ABINIT/dfpt_looppert [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Loop over perturbations


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (XG, DRH, MB, XW, MT,SPr)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  codvsn=code version
  cpus=cpu time limit in seconds
  dim_eigbrd=1 if eigbrd is to be computed
  dim_eig2nkq=1 if eig2nkq is to be computed
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt the energy
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  dyew(2,3,natom,3,natom)=Ewald part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrlo(3,3,natom)=frozen wavefunctions local part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrnl(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,1+(natom-1)*dyfr_nondiag)=frozen wavefunctions non-local part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrx1(2,3,natom,3,natom)=frozen wf nonlin. xc core corr.(2) part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrx2(3,3,natom)=frozen wf nonlin. xc core corr.(2) part of the dynamical matrix
  dyvdw(2,3,natom,3,natom*usevdw)=vdw DFT-D part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfr_cplex=1 if dyfrnl is real, 2 if it is complex
  dyfr_nondiag=1 if dyfrnl is non diagonal with respect to atoms; 0 otherwise
  eigbrd(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eigbrd)=boradening factors for the electronic eigenvalues
  eig2nkq(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eig2nkq)=second derivatives of the electronic eigenvalues
  eltcore(6,6)=core contribution to the elastic tensor
  elteew(6+3*natom,6)=Ewald contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrhar(6,6)=Hartree contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrkin(6,6)=kinetic contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrloc(6+3*natom,6)=local psp contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrnl(6+3*natom,6)=non-local psp contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrxc(6+3*natom,6)=exchange-correlation contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltvdw(6+3*natom,6*usevdw)=vdw DFT-D part of the elastic tensor
  fermie=fermi energy (Hartree)
  iexit=index of "exit" on first line of file (0 if not found)
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  kxc(nfftf,nkxc)=exchange and correlation kernel (see rhotoxc.f)
  mkmem =Number of k points treated by this node (GS data)
  mkqmem=Number of k+q points treated by this node (GS data)
  mk1mem=Number of k points treated by this node (RF data)
  mpert=maximum number of ipert
  mpi_enreg=informations about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  nfftf=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this proc) for the "fine" grid (see NOTES in respfn.F90)
  nkpt=number of k points
  nkxc=second dimension of the kxc array
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occup number for each band (often 2) at each k point
  paw_an(my_natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh for the GS
  paw_ij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels for the GS
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid for the GS
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data for the GS
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  pertsy(3,mpert)=set of perturbations that form a basis for all other perturbations
  prtbbb=if 1, bbb decomposition, also dimension d2bbb
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rfpert(mpert)=array defining the type of perturbations that have to be computed
                1   ->   element has to be computed explicitely
               -1   ->   use symmetry operations to obtain the corresponding element
  rhog(2,nfftf)=array for Fourier transform of GS electron density
  rhor(nfftf,nspden)=array for GS electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
  symq(4,2,nsym)=1 if symmetry preserves present qpoint. From littlegroup_q
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=3x3 matrices of the group symmetries (reciprocal space)
  timrev=1 if time-reversal preserves the q wavevector; 0 otherwise.
  usecprj= 1 if cprj, cprjq, cprj1 arrays are stored in memory
  usevdw= flag set to 1 if vdw DFT-D semi-empirical potential is in use
  vtrial(nfftf,nspden)=GS potential (Hartree)
  vxc(nfftf,nspden)=Exchange-Correlation GS potential (Hartree)
  vxcavg=average of vxc potential
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)=flags for each element of the 2DTE (=1 if computed)
  ddkfil(3)=unit numbers for the three possible ddk files
  d2bbb(2,3,3,mpert,mband,mband*prtbbb)=band by band decomposition of some second order derivatives
  d2lo(2,mpert,3,mpert)=local contributions to the 2DTEs
  d2nl(2,mpert,3,mpert)=non-local contributions to the 2DTEs
  d2ovl(2,mpert,3,mpert*usepaw)=1st-order change of WF overlap contributions to the 2DTEs
  etotal=total energy (sum of 8 contributions) (hartree)






 116 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 117 #include "config.h"
 118 #endif
 120 #include "abi_common.h"
 122 subroutine dfpt_looppert(atindx,blkflg,codvsn,cpus,dim_eigbrd,dim_eig2nkq,doccde,&
 123 &  ddkfil,dtfil,dtset,dyew,dyfrlo,dyfrnl,dyfrx1,dyfrx2,dyvdw,&
 124 &  dyfr_cplex,dyfr_nondiag,d2bbb,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,efmasdeg,efmasfr,eigbrd,eig2nkq,&
 125 &  eltcore,elteew,eltfrhar,eltfrkin,eltfrloc,eltfrnl,eltfrxc,eltvdw,&
 126 &  etotal,fermie,iexit,indsym,kxc,&
 127 &  mkmem,mkqmem,mk1mem,mpert,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,&
 128 &  nfftf,nhat,nkpt,nkxc,nspden,nsym,occ,&
 129 &  paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
 130 &  pertsy,prtbbb,psps,rfpert,rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl,rhog,rhor,symq,symrec,timrev,&
 131 &  usecprj,usevdw,vtrial,vxc,vxcavg,xred,clflg,occ_rbz_pert,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
 132 &  eigen1_pert,nkpt_rbz,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,hdr0)
 134  use defs_basis
 135  use defs_datatypes
 136  use defs_abitypes
 137  use defs_wvltypes
 138  use m_efmas_defs
 139  use m_profiling_abi
 140  use m_xmpi
 141  use m_errors
 142  use m_wfk
 143  use m_wffile
 144  use m_io_redirect
 145  use m_paral_pert
 146  use m_abi_etsf
 147  use m_nctk
 148  use m_ddb
 149 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 150  use netcdf
 151 #endif
 152  use m_hdr
 153  use m_ebands
 155  use m_occ,        only : getnel
 156  use m_ddb_hdr,    only : ddb_hdr_type, ddb_hdr_init, ddb_hdr_free, ddb_hdr_open_write
 157  use m_io_tools,   only : file_exists
 158  use m_fstrings,   only : strcat
 159  use m_geometry,   only : mkrdim, metric
 160  use m_exit,       only : exit_check, disable_timelimit
 161  use m_atomdata,   only : atom_gauss
 162  use m_eig2d,      only : eigr2d_init,eigr2d_t, eigr2d_ncwrite,eigr2d_free, &
 163                         & gkk_t, gkk_init, gkk_ncwrite,gkk_free
 164  use m_crystal,    only : crystal_init, crystal_free, crystal_t
 165  use m_crystal_io, only : crystal_ncwrite
 166  use m_efmas,      only : efmas_main
 167  use m_kg,         only : getcut, getmpw, kpgio, getph
 168  use m_dtset,      only : dtset_copy, dtset_free
 169  use m_iowf,       only : outwf
 170  use m_ioarr,      only : read_rhor
 171  use m_pawang,     only : pawang_type, pawang_init, pawang_free
 172  use m_pawrad,     only : pawrad_type
 173  use m_pawtab,     only : pawtab_type
 174  use m_paw_an,     only : paw_an_type
 175  use m_paw_ij,     only : paw_ij_type
 176  use m_pawfgrtab,  only : pawfgrtab_type
 177  use m_pawrhoij,   only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_free, pawrhoij_bcast, pawrhoij_copy, &
 178 &                         pawrhoij_nullify, pawrhoij_redistribute, pawrhoij_get_nspden
 179  use m_pawcprj,    only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy, pawcprj_getdim
 180  use m_pawfgr,     only : pawfgr_type
 181  use m_rf2,        only : rf2_getidirs
 183 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 184 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 185 #undef ABI_FUNC
 186 #define ABI_FUNC 'dfpt_looppert'
 187  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 188  use interfaces_18_timing
 189  use interfaces_32_util
 190  use interfaces_41_geometry
 191  use interfaces_51_manage_mpi
 192  use interfaces_53_ffts
 193  use interfaces_56_recipspace
 194  use interfaces_64_psp
 195  use interfaces_65_paw
 196  use interfaces_66_nonlocal
 197  use interfaces_67_common
 198  use interfaces_72_response
 199  use interfaces_79_seqpar_mpi
 200 !End of the abilint section
 202  implicit none
 204 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 205  integer, intent(in) :: dim_eigbrd,dim_eig2nkq,dyfr_cplex,dyfr_nondiag,mk1mem,mkmem,mkqmem,mpert
 206  integer, intent(in) :: nfftf,nkpt,nkxc,nspden,nsym,prtbbb,timrev,usecprj,usevdw
 207  integer, intent(out) :: iexit
 208  integer, intent(inout) :: my_natom
 209  real(dp), intent(in) :: cpus,vxcavg
 210  real(dp), intent(inout) :: fermie
 211  real(dp), intent(inout) :: etotal
 212  character(len=6), intent(in) :: codvsn
 213  type(MPI_type), intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 214  type(datafiles_type), intent(in) :: dtfil
 215  type(dataset_type), intent(in), target :: dtset
 216  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 217  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
 218  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
 219  integer, intent(in) :: atindx(dtset%natom),indsym(4,nsym,dtset%natom)
 220  integer, intent(in) :: nattyp(dtset%ntypat),pertsy(3,dtset%natom+6)
 221  integer, intent(in) :: rfpert(mpert),rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,3),symq(4,2,nsym),symrec(3,3,nsym)
 222  integer, intent(out) :: ddkfil(3)
 223  integer, intent(inout) :: blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)
 224  integer, intent(out) :: clflg(3,mpert)
 225  real(dp), intent(in) :: doccde(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 226  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyew(2,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom)
 227  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrlo(3,3,dtset%natom)
 228  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrnl(dyfr_cplex,3,3,dtset%natom,1+(dtset%natom-1)*dyfr_nondiag)
 229  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrx1(2,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom)
 230  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrx2(3,3,dtset%natom),dyvdw(2,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom*usevdw)
 231  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltcore(6,6),elteew(6+3*dtset%natom,6),eltfrhar(6,6)
 232  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltfrkin(6,6),eltfrloc(6+3*dtset%natom,6)
 233  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltfrnl(6+3*dtset%natom,6)
 234  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltfrxc(6+3*dtset%natom,6),eltvdw(6+3*dtset%natom,6*usevdw)
 235  real(dp), intent(in) :: kxc(nfftf,nkxc),nhat(nfftf,nspden)
 236  real(dp), intent(in) :: occ(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 237  real(dp), intent(in) :: rhog(2,nfftf),rhor(nfftf,nspden),vxc(nfftf,nspden)
 238  real(dp), intent(in) :: vtrial(nfftf,nspden)
 239  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
 240  real(dp), intent(inout) :: d2bbb(2,3,3,mpert,dtset%mband,dtset%mband*prtbbb)!vz_i
 241  real(dp), intent(inout) :: d2lo(2,3,mpert,3,mpert),d2nl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert) !vz_i
 242  real(dp), intent(inout) :: d2ovl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert*psps%usepaw) !vz_i
 243  real(dp), intent(out) :: eigbrd(2,dtset%mband*dtset%nsppol,nkpt,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom*dim_eigbrd)
 244  real(dp), intent(out) :: eig2nkq(2,dtset%mband*dtset%nsppol,nkpt,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom*dim_eig2nkq)
 245  type(efmasdeg_type),allocatable,intent(in) :: efmasdeg(:)
 246  type(efmasfr_type),allocatable,intent(in) :: efmasfr(:,:)
 247  type(paw_an_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: paw_an(:)
 248  type(paw_ij_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: paw_ij(:)
 249  type(pawfgrtab_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(:)
 250  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 251  type(pawrhoij_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(:)
 252  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 253  real(dp),pointer :: eigen1_pert(:,:,:)
 254  real(dp),intent(out) :: occ_rbz_pert(:),eigen0_pert(:),eigenq_pert(:)
 255  real(dp),pointer :: eigenq_fine(:,:,:)
 256  integer, intent(out) :: nkpt_rbz
 257  type(hdr_type),intent(out) :: hdr0,hdr_fine
 259 !Local variables-------------------------------
 260 !scalars
 261  integer,parameter :: level=11,response=1,formeig1=1,master=0,fake_unit=-666
 262  integer :: ask_accurate,band_index,bantot,bantot_rbz,bdeigrf,bdtot1_index,nsppol,nspinor,band2tot_index
 263  integer :: bdtot_index,choice,cplex,cplex_rhoij,dim_eig2rf,formeig
 264  integer :: gscase,iband,iblok,icase,icase_eq,idir,idir0,idir1,idir2,idir_eq,idir_dkdk,ierr
 265  integer :: ii,ikpt,ikpt1,jband,initialized,iorder_cprj,ipert,ipert_cnt,ipert_eq,ipert_me,ireadwf0
 266  integer :: iscf_mod,iscf_mod_save,isppol,istr,isym,mcg,mcgq,mcg1,mcprj,mcprjq,mband
 267  integer :: mcgmq,mcg1mq,mpw1_mq !+/-q duplicates
 268  integer :: maxidir,me,mgfftf,mkmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mkqmem_rbz,mpw,mpw1,my_nkpt_rbz
 269  integer :: n3xccc,nband_k,ncpgr,ndir,nkpt_eff,nkpt_max,nline_save,nmatel,npert_io,npert_me,nspden_rhoij
 270  integer :: nstep_save,nsym1,ntypat,nwffile,nylmgr,nylmgr1,old_comm_atom,openexit,option,optorth,optthm,pertcase
 271  integer :: rdwr,rdwrpaw,spaceComm,smdelta,timrev_pert,timrev_kpt,to_compute_this_pert
 272  integer :: unitout,useylmgr,useylmgr1,vrsddb,dfpt_scfcv_retcode,optn2
 273 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 274  integer :: ncerr,ncid
 275 #endif
 276  real(dp) :: boxcut,dosdeltae,eberry,ecore,ecut_eff,ecutf,edocc,eei,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc
 277  real(dp) :: efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,ehart,ehart01,ehart1,eii,ek,ek0,ek1,ek2,eloc0
 278  real(dp) :: elpsp1,enl,enl0,enl1,entropy,enxc,eovl1,epaw1,evdw,exc1,fsum,gsqcut,maxocc,nelectkq
 279  real(dp) :: residm,tolwfr,tolwfr_save,toldfe_save,toldff_save,tolrff_save,tolvrs_save
 280  real(dp) :: ucvol, eig1_r, eig1_i
 281  real(dp) :: residm_mq !+/-q duplicates
 282  logical,parameter :: paral_pert_inplace=.true.,remove_inv=.false.
 283  logical :: first_entry,found_eq_gkk,t_exist,paral_atom,write_1wfk,init_rhor1
 284  logical :: kramers_deg
 285  character(len=fnlen) :: dscrpt,fiden1i,fiwf1i,fiwf1o,fiwfddk,fnamewff(4),gkkfilnam,fname,filnam
 286  character(len=500) :: message
 287  type(crystal_t) :: crystal,ddb_crystal
 288  type(dataset_type), pointer :: dtset_tmp
 289  type(ebands_t) :: ebands_k,ebands_kq,gkk_ebands
 290  type(ebands_t) :: ebands_kmq !+/-q duplicates
 291  type(eigr2d_t)  :: eigr2d,eigi2d
 292  type(gkk_t)     :: gkk2d
 293  type(hdr_type) :: hdr,hdr_den,hdr_tmp
 294  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: ddb_hdr
 295  type(pawang_type) :: pawang1
 296  type(wffile_type) :: wff1,wffgs,wffkq,wffnow,wfftgs,wfftkq
 297  type(wfk_t) :: ddk_f(4)
 298  type(wvl_data) :: wvl
 299 !arrays
 300  integer :: eq_symop(3,3),ngfftf(18),file_index(4),rfdir(9),rf2dir(9),rf2_dir1(3),rf2_dir2(3)
 301  integer,allocatable :: blkflg_save(:,:,:,:),dimcprj_srt(:),dummy(:),dyn(:),indkpt1(:),indkpt1_tmp(:)
 302  integer,allocatable :: indsy1(:,:,:),irrzon1(:,:,:),istwfk_rbz(:),istwfk_pert(:,:,:)
 303  integer,allocatable :: kg(:,:),kg1(:,:),nband_rbz(:),npwar1(:),npwarr(:),npwtot(:)
 304  integer,allocatable :: kg1_mq(:,:),npwar1_mq(:),npwtot1_mq(:) !+q/-q duplicates
 305  integer,allocatable :: npwtot1(:),npwar1_pert(:,:),npwarr_pert(:,:),npwtot_pert(:,:)
 306  integer,allocatable :: pert_calc(:,:),pert_tmp(:,:)
 307  integer,allocatable :: symaf1(:),symaf1_tmp(:),symrc1(:,:,:),symrl1(:,:,:),symrl1_tmp(:,:,:)
 308  integer, pointer :: old_atmtab(:)
 309  real(dp) :: dielt(3,3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),tsec(2)
 310  real(dp),allocatable :: buffer1(:,:,:,:,:),cg(:,:),cg1(:,:),cg1_active(:,:),cg0_pert(:,:)
 311  real(dp),allocatable :: cg1_pert(:,:,:,:),cgq(:,:),gh0c1_pert(:,:,:,:)
 312  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde_rbz(:),docckqde(:)
 313  real(dp),allocatable :: gh1c_pert(:,:,:,:),eigen0(:),eigen0_copy(:),eigen1(:),eigen1_mean(:)
 314  real(dp),allocatable :: eigenq(:),gh1c_set(:,:),gh0c1_set(:,:),kpq(:,:)
 315  real(dp),allocatable :: kpq_rbz(:,:),kpt_rbz(:,:),occ_pert(:),occ_rbz(:),occkq(:),kpt_rbz_pert(:,:)
 316  real(dp),allocatable :: ph1d(:,:),ph1df(:,:),phnons1(:,:,:),resid(:),rhog1(:,:)
 317  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor1_save(:,:,:)
 318  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor1(:,:),rho1wfg(:,:),rho1wfr(:,:),tnons1(:,:),tnons1_tmp(:,:)
 319  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor1_pq(:,:),rhor1_mq(:,:),rhog1_pq(:,:),rhog1_mq(:,:)          !+q/-q duplicates
 320  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_mq(:,:),cg1_mq(:,:),resid_mq(:)                   !
 321  real(dp),allocatable :: cg1_active_mq(:,:),occk_mq(:)                 !
 322  real(dp),allocatable :: kmq(:,:),kmq_rbz(:,:),gh0c1_set_mq(:,:)        !
 323  real(dp),allocatable :: eigen_mq(:),gh1c_set_mq(:,:),docckde_mq(:),eigen1_mq(:)          !
 324  real(dp),allocatable :: vpsp1(:),work(:),wtk_folded(:),wtk_rbz(:),xccc3d1(:)
 325  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm(:,:),ylm1(:,:),ylmgr(:,:,:),ylmgr1(:,:,:),zeff(:,:,:)
 326  real(dp),allocatable :: phasecg(:,:),gauss(:,:)
 327  real(dp),allocatable :: gkk(:,:,:,:,:)
 328  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj(:,:),cprjq(:,:)
 329  type(paw_ij_type),pointer :: paw_ij_pert(:)
 330  type(paw_an_type),pointer :: paw_an_pert(:)
 331  type(pawfgrtab_type),pointer :: pawfgrtab_pert(:)
 332  type(pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: pawrhoij1(:)
 333  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_pert(:)
 334  type(ddb_type) :: ddb
 336 ! ***********************************************************************
 340  _IBM6("In dfpt_looppert")
 342  call timab(141,1,tsec)
 344  call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'init          ')
 346 !Structured debugging if prtvol==-level
 347  if(dtset%prtvol==-level)then
 348    write(message,'(80a,a,a)')  ('=',ii=1,80),ch10,' dfpt_looppert : enter , debug mode '
 349    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 350  end if
 352  dfpt_scfcv_retcode = -1
 353  nsppol = dtset%nsppol; nspinor = dtset%nspinor
 355  kramers_deg=.true.
 356  if (dtset%tim1rev==0) then
 357    kramers_deg=.false.
 358  end if
 360 !Obtain dimensional translations in reciprocal space gprimd,
 361 !metrics and unit cell volume, from rprimd. Also output rprimd, gprimd and ucvol
 362  call mkrdim(dtset%acell_orig(1:3,1),dtset%rprim_orig(1:3,1:3,1),rprimd)
 363  call metric(gmet,gprimd,std_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 365  call crystal_init(dtset%amu_orig(:,1),crystal,dtset%spgroup,dtset%natom,dtset%npsp,&
 366 & psps%ntypat,dtset%nsym,rprimd,dtset%typat,xred,dtset%ziontypat,dtset%znucl,1,&
 367 & dtset%nspden==2.and.dtset%nsppol==1,remove_inv,psps%title,&
 368 & symrel=dtset%symrel,tnons=dtset%tnons,symafm=dtset%symafm)
 370 !Get FFT grid(s) sizes (be careful !) See NOTES in the comments at the beginning of respfn.F90
 371  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 372    mgfftf=pawfgr%mgfft;ngfftf(:)=pawfgr%ngfft(:)
 373    ecutf=dtset%pawecutdg
 374  else
 375    mgfftf=dtset%mgfft;ngfftf(:)=dtset%ngfft(:)
 376    ecutf=dtset%ecut
 377  end if
 378  ecut_eff=dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2
 380 !Compute large sphere cut-off gsqcut
 381  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 382    call wrtout(std_out,ch10//' FFT (fine) grid used for densities/potentials:','COLL')
 383  end if
 384  call getcut(boxcut,ecutf,gmet,gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut,std_out,dtset%qptn,ngfftf)
 386 !Various initializations/allocations
 387  iscf_mod=dtset%iscf
 388  ntypat=psps%ntypat
 389  nkpt_max=50;if (xmpi_paral==1) nkpt_max=-1
 390  paral_atom=(dtset%natom/=my_natom)
 391  cplex=2-timrev !cplex=2 ! DEBUG: impose cplex=2
 392  first_entry=.true.
 393  initialized=0
 394  ecore=zero ; ek=zero ; ehart=zero ; enxc=zero ; eei=zero ; enl=zero ; eii=zero
 395  clflg(:,:)=0 ! Array on calculated perturbations for eig2rf
 396  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 397    ABI_ALLOCATE(dimcprj_srt,(dtset%natom))
 398    call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj_srt,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
 399  end if
 401 !Save values of SCF cycle parameters
 402  iscf_mod_save = iscf_mod
 403  nstep_save = dtset%nstep
 404  nline_save = dtset%nline
 405  tolwfr_save = dtset%tolwfr
 406  toldfe_save = dtset%toldfe
 407  toldff_save = dtset%toldff
 408  tolrff_save = dtset%tolrff
 409  tolvrs_save = dtset%tolvrs
 411 !This dtset will be used in dfpt_scfcv to force non scf calculations for equivalent perturbations
 412  nullify(dtset_tmp)
 413  if (dtset%prepgkk/=0) then ! .and. dtset%use_nonscf_gkk==1) then !Later uncomment this - in scf case rhor1_save is used below only for testing
 414    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(dtset_tmp,)
 415    call dtset_copy(dtset_tmp, dtset)
 416  else
 417    dtset_tmp => dtset
 418  end if
 420 !Generate the 1-dimensional phases
 421  ABI_ALLOCATE(ph1d,(2,3*(2*dtset%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom))
 422  ABI_ALLOCATE(ph1df,(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*dtset%natom))
 423  call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft(1),dtset%ngfft(2),dtset%ngfft(3),ph1d,xred)
 424  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 425    call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),ph1df,xred)
 426  else
 427    ph1df(:,:)=ph1d(:,:)
 428  end if
 430 !!Determine existence of pertubations and of pertubation symmetries
 431 !!Create array with pertubations which have to be calculated
 432 ! ABI_ALLOCATE(pert_tmp,(3*mpert))
 433 ! ipert_cnt=0
 434 ! do ipert=1,mpert
 435 !   do idir=1,3
 436 !     if( rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. dtset%rfdir(idir) == 1 )then
 437 !       if ((pertsy(idir,ipert)==1).or.&
 438 !&       ((dtset%prepanl == 1).and.(ipert == dtset%natom+2)).or.&
 439 !&       ((dtset%prepgkk == 1).and.(ipert <= dtset%natom))  ) then
 440 !         ipert_cnt = ipert_cnt+1;
 441 !         pert_tmp(ipert_cnt) = idir+(ipert-1)*3
 442 !       else
 443 !         write(message, '(a,a,i4,a,i4,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 444 !&         ' The perturbation idir=',idir,'  ipert=',ipert,' is',ch10,&
 445 !&         ' symmetric of a previously calculated perturbation.',ch10,&
 446 !&         ' So, its SCF calculation is not needed.',ch10
 447 !         call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 448 !         call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 449 !       end if ! Test of existence of symmetry of perturbation
 450 !     end if ! Test of existence of perturbation
 451 !   end do
 452 ! end do
 453 ! ABI_ALLOCATE(pert_calc,(ipert_cnt))
 454 ! do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 455 !   pert_calc(icase)=pert_tmp(icase)
 456 ! end do
 457 ! ABI_DEALLOCATE(pert_tmp)
 459 !Initialize rf2dir :
 460  rf2_dir1(1:3)=dtset%rf2_pert1_dir(1:3)
 461  rf2_dir2(1:3)=dtset%rf2_pert2_dir(1:3)
 462  if (sum(rf2_dir1)==3.and.sum(rf2_dir2)==3.and.dtset%prepanl==1) then
 463 !  Diagonal terms :
 464    rf2dir(1) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(1,1)
 465    rf2dir(2) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(2,2)
 466    rf2dir(3) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,3)
 467 !  Upper triangular terms :
 468    rf2dir(4) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(2,3)
 469    rf2dir(5) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(1,3)
 470    rf2dir(6) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(1,2)
 471 !  Lower triangular terms :
 472    rf2dir(7) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,2)
 473    rf2dir(8) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,1)
 474    rf2dir(9) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(2,1)
 475  else
 476 !  Diagonal terms :
 477    rf2dir(1) = rf2_dir1(1)*rf2_dir2(1)
 478    rf2dir(2) = rf2_dir1(2)*rf2_dir2(2)
 479    rf2dir(3) = rf2_dir1(3)*rf2_dir2(3)
 480 !  Upper triangular terms :
 481    rf2dir(4) = rf2_dir1(2)*rf2_dir2(3)
 482    rf2dir(5) = rf2_dir1(1)*rf2_dir2(3)
 483    rf2dir(6) = rf2_dir1(1)*rf2_dir2(2)
 484 !  Lower triangular terms :
 485    rf2dir(7) = rf2_dir1(3)*rf2_dir2(2)
 486    rf2dir(8) = rf2_dir1(3)*rf2_dir2(1)
 487    rf2dir(9) = rf2_dir1(2)*rf2_dir2(1)
 488  end if
 490 !Determine existence of pertubations and of pertubation symmetries
 491 !Create array with pertubations which have to be calculated
 492  ABI_ALLOCATE(pert_tmp,(3,3*(dtset%natom+6)+18))
 493  ipert_cnt=0
 494  do ipert=1,mpert
 495    if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 496      maxidir = 3
 497      rfdir(1:3) = dtset%rfdir(:)
 498      rfdir(4:9) = 0
 499    else
 500      maxidir = 9
 501      rfdir(1:9) = rf2dir(:)
 502    end if
 503    do idir=1,maxidir
 504      to_compute_this_pert = 0
 505      if(ipert<dtset%natom+10 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1 ) then
 506        if ((pertsy(idir,ipert)==1).or.&
 507 &       ((dtset%prepanl == 1).and.(ipert == dtset%natom+2)).or.&
 508 &       ((dtset%prepgkk == 1).and.(ipert <= dtset%natom))  ) then
 509          to_compute_this_pert = 1
 510        else
 511          write(message, '(a,a,i4,a,i4,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 512 &         ' The perturbation idir=',idir,'  ipert=',ipert,' is',ch10,&
 513 &         ' symmetric of a previously calculated perturbation.',ch10,&
 514 &         ' So, its SCF calculation is not needed.',ch10
 515          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 516          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 517        end if ! Test of existence of symmetry of perturbation
 518      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+11 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1 ) then
 519        to_compute_this_pert = 1
 520      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+10 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. idir <= 6) then
 521        if (idir<=3) then
 522          if (rfdir(idir) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 523        else
 524          if (rfdir(idir) == 1 .or. rfdir(idir+3) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 525        end if
 526      end if
 527      if (to_compute_this_pert /= 0) then
 528        ipert_cnt = ipert_cnt+1;
 529        pert_tmp(1,ipert_cnt) = ipert
 530        pert_tmp(2,ipert_cnt) = idir
 531 !      Store "pertcase" in pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt)
 532        if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 533          pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-1)*3
 534        else
 535          pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-dtset%natom-10)*9 + (dtset%natom+6)*3
 536        end if
 537      end if
 538    end do ! idir
 539  end do !ipert
 540 ! do ipert=1,mpert
 541 !   if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 542 !     maxidir = 3
 543 !     rfdir(1:3) = dtset%rfdir(:)
 544 !     rfdir(4:9) = 0
 545 !   else
 546 !     maxidir = 9
 547 !     rfdir(1:9) = rf2dir(:)
 548 !   end if
 549 !   do idir=1,maxidir
 550 !     if( rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1 )then
 551 !       to_compute_this_pert = 0
 552 !       if (ipert>=dtset%natom+10) then
 553 !         to_compute_this_pert = 1
 554 !       else if ((pertsy(idir,ipert)==1).or.&
 555 !&         ((dtset%prepanl == 1).and.(ipert == dtset%natom+2)).or.&
 556 !&         ((dtset%prepgkk == 1).and.(ipert <= dtset%natom))  ) then
 557 !         to_compute_this_pert = 1
 558 !       end if
 559 !       if (to_compute_this_pert /= 0) then
 560 !         ipert_cnt = ipert_cnt+1;
 561 !         pert_tmp(1,ipert_cnt) = ipert
 562 !         pert_tmp(2,ipert_cnt) = idir
 563 !!        Store "pertcase" in pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt)
 564 !         if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 565 !           pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-1)*3
 566 !         else
 567 !           pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-dtset%natom-10)*9 + (dtset%natom+6)*3
 568 !         end if
 569 !       else
 570 !         write(message, '(a,a,i4,a,i4,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 571 !&         ' The perturbation idir=',idir,'  ipert=',ipert,' is',ch10,&
 572 !&         ' symmetric of a previously calculated perturbation.',ch10,&
 573 !&         ' So, its SCF calculation is not needed.',ch10
 574 !         call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 575 !         call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 576 !       end if ! Test of existence of symmetry of perturbation
 577 !     end if ! Test of existence of perturbation
 578 !   end do
 579 ! end do
 580  ABI_ALLOCATE(pert_calc,(3,ipert_cnt))
 581  do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 582    pert_calc(:,icase)=pert_tmp(:,icase)
 583  end do
 584  ABI_DEALLOCATE(pert_tmp)
 586  if (dtset%prepgkk/=0) then ! .and. dtset%use_nonscf_gkk==1) then !Later uncomment this - in scf case rhor1_save is used below only for testing
 587    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor1_save,(cplex*nfftf,nspden,ipert_cnt))
 588    rhor1_save=zero
 589    ABI_ALLOCATE(blkflg_save,(3,mpert,3,mpert))
 590  end if
 592 ! Initialize quantities for netcdf print
 593  ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen0_copy,(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 594  eigen0_copy(:)=zero
 596 ! SP : Retreval of the DDB information and computing of effective charge and
 597 ! dielectric tensor
 598  ABI_ALLOCATE(zeff,(3,3,dtset%natom))
 599  if (dtset%getddb .ne. 0 .or. dtset%irdddb .ne. 0 ) then
 600    filnam = dtfil%filddbsin  !'test_DDB'
 601    ABI_ALLOCATE(dummy,(dtset%natom))
 602    call ddb_from_file(ddb,filnam,1,dtset%natom,0,dummy,ddb_crystal,mpi_enreg%comm_world)
 603 !  Get Dielectric Tensor and Effective Charges
 604 !  (initialized to one_3D and zero if the derivatives are not available in
 605 !  the DDB file)
 606    iblok = ddb_get_dielt_zeff(ddb,ddb_crystal,1,0,0,dielt,zeff)
 607    call crystal_free(ddb_crystal)
 608    call ddb_free(ddb)
 609    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dummy)
 610  end if
 612 !%%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
 613 !*Define file output/log file names
 614  npert_io=ipert_cnt;if (dtset%nppert<=1) npert_io=0
 615  call localfilnam(mpi_enreg%comm_pert,mpi_enreg%comm_cell_pert,mpi_enreg%comm_world,dtfil%filnam_ds,'_PRT',npert_io)
 616 !Compute the number of perturbation done by the current cpu
 617  if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
 618    npert_me = 0 ; ipert_me = 0
 619    do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 620      if (mpi_enreg%distrb_pert(icase)==mpi_enreg%me_pert) npert_me=npert_me +1
 621    end do
 622  end if
 624 !*Redefine communicators
 625  call set_pert_comm(mpi_enreg,dtset%nppert)
 627 !*Redistribute PAW on-site data
 628  nullify(old_atmtab,pawfgrtab_pert,pawrhoij_pert,paw_an_pert,paw_ij_pert)
 629  if (paral_pert_inplace) then
 630    call set_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
 631 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij)
 632    pawfgrtab_pert=>pawfgrtab ; pawrhoij_pert=>pawrhoij
 633    paw_an_pert   =>paw_an    ; paw_ij_pert  =>paw_ij
 635  else
 636    call set_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
 637 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,&
 638 &   paw_an_out=paw_an_pert,paw_ij_out=paw_ij_pert,&
 639 &   pawfgrtab_out=pawfgrtab_pert,pawrhoij_out=pawrhoij_pert)
 641  end if
 643  ! We can handle the time limit in dfpt_scfcv in a robust manner only if we have one perturbation.
 644  if (ipert_cnt > 1 .or. mpi_enreg%paral_pert == 1) call disable_timelimit()
 646 !Loop on perturbations
 647 !==========================================================================
 648  do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 649    _IBM6("In loop on perts")
 651 !  %%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
 652 !  Select the perturbations treated by curent processor
 653    if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
 654      if (mpi_enreg%distrb_pert(icase)/=mpi_enreg%me_pert) cycle
 655    end if
 657 !  *Redefine output/log files
 658    call localwrfile(mpi_enreg%comm_cell,icase,npert_io,mpi_enreg%paral_pert,0)
 660 !!  Retrieve type and direction of the perturbation
 661 !   if (pert_calc(icase) <= dtset%natom*3) then
 662 !     idir = mod(pert_calc(icase),3)
 663 !     if (idir==0) idir=3
 664 !     ipert=( (pert_calc(icase)-idir) / 3 + 1)
 665 !   else if (pert_calc(icase) <= dtset%natom*3+4) then
 666 !     ipert = dtset%natom + ((pert_calc(icase) - 3*dtset%natom - 1) / 3) + 1
 667 !     idir = mod(pert_calc(icase),3)
 668 !     if (idir==0) idir=3
 669 !   else
 670 !     ipert = dtset%natom + ((pert_calc(icase) - 3*(dtset%natom+4) - 1) / 9) + 1
 671 !   end if
 672 !   pertcase=idir+(ipert-1)*3
 674 !  Retrieve type and direction of the perturbation
 675    ipert = pert_calc(1,icase)
 676    idir = pert_calc(2,icase)
 677    istr=idir
 678    pertcase = pert_calc(3,icase)
 680 !  Init MPI communicator
 681    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
 682    me=mpi_enreg%me_cell
 684 !  ===== Describe the perturbation in output/log file
 685    _IBM6("IBM6 before print perturbation")
 687    write(message, '(a,80a,a,a,3f10.6)' ) ch10,('-',ii=1,80),ch10,&
 688 &   ' Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) ',dtset%qptn(:)
 689    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 690    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 691    if(ipert>=1 .and. ipert<=dtset%natom)then
 692      write(message, '(a,i4,a,i4)' )' Perturbation : displacement of atom',ipert,'   along direction',idir
 693      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 694      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 695      if(iscf_mod == -3)then
 696        write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 697 &       ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 698 &       '  The first-order density is imposed to be zero (iscf=-3).',ch10,&
 699 &       '  Although this is strange in the case of phonons,',ch10,&
 700 &       '  you are allowed to do so.'
 701        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 702        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 703      end if
 704    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+1)then
 705      write(message,'(a,i4)')' Perturbation : derivative vs k along direction',idir
 706      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 707      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 708      if( iscf_mod /= -3 )then
 709        write(message, '(4a)' )ch10,&
 710 &       ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 711 &       '  In a d/dk calculation, iscf is set to -3 automatically.'
 712        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 713        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 714        iscf_mod=-3
 715      end if
 716      if( abs(dtset%dfpt_sciss) > 1.0d-8 )then
 717        write(message, '(a,a,a,a,f14.8,a,a)' )ch10,&
 718 &       ' dfpt_looppert : WARNING -',ch10,&
 719 &       '  Value of dfpt_sciss=',dtset%dfpt_sciss,ch10,&
 720 &       '  Scissor with d/dk calculation : you are using a "naive" approach !'
 721        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 722        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 723      end if
 724    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+2)then
 725      write(message, '(a,i4)' )' Perturbation : homogeneous electric field along direction',idir
 726      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 727      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 728      if( iscf_mod == -3 )then
 729        write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 730 &       ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 731 &       '  The first-order density is imposed to be zero (iscf=-3).',ch10,&
 732 &       '  This corresponds to a calculation without local fields.'
 733        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 734        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 735      end if
 736    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)then
 737      call rf2_getidirs(idir,idir1,idir2)
 738      if(ipert==dtset%natom+10)then
 739        write(message,'(2(a,i1))') ' Perturbation : 2nd derivative wrt k, idir1 = ',idir1,&
 740 &       ' idir2 = ',idir2
 741      else
 742        write(message,'(2(a,i1),a)') ' Perturbation : 2nd derivative wrt k (idir1 =',idir1,&
 743 &       ') and Efield (idir2 =',idir2,')'
 744      end if
 745      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 746      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 747      if( iscf_mod /= -3 )then
 748        write(message, '(4a)' )ch10,&
 749 &       ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 750 &       '  In this case, iscf is set to -3 automatically.'
 751        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 752        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 753        iscf_mod=-3
 754      end if
 755      if( abs(dtset%dfpt_sciss) > 1.0d-8 )then
 756        write(message, '(a,a,a,a,f14.8,a,a)' )ch10,&
 757 &       ' dfpt_looppert : WARNING -',ch10,&
 758 &       '  Value of dfpt_sciss=',dtset%dfpt_sciss,ch10,&
 759 &       '  Scissor with d/dk calculation : you are using a "naive" approach !'
 760        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 761        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 762      end if
 763      ABI_ALLOCATE(occ_pert,(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 764      occ_pert(:) = occ(:) - occ(1)
 765      maxocc = maxval(abs(occ_pert))
 766      if (maxocc>1.0d-6.and.abs(maxocc-occ(1))>1.0d-6) then ! True if non-zero occupation numbers are not equal
 767        write(message, '(3a)' ) ' ipert=natom+10 or 11 does not work for a metallic system.',ch10,&
 768        ' This perturbation will not be computed.'
 769        MSG_WARNING(message)
 770        ABI_DEALLOCATE(occ_pert)
 771        cycle
 772      end if
 773      if (ipert==dtset%natom+11.and.minval(occ)<1.0d-6) then
 774        write(message, '(3a)' ) ' ipert=natom+11 does not work with empty bands.',ch10,&
 775        ' This perturbation will not be computed.'
 776        MSG_WARNING(message)
 777        ABI_DEALLOCATE(occ_pert)
 778        cycle
 779      end if
 780      ABI_DEALLOCATE(occ_pert)
 781    else if(ipert>dtset%natom+11 .or. ipert<=0 )then
 782      write(message, '(a,i4,a,a,a)' ) &
 783 &     '  ipert=',ipert,' is outside the [1,dtset%natom+11] interval.',ch10,&
 784 &     '  This perturbation is not (yet) allowed.'
 785      MSG_BUG(message)
 786    end if
 787 !  Initialize the diverse parts of energy :
 788    eew=zero ; evdw=zero ; efrloc=zero ; efrnl=zero ; efrx1=zero ; efrx2=zero
 789    efrhar=zero ; efrkin=zero
 790    if(ipert<=dtset%natom)then
 791      eew=dyew(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
 792      if (usevdw==1) evdw=dyvdw(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
 793      efrloc=dyfrlo(idir,idir,ipert)
 794      if (dyfr_nondiag==0) efrnl=dyfrnl(1,idir,idir,ipert,1)
 795      if (dyfr_nondiag/=0) efrnl=dyfrnl(1,idir,idir,ipert,ipert)
 796      efrx1=dyfrx1(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
 797      efrx2=dyfrx2(idir,idir,ipert)
 798    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+3 .or. ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
 799 !    istr = 1,2,...,6 and indicates the cartesian strain component
 800      if(ipert==dtset%natom+4) istr=idir+3
 801      eii=eltcore(istr,istr)
 802      eew=elteew(istr,istr)
 803      if (usevdw==1) evdw=eltvdw(istr,istr)
 804      efrhar=eltfrhar(istr,istr)
 805      efrkin=eltfrkin(istr,istr)
 806      efrloc=eltfrloc(istr,istr)
 807      efrnl=eltfrnl(istr,istr)
 808      efrx1=eltfrxc(istr,istr)
 809    end if
 811 !  Determine the subset of symmetry operations (nsym1 operations)
 812 !  that leaves the perturbation invariant, and initialize corresponding arrays
 813 !  symaf1, symrl1, tnons1 (and pawang1%zarot, if PAW)..
 814    ABI_ALLOCATE(symaf1_tmp,(nsym))
 815    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrl1_tmp,(3,3,nsym))
 816    ABI_ALLOCATE(tnons1_tmp,(3,nsym))
 817    if (dtset%prepanl/=1.and.&
 818 &   dtset%berryopt/= 4.and.dtset%berryopt/= 6.and.dtset%berryopt/= 7.and.&
 819 &   dtset%berryopt/=14.and.dtset%berryopt/=16.and.dtset%berryopt/=17) then
 820      call littlegroup_pert(gprimd,idir,indsym,ab_out,ipert,dtset%natom,nsym,nsym1,2,&
 821 &     dtset%symafm,symaf1_tmp,symq,symrec,dtset%symrel,symrl1_tmp,0,dtset%tnons,tnons1_tmp)
 822    else
 823      nsym1 = 1
 824      symaf1_tmp(1) = 1
 825      symrl1_tmp(:,:,1) = dtset%symrel(:,:,1)
 826      tnons1_tmp(:,1) = 0_dp
 827    end if
 828    ABI_ALLOCATE(indsy1,(4,nsym1,dtset%natom))
 829    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrc1,(3,3,nsym1))
 830    ABI_ALLOCATE(symaf1,(nsym1))
 831    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrl1,(3,3,nsym1))
 832    ABI_ALLOCATE(tnons1,(3,nsym1))
 833    symaf1(1:nsym1)=symaf1_tmp(1:nsym1)
 834    symrl1(:,:,1:nsym1)=symrl1_tmp(:,:,1:nsym1)
 835    tnons1(:,1:nsym1)=tnons1_tmp(:,1:nsym1)
 836    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symaf1_tmp)
 837    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrl1_tmp)
 838    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tnons1_tmp)
 840 !  Set up corresponding symmetry data
 841    ABI_ALLOCATE(irrzon1,(dtset%nfft**(1-1/nsym1),2,(nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)))
 842    ABI_ALLOCATE(phnons1,(2,dtset%nfft**(1-1/nsym1),(nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)))
 843    call setsym(indsy1,irrzon1,1,dtset%natom,dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,nspden,dtset%nsppol,&
 844 &   nsym1,phnons1,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,tnons1,dtset%typat,xred)
 845    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 846 !    Allocate/initialize only zarot in pawang1 datastructure
 847      call pawang_init(pawang1,0,pawang%l_max-1,0,nsym1,0,1,0,0,0)
 848      call setsymrhoij(gprimd,pawang1%l_max-1,pawang1%nsym,0,rprimd,symrc1,pawang1%zarot)
 849    end if
 851 !  Initialize k+q array
 852    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpq,(3,nkpt))
 853    if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
 854      kpq(:,1:nkpt)=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt) ! Do not modify, needed for gfortran
 855    else
 856      do ikpt=1,nkpt
 857        kpq(:,ikpt)=dtset%qptn(:)+dtset%kptns(:,ikpt)
 858      end do
 859    end if
 860 !  In case wf1 at +q and -q are not related by time inversion symmetry, compute k-q as well
 861 !  for initializations
 862    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
 863      ABI_ALLOCATE(kmq,(3,nkpt))
 864      if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
 865        kmq(:,1:nkpt)=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt) ! Do not modify, needed for gfortran
 866      else
 867        do ikpt=1,nkpt
 868          kmq(:,ikpt)=-dtset%qptn(:)+dtset%kptns(:,ikpt) ! kmq <= k-q
 869        end do
 870      end if
 871    end if
 873 !  Determine the subset of k-points needed in the "reduced Brillouin zone",
 874 !  and initialize other quantities
 875    ABI_ALLOCATE(indkpt1_tmp,(nkpt))
 876    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk_folded,(nkpt))
 877    indkpt1_tmp(:)=0 ; optthm=0
 878    timrev_pert=timrev
 879    if(dtset%ieig2rf>0) then
 880      timrev_pert=0
 881      call symkpt(0,gmet,indkpt1_tmp,ab_out,dtset%kptns,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,&
 882 &     1,symrc1,timrev_pert,dtset%wtk,wtk_folded)
 883    else
 884 !    For the time being, the time reversal symmetry is not used
 885 !    for ddk, elfd, mgfd perturbations.
 886      timrev_pert=timrev
 887      if(ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+2.or.&
 888 &     ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11.or. &
 889 &     dtset%berryopt== 4.or.dtset%berryopt== 6.or.dtset%berryopt== 7.or.  &
 890 &     dtset%berryopt==14.or.dtset%berryopt==16.or.dtset%berryopt==17.or.  &
 891 &     ipert==dtset%natom+5) timrev_pert=0
 892      timrev_kpt = timrev_pert
 893 !    The time reversal symmetry is not used for the BZ sampling when kptopt=3 or 4
 894      if (dtset%kptopt==3.or.dtset%kptopt==4) timrev_kpt = 0
 895      call symkpt(0,gmet,indkpt1_tmp,ab_out,dtset%kptns,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,&
 896      nsym1,symrc1,timrev_kpt,dtset%wtk,wtk_folded)
 897    end if
 899    ABI_ALLOCATE(doccde_rbz,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 900    ABI_ALLOCATE(indkpt1,(nkpt_rbz))
 901    ABI_ALLOCATE(istwfk_rbz,(nkpt_rbz))
 902    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpq_rbz,(3,nkpt_rbz))
 903    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
 904      ABI_ALLOCATE(kmq_rbz,(3,nkpt_rbz))
 905    end if
 906    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpt_rbz,(3,nkpt_rbz))
 907    ABI_ALLOCATE(nband_rbz,(nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 908    ABI_ALLOCATE(occ_rbz,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 909    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk_rbz,(nkpt_rbz))
 910    indkpt1(:)=indkpt1_tmp(1:nkpt_rbz)
 911    do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
 912      istwfk_rbz(ikpt)=dtset%istwfk(indkpt1(ikpt))
 913      kpq_rbz(:,ikpt)=kpq(:,indkpt1(ikpt))
 914      kpt_rbz(:,ikpt)=dtset%kptns(:,indkpt1(ikpt))
 915      wtk_rbz(ikpt)=wtk_folded(indkpt1(ikpt))
 916    end do
 917    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
 918      do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
 919        kmq_rbz(:,ikpt)=kmq(:,indkpt1(ikpt))
 920      end do
 921    end if
 922    ABI_DEALLOCATE(indkpt1_tmp)
 923    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk_folded)
 925 !  Transfer occ to occ_rbz and doccde to doccde_rbz :
 926 !  this is a more delicate issue
 927 !  NOTE : this takes into account that indkpt1 is ordered
 928 !  MG: What about using occ(band,kpt,spin) ???
 929    bdtot_index=0;bdtot1_index=0
 930    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
 931      ikpt1=1
 932      do ikpt=1,nkpt
 933        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 934 !      Must test against ikpt1/=nkpt_rbz+1, before evaluate indkpt1(ikpt1)
 935        if(ikpt1/=nkpt_rbz+1)then
 936          if(ikpt==indkpt1(ikpt1))then
 937            nband_rbz(ikpt1+(isppol-1)*nkpt_rbz)=nband_k
 938            occ_rbz(1+bdtot1_index:nband_k+bdtot1_index)    = occ(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 939            doccde_rbz(1+bdtot1_index:nband_k+bdtot1_index) = doccde(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 940            ikpt1=ikpt1+1
 941            bdtot1_index=bdtot1_index+nband_k
 942          end if
 943        end if
 944        bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
 945      end do
 946    end do
 948    _IBM6("IBM6 in dfpt_looppert before getmpw")
 950 !  Compute maximum number of planewaves at k
 951    call timab(142,1,tsec)
 952    call getmpw(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kpt_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,nkpt_rbz)
 953    call timab(142,2,tsec)
 955 !  Allocate some k-dependent arrays at k
 956    ABI_ALLOCATE(kg,(3,mpw*nkpt_rbz))
 957    ABI_ALLOCATE(npwarr,(nkpt_rbz))
 958    ABI_ALLOCATE(npwtot,(nkpt_rbz))
 960 !  Determine distribution of k-points/bands over MPI processes
 961    if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)) then
 962      ABI_DEALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
 963    end if
 964    ABI_ALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab,(nkpt_rbz))
 965    if(xmpi_paral==1) then
 966      ABI_ALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,(nkpt_rbz,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol))
 967      call distrb2(dtset%mband,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,mpi_enreg%nproc_cell,dtset%nsppol,mpi_enreg)
 968    else
 969      mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(:)=(/(ii,ii=1,nkpt_rbz)/)
 970    end if
 971    my_nkpt_rbz=maxval(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
 972    call initmpi_band(mpi_enreg,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol)
 973    mkmem_rbz =my_nkpt_rbz ; mkqmem_rbz=my_nkpt_rbz ; mk1mem_rbz=my_nkpt_rbz
 974    ABI_UNUSED((/mkmem,mk1mem,mkqmem/))
 976    _IBM6("IBM6 before kpgio")
 978 !  Set up the basis sphere of planewaves at k
 979    call timab(143,1,tsec)
 980    call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kg,&
 981 &   kpt_rbz,mkmem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,'PERS',mpi_enreg,mpw,npwarr,npwtot,dtset%nsppol)
 982    call timab(143,2,tsec)
 984 !  Set up the spherical harmonics (Ylm) at k
 985    useylmgr=0; option=0 ; nylmgr=0
 986    if (psps%useylm==1.and. &
 987 &   (ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4.or. &
 988 &   (psps%usepaw==1.and.ipert==dtset%natom+2))) then
 989      useylmgr=1; option=1 ; nylmgr=3
 990    else if (psps%useylm==1.and.(ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)) then
 991      useylmgr=1; option=2 ; nylmgr=9
 992    end if
 993    ABI_ALLOCATE(ylm,(mpw*mkmem_rbz,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
 994    ABI_ALLOCATE(ylmgr,(mpw*mkmem_rbz,nylmgr,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*useylmgr))
 995    if (psps%useylm==1) then
 996      call initylmg(gprimd,kg,kpt_rbz,mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,&
 997 &     npwarr,dtset%nsppol,option,rprimd,ylm,ylmgr)
 998    end if
1000    _IBM6("Before ieig2rf > 0")
1002 !  Set up occupations for this perturbation
1003    if (dtset%ieig2rf>0) then
1004      if (.not.allocated(istwfk_pert)) then
1005        ABI_ALLOCATE(istwfk_pert,(nkpt,3,mpert))
1006        ABI_ALLOCATE(occ_pert,(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
1007        istwfk_pert(:,:,:)=0 ; occ_pert(:)=zero
1008      end if
1009      istwfk_pert(:,idir,ipert)=istwfk_rbz(:)
1010      occ_pert(:)=occ_rbz(:)
1011    end if
1012    if (dtset%efmas>0) then
1013      if (.not.allocated(istwfk_pert)) then
1014        ABI_ALLOCATE(istwfk_pert,(nkpt,3,mpert))
1015        istwfk_pert(:,:,:)=0
1016      end if
1017      istwfk_pert(:,idir,ipert)=istwfk_rbz(:)
1018    end if
1020 !  Print a separator in output file
1021    write(message,'(3a)')ch10,'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',ch10
1022    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1024 !  Initialize band structure datatype at k
1025    bantot_rbz=sum(nband_rbz(1:nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1026    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen0,(bantot_rbz))
1027    eigen0(:)=zero
1028    call ebands_init(bantot_rbz,ebands_k,dtset%nelect,doccde_rbz,eigen0,istwfk_rbz,kpt_rbz,&
1029 &   nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspinor,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%occopt,occ_rbz,wtk_rbz,&
1030 &   dtset%charge, dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
1031 &   dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
1032    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen0)
1034 !  Initialize header, update it with evolving variables
1035    gscase=0 ! A GS WF file is read
1036    call hdr_init(ebands_k,codvsn,dtset,hdr0,pawtab,gscase,psps,wvl%descr,&
1037 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1039    call hdr_update(hdr0,bantot_rbz,etotal,fermie,&
1040 &   residm,rprimd,occ_rbz,pawrhoij_pert,xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1),&
1041 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1043    _IBM6("before inwffil")
1045 !  Initialize GS wavefunctions at k
1046    ireadwf0=1; formeig=0 ; ask_accurate=1 ; optorth=0
1047    mcg=mpw*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1048    if (one*mpw*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol > huge(1)) then
1049      write (message,'(4a, 5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1050 &     "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the GS wavefunction array (WF0, mcg).",ch10,&
1051 &     "Action: increase the number of processors. Consider also OpenMP threads.",ch10,&
1052 &     "nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor, "mpw: ",mpw, "mband: ",dtset%mband, "mkmem_rbz: ",&
1053 &     mkmem_rbz, "nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1054 &     'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS/LAPACK...) compiled in int64 mode'
1055      MSG_ERROR(message)
1056    end if
1057    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cg,(2,mcg), ierr)
1058    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in cg")
1060    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen0,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1061    call timab(144,1,tsec)
1062    call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call inwffil-k')
1063    call inwffil(ask_accurate,cg,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,eigen0,dtset%exchn2n3d,&
1064 &   formeig,hdr0,ireadwf0,istwfk_rbz,kg,&
1065 &   kpt_rbz,dtset%localrdwf,dtset%mband,mcg,&
1066 &   mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,nband_rbz,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,&
1067 &   dtset%nsppol,nsym,occ_rbz,optorth,dtset%symafm,&
1068 &   dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtfil%unkg,wffgs,wfftgs,&
1069 &   dtfil%unwffgs,dtfil%fnamewffk,wvl)
1070    call timab(144,2,tsec)
1071 !  Close wffgs%unwff, if it was ever opened (in inwffil)
1072    if (ireadwf0==1) then
1073      call WffClose(wffgs,ierr)
1074    end if
1075    ! Update energies GS energies at k
1076    call put_eneocc_vect(ebands_k, "eig", eigen0)
1078 !  PAW: compute on-site projections of GS wavefunctions (cprj) (and derivatives) at k
1079    ncpgr=0
1080    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj,(0,0))
1081    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1082      ncpgr=3 ! Valid for ipert<=natom (phonons), ipert=natom+2 (elec. field)
1083              ! or for ipert==natom+10,11
1084      if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) ncpgr=1
1085      if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) ncpgr=1
1086      if (usecprj==1) then
1087        mcprj=dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1089        ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj,(dtset%natom,mcprj))
1090        call pawcprj_alloc(cprj,ncpgr,dimcprj_srt)
1091        if (ipert<=dtset%natom) then
1092          choice=2; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1093        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) then
1094          choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=idir
1095        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+2) then
1096          choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1097        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
1098          choice=3; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=istr
1099        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11) then
1100          choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0 ! Compute all first derivatives
1101        else
1102          choice=1; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1103        end if
1104        call ctocprj(atindx,cg,choice,cprj,gmet,gprimd,-1,idir0,iorder_cprj,istwfk_rbz,&
1105 &       kg,kpt_rbz,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw,&
1106 &       dtset%natom,nattyp,nband_rbz,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nloalg,&
1107 &       npwarr,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,&
1108 &       rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpaw,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1109      end if
1110    end if
1112 !  Compute maximum number of planewaves at k+q
1113 !  Will be useful for both GS wfs at k+q and RF wavefunctions
1114    call timab(143,1,tsec)
1115    call getmpw(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kpq_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz)
1116    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1117      call getmpw(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kmq_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1_mq,nkpt_rbz)
1118      !number of plane waves at k+q and k-q should be in principle the same to reconstruct rhor1_pq (?)
1119      !mpw1=max(mpw1,mpw1_tmp)
1120    else
1121      mpw1_mq=0
1122    end if
1123    call timab(143,2,tsec)
1125 !  Allocate some arrays at k+q
1126    ABI_ALLOCATE(kg1,(3,mpw1*mk1mem_rbz))
1127    ABI_ALLOCATE(npwar1,(nkpt_rbz))
1128    ABI_ALLOCATE(npwtot1,(nkpt_rbz))
1129 !  In case Kramers degeneracy is broken, do the same for k-q
1130    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1131      ABI_ALLOCATE(kg1_mq,(3,mpw1_mq*mk1mem_rbz))
1132      ABI_ALLOCATE(npwar1_mq,(nkpt_rbz))
1133      ABI_ALLOCATE(npwtot1_mq,(nkpt_rbz))
1134    end if
1136 !  Set up the basis sphere of planewaves at k+q
1137 !  Will be useful for both GS wfs at k+q and RF wavefunctions
1138    call timab(142,1,tsec)
1139    call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kg1,&
1140 &   kpq_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,'PERS',mpi_enreg,mpw1,&
1141 &   npwar1,npwtot1,dtset%nsppol)
1142    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1143      call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kg1_mq,&
1144 &     kmq_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,'PERS',mpi_enreg,mpw1_mq,&
1145 &     npwar1_mq,npwtot1_mq,dtset%nsppol)
1146    end if
1147    call timab(142,2,tsec)
1149 !  Set up the spherical harmonics (Ylm) at k+q
1150    useylmgr1=0; option=0 ; ; nylmgr1=0
1151    if (psps%useylm==1.and. &
1152 &   (ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4.or. &
1153 &   (psps%usepaw==1.and.ipert==dtset%natom+2))) then
1154      useylmgr1=1; option=1 ;  ; nylmgr1=3
1155    else if (psps%useylm==1.and.(ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)) then
1156      useylmgr1=1; option=2 ;  ; nylmgr1=9
1157    end if
1158    ABI_ALLOCATE(ylm1,(mpw1*mk1mem_rbz,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
1159    ABI_ALLOCATE(ylmgr1,(mpw1*mk1mem_rbz,nylmgr1,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*useylmgr1))
1160    if (psps%useylm==1) then
1161      call initylmg(gprimd,kg1,kpq_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw1,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,&
1162 &     npwar1,dtset%nsppol,option,rprimd,ylm1,ylmgr1)
1163    end if
1164 !  SPr: do the same for k-q if kramers_deg=.false.
1166 !  Print a separator in output file
1167    write(message, '(a,a)' )'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',ch10
1168    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1170 !  Initialize band structure datatype at k+q
1171    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigenq,(bantot_rbz))
1172    eigenq(:)=zero
1173    call ebands_init(bantot_rbz,ebands_kq,dtset%nelect,doccde_rbz,eigenq,istwfk_rbz,kpq_rbz,&
1174 &   nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,npwar1,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspinor,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%occopt,occ_rbz,wtk_rbz,&
1175 &   dtset%charge, dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
1176 &   dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
1177    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1178      eigenq(:)=zero
1179      call ebands_init(bantot_rbz,ebands_kmq,dtset%nelect,doccde_rbz,eigenq,istwfk_rbz,kmq_rbz,&
1180 &     nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,npwar1_mq,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspinor,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%occopt,occ_rbz,wtk_rbz,&
1181 &     dtset%charge, dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
1182 &     dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
1183    end if
1184    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigenq)
1186 !  Initialize header
1187    call hdr_init(ebands_kq,codvsn,dtset,hdr,pawtab,pertcase,psps,wvl%descr, &
1188 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab )
1189    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1190      call hdr_init(ebands_kmq,codvsn,dtset,hdr,pawtab,pertcase,psps,wvl%descr, &
1191 &     comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab )
1192    end if
1194 !  Initialize wavefunctions at k+q
1195 !  MG: Here it is possible to avoid the extra reading if the same k mesh can be used.
1196    ireadwf0=1 ; formeig=0 ; ask_accurate=1 ; optorth=0
1197    mcgq=mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1198    !SPr: verified until here, add mcgq for -q
1199    if (one*mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol > huge(1)) then
1200      write (message,'(4a, 5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1201 &     "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the GS wavefunction array (WFKQ, mcgq).",ch10,&
1202 &     "Action: increase the number of processors. Consider also OpenMP threads.",ch10,&
1203 &     "nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor, "mpw1: ",mpw1, "mband: ",dtset%mband, "mkqmem_rbz: ",&
1204 &     mkqmem_rbz, "nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1205 &     'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS/LAPACK...) compiled in int64 mode'
1206      MSG_ERROR(message)
1207    end if
1209    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cgq,(2,mcgq), ierr)
1210    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in cgq")
1211    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigenq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1212    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1213      !ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cg_pq,(2,mcgq), ierr)
1214      !ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in cgmq")
1215      !ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen_pq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1216      mcgmq=mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1217      ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cg_mq,(2,mcgmq), ierr)
1218      ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in cgmq")
1219      ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1220    end if
1222    !if (sum(dtset%qptn(1:3)**2)>=1.d-14) then ! non-zero q
1223    if (dtfil%fnamewffq == dtfil%fnamewffk .and. sum(dtset%qptn(1:3)**2) < 1.d-14) then
1224      call wrtout(std_out, "qpt is Gamma, psi_k+q initialized from psi_k in memory")
1225      cgq = cg
1226      eigenq = eigen0
1227    else
1228      call timab(144,1,tsec)
1229      call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call inwffilkq')
1230      call inwffil(ask_accurate,cgq,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,eigenq,dtset%exchn2n3d,&
1231 &     formeig,hdr,&
1232 &     ireadwf0,istwfk_rbz,kg1,kpq_rbz,dtset%localrdwf,dtset%mband,mcgq,&
1233 &     mkqmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nband_rbz,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwar1,&
1234 &     dtset%nsppol,nsym,occ_rbz,optorth,&
1235 &     dtset%symafm,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,&
1236 &     dtfil%unkg1,wffkq,wfftkq,dtfil%unwffkq,dtfil%fnamewffq,wvl)
1237      call timab(144,2,tsec)
1238 !    Close dtfil%unwffkq, if it was ever opened (in inwffil)
1239      if (ireadwf0==1) then
1240        call WffClose(wffkq,ierr)
1241      end if
1242      if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1243        !SPr: later "make" a separate WFQ file for "-q"
1244        call timab(144,1,tsec)
1245        call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call inwffilkq')
1246        call inwffil(ask_accurate,cg_mq,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,eigen_mq,dtset%exchn2n3d,&
1247 &       formeig,hdr,&
1248 &       ireadwf0,istwfk_rbz,kg1_mq,kmq_rbz,dtset%localrdwf,dtset%mband,mcgmq,&
1249 &       mkqmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1_mq,nband_rbz,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwar1_mq,&
1250 &       dtset%nsppol,nsym,occ_rbz,optorth,&
1251 &       dtset%symafm,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,&
1252 &       dtfil%unkg1,wffkq,wfftkq,dtfil%unwffkq,dtfil%fnamewffq,wvl)
1253        call timab(144,2,tsec)
1254 !      Close dtfil%unwffkq, if it was ever opened (in inwffil)
1255        if (ireadwf0==1) then
1256          call WffClose(wffkq,ierr)
1257        end if
1258      end if
1259    end if
1260    ! Update energies GS energies at k + q
1261    call put_eneocc_vect(ebands_kq, "eig", eigenq)
1262    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1263      call put_eneocc_vect(ebands_kmq, "eig", eigen_mq)
1264    end if
1266 !  PAW: compute on-site projections of GS wavefunctions (cprjq) (and derivatives) at k+q
1267    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprjq,(0,0))
1268    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1269      if (usecprj==1) then
1270        call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call ctocprjq')
1271        mcprjq=dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1272        ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(cprjq)
1273        ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprjq,(dtset%natom,mcprjq))
1274        call pawcprj_alloc(cprjq,0,dimcprj_srt)
1275        if (ipert<=dtset%natom.and.(sum(dtset%qptn(1:3)**2)>=1.d-14)) then ! phonons at non-zero q
1276          choice=1 ; iorder_cprj=0 ; idir0=0
1277          call ctocprj(atindx,cgq,choice,cprjq,gmet,gprimd,-1,idir0,0,istwfk_rbz,&
1278 &         kg1,kpq_rbz,mcgq,mcprjq,dtset%mgfft,mkqmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw1,&
1279 &         dtset%natom,nattyp,nband_rbz,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nloalg,&
1280 &         npwar1,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,&
1281 &         psps,rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpawq,xred,ylm1,ylmgr1)
1282        else if (mcprjq>0) then
1283          call pawcprj_copy(cprj,cprjq)
1284        end if
1285      end if
1286    end if
1288 !  ===== Report on eigenq values
1289    if (dtset%ieig2rf>0.and.icase==ipert_cnt) then
1290      eigen0_pert(:) = eigen0(:)
1291      eigenq_pert(:) = eigenq(:)
1292      occ_rbz_pert(:) = occ_rbz(:)
1293    end if
1294    if (dtset%efmas>0.and.icase==ipert_cnt) then
1295      eigen0_pert(:) = eigen0(:)
1296    end if
1297    call wrtout(std_out,ch10//' dfpt_looppert : eigenq array',"COLL")
1298    nkpt_eff=nkpt
1299    if( (dtset%prtvol==0.or.dtset%prtvol==1.or.dtset%prtvol==2) .and. nkpt>nkpt_max ) nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
1300    band_index=0
1301    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1302      do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
1303        nband_k=nband_rbz(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt_rbz)
1304        if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then
1305          write(message, '(a,i2,a,i5)' )'  isppol=',isppol,', k point number',ikpt
1306          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1307          do iband=1,nband_k,4
1308            write(message, '(a,4es16.6)')'  ',eigenq(iband+band_index:min(iband+3,nband_k)+band_index)
1309            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1310          end do
1311        else if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then
1312          write(message,'(a,a)' )'  respfn : prtvol=0, 1 or 2, stop printing eigenq.',ch10
1313          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1314        end if
1315        band_index=band_index+nband_k
1316      end do
1317    end do
1319 !  Generate occupation numbers for the reduced BZ at k+q
1320    ABI_ALLOCATE(docckqde,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1321    ABI_ALLOCATE(occkq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1322    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1323      ABI_ALLOCATE(docckde_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1324      ABI_ALLOCATE(occk_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1325    end if
1327    if(0<=dtset%occopt .and. dtset%occopt<=2)then
1328 !    Same occupation numbers at k and k+q (usually, insulating)
1329      occkq(:)=occ_rbz(:)
1330      docckqde(:)=zero  ! docckqde is irrelevant in this case
1331      if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1332        occk_mq(:)=occ_rbz(:)
1333        docckde_mq(:)=zero
1334      end if
1335    else
1336 !    Metallic occupation numbers
1337      option=1
1338      dosdeltae=zero ! the DOS is not computed with option=1
1339      maxocc=two/(dtset%nspinor*dtset%nsppol)
1340      call getnel(docckqde,dosdeltae,eigenq,entropy,fermie,maxocc,dtset%mband,&
1341 &     nband_rbz,nelectkq,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol,occkq,dtset%occopt,option,&
1342 &     dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,fake_unit,wtk_rbz)
1343 !    Compare nelect at k and nelelect at k+q
1344      write(message, '(a,a,a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)')&
1345 &     ' dfpt_looppert : total number of electrons, from k and k+q',ch10,&
1346 &     '  fully or partially occupied states are',dtset%nelect,' and',nelectkq,'.'
1347      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1348      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1349      if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1350        call getnel(docckde_mq,dosdeltae,eigen_mq,entropy,fermie,maxocc,dtset%mband,&
1351 &       nband_rbz,nelectkq,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol,occk_mq,dtset%occopt,option,&
1352 &       dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,fake_unit,wtk_rbz)
1353 !      Compare nelect at k and nelelect at k-q
1354        write(message, '(a,a,a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)')&
1355 &       ' dfpt_looppert : total number of electrons, from k and k-q',ch10,&
1356 &       '  fully or partially occupied states are',dtset%nelect,' and',nelectkq,'.'
1357        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1358        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1359      end if
1360    end if
1362 !  Debug message
1363    if(dtset%prtvol==-level)then
1364      call wrtout(std_out,'dfpt_looppert : initialisation of q part done. ','COLL')
1365    end if
1367 !  Initialisation of first-order wavefunctions
1368    write(message,'(3a,i4)')&
1369 &   ' Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :',ch10,&
1370 &   '  ireadwf=',dtfil%ireadwf
1371    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1372    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1373    call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fnamewff1,fiwf1i)
1374    call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fnameabo_1wf,fiwf1o)
1376 !  Allocate 1st-order PAW occupancies (rhoij1)
1377    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1378      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(pawrhoij1,(my_natom))
1379      call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij1)
1380      cplex_rhoij=max(cplex,dtset%pawcpxocc)
1381      nspden_rhoij=pawrhoij_get_nspden(dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%pawspnorb)
1382      call pawrhoij_alloc(pawrhoij1,cplex_rhoij,nspden_rhoij,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,&
1383 &     dtset%typat,pawtab=pawtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1384      if (cplex_rhoij/=hdr%pawrhoij(1)%cplex) then
1385 !      Eventually reallocate hdr%pawrhoij
1386        call pawrhoij_free(hdr%pawrhoij)
1387        call pawrhoij_alloc(hdr%pawrhoij,cplex_rhoij,nspden_rhoij,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,&
1388 &       dtset%typat,pawtab=pawtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1389      end if
1390    else
1391      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(pawrhoij1,(0))
1392    end if
1394 !  Initialize 1st-order wavefunctions
1395    formeig=1; ask_accurate=0; optorth=0
1396 ! NB: 4 Sept 2013: this was introducing a bug - for ieig2rf ==0 the dim was being set to 1 and passed to dfpt_vtowfk
1397    dim_eig2rf=0
1398    if ((dtset%ieig2rf > 0 .and. dtset%ieig2rf/=2) .or. dtset%efmas > 0) then
1399      dim_eig2rf=1
1400    end if
1401    mcg1=mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1402    if (one*mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol > huge(1)) then
1403      write (message,'(4a, 5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1404 &     "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the GS wavefunction array (WFK1, mcg1).",ch10,&
1405 &     "Action: increase the number of processors. Consider also OpenMP threads.",ch10,&
1406 &     "nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor, "mpw1: ",mpw1, "mband: ",dtset%mband, "mk1mem_rbz: ",&
1407 &     mk1mem_rbz, "nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1408 &     'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS/LAPACK...) compiled in int64 mode'
1409      MSG_ERROR(message)
1410    end if
1411    ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cg1,(2,mcg1), ierr)
1412    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out of memory in cg1")
1413    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1414      mcg1mq=mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1415      ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cg1_mq,(2,mcg1mq), ierr)
1416      ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out of memory in cg1_mq")
1417    end if
1419    ABI_ALLOCATE(cg1_active,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1420    ABI_ALLOCATE(gh1c_set,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1421    ABI_ALLOCATE(gh0c1_set,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1422    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1423      ABI_ALLOCATE(cg1_active_mq,(2,mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1424      ABI_ALLOCATE(gh1c_set_mq,(2,mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1425      ABI_ALLOCATE(gh0c1_set_mq,(2,mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1426    end if
1427 !  XG090606 This is needed in the present 5.8.2 , for portability for the pathscale machine.
1428 !  However, it is due to a bug to be corrected by Paul Boulanger. When the bug will be corrected,
1429 !  this line should be removed.
1430    if(mk1mem_rbz/=0 .and. dtset%ieig2rf/=0)then
1431      cg1_active=zero
1432      gh1c_set=zero
1433      gh0c1_set=zero
1434      if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1435        cg1_active_mq=zero
1436        gh1c_set_mq=zero
1437        gh0c1_set_mq=zero
1438      end if
1439    end if
1440    ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen1,(2*dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1441    ABI_ALLOCATE(resid,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1442    call timab(144,1,tsec)
1443    call status(pertcase,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call inwffil  ')
1444    call inwffil(ask_accurate,cg1,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,eigen1,dtset%exchn2n3d,&
1445 &   formeig,hdr,&
1446 &   dtfil%ireadwf,istwfk_rbz,kg1,kpq_rbz,dtset%localrdwf,&
1447 &   dtset%mband,mcg1,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nband_rbz,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwar1,&
1448 &   dtset%nsppol,nsym1,occ_rbz,optorth,&
1449 &   symaf1,symrl1,tnons1,dtfil%unkg1,wff1,wffnow,dtfil%unwff1,&
1450 &   fiwf1i,wvl)
1451    call timab(144,2,tsec)
1452 !  Close wff1 (filename fiwf1i), if it was ever opened (in inwffil)
1453    if (dtfil%ireadwf==1) then
1454      call WffClose(wff1,ierr)
1455    end if
1456    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1457      ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen1_mq,(2*dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1458      ABI_ALLOCATE(resid_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1459      !initialize cg1_mq:
1460      call timab(144,1,tsec)
1461      call status(pertcase,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call inwffil  ')
1462      call inwffil(ask_accurate,cg1_mq,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,eigen1_mq,dtset%exchn2n3d,&
1463 &     formeig,hdr,&
1464 &     dtfil%ireadwf,istwfk_rbz,kg1_mq,kmq_rbz,dtset%localrdwf,&
1465 &     dtset%mband,mcg1mq,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1_mq,nband_rbz,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwar1_mq,&
1466 &     dtset%nsppol,nsym1,occ_rbz,optorth,&
1467 &     symaf1,symrl1,tnons1,dtfil%unkg1,wff1,wffnow,dtfil%unwff1,&
1468 &     fiwf1i,wvl)
1469      call timab(144,2,tsec)
1470 !    Close wff1 (filename fiwf1i), if it was ever opened (in inwffil)
1471      if (dtfil%ireadwf==1) then
1472        call WffClose(wff1,ierr)
1473      end if
1474    end if
1476 !  Eventually reytrieve 1st-order PAW occupancies from file header
1477    if (psps%usepaw==1.and.dtfil%ireadwf/=0) then
1478      call pawrhoij_copy(hdr%pawrhoij,pawrhoij1,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom , &
1479 &     mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1480    end if
1482 !  In case of electric field, or 2nd order perturbation : open the ddk (or dE) wf file(s)
1483    if ((ipert==dtset%natom+2.and.sum((dtset%qptn(1:3))**2)<1.0d-7.and. &
1484 &   (dtset%berryopt/= 4.and.dtset%berryopt/= 6.and. &
1485 &   dtset%berryopt/= 7.and.dtset%berryopt/=14.and. &
1486 &   dtset%berryopt/=16.and.dtset%berryopt/=17)) .or. &
1487 &   ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11) then
1488      if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
1489        ! 1st order or berry phase, one direction
1490        nwffile=1 ! one direction needed
1491        file_index(1)=idir+dtset%natom*3
1492        fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1493      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+10) then
1494        ! 2nd order (k,k)
1495        if (idir<=3) then ! one direction needed
1496          nwffile=1
1497          file_index(1)=idir+dtset%natom*3
1498          fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1499        else ! two directions needed
1500          nwffile=2
1501          file_index(1)=idir1+dtset%natom*3
1502          file_index(2)=idir2+dtset%natom*3
1503          fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1504          fnamewff(2)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1505        end if
1506      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+11) then
1507        ! 2nd order (k,E)
1508        nwffile=3 ! dk, dE and dkdk
1509        idir_dkdk = idir
1510        if(idir_dkdk>6) idir_dkdk = idir_dkdk - 3
1511        file_index(1)=idir_dkdk +(dtset%natom+6)*3 ! dkdk
1512        file_index(2)=idir2+(dtset%natom+1)*3 ! defld file (dir2)
1513        file_index(3)=idir1+dtset%natom*3     ! ddk file (dir1)
1514        fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffdkdk
1515        fnamewff(2)=dtfil%fnamewffdelfd
1516        fnamewff(3)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1517        if (idir>3) then
1518          nwffile=4
1519          file_index(4)=idir2+dtset%natom*3   ! ddk file (dir2)
1520          fnamewff(4)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1521        end if
1522      end if
1523      do ii=1,nwffile
1524        call appdig(file_index(ii),fnamewff(ii),fiwfddk)
1525        ! Checking the existence of data file
1526        if (.not. file_exists(fiwfddk)) then
1527          ! Trick needed to run Abinit test suite in netcdf mode.
1528          if (file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwfddk))) then
1529            write(message,"(3a)")"- File: ",trim(fiwfddk)," does not exist but found netcdf file with similar name."
1530            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1531            fiwfddk = nctk_ncify(fiwfddk)
1532          end if
1533          if (.not. file_exists(fiwfddk)) then
1534            MSG_ERROR('Missing file: '//TRIM(fiwfddk))
1535          end if
1536        end if
1537        write(message,'(2a)')'-dfpt_looppert : read the wavefunctions from file: ',trim(fiwfddk)
1538        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1539        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1540 !      Note that the unit number for these files is 50,51,52 or 53 (dtfil%unddk=50)
1541        call wfk_open_read(ddk_f(ii),fiwfddk,formeig1,dtset%iomode,dtfil%unddk+(ii-1),spaceComm)
1542      end do
1543    end if
1545 !  Get first-order local potentials and 1st-order core correction density change
1546 !  (do NOT include xccc3d1 in vpsp1 : this will be done in dfpt_scfcv because vpsp1
1547 !  might become spin-polarized)
1549    n3xccc=0;if(psps%n1xccc/=0)n3xccc=nfftf
1550    ABI_ALLOCATE(xccc3d1,(cplex*n3xccc))
1551    ABI_ALLOCATE(vpsp1,(cplex*nfftf))
1553 !  PAW: compute Vloc(1) and core(1) together in reciprocal space
1554 !  --------------------------------------------------------------
1555    if (psps%usepaw==1 .or. psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) then
1556      ndir=1
1557      call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,istr,ipert,&
1558 &     mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,ndir,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,&
1559 &     ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
1560 &     atmrhor1=xccc3d1,atmvlocr1=vpsp1,optn_in=n3xccc/nfftf,optn2_in=1,vspl=psps%vlspl)
1561    else
1563 !    Norm-conserving psp: compute Vloc(1) in reciprocal sp. and core(1) in real sp.
1564 !    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1566      if(ipert==dtset%natom+3 .or. ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
1567 !      Section for strain perturbation
1568        call vlocalstr(gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,istr,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,&
1569 &       psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,&
1570 &       ucvol,psps%vlspl,vpsp1)
1571      else
1572        call dfpt_vlocal(atindx,cplex,gmet,gsqcut,idir,ipert,mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,&
1573 &       nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),dtset%paral_kgb,ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,&
1574 &       dtset%qptn,ucvol,psps%vlspl,vpsp1,xred)
1575        !SPr: need vpsp1 for -q as well, but for magnetic field it's zero, to be done later
1576      end if
1578      if(psps%n1xccc/=0)then
1579        call dfpt_mkcore(cplex,idir,ipert,dtset%natom,ntypat,ngfftf(1),psps%n1xccc,&
1580 &       ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),dtset%qptn,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d1,xred)
1581        !SPr: same here, need xccc3d1 for -q as well for phonon pert.. to be done later
1582      end if ! psps%n1xccc/=0
1583    end if ! usepaw
1585    eigen1(:)=zero; resid(:)=zero
1586    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1587      eigen1_mq(:)=zero
1588      resid_mq(:)=zero
1589    end if
1590 !  Get starting charge density and Hartree + xc potential
1591    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor1,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1592    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhog1,(2,nfftf))
1594    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1595    !Case when first order spinors at both +q and -q are not related by symmetry (time and/or space inversion)
1596      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor1_pq,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1597      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhog1_pq,(2,nfftf))
1599      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor1_mq,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1600      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhog1_mq,(2,nfftf))
1601    end if
1603 !  can we get this set of gkk matrices from previously calculated rhog1 through a non-scf calculation?
1604    found_eq_gkk=.false.
1605    if (dtset%prepgkk == 1 .and. ipert <= dtset%natom) then
1606 !    NOTE: this does not take into account combinations e.g. x+y -> z
1607 !    if rhor1 add linearly this could be done...
1608      do icase_eq = 1, icase-1
1609        idir_eq = mod(icase_eq,3)
1610        if (idir_eq==0) idir_eq=3
1611        ipert_eq = ( (icase_eq-idir_eq) / 3 + 1)
1613 ! find sym which links old perturbation to present one
1614        do isym=1, nsym
1615          ! check that isym preserves qpt to begin with
1616          if (symq(4,1,isym) /= 1 .or. &
1617 &         symq(1,1,isym) /= 0 .or. &
1618 &         symq(2,1,isym) /= 0 .or. &
1619 &         symq(3,1,isym) /= 0      ) cycle
1621          eq_symop = dtset%symrel(:,:,isym)
1622          if (indsym(4,isym,ipert) == ipert_eq .and. &
1623 &         abs(eq_symop(idir,idir_eq)) == 1 .and. &
1624 &         sum(abs(eq_symop(:,idir_eq))) == 1) then
1625            found_eq_gkk = .true.
1626            exit
1627          end if
1628        end do ! isym
1629        if (found_eq_gkk) exit
1630      end do ! icase_eq
1631    end if ! check for prepgkk with symmetric pert
1633    if (found_eq_gkk) then
1634      write (message, '(a,l6,i6,2a,3i6,2a,3i6,a)')  &
1635 &     ' found_eq_gkk,isym = ', found_eq_gkk, isym, ch10, &
1636 &     ' idir,  ipert,  icase   =  ', idir, ipert, icase, ch10, &
1637 &     ' idireq iperteq icaseeq =  ', idir_eq, ipert_eq, icase_eq, ch10
1638      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1639 !
1640 !    Make density for present perturbation, which is symmetric of 1 or more previous perturbations:
1641 !    rotate 1DEN arrays with symrel(isym) to produce rhog1_eq rhor1_eq
1642 !
1643      if (dtset%use_nonscf_gkk == 1) then
1644        call rotate_rho(cplex, timrev_pert, mpi_enreg, nfftf, ngfftf, nspden, &
1645 &       rhor1_save(:,:,icase_eq), rhog1, rhor1, eq_symop, dtset%tnons(:,isym))
1647        rhor1 = rhor1 * eq_symop(idir,idir_eq)
1649 ! TODO: rotate rhoij in PAW case
1651        blkflg_save = blkflg
1652        dtset_tmp%iscf = -2
1653        iscf_mod = -2
1654        dtset_tmp%nstep = 1
1655        dtset_tmp%nline = 1
1656        if (abs(dtset_tmp%tolwfr) < 1.e-24) dtset_tmp%tolwfr = 1.e-24
1657        dtset_tmp%toldfe = zero
1658        dtset_tmp%toldff = zero
1659        dtset_tmp%tolrff = zero
1660        dtset_tmp%tolvrs = zero
1661        write (message, '(a,i6,a)') ' NOTE: doing GKK calculation for icase ', icase, ' with non-SCF calculation'
1662        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1663        !call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL') ! decomment and update output files
1665      else ! do not use non-scf shortcut, but save rotated 1DEN for comparison
1666 ! saves the rotated rho, for later comparison with the full SCF rhor1: comment lines below for iscf = -2
1667        call rotate_rho(cplex, timrev_pert, mpi_enreg, nfftf, ngfftf, nspden, &
1668 &       rhor1_save(:,:,icase_eq), rhog1, rhor1_save(:,:,icase), eq_symop, &
1669 &       dtset%tnons(:,isym))
1670        rhor1_save(:,:,icase) = rhor1_save(:,:,icase) * eq_symop(idir,idir_eq)
1672      end if ! force non scf calculation of other gkk, or not
1673    end if ! found an equiv perturbation for the gkk
1675    if ( (dtfil%ireadwf==0 .and. iscf_mod/=-4 .and. dtset%get1den==0 .and. dtset%ird1den==0) &
1676    .or. (iscf_mod== -3 .and. ipert/=dtset%natom+11) ) then
1677 !    NOTE : For ipert==natom+11, we want to read the 1st order density from a previous calculation
1678      rhor1(:,:)=zero ; rhog1(:,:)=zero
1679 !    PAW: rhoij have been set to zero in call to pawrhoij_alloc above
1681      init_rhor1 = ((ipert>=1 .and. ipert<=dtset%natom).or.ipert==dtset%natom+5)
1682      ! This section is needed in order to maintain the old behavior and pass the automatic tests
1683      if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
1684        init_rhor1 = init_rhor1 .and. all(psps%nctab(:ntypat)%has_tvale)
1685      else
1686        init_rhor1 = .False.
1687      end if
1689      if (init_rhor1) then
1691        if(ipert/=dtset%natom+5) then
1693          ! Initialize rhor1 and rhog1 from the derivative of atomic densities/gaussians.
1694          ndir = 1; optn2 = 3
1695          if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1696            ! FIXME: Here there's a bug because has_tvale == 0 or 1 instead of 2
1697            if (all(pawtab(:ntypat)%has_tvale/=0)) optn2=2
1698          else if (psps%usepaw==0) then
1699            if (all(psps%nctab(:ntypat)%has_tvale)) optn2=2
1700          end if
1702          if (optn2 == 3) then
1703            call wrtout(std_out," Initializing rhor1 from atom-centered gaussians", "COLL")
1704            ABI_ALLOCATE(gauss,(2,ntypat))
1705            call atom_gauss(ntypat, dtset%densty, psps%ziontypat, psps%znucltypat, gauss)
1707            call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,ipert,&
1708            mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,ndir,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,&
1709            ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
1710            atmrhor1=rhor1,optn_in=1,optn2_in=3,gauss=gauss)
1712            ABI_FREE(gauss)
1713          else
1714            call wrtout(std_out," Initializing rhor1 from valence densities taken from pseudopotential files", "COLL")
1715            call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,ipert,&
1716            mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,ndir,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,&
1717            ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
1718            atmrhor1=rhor1,optn_in=1,optn2_in=2)
1719          end if
1721        else
1722          !Magnetic field perturbation
1723          call wrtout(std_out," Initializing rhor1 guess based on the ground state XC magnetic field", "COLL")
1725          call dfpt_init_mag1(idir,rhor1,rhor,cplex,nfftf,nspden,vxc,kxc,nkxc)
1727          if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1728            rhor1_pq=rhor1
1729            call dfpt_init_mag1(idir,rhor1_mq,rhor,cplex,nfftf,nspden,vxc,kxc,nkxc)
1730          end if
1731        end if
1733        call fourdp(cplex,rhog1,rhor1,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
1734        if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1735          !call fourdp(cplex,rhog1_pq,rhor1_pq,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
1736          rhog1_pq=rhog1
1737          call fourdp(cplex,rhog1_mq,rhor1_mq,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
1738        end if
1739      end if
1741    else  ! rhor1 not being forced to 0.0
1742      if(iscf_mod>0) then
1743 !      cplex=2 gets the complex density, =1 only real part
1744        if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1745 !        Be careful: in PAW, rho does not include the 1st-order compensation
1746 !        density (to be added in dfpt_scfcv.F90) !
1747          ABI_ALLOCATE(rho1wfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
1748          ABI_ALLOCATE(rho1wfr,(dtset%nfft,nspden))
1749          call dfpt_mkrho(cg,cg1,cplex,gprimd,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1750 &         kg,kg1,dtset%mband,dtset%mgfft,mkmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,nband_rbz,&
1751 &         dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,npwar1,nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,nsym1,&
1752 &         occ_rbz,dtset%paral_kgb,phnons1,rho1wfg,rho1wfr,rprimd,symaf1,symrl1,ucvol,&
1753 &         wtk_rbz)
1754          call transgrid(cplex,mpi_enreg,nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rho1wfg,rhog1,rho1wfr,rhor1)
1755          ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho1wfg)
1756          ABI_DEALLOCATE(rho1wfr)
1757        else
1758          !SPr: need to modify dfpt_mkrho to taken into account q,-q and set proper formulas when +q and -q spinors are
1759          !     related
1760          call dfpt_mkrho(cg,cg1,cplex,gprimd,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1761 &         kg,kg1,dtset%mband,dtset%mgfft,mkmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,nband_rbz,&
1762 &         dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,npwar1,nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,nsym1,&
1763 &         occ_rbz,dtset%paral_kgb,phnons1,rhog1,rhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrl1,ucvol,&
1764 &         wtk_rbz)
1765        end if
1767      else if (.not. found_eq_gkk) then
1768        ! negative iscf_mod and no symmetric rotation of rhor1
1769        ! Read rho1(r) from a disk file and broadcast data.
1770        rdwr=1;rdwrpaw=psps%usepaw;if(dtfil%ireadwf/=0) rdwrpaw=0
1771        if (ipert/=dtset%natom+11) then
1772          call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fildens1in,fiden1i)
1773        else ! For ipert==natom+11, we want to read the 1st order density from a previous calculation
1774          call appdig(idir2+(dtset%natom+1)*3,dtfil%fildens1in,fiden1i)
1775        end if
1776 !       call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fildens1in,fiden1i)
1777        call read_rhor(fiden1i, cplex, dtset%nspden, nfftf, ngfftf, rdwrpaw, mpi_enreg, rhor1, &
1778        hdr_den, pawrhoij1, spaceComm, check_hdr=hdr)
1779        etotal = hdr_den%etot; call hdr_free(hdr_den)
1781 !      Compute up+down rho1(G) by fft
1782        ABI_ALLOCATE(work,(cplex*nfftf))
1783        work(:)=rhor1(:,1)
1784        call fourdp(cplex,rhog1,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
1785        ABI_DEALLOCATE(work)
1786      end if ! rhor1 generated or read in from file
1788    end if ! rhor1 set to 0 or read in from file
1790 !  Check whether exiting was required by the user.
1791 !  If found then do not start minimization steps
1792    openexit=1 ; if(dtset%chkexit==0) openexit=0
1793    call exit_check(cpus,dtfil%filnam_ds(1),iexit,ab_out,mpi_enreg%comm_cell,openexit)
1794 !  If immediate exit, and wavefunctions were not read, must zero eigenvalues
1795    if (iexit/=0) eigen1(:)=zero
1796    if (iexit/=0.and.(.not.kramers_deg)) eigen1_mq(:)=zero
1798    if (iexit==0) then
1799      _IBM6("before dfpt_scfcv")
1801 !    Main calculation: get 1st-order wavefunctions from Sternheimer equation (SCF cycle)
1802 !    if ipert==natom+10 or natom+11 : get 2nd-order wavefunctions
1803      if (kramers_deg) then
1804        call dfpt_scfcv(atindx,blkflg,cg,cgq,cg1,cg1_active,cplex,cprj,cprjq,cpus,&
1805 &       dielt,dim_eig2rf,doccde_rbz,docckqde,dtfil,dtset_tmp,&
1806 &       d2bbb,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
1807 &       ehart01,ehart1,eigenq,eigen0,eigen1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,&
1808 &       enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,etotal,evdw,exc1,fermie,gh0c1_set,gh1c_set,hdr,idir,&
1809 &       indkpt1,indsy1,initialized,ipert,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1810 &       kg,kg1,kpt_rbz,kxc,mgfftf,mkmem_rbz,mkqmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,&
1811 &       mpert,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,mpw1_mq,my_natom,&
1812 &       nattyp,nband_rbz,ncpgr,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,nkxc,&
1813 &       npwarr,npwar1,nspden,&
1814 &       nsym1,n3xccc,occkq,occ_rbz,&
1815 &       paw_an_pert,paw_ij_pert,pawang,pawang1,pawfgr,pawfgrtab_pert,pawrad,pawrhoij_pert,pawrhoij1,pawtab,&
1816 &       pertcase,phnons1,ph1d,ph1df,prtbbb,psps,&
1817 &       dtset%qptn,resid,residm,rhog,rhog1,&
1818 &       rhor,rhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,&
1819 &       usecprj,useylmgr,useylmgr1,ddk_f,vpsp1,vtrial,vxc,&
1820 &       wtk_rbz,xccc3d1,xred,ylm,ylm1,ylmgr,ylmgr1,zeff,dfpt_scfcv_retcode,&
1821 &       kramers_deg)
1822      else
1823        call dfpt_scfcv(atindx,blkflg,cg,cgq,cg1,cg1_active,cplex,cprj,cprjq,cpus,&
1824 &       dielt,dim_eig2rf,doccde_rbz,docckqde,dtfil,dtset_tmp,&
1825 &       d2bbb,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
1826 &       ehart01,ehart1,eigenq,eigen0,eigen1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,&
1827 &       enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,etotal,evdw,exc1,fermie,gh0c1_set,gh1c_set,hdr,idir,&
1828 &       indkpt1,indsy1,initialized,ipert,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1829 &       kg,kg1,kpt_rbz,kxc,mgfftf,mkmem_rbz,mkqmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,&
1830 &       mpert,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,mpw1_mq,my_natom,&
1831 &       nattyp,nband_rbz,ncpgr,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,nkxc,&
1832 &       npwarr,npwar1,nspden,&
1833 &       nsym1,n3xccc,occkq,occ_rbz,&
1834 &       paw_an_pert,paw_ij_pert,pawang,pawang1,pawfgr,pawfgrtab_pert,pawrad,pawrhoij_pert,pawrhoij1,pawtab,&
1835 &       pertcase,phnons1,ph1d,ph1df,prtbbb,psps,&
1836 &       dtset%qptn,resid,residm,rhog,rhog1,&
1837 &       rhor,rhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,&
1838 &       usecprj,useylmgr,useylmgr1,ddk_f,vpsp1,vtrial,vxc,&
1839 &       wtk_rbz,xccc3d1,xred,ylm,ylm1,ylmgr,ylmgr1,zeff,dfpt_scfcv_retcode,&
1840 &       kramers_deg,&
1841 &       cg_mq=cg_mq,cg1_mq=cg1_mq,cg1_active_mq=cg1_active_mq,docckde_mq=docckde_mq,eigen_mq=eigen_mq,&
1842 &       eigen1_mq=eigen1_mq,gh0c1_set_mq=gh0c1_set_mq,gh1c_set_mq=gh1c_set_mq,&
1843 &       kg1_mq=kg1_mq,npwar1_mq=npwar1_mq,occk_mq=occk_mq,resid_mq=resid_mq,residm_mq=residm_mq,&
1844 &       rhog1_pq=rhog1_pq,rhog1_mq=rhog1_mq,rhor1_pq=rhor1_pq,rhor1_mq=rhor1_mq)
1845      end if
1847      _IBM6("after dfpt_scfcv")
1849 !    2nd-order eigenvalues stuff
1850      if (dtset%ieig2rf>0) then
1851        if (first_entry) then
1852          nullify(eigen1_pert)
1853          first_entry = .false.
1854        end if
1855        if (.not.associated(eigen1_pert)) then
1856          ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen1_pert,(2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt*dtset%nsppol,3,mpert))
1857          ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(cg1_pert,(2,mpw1*nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert),ierr)
1858          ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in cg1_pert")
1859          ABI_ALLOCATE(gh0c1_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1860          ABI_ALLOCATE(gh1c_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1861          ABI_ALLOCATE(kpt_rbz_pert,(3,nkpt_rbz))
1862          ABI_ALLOCATE(npwarr_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1863          ABI_ALLOCATE(npwar1_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1864          ABI_ALLOCATE(npwtot_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1865          eigen1_pert(:,:,:) = zero
1866          cg1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1867          gh0c1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1868          gh1c_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1869          npwar1_pert (:,:) = 0
1870          npwarr_pert (:,:) = 0
1871          kpt_rbz_pert = kpt_rbz
1872        end if
1873        clflg(idir,ipert)=1
1874        eigen1_pert(1:2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol,idir,ipert) = eigen1(:)
1875        if(dtset%ieig2rf==1.or.dtset%ieig2rf==3.or.dtset%ieig2rf==4.or.dtset%ieig2rf==5) then
1876          cg1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=cg1_active(:,:)
1877          gh0c1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh0c1_set(:,:)
1878          gh1c_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh1c_set(:,:)
1879        end if
1880        npwarr_pert(:,ipert)=npwarr(:)
1881        npwar1_pert(:,ipert)=npwar1(:)
1882        npwtot_pert(:,ipert)=npwtot(:)
1883      end if
1884 !    2nd-order eigenvalues stuff for EFMAS
1885      if (dtset%efmas>0) then
1886        if (first_entry) then
1887          nullify(eigen1_pert)
1888          first_entry = .false.
1889        end if
1890        if (.not.associated(eigen1_pert)) then
1891          ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen1_pert,(2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt*dtset%nsppol,3,mpert))
1892          ABI_ALLOCATE(cg1_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1893          ABI_ALLOCATE(gh0c1_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1894          ABI_ALLOCATE(gh1c_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1895          ABI_ALLOCATE(kpt_rbz_pert,(3,nkpt_rbz))
1896          ABI_ALLOCATE(npwarr_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1897          eigen1_pert(:,:,:) = zero
1898          cg1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1899          gh0c1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1900          gh1c_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1901          npwarr_pert (:,:) = 0
1902          kpt_rbz_pert = kpt_rbz
1903          ABI_ALLOCATE(cg0_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1904          cg0_pert = cg
1905        end if
1906        eigen1_pert(1:2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol,idir,ipert) = eigen1(:)
1907        cg1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=cg1_active(:,:)
1908        gh0c1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh0c1_set(:,:)
1909        gh1c_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh1c_set(:,:)
1910        npwarr_pert(:,ipert)=npwarr(:)
1911      end if
1912      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh1c_set)
1913      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh0c1_set)
1914      ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg1_active)
1915      if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1916        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh1c_set_mq)
1917        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh0c1_set_mq)
1918        ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg1_active_mq)
1919      end if
1921    end if ! End of the check of hasty exit
1923    call timab(146,1,tsec)
1925 !  Print out message at the end of the iterations
1926    write(message, '(80a,a,a,a,a)' ) ('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
1927 &   ' ----iterations are completed or convergence reached----',ch10
1928    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1929    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
1931 !  Print _gkk file for this perturbation
1932    if (dtset%prtgkk == 1) then
1933      call appdig(3*(ipert-1)+idir,dtfil%fnameabo_gkk,gkkfilnam)
1934      nmatel = dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1935      ABI_ALLOCATE(phasecg, (2, nmatel))
1936      call getcgqphase(dtset, timrev, cg,  mcg,  cgq, mcgq, mpi_enreg, nkpt_rbz, npwarr, npwar1, phasecg)
1937      phasecg(1,:) = one
1938      phasecg(2,:) = zero
1939 ! NB: phasecg not actually used in outgkk for the moment (2013/08/15)
1940      call outgkk(bantot_rbz, nmatel,gkkfilnam,eigen0,eigen1,hdr0,hdr,mpi_enreg,phasecg)
1941      ABI_DEALLOCATE(phasecg)
1943 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1944      ! Reshape eigen1 into gkk for netCDF output
1945      ABI_STAT_ALLOCATE(gkk,(2*dtset%mband*dtset%nsppol,dtset%nkpt,1,1,dtset%mband), ierr)
1946      ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "out-of-memory in gkk")
1947      gkk(:,:,:,:,:) = zero
1948      mband = dtset%mband
1949      band_index = 0
1950      band2tot_index = 0
1951      do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1952        do ikpt =1,nkpt_rbz
1953          do iband=1,dtset%mband
1954            do jband=1,dtset%mband
1955              eig1_r = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index)
1956              eig1_i = eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index)
1957              gkk(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) = &
1958 &             gkk(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) + eig1_r
1959              gkk(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) = &
1960 &             gkk(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) + eig1_i
1961            end do !jband
1962          end do !iband
1963          band2tot_index = band2tot_index + 2*mband**2
1964        end do !ikpt
1965        band_index = band_index + mband
1966      end do !isppol
1968      ! Initialize ggk_ebands to write in the file
1969      ! MG FIXME: Here there's a bug because eigen0 is dimensioned with nkpt_rbz i.e. IBZ(q)
1970      ! but the ebands_t object is constructed with dimensions taken from hdr0 i.e. the IBZ(q=0).
1971      bantot= dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol
1972      call ebands_init(bantot,gkk_ebands,dtset%nelect,doccde,eigen0,hdr0%istwfk,hdr0%kptns,&
1973 &     hdr0%nband, hdr0%nkpt,hdr0%npwarr,hdr0%nsppol,hdr0%nspinor,&
1974 &     hdr0%tphysel,hdr0%tsmear,hdr0%occopt,hdr0%occ,hdr0%wtk,&
1975 &     hdr0%charge, hdr0%kptopt, hdr0%kptrlatt_orig, hdr0%nshiftk_orig, hdr0%shiftk_orig, &
1976 &     hdr0%kptrlatt, hdr0%nshiftk, hdr0%shiftk)
1978      ! Init a gkk_t object
1979      call gkk_init(gkk,gkk2d,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,1,1)
1981      ! Write the netCDF file.
1982      fname = strcat(gkkfilnam,".nc")
1983      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating GKK file")
1984      NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(crystal, ncid))
1985      NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(gkk_ebands, ncid))
1986      call gkk_ncwrite(gkk2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq, ncid)
1987      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
1989      ! Free memory
1990      ABI_DEALLOCATE(gkk)
1991      call gkk_free(gkk2d)
1992      call ebands_free(gkk_ebands)
1993 #endif
1994    end if
1996    if (dtset%prepgkk == 1 .and. found_eq_gkk) then
1997      if (dtset%use_nonscf_gkk == 1) then
1998 !      Restore old values of SCF cycle parameters
1999        iscf_mod = iscf_mod_save
2000        dtset_tmp%iscf = iscf_mod_save
2001        dtset_tmp%nstep = nstep_save
2002        dtset_tmp%nline = nline_save
2003        dtset_tmp%tolwfr = tolwfr_save
2004        dtset_tmp%toldfe = toldfe_save
2005        dtset_tmp%toldff = toldff_save
2006        dtset_tmp%tolrff = tolrff_save
2007        dtset_tmp%tolvrs = tolvrs_save
2008        blkflg = blkflg_save ! this ensures we do not use the (unconverged) 2DTE from this non scf run
2009 !      Save density for present perturbation, for future use in symmetric perturbations
2010        rhor1_save(:,:,icase) = rhor1
2011      else
2012        write (message, '(a,3E20.10)') 'norm diff = ', sum(abs(rhor1_save(:,:,icase) - rhor1)), &
2013 &       sum(abs(rhor1)), sum(abs(rhor1_save(:,:,icase) - rhor1))/sum(abs(rhor1))
2014        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
2015      end if
2016    end if
2018    ! Write wavefunctions file only if convergence was not achieved.
2019    write_1wfk = .True.
2020    if (dtset%prtwf==-1 .and. dfpt_scfcv_retcode == 0) then
2021      write_1wfk = .False.
2022      call wrtout(ab_out," dfpt_looppert: DFPT cycle converged with prtwf=-1. Will skip output of the 1st-order WFK file.","COLL")
2023    end if
2025    if (write_1wfk) then
2026      ! Output 1st-order wavefunctions in file
2027      call status(pertcase,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'call outwf    ')
2028      call outwf(cg1,dtset,psps,eigen1,fiwf1o,hdr,kg1,kpt_rbz,&
2029 &     dtset%mband,mcg1,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1,dtset%natom,nband_rbz,&
2030 &     nkpt_rbz,npwar1,dtset%nsppol,&
2031 &     occ_rbz,resid,response,dtfil%unwff2,wvl%wfs,wvl%descr)
2032    end if
2034 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
2035   ! Output DDK file in netcdf format.
2036    if (me == master .and. ipert == dtset%natom + 1) then
2037      fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
2038      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating file")
2039     ! Have to build hdr on k-grid with info about perturbation.
2040      call hdr_copy(hdr0, hdr_tmp)
2041      hdr_tmp%kptopt = dtset%kptopt
2042      hdr_tmp%pertcase = pertcase
2043      hdr_tmp%qptn = dtset%qptn(1:3)
2044      NCF_CHECK(hdr_ncwrite(hdr_tmp, ncid, 43, nc_define=.True.))
2045      call hdr_free(hdr_tmp)
2046      NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(crystal, ncid))
2047      NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands_k, ncid))
2048      ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
2049      nctkarr_t('h1_matrix_elements', "dp", &
2050      "two, max_number_of_states, max_number_of_states, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins")], defmode=.True.)
2051      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2052      NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
2053      ncerr = nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "h1_matrix_elements"), eigen1, &
2054      count=[2, dtset%mband, dtset%mband, nkpt_rbz, dtset%nsppol])
2055      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2056      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2057    end if
2058 #endif
2061 !  If the perturbation is d/dk, evaluate the f-sum rule.
2062    if (ipert==dtset%natom+1 )then
2063 !    Note : the factor of two is related to the difference
2064 !    between Taylor expansion and perturbation expansion
2065 !    Note : this expression should be modified for ecutsm.
2066 !    Indeed, the present one will NOT tend to 1.0_dp.
2067      ek2=gmet(idir,idir)*(two_pi**2)*2.0_dp*dtset%nelect
2068      fsum=-ek1/ek2
2069      if(dtset%ecutsm<tol6)then
2070        write(message, '(a,es20.10,a,a,es20.10)' ) &
2071 &       ' dfpt_looppert : ek2=',ek2,ch10,&
2072 &       '          f-sum rule ratio=',fsum
2073      else
2074        write(message, '(a,es20.10,a,a,es20.10,a)' ) &
2075 &       ' dfpt_looppert : ek2=',ek2,ch10,&
2076 &       '          f-sum rule ratio=',fsum,' (note : ecutsm/=0)'
2077      end if
2078      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2079      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
2080 !    Write the diagonal elements of the dH/dk operator, after averaging over degenerate states
2081      ABI_ALLOCATE(eigen1_mean,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
2082      call eigen_meandege(eigen0,eigen1,eigen1_mean,dtset%mband,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol,1)
2083      option=4
2084      call prteigrs(eigen1_mean,dtset%enunit,fermie,dtfil%fnametmp_1wf1_eig,ab_out,iscf_mod,kpt_rbz,dtset%kptopt,&
2085 &     dtset%mband,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ_rbz,dtset%occopt,&
2086 &     option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk_rbz)
2087      ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen1_mean)
2088    end if
2090 !  Print the energies
2091    if (dtset%nline/=0 .or. dtset%nstep/=0)then
2092      call dfpt_prtene(dtset%berryopt,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
2093 &     ehart01,ehart1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,evdw,exc1,ab_out,&
2094 &     ipert,dtset%natom,psps%usepaw,usevdw)
2095    end if
2097    if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
2098      if (ipert_me < npert_me -1) then
2099        call hdr_free(hdr0)
2100      else
2101        eigen0_copy(1:dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol) = eigen0
2102      end if
2103      ipert_me = ipert_me +1
2104    else
2105      if (icase == ipert_cnt) then
2106        eigen0_copy(1:dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol) = eigen0
2107      else
2108        call hdr_free(hdr0)
2109      end if
2110    end if
2112 !Release the temporary arrays (for k, k+q and 1st-order)
2113    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg)
2114    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cgq)
2115    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg1)
2116    ABI_DEALLOCATE(docckqde)
2117    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2118      ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg_mq)
2119      ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg1_mq)
2120      ABI_DEALLOCATE(docckde_mq)
2121    end if
2122    ABI_DEALLOCATE(doccde_rbz)
2123    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen0)
2124    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigenq)
2125    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen1)
2126    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpq)
2127    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2128      ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen_mq)
2129      ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen1_mq)
2130      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kmq)
2131    end if
2132    ABI_DEALLOCATE(indkpt1)
2133    ABI_DEALLOCATE(indsy1)
2134    ABI_DEALLOCATE(istwfk_rbz)
2135    ABI_DEALLOCATE(irrzon1)
2136    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kg)
2137    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kg1)
2138    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpq_rbz)
2139    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2140      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kg1_mq)
2141      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kmq_rbz)
2142    end if
2143    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpt_rbz)
2144    ABI_DEALLOCATE(nband_rbz)
2145    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwarr)
2146    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwar1)
2147    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwtot)
2148    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwtot1)
2149    ABI_DEALLOCATE(occkq)
2150    ABI_DEALLOCATE(occ_rbz)
2151    ABI_DEALLOCATE(phnons1)
2152    ABI_DEALLOCATE(resid)
2153    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhog1)
2154    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor1)
2155    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symaf1)
2156    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrc1)
2157    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrl1)
2158    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tnons1)
2159    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk_rbz)
2160    ABI_DEALLOCATE(xccc3d1)
2161    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vpsp1)
2162    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylm)
2163    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylm1)
2164    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylmgr)
2165    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylmgr1)
2166    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2167      ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwar1_mq)
2168      ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwtot1_mq)
2169      ABI_DEALLOCATE(occk_mq)
2170      ABI_DEALLOCATE(resid_mq)
2171      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor1_pq)
2172      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor1_mq)
2173      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhog1_pq)
2174      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhog1_mq)
2175    end if
2176    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2177      call pawang_free(pawang1)
2178      call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij1)
2179      if (usecprj==1) then
2180        call pawcprj_free(cprj)
2181        call pawcprj_free(cprjq)
2182      end if
2183    end if
2184    ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(pawrhoij1)
2187    if(xmpi_paral==1)  then
2188      ABI_DEALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
2189      ABI_DEALLOCATE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
2190    end if
2191    call hdr_free(hdr)
2193    ! Clean band structure datatypes (should use it more in the future !)
2194    call ebands_free(ebands_k)
2195    call ebands_free(ebands_kq)
2196    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2197      call ebands_free(ebands_kmq)
2198    end if
2200 !  %%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
2201 !  *Redefine output/log files
2202    call localredirect(mpi_enreg%comm_cell,mpi_enreg%comm_world,npert_io,&
2203 &   mpi_enreg%paral_pert,0)
2205    call timab(146,2,tsec)
2206    if(iexit/=0) exit
2207  end do ! End loop on perturbations
2208  ABI_DEALLOCATE(zeff)
2210 !%%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
2211 !*Restore default communicators
2212  call unset_pert_comm(mpi_enreg)
2213 !*Gather output/log files
2214  ABI_ALLOCATE(dyn,(npert_io))
2215  if (npert_io>0) dyn=1
2216  call localrdfile(mpi_enreg%comm_pert,mpi_enreg%comm_world,.true.,npert_io,&
2217 & mpi_enreg%paral_pert,0,dyn)
2219 !*Restore PAW on-site data
2220  if (paral_pert_inplace) then
2221    call unset_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
2222 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij)
2223  else
2224    call unset_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
2225 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,&
2226 &   paw_an_out=paw_an_pert,paw_ij_out=paw_ij_pert,&
2227 &   pawfgrtab_out=pawfgrtab_pert,pawrhoij_out=pawrhoij_pert)
2228  end if
2230 !#################################################################################
2231 !Calculate the second-order eigenvalues for a wavevector Q
2233  call timab(147,1,tsec)
2234  smdelta = dtset%smdelta
2235  bdeigrf = dtset%bdeigrf
2236  if(dtset%bdeigrf == -1) bdeigrf = dtset%mband
2238  if(dtset%ieig2rf > 0) then
2240    if ((dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine ==0) .or.&
2241 &   (dtset%getwfkfine == 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine /=0) )  then
2242      call wrtout(std_out,'Reading the dense grid WF file',"COLL")
2243 !    We get the Abinit header of the file hdr_fine as ouput
2244 !    We get eigenq_fine(mband,hdr_fine%nkpt,hdr_fine%nsppol) as ouput
2245      fname = dtfil%fnameabi_wfkfine
2246      if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) fname = nctk_ncify(dtfil%fnameabi_wfkfine)
2248      call wfk_read_eigenvalues(fname,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,mpi_enreg%comm_world)
2249      ABI_CHECK(SIZE(eigenq_fine,DIM=1)==Dtset%mband,"Size eigenq_fine != mband")
2250    end if
2251 ! DBSP ==> Has been changed to be able to make Bandstructure calculation
2252 !   if(dtset%kptopt==3 .or. dtset%kptopt==0)then
2253    if(dtset%kptopt==3 .or. dtset%kptopt==0 .or. dtset%kptopt < -4 .or. dtset%nsym==1) then
2254 !END
2255      if (dtset%nsym > 1) then ! .and. dtset%efmas==0) then
2256        MSG_ERROR("Symmetries are not implemented for temperature dependence calculations")
2257      end if
2258      write(std_out,*) 'Entering: eig2stern'
2259      if(smdelta>0)then
2260        if ((dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine ==0) .or.&
2261 &       (dtset%getwfkfine == 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine /=0) )  then
2262          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2263 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2264 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2265 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset,eigbrd,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,hdr0)
2266        else
2267          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2268 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2269 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2270 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset,eigbrd)
2271        end if
2272      else
2273        if ((dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine ==0) .or.&
2274 &       (dtset%getwfkfine == 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine /=0) )  then
2275          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2276 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2277 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2278 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset,eigbrd,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,hdr0)
2279        else
2280          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2281 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2282 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2283 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset)
2284        end if
2285      end if
2286      call wrtout(std_out, 'Leaving: eig2stern', "COLL")
2288      if (dtset%ieig2rf==1.or.dtset%ieig2rf==2) then
2289        if (me==master) then
2290 !        print _EIGR2D file for this perturbation
2291          dscrpt=' Note : temporary (transfer) database '
2292          unitout = dtfil%unddb
2293          vrsddb=100401
2295          call ddb_hdr_init(ddb_hdr,dtset,psps,pawtab,DDB_VERSION,dscrpt,&
2296 &         1,xred=xred,occ=occ_pert)
2298          call ddb_hdr_open_write(ddb_hdr, dtfil%fnameabo_eigr2d, dtfil%unddb)
2300          call outbsd(bdeigrf,dtset,eig2nkq,dtset%natom,nkpt_rbz,unitout)
2301 !        print _EIGI2D file for this perturbation
2302          if(smdelta>0) then
2304            unitout = dtfil%unddb
2305            call ddb_hdr_open_write(ddb_hdr, dtfil%fnameabo_eigi2d, unitout)
2307            call outbsd(bdeigrf,dtset,eigbrd,dtset%natom,nkpt_rbz,unitout)
2308          end if !smdelta
2310          call ddb_hdr_free(ddb_hdr)
2312 !        Output of the file.
2313          fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4),"")
2315 !        Electronic band energies.
2316          bantot= dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol
2317          call ebands_init(bantot,gkk_ebands,dtset%nelect,doccde,eigen0_pert,hdr0%istwfk,hdr0%kptns,&
2318 &         hdr0%nband, hdr0%nkpt,hdr0%npwarr,hdr0%nsppol,hdr0%nspinor,&
2319 &         hdr0%tphysel,hdr0%tsmear,hdr0%occopt,hdr0%occ,hdr0%wtk,&
2320 &         hdr0%charge, hdr0%kptopt, hdr0%kptrlatt_orig, hdr0%nshiftk_orig, hdr0%shiftk_orig, &
2321 &         hdr0%kptrlatt, hdr0%nshiftk, hdr0%shiftk)
2323 !        Second order derivative EIGR2D (real and Im)
2324          call eigr2d_init(eig2nkq,eigr2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom)
2325 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
2326          NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating EIGR2D file")
2327          NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(crystal, ncid))
2328          NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(gkk_ebands, ncid))
2329          call eigr2d_ncwrite(eigr2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq,ncid)
2330          NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2331 #endif
2332          if(smdelta>0) then
2333 !          Output of the file.
2334            fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4),"")
2335 !          Broadening EIGI2D (real and Im)
2336            call eigr2d_init(eigbrd,eigi2d,dtset%mband,hdr0%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,dtset%natom)
2337 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
2338            NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating EIGI2D file")
2339            NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(crystal, ncid))
2340            NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(gkk_ebands, ncid))
2341            call eigr2d_ncwrite(eigi2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq,ncid)
2342            NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2343 #endif
2344          end if
2345        end if
2346      end if !ieig2rf==1.or.ieig2rf==2
2347    else
2348      write(message,'(3a)')&
2349 &     'K point grids must be the same for every perturbation: eig2stern not called',ch10,&
2350 &     'Action: Put kptopt=3 '
2351      MSG_WARNING(message)
2352    end if !kptopt
2353    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh1c_pert)
2354    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh0c1_pert)
2355    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg1_pert)
2356    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpt_rbz_pert)
2357    ABI_DEALLOCATE(istwfk_pert)
2358    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwarr_pert)
2359    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwar1_pert)
2360    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwtot_pert)
2361    ABI_DEALLOCATE(occ_pert)
2362  end if  !if dtset%ieig2rf
2364  !Calculation of effective masses.
2365  if(dtset%efmas == 1) then
2366    call efmas_main(cg0_pert,cg1_pert,dim_eig2rf,dtset,efmasdeg,efmasfr,eigen0_pert,&
2367 &   eigen1_pert,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,istwfk_pert,&
2368 &   kpt_rbz_pert,mpert,mpi_enreg,&
2369 &   nkpt_rbz,npwarr_pert,rprimd)
2370    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh1c_pert)
2371    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gh0c1_pert)
2372    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg1_pert)
2373    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpt_rbz_pert)
2374    ABI_DEALLOCATE(istwfk_pert)
2375    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npwarr_pert)
2376    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cg0_pert)
2377  end if
2380 !Free memory.
2381  if(dtset%ieig2rf /= 3 .and. dtset%ieig2rf /= 4 .and. dtset%ieig2rf /= 5) then
2382    call hdr_free(hdr0)
2383  end if
2384  ABI_DEALLOCATE(eigen0_copy)
2385  call crystal_free(crystal)
2387  ! GKK stuff (deprecated)
2388  call ebands_free(gkk_ebands)
2389  call eigr2d_free(eigr2d)
2390  call eigr2d_free(eigi2d)
2392  call timab(147,2,tsec)
2393 !######################################################################################
2395 !Get ddk file information, for later use in dfpt_dyout
2396  ddkfil(:)=0
2397  do idir=1,3
2398    file_index(1)=idir+dtset%natom*3
2399    call appdig(file_index(1),dtfil%fnamewffddk,fiwfddk)
2400 !  Check that ddk file exists
2401    t_exist = file_exists(fiwfddk)
2402    if (.not. t_exist) then
2403      ! Trick needed to run Abinit test suite in netcdf mode.
2404      t_exist = file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwfddk))
2405      if (t_exist) then
2406        write(message,"(3a)")"- File: ",trim(fiwfddk)," does not exist but found netcdf file with similar name."
2407        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2408        fiwfddk = nctk_ncify(fiwfddk)
2409      end if
2410    end if
2412 !  If the file exists set ddkfil to a non-zero value
2413    if (t_exist) ddkfil(idir)=20+idir
2414  end do
2416  ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph1d)
2417  ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph1df)
2418  ABI_DEALLOCATE(pert_calc)
2419  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2420    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dimcprj_srt)
2421  end if
2423 !destroy dtset_tmp
2424  if (dtset%prepgkk /= 0) then ! .and. dtset%use_nonscf_gkk == 1) then !Later uncomment this - in scf case rhor1_save is used below only for testing
2425    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor1_save)
2426    ABI_DEALLOCATE(blkflg_save)
2427    call dtset_free (dtset_tmp)
2428    ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(dtset_tmp)
2429  end if
2431 !In paral_pert-case some array's have to be reconstructed
2432  if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
2433    ABI_ALLOCATE(buffer1,(2,3,mpert,3,mpert*(2+psps%usepaw)))
2434    buffer1(:,:,:,:,1:mpert)=d2lo(:,:,:,:,:)
2435    buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+mpert:2*mpert)=d2nl(:,:,:,:,:)
2436    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2437      buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+2*mpert:3*mpert)=d2ovl(:,:,:,:,:)
2438    end if
2439    call xmpi_sum(buffer1,mpi_enreg%comm_pert,ierr)
2440    call xmpi_sum(blkflg,mpi_enreg%comm_pert,ierr)
2441    if(dtset%prtbbb==1) then
2442      call xmpi_sum(d2bbb,mpi_enreg%comm_pert,ierr)
2443    end if
2444    d2lo(:,:,:,:,:)=buffer1(:,:,:,:,1:mpert)
2445    d2nl(:,:,:,:,:)=buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+mpert:2*mpert)
2446    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2447      d2ovl(:,:,:,:,:)=buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+2*mpert:3*mpert)
2448    end if
2449    ABI_DEALLOCATE(buffer1)
2450  end if
2452  if ( associated(old_atmtab)) then
2453    ABI_DEALLOCATE(old_atmtab)
2454    nullify(old_atmtab)
2455  end if
2457  call status(0,dtfil%filstat,iexit,level,'exit')
2459  call timab(141,2,tsec)
2461  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2463 end subroutine dfpt_looppert