ABINIT/m_gstate [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, JYR, MKV, MT, FJ, MB, DJA)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


 15 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 16 #include "config.h"
 17 #endif
 19 #include "abi_common.h"
 21 ! nvtx related macro definition
 22 #include "nvtx_macros.h"
 24 module m_gstate
 26  use defs_basis
 27  use defs_rectypes
 28  use m_errors
 29  use m_xmpi
 30  use m_abicore
 31  use libxc_functionals
 32  use m_exit
 33  use m_crystal
 34  use m_scf_history
 35  use m_abimover
 36  use m_wffile
 37  use m_rec
 38  use m_efield
 39  use m_ddb
 40  use m_bandfft_kpt
 41  use m_invovl
 42  use m_gemm_nonlop
 43  use m_gemm_nonlop_gpu
 44  use m_gemm_nonlop_ompgpu
 45  use m_wfk
 46  use m_nctk
 47  use m_hdr
 48  use m_ebands
 49  use m_dtfil
 50  use m_extfpmd
 52  use defs_datatypes,     only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
 53  use defs_abitypes,      only : MPI_type
 54  use m_time,             only : timab
 55  use m_symtk,            only : matr3inv
 56  use m_io_tools,         only : open_file
 57  use m_occ,              only : newocc, getnel
 58  use m_ddb_hdr,          only : ddb_hdr_type
 59  use m_fstrings,         only : strcat, sjoin
 60  use m_geometry,         only : fixsym, mkradim, metric
 61  use m_kpts,             only : tetra_from_kptrlatt
 62  use m_kg,               only : kpgio, getph
 63  use m_fft,              only : fourdp
 64  use m_pawang,           only : pawang_type
 65  use m_pawrad,           only : pawrad_type
 66  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type, pawtab_print
 67  use m_pawcprj,          only : pawcprj_type,pawcprj_free,pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_getdim
 68  use m_pawfgr,           only : pawfgr_type, pawfgr_init, pawfgr_destroy
 69  use m_abi2big,          only : wvl_occ_abi2big, wvl_setngfft, wvl_setBoxGeometry
 70  use m_energies,         only : energies_type, energies_init
 71  use m_args_gs,          only : args_gs_type
 72  use m_results_gs,       only : results_gs_type
 73  use m_pawrhoij,         only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free
 74  use m_paw_dmft,         only : init_sc_dmft,destroy_sc_dmft,print_sc_dmft,paw_dmft_type,readocc_dmft
 75  use m_paw_sphharm,      only : setsym_ylm
 76  use m_paw_occupancies,  only : initrhoij
 77  use m_paw_init,         only : pawinit,paw_gencond
 78  use m_paw_correlations, only : pawpuxinit
 79  use m_paw_uj,           only : pawuj_ini,pawuj_free,pawuj_det, macro_uj_type
 80  use m_data4entropyDMFT, only : data4entropyDMFT_t, data4entropyDMFT_init, data4entropyDMFT_destroy
 81  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,init_electronpositron,destroy_electronpositron, &
 82                                 electronpositron_calctype
 83  use m_scfcv,            only : scfcv_t, scfcv_init, scfcv_destroy, scfcv_run
 84  use m_jellium,          only : jellium
 85  use m_iowf,             only : outwf, outresid
 86  use m_outqmc,           only : outqmc
 87  use m_ioarr,            only : ioarr,read_rhor
 88  use m_inwffil,          only : inwffil
 89  use m_spacepar,         only : setsym
 90  use m_mkrho,            only : mkrho, initro, prtrhomxmn
 91  use m_initylmg,         only : initylmg
 92  use m_pspini,           only : pspini
 93  use m_mover,            only : mover
 94  use m_mpinfo,           only : proc_distrb_cycle
 95  use m_common,           only : setup1, prteigrs, prtene
 96  use m_fourier_interpol, only : transgrid
 97  use m_psolver,          only : psolver_kernel
 98  use m_paw2wvl,          only : paw2wvl, wvl_paw_free
 99  use m_berryphase_new,   only : init_e_field_vars,prtefield
100  use m_wvl_wfs,          only : wvl_wfs_set, wvl_wfs_free, wvl_wfs_lr_copy
101  use m_wvl_rho,          only : wvl_initro, wvl_mkrho
102  use m_wvl_descr_psp,    only : wvl_descr_psp_set, wvl_descr_free, wvl_descr_atoms_set, wvl_descr_atoms_set_sym
103  use m_wvl_denspot,      only : wvl_denspot_set, wvl_denspot_free
104  use m_wvl_projectors,   only : wvl_projectors_set, wvl_projectors_free
105  use m_cgprj,            only : ctocprj
106  use m_nonlop_ylm,       only : nonlop_ylm_init_counters,nonlop_ylm_output_counters
107  use m_fft,              only : fft_init_counters,fft_output_counters
108  use m_getghc_ompgpu,    only : free_getghc_ompgpu_buffers
110 #if defined HAVE_GPU
111  use m_alloc_hamilt_gpu
112 #endif
114 #if defined(HAVE_GPU) && defined(HAVE_GPU_MARKERS)
115  use m_nvtx_data
116 #endif
118 #if defined HAVE_YAKL
119  use gator_mod
120 #endif
122  use defs_wvltypes,      only : wvl_data,coulomb_operator,wvl_wf_type
123 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
124  use BigDFT_API,         only : wvl_timing => timing,xc_init,xc_end,XC_MIXED,XC_ABINIT,&
125                                 local_potential_dimensions,nullify_gaussian_basis, &
126                                 copy_coulomb_operator,deallocate_coulomb_operator
127 #else
128  use defs_wvltypes,      only : coulomb_operator
129 #endif
131 #if defined HAVE_LOTF
132  use defs_param_lotf,    only : lotfparam_init
133 #endif
135  implicit none
137  private

ABINIT/outxfhist [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  read/write xfhist


 Copyright (C) 2003-2024 ABINIT group (MB)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  option =
   1: write
   2: read only nxfh
   3: read xfhist
  response =
   0: GS wavefunctions
   1: RF wavefunctions
  natom = number of atoms in unit cell
  mxfh = last dimension of the xfhist array


  ios = error code returned by read operations


  nxfh = actual number of (x,f) history pairs, see xfhist array
  wff2 = structured info for wavefunctions
  xfhist(3,natom+4,2,ab_xfh%mxfh) = (x,f) history array, also including
   rprim and stress


2655 subroutine outxfhist(ab_xfh,natom,option,wff2,ios)
2657  use defs_basis
2658  use m_abicore
2659  use m_abimover
2660  use m_xmpi
2661  use m_wffile
2662  use m_errors
2663 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
2664  use netcdf
2665 #endif
2667 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2668  integer          ,intent(in)    :: natom,option
2669  integer          ,intent(out)   :: ios
2670  type(wffile_type),intent(inout)    :: wff2
2671  type(ab_xfh_type),intent(inout) :: ab_xfh
2673 !Local variables-------------------------------
2674  integer :: ierr,ixfh,ncid_hdr,spaceComm,xfdim2
2675  real(dp),allocatable :: xfhist_tmp(:)
2676  character(len=500) :: msg
2677 !no_abirules
2678 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
2679  integer :: ncerr
2680  integer :: nxfh_id, mxfh_id, xfdim2_id, dim2inout_id, dimr3_id,xfhist_id
2681  integer :: nxfh_tmp,mxfh_tmp,xfdim2_tmp,dim2inout_tmp
2682 #endif
2685 ! *************************************************************************
2687  ncid_hdr = wff2%unwff
2688  xfdim2 = natom+4
2690  ios = 0
2692 !### (Option=1) Write out content of all iterations
2693 !#####################################################################
2694  if ( option == 1 ) then
2696 !  Write the (x,f) history
2697    if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN) then
2698      write(unit=wff2%unwff)ab_xfh%nxfh
2699      do ixfh=1,ab_xfh%nxfh
2700        write(unit=wff2%unwff)ab_xfh%xfhist(:,:,:,ixfh)
2701      end do
2703    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER) then
2704 !    FIXME: should copy the xfhist to other processors, and check that we are on the master to read in this case
2705 !    if node is master
2706      write(msg, "(A,A,A,A)") ch10, " outxfhist: ERROR -", ch10, &
2707 &     'iomode == -1 (localrdwf ) has not been coded yet for xfhist rereading.'
2708      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2710      write(unit=wff2%unwff)ab_xfh%nxfh
2711      do ixfh=1,ab_xfh%nxfh
2712        write(unit=wff2%unwff)ab_xfh%xfhist(:,:,:,ixfh)
2713      end do
2715 !    insert mpi broadcast here
2717    else if(wff2%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
2718      ABI_MALLOC(xfhist_tmp,(3*(natom+4)*2))
2719      spaceComm=xmpi_comm_self
2720      call xderiveWRecInit(wff2,ierr)
2721      call xderiveWrite(wff2,ab_xfh%nxfh,ierr)
2722      call xderiveWRecEnd(wff2,ierr)
2723      do ixfh=1,ab_xfh%nxfh
2724        xfhist_tmp(:)=reshape(ab_xfh%xfhist(:,:,:,ixfh),(/3*(natom+4)*2/))
2725        call xderiveWRecInit(wff2,ierr)
2726        call xderiveWrite(wff2,xfhist_tmp,3*(natom+4)*2,spaceComm,ierr)
2727        call xderiveWRecEnd(wff2,ierr)
2728      end do
2729      ABI_FREE(xfhist_tmp)
2731 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
2732    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_NETCDF) then
2733 !    check if nxfh and xfhist are defined
2734      ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="nxfh",dimid=nxfh_id)
2736      if (ncerr /= NF90_NOERR) then
2737 !      need to define everything
2738        ncerr = nf90_redef (ncid=ncid_hdr)
2739        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : going to define mode ")
2741        ncerr = nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="dim2inout",len=2,dimid=dim2inout_id)
2742        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : define dim2inout")
2743        ncerr = nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="mxfh",len=ab_xfh%mxfh,dimid=mxfh_id)
2744        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : define mxfh")
2745        ncerr = nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="nxfh",len=ab_xfh%nxfh,dimid=nxfh_id)
2746        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : define nxfh")
2747        ncerr = nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="xfdim2",len=xfdim2,dimid=xfdim2_id)
2748        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : define xfdim2")
2750        ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="dimr3",dimid=dimr3_id)
2751        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire dimr3")
2753 !      ab_xfh%xfhist(3,natom+4,2,ab_xfh%mxfh)
2754        ncerr = nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="xfhist",xtype=NF90_DOUBLE,&
2755 &       dimids=(/dimr3_id,xfdim2_id,dim2inout_id,mxfh_id/),varid=xfhist_id)
2756        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : define xfhist")
2758 !      End define mode and go to data mode
2759        ncerr = nf90_enddef(ncid=ncid_hdr)
2760        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : enddef call ")
2761      else
2762 !      check that the dimensions are correct
2763        ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="nxfh",dimid=nxfh_id)
2764        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire nxfh")
2765        ncerr = nf90_Inquire_Dimension(ncid=ncid_hdr,dimid=nxfh_id,&
2766 &       len=nxfh_tmp)
2767        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr,"  outxfhist : get nxfh")
2768        ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="xfdim2",dimid=xfdim2_id)
2769        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire xfdim2")
2770        ncerr = nf90_Inquire_Dimension(ncid=ncid_hdr,dimid=xfdim2_id,&
2771 &       len=xfdim2_tmp)
2772        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr,"  outxfhist : get xfdim2")
2773        ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="mxfh",dimid=mxfh_id)
2774        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire mxfh")
2775        ncerr = nf90_Inquire_Dimension(ncid=ncid_hdr,dimid=mxfh_id,&
2776 &       len=mxfh_tmp)
2777        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr,"  outxfhist : get mxfh")
2778        ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="dim2inout",dimid=dim2inout_id)
2779        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire dim2inout")
2780        ncerr = nf90_Inquire_Dimension(ncid=ncid_hdr,dimid=dim2inout_id,&
2781 &       len=dim2inout_tmp)
2782        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr,"  outxfhist : get dim2inout")
2784        ncerr = nf90_inq_varid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="xfhist",varid=xfhist_id)
2785        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire xfhist")
2787        if (mxfh_tmp /= ab_xfh%mxfh .or. dim2inout_tmp /= 2 .or. xfdim2_tmp /= xfdim2) then
2788          write (msg,"(A)") 'outxfhist : ERROR xfhist has bad dimensions in NetCDF file. Can not re-write it.'
2789          ABI_ERROR(msg)
2790        end if
2792      end if
2794 !    Now fill the data
2795      ncerr = nf90_put_var(ncid=ncid_hdr,varid=xfhist_id,values=ab_xfh%xfhist)
2796      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : fill xfhist")
2798 !    end NETCDF definition ifdef
2799 #endif
2800    end if  ! end iomode if
2802 !  ### (Option=2) Read in number of iterations
2803 !  #####################################################################
2804  else if ( option == 2 ) then
2806    if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN) then
2807      read(unit=wff2%unwff,iostat=ios)ab_xfh%nxfh
2809    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER) then
2810 !    FIXME: should copy the xfhist to other processors, and check that we are on the master to read in this case
2811 !    if node is master
2812      write(msg, "(A,A,A,A)") ch10, " outxfhist: ERROR -", ch10, &
2813 &     'iomode == -1 (localrdwf ) has not been coded yet for xfhist rereading.'
2814      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2816      read(unit=wff2%unwff,iostat=ios)ab_xfh%nxfh
2818    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_MPI) then
2819      call xderiveRRecInit(wff2,ierr)
2820      call xderiveRead(wff2,ab_xfh%nxfh,ierr)
2821      call xderiveRRecEnd(wff2,ierr)
2823 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
2824    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_NETCDF) then
2825      ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="nxfh",dimid=nxfh_id)
2826      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire nxfh")
2827      ncerr = nf90_Inquire_Dimension(ncid=ncid_hdr,dimid=nxfh_id,&
2828 &     len=ab_xfh%nxfh)
2829      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr,"  outxfhist : get nxfh")
2830 #endif
2831    end if
2833 !  ### (Option=3) Read in iteration content
2834 !  #####################################################################
2835  else if ( option == 3 ) then
2836    if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN) then
2837      do ixfh=1,ab_xfh%nxfhr
2838        read(unit=wff2%unwff,iostat=ios)ab_xfh%xfhist(:,:,:,ixfh)
2839      end do
2840    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER) then
2841 !    FIXME: should copy the xfhist to other processors, and check that we are on the master to read in this case
2842 !    if node is master
2843      write(msg, "(A,A,A,A)") ch10, " outxfhist: ERROR -", ch10, &
2844 &     'iomode == -1 (localrdwf ) has not been coded yet for xfhist rereading.'
2845      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2847      do ixfh=1,ab_xfh%nxfhr
2848        read(unit=wff2%unwff,iostat=ios)ab_xfh%xfhist(:,:,:,ixfh)
2849      end do
2851    else if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_MPI) then
2852      ABI_MALLOC(xfhist_tmp,(3*(natom+4)*2))
2853      spaceComm=xmpi_comm_self
2854      do ixfh=1,ab_xfh%nxfhr
2855        call xderiveRRecInit(wff2,ierr)
2856        call xderiveRead(wff2,xfhist_tmp,3*(natom+4)*2,spaceComm,ierr)
2857        call xderiveRRecEnd(wff2,ierr)
2858        xfhist_tmp(:)=xfhist_tmp(:)
2859      end do
2860      ABI_FREE(xfhist_tmp)
2861    end if
2863 !  FIXME: should this be inside the if not mpi as above for options 1 and 2?
2864 !  it is placed here because the netcdf read is a single operation
2865 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
2866    if (wff2%iomode == IO_MODE_NETCDF) then
2867      ncerr = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncid_hdr,name="nxfh",dimid=nxfh_id)
2868      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire nxfh")
2869      ncerr = nf90_Inquire_Dimension(ncid=ncid_hdr,dimid=nxfh_id,&
2870 &     len=ab_xfh%nxfhr)
2871      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr,"  outxfhist : get nxfh")
2873      ncerr = nf90_inq_varid(ncid=ncid_hdr,varid=xfhist_id,name="xfhist")
2874      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : inquire xfhist")
2875      ncerr = nf90_get_var(ncid=ncid_hdr,varid=xfhist_id,values=ab_xfh%xfhist,&
2876 &     start=(/1,1,1,1/),count=(/3,natom+4,2,ab_xfh%nxfhr/))
2877      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr," outxfhist : read xfhist")
2878    end if
2879 #endif
2881  else
2882 !  write(std_out,*)' outxfhist : option ', option , ' not available '
2883    write(msg, "(A,A,A,A,I3,A)") ch10, "outxfhist: ERROR -", ch10, &
2884 &   "option ", option, " not available."
2885    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2886  end if
2888 end subroutine outxfhist

m_gstate/clnup1 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gstate ] [ Functions ]




 Perform "cleanup" at end of execution of gstate routine.


  acell(3)=length scales of primitive translations (bohr)
  dosdeltae=DOS delta of Energy
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=eigenvalues (hartree) for all bands
                           at each k point
  enunit=choice for units of output eigenvalues: 0=>hartree,
   1=> eV, 2=> hartree and eV
  fermie=fermi energy (Hartree)
  fermih=fermi energy for holes (Hartree) (for occopt 9)
  fnameabo_dos=filename of output DOS file
  fnameabo_eig=filename of output EIG file
  gred(3,natom)=d(E)/d(xred) (hartree)
  iatfix(3,natom)=0 if not fixed along specified direction,
                  1 if fixed
  iscf=parameter controlling scf or non-scf choice
  kptopt=option for the generation of k points
  kptns(3,nkpt)=k points in terms of recip primitive translations
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  natom=number of atoms in unit cell
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nstep=desired number of electron iteration steps
  occ(maxval(nband(:))*nkpt*nsppol)=occupancies for each band and k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  prtdos= if == 1, will print the density of states
  prtfor= if >0, will print the forces
  prtstm= input variable prtstm
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging
  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=squared residuals for each band and k point where
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density (electrons/bohr^3)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
  tphysel="physical" electronic temperature with FD occupations
  tsmear=smearing energy or temperature (if metal)
  vxcavg=average of vxc potential
  wtk(nkpt)=real(dp) array of k-point weights
  xred(3,natom)=reduced atomic coordinates


  (only print and write to disk)


1976 subroutine clnup1(acell,dtset,eigen,fermie,fermih, fnameabo_dos,fnameabo_eig,gred,&
1977                   mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,occ,prtfor, resid,rhor,rprimd,vxcavg,xred)
1979 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1980 !scalars
1981  integer,intent(in) :: nfft, prtfor
1982  real(dp),intent(in) :: fermie, fermih, vxcavg
1983  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fnameabo_dos,fnameabo_eig
1984  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1985  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1986 !arrays
1987  integer,intent(in)  :: ngfft(18)
1988  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3)
1989  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
1990  real(dp),intent(in) :: gred(3,dtset%natom)
1991  real(dp),intent(in) :: resid(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
1992  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden)
1993  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
1994  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
1995  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
1997 !Local variables-------------------------------
1998 !scalars
1999  integer,parameter :: master=0
2000  integer :: comm,iatom,ii,iscf_dum,iwfrc,me,nnonsc,option,unitdos
2001  real(dp) :: entropy,grmax,grsum,maxocc,nelect,tolwf,ucvol
2002  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3)
2003  character(len=500) :: msg
2004  character(len=fnlen) filename
2005 !arrays
2006  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde(:)
2008 ! ****************************************************************
2010  comm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell; me=xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
2012  if(dtset%prtstm==0)then ! Write reduced coordinates xred
2013    write(msg, '(a,i5,a)' )' reduced coordinates (array xred) for',dtset%natom,' atoms'
2014    call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
2015    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
2016      write(msg, '(1x,3f20.12)' ) xred(:,iatom)
2017      call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
2018    end do
2019  end if
2021 !Write reduced gradients if iscf > 0 and dtset%nstep>0 and
2022  if (dtset%iscf>=0.and.dtset%nstep>0.and.dtset%prtstm==0) then
2024 !  Compute absolute maximum and root mean square value of gradients
2025    grmax=0.0_dp
2026    grsum=0.0_dp
2027    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
2028      do ii=1,3
2029 !      To be activated in v5.5
2030 !      grmax=max(grmax,abs(gred(ii,iatom)))
2031        grmax=max(grmax,gred(ii,iatom))
2032        grsum=grsum+gred(ii,iatom)**2
2033      end do
2034    end do
2035    grsum=sqrt(grsum/dble(3*dtset%natom))
2037    write(msg, '(1x,a,1p,e12.4,a,e12.4,a)' )'rms dE/dt=',grsum,'; max dE/dt=',grmax,'; dE/dt below (all hartree)'
2038    call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
2039    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
2040      write(msg, '(i5,1x,3f20.12)' ) iatom,gred(1:3,iatom)
2041      call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
2042    end do
2044  end if
2046  if(dtset%prtstm==0)then
2048 !  Compute and write out dimensional cartesian coords and forces:
2049    call wrtout(ab_out,' ')
2051 !  (only write forces if iscf > 0 and dtset%nstep>0)
2052    if (dtset%iscf<0.or.dtset%nstep<=0.or.prtfor==0) then
2053      iwfrc=0
2054    else
2055      iwfrc=1
2056    end if
2058    call prtxf(gred,dtset%iatfix,ab_out,iwfrc,dtset%natom,rprimd,xred)
2060 !  Write length scales
2061    write(msg, '(1x,a,3f16.12,a)' )'length scales=',acell,' bohr'
2062    call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
2063    write(msg, '(14x,a,3f16.12,a)' )'=',Bohr_Ang*acell(1:3),' angstroms'
2064    call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
2066  end if
2068  option=1; nnonsc=0; tolwf=0.0_dp
2070  if(dtset%iscf<0 .and. dtset%iscf/=-3)option=3
2071  iscf_dum=dtset%iscf
2072  if(dtset%nstep==0)iscf_dum=-1
2074  if(dtset%tfkinfunc==0)then
2075    if (me == master) then
2076      call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermih,fnameabo_eig,ab_out,&
2077 &     iscf_dum,dtset%kptns,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,&
2078 &     dtset%nband,dtset%nbdbuf,dtset%nkpt,nnonsc,dtset%nsppol,occ,&
2079 &     dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwf,&
2080 &     vxcavg,dtset%wtk)
2081      call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermih,fnameabo_eig,std_out,&
2082 &     iscf_dum,dtset%kptns,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,&
2083 &     dtset%nband,dtset%nbdbuf,dtset%nkpt,nnonsc,dtset%nsppol,occ,&
2084 &     dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwf,&
2085 &     vxcavg,dtset%wtk)
2086    end if
2088 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
2089    if (dtset%prteig==1 .and. me == master) then
2090      filename=trim(fnameabo_eig)//'.nc'
2091      call write_eig(eigen,fermie,filename,dtset%kptns,dtset%mband,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol)
2092    end if
2093 #endif
2094  end if
2096 !Compute and print location of maximal and minimal density
2097  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
2098  call prtrhomxmn(std_out,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,2,rhor,ucvol=ucvol)
2099  if( dtset%prtvol>1)then
2100    call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,2,rhor,ucvol=ucvol)
2101  end if
2103 !If needed, print DOS (unitdos is closed in getnel, occ is not changed if option == 2
2104  if (dtset%prtdos==1 .and. me == master) then
2105    if (open_file(fnameabo_dos,msg, newunit=unitdos, status='unknown', action="write", form='formatted') /= 0) then
2106      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2107    end if
2108    rewind(unitdos)
2109    maxocc=two/(dtset%nspinor*dtset%nsppol)  ! Will not work in the fixed moment case
2110    option=2
2111    ABI_MALLOC(doccde,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
2112    call getnel(doccde,dtset%dosdeltae,eigen,entropy,fermie,fermih,&
2113 &   maxocc,dtset%mband,dtset%nband,nelect,dtset%nkpt,&
2114 &   dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%tphysel,&
2115 &   dtset%tsmear,unitdos,dtset%wtk,1,dtset%nband(1))!CP: added 1, nband(1) to fit new definition of getnel; parameters only used if
2116    ABI_FREE(doccde)
2117  end if
2119 end subroutine clnup1

m_gstate/clnup2 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gstate ] [ Functions ]




 Perform more "cleanup" after completion of iterations.
 This subroutine prints out more breakdown of force
 information, shifts of atomic positions, and stresses.


  gred(3,natom)=d(E_total)/d(xred) derivatives (hartree)
  grchempottn(3,natom)=d(E_chempot)/d(xred) derivatives (hartree)
  grewtn(3,natom)=d(E_Ewald)/d(xred) derivatives (hartree)
  grvdw(3,ngrvdw)=gradients of energy due to Van der Waals DFT-D2 dispersion (hartree)
  grxc(3,natom)=d(Exc)/d(xred) derivatives (0 without core charges)
  iscf=parameter controlling scf or non-scf iterations
  natom=number of atoms in unit cell
  ngrvdw=size of grvdw(:,:); can be 0 or natom according to dtset%vdw_xc
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  prtfor= >0 if forces have to be printed (0 otherwise)
  prtstr= >0 if stresses have to be printed (0 otherwise)
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
  start(3,natom)=starting coordinates in terms of real space
   primitive translations
  strten(6)=components of the stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)
  synlgr(3,natom)=d(E_nlpsp)/d(xred) derivatives (hartree)
  xred(3,natom)=final coordinates in terms of primitive translations


  (only print)


2318 subroutine clnup2(n1xccc,gred,grchempottn,gresid,grewtn,grvdw,grxc,iscf,natom,ngrvdw,&
2319 &                 prtfor,prtstr,prtvol,start,strten,synlgr,xred)
2321 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2322 !scalars
2323  integer,intent(in) :: iscf,n1xccc,natom,ngrvdw,prtfor,prtstr,prtvol
2324 !arrays
2325  real(dp),intent(in) :: gred(3,natom),grchempottn(3,natom),gresid(3,natom)
2326  real(dp),intent(in) :: grewtn(3,natom),grvdw(3,ngrvdw)
2327  real(dp),intent(in) :: grxc(3,natom),start(3,natom),strten(6),synlgr(3,natom)
2328  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom)
2330 !Local variables-------------------------------
2331  character(len=*), parameter :: format01020 ="(i5,1x,3f20.12)"
2332 !scalars
2333  integer :: iatom,mu
2334  real(dp) :: devsqr,grchempot2
2335  character(len=500) :: msg
2336  integer :: units(2)
2338 ! *************************************************************************
2340 !write(std_out,*)' clnup2 : enter '
2342 !Only print additional info for scf calculations
2343  if (iscf>=0) then
2345    if(prtvol >= 10 .and. prtfor > 0) then
2346      write(msg, '(a,10x,a)' ) ch10, '===> extra information on forces <==='
2347      call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2349      call wrtout(ab_out, ' ewald contribution to reduced grads')
2350      do iatom=1,natom
2351        write(msg,format01020) iatom,(grewtn(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2352        call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2353      end do
2355      grchempot2=sum(grchempottn(:,:)**2)
2356      if(grchempot2>tol16)then
2357        call wrtout(ab_out, ' chemical potential contribution to reduced grads')
2358        do iatom=1,natom
2359          write(msg,format01020) iatom,(grchempottn(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2360          call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2361        end do
2362      end if
2364      call wrtout(ab_out,' nonlocal contribution to red. grads')
2365      do iatom=1,natom
2366        write(msg,format01020) iatom,(synlgr(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2367        call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2368      end do
2370      call wrtout(ab_out, ' local psp contribution to red. grads')
2371      if (n1xccc /= 0) then
2372        do iatom=1,natom
2373          write(msg,format01020) iatom,gred(:,iatom) - &
2374           (grewtn(:,iatom)+grchempottn(:,iatom)+synlgr(:,iatom)+grxc(:,iatom)+gresid(:,iatom))
2375          call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2376        end do
2377      else
2378        do iatom=1,natom
2379          write(msg,format01020) iatom,gred(:,iatom) - &
2380          (grewtn(:,iatom)+grchempottn(:,iatom)+synlgr(:,iatom)+gresid(:,iatom))
2381          call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2382        end do
2383      end if
2385      if (n1xccc /= 0) then
2386        call wrtout(ab_out,' core charge xc contribution to reduced grads')
2387        do iatom=1,natom
2388          write(msg,format01020) iatom,(grxc(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2389          call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2390        end do
2391      end if
2393      if (ngrvdw == natom) then
2394        call wrtout(ab_out,' Van der Waals DFT-D contribution to reduced grads')
2395        do iatom=1,natom
2396          write(msg,format01020) iatom,(grvdw(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2397          call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2398        end do
2399      end if
2401      call wrtout(ab_out,' residual contribution to red. grads')
2402      do iatom=1,natom
2403        write(msg,format01020) iatom,(gresid(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2404        call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2405      end do
2407    end if
2409 !  Compute mean squared deviation from starting coords
2410    devsqr=zero
2411    do iatom=1,natom
2412      do mu=1,3
2413        devsqr=devsqr+(xred(mu,iatom)-start(mu,iatom))**2
2414      end do
2415    end do
2417 !  When shift is nonnegligible then print values
2418    if (devsqr>1.d-14) then
2419      write(msg, '(a,1p,e12.4,3x,a)' )' rms coord change=',sqrt(devsqr/dble(3*natom)),'atom, delta coord (reduced):'
2420      call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2421      do iatom=1,natom
2422        write(msg, '(1x,i5,2x,3f20.12)' ) iatom, (xred(mu,iatom)-start(mu,iatom),mu=1,3)
2423        call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2424      end do
2425    end if
2427    if (prtstr > 0) then
2428      !  Write out stress results
2429      units = [std_out, ab_out]
2430      write(msg, '(a,a)' ) ch10,' Cartesian components of stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)'
2431      call wrtout(units, msg)
2433      write(msg, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) '  sigma(1 1)=',strten(1),'  sigma(3 2)=',strten(4)
2434      call wrtout(units, msg)
2435      write(msg, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) '  sigma(2 2)=',strten(2),'  sigma(3 1)=',strten(5)
2436      call wrtout(units, msg)
2437      write(msg, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) '  sigma(3 3)=',strten(3),'  sigma(2 1)=',strten(6)
2438      call wrtout(units, msg)
2440      !  Also output the pressure (minus one third the trace of the stress tensor).
2441      write(msg, '(a,a,es12.4,a)' ) ch10,&
2442      '-Cartesian components of stress tensor (GPa)         [Pressure=',&
2443       -(strten(1)+strten(2)+strten(3))*HaBohr3_GPa/3.0_dp,' GPa]'
2444      call wrtout(units, msg)
2446      write(msg, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
2447        '- sigma(1 1)=',strten(1)*HaBohr3_GPa,&
2448        '  sigma(3 2)=',strten(4)*HaBohr3_GPa
2449      call wrtout(units, msg)
2450      write(msg, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
2451        '- sigma(2 2)=',strten(2)*HaBohr3_GPa,&
2452        '  sigma(3 1)=',strten(5)*HaBohr3_GPa
2453      call wrtout(units, msg)
2454      write(msg, '(a,1p,e16.8,a,1p,e16.8)' ) &
2455        '- sigma(3 3)=',strten(3)*HaBohr3_GPa,&
2456        '  sigma(2 1)=',strten(6)*HaBohr3_GPa
2457      call wrtout(units, msg)
2458    end if
2460  end if ! iscf > 0
2462  !write(std_out,*)' clnup2 : exit '
2464 end subroutine clnup2

m_gstate/gstate [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gstate ] [ Functions ]




 Primary routine for conducting DFT calculations by CG minimization.


  args_gs<type(args_gs_type)>=various input arguments for the GS calculation
                              Possibly different from dtset
  codvsn=code version
  cpui=initial CPU time
  itimimage_gstate=counter for calling do loop


  npwtot(nkpt) = total number of plane waves at each k point
  results_gs <type(results_gs_type)>=results (energy and its components,
   forces and its components, the stress tensor) of a ground-state computation


  acell(3)=unit cell length scales (bohr)
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | mband =maximum number of bands (IN)
   | mgfft =maximum single fft dimension (IN)
   | mkmem =number of k points treated by this processor (IN)
   | mpw   =maximum number of planewaves in basis sphere (large number) (IN)
   | natom =number of atoms in unit cell (IN)
   | nfft  =(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor) (IN)
   | nkpt  =number of k points (IN)
   | nspden=number of spin-density components (IN)
   | nsppol=number of channels for spin-polarization (1 or 2) (IN)
   | nsym  =number of symmetry elements in space group
  iexit= exit flag
  initialized= 0 for the first GS calculation (not initialized), else 1
  mpi_enreg=MPI-parallelisation information (some already initialized,
   some others to be initialized here)
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol) = occupation number for each band and k
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
   Before entering the first time in gstate, a significant part of
   psps has been initialized :
   the integers dimekb,lmnmax,lnmax,mpssang,mpssoang,mpsso,mgrid,
     ntypat,n1xccc,usepaw,useylm, and the arrays dimensioned to npsp
   All the remaining components of psps are to be initialized in the call
   to pspini .
   The next time the code enters gstate, psps might be identical to the
   one of the previous dtset, in which case, no reinitialisation is scheduled
   in pspini.f .
  rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations
  scf_history <type(scf_history_type)>=arrays obtained from previous SCF cycles
  vel(3,natom)=value of velocity
  vel_cell(3,3)=value of cell parameters velocity
  wvl <type(wvl_data)>=all wavelets data
  xred(3,natom) = reduced atomic coordinates


 In case of PAW:
    Two FFT grids are used:
    - A "coarse" FFT grid (defined by ecut)
      for the application of the Hamiltonian on the plane waves basis.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      Hamiltonian, wave-functions, density related to WFs (rhor here), ...
      are expressed on this grid.
    - A "fine" FFT grid (defined) by ecutdg)
      for the computation of the density inside PAW spheres.
      It is defined by nfftf, ngfftf, mgfftf, ...
      Total density, potentials, ...
      are expressed on this grid.
 In case of norm-conserving:
    - Only the usual FFT grid (defined by ecut) is used.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      For compatibility reasons, (nfftf,ngfftf,mgfftf)
      are set equal to (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) in that case.
 In case of wavelets:
    - Only the usual FFT grid (defined by wvl_crmult) is used.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ... This is strictly not
      an FFT grid since its dimensions are not suited for FFTs. They are
      defined by wvl_setngfft().
      For compatibility reasons, (nfftf,ngfftf,mgfftf)
      are set equal to (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) in that case.


 Not yet possible to use restartxf in parallel when localrdwf==0


 240 subroutine gstate(args_gs,acell,codvsn,cpui,dtfil,dtset,iexit,initialized,&
 241 &                 itimimage_gstate,mpi_enreg,npwtot,occ,pawang,pawrad,pawtab,&
 242 &                 psps,results_gs,rprim,scf_history,vel,vel_cell,wvl,xred)
 244 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 245 !scalars
 246  integer,intent(inout) :: iexit,initialized
 247  integer,intent(in) :: itimimage_gstate
 248  real(dp),intent(in) :: cpui
 249  character(len=8),intent(in) :: codvsn
 250  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 251  type(args_gs_type),intent(in) :: args_gs
 252  type(datafiles_type),intent(inout) :: dtfil
 253  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
 254  type(pawang_type),intent(inout) :: pawang
 255  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(inout) :: psps
 256  type(results_gs_type),intent(inout) :: results_gs
 257  type(scf_history_type),target,intent(inout) :: scf_history
 258  type(wvl_data),intent(inout) :: wvl
 259 !arrays
 260  integer,intent(out) :: npwtot(dtset%nkpt)
 261  real(dp),intent(inout) :: acell(3),occ(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 262  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rprim(3,3),vel(3,dtset%natom),vel_cell(3,3),xred(3,dtset%natom)
 263  type(pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 264  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 266 !Local variables-------------------------------
 267 !Define file format for different type of files. Presently,
 268 !only one file format is supported for each type of files, but this might change soon ...
 269 !2   for wavefunction file, new format (version 2.0 and after)    (fform)   NOT USED
 270 !52  for density rho(r)       (fformr)
 271 !102 for potential V(r) file. (fformv)  NOT USED
 272 !scalars
 273  logical :: compute_cprj
 274  integer,parameter :: formeig=0, level=101, response=0 ,cplex1=1, master=0, itime0=0
 275  integer :: ndtpawuj=0  ! Cannot use parameter because scfargs points to this! Have to get rid of pointers to scalars!
 276 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 277  integer :: icoulomb
 278 #endif
 279  integer :: accessfil,ask_accurate,bantot,choice,comm_psp,fform
 280  integer :: gnt_option,gscase,iatom,idir,ierr,ii,indx,jj,kk,ios,iorder_cprj,itypat
 281  integer :: ixfh,mband_cprj,mcg,mcprj,me,mgfftf,mpert,mu,my_natom,my_nspinor
 282  integer :: nband_k,nbandtot,nblok,ncprj,ncpgr,nfftf,nfftot,npwmin
 283  integer :: openexit,option,optorth,psp_gencond,conv_retcode
 284  integer :: pwind_alloc,rdwrpaw,comm,tim_mkrho,use_sc_dmft
 285  integer :: cnt,spin,band,ikpt,usecg,usecprj,ylm_option
 286  real(dp) :: cpus,ecore,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,etot,fermie,fermih
 287  real(dp) :: gsqcut_eff,gsqcut_shp,gsqcutc_eff,hyb_range_fock,residm,ucvol
 288  logical :: read_wf_or_den,has_to_init,call_pawinit,write_wfk
 289  logical :: is_dfpt=.false.,wvlbigdft=.false.
 290  character(len=500) :: msg
 291  character(len=fnlen) :: dscrpt,filnam,wfkfull_path
 292  real(dp) :: fatvshift
 293  type(crystal_t) :: cryst
 294  type(ebands_t) :: bstruct,ebands
 295  type(efield_type) :: dtefield
 296  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
 297  type(hdr_type) :: hdr, hdr_den, hdr_kfull
 298  type(extfpmd_type),pointer :: extfpmd => null()
 299  type(macro_uj_type) :: dtpawuj(1)
 300  type(paw_dmft_type) :: paw_dmft
 301  type(pawfgr_type) :: pawfgr
 302  type(recursion_type) ::rec_set
 303  type(wffile_type) :: wff1,wffnew,wffnow
 304  type(ab_xfh_type) :: ab_xfh
 305  type(ddb_type) :: ddb
 306  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: ddb_hdr
 307  type(scfcv_t) :: scfcv_args
 308 !arrays
 309  integer :: itimes(2),ngfft(18),ngfftf(18)
 310  integer,allocatable :: atindx(:),atindx1(:),indsym(:,:,:),dimcprj_srt(:)
 311  integer,allocatable :: irrzon(:,:,:),kg(:,:),nattyp(:),symrec(:,:,:)
 312  integer,allocatable,target :: npwarr(:)
 313  integer,pointer :: npwarr_(:),pwind(:,:,:)
 314  real(dp) :: efield_band(3),gmet(3,3),gmet_for_kg(3,3),gprimd(3,3),gprimd_for_kg(3,3)
 315  real(dp) :: rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),rprimd_for_kg(3,3),tsec(2)
 316  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde(:)
 317  real(dp),allocatable :: ph1d(:,:),ph1df(:,:),phnons(:,:,:),resid(:),rhowfg(:,:)
 318  real(dp),allocatable :: rhowfr(:,:),spinat_dum(:,:),start(:,:),work(:)
 319  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm(:,:),ylmgr(:,:,:)
 320  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: cg(:,:) => null()
 321  real(dp),pointer :: eigen(:),pwnsfac(:,:),rhog(:,:),rhor(:,:)
 322  real(dp),pointer :: taug(:,:),taur(:,:),xred_old(:,:)
 323  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij(:)
 324  type(coulomb_operator) :: kernel_dummy
 325  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj(:,:)
 327 ! ***********************************************************************
 331  call timab(1232,1,tsec)
 332  call timab(1211,3,tsec)
 334 !###########################################################
 335 !### 01. Initializations XML, MPI, WVL, etc
 337 !Init MPI data
 338  comm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell; me=xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
 340 !Set up MPI information from the dataset
 341  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
 343 !Set up information when wavelets are in use
 344  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 346 !  If usewvl: wvlbigdft indicates that the BigDFT workflow will be followed
 347    wvlbigdft=(dtset%wvl_bigdft_comp==1)
 349 !  Default value, to be set-up elsewhere.
 350    wvl%descr%h(:) = dtset%wvl_hgrid
 352 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 353    wvl%descr%paw%usepaw=psps%usepaw
 354    wvl%descr%paw%natom=dtset%natom
 355 #endif
 357 !  We set the atom-related internal wvl variables.
 358    call wvl_descr_atoms_set(acell, dtset%icoulomb, dtset%natom, &
 359 &   dtset%ntypat, dtset%typat, wvl%descr)
 360    if(dtset%usepaw==0) then
 361 !    nullify PAW proj_G in NC case:
 362 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 363      ABI_MALLOC(wvl%projectors%G,(dtset%ntypat))
 364      do itypat=1,dtset%ntypat
 365        call nullify_gaussian_basis(wvl%projectors%G(itypat))
 366      end do
 367 #endif
 368    end if
 370    wvl%descr%exctxpar = "OP2P"
 371  end if
 373  if (me == master .and. dtset%prtxml == 1) then
 374 !  gstate() will handle a dataset, so we output the dataSet markup.
 375    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '  <dataSet>'
 376  end if
 378 !Define FFT grid(s) sizes (be careful !)
 379 !See NOTES in the comments at the beginning of this file.
 380  call pawfgr_init(pawfgr,dtset,mgfftf,nfftf,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,ngfft,ngfftf)
 382 !Structured debugging if prtvol==-level
 383  if(dtset%prtvol==-level)then
 384    write(msg,'(80a,a,a)')  ('=',ii=1,80),ch10,' gstate : enter , debug mode '
 385    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 386  end if
 388 !###########################################################
 389 !### 02. Calls setup1, kpgio, initylmg
 391  ecore=zero
 392  results_gs%pel(1:3)   =zero
 393  results_gs%grchempottn(:,:)=zero
 394  results_gs%grewtn(:,:)=zero
 395 !MT Feb 2012: I dont know why but grvdw has to be allocated
 396 !when using BigDFT to ensure success on inca_gcc44_sdebug
 397  if ((dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7).or.dtset%usewvl==1) then
 398    results_gs%ngrvdw=dtset%natom
 399    if (allocated(results_gs%grvdw)) then
 400      ABI_FREE(results_gs%grvdw)
 401    end if
 402    ABI_MALLOC(results_gs%grvdw,(3,dtset%natom))
 403    results_gs%grvdw(:,:)=zero
 404  end if
 405  call energies_init(results_gs%energies)
 407 !Set up for iterations
 408  call setup1(acell,bantot,dtset,&
 409   ecutdg_eff,ecut_eff,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut_eff,gsqcutc_eff,&
 410   ngfftf,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol,&
 411   response,rmet,rprim,rprimd,ucvol,psps%usepaw)
 413 !In some cases (e.g. getcell/=0), the plane wave vectors have
 414 ! to be generated from the original simulation cell
 415  rprimd_for_kg=rprimd
 416  if (dtset%getcell/=0.and.dtset%usewvl==0) rprimd_for_kg=args_gs%rprimd_orig
 417  if (dtset%optcell/=0.and.dtset%imgmov/=0) rprimd_for_kg=args_gs%rprimd_orig
 418  call matr3inv(rprimd_for_kg,gprimd_for_kg)
 419  gmet_for_kg=matmul(transpose(gprimd_for_kg),gprimd_for_kg)
 421 !Set up the basis sphere of planewaves
 422  ABI_MALLOC(npwarr,(dtset%nkpt))
 423  if (dtset%usewvl == 0 .and. dtset%tfkinfunc /= 2) then
 424    ABI_MALLOC(kg,(3,dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem))
 425    call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet_for_kg,dtset%istwfk,kg, &
 426 &   dtset%kptns,dtset%mkmem,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,'PERS',mpi_enreg,&
 427 &   dtset%mpw,npwarr,npwtot,dtset%nsppol)
 428    call bandfft_kpt_init1(bandfft_kpt,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
 429 &   dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,npwarr,dtset%nsppol,gpu_option=dtset%gpu_option)
 430  else
 431    ABI_MALLOC(kg,(0,0))
 432    npwarr(:) = 0
 433    npwtot(:) = 0
 434  end if
 436  if((dtset%wfoptalg == 1 .or. dtset%wfoptalg == 111) .and. psps%usepaw == 1) then
 437    call init_invovl(dtset%nkpt)
 438  end if
 440  ! Handling GEMM nonlop use
 441  ! Not enabled by default for CPU and CUDA implementations
 442  ! Enabled if using OpenMP GPU offload
 443  gemm_nonlop_use_gemm = .false.
 445  ! OpenMP GPU offload case (GEMM nonlop used by default)
 446  if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_OPENMP) then
 447    gemm_nonlop_use_gemm = .true.
 448    call init_gemm_nonlop_ompgpu(dtset%nkpt)
 449  else if(dtset%use_gemm_nonlop == 1) then
 450    gemm_nonlop_use_gemm = .true.
 451    ! CUDA & Kokkos case (same routine used)
 452    if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_LEGACY .or. dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_KOKKOS) then
 453      call init_gemm_nonlop(dtset%nkpt)
 454      call init_gemm_nonlop_gpu(dtset%nkpt)
 455    ! CPU case
 456    else if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
 457      call init_gemm_nonlop(dtset%nkpt)
 458    end if
 459  end if
 461  gemm_nonlop_is_distributed = .false.
 462  if(dtset%gpu_nl_distrib == 1) gemm_nonlop_is_distributed = .true.
 464 !Set up the Ylm for each k point
 465  if ( dtset%tfkinfunc /= 2) then
 466    ABI_MALLOC(ylm,(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
 467    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr,(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,3,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
 468    if (psps%useylm==1) then
 469      ylm_option=0
 470      if (dtset%prtstm==0.and.dtset%iscf>0.and.dtset%positron/=1) ylm_option=1 ! compute gradients of YLM
 471      if (dtset%berryopt==4 .and. dtset%optstress /= 0 .and. psps%usepaw==1) ylm_option = 1 ! compute gradients of YLM
 472      call initylmg(gprimd,kg,dtset%kptns,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
 473 &     psps%mpsang,dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,&
 474 &     npwarr,dtset%nsppol,ylm_option,rprimd,ylm,ylmgr)
 475   end if
 476  else
 477    ABI_MALLOC(ylm,(0,0))
 478    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr,(0,0,0))
 479  end if
 481 !SCF history management (allocate it at first call)
 482  if (initialized==0) then
 483 !  This call has to be done before any use of SCF history
 484    usecg=0
 485    if(dtset%extrapwf>0 .or. dtset%imgwfstor==1)usecg=1
 486    call scf_history_init(dtset,mpi_enreg,usecg,scf_history)
 487  end if
 488  has_to_init=(initialized==0.or.scf_history%history_size<0)
 490  call timab(1211,2,tsec)
 491  call timab(1212,3,tsec)
 493 !###########################################################
 494 !### 03. Calls pspini
 496 !Open and read pseudopotential files
 497  comm_psp=mpi_enreg%comm_cell;if (dtset%usewvl==1) comm_psp=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
 498  if (dtset%nimage>1) psps%mixalch(:,:)=args_gs%mixalch(:,:) ! mixalch can evolve for some image algos
 499  call pspini(dtset,dtfil,ecore,psp_gencond,gsqcutc_eff,gsqcut_eff,pawrad,pawtab,psps,rprimd,comm_mpi=comm_psp)
 500  call timab(1212,2,tsec)
 501  call timab(1211,3,tsec)
 503 !In case of isolated computations, ecore must set to zero
 504 !because its contribution is counted in the ewald energy as the ion-ion interaction.
 505  if (dtset%icoulomb == 1) ecore = zero
 507 !WVL - Now that psp data are available, we compute rprimd, acell... from the atomic positions.
 508  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 509    call wvl_descr_psp_set(trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(3))//"_OCCUP",dtset%nsppol,psps,dtset%spinat,wvl%descr)
 510    call wvl_setBoxGeometry(dtset%prtvol, psps%gth_params%radii_cf, rprimd, xred, &
 511 &   wvl%descr, dtset%wvl_crmult, dtset%wvl_frmult)
 512    call mkradim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
 513    rprimd_for_kg=rprimd
 514    call wvl_denspot_set(wvl%den, psps%gth_params, dtset%ixc, dtset%natom, dtset%nsppol, rprimd, &
 515 &   wvl%descr, dtset%wvl_crmult, dtset%wvl_frmult, mpi_enreg%comm_wvl, xred)
 516 !  TODO: to be moved in a routine.
 517 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 518    if (wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%geocode == "F") then
 519      icoulomb = 1
 520    else if (wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%geocode == "S") then
 521      icoulomb = 2
 522    else
 523      icoulomb = 0
 524    end if
 525 !  calculation of the Poisson kernel anticipated to reduce memory peak for small systems
 526    call psolver_kernel( wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids, 1, icoulomb, mpi_enreg%me_wvl, wvl%den%denspot%pkernel , &
 527 &   mpi_enreg%comm_wvl, wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims, mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl, dtset%nscforder)
 528    nullify(wvl%den%denspot%pkernelseq%kernel)
 529    !call copy_coulomb_operator(wvl%den%denspot%pkernel,wvl%den%denspot%pkernelseq, "gstate")
 530 !  Associate the denspot distribution into mpi_enreg.
 531    mpi_enreg%nscatterarr  => wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr
 532    mpi_enreg%ngatherarr   => wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ngatherarr
 533    mpi_enreg%ngfft3_ionic =  wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%n3pi
 534    call wvl_setngfft(mpi_enreg%me_wvl, dtset%mgfft, dtset%nfft, &
 535 &   dtset%ngfft, mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl, wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(1), &
 536 &   wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(2),wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(3),&
 537 &   wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(mpi_enreg%me_wvl, 1))
 538 #endif
 539    nfftf     = dtset%nfft
 540    mgfftf    = dtset%mgfft
 541    ngfftf(:) = dtset%ngfft(:)
 542 !  Recalculate gprimd
 543    call matr3inv(rprimd,gprimd)
 544 !  PAW section
 545    if(psps%usepaw==1) then
 546 !    Reinitialize Pawfgr with new values of ngfft
 547      call pawfgr_destroy(pawfgr)
 548      call pawfgr_init(pawfgr,dtset,mgfftf,nfftf,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,ngfft,ngfftf)
 549 !    fill wvl objects from paw objects
 550 !    wvl%descr%paw%usepaw=dtset%usepaw
 551      call paw2wvl(pawtab,wvl%projectors,wvl%descr)
 552    end if
 553  else if (dtset%icoulomb /= 0) then
 554 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 555    if (dtset%ixc < 0) then
 556      call xc_init(wvl%den%denspot%xc, dtset%ixc, XC_MIXED, dtset%nsppol)
 557    else
 558      call xc_init(wvl%den%denspot%xc, dtset%ixc, XC_ABINIT, dtset%nsppol)
 559    end if
 560 #endif
 561  end if
 563 !Initialize band structure datatype
 564  if (dtset%paral_kgb/=0) then     !  We decide to store total npw in bstruct,
 565    ABI_MALLOC(npwarr_,(dtset%nkpt))
 566    npwarr_(:)=npwarr(:)
 567    call xmpi_sum(npwarr_,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ierr)
 568  else
 569    npwarr_ => npwarr
 570  end if
 572  bstruct = ebands_from_dtset(dtset, npwarr_)
 574  if (dtset%paral_kgb/=0)  then
 575    ABI_FREE(npwarr_)
 576  end if
 577  nullify(npwarr_)
 579 !Initialize PAW atomic occupancies
 580  if (scf_history%history_size>=0) then
 581    pawrhoij => scf_history%pawrhoij_last
 582  else
 583    ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij,(my_natom*psps%usepaw))
 584  end if
 585  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.has_to_init) then
 586    call initrhoij(dtset%pawcpxocc,dtset%lexexch,&
 587 &   dtset%lpawu,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,&
 588 &   dtset%ntypat,pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,pawtab,cplex1,dtset%spinat,dtset%typat,&
 589 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 590  end if
 592 !Initialize header
 593  gscase=0
 594  call hdr_init(bstruct,codvsn,dtset,hdr,pawtab,gscase,psps,wvl%descr,&
 595 & comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 597 !Clean band structure datatype (should use it more in the future !)
 598  call ebands_free(bstruct)
 600 !Update header, with evolving variables, when available
 601 !Here, rprimd, xred and occ are available
 602  etot=hdr%etot ; fermie=hdr%fermie ; fermih=hdr%fermih ; residm=hdr%residm
 603  call hdr%update(bantot,etot,fermie,fermih,&
 604    residm,rprimd,occ,pawrhoij,xred,args_gs%amu,&
 605    comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 607  ! PW basis set: test if the problem is ill-defined.
 608  if (dtset%usewvl == 0 .and. dtset%tfkinfunc /= 2) then
 609    npwmin=minval(hdr%npwarr(:))
 610    if (dtset%mband > npwmin) then
 611      ! No way we can solve the problem. Abort now!
 612      write(msg,"(2(a,i0),4a)")&
 613      "Number of bands nband= ",dtset%mband," > number of planewaves npw= ",npwmin,ch10,&
 614      "The number of eigenvectors cannot be greater that the size of the Hamiltonian!",ch10,&
 615      "Action: decrease nband or, alternatively, increase ecut"
 616      if (dtset%ionmov/=23) then
 617        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 618      else
 619        ABI_WARNING(msg)
 620      end if
 622    else if (dtset%mband >= 0.9 * npwmin) then
 623      ! Warn the user
 624      write(msg,"(a,i0,a,f6.1,4a)")&
 625 &     "Number of bands nband= ",dtset%mband," >= 0.9 * maximum number of planewaves= ",0.9*npwmin,ch10,&
 626 &     "The problem is ill-defined and the GS algorithm will show numerical instabilities!",ch10,&
 627 &     "Assume experienced user. Execution will continue."
 628      ABI_WARNING(msg)
 629    end if
 630  end if
 632 !###########################################################
 633 !### 04. Symmetry operations when nsym>1
 635 !Do symmetry stuff only for nsym>1
 636  if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
 637    nfftot=ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
 638  else
 639 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 640    nfftot=product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims)
 641 #else
 643 #endif
 644  end if
 645  ABI_MALLOC(irrzon,(nfftot**(1-1/dtset%nsym),2,(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4)))
 646  ABI_MALLOC(phnons,(2,nfftot**(1-1/dtset%nsym),(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4)))
 647  ABI_MALLOC(indsym,(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom))
 648  ABI_MALLOC(symrec,(3,3,dtset%nsym))
 649  irrzon(:,:,:)=0
 650  phnons(:,:,:)=zero
 651  indsym(:,:,:)=0
 652  symrec(:,:,:)=0
 654  if (dtset%nsym>1) then
 655    call setsym(indsym,irrzon,dtset%iscf,dtset%natom,&
 656 &   nfftot,ngfft,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,&
 657 &   phnons,dtset%symafm,symrec,dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtset%typat,xred)
 659 !  Make sure dtset%iatfix does not break symmetry
 660    call fixsym(dtset%iatfix,indsym,dtset%natom,dtset%nsym)
 661  else
 662 !  The symrec array is used by initberry even in case nsym = 1
 663    symrec(:,:,1) = 0
 664    symrec(1,1,1) = 1 ; symrec(2,2,1) = 1 ; symrec(3,3,1) = 1
 665  end if
 666  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 667    call wvl_descr_atoms_set_sym(wvl%descr, dtset%efield, irrzon, dtset%nsppol, &
 668 &   dtset%nsym, phnons, dtset%symafm, dtset%symrel, dtset%tnons, dtset%tolsym)
 669 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 670    wvl%den%symObj = wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%sym%symObj
 671 #endif
 672  end if
 674 !###########################################################
 675 !### 05. Calls inwffil
 678  ! if paral_kgb == 0, it may happen that some processors are idle (no entry in proc_distrb)
 679  ! but mkmem == nkpt and this can cause integer overflow in mcg or allocation error.
 680  ! Here we count the number of states treated by the proc. if cnt == 0, mcg is then set to 0.
 681  cnt = 0
 682  nbandtot = 0
 683  do spin=1,dtset%nsppol
 684    do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
 685      nband_k = dtset%nband(ikpt + (spin-1) * dtset%nkpt)
 686      do band=1,nband_k
 687        if (.not. proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb, ikpt, band, band, spin, mpi_enreg%me_kpt)) cnt = cnt + 1
 688      end do
 689      nbandtot = nbandtot + nband_k
 690    end do
 691  end do
 693  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
 694  mcg=dtset%mpw*my_nspinor*dtset%mband*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol
 695  if (cnt == 0) then
 696    mcg = 0
 697    write(msg,"(2(a,i0))")"rank: ",mpi_enreg%me, "does not have wavefunctions to treat. Setting mcg to: ",mcg
 698    ABI_WARNING(msg)
 699  end if
 701  if (dtset%usewvl == 0 .and. dtset%mpw > 0 .and. cnt /= 0)then
 702    if (my_nspinor*dtset%mband*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol > floor(real(HUGE(0))/real(dtset%mpw) )) then
 703      write (msg,'(9a)')&
 704       "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the wavefunction array (mcg).",ch10,&
 705       "This usually happens when paral_kgb == 0 and there are not enough procs to distribute kpts and spins",ch10,&
 706       "Action: if paral_kgb == 0, use nprocs = nkpt * nsppol to reduce the memory per node.",ch10,&
 707       "If this does not solve the problem, use paral_kgb 1 with nprocs > nkpt * nsppol and use npfft/npband/npspinor",ch10,&
 708       "to decrease the memory requirements. Consider also OpenMP threads."
 709      ii = 0
 710      ABI_ERROR_NOSTOP(msg,ii)
 711      write (msg,'(5(a,i0), 2a)')&
 712       "my_nspinor: ",my_nspinor, ", mpw: ",dtset%mpw, ", mband: ",dtset%mband,&
 713       ", mkmem: ",dtset%mkmem, ", nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
 714       'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS...) compiled in int64 mode'
 715      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 716    end if
 717  end if
 719  if (dtset%imgwfstor==1) then
 720    cg => scf_history%cg(:,:,1)
 721    eigen => scf_history%eigen(:,1)
 722  else
 723    if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_KOKKOS) then
 724 #if defined HAVE_GPU && defined HAVE_YAKL
 725      ABI_MALLOC_MANAGED(cg, (/2,mcg/))
 726 #endif
 727    else
 728      ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg,(2,mcg), ierr)
 729    end if
 730    ABI_MALLOC(eigen,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 731  end if
 733  ABI_MALLOC(resid,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 734  eigen(:)=zero ; resid(:)=zero
 735 !mpi_enreg%paralbd=0 ; ask_accurate=0
 736  ask_accurate=0
 738 !WVL - Branching, allocating wavefunctions as wavelets.
 739  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 740    call wvl_wfs_lr_copy(wvl%wfs, wvl%descr)
 741 !  Create access arrays for wavefunctions and allocate wvl%wfs%psi (other arrays are left unallocated).
 742    call wvl_wfs_set(dtset%strprecon,dtset%spinmagntarget, dtset%kpt, mpi_enreg%me_wvl,&
 743 &   dtset%natom, sum(dtset%nband), &
 744 &   dtset%nkpt, mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, dtset%nwfshist, occ, &
 745 &   psps, rprimd, wvl%wfs, dtset%wtk, wvl%descr, dtset%wvl_crmult, dtset%wvl_frmult, &
 746 &   xred)
 747 !  We transfer wavelets information to the hdr structure.
 748 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 749    call local_potential_dimensions(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,wvl%wfs%ks%lzd,wvl%wfs%ks%orbs,wvl%den%denspot%xc,&
 750 &   wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ngatherarr(0,1))
 751    hdr%nwvlarr(1) = wvl%wfs%ks%lzd%Glr%wfd%nvctr_c
 752    hdr%nwvlarr(2) = 7 * wvl%wfs%ks%lzd%Glr%wfd%nvctr_f
 753 #endif
 754 !  Create access arrays for projectors and allocate them.
 755 !  Compute projectors from each atom.
 756    call wvl_projectors_set(mpi_enreg%me_wvl, dtset%natom, wvl%projectors, psps, rprimd, &
 757 &   wvl%wfs, wvl%descr, dtset%wvl_frmult, xred)
 758  end if
 760  read_wf_or_den=(dtset%iscf<=0.or.dtfil%ireadwf/=0.or.(dtfil%ireadden/=0.and.dtset%positron<=0))
 761  read_wf_or_den=(read_wf_or_den.and.has_to_init)
 763 !RECURSION -  initialization
 764  if(has_to_init .and. dtset%userec==1) then
 765    call InitRec(dtset,mpi_enreg,rec_set,rmet,maxval(psps%indlmn(3,:,:)))
 766  end if
 768 !LOTF - initialization
 769 #if defined HAVE_LOTF
 770  if(has_to_init .and. dtset%ionmov==23) then
 771    call lotfparam_init(dtset%natom,dtset%lotf_version,1,&
 772 &   dtset%lotf_nitex,dtset%lotf_nneigx,&
 773 &   dtset%lotf_classic,1,1)
 774  end if
 775 #endif
 777 !Initialize wavefunctions.
 778  if(dtset%imgwfstor==1 .and. initialized==1)then
 779    cg(:,:)=scf_history%cg(:,:,1)
 780    eigen(:)=scf_history%eigen(:,1)
 781  else if(dtset%tfkinfunc /=2) then
 782 !if(dtset%tfkinfunc /=2) then
 783    wff1%unwff=dtfil%unwff1
 784    optorth=1   !if (psps%usepaw==1) optorth=0
 785    if(psps%usepaw==1 .and. dtfil%ireadwf==1)optorth=0
 786    hdr%rprimd=rprimd_for_kg ! We need the rprimd that was used to generate de G vectors
 788    call inwffil(ask_accurate,cg,dtset,dtset%ecut,ecut_eff,eigen,&
 789 &   dtset%exchn2n3d,formeig,hdr,dtfil%ireadwf,dtset%istwfk,kg,&
 790 &   dtset%kptns,dtset%localrdwf,dtset%mband,mcg,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
 791 &   dtset%mpw,dtset%nband,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,npwarr,&
 792 &   dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,occ,optorth,dtset%symafm,&
 793 &   dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtfil%unkg,wff1,wffnow,dtfil%unwff1,&
 794 &   dtfil%fnamewffk,wvl)
 796    hdr%rprimd=rprimd
 797  end if
 799  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.dtfil%ireadwf==1)then
 800    call pawrhoij_copy(hdr%pawrhoij,pawrhoij,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 801  end if
 803  ! Now that wavefunctions are initialized, calls of nonlocal operations are possible, so we start the counting (if enabled)
 804  if (dtset%useylm==1.and.dtset%nonlop_ylm_count/=0.and.dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
 805    call nonlop_ylm_init_counters()
 806  end if
 807  ! Same for fft counters
 808  if (dtset%fft_count/=0.and.dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
 809    call fft_init_counters()
 810  end if
 813 !###########################################################
 814 !### 06. Operations related to restartxf (Old version)
 816 !TODO: Remove ab_xfh
 817 !Initialize xf history (should be put in inwffil)
 818  ab_xfh%nxfh=0
 819  if(dtset%restartxf>=1 .and. dtfil%ireadwf==1)then
 821 !  Should exchange the data about history in parallel localrdwf==0
 822    if(xmpi_paral==1 .and. dtset%localrdwf==0)then
 823      write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 824 &     'It is not yet possible to use non-zero restartxf,',ch10,&
 825 &     'in parallel, when localrdwf=0. Sorry for this ...'
 826      ABI_BUG(msg)
 827    end if
 829    ABI_MALLOC(ab_xfh%xfhist,(3,dtset%natom+4,2,0))
 830    call outxfhist(ab_xfh,dtset%natom,2,wff1,ios)
 831    ABI_FREE(ab_xfh%xfhist)
 833    if(ios>0)then
 834      write(msg,'(a,a,a)')&
 835 &     'An error occurred reading the input wavefunction file,',ch10,&
 836 &     'with restartxf=1.'
 837      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 838    else if(ios==0)then
 839      write(msg, '(a,a,i4,a)' )ch10,&
 840 &     ' gstate : reading',ab_xfh%nxfh,' (x,f) history pairs from input wf file.'
 841      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 842    end if
 843 !  WARNING : should check that restartxf is not negative
 844 !  WARNING : should check that restartxf /= only when dtfil%ireadwf is activated
 845  end if
 847 !Allocate the xf history array : takes into account the existing
 848 !pairs, minus those that will be discarded, then those that will
 849 !be computed, governed by dtset%ntime, and some additional pairs
 850 !(needed when it will be possible to use xfhist for move.f)
 851  ab_xfh%mxfh=(ab_xfh%nxfh-dtset%restartxf+1)+dtset%ntime+5
 852  ABI_MALLOC(ab_xfh%xfhist,(3,dtset%natom+4,2,ab_xfh%mxfh))
 853  ab_xfh%xfhist(:,:,:,:) = zero
 854 !WARNING : should check that the number of atoms in the wf file and natom are the same
 856 !Initialize the xf history array
 857  if(ab_xfh%nxfh>=dtset%restartxf .and. ab_xfh%nxfh>0)then
 858 !  Eventually skip some of the previous history
 859    if(dtset%restartxf>=2)then
 860      do ixfh=1,dtset%restartxf-1
 861        call WffReadSkipRec(ios,1,wff1)
 862      end do
 863    end if
 865 !  Read and store the relevant history
 866    ab_xfh%nxfhr=ab_xfh%nxfh-dtset%restartxf+1
 867    call outxfhist(ab_xfh,dtset%natom,3,wff1,ios)
 868  end if
 870 !Close wff1, if it was ever opened (in inwffil)
 871  if (dtfil%ireadwf==1) then
 872    call WffClose(wff1,ierr)
 873  end if
 875 !###########################################################
 876 !### 07. Calls setup2
 878 !Further setup
 879  ABI_MALLOC(start,(3,dtset%natom))
 880  call setup2(dtset,npwtot,start,wvl%wfs,xred)
 882 !Allocation of previous atomic positions
 883  if (scf_history%history_size>=0) then
 884    xred_old => scf_history%xred_last
 885  else
 886    ABI_MALLOC(xred_old,(3,dtset%natom))
 887  end if
 888  if (has_to_init) xred_old=xred
 890 !Initialize (eventually) extfpmd object
 891  if(dtset%useextfpmd>=1.and.dtset%occopt==3) then
 892    if(dtset%useextfpmd/=1.and.dtset%extfpmd_nbcut>dtset%mband) then
 893      write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0,3a)') "Not enough bands to activate ExtFPMD routines.",ch10,&
 894 &     "extfpmd_nbcut = ",dtset%extfpmd_nbcut," should be less than or equal to nband = ",dtset%mband,".",ch10,&
 895 &     "Action: Increase nband or decrease extfpmd_nbcut."
 896      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 897    else
 898      if(dtset%useextfpmd/=1.and.(dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf+dtset%extfpmd_nbcut)>dtset%mband) then
 899        write(msg,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,2a,i0,3a)') "(extfpmd_nbdbuf = ",dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf," + extfpmd_nbcut = ",&
 900 &       dtset%extfpmd_nbcut,") = ",dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf+dtset%extfpmd_nbcut,ch10,&
 901 &       "should be less than or equal to nband = ",dtset%mband,".",ch10,&
 902 &       "Assume experienced user. Execution will continue with extfpmd_nbdbuf = 0."
 903        ABI_WARNING(msg)
 904        dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf = 0
 905      else if(dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf>dtset%mband) then
 906        write(msg,'(a,i0,a,i0,3a)') "extfpmd_nbdbuf = ",dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf,&
 907 &       " should be less than or equal to nband = ",dtset%mband,".",ch10,&
 908 &       "Assume experienced user. Execution will continue with extfpmd_nbdbuf = 0."
 909        ABI_WARNING(msg)
 910        dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf = 0
 911      end if
 912      ABI_MALLOC(extfpmd,)
 913      call extfpmd%init(dtset%mband,dtset%extfpmd_nbcut,dtset%extfpmd_nbdbuf,&
 914 &     dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden,rprimd,dtset%useextfpmd)
 915    end if
 916  end if
 918 !Timing for initialisation period
 919  call timab(1211,2,tsec)
 920  call timab(1213,3,tsec)
 923 !###########################################################
 924 !### 08. Compute new occupation numbers
 926 !Compute new occupation numbers, in case wavefunctions and eigenenergies
 927 !were read from disk, occupation scheme is metallic (this excludes iscf=-1),
 928 !and occupation numbers are required by iscf
 929  if( dtfil%ireadwf==1 .and. &
 930 & (dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=9) .and. &
 931 & (dtset%iscf>0 .or. dtset%iscf==-3) .and. dtset%positron/=1 ) then
 933    ABI_MALLOC(doccde,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 934 !  Warning : ideally, results_gs%entropy should not be set up here XG 20011007
 935 !  Do not take into account the possible STM bias
 936    call newocc(doccde,eigen,results_gs%energies%entropy,&
 937 &   results_gs%energies%e_fermie,results_gs%energies%e_fermih,dtset%ivalence,&
 938 &   dtset%spinmagntarget,dtset%mband,dtset%nband,&
 939 &   dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,occ,&
 940 &   dtset%occopt,dtset%prtvol,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%wtk,&
 941 &   extfpmd=extfpmd)
 942    if (dtset%dmftcheck>=0.and.dtset%usedmft>=1.and.(sum(args_gs%upawu(:))>=tol8.or.  &
 943 &   sum(args_gs%jpawu(:))>tol8).and.dtset%dmft_entropy==0) results_gs%energies%entropy=zero
 944    ABI_FREE(doccde)
 946    if(associated(extfpmd)) then
 947      extfpmd%nelect=zero
 948      call extfpmd%compute_nelect(results_gs%energies%e_fermie,extfpmd%nelect,&
 949 &     dtset%tsmear)
 950      call extfpmd%compute_e_kinetic(results_gs%energies%e_fermie,dtset%tsmear)
 951    end if
 953 !  Transfer occupations to bigdft object:
 954    if(dtset%usewvl==1 .and. .not. wvlbigdft) then
 955      call wvl_occ_abi2big(dtset%mband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol,occ,1,wvl%wfs)
 956 !    call wvl_energies_abi2big(results_gs%energies,wvl%wfs,2)
 957    end if
 959  else
 960 !  Warning : ideally, results_gs%entropy should not be set up here XG 20011007
 961    results_gs%energies%entropy=zero
 962  end if
 964 !###########################################################
 965 !### 09. Generate an index table of atoms
 967 !Definition of atindx array
 968 !Generate an index table of atoms, in order for them to be used type after type.
 969  ABI_MALLOC(atindx,(dtset%natom))
 970  ABI_MALLOC(atindx1,(dtset%natom))
 971  ABI_MALLOC(nattyp,(psps%ntypat))
 972  indx=1
 973  do itypat=1,psps%ntypat
 974    nattyp(itypat)=0
 975    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
 976      if(dtset%typat(iatom)==itypat)then
 977        atindx(iatom)=indx
 978        atindx1(indx)=iatom
 979        indx=indx+1
 980        nattyp(itypat)=nattyp(itypat)+1
 981      end if
 982    end do
 983  end do
 985 !Compute structure factor phases for current atomic pos:
 986  if ((.not.read_wf_or_den).or.(scf_history%history_size>0.and.has_to_init)) then
 987    ABI_MALLOC(ph1df,(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*dtset%natom))
 988    call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),ph1df,xred)
 989  end if
 991 !Here allocation of GPU for vtorho calculations
 992 #if defined HAVE_GPU
 993  if (dtset%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
 994    call alloc_hamilt_gpu(atindx1,dtset,gprimd,mpi_enreg,nattyp,npwarr,2,psps,dtset%gpu_option)
 995  end if
 996 #endif
 998 !###########################################################
 999 !### 10. PAW related operations
1001 !Initialize paw_dmft, even if neither dmft not paw are used
1002 !write(std_out,*) "dtset%usedmft",dtset%usedmft
1003  use_sc_dmft=dtset%usedmft
1004 ! if(dtset%paral_kgb>0) use_sc_dmft=0
1005  call init_sc_dmft(dtset%nbandkss,dtset%dmftbandi,dtset%dmftbandf,dtset%dmft_read_occnd,dtset%mband,&
1006 & dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspden, &
1007 & dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%usedmft,paw_dmft,use_sc_dmft,dtset%dmft_solv,mpi_enreg)
1008  if ( then
1009    call readocc_dmft(paw_dmft,dtfil%filnam_ds(3),dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
1010  end if
1011  !Should be done inside init_sc_dmft
1012  if ( dtset%usedmft /= 0 ) then
1013    call data4entropyDMFT_init(paw_dmft%forentropyDMFT,&
1014    dtset%natom,&
1015    dtset%typat,&
1016    dtset%lpawu,&
1017    dtset%dmft_t2g==1, &
1018    args_gs%upawu,&
1019    args_gs%jpawu)
1020  end if
1021 !write(std_out,*) "paw_dmft%use_dmft",paw_dmft%use_dmft
1023 !PAW: 1- Initialize values for several arrays unchanged during iterations
1024 !2- Initialize data for DFT+U
1025 !3- Eventually open temporary storage file
1026  if(psps%usepaw==1) then
1027 !  1-
1028    gnt_option=1;if (dtset%pawxcdev==2.or.(dtset%pawxcdev==1.and.dtset%positron/=0)) gnt_option=2
1030 !  Test if we have to call pawinit
1031 !  Some gen-cond have to be added...
1032    call paw_gencond(Dtset,gnt_option,"test",call_pawinit)
1034    if (psp_gencond==1.or.call_pawinit) then
1035      call timab(553,1,tsec)
1036      gsqcut_shp=two*abs(dtset%diecut)*dtset%dilatmx**2/pi**2
1037      hyb_range_fock=zero;if (dtset%ixc<0) call libxc_functionals_get_hybridparams(hyb_range=hyb_range_fock)
1038      call pawinit(dtset%effmass_free,gnt_option,gsqcut_shp,hyb_range_fock,dtset%pawlcutd,dtset%pawlmix,&
1039 &     psps%mpsang,dtset%pawnphi,dtset%nsym,dtset%pawntheta,&
1040 &     pawang,pawrad,dtset%pawspnorb,pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,dtset%ixc,dtset%usepotzero)
1042      ! Update internal values
1043      call paw_gencond(Dtset,gnt_option,"save",call_pawinit)
1044      call timab(553,2,tsec)
1045 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1046 !    In the PAW+WVL case, copy sij:
1047      if(dtset%usewvl==1) then
1048        do itypat=1,dtset%ntypat
1049          wvl%descr%paw%sij(1:pawtab(itypat)%lmn2_size,itypat)=pawtab(itypat)%sij(:)
1050        end do
1051      end if
1052 #endif
1053    end if
1054    psps%n1xccc=maxval(pawtab(1:psps%ntypat)%usetcore)
1055    call setsym_ylm(gprimd,pawang%l_max-1,dtset%nsym,dtset%pawprtvol,rprimd,symrec,pawang%zarot)
1057 !  2-Initialize and compute data for DFT+U, EXX, or DFT+DMFT
1058    if(paw_dmft%use_dmft==1) call print_sc_dmft(paw_dmft,dtset%pawprtvol)
1059    call pawpuxinit(dtset%dmatpuopt,dtset%exchmix,dtset%f4of2_sla,dtset%f6of2_sla,&
1060 &     is_dfpt,args_gs%jpawu,dtset%lexexch,dtset%lpawu,dtset%nspinor,dtset%ntypat,dtset%optdcmagpawu,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,&
1061 &     pawrad,pawtab,args_gs%upawu,dtset%usedmft,dtset%useexexch,dtset%usepawu,ucrpa=dtset%ucrpa)
1063    ! DEBUG:
1064    !if (me == master) call pawtab_print(Pawtab)
1065  end if
1067 !###########################################################
1068 !### 11. Initialize (eventually) electron-positron data and
1069 !###     electric and magnetic field data
1071 !Initialize (eventually) electron-positron data
1072  nullify (electronpositron)
1073  if (dtset%positron/=0) then
1074    call init_electronpositron(dtfil%ireadwf,dtset,electronpositron,mpi_enreg,nfftf,pawrhoij,pawtab)
1075  end if
1077 !###########################################################
1078 ! Initialisation of cprj
1079  usecprj=0; mcprj=0;mband_cprj=0
1080  compute_cprj=.false.
1081  ! PAW keeping cprj in memory : some cases are excluded for now...
1082  if (dtset%cprj_in_memory/=0) then
1083    compute_cprj=.true.
1084    usecprj=1
1085  else
1086    if (dtset%usepaw==1) then
1087      if (associated(electronpositron)) then
1088        if (dtset%positron/=0.and.electronpositron%dimcprj>0) usecprj=1
1089      end if
1090      if (dtset%prtnabla>0) usecprj=1
1091      if (dtset%extrapwf>0) usecprj=1
1092      if (dtset%pawfatbnd>0)usecprj=1
1093      if (dtset%prtdos==3)  usecprj=1
1094      if (dtset%usewvl==1)  usecprj=1
1095      if (dtset%nstep==0) usecprj=0
1096      if (dtset%usefock==1)  usecprj=1
1097    end if
1098  end if
1099  if (usecprj==0) then
1100    ABI_MALLOC(cprj,(0,0))
1101  end if
1102  if (usecprj==1) then
1103    mband_cprj=dtset%mband;if (dtset%paral_kgb/=0) mband_cprj=mband_cprj/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1104    mcprj=my_nspinor*mband_cprj*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol
1105 !Was allocated above for valgrind sake so should always be true (safety)
1106    if (allocated(cprj)) then
1107      call pawcprj_free(cprj)
1108      ABI_FREE(cprj)
1109    end if
1110    ABI_MALLOC(cprj,(dtset%natom,mcprj))
1111    ncpgr=0
1112    if (dtset%usefock==1) then ! Note that compute_cprj = false if usefock/=0
1113      if (dtset%optforces == 1) then
1114        ncpgr = 3
1115      end if
1116 !       if (dtset%optstress /= 0) then
1117 !         ncpgr = 6 ; ctocprj_choice = 3
1118 !       end if
1119    end if
1120    ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_srt,(dtset%natom))
1121    call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj_srt,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
1122    call pawcprj_alloc(cprj,ncpgr,dimcprj_srt)
1123    if (compute_cprj) then
1124      choice      = 1 ! no derivative...
1125      idir        = 0 ! no direction
1126      iatom       = 0 ! all atoms
1127      iorder_cprj = 0 ! ordered by atom types
1128      ncprj       = dtset%natom
1129 !    Compute structure factor phases and large sphere cut-off (gsqcut):
1130      ABI_MALLOC(ph1d,(2,3*(2*dtset%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom))
1131      call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),ph1d,xred)
1132      call wrtout(std_out,' Computing cprj from initial wavefunctions (gstate)')
1133      call ctocprj(atindx,cg,choice,cprj,gmet,gprimd,iatom,idir,&
1134 &   iorder_cprj,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%kptns,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,&
1135 &   dtset%mpw,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%nband,ncprj,ngfft,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nloalg,npwarr,dtset%nspinor,&
1136 &   dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsppol,psps%ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpaw,&
1137 &   xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1138      call wrtout(std_out,' cprj is computed')
1139      ABI_FREE(ph1d)
1140    end if
1141  end if
1143 !Timing for initialisation period
1144  call timab(1213,2,tsec)
1145  call timab(1214,3,tsec)
1147 !###########################################################
1148 !### 12. Operations dependent of iscf value
1150 !Get starting charge density : rhor as well as rhog
1151 !Also initialize the kinetic energy density
1152  if (scf_history%history_size>=0) then
1153    rhor => scf_history%rhor_last
1154    taur => scf_history%taur_last
1155  else
1156    ABI_MALLOC(rhor,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
1157    ABI_MALLOC(taur,(nfftf,dtset%nspden*dtset%usekden))
1158  end if
1159  ABI_MALLOC(rhog,(2,nfftf))
1160  ABI_MALLOC(taug,(2,nfftf*dtset%usekden))
1162  if (has_to_init) then
1164 !  === Self-consistent case
1165    if (dtset%iscf>0 .or. (dtset%iscf==0 .and. dtset%usewvl==1 )) then
1167 !    >>> Initialize charge density
1169      if (dtfil%ireadden/=0.and.dtset%positron<=0) then
1170        ! Choice 1: read charge density from file
1171        rdwrpaw=psps%usepaw ; if(dtfil%ireadwf/=0) rdwrpaw=0
1172        if (dtset%usewvl==0) then
1173          call read_rhor(dtfil%fildensin,cplex1,dtset%nspden,nfftf,ngfftf,rdwrpaw, &
1174               mpi_enreg,rhor,hdr_den,pawrhoij,comm,check_hdr=hdr,allow_interp=.True.)
1175            results_gs%etotal = hdr_den%etot
1176            call hdr_den%free()
1177        else
1178          fform=52 ; accessfil=0
1179          if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_MPI ) accessfil=4
1180          if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) accessfil=3
1181          call ioarr(accessfil,rhor,dtset,results_gs%etotal,fform,dtfil%fildensin,hdr,&
1182                     mpi_enreg,ngfftf,cplex1,nfftf,pawrhoij,1,rdwrpaw,wvl%den)
1183        end if
1184        if (rdwrpaw/=0) then
1185          call hdr%update(bantot,etot,fermie,fermih,residm,&
1186               rprimd,occ,pawrhoij,xred,args_gs%amu,&
1187               comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1188        end if
1189        ! Compute up+down rho(G) by fft
1190        call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor(:,1),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1192      else if (dtfil%ireadwf/=0) then
1193        ! Choice 2: obtain charge density from wfs that were read previously
1194        !   Warning: in PAW, rho does not include the compensation density (added later)
1195        tim_mkrho=1
1196        if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1197          ABI_MALLOC(rhowfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
1198          ABI_MALLOC(rhowfr,(dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden))
1199          call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,&
1200 &             rhowfg,rhowfr,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,extfpmd=extfpmd)
1201          call transgrid(1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rhowfg,rhog,rhowfr,rhor)
1202          ABI_FREE(rhowfg)
1203          ABI_FREE(rhowfr)
1204        else
1205          call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,&
1206 &             rhog,rhor,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,extfpmd=extfpmd)
1207        end if
1209      else if (dtfil%ireadwf==0.and.dtset%positron/=1) then
1210        ! Choice 3: crude, but realistic initialisation of the charge density
1211        !   There is not point to compute it from random wavefunctions
1212        if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
1213          call initro(atindx,dtset%densty,gmet,gsqcut_eff,psps%usepaw,&
1214 &             mgfftf,mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,&
1215 &             ngfftf,dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,psps,pawtab,ph1df,&
1216 &             psps%qgrid_vl,rhog,rhor,dtset%spinat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,&
1217 &             dtset%ziontypat,dtset%znucl)
1218        else
1219          if (dtset%usepaw==0) then
1220            !Wavelet density corresponds exactly to the wavefunctions,
1221            !since wavefunctions are taken from diagonalisation of LCAO.
1222            call wvl_mkrho(dtset,irrzon,mpi_enreg,phnons,rhor,wvl%wfs,wvl%den)
1223          else
1224 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1225            call wvl_initro(atindx1,wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%geocode,wvl%descr%h,&
1226 &               mpi_enreg%me_wvl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,&
1227 &               wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1i,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2i,&
1228 &               wvl%descr%Glr%d%n3,pawrad,pawtab,psps%gth_params%psppar,rhor,rprimd,&
1229 &               dtset%spinat,wvl%den,dtset%xc_denpos,xred,dtset%ziontypat)
1230            call wvl_mkrho(dtset,irrzon,mpi_enreg,phnons,rhor,wvl%wfs,wvl%den)
1231 #endif
1232          end if ! usepaw
1233        end if ! usewvl
1234 !      Update initialized density taking into account jellium slab
1235        if (dtset%jellslab/=0) then
1236          option=2
1237          ABI_MALLOC(work,(nfftf))
1238          call jellium(gmet,gsqcut_eff,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,option,&
1239 &             dtset%slabwsrad,rhog,rhor,rprimd,work,dtset%slabzbeg,dtset%slabzend)
1240          ABI_FREE(work)
1241        end if ! of usejell
1243      end if ! choice for charge density initialization
1245 !    >>> Initialize kinetic energy density
1246      if (dtset%usekden==1) then
1248        if (dtfil%ireadkden/=0.and.dtset%positron<=0) then
1249          ! Choice 1: read kinetic energy density from file
1250          rdwrpaw=0
1251          call read_rhor(dtfil%filkdensin,cplex1,dtset%nspden,nfftf,ngfftf,rdwrpaw, &
1252               mpi_enreg,taur,hdr_den,pawrhoij,comm,check_hdr=hdr,allow_interp=.True.)
1253          call hdr_den%free()
1254          ! Compute up+down tau(G) by fft
1255          call fourdp(1,taug,taur(:,1),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1257        else if (dtfil%ireadwf/=0) then
1258          ! Choice 2: obtain kinetic energy density from wfs that were read previously
1259          tim_mkrho=1
1260          if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1261            ABI_MALLOC(rhowfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
1262            ABI_MALLOC(rhowfr,(dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden))
1263            call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,&
1264 &               rhowfg,rhowfr,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,option=1)
1265            call transgrid(1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rhowfg,taug,rhowfr,taur)
1266            ABI_FREE(rhowfg)
1267            ABI_FREE(rhowfr)
1268          else
1269            call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,&
1270 &               taug,taur,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,option=1)
1271          end if
1273        else if(dtfil%ireadwf==0.and.dtset%positron/=1)then
1274          ! Choice 3: kinetic energy density initialized to zero (?)
1275          taur=zero ; taug=zero
1277        end if ! choice for kinetic energy density initialization
1278      end if ! usekden
1280 !  === Non self-consistent case
1281    else if ((dtset%iscf==-1.or.dtset%iscf==-2.or.dtset%iscf==-3).and.dtset%positron<=0) then
1283 !    Read density from a disk file (this is mandatory for non-self-consistent calculations)
1284 !    Note : results_gs%etotal is read here,
1285 !    and might serve in the tddft routine, but it is contrary to the intended use of results_gs ...
1286 !    Warning : should check the use of results_gs%e_fermie
1287 !    Warning : should check the use of results_gs%residm
1288 !    One might make them separate variables.
1290     ! Read charge density and get Fermi level from hdr_den
1291      rdwrpaw=psps%usepaw
1292      call read_rhor(dtfil%fildensin,cplex1,dtset%nspden,nfftf,ngfftf,rdwrpaw,&
1293 &                   mpi_enreg,rhor,hdr_den,pawrhoij,comm,check_hdr=hdr)
1294      results_gs%etotal = hdr_den%etot;
1295      results_gs%energies%e_fermie = hdr_den%fermie
1296      results_gs%energies%e_fermih = hdr_den%fermih
1297 !    Compute up+down rho(G) by fft
1298      call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor(:,1),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1299      call hdr_den%free()
1301      ! Read kinetic energy density
1302      if(dtset%usekden==1)then
1303        rdwrpaw=0
1304        call read_rhor(dtfil%filkdensin,cplex1,dtset%nspden,nfftf,ngfftf,rdwrpaw, &
1305                       mpi_enreg,taur,hdr_den,pawrhoij,comm,check_hdr=hdr)
1306        call hdr_den%free()
1307 !      Compute up+down tau(G) by fft
1308        call fourdp(1,taug,taur(:,1),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1309      end if
1311    end if ! self-consistent/non self-consistent
1312  end if ! has_to_init
1314 !Timing for initialisation period
1315  call timab(1214,2,tsec)
1316  call timab(1215,3,tsec)
1318 !###########################################################
1319 !### 13. If needed, initialize SCF history variables
1321 !If needed, initialize atomic density in SCF history
1322  if (scf_history%history_size>0.and.has_to_init) then
1323 !  If rhor is an atomic density, just store it in history
1324    if (.not.read_wf_or_den) then
1325      scf_history%atmrho_last(:)=rhor(:,1)
1326    else
1327 !    If rhor is not an atomic density, has to compute rho_at(r)
1328      ABI_MALLOC(rhowfg,(2,nfftf))
1329      ABI_MALLOC(rhowfr,(nfftf,1))
1330      ABI_MALLOC(spinat_dum,(3,dtset%natom))
1331      spinat_dum=zero
1332      call initro(atindx,dtset%densty,gmet,gsqcut_eff,psps%usepaw,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,&
1333 &     psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,1,psps%ntypat,psps,pawtab,&
1334 &     ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,rhowfg,rhowfr,spinat_dum,ucvol,&
1335 &     psps%usepaw,dtset%ziontypat,dtset%znucl)
1336      scf_history%atmrho_last(:)=rhowfr(:,1)
1337      ABI_FREE(rhowfg)
1338      ABI_FREE(rhowfr)
1339      ABI_FREE(spinat_dum)
1340    end if
1341  end if
1343  if ((.not.read_wf_or_den).or.(scf_history%history_size>0.and.has_to_init))  then
1344    ABI_FREE(ph1df)
1345  end if
1347 !!Electric field: initialization stage
1348 !!further initialization and updates happen in scfcv.F90
1349  call init_e_field_vars(dtefield,dtset,gmet,gprimd,kg,&
1350 & mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,pawang,pawrad,pawtab,psps,&
1351 & pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,rprimd,symrec,xred)
1353  fatvshift=one
1355 !Check whether exiting was required by the user. If found then do not start minimization steps
1356 !At this first call to chkexi, initialize cpus, if it
1357 !is non-zero (which would mean that no action has to be taken)
1358 !Should do this in driver ...
1359  cpus=dtset%cpus
1360  if(abs(cpus)>1.0d-5)cpus=cpus+cpui
1361  openexit=1 ; if(dtset%chkexit==0) openexit=0
1362  call exit_check(cpus,dtfil%filnam_ds(1),iexit,ab_out,mpi_enreg%comm_cell,openexit)
1364 !If immediate exit, and wavefunctions were not read, must zero eigenvalues
1365  if (iexit/=0) eigen(:)=zero
1367 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1368  if (dtset%usewvl == 1 .and. dtset%timopt==10) then
1369    call wvl_timing(xmpi_world,'== INITS','PR')
1370  end if
1371 #endif
1373  call timab(1215,2,tsec)
1375  conv_retcode = 0
1377  if (iexit==0) then
1379 !  ###########################################################
1380 !  ### 14. Move atoms and acell according to ionmov value
1382    call timab(1225,3,tsec)
1384    call scfcv_init(scfcv_args,atindx,atindx1,cg,cprj,cpus,&
1385 &   args_gs%dmatpawu,dtefield,dtfil,dtpawuj,dtset,ecore,eigen,hdr,extfpmd,&
1386 &   indsym,initialized,irrzon,kg,mcg,mcprj,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,ndtpawuj,&
1387 &   nfftf,npwarr,occ,pawang,pawfgr,pawrad,pawrhoij,&
1388 &   pawtab,phnons,psps,pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,rec_set,&
1389 &   resid,results_gs,scf_history,fatvshift,&
1390 &   symrec,taug,taur,wvl,ylm,ylmgr,paw_dmft,wffnew,wffnow)
1392    call dtfil_init_time(dtfil,0)
1394    write(msg,'(a,80a)')ch10,('=',mu=1,80)
1395    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1397    if (dtset%ionmov==0 .or. dtset%imgmov==6) then
1399 !    Should merge this call with the call for dtset%ionmov==4 and 5
1400      if (dtset%macro_uj==0) then
1401        itimes(1)=itime0 ; itimes(2)=itimimage_gstate
1402        call scfcv_run(scfcv_args,electronpositron,itimes,rhog,rhor,rprimd,xred,xred_old,conv_retcode)
1403      else
1404 !      Conduct determination of U
1405        call pawuj_drive(scfcv_args,dtset,electronpositron,rhog,rhor,rprimd,xred,xred_old)
1406      end if
1408 !    ========================================
1409 !    New structure for geometry optimization
1410 !    ========================================
1411    else if (dtset%ionmov>50.or.dtset%ionmov<=28) then
1413      ! TODO: return conv_retcode
1414      call mover(scfcv_args,ab_xfh,acell,args_gs%amu,dtfil,&
1415 &     electronpositron,rhog,rhor,rprimd,vel,vel_cell,xred,xred_old,itimimage_gstate=itimimage_gstate)
1417 !    Compute rprim from rprimd and acell
1418      do kk=1,3
1419        do jj=1,3
1420          rprim(jj,kk)=rprimd(jj,kk)/acell(kk)
1421        end do
1422      end do
1424 !    =========================================
1425 !    New structure for geometry optimization
1426 !    =========================================
1428    else ! Not an allowed option
1429      write(msg, '(a,i0,2a)' )&
1430      'Disallowed value for ionmov=',dtset%ionmov,ch10,&
1431      'Allowed values are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,23,24,28 and 30'
1432      ABI_BUG(msg)
1433    end if
1435    call scfcv_destroy(scfcv_args)
1437    call timab(1225,2,tsec)
1439 !  ###########################################################
1440 !  ### 15. Final operations and output for gstate
1442  end if !  End of the check of hasty exit
1444  call timab(1226,3,tsec)
1446  write(msg, '(80a,a,a,a,a)' ) ('=',mu=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
1447 & ' ----iterations are completed or convergence reached----',ch10
1448  call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1450 !Mark this GS computation as done
1451  initialized=1
1453 !Update the header, before using it
1454  call hdr%update(bantot,results_gs%etotal,results_gs%energies%e_fermie,results_gs%energies%e_fermih,&
1455    results_gs%residm,rprimd,occ,pawrhoij,xred,args_gs%amu,&
1456    comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1458  ABI_MALLOC(doccde,(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
1459  doccde=zero
1461  call ebands_init(bantot,ebands,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%ivalence,&
1462 & doccde,eigen,hdr%istwfk,hdr%kptns,hdr%nband,&
1463 & hdr%nkpt,hdr%npwarr,hdr%nsppol,hdr%nspinor,hdr%tphysel,hdr%tsmear,hdr%occopt,hdr%occ,hdr%wtk,&
1464 & hdr%cellcharge, hdr%kptopt, hdr%kptrlatt_orig, hdr%nshiftk_orig, hdr%shiftk_orig, &
1465 & hdr%kptrlatt, hdr%nshiftk, hdr%shiftk)
1467  ebands%fermie = results_gs%energies%e_fermie
1468  ebands%fermih = results_gs%energies%e_fermih
1469  ABI_FREE(doccde)
1471  ! Compute and print the gaps.
1472  call ebands_report_gap(ebands,header="Gap info",unit=std_out,mode_paral="COLL",gaps=results_gs%gaps)
1474  call timab(1226,2,tsec)
1475  call timab(1227,3,tsec)
1477  if(dtset%nqpt==0)filnam=dtfil%fnameabo_wfk
1478  if(dtset%nqpt==1)filnam=dtfil%fnameabo_wfq
1480  ! Write wavefunctions file only if convergence was not achieved.
1481  !write(std_out,*)"conv_retcode", conv_retcode
1482  write_wfk = .True.
1483  if (dtset%prtwf==-1 .and. conv_retcode == 0) then
1484    write_wfk = .False.
1485    msg = "GS calculation converged with prtwf=-1 --> Skipping WFK file output"
1486    call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
1487    ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1488  end if
1490 !To print out the WFs, need the rprimd that was used to generate the G vectors
1491  hdr%rprimd=rprimd_for_kg
1493  if (write_wfk) then
1494    call outresid(dtset,dtset%kptns,dtset%mband,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt, dtset%nsppol,resid)
1496    call outwf(cg,dtset,psps,eigen,filnam,hdr,kg,dtset%kptns,&
1497     dtset%mband,mcg,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,dtset%natom,&
1498     dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,npwarr,dtset%nsppol,&
1499     occ,response,dtfil%unwff2,wvl%wfs,wvl%descr)
1501    ! Generate WFK with k-mesh from WFK containing list of k-points inside pockets.
1502    if (dtset%getkerange_filepath /= ABI_NOFILE) then
1503      call wfk_klist2mesh(dtfil%fnameabo_wfk, dtset%getkerange_filepath, dtset, comm)
1504    end if
1506    !SPr: add input variable managing the .vtk file OUTPUT (Please don't remove the next commented line)
1507    !call printmagvtk(mpi_enreg,cplex1,dtset%nspden,nfftf,ngfftf,rhor,rprimd,'DEN')
1508  end if
1510  if (dtset%prtwf==2) call outqmc(cg,dtset,eigen,gprimd,hdr,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,npwarr,occ,psps,results_gs)
1512 !Restore the original rprimd in hdr
1513  hdr%rprimd=rprimd
1515  ! Generate WFK in full BZ (needed by LOBSTER)
1516  if (me == master .and. dtset%prtwf == 1 .and. dtset%prtwf_full == 1 .and. dtset%nqpt == 0) then
1517    wfkfull_path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_FULL_WFK")
1518    if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) wfkfull_path = nctk_ncify(wfkfull_path)
1519    call wfk_tofullbz(filnam, dtset, psps, pawtab, wfkfull_path, hdr_kfull)
1520    call hdr_kfull%free()
1521    call cryst%free()
1522  end if
1524  call timab(1227,2,tsec)
1525  call timab(1228,3,tsec)
1527  call clnup1(acell,dtset,eigen,results_gs%energies%e_fermie,results_gs%energies%e_fermih,&
1528 & dtfil%fnameabo_dos,dtfil%fnameabo_eig,results_gs%gred,&
1529 & mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,occ,dtset%optforces,&
1530 & resid,rhor,rprimd,results_gs%vxcavg,xred)
1532  if ( (dtset%iscf>=0 .or. dtset%iscf==-3) .and. dtset%prtstm==0) then
1533    call prtene(dtset,results_gs%energies,ab_out,psps%usepaw)
1534  end if
1536  call timab(1228,2,tsec)
1537  call timab(1229,3,tsec)
1539 !write final electric field components HONG
1541  if (dtset%berryopt == 4 .or. dtset%berryopt == 6 .or. dtset%berryopt ==7 .or.  &
1542 & dtset%berryopt == 14 .or. dtset%berryopt == 16 .or. dtset%berryopt ==17 ) then ! output final electric field data    !!HONG
1543    if (dtset%berryopt == 4) then
1544      write(msg,'(a,a)')   ch10, 'Constant unreduced E calculation  - final values:'
1545    else if (dtset%berryopt == 6 ) then
1546      write(msg,'(a,a)')   ch10, 'Constant unreduced D calculation  - final values:'
1547    else if (dtset%berryopt == 14) then
1548      write(msg,'(a,a)')   ch10, 'Constant reduced ebar calculation  - final values:'
1549    else if (dtset%berryopt == 16 ) then
1550      write(msg,'(a,a)')   ch10, 'Constant reduced d calculation  - final values:'
1551    else if (dtset%berryopt == 17) then
1552      write(msg,'(a,a)')   ch10, 'Constant reduced ebar and d calculation  - final values:'
1553    end if
1555    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1556    call prtefield(dtset,dtefield,ab_out,rprimd)
1557    call prtefield(dtset,dtefield,std_out,rprimd)
1559 !  To check if the final electric field is below the critical field
1560    do kk = 1, 3
1561      efield_band(kk) = abs(dtset%red_efieldbar(kk))*dtefield%nkstr(kk)
1562    end do
1563 !  eg = maxval(eg_dir)
1564 !  eg_ev = eg*Ha_eV
1565    write(msg,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,f7.2,a,a)')ch10,&
1566 &   ' Please check: COMMENT - ',ch10,&
1567 &   '  As a rough estimate,',ch10,&
1568 &   '  to be below the critical field, the bandgap of your system',ch10,&
1569 &   '  should be larger than ',maxval(efield_band)*Ha_eV,' eV.',ch10
1570    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1572    write(msg,'(a)')  '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
1573    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1574  end if
1576  call timab(1229,2,tsec)
1577  call timab(1230,3,tsec)
1579 !In the // case, only master writes the energy and the gradients to the DDB
1580  if (me==0.and.dtset%nimage==1.and.((dtset%iscf > 0).or.&
1581 & (dtset%berryopt == -1).or.(dtset%berryopt) == -3)) then
1583    ! DDB dimensions
1584    if (dtset%iscf > 0) then
1585      nblok = 2  ! 1st blok = gradients, 2nd blok = energy
1586    else
1587      nblok = 1  ! 1st blok = gradients
1588    end if
1589    mpert = dtset%natom + 6
1591    ! Create header and ddb objects
1592    dscrpt=' Note : temporary (transfer) database '
1593    call ddb_hdr%init(dtset,psps,pawtab,dscrpt,nblok,&
1594 &                    xred=xred,occ=occ,ngfft=ngfft)
1596    call ddb%init(dtset, nblok, mpert, with_d1E=.true.)
1598    ! Set the electronic polarization
1599    if ((abs(dtset%berryopt) == 1).or.(abs(dtset%berryopt) == 3)) then
1600      call ddb%set_pel(results_gs%pel, dtset%rfdir, 1)
1601    end if
1603    if (dtset%iscf > 0) then
1605      ! Set the gradients (forces) in reduced coordinates
1606      call ddb%set_gred(results_gs%gred, 1)
1608      ! Set the stress tensor
1609      call ddb%set_strten(results_gs%strten, 1)
1611      ! Set the total energy
1612      call ddb%set_etotal(results_gs%etotal, 2)
1613    end if
1615    if (dtset%prtddb==1) then
1616      ! Write the DDB
1617      call ddb%write(ddb_hdr, dtfil%fnameabo_ddb, with_psps=0)
1618    end if
1620    ! Free memory
1621    call ddb_hdr%free()
1622    call ddb%free()
1624  end if
1626  call timab(1230,2,tsec)
1627  call timab(1231,3,tsec)
1630  if (dtset%nstep>0 .and. dtset%prtstm==0 .and. dtset%positron/=1) then
1631    call clnup2(psps%n1xccc,results_gs%gred,results_gs%grchempottn,results_gs%gresid,&
1632 &   results_gs%grewtn,results_gs%grvdw,results_gs%grxc,dtset%iscf,dtset%natom,&
1633 &   results_gs%ngrvdw,dtset%optforces,dtset%optstress,dtset%prtvol,start,&
1634 &   results_gs%strten,results_gs%synlgr,xred)
1635  end if
1637  ! Write nonlop_ylm_counters (if enabled) in outputs
1638  if (dtset%useylm==1.and.dtset%nonlop_ylm_count/=0.and.dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
1639    call nonlop_ylm_output_counters(dtset%natom,nbandtot,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,mpi_enreg)
1640  end if
1641  ! Write fft_counters (if enabled) in output
1642  if (dtset%fft_count/=0.and.dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
1643    call fft_output_counters(nbandtot,mpi_enreg)
1644  end if
1646  if(dtset%imgwfstor==1)then
1647    scf_history%cg(:,:,1)=cg(:,:)
1648    scf_history%eigen(:,1)=eigen(:)
1649  endif
1651 !Deallocate arrays
1652  ABI_FREE(atindx)
1653  ABI_FREE(atindx1)
1654  ABI_FREE(indsym)
1655  ABI_FREE(npwarr)
1656  ABI_FREE(nattyp)
1657  ABI_FREE(resid)
1658  ABI_FREE(rhog)
1659  ABI_FREE(start)
1660  ABI_FREE(symrec)
1661  ABI_FREE(taug)
1662  ABI_FREE(ab_xfh%xfhist)
1663  call pawfgr_destroy(pawfgr)
1665  if(dtset%imgwfstor==0)then
1666    if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_KOKKOS) then
1667 #if defined HAVE_GPU && defined HAVE_YAKL
1668      ABI_FREE_MANAGED(cg)
1669 #endif
1670    else
1671      ABI_FREE(cg)
1672    end if
1673    ABI_FREE(eigen)
1674  else
1675    nullify(cg,eigen)
1676  endif
1678  if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
1679 !  In wavelet case, irrzon and phnons are deallocated by wavelet object.
1680    ABI_FREE(irrzon)
1681    ABI_FREE(phnons)
1682  end if
1684  ABI_FREE(ylm)
1685  ABI_FREE(ylmgr)
1687  if (scf_history%history_size<0) then
1688    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1689      call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij)
1690    end if
1691    ABI_FREE(rhor)
1692    ABI_FREE(taur)
1693    ABI_FREE(pawrhoij)
1694    ABI_FREE(xred_old)
1695  else
1696    nullify(rhor,taur,pawrhoij,xred_old)
1697  end if
1699 !PAW+DMFT
1700  call destroy_sc_dmft(paw_dmft)
1701  ! This call should be done inside destroy_sc_dmft
1702  if ( dtset%usedmft /= 0 ) then
1703    call data4entropyDMFT_destroy(paw_dmft%forentropyDMFT)
1704  end if
1706 !Destroy extfpmd datastructure
1707  if(associated(extfpmd)) then
1708    call extfpmd%destroy()
1709    ABI_FREE(extfpmd)
1710  end if
1712 !Destroy electronpositron datastructure
1713  if (dtset%positron/=0) then
1714    call destroy_electronpositron(electronpositron)
1715  end if
1717 !Deallocating the basis set.
1718  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
1719    call wvl_projectors_free(wvl%projectors)
1720    call wvl_wfs_free(wvl%wfs)
1721    call wvl_descr_free(wvl%descr)
1722    call wvl_denspot_free(wvl%den)
1723    if(dtset%usepaw == 1) then
1724      call wvl_paw_free(wvl%descr)
1725    end if
1726  end if
1728  ABI_FREE(kg)
1730  if (dtset%icoulomb /= 0) then
1731    call psolver_kernel((/ 0._dp, 0._dp, 0._dp /), 0, dtset%icoulomb, 0, kernel_dummy, &
1732 &   0, dtset%ngfft, 1, dtset%nscforder)
1733  end if
1735  if (associated(pwind)) then
1736    ABI_FREE(pwind)
1737  end if
1738  if (associated(pwnsfac)) then
1739    ABI_FREE(pwnsfac)
1740  end if
1741  if ((dtset%berryopt<0).or.&
1742 & (dtset%berryopt== 4.or.dtset%berryopt== 6.or.dtset%berryopt== 7.or.&
1743 & dtset%berryopt==14.or.dtset%berryopt==16.or.dtset%berryopt==17)) then
1744    if (xmpi_paral == 1) then
1745      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%kptdstrb)
1746      if (dtset%berryopt== 4.or.dtset%berryopt== 6.or.dtset%berryopt== 7.or.&
1747 &     dtset%berryopt==14.or.dtset%berryopt==16.or.dtset%berryopt==17) then
1748        ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%kpt_loc2ibz_sp)
1749      end if
1750    end if
1751    if (allocated(mpi_enreg%kpt_loc2ibz_sp))  then
1752      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%kpt_loc2ibz_sp)
1753    end if
1754    if (allocated(mpi_enreg%kpt_loc2fbz_sp)) then
1755      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%kpt_loc2fbz_sp)
1756    end if
1757    if (allocated(mpi_enreg%mkmem)) then
1758      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%mkmem)
1759    end if
1760  end if
1761  ! deallocate cprj
1762  if(usecprj==1) then
1763    ABI_FREE(dimcprj_srt)
1764    call pawcprj_free(cprj)
1765  end if
1766  ABI_FREE(cprj)
1768  ! deallocate efield
1769  call destroy_efield(dtefield)
1771 !deallocate Recursion
1772  if (dtset%userec == 1) then
1773    call CleanRec(rec_set)
1774  end if
1776  call hdr%free()
1777  call ebands_free(ebands)
1779  if (me == master .and. dtset%prtxml == 1) then
1780 !  The dataset given in argument has been treated, then we output its variables.
1781 !  call outvarsXML()
1782 !  gstate() will handle a dataset, so we output the dataSet markup.
1783    write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") '  </dataSet>'
1784  end if
1786  if (dtset%usewvl == 0 .and. dtset%tfkinfunc /= 2 .and. dtset%optdriver /= RUNL_GWLS) then
1787 !  Plane-wave case
1788    call bandfft_kpt_destroy_array(bandfft_kpt,mpi_enreg)
1789  end if
1791  if((dtset%wfoptalg == 1 .or. dtset%wfoptalg == 111)  .and. psps%usepaw == 1) then
1792    call destroy_invovl(dtset%nkpt,dtset%gpu_option)
1793  end if
1795 !Clean gemm_nonlop work spaces
1796  if(gemm_nonlop_use_gemm) then
1797    if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_OPENMP) then
1798      call destroy_gemm_nonlop_ompgpu()
1799    else if(dtset%gpu_option==ABI_GPU_LEGACY .or. dtset%gpu_option==ABI_GPU_KOKKOS) then
1800      call destroy_gemm_nonlop_gpu(dtset%nkpt)
1801      call destroy_gemm_nonlop(dtset%nkpt)
1802    else if(dtset%gpu_option==ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
1803      call destroy_gemm_nonlop(dtset%nkpt)
1804    end if
1805    gemm_nonlop_use_gemm = .false.
1806  end if
1808 !Clean GPU work spaces
1809  if(dtset%gpu_option == ABI_GPU_OPENMP) then
1810    call free_getghc_ompgpu_buffers()
1811  end if
1812 #if defined HAVE_GPU
1813  if (dtset%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
1814    call dealloc_hamilt_gpu(2,dtset%gpu_option)
1815  end if
1816 #endif
1818 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1819  if (dtset%usewvl == 1 .and. dtset%timopt==10) then
1820    call wvl_timing(xmpi_world,'== WFN OPT','PR')
1821  end if
1822 #endif
1824  call timab(1231,2,tsec)
1825  call timab(1232,2,tsec)
1827  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1829 end subroutine gstate

m_gstate/pawuj_drive [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gstate ] [ Functions ]




  Drive for automatic determination of U
  Relevant only in PAW+U context


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
  cpus= cpu time limit in seconds
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
   | mband=maximum number of bands
   | mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs for the "coarse" grid (see NOTES below)
   | mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
   | mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
   | natom=number of atoms in cell.
   | nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
   |      for the "coarse" grid (see NOTES below)
   | nkpt=number of k points
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
   | nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  ecore=core psp energy (part of total energy) (hartree)
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
   | mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  pwind(pwind_alloc,2,3) = array used to compute
           the overlap matrix smat between k-points (see initberry.f)
  pwind_alloc = first dimension of pwind
  pwnsfac(2,pwind_alloc) = phase factors for non-symmorphic translations
                           (see initberry.f)
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
  ylmgr(mpw*mkmem,3,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= gradients of real spherical harmonics


  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals for each band over all k points and spins


  cg(2,mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)=updated wavefunctions.
  dtefield <type(efield_type)> = variables related to Berry phase calculations (see initberry.f)
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  initialized= if 0 the initialization of the gstate run is not yet finished
  irrzon(nfft**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=irreducible zone data
  nfftf=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
       for the "fine" grid (see NOTES below)
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band (often 2) at each k point
  pawrhoij(natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= -PAW only- atomic occupancies
  phnons(2,nfft**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=nonsymmorphic translation phases
  results_gs <type(results_gs_type)>=results (energy and its components,
   forces and its components, the stress tensor) of a ground-state computation
   (should be made a pure output quantity)
  rhog(2,nfftf)=array for Fourier transform of electron density
  rhor(nfftf,nspden)=array for electron density in el./bohr**3
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  scf_history <type(scf_history_type)>=arrays obtained from previous SCF cycles
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in reciprocal space
  taug(2,nfftf*dtset%usekden)=array for Fourier transform of kinetic energy density
  taur(nfftf,nspden*dtset%usekden)=array for kinetic energy density
  wffnew,wffnow=struct info for wf disk files.
  wvl <type(wvl_data)>=all wavelets data.
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  xred_old(3,natom)= at input, previous reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
                     at output, current xred is transferred to xred_old


2542 subroutine pawuj_drive(scfcv_args, dtset,electronpositron,rhog,rhor,rprimd, xred,xred_old)
2544 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2545 !scalars
2546  type(scfcv_t), intent(inout) :: scfcv_args
2547  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
2548  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
2549  !type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wffnew,wffnow
2550 !arrays
2551  real(dp), intent(inout) :: rprimd(3,3)
2552  real(dp), pointer :: rhog(:,:),rhor(:,:)
2553  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom),xred_old(3,dtset%natom)
2555 !Local variables -------------------------
2556 !scalars
2557  integer,parameter :: itime0 = 0
2558  integer,target :: ndtpawuj=4
2559  integer :: iuj,conv_retcode
2560  integer :: itimes(2)
2561  real(dp) :: ures
2562  !character(len=500) :: msg
2563 !arrays
2564  !real(dp),allocatable :: cgstart(:,:)
2565  type(macro_uj_type),allocatable,target :: dtpawuj(:)
2566 ! *********************************************************************
2571  if (dtset%macro_uj==0) then
2572    ABI_BUG('Macro_uj must be set !')
2573  end if
2575  ABI_MALLOC(dtpawuj,(0:ndtpawuj))
2576  !ABI_MALLOC(cgstart,(2,scfcv_args%mcg))
2578  call pawuj_ini(dtpawuj,ndtpawuj)
2580  !cgstart=scfcv_args%cg
2581  do iuj=1,ndtpawuj
2582 !  allocate(dtpawuj(iuj)%rprimd(3,3)) ! this has already been done in pawuj_ini
2583    dtpawuj(iuj)%macro_uj=dtset%macro_uj
2584    dtpawuj(iuj)%pawprtvol=dtset%pawprtvol
2585    dtpawuj(iuj)%diemix=dtset%diemix
2586    dtpawuj(iuj)%diemixmag=dtset%diemixmag
2587    dtpawuj(iuj)%pawujat=dtset%pawujat
2588    dtpawuj(iuj)%nspden=dtset%nspden
2589    dtpawuj(iuj)%rprimd=dtset%rprimd_orig(1:3,1:3,1)
2590    dtpawuj(iuj)%dmatpuopt=dtset%dmatpuopt
2591  end do
2593  iuj=1 !LMac Flag to collect occupancies for unperturbed calculation
2594  dtpawuj(iuj)%iuj=iuj
2596  scfcv_args%ndtpawuj=>ndtpawuj
2597  scfcv_args%dtpawuj=>dtpawuj
2599  itimes(1)=itime0 ; itimes(2)=1
2600  call scfcv_run(scfcv_args,electronpositron,itimes,rhog,rhor,rprimd,xred,xred_old,conv_retcode)
2602 !Calculate Hubbard U (or J)
2603  call pawuj_det(dtpawuj, ndtpawuj, dtset, scfcv_args%dtfil, ures, scfcv_args%mpi_enreg%comm_cell)
2604  dtset%upawu(dtset%typat(dtset%pawujat),1)=ures/Ha_eV
2606 !Deallocations
2607  do iuj=0,ndtpawuj
2608    call pawuj_free(dtpawuj(iuj))
2609  end do
2611  ABI_FREE(dtpawuj)
2612  !ABI_FREE(cgstart)
2614  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2616 end subroutine pawuj_drive

m_gstate/prtxf [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gstate ] [ Functions ]




 Compute and print out dimensional cartesian coordinates and forces.
 Note: for x=cartesian coordinates, t=reduced coordinates (xred),
  $ x= R t $
  $ x(1)=rprimd(1,1) t(1)+rprimd(2,1) t(2)+rprimd(3,1) t(3)$
  etc. Also $ t = (R^{-1}) x$ .
  To convert gradients, $d(E)/dx(n) = [d(E)/dt(m)] [dt(m)/dx(n)]$
  and $ dt(m)/dx(n) = (R^{-1})_{mn} = G_{nm}$ because G is the
  inverse transpose of R.  Finally then
  $d(E)/dx(n) = G_{nm} [d(E)/dt(m)]$.
  The vector $d(E)/dt(m)$ for each atom is input in gred
  (grad. wrt xred).


  gred(3,natom)=gradients of Etot (hartree) wrt xred(3,natom)
  iatfix(3,natom)=1 for each fixed atom along specified
  direction, else 0
  iout=unit number for output file
  iwfrc=controls force output: 0=> no forces output,
                               1=>forces out in eV/A and Ha/bohr,
                               2=>forces out in Ha/bohr
  natom=number of atoms in unit cell
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
  xred(3,natom)=relative coordinates of atoms (in terms of prim. transl.)


  (data written to unit iout)


2158 subroutine prtxf(gred,iatfix,iout,iwfrc,natom,rprimd,xred)
2160 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2161 !scalars
2162  integer,intent(in) :: iout,iwfrc,natom
2163 !arrays
2164  integer,intent(in) :: iatfix(3,natom)
2165  real(dp),intent(in) :: gred(3,natom),rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
2167 !Local variables-------------------------------
2168 !scalars
2169  integer :: iatom,mu,unfixd
2170  real(dp) :: convt,fmax,frms
2171  character(len=15) :: format_line21
2172  character(len=15) :: format_line25
2173  character(len=15) :: format_line
2174  character(len=500) :: msg
2175 !arrays
2176  real(dp) :: favg(3),favg_out(3),ff(3),gprimd(3,3),xx(3)
2178 ! ****************************************************************
2180  format_line21='(i5,1x,3f21.14)'
2181  format_line25='(i5,1x,3f25.14)'
2183 !Write cartesian coordinates in angstroms
2184  call wrtout(iout,' cartesian coordinates (angstrom) at end:')
2185  do iatom=1,natom
2186    format_line=format_line21
2187    do mu=1,3
2188      xx(mu)=(rprimd(mu,1)*xred(1,iatom)+&
2189 &     rprimd(mu,2)*xred(2,iatom)+&
2190 &     rprimd(mu,3)*xred(3,iatom))*Bohr_Ang
2191      if(xx(mu)>99999 .or. xx(mu)<-9999)format_line=format_line25
2192    end do
2193    write(msg,format_line) iatom,xx
2194    call wrtout(iout, msg)
2195  end do
2197 !Optionally write cartesian forces in eV/Angstrom (also provide same in hartree/bohr)
2198  if (iwfrc/=0) then
2199 !  First, provide results in hartree/bohr
2200    write(msg, '(a,a)' ) ch10,' cartesian forces (hartree/bohr) at end:'
2201    call wrtout(iout, msg)
2202    frms=zero
2203    fmax=zero
2204    favg(1)=zero
2205    favg(2)=zero
2206    favg(3)=zero
2207 !  To get cartesian forces from input gradients with respect to
2208 !  dimensionless coordinates xred, multiply by G and negate
2209 !  (see notes at top of this subroutine)
2210    call matr3inv(rprimd,gprimd)
2211 !  First compute (spurious) average force favg
2212    do iatom=1,natom
2213      do mu=1,3
2214        ff(mu)=-(gprimd(mu,1)*gred(1,iatom)+&
2215 &       gprimd(mu,2)*gred(2,iatom)+&
2216 &       gprimd(mu,3)*gred(3,iatom))
2217        favg(mu)=favg(mu)+ff(mu)
2218      end do
2219    end do
2220    favg(1) = favg(1)/dble(natom)
2221    favg(2) = favg(2)/dble(natom)
2222    favg(3) = favg(3)/dble(natom)
2224 !  Subtract off average force in what follows
2225 !  (avg is also subtracted off in carfor, called by loopcv,
2226 !  called by grad)
2227    unfixd=0
2228    do iatom=1,natom
2229      format_line=format_line21
2230      do mu=1,3
2231        ff(mu)=-(gprimd(mu,1)*gred(1,iatom)+&
2232 &       gprimd(mu,2)*gred(2,iatom)+&
2233 &       gprimd(mu,3)*gred(3,iatom))-favg(mu)
2234        if(ff(mu)>99999 .or. ff(mu)<-9999)format_line=format_line25
2235 !      For rms and max force, include only unfixed components
2236        if (iatfix(mu,iatom) /= 1) then
2237          unfixd=unfixd+1
2238          frms=frms+ff(mu)**2
2239          fmax=max(fmax,abs(ff(mu)))
2240        end if
2241      end do
2242      write(msg, format_line) iatom,ff
2243      call wrtout(iout, msg)
2244    end do
2245    if ( unfixd /= 0 ) frms = sqrt(frms/dble(unfixd))
2247 !  The average force is obtained from the cancellation of numbers
2248 !  of typical size unity, so an absolute value lower
2249 !  than tol14 is meaningless for the output file.
2250    favg_out(:)=favg(:)
2251    if(abs(favg_out(1))<tol14)favg_out(1)=zero
2252    if(abs(favg_out(2))<tol14)favg_out(2)=zero
2253    if(abs(favg_out(3))<tol14)favg_out(3)=zero
2255    write(msg, '(a,1p,2e14.7,1x,3e11.3,a)' )' frms,max,avg=',frms,fmax,favg_out(1:3),' h/b'
2256    call wrtout(iout, msg)
2258    if (iwfrc==1) then
2260      write(msg, '(a,a)' )ch10,' cartesian forces (eV/Angstrom) at end:'
2261      call wrtout(iout, msg)
2262      convt=Ha_eV/Bohr_Ang
2264 !    Note: subtract off average force
2265      do iatom=1,natom
2266        format_line=format_line21
2267        do mu=1,3
2268          ff(mu)=(-(gprimd(mu,1)*gred(1,iatom)+&
2269 &         gprimd(mu,2)*gred(2,iatom)+&
2270 &         gprimd(mu,3)*gred(3,iatom))-favg(mu))*convt
2271          if(ff(mu)>99999 .or. ff(mu)<-9999)format_line=format_line25
2272        end do
2273        write(msg, format_line) iatom,ff
2274        call wrtout(iout, msg)
2275      end do
2276      write(msg, '(a,1p,2e14.7,1x,3e11.3,a)' )' frms,max,avg=',convt*frms,convt*fmax,convt*favg_out(1:3),' e/A'
2277      call wrtout(iout, msg)
2279    end if
2280  end if
2282 end subroutine prtxf

m_gstate/setup2 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gstate ] [ Functions ]




 Call within main routine for setup of various arrays.


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | ecut=kinetic energy cutoff for planewave basis (hartree)
   | natom=number of atoms in unit cell
   | nkpt=number of k points
   | wtk(nkpt)=integration weight associated with each k point
   | iscf=parameter controlling scf or non-scf choice
  npwtot(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis and boundary at each k point
  xred(3,natom)=starting reduced atomic coordinates


  start(3,natom)=copy of starting xred


1855 subroutine setup2(dtset,npwtot,start,wfs,xred)
1857 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1858 !scalars
1859  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1860  type(wvl_wf_type),intent(in) :: wfs
1861 !arrays
1862  integer,intent(in) :: npwtot(dtset%nkpt)
1863  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
1864  real(dp),intent(out) :: start(3,dtset%natom)
1866 !Local variables-------------------------------
1867 !scalars
1868  integer :: ikpt,npw
1869  real(dp) :: arith,geom,wtknrm
1870  character(len=500) :: msg
1872 ! *************************************************************************
1874    if (dtset%iscf>=0) then
1876 !  Copy coordinates into array start
1877      start(:,:)=xred(:,:)
1879      if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
1880 !    Get average number of planewaves per k point:
1881 !    both arithmetic and GEOMETRIC averages are desired--
1882 !    need geometric average to use method of Francis and Payne,
1883 !    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2, 4395-4404 (1990) [[cite:Francis1990]].
1884 !    Also note: force k point wts to sum to 1 for this averaging.
1885 !    (wtk is not forced to add to 1 in a case with occopt=2)
1886        arith=zero
1887        geom=one
1888        wtknrm=zero
1889        do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
1890          npw=npwtot(ikpt)
1891          wtknrm=wtknrm+dtset%wtk(ikpt)
1892          arith=arith+npw*dtset%wtk(ikpt)
1893          geom=geom*npw**dtset%wtk(ikpt)
1894        end do
1896 !    Enforce normalization of weights to 1
1897        arith=arith/wtknrm
1898        geom=geom**(1.0_dp/wtknrm)
1900      end if
1902 !  Ensure portability of output thanks to tol8
1903      if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
1904        write(msg, '(a,2f12.3)' ) '_setup2: Arith. and geom. avg. npw (full set) are',arith+tol8,geom
1905      else
1906 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1907        write(msg, '(a,2I8)' ) ' setup2: nwvl coarse and fine are', &
1908 &       wfs%ks%lzd%Glr%wfd%nvctr_c, wfs%ks%lzd%Glr%wfd%nvctr_f
1909 #endif
1910      end if
1911      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1912    end if
1914 #if !defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1915    if (.false.) write(std_out,*) wfs%ks
1916 #endif
1918  end subroutine setup2