ABINIT/m_rttddft_propagators [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Contains various propagators for the KS orbitals


  Copyright (C) 2021-2024 ABINIT group (FB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_rttddft_propagators
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_abitypes,         only: MPI_type
26  use defs_datatypes,        only: pseudopotential_type
28  use m_bandfft_kpt,         only: bandfft_kpt, bandfft_kpt_type, &
29                                 & bandfft_kpt_set_ikpt,          &
30                                 & prep_bandfft_tabs
31  use m_dtset,               only: dataset_type
32  use m_energies,            only: energies_type, energies_init, energies_copy
33  use m_gemm_nonlop,         only: make_gemm_nonlop
34  use m_hamiltonian,         only: gs_hamiltonian_type, gspot_transgrid_and_pack
35  use m_invovl,              only: make_invovl
36  use m_kg,                  only: mkkin, mkkpg
37  use m_mkffnl,              only: mkffnl
38  use m_mpinfo,              only: proc_distrb_cycle
39  use m_profiling_abi,       only: abimem_record
40  use m_rttddft,             only: rttddft_init_hamiltonian
41  use m_rttddft_exponential, only: rttddft_exp_taylor
42  use m_rttddft_properties,  only: rttddft_calc_density, &
43                                 & rttddft_calc_occ,     &
44                                 & rttddft_calc_kin
45  use m_rttddft_tdks,        only: tdks_type
46  use m_specialmsg,          only: wrtout
47  use m_xmpi,                only: xmpi_comm_rank, xmpi_sum, xmpi_max
49  implicit none
51  private

m_rttddft/rttddft_propagator_emr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft ] [ Functions ]




  Main subroutine to propagate the KS orbitals using
  the Exponential Midpoint Rule (EMR) propagator


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  ham_k <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)> = Hamiltonian object
  istep <integer> = step number
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  tdks <type(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to initialize



  This propagator is time reversible
  (if H(t+dt/2) and the exponential are computed exactly).


451 subroutine rttddft_propagator_emr(dtset, ham_k, istep, mpi_enreg, psps, tdks)
453  implicit none
455  !Arguments ------------------------------------
456  !scalars
457  integer,                    intent(in)    :: istep
458  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
459  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),  intent(inout) :: ham_k
460  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
461  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
462  type(tdks_type),            intent(inout) :: tdks
464  !Local variables-------------------------------
465  integer :: me
466  !scalars
467  character(len=500) :: msg
468  integer            :: ics
469  integer            :: ierr
470  logical            :: lconv
471  !arrays
472  real(dp)           :: cg(SIZE(tdks%cg(:,1)),SIZE(tdks%cg(1,:)))
473  real(dp)           :: diff(SIZE(tdks%cg(:,1)),SIZE(tdks%cg(1,:)))
474  real(dp)           :: max_diff(2)
476 ! ***********************************************************************
478  cg(:,:) = tdks%cg(:,:) !Psi(t)
480  !** Predictor step
481  ! predict psi(t+dt) using ER propagator
482  call rttddft_propagator_er(dtset,ham_k,istep,mpi_enreg,psps,tdks,calc_properties=.true.)
483  ! for convergence check
484  diff = tdks%cg
485  ! estimate psi(t+dt/2) = (psi(t)+psi(t+dt))/2
486  tdks%cg(:,:) = 0.5_dp*(tdks%cg(:,:)+cg(:,:))
487  ! calc associated density at t+dt/2
488  call rttddft_calc_density(dtset,mpi_enreg,psps,tdks)
489  ! go back to time t ..
490  tdks%cg(:,:) = cg(:,:)
491  ! .. and evolve psi(t) using the EMR propagator with the estimated density at t+dt/2
492  call rttddft_propagator_er(dtset,ham_k,istep,mpi_enreg,psps,tdks)
494  ! check convergence
495  diff = abs(diff-tdks%cg)
496  me = xmpi_comm_rank(mpi_enreg%comm_world)
497  call xmpi_max(maxval(diff(1,:)),max_diff(1),mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
498  call xmpi_max(maxval(diff(2,:)),max_diff(2),mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
499  lconv = (max_diff(1) < dtset%td_scthr .and. max_diff(2) < dtset%td_scthr)
500  ics = 0
501  if (mpi_enreg%me == 0) then
502    write(msg,'(a,a,i3,a,3(es8.2,1x),l1,a)') ch10, 'SC Step', ics, ' - ', max_diff(1), max_diff(2), &
503                                           & dtset%td_scthr, lconv, ch10
504    if (do_write_log) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
505  end if
506  if (.not. lconv) then
507    !** Corrector steps
508    do ics = 1, dtset%td_scnmax
509       ! for convergence check
510       diff = tdks%cg
511       ! estimate psi(t+dt/2) = (psi(t)+psi(t+dt))/2
512       tdks%cg(:,:) = 0.5_dp*(tdks%cg(:,:)+cg(:,:))
513       ! calc associated density at t+dt/2
514       call rttddft_calc_density(dtset,mpi_enreg,psps,tdks)
515       ! Go back to time t ..
516       tdks%cg(:,:) = cg(:,:)
517       ! .. and evolve psi(t) using estimated density at t+dt/2
518       call rttddft_propagator_er(dtset,ham_k,istep,mpi_enreg,psps,tdks)
519       ! check convergence
520       diff = abs(diff-tdks%cg)
521       me = xmpi_comm_rank(mpi_enreg%comm_world)
522       call xmpi_max(maxval(diff(1,:)),max_diff(1),mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
523       call xmpi_max(maxval(diff(2,:)),max_diff(2),mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
524       lconv = (max_diff(1) < dtset%td_scthr .and. max_diff(2) < dtset%td_scthr)
525       if (mpi_enreg%me == 0) then
526          write(msg,'(a,a,i3,a,3(es8.2,1x),l1,a)') ch10, 'SC Step', ics, ' - ', max_diff(1), max_diff(2), &
527                                                 & dtset%td_scthr, lconv, ch10
528          if (do_write_log) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
529       end if
530       if (lconv) exit
531    end do
532  end if
534  if (lconv) then
535    write(msg,'(a,i4,a)') "Converged after ", ics, " self-consistent corrector steps"
536    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
537    if (do_write_log) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
538  else
539    write(msg,'(a)') "Reached maximum number of corrector steps before convergence"
540    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
541    if (do_write_log) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
542  end if
544 end subroutine rttddft_propagator_emr

m_rttddft/rttddft_propagator_er [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft ] [ Functions ]




  Main subroutine to propagate the KS orbitals using
  the Exponential Rule (ER) propagator.


  dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
  ham_k <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)> = Hamiltonian object
  istep <integer> = step number
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  tdks <type(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to initialize
  calc_properties <logical> = logical governing the computation of
                              some properties (energies, occupations, eigenvalues..)


  Other propagators such as the Exponential Midpoint Rule (EMR)
  should usually be prefered over this one since the ER propagator
  alone violates time reversal symmetry. Using this propagator with
  the exponential approximated by Taylor expansion of order 1 leads
  to the famous Euler method which is fast and simple but unstable
  and thus insufficient for RT-TDDFT.


 89 subroutine rttddft_propagator_er(dtset, ham_k, istep, mpi_enreg, psps, tdks, calc_properties)
 91  implicit none
 93  !Arguments ------------------------------------
 94  !scalars
 95  integer,                    intent(in)    :: istep
 96  logical,          optional, intent(in)    :: calc_properties
 97  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
 98  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),  intent(inout) :: ham_k
 99  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
100  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
101  type(tdks_type),    target, intent(inout) :: tdks
103  !Local variables-------------------------------
104  !scalars
105  integer                        :: bdtot_index
106  integer                        :: calc_forces
107  integer                        :: dimffnl
108  integer                        :: gemm_nonlop_ikpt_this_proc_being_treated
109  integer                        :: iband
110  integer                        :: ibg, icg
111  integer                        :: ider, idir
112  integer                        :: ierr, ilm
113  integer                        :: ikpt, ikpt_loc, ikg
114  integer                        :: isppol
115  integer                        :: istwf_k
116  integer                        :: me_distrb
117  integer                        :: me_bandfft
118  integer                        :: my_ikpt, my_nspinor
119  integer                        :: nband_k, nband_k_mem
120  integer                        :: npw_k, nkpg
121  integer                        :: shift
122  integer                        :: spaceComm_distrb
123  integer                        :: n4, n5, n6
124  logical                        :: with_vxctau
125  logical                        :: lcalc_properties
126  type(energies_type)            :: energies
127  type(bandfft_kpt_type),pointer :: my_bandfft_kpt => null()
128  !arrays
129  integer,  allocatable          :: kg_k(:,:)
130  real(dp), pointer              :: cg(:,:) => null()
131  real(dp), pointer              :: cg0(:,:) => null()
132  real(dp), allocatable          :: enl(:)
133  real(dp), pointer              :: eig(:) => null()
134  real(dp), allocatable          :: ffnl(:,:,:,:)
135  real(dp), allocatable          :: kpg_k(:,:)
136  real(dp)                       :: kpoint(3)
137  real(dp), allocatable          :: kinpw(:)
138  real(dp), pointer              :: occ(:) => null()
139  real(dp), pointer              :: occ0(:) => null()
140  real(dp), allocatable          :: ph3d(:,:,:)
141  real(dp), allocatable          :: vlocal(:,:,:,:)
142  real(dp), allocatable          :: vxctaulocal(:,:,:,:,:)
143  real(dp), allocatable          :: ylm_k(:,:)
144  logical                        :: lproperties(4)
146 ! ***********************************************************************
148  !Init MPI
149  spaceComm_distrb=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
150  if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) spaceComm_distrb=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
151  me_distrb=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm_distrb)
153  !Do we calculate properties?
154  !Governed by lproperties:
155  !  lproperties(1) = compute energy contributions (kinetic)
156  !  lproperties(2) = NL energy contribution in NC case
157  !  lproperties(3) = eigenvalues
158  !  lproperties(4) = occupations
159  lproperties(:) = .false.
160  lcalc_properties = .false.
161  if (present(calc_properties)) then
162    lcalc_properties = calc_properties
163    if (lcalc_properties) then
164       !compute energy contributions
165       lproperties(1) = .true.
166       !Init to zero different energies
167       call energies_init(energies)
168       energies%entropy=tdks%energies%entropy
169       energies%e_corepsp=tdks%energies%e_corepsp
170       energies%e_ewald=tdks%energies%e_ewald
171       !including NL part in NC case?
172       if (dtset%usepaw == 0) then
173          lproperties(2) = .true.
174       else
175          ABI_MALLOC(enl,(0))
176       end if
177       !other properties
178       ! eigenvalues
179       if (dtset%prteig /= 0 .or. dtset%prtdos /= 0) then
180          if (mod(istep-1,dtset%td_prtstr) == 0) then
181             lproperties(3) = .true.
182             tdks%eigen(:) = zero
183          end if
184       end if
185       ! occupations
186       lproperties(4) = .true.
187       tdks%occ(:) = zero
188    end if
189  end if
191  !Set "vtrial" and initialize the Hamiltonian
192  call rttddft_init_hamiltonian(dtset,energies,ham_k,istep,mpi_enreg,psps,tdks)
194  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
195  n4=dtset%ngfft(4); n5=dtset%ngfft(5); n6=dtset%ngfft(6)
196  ABI_MALLOC(vlocal,(n4,n5,n6,ham_k%nvloc))
197  with_vxctau=(dtset%usekden/=0)
198  if(with_vxctau) then
199    ABI_MALLOC(vxctaulocal,(n4,n5,n6,ham_k%nvloc,4))
200  end if
201  if (dtset%ionmov/=0) then
202    calc_forces=1
203  else
204    calc_forces=0
205  end if
207 !FB: @MT Needed?
208 !has_vectornd = (with_vectornd .EQ. 1)
209 !if(has_vectornd) then
210 !  ABI_MALLOC(vectornd_pac,(n4,n5,n6,ham_k%nvloc,3))
211 !  vectornd_pac=zero
212 !end if
214  icg=0; ibg=0
215  bdtot_index=0
218  do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
220    ikpt_loc=0
221    ikg=0
223    ! Set up local potential vlocal on the coarse FFT mesh from vtrial taking into account the spin.
224    ! Also, continue to initialize the Hamiltonian.
225    call gspot_transgrid_and_pack(isppol, psps%usepaw, dtset%paral_kgb, dtset%nfft, dtset%ngfft, tdks%nfftf, &
226                                & dtset%nspden, ham_k%nvloc, 1, tdks%pawfgr, mpi_enreg, tdks%vtrial, vlocal)
227    call ham_k%load_spin(isppol, vlocal=vlocal, with_nonlocal=.true.)
229    if (with_vxctau) then
230       call gspot_transgrid_and_pack(isppol, psps%usepaw, dtset%paral_kgb, dtset%nfft, dtset%ngfft, tdks%nfftf, &
231                                   & dtset%nspden, ham_k%nvloc, 4, tdks%pawfgr, mpi_enreg, tdks%vxctau, vxctaulocal)
232       call ham_k%load_spin(isppol, vxctaulocal=vxctaulocal)
233    end if
235 !FB: @MT Needed?
236 !  ! if vectornd is present, set it up for addition to ham_k similarly to how it's done for
237 !  ! vtrial. Note that it must be done for the three Cartesian directions. Also, the following
238 !  ! code assumes explicitly and implicitly that nvloc = 1. This should eventually be generalized.
239 !  if(has_vectornd) then
240 !     do idir = 1, 3
241 !        ABI_MALLOC(cgrvtrial,(dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden))
242 !        call transgrid(1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,-1,0,0,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rhodum,rhodum,cgrvtrial,vectornd(:,idir))
243 !        call fftpac(isppol,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,dtset%ngfft,cgrvtrial,vectornd_pac(:,:,:,1,idir),2)
244 !        ABI_FREE(cgrvtrial)
245 !     end do
246 !     call ham_k%load_spin(isppol, vectornd=vectornd_pac)
247 !  end if
249    !*** BIG FAT k POINT LOOP
250    ikpt = 0
251    do while (ikpt_loc < dtset%nkpt)
253       ikpt_loc = ikpt_loc + 1
254       ikpt = ikpt_loc
255       my_ikpt = mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(ikpt)
257       nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt)
258       if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
259          nband_k_mem=mpi_enreg%bandpp
260       else
261          nband_k_mem=nband_k
262       end if
263       istwf_k=dtset%istwfk(ikpt)
264       npw_k=tdks%npwarr(ikpt)
266       if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_distrb)) then
267          bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
268          cycle
269       end if
271       if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) my_bandfft_kpt => bandfft_kpt(my_ikpt)
272       call bandfft_kpt_set_ikpt(ikpt,mpi_enreg)
274       ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,npw_k))
275       ABI_MALLOC(ylm_k,(npw_k,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
276       kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=tdks%kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
277       if (psps%useylm==1) then
278          do ilm=1,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang
279             ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm)=tdks%ylm(1+ikg:npw_k+ikg,ilm)
280          end do
281       end if
283       !** Set up the remaining k-dependent part of the Hamiltonian
284       ! Kinetic energy - Compute (1/2) (2 Pi)**2 (k+G)**2:
285       kpoint(:)=dtset%kptns(:,ikpt)
286       ABI_MALLOC(kinpw,(npw_k))
287       call mkkin(dtset%ecut,dtset%ecutsm,dtset%effmass_free,tdks%gmet,kg_k,kinpw,kpoint,npw_k,0,0)
288       ! Compute (k+G) vectors (only if useylm=1)
289       nkpg=3*calc_forces*dtset%nloalg(3)
290       ABI_MALLOC(kpg_k,(npw_k,nkpg))
291       if ((mpi_enreg%paral_kgb/=1.or.istep<=tdks%first_step).and.nkpg>0) call mkkpg(kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,nkpg,npw_k)
292       ! Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl at all (k+G):
293       ider=0;idir=0;dimffnl=1
294       ABI_MALLOC(ffnl,(npw_k,dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,psps%ntypat))
295       if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb/=1.or.istep<=tdks%first_step) then
296         call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl,psps%ekb,ffnl,psps%ffspl,tdks%gmet,tdks%gprimd, &
297                   & ider,idir,psps%indlmn,kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,     &
298                   & psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg,npw_k,psps%ntypat,psps%pspso,       &
299                   & psps%qgrid_ff,tdks%rmet,psps%usepaw,psps%useylm,ylm_k,tdks%ylmgr)
300       end if
302       !** Load k-dependent part in the Hamiltonian datastructure
303       !**  - Compute 3D phase factors
304       !**  - Prepare various tabs in case of band-FFT parallelism
305       !**  - Load k-dependent quantities in the Hamiltonian
306       ABI_MALLOC(ph3d,(2,npw_k,ham_k%matblk))
307       call ham_k%load_k(kpt_k=dtset%kptns(:,ikpt),istwf_k=istwf_k,npw_k=npw_k,kinpw_k=kinpw,kg_k=kg_k,kpg_k=kpg_k, &
308                       & ffnl_k=ffnl,ph3d_k=ph3d,compute_ph3d=(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb/=1.or.istep<=tdks%first_step),   &
309                       & compute_gbound=(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb/=1))
311       !** Load band-FFT tabs (transposed k-dependent arrays)
312       if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
313          if (istep<=tdks%first_step) call prep_bandfft_tabs(ham_k,ikpt,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg)
314          call ham_k%load_k(npw_fft_k =my_bandfft_kpt%ndatarecv,    &
315                          & gbound_k  =my_bandfft_kpt%gbound,       &
316                          & kinpw_k   =my_bandfft_kpt%kinpw_gather, &
317                          & kg_k      =my_bandfft_kpt%kg_k_gather,  &
318                          & kpg_k     =my_bandfft_kpt%kpg_k_gather, &
319                          & ffnl_k    =my_bandfft_kpt%ffnl_gather,  &
320                          & ph3d_k    =my_bandfft_kpt%ph3d_gather)
321       end if
323       !** Build inverse of overlap matrix
324       if(psps%usepaw == 1 .and. istep <= tdks%first_step) then
325          call make_invovl(ham_k, dimffnl, ffnl, ph3d, mpi_enreg)
326       end if
328       ! Setup gemm_nonlop
329       if (tdks%gemm_nonlop_use_gemm) then
330          !set the global variable indicating to gemm_nonlop where to get its data from
331          gemm_nonlop_ikpt_this_proc_being_treated = my_ikpt
332          if (istep <= tdks%first_step) then
333             !Init the arrays
334             call make_gemm_nonlop(my_ikpt,ham_k%npw_fft_k,ham_k%lmnmax, &
335                 ham_k%ntypat, ham_k%indlmn, ham_k%nattyp, ham_k%istwf_k, &
336                 ham_k%ucvol,  ham_k%ffnl_k, &
337                 ham_k%ph3d_k, ham_k%kpt_k, ham_k%kg_k, ham_k%kpg_k)
338          end if
339       end if
341       !** Compute the exp[(S^{-1})H]*cg using Taylor expansion to approximate the exponential
342       cg => tdks%cg(:,icg+1:icg+nband_k*npw_k*my_nspinor)
343       ! Compute properties "on-the-fly" if required
344       if (lcalc_properties) then
345          cg0 => tdks%cg0(:,icg+1:icg+nband_k*npw_k*my_nspinor)
346          occ => tdks%occ(bdtot_index+1:bdtot_index+nband_k)
347          occ0 => tdks%occ0(bdtot_index+1:bdtot_index+nband_k)
348          if (dtset%paral_kgb /= 1) then
349             shift = bdtot_index
350          else
351             me_bandfft = xmpi_comm_rank(mpi_enreg%comm_band)
352             shift = bdtot_index+me_bandfft*mpi_enreg%bandpp
353          end if
354          ! kinetic energy
355          if (lproperties(1)) then
356             call rttddft_calc_kin(energies%e_kinetic,cg,dtset,ham_k,nband_k,npw_k,my_nspinor, &
357                                 & occ0,dtset%wtk(ikpt),mpi_enreg,my_bandfft_kpt)
358          end if
359          ! for NL PSP part
360          if (lproperties(2)) then
361             ABI_MALLOC(enl,(mpi_enreg%bandpp))
362             enl = zero
363          end if
364          ! for eigenvalues
365          if (lproperties(3)) then
366             eig => tdks%eigen(1+shift:nband_k_mem+shift)
367          end if
368          ! occupations
369          if (lproperties(4)) then
370             !note that occupations are computed at istep-1 like energies and eigenvalues
371             call rttddft_calc_occ(cg,cg0,dtset,ham_k,ikpt,ibg,isppol,mpi_enreg, &
372                                 & nband_k,npw_k,my_nspinor,occ,occ0,tdks)
373          end if
375          !Propagate cg and compute the requested properties
376          call rttddft_exp_taylor(cg,dtset,ham_k,mpi_enreg,nband_k,npw_k,my_nspinor,enl=enl,eig=eig)
378          !Finish computing NL PSP part for NC PSP
379          if (lproperties(2)) then
380             do iband = 1, mpi_enreg%bandpp
381                energies%e_nlpsp_vfock=energies%e_nlpsp_vfock+dtset%wtk(ikpt)*tdks%occ0(shift+iband)*enl(iband)
382             end do
383             ABI_FREE(enl)
384          end if
385       else
386          !Propagate cg only
387          call rttddft_exp_taylor(cg,dtset,ham_k,mpi_enreg,nband_k,npw_k,my_nspinor)
388       end if
390       ABI_FREE(kg_k)
391       ABI_FREE(ylm_k)
392       ABI_FREE(kpg_k)
393       ABI_FREE(kinpw)
394       ABI_FREE(ffnl)
395       ABI_FREE(ph3d)
397       bdtot_index = bdtot_index+nband_k
399       !** Also shift array memory if dtset%mkmem/=0
400       if (dtset%mkmem/=0) then
401          ibg=ibg+nband_k_mem
402          icg=icg+npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k
403          ikg=ikg+npw_k
404       end if
406    end do !nkpt
408  end do !nsppol
410  ABI_FREE(vlocal)
411  if(dtset%usekden/=0) then
412    ABI_FREE(vxctaulocal)
413  end if
415  !Keep the computed energies in memory
416  if (lcalc_properties) then
417    call xmpi_sum(energies%e_kinetic,mpi_enreg%comm_kptband,ierr)
418    call xmpi_sum(energies%e_nlpsp_vfock,mpi_enreg%comm_kptband,ierr)
419    call energies_copy(energies,tdks%energies)
420    if (lproperties(3)) call xmpi_sum(tdks%eigen,mpi_enreg%comm_kptband,ierr)
421    if (lproperties(4)) call xmpi_sum(tdks%occ,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ierr)
422  end if
424 end subroutine rttddft_propagator_er