ABINIT/m_eph_driver [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




   Driver for EPH calculations


  Copyright (C) 2009-2024 ABINIT group (MG, MVer, GA)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_eph_driver
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_xomp
29  use m_hdr
30  use m_crystal
31  use m_ebands
32  use m_dtset
33  use m_efmas_defs
34  use m_dtfil
35  use m_ddb
36  use m_ddb_hdr
37  use m_dvdb
38  use m_ifc
39  use m_phonons
40  use m_nctk
41  use m_wfk
42  use m_distribfft
43  use netcdf
45  use defs_datatypes,    only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
46  use defs_abitypes,     only : MPI_type
47  use m_io_tools,        only : file_exists, open_file
48  use m_time,            only : cwtime, cwtime_report
49  use m_fstrings,        only : strcat, sjoin, ftoa, itoa
50  use m_fftcore,         only : print_ngfft
51  use m_rta,             only : rta_driver, ibte_driver
52  use m_mpinfo,          only : destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq
53  use m_pawang,          only : pawang_type
54  use m_pawrad,          only : pawrad_type
55  use m_pawtab,          only : pawtab_type
56  use m_paw_an,          only : paw_an_type, paw_an_free !, paw_an_nullify, paw_an_init,
57  use m_paw_ij,          only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_init, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify
58  use m_pawfgrtab,       only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_free, pawfgrtab_init
59  use m_pawrhoij,        only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free, pawrhoij_symrhoij
60  use m_pawfgr,          only : pawfgr_type, pawfgr_init, pawfgr_destroy
61  use m_phgamma,         only : eph_phgamma
62  use m_efmas,           only : efmasdeg_free_array, efmasval_free_array, efmas_ncread
63  use m_gkk,             only : eph_gkk, ncwrite_v1qnu
64  use m_phpi,            only : eph_phpi
65  use m_sigmaph,         only : sigmaph
66  use m_pspini,          only : pspini
67  use m_ephtk,           only : ephtk_update_ebands
68  use m_gstore,          only : gstore_t
69  use m_migdal_eliashberg, only : migdal_eliashberg_iso !, migdal_eliashberg_aniso
70  use m_berry_curvature,  only : berry_curvature
71  use m_cumulant,        only : cumulant_driver
72  use m_frohlich,        only : frohlich_t, frohlichmodel_zpr, frohlichmodel_polaronmass
74  implicit none
76  private

m_eph_driver/eph [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_eph_driver ] [ Functions ]




 Main routine to compute electron phonon coupling matrix elements and
 calculate related properties - superconducting Tc, phonon linewidths, electronic renormalization
 due to phonons and temperature effects...


 acell(3)=Length scales of primitive translations (bohr)
 codvsn=Code version
 dtfil<datafiles_type>=Variables related to files.
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 pawang<pawang_type)>=PAW angular mesh and related data.
 pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)<pawrad_type>=Paw radial mesh and related data.
 pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=Paw tabulated starting data.
 psps<pseudopotential_type>=Variables related to pseudopotentials.
   Before entering the first time in the routine, a significant part of Psps has been initialized :
   the integers dimekb,lmnmax,lnmax,mpssang,mpssoang,mpsso,mgrid,ntypat,n1xccc,usepaw,useylm,
   and the arrays dimensioned to npsp. All the remaining components of Psps are to be initialized in
   the call to pspini. The next time the code enters bethe_salpeter, Psps might be identical to the
   one of the previous Dtset, in which case, no reinitialisation is scheduled in pspini.F90.
 rprim(3,3)=Dimensionless real space primitive translations.
 xred(3,natom)=Reduced atomic coordinates.


 In case of PAW:
    Two FFT grids are used:
    - A "coarse" FFT grid (defined by ecut) for the application of the Hamiltonian on the plane waves basis.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      Hamiltonian, wave-functions, density related to WFs (rhor here), ... are expressed on this grid.
    - A "fine" FFT grid (defined) by ecutdg) for the computation of the density inside PAW spheres.
      It is defined by nfftf, ngfftf, mgfftf, ... Total density, potentials, ... are expressed on this grid.
 In case of norm-conserving:
    - Only the usual FFT grid (defined by ecut) is used. It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      For compatibility reasons, (nfftf,ngfftf,mgfftf) are set equal to (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) in that case.


130 subroutine eph(acell, codvsn, dtfil, dtset, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, rprim, xred)
132 !Arguments ------------------------------------
133 !scalars
134  character(len=8),intent(in) :: codvsn
135  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
136  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
137  type(pawang_type),intent(inout) :: pawang
138  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(inout) :: psps
139 !arrays
140  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),rprim(3,3),xred(3,dtset%natom)
141  type(pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
142  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
144 !Local variables ------------------------------
145 !scalars
146  integer,parameter :: master = 0, selectz0 = 0, nsphere0 = 0, prtsrlr0 = 0, with_cplex1 = 1, with_cplex2 = 2
147  integer :: ii,comm,nprocs,my_rank,psp_gencond,mgfftf,nfftf
148  integer :: iblock_dielt_zeff, iblock_dielt, iblock_quadrupoles, ddb_nqshift, ierr, npert_miss
149  integer :: omp_ncpus, work_size, nks_per_proc, mtyp, mpert, lwsym !msize,
150  integer :: iatdir, iq2dir, iq1dir, quad_unt, iatom, jj, qptopt
151  integer :: ncid ! ,ncerr
152  real(dp):: eff, mempercpu_mb, max_wfsmem_mb, nonscal_mem
153  real(dp) :: ecore,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,gsqcutc_eff,gsqcutf_eff
154  real(dp) :: cpu,wall,gflops
155  logical :: use_wfk, use_wfq, use_dvdb, use_sigeph
156  character(len=500) :: msg
157  character(len=fnlen) :: wfk0_path, wfq_path, ddb_filepath, dvdb_filepath, sigeph_filepath, path
158  type(hdr_type) :: wfk0_hdr, wfq_hdr
159  type(crystal_t) :: cryst, cryst_ddb
160  type(ebands_t) :: ebands, ebands_kq
161  type(ddb_type) :: ddb, ddb_lw
162  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: ddb_hdr
163  type(dvdb_t) :: dvdb
164  type(ifc_type) :: ifc
165  type(pawfgr_type) :: pawfgr
166  type(mpi_type) :: mpi_enreg
167  type(phdos_t) :: phdos
168  type(gstore_t) :: gstore
169  type(frohlich_t) :: frohlich
170 !arrays
171  integer :: ngfftc(18), ngfftf(18), count_wminmax(2), units(2)
172  real(dp),parameter :: k0(3)=zero
173  real(dp) :: wminmax(2), dielt(3,3), zeff(3,3,dtset%natom), zeff_raw(3,3,dtset%natom)
174  real(dp) :: qdrp_cart(3,3,3,dtset%natom)
175  real(dp),allocatable :: ddb_qshifts(:,:), kpt_efmas(:,:)
176  type(efmasdeg_type),allocatable :: efmasdeg(:)
177  type(efmasval_type),allocatable :: efmasval(:,:)
178  !type(pawfgrtab_type),allocatable :: pawfgrtab(:)
179  !type(paw_ij_type),allocatable :: paw_ij(:)
180  !type(paw_an_type),allocatable :: paw_an(:)
182 !************************************************************************
184  ! This part performs the initialization of the basic objects used to perform e-ph calculations:
185  !
186  !     1) Crystal structure `cryst`
187  !     2) Ground state band energies: `ebands`
188  !     3) Interatomic force constants: `ifc`
189  !     4) DVDB database with the dvscf potentials
190  !     5) Pseudos and PAW basic objects.
191  !
192  ! Once we have these objects, we can call specialized routines for e-ph calculations.
193  ! Notes:
194  !
195  !   * Any modification to the basic objects mentioned above should be done here (e.g. change of efermi)
196  !   * This routines shall not allocate big chunks of memory. The CPU-demanding sections should be
197  !     performed in the subdriver that will employ different MPI distribution schemes optimized for that particular task.
201  if (psps%usepaw == 1) then
202    ABI_ERROR("PAW not implemented")
203    ABI_UNUSED((/pawang%nsym, pawrad(1)%mesh_size/))
204  end if
206  ! abirules!
207  if (.False.) write(std_out,*)acell,codvsn,rprim,xred
209  comm = xmpi_world; nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
210  units = [std_out, ab_out]
212 #ifndef HAVE_MPI_IBCAST
213  do ii=1,5
214    ABI_WARNING("Your MPI library does not provide MPI_IBCAST. Calculations parallelized over perturbations will be slow")
215  end do
216 #endif
218  ! Initialize filenames
219  wfk0_path = dtfil%fnamewffk
220  wfq_path = dtfil%fnamewffq
221  ddb_filepath = dtfil%filddbsin
223  ! Use the ddb file as prefix if getdvdb or irddvb are not given in the input.
224  dvdb_filepath = dtfil%fildvdbin
225  if (dvdb_filepath == ABI_NOFILE) then
226    dvdb_filepath = dtfil%filddbsin; ii = len_trim(dvdb_filepath); dvdb_filepath(ii-2:ii+1) = "DVDB"
227  end if
229  sigeph_filepath = dtfil%filsigephin
231  use_wfk = all(dtset%eph_task /= [0, 5, -5, 6, +15, -15, -16, 16])
232  use_wfq = ((dtset%irdwfq /= 0 .or. dtset%getwfq /= 0 .or. dtset%getwfq_filepath /= ABI_NOFILE) .and. dtset%eph_frohlichm /= 1)
234  ! If eph_task is needed and ird/get variables are not provided, assume WFQ == WFK
235  if (any(dtset%eph_task == [2, -2, 3]) .and. .not. use_wfq) then
236    wfq_path = wfk0_path
237    use_wfq = .True.
238    write(msg, "(4a)")&
239      "eph_task requires WFQ but none among (irdwfq, getwfq, getwfk_filepath) is specified in input.", ch10, &
240      "Will read WFQ wavefunctions from WFK file:", trim(wfk0_path)
241    ABI_COMMENT(msg)
242  end if
244  use_dvdb = (dtset%eph_task /= 0 .and. dtset%eph_frohlichm /= 1 .and. abs(dtset%eph_task) /= 7)
245  use_sigeph = (dtset%eph_task == 9)
247  if (my_rank == master) then
248    ! GA: Let ddb object handle the error at reading time
249    !if (.not. file_exists(ddb_filepath)) ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find DDB file:", ddb_filepath))
250    if (use_dvdb .and. .not. file_exists(dvdb_filepath)) ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find DVDB file:", dvdb_filepath))
251    if (use_sigeph .and. .not. file_exists(sigeph_filepath)) ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find SIGEPH file:", sigeph_filepath))
253    ! Accept WFK file in Fortran or netcdf format.
254    if (use_wfk .and. nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(wfk0_path, msg) /= 0) then
255      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find GS WFK file:", wfk0_path, ". Error:", msg))
256    end if
257    ! WFQ file
258    if (use_wfq) then
259      if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(wfq_path, msg) /= 0) then
260        ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find GS WFQ file:", wfq_path, ". Error:", msg))
261      end if
262    end if
263  end if ! master
265  ! Broadcast filenames (needed because they might have been changed if we are using netcdf files)
266  if (use_wfk) then
267    call xmpi_bcast(wfk0_path, master, comm, ierr)
268    call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading GS states from WFK file:", wfk0_path))
269  end if
270  if (use_wfq) then
271    call xmpi_bcast(wfq_path, master, comm, ierr)
272    call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading GS states from WFQ file:", wfq_path) )
273  end if
274  call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading DDB from file:", ddb_filepath))
275  if (use_dvdb) call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading DVDB from file:", dvdb_filepath))
276  if (dtset%eph_frohlichm /= 0) call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading EFMAS information from file:", dtfil%fnameabi_efmas))
277  call wrtout(units, ch10//ch10)
279  ! autoparal section
280  ! TODO: This just to activate autoparal in AbiPy. Lot of things should be improved.
281  if (dtset%max_ncpus /= 0) then
282    write(ab_out,'(a)')"--- !Autoparal"
283    write(ab_out,"(a)")"# Autoparal section for EPH runs"
284    write(ab_out,"(a)")   "info:"
285    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    autoparal: ",dtset%autoparal
286    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    max_ncpus: ",dtset%max_ncpus
287    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    nkpt: ",dtset%nkpt
288    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol
289    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor
290    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    mband: ",dtset%mband
291    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    eph_task: ",dtset%eph_task
293    work_size = dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol
294    ! Non-scalable memory in Mb i.e. memory that is not distributed with MPI.
295    nonscal_mem = zero
296    max_wfsmem_mb = (two * dp * dtset%mpw * dtset%mband * dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol * dtset%nspinor * b2Mb) * 1.1_dp
298    ! List of configurations.
299    ! Assuming an OpenMP implementation with perfect speedup!
300    write(ab_out,"(a)")"configurations:"
302    do ii=1,dtset%max_ncpus
303      nks_per_proc = work_size / ii
304      nks_per_proc = nks_per_proc + mod(work_size, ii)
305      eff = (one * work_size) / (ii * nks_per_proc)
306      ! Add the non-scalable part and increase by 10% to account for other datastructures.
307      mempercpu_mb = (max_wfsmem_mb + nonscal_mem) * 1.1_dp
309      do omp_ncpus=1,1 !xomp_get_max_threads()
310        write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    - tot_ncpus: ",ii * omp_ncpus
311        write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"      mpi_ncpus: ",ii
312        write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"      omp_ncpus: ",omp_ncpus
313        write(ab_out,"(a,f12.9)")"      efficiency: ",eff
314        write(ab_out,"(a,f12.2)")"      mem_per_cpu: ",mempercpu_mb
315      end do
316    end do
317    write(ab_out,'(a)')"..."
318    ABI_STOP("Stopping now!")
319  end if
321  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
323  if (use_wfk) then
324    ! Construct crystal and ebands from the GS WFK file.
325    ebands = wfk_read_ebands(wfk0_path, comm, out_hdr=wfk0_hdr)
326    call wfk0_hdr%vs_dtset(dtset)
328    cryst = wfk0_hdr%get_crystal()
329    call cryst%print(header="crystal structure from WFK file")
331    ! Here we change the GS bands (Fermi level, scissors operator ...)
332    ! All the modifications to ebands should be done here.
333    call ephtk_update_ebands(dtset, ebands, "Ground state energies")
335    ! Need to update the WFK header to reflect the changes in ebands.
336    ! because we may need to write the header to ncfile
337    ! NB: eigenvalues are not stored in the header.
339    wfk0_hdr%occopt = ebands%occopt
340    call get_eneocc_vect(ebands, "occ", wfk0_hdr%occ)
341    wfk0_hdr%fermie = ebands%fermie
342    wfk0_hdr%nelect = ebands%nelect
343  end if
345  if (use_wfq) then
346    ! Read WFQ and construct ebands on the shifted grid.
347    ebands_kq = wfk_read_ebands(wfq_path, comm, out_hdr=wfq_hdr)
348    ! GKA TODO: Have to construct a header with the proper set of q-shifted k-points then compare against dtset.
349    !call wfq_hdr%vs_dtset(dtset)
350    call wfq_hdr%free()
351    call ephtk_update_ebands(dtset, ebands_kq, "Ground state energies (K+Q)")
352  end if
354  call cwtime_report(" eph%init", cpu, wall, gflops)
356  ! =======================================
357  ! Output useful info on electronic bands
358  ! =======================================
359  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
361  if (my_rank == master) then
362    ! Fermi Surface
363    if (dtset%prtfsurf /= 0) then
364      path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_BXSF")
365      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Writing Fermi surface to file:", path))
366      if (ebands_write_bxsf(ebands, cryst, path) /= 0) then
367        msg = "Cannot produce file for Fermi surface, check log file for more info"
368        ABI_WARNING(msg)
369        call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
370      end if
371    end if
373    ! Nesting factor (requires qpath)
374    if (dtset%prtnest /= 0 .and. dtset%ph_nqpath > 0) then
375      path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_NEST")
376      call wrtout(ab_out, sjoin("- Writing nesting factor to file:", path))
377      if (ebands_write_nesting(ebands, cryst, path, dtset%prtnest, &
378          dtset%tsmear, dtset%fermie_nest, dtset%ph_qpath(:,1:dtset%ph_nqpath), msg) /= 0) then
379        ABI_WARNING(msg)
380        call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
381      end if
382    end if
383    if (use_wfk) call ebands_write(ebands, dtset%prtebands, dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
384  end if
386  call cwtime_report(" eph%ebands_postprocess:", cpu, wall, gflops)
388  ! Read the DDB file.
389  if (use_wfk) then
390    call ddb%from_file(ddb_filepath, ddb_hdr, cryst_ddb, comm, prtvol=dtset%prtvol)
392    call ddb%set_brav(dtset%brav)
394    ! DDB cryst comes from DFPT --> no time-reversal if q /= 0
395    ! Change the value so that we use the same as the GS part.
396    cryst_ddb%timrev = cryst%timrev
397    if (cryst%compare(cryst_ddb, header=" Comparing WFK crystal with DDB crystal") /= 0) then
398      ABI_ERROR("Crystal structure from WFK and DDB do not agree! Check messages above!")
399    end if
400    call cryst_ddb%free()
401  else
402    ! Get crystal from DDB.
403    ! Warning: We may loose precision in rprimd and xred because DDB in text format does not have enough significant digits.
404    call ddb%from_file(ddb_filepath, ddb_hdr, cryst, comm, prtvol=dtset%prtvol)
406    call ddb%set_brav(dtset%brav)
408  end if
410  ! Set the q-shift for the DDB (well we mainly use gamma-centered q-meshes)
411  ddb_nqshift = 1
412  ABI_CALLOC(ddb_qshifts, (3, ddb_nqshift))
413  ddb_qshifts(:,1) = dtset%ddb_shiftq(:)
415  ! Get Dielectric Tensor
416  iblock_dielt = ddb%get_dielt(dtset%rfmeth, dielt)
418  ! Get Dielectric Tensor and Effective Charges
419  ! (initialized to one_3D and zero if the derivatives are not available in the DDB file)
420  iblock_dielt_zeff = ddb%get_dielt_zeff(cryst, dtset%rfmeth, dtset%chneut, selectz0, dielt, zeff, zeff_raw=zeff_raw)
421  if (my_rank == master) then
422    if (iblock_dielt_zeff == 0) then
423      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Cannot find dielectric tensor and Born effective charges in DDB file:", ddb_filepath))
424      call wrtout(units, " Values initialized with zeros.")
425    else
426      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Found dielectric tensor and Born effective charges in DDB file:", ddb_filepath))
427    end if
428  end if
430  ! Read the quadrupoles
431  !iblock_quadrupoles = ddb%get_quadrupoles(ddb_hdr%ddb_version,1, 3, qdrp_cart)
433  iblock_quadrupoles = 0
434  qdrp_cart = zero
436  if (my_rank == master) then
437    ! MG: Temporary hack to read the quadrupole tensor from a text file
438    ! Will be removed when the EPH code will be able to read Q* from the DDB.
440    if (file_exists("quadrupoles_cart.out")) then
441      call wrtout(std_out, " Reading quadrupoles from quadrupoles_cart.out")
442      quad_unt = 71
443      open(unit=quad_unt,file="quadrupoles_cart.out",action="read")
444      do ii=1,2
445        read(quad_unt,*) msg
446        write(std_out, *)" msg: ", trim(msg)
447      end do
449      do ii=1,3
450        do jj=1,3*3*ddb%natom
451          read(quad_unt,'(4(i5,3x),2(1x,f20.10))') iq2dir,iatom,iatdir,iq1dir,qdrp_cart(iq1dir,iq2dir,iatdir,iatom)
452          write(std_out, *) iq2dir,iatom,iatdir,iq1dir,qdrp_cart(iq1dir,iq2dir,iatdir,iatom)
453        end do
454        read(quad_unt,'(a)') msg
455      end do
456      close(quad_unt)
457      iblock_quadrupoles = 1
458    end if
459  end if
460  call xmpi_bcast(iblock_quadrupoles, master, comm, ierr)
461  call xmpi_bcast(qdrp_cart, master, comm, ierr)
463  ! Here we get the quadrupoles from the DDB file (this should become the official API).
464  ! Section Copied from Anaddb.
466  if (iblock_quadrupoles == 0) then
467    mtyp = ddb_hdr%mblktyp
468    mpert = ddb_hdr%mpert
469    !msize = 3*mpert*3*mpert; if (mtyp==3) msize=msize*3*mpert
470    !call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Trying to read Q* from DDB file, mtyp:", itoa(mtyp)))
472    ! MR: a new ddb is necessary for the longwave quantities due to incompability of it with authomatic reshapes
473    ! that ddb%val and ddb%flg experience when passed as arguments of some routines
475    ! Get Quadrupole tensor
476    qdrp_cart=zero
477    if (mtyp==33) then
478      lwsym=1
479      call ddb_lw_copy(ddb, ddb_lw, mpert, dtset%natom, dtset%ntypat)
480      iblock_quadrupoles = ddb_lw%get_quadrupoles(ddb_hdr%ddb_version,lwsym, 33, qdrp_cart)
481      call ddb_lw%free()
482    end if
483  endif
485  ! The default value is 1. Here we set the flags to zero if Q* is not available.
486  if (iblock_quadrupoles == 0) then
487    dtset%dipquad = 0
488    dtset%quadquad = 0
489  end if
491  if (my_rank == master) then
492    if (iblock_quadrupoles == 0) then
493      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Cannot find quadrupole tensor in DDB file:", ddb_filepath))
494      call wrtout(units, " Values initialized with zeros.")
495    else
496      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Found quadrupole tensor in DDB file:", ddb_filepath))
497    end if
498  end if
500  call ifc%init(cryst, ddb, &
501    dtset%brav, dtset%asr, dtset%symdynmat, dtset%dipdip, dtset%rfmeth, &
502    dtset%ddb_ngqpt, ddb_nqshift, ddb_qshifts, dielt, zeff, &
503    qdrp_cart, nsphere0, dtset%rifcsph, prtsrlr0, dtset%enunit, comm, &
504    dipquad=dtset%dipquad, quadquad=dtset%quadquad)
506  ABI_FREE(ddb_qshifts)
507  if (my_rank == master) then
508    call ifc%print(unit=std_out)
509    !call ifc%print(unit=ab_out)
510  end if
512  ! Output phonon band structure (requires qpath)
513  if (dtset%prtphbands /= 0) call ifc_mkphbs(ifc, cryst, dtset, dtfil%filnam_ds(4), comm)
515  if (dtset%prtphdos == 1) then
516    call wrtout(std_out, " Computing Phonon DOS. Use prtphdos 0 to disable this part.")
517    wminmax = zero
518    do
519      call phdos%init(cryst, ifc, dtset%ph_intmeth, dtset%ph_wstep, dtset%ph_smear, dtset%ph_ngqpt, &
520                      dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, "", wminmax, count_wminmax, comm)
521      if (all(count_wminmax == 0)) exit
522      wminmax(1) = wminmax(1) - abs(wminmax(1)) * 0.05; wminmax(2) = wminmax(2) + abs(wminmax(2)) * 0.05
523      call phdos%free()
524      write(msg, "(a, 2f8.5)") "Initial frequency mesh not large enough. Recomputing PHDOS with wmin, wmax: ",wminmax
525      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
526    end do
528    if (my_rank == master) then
529      if (dtset%prtvol > 0) then
530        ! Disabled by default because it's slow and we use netcdf that is much better.
531        path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_PHDOS")
532        call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Writing phonon DOS to file:", path))
533        call phdos%print(path)
534      end if
536      path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
537      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Writing phonon DOS to netcdf file:", path))
538      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, path, xmpi_comm_self), sjoin("Creating file:", path))
539      NCF_CHECK(cryst%ncwrite(ncid))
540      call phdos%ncwrite(ncid)
541      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
542    end if
543    call phdos%free()
544  end if ! prtphdos
546  if (dtset%prtbltztrp == 1 .and. my_rank == master) then
547    call ifc%outphbtrap(cryst, dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
548    ! BoltzTraP output files in GENEric format
549    call ebands_prtbltztrp(ebands, cryst, dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
550  end if
552  ! Output phonon isosurface in Xcrysden format.
553  if (dtset%prtphsurf == 1) then
554    path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_PH.bxsf")
555    call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Writing phonon frequencies in Xcrysden format to file:", path))
556    call ifc%printbxsf(cryst, dtset%ph_ngqpt, dtset%ph_nqshift, dtset%ph_qshift, path, comm)
557  end if
559  call cwtime_report(" eph%ifc:", cpu, wall, gflops)
561  ! Initialize the object used to read DeltaVscf (required if eph_task /= 0)
562  if (use_dvdb) then
563    dvdb = dvdb_new(dvdb_filepath, comm)
565    ! DVDB cryst comes from DPPT --> no time-reversal if q /= 0
566    ! Change the value so that we use the same as the GS part.
567    dvdb%cryst%timrev = cryst%timrev
568    if (cryst%compare(dvdb%cryst, header=" Comparing WFK crystal with DVDB crystal") /= 0) then
569      ABI_ERROR("Crystal structure from WFK and DVDB do not agree! Check messages above!")
570    end if
571    if (dtset%prtvol > 10) dvdb%debug = .True.
573    ! This to symmetrize the DFPT potentials.
574    dvdb%symv1 = dtset%symv1scf
576    ! Copy brav variable
577    dvdb%brav = dtset%brav
579    ! Select algorithm for generating the list of R-points and the weigths used to compute W(r,R)
580    dvdb%rspace_cell = dtset%dvdb_rspace_cell
582    !call dvdb%load_ddb(dtset%prtvol, comm, ddb=ddb)
584    ! Set qdamp from frohl_params
585    dvdb%qdamp = dtset%dvdb_qdamp
587    ! Set quadrupoles
588    dvdb%qstar = qdrp_cart; if (iblock_quadrupoles /= 0) dvdb%has_quadrupoles = .True.
590    ! Set dielectric tensor, BECS and associated flags.
591    ! This flag activates automatically the treatment of the long-range term in the Fourier interpolation
592    ! of the DFPT potentials except when dvdb_add_lr == 0
593    dvdb%add_lr = dtset%dvdb_add_lr
594    if (iblock_dielt /= 0) then
595      dvdb%has_dielt = .True.; dvdb%dielt = dielt
596    end if
597    if (iblock_dielt_zeff /= 0) then
598      dvdb%has_zeff = .True.; dvdb%zeff = zeff; dvdb%zeff_raw = zeff_raw
599    end if
600    if (.not. dvdb%has_dielt .or. .not. (dvdb%has_zeff .or. dvdb%has_quadrupoles)) then
601      if (dvdb%add_lr /= 0) then
602        dvdb%add_lr = 0
603        ABI_WARNING("Setting dvdb_add_lr to 0. Long-range term won't be substracted in Fourier interpolation.")
604      end if
605    end if
607    if (dvdb%add_lr == 2) then
608       if (dvdb%has_quadrupoles) then
609         call wrtout(std_out, "dvdb_add_lr == 2 --> Quadrupoles are set to zero and won't be used in the interpolation")
610       end if
611       dvdb%has_quadrupoles = .False.
612       dvdb%qstar = zero
613    end if
615    if (my_rank == master) then
616      call dvdb%print()
617      call dvdb%list_perts([-1, -1, -1], npert_miss)
618      ABI_CHECK(npert_miss == 0, sjoin(itoa(npert_miss), "independent perturbation(s) are missing in the DVDB file!"))
619    end if
620  end if
622  call pawfgr_init(pawfgr, dtset, mgfftf, nfftf, ecut_eff, ecutdg_eff, ngfftc, ngfftf, &
623                   gsqcutc_eff=gsqcutc_eff, gsqcutf_eff=gsqcutf_eff, gmet=cryst%gmet, k0=k0)
625  call print_ngfft(ngfftc, header='Coarse FFT mesh used for the wavefunctions')
626  call print_ngfft(ngfftf, header='Dense FFT mesh used for densities and potentials')
628  ! Fake MPI_type for the sequential part.
629  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg)
630  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg%distribfft, 'c', ngfftc(2), ngfftc(3), 'all')
631  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg%distribfft, 'f', ngfftf(2), ngfftf(3), 'all')
633  ! I am not sure yet the EFMAS file will be needed as soon as eph_frohlichm/=0. To be decided later.
634  if (dtset%eph_frohlichm /= 0) then
635    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, dtfil%fnameabi_efmas, xmpi_comm_self))
636    call efmas_ncread(efmasdeg, efmasval, kpt_efmas, ncid)
637    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
638  end if
640  ! ===========================================
641  ! === Open and read pseudopotential files ===
642  ! ===========================================
643  call pspini(dtset, dtfil, ecore, psp_gencond, gsqcutc_eff, gsqcutf_eff, pawrad, pawtab, psps, cryst%rprimd, comm_mpi=comm)
645  ! TODO: Make sure that all subdrivers work with useylm == 1
646  ABI_CHECK(dtset%useylm == 0, "useylm != 0 not implemented/tested")
648  ! Relase nkpt-based arrays in dtset to decrease memory requirement if dense sampling.
649  ! EPH routines should not access them after this point.
650  if (all(dtset%eph_task /= [6, 10])) call dtset%free_nkpt_arrays()
652  ! ====================================================
653  ! === This is the real EPH stuff once all is ready ===
654  ! ====================================================
656  select case (dtset%eph_task)
657  case (0)
658    ! This is just to access the DDB post-processing tools
659    continue
661  case (1)
662    ! Compute phonon linewidths in metals.
663    call eph_phgamma(wfk0_path, dtfil, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, dvdb, ifc, &
664                     pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
666  case (2, -2)
667    ! Compute e-ph matrix elements.
668    call eph_gkk(wfk0_path, wfq_path, dtfil, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, ebands_kq, dvdb, ifc, &
669                 pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
671  case (3)
672    ! Compute phonon self-energy.
673    call eph_phpi(wfk0_path, wfq_path, dtfil, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, ebands_kq, dvdb, ifc, &
674                  pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
676  case (4, -4)
677    ! Compute electron self-energy (phonon contribution)
678    call sigmaph(wfk0_path, dtfil, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, dvdb, ifc, wfk0_hdr, &
679                 pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
681    ! Compute transport properties in the RTA/IBTE only if sigma_erange has been used
682    if (dtset%eph_task == -4 .and. any(abs(dtset%sigma_erange) > zero)) then
683      if (dtset%ibte_prep > 0) then
684        call ibte_driver(dtfil, ngfftc, dtset, ebands, cryst, pawtab, psps, comm) ! Solve IBTE
685      else
686        call rta_driver(dtfil, ngfftc, dtset, ebands, cryst, pawtab, psps, comm)  ! Compute RTA
687      end if
688    end if
690  case (5, -5)
691    ! Interpolate the phonon potential.
692    call dvdb%interpolate_and_write(dtset, dtfil%fnameabo_dvdb, ngfftc, ngfftf, cryst, &
693                                    ifc%ngqpt, ifc%nqshft, ifc%qshft, comm)
695  case (6)
696    ! Estimate zero-point renormalization and temperature-dependent electronic structure using the Frohlich model
697    if (my_rank == master) then
698      call frohlichmodel_zpr(frohlich, cryst, dtset, efmasdeg, efmasval, ifc)
699    end if
701  case (7)
702    ! Compute phonon-limited RTA from SIGEPH file.
703    call rta_driver(dtfil, ngfftc, dtset, ebands, cryst, pawtab, psps, comm)
705  case (8)
706    ! Solve IBTE from SIGEPH file.
707    call ibte_driver(dtfil, ngfftc, dtset, ebands, cryst, pawtab, psps, comm)
709  case (9)
710    ! Compute cumulant from file.
711    call cumulant_driver(dtfil, dtset, ebands, cryst,  comm)
713  case (10)
714    ! Estimate polaron effective mass in the triply-degenerate VB or CB cubic case
715    if (my_rank == master) then
716      call frohlichmodel_polaronmass(frohlich, cryst, dtset, efmasdeg, &
717        efmasval, ifc)
718    end if
720  case (11)
721    ! Write e-ph matrix elements to GSTORE file.
722    if (dtfil%filgstorein /= ABI_NOFILE) then
723      call wrtout(units, sjoin(" Restarting GSTORE computation from:", dtfil%filgstorein))
724      call gstore%from_ncpath(dtfil%filgstorein, 1, dtset, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
725    else
726      path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
727      call gstore%init(path, dtset, wfk0_hdr, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
728      call gstore%compute(wfk0_path, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, dvdb, ifc, &
729                          pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
730    end if
731    call gstore%free()
733  case (12, -12)
734    ! Migdal-Eliashberg equations (isotropic/anisotropic case)
735    call gstore%from_ncpath(dtfil%filgstorein, with_cplex1, dtset, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
736    if (dtset%eph_task == -12) call migdal_eliashberg_iso(gstore, dtset, dtfil)
737    !if (dtset%eph_task == +12) call migdal_eliashberg_aniso(gstore, dtset, dtfil)
738    call gstore%free()
740  !case (13)
741    ! Variational polaron equations
742    !if (dtfil%filgstorein /= ABI_NOFILE) then
743    !  call wrtout(units, sjoin(" Computing variational polaron from pre-existent GSTORE file:", dtfil%filgstorein))
744    !  call gstore%from_ncpath(dtfil%filgstorein, with_cplex2, dtset, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
745    !else
746    !  path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
747    !  call wrtout(units, sjoin(" Computing GSTORE file:", dtfil%filgstorein))
748    ! Customize input vars for this task.
749    !  dtset%gstore_qzone = "ibz"; dtset%gstore_kzone = "bz"; dtset%gstore_cplex = 2; dtset%gstore_with_vk = 1
750    !  call gstore%init(path, dtset, wfk0_hdr, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
751    !  call gstore%compute(wfk0_path, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, dvdb, ifc, &
752    !                      pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
753    !  call gstore%free()
754    !  call gstore%from_ncpath(path, with_cplex2, dtset, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
755    !end if
756    !call variational_polaron(gstore, dtset, dtfil)
757    !call gstore%free()
759  case (14)
760    ! Molecular Berry Curvature
761    if (dtfil%filgstorein /= ABI_NOFILE) then
762      call wrtout(units, sjoin(" Computing Berry curvature from pre-existent GSTORE file:", dtfil%filgstorein))
763      call gstore%from_ncpath(dtfil%filgstorein, with_cplex2, dtset, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
764    else
765      path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
766      call wrtout(units, sjoin(" Computing GSTORE file:", dtfil%filgstorein, "for Berry curvature from scracth"))
767      ! Customize input vars for this eph_task.
768      dtset%gstore_qzone = "ibz"; dtset%gstore_kzone = "bz"; dtset%gstore_cplex = 2; dtset%gstore_with_vk = 1
769      call gstore%init(path, dtset, wfk0_hdr, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
770      call gstore%compute(wfk0_path, ngfftc, ngfftf, dtset, cryst, ebands, dvdb, ifc, &
771                          pawfgr, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, mpi_enreg, comm)
772      call gstore%free()
773      call gstore%from_ncpath(path, with_cplex2, dtset, cryst, ebands, ifc, comm)
774    end if
776    call berry_curvature(gstore, dtset, dtfil)
777    call gstore%free()
779  case (15, -15)
780    ! Write average of DFPT potentials to file.
781    if (nprocs > 1) then
782      ABI_WARNING("eph_task in [15, -15] (average of DFPT potentials) does not support nprocs > 1. Running in sequential.")
783    end if
784    dvdb%comm = xmpi_comm_self
785    if (my_rank == master) then
786      call dvdb%open_read(ngfftf, xmpi_comm_self)
787      !call ephtk_set_pertables(cryst%natom, my_npert, pert_table, my_pinfo, comm)
788      !call dvdb%set_pert_distrib(sigma%comm_pert, sigma%my_pinfo, sigma%pert_table)
789      call dvdb%write_v1qavg(dtset, strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), ""))
790    end if
792  case (-16, 16)
793    if (nprocs > 1) then
794      ABI_WARNING("eph_task in [16, -16] (test_phrotation) does not support nprocs > 1. Running in sequential.")
795    end if
797    qptopt = ebands%kptopt; if (dtset%qptopt /= 0) qptopt = dtset%qptopt
798    call test_phrotation(ifc, cryst, qptopt, dtset%ph_ngqpt, comm)
800    dvdb%comm = xmpi_comm_self
801    if (my_rank == master) then
802      call dvdb%open_read(ngfftf, xmpi_comm_self)
804      ! Compute \delta V_{q,nu)(r) and dump results to netcdf file.
805      call ncwrite_v1qnu(dvdb, dtset, ifc, strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), ""))
806    end if
808  case default
809    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Unsupported value of eph_task:", itoa(dtset%eph_task)))
810  end select
812  !=====================
813  !==== Free memory ====
814  !=====================
815  call cryst%free()
816  call dvdb%free()
817  call ddb%free()
818  call ddb_hdr%free()
819  call ifc%free()
820  call wfk0_hdr%free()
821  call ebands_free(ebands)
822  call ebands_free(ebands_kq)
823  call pawfgr_destroy(pawfgr)
824  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg)
826  if (allocated(efmasdeg)) call efmasdeg_free_array(efmasdeg)
827  if (allocated(efmasval)) call efmasval_free_array(efmasval)
828  ABI_SFREE(kpt_efmas)
830  ! Deallocation for PAW.
831  if (dtset%usepaw == 1) then
832    !call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij)
833    !ABI_FREE(pawrhoij)
834    !call pawfgrtab_free(pawfgrtab)
835    !ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab)
836    !call paw_ij_free(paw_ij)
837    !ABI_FREE(paw_ij)
838    !call paw_an_free(paw_an)
839    !ABI_FREE(paw_an)
840  end if
844 end subroutine eph