ABINIT/m_rttddft_tdks [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Contains the main object (tdks) to propagate
  the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations in RT-TDDFT


  Copyright (C) 2021-2024 ABINIT group (FB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_rttddft_tdks
25  use defs_basis
26  use defs_abitypes,      only: MPI_type
27  use defs_datatypes,     only: pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
28  use defs_wvltypes,      only: wvl_data, nullify_wvl_data
30  use libxc_functionals,  only: libxc_functionals_get_hybridparams
31  use m_bandfft_kpt,      only: bandfft_kpt, bandfft_kpt_init1, &
32                              & bandfft_kpt_destroy_array
33  use m_cgprj,            only: ctocprj
34  use m_common,           only: setup1
35  use m_dtfil,            only: datafiles_type
36  use m_dtset,            only: dataset_type
37  use m_ebands,           only: ebands_from_dtset, ebands_free, unpack_eneocc
38  use m_energies,         only: energies_type, energies_init
39  use m_errors,           only: msg_hndl, assert
40  use m_extfpmd,          only: extfpmd_type
41  use m_gemm_nonlop,      only: init_gemm_nonlop, destroy_gemm_nonlop
42  use m_geometry,         only: fixsym
43  use m_hdr,              only: hdr_type, hdr_init
44  use m_initylmg,         only: initylmg
45  use m_invovl,           only: init_invovl, destroy_invovl
46  use m_io_tools,         only: open_file
47  use m_inwffil,          only: inwffil
48  use m_kg,               only: kpgio, getph, getcut
49  use m_mpinfo,           only: proc_distrb_cycle
50  use m_occ,              only: newocc
51  use m_paw_an,           only: paw_an_type, paw_an_init, paw_an_free, &
52                              & paw_an_nullify
53  use m_pawang,           only: pawang_type
54  use m_pawcprj,          only: pawcprj_type,pawcprj_free,pawcprj_alloc, &
55                              & pawcprj_getdim
56  use m_paw_dmft,         only: init_sc_dmft,destroy_sc_dmft,paw_dmft_type
57  use m_pawfgr,           only: pawfgr_type, pawfgr_init, pawfgr_destroy
58  use m_pawfgrtab,        only: pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_free
59  use m_paw_init,         only: pawinit,paw_gencond
60  use m_paw_ij,           only: paw_ij_type, paw_ij_init, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify
61  use m_paw_nhat,         only: nhatgrid
62  use m_paw_occupancies,  only: initrhoij
63  use m_pawrad,           only: pawrad_type
64  use m_pawrhoij,         only: pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free
65  use m_paw_sphharm,      only: setsym_ylm
66  use m_pawtab,           only: pawtab_type, pawtab_get_lsize
67  use m_paw_tools,        only: chkpawovlp
68  use m_pspini,           only: pspini
69  use m_profiling_abi,    only: abimem_record
70  use m_spacepar,         only: setsym
71  use m_specialmsg,       only: wrtout
72  use m_symtk,            only: symmetrize_xred
73  use m_wffile,           only: wffile_type, WffClose
74  use m_xmpi,             only: xmpi_bcast, xmpi_sum
76  implicit none
78  private

m_rttddft_tdks/first_setup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft_tdks ] [ Functions ]




  Intialize many important quantities before running RT-TDDFT
  (PW, FFT, PSP, Symmetry etc.)


  codvsn = code version
  dtfil <type datafiles_type> = infos about file names, file unit numbers
  dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)> = paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)> = paw tabulated starting data
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)> = variables related to pseudopotentials
  tdks <type(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to initialize


  psp_gencond <integer> = store conditions for generating psp
  ecut_eff <real(dp)> = effective PW cutoff energy


474 subroutine first_setup(codvsn,dtfil,dtset,ecut_eff,mpi_enreg,pawrad,pawtab,psps,psp_gencond,tdks)
476  implicit none
478  !Arguments ------------------------------------
479  !scalars
480  character(len=8),           intent(in)    :: codvsn
481  integer,                    intent(out)   :: psp_gencond
482  real(dp),                   intent(out)   :: ecut_eff
483  type(datafiles_type),       intent(in)    :: dtfil
484  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
485  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
486  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
487  type(tdks_type),            intent(inout) :: tdks
488  !arrays
489  type(pawrad_type),          intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
490  type(pawtab_type),          intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
492  !Local variables-------------------------------
493  !scalars
494  integer,parameter    :: response=0, cplex=1
495  integer              :: comm_psp
496  integer              :: gscase
497  integer              :: iatom, ierr, itypat, indx
498  integer              :: mgfftf, my_natom
499  integer              :: npwmin, nfftot
500  integer              :: ylm_option
501  real(dp)             :: gsqcut_eff, gsqcutc_eff
502  real(dp)             :: ecutdg_eff
503  type(ebands_t)       :: bstruct
504  !arrays
505  character(len=500)   :: msg
506  integer, allocatable :: npwarr_(:)
507  integer              :: ngfft(18)
508  integer              :: ngfftf(18)
509  integer              :: npwtot(dtset%nkpt)
511 ! ***********************************************************************
513  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
515  !** Init FFT grid(s) sizes (be careful !)
516  !See NOTES in the comments at the beginning of this file.
517  tdks%nfft = dtset%nfft
518  call pawfgr_init(tdks%pawfgr,dtset,mgfftf,tdks%nfftf,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff, &
519                 & ngfft,ngfftf)
521  !** Init to zero different energies
522  call energies_init(tdks%energies)
523  tdks%ecore = zero
524  tdks%etot = zero
526  !** various additional setup mostly related to fft grids and the box (rprimd, metric..)
527  call setup1(dtset%acell_orig,tdks%bantot,dtset,ecutdg_eff,ecut_eff,tdks%gmet, &
528            & tdks%gprimd,gsqcut_eff,gsqcutc_eff,ngfftf,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,       &
529            & dtset%nsppol,response,tdks%rmet,dtset%rprim_orig,tdks%rprimd,     &
530            & tdks%ucvol,psps%usepaw)
532 !FB: @MT Needed?
533 !!In some cases (e.g. getcell/=0), the plane wave vectors have
534 !! to be generated from the original simulation cell
535 !rprimd_for_kg=rprimd
536 !if (dtset%getcell/=0.and.dtset%usewvl==0) rprimd_for_kg=args_gs%rprimd_orig
537 !call matr3inv(rprimd_for_kg,gprimd_for_kg)
538 !gmet_for_kg=matmul(transpose(gprimd_for_kg),gprimd_for_kg)
540  !** Set up the basis sphere of planewaves
541  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%npwarr,(dtset%nkpt))
542  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%kg,(3,dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem))
543  call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,tdks%gmet,dtset%istwfk,tdks%kg,dtset%kptns, &
544           & dtset%mkmem,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,'PERS',mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,       &
545           & tdks%npwarr,npwtot,dtset%nsppol)
546  call bandfft_kpt_init1(bandfft_kpt,dtset%istwfk,tdks%kg,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem, &
547                       & mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,tdks%npwarr,   &
548                       & dtset%nsppol)
550  !** Use efficient BLAS calls for computing the non local potential
551  if(dtset%use_gemm_nonlop == 1 .and. dtset%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
552    ! set global variable
553    tdks%gemm_nonlop_use_gemm = .true.
554    call init_gemm_nonlop(dtset%nkpt)
555  else
556    tdks%gemm_nonlop_use_gemm = .false.
557  end if
559  !** TODO: uncomment when gemm_nonlop can be used on GPU
560  ! if(dtset%use_gemm_nonlop == 1 .and. dtset%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
561  !   ! set global variable
562  !   tdks%gemm_nonlop_use_gemm_gpu = .true.
563  !   !call init_gemm_nonlop_gpu(dtset%nkpt)
564  ! else
565  !   tdks%gemm_nonlop_use_gemm_gpu = .false.
566  ! end if
568  !** Setup the Ylm for each k point
569  if (psps%useylm==1) then
570    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%ylm,(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
571    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%ylmgr,(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,3,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
572    ylm_option=0
573    if ((dtset%prtstm==0.and.dtset%iscf>0.and.dtset%positron/=1) .or. &
574    &   (dtset%berryopt==4 .and. dtset%optstress /= 0 .and. psps%usepaw==1) .or. &
575    &   (dtset%orbmag<0 .and. psps%usepaw==1)) then
576       ylm_option = 1 ! gradients of YLM
577    end if
578    call initylmg(tdks%gprimd,tdks%kg,dtset%kptns,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
579    & psps%mpsang,dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,&
580    & tdks%npwarr,dtset%nsppol,ylm_option,tdks%rprimd,tdks%ylm,tdks%ylmgr)
581  else
582    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%ylm,(0,0))
583    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%ylmgr,(0,0,0))
584  end if
586  !** Open and read pseudopotential files
587  comm_psp=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
588  call pspini(dtset,dtfil,tdks%ecore,psp_gencond,gsqcutc_eff,gsqcut_eff,pawrad, &
589            & pawtab,psps,tdks%rprimd,comm_mpi=comm_psp)
591  !In case of isolated computations, ecore must be set to zero
592  !because its contribution is counted in the ewald energy as the ion-ion interaction.
593  if (dtset%icoulomb == 1) tdks%ecore = zero
595  !Include core energy?
596  select case(dtset%usepotzero)
597  case(0,1)
598    tdks%energies%e_corepsp   = tdks%ecore / tdks%ucvol
599    tdks%energies%e_corepspdc = zero
600  case(2)
601    ! No need to include the PspCore energy since it is already included in the
602    ! local pseudopotential  (vpsp)
603    tdks%energies%e_corepsp   = zero
604    tdks%energies%e_corepspdc = zero
605  end select
607  !** Initialize band structure datatype
608  ABI_MALLOC(npwarr_,(dtset%nkpt))
609  npwarr_(:)=tdks%npwarr(:)
610  if (dtset%paral_kgb/=0) then
611    call xmpi_sum(npwarr_,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ierr)
612  end if
613  bstruct = ebands_from_dtset(dtset, npwarr_)
614  ABI_FREE(npwarr_)
615  call unpack_eneocc(dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol,bstruct%mband,bstruct%nband,dtset%occ_orig(:,1),bstruct%occ,val=zero)
617  !** Initialize PAW atomic occupancies
618  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%pawrhoij,(my_natom*psps%usepaw))
619  if (psps%usepaw == 1) then
620    call initrhoij(dtset%pawcpxocc,dtset%lexexch,dtset%lpawu,my_natom,dtset%natom, &
621                 & dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%ntypat,           &
622                 & tdks%pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,pawtab,cplex,dtset%spinat,        &
623                 & dtset%typat,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,                      &
624                 & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
625  end if
627  !Nullify wvl_data. It is important to do so irregardless of the value of usewvl
628  !Only needed here because hdr%init requires a wvl object for the wvl%descr input
629  call nullify_wvl_data(tdks%wvl)
631  !** Initialize header
632  gscase=0
633  call hdr_init(bstruct,codvsn,dtset,tdks%hdr,pawtab,gscase,psps,tdks%wvl%descr,&
634              & comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
636  !Clean band structure datatype
637  call ebands_free(bstruct)
639  !** PW basis set: test if the problem is ill-defined.
640  npwmin=minval(tdks%hdr%npwarr(:))
641  if (dtset%mband > npwmin) then
642    ! No way we can solve the problem. Abort now!
643    write(msg,"(2(a,i0),4a)") "Number of bands nband= ",dtset%mband, &
644    & " > number of planewaves npw= ",npwmin,ch10,                   &
645    & "The number of eigenvectors cannot be greater that the size of the Hamiltonian!",&
646    & ch10, "Action: decrease nband or, alternatively, increase ecut"
647    if (dtset%ionmov/=23) then
648       ABI_ERROR(msg)
649    else
650       ABI_WARNING(msg)
651    end if
653  else if (dtset%mband >= 0.9 * npwmin) then
654    ! Warn the user
655    write(msg,"(a,i0,a,f6.1,4a)") "Number of bands nband= ",dtset%mband, &
656    & " >= 0.9 * maximum number of planewaves= ",0.9*npwmin,ch10,&
657    & "This could lead to some instabilities, you might want to decrease nband or increase ecut!", &
658    & ch10,"Assume experienced user. Execution will continue."
659    ABI_WARNING(msg)
660  end if
662  !** Initialize symmetry
663  nfftot=ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
664  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%irrzon,(nfftot**(1-1/dtset%nsym),2,(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4)))
665  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%phnons,(2,nfftot**(1-1/dtset%nsym),(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4)))
666  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%indsym,(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom))
667  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%symrec,(3,3,dtset%nsym))
668  tdks%irrzon(:,:,:)=0
669  tdks%phnons(:,:,:)=zero
670  tdks%indsym(:,:,:)=0
671  tdks%symrec(:,:,:)=0
673  !FB TODO: Should symmetry be used when ions are moving? Modify if Ehrenfest dynamics
674  !Do symmetry stuff if nsym>1
675  if (dtset%nsym>1) then
676    call setsym(tdks%indsym,tdks%irrzon,dtset%iscf,dtset%natom, &
677    & nfftot,ngfft,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym, &
678    & tdks%phnons,dtset%symafm,tdks%symrec,dtset%symrel, &
679    & dtset%tnons,dtset%typat,dtset%xred_orig)
681    !Make sure dtset%iatfix does not break symmetry
682    call fixsym(dtset%iatfix,tdks%indsym,dtset%natom,dtset%nsym)
683  else
684    !The symrec array is used by initberry even in case nsym = 1 - FB: @MT Needed ?
685    tdks%symrec(:,:,1) = 0
686    tdks%symrec(1,1,1) = 1 ; tdks%symrec(2,2,1) = 1 ; tdks%symrec(3,3,1) = 1
687  end if
689  !** Initialize and eventually symmetrize reduced atomic coordinates
690  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%xred,(3,dtset%natom,dtset%nimage))
691  tdks%xred = dtset%xred_orig
692  !FB: Should we?
693  !Eventually symmetrize atomic coordinates over space group elements
694  call symmetrize_xred(dtset%natom,dtset%nsym,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,tdks%xred, &
695                     & indsym=tdks%indsym)
697  !** Create the atindx array
698  !** index table of atoms, in order for them to be used type after type.
699  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%atindx,(dtset%natom))
700  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%atindx1,(dtset%natom))
701  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%nattyp,(psps%ntypat))
702  indx=1
703  do itypat=1,psps%ntypat
704    tdks%nattyp(itypat)=0
705    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
706       if(dtset%typat(iatom)==itypat)then
707          tdks%atindx(iatom)=indx
708          tdks%atindx1(indx)=iatom
709          indx=indx+1
710           tdks%nattyp(itypat)=tdks%nattyp(itypat)+1
711       end if
712    end do
713  end do
715  !** Calculate zion: the total positive charge acting on the valence electrons
716  tdks%zion=zero
717  do iatom=1,dtset%natom
718    tdks%zion=tdks%zion+psps%ziontypat(dtset%typat(iatom))
719  end do
721  !FB: probably not needed
722  !Further setup
723  !call setup2(dtset,npwtot,start,tdks%wvl%wfs,tdks%xred)
725 end subroutine first_setup

m_rttddft_tdks/read_wfk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft_tdks ] [ Functions ]




 Reads initial wavefunctions (KS orbitals) in WFK file (call inwffil)


 dtfil <type datafiles_type> = infos about file names, file unit numbers
 dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
 ecut_eff <real(dp)> = effective PW cutoff energy
 mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
 tdks <type(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to initialize



1024 subroutine read_wfk(dtfil, dtset, ecut_eff, fname_wfk, mpi_enreg, tdks)
1026  implicit none
1028  !Arguments ------------------------------------
1029  !scalars
1030  character(len=fnlen), intent(in)    :: fname_wfk
1031  real(dp),             intent(in)    :: ecut_eff
1032  type(datafiles_type), intent(in)    :: dtfil
1033  type(dataset_type),   intent(inout) :: dtset
1034  type(MPI_type),       intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
1035  type(tdks_type),      intent(inout) :: tdks
1037  !Local variables-------------------------------
1038  !scalars
1039  integer,parameter  :: formeig=0
1040  integer            :: ask_accurate
1041  integer            :: band
1042  integer            :: cnt
1043  integer            :: ierr, ikpt
1044  integer            :: my_nspinor
1045  integer            :: optorth
1046  integer            :: spin
1047  type(wffile_type)  :: wff1, wffnow
1048  !arrays
1049  character(len=500) :: msg
1051 ! ***********************************************************************
1053  !If paral_kgb == 0, it may happen that some processors are idle (no entry in proc_distrb)
1054  !but mkmem == nkpt and this can cause integer overflow in mcg or allocation error.
1055  !Here we count the number of states treated by the proc. if cnt == 0, mcg is then set to 0.
1056  cnt = 0
1057  do spin=1,dtset%nsppol
1058    do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
1059       do band=1,dtset%nband(ikpt + (spin-1) * dtset%nkpt)
1060          if (.not. proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb, ikpt, band, band, spin, mpi_enreg%me_kpt)) cnt = cnt + 1
1061       end do
1062    end do
1063  end do
1065  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
1066  tdks%mcg=dtset%mpw*my_nspinor*dtset%mband*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol
1067  if (cnt == 0) then
1068    tdks%mcg = 0
1069    write(msg,"(2(a,i0))")"rank: ",mpi_enreg%me, "does not have wavefunctions to treat. Setting mcg to: ",tdks%mcg
1070    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1071  end if
1073  if (dtset%usewvl == 0 .and. dtset%mpw > 0 .and. cnt /= 0)then
1074    if (my_nspinor*dtset%mband*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol > floor(real(HUGE(0))/real(dtset%mpw) )) then
1075       ierr = 0
1076       write (msg,'(9a)')&
1077      & "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the wavefunction array (mcg).",ch10,&
1078      & "This usually happens when paral_kgb == 0 and there are not enough procs to distribute kpts and spins",ch10,&
1079      & "Action: if paral_kgb == 0, use nprocs = nkpt * nsppol to reduce the memory per node.",ch10,&
1080      & "If tdks does not solve the problem, use paral_kgb 1 with nprocs > nkpt * nsppol and use npfft/npband/npspinor",ch10,&
1081      & "to decrease the memory requirements. Consider also OpenMP threads."
1082       ABI_ERROR_NOSTOP(msg,ierr)
1083       write (msg,'(5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1084      & "my_nspinor: ",my_nspinor, ", mpw: ",dtset%mpw, ", mband: ",dtset%mband,&
1085      & ", mkmem: ",dtset%mkmem, ", nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1086      & 'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS...) compiled in int64 mode'
1087       ABI_ERROR(msg)
1088    end if
1089  end if
1091  ! Alloc size for wfk and bands
1092  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(tdks%cg,(2,tdks%mcg),ierr)
1093  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%eigen,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
1094  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%eigen0,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
1096  tdks%eigen(:) = zero
1097  ask_accurate=0
1099  !Actually read the intial KS orbitals here
1100  if (dtset%td_restart /= 1) then
1101    write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,'-------------   Reading initial wavefunctions   -------------',ch10
1102  else
1103    write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,'-------------   Reading wavefunctions for restart  -------------',ch10
1104  end if
1105  call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1106  if (do_write_log) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1107  wff1%unwff=dtfil%unwff1
1108  optorth=0   !No need to orthogonalize the wfk
1109  tdks%hdr%rprimd=tdks%rprimd
1110  tdks%cg=zero
1111  call inwffil(ask_accurate,tdks%cg,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,tdks%eigen,     &
1112             & dtset%exchn2n3d,formeig,tdks%hdr,1,dtset%istwfk,tdks%kg,       &
1113             & dtset%kptns,dtset%localrdwf,dtset%mband,tdks%mcg,dtset%mkmem,  &
1114             & mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft,dtset%nkpt,  &
1115             & tdks%npwarr,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,dtset%occ_orig,optorth,    &
1116             & dtset%symafm,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtfil%unkg,wff1,wffnow,  &
1117             & dtfil%unwff1,fname_wfk,tdks%wvl)
1119  !Close wff1
1120  call WffClose(wff1,ierr)
1122  !Keep initial eigenvalues in memory
1123  tdks%eigen0(:) = tdks%eigen(:)
1125  !In case of restart also read wfk file containing wave functions at t=0
1126  if (dtset%td_restart == 1 .and. tdks%fname_wfk0 /= fname_wfk) then
1127    write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,'-------------   Reading initial wavefunctions   -------------',ch10
1128    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(tdks%cg0,(2,tdks%mcg),ierr)
1129    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1130    if (do_write_log) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1131    tdks%cg0=zero
1132    call inwffil(ask_accurate,tdks%cg0,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,tdks%eigen0,   &
1133               & dtset%exchn2n3d,formeig,tdks%hdr,1,dtset%istwfk,tdks%kg,       &
1134               & dtset%kptns,dtset%localrdwf,dtset%mband,tdks%mcg,dtset%mkmem,  &
1135               & mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft,dtset%nkpt,  &
1136               & tdks%npwarr,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,dtset%occ_orig,optorth,    &
1137               & dtset%symafm,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtfil%unkg,wff1,wffnow,  &
1138               & dtfil%unwff1,tdks%fname_wfk0,tdks%wvl)
1139  end if
1141 end subroutine read_wfk

m_rttddft_tdks/second_setup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft_tdks ] [ Functions ]




 Further important initialization required after reading WFK and computing
 occupation numbers in paticular related to PAW


 dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
 mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
 pawang <type(pawang_type)> = paw angular mesh and related data
 pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)> = paw radial mesh and related data
 pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)> = paw tabulated starting data
 psps <type(pseudopotential_type)> = variables related to pseudopotentials
 psp_gencond <integer> = store conditions for generating psp
 tdks <type(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to initialize



 750 subroutine second_setup(dtset, mpi_enreg, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, psp_gencond, tdks)
 752  implicit none
 754  !Arguments ------------------------------------
 755  !scalars
 756  integer,                    intent(in)    :: psp_gencond
 757  type(pawang_type),          intent(inout) :: pawang
 758  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
 759  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
 760  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 761  !arrays
 762  type(pawrad_type),          intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 763  type(pawtab_type),          intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 764  type(tdks_type),            intent(inout) :: tdks
 766  !Local variables-------------------------------
 767  !scalars
 768  logical             :: call_pawinit
 769  integer, parameter  :: cplex = 1
 770  integer             :: forces_needed
 771  integer             :: gnt_option
 772  integer             :: has_dijhat, has_vhartree, has_dijfock
 773  integer             :: has_dijnd, has_dijU, has_vxctau
 774  integer             :: my_natom, my_nspinor
 775  integer             :: ncpgr
 776  integer             :: optcut, optgr0, optgr1, optgr2, optrad
 777  integer             :: stress_needed
 778  integer             :: use_hybcomp
 779  real(dp)            :: gsqcut_shp
 780  real(dp)            :: hyb_range_fock
 781  real(dp),parameter  :: k0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
 782  !arrays
 783  integer,allocatable :: l_size_atm(:)
 785 ! ***********************************************************************
 787  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
 788  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
 790  !FB: @MT needed?
 791  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 792     call pawrhoij_copy(tdks%hdr%pawrhoij,tdks%pawrhoij,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom, &
 793                      & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 794  end if
 796  !FB: Needed because paw_dmft is required in mkrho
 797  !PAW related operations
 798  !Initialize paw_dmft, even if neither dmft not paw are used
 799  call init_sc_dmft(dtset%nbandkss,dtset%dmftbandi,dtset%dmftbandf,                 &
 800                  & dtset%dmft_read_occnd,dtset%mband,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,       &
 801                  & dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,tdks%occ0,dtset%usedmft,&
 802                  & tdks%paw_dmft,dtset%usedmft,dtset%dmft_solv,mpi_enreg)
 804  !*** Main PAW initialization ***
 805  tdks%mcprj=0;tdks%mband_cprj=0
 806  if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 807    gnt_option=1
 808    if (dtset%pawxcdev==2.or.(dtset%pawxcdev==1.and.dtset%positron/=0)) gnt_option=2
 810    !** Test if we have to call pawinit
 811    ! Some gen-cond have to be added...
 812    call paw_gencond(dtset,gnt_option,"test",call_pawinit)
 814    if (psp_gencond==1.or.call_pawinit) then
 815       gsqcut_shp=two*abs(dtset%diecut)*dtset%dilatmx**2/pi**2
 816       hyb_range_fock=zero
 817       if (dtset%ixc<0) then
 818          call libxc_functionals_get_hybridparams(hyb_range=hyb_range_fock)
 819       end if
 820       call pawinit(dtset%effmass_free,gnt_option,gsqcut_shp,hyb_range_fock,  &
 821                  & dtset%pawlcutd,dtset%pawlmix,psps%mpsang,dtset%pawnphi,   &
 822                  & dtset%nsym,dtset%pawntheta,pawang,pawrad,dtset%pawspnorb, &
 823                  & pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%ixc,dtset%usepotzero)
 825       ! Update internal values
 826       call paw_gencond(dtset,gnt_option,"save",call_pawinit)
 827    end if
 828    psps%n1xccc=maxval(pawtab(1:psps%ntypat)%usetcore)
 829    call setsym_ylm(tdks%gprimd,pawang%l_max-1,dtset%nsym,dtset%pawprtvol, &
 830                  & tdks%rprimd,tdks%symrec,pawang%zarot)
 832    !** Initialisation of cprj
 833    tdks%mband_cprj=dtset%mband
 834    if (dtset%paral_kgb/=0) tdks%mband_cprj=tdks%mband_cprj/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
 835    tdks%mcprj=my_nspinor*tdks%mband_cprj*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol
 836    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%cprj,(dtset%natom,tdks%mcprj))
 837    ncpgr=0
 838    !FB: @MT dimcprj_srt needed?
 839    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%dimcprj,(dtset%natom))
 840    !ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_srt,(dtset%natom))
 841    call pawcprj_getdim(tdks%dimcprj,dtset%natom,tdks%nattyp,dtset%ntypat, &
 842                      & dtset%typat,pawtab,'R')
 843    !call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj_srt,dtset%natom,tdks%nattyp,dtset%ntypat,  &
 844    !                  & dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
 845    !call pawcprj_alloc(tdks%cprj,ncpgr,dimcprj_srt)
 846    call pawcprj_alloc(tdks%cprj,ncpgr,tdks%dimcprj)
 847    !ABI_FREE(dimcprj_srt)
 849    !** Variables/arrays related to the fine FFT grid
 850    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%pawfgrtab,(my_natom))
 851    if (my_natom>0) then
 852      call pawtab_get_lsize(pawtab,l_size_atm,my_natom,dtset%typat, &
 853                          & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 854      call pawfgrtab_init(tdks%pawfgrtab,cplex,l_size_atm,dtset%nspden,dtset%typat, &
 855                      & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
 856      ABI_FREE(l_size_atm)
 857    end if
 858    tdks%usexcnhat=maxval(pawtab(:)%usexcnhat)
 860    !** Variables/arrays related to the PAW spheres
 861    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%paw_ij,(my_natom))
 862    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%paw_an,(my_natom))
 863    call paw_an_nullify(tdks%paw_an)
 864    call paw_ij_nullify(tdks%paw_ij)
 865    has_dijhat=0; if (dtset%iscf==22) has_dijhat=1
 866    has_vhartree=0; if (dtset%prtvha > 0 .or. dtset%prtvclmb > 0) has_vhartree=1
 867    has_dijnd=0;if(any(abs(dtset%nucdipmom)>tol8)) has_dijnd=1
 868    has_dijfock=0
 869    has_dijU=merge(0,1,dtset%usepawu>0) !Be careful on this!
 870    has_vxctau=dtset%usekden
 871    call paw_an_init(tdks%paw_an,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,0,0,dtset%nspden,        &
 872                   & cplex,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%typat,pawang,pawtab,has_vxc=1,     &
 873                   & has_vxctau=has_vxctau,has_vxc_ex=1,has_vhartree=has_vhartree, &
 874                   & comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 875    call paw_ij_init(tdks%paw_ij,cplex,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspden,   &
 876                   & dtset%pawspnorb,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab, &
 877                   & has_dij=1,has_dijfock=has_dijfock,has_dijhartree=1,          &
 878                   & has_dijnd=has_dijnd,has_dijso=1,has_dijhat=has_dijhat,       &
 879                   & has_dijU=has_dijU,has_pawu_occ=1,has_exexch_pot=1,           &
 880                   & nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,     &
 881                   & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 883    !** Check for non-overlapping spheres
 884    call chkpawovlp(dtset%natom,psps%ntypat,dtset%pawovlp,pawtab,tdks%rmet, &
 885                  & dtset%typat,tdks%xred)
 887    !** Identify parts of the rectangular grid where the density has to be calculated
 888    optcut=0;optgr0=dtset%pawstgylm;optgr1=0;optgr2=0;optrad=1-dtset%pawstgylm
 889    forces_needed=0 !FB TODO Maybe needs to be changed if Ehrenfest?
 890    stress_needed=0
 891    if ((forces_needed==1) .or.                                                &
 892      & (dtset%xclevel==2 .and. dtset%pawnhatxc>0 .and. tdks%usexcnhat>0) .or. &
 893      & (dtset%positron/=0.and.forces_needed==2)) then
 894      optgr1=dtset%pawstgylm
 895      if (stress_needed==1) optrad=1; if (dtset%pawprtwf==1) optrad=1
 896    end if
 897    call nhatgrid(tdks%atindx1,tdks%gmet,my_natom,dtset%natom,                    &
 898                & tdks%nattyp,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft,psps%ntypat,optcut,optgr0,optgr1, &
 899                & optgr2,optrad,tdks%pawfgrtab,pawtab,tdks%rprimd,dtset%typat,    &
 900                & tdks%ucvol,tdks%xred,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,             &
 901                & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,     &
 902                & distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
 904    tdks%nhatgrdim=0;if (dtset%xclevel==2) tdks%nhatgrdim=tdks%usexcnhat*dtset%pawnhatxc
 905    if (tdks%nhatgrdim>0)   then
 906       ABI_MALLOC(tdks%nhatgr,(cplex*tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden,3*tdks%nhatgrdim))
 907    else
 908       ABI_MALLOC(tdks%nhatgr,(0,0,0))
 909    end if
 911    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%nhat,(tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden*psps%usepaw))
 913    !Required in the PAW case to compute the inverse of the overlap (invovl) operator
 914    call init_invovl(dtset%nkpt)
 915  else
 916    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%nhat,(0,0))
 917    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%nhatgr,(0,0,0))
 918    tdks%nhatgrdim=0
 919  end if
 921  !Allocate various required arrays for calculation of the Hamiltonian
 922  !Potentials
 923  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%vhartr,(tdks%nfftf))
 924  tdks%vhartr=zero
 925  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%vpsp,(tdks%nfftf))
 926  tdks%vpsp=zero
 927  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%vtrial,(tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 928  tdks%vtrial=zero
 929  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%vxc,(tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 930  tdks%vxc=zero
 931  if (psps%n1xccc/=0) then
 932     ABI_MALLOC(tdks%xccc3d,(tdks%nfftf))
 933  else
 934     ABI_MALLOC(tdks%xccc3d,(0))
 935  end if
 936  tdks%xccc3d=zero
 937  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 938     ABI_MALLOC(tdks%xcctau3d,(tdks%nfftf*dtset%usekden))
 939     tdks%xcctau3d=zero
 940  endif
 941  !For mGGA
 942  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%vxctau,(tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden))
 943  tdks%vxctau=zero
 944  !For hybrid functionals
 945  use_hybcomp=0
 946  if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11) use_hybcomp=1
 947  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%vxc_hybcomp,(tdks%pawfgr%nfft,dtset%nspden*use_hybcomp))
 948  tdks%vxc_hybcomp=zero
 949  !For VDW corrected functionals
 950  tdks%ngrvdw=0
 951  if ((dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7)) then
 952    tdks%ngrvdw=dtset%natom
 953  end if
 954  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%grvdw,(3,tdks%ngrvdw))
 955  tdks%grvdw=zero
 957  !Compute large sphere G^2 cut-off (gsqcut) and box / sphere ratio
 958  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 959    call getcut(tdks%boxcut,dtset%pawecutdg,tdks%gmet,tdks%gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut, &
 960              & std_out,k0,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft)
 961  else
 962    call getcut(tdks%boxcut,dtset%ecut,tdks%gmet,tdks%gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut, &
 963              & std_out,k0,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft)
 964  end if
 966  !Compute structure factor phases (exp(2Pi i G.xred)) on coarse and fine grid
 967  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%ph1d,(2,3*(2*tdks%pawfgr%mgfftc+1)*dtset%natom))
 968  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%ph1df,(2,3*(2*tdks%pawfgr%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom))
 969  call getph(tdks%atindx,dtset%natom,tdks%pawfgr%ngfftc(1),tdks%pawfgr%ngfftc(2), &
 970           & tdks%pawfgr%ngfftc(3),tdks%ph1d,tdks%xred)
 971  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.tdks%pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 972    call getph(tdks%atindx,dtset%natom,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(1),tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(2), &
 973             & tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(3),tdks%ph1df,tdks%xred)
 974  else
 975    tdks%ph1df(:,:)=tdks%ph1d(:,:)
 976  end if
 978 !!FB: @MT Needed? If yes, then don't forget to put it back in the begining of
 979 !! propagate_ele as well
 980 !!if any nuclear dipoles are nonzero, compute the vector potential in real space (depends on
 981 !!atomic position so should be done for nstep = 1 and for updated ion positions
 982 !if ( any(abs(dtset%nucdipmom(:,:))>tol8) ) then
 983 !   with_vectornd = 1
 984 !else
 985 !   with_vectornd = 0
 986 !end if
 987 !if(allocated(vectornd)) then
 988 !   ABI_FREE(vectornd)
 989 !end if
 990 !ABI_MALLOC(vectornd,(with_vectornd*nfftf,3))
 991 !vectornd=zero
 992 !if(with_vectornd .EQ. 1) then
 993 !   call make_vectornd(1,gsqcut,psps%usepaw,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nucdipmom,&
 994 !        & rprimd,vectornd,xred)
 995 !endif
 997  !Allocate memory for density
 998  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%rhor,(tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 999  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%taur,(tdks%nfftf,dtset%nspden*dtset%usekden))
1000  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%rhog,(2,tdks%nfftf))
1001  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%taug,(2,tdks%nfftf*dtset%usekden))
1003 end subroutine second_setup

m_rttddft_tdks/tdks_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft_tdks ] [ Functions ]




  Free all the memory associated with the tdks object


  tdks <class(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to free
  dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)> = variables related to pseudopotentials



355 subroutine tdks_free(tdks,dtset,mpi_enreg,psps)
357  implicit none
359  !Arguments ------------------------------------
360  !scalars
361  class(tdks_type),           intent(inout) :: tdks
362  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
363  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
364  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
366 ! ***********************************************************************
368    !Destroy hidden save variables
369    call bandfft_kpt_destroy_array(bandfft_kpt,mpi_enreg)
370    if (psps%usepaw ==1) then
371       call destroy_invovl(dtset%nkpt,dtset%gpu_option)
372    end if
373    if(tdks%gemm_nonlop_use_gemm) then
374       call destroy_gemm_nonlop(dtset%nkpt)
375    end if
377    !Call type destructors
378    call destroy_sc_dmft(tdks%paw_dmft)
379    call pawfgr_destroy(tdks%pawfgr)
380    call tdks%hdr%free()
382    !Nullify pointers
383    if(associated(tdks%pawang)) tdks%pawang => null()
384    if(associated(tdks%pawrad)) tdks%pawrad => null()
385    if(associated(tdks%pawtab)) tdks%pawtab => null()
386    if(associated(tdks%pawrhoij)) call pawrhoij_free(tdks%pawrhoij)
388    !Deallocate allocatables
389    ABI_SFREE(tdks%atindx)
390    ABI_SFREE(tdks%atindx1)
391    ABI_SFREE(tdks%cg)
392    ABI_SFREE(tdks%cg0)
393    ABI_SFREE(tdks%dimcprj)
394    ABI_SFREE(tdks%eigen)
395    ABI_SFREE(tdks%eigen0)
396    ABI_SFREE(tdks%grvdw)
397    ABI_SFREE(tdks%indsym)
398    ABI_SFREE(tdks%irrzon)
399    ABI_SFREE(tdks%kg)
400    ABI_SFREE(tdks%nattyp)
401    ABI_SFREE(tdks%nhat)
402    ABI_SFREE(tdks%nhatgr)
403    ABI_SFREE(tdks%npwarr)
404    ABI_SFREE(tdks%occ)
405    ABI_SFREE(tdks%occ0)
406    ABI_SFREE(tdks%ph1d)
407    ABI_SFREE(tdks%ph1df)
408    ABI_SFREE(tdks%phnons)
409    ABI_SFREE(tdks%rhog)
410    ABI_SFREE(tdks%rhor)
411    ABI_SFREE(tdks%symrec)
412    ABI_SFREE(tdks%taug)
413    ABI_SFREE(tdks%taur)
414    ABI_SFREE(tdks%vhartr)
415    ABI_SFREE(tdks%vpsp)
416    ABI_SFREE(tdks%vtrial)
417    ABI_SFREE(tdks%vxc)
418    ABI_SFREE(tdks%vxctau)
419    ABI_SFREE(tdks%vxc_hybcomp)
420    ABI_SFREE(tdks%xred)
421    ABI_SFREE(tdks%xccc3d)
422    ABI_SFREE(tdks%xcctau3d)
423    ABI_SFREE(tdks%ylm)
424    ABI_SFREE(tdks%ylmgr)
426    if(allocated(tdks%cprj)) then
427       call pawcprj_free(tdks%cprj)
428       ABI_FREE(tdks%cprj)
429    end if
430    if(allocated(tdks%cprj0)) then
431       call pawcprj_free(tdks%cprj0)
432       ABI_FREE(tdks%cprj0)
433    end if
434    if(allocated(tdks%paw_an)) then
435       call paw_an_free(tdks%paw_an)
436       ABI_FREE(tdks%paw_an)
437    end if
438    if(allocated(tdks%pawfgrtab)) then
439       call pawfgrtab_free(tdks%pawfgrtab)
440       ABI_FREE(tdks%pawfgrtab)
441    end if
442    if(allocated(tdks%paw_ij)) then
443       call paw_ij_free(tdks%paw_ij)
444       ABI_FREE(tdks%paw_ij)
445    end if
447 end subroutine tdks_free

m_rttddft_tdks/tdks_init [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft_tdks ] [ Functions ]




  Initialize the tdks object


  codvsn = code version
  dtfil <type datafiles_type> = infos about file names, file unit numbers
  dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  pawang <type(pawang_type)> = paw angular mesh and related data
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)> = paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)> = paw tabulated starting data
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)> = variables related to pseudopotentials


  tdks <class(tdks_type)> = the tdks object to initialize


213 subroutine tdks_init(tdks ,codvsn, dtfil, dtset, mpi_enreg, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps)
215  implicit none
217  !Arguments ------------------------------------
218  !scalars
219  class(tdks_type),           intent(inout)        :: tdks
220  character(len=8),           intent(in)           :: codvsn
221  type(datafiles_type),       intent(in)           :: dtfil
222  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout)        :: dtset
223  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout)        :: mpi_enreg
224  type(pawang_type),          intent(inout),target :: pawang
225  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout)        :: psps
226  !arrays
227  type(pawrad_type),          intent(inout),target :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
228  type(pawtab_type),          intent(inout),target :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
230  !Local variables-------------------------------
231  !scalars
232  integer                     :: ierr
233  integer                     :: my_natom
234  integer                     :: ncpgr
235  integer                     :: psp_gencond
236  real(dp)                    :: ecut_eff
237  character(len=500)          :: msg
238  character(len=fnlen)        :: fname_wfk
239  type(extfpmd_type),pointer  :: extfpmd => null()
240  !arrays
241  real(dp),allocatable        :: doccde(:)
243 ! ***********************************************************************
245  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
247  !1) Various initializations & checks (MPI, PW, FFT, PSP, Symmetry ...)
248  call first_setup(codvsn,dtfil,dtset,ecut_eff,mpi_enreg,pawrad,pawtab,psps,psp_gencond,tdks)
250  !2) Deals with restart
251  !FB: @MT Is this the proper way to read a file in abinit..?
252  tdks%first_step = 1
253  tdks%fname_tdener = dtfil%fnameabo_td_ener
254  tdks%fname_wfk0 = dtfil%fnamewffk
255  fname_wfk = dtfil%fnamewffk
256  if (dtset%td_restart > 0) then
257    if (mpi_enreg%me == 0) then
258       if (open_file('TD_RESTART', msg, newunit=tdks%tdrestart_unit, status='old', form='formatted') /= 0) then
259          write(msg,'(a,a,a)') 'Error while trying to open file TD_RESTART needed to restart the calculation.'
260          ABI_ERROR(msg)
261       end if
262       read(tdks%tdrestart_unit,*) tdks%first_step
263       tdks%first_step = tdks%first_step + 1
264       read(tdks%tdrestart_unit,*) tdks%fname_tdener
265       read(tdks%tdrestart_unit,*) tdks%fname_wfk0
266       read(tdks%tdrestart_unit,*) fname_wfk
267    end if
268    !Send to all procs
269    call xmpi_bcast(tdks%first_step,0,mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
270    call xmpi_bcast(tdks%fname_tdener,0,mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
271    call xmpi_bcast(tdks%fname_wfk0,0,mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
272    call xmpi_bcast(fname_wfk,0,mpi_enreg%comm_world,ierr)
273  else
274    if (mpi_enreg%me == 0) then
275       if (open_file('TD_RESTART', msg, newunit=tdks%tdrestart_unit, status='unknown', form='formatted') /= 0) then
276          write(msg,'(a,a,a)') 'Error while trying to open file TD_RESTART.'
277          ABI_ERROR(msg)
278       end if
279    end if
280  end if
282  !3) Reads initial KS orbitals from file (calls inwffil)
283  call read_wfk(dtfil,dtset,ecut_eff,fname_wfk,mpi_enreg,tdks)
285  !4) Init occupation numbers
286  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%occ0,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
287  tdks%occ0(:)=dtset%occ_orig(:,1)
288  !calc occupation number with metallic occupation using the previously read WF
289  if (dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=9) then  ! allowing for occopt 9
290    ABI_MALLOC(doccde,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
291    call newocc(doccde,tdks%eigen0,tdks%energies%entropy,tdks%energies%e_fermie, &
292              & tdks%energies%e_fermih,dtset%ivalence,dtset%spinmagntarget,     &
293              & dtset%mband,dtset%nband,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD, &
294              & dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,tdks%occ0,dtset%occopt,   &
295              & dtset%prtvol,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%wtk,extfpmd=extfpmd)
296    ABI_FREE(doccde)
297  end if
299  !5) Some further initialization (Mainly for PAW)
300  call second_setup(dtset,mpi_enreg,pawang,pawrad,pawtab,psps,psp_gencond,tdks)
302  !Keep initial wavefunction in memory
303  if (dtset%td_restart == 0) then
304    ABI_MALLOC(tdks%cg0,(2,tdks%mcg))
305    tdks%cg0(:,:) = tdks%cg(:,:)
306  end if
307  !and associated cprojs to compute occupations
308  if (psps%usepaw ==1) then
309     ncpgr=0
310     ABI_MALLOC(tdks%cprj0,(dtset%natom,tdks%mcprj))
311     call pawcprj_alloc(tdks%cprj0,ncpgr,tdks%dimcprj)
312     call ctocprj(tdks%atindx,tdks%cg0,1,tdks%cprj0,tdks%gmet,tdks%gprimd,0,0,0,         &
313                & dtset%istwfk,tdks%kg,dtset%kptns,tdks%mcg,tdks%mcprj,dtset%mgfft,      &
314                & dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,dtset%mpw,dtset%natom,tdks%nattyp,   &
315                & dtset%nband,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nloalg,           &
316                & tdks%npwarr,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsppol,psps%ntypat,       &
317                & dtset%paral_kgb,tdks%ph1d,psps,tdks%rmet,dtset%typat,tdks%ucvol,       &
318                & tdks%unpaw,tdks%xred,tdks%ylm,tdks%ylmgr)
319  end if
320  ABI_MALLOC(tdks%occ,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
322  !FB: That should be all for now but there were few more initializations in
323  !g_state.F90 in particular related to electric field, might want to check it out
324  !once we reach the point of including external electric field
326  !Keep some additional stuff in memory within the tdks object
327  tdks%unpaw  = dtfil%unpaw
328  tdks%dt     = dtset%dtele
329  tdks%ntime  = dtset%ntime
331  tdks%pawang => pawang
332  tdks%pawrad => pawrad
333  tdks%pawtab => pawtab
335 end subroutine tdks_init