ABINIT/etotfor [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine is called to compute the total energy and various parts of it.
 The routine computes -if requested- the forces.


  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
  dtefield <type(efield_type)> = variables related to Berry phase
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | berryopt  = 4: electric field is on -> add the contribution of the
   |                - \Omega E.P term to the total energy
   |          /= 4: electric field is off
   | bfield = cartesian coordinates of magnetic field in atomic units
   | efield = cartesian coordinates of the electric field in atomic units
   | iatfix(3,natom)=1 for frozen atom along some direction, 0 for unfrozen
   | ionmov=governs the movement of atoms (see help file)
   | densfor_pred=governs the mixed electronic-atomic part of the preconditioner
   | natom=number of atoms in cell.
   | nconeq=number of atomic constraint equations
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
   | occopt=option for occupancies
   | prtvol=integer controlling volume of printed output
   | tsmear=smearing energy or temperature (if metal)
   | typat(natom)=type integer for each atom in cell
   | wtatcon(3,natom,nconeq)=weights for atomic constraints
  gmet(3,3)=metric tensor for G vecs (in bohr**-2)
  fock <type(fock_type)>= quantities to calculate Fock exact exchange
  grchempottn(3,natom)=grads of spatially-varying chemical potential energy (hartree)
  grcondft(3,natom)=grads of constrained DFT energy (hartree)
  grewtn(3,natom)=grads of Ewald energy (hartree)
  grvdw(3,ngrvdw)=gradients of energy due to Van der Waals DFT-D dispersion (hartree)
  gsqcut=cutoff on (k+G)^2 (bohr^-2)
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  kxc(nfft,nkxc)=exchange-correlation kernel, needed only if nkxc>0
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngrvdw=size of grvdw(:,:); can be 0 or natom according to dtset%vdw_xc
  nhat(nfft,nspden*usepaw)= -PAW only- compensation density
  nkxc=second dimension of the array kxc, see rhotoxc.f for a description
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  nvresid(nfft,nspden)=potential or density residual
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  optene=option for the computation of total energy
         (-1=no computation; 0=direct scheme; 1=double-counting scheme)
  optforces=option for the computation of forces
  optres=0 if residual array (nvresid) contains the potential residual
        =1 if residual array (nvresid) contains the density residual
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim phase (structure factor) information.
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rhog(2,nfft)=array for Fourier transform of electron density
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=array for electron density in electrons/bohr**3
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in reciprocal space
  ucvol=unit cell volume
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  vhartr(nfft)=array for holding Hartree potential
  vpsp(nfft)=array for holding local psp
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=array for holding XC potential
  vxctau(nfftf,dtset%nspden,4*usekden)]=derivative of XC energy density wrt
      kinetic energy density (metaGGA cases)
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction, bohr^-3
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  deltae=change in total energy between the previous and present SCF cycle
  etotal=total energy (hartree)
  ===== if optforces==1
   diffor=maximum absolute change in component of forces between present and previous SCF cycle.
   favg(3)=mean of fcart before correction for translational symmetry
   fcart(3,natom)=cartesian forces from gred (hartree/bohr)
   gred(3,natom)=symmetrized form of grtn (grads of Etot) (hartree)
   gresid(3,natom)=forces due to the residual of the density/potential
   grhf(3,natom)=Hellman-Feynman derivatives of the total energy
   grxc(3,natom)=d(Exc)/d(xred) derivatives (0 without core charges)
   maxfor=maximum absolute value of force
   synlgr(3,natom)=symmetrized form of grads of Enl (hartree)


  elast=previous value of the energy,
        needed to compute deltae, then updated.
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation
  energies <type(energies_type)>=all part of total energy.
   | entropy(IN)=entropy due to the occupation number smearing (if metal)
   | e_localpsp(IN)=local psp energy (hartree)
   | e_eigenvalues(IN)=Sum of the eigenvalues - Band energy (Hartree)
   | e_chempot(IN)=energy from spatially varying chemical potential (hartree)
   | e_ewald(IN)=Ewald energy (hartree)
   | e_vdw_dftd(IN)=VdW DFT-D energy
   | e_hartree(IN)=Hartree part of total energy (hartree units)
   | e_corepsp(IN)=psp core-core energy
   | e_hybcomp_E0(IN)=energy compensation energy for the hybrid functionals at frozen density
   | e_hybcomp_v0(IN)=potential compensation energy for the hybrid functionals at frozen density
   | e_hybcomp_v (IN)=potential compensation energy for the hybrid functionals at self-consistent density
   | e_kinetic(IN)=kinetic energy part of total energy.
   | e_nlpsp_vfock(IN)=nonlocal psp + potential Fock ACE part of total energy.
   | e_nucdip(IN)=energy due to array of nuclear magnetic dipoles
   | e_xc(IN)=exchange-correlation energy (hartree)
   | e_xcdc(IN)=exchange-correlation double-counting energy (hartree)
   | e_paw(IN)=PAW spherical part energy
   | e_pawdc(IN)=PAW spherical part double-counting energy
   | e_elecfield(OUT)=the term of the energy functional that depends explicitely
   |                  on the electric field:  enefield = -ucvol*E*P
   | e_magfield(OUT)=the term of the energy functional that depends explicitely
   |                  on the magnetic field:  e_magfield = -ucvol*E*P
   | e_entropy(OUT)=entropy energy due to the occupation number smearing (if metal)
   |                this value is %entropy * dtset%tsmear (hartree).
  ===== if optforces==1
   forold(3,natom)=cartesian forces of previous SCF cycle (hartree/bohr)
   grnl(3*natom)=gradients of Etot due to nonlocal contributions
                 Input for norm-conserving psps, output for PAW
  ===== if psps%usepaw==1
   pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
    (gradients of rhoij for each atom with respect to atomic positions are computed here)


  In case of PAW calculations:
    All computations are done on the fine FFT grid.
    All variables (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) refer to this fine FFT grid.
    All arrays (densities/potentials...) are computed on this fine FFT grid.
  ! Developpers have to be careful when introducing others arrays:
      they have to be stored on the fine FFT grid.
  In case of norm-conserving calculations the FFT grid is the usual FFT grid.


2524 subroutine etotfor(atindx1,deltae,diffor,dtefield,dtset,&
2525 &  elast,electronpositron,energies,&
2526 &  etotal,favg,fcart,fock,forold,gred,gmet,grchempottn,grcondft,gresid,grewtn,grhf,grnl,grvdw,&
2527 &  grxc,gsqcut,extfpmd,indsym,kxc,maxfor,mgfft,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,&
2528 &  nfft,ngfft,ngrvdw,nhat,nkxc,ntypat,nvresid,n1xccc,n3xccc,optene,optforces,optres,&
2529 &  pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1d,red_ptot,psps,rhog,rhor,rmet,rprimd,&
2530 &  symrec,synlgr,ucvol,usepaw,vhartr,vpsp,vxc,vxctau,wvl,wvl_den,xccc3d,xred)
2532 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2533 !scalars
2534  integer,intent(in) :: my_natom,mgfft,n1xccc,n3xccc,nfft,ngrvdw,nkxc,ntypat,optene,optforces
2535  integer,intent(in) :: optres,usepaw
2536  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut
2537  real(dp),intent(inout) :: elast,ucvol
2538  real(dp),intent(out) :: deltae,diffor,etotal,maxfor
2539  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2540  type(efield_type),intent(in) :: dtefield
2541  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
2542  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
2543  type(energies_type),intent(inout) :: energies
2544  type(extfpmd_type),pointer,intent(inout) :: extfpmd
2545  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
2546  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
2547  type(wvl_internal_type), intent(in) :: wvl
2548  type(wvl_denspot_type), intent(inout) :: wvl_den
2549  type(fock_type),pointer, intent(inout) :: fock
2550 !arrays
2551  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(dtset%natom),indsym(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom)
2552  integer,intent(in) :: nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),symrec(3,3,dtset%nsym)
2553  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),grchempottn(3,dtset%natom),grcondft(3,dtset%natom)
2554  real(dp),intent(in) :: grewtn(3,dtset%natom),grvdw(3,ngrvdw),kxc(nfft,nkxc)
2555  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*dtset%natom),red_ptot(3)
2556  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhog(2,nfft),rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden),rmet(3,3)
2557  real(dp),intent(in) :: vhartr(nfft),vpsp(nfft),vxc(nfft,dtset%nspden)
2558  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxctau(nfft,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden)
2559  real(dp),intent(in) :: xccc3d(n3xccc)
2560  real(dp),intent(inout) :: forold(3,dtset%natom),grnl(3*dtset%natom)
2561  real(dp),intent(inout) :: nhat(nfft,dtset%nspden*psps%usepaw)
2562  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: nvresid(nfft,dtset%nspden)
2563  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
2564  real(dp),intent(out) :: favg(3),gred(3,dtset%natom)
2565  real(dp),intent(inout) :: fcart(3,dtset%natom)
2566  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rprimd(3,3)
2567  real(dp),intent(out) :: gresid(3,dtset%natom),grhf(3,dtset%natom)
2568  real(dp),intent(inout) :: grxc(3,dtset%natom)
2569  real(dp),intent(out) :: synlgr(3,dtset%natom)
2570  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
2571  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
2572  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
2573  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
2575 !Local variables-------------------------------
2576 !scalars
2577  integer :: comm_grid,dimnhat,ifft,ipositron,ispden,optgr,optgr2,option,optnc,optstr,optstr2,iir,jjr,kkr
2578  logical :: apply_residual
2579  real(dp) :: eenth,ucvol_
2580 !arrays
2581  real(dp),parameter :: k0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
2582  real(dp) :: tsec(2),A(3,3),A1(3,3),A_new(3,3),efield_new(3)
2583  real(dp) :: dummy(0),nhat_dum(0,0)
2584  real(dp),allocatable :: vlocal(:,:)
2585  real(dp), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: resid(:,:)
2587 ! *********************************************************************
2589  call timab(80,1,tsec)
2591  ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
2593  if (optene>-1) then
2595 !  Add the contribution of extfpmd to the entropy
2596    if(associated(extfpmd)) then
2597      energies%entropy=energies%entropy+extfpmd%entropy
2598    end if
2600 !  When the finite-temperature VG broadening scheme is used,
2601 !  the total entropy contribution "tsmear*entropy" has a meaning,
2602 !  and gather the two last terms of Eq.8 of VG paper
2603 !  Warning : might have to be changed for fixed moment calculations
2604    if(dtset%occopt>=3 .and. dtset%occopt<=8) then
2605      if (abs(dtset%tphysel) < tol10) then
2606        energies%e_entropy = - dtset%tsmear * energies%entropy
2607      else
2608        energies%e_entropy = - dtset%tphysel * energies%entropy
2609      end if
2610    else
2611      energies%e_entropy = zero
2612    end if
2614 !  Turn it into an electric enthalpy, refer to Eq.(33) of Suppl. of Nat. Phys. paper (5,304,2009) [[cite:Stengel2009]],
2615 !    the missing volume is added here
2616    energies%e_elecfield=zero
2617    if ((dtset%berryopt==4.or.dtset%berryopt==14).and.ipositron/=1) then
2618      energies%e_elecfield=-dot_product(dtset%red_efieldbar,red_ptot)  !!ebar_i p_i
2619      eenth=zero
2620      do iir=1,3
2621        do jjr=1,3
2622          eenth=eenth+gmet(iir,jjr)*dtset%red_efieldbar(iir)*dtset%red_efieldbar(jjr)  !!g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j
2623        end do
2624      end do
2625      energies%e_elecfield=energies%e_elecfield-eenth*ucvol/(8._dp*pi)
2626    end if
2628 !  Turn it into an internal energy, refer to Eq.(36) of Suppl. of Nat. Phys. paper (5,304,2009) [[cite:Stengel2009]],
2629 !    but a little different: U=E_ks + (vol/8*pi) *  g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j
2630    if ((dtset%berryopt==6.or.dtset%berryopt==16).and.ipositron/=1) then
2631      energies%e_elecfield=zero
2632      eenth=zero
2633      do iir=1,3
2634        do jjr=1,3
2635          eenth=eenth+gmet(iir,jjr)*dtset%red_efieldbar(iir)*dtset%red_efieldbar(jjr)  !! g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j
2636        end do
2637      end do
2638      energies%e_elecfield=energies%e_elecfield+eenth*ucvol/(8._dp*pi)
2639    end if
2641 !  Calculate internal energy and electric enthalpy for mixed BC case.
2642    if (dtset%berryopt==17.and.ipositron/=1) then
2643      energies%e_elecfield=zero
2644      A(:,:)=(four_pi/ucvol)*rmet(:,:)
2645      A1(:,:)=A(:,:) ; A_new(:,:)=A(:,:)
2646      efield_new(:)=dtset%red_efield(:)
2647      eenth=zero
2648      do kkr=1,3
2649        if (dtset%jfielddir(kkr)==1) then    ! fixed ebar direction
2650 !        step 1 add -ebar*p
2651          eenth=eenth-dtset%red_efieldbar(kkr)*red_ptot(kkr)
2652 !        step 2  chang to e_new (change e to ebar)
2653          efield_new(kkr)=dtset%red_efieldbar(kkr)
2654 !        step 3  chang matrix A to A1
2655          do iir=1,3
2656            do jjr=1,3
2657              if (iir==kkr .and. jjr==kkr) A1(iir,jjr)=-1.0/A(kkr,kkr)
2658              if ((iir==kkr .and. jjr/=kkr) .or.  (iir/=kkr .and.  jjr==kkr)) &
2659 &             A1(iir,jjr)=-1.0*A(iir,jjr)/A(kkr,kkr)
2660              if (iir/=kkr .and. jjr/=kkr) A1(iir,jjr)=A(iir,jjr)-A(iir,kkr)*A(kkr,jjr)/A(kkr,kkr)
2661            end do
2662          end do
2663          A(:,:)=A1(:,:) ; A_new(:,:)=A1(:,:)
2664        end if
2665      end do  ! end fo kkr
2666      do iir=1,3
2667        do jjr=1,3
2668          eenth= eenth+half*A_new(iir,jjr)*efield_new(iir)*efield_new(jjr)
2669        end do
2670      end do
2671      energies%e_elecfield=energies%e_elecfield+eenth
2672    end if   ! berryopt==17
2674 !  Turn it into a magnetic enthalpy, by adding orbital electronic contribution
2675    energies%e_magfield = zero
2676 !  if (dtset%berryopt == 5 .and. ipositron/=1) then
2677 !  emag = dot_product(mag_cart,dtset%bfield)
2678 !  energies%e_magfield = emag
2679 !  end if
2681 !  Compute total (free)- energy by direct scheme
2682    if (optene==0) then
2683      etotal = energies%e_kinetic + energies%e_hartree + energies%e_xc &
2684 &           + energies%e_localpsp + energies%e_corepsp &
2685 &           + energies%e_entropy + energies%e_elecfield &
2686 &           + energies%e_magfield + energies%e_nucdip &
2687 &           + energies%e_hybcomp_E0 - energies%e_hybcomp_v0 + energies%e_hybcomp_v &
2688 &           + energies%e_constrained_dft + energies%e_ewald &
2689 &           + energies%e_chempot + energies%e_vdw_dftd
2691 !    +two*energies%e_fock-energies%e_fock0 ! The Fock energy is already included in the non-local one
2692 !    +energies%e_nlpsp_vfock - energies%e_fock0
2694 !    See similar section in m_energies.F90
2695 !    XG 20181025 This gives a variational energy in case of NCPP with all bands occupied - not yet for metals.
2696      if (usepaw==0) etotal = etotal + energies%e_nlpsp_vfock - energies%e_fock0
2697 !    XG 20181025 I was expecting the following to give also a variational energy in case of PAW, but this is not true.
2698 !    if (usepaw==1) etotal = etotal + energies%e_paw + energies%e_nlpsp_vfock - energies%e_fock0
2699 !    XG 20181025 So, the following is giving a non-variational expression ...
2700      if (usepaw==1) etotal = etotal + energies%e_paw + energies%e_fock
2702    end if
2704 !  Compute total (free) energy by double-counting scheme
2705    if (optene==1) then
2706      etotal = energies%e_eigenvalues - energies%e_hartree + energies%e_xc &
2707 &     - energies%e_xcdc + energies%e_corepsp - energies%e_corepspdc- energies%e_fock0 &
2708 &     + energies%e_entropy + energies%e_elecfield + energies%e_magfield &
2709 &     + energies%e_hybcomp_E0 - energies%e_hybcomp_v0 + energies%e_constrained_dft
2710      etotal = etotal + energies%e_ewald + energies%e_chempot + energies%e_vdw_dftd
2711      if (usepaw/=0) etotal = etotal + energies%e_pawdc
2712    end if
2714 !  Additional stuff for electron-positron
2715    if (dtset%positron/=0) then
2716      if (ipositron==0) then
2717        energies%e_electronpositron  =zero
2718        energies%edc_electronpositron=zero
2719      else
2720        energies%e_electronpositron  =electronpositron%e_hartree+electronpositron%e_xc
2721        energies%edc_electronpositron=electronpositron%e_hartree+electronpositron%e_xcdc
2722        if (usepaw==1) then
2723          energies%e_electronpositron  =energies%e_electronpositron  +electronpositron%e_paw
2724          energies%edc_electronpositron=energies%edc_electronpositron+electronpositron%e_pawdc
2725        end if
2726      end if
2727      if (optene==0) electronpositron%e0=etotal
2728      if (optene==1) electronpositron%e0=etotal-energies%edc_electronpositron
2729      etotal=electronpositron%e0+energies%e0_electronpositron+energies%e_electronpositron
2730    end if
2732 !  Add the extfpmd energy contribution to the internal energy
2733    if(associated(extfpmd)) then
2734      energies%e_extfpmd=extfpmd%e_kinetic
2735      energies%edc_extfpmd=extfpmd%edc_kinetic
2736      if(optene==0) etotal=etotal+energies%e_extfpmd
2737      if(optene==1) etotal=etotal+energies%edc_extfpmd
2738    end if
2740 !  Compute energy residual
2741    deltae=etotal-elast
2742    elast=etotal
2743  end if !optene/=-1
2745  call timab(80,2,tsec)
2747 !------Compute forces-----------------------------------------------------
2749  if (optforces==1) then
2751 !  PAW: add gradients due to Dij derivatives to non-local term
2752    if (usepaw==1) then
2753      ABI_MALLOC(vlocal,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
2754      do ispden=1,min(dtset%nspden,2)
2755 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(ispden,nfft,vhartr,vlocal,vpsp,vxc)
2756        do ifft=1,nfft
2757          vlocal(ifft,ispden)=vhartr(ifft)+vpsp(ifft)+vxc(ifft,ispden)
2758        end do
2759      end do
2761      if(dtset%nspden==4)then
2762        do ispden=3,4
2763 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(ispden,nfft,vlocal,vxc)
2764          do ifft=1,nfft
2765            vlocal(ifft,ispden)=vxc(ifft,ispden)
2766          end do
2767        end do
2768      end if
2769      ucvol_=ucvol
2770 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
2771      if (dtset%usewvl==1) ucvol_=product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids)*real(product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims),dp)
2772 #endif
2773      dimnhat=0;optgr=1;optgr2=0;optstr=0;optstr2=0
2774      comm_grid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft;if(dtset%usewvl==1) comm_grid=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
2775      call pawgrnl(atindx1,dimnhat,dummy,1,dummy,grnl,gsqcut,mgfft,my_natom, &
2776 &     dtset%natom, nattyp,nfft,ngfft,nhat_dum,dummy,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsym,ntypat,optgr,optgr2,optstr,optstr2,&
2777 &     pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1d,psps,k0,rprimd,symrec,dtset%typat,ucvol_,vlocal,vxc,xred, &
2778 &     mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_comm_grid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,&
2779 &     comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb)
2780      ABI_FREE(vlocal)
2781    end if
2783    apply_residual=(optres==1 .and. dtset%usewvl==0.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)>=1 .and. &
2784 &   abs(dtset%densfor_pred)<=6.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)/=5)
2786 !  If residual is a density residual (and forces from residual asked),
2787 !  has to convert it into a potential residual before calling forces routine
2788    if (apply_residual) then
2789      ABI_MALLOC(resid,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
2790      option=0; if (dtset%densfor_pred<0) option=1
2791      optnc=1;if (dtset%nspden==4.and.(abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==4.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==6)) optnc=2
2792      call nres2vres(dtset,gsqcut,usepaw,kxc,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nfft,ngfft,nhat,&
2793 &     nkxc,nvresid,n3xccc,optnc,option,pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
2794 &     rhor,rprimd,usepaw,resid,xccc3d,xred,vxc)
2795    else
2796      resid => nvresid
2797    end if
2798    call forces(atindx1,diffor,dtefield,dtset,favg,fcart,fock,forold,gred,grchempottn,grcondft,gresid,grewtn,&
2799 &   grhf,grnl,grvdw,grxc,gsqcut,indsym,maxfor,mgfft,mpi_enreg,&
2800 &   n1xccc,n3xccc,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ngrvdw,ntypat,pawrad,pawtab,&
2801 &   ph1d,psps,rhog,rhor,rprimd,symrec,synlgr,dtset%usefock,resid,vxc,vxctau,wvl,wvl_den,xred,&
2802 &   electronpositron=electronpositron)
2803    if (apply_residual) then
2804      ABI_FREE(resid)
2805    end if
2807 !  Returned gred are full symmetrized gradients of Etotal
2808 !  wrt reduced coordinates xred, d(Etotal)/d(xred)
2809 !  Forces are contained in array fcart
2811  else   ! if optforces==0
2812    fcart=zero
2813    gred=zero
2814    favg=zero
2815    diffor=zero
2816    gresid=zero
2817    grhf=zero
2818    maxfor=zero
2819    synlgr=zero
2820  end if
2822  call timab(80,2,tsec)
2824 end subroutine etotfor

ABINIT/m_scfcv_core [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (XG, GMR, AR, MKV, MT, FJ, MB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


 16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 17 #include "config.h"
 18 #endif
 20 #include "abi_common.h"
 22 ! nvtx related macro definition
 23 #include "nvtx_macros.h"
 25 module m_scfcv_core
 27  use defs_basis
 28  use defs_wvltypes
 29  use defs_rectypes
 30  use m_xmpi
 31  use m_abicore
 32  use m_wffile
 33  use m_rec
 34  use m_ab7_mixing
 35  use m_errors
 36  use m_efield
 37  use mod_prc_memory
 38  use m_nctk
 39  use m_hdr
 40  use m_xcdata
 41  use m_cgtools
 42  use m_dtfil
 43  use m_distribfft
 44  use m_extfpmd
 46  use m_nonlop,           only : nonlop_counter
 47  use defs_datatypes,     only : pseudopotential_type
 48  use defs_abitypes,      only : MPI_type
 49  use m_berryphase_new,   only : update_e_field_vars
 50  use m_dens,             only : constrained_dft_t, constrained_dft_ini, constrained_dft_free
 51  use m_time,             only : timab
 52  use m_fstrings,         only : int2char4, sjoin, itoa
 53  use m_symtk,            only : symmetrize_xred
 54  use m_geometry,         only : metric
 55  use m_fftcore,          only : getng, sphereboundary
 56  use m_time,             only : abi_wtime, sec2str
 57  use m_exit,             only : get_start_time, have_timelimit_in, get_timelimit, enable_timelimit_in
 58  use m_mpinfo,           only : destroy_mpi_enreg, iwrite_fftdatar, initmpi_seq, proc_distrb_cycle
 59  use m_ioarr,            only : fftdatar_write_from_hdr
 60  use m_results_gs ,      only : results_gs_type
 61  use m_scf_history,      only : scf_history_type, scf_history_init, scf_history_free
 62  use m_energies,         only : energies_type, energies_init, energies_copy
 63  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type, electronpositron_calctype
 64  use m_pawang,           only : pawang_type
 65  use m_pawrad,           only : pawrad_type
 66  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type,pawtab_get_lsize
 67  use m_paw_an,           only : paw_an_type, paw_an_init, paw_an_free, paw_an_nullify, paw_an_reset_flags
 68  use m_pawfgrtab,        only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_free
 69  use m_pawrhoij,         only : pawrhoij_type
 70  use m_pawcprj,          only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_copy, pawcprj_get, pawcprj_lincom, &
 71 &                               pawcprj_free, pawcprj_axpby, pawcprj_put, pawcprj_getdim, pawcprj_reorder
 72  use m_pawdij,           only : pawdij, symdij
 73  use m_pawfgr,           only : pawfgr_type
 74  use m_paw_ij,           only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_init, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify, paw_ij_reset_flags
 75  use m_paw_dmft,         only : paw_dmft_type
 76  use m_paw_nhat,         only : nhatgrid,wvl_nhatgrid,pawmknhat
 77  use m_paw_tools,        only : chkpawovlp
 78  use m_paw_denpot,       only : pawdenpot
 79  use m_paw_occupancies,  only : pawmkrhoij
 80  use m_paw_correlations, only : setnoccmmp,setrhoijpbe0
 81  use m_paw_mkrho,        only : pawmkrho
 82  use m_paw_uj,           only : pawuj_red, macro_uj_type
 83  use m_paw_dfpt,         only : pawgrnl
 84  use m_fock,             only : fock_type, fock_init, fock_destroy, fock_ACE_destroy, fock_common_destroy, &
 85                                 fock_BZ_destroy, fock_update_exc, fock_updatecwaveocc
 86  use m_gwls_hamiltonian, only : build_vxc
 87 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 88  use BigDFT_API,         only : cprj_clean,cprj_paw_alloc
 89 #endif
 90  use m_outxml,           only : out_resultsgs_XML, out_geometry_XML
 91  use m_kg,               only : getcut, getmpw, kpgio, getph
 92  use m_fft,              only : fourdp
 93  use m_vtorhorec,        only : first_rec, vtorhorec
 94  use m_vtorhotf,         only : vtorhotf
 95  use m_outscfcv,         only : outscfcv
 96  use m_afterscfloop,     only : afterscfloop
 97  use m_extraprho,        only : extraprho
 98  use m_spacepar,         only : make_vectornd,setsym
 99  use m_newrho,           only : newrho
100  use m_newvtr,           only : newvtr
101  use m_vtorho,           only : vtorho
102  use m_setvtr,           only : setvtr
103  use m_mkrho,            only : mkrho
104  use m_rhotov,           only : rhotov
105  use m_forces,           only : fresid, forces
106  use m_dft_energy,       only : energy
107  use m_initylmg,         only : initylmg
108  use m_rhotoxc,          only : rhotoxc
109  use m_drivexc,          only : check_kxc
110  use m_odamix,           only : odamix
111  use m_common,           only : scprqt, prtene
112  use m_fourier_interpol, only : transgrid
113  use m_fock_getghc,      only : fock2ACE
114  use m_forstr,           only : nres2vres
115  use m_positron,         only : setup_positron
116  use m_cgprj,            only : ctocprj
117  use m_psolver,          only : psolver_rhohxc
118  use m_paw2wvl,          only : paw2wvl_ij, wvl_cprjreorder
120 #if defined(HAVE_GPU) && defined(HAVE_GPU_MARKERS)
121  use m_nvtx_data
122 #endif
124  implicit none
126  private

ABINIT/scfcv_core [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Self-consistent-field convergence.
 Conducts set of passes or overall iterations of preconditioned
 conjugate gradient algorithm to converge wavefunctions to
 ground state and optionally to compute forces and energy.
 This routine is called to compute forces for given atomic
 positions or else to do non-SCF band structures.


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
  cpus= cpu time limit in seconds
  dmatpawu= fixed occupation matrix of correlated orbitals (DFT+U or DMFT only)
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
   | mband=maximum number of bands
   | mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs for the "coarse" grid (see NOTES below)
   | mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
   | mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
   | natom=number of atoms in cell.
   | nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
   |    for the "coarse" grid (see NOTES below)
   | nkpt=number of k points
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
   | nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  ecore=core psp energy (part of total energy) (hartree)
  fatvshift=factor to multiply dtset%atvshift
  itimes(2)=itime array, contain itime=itimes(1) and itimimage_gstate=itimes(2) from outer loops
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*my_nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  ndtpawuj=size of dtpawuj
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  paw_dmft  <type(paw_dmft_type)>= paw+dmft related data
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and
     related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
   | mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  pwind(pwind_alloc,2,3) = array used to compute
           the overlap matrix smat between k-points (see initberry.f)
  pwind_alloc = first dimension of pwind
  pwnsfac(2,pwind_alloc) = phase factors for non-symmorphic translations
                           (see initberry.f)
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for
     each G and k point
  ylmgr(mpw*mkmem,3,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= gradients of real
     spherical harmonics


  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals for each band over all k points and spins


  cg(2,mcg)=updated wavefunctions; if mkmem>=nkpt, these are kept in a disk file.
  cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)=<p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk> and each NL proj |p_lmn>
  dtefield <type(efield_type)> = variables related to Berry phase
  dtpawuj(ndtpawuj)= data used for the automatic determination of U
     (relevant only for PAW+U) calculations (see initberry.f)
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for
     the electron-positron annihilation
  hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  initialized= if 0 the initialization of the gstate run is not yet finished
  irrzon(nfft**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=irreducible zone data
  nfftf=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
     for the "fine" grid (see NOTES below)
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band (often 2) at each k point
  pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= -PAW only- atomic occupancies
  phnons(2,nfft**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=nonsymmorphic translation phases
  results_gs <type(results_gs_type)>=results (energy and its components,
     forces and its components, the stress tensor) of a ground-state
     computation (should be made a pure output quantity)
  rhog(2,nfftf)=array for Fourier transform of electron density
  rhor(nfftf,nspden)=array for electron density in el./bohr**3
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  scf_history <type(scf_history_type)>=arrays obtained from previous
     SCF cycles
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in reciprocal space
  taug(2,nfftf*dtset%usekden)=array for Fourier transform of kinetic
     energy density
  taur(nfftf,nspden*dtset%usekden)=array for kinetic energy density
  wffnew=struct info for wf disk files
  wvl <type(wvl_data)>=all wavelets data
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  xred_old(3,natom)= at input, previous reduced dimensionless atomic
     coordinates at output, current xred is transferred to xred_old
  conv_retcode=return code, 0 if convergence was achieved


 It is worth to explain THE USE OF FFT GRIDS:
 In case of PAW:
    Two FFT grids are used:
    - A "coarse" FFT grid (defined by ecut)
      for the application of the Hamiltonian on the plane waves basis.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      Hamiltonian, wave-functions, density related to WFs (rhor here), ...
      are expressed on this grid.
    - A "fine" FFT grid (defined) by ecutdg)
      for the computation of the density inside PAW spheres.
      It is defined by nfftf, ngfftf, mgfftf, ...
      Total density, potentials, ...
      are expressed on this grid.
 In case of norm-conserving:
    - Only the usual FFT grid (defined by ecut) is used.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      For compatibility reasons, (nfftf,ngfftf,mgfftf)
      are set equal to (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) in that case.


 259 subroutine scfcv_core(atindx,atindx1,cg,cprj,cpus,dmatpawu,dtefield,dtfil,dtpawuj,&
 260 &  dtset,ecore,eigen,electronpositron,fatvshift,hdr,extfpmd,indsym,&
 261 &  initialized,irrzon,itimes,kg,mcg,mcprj,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,ndtpawuj,nfftf,npwarr,occ,&
 262 &  paw_dmft,pawang,pawfgr,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,phnons,psps,pwind,&
 263 &  pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,rec_set,resid,results_gs,rhog,rhor,rprimd,&
 264 &  scf_history,symrec,taug,taur,wffnew,wvl,xred,xred_old,ylm,ylmgr,conv_retcode)
 266 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 267 !scalars
 268  integer,intent(in) :: mcg,my_natom,ndtpawuj,pwind_alloc
 269  integer,intent(inout) :: initialized,nfftf,mcprj
 270  integer,intent(out) :: conv_retcode
 271  real(dp),intent(in) :: cpus,ecore,fatvshift
 272  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 273  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 274  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
 275  type(efield_type),intent(inout) :: dtefield
 276  type(electronpositron_type),pointer:: electronpositron
 277  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
 278  type(extfpmd_type),pointer,intent(inout) :: extfpmd
 279  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 280  type(pawfgr_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgr
 281  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 282  type(recursion_type),intent(inout) :: rec_set
 283  type(results_gs_type),intent(inout) :: results_gs
 284  type(scf_history_type),intent(inout) :: scf_history
 285  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wffnew
 286  type(wvl_data),intent(inout) :: wvl
 287 !arrays
 288  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(dtset%natom),atindx1(dtset%natom)
 289  integer,intent(in) :: indsym(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom),itimes(2)
 290 !no_abirules
 291  integer, intent(in) :: irrzon(dtset%nfft**(1-1/dtset%nsym),2,(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4))
 292   !(nfft**(1-1/nsym) is 1 if nsym==1, and nfft otherwise)
 293  integer, intent(in) :: kg(3,dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem)
 294  integer, intent(in) :: nattyp(psps%ntypat),npwarr(dtset%nkpt),pwind(pwind_alloc,2,3)
 295  integer, intent(in) :: symrec(3,3,dtset%nsym)
 296  real(dp), intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg),dmatpawu(:,:,:,:)
 297  real(dp), intent(inout) :: eigen(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 298  real(dp), intent(inout) :: occ(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 299  real(dp), intent(in) :: phnons(2,dtset%nfft**(1-1/dtset%nsym),(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4))
 300   !(nfft**(1-1/nsym) is 1 if nsym==1, and nfft otherwise)
 301  real(dp), intent(in) :: pwnsfac(2,pwind_alloc)
 302  real(dp), intent(inout) :: rprimd(3,3)
 303  real(dp), pointer :: rhog(:,:),rhor(:,:)
 304  real(dp), pointer :: taug(:,:),taur(:,:)
 305  real(dp), intent(inout) :: resid(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 306  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
 307  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xred_old(3,dtset%natom)
 308  real(dp), intent(in) :: ylm(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
 309  real(dp), intent(in) :: ylmgr(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,3,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
 310  type(macro_uj_type),intent(inout) :: dtpawuj(0:ndtpawuj)
 311  type(pawrhoij_type), intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 312  type(pawrad_type), intent(in) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 313  type(pawtab_type), intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 314  type(paw_dmft_type), intent(inout) :: paw_dmft
 315  type(pawcprj_type),pointer, intent(inout) :: cprj(:,:)
 316 !Local variables -------------------------
 317 !scalars
 318  integer,parameter :: level=110,response=0,cplex1=1
 319  integer :: afford,bantot,choice
 320  integer :: computed_forces,cplex,cplex_hf,ctocprj_choice,dbl_nnsclo,dielop,dielstrt,dimdmat
 321  integer :: forces_needed,errid,has_vxctau,has_dijhat,has_dijnd,has_dijU,has_vhartree,has_dijfock
 322  integer :: history_size
 323  integer :: iatom,ider,idir,ierr,ii,ikpt,impose_dmat,denpot
 324  integer :: initialized0,iorder_cprj,ipert,ipositron,isave_den,isave_kden,iscf10,ispden
 325  integer :: ispmix,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,istep_updatedfock,itypat,izero,lmax_diel,lpawumax,mband_cprj
 326 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 327  integer :: mcprj_wvl
 328 #endif
 329  integer :: me,me_wvl,mgfftdiel,mgfftf,moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor,my_nspinor,n1xccc
 330  integer :: n3xccc,ncpgr,nfftdiel,nfftmix,nfftmix_per_nfft,nfftotf,ngrcondft,ngrvdw,nhatgrdim,nk3xc,nkxc
 331  integer :: npawmix,npwdiel,nremit,nstep,nzlmopt,optcut,optcut_hf,optene,optgr0,optgr0_hf
 332  integer :: optgr1,optgr2,optgr1_hf,optgr2_hf,option,optrad,optrad_hf,optres,optxc,prtfor,prtxml,quit
 333  integer :: quit_sum,rdwrpaw,shft,spaceComm,spaceComm_fft,spaceComm_wvl,spaceComm_grid
 334  integer :: spare_mem
 335  integer :: stress_needed,sz1,sz2,tim_mkrho,unit_out
 336  integer :: usecprj,usexcnhat,use_hybcomp
 337  integer :: my_quit,quitsum_request,timelimit_exit,usecg,wfmixalg,with_vectornd
 338  integer ABI_ASYNC :: quitsum_async
 339  real(dp) :: boxcut,compch_fft,compch_sph,deltae,diecut,diffor,ecut
 340  real(dp) :: ecutf,ecutsus,edum,elast,etotal,evxc,fermie,fermih,gsqcut,hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr
 341  real(dp) :: maxfor,res2,residm,ucvol,ucvol_local,val_max
 342  real(dp) :: val_min,vxcavg,vxcavg_dum
 343  real(dp) :: zion,wtime_step,now,prev,esum,enonlocalpsp !MRM
 344  character(len=10) :: tag
 345  character(len=500) :: MY_NAME = "scfcv_core"
 346  character(len=1500) :: msg
 347  !character(len=500) :: dilatmx_errmsg
 348  character(len=fnlen) :: fildata
 349  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_diel
 350  type(xcdata_type) :: xcdata
 351  type(energies_type) :: energies
 352  type(ab7_mixing_object) :: mix,mix_mgga
 353  logical,parameter :: VERBOSE=.FALSE.
 354  logical :: dummy_nhatgr
 355  logical :: finite_efield_flag=.false.
 356  logical :: non_magnetic_xc=.false.
 357  logical :: recompute_cprj=.false.,reset_mixing=.false.
 358  logical,save :: tfw_activated=.false.
 359  logical :: wvlbigdft=.false.
 360 !type(energies_type),pointer :: energies_wvl  ! TO BE ACTIVATED LATER
 361 !arrays
 362  integer :: ngfft(18),ngfftdiel(18),ngfftf(18),ngfftmix(18),npwarr_diel(1)
 363  integer :: npwtot_diel(1)
 364  integer, save :: scfcv_jdtset = 0 ! To simulate iapp behavior
 365  integer, save :: scfcv_itime = 1 ! To simulate iapp behavior
 366  integer,allocatable :: dimcprj(:),dimcprj_srt(:)
 367  integer,allocatable :: gbound_diel(:,:),irrzondiel(:,:,:),kg_diel(:,:)
 368  integer,allocatable :: l_size_atm(:)
 369  integer,allocatable :: indsym_dum(:,:,:),symrec_dum(:,:,:), rmm_diis_status(:,:,:)
 370  logical,pointer :: lmselect_ep(:,:)
 371  real(dp) :: dielar(7),dphase(3),dummy2(6),favg(3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3)
 372  real(dp) :: kpt_diel(3),pel(3),pel_cg(3),pelev(3),pion(3),ptot(3),qpt(3),red_ptot(3) !!REC
 373  real(dp) :: rhodum(1),rmet(3,3),strscondft(6),strsxc(6),strten(6),tollist(12)
 374  real(dp) :: tsec(2),vnew_mean(dtset%nspden),vres_mean(dtset%nspden)
 375  real(dp) :: efield_old_cart(3), ptot_cart(3)
 376  real(dp) :: red_efield2(3),red_efield2_old(3)
 377  real(dp) :: vpotzero(2)
 378 ! red_efield1(3),red_efield2(3) is reduced electric field, defined by Eq.(25) of Nat. Phys. suppl. (2009) [[cite:Stengel2009]]
 379 ! red_efield1(3) for fixed ebar calculation, red_efield2(3) for fixed reduced d calculation, in mixed BC
 380 ! red_efieldbar_lc(3) is local reduced electric field, defined by Eq.(28) of Nat. Phys. suppl. (2009) [[cite:Stengel2009]]
 381 ! pbar(3) and dbar(3) are reduced polarization and displacement field,
 382 !    defined by Eq.(27) and (29) Nat. Phys. suppl. (2009) [[cite:Stengel2009]]
 383  real(dp),parameter :: k0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
 384  real(dp),allocatable :: dielinv(:,:,:,:,:),dtn_pc(:,:)
 385  real(dp),allocatable :: fcart(:,:),forold(:,:),gred(:,:),gresid(:,:)
 386  real(dp),allocatable :: grchempottn(:,:),grcondft(:,:),grewtn(:,:)
 387  real(dp),allocatable :: grhf(:,:),grnl(:),grvdw(:,:),grxc(:,:)
 388  real(dp),allocatable :: intgres(:,:),kxc(:,:),nhat(:,:),nhatgr(:,:,:),nvresid(:,:),nvtauresid(:,:)
 389  real(dp),allocatable :: ph1d(:,:),ph1ddiel(:,:),ph1df(:,:)
 390  real(dp),allocatable :: phnonsdiel(:,:,:),rhowfg(:,:),rhowfr(:,:),shiftvector(:)
 391  real(dp),allocatable :: susmat(:,:,:,:,:),synlgr(:,:)
 392  real(dp),allocatable :: vectornd(:,:,:),vhartr(:),vpsp(:),vtrial(:,:)
 393  real(dp),allocatable :: vxc(:,:),vxc_hybcomp(:,:),vxctau(:,:,:),workr(:,:),xccc3d(:),xcctau3d(:),ylmdiel(:,:)
 394  real(dp),pointer :: elfr(:,:),grhor(:,:,:),lrhor(:,:)
 395  type(scf_history_type) :: scf_history_wf
 396  type(constrained_dft_t) :: constrained_dft
 397  type(paw_an_type),allocatable :: paw_an(:)
 398  type(paw_ij_type),allocatable :: paw_ij(:)
 399  type(pawfgrtab_type),allocatable,save :: pawfgrtab(:)
 400  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_ep(:)
 401  type(fock_type),pointer :: fock
 402  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable, target :: cprj_local(:,:)
 404 ! *********************************************************************
 406  !write(std_out,'(a,5i4)')' scfcv_core, enter : itimes(1:2)=',itimes(1:2)
 409  call timab(1440,1,tsec)
 410  call timab(1441,3,tsec)
 412  ! enable time limit handler if not done in callers.
 413  if (enable_timelimit_in(MY_NAME) == MY_NAME) then
 414    write(std_out,*)"Enabling timelimit check in function: ",trim(MY_NAME)," with timelimit: ",trim(sec2str(get_timelimit()))
 415  end if
 417 ! Initialise non_magnetic_xc for rhohxc
 418  non_magnetic_xc=(dtset%usepawu==4).or.(dtset%usepawu==14)
 420 !######################################################################
 421 !Initializations - Memory allocations
 422 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 423  lmax_diel = 0
 425 !MPI communicators
 426  if (xmpi_paral==1.and.mpi_enreg%paral_hf==1) then
 427    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
 428  else
 429    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
 430  end if
 431  me=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)
 432  spaceComm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
 433  spaceComm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
 434  me_wvl=mpi_enreg%me_wvl
 435  spaceComm_grid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
 436  if(dtset%usewvl==1) spaceComm_grid=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
 437  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
 439 !Save some variables from dataset definition
 440  nstep=dtset%nstep
 441  ecut=dtset%ecut
 442  ecutf=ecut; if (psps%usepaw==1) ecutf=dtset%pawecutdg
 443  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) ecutf=dtset%pawecutdg
 444  iscf10=mod(dtset%iscf,10)
 445  tollist(1)=dtset%tolmxf;tollist(2)=dtset%tolwfr
 446  tollist(3)=dtset%toldff;tollist(4)=dtset%toldfe
 447  tollist(6)=dtset%tolvrs;tollist(7)=dtset%tolrff
 448  tollist(8)=dtset%vdw_df_threshold
 449  dielstrt=0
 450  finite_efield_flag=(dtset%berryopt == 4  .or. &
 451 & dtset%berryopt == 6  .or. &
 452 & dtset%berryopt == 7  .or. &
 453 & dtset%berryopt == 14 .or. &
 454 & dtset%berryopt == 16 .or. &
 455 & dtset%berryopt == 17)
 457 !Get FFT grid(s) sizes (be careful !)
 458 !See NOTES in the comments at the beginning of this file.
 459  ngfft(:)=dtset%ngfft(:)
 460  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 461    mgfftf=pawfgr%mgfft;ngfftf(:)=pawfgr%ngfft(:)
 462  else
 463    mgfftf=dtset%mgfft;ngfftf(:)=ngfft(:)
 464  end if
 466 !Calculate zion: the total positive charge acting on the valence electrons
 467  zion=zero
 468  do iatom=1,dtset%natom
 469    zion=zion+psps%ziontypat(dtset%typat(iatom))
 470  end do
 472 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
 473  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 475 !Fock: be sure that the pointer is initialized to Null.
 476  nullify(fock)
 478 !Special care in case of WVL
 479 !wvlbigdft indicates that the BigDFT workflow will be followed
 480  wvlbigdft=(dtset%usewvl==1.and.dtset%wvl_bigdft_comp==1)
 481 !if (wvlbigdft) then   ! TO BE ACTIVATED LATER
 482 !  ABI_MALLOC(energies_wvl,)
 483 !end if
 484  ucvol_local = ucvol
 485 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 486  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 487 !  We need to tune the volume when wavelets are used because, not
 488 !  all FFT points are used.
 489 !  ucvol_local = (half * dtset%wvl_hgrid) ** 3 * ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
 490    ucvol_local = product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids) * real(product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims), dp)
 491  end if
 492 #endif
 494 !Some variables need to be initialized/nullified at start
 495  nullify(grhor,lrhor,elfr)
 496  quit=0 ; dbl_nnsclo=0 ; conv_retcode=0
 497  dielop=0 ; strsxc=zero
 498  deltae=zero ; elast=zero ;
 499  vpotzero(:)=zero
 500  ! JWZ April 12 2018: Intel 18 compiler seems to require maxfor initialized,
 501  ! else it dies in scprqt in some scenarios
 502  maxfor=zero
 503  !
 504  results_gs%residm=zero;results_gs%res2=zero
 505  results_gs%deltae=zero;results_gs%diffor=zero
 506  call energies_init(energies)
 507  if (dtset%positron/=0.and.initialized/=0) then
 508    energies%e0_electronpositron =results_gs%energies%e0_electronpositron
 509    energies%e_electronpositron  =results_gs%energies%e_electronpositron
 510    energies%edc_electronpositron=results_gs%energies%edc_electronpositron
 511    maxfor=zero
 512  end if
 514  ! Initialize fermi level.
 515  if (dtset%nstep==0 .or. dtset%iscf < 0) then
 516  !if ((dtset%nstep==0 .or. dtset%iscf < 0) .and. dtset%plowan_compute==0) then
 517    energies%e_fermie = results_gs%energies%e_fermie
 518    results_gs%fermie = results_gs%energies%e_fermie
 519    energies%e_fermih = results_gs%energies%e_fermih
 520    results_gs%fermih = results_gs%energies%e_fermih
 521 ! End CP addition
 522  end if
 524  select case(dtset%usepotzero)
 525  case(0,1)
 526    energies%e_corepsp   = ecore / ucvol
 527    energies%e_corepspdc = zero
 528  case(2)
 529    ! No need to include the PspCore energy since it is already included in the
 530    ! local pseudopotential  (vpsp)
 531    energies%e_corepsp   = zero
 532    energies%e_corepspdc = zero
 533  end select
 534  if(wvlbigdft) energies%e_corepsp = zero
 535  if( energies%e_corepsp = zero
 538  fermie=energies%e_fermie
 539  fermih=energies%e_fermih
 540  isave_den=0; isave_kden=0 !initial index of density protection file
 541  optres=merge(0,1,dtset%iscf<10)
 542  usexcnhat=0!;mcprj=0
 543  initialized0=initialized
 544  if (dtset%tfkinfunc==12) tfw_activated=.true.
 545  ipert=0;idir=0;cplex=1
 546  istep_mix=1
 547  istep_fock_outer=1
 548  ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
 549  unit_out=0;if (dtset%prtvol >= 10) unit_out=ab_out
 550  nfftotf=product(ngfftf(1:3))
 552  usecprj=0
 553  if (mcprj>0) then
 554   usecprj=1
 555  end if
 557 !Stresses and forces flags
 558  forces_needed=0;prtfor=0
 559  if ((dtset%optforces==1.or.dtset%ionmov==4.or.dtset%ionmov==5.or.&
 560    & abs(tollist(3))>tiny(0._dp)).or.abs(tollist(7))>tiny(0._dp)) then
 561    if (dtset%iscf>0.and.nstep>0) forces_needed=1
 562    if (nstep==0) forces_needed=2
 563    prtfor=1
 564  else if (dtset%iscf>0.and.dtset%optforces==2) then
 565    forces_needed=2
 566  end if
 568  stress_needed=0
 569  if (dtset%optstress>0.and.dtset%iscf>0.and.dtset%prtstm==0.and. (nstep>0.or.dtfil%ireadwf==1)) stress_needed=1
 570  if (dtset%optstress>0.and.dtset%iscf>0.and.psps%usepaw==1 &
 571 & .and.finite_efield_flag.and.(nstep>0.or.dtfil%ireadwf==1)) stress_needed=1
 573 !This is only needed for the tddft routine, and does not
 574 !correspond to the intented use of results_gs (should be only
 575 !for output of scfcv_core
 576  etotal = results_gs%etotal
 578 !Entering a scfcv_core loop, printing data to XML file if required.
 579  prtxml=0;if (me==0.and.dtset%prtxml==1) prtxml=1
 580  if (prtxml == 1) then
 581 !  scfcv_core() will handle a scf loop, so we output the scfcv markup.
 582    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '    <scfcvLoop>'
 583    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '      <initialConditions>'
 584 !  We output the geometry of the dataset given in argument.
 585 !  xred and rprimd are given independently since dtset only
 586 !  stores original and final values.
 587    call out_geometry_XML(dtset, 4, dtset%natom, rprimd, xred)
 588    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '      </initialConditions>'
 589  end if
 591 !Examine tolerance criteria, and eventually  print a line to the output
 592 !file (with choice=1, the only non-dummy arguments of scprqt are
 593 !nstep, tollist and iscf - still, diffor and res2 are here initialized to 0)
 594  choice=1 ; diffor=zero ; res2=zero
 595  ABI_MALLOC(fcart,(3,dtset%natom))
 596  ABI_MALLOC(gred,(3,dtset%natom))
 597  gred(:,:)=zero
 598  fcart(:,:)=results_gs%fcart(:,:) ! This is a side effect ...
 599 !results_gs should not be used as input of scfcv_core
 602  call scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,&
 603 & eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,dtfil%fnameabo_app_eig,&
 604 & dtfil%filnam_ds(1),initialized0,dtset%iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,dtset%kptns,&
 605 & maxfor,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,nstep,&
 606 & occ,optres,prtfor,prtxml,quit,res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,&
 607 & psps%usepaw,vxcavg,dtset%wtk,xred,conv_retcode)
 609 !Various allocations (potentials, gradients, ...)
 610  ABI_MALLOC(forold,(3,dtset%natom))
 611  ABI_MALLOC(grchempottn,(3,dtset%natom))
 612  ABI_MALLOC(grcondft,(3,dtset%natom))
 613  ABI_MALLOC(gresid,(3,dtset%natom))
 614  ABI_MALLOC(grewtn,(3,dtset%natom))
 615  ABI_MALLOC(grnl,(3*dtset%natom))
 616  ABI_MALLOC(grxc,(3,dtset%natom))
 617  ABI_MALLOC(synlgr,(3,dtset%natom))
 618  ABI_MALLOC(ph1d,(2,3*(2*dtset%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom))
 619  ABI_MALLOC(ph1df,(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*dtset%natom))
 620  ABI_MALLOC(vhartr,(nfftf))
 621  ABI_MALLOC(vtrial,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 622  ABI_MALLOC(vpsp,(nfftf))
 623  ABI_MALLOC(vxc,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 624  ABI_MALLOC(vxctau,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden))
 626  wfmixalg=dtset%fockoptmix/100
 627  use_hybcomp=0
 628  if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11)use_hybcomp=1
 629  ABI_MALLOC(vxc_hybcomp,(nfftf,dtset%nspden*use_hybcomp))
 631  ngrvdw=0;if (dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7) ngrvdw=dtset%natom
 632  ABI_MALLOC(grvdw,(3,ngrvdw))
 634  ngrcondft=0
 635  if(any(dtset%constraint_kind(:)/=0)) ngrcondft=dtset%natom
 636  ABI_MALLOC(intgres,(dtset%nspden,ngrcondft))
 637  if(ngrcondft/=0)then
 638    intgres(:,:)=zero
 639  endif
 641  grchempottn(:,:)=zero
 642  grcondft(:,:)=zero
 643  forold(:,:)=zero ; gresid(:,:)=zero ; pel(:)=zero
 644  strscondft(:)=zero
 645  vtrial(:,:)=zero; vxc(:,:)=zero
 646  n1xccc=0;if (psps%n1xccc/=0) n1xccc=psps%n1xccc
 647  n3xccc=0;if (psps%n1xccc/=0) n3xccc=nfftf
 648  ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d,(n3xccc))
 650 !Allocations/initializations for PAW only
 651  lpawumax=-1
 652  if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 653 !  Variables/arrays related to the fine FFT grid
 654    ABI_MALLOC(xcctau3d,(nfftf*dtset%usekden))
 655    ABI_MALLOC(nhat,(nfftf,dtset%nspden*psps%usepaw))
 656    if (nstep==0) nhat=zero
 657    ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab,(my_natom))
 658    if (my_natom>0) then
 659      call pawtab_get_lsize(pawtab,l_size_atm,my_natom,dtset%typat,&
 660 &     mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 661      call pawfgrtab_init(pawfgrtab,cplex,l_size_atm,dtset%nspden,dtset%typat,&
 662 &     mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
 663      ABI_FREE(l_size_atm)
 664    end if
 665    compch_fft=-1.d5
 666    usexcnhat=maxval(pawtab(:)%usexcnhat)
 667    if (usexcnhat==0.and.dtset%ionmov==4.and.dtset%iscf<10) then
 668      ABI_ERROR('You cannot simultaneously use ionmov=4 and such a PAW psp file !')
 669    end if
 671 !  Variables/arrays related to the PAW spheres
 672    ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij,(my_natom))
 673    ABI_MALLOC(paw_an,(my_natom))
 674    call paw_an_nullify(paw_an)
 675    call paw_ij_nullify(paw_ij)
 676    has_dijhat=0;if (dtset%iscf==22) has_dijhat=1
 677    has_vhartree=0; if (dtset%prtvha > 0 .or. dtset%prtvclmb > 0) has_vhartree=1
 678    has_dijfock=0; if (dtset%usefock == 1) has_dijfock=1
 679    has_dijnd=0;if(any(abs(dtset%nucdipmom)>tol8)) has_dijnd=1
 680    has_dijU=merge(0,1,dtset%usepawu>0) !Be careful on this!
 681    has_vxctau=dtset%usekden
 682    call paw_an_init(paw_an,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,0,0,dtset%nspden,&
 683 &   cplex,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%typat,pawang,pawtab,has_vxc=1,&
 684 &   has_vxctau=has_vxctau,has_vxc_ex=1,has_vhartree=has_vhartree,&
 685 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 686    call paw_ij_init(paw_ij,cplex,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspden,&
 687 &   dtset%pawspnorb,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,&
 688 &   has_dij=1,has_dijfock=has_dijfock,has_dijhartree=1,has_dijnd=has_dijnd,has_dijso=1,&
 689 &   has_dijhat=has_dijhat,&
 690 &   has_dijU=has_dijU,has_pawu_occ=1,has_exexch_pot=1,nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom,&
 691 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 692    if(dtset%usewvl==1) then
 693      call paw2wvl_ij(1,paw_ij,wvl%descr)
 694    end if
 695    compch_sph=-1.d5
 696    ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj,(dtset%natom))
 697    ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_srt,(dtset%natom))
 698    call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj    ,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'R')
 699    call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj_srt,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
 700    do itypat=1,dtset%ntypat
 701      if (pawtab(itypat)%usepawu/=0) lpawumax=max(pawtab(itypat)%lpawu,lpawumax)
 702    end do
 703    if (dtset%usedmatpu/=0.and.lpawumax>0) then
 704      if (2*lpawumax+1/=size(dmatpawu,1).or.2*lpawumax+1/=size(dmatpawu,2)) then
 705        ABI_BUG('Incorrect size for dmatpawu!')
 706      end if
 707    end if
 709 !  Allocation of projected WF (optional)
 710    if (usecprj==1) then
 711      iorder_cprj=0
 712      if (dtset%usefock==1) then
 713        ctocprj_choice = 1
 714        if (dtset%optforces == 1) then
 715         ctocprj_choice = 2; ! ncpgr = 3
 716        end if
 717 !       if (dtset%optstress /= 0) then
 718 !         ncpgr = 6 ; ctocprj_choice = 3
 719 !       end if
 720      end if
 722 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 723      if (dtset%usewvl==1) then
 724        mband_cprj=dtset%mband;if (dtset%paral_kgb/=0) mband_cprj=mband_cprj/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
 725        mcprj_wvl=my_nspinor*mband_cprj*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol
 726        ABI_MALLOC(wvl%descr%paw%cprj,(dtset%natom,mcprj_wvl))
 727        call cprj_paw_alloc(wvl%descr%paw%cprj,0,dimcprj_srt)
 728      end if
 729 #endif
 730    end if
 732 !  Other variables for PAW
 733    nullify(pawrhoij_ep);if(associated(electronpositron))pawrhoij_ep=>electronpositron%pawrhoij_ep
 734    nullify(lmselect_ep);if(associated(electronpositron))lmselect_ep=>electronpositron%lmselect_ep
 735  else
 736    ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj,(0))
 737    ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_srt,(0))
 738    ABI_MALLOC(nhat,(0,0))
 739    ABI_MALLOC(xcctau3d,(0))
 740    ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij,(0))
 741    ABI_MALLOC(paw_an,(0))
 742    ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab,(0))
 743  end if ! PAW
 745 !Several parameters and arrays for the SCF mixing:
 746 !These arrays are needed only in the self-consistent case
 747  if (dtset%iscf>=0) then
 748    dielar(1)=dtset%diecut;dielar(2)=dtset%dielng
 749    dielar(3)=dtset%diemac;dielar(4)=dtset%diemix
 750    dielar(5)=dtset%diegap;dielar(6)=dtset%dielam
 751    dielar(7)=dtset%diemix;if (dtset%iscf>=10) dielar(7)=dtset%diemixmag
 752    ABI_MALLOC(nvresid,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 753    ABI_MALLOC(nvtauresid,(nfftf,dtset%nspden*dtset%usekden))
 754    if (nstep==0) then
 755     nvresid=zero
 756     nvtauresid=zero
 757    end if
 758    ABI_MALLOC(dtn_pc,(3,dtset%natom))
 759 !  The next arrays are needed if iscf==5 and ionmov==4,
 760 !  but for the time being, they are always allocated
 761    ABI_MALLOC(grhf,(3,dtset%natom))
 762 !  Additional allocation for mixing within PAW
 763    npawmix=0
 764    if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 765      do iatom=1,my_natom
 766        itypat=pawrhoij(iatom)%itypat
 767        pawrhoij(iatom)%use_rhoijres=1
 768        sz1=pawrhoij(iatom)%cplex_rhoij*pawtab(itypat)%lmn2_size
 769        sz2=pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
 770        ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres,(sz1,sz2))
 771        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
 772          pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(:,ispden)=zero
 773        end do
 774        ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix,(pawtab(itypat)%lmnmix_sz))
 775        pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz=pawtab(itypat)%lmnmix_sz
 776        pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix=pawtab(itypat)%kmix
 777        npawmix=npawmix+pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden*pawtab(itypat)%lmnmix_sz &
 778 &                     *pawrhoij(iatom)%cplex_rhoij*pawrhoij(iatom)%qphase
 779      end do
 780    end if
 781    if (dtset%iscf > 0) then
 782      denpot = AB7_MIXING_POTENTIAL
 783      if (dtset%iscf > 10) denpot = AB7_MIXING_DENSITY
 784      if (psps%usepaw==1.and.dtset%pawmixdg==0 .and. dtset%usewvl==0) then
 785        ispmix=AB7_MIXING_FOURRIER_SPACE;nfftmix=dtset%nfft;ngfftmix(:)=ngfft(:)
 786      else
 787        ispmix=AB7_MIXING_REAL_SPACE;nfftmix=nfftf;ngfftmix(:)=ngfftf(:)
 788      end if
 789      !TRangel: added to avoid segfaults with Wavelets
 790      nfftmix_per_nfft=0;if(nfftf>0) nfftmix_per_nfft=(1-nfftmix/nfftf)
 791      call ab7_mixing_new(mix, iscf10, denpot, ispmix, nfftmix, dtset%nspden, npawmix, errid, msg, dtset%npulayit)
 792      if (errid /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
 793        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 794      end if
 795      if (dtset%usekden/=0) then
 796        if (dtset%useria==12345) then  ! This is temporary
 797          call ab7_mixing_new(mix_mgga, iscf10, denpot, ispmix, nfftmix, dtset%nspden, 0, errid, msg, dtset%npulayit)
 798        else
 799          call ab7_mixing_new(mix_mgga, 0, denpot, ispmix, nfftmix, dtset%nspden, 0, errid, msg, dtset%npulayit)
 800        end if
 801        if (errid /= AB7_NO_ERROR) then
 802          ABI_ERROR(msg)
 803        end if
 804      end if
 805      if (dtset%mffmem == 0) then
 806        call ab7_mixing_use_disk_cache(mix, dtfil%fnametmp_fft)
 807        if (dtset%usekden/=0.and.denpot==AB7_MIXING_DENSITY) &
 808 &        call ab7_mixing_use_disk_cache(mix, dtfil%fnametmp_fft_mgga)
 809      end if
 810 !   else if (dtset%iscf==0.and.dtset%usewvl==1) then
 811 !     ispmix=AB7_MIXING_REAL_SPACE;nfftmix=nfftf;ngfftmix(:)=ngfftf(:)
 812    end if
 813  else
 814    ABI_MALLOC(nvresid,(0,0))
 815    ABI_MALLOC(nvtauresid,(0,0))
 816    ABI_MALLOC(dtn_pc,(0,0))
 817    ABI_MALLOC(grhf,(0,0))
 818  end if ! iscf>0
 820 ! Here initialize the datastructure constrained_dft, for constrained DFT calculations
 821 ! as well as penalty function constrained magnetization
 822  if(any(dtset%constraint_kind(:)/=0).or.dtset%magconon/=0)then
 823    call constrained_dft_ini(dtset%chrgat,constrained_dft,dtset%constraint_kind,dtset%magconon,dtset%magcon_lambda,&
 824 &    mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,dtset%ntypat,&
 825 &    dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rprimd,dtset%spinat,dtset%typat,xred,dtset%ziontypat)
 826  endif
 828 !Here, allocate arrays for computation of susceptibility and dielectric matrix or for TDDFT
 830  if( (nstep>0 .and. dtset%iscf>=0) .or. dtset%iscf==-1 ) then !MF
 832 !  Here, for TDDFT, artificially set iprcel . Also set a variable to reduce the memory needs.
 833    afford=1
 834    if(dtset%iscf==-1) then
 835 !    dtset%iprcel=21
 836      afford=0
 837    end if
 839 !  First compute dimensions
 840    if(dtset%iprcel>=21 .or. dtset%iscf==-1)then
 841 !    With dielop=1, the matrices will be computed when istep=dielstrt
 842 !    With dielop=2, the matrices will be computed when istep=dielstrt and 1
 843      dielop=1
 844      if(dtset%iprcel>=41)dielop=2
 845      if((dtset%iprcel >= 71).and.(dtset%iprcel<=79)) dielop=0 !RSkerker preconditioner do not need the susceptibility matrix
 846 !    Immediate computation of dielectric matrix
 847      dielstrt=1
 848 !    Or delayed computation
 849      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>21 .and. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=29)dielstrt=modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)-20
 850      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>31 .and. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=39)dielstrt=modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)-30
 851      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>41 .and. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=49)dielstrt=modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)-40
 852      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>51 .and. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=59)dielstrt=modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)-50
 853      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>61 .and. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=69)dielstrt=modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)-60
 854 !    Get diecut, and the fft grid to be used for the susceptibility computation
 855      diecut=abs(dtset%diecut)
 856      if( dtset%diecut<0.0_dp )then
 857        ecutsus=ecut
 858      else
 859        ecutsus= ( sqrt(ecut) *0.5_dp + sqrt(diecut) *0.25_dp )**2
 860      end if
 861 !    Impose sequential calculation
 862      ngfftdiel(1:3)=0 ; ngfftdiel(7)=100 ; ngfftdiel(9)=0; ngfftdiel(8)=dtset%ngfft(8);ngfftdiel(10:18)=0
 863      if(dtset%iscf==-1)ngfftdiel(7)=102
 865 !    The dielectric stuff is performed in sequential mode; set mpi_enreg_diel accordingly
 866      call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_diel)
 867      call getng(dtset%boxcutmin,dtset%chksymtnons,ecutsus,gmet,k0,mpi_enreg_diel%me_fft,mgfftdiel,nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,&
 868 &     mpi_enreg_diel%nproc_fft,dtset%nsym,mpi_enreg_diel%paral_kgb,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,&
 869 &     gpu_option=dtset%gpu_option)
 870 !    Update the fft distribution
 871      call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg_diel%distribfft,'c',ngfftdiel(2),ngfftdiel(3),'all')
 873 !    Compute the size of the dielectric matrix
 874      kpt_diel(1:3)=(/ 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp /)
 875      call getmpw(diecut,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,(/1/),kpt_diel,mpi_enreg_diel,npwdiel,1)
 876      lmax_diel=0
 877      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 878        do ii=1,dtset%ntypat
 879          lmax_diel=max(lmax_diel,pawtab(ii)%lcut_size)
 880        end do
 881      end if
 882    else
 883      npwdiel=1
 884      mgfftdiel=1
 885      nfftdiel=1
 886      lmax_diel=0
 887      afford=0
 888    end if
 890 !  Now, performs allocation
 891    ABI_MALLOC(dielinv,(2,npwdiel*afford,dtset%nspden,npwdiel,dtset%nspden))
 892    ABI_MALLOC(susmat,(2,npwdiel*afford,dtset%nspden,npwdiel,dtset%nspden))
 893    ABI_MALLOC(kg_diel,(3,npwdiel))
 894    ABI_MALLOC(gbound_diel,(2*mgfftdiel+8,2))
 895    ABI_MALLOC(irrzondiel,(nfftdiel**(1-1/dtset%nsym),2,(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4)))
 896    ABI_MALLOC(phnonsdiel,(2,nfftdiel**(1-1/dtset%nsym),(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4)))
 897    ABI_MALLOC(ph1ddiel,(2,3*(2*mgfftdiel+1)*dtset%natom*psps%usepaw))
 898    ABI_MALLOC(ylmdiel,(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2))
 899 !  Then, compute the values of different arrays
 900    if(dielop>=1)then
 901 !    Note : npwarr_diel is dummy, npwtot_diel is dummy
 902 !    This kpgio call for going from the suscep FFT grid to the diel sphere
 903      npwarr_diel(1)=npwdiel
 905      call kpgio(diecut,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,(/1/),kg_diel,&
 906 &     kpt_diel,1,(/1/),1,'COLL',mpi_enreg_diel,npwdiel,&
 907 &     npwarr_diel,npwtot_diel,dtset%nsppol)
 908      call sphereboundary(gbound_diel,1,kg_diel,mgfftdiel,npwdiel)
 910      if (dtset%nsym>1 .and. dtset%iscf>=0 ) then
 911 !      Should replace this initialization of irrzondiel and phnonsdiel through setsym by a direct call to irrzg
 912        ABI_MALLOC(indsym_dum,(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom))
 913        ABI_MALLOC(symrec_dum,(3,3,dtset%nsym))
 914        call setsym(indsym_dum,irrzondiel,dtset%iscf,dtset%natom,&
 915 &       nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,phnonsdiel,&
 916 &       dtset%symafm,symrec_dum,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtset%typat,xred)
 917        ABI_FREE(indsym_dum)
 918        ABI_FREE(symrec_dum)
 919      end if
 920      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 921        call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfftdiel(1),ngfftdiel(2),&
 922 &       ngfftdiel(3),ph1ddiel,xred)
 923        call initylmg(gprimd,kg_diel,kpt_diel,1,mpi_enreg_diel,&
 924 &       lmax_diel,npwdiel,dtset%nband,1,npwarr_diel,dtset%nsppol,0,&
 925 &       rprimd,ylmdiel,rhodum)
 926      end if
 927    end if
 929    if(dtset%iprcel>=21 .or. dtset%iscf==-1)then
 930      call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_diel)
 931    end if
 933  else
 934    npwdiel=1
 935    mgfftdiel=1
 936    nfftdiel=1
 937    afford = 0
 938    ABI_MALLOC(susmat,(0,0,0,0,0))
 939    ABI_MALLOC(kg_diel,(0,0))
 940    ABI_MALLOC(gbound_diel,(0,0))
 941    ABI_MALLOC(irrzondiel,(0,0,0))
 942    ABI_MALLOC(phnonsdiel,(0,0,0))
 943    ABI_MALLOC(ph1ddiel,(0,0))
 944    ABI_MALLOC(ylmdiel,(0,0))
 945  end if
 947  nkxc=0
 948 !TDDFT - For a first coding
 949  if (dtset%iscf==-1 .and. dtset%nspden==1) nkxc=2
 950  if (dtset%iscf==-1 .and. dtset%nspden==2) nkxc=3
 951 !Eventually need kxc-LDA when susceptibility matrix has to be computed
 952  if (dtset%iscf>0.and.modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=61.and.(dtset%iprcel<71.or.dtset%iprcel>79)) nkxc=2*min(dtset%nspden,2)-1
 953 !Eventually need kxc-LDA for residual forces (when density mixing is selected)
 954  if (dtset%iscf>=10.and.dtset%usewvl==0.and.forces_needed>0 .and. &
 955 & abs(dtset%densfor_pred)>=1.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)<=6.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)/=5) then
 956    if (dtset%xclevel==1.or.dtset%densfor_pred>=0) nkxc=2*min(dtset%nspden,2)-1
 957    if (dtset%xclevel==2.and.dtset%nspden==1.and.dtset%densfor_pred<0) nkxc=7    ! This is not full kxc for mGGA
 958    if (dtset%xclevel==2.and.dtset%nspden==2.and.dtset%densfor_pred<0) nkxc=19   ! This is not full kxc for mGGA
 959  end if
 960  if (nkxc>0) then
 961    call check_kxc(dtset%ixc,dtset%optdriver)
 962  end if
 963  ABI_MALLOC(kxc,(nfftf,nkxc))
 965 !This flag will be set to 1 just before an eventual change of atomic
 966 !positions inside the iteration, and set to zero when the consequences
 967 !of this change are taken into account.
 968  moved_atm_inside=0
 969 !This flag will be set to 1 if the forces are computed inside the iteration.
 970  computed_forces=0
 972  if(dtset%wfoptalg==2)then
 973    ABI_MALLOC(shiftvector,((dtset%mband+2)*dtset%nkpt))
 974    val_min=-1.0_dp
 975    val_max=zero
 976  else
 977    ABI_MALLOC(shiftvector,(1))
 978  end if
 980 !!PAW+DMFT: allocate structured datatype paw_dmft if dtset%usedmft=1
 981 !call init_sc_dmft(dtset%dmftbandi,dtset%dmftbandf,dtset%mband,dtset%nkpt,&
 982 !&  dtset%nsppol,dtset%usedmft,paw_dmft,dtset%usedmft)
 983 !call print_sc_dmft(paw_dmft)
 985 !!Electric field initializations: initialize pel_cg(:) and p_ion(:)
 986  call update_e_field_vars(atindx,atindx1,cg,dimcprj,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,&
 987 & efield_old_cart,gmet,gprimd,hdr,idir,kg,mcg,&
 988 & dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,npwarr,&
 989 & dtset%ntypat,pawrhoij,pawtab,pel_cg,pelev,pion,psps,ptot,ptot_cart,&
 990 & pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,red_efield2,red_efield2_old,red_ptot,rmet,rprimd,&
 991 & 0,quit,istep,ucvol,unit_out,psps%usepaw,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
 993  if (dtset%iscf==22) energies%h0=zero
 995  call timab(1441,2,tsec)
 997 !##################################################################
 999 !##################################################################
1001 !Offer option of computing total energy with existing
1002 !wavefunctions when nstep<=0, else do nstep iterations
1003 !Note that for non-self-consistent calculations, this loop will be exited
1004 !after the first call to vtorho
1005 !Pass through the first routines even when nstep==0
1007  quitsum_request = xmpi_request_null; timelimit_exit = 0
1008  istep_updatedfock=0
1010  ABI_ICALLOC(rmm_diis_status, (2, dtset%nkpt, dtset%nsppol))
1012  ! start SCF loop
1014  do istep=1,max(1,nstep)
1016    ! Handle time limit condition.
1017    if (istep == 1) prev = abi_wtime()
1018    if (istep  > 1) then
1019      now = abi_wtime()
1020      wtime_step = now - prev
1021      prev = now
1022      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin("{SCF_istep:", itoa(istep-1), ", Vnl|psi>:", itoa(nonlop_counter), &
1023                   ", wall_time: '", sec2str(wtime_step), "'} <<< TIME"))
1024      nonlop_counter = 0
1026      if (have_timelimit_in(MY_NAME)) then
1027        if (istep > 2) then
1028          call xmpi_wait(quitsum_request,ierr)
1029          if (quitsum_async > 0) then
1030            write(msg,"(3a)")"Approaching time limit ",trim(sec2str(get_timelimit())),". Will exit istep loop in scfcv_core."
1031            ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1032            call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
1033            timelimit_exit = 1
1034            exit
1035          end if
1036        end if
1038        my_quit = 0; if (now - get_start_time() + 2.15 * wtime_step > get_timelimit()) my_quit = 1
1039        call xmpi_isum(my_quit,quitsum_async,spacecomm,quitsum_request,ierr)
1040      end if
1041    end if
1043    call timab(1442,1,tsec)
1044    if (moved_atm_inside==1 .or. istep==1) then
1045 !    ##############################################################
1046 !    The following steps are done once for a given set of atomic
1047 !    coordinates or for the nstep=1 case
1048 !    --------------------------------------------------------------
1050 !    Eventually symmetrize atomic coordinates over space group elements:
1051      call symmetrize_xred(dtset%natom,dtset%nsym,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,xred,indsym=indsym)
1053      if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
1054 !      Get cut-off for g-vectors
1055        if (psps%usepaw==1) call wrtout(std_out,' FFT (fine) grid used in SCF cycle:')
1056        call getcut(boxcut,ecutf,gmet,gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut,std_out,k0,ngfftf)
1058 !      Compute structure factor phases and large sphere cut-off (gsqcut):
1059        call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),ph1d,xred)
1061        if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
1062          call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),ph1df,xred)
1063        else
1064          ph1df(:,:)=ph1d(:,:)
1065        end if
1066      end if
1068 !    Initialization of atomic data for PAW
1069      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1071 !      Check for non-overlapping spheres, allow one remittance in case of optimization or MD or image algorithms
1072        nremit=0
1073        if(dtset%ionmov>0 .and. itimes(1)==1)nremit=1
1074        if(dtset%imgmov>0 .and. itimes(2)==1)nremit=mpi_enreg%my_nimage
1075        call chkpawovlp(dtset%natom,psps%ntypat,dtset%pawovlp,pawtab,rmet,dtset%typat,xred,nremit=nremit)
1077 !      Identify parts of the rectangular grid where the density has to be calculated
1078        optcut=0;optgr0=dtset%pawstgylm;optgr1=0;optgr2=0;optrad=1-dtset%pawstgylm
1079        if ((forces_needed==1).or. &
1080 &          (dtset%xclevel==2.and.dtset%pawnhatxc>0.and.usexcnhat>0).or. &
1081 &          (dtset%positron/=0.and.forces_needed==2)) then
1082          optgr1=dtset%pawstgylm;if (stress_needed==1) optrad=1; if (dtset%pawprtwf==1) optrad=1
1083        end if
1085        if(dtset%usewvl==0) then
1086          call nhatgrid(atindx1,gmet,my_natom,dtset%natom,&
1087 &         nattyp,ngfftf,psps%ntypat,optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,&
1088 &         pawfgrtab,pawtab,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,xred,&
1089 &         comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1090 &         comm_fft=spaceComm_fft,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
1091        else
1092          shft=0
1093 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1094          shft=wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1i*wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2i*wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(me_wvl,4)
1095          call wvl_nhatgrid(atindx1,wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%geocode,&
1096 &         wvl%descr%h,wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%i3s,dtset%natom,dtset%natom,&
1097 &         nattyp,psps%ntypat,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1i,&
1098 &         wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2i,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n3,&
1099 &         wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%n3pi,optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,&
1100 &         pawfgrtab,pawtab,psps%gth_params%psppar,rprimd,shft,xred)
1101 #endif
1102        end if
1103      end if
1105 !    If we are inside SCF cycle or inside dynamics over ions,
1106 !    we have to translate the density of previous iteration
1107      moved_rhor=0
1109      if (initialized/=0.and.dtset%usewvl == 0.and.ipositron/=1.and. &
1110 &     (abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==2.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==5.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==6)) then
1111        moved_rhor=1
1112        if (abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==2) then
1113          option=2
1114          ABI_MALLOC(workr,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
1115          call fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,&
1116 &         psps%ntypat,option,pawtab,rhor,rprimd,&
1117 &         ucvol,workr,xred,xred_old,psps%znuclpsp)
1118          rhor=workr
1119          ABI_FREE(workr)
1120        else if (abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==5.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==6) then
1121          scf_history%icall=scf_history%icall+1
1122          call extraprho(atindx,atindx1,cg,cprj,dtset,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,&
1123 &         scf_history%icall,kg,mcg,mcprj,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,&
1124 &         my_natom,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,npwarr,psps%ntypat,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1125 &         ph1df,psps,psps%qgrid_vl,rhor,rprimd,scf_history,ucvol,&
1126 &         psps%usepaw,xred,xred_old,ylm,psps%ziontypat,psps%znuclpsp)
1127        end if
1128        call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor(:,1),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1129      end if
1130      if (initialized/=0.and.dtset%usewvl == 0.and.ipositron/=1) then
1131        ! In some cases cprj are kept in memory, so we have to update them before the call of vtorho
1132        if (dtset%cprj_in_memory/=0) then
1133          iatom=0
1134          idir=0
1135          iorder_cprj=0
1136          call wrtout(std_out,' Computing cprj from wavefunctions (scfcv_core)')
1138          call ctocprj(atindx,cg,1,cprj,gmet,gprimd,iatom,idir,&
1139 &          iorder_cprj,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%kptns,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,&
1140 &          dtset%mpw,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%nband,dtset%natom,ngfft, dtset%nkpt,dtset%nloalg,npwarr,dtset%nspinor,&
1141 &          dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsppol,dtset%ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpaw,&
1142 &          xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1143          ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1144          call wrtout(std_out,' cprj is computed')
1145        end if
1146      end if
1148      ! if any nuclear dipoles are nonzero, compute the vector potential in real space (depends on
1149      ! atomic position so should be done for nstep = 1 and for updated ion positions
1150      if ( any(abs(dtset%nucdipmom(:,:))>tol8) ) then
1151         with_vectornd = 1
1152      else
1153         with_vectornd = 0
1154      end if
1155      if(allocated(vectornd)) then
1156         ABI_FREE(vectornd)
1157      end if
1158      ABI_MALLOC(vectornd,(with_vectornd*nfftf,dtset%nspden,3))
1159      vectornd=zero
1160      if(with_vectornd .EQ. 1) then
1161         call make_vectornd(1,gsqcut,psps%usepaw,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,&
1162           & dtset%nspden,dtset%nucdipmom,rprimd,vectornd,xred)
1163      endif
1165    end if ! moved_atm_inside==1 .or. istep==1
1167    call timab(1442,2,tsec)
1169    !Initialize/Update data in the case of an Exact-exchange (Hartree-Fock) or hybrid XC calculation
1170    hyb_mixing=zero;hyb_mixing_sr=zero
1171    if (dtset%usefock==1) then
1172      call timab(1443,1,tsec)
1173      if (istep==1) then
1174        ! Initialize data_type fock for the calculation
1175        cplex_hf=cplex; if (psps%usepaw==1) cplex_hf=dtset%pawcpxocc
1176        call fock_init(atindx,cplex_hf,dtset,fock,gsqcut,kg,mpi_enreg,nattyp,npwarr,pawang,pawfgr,pawtab,rprimd)
1178        if (fock%fock_common%usepaw==1) then
1179          optcut_hf = 0 ! use rpaw to construct local_pawfgrtab
1180          optgr0_hf = 0; optgr1_hf = 0; optgr2_hf = 0 ! dont need gY terms locally
1181          optrad_hf = 1 ! do store r-R
1182          call nhatgrid(atindx1,gmet,dtset%natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,ngfftf,psps%ntypat,&
1183 &         optcut_hf,optgr0_hf,optgr1_hf,optgr2_hf,optrad_hf,fock%fock_common%pawfgrtab,pawtab,&
1184 &         rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,xred,typord=1)
1185          iatom=-1;idir=0
1186          call ctocprj(atindx,cg,ctocprj_choice,cprj,gmet,gprimd,iatom,idir,&
1187 &         iorder_cprj,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%kptns,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,&
1188 &         dtset%mpw,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%nband,dtset%natom,ngfft, dtset%nkpt,dtset%nloalg,npwarr,dtset%nspinor,&
1189 &         dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsppol,dtset%ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpaw,&
1190 &         xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1191        end if
1192        if(wfmixalg/=0)then
1193          spare_mem=0
1194          if(spare_mem==1)history_size=wfmixalg ! Not yet coded
1195          if(spare_mem==0)history_size=2*(wfmixalg-1)+1
1196 !        Specific case of simple mixing : always history_size=1
1197          if(wfmixalg==2)history_size=1
1198          scf_history_wf%history_size=history_size
1199          usecg=2
1200          call scf_history_init(dtset,mpi_enreg,usecg,scf_history_wf)
1201        end if
1202      end if
1204      !Fock energy
1205      energies%e_exactX=zero
1206      if (fock%fock_common%optfor) fock%fock_common%forces=zero
1208      call timab(1443,2,tsec)
1210      if (istep==1 .or. istep_updatedfock==fock%fock_common%nnsclo_hf .or. &
1211 &        (fock%fock_common%nnsclo_hf>1 .and. fock%fock_common%scf_converged) ) then
1213        istep_updatedfock=1
1214        fock%fock_common%scf_converged=.false.
1216        call timab(1444,1,tsec)
1218        !Possibly mix the wavefunctions from different steps before computing the Fock operator
1219        if(wfmixalg/=0 .and. .not. (wfmixalg==2 .and. abs(scf_history_wf%alpha-one)<tol8) )then
1220          call wf_mixing(atindx1,cg,cprj,dtset,istep_fock_outer,mcg,mcprj,mpi_enreg,&
1221 &         nattyp,npwarr,pawtab,scf_history_wf)
1222          istep_fock_outer=istep_fock_outer+1
1224        call timab(1444,2,tsec)
1226 !DEBUG
1227          if(.false.)then
1228            !Update the density, from the newly mixed cg and cprj.
1229            !Be careful: in PAW, rho does not include the compensation density (added later) !
1230            tim_mkrho=6
1231            if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1232              ABI_MALLOC(rhowfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
1233              ABI_MALLOC(rhowfr,(dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden))
1234 !          1-Compute density from WFs
1235              call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,rhowfg,rhowfr,&
1236 &                       rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,extfpmd=extfpmd)
1237              call transgrid(1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rhowfg,rhog,rhowfr,rhor)
1238 !          2-Compute rhoij
1239              call pawmkrhoij(atindx,atindx1,cprj,dimcprj,dtset%istwfk,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,mband_cprj,&
1240 &             mcprj,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,&
1241 &             dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%paral_kgb,paw_dmft,pawrhoij,dtfil%unpaw,dtset%usewvl,dtset%wtk)
1242 !          3-Symetrize rhoij, compute nhat and add it to rhor
1243 !            Note pawrhoij_unsym and pawrhoij are the same, which means that pawrhoij
1244 !            cannot be distributed over different atomic sites.
1245              cplex=1;ipert=0;idir=0;qpt(:)=zero
1246              call pawmkrho(1,compch_fft,cplex,gprimd,idir,indsym,ipert,mpi_enreg,&
1247 &             my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsym,dtset%ntypat,&
1248 &             dtset%paral_kgb,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,dtset%pawprtvol,pawrhoij,pawrhoij,&
1249 &             pawtab,qpt,rhowfg,rhowfr,rhor,rprimd,dtset%symafm,symrec,dtset%typat,ucvol,&
1250 &             dtset%usewvl,xred,pawnhat=nhat,rhog=rhog)
1251 !          2-Take care of kinetic energy density
1252              if(dtset%usekden==1)then
1253                call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,rhowfg,rhowfr,&
1254 &                         rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,option=1)
1255                call transgrid(1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rhowfg,taug,rhowfr,taur)
1256              end if
1257              ABI_FREE(rhowfg)
1258              ABI_FREE(rhowfr)
1259            else
1260              write(std_out,*)' scfcv_core : recompute the density after the wf mixing '
1261              call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,&
1262 &             mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,rhog,rhor,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,extfpmd=extfpmd)
1263              if(dtset%usekden==1)then
1264                call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,taug,taur,&
1265 &                         rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,option=1)
1266              end if
1267            end if
1268          end if
1269        end if
1272        call timab(1445,1,tsec)
1274        ! Update data relative to the occupied states in fock
1275        call fock_updatecwaveocc(cg,cprj,dtset,fock,indsym,mcg,mcprj,mpi_enreg,nattyp,npwarr,occ,ucvol)
1277        call timab(1445,2,tsec)
1278        call timab(1446,3,tsec)
1280        ! Possibly (re)compute the ACE operator
1281        if(fock%fock_common%use_ACE/=0) then
1282          call fock2ACE(cg,cprj,fock,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%kptns,dtset%mband,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,&
1283 &         dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,&
1284 &         dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nband,dtset%nfft,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nloalg,npwarr,dtset%nspden,&
1285 &         dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%ntypat,occ,dtset%optforces,paw_ij,pawtab,ph1d,psps,rprimd,&
1286 &         dtset%typat,usecprj,dtset%gpu_option,dtset%wtk,xred,ylm)
1287          energies%e_fock0=fock%fock_common%e_fock0
1288        end if
1290        call timab(1446,2,tsec)
1292        !Should place a test on whether there should be the final exit of the istep loop.
1293        !This test should use focktoldfe.
1294        !This should update the info in fock%fock_common%fock_converged.
1295        !For the time being, fock%fock_common%fock_converged=.false., so the loop end with the maximal value of nstep always,
1296        !except when nnsclo_hf==1 (so the Fock operator is always updated), in which case, the usual exit tests (toldfe, tolvrs, etc)
1297        !work fine.
1298        !if(fock%fock_common%nnsclo_hf==1 .and. fock%fock_common%use_ACE==0)then
1299        if(fock%fock_common%nnsclo_hf==1) fock%fock_common%fock_converged=.TRUE.
1301        !Depending on fockoptmix, possibly restart the mixing procedure for the potential
1302        if(mod(dtset%fockoptmix,10)==1) istep_mix=1
1303      else
1304        istep_updatedfock=istep_updatedfock+1
1305      end if
1307      !Used locally
1308      hyb_mixing=fock%fock_common%hyb_mixing ; hyb_mixing_sr=fock%fock_common%hyb_mixing_sr
1309    end if ! usefock
1311    call timab(1447,1,tsec)
1313 !  Initialize/update data in the electron-positron case
1314    if (dtset%positron<0.or.(dtset%positron>0.and.istep==1)) then
1315      call setup_positron(atindx,atindx1,cg,cprj,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,ecore,eigen,&
1316 &     etotal,electronpositron,energies,fock,forces_needed,gred,gmet,gprimd,&
1317 &     grchempottn,grcondft,grewtn,grvdw,gsqcut,hdr,extfpmd,initialized0,indsym,istep,istep_mix,kg,&
1318 &     kxc,maxfor,mcg,mcprj,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,my_natom,n3xccc,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,&
1319 &     nkxc,npwarr,nvresid,occ,optres,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,&
1320 &     pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1df,ph1d,psps,rhog,rhor,rmet,rprimd,&
1321 &     stress_needed,strscondft,strsxc,symrec,ucvol,usecprj,vhartr,vpsp,vxc,vxctau,&
1322 &     xccc3d,xcctau3d,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1323      ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
1324    end if
1326    call timab(1447,2,tsec)
1327    call timab(1448,3,tsec)
1329    if ((moved_atm_inside==1 .or. istep==1).or.&
1330 &   (dtset%positron<0.and.istep_mix==1).or.&
1331 &   (mod(dtset%fockoptmix,100)==11 .and. istep_updatedfock==1)) then
1332 !    PAW only: we sometimes have to compute compensation density
1333 !    and eventually add it to density from WFs
1334      nhatgrdim=0
1335      dummy_nhatgr = .False.
1336      if (psps%usepaw==1.and.(dtset%positron>=0.or.ipositron/=1) &
1337 &     .and.((usexcnhat==0) &
1338 &     .or.(dtset%xclevel==2.and.(dtfil%ireadwf/=0.or.dtfil%ireadden/=0.or.initialized/=0)) &
1339 &     .or.(dtfil%ireadwf/=0.and.dtfil%ireadden==0.and.initialized==0))) then
1340        call timab(558,1,tsec)
1341        nhatgrdim=0;if (dtset%xclevel==2) nhatgrdim=usexcnhat*dtset%pawnhatxc
1342        ider=2*nhatgrdim;izero=0
1343        if (nhatgrdim>0)   then
1344          ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(cplex*nfftf,dtset%nspden,3*nhatgrdim))
1345        else
1346          ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(0,0,0))
1347          dummy_nhatgr = .True.
1348        end if
1349        call pawmknhat(compch_fft,cplex,ider,idir,ipert,izero,gprimd,my_natom,dtset%natom,&
1350 &       nfftf,ngfftf,nhatgrdim,dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,pawang,pawfgrtab,&
1351 &       nhatgr,nhat,pawrhoij,pawrhoij,pawtab,k0,rprimd,ucvol_local,dtset%usewvl,xred,&
1352 &       comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1353 &       comm_fft=spaceComm_fft,paral_kgb=dtset%paral_kgb,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
1354 &       distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft,mpi_comm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl)
1355        if (dtfil%ireadwf/=0.and.dtfil%ireadden==0.and.initialized==0) then
1356          rhor(:,:)=rhor(:,:)+nhat(:,:)
1357          if(dtset%usewvl==0) then
1358            call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor(:,1),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1359          end if
1360        end if
1361        call timab(558,2,tsec)
1362      end if
1364 !    The following steps have been gathered in the setvtr routine:
1365 !    - get Ewald energy and Ewald forces
1366 !    - compute local ionic pseudopotential vpsp
1367 !    - possibly compute 3D core electron density xccc3d
1368 !    - possibly compute 3D core kinetic energy density
1369 !    - possibly compute vxc and vhartr
1370 !    - set up vtrial
1372      optene = 4 * optres
1373      if(dtset%iscf==-3) optene=4
1374      if (wvlbigdft) optene = 1 ! VH needed for the WF mixing
1376      if (.not.allocated(nhatgr))  then
1377        ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,3*nhatgrdim))
1378        dummy_nhatgr = .True.
1379      end if
1381 !    Compute trial potential
1383      call setvtr(atindx1,dtset,energies,gmet,gprimd,grchempottn,grewtn,grvdw,gsqcut,&
1384 &     istep,kxc,mgfftf,moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor,mpi_enreg,&
1385 &     nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,psps%ntypat,&
1386 &     n1xccc,n3xccc,optene,pawang,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1df,psps,rhog,rhor,&
1387 &     rmet,rprimd,strsxc,ucvol,usexcnhat,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,vxcavg,wvl,&
1388 &     xccc3d,xred,electronpositron=electronpositron,&
1389 &     taur=taur,vxc_hybcomp=vxc_hybcomp,vxctau=vxctau,add_tfw=tfw_activated,xcctau3d=xcctau3d)
1390      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1392      ! set the zero of the potentials here
1393      if(dtset%usepotzero==2) vpsp(:) = vpsp(:) + ecore / ( zion * ucvol )
1395      if(dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GWLS) call build_vxc(vxc,nfftf,dtset%nspden)
1397      if ((nhatgrdim>0.and.nstep>0).or.dummy_nhatgr) then
1398        ABI_FREE(nhatgr)
1399      end if
1401 !    Recursion Initialisation
1402      if(dtset%userec==1 .and. istep==1)  then
1403        rec_set%quitrec = 0
1404 !      --At any step calculate the metric
1405        call Init_MetricRec(rec_set%inf,rec_set%nl%nlpsp,rmet,ucvol,rprimd,xred,dtset%ngfft(1:3),dtset%natom,rec_set%debug)
1406        call destroy_distribfft(rec_set%mpi%distribfft)
1407        call init_distribfft(rec_set%mpi%distribfft,'c',rec_set%mpi%nproc_fft,rec_set%ngfftrec(2),rec_set%ngfftrec(3))
1408        call init_distribfft(rec_set%mpi%distribfft,'f',rec_set%mpi%nproc_fft,dtset%ngfft(2),dtset%ngfft(3))
1409        if(initialized==0) call first_rec(dtset,psps,rec_set)
1410      end if
1412 !    End the condition of atomic position change or istep==1
1413    end if
1415    call timab(1448,2,tsec)
1416    call timab(1449,1,tsec)
1418 !  ######################################################################
1419 !  The following steps are done at every iteration
1420 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1421 !  PAW: Compute energies and potentials in the augmentation regions (spheres)
1422 !  Compute pseudopotential strengths (Dij quantities)
1423    if (psps%usepaw==1)then
1425 !    Local exact exch.: impose occ. matrix if required
1426      if (dtset%useexexch/=0) then
1427        call setrhoijpbe0(dtset,initialized0,istep,istep_mix,&
1428 &       spaceComm,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,pawrhoij,pawtab,dtset%typat,&
1429 &       comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1430      end if
1432 !    Computation of on-site densities/potentials/energies
1433      nzlmopt=0;if (istep_mix==2.and.dtset%pawnzlm>0) nzlmopt=-1
1434      if (istep_mix>2) nzlmopt=dtset%pawnzlm
1435      call paw_an_reset_flags(paw_an) ! Force the recomputation of on-site potentials
1436      call paw_ij_reset_flags(paw_ij,self_consistent=.true.) ! Force the recomputation of Dij
1437      option=0;if (dtset%iscf>0.and.dtset%iscf<10.and.nstep>0) option=1
1439      call pawdenpot(compch_sph,energies%e_paw,energies%e_pawdc,ipert,dtset%ixc,my_natom,dtset%natom,&
1440 &     dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,dtset%nucdipmom,nzlmopt,option,paw_an,paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,pawrad,&
1441 &     pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%spnorbscl,dtset%xclevel,&
1442 &     dtset%xc_denpos,dtset%xc_taupos,ucvol,psps%znuclpsp,&
1443 &     comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1444 &     hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr=hyb_mixing_sr,&
1445 &     electronpositron=electronpositron,vpotzero=vpotzero)
1446      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1448 !    Correct the average potential with the calculated constant vpotzero
1449 !    Correct the total energies accordingly
1450 !    vpotzero(1) = -beta/ucvol
1451 !    vpotzero(2) = -1/ucvol sum_ij rho_ij gamma_ij
1452      write(msg,'(a,f14.6,2x,f14.6)') &
1453 &     ' average electrostatic smooth potential [Ha] , [eV]',SUM(vpotzero(:)),SUM(vpotzero(:))*Ha_eV
1454      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1455      vtrial(:,:)=vtrial(:,:)+SUM(vpotzero(:))
1456      if(option/=1)then
1457 !      Fix the direct total energy (non-zero only for charged systems)
1458        energies%e_paw=energies%e_paw-SUM(vpotzero(:))*dtset%cellcharge(1)
1459 !      Fix the double counting total energy accordingly (for both charged AND
1460 !      neutral systems)
1461        energies%e_pawdc=energies%e_pawdc-SUM(vpotzero(:))*zion+vpotzero(2)*dtset%cellcharge(1)
1462      end if
1464 !    PAW+U: impose density matrix if required
1465 !           not available if usepawu<0 (PAW+U without occupation matrix)
1466      if (dtset%usepawu>0.and.(ipositron/=1)) then
1467        impose_dmat=0
1468        if ((istep<=abs(dtset%usedmatpu)).and.(dtset%usedmatpu<0.or.initialized0==0)) impose_dmat=1
1469        if (impose_dmat==1.or.dtset%dmatudiag/=0) then
1470          dimdmat=0;if (impose_dmat==1) dimdmat=2*lpawumax+1
1471          call setnoccmmp(0,dimdmat,&
1472 &         dmatpawu(1:dimdmat,1:dimdmat,1:dtset%nsppol*dtset%nspinor,1:dtset%natpawu*impose_dmat),&
1473 &         dtset%dmatudiag,impose_dmat,indsym,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%natpawu,&
1474 &         dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,dtset%ntypat,paw_ij,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,&
1475 &         pawrhoij,pawtab,dtset%spinat,dtset%symafm,dtset%typat,0,dtset%usepawu,&
1476 &         comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1477 !        Reinitalize mixing if PAW+U and occupation matrix now allowed to change
1478 !        For experimental purpose...
1479          if ((dtset%userib==1234).and.(istep==abs(dtset%usedmatpu)).and. &
1480 &         (dtset%usedmatpu<0.or.initialized0==0)) reset_mixing=.true.
1481        end if
1482      end if
1484 !  Write out unperturbed occupancies to dtpawuj-dataset LMac
1485    if (dtset%usepawu/=0.and.dtset%macro_uj>0.and.istep==1.and.ipositron/=1) then
1486      call pawuj_red(istep, 0, dtfil, dtset,dtpawuj,fatvshift,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,&
1487      paw_ij,pawrad,pawtab,ndtpawuj,spaceComm, comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1488    end if
1491 !    Dij computation
1492      call timab(561,1,tsec)
1494      call pawdij(cplex,dtset%enunit,gprimd,ipert,my_natom,dtset%natom,nfftf,nfftotf,&
1495 &     dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgrtab,dtset%pawprtvol,&
1496 &     pawrad,pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,k0,dtset%spnorbscl,&
1497 &     ucvol_local,dtset%cellcharge(1),vtrial,vxc,xred,&
1498 &     natvshift=dtset%natvshift,atvshift=dtset%atvshift,fatvshift=fatvshift,&
1499 &     comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1500 &     mpi_comm_grid=spaceComm_grid,&
1501 &     hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr=hyb_mixing_sr,&
1502 &     electronpositron_calctype=ipositron,&
1503 &     electronpositron_pawrhoij=pawrhoij_ep,&
1504 &     electronpositron_lmselect=lmselect_ep,&
1505 &     nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom)
1507 !    Symetrize Dij
1508      call symdij(gprimd,indsym,ipert,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nsym,&
1509 &     psps%ntypat,0,paw_ij,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,pawtab,rprimd,dtset%symafm,symrec,&
1510 &     comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1511      if (has_dijhat==1) then
1512        call symdij(gprimd,indsym,ipert,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nsym,&
1513 &       psps%ntypat,1,paw_ij,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,pawtab,rprimd,dtset%symafm,symrec,&
1514 &       comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1515      end if
1516      if(dtset%usewvl==1) then
1517        call paw2wvl_ij(3,paw_ij,wvl%descr)
1518      end if
1520      call timab(561,2,tsec)
1521      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1522    end if
1524 !  Now that the perturbation has been applied, we harvest occupancies for the perturbed case: LMac
1525    if (dtset%usepawu/=0.and.dtset%macro_uj>0.and.istep>1.and.ipositron/=1) then
1526      call pawuj_red(istep, 1, dtfil, dtset,dtpawuj,fatvshift,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,&
1527      paw_ij,pawrad,pawtab,ndtpawuj,spaceComm,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1528    end if
1530    call timab(1449,2,tsec)
1532 !  No need to continue and call vtorho, when nstep==0
1533    if(nstep==0)exit
1535 !  ######################################################################
1536 !  The following steps are done only when nstep>0
1537 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1538    call timab(1450,1,tsec)
1540    if(dtset%iscf>=0)then
1541      write(msg, '(a,a,i4)' )ch10,' ITER STEP NUMBER  ',istep
1542      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1543    end if
1545 !  The next flag says whether the xred have to be changed in the current iteration
1546    moved_atm_inside=0
1547    ! /< Hack to remove iapp from scfcv_core
1548    ! for ionmov 4|5 ncycle=1
1549    ! Hence iapp = itime
1550    if ( dtset%jdtset /= scfcv_jdtset ) then
1551      ! new dtset -> reinitialize
1552      scfcv_jdtset = dtset%jdtset
1553      scfcv_itime = 0
1554    end if
1555    if ( istep==1 ) scfcv_itime = scfcv_itime + 1
1556    if(dtset%ionmov==4 .and. mod(scfcv_itime,2)/=1 .and. dtset%iscf>=0 ) moved_atm_inside=1
1557    if(dtset%ionmov==5 .and. scfcv_itime/=1 .and. istep==1 .and. dtset%iscf>=0) moved_atm_inside=1
1558    ! /< Hack to remove iapp from scfcv_core
1560 !  Thomas-Fermi scheme might use a different toldfe criterion
1561    if (dtset%tfkinfunc>0.and.dtset%tfkinfunc/=2) then
1562      tollist(4)=dtset%toldfe;if (.not.tfw_activated) tollist(4)=dtset%tfw_toldfe
1563    end if
1565 !  The next flag says whether the forces have to be computed in the current iteration
1566    computed_forces=0
1567    if ((dtset%optforces==1 .and. dtset%usewvl == 0).or.(moved_atm_inside==1)) computed_forces=1
1568    if (abs(tollist(3))>tiny(0._dp)) computed_forces=1
1569    if (dtset%iscf<0) computed_forces=0
1570    if ((istep==1).and.(dtset%optforces/=1)) then
1571      if (moved_atm_inside==1) then
1572        write(msg,'(5a)')&
1573 &       'Although the computation of forces during electronic iterations',ch10,&
1574 &       'was not required by user, it is done (required by the',ch10,&
1575 &       'choice of ionmov input parameter).'
1576        ABI_WARNING(msg)
1577      end if
1578      if (abs(tollist(3))+abs(tollist(7))>tiny(0._dp)) then
1579        write(msg,'(5a)')&
1580 &       'Although the computation of forces during electronic iterations',ch10,&
1581 &       'was not required by user, it is done (required by the',ch10,&
1582 &       '"toldff" or "tolrff" tolerance criteria).'
1583        ABI_WARNING(msg)
1584      end if
1585    end if
1586    if ((istep==1).and.(dtset%optforces==1).and. dtset%usewvl == 1) then
1587      write(msg,'(5a)')&
1588 &     'Although the computation of forces during electronic iterations',ch10,&
1589 &     'was required by user, it has been disable since the tolerence',ch10,&
1590 &     'is not on forces (force computation is expensive in wavelets).'
1591      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1592    end if
1594    call timab(1450,2,tsec)
1596 !  ######################################################################
1597 !  Compute the density rho from the trial potential
1598 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1599    call timab(1451,1,tsec)
1600 !  Compute the density from the trial potential
1601    if (dtset%tfkinfunc==0) then
1602      if(VERBOSE) call wrtout(std_out,'*. Compute the density from the trial potential (vtorho)')
1606      call vtorho(afford,atindx,atindx1,cg,compch_fft,cprj,cpus,dbl_nnsclo,&
1607 &     dielop,dielstrt,dmatpawu,dphase,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,&
1608 &     eigen,electronpositron,energies,etotal,gbound_diel,&
1609 &     gmet,gprimd,grnl,gsqcut,hdr,extfpmd,indsym,irrzon,irrzondiel,&
1610 &     istep,istep_mix,itimes,kg,kg_diel,kxc,lmax_diel,mcg,mcprj,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
1611 &     my_natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,nhat,nkxc,&
1612 &     npwarr,npwdiel,res2,psps%ntypat,nvresid,occ,&
1613 &     computed_forces,optres,paw_dmft,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,&
1614 &     pawrhoij,pawtab,phnons,phnonsdiel,ph1d,ph1ddiel,psps,fock,&
1615 &     pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,resid,residm,rhog,rhor,rmet,rprimd,&
1616 &     susmat,symrec,taug,taur,nvtauresid,ucvol_local,usecprj,wffnew,with_vectornd,&
1617 &     vectornd,vtrial,vxctau,wvl,xred,ylm,ylmgr,ylmdiel, rmm_diis_status)
1619      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1621    else if (dtset%tfkinfunc==1.or.dtset%tfkinfunc==11.or.dtset%tfkinfunc==12) then
1622      ! CP: occopt 9 not available with Thomas Fermi functionals
1624      call vtorhotf(dtset,energies%e_kinetic,energies%e_nlpsp_vfock,&
1625 &     energies%entropy,energies%e_fermie,gprimd,grnl,irrzon,mpi_enreg,&
1626 &     dtset%natom,nfftf,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,phnons,&
1627 &     rhog,rhor,rprimd,ucvol,vtrial)
1629      residm=zero
1630      energies%e_eigenvalues=zero
1631    end if
1633 !  Recursion method
1634    if(dtset%userec==1)then
1635      call vtorhorec(dtset,&
1636 &     energies%e_kinetic,energies%e_nlpsp_vfock,energies%entropy,energies%e_eigenvalues,&
1637 &     energies%e_fermie,grnl,initialized,irrzon,nfftf,phnons,&
1638 &     rhog,rhor,vtrial,rec_set,istep-nstep,rprimd,gprimd)
1639      residm=zero
1640    end if
1642    ! Update Fermi level in energies
1643    results_gs%fermie = energies%e_fermie
1645    if(dtset%wfoptalg==2)then
1646      do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
1647        shiftvector(1+(ikpt-1)*(dtset%mband+2))=val_min
1648        shiftvector(2+(ikpt-1)*(dtset%mband+2):ikpt*(dtset%mband+2)-1)=&
1649 &       eigen((ikpt-1)*dtset%mband+1:ikpt*dtset%mband)
1650        shiftvector(ikpt*(dtset%mband+2))=val_max
1651      end do
1652    end if
1654    call timab(1451,2,tsec)
1656 !  ######################################################################
1657 !  Skip out of step loop if non-SCF (completed)
1658 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1660 !  Indeed, nstep loops have been done inside vtorho
1661    if (dtset%iscf<0) exit
1663 !  ######################################################################
1664 !  In case of density mixing or wavelet handling, compute the total energy
1665 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1667    call timab(1452,1,tsec)
1668    if (dtset%iscf>=10 .or. wvlbigdft) then
1669      optene = 1  ! use double counting scheme (default)
1670      if (wvlbigdft.and.dtset%iscf==0) optene = 0 ! use direct scheme
1671      if (dtset%iscf==22) optene = -1
1673 !    Add the Fock contribution to E_xc and E_xcdc if required
1674      if (dtset%usefock==1) then
1675        energies%e_fockdc=two*energies%e_fock
1676      end if
1678 !    if the mixing is the ODA mixing, compute energy and new density here
1679      if (dtset%iscf==22) then
1680        call odamix(deltae,dtset,&
1681 &       elast,energies,etotal,gprimd,gsqcut,kxc,mpi_enreg,&
1682 &       my_natom,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nkxc,psps%ntypat,nvresid,n3xccc,optres,&
1683 &       paw_ij,paw_an,pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1684 &       red_ptot,psps,rhog,rhor,rprimd,strsxc,ucvol,psps%usepaw,&
1685 &       usexcnhat,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,xred,&
1686 &       taur=taur,vxctau=vxctau,add_tfw=tfw_activated)
1687      end if
1688 !    If the density mixing is required, compute the total energy here
1689 !    TODO: add nvtauresid if needed (for forces?)
1690      call etotfor(atindx1,deltae,diffor,dtefield,dtset,&
1691 &     elast,electronpositron,energies,&
1692 &     etotal,favg,fcart,fock,forold,gred,gmet,grchempottn,grcondft,gresid,grewtn,grhf,grnl,grvdw,&
1693 &     grxc,gsqcut,extfpmd,indsym,kxc,maxfor,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,my_natom,&
1694 &     nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,nkxc,psps%ntypat,nvresid,n1xccc,n3xccc,&
1695 &     optene,computed_forces,optres,pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1696 &     ph1df,red_ptot,psps,rhog,rhor,rmet,rprimd,symrec,synlgr,ucvol,&
1697 &     psps%usepaw,vhartr,vpsp,vxc,vxctau,wvl%descr,wvl%den,xccc3d,xred)
1698     !if (wvlbigdft) energies_copy(energies,energies_wvl) ! TO BE ACTIVATED LATER
1699    end if
1700    call timab(1452,2,tsec)
1702 !  ######################################################################
1703 !  In case of density mixing, check the exit criterion
1704 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1705    if (dtset%iscf>=10.or.(wvlbigdft.and.dtset%iscf>0)) then
1706 !    Check exit criteria
1707      call timab(1453,1,tsec)
1708      choice=2
1709      if(paw_dmft%use_dmft==1) then
1710        call prtene(dtset,energies,std_out,psps%usepaw)
1711      end if
1712      call scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,&
1713 &     eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,dtfil%fnameabo_app_eig,&
1714 &     dtfil%filnam_ds(1),initialized0,dtset%iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,dtset%kptns,&
1715 &     maxfor,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,nstep,&
1716 &     occ,optres,prtfor,prtxml,quit,res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,&
1717 &     psps%usepaw,vxcavg,dtset%wtk,xred,conv_retcode,&
1718 &     electronpositron=electronpositron,fock=fock)
1719      call timab(1453,2,tsec)
1721 !    Check if we need to exit the loop
1722      call timab(1454,1,tsec)
1723      if (dtset%tfkinfunc>10.and.(.not.tfw_activated).and.quit==1) then
1724        quit=0;tfw_activated=.true.;reset_mixing=.true.
1725      end if
1726      if(dtset%userec==1.and.rec_set%quitrec==2)quit=1
1727      if (istep==nstep) quit=1
1728      quit_sum=quit
1729      call xmpi_sum(quit_sum,spaceComm,ierr)
1730      if (quit_sum>0) quit=1
1731      call timab(1454,2,tsec)
1733 !    If criteria in scprqt say to quit, then exit the loop over istep.
1734      if (quit==1) exit
1735    end if
1738 !  ######################################################################
1739 !  Mix the total density (if required)
1740 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1741    call timab(1455,1,tsec)
1743    if (dtset%iscf>=10 .and.dtset%iscf/=22.and. .not. wvlbigdft ) then
1745 !    If LDA dielectric matrix is used for preconditionning, has to update here Kxc
1746      if (nkxc>0.and.modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=61.and.(dtset%iprcel<71.or.dtset%iprcel>79) &
1747 &     .and.((istep==1.or.istep==dielstrt).or.(dtset%iprcel>=100))) then
1748        optxc=10
1749        call xcdata_init(xcdata,dtset=dtset)
1750 !      to be adjusted for the call to rhotoxc
1751        nk3xc=1
1752        if(dtset%icoulomb==0 .and. dtset%usewvl==0) then
1753          non_magnetic_xc=(dtset%usepaw==1.and.mod(abs(dtset%usepawu),10)==4)
1754          call rhotoxc(edum,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfftf,&
1755 &         ngfftf,nhat,psps%usepaw,nhatgr,0,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,&
1756 &         optxc,rhor,rprimd,dummy2,0,vxc,vxcavg_dum,xccc3d,xcdata,&
1757 &         add_tfw=tfw_activated,taur=taur,vhartr=vhartr,vxctau=vxctau,xcctau3d=xcctau3d)
1758        else if(.not. wvlbigdft) then
1759 !        WVL case:
1760          call psolver_rhohxc(energies%e_hartree, energies%e_xc, evxc, &
1761 &         dtset%icoulomb, dtset%ixc, &
1762 &         mpi_enreg, nfftf, ngfftf,&
1763 &         nhat,psps%usepaw,&
1764 &         dtset%nscforder,dtset%nspden,n3xccc,rhor,rprimd, &
1765 &         usexcnhat,psps%usepaw,dtset%usewvl,vhartr, vxc, vxcavg,&
1766 &         wvl%descr,wvl%den,&
1767 &         wvl%e,xccc3d,dtset%xclevel,dtset%xc_denpos)
1768        end if
1769      end if
1772      call newrho(atindx,dbl_nnsclo,dielar,dielinv,dielstrt,dtn_pc,&
1773 &     dtset,etotal,fcart,pawfgr%fintocoa,&
1774 &     gmet,grhf,gsqcut,initialized,ispmix,istep_mix,kg_diel,kxc,&
1775 &     mgfftf,mix,pawfgr%coatofin,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,nfftf,&
1776 &     nfftmix,nfftmix_per_nfft,ngfftf,ngfftmix,nkxc,npawmix,npwdiel,nvresid,psps%ntypat,&
1777 &     n1xccc,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1df,psps,rhog,rhor,&
1778 &     rprimd,susmat,psps%usepaw,vtrial,wvl%descr,wvl%den,xred,&
1779 &     mix_mgga=mix_mgga,taug=taug,taur=taur,tauresid=nvtauresid)
1780      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1782    end if   ! iscf>=10
1784    call timab(1455,2,tsec)
1786 !  ######################################################################
1787 !  Additional computation in case of an electric field or electric displacement field
1788 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1790    call timab(1456,1,tsec)
1792    call update_e_field_vars(atindx,atindx1,cg,dimcprj,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,&
1793 &   efield_old_cart,gmet,gprimd,hdr,idir,kg,mcg,&
1794 &   dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,npwarr,&
1795 &   dtset%ntypat,pawrhoij,pawtab,pel_cg,pelev,pion,psps,ptot,ptot_cart,&
1796 &   pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,red_efield2,red_efield2_old,red_ptot,rmet,rprimd,&
1797 &   1,quit,istep,ucvol,unit_out,psps%usepaw,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1799    call timab(1456,2,tsec)
1801 !  ######################################################################
1802 !  Compute the new potential from the trial density
1803 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1805    call timab(1457,1,tsec)
1806    if(VERBOSE) call wrtout(std_out,'*. Compute the new potential from the trial density')
1808 !  Set XC computation flag
1809    optxc=1
1810    if (nkxc>0) then
1811 ! MJV 2017 May 25: you should not be able to get here with iscf < 0
1812      if (dtset%iscf<0) optxc=2
1813      if (modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=61.and.(dtset%iprcel<71.or.dtset%iprcel>79).and. &
1814 &     dtset%iscf<10.and. &
1815 &     (dtset%iprcel>=100.or.istep==1.or.istep==dielstrt)) optxc=2
1816      if (dtset%iscf>=10.and.dtset%densfor_pred/=0.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)/=5) optxc=2
1817      if (optxc==2.and.dtset%xclevel==2.and.nkxc==2*min(dtset%nspden,2)-1) optxc=12
1818    end if
1820    if (dtset%iscf/=22) then
1821 !    PAW: eventually recompute compensation density (and gradients)
1822      nhatgrdim=0
1823      if ( allocated(nhatgr) ) then
1824        ABI_FREE(nhatgr)
1825      end if
1826      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1827        ider=-1;if (dtset%iscf>=10.and.((dtset%xclevel==2.and.dtset%pawnhatxc>0).or.usexcnhat==0)) ider=0
1828        if (dtset%xclevel==2.and.dtset%pawnhatxc>0.and.usexcnhat>0) ider=ider+2
1829        if (ipositron==1) ider=-1
1830        if (ider>0) then
1831          nhatgrdim=1
1832          ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,3))
1833        else
1834          ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(0,0,0))
1835        end if
1836        if (ider>=0) then
1838          call timab(558,1,tsec)
1839          izero=0
1841          call pawmknhat(compch_fft,cplex,ider,idir,ipert,izero,gprimd,my_natom,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,&
1842 &         nhatgrdim,dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,pawang,pawfgrtab,nhatgr,nhat,&
1843 &         pawrhoij,pawrhoij,pawtab,k0,rprimd,ucvol_local,dtset%usewvl,xred,&
1844 &         comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1845 &         comm_fft=spaceComm_fft,paral_kgb=dtset%paral_kgb,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
1846 &         distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft,mpi_comm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl)
1848          call timab(558,2,tsec)
1849          ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1850        end if
1851      else
1852        ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(0,0,0))
1853      end if
1855 !    Compute new potential from the trial density
1856      optene=2*optres;if(psps%usepaw==1) optene=2
1858      call rhotov(constrained_dft,dtset,energies,gprimd,grcondft,gsqcut,intgres,istep,&
1859 &     kxc,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,nvresid,n3xccc,&
1860 &     optene,optres,optxc,pawang,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1861 &     rhog,rhor,rprimd,strscondft,strsxc,ucvol_local,psps%usepaw,usexcnhat,&
1862 &     vhartr,vnew_mean,vpsp,vres_mean,res2,vtrial,vxcavg,vxc,wvl,xccc3d,xred,&
1863 &     electronpositron=electronpositron,taur=taur,vxctau=vxctau,vtauresid=nvtauresid,&
1864 &     vxc_hybcomp=vxc_hybcomp,add_tfw=tfw_activated,xcctau3d=xcctau3d)
1865      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1867    end if
1869    call timab(1457,2,tsec)
1870    call timab(1452,1,tsec)
1872 !  This is inside the loop, its not equivalent to the line 1821
1873    if(moved_atm_inside==1) xred_old(:,:)=xred(:,:)
1875    if (dtset%iscf<10) then
1877      if(VERBOSE) call wrtout(std_out,'Check exit criteria in case of potential mixing')
1879 !    If the potential mixing is required, compute the total energy here
1880 !    PAW: has to compute here spherical terms
1881      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1882        nzlmopt=0;if (istep_mix==1.and.dtset%pawnzlm>0) nzlmopt=-1
1883        if (istep_mix>1) nzlmopt=dtset%pawnzlm
1884        call paw_an_reset_flags(paw_an) ! Force the recomputation of on-site potentials
1885        option=2
1887        call pawdenpot(compch_sph,energies%e_paw,energies%e_pawdc,ipert,&
1888 &       dtset%ixc,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nspden,&
1889 &       psps%ntypat,dtset%nucdipmom,nzlmopt,option,paw_an,paw_an,&
1890 &       paw_ij,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,pawrad,pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,&
1891 &       pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%spnorbscl,dtset%xclevel,dtset%xc_denpos,dtset%xc_taupos,ucvol,psps%znuclpsp,&
1892 &       hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr=hyb_mixing_sr,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1893 &       electronpositron=electronpositron)
1894        ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1895      end if
1897 !    Add the Fock contribution to E_xc and E_xcdc if required
1898      if (dtset%usefock==1) energies%e_fockdc=two*energies%e_fock
1901      if (.not.wvlbigdft) then
1902 ! TODO: add nvtauresid if needed (for forces?)
1903        call etotfor(atindx1,deltae,diffor,dtefield,dtset,&
1904 &       elast,electronpositron,energies,&
1905 &       etotal,favg,fcart,fock,forold,gred,gmet,grchempottn,grcondft,gresid,grewtn,grhf,grnl,grvdw,&
1906 &       grxc,gsqcut,extfpmd,indsym,kxc,maxfor,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,my_natom,&
1907 &       nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,nkxc,dtset%ntypat,nvresid,n1xccc, &
1908 &       n3xccc,0,computed_forces,optres,pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,&
1909 &       pawtab,ph1df,red_ptot,psps,rhog,rhor,rmet,rprimd,symrec,synlgr,ucvol,&
1910 &       psps%usepaw,vhartr,vpsp,vxc,vxctau,wvl%descr,wvl%den,xccc3d,xred)
1911      end if
1912      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1914    end if
1915    call timab(1452,2,tsec)
1917 !  ######################################################################
1918 !  Check exit criteria in case of potential mixing or direct minimization
1919 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1920    if ((dtset%iscf<10.and.(.not.wvlbigdft)) .or. dtset%iscf == 0) then
1921 !    Check exit criteria
1922      call timab(1453,1,tsec)
1923      choice=2
1925      call scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,&
1926 &     eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,dtfil%fnameabo_app_eig,&
1927 &     dtfil%filnam_ds(1),initialized0,dtset%iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,dtset%kptns,&
1928 &     maxfor,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,nstep,&
1929 &     occ,optres,prtfor,prtxml,quit,res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,&
1930 &     psps%usepaw,vxcavg,dtset%wtk,xred,conv_retcode,&
1931 &     electronpositron=electronpositron,fock=fock)
1932      ABI_NVTX_END_RANGE()
1933      call timab(1453,2,tsec)
1935 !    Check if we need to exit the loop
1936      call timab(1454,1,tsec)
1937      if (dtset%tfkinfunc>10.and.(.not.tfw_activated).and.quit==1) then
1938        quit=0;tfw_activated=.true.;reset_mixing=.true.
1939      end if
1940      if (istep==nstep.and.psps%usepaw==1) quit=1
1941      if(dtset%userec==1 .and. rec_set%quitrec==2) quit=1
1942      quit_sum=quit
1943      call xmpi_sum(quit_sum,spaceComm,ierr)
1944      if (quit_sum > 0) quit=1
1946 !    If criteria in scprqt say to quit, then exit the loop over istep.
1947      if (quit==1) then
1948        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
1949          vtrial(:,ispden)=vtrial(:,ispden)+nvresid(:,ispden)+vres_mean(ispden)
1950        end do
1951        !if (dtset%usekden==1) then
1952        !  do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
1953        !    vxctau(:,ispden,1)=vxctau(:,ispden,1)+nvtauresid(:,ispden)
1954        !  end do
1955        !end if
1956        call timab(1454,2,tsec) ! Due to the exit instruction, two timab calls are needed
1957        exit ! exit the loop over istep
1958      end if
1959      call timab(1454,2,tsec) ! Due to the exit instruction, two timab calls are needed
1960    end if
1962 !  ######################################################################
1963 !  Mix the potential (if required) - Check exit criteria
1964 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1966    call timab(1458,1,tsec)
1967    if (dtset%iscf<10 .and. dtset%iscf>0 .and. .not. wvlbigdft) then
1969      if(VERBOSE) call wrtout(std_out,'*. Mix the potential (if required) - Check exit criteria')
1971 !    Precondition the residual and forces, then determine the new vtrial
1972 !    (Warning: the (H)xc potential may have been subtracted from vtrial)
1974      call newvtr(atindx,dbl_nnsclo,dielar,dielinv,dielstrt,&
1975 &     dtn_pc,dtset,etotal,fcart,pawfgr%fintocoa,&
1976 &     gmet,grhf,gsqcut,initialized,ispmix,&
1977 &     istep_mix,kg_diel,kxc,mgfftf,mix,pawfgr%coatofin,&
1978 &     moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,nfftf,nfftmix,&
1979 &     ngfftf,ngfftmix,nkxc,npawmix,npwdiel,&
1980 &     nstep,psps%ntypat,n1xccc,&
1981 &     pawrhoij,ph1df,psps,rhor,rprimd,susmat,psps%usepaw,&
1982 &     vhartr,vnew_mean,vpsp,nvresid,vres_mean,vtrial,vxc,xred,&
1983 &     nfftf,pawtab,rhog,wvl,&
1984 &     mix_mgga=mix_mgga,vtau=vxctau,vtauresid=nvtauresid)
1986    end if   ! iscf<10
1988 !  ######################################################################
1990 !  ######################################################################
1992    if(VERBOSE) call wrtout(std_out,'*. END MINIMIZATION ITERATIONS')
1994 !  The initialisation of the gstate run should be done when this point is reached
1995    initialized=1
1997 !  This is to save the density for restart.
1998    if (iwrite_fftdatar(mpi_enreg)) then
2000      if(dtset%prtden<0.or.dtset%prtkden<0) then
2001 !      Update the content of the header (evolving variables)
2002 !      Don't use parallelism over atoms because only me=0 accesses here
2003        bantot=hdr%bantot
2004        if (dtset%positron==0) then
2005          call hdr%update(bantot,etotal,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,residm,&
2006 &         rprimd,occ,pawrhoij,xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1))
2007        else
2008          call hdr%update(bantot,electronpositron%e0,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,residm,&
2009 &         rprimd,occ,pawrhoij,xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1))
2010        end if
2011      end if
2013      if (dtset%prtden<0) then
2014        if (mod(istep-1,abs(dtset%prtden))==0) then
2015          isave_den=isave_den+1
2016          rdwrpaw=0
2017          call int2char4(mod(isave_den,2),tag)
2018          ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
2019          fildata=trim(dtfil%fnametmp_app_den)//'_'//trim(tag)
2020          if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) fildata = nctk_ncify(fildata)
2021          call fftdatar_write_from_hdr("density",fildata,dtset%iomode,hdr,ngfftf,cplex1,nfftf,&
2022 &         dtset%nspden,rhor,mpi_enreg,eigen=eigen)
2023        end if
2024      end if
2026      if (dtset%prtkden<0) then
2027        if (mod(istep-1,abs(dtset%prtkden))==0) then
2028          isave_kden=isave_kden+1
2029          rdwrpaw=0
2030          call int2char4(mod(isave_kden,2),tag)
2031          ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
2032          fildata=trim(dtfil%fnametmp_app_kden)//'_'//trim(tag)
2033          if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) fildata = nctk_ncify(fildata)
2034          ! output the Laplacian of density
2035          call fftdatar_write_from_hdr("kinedr",fildata,dtset%iomode,hdr,ngfftf,cplex1,nfftf,&
2036 &         dtset%nspden,taur,mpi_enreg,eigen=eigen)
2037        end if
2038      end if
2040    end if
2042    ABI_FREE(nhatgr)
2044    istep_mix=istep_mix+1
2045    if (reset_mixing) then
2046      istep_mix=1;reset_mixing=.false.
2047    end if
2048    if (ipositron/=0) electronpositron%istep_scf=electronpositron%istep_scf+1
2050    call timab(1458,2,tsec)
2051  end do ! istep
2054  ABI_FREE(rmm_diis_status)
2055  ABI_SFREE(nhatgr)
2057  ! Avoid pending requests if itime == ntime.
2058  call xmpi_wait(quitsum_request,ierr)
2059  if (timelimit_exit == 1) istep = istep - 1
2061  call timab(1459,1,tsec)
2063  if (dtset%iscf > 0) then
2064    call ab7_mixing_deallocate(mix)
2065    if (dtset%usekden/=0) call ab7_mixing_deallocate(mix_mgga)
2066  end if
2068  if (dtset%usefock==1)then
2069    if(wfmixalg/=0) call scf_history_free(scf_history_wf)
2070  end if
2072  if (quit==1.and.nstep==1) initialized=1
2074 !######################################################################
2075 !Case nstep==0: compute energy based on incoming wf
2076 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2078  if(nstep==0) then
2079    optene=2*psps%usepaw+optres
2080    energies%entropy=results_gs%energies%entropy  !MT20070219: entropy is not recomputed in routine energy
2081    if (.not.allocated(nhatgr) ) then
2082      ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(0,0,0))
2083    end if
2085    call energy(cg,compch_fft,constrained_dft,dtset,electronpositron,&
2086 &   energies,eigen,etotal,gsqcut,extfpmd,indsym,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,my_natom,&
2087 &   nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,npwarr,n3xccc,&
2088 &   occ,optene,paw_dmft,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
2089 &   phnons,ph1d,psps,resid,rhog,rhor,rprimd,strsxc,symrec,taug,taur,usexcnhat,&
2090 &   vhartr,vtrial,vpsp,vxc,wvl%wfs,wvl%descr,wvl%den,wvl%e,xccc3d,xred,ylm,&
2091 &   add_tfw=tfw_activated,vxctau=vxctau)
2093    if (nhatgrdim>0)  then
2094      ABI_FREE(nhatgr)
2095    end if
2097  end if ! nstep==0
2099 !######################################################################
2100 !Additional steps after SC iterations, including force, stress, polarization calculation
2101 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2103  if (dtset%userec==1) then
2104    call prtene(dtset,energies,ab_out,psps%usepaw)
2105    call prtene(dtset,energies,std_out,psps%usepaw)
2106  end if
2108 !if (wvlbigdft) call energies_copy(energies_wvl,energies) ! TO BE ACTIVATED LATER
2110 !PAW: if cprj=<p_lmn|Cnk> are in memory,
2111 !need to reorder them (from atom-sorted to unsorted)
2112  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.usecprj==1) then
2113    iorder_cprj=1
2114    call pawcprj_reorder(cprj,atindx1)
2115    if (dtset%positron/=0) then
2116      if (electronpositron%dimcprj>0) then
2117        call pawcprj_reorder(electronpositron%cprj_ep,atindx1)
2118      end if
2119    end if
2120    if (dtset%usewvl==1) then
2121      call wvl_cprjreorder(wvl%descr,atindx1)
2122    end if
2123  end if
2125 !PAW: if cprj=<p_lmn|Cnk> are not in memory,need to compute them in some cases
2126  recompute_cprj = psps%usepaw ==1 .and. usecprj==0 .and. &
2127 & (dtset%prtwant  ==2 .or. &
2128 & dtset%prtwant  ==3  .or. &
2129 & dtset%prtnabla > 0  .or. &
2130 & dtset%prtdos   ==3  .or. &
2131 & dtset%berryopt /=0  .or. &
2132 & dtset%kssform  ==3  .or. &
2133 & dtset%pawfatbnd> 0  .or. &
2134 & dtset%pawprtwf > 0  .or. &
2135 & dtset%plowan_compute > 0 .or. &
2136 & dtset%userid .EQ. 1 )
2138  if(ANY(ABS(dtset%nucdipmom)>tol8)) recompute_cprj=.TRUE.
2139  if(dtset%berryopt == -2 .AND. dtset%orbmag /= 0) recompute_cprj=.TRUE.
2141  if (recompute_cprj) then
2142    usecprj=1
2143    mband_cprj=dtset%mband/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
2144    mcprj=my_nspinor*mband_cprj*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol
2145    ABI_MALLOC(cprj_local,(dtset%natom,mcprj))
2146    ncpgr = 0 ; ctocprj_choice = 1
2147    if (finite_efield_flag) then
2148      if (forces_needed /= 0 .and. stress_needed == 0) then
2149        ncpgr = 3 ; ctocprj_choice = 2
2150      else if (forces_needed /= 0 .and. stress_needed /= 0) then
2151        ncpgr = 9 ; ctocprj_choice = 23
2152      else if (forces_needed == 0 .and. stress_needed /= 0) then
2153        ncpgr = 6 ; ctocprj_choice = 3
2154      end if
2155    end if
2156    if (dtset%berryopt == -2 .AND. dtset%orbmag /= 0) then
2157      ncpgr=3; ctocprj_choice=5
2158    end if
2159    call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_local,ncpgr,dimcprj)
2160    cprj=> cprj_local
2161    iatom=0 ; iorder_cprj=1 ! cprj are not ordered
2162    call ctocprj(atindx,cg,ctocprj_choice,cprj_local,gmet,gprimd,&
2163 &   iatom,idir,iorder_cprj,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%kptns,&
2164 &   mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,&
2165 &   dtset%mpw,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%nband,dtset%natom,ngfft,&
2166 &   dtset%nkpt,dtset%nloalg,npwarr,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,&
2167 &   dtset%nsppol,dtset%ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,rmet,&
2168 &   dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpaw,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
2169  end if
2171 ! MRM print final Hartree energy components
2172  enonlocalpsp=energies%e_nlpsp_vfock-2.0d0*energies%e_fock0
2173  esum=energies%e_kinetic+energies%e_ewald+energies%e_corepsp+energies%e_hartree+energies%e_xc&
2174  &+energies%e_localpsp+enonlocalpsp+energies%e_fock0&
2175  &+energies%e_hybcomp_E0+energies%e_hybcomp_v0+energies%e_hybcomp_v+energies%e_vdw_dftd&
2176  &+energies%e_elecfield+energies%e_magfield
2178  if (me == 0) then
2179    write(std_out,'(a1)')' '
2180    write(std_out,'(a98)')'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
2181    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Ekinetic   = : ',energies%e_kinetic    ,' Ha ,',energies%e_kinetic*Ha_eV    ,' eV'
2182    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Evext_l    = : ',energies%e_localpsp   ,' Ha ,',energies%e_localpsp*Ha_eV   ,' eV'
2183    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Evext_nl   = : ',enonlocalpsp          ,' Ha ,',enonlocalpsp*Ha_eV          ,' eV'
2184    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Epsp_core  = : ',energies%e_corepsp    ,' Ha ,',energies%e_corepsp*Ha_eV      ,' eV'
2185    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Ehartree   = : ',energies%e_hartree    ,' Ha ,',energies%e_hartree*Ha_eV    ,' eV'
2186    if(dtset%usefock==1) then
2187      write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Efock      = : ',energies%e_fock0      ,' Ha ,',energies%e_fock0*Ha_eV      ,' eV'
2188    endif
2189    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Exc_ks     = : ',energies%e_xc         ,' Ha ,',energies%e_xc*Ha_eV         ,' eV'
2190    if(abs(energies%e_vdw_dftd)>1.0d-6) then
2191      write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' EvdW-D     = : ',energies%e_vdw_dftd   ,' Ha ,',energies%e_vdw_dftd*Ha_eV   ,' eV'
2192    endif
2193    if(abs(energies%e_elecfield)>1.0d-6) then
2194      write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Eefield    = : ',energies%e_elecfield  ,' Ha ,',energies%e_elecfield*Ha_eV  ,' eV'
2195    endif
2196    if(abs(energies%e_magfield)>1.0d-6) then
2197      write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Emfield    = : ',energies%e_magfield   ,' Ha ,',energies%e_magfield*Ha_eV   ,' eV'
2198    endif
2199    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Enn        = : ',energies%e_ewald      ,' Ha ,',energies%e_ewald*Ha_eV      ,' eV'
2200    write(std_out,'(a98)')'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
2201    write(std_out,'(a,2(es16.6,a))')' Etot       = : ',esum                  ,' Ha ,',esum*Ha_eV                  ,' eV'
2202    write(std_out,'(a98)')'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
2203  end if ! end MRM printing energy components
2205  call timab(1459,2,tsec)
2206  call timab(1460,1,tsec)
2210  call afterscfloop(atindx,atindx1,cg,computed_forces,cprj,cpus,&
2211 & deltae,diffor,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,eigen,electronpositron,elfr,&
2212 & energies,etotal,favg,fcart,fock,forold,grchempottn,grcondft,&
2213 & gred,gresid,grewtn,grhf,grhor,grvdw,&
2214 & grxc,gsqcut,hdr,extfpmd,indsym,intgres,irrzon,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,&
2215 & kg,kxc,lrhor,maxfor,mcg,mcprj,mgfftf,&
2216 & moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,my_natom,n3xccc,nattyp,nfftf,ngfft,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,&
2217 & nkxc,npwarr,nvresid,occ,optres,paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,&
2218 & pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,pel,pel_cg,ph1d,ph1df,phnons,pion,prtfor,&
2219 & prtxml,psps,pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,res2,resid,residm,results_gs,&
2220 & rhog,rhor,rprimd,stress_needed,strscondft,strsxc,strten,symrec,synlgr,taug,&
2221 & taur,tollist,usecprj,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,vxctau,vxcavg,wvl,&
2222 & xccc3d,xcctau3d,xred,ylm,ylmgr,dtset%cellcharge(1)*SUM(vpotzero(:)),conv_retcode)
2224 !Before leaving the present routine, save the current value of xred.
2225  xred_old(:,:)=xred(:,:)
2227  call timab(1460,2,tsec)
2229 !######################################################################
2230 !All calculations in scfcv_core are finished. Printing section
2231 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2233  call timab(1461,1,tsec)
2235  call outscfcv(atindx1,cg,compch_fft,compch_sph,cprj,dimcprj,dmatpawu,dtfil,&
2236 & dtset,ecut,eigen,electronpositron,elfr,etotal,&
2237 & gmet,gprimd,grhor,hdr,intgres,kg,lrhor,dtset%mband,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,&
2238 & dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,&
2239 & nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,dtset%nkpt,npwarr,dtset%nspden,&
2240 & dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,psps%ntypat,n3xccc,occ,paw_dmft,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,&
2241 & pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,paw_an,paw_ij,dtset%prtvol,psps,results_gs,&
2242 & rhor,rprimd,taur,ucvol,usecprj,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,wvl%den,xccc3d,xred)
2244  call timab(1461,2,tsec)
2245  call timab(1462,1,tsec)
2247 !Transfer eigenvalues and occupation computed by BigDFT in afterscfloop to eigen.
2248 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
2249  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
2250    if (dtset%nsppol == 1) then
2251      eigen = wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%eval
2252      occ = wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%occup
2253    else
2254      eigen(1:wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbu) = wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%eval(1:wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbu)
2255      eigen(dtset%mband + 1:dtset%mband + wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbd) = &
2256 &     wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%eval(wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbu + 1:wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norb)
2257      occ(1:wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbu) = wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%occup(1:wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbu)
2258      occ(dtset%mband + 1:dtset%mband + wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbd) = &
2259 &     wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%occup(wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norbu + 1:wvl%wfs%ks%orbs%norb)
2260    end if
2261  end if
2262 #endif
2263 !need to reorder cprj (from unsorted to atom-sorted)
2264  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.usecprj==1) then
2265    iorder_cprj=0
2266    call pawcprj_reorder(cprj,atindx)
2267    if (dtset%positron/=0) then
2268      if (electronpositron%dimcprj>0) then
2269        call pawcprj_reorder(electronpositron%cprj_ep,atindx)
2270      end if
2271    end if
2272  end if
2273 !######################################################################
2274 !Deallocate memory and save results
2275 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2277  call prc_mem_free()
2279  ABI_FREE(fcart)
2280  ABI_FREE(gred)
2281  ABI_FREE(forold)
2282  ABI_FREE(grchempottn)
2283  ABI_FREE(grcondft)
2284  ABI_FREE(gresid)
2285  ABI_FREE(grewtn)
2286  ABI_FREE(grnl)
2287  ABI_FREE(grvdw)
2288  ABI_FREE(grxc)
2289  ABI_FREE(intgres)
2290  ABI_FREE(synlgr)
2291  ABI_FREE(ph1d)
2292  ABI_FREE(ph1df)
2293  ABI_FREE(vhartr)
2294  ABI_FREE(vtrial)
2295  ABI_FREE(vpsp)
2296  ABI_FREE(vxc)
2297  ABI_FREE(vxc_hybcomp)
2298  ABI_FREE(vxctau)
2299  ABI_FREE(xccc3d)
2300  ABI_FREE(kxc)
2301  ABI_FREE(shiftvector)
2302  ABI_FREE(dtn_pc)
2303  ABI_FREE(grhf)
2304  ABI_FREE(nvresid)
2305  ABI_FREE(nvtauresid)
2307  if(allocated(vectornd)) then
2308     ABI_FREE(vectornd)
2309  end if
2311  if((nstep>0.and.dtset%iscf>0).or.dtset%iscf==-1) then
2312    ABI_FREE(dielinv)
2313  end if
2314  ABI_FREE(gbound_diel)
2315  ABI_FREE(irrzondiel)
2316  ABI_FREE(kg_diel)
2317  ABI_FREE(phnonsdiel)
2318  ABI_FREE(susmat)
2319  ABI_FREE(ph1ddiel)
2320  ABI_FREE(ylmdiel)
2322  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2323    if (dtset%iscf>0) then
2324      do iatom=1,my_natom
2325        pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz=0
2326        pawrhoij(iatom)%use_rhoijres=0
2327        ABI_FREE(pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix)
2328        ABI_FREE(pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres)
2329      end do
2330    end if
2331 !   if (recompute_cprj.or.usecprj==1) then
2332    if (recompute_cprj) then
2333      usecprj=0;mcprj=0
2334      call pawcprj_free(cprj)
2335      ABI_FREE(cprj_local)
2336    end if
2337    call paw_an_free(paw_an)
2338    call paw_ij_free(paw_ij)
2339    call pawfgrtab_free(pawfgrtab)
2340    if(dtset%usewvl==1) then
2341 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
2342      call cprj_clean(wvl%descr%paw%cprj)
2343      ABI_FREE(wvl%descr%paw%cprj)
2344 #endif
2345      call paw2wvl_ij(2,paw_ij,wvl%descr)
2346    end if
2347  end if
2348  ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab)
2349  ABI_FREE(paw_an)
2350  ABI_FREE(paw_ij)
2351  ABI_FREE(nhat)
2352  ABI_FREE(xcctau3d)
2353  ABI_FREE(dimcprj_srt)
2354  ABI_FREE(dimcprj)
2357  ! Deallocate exact exchange data at the end of the calculation
2358  if (dtset%usefock==1) then
2359    if (fock%fock_common%use_ACE/=0) call fock_ACE_destroy(fock%fockACE)
2360    call fock_common_destroy(fock%fock_common)
2361    call fock_BZ_destroy(fock%fock_BZ)
2362    call fock_destroy(fock)
2363    nullify(fock)
2364  end if
2366  if (prtxml == 1) then
2367 !  We output the final result given in results_gs
2368    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '      <finalConditions>'
2369    call out_resultsgs_XML(dtset, 4, results_gs, psps%usepaw)
2370    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '      </finalConditions>'
2371    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '    </scfcvLoop>'
2372  end if
2374 !Free the datastructure constrained_dft
2375  call constrained_dft_free(constrained_dft)
2377  call timab(1462,2,tsec)
2378  call timab(1440,2,tsec)
2380  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2382 end subroutine scfcv_core

ABINIT/wf_mixing [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Mixing of wavefunctions in the outer loop of a double loop SCF approach.
 Different algorithms are implemented, depending on the value of wfmixalg.


  atindx1(dtset%natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
  istep=number of call the routine (usually the outer loop in the SCF double loop)
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of cprj array
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nattyp(dtset%ntypat)=number of atoms of each type in cell.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  pawtab(dtset%ntypat*dtset%usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data


  cg(2,mcg)= plane wave wavefunction coefficient
                          Value from previous SCF cycle is input and stored in some form
                          Extrapolated value is output
  cprj(natom,mcprj) <type(pawcprj_type)>= projected input wave functions <Proj_i|Cnk> with NL projectors
                          Value from previous SCF cycle is input and stored in some form
                          Extrapolated value is output
  scf_history_wf <type(scf_history_type)>=arrays obtained from previous SCF cycles


2857 subroutine wf_mixing(atindx1,cg,cprj,dtset,istep,mcg,mcprj,mpi_enreg,&
2858 & nattyp,npwarr,pawtab,scf_history_wf)
2860  use m_cgcprj,  only : dotprod_set_cgcprj, dotprodm_sumdiag_cgcprj, lincom_cgcprj, cgcprj_cholesky
2862 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2863 !scalars
2864  integer,intent(in) :: istep,mcg,mcprj
2865  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2866  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
2867  type(scf_history_type),intent(inout) :: scf_history_wf
2868 !arrays
2869  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(dtset%natom),nattyp(dtset%ntypat)
2870  integer,intent(in) :: npwarr(dtset%nkpt)
2871  real(dp), intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg)
2872  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj(dtset%natom,mcprj)
2873  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
2875 !Local variables-------------------------------
2876 !scalars
2877  integer :: hermitian
2878  integer :: ibdmix,ibdsp,ibg,ibg_hist,icg,icg_hist
2879  integer :: ierr,ikpt,indh,ind_biorthog,ind_biorthog_eff,ind_newwf,ind_residual,inplace
2880  integer :: iorder,iset2,isppol,istep_cycle,istep_new,istwf_k,kk,me_distrb,my_nspinor
2881  integer :: nband_k,nbdmix,npw_k,nset1,nset2,ntypat
2882  integer :: shift_set1,shift_set2,spaceComm_band,spare_mem,usepaw,wfmixalg
2883  real(dp) :: alpha,beta
2884  complex(dpc) :: sum_coeffs
2885 !arrays
2886  integer,allocatable :: ipiv(:),dimcprj(:)
2887  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
2888  real(dp),allocatable :: al(:,:),mmn(:,:,:)
2889  real(dp),allocatable :: dotprod_res(:,:,:),dotprod_res_k(:,:,:),res_mn(:,:,:),smn(:,:,:)
2890  complex(dpc),allocatable :: coeffs(:)
2891  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k(:,:),cprj_kh(:,:)
2893 ! *************************************************************************
2895 !DEBUG
2896 !write(std_out,*)
2897 !write(std_out,*)' wf_mixing : enter, istep= ',istep
2898 !call flush(std_out)
2899 !write(std_out,*)' istep,scf_history_wf%alpha=',istep,scf_history_wf%alpha
2900 !write(std_out,*)' cg(1,1)=',cg(1,1)
2901 !write(std_out,*)' scf_history_wf%cg(1,1,1:5)=',scf_history_wf%cg(1,1,1:5)
2902 !ABI_MALLOC(cg_ref,(2,mcg))
2903 !cg_ref(:,:)=cg(:,:)
2904 !ABI_MALLOC(cprj_ref,(dtset%natom,mcprj))
2905 !cprj_ref(:,:)=cprj(:,:)
2906 !      write(std_out,*)' scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(:,2,2)=',&
2907 !&       scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(:,2,2)
2908 !       call flush(std_out)
2911  if (istep==0) return
2913  ntypat=dtset%ntypat
2914  usepaw=dtset%usepaw
2915  wfmixalg=scf_history_wf%wfmixalg
2916  nbdmix=dtset%nbandhf
2917  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
2918  me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
2919  spaceComm_band=xmpi_comm_self
2921  spare_mem=0
2922  if(scf_history_wf%history_size==wfmixalg-1)spare_mem=1
2924 !scf_history_wf%alpha contains dtset%wfmix
2925  alpha=scf_history_wf%alpha
2926  beta=one-scf_history_wf%alpha
2927  icg=0
2928  icg_hist=0
2929  ibg=0
2930  ibg_hist=0
2932 !Useful array
2933  ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj,(dtset%natom))
2934  if (usepaw==1) then
2935    iorder=0 ! There is no change of ordering in the mixing of wavefunctions
2936    call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj,dtset%natom,nattyp,ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
2937  end if
2939  if(istep==1)then
2940    do indh=1,scf_history_wf%history_size
2941      call pawcprj_alloc(scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,indh),0,dimcprj)
2942    end do
2943  end if
2945  ABI_MALLOC(cprj_k,(dtset%natom,my_nspinor*nbdmix))
2946  ABI_MALLOC(cprj_kh,(dtset%natom,my_nspinor*nbdmix))
2947  if(usepaw==1) then
2948    call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_k,0,dimcprj)
2949    call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_kh,0,dimcprj)
2950  end if
2951  ABI_MALLOC(smn,(2,nbdmix,nbdmix))
2952  ABI_MALLOC(mmn,(2,nbdmix,nbdmix))
2954  if(wfmixalg>2)then
2955    nset1=1
2956    nset2=min(istep-1,wfmixalg-1)
2957    ABI_MALLOC(dotprod_res_k,(2,1,nset2))
2958    ABI_MALLOC(dotprod_res,(2,1,nset2))
2959    ABI_MALLOC(res_mn,(2,wfmixalg-1,wfmixalg-1))
2960    dotprod_res=zero
2961    if(istep==1)then
2962      scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij=zero
2963    end if
2964  end if
2966 !Explanation for the index for the wavefunction stored in scf_history_wf
2967 !The reference is the cg+cprj output after the wf optimization at istep 1.
2968 !It comes as input to the present routine as cgcprj input at step 2, and is usually found at indh=1.
2970 !In the simple mixing case (wfmixalg==2), the reference is never stored, because it is used "on-the-fly" to biothogonalize the
2971 !previous input (that was stored in indh=1), then generate the next input, which is stored again in indh=1
2973 !When the storage is not spared:
2974 !- the values of indh from 2 to wfmixalg store the (computed here) biorthogonalized input cgcprj, then the residual
2975 !- the values of indh from wfmixalg+1 to 2*wfmixalg-1 store the biorthogonalized output cgcprj (coming as argument)
2977 !First step
2978  if (istep==1 .or. (wfmixalg==2 .and. abs(scf_history_wf%alpha-one)<tol8) ) then
2980    indh=2   ! This input wavefunction is NOT the reference
2981    if(wfmixalg==2)indh=1 ! But this does not matter in the simple mixing case that has history_size=1
2983 !  Simply store the wavefunctions and cprj. However, nband_k might be different from nbandhf...
2985    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
2987 !    BIG FAT k POINT LOOP
2988      do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
2990 !      Select k point to be treated by this proc
2991        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt)
2992        if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_distrb)) cycle
2994        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
2996        scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,indh)=cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix)
2997        if(usepaw==1) then
2998 !        scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibg_hist+1:ibg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix,1)=cprj(:,ibg+1:ibg+my_nspinor*nbdmix)
2999          call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_k,cprj,dtset%natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder,isppol,dtset%mband,&
3000 &         dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nband_k,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3001 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3002          call pawcprj_put(atindx1,cprj_k,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,indh),dtset%natom,1,ibg_hist,ikpt,iorder,isppol,&
3003 &         nbdmix,dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,dimcprj,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3004 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,mpi_comm_band=spaceComm_band,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3005        end if
3007 !      Update the counters
3008        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_k
3009        ibg_hist=ibg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix
3010        icg=icg+my_nspinor*nband_k*npw_k
3011        icg_hist=icg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix*npw_k
3013      end do
3014    end do
3016  else
3017 !  From istep==2
3019 !  First part of the computation : biorthogonalization, and computation of the residual (possibly, prediction of the next input in the case of simple mixing)
3020 !  Index for the wavefunctions stored in scf_history_wf whose scalar products with the argument cgcprj will have to be computed.
3021    indh=1   ! This input wavefunction is the reference
3022    if(wfmixalg/=2 .and. istep==2)indh=2 ! except for istep=2 in the rmm-diis
3024    if(wfmixalg>2)then
3025 !    istep inside the cycle defined by wfmixalg, and next index. Then, indices of the wavefunction sets.
3026      istep_cycle=mod((istep-2),wfmixalg-1)
3027      istep_new=mod((istep-1),wfmixalg-1)
3028      ind_biorthog=1+wfmixalg+istep_cycle
3029      ind_residual=2+istep_cycle
3030      ind_newwf=2+istep_new
3031      shift_set1=ind_residual-1
3032      shift_set2=1
3033    end if
3036    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
3038 !    BIG FAT k POINT LOOP
3039      do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
3041 !      Select k point to be treated by this proc
3042        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt)
3043        if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_distrb)) cycle
3045        istwf_k=dtset%istwfk(ikpt)
3046        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
3048 !      Biorthogonalization
3050        if(usepaw==1) then
3051          call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_k,cprj,dtset%natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder,isppol,dtset%mband,&
3052 &         dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nband_k,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3053 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3054          call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_kh,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,indh),dtset%natom,1,ibg_hist,ikpt,iorder,isppol,&
3055 &         nbdmix,dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3056 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3057        end if  !end usepaw=1
3059        hermitian=0
3060        if(wfmixalg==2 .or. istep==2)then
3061          call dotprod_set_cgcprj(atindx1,cg,scf_history_wf%cg(:,:,indh),cprj_k,cprj_kh,dimcprj,hermitian,&
3062 &         0,0,icg,icg_hist,ikpt,isppol,istwf_k,nbdmix,mcg,mcg,mcprj,mcprj,dtset%mkmem,&
3063 &         mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nbdmix,nbdmix,npw_k,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,pawtab,smn,usepaw)
3064        else
3065          call dotprod_set_cgcprj(atindx1,scf_history_wf%cg(:,:,indh),cg,cprj_kh,cprj_k,dimcprj,hermitian,&
3066 &         0,0,icg_hist,icg,ikpt,isppol,istwf_k,nbdmix,mcg,mcg,mcprj,mcprj,dtset%mkmem,&
3067 &         mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nbdmix,nbdmix,npw_k,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,pawtab,smn,usepaw)
3068        end if
3070 !      Invert S matrix, that is NOT hermitian.
3071 !      Calculate M=S^-1
3072        mmn=zero
3073        do kk=1,nbdmix
3074          mmn(1,kk,kk)=one
3075        end do
3077        ABI_MALLOC(ipiv,(nbdmix))
3078 !      The smn is destroyed by the following inverse call
3079        call zgesv(nbdmix,nbdmix,smn,nbdmix,ipiv,mmn,nbdmix,ierr)
3080        ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, sjoin('zgesv general inversion routine returned ierr:', itoa(ierr)))
3081        ABI_FREE(ipiv)
3083 !      The M matrix is used to compute the biorthogonalized set of wavefunctions, and to store it at the proper place
3084        if(wfmixalg==2 .or. istep==2)then
3085          inplace=1
3086          call lincom_cgcprj(mmn,scf_history_wf%cg(:,:,indh),cprj_kh,dimcprj,&
3087 &         icg_hist,inplace,mcg,my_nspinor*nbdmix,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,npw_k,my_nspinor,usepaw)
3088        else
3089          inplace=0
3090          call lincom_cgcprj(mmn,cg,cprj_k,dimcprj,&
3091 &         icg,inplace,mcg,my_nspinor*nbdmix,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,npw_k,my_nspinor,usepaw,&
3092 &         cgout=scf_history_wf%cg(:,:,ind_biorthog),cprjout=scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,ind_biorthog),icgout=icg_hist)
3093        end if
3095 !      The biorthogonalised set of wavefunctions is now stored at the proper place
3097 !      Finalize this first part of the computation, depending on the algorithm and the step.
3099        if(wfmixalg==2)then
3101 !        Wavefunction extrapolation, simple mixing case
3102 !        alpha contains dtset%wfmix, beta contains one-alpha
3103          cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix)=&
3104 &         alpha*cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix)&
3105 &         +beta*scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,indh)
3106          if(usepaw==1) then
3107            do ibdmix=1,nbdmix
3108              call pawcprj_axpby(beta,alpha,cprj_kh(:,ibdmix:ibdmix),cprj_k(:,ibdmix:ibdmix))
3109            end do ! end loop on ibdmix
3110          end if
3112 !        Back to usual orthonormalization
3113          call cgcprj_cholesky(atindx1,cg,cprj_k,dimcprj,icg,ikpt,isppol,istwf_k,mcg,my_nspinor*nband_k,dtset%mkmem,&
3114 &         mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nbdmix,npw_k,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,pawtab,usepaw)
3116 !        Store the newly extrapolated wavefunctions, orthonormalized, in scf_history_wf
3117          scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,indh)=cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix)
3118          if(usepaw==1) then
3119            do ibdmix=1,nbdmix
3120              call pawcprj_put(atindx1,cprj_k,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,indh),dtset%natom,1,ibg_hist,ikpt,iorder,isppol,&
3121 &             nbdmix,dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,dimcprj,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3122 &             mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,mpi_comm_band=spaceComm_band,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3123            end do ! end loop on ibdmix
3124          end if
3126        else  !  wfmixalg/=2
3127 !        RMM-DIIS
3129          if (istep==2)then
3130 !          Store the argument wf as the reference for all future steps, in scf_history_wf with index 1.
3131            scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,1)=cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix)
3132            if(usepaw==1) then
3133              do ibdmix=1,nbdmix
3134                call pawcprj_put(atindx1,cprj_k,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,1),dtset%natom,1,ibg_hist,ikpt,iorder,isppol,&
3135 &               nbdmix,dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,dimcprj,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3136 &               mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,mpi_comm_band=spaceComm_band,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3137              end do ! end loop on ibdmix
3138            end if
3139          end if
3141          ind_biorthog_eff=ind_biorthog
3142          if(istep==2)ind_biorthog_eff=1 ! The argument wf has not been stored in ind_biorthog
3143 !        Compute the residual of the wavefunctions for this istep,
3144 !        that replaces the previously stored set of (biorthogonalized) input wavefunctions
3145          scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_residual)=&
3146 &         scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_biorthog_eff)&
3147 &         -scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_residual)
3148          if(usepaw==1) then
3149            do ibdmix=1,nbdmix
3150              call pawcprj_axpby(one,-one,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdmix:ibdmix,ind_biorthog_eff),&
3151 &             scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdmix:ibdmix,ind_residual))
3152            end do ! end loop on ibdmix
3153          end if
3155 !        Compute the new scalar products to fill the res_mn matrix
3156          call dotprodm_sumdiag_cgcprj(atindx1,scf_history_wf%cg,scf_history_wf%cprj,dimcprj,&
3157 &         ibg_hist,icg_hist,ikpt,isppol,istwf_k,nbdmix,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mkmem,&
3158 &         mpi_enreg,scf_history_wf%history_size,dtset%natom,nattyp,nbdmix,npw_k,nset1,nset2,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,&
3159 &         shift_set1,shift_set2,pawtab,dotprod_res_k,usepaw)
3161          dotprod_res=dotprod_res+dotprod_res_k
3163 !        scf_history_wf for index ind_biorthog will contain the extrapolated wavefunctions (and no more the output of the SCF loop).
3164          scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_biorthog)=&
3165 &         scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_biorthog_eff)+&
3166 &         (alpha-one)*scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_residual)
3167          if(usepaw==1) then
3168            do ibdmix=1,nbdmix
3169              if(ind_biorthog/=ind_biorthog_eff)then
3170                scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdmix:ibdmix,ind_biorthog)=scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdmix:ibdmix,ind_biorthog_eff)
3171              end if
3172              call pawcprj_axpby((alpha-one),one,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdmix:ibdmix,ind_residual),&
3173 &             scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdmix:ibdmix,ind_biorthog))
3174            end do ! end loop on ibdmix
3175          end if
3177        end if
3179        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_k
3180        ibg_hist=ibg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix
3181        icg=icg+my_nspinor*nband_k*npw_k
3182        icg_hist=icg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix*npw_k
3184      end do ! End big k point loop
3185    end do ! End loop over spins
3187  end if ! istep>=2
3189  if(wfmixalg>2 .and. istep>1)then
3191 !DEBUG
3192 !  write(std_out,*)' '
3193 !  write(std_out,*)' Entering the residual minimisation part '
3194 !  write(std_out,*)' '
3195 !  call flush(std_out)
3198    call timab(48,1,tsec)
3199    call xmpi_sum(dotprod_res,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ierr)
3200    call timab(48,2,tsec)
3202    scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(:,1+shift_set1,1+shift_set2:nset2+shift_set2)=dotprod_res(:,1,1:nset2)
3203    scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(1,1+shift_set2:nset2+shift_set2,1+shift_set1)=dotprod_res(1,1,1:nset2)
3204    scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(2,1+shift_set2:nset2+shift_set2,1+shift_set1)=-dotprod_res(2,1,1:nset2)
3206  end if ! wfmixalg>2 and istep>1
3208  if(wfmixalg>2 .and. istep>2)then
3210 !  Extract the relevant matrix R_mn
3211    res_mn(:,1:nset2,1:nset2)=&
3212 &   scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(:,1+shift_set2:nset2+shift_set2,1+shift_set2:nset2+shift_set2)
3214 !DEBUG
3215 !      write(std_out,*)' The matrix res_mn(:,1:nset2,1:nset2) is :'
3216 !      write(std_out,*)res_mn(:,1:nset2,1:nset2)
3217 !      call flush(std_out)
3220 !  Solve R_mn \alpha_n = 1_m
3221    ABI_MALLOC(ipiv,(nset2))
3222    ABI_MALLOC(coeffs,(nset2))
3223    coeffs(:)=cone
3224 !  The res_mn is destroyed by the following inverse call
3225    call zgesv(nset2,1,res_mn,wfmixalg-1,ipiv,coeffs,nset2,ierr)
3226    ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, sjoin('zgesv general inversion routine returned ierr:', itoa(ierr)))
3227    ABI_FREE(ipiv)
3228 !  The coefficients must sum to one
3229    sum_coeffs=sum(coeffs)
3230    coeffs=coeffs/sum_coeffs
3232 !DEBUG
3233 !      write(std_out,*)' The coefficients that minimize the residual have been found'
3234 !      write(std_out,*)' coeffs =',coeffs
3235 !      call flush(std_out)
3237  end if ! wfmixalg>2 and istep>2
3239  if(wfmixalg>2 .and. istep>1)then
3241 !  Find the new "input" wavefunction, bi-orthogonalized, and store it replacing the adequate "old" input wavefunction.
3243    icg=0
3244    icg_hist=0
3245    ibg=0
3246    ibg_hist=0
3247    ABI_MALLOC(al,(2,nset2))
3248    if(istep>2)then
3249      do iset2=1,nset2
3250        al(1,iset2)=real(coeffs(iset2)) ; al(2,iset2)=aimag(coeffs(iset2))
3251      end do
3252    else
3253      al(1,1)=one ; al(2,1)=zero
3254    end if
3256 !DEBUG
3257 !      write(std_out,*)' Overload the coefficients, in order to simulate a simple mixing with wfmix '
3258 !      write(std_out,*)' Set al(1,ind_biorthog-3)=one, for ind_biorthog=',ind_biorthog
3259 !      write(std_out,*)' This will feed scf_history for set ind_biorthog-3+wfmixalg=',ind_biorthog-3+wfmixalg
3260 !      al(:,:)=zero
3261 !      al(1,ind_biorthog-3)=one
3262 !      call flush(std_out)
3266    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
3268 !    BIG FAT k POINT LOOP
3269      do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
3271 !      Select k point to be treated by this proc
3272        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt)
3273        if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_distrb)) cycle
3275        istwf_k=dtset%istwfk(ikpt)
3276        npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
3278        if(istep>2)then
3279 !        Make the appropriate linear combination (from the extrapolated wfs)
3280          cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k)=zero
3281          do iset2=1,nset2
3282            cg(1,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k)=cg(1,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k)&
3283 &           +al(1,iset2)*scf_history_wf%cg(1,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,iset2+wfmixalg)&
3284 &           -al(2,iset2)*scf_history_wf%cg(2,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,iset2+wfmixalg)
3285            cg(2,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k)=cg(2,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k)&
3286 &           +al(1,iset2)*scf_history_wf%cg(2,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,iset2+wfmixalg)&
3287 &           +al(2,iset2)*scf_history_wf%cg(1,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,iset2+wfmixalg)
3288          end do
3289        else ! One needs a simple copy from the extrapolated wavefunctions
3290          cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k)=scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,1+wfmixalg)
3291        end if
3292 !      Note the storage in cprj_k. By the way, a simple copy might also be used in case istep=2.
3293        if(usepaw==1) then
3294          do ibdsp=1,my_nspinor*nbdmix
3295            call pawcprj_lincom(al,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,ibdsp,1+wfmixalg:nset2+wfmixalg),cprj_k(:,ibdsp:ibdsp),nset2)
3296          end do
3297        end if
3299 !      Store the newly extrapolated wavefunctions for this k point, still bi-orthonormalized, in scf_history_wf
3300        scf_history_wf%cg(:,icg_hist+1:icg_hist+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix,ind_newwf)=cg(:,icg+1:icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nbdmix)
3301        if(usepaw==1) then
3302          call pawcprj_put(atindx1,cprj_k,scf_history_wf%cprj(:,:,ind_newwf),dtset%natom,1,ibg_hist,ikpt,iorder,isppol,&
3303 &         nbdmix,dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,dimcprj,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3304 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,mpi_comm_band=spaceComm_band,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3305        end if
3307 !      Back to usual orthonormalization for the cg and cprj_k
3308        call cgcprj_cholesky(atindx1,cg,cprj_k,dimcprj,icg,ikpt,isppol,istwf_k,mcg,my_nspinor*nband_k,dtset%mkmem,&
3309 &       mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nbdmix,npw_k,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,pawtab,usepaw)
3311 !      Need to transfer cprj_k to cprj
3312        if(usepaw==1) then
3313          call pawcprj_put(atindx1,cprj_k,cprj,dtset%natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder,isppol,&
3314 &         nbdmix,dtset%mkmem,dtset%natom,nbdmix,nbdmix,dimcprj,my_nspinor,dtset%nsppol,0,&
3315 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,mpi_comm_band=spaceComm_band,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
3316        end if
3318        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_k
3319        ibg_hist=ibg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix
3320        icg=icg+my_nspinor*nband_k*npw_k
3321        icg_hist=icg_hist+my_nspinor*nbdmix*npw_k
3323      end do ! End big k point loop
3324    end do ! End loop over spins
3326    if(istep>2)then
3327      ABI_FREE(coeffs)
3328    end if
3329    ABI_FREE(al)
3331  end if ! wfmixalg>2 and istep>1
3333 !DEBUG
3334 ! write(std_out,*)' wf_mixing : exit '
3335 !      write(std_out,*)' scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(:,2,2)=',&
3336 !&       scf_history_wf%dotprod_sumdiag_cgcprj_ij(:,2,2)
3337 ! write(std_out,*)' cg(1:2,1:2)=',cg(1:2,1:2)
3338 ! write(std_out,*)' scf_history_wf%cg(1:2,1:2,1)=',scf_history_wf%cg(1:2,1:2,1)
3339 ! ABI_FREE(cg_ref)
3340 ! ABI_FREE(cprj_ref)
3343  if(usepaw==1) then
3344    call pawcprj_free(cprj_k)
3345    call pawcprj_free(cprj_kh)
3346  end if
3347  ABI_FREE(cprj_k)
3348  ABI_FREE(cprj_kh)
3349  ABI_FREE(dimcprj)
3350  ABI_FREE(mmn)
3351  ABI_FREE(smn)
3352  if(wfmixalg>2)then
3353    ABI_FREE(dotprod_res_k)
3354    ABI_FREE(dotprod_res)
3355    ABI_FREE(res_mn)
3356  end if
3358 end subroutine wf_mixing