (from mpw to npw) and cancel zero-components
825        icg0=0;icg=0
826        do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
827          if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
828            nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
829            do iband=1,nband0_k
830              cg(:,icg0       +1:icg0+  npw0)=cg(:,icg+1:icg+npw0)
831              cg(:,icg0+  npw0+1:icg0+2*npw0)=zero
832              cg(:,icg0+2*npw0+1:icg0+3*npw0)=zero
833              cg(:,icg0+3*npw0+1:icg0+4*npw0)=cg(:,icg+3*mpw0+1:icg+3*mpw0+npw0)
834              icg0=icg0+4*npw0;icg=icg+4*mpw0
835            end do
836          end if
837        end do
838 !      --- Second version: parallelization over spinors
839      else
840 !      Compute some useful indexes
841        ABI_MALLOC(indx,(imax))
842        ABI_MALLOC(npwi,(imax))
843        ii=0;icg=0
844        do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
845          if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
846            nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
847            do iband=1,nband0_k
848              ii=ii+1;npwi(ii)=npw0
849              indx(ii)=icg+mpi_enreg0%me_spinor*mpw0
850              icg=icg+2*mpw0
851            end do
852          end if
853        end do
854 !      Expand WF in cg
855        ii=(mpi_enreg0%me_spinor+1)*imax;icg0=(mpi_enreg0%me_spinor+1)*icgsft
856        do ikpt0=nkpt0,1,-1
857          if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
858            nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
859            do iband=nband0_k,1,-1
860              icg0=icg0-npw0
861              if (indx(ii)<icg0) then
862                ABI_BUG("Unable to read WF!")
863              end if
864              cg(:,indx(ii)+1:indx(ii)+npw0)=cg(:,icg0+1:icg0+npw0)
865              ii=ii-1
866            end do
867          end if
868        end do
869 !      Compress new cg array (from mpw to npw) and cancel zero-components
870        icg0=0;icg=0
871        do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
872          if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
873            nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
874            do iband=1,nband0_k
875              if (mpi_enreg0%me_spinor==0) then
876                cg(:,icg0     +1:icg0+  npw0)=cg(:,icg+1:icg+npw0)
877                cg(:,icg0+npw0+1:icg0+2*npw0)=zero
878              else
879                cg(:,icg0     +1:icg0+  npw0)=zero
880                cg(:,icg0+npw0+1:icg0+2*npw0)=cg(:,icg+mpw0+1:icg+mpw0+npw0)
881              end if
882              icg0=icg0+2*npw0;icg=icg+2*mpw0
883            end do
884          end if
885        end do
886      end if
887 !    Translate eigenvalues
888      ibg0=2*ieigsft;ibg=2*ieigsft
889      do ikpt0=nkpt0,1,-1
890        nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0)
891        ibg0=ibg0-  nband0_k*(2*nband0_k)**formeig
892        ibg =ibg -2*nband0_k*(2*nband0_k)**formeig
893        if(my_kpt(ikpt0)) then
894          do iband=nband0_k*(2*nband0_k)**formeig,1,-1
895            eigen(2*iband-1+ibg)=eigen(iband+ibg0-ieigsft)
896            eigen(2*iband  +ibg)=eigen(iband+ibg0)
897          end do
898        end if
899      end do
900      ABI_FREE(indx)
901      ABI_FREE(npwi)
902      ABI_FREE(my_kpt)
904 !    ***** Conversion from spinorial to collinear WF ****
905    else if (nsppol2nspinor==-1.and.(.not.out_of_core)) then
906 !    In that case parallelization over spinors is never activated
907      nsppol_eff=2;nspinor_eff=1;sppoldbl_eff=1
908      ABI_MALLOC(indkk_eff,(nkpt*sppoldbl_eff,6))
909      ABI_MALLOC(nband_eff,(nkpt0*nsppol_eff))
910      indkk_eff(1:nkpt,1:6)=indkk(1:nkpt,1:6)
911      nband_eff(1:nkpt0)        =nband0(1:nkpt0)/2
912      nband_eff(1+nkpt0:2*nkpt0)=nband0(1:nkpt0)/2
913 !    Compute shifts from isspol0=1 to isppol0=2
914      icgsft=0;ieigsft=0
915      do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
916        nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);nband_k=nband(ikpt0)
917        ieigsft=ieigsft+(nband0_k/2)*(nband0_k)**formeig
918        if(.not.(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg0%proc_distrb,ikpt0,1,nband_k,1,me))) &
919 &       icgsft=icgsft+(nband0_k/2)*npwarr0(ikpt0)
920      end do
921 !    Translate the WF and eigenvalues from nspinor=2 to nsppol=2
922      icg0=0;icg=0;ibg=0
923      do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
924        nband0_k=nband0(ikpt0);nband_k=nband(ikpt0);npw0=npwarr0(ikpt0)
925        if(.not.(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg0%proc_distrb,ikpt0,1,nband_k,1,me))) then
926          do iband=1,nband0_k/2
927            do ii=1,npw0
928              cg(:,ii+icg)       =cg_eff(:,ii+icg0)
929              cg(:,ii+icg+icgsft)=cg_eff(:,ii+icg0+3*npw0)
930            end do
931            icg0=icg0+4*npw0;icg=icg+npw0
932          end do
933          do iband=(nband0_k/2)*(nband0_k)**formeig,1,-1
934            eigen(iband+ibg)        =eigen_eff(2*iband-1+2*ibg)
935            eigen(iband+ibg+ieigsft)=eigen_eff(2*iband  +2*ibg)
936 !          occ(iband+ibg)        =occ_eff(2*iband-1+2*ibg)
937 !          occ(iband+ibg+ieigsft)=occ_eff(2*iband  +2*ibg)
938          end do
939        end if
940        ibg=ibg+(nband0_k/2)*(nband0_k)**formeig
941      end do
942      ABI_FREE(cg_eff)
943      ABI_FREE(eigen_eff)
945    else
946      ABI_BUG('unable to interchange nsppol and nspinor when mkmem=0')
947    end if
948  end if
950  !Clean hdr0
951  call hdr0%free()
953  call timab(716,2,tsec)
954  call timab(717,1,tsec)
957 !****************************************************************************
958 !Now, treat translation of wavefunctions if wavefunctions are planewaves
960  ceksp=0; debug=0; doorth=1; fill=1
961  if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
963    call newkpt(ceksp,cg,debug,ecut0,ecut,ecut_eff,eigen,exchn2n3d,&
964 &   fill,formeig,gmet0,gmet,headform0,indkk_eff,&
965 &   ab_out,ireadwf,istwfk0,istwfk,kg,kptns0,kptns,&
966 &   mband,mcg,mkmem0,mkmem,mpi_enreg0,mpi_enreg,&
967 &   mpw0,mpw,my_nkpt,nband_eff,nband,ngfft0,ngfft,nkpt0,nkpt,npwarr0,npwarr,&
968 &   nspinor_eff,dtset%nspinor,nsppol_eff,nsppol,nsym,occ,optorth,&
969 &   dtset%prtvol,randalg,restart,hdr%rprimd,sppoldbl_eff,symrel,tnons,unkg,wff1,wffnow)
971    if (nsppol2nspinor/=0)  then
972      ABI_FREE(indkk_eff)
973      ABI_FREE(nband_eff)
974    end if
976  end if ! dtset%usewvl == 0
978 !****************************************************************************
980  ABI_FREE(indkk)
981  ABI_FREE(istwfk0)
982  ABI_FREE(kptns0)
983  ABI_FREE(nband0)
984  ABI_FREE(npwarr0)
985  if (restart==2 .and.(mpi_enreg0%paral_kgb==1 .or. mpi_enreg0%paral_hf == 1)) then
986    call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg0)
987    ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg0)
988  else
989    nullify(mpi_enreg0)
990  end if
992  call timab(717,2,tsec)
993  call timab(710,2,tsec)
997 end subroutine inwffil

m_inwffil/newkpt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 This subroutine writes a starting guess for wave function (set 2)
 It performs a "zero order" interpolation, ie simply
 searches the nearest available k-point.
 The data (set 1) associated with this point is either
 read from a disk file (with a random access reading routine),
 or input as argument.


  ceksp2=if 1, center the sphere of pw on Gamma; if 0, on each k-point.
  doorth=1 to do orthogonalization
  debug=>0 for debugging output
  ecut1=kinetic energy cutoffs for basis sphere 1 (hartree)
  ecut2=kinetic energy cutoffs beyond which the coefficients of wf2 vanish (Ha)
  ecut2_eff=kinetic energy cut-off for basis sphere 2 (hartree)
  exchn2n3d=if 1, n2 and n3 are exchanged
  fill=if 1, fill the supplementary bands ; if 0, reduce the number of bands
             Note : must have fill/=0 in the parallel execution
  formeig=if 0, GS format for wfs, eig and occ ; if 1, RF format.
  gmet1(3,3), gmet2(3,3)=reciprocal space metrics (bohr^-2)
  headform1=header format (might be needed to read the block of wfs)
  indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6)=describe k point number of kptns1 that allows to
   generate wavefunctions closest to given kpt2 (and possibly isppol2=2)
   indkk(:,1)=k point number of kpt1
   indkk(:,2)=symmetry operation to be applied to kpt1, to give kpt1a
    (if 0, means no symmetry operation, equivalent to identity )
   indkk(:,3:5)=shift in reciprocal space to be given to kpt1a,
    to give kpt1b, that is the closest to ikpt2.
   indkk(:,6)=1 if time-reversal was used to generate kpt1a from kpt1, 0 otherwise
  iout=unit number for output file
  ireadwf=if 0, no reading of disk wavefunction file (random or 0.0 initialisation)
  istwfk1(nkpt1)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set1
  istwfk2(nkpt2)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set2
  kg2(3,mpw2*mkmem2)=dimensionless coords of G vecs in basis sphere at k point
  kptns1(3,nkpt1), kptns2(3,nkpt2)=k point sets (reduced coordinates)
  mband2= maximum number of bands of the output wavefunctions
  mcg=dimension of the cg array
   In case mkmem2/=0, all the output data must find their place in cg,
    so that mcg must be at least Sum(ikpt,isppol) [npw*nspinor*nband](ikpt,isppol)
    where these data are related to the output parameters
   In case mkmem1/=0, the same is true, for the input parameters,
    however, the maximum number of bands that will be read
    will be at most (mband2/nspinor2)*nspinor1
   In case mkmem1==0 and mkmem2==0, one must have at least mpw*nspinor*mband
    for BOTH the input and output parameters, taking into account the
    maximal number of band to be read, described above.
   In case mkmem1/=0 and mkmem2/=0, it is expected that the input cg array
    is organised using the output parameters nkpt2, nband2 ...
    This is needed, in order to use the same pointer.
  mkmem1= if 0, the input wf, eig, occ are available from disk
  mkmem2= if 0, the output wf, eig, occ must be written onto disk
  mpi_enreg1=information about MPI parallelization, for the input wf file
  mpi_enreg2=information about MPI parallelization, for the output wf file
  mpw1=maximum allowed number of planewaves at any k, for the input wf file
  mpw2=maximum allowed number of planewaves at any k, for the output wf file
  my_nkpt2= number of k points for the output wf file, handled by current processus
  nband1(nkpt1*nsppol1)=number of bands, at each k point, on disk
  nband2(nkpt2*nsppol2)=desired number of bands at each k point
  ngfft1(18)=all needed information about 3D FFT, for the input wf file
  ngfft2(18)=all needed information about 3D FFT, for the output wf file
             see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt1, nkpt2=number of k points in each set
  npwarr1(nkpt1)=array holding npw for each k point (input wf file).
  npwarr2(nkpt2)=array holding npw for each k point (output wf file).
  nspinor1,nspinor2=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
   for each wf file (input or output)
  nsppol1=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized, input wf file
  nsppol2=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized, output wf file
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  optorth= 1 if the WFS have to be orthogonalized; 0 otherwise
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging
  randalg=1 if "good" (but non-portable) random numbers should be used, 0 for compatibility
  restart= if 2, conversion between wavefunctions
           if 1, direct restart is allowed (see hdr_check.f)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  sppoldbl= if 1, no doubling of the number if spins thanks to antiferromagn
    if 2, deduce nsppol=2 from nsppol=1, using Shubnikov symmetries
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
   of primitive translations
  tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for symmetry operations
  unkg2=unit number for storage of basis sphere data: stores indirect
   indexing array and integer coordinates for all planewaves in basis
   sphere for each k point being considered (kptns2 set)
  wffinp=structure info of input wf file unit number
  wffout=structure info of output wf file unit number
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset


  (see side effects)


     The following arrays are input if mkmem1/=0, otherwise their input
     values are taken from disk, and are output if mkmem2/=0, otherwise
     their output values are written on disk.
     The location of the block for a given spin-k point at input MUST
     be the same as the location of the corresponding spin-k point at output.
  cg(2,mcg)=complex wf array
  eigen(mband2*(2*mband2)**formeig *nkpt2*nsppol2)=
    eigenvalues (input or init to large number for GS or init to 0.0 for RF), (Ha)
  occ(mband2*nkpt2*nsppol2)=occupation (input or init to 0.0)  NOT USED NOW


 * When reading from disk, it is expected that the next record of
 the wffinp%unwff disk unit is the first record of the first wavefunction block.

 * When the data is input as argument, it is assumed that the
 data for each spin- k wavefunction block is located at the proper
 corresponding location of the output array (this is to be described).

 * The information is pumped onto an fft box for the conversion.
 This allows for changing the number of plane waves.

 * In the present status of this routine, occ is not output.


2042 subroutine newkpt(ceksp2,cg,debug,ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff,eigen,exchn2n3d,fill,&
2043 &                  formeig,gmet1,gmet2,headform1,indkk,iout,ireadwf,&
2044 &                  istwfk1,istwfk2,kg2,kptns1,kptns2,mband2,mcg,mkmem1,mkmem2,&
2045 &                  mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2,mpw1,mpw2,my_nkpt2,nband1,nband2,&
2046 &                  ngfft1,ngfft2,nkpt1,nkpt2,npwarr1,npwarr2,nspinor1,nspinor2,&
2047 &                  nsppol1,nsppol2,nsym,occ,optorth,prtvol,randalg,restart,rprimd,&
2048 &                  sppoldbl,symrel,tnons,unkg2,wffinp,wffout)
2050 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2051 !scalars
2052  integer,intent(in) :: ceksp2,debug,exchn2n3d,fill,formeig,headform1,iout
2053  integer,intent(in) :: ireadwf,mband2,mcg,mkmem1,mkmem2,mpw1,mpw2,my_nkpt2,nkpt1,nkpt2
2054  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor1,nspinor2,nsppol1,nsppol2,nsym,optorth,prtvol,restart
2055  integer,intent(in) :: randalg,sppoldbl,unkg2
2056  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff
2057  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2
2058  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wffinp,wffout
2059 !arrays
2060  integer,intent(in) :: indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6),istwfk1(nkpt1),istwfk2(nkpt2)
2061  integer,intent(in) :: kg2(3,mpw2*mkmem2),nband1(nkpt1*nsppol1)
2062  integer,intent(in) :: nband2(nkpt2*nsppol2),ngfft1(18),ngfft2(18)
2063  integer,intent(in) :: npwarr1(nkpt1),npwarr2(nkpt2),symrel(3,3,nsym)
2064  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet1(3,3),gmet2(3,3),kptns1(3,nkpt1),kptns2(3,nkpt2)
2065  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),tnons(3,nsym)
2066  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg) !vz_i pw_orthon vecnm
2067  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eigen(mband2*(2*mband2)**formeig*nkpt2*nsppol2)!vz_i newocc
2068  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ(mband2*nkpt2*nsppol2) !vz_i
2070 !Local variables-------------------------------
2071 !scalars
2072  integer,parameter :: init_random=-5,nkpt_max=50,tobox=1,tosph=-1,wr=2
2073  integer :: aux_stor,band_index,iband,icg,icg_aux,idum
2074  integer :: ii,ikg2,ikpt1,ikpt10,ikpt2,ikptsp_prev,inplace,iproc
2075  integer :: isppol1,isppol2,istwf10_k,localrdwf
2076  integer :: mband1,mband_rd,mband_rw,mcg_aux,me1,me2,mgfft1,mgfft2
2077  integer :: my_nspinor1,my_nspinor2
2078  integer :: nb_band,nbd1,nbd1_rd,nbd2,nkpt_eff,nproc2,npw1,npw2,nsp
2079  integer :: test_cycle,tim_rwwf
2080  logical :: out_of_core2
2081  character(len=500) :: message
2082 !arrays
2083  integer,allocatable :: kg1(:,:),kg2_k(:,:),kg_dum(:,:)
2084  real(dp) :: kpoint(3),tsec(2)
2085  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_aux(:,:),eig_k(:),occ_k(:)
2087 ! *************************************************************************
2089  call timab(780,1,tsec)
2090  call timab(781,1,tsec)
2092  icg=0
2094 !Init MPI data
2095  me1=mpi_enreg1%me_kpt
2096  me2=mpi_enreg2%me_kpt
2097  nproc2 = mpi_enreg2%nproc_cell
2098  out_of_core2=(my_nkpt2/=0.and.mkmem2==0)
2101  if((nsppol1==2.and.nspinor2==2).or.(nspinor1==2.and. nsppol2==2))then
2102 !  This is not yet possible. See later for a message about where to make the needed modifs.
2103 !  EDIT MT 20110707: these modifs are no more needed as they are now done in inwffil
2104    write(message, '(5a,i2,a,i2,2a,i2,a,i2,4a)' ) &
2105 &   'The wavefunction translator is (still) unable to interchange',ch10,&
2106 &   'spin-polarized wfs and spinor wfs. However,',ch10,&
2107 &   'the input  variables are nsppol1=',nsppol1,', and nspinor1=',nspinor1,ch10,&
2108 &   'the output variables are nsppol2=',nsppol2,', and nspinor2=',nspinor2,ch10,&
2109 &   'Action: use a non-spin-polarized wf to start a spinor wf,',ch10,&
2110 &   '        and a non-spinor wf to start a spin-polarized wf.'
2111    ABI_ERROR(message)
2112  end if
2114  my_nspinor1=max(1,nspinor1/mpi_enreg1%nproc_spinor)
2115  my_nspinor2=max(1,nspinor2/mpi_enreg2%nproc_spinor)
2116  mband1=maxval(nband1(1:nkpt1*nsppol1))
2118  if(mkmem1==0 .and. out_of_core2)then
2119    mband_rd=min(mband1,(mband2/nspinor2)*nspinor1)
2120    if(mcg<mpw1*my_nspinor1*mband_rd)then
2121      write(message,'(2(a,i0))')' The dimension mcg= ',mcg,', should be larger than mband_rd= ',mband_rd
2122      ABI_BUG(message)
2123    end if
2124    if(mcg<mband2*mpw2*my_nspinor2)then
2125      write(message,'(a,i0,a,a,a,i0,a,i0,a,i2)' )&
2126 &     'The dimension mcg= ',mcg,', should be larger than',ch10,&
2127 &     'the product of mband2= ',mband2,', mpw2= ',mpw2,', and nspinor2= ',my_nspinor2
2128      ABI_BUG(message)
2129    end if
2130  end if
2132  idum=init_random
2133  ikpt10 = 0
2134  istwf10_k=0
2135  band_index=0
2136  icg=0
2138  nkpt_eff=nkpt2
2139  if( (prtvol==0.or.prtvol==1) .and. nkpt_eff>nkpt_max ) nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
2141  mgfft1=maxval(ngfft1(1:3))
2142  mgfft2=maxval(ngfft2(1:3))
2143  ABI_MALLOC(kg1,(3,mpw1))
2144  ABI_MALLOC(kg2_k,(3,mpw2))
2145  ABI_MALLOC(kg_dum,(3,0))
2147  if (debug>0) then
2148    if (me1==0) then
2149      write(std_out,'(a)' ) ' newkpt:  kptns1'
2150      call prmat (kptns1, 3, nkpt1, 3)
2151    end if
2152    if (me2==0) then
2153      write(std_out,'(a)' ) ' newkpt:  kptns2'
2154      call prmat (kptns2, 3, nkpt2, 3)
2155    end if
2156  end if
2158  ikptsp_prev=0
2160  call timab(781,2,tsec)
2162 !Do outer loop over spins
2163  do isppol2=1,nsppol2
2165    if (nsppol2==2 .and. me2==0) then
2166      write(std_out,'(a,i5)' ) ' newkpt: spin channel isppol2 = ',isppol2
2167    end if
2169    if (restart==1 .and. out_of_core2) rewind (unkg2)
2170    ikg2=0
2172 !  Do loop over new k point set
2173    do ikpt2=1,nkpt2
2175      call timab(782,1,tsec)
2177      nbd2=nband2(ikpt2+(isppol2-1)*nkpt2)
2178      npw2=npwarr2(ikpt2)
2180      if(restart==1)then
2182 !      Announce the treatment of k point ikpt
2183        if(ikpt2<=nkpt_eff)then
2184 !        This message might be overwritten in parallel
2185          write(message, '(a,i6,a,i8,a,i4)' )'P newkpt: treating ',nbd2,' bands with npw=',npw2,' for ikpt=',ikpt2
2186 !        This message might be overwritten in parallel
2187          if(mpi_enreg2%paralbd==1)then
2188            do iproc=0,nproc2-1
2189              nb_band=0
2190              do iband=1,nbd2
2191                if(mpi_enreg2%proc_distrb(ikpt2,iband,isppol2) == iproc)nb_band=nb_band+1
2192              end do
2193              if(nb_band/=0)then
2194                write(message, '(a,i6,a,i8,a,i4,a,i4)' ) &
2195 &               'P newkpt: treating ',nb_band,' bands with npw=',npw2,' for ikpt=',ikpt2,' by node ',iproc
2196              end if
2197            end do
2198          end if
2199          if(mpi_enreg2%paralbd==0) then
2200            write(message, '(a,i6,a,i8,a,i4,a,i4)' )&
2201 &           'P newkpt: treating ',nbd2,' bands with npw=',npw2,&
2202 &           ' for ikpt=',ikpt2,' by node ',mpi_enreg2%proc_distrb(ikpt2,1,isppol2)
2203          end if
2204          if(prtvol>0)then
2205            call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
2206          end if
2207        end if
2209 !      Cut the writing if the limit is reached
2210        if(ikpt2==nkpt_eff+1)then
2211          if(prtvol>0)then
2212            call wrtout(iout,' newkpt: prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.','COLL')
2213          end if
2214        end if
2216 !      End of restart==1
2217      end if
2219      test_cycle=0
2220      if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg2%proc_distrb,ikpt2,1,nbd2,isppol2,me2)) test_cycle=1
2221      if(test_cycle==1)then
2222        if(formeig==0)then
2223          eigen(1+band_index : nbd2+band_index) = zero
2224 !        occ(1+band_index : nbd2+band_index) = zero
2225          band_index=band_index+nbd2
2226        else
2227          eigen(1+band_index : 2*nbd2**2+band_index) = 0.0_dp
2228          band_index=band_index+2*nbd2**2
2229        end if
2230 !      In the case this k point does not belong to me, cycle
2231        if (my_nkpt2==0) cycle
2232        if ((mkmem1==0) .and. (ireadwf==1) .and. (mpi_enreg2%paralbd==1))then
2233          call WffReadSkipK(formeig,headform1,ikpt2,isppol2,mpi_enreg2,wffinp)
2234          ikptsp_prev=ikptsp_prev+1
2235        end if
2236        cycle
2237      end if
2239      if(restart==1)then
2241        if(mkmem2/=0)then
2242          kg2_k(:,1:npw2)=kg2(:,1+ikg2:npw2+ikg2)
2243        else if(mkmem2==0)then
2244 !        Read the first line of a block and performs some checks on the unkg file.
2245          ABI_ERROR("mkmem2 == 0 and rdnpw are not supported anymore.")
2246          nsp=nspinor2
2247          !call rdnpw(ikpt2,isppol2,nbd2,npw2,nsp,0,unkg2)
2248 !        Read k+g data
2249          read (unkg2) kg2_k(1:3,1:npw2)
2250        end if
2252      end if
2254 !    Get ikpt1, the closest k from original set, from indkk
2255      ikpt1=indkk(ikpt2,1)
2256      if(sppoldbl==2 .and. isppol2==2)ikpt1=indkk(ikpt2+nkpt2,1)
2258      npw1=npwarr1(ikpt1)
2259      kpoint(:)=kptns1(:,ikpt1)
2261 !    Determine the spin polarization of the input data
2262      isppol1=isppol2
2263      if(nsppol2==2 .and. nsppol1==1)isppol1=1
2265      if(restart==2)then
2266        if(ikpt2<=nkpt_eff)then
2267          write(message,'(a,i4,i8,a,i4,i8)')'- newkpt: read input wf with ikpt,npw=',ikpt1,npw1,', make ikpt,npw=',ikpt2,npw2
2268          call wrtout(std_out,message)
2269          if(iout/=6 .and. me2==0 .and. prtvol>0)then
2270            call wrtout(iout,message)
2271          end if
2272        else if(ikpt2==nkpt_eff+1)then
2273          call wrtout(std_out, '- newkpt: prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.')
2274          if(iout/=6 .and. me2==0 .and. prtvol>0)then
2275            call wrtout(iout,message)
2276          end if
2277        end if
2278      end if
2280 !    Set up the number of bands to be read
2281      nbd1=nband1(ikpt1+(isppol1-1)*nkpt1)
2282      nbd1_rd=min(nbd1,(nbd2/nspinor2)*nspinor1)
2284 !    Check that number of bands is not being increased if fill==0 --if so
2285 !    print warning and reset new wf file nband2 to only allowed number
2286      if ( nbd2/nspinor2 > nbd1/nspinor1 .and. fill==0) then
2287        if(ikpt2<=nkpt_eff)then
2288          write(message, '(a,i8,a,i8,a,i8)' )' newkpt: nband2=',nbd2,' < nband1=',nbd1,' => reset nband2 to ',nbd1
2289          call wrtout(std_out,message)
2290        end if
2291        nbd2=nbd1
2292      end if
2294 !    Prepare the reading of the wavefunctions: the correct record is selected
2295 !    WARNING : works only for GS - for RF the number of record differs
2296      if(restart==2 .and. mkmem1==0)then
2297        ABI_ERROR("mkmem1 == 0 has been removed.")
2299        if(debug>0)then
2300          write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a,i5,a,a,i5,a,i5)' ) ch10,&
2301          ' newkpt: about to call randac',ch10,&
2302          '  for ikpt1=',ikpt1,', ikpt2=',ikpt2,ch10,&
2303          '  and isppol1=',isppol1,', isppol2=',isppol2
2304          call wrtout(std_out,message)
2305        end if
2307        !call randac(debug,headform1,ikptsp_prev,ikpt1,isppol1,nband1,nkpt1,nsppol1,wffinp)
2308      end if
2310 !    Read the data for nbd2 bands at this k point
2311 !    Must decide whether an auxiliary storage is needed
2312 !    When mkmem1==0 and mkmem2==0 , the cg array should be large enough ...
2313 !    When mkmem1==0 and mkmem2/=0 , each k-point block in cg might not be large enough
2314 !    however, will read at most (nbd2/nspinor2)*nspinor1 bands from disk
2315 !    When mkmem1/=0 , it is supposed that each input k-point block is smaller
2316 !    than the corresponding output k-point block, so that the input data
2317 !    have been placed already in cg, at the k-point location where they are needed
2318      aux_stor=0
2319      if(mkmem2/=0 .and. mkmem1==0)then
2320        mcg_aux=npw1*my_nspinor1*nbd1
2321        if(nbd1_rd<nbd1)mcg_aux=npw1*my_nspinor1*nbd1_rd
2322        if( mcg_aux > npw2*my_nspinor2*nbd2 )then
2323          aux_stor=1 ; icg_aux=0
2324          ABI_MALLOC(cg_aux,(2,mcg_aux))
2325        end if
2326      end if
2328      mband_rw=max(nbd1_rd,nbd2)
2329      ABI_MALLOC(eig_k,(mband_rw*(2*mband_rw)**formeig))
2330      if(formeig==0) then
2331        ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(mband_rw))
2332      else
2333        ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(0))
2334      end if
2336      if(mkmem1/=0 .and. ireadwf==1)then
2337 !      Checks that nbd1 and nbd1_rd are equal if eig and occ are input
2338        if(nbd1/=nbd1_rd)then
2339          write(message,'(a,a,a,i6,a,i6)')&
2340 &         'When mkmem1/=0, one must have nbd1=nbd1_rd, while',ch10,&
2341 &         'nbd1 = ',nbd1,', and nbd1_rd = ',nbd1_rd
2342          ABI_BUG(message)
2343        end if
2344 !      Need to put eigenvalues in eig_k, same for occ
2345 !      Note use of band_index, since it is assumed that eigen and occ
2346 !      already have spin-k point location structure than output.
2347        if(formeig==0)then
2348          eig_k(1:nbd1_rd)=eigen(1+band_index : nbd1_rd+band_index)
2349 !        occ_k(1:nbd1_rd)=occ(1+band_index : nbd1_rd+band_index)
2350        else if(formeig==1)then
2351 !        The matrix of eigenvalues has size nbd1 ,  that must be equal
2352 !        to nbd1_rd in the case mkmem1/=0)
2353          eig_k(1:2*nbd1_rd**2)=eigen(1+band_index : 2*nbd1_rd**2+band_index)
2354        end if
2355      end if
2357      call timab(782,2,tsec)
2359 !    Must read the wavefunctions if they are not yet in place
2360      if(mkmem1==0 .and. ireadwf==1)then
2362        if (debug>0 .and. restart==2) then
2363          write(message,'(a,i5,a,a,i5,a,i5,a)' ) &
2364 &         ' newkpt: about to call rwwf with ikpt1=',ikpt1,ch10,&
2365 &         ' and nband(ikpt1)=',nband1(ikpt1),' nbd2=',nbd2,'.'
2366          call wrtout(std_out,message)
2367        end if
2369        if(mpi_enreg1%paralbd==0)tim_rwwf=21
2370        if(mpi_enreg1%paralbd==1)tim_rwwf=22
2372        if(aux_stor==0)then
2373          call rwwf(cg,eig_k,formeig,headform1,icg,ikpt1,isppol1,kg_dum,mband_rw,mcg,mpi_enreg1,&
2374 &         nbd1_rd,nbd1,npw1,my_nspinor1,occ_k,1,0,tim_rwwf,wffinp)
2375        else
2376          icg_aux=0
2377          call rwwf(cg_aux,eig_k,formeig,headform1,icg_aux,ikpt1,isppol1,kg_dum,mband_rw,mcg_aux,&
2378 &         mpi_enreg1,nbd1_rd,nbd1,npw1,my_nspinor1,occ_k,1,0,tim_rwwf,wffinp)
2379        end if
2380      end if
2382      call timab(783,1,tsec)
2384      if(formeig==1 .and. nbd2/=nbd1_rd .and. ireadwf==1)then
2385 !      Change the storage of eig_k
2386        if(nbd1_rd<nbd2)then
2387          do iband=nbd1_rd,1,-1
2388 !          The factor of two is for complex eigenvalues
2389            do ii=2*nbd2,2*nbd1_rd+1,-1
2390              eig_k(ii+(iband-1)*2*nbd2)=huge(zero)/10.0_dp
2391            end do
2392            do ii=2*nbd1_rd,1,-1
2393              eig_k(ii+(iband-1)*2*nbd2)=eig_k(ii+(iband-1)*2*nbd1_rd)
2394            end do
2395          end do
2396        else if(nbd1_rd>nbd2)then
2397          do iband=1,nbd2
2398 !          The factor of two is for complex eigenvalues
2399            do ii=1,2*nbd2
2400              eig_k(ii+(iband-1)*2*nbd2)=eig_k(ii+(iband-1)*2*nbd1_rd)
2401            end do
2402          end do
2403        end if
2404      end if
2406 !    If change nsppol, must adapt the occupation numbers
2407 !    if(nsppol1/=nsppol2)then
2408 !    occ_k(1:nbd2)=occ_k(1:nbd2)*nsppol1/dbl(nsppol2)
2409 !    then
2411 !    In case nsppol1=2 and nspinor2=2, one should read
2412 !    the other spin-component, and form a spinor wf here, before calling
2413 !    wfconv. One should treat eig_k and occ_k as well.
2414 !    A similar operation is to be performed when nspino1=2 and nsppol2=2
2415 !    EDIT - MT 20110707: the building of the spinor wf is now done in wfffil
2416 !    no need to make it here....
2418 !    DEBUG
2419 !    write(std_out,*)' newkpt: before wfconv'
2420 !    write(std_out,*)' newkpt: mkmem2=',mkmem2
2421 !    stop
2422 !    ENDDEBUG
2424      call timab(783,2,tsec)
2425      call timab(784,1,tsec)
2427 !    Note the use of mband2, while mband is used inside
2428 !    write(std_out,*) 'in newkpt,before wfconv,npw1,npw2',npw1,npw2
2429      inplace=1
2430      if(aux_stor==0)then
2431        call wfconv(ceksp2,cg,cg,debug,ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff,&
2432 &       eig_k,eig_k,exchn2n3d,formeig,gmet1,gmet2,icg,icg,&
2433 &       ikpt1,ikpt10,ikpt2,indkk,inplace,isppol2,istwfk1,istwfk2,&
2434 &       kg1,kg2_k,kptns1,kptns2,mband_rw,mband_rw,mcg,mcg,&
2435 &       mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2,mpw1,mpw2,nbd1_rd,nbd2,&
2436 &       ngfft1,ngfft2,nkpt1,nkpt2,npw1,npw2,nspinor1,nspinor2,nsym,&
2437 &       occ_k,occ_k,optorth,randalg,restart,rprimd,sppoldbl,symrel,tnons)
2438      else
2439        call wfconv(ceksp2,cg_aux,cg_aux,debug,ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff,&
2440 &       eig_k,eig_k,exchn2n3d,formeig,gmet1,gmet2,icg_aux,icg_aux,&
2441 &       ikpt1,ikpt10,ikpt2,indkk,inplace,isppol2,istwfk1,istwfk2,&
2442 &       kg1,kg2_k,kptns1,kptns2,mband_rw,mband_rw,mcg,mcg,&
2443 &       mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2,mpw1,mpw2,nbd1_rd,nbd2,&
2444 &       ngfft1,ngfft2,nkpt1,nkpt2,npw1,npw2,nspinor1,nspinor2,nsym,&
2445 &       occ_k,occ_k,optorth,randalg,restart,rprimd,sppoldbl,symrel,tnons)
2446      end if
2448      call timab(784,2,tsec)
2450 !    Finally write new wf to disk file or save in permanent file
2451      if(mkmem2==0)then
2453 !      Note that in this case, we are sure aux_stor==0
2454        if(mpi_enreg2%paralbd==0)tim_rwwf=21
2455        if(mpi_enreg2%paralbd==1)tim_rwwf=22
2456        call rwwf(cg,eig_k,formeig,0,0,ikpt2,isppol2,kg2_k,nbd2,mcg,mpi_enreg2,&
2457 &       nbd2,nbd2,npw2,my_nspinor2,occ_k,wr,1,tim_rwwf,wffout)
2459      end if
2461      call timab(785,1,tsec)
2463      if(mkmem2/=0)then
2464        if(aux_stor==1)then
2465          cg(:,1+icg:npw2*nbd2*my_nspinor2+icg)=cg_aux(:,1:npw2*nbd2*my_nspinor2)
2466          ABI_FREE(cg_aux)
2467        end if
2469        icg=icg+npw2*nbd2*my_nspinor2
2470        ikg2=ikg2+npw2
2471      end if
2473      eigen(1+band_index:nbd2*(2*nbd2)**formeig+band_index) = eig_k(1:nbd2*(2*nbd2)**formeig)
2474 !    occ(1+band_index:nbd2+band_index)=occ_k(1:nbd2)
2476      if(formeig==0)then
2477        band_index=band_index+nbd2
2478      else if(formeig==1)then
2479        band_index=band_index+2*nbd2**2
2480      end if
2482      ABI_FREE(eig_k)
2483      ABI_FREE(occ_k)
2485      call timab(785,2,tsec)
2487    end do ! ikpt2
2488  end do ! isppol2
2490  call timab(786,1,tsec)
2492  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
2493 !  Transmit eigenvalues (not yet occupation numbers)
2494 !  newkpt.F90 is not yet suited for RF format
2495 !  This routine works in both localrdwf=0 or 1 cases.
2496 !  However, in the present routine, localrdwf is to be considered
2497 !  as 1 always, since the transfer has been made in wfsinp .
2498    localrdwf=1
2499    call pareigocc(eigen,formeig,localrdwf,mpi_enreg2,mband2,nband2,nkpt2,nsppol2,occ,1)
2500  end if
2502  ABI_FREE(kg1)
2503  ABI_FREE(kg2_k)
2504  ABI_FREE(kg_dum)
2506  call timab(786,2,tsec)
2507  call timab(780,2,tsec)
2509 end subroutine newkpt

m_inwffil/pareigocc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 This subroutine transmit to all processors, using MPI:
   - the eigenvalues and,
   - if ground-state, the occupation numbers
     (In fact, in the present status of the routine,
     occupation numbers are NOT transmitted)
     transmit_occ = 2 is used in case the occ should be transmitted.
     Yet the code is not already written.


  formeig=format of eigenvalues (0 for GS, 1 for RF)
  localrdwf=(for parallel case) if 1, the eig and occ initial values
            are local to each machine, if 0, they are on proc me=0.
  mband=maximum number of bands of the output wavefunctions
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=desired number of bands at each k point
  nkpt=number of k points
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized, output wf file processors,
         Warning : defined only when paralbd=1
  transmit_occ/=2 transmit only eigenvalues, =2 for transmission of occ also
         (yet transmit_occ=2 is not safe or finished at all)


  (see side effects)


  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=eigenvalues (input or init to large number), (Ha)
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation (input or init to 0.0)  NOT USED NOW


 * The case paralbd=1 with formeig=0 is implemented, but not yet used.

 * The transmission of occ is not activated yet !

 * The routine takes the eigenvalues in the eigen array on one of the
   processors that possess the wavefunctions, and transmit it to all procs.
   If localrdwf==0, me=0 has the full array at start,
   If localrdwf==1, the transfer might be more complex.

 * This routine should not be used for RF wavefunctions, since
   it does not treat the eigenvalues as a matrix.


3274 subroutine pareigocc(eigen,formeig,localrdwf,mpi_enreg,mband,nband,nkpt,nsppol,occ,transmit_occ)
3276 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3277 !scalars
3278  integer,intent(in) :: formeig,localrdwf,mband,nkpt,nsppol,transmit_occ
3279  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
3280 !arrays
3281  integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*nsppol)
3282  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eigen(mband*(2*mband)**formeig*nkpt*nsppol)
3283  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
3285 !Local variables-------------------------------
3286 !scalars
3287  integer :: band_index,iband,ierr,ikpt,isppol,me,nbks,spaceComm
3288  !character(len=500) :: msg
3289 !arrays
3290  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
3291  real(dp),allocatable :: buffer1(:),buffer2(:)
3293 ! *************************************************************************
3295  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
3297 !  Init mpi_comm
3298    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
3299    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
3300    if(mpi_enreg%paral_hf==1) spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
3301 !  Init me
3302    me=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
3304    if(localrdwf==0)then
3305      call xmpi_bcast(eigen,0,spaceComm,ierr)
3307    else if(localrdwf==1)then
3309 !    Prepare transmission of eigen (and occ)
3310      ABI_MALLOC(buffer1,(2*mband**(formeig+1)*nkpt*nsppol))
3311      ABI_MALLOC(buffer2,(2*mband**(formeig+1)*nkpt*nsppol))
3312      buffer1(:)=zero
3313      buffer2(:)=zero
3315      band_index=0
3316      do isppol=1,nsppol
3317        do ikpt=1,nkpt
3318          nbks=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
3320          if(mpi_enreg%paralbd==0)then
3322            if(formeig==0)then
3323              buffer1(2*band_index+1:2*band_index+nbks) = eigen(band_index+1:band_index+nbks)
3324              if(transmit_occ==2) then
3325                buffer1(2*band_index+nbks+1:2*band_index+2*nbks) = occ(band_index+1:band_index+nbks)
3326              end if
3327              band_index=band_index+nbks
3328            else if(formeig==1)then
3329              buffer1(band_index+1:band_index+2*nbks**2) = eigen(band_index+1:band_index+2*nbks**2)
3330              band_index=band_index+2*nbks**2
3331            end if
3333          else if(mpi_enreg%paralbd==1)then
3335 !          Skip this k-point if not the proper processor
3336            if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nbks,isppol,me)) then
3337              if(formeig==0) then
3338                band_index=band_index+nbks
3339              else
3340                band_index=band_index+2*nbks**2
3341              end if
3342              cycle
3343            end if
3344 !          Loop on bands
3345            do iband=1,nbks
3346              if(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt, iband,isppol) /= me)cycle
3347              if(formeig==0)then
3348                buffer1(2*band_index+iband)=eigen(band_index+iband)
3349 !              if(transmit_occ==2) buffer1(2*band_index+iband+nbdks)=occ(band_index+iband)
3350              else if (formeig==1)then
3351                buffer1(band_index+(iband-1)*2*nbks+1:band_index+(iband-1)*2*nbks+2*nbks) = &
3352 &               eigen(band_index+(iband-1)*2*nbks+1:band_index+(iband-1)*2*nbks+2*nbks)
3353              end if
3354            end do
3355            if(formeig==0)then
3356              band_index=band_index+nbks
3357            else
3358              band_index=band_index+2*nbks**2
3359            end if
3360          end if
3362        end do
3363      end do
3365 !    Build sum of everything
3366      call timab(48,1,tsec)
3367      if(formeig==0)band_index=band_index*2
3368      call xmpi_sum(buffer1,buffer2,band_index,spaceComm,ierr)
3369      call timab(48,2,tsec)
3371      band_index=0
3372      do isppol=1,nsppol
3373        do ikpt=1,nkpt
3374          nbks=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
3375          if(formeig==0)then
3376            eigen(band_index+1:band_index+nbks) = buffer2(2*band_index+1:2*band_index+nbks)
3377            if(transmit_occ==2) then
3378              occ(band_index+1:band_index+nbks) = buffer2(2*band_index+nbks+1:2*band_index+2*nbks)
3379            end if
3380            band_index=band_index+nbks
3381          else if(formeig==1)then
3382            eigen(band_index+1:band_index+2*nbks**2) = buffer1(band_index+1:band_index+2*nbks**2)
3383            band_index=band_index+2*nbks**2
3384          end if
3385        end do
3386      end do
3388      ABI_FREE(buffer1)
3389      ABI_FREE(buffer2)
3390    end if
3391  end if
3393 end subroutine pareigocc

m_inwffil/wfconv [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 This subroutine treats the wavefunctions for one k point,
 and converts them to other parameters.


  ceksp2=if 1, center the output sphere of pw on Gamma; if 0, on each k-point (usual).
  cg1(2,mcg1)=wavefunction array
  debug= if 1, print some messages ; otherwise, 0.
  ecut1=kinetic energy cutoffs for basis sphere 1 (hartree)
  ecut2=kinetic energy cutoff beyond which the coefficients of wf2 vanish (Ha)
  ecut2_eff=kinetic energy cut-off for basis sphere 2 (hartree)
  exchn2n3d=if 1, n2 and n3 are exchanged
  formeig option (format of the eigenvalues and eigenvector) :
   0 => ground-state format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with random numbers, vector of eigenvalues)
   1 => respfn format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with 0 s, hermitian matrix of eigenvalues)
  gmet1(3,3)=reciprocal space metric (bohr^-2) for input wf
  gmet2(3,3)=reciprocal space metric (bohr^-2) for output wf
  icg1=shift to be given to the location of the data in the array cg1
  icg2=shift to be given to the location of the data in the array cg2
  ikpt1=number of the k point actually treated (input wf numbering)
  ikpt10=number of the k point previously treated (input wf numbering)
  ikpt2=number of the k point actually treated (output numbering)
  indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6)=describe k point number of kptns1 that allows to
   generate wavefunctions closest to given kpt2 (and possibly isppol2=2)
   indkk(:,1)=k point number of kpt1
   indkk(:,2)=symmetry operation to be applied to kpt1, to give kpt1a
    (if 0, means no symmetry operation, equivalent to identity )
   indkk(:,3:5)=shift in reciprocal space to be given to kpt1a,
    to give kpt1b, that is the closest to kpt2.
   indkk(:,6)=1 if time-reversal was used to generate kpt1a from kpt1, 0 otherwise
  inplace= if 0, cg1 and cg2 are different in the calling routine,
           if 1, cg1 and cg2 are identical (they have the same memory location)
    This is also true for the pairs (eig_k1,eig_k2) and (occ_k1,occ_k2)
  isppol2=spin variable for output wavefunctions
  istwfk1(nkpt1)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set1
  istwfk2(nkpt2)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set2
  kg1(3,mpw1)=dimensionless coords of G vecs in basis sphere at k point (input wf)
  kg2(3,mpw2)=dimensionless coords of G vecs in basis sphere at k point (output wf)
  kptns1(3,nkpt1)=k point set for input wavefunctions
  kptns2(3,nkpt2)=k point set for output wavefunctions
  mband1=dimension of eig_k1 and occ_k1 arrays
  mband2=dimension of eig_k2 and occ_k2 arrays
  mcg1=dimension of cg1 array (at least npw1*nspinor1*nbd1)
  mcg2=dimension of cg2 array (at least npw2*nspinor2*nbd2)
  mpi_enreg1=information about MPI parallelization for set 1
  mpi_enreg2=information about MPI parallelization for set 2
  mpw1=dimension of kg1, can be set to 0 if not needed
  mpw2=dimension of kg2, can be set to 0 if not needed
  nbd1=number of bands contained in cg1,eig_k1,occ_k1 at this k-point - spin (at input)
  nbd2=number of bands contained in cg2,eig_k2,occ_k2 at this k-point - spin (at output)
  ngfft1(18)=all needed information about 3D FFT, for input wavefunctions
  ngfft2(18)=all needed information about 3D FFT, for output wavefunctions
             see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt1=number of k points for input wavefunctions
  nkpt2=number of k points for output wavefunctions
  npw1=number of planewaves for input wavefunctions
  npw2=number of planewaves for output wavefunctions
  nspinor1=number of spinors for input wavefunctions
  nspinor2=number of spinors for output wavefunctions
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  occ_k1(mband1)=occupation numbers
  optorth=1 if the WFs are orthogonalized before leaving the routine
  randalg=1 if "good" (but non-portable) random numbers should be used, 0 for compatibility
  restart=if 2, conversion between wavefunctions
          if 1, direct restart is allowed (see hdr_check.f)
  rprimd2(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
   needed only for the spinor rotation
  sppoldbl= if 1, no doubling of the number if spins thanks to antiferromagn
    if 2, deduce nsppol=2 from nsppol=1, using Shubnikov symmetries
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
   of primitive translations
  tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for symmetry operations
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset


  cg2(2,mcg2)=wavefunction array
  occ_k2(mband2)=occupation (completed with zeros)


  ikpt10=at input, number of the k point previously treated (input wf numbering)
     (if this is the first call for the present k point set, ikpt10 should be 0)
         at output, number of the k point just treated (input wf numbering)
  kg1, kg2, npw1 and npw2 should not be modified by kpgsph (TD).


 Note that this routine can make an in-place conversion
 (see the input variable "inplace"),
 if cg1 and cg2 are equal, as well as the pairs (icg1,icg2),
 (eig_k1,eig_k2),(occ_k1,occ_k2) and (mband1,mband2)

 It can also be used to fill or to initialize wavefunctions
 at one k point
 (filling with random numbers or 0''s, according to the value
 of formeig), if the input number of bands (nbd1) is 0.
 In the latter case, one should use the same values of input
 wavefunction parameters
 than for output wavefunction parameters, except nbd1.

 The input parameters are indexed with 1, the output parameters
 are indexed with 2.

 Some of the arguments are arrays dimensioned with nkpt1 or nkpt2.
 Note that for these, only the elements for ikpt1 or ikpt2 will be used.

 The number of input bands must already be minimal at the input.
 This means, when input and output nspinor are equal : nbd1<nbd2
 When the two nspinor differ, one must have nbd1/nspinor1<nbd2/nspinor2


2631 subroutine wfconv(ceksp2,cg1,cg2,debug,ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff,&
2632 & eig_k1,eig_k2,exchn2n3d,formeig,gmet1,gmet2,icg1,icg2,&
2633 & ikpt1,ikpt10,ikpt2,indkk,inplace,isppol2,istwfk1,istwfk2,&
2634 & kg1,kg2,kptns1,kptns2,mband1,mband2,mcg1,mcg2,mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2,&
2635 & mpw1,mpw2,nbd1,nbd2,ngfft1,ngfft2,nkpt1,nkpt2,npw1,npw2,nspinor1,nspinor2,&
2636 & nsym,occ_k1,occ_k2,optorth,randalg,restart,rprimd2,sppoldbl,symrel,tnons)
2638 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2639 !scalars
2640  integer,intent(in) :: ceksp2,debug,exchn2n3d,formeig,icg1,icg2,ikpt1
2641  integer,intent(in) :: ikpt2,inplace,isppol2,mband1,mband2,mcg1,mcg2,mpw1,mpw2
2642  integer,intent(in) :: nbd1,nbd2,nkpt1,nkpt2,nspinor1,nspinor2,nsym
2643  integer,intent(in) :: optorth,randalg,restart,sppoldbl
2644  integer,intent(inout) :: ikpt10,npw1,npw2
2645  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff
2646  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2
2647 !arrays
2648  integer,intent(in) :: indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6),istwfk1(nkpt1),istwfk2(nkpt2)
2649  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft1(18),ngfft2(18),symrel(3,3,nsym)
2650  integer,intent(inout) :: kg1(3,mpw1),kg2(3,mpw2)
2651  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet1(3,3),gmet2(3,3),kptns1(3,nkpt1),kptns2(3,nkpt2)
2652  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd2(3,3),tnons(3,nsym)
2653  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg1(2,mcg1),cg2(2,mcg2)
2654  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eig_k1(mband1*(2*mband1)**formeig)
2655  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eig_k2(mband2*(2*mband2)**formeig),occ_k1(mband1)
2656  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ_k2(mband2)
2658 !Local variables ------------------------------
2659 !scalars
2660  integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50,tobox=1,tosph=-1
2661  integer :: conv_tnons,convert,fftalg,fold1,fold2,foldim,foldre,i1,i2,iband
2662  integer :: iband_first,iband_last,icgmod,ierr,index,ipw
2663  integer :: ispinor,ispinor1,ispinor2,ispinor_first,ispinor_last
2664  integer :: istwf10_k,istwf1_k,istwf2_k,isym,itimrev
2665  integer :: mgfft1,mgfft2,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6
2666  integer :: nbremn,npwtot,nspinor_index,nspinor1_this_proc,nspinor2_this_proc
2667  integer :: order,ortalgo
2668  real(dp) :: ai,ar,arg,bi,br,eig_tmp,spinrots,spinrotx,spinroty,spinrotz
2669  character(len=500) :: message
2670  integer, parameter :: int64 = selected_int_kind(18)
2671  integer(KIND=int64) :: seed
2672  !arrays
2673  integer :: atindx(1),identity(3,3),ngfft_now(18),no_shift(3),shiftg(3)
2674  integer :: symm(3,3),symrel_conv(3,3)
2675  integer,allocatable :: gbound1(:,:),gbound2(:,:)
2676  real(dp) :: kpoint1(3),kpoint2_sph(3),phktnons(2,1),spinrot(4),tnons_conv(3),tsec(2)
2677  real(dp),allocatable :: cfft(:,:,:,:),dum(:,:),phase1d(:,:),phase3d(:,:)
2678  real(dp),allocatable :: wavef1(:,:),wavef2(:,:),wavefspinor(:,:)
2680 ! *************************************************************************
2682  mgfft1=maxval(ngfft1(1:3))
2683  mgfft2=maxval(ngfft2(1:3))
2684  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)occ_k1 ! just to keep occ_k1 as an argument before resolving the issue of its transfer
2686  if(nspinor1/=1 .and. nspinor1/=2)then
2687    write(message,'(a,i0)')'The argument nspinor1 must be 1 or 2, while it is nspinor1 = ',nspinor1
2688    ABI_BUG(message)
2689  end if
2691  if(nspinor2/=1 .and. nspinor2/=2)then
2692    write(message,'(a,i0)')' The argument nspinor2 must be 1 or 2, while it is nspinor2=',nspinor2
2693    ABI_BUG(message)
2694  end if
2696  if(nspinor1==2 .and. mod(nbd1,2)/=0)then
2697    write(message,'(a,i0)')' When nspinor1 is 2, nbd1 must be even, while it is nbd1 = ',nbd1
2698    ABI_BUG(message)
2699  end if
2701  if(nspinor2==2 .and. mod(nbd2,2)/=0)then
2702    write(message,'(a,i0)')'  When nspinor2 is 2, nbd2 must be even, while it is nbd2=',nbd2
2703    ABI_BUG(message)
2704  end if
2706  if(nbd1/nspinor1>nbd2/nspinor2)then
2707    write(message, '(3a,2i6,3a,2i6,a)' )&
2708 &   'In wfconv, the nbd/nspinor ratio cannot decrease. However,',ch10,&
2709 &   'the initial quantities are nbd1,nspinor1=',nbd1,nspinor1,', and',ch10,&
2710 &   'the requested final quantities are nbd2,nspinor2=',nbd2,nspinor2,'.'
2711    ABI_BUG(message)
2712  end if
2714  ngfft_now(1:3)=ngfft1(1:3)
2715  ngfft_now(8:18)=ngfft1(8:18)
2716 !This line is the reason why ngfft_now has to be introduced
2717  ngfft_now(7)=101
2718  ngfft_now(4:6)=ngfft_now(1:3)
2719  n1=ngfft_now(1) ; n2=ngfft_now(2) ; n3=ngfft_now(3)
2720  n4=ngfft_now(4) ; n5=ngfft_now(5) ; n6=ngfft_now(6)
2721  fftalg=ngfft_now(7)
2723 !Parallelization over spinors management
2724  nspinor1_this_proc=max(1,nspinor1/mpi_enreg1%nproc_spinor)
2725  nspinor2_this_proc=max(1,nspinor2/mpi_enreg2%nproc_spinor)
2727 !In order to generate IN PLACE new wfs from old wfs, the loop
2728 !over bands and spinors must be done in one direction or the other,
2729 !depending on npw1 and npw2, nspinor1 and nspinor2.
2730 !If nspinor1=1 and nspinor2=2 , note that one will generate
2731 !from nbd1 states of npw1 coefficients,
2732 !2*nbd1 states of 2*npw2 coefficients. nbd1 cancels in comparing
2733 !these expressions, but nspinor2 appears squared.
2734 !The same line of thought works for the case nspinor1=2 and nspinor2=1
2735  order=1
2736  iband_first=1   ; iband_last=nbd1
2737  ispinor_first=1 ; ispinor_last=nspinor1
2738  if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==1)then
2739    order=2 ; iband_last=nbd1-1 ; ispinor_last=1
2740  end if
2741 !Here, reverse the order if needed
2742  if( npw2*nspinor2**2 > npw1*nspinor1**2 )then
2743    order=-order
2744    iband_first=iband_last       ; iband_last=1
2745    ispinor_first=ispinor_last   ; ispinor_last=1
2746  end if
2748  kpoint1(:)=kptns1(:,ikpt1)
2749  istwf1_k=istwfk1(ikpt1)
2751  kpoint2_sph(:)=0.0_dp
2752  if(ceksp2==0)kpoint2_sph(:)=kptns2(:,ikpt2)
2753  istwf2_k=istwfk2(ikpt2)
2755 !DEBUG
2756 !write(std_out,*)'ecut1,ecut2_eff=',ecut1,ecut2_eff
2757 !write(std_out,*)'gmet1,gmet2=',gmet1,gmet2
2758 !write(std_out,*)'kpoint1,kpoint2_sph=',kpoint1,kpoint2_sph
2759 !write(std_out,*)'nspinor1,nspinor2',nspinor1,nspinor2
2760 !write(std_out,*)'istwf1_k,istwf2_k=',istwf1_k,istwf2_k
2761 !write(std_out,*)'nbd1,tol8=',nbd1,tol8
2764 !Determine whether it will be needed to convert the existing
2765 !wavefunctions, or simply to complete them.
2767  convert=0
2768  if(nbd1/=0)then
2769    if(abs(ecut2_eff-ecut1)>tol8)convert=convert+1
2770    if(sum(abs(gmet2(:,:)-gmet1(:,:)))>tol8)convert=convert+2
2771    if(sum(abs(kpoint2_sph(:)-kpoint1(:)))>tol8)convert=convert+4
2772    if(nspinor2/=nspinor1)convert=convert+8
2773    if(istwf2_k/=istwf1_k)convert=convert+16
2774  end if
2776 !This is a supplementary check
2777  if(restart==1 .and. convert/=0)then
2778    ABI_BUG('Restart==1 and convert/=0 are exclusive')
2779  end if
2781 !Determine whether symmetries must be used
2782  conv_tnons=0
2783  no_shift(:)=0
2784  identity(:,:)=0
2785  identity(1,1)=1 ; identity(2,2)=1 ; identity(3,3)=1
2786  isym=indkk(ikpt2+(sppoldbl-1)*(isppol2-1)*nkpt2,2)
2787  !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : isym=',isym
2788  itimrev=indkk(ikpt2+(sppoldbl-1)*(isppol2-1)*nkpt2,6)
2789  if(isym/=0)then
2790    symrel_conv(:,:)=symrel(:,:,isym)
2791    call mati3inv(symrel_conv,symm)
2792    shiftg(:)=indkk(ikpt2+(sppoldbl-1)*(isppol2-1)*nkpt2,3:5)
2793    tnons_conv(:)=tnons(:,isym)
2794    if(sum(tnons_conv(:)**2)>tol8)then
2795 !    Need to compute phase factors associated with nonsymmorphic translations.
2796      conv_tnons=1
2797      ABI_MALLOC(phase3d,(2,npw1))
2798      ABI_MALLOC(phase1d,(2,(2*n1+1)+(2*n2+1)+(2*n3+1)))
2799 !    Although the routine getph is originally written for
2800 !    atomic phase factors, it does precisely what we want
2801      atindx(1)=1
2802      call getph(atindx,1,n1,n2,n3,phase1d,tnons_conv)
2803    end if
2804    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2)then
2805 !    Compute rotation in spinor space
2806      call getspinrot(rprimd2,spinrot,symrel_conv)
2807    end if
2808  else
2809    shiftg(:)=0
2810    symm(:,:)=identity(:,:)
2811    spinrot(:)=zero
2812    spinrot(1)=one
2813  end if
2814  if(itimrev/=0)then
2815    symm(:,:)=-symm(:,:)
2816  end if
2818 !DEBUG
2819 !write(std_out,'(a,i3,2x,3i3,2x,9i3)')' wfconv : isym,shiftg,symm=',isym,shiftg,symm
2820 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : ecut2_eff,ecut1=',ecut2_eff,ecut1
2821 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : istwf1_k,istwf2_k=',istwf1_k,istwf2_k
2822 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : kpoint1(:),kpoint2_sph(:)=',&
2823 !& kpoint1(:),kpoint2_sph(:)
2824 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : nspinor1,nspinor2=',nspinor1,nspinor2
2827 !if (mpi_enreg1%fft_option_lob==0) mpi_enreg1%fft_option_lob=1
2828 !if (mpi_enreg2%fft_option_lob==0) mpi_enreg2%fft_option_lob=1
2830  if (restart==2.and.(convert/=0.or.(nbd2/nspinor2>nbd1/nspinor1.and.formeig==0))) then
2831 !  kg2 is needed both for FFT grid conversion and for envlop
2832 !  Choose the center of the sphere : either gamma, or each k-point
2833    kpoint2_sph(:)=0.0_dp
2834    if(ceksp2==0)kpoint2_sph(:)=kptns2(:,ikpt2)
2835    istwf2_k=istwfk2(ikpt2)
2836    call kpgsph(ecut2_eff,exchn2n3d,gmet2,0,ikpt2,istwf2_k,kg2,kpoint2_sph,1,mpi_enreg2,mpw2,npw2)
2837  end if
2839  if(convert/=0)then
2840    istwf10_k=0
2841    if(ikpt10/=0)istwf10_k=istwfk1(ikpt10)
2843 !  Only need G sphere if different from last time
2844    if ( ikpt1/=ikpt10 .or. istwf1_k/=istwf10_k ) then
2846      call kpgsph (ecut1,exchn2n3d,gmet1,0,ikpt1,istwf1_k,kg1,kpoint1,1,mpi_enreg1,mpw1,npw1)
2847      if (debug>0) then
2848        write(message, '(a,f8.3,a,a,3f8.5,a,a,i3,a,3(a,3es16.8,a),a,3i4,a,i5,a)' )&
2849 &       ' wfconv: called kpgsph with ecut1=',ecut1,ch10,&
2850 &       '  kpt1=',kptns1(1:3,ikpt1),ch10,&
2851 &       '  istwf1_k=',istwf1_k,ch10,&
2852 &       '  gmet1= ',gmet1(1:3,1),ch10,&
2853 &       '         ',gmet1(1:3,2),ch10,&
2854 &       '         ',gmet1(1:3,3),ch10,&
2855 &       '  ngfft=',ngfft_now(1:3),' giving npw1=',npw1,'.'
2856        call wrtout(std_out,message)
2857      end if
2858      ikpt10 = ikpt1
2859      istwf10_k=istwf1_k
2860    end if
2862    if(conv_tnons==1)then
2863      arg=two_pi*(kpoint1(1)*tnons_conv(1)+ kpoint1(2)*tnons_conv(2)+ kpoint1(3)*tnons_conv(3) )
2864      phktnons(1,1)=cos(arg)
2865      phktnons(2,1)=sin(arg)
2866 !    Convert 1D phase factors to 3D phase factors exp(i 2 pi (k+G).tnons )
2867      call ph1d3d(1,1,kg1,1,1,npw1,n1,n2,n3,phktnons,phase1d,phase3d)
2868    end if
2870    ABI_MALLOC(cfft,(2,n4,n5,n6))
2871    ABI_MALLOC(wavef1,(2,npw1))
2872    ABI_MALLOC(wavef2,(2,npw2))
2873    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2) then
2874      ABI_MALLOC(wavefspinor,(2,2*npw2))
2875    end if
2876    ABI_MALLOC(gbound1,(2*mgfft1+8,2))
2877    ABI_MALLOC(gbound2,(2*mgfft2+8,2))
2878    call sphereboundary(gbound1,istwf1_k,kg1,mgfft1,npw1)
2879    call sphereboundary(gbound2,istwf2_k,kg2,mgfft2,npw2)
2881 !  Take old wf from sphere->box, the new from box->sphere
2882 !  One pays attention not to have a problem of erasing data when replacing
2883 !  a small set of coefficient by a large set, or the reverse.
2884 !  This is the reason of the use of order, _first and _last variables,
2885 !  defined earlier.
2886    nspinor_index=mpi_enreg1%me_spinor+1
2887    do iband=iband_first,iband_last,order
2888      do ispinor1=ispinor_first,ispinor_last,order
2889        ispinor=ispinor1
2890        if (mpi_enreg1%paral_spinor==1) then
2891          if (ispinor1==nspinor_index) then
2892            ispinor=1
2893          else
2894            if (nspinor1==2.and.nspinor2==2) wavefspinor(:,(ispinor1-1)*npw2+1:ispinor1*npw2)=zero
2895            cycle
2896          end if
2897        end if
2899 !      Copy input wf
2900        i1=(ispinor-1)*npw1+(iband-1)*nspinor1_this_proc*npw1+icg1
2901        wavef1(:,1:npw1)=cg1(:,i1+1:i1+npw1)
2903 !      Make symmetry-induced conversion, if needed (translation part)
2904        if(conv_tnons==1)then
2906          do ipw=1,npw1
2907            ar=phase3d(1,ipw)*wavef1(1,ipw)-phase3d(2,ipw)*wavef1(2,ipw)
2908            ai=phase3d(2,ipw)*wavef1(1,ipw)+phase3d(1,ipw)*wavef1(2,ipw)
2909            wavef1(1,ipw)=ar
2910            wavef1(2,ipw)=ai
2911          end do
2912        end if
2914 !      Take into account time-reversal symmetry, if needed, in the scalar case
2915        if(itimrev==1 .and. (nspinor1==1 .or. nspinor2==1))then
2917          do ipw=1,npw1
2918            wavef1(2,ipw)=-wavef1(2,ipw)
2919          end do
2920        end if
2922 !      DEBUG
2923 !      write(std_out,*)' wfconv : before sphere, isym,ispinor=',isym,ispinor
2924 !      write(std_out,*)' no_shift,identity=',no_shift,identity
2925 !      write(std_out,*)' shiftg,symm=',shiftg,symm
2926 !      stop
2927 !      This debugging sequence is an attempt to rotate spinors,
2928 !      and works indeed for test13, when symmetry 9 is used ...
2929 !      if(isym==9 .and. ispinor==1)then
2930 !      write(std_out,*)' wfconv : gives a 120 degree rotation to first component'
2931 !      do ipw=1,npw1
2932 !      ar=-            half*wavef1(1,ipw)-sqrt(three)*half*wavef1(2,ipw)
2933 !      ai= sqrt(three)*half*wavef1(1,ipw)-            half*wavef1(2,ipw)
2934 !      wavef1(1,ipw)=ar
2935 !      wavef1(2,ipw)=ai
2936 !      end do
2937 !      end if
2938 !      ENDDEBUG
2940 !      Convert wf, and also include the symmetry operation and shiftg.
2941        call sphere(wavef1,1,npw1,cfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg1,istwf1_k,tobox,&
2942 &       mpi_enreg1%me_g0,no_shift,identity,one)
2944        call sphere(wavef2,1,npw2,cfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg2,istwf2_k,tosph,&
2945 &       mpi_enreg2%me_g0,shiftg,symm,one)
2947        if(nspinor2==1 )then
2948          i2=(ispinor-1)*npw2+(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
2949          cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
2950        else if(nspinor1==2.and.nspinor2==2)then
2951 !        Will treat this case outside of the ispinor loop
2952          i2=(ispinor1-1)*npw2
2953          wavefspinor(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
2954        else if(nspinor1==1 .and. nspinor2==2)then
2955 !        The number of bands is doubled, and the number of coefficients
2956 !        is doubled also
2957          if (mpi_enreg2%paral_spinor==0) then
2958            i2=(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
2959            cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
2960            cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=zero
2961            cg2(:,i2+2*npw2+1:i2+3*npw2)=zero
2962            cg2(:,i2+3*npw2+1:i2+4*npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
2963          else
2964            i2=(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
2965            if (nspinor_index==1) then
2966              cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
2967              cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=zero
2968            else
2969              cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=zero
2970              cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
2971            end if
2972          end if
2973        end if
2974      end do ! ispinor=ispinor_first,ispinor_last,order
2976      if(nspinor1==2.and.nspinor2==2)then
2977 !      Take care of possible parallelization over spinors
2978        if (mpi_enreg2%paral_spinor==1) then
2979          call xmpi_sum(wavefspinor,mpi_enreg2%comm_spinor,ierr)
2980        end if
2981 !      Take care of time-reversal symmetry, if needed
2982        if(itimrev==1)then
2983 !        Exchange spin-up and spin-down
2984 !        Make complex conjugate of one component,
2985 !        and change sign of other component
2986 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ipw,ar,ai) SHARED(wavefspinor,npw2)
2987          do ipw=1,npw2
2988 !          Here, change sign of real part
2989            ar=-wavefspinor(1,ipw)
2990            ai= wavefspinor(2,ipw)
2991            wavefspinor(1,ipw)= wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)
2992 !          Here, change sign of imaginary part
2993            wavefspinor(2,ipw)=-wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)
2994            wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)=ar
2995            wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)=ai
2996          end do
2997        end if ! itimrev==1
2999 !      Rotation in spinor space
3000 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(PRIVATE) SHARED(npw2,spinrot,wavefspinor)
3001        spinrots=spinrot(1)
3002        spinrotx=spinrot(2)
3003        spinroty=spinrot(3)
3004        spinrotz=spinrot(4)
3005 !$OMP DO
3006        do ipw=1,npw2
3007          ar=wavefspinor(1,ipw)
3008          ai=wavefspinor(2,ipw)
3009          br=wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)
3010          bi=wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)
3011          wavefspinor(1,ipw)     =  spinrots*ar - spinrotz*ai + spinroty*br - spinrotx*bi
3012          wavefspinor(2,ipw)     =  spinrots*ai + spinrotz*ar + spinroty*bi + spinrotx*br
3013          wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)= -spinroty*ar - spinrotx*ai + spinrots*br + spinrotz*bi
3014          wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)= -spinroty*ai + spinrotx*ar + spinrots*bi - spinrotz*br
3015        end do
3016 !$OMP END DO
3019 !      Save wavefunction
3020        i2=(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
3021        if (mpi_enreg2%paral_spinor==0) then
3022          cg2(:,i2     +1:i2+  npw2)=wavefspinor(:,1:npw2)
3023          cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=wavefspinor(:,npw2+1:2*npw2)
3024        else
3025          if (nspinor_index==1) then
3026            cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavefspinor(:,1:npw2)
3027          else
3028            cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavefspinor(:,npw2+1:2*npw2)
3029          end if
3030        end if
3031      end if ! nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2
3033    end do
3035 !  Take care of copying eig and occ when nspinor increases or decreases
3036    if(nspinor1==1.and.nspinor2==2)then
3037      if(formeig==0)then
3038 !      Note the reverse order, needed in case inplace=1
3039        do iband=nbd1,1,-1
3040 !        use eig_tmp to avoid bug on ifort10.1 x86_64
3041          eig_tmp=eig_k1(iband)
3042          eig_k2(2*iband-1:2*iband)=eig_tmp
3043 !        occ_tmp=occ_k1(iband)*0.5_dp
3044 !        occ_k2(2*iband-1:2*iband )=occ_tmp
3045        end do
3046      else
3047        call wrtout(std_out,' wfconv: not yet coded, formeig=1!',"COLL")
3048      end if
3049    end if
3050    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==1)then
3051      if(formeig==0)then
3052        do iband=1,nbd1
3053 !        use eig_tmp to avoid bug on ifort10.1 x86_64
3054          eig_tmp=eig_k1(2*iband-1)
3055          eig_k2(iband)=eig_tmp
3056 !        occ_tmp=occ_k1(2*iband-1)*2.0_dp
3057 !        occ_k2(iband)=occ_tmp
3058        end do
3059      else
3060        call wrtout(std_out,' wfconv: not yet coded, formeig=1!',"COLL")
3061      end if
3062    end if
3064    ABI_FREE(cfft)
3065    ABI_FREE(gbound1)
3066    ABI_FREE(gbound2)
3067    ABI_FREE(wavef1)
3068    ABI_FREE(wavef2)
3069    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2) then
3070      ABI_FREE(wavefspinor)
3071    end if
3073  else if(convert==0)then
3075    if(inplace==0)then
3076 !    Must copy cg, eig and occ if not in-place while convert==0
3077 !    Note that npw1=npw2, nspinor1=nspinor2
3078      cg2(:,1+icg2:npw1*nspinor1_this_proc*nbd1+icg2)=&
3079 &     cg1(:,1+icg1:npw1*nspinor1_this_proc*nbd1+icg1)
3080      eig_k2(:)=eig_k1(:)
3081 !    occ_k2(:)=occ_k1(:)
3082    end if
3084  end if ! End of if convert/=0
3086  if(conv_tnons==1) then
3087    ABI_FREE(phase1d)
3088    ABI_FREE(phase3d)
3089  end if
3092 !If not enough bands, complete with random numbers or zeros
3093  if(nbd2/nspinor2>nbd1/nspinor1)then
3094    if(formeig==0)then
3096 !    Ground state wf and eig case
3097      eig_k2((nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2+1:nbd2)=huge(zero)/10.0_dp
3098      occ_k2((nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2+1:nbd2)=0.0_dp
3099      index=(nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2*npw2*nspinor2_this_proc
3101 !    Initialisation of wavefunctions
3102 !    One needs to initialize wfs in such a way to avoid symmetry traps,
3103 !    and to avoid linear dependencies between wavefunctions
3104 !    No need for a difference for different k points and/or spin-polarization
3106      npwtot=npw2
3107      if (mpi_enreg1%paral_kgb == 1) then
3108        call timab(539,1,tsec)
3109        call xmpi_sum(npwtot, mpi_enreg1%comm_bandfft, ierr)
3110        call timab(539,2,tsec)
3111      end if
3113      do iband=(nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2+1,nbd2
3114        do ispinor2=1,nspinor2_this_proc
3115          ispinor=ispinor2;if (nspinor2_this_proc/=nspinor2) ispinor=mpi_enreg2%me_spinor+1
3117          do ipw=1,npw2
3118            index=index+1
3119            ! Different seed for different planewave and band
3120            ! DEBUG seq==par
3121            ! if(.false.) then
3122            ! ENDDEBUG seq==par
3124            if ( mpi_enreg2%paral_kgb /= 1.or.mpi_enreg2%nproc_cell == 1) then
3125              seed=(iband-1)*npw2*nspinor2 + (ispinor-1)*npw2 + ipw
3126            else
3127              seed=kg2(1,ipw)*npwtot*npwtot + kg2(2,ipw)*npwtot + kg2(3,ipw)
3128              seed=(iband*nspinor2+ispinor-1)*seed
3129            end if
3131            if(randalg == 0) then
3132              ! For portability, use only integer numbers
3133              ! The series of couples (fold1,fold2) is periodic with a period of
3134              ! 3x5x7x11x13x17x19x23x29x31, that is, larger than 2**32, the largest integer*4
3135              ! fold1 is between 0 and 34, fold2 is between 0 and 114. As sums of five
3136              ! uniform random variables, their distribution is close to a gaussian
3137              fold1=modulo(seed,3)+modulo(seed,5)+modulo(seed,7)+modulo(seed,11)+modulo(seed,13)
3138              fold2=modulo(seed,17)+modulo(seed,19)+modulo(seed,23)+modulo(seed,29)+modulo(seed,31)
3140              ! The gaussian distributions are folded, in order to be back to a uniform distribution
3141              ! foldre is between 0 and 20, foldim is between 0 and 18
3142              foldre=mod(fold1+fold2,21)
3143              foldim=mod(3*fold1+2*fold2,19)
3145              cg2(1,index+icg2)=dble(foldre)
3146              cg2(2,index+icg2)=dble(foldim)
3147            else
3148              ! (Antoine Levitt) Simple linear congruential generator from
3149              ! numerical recipes, modulo'ed and 64bit'ed to avoid
3150              ! overflows (NAG doesn't like overflows, even though
3151              ! they are perfectly legitimate here). Then, we get some
3152              ! lowest order bits and sum them, as the previous
3153              ! generator, to get quasi-normal numbers.
3154              ! This is clearly suboptimal and might cause problems,
3155              ! but at least it doesn't seem to create linear
3156              ! dependencies and local minima like the previous one.
3157              ! it's not trivial to generate good reproductible random
3158              ! numbers in parallel. Patches welcome !
3159              ! Note a fun fortran fact : MOD simply ignores 64 bits integer
3160              ! and casts them into 32bits, so we use MODULO.
3161              fold1 = modulo(1664525_int64 * seed  + 1013904223_int64, 2147483648_int64)
3162              fold2 = modulo(1664525_int64 * fold1 + 1013904223_int64, 2147483648_int64)
3163              fold1=modulo(fold1,3)+modulo(fold1,5)+modulo(fold1,7)+modulo(fold1,11)+modulo(fold1,13)
3164              fold2=modulo(fold2,3)+modulo(fold2,5)+modulo(fold2,7)+modulo(fold2,11)+modulo(fold2,13)
3166              cg2(1,index+icg2)=dble(fold1)/34-0.5
3167              cg2(2,index+icg2)=dble(fold2)/34-0.5
3168            end if
3169          end do
3170        end do
3172        ! XG030513: Time-reversal symmetry for k=gamma imposes zero imaginary part at G=0
3173        ! XG: I do not know what happens for spin-orbit here.
3174        if (istwf2_k == 2 .and. mpi_enreg2%me_g0 == 1) then
3175          cg2(2,1+(iband-1)*npw2*nspinor2_this_proc+icg2)=zero
3176        end if
3177      end do ! iband
3179      ! Multiply with envelope function to reduce kinetic energy
3180      icgmod=icg2+npw2*nspinor2_this_proc*(nbd1/nspinor1)
3181      nbremn=nbd2-nbd1
3182      call cg_envlop(cg2,ecut2,gmet2,icgmod,kg2,kpoint2_sph,mcg2,nbremn,npw2,nspinor2_this_proc)
3184      if(ikpt2<=nkpt_max)then
3185        write(message,'(3(a,i6))')' wfconv:',nbremn,' bands initialized randomly with npw=',npw2,', for ikpt=',ikpt2
3186        call wrtout(std_out,message)
3187      end if
3189    else if(formeig==1)then
3191 !    For response function, put large numbers in the remaining of the
3192 !    eigenvalue array (part of it was already filled in calling routine)
3193 !    WARNING : Change of nspinor not yet coded
3194      eig_k2(1+2*nbd1*nbd2 : 2*nbd2*nbd2)=huge(zero)/10.0_dp
3195 !    Initialisation of wfs with 0 s
3196      index=npw2*nbd1*nspinor2_this_proc
3197      do iband=nbd1+1,nbd2
3198        do ipw=1,npw2*nspinor2_this_proc
3199          index=index+1
3200          cg2(:,index+icg2)=zero
3201        end do
3202      end do
3204      if(ikpt2<=nkpt_max)then
3205        nbremn=nbd2-nbd1
3206        write(message,'(3(a,i0))')' wfconv:',nbremn,' bands set=0 with npw=',npw2,', for ikpt=',ikpt2
3207        call wrtout(std_out,message)
3208      end if
3210    end if ! End of initialisation to 0
3211  end if
3213 !Orthogonalize GS wfs
3214  if (optorth==1.and.formeig==0.and.(mpi_enreg2%paral_kgb/=1.or.mpi_enreg2%nproc_cell==1)) then
3215  !if (.True.) then
3216    ABI_MALLOC(dum,(2,0))
3217    ortalgo=0 !;ortalgo=3
3218    call pw_orthon(icg2,0,istwf2_k,mcg2,0,npw2*nspinor2_this_proc,nbd2,ortalgo,dum,0,cg2,&
3219 &   mpi_enreg2%me_g0,mpi_enreg2%comm_bandspinorfft)
3220    ABI_FREE(dum)
3221  end if
3223 end subroutine wfconv

m_inwffil/wfsinp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inwffil ] [ Functions ]




 Do initialization of wavefunction files.
 Also call other relevant routines for this initialisation.
 Detailed description :
  - Initialize unit wff1 for input of wf data

 formeig option (format of the eigenvalues and occupations) :
   0 => ground-state format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with random numbers, vector of eigenvalues,
        occupations are present)
   1 => respfn format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with 0 s, hermitian matrix of eigenvalues)


  ecut0=kinetic energy cutoffs for basis sphere 0 (hartree) (if squeeze=1)
  ecut=kinetic energy cutoffs beyond which the coefficients of cg vanish (Ha)
   (needed only if squeeze=1)
  ecut_eff=effective kinetic energy planewave cutoff (hartree), needed
    to generate the sphere of plane wave
  exchn2n3d=if 1, n2 and n3 are exchanged
  formeig=explained above
  gmet(3,3), gmet0(3,3)=reciprocal space metrics (bohr^-2)
  headform0=header format (might be needed to read the block of wfs)
  indkk(nkpt*sppoldbl,6)=describe k point number of kptns0 that allows to
   generate wavefunctions closest to given kpt
   indkk(:,1)=k point number of kptns0
   indkk(:,2)=symmetry operation to be applied to kpt0, to give kpt0a
    (if 0, means no symmetry operation, equivalent to identity )
   indkk(:,3:5)=shift in reciprocal space to be given to kpt0a,
    to give kpt0b, that is the closest to kpt.
   indkk(:,6)=1 if time-reversal was used to generate kpt1a from kpt1, 0 otherwise
  indkk0(nkpt0,nkassoc)=list of k points that will be generated by k point number ikpt0
  istwfk(nkpt)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  istwfk0(nkpt0)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set0
  kptns(3,nkpt),kptns0(3,nkpt0)=k point sets (reduced coordinates)
  localrdwf=(for parallel case) if 1, the wff1%unwff file is local to each machine
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*nsppol
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpi_enreg0=information about MPI parallelization in set0
  mpw=maximum number of planewaves as dimensioned in calling routine
  mpw0=maximum number of planewaves on disk file
  nban_dp_rd(nkpt0*nsppol0)=number of bands to be read at each k point
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at each k point
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkassoc=dimension of indkk0 array
  nkpt=number of k points expected
  nkpt0=number of k points on disk
  npwarr(nkpt)=array holding npw for each k point.
  npwarr0(nkpt0)=array holding npw for each k point, disk format.
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nspinor0=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions on disk
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsppol0=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized, when on disk
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  optorth= 1 if the WFS have to be orthogonalized; 0 otherwise
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging
  randalg=1 if "good" (but non-portable) random numbers should be used, 0 for compatibility
  restart= if 2, want conversion between wavefunctions
           if 1, direct restart is allowed (see hdr_check.f)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  sppoldbl= if 1, no doubling of the number if spins thanks to antiferromagn
            if 2, deduce nsppol=2 from nsppol=1, using Shubnikov symmetries
  squeeze=1 if cg_disk is to be used, even with mkmem/=0
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
   of primitive translations
  tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for symmetry operations
  wff1, structure information for input and output files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset


  if ground state format (formeig=0):
    eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=eigenvalues (input or init to large number), (Ha)
  if respfn format (formeig=1):
         matrix of eigenvalues (input or init to large number), (Ha)
 Conditional output:
    cg_disk(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)=complex wf array
      be careful : an array of size cg(2,npw*nspinor), as used
      in the response function code, is not enough !


  if ground state format (formeig=0):
    occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupations (from disk or left at their initial value)


 occ will not be modified nor output, in the present status of this routine.


 For parallelism : no distinction yet between nban_dp_rd and nband




1101 subroutine wfsinp(cg,cg_disk,ecut,ecut0,ecut_eff,eigen,exchn2n3d,&
1102 &                  formeig,gmet,gmet0,headform0,indkk,indkk0,istwfk,&
1103 &                  istwfk0,kptns,kptns0,localrdwf,mband,&
1104 &                  mcg,mcg_disk,mpi_enreg,mpi_enreg0,mpw,mpw0,nband,nban_dp_rd,&
1105 &                  ngfft,nkassoc,nkpt,nkpt0,npwarr,npwarr0,nspinor,&
1106 &                  nspinor0,nsppol,nsppol0,nsym,occ,optorth,prtvol,randalg,restart,rprimd,&
1107 &                  sppoldbl,squeeze,symrel,tnons,wff1)
1109 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1110  integer, intent(in) :: exchn2n3d,formeig,headform0,localrdwf,mband,mcg,mcg_disk
1111  integer, intent(in) :: mpw,mpw0,nkassoc,nkpt,nkpt0,nspinor,nspinor0,nsppol,nsppol0,nsym
1112  integer, intent(in) :: optorth,prtvol,randalg,restart,sppoldbl,squeeze
1113  real(dp), intent(in) :: ecut,ecut0,ecut_eff
1114  type(MPI_type), intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg,mpi_enreg0
1115  type(wffile_type), intent(inout) :: wff1
1116  integer, intent(in) :: indkk(nkpt*sppoldbl,6),indkk0(nkpt0,nkassoc),istwfk(nkpt)
1117  integer, intent(in) :: istwfk0(nkpt0),nband(nkpt*nsppol),nban_dp_rd(nkpt0*nsppol0)
1118  integer, intent(in) :: ngfft(18),npwarr(nkpt),npwarr0(nkpt0),symrel(3,3,nsym)
1119  real(dp), intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),gmet0(3,3),kptns(3,nkpt),kptns0(3,nkpt0),rprimd(3,3)
1120  real(dp), intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym)
1121  real(dp), intent(out) :: eigen((2*mband)**formeig*mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1122  real(dp), intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg),cg_disk(2,mcg_disk) !vz_i pw_ortho
1123  real(dp), intent(inout) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1125 !Local variables-------------------------------
1126  integer :: band_index,band_index_trial,ceksp,debug,dim_eig_k,iband,icg
1127  integer :: icg_disk,icg_trial,idum,ierr,ii,ikassoc,ikassoc_trial,ikpt,ikpt0
1128  integer :: ikpt10,ikpt_trial,ikptsp,ikptsp_old,inplace,isp,isp_max,isppol,isppol0
1129 ! integer :: ipw ! commented out below
1130  integer :: isppol_trial,me,mgfft,my_nspinor,my_nspinor0
1131  integer :: nban_dp_k,nban_dp_rdk,nband_k,nband_rdk,nband_trial,nbd,nbd_max
1132  integer :: ncopy,nkpt_eff,nproc_max,npw0_k,npw_k,npw_ktrial
1133  integer :: read_cg,read_cg_disk,sender,spaceComm
1134  character(len=500) :: message
1135  integer,allocatable :: band_index_k(:,:),icg_k(:,:),kg0_k(:,:),kg_k(:,:)
1136  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
1137  real(dp),allocatable :: eig0_k(:),eig_k(:),occ0_k(:),occ_k(:)
1138 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1139  integer :: iproc,my_ikpt
1140  integer :: tag,test_cycle
1141  integer :: statux(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
1142  integer,allocatable :: ikassoc_me(:),ikpt_me(:),isppol_me(:),nband_k_me(:)
1143 #endif
1144  integer :: nkpt_max=50
1146 ! *************************************************************************
1148 !DEBUG
1149 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : enter'
1150 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : nband=',nband(:)
1151 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : nban_dp_rd=',nban_dp_rd(:)
1152 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : localrdwf=',localrdwf
1153 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : paralbd,formeig=',mpi_enreg%paralbd,formeig
1154 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : indkk0(:,1)=',indkk0(:,1)
1157  call timab(720,1,tsec)
1158  call timab(721,3,tsec)
1160  nkpt_max=50; if(xmpi_paral==1)nkpt_max=-1
1161  nbd_max=size(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,2)
1162  isp_max=size(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,3)
1164 !Init mpi_comm
1165  spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
1166  nproc_max=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
1167  me=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
1168  sender = 0
1170 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1171  if(localrdwf==0)then
1172    ABI_MALLOC(ikpt_me,(nproc_max))
1173    ABI_MALLOC(nband_k_me,(nproc_max))
1174    ABI_MALLOC(ikassoc_me,(nproc_max))
1175    ABI_MALLOC(isppol_me,(nproc_max))
1176  end if
1177 #endif
1179 !Check the validity of formeig
1180  if(formeig/=0.and.formeig/=1)then
1181    write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' formeig=',formeig,' , but the only allowed values are 0 or 1.'
1182    ABI_BUG(message)
1183  end if
1185  my_nspinor =max(1,nspinor /mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
1186  my_nspinor0=max(1,nspinor0/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
1188  nkpt_eff=max(nkpt0,nkpt)
1189  if( (prtvol==0.or.prtvol==1) .and. nkpt_eff>nkpt_max)nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
1191  ABI_MALLOC(icg_k,(nkpt,nsppol))
1192  ABI_MALLOC(band_index_k,(nkpt,nsppol))
1194 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : me,isppol,ikpt,icg_k,band_index_k'
1196 !Compute the locations of the blocks in cg, eig and occ
1197  icg=0
1198  band_index=0
1199  ikpt10=0
1201  do isppol=1,nsppol
1202    do ikpt=1,nkpt
1204      nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1205      band_index_k(ikpt,isppol)=band_index
1207 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1208      test_cycle=0;nbd=min(nband_k,nbd_max);isp=min(isppol,isp_max)
1209      if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nbd,isp,me))test_cycle=1
1210      if(test_cycle==1)then
1211        band_index=band_index+nband_k*(2*nband_k)**formeig
1212 !      In the case this k point does not belong to me, cycle
1213        cycle
1214      end if
1215 #endif
1217      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
1218      icg_k(ikpt,isppol)=icg
1219      icg=icg+npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k
1221      band_index=band_index+nband_k*(2*nband_k)**formeig
1222 !    write(std_out,'(5i8)' )me,isppol,ikpt,icg_k(ikpt,isppol),band_index_k(ikpt,isppol)
1223    end do ! End k point loop
1224  end do  ! End spin loop
1226  band_index=0
1227  ikptsp_old=0
1229 !DEBUG
1230 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: before loop'
1231 !write(std_out,*)' nsppol0,nsppol,nkpt0',nsppol0,nsppol,nkpt0
1232 !write(std_out,*)' mpw,mgfft,mpw,mpw0',mpw,mgfft,mpw,mpw0
1235  mgfft=maxval(ngfft(1:3))
1236  if(squeeze==1)then
1237    ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,mpw))
1238    ABI_MALLOC(kg0_k,(3,mpw0))
1239  end if
1241  eigen(:)=0.0_dp
1242 !occ(:)=0.0_dp
1244  call timab(721,2,tsec)
1246 !Loop over spins
1247 !For the time being, do not allow nsppol=2 to nspinor=2 conversion
1248 !MT 20110707: this can be done by a fake call to the routine: see inwffil
1249  do isppol0=1,min(nsppol0,nsppol)
1251 !  Loop on k points  : get the cg then eventually write on unwfnow
1252    do ikpt0=1,nkpt0
1254      call timab(722,1,tsec)
1256      nban_dp_rdk=nban_dp_rd(ikpt0+(isppol0-1)*nkpt0)
1258 !    DEBUG
1259 !    write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: ikpt0,isppol0,nkpt0=',ikpt0,isppol0,nkpt0
1260 !    write(std_out,*)' nban_dp_rdk=',nban_dp_rdk
1261 !    ENDDEBUG
1263      npw0_k=npwarr0(ikpt0)
1264      if(ikpt0<=nkpt_eff)then
1265        write(message,'(a,a,2i4)')ch10,' wfsinp: inside loop, init ikpt0,isppol0=',ikpt0,isppol0
1266        call wrtout(std_out,message)
1267      end if
1269 !    Must know whether this k point is needed, and in which
1270 !    block (ikpt, isppol), the wavefunction is to be placed.
1271 !    Select the one for which the number of bands is the biggest.
1272      ikpt=0
1273      isppol=0
1274      ikassoc=0
1275      nband_k=0
1276 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1277      if(localrdwf==0)then
1278        nband_k_me(:)=0
1279        ikpt_me(:)=0
1280        isppol_me(:)=0
1281        ikassoc_me(:)=0
1282        nband_k_me(:)=0
1283      end if
1284 #endif
1286      do isppol_trial=1,nsppol
1288        if(nsppol==2 .and. nsppol0==2 .and. isppol0/=isppol_trial)cycle
1290        do ikassoc_trial=1,nkassoc
1292          ikpt_trial=indkk0(ikpt0,ikassoc_trial)
1293          if(sppoldbl==2)then
1294            if(isppol_trial==1 .and. ikpt_trial>nkpt)cycle
1295            if(isppol_trial==2 .and. ikpt_trial<=nkpt)cycle
1296            if(isppol_trial==2)ikpt_trial=ikpt_trial-nkpt
1297          end if
1299 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1300          if(localrdwf==1)then
1301            if(ikpt_trial/=0)then
1302              nband_trial=nband(ikpt_trial+(isppol_trial-1)*nkpt)
1303              nbd=min(nband_trial,nbd_max);isp=min(isppol_trial,isp_max)
1304              if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt_trial,1,nbd,isp,me))ikpt_trial=0
1305            end if
1306          end if
1307 #endif
1309          if(ikpt_trial/=0)then
1310            nband_trial=nband(ikpt_trial+(isppol_trial-1)*nkpt)
1311            if(nband_k<nband_trial)then
1312              nband_k=nband_trial ; ikpt=ikpt_trial ; isppol=isppol_trial
1313              ikassoc=ikassoc_trial
1314            end if
1316 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1317            if(localrdwf==0)then
1318              do iproc=1,nproc_max
1319                my_ikpt=1
1320                nband_trial=nband(ikpt_trial+(isppol_trial-1)*nkpt)
1321                nbd=min(nband_trial,nbd_max);isp=min(isppol_trial,isp_max)
1322                if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt_trial,1,nbd,isp,(iproc-1))) my_ikpt=0
1323                if(my_ikpt/=0)then
1324                  nband_trial=nband(ikpt_trial+(isppol_trial-1)*nkpt)
1325                  if(nband_k_me(iproc)<nband_trial)then
1326                    nband_k_me(iproc)=nband_trial
1327                    ikpt_me(iproc)=ikpt_trial
1328                    isppol_me(iproc)=isppol_trial
1329                    ikassoc_me(iproc)=ikassoc_trial
1330                  end if
1331                end if
1332              end do
1333            end if
1334 #endif
1336          end if
1338        end do ! ikassoc_trial
1339      end do ! isppol_trial
1341 !    DEBUG
1342 !    write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : me,select isppol,ikpt=',me,isppol,ikpt
1343 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1344 !    write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : me,ikpt_me(:)=',me,ikpt_me(:)
1345 #endif
1346 !    write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : me,isppol_me(:)=',me,isppol_me(:)
1347 !    stop
1348 !    ENDDEBUG
1350      call timab(722,2,tsec)
1352 !    If the wavefunction block to be read is interesting ...
1353      if (ikpt/=0)then
1355        call timab(723,3,tsec)
1356        sender = me
1357        nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1358        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
1360 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1361        if (localrdwf==1.or.( then
1363          if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then
1364            write(message,'(a,i6,a,i8,a,i4,a,i4)') &
1365 &           ' wfsinp: treating ',nband_k,' bands with npw=',npw_k,' for ikpt=',ikpt,' by node ',me
1366            call wrtout(std_out,message)
1367          else if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then
1368            call wrtout(std_out,' wfsinp: prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.')
1369          end if
1371        end if
1372 #endif
1374        nband_rdk=nban_dp_rdk
1375        if(squeeze==1)nband_rdk=(nban_dp_rdk/nspinor0)*nspinor
1376        if(formeig==0)then
1377          ABI_MALLOC(eig_k,(nband_rdk))
1378          ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(nband_rdk))
1379          ABI_MALLOC(eig0_k,(nban_dp_rdk))
1380          ABI_MALLOC(occ0_k,(nban_dp_rdk))
1381          dim_eig_k=nband_rdk
1382        else if(formeig==1)then
1383          ABI_MALLOC(eig_k,(2*nband_rdk*nband_rdk))
1384          ABI_MALLOC(eig0_k,(2*nban_dp_rdk*nban_dp_rdk))
1385          dim_eig_k=2*nband_rdk*nband_rdk
1386          ABI_MALLOC(occ0_k,(0))
1387          ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(0))
1388        else
1389          ABI_MALLOC(occ0_k,(0))
1390          ABI_MALLOC(eig0_k,(0))
1391          ABI_MALLOC(occ_k,(0))
1392          ABI_MALLOC(eig_k,(0))
1393        end if
1394        eig_k(:)=0.0_dp
1395        eig0_k(:)=0.0_dp
1397 !      Generate or read the cg for this k point
1398 !      Either read into cg, or read into cg_disk
1399        read_cg=1 ; read_cg_disk=0
1400        if(squeeze==1)then
1401          read_cg=0 ; read_cg_disk=1
1402        end if
1403 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1404        if(localrdwf==0)then
1405          read_cg=0
1406          read_cg_disk=0
1407 !        XG20040106 The following condition is correct
1408          if(me==0)read_cg_disk=1
1409        end if
1410 #endif
1412        icg=0
1413        if(read_cg==1)icg=icg_k(ikpt,isppol)
1415 !      DEBUG
1416 !      write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: before initwf',wff1%offwff
1417 !      write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: me,read_cg,read_cg_disk=',me,read_cg,read_cg_disk
1418 !      write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: nban_dp_rdk=',nban_dp_rdk
1419 !      ENDDEBUG
1420        call timab(723,2,tsec)
1421        call timab(724,3,tsec)
1423        if(read_cg_disk==1)then
1424          call initwf (cg_disk,eig0_k,formeig,headform0,icg,ikpt0,ikptsp_old,&
1425 &         isppol0,mcg_disk,mpi_enreg0, &
1426 &         nban_dp_rdk,nkpt0,npw0_k,my_nspinor0,occ0_k,wff1)
1427        end if
1429        if(read_cg==1)then
1430          call initwf (cg,eig0_k,formeig,headform0,icg,ikpt0,ikptsp_old,&
1431 &         isppol0,mcg,mpi_enreg0,&
1432 &         nban_dp_rdk,nkpt0,npw0_k,my_nspinor0,occ0_k,wff1)
1433        end if
1435        call timab(724,2,tsec)
1436        call timab(725,3,tsec)
1438        nban_dp_k=min(nban_dp_rdk,(nband_k/nspinor)*nspinor0)
1439 !      This band_index is defined BEFORE the eventual redefinition
1440 !      of ikpt and isppol, needed  when localrdwf==0 in parallel
1441        band_index=band_index_k(ikpt,isppol)
1442 !      DEBUG
1443 !      write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: me,cg_disk(:,1)=',me,cg_disk(:,1)
1444 !      ENDDEBUG
1446 !      DEBUG
1447 !      if(me==0 .and. ikpt0==1)then
1448 !      write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : cg array, before trial, ikpt0=',ikpt0
1449 !      do ipw=1,15
1450 !      write(std_out,'(i4,2es20.10)' )ipw,cg(:,ipw)
1451 !      end do
1452 !      end if
1453 !      ENDDEBUG
1456 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1457        if(localrdwf==0)then
1458 !        Warning: In that case , not yet // on nspinors
1459 !        Transmit to each of the other processors, when needed
1460          if(nproc_max>=2)then
1461            do iproc=2,nproc_max
1462 !            Only me=0 and me=iproc-1 are concerned by this
1463              if(me==0 .or. me==iproc-1)then
1465                ikpt=ikpt_me(iproc)
1466                isppol=isppol_me(iproc)
1468                if(ikpt/=0)then
1469 !                In this case, processor iproc-1 needs the data
1470 !                Generate a common tag
1471                  tag=256*(ikpt-1)+iproc+1
1472                  if(isppol==2)tag=-tag
1473                  nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1474                  npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
1475 !                SEND
1476                  if(me==0)then
1477                    write(std_out,*)'SENDWFSINP ',me
1478                    call MPI_SEND(cg_disk,2*npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k,&
1479 &                   MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,iproc-1,tag,spaceComm,ierr)
1480                  end if
1481 !                RECEIVE
1482                  if(me==iproc-1)then
1483                    call MPI_RECV(cg_disk,2*npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k,&
1484 &                   MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,tag,spaceComm,statux,ierr)
1485                    icg=icg_k(ikpt,isppol)
1486                    if(squeeze==0)then
1487                      cg(:,icg+1:icg+npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k)=&
1488 &                     cg_disk(:,1:npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k)
1489                    end if
1490                    ikassoc=ikassoc_me(iproc)
1491                  end if
1492                end if
1494              end if
1495            end do ! iproc
1496          end if
1498 !        DEBUG
1499 !        write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: me, iproc loop finished',me
1500 !        ENDDEBUG
1502 !        Take care of me=0 needing the data
1503          if (me==0) then
1504            ikpt=ikpt_me(me+1)
1505            isppol=isppol_me(me+1)
1506            if(ikpt/=0 )then
1507              nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1508              npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
1509 !            I am the master node, and I might need my own data
1510              icg=icg_k(ikpt,isppol)
1511              if(squeeze==0)then
1512 !              Copy from cg_disk to cg
1513                cg(:,1+icg:npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k+icg)= &
1514 &               cg_disk(:,1:npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k)
1515              end if
1516              ikassoc=ikassoc_me(me+1)
1517            end if
1518          end if
1519 !        For the eigenvalues and occ, the transmission is much easier to write !
1520          call MPI_BCAST(eig0_k,nban_dp_rdk*(2*nban_dp_rdk)**formeig ,&
1521 &         MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,spaceComm,ierr)
1522        end if
1523 #endif
1525        if(formeig==0)then
1526 !        The transfer from eig0_k to eig_k uses nban_dp_rdk, which contains
1527 !        the maximal information.
1528          if(nspinor0==nspinor .or. squeeze==0)then
1529            eig_k(1:nban_dp_rdk)=eig0_k(1:nban_dp_rdk)
1530            occ_k(1:nban_dp_rdk)=occ0_k(1:nban_dp_rdk)
1531          else if(nspinor0==1 .and. nspinor==2)then
1532            do iband=1,nban_dp_rdk
1533              eig_k(2*iband  )=eig0_k(iband)
1534              eig_k(2*iband-1)=eig0_k(iband)
1535              occ_k(2*iband  )=occ0_k(iband)*0.5_dp
1536              occ_k(2*iband-1)=occ0_k(iband)*0.5_dp
1537            end do
1538          else if(nspinor0==2 .and. nspinor==1)then
1539            do iband=1,nban_dp_rdk
1540              eig_k(iband)=eig0_k(2*iband-1)
1541              occ_k(iband)=occ0_k(2*iband-1)*2.0_dp
1542            end do
1543          end if
1545 !        DEBUG
1546 !        write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: me,band_index,ikpt,isppol',me,band_index,ikpt,isppol
1547 !        ENDDEBUG
1549 !        The transfer to eigen uses nban_dp_k, that is bound by the number
1550 !        of bands for this k point.
1551          ncopy=min(dim_eig_k,(nban_dp_k/nspinor0)*nspinor)
1552          eigen(1+band_index:ncopy+band_index)=eig_k(1:ncopy)
1553 !        The transfer of occ should be done.
1555 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1556          if(localrdwf==0 .and. ikpt/=0)then
1557 !          Do not forget : ikpt,isppol were redefined ...
1558            band_index=band_index_k(ikpt,isppol)
1559            eigen(1+band_index:(nban_dp_k/nspinor0)*nspinor+band_index) = eig_k(1:(nban_dp_k/nspinor0)*nspinor)
1560 !          The transfer of occ should be done.
1561          end if
1562 #endif
1564        else if(formeig==1)then
1565          call wrtout(std_out,'wfsinp: transfer of first-order eigs not yet coded!',"COLL")
1566        end if
1568 !      DEBUG
1569 !      write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : me,transferred eig_k',me
1570 !      write(std_out,*)' me,mkmem,nsppol,nsppol0,isppol',me,mkmem,nsppol,nsppol0,isppol
1571 !      write(std_out,*)' me,nkassoc,ikassoc',me,nkassoc,ikassoc
1572 !      ENDDEBUG
1574        call timab(725,2,tsec)
1576 !      Write to disk if appropriate
1577 !      The coding has to be done ... here, only fragments ...
1578        call timab(727,3,tsec)
1580        do isppol_trial=1,nsppol
1581          if(nsppol==2 .and. nsppol0==2 .and. isppol_trial/=isppol)cycle
1582          do ikassoc_trial=1,nkassoc
1584 !            DEBUG
1585 !            write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: me, for ikassoc,isppol',&
1586 !            &       me,ikassoc,isppol
1587 !            write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: me, try ikassoc_trial,isppol_trial,nband_k',&
1588 !            &       me,ikassoc_trial,isppol_trial,nband_k
1589 !            ENDDEBUG
1591 !            No conversion is to be done : it will be converted in newkpt
1592 !            If squeeze==0, the block with the ikpt corresponding to ikassoc,
1593 !            and with isppol, contains the wavefunction already
1594            if( ikassoc_trial/=ikassoc                   .or. &
1595 &           (isppol_trial/=isppol .and. sppoldbl==1 ).or. &
1596 &           squeeze==1                                       )then
1598              ikpt_trial=indkk0(ikpt0,ikassoc_trial)
1599              if(sppoldbl==2)then
1600                if(isppol_trial==1 .and. ikpt_trial>nkpt)cycle
1601                if(isppol_trial==2 .and. ikpt_trial<=nkpt)cycle
1602                if(isppol_trial==2)ikpt_trial=ikpt_trial-nkpt
1603              end if
1606 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1607              if(ikpt_trial/=0)then
1608                nband_trial=nband(ikpt_trial+(isppol_trial-1)*nkpt)
1609                nbd=min(nband_trial,nbd_max);isp=min(isppol_trial,isp_max)
1610                if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt_trial,1,nbd,isp,me)) ikpt_trial=0
1611              end if
1612 #endif
1614              if(ikpt_trial/=0 .and. ikpt_trial<=nkpt_eff)then
1615                write(message,'(2a,2i5)')ch10,' wfsinp: transfer to ikpt_trial,isppol_trial=',ikpt_trial,isppol_trial
1616                call wrtout(std_out,message)
1617              end if
1619              if(ikpt_trial/=0)then
1620                icg_trial=icg_k(ikpt_trial,isppol_trial)
1621                band_index_trial=band_index_k(ikpt_trial,isppol_trial)
1622                nband_trial=nband(ikpt_trial+(isppol_trial-1)*nkpt)
1623                nban_dp_k=min(nban_dp_rdk,(nband_trial/nspinor)*nspinor0)
1625                if(squeeze==0)then
1626 !                  GMR: modified to avoid compiler bug
1627 !                  cg(:,1+icg_trial:npw0_k*my_nspinor0*nband_trial+icg_trial)=&
1628 !                  &          cg(:,1+icg:npw0_k*my_nspinor0*nband_trial+icg)
1629                  do ii=1,npw0_k*my_nspinor0*nband_trial
1630                    cg(:,ii+icg_trial)=cg(:,ii+icg)
1631                  end do
1632 !                  GMR
1633                  if(formeig==0)then
1634                    eigen(1+band_index_trial:nban_dp_k+band_index_trial)=eig_k(1:nban_dp_k)
1635 !                    occ(1+band_index_trial:nban_dp_k+band_index_trial)=&
1636 !                    &           occ_k(1:nban_dp_k)
1637                  end if
1638 !                  RF transfer of eigenvalues still to be coded
1639                else if(squeeze==1)then
1640                  npw_ktrial=npwarr(ikpt_trial)
1641                  nband_k=(nban_dp_k/nspinor0)*nspinor
1642 !                  Conversion to be done
1643                  ceksp=0 ; debug=0 ; icg_disk=0 ; idum=0 ; inplace=0
1644 !                  Note that this routine also convert eig and occ
1645 !                  even if the conversion had already been done
1648                  call wfconv(ceksp,cg_disk,cg,debug,ecut0,ecut,ecut_eff,&
1649 &                 eig0_k,eig_k,exchn2n3d,formeig,gmet0,gmet,&
1650 &                 icg_disk,icg_trial,ikpt0,ikpt10,ikpt_trial,indkk,&
1651 &                 inplace,isppol_trial,istwfk0,istwfk,&
1652 &                 kg0_k,kg_k,kptns0,kptns,nban_dp_rdk,nband_rdk,&
1653 &                 mcg_disk,mcg,mpi_enreg0,mpi_enreg,mpw0,mpw,&
1654 &                 nban_dp_rdk,nband_trial,ngfft,ngfft,nkpt0,nkpt,&
1655 &                 npw0_k,npw_ktrial,nspinor0,nspinor,nsym,&
1656 &                 occ0_k,occ_k,optorth,randalg,restart,rprimd,&
1657 &                 sppoldbl,symrel,tnons)
1659 !                  DEBUG
1660 !                  write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: ikpt_trial=',ikpt_trial
1661 !                  write(std_out,*)' nband_k,band_index_trial',nband_k,band_index_trial
1662 !                  write(std_out,*)eig0_k(1:nban_dp_k)
1663 !                  write(std_out,*)eig_k(1:nband_k)
1664 !                  ENDDEBUG
1665                  eigen(1+band_index_trial:nband_k+band_index_trial)=eig_k(1:nband_k)
1666 !                  occ(1+band_index_trial:nband_k+band_index_trial)=&
1667 !                  &           occ_k(1:nband_k)
1668 !                  RF transfer of eigenvalues still to be coded
1670 !                  Endif squeeze==1
1671                end if
1673 !                DEBUG
1674 !                if(ikpt_trial==2)then
1675 !                write(std_out,*)' wfsinp: iband,ipw,cg for ikpt_trial=2'
1676 !                write(std_out,*)' nband_trial,npw_ktrial=',nband_trial,npw_ktrial
1677 !                do iband=1,nband_trial
1678 !                do ipw=1,npw_ktrial
1679 !                write(std_out,'(2i5,2es16.6)' )&
1680 !                &             iband,ipw,cg(:,ipw+(iband-1)*npw_ktrial+icg_trial)
1681 !                end do
1682 !                end do
1683 !                end if
1684 !                ENDDEBUG
1686 !                End if ikpt_trial/=0
1687              end if
1689 !              End if ikpt_trial already initialized
1690            end if
1692          end do ! ikassoc_trial
1693        end do ! isppol_trial
1695        call timab(727,2,tsec)
1697        ABI_FREE(eig_k)
1698        ABI_FREE(eig0_k)
1699        !if(formeig==0) then
1700        ABI_FREE(occ_k)
1701        ABI_FREE(occ0_k)
1702        !end if
1704      end if  ! End the condition of need of this k point
1705    end do ! End of the k loop
1706  end do !  End of spin loop
1708 #if defined HAVE_MPI
1709  call timab(67,1,tsec)
1711 !Still need to skip last k points to read history (MS)
1712 !WARNING : not yet for formeig=1, but is it needed ?
1713  if(formeig==0)then
1714    do ikptsp=ikptsp_old+1,nkpt0*nsppol0
1715      isppol=1 ; if(ikptsp>nkpt0)isppol=2
1716      ikpt=ikptsp-nkpt0*(isppol-1)
1717      call WffReadSkipK(formeig,headform0,ikpt,isppol,mpi_enreg,wff1)
1718    end do
1719  end if
1721 !Transmit eigenvalues. This routine works in both localrdwf=0 or 1 cases.
1722  call pareigocc(eigen,formeig,localrdwf,mpi_enreg,mband,nband,nkpt,nsppol,occ,1)
1725  if(localrdwf==0)then
1726    ABI_FREE(ikpt_me)
1727    ABI_FREE(nband_k_me)
1728    ABI_FREE(ikassoc_me)
1729    ABI_FREE(isppol_me)
1730  end if
1732  call timab(67,2,tsec)
1733 #endif
1735 !****************************************************************************
1737  if(squeeze==1)then
1738    ABI_FREE(kg_k)
1739    ABI_FREE(kg0_k)
1740  end if
1743 !DEBUG
1744 !if(me==0)then
1745 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : cg array='
1746 !icg=0
1747 !do isppol=1,nsppol
1748 !do ikpt=1,1
1749 !nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1750 !npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
1751 !do iband=1,nband_k
1752 !write(std_out,*)' new band, icg=',icg
1753 !do ipw=1,npw_k
1754 !write(std_out,'(4i4,2es20.10)' )isppol,ikpt,iband,ipw,cg(:,icg+ipw)
1755 !end do
1756 !icg=icg+npw_k
1757 !end do
1758 !end do
1759 !end do
1760 !end if
1761 !if(ireadwf==1)stop
1762 !write(std_out,*)' wfsinp : eigen array='
1763 !do ikpt=1,nkpt
1764 !do iband=1,mband
1765 !write(std_out,*)'ikpt,iband,eigen',ikpt,iband,eigen(iband+(ikpt-1)*mband)
1766 !end do
1767 !end do
1770  ABI_FREE(icg_k)
1771  ABI_FREE(band_index_k)
1773  call timab(720,2,tsec)
1775 end subroutine wfsinp