ABINIT/chksymmetrygroup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Find the ptgroup and symmetry relations (symre,tnons) of crystal by the lattice constants
 rprimd and the reduced coordinates


 msym : maximum symmetries defines sizes of symrel and tnons


 spgroup: index of spacegroup
 symrel(3,3,msym): symmetry relations
 tnons(3,msym): translations




1055 subroutine checksymmetrygroup(rprimd,xred,typat,msym,natom,ptgroupma,spgroup,symrel_out,tnons_out,nsym,tolsym)
1057   implicit none
1059 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1060 !scalars
1061   integer,intent(in) :: msym,natom
1062   integer,intent(in)  :: typat(natom)
1063   integer,intent(out) :: ptgroupma,spgroup,nsym
1064   real(dp),intent(inout) :: tolsym
1065 ! Arrays
1066   real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
1067   integer,intent(out) :: symrel_out(3,3,msym)
1068   real(dp),intent(out) :: tnons_out(3,msym)
1070 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
1071 !scalars
1072   integer :: nptsym,use_inversion
1073   integer :: chkprim
1074 ! Arraiys
1075   integer :: bravais(11),ptsymrel(3,3,msym)
1076   integer :: symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym)
1077   real(dp) :: gprimd(3,3),spinat(3,natom)
1078   real(dp) :: tnons(3,msym)
1079   real(dp) :: genafm(3)
1081 ! given the acel, rprim and coor
1082 ! this suroutine find the symmetry group
1083 spinat   = 0
1084 chkprim  = 0
1085 use_inversion = 0
1087 !write(std_out,*) "tolsym", tolsym, "tol3", tol3
1089   call symlatt(bravais,std_out,msym,nptsym,ptsymrel,rprimd,tol4)
1090 !write(std_out,*) 'nptsym', nptsym
1092   call matr3inv(rprimd,gprimd)
1093   call symfind(gprimd,msym,natom,nptsym,0,nsym,&
1094 &           0,ptsymrel,spinat,symafm,symrel,tnons,tolsym,typat,use_inversion,xred)
1096 !write(std_out,*) 'nsym', nsym
1097   call symanal(bravais,chkprim,genafm,msym,nsym,ptgroupma,rprimd,spgroup,symafm,symrel,tnons,tol3)
1099 !write(std_out,*) 'nsym', nsym
1100 symrel_out = symrel
1101 tnons_out  = tnons
1104 end subroutine checksymmetrygroup

ABINIT/m_mover_effpot [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (AM)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_mover_effpot
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_dtset
28  use m_dtfil
29  use m_abimover
30  use m_scf_history
31  use defs_wvltypes
32  use m_xmpi
33  use m_phonons
34  use m_strain
35  use m_effective_potential_file
36  use m_supercell
37  use m_psps
38  use m_args_gs
39  use m_ifc
41  use defs_datatypes,          only : pseudopotential_type
42  use defs_abitypes,           only : MPI_type
43  use m_build_info,   only : abinit_version
44  use m_geometry,              only : xcart2xred, xred2xcart
45  use m_multibinit_dataset,    only : multibinit_dtset_type
46  use m_effective_potential,   only : effective_potential_type
47  use m_fit_polynomial_coeff,  only : polynomial_coeff_writeXML, &
48    fit_polynomial_coeff_fit, genereList, fit_polynomial_coeff_getPositive !,fit_polynomial_coeff_getCoeffBound
49  use m_polynomial_coeff,only : polynomial_coeff_getNorder
50 ! use m_pawang,       only : pawang_type, pawang_free
51 ! use m_pawrad,       only : pawrad_type, pawrad_free
52 ! use m_pawtab,       only : pawtab_type, pawtab_nullify, pawtab_free
53 ! use m_pawxmlps, only : paw_setup, ipsp2xml, rdpawpsxml, &
54 !&                       paw_setup_copy, paw_setup_free, getecutfromxml
55  use m_abihist
56  use m_ewald
57  use m_mpinfo,           only : init_mpi_enreg,destroy_mpi_enreg
58  use m_copy            , only : alloc_copy
59  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type
60  use m_scfcv,            only : scfcv_t, scfcv_run,scfcv_destroy
61  use m_results_gs,       only : results_gs_type,init_results_gs,destroy_results_gs
62  use m_mover,            only : mover
63  use m_io_tools,         only : get_unit, open_file
64  use m_symfind
65  use m_symtk,            only: matr3inv,symatm,mati3inv
66  implicit none
68  private

ABINIT/mover_effpot [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 this routine is driver for using mover with effective potential


  inp = input of multibinit
  effective_potential =  effective potential of the reference structure
  option = flag for the option:
                         -1  = Bound the anharmonic part
                          12 = NVT simulation
                          13 = NPT simulation





 102 subroutine mover_effpot(inp,filnam,effective_potential,option,comm,hist)
 104  use m_scup_dataset,       only : scup_dtset_type
 106 !Arguments --------------------------------
 107 !scalar
 108  integer, intent(in) :: option,comm
 109 !array
 110  type(multibinit_dtset_type),intent(in) :: inp
 111  type(effective_potential_type),intent(inout)  :: effective_potential
 112  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam(15)
 113  type(abihist),optional,intent(inout):: hist
 114 !Local variables-------------------------------
 115 !scalar
 116  integer :: filetype,icoeff_bound,ii, unit_out,msym,nsym
 117 !integer :: iexit,initialized
 118  integer :: jj,kk,nproc,ncoeff,nmodels,ncoeff_bound,ncoeff_bound_tot,ncoeff_max
 119  integer :: model_bound,model_ncoeffbound,my_rank,ptgroupma,spgroup
 120 !integer :: mtypalch,,npsp,paw_size,type
 121 !integer,save :: paw_size_old=-1
 122  real(dp):: cutoff,freq_q,freq_b,qmass,bmass,tolsym
 123 ! real(dp):: time_q,time_b
 124  logical :: iam_master,isVused,isARused,readOnlyLast
 125  integer, parameter:: master=0
 126  logical :: verbose,writeHIST,file_opened
 127  !type
 128  type(scup_dtset_type) :: scup_inp
 129  !real(dp) :: cpui
 130 !character(len=8) :: codvsn
 132 !TEST_AM
 133 ! integer :: ia,mu,rand_seed = 5
 134 ! real(dp):: mass_ia,rescale_vel,sum_mass,v2gauss
 135 !TEST_AM
 136 ! Set array dimensions
 137  character(len=500) :: message
 138  type(MPI_type),target :: mpi_enreg
 139  type(dataset_type),target :: dtset
 140  type(scfcv_t) :: scfcv_args
 141  type(datafiles_type),target :: dtfil
 142  integer,target :: zero_integer
 143  type(ab_xfh_type) :: ab_xfh
 144  type(results_gs_type),target :: results_gs
 145  type(pseudopotential_type),target :: psps
 146 !arrays
 147 !no_abirules
 148  integer :: sc_size(3),sc_size_TS(3)
 149  integer,pointer :: indsym(:,:,:)
 150  integer,allocatable :: listcoeff(:),listcoeff_bound(:,:),list_tmp(:),list_bound(:,:)
 151  integer,allocatable :: isPositive(:)
 152  integer,allocatable :: symrel(:,:,:),symrec(:,:,:)
 153 !integer,allocatable :: npwtot(:)
 154  real(dp) :: acell(3)
 155 !real(dp) :: ecut_tmp(3,2,10)
 156  real(dp),allocatable :: coeff_values(:,:)
 157  real(dp),pointer :: rhog(:,:),rhor(:,:)
 158  real(dp),allocatable :: tnons(:,:)
 159  real(dp),allocatable :: xred(:,:),xred_old(:,:),xcart(:,:)
 160  real(dp),allocatable :: gred(:,:),fcart(:,:)
 161  real(dp),allocatable :: vel(:,:)
 162  real(dp) :: vel_cell(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
 163  type(polynomial_coeff_type),dimension(:),allocatable :: coeffs_all,coeffs_tmp,coeffs_bound
 164  character(len=fnlen) :: filename,md_hist_name
 165  character(len=fnlen) :: name_file
 166 !character(len=fnlen) :: filename_psp(3)
 167  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
 168 ! type(pspheader_type),allocatable :: pspheads(:)
 169 ! type(pawrad_type),allocatable :: pawrad(:)
 170 ! type(pawtab_type),allocatable :: pawtab(:)
 171 ! type(args_gs_type) :: args_gs
 172 !type(wvl_data) :: wvl
 173 !type(pawang_type) :: pawang
 174 !type(scf_history_type) :: scf_history
 175  type(abihist) :: hist_tmp
 177 !******************************************************************
 179 !MPI variables
 180  nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
 181  iam_master = (my_rank == master)
 183  write(message, '(a,(80a),a)') ch10,&
 184 & ('=',ii=1,80),ch10
 185  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 186  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 188 !*******************************************************************
 189 ! 1 Generate and check supercell for the dynamics
 190 !*******************************************************************
 192 !a new supercell is compute
 193 !Initialisaton of variable
 194  if(option == -1.or.option == -2) then
 195 !  Bound process option
 196    sc_size(:) = inp%bound_cell
 197  else if(option == -3) then
 198 !  Heff option
 199    sc_size(:) = (/1,1,1/)
 200  else
 201 !  Normal dynamics
 202    sc_size(:) = inp%ncell
 203  end if
 205  if(option/=0)then
 207 !  acell is always set to one, only rprimd is used for the effective potential
 208    acell = one
 209    rprimd = effective_potential%crystal%rprimd
 211    ABI_MALLOC(xred,(3,effective_potential%crystal%natom))
 212    ABI_MALLOC(xcart,(3,effective_potential%crystal%natom))
 214 !  convert new xcart
 215    call xcart2xred(effective_potential%crystal%natom,effective_potential%crystal%rprimd,&
 216 &   effective_potential%crystal%xcart,xred)
 217    call xred2xcart(effective_potential%crystal%natom, rprimd, xcart, xred)
 218 !  Generate supercell for the simulation
 219    call effective_potential_setSupercell(effective_potential,comm,ncell=sc_size)
 221 ABI_FREE(xred)
 222 ABI_FREE(xcart)
 224 !***************************************************************
 225 !1 Convert some parameters into the structures used by mover.F90
 226 !***************************************************************
 228 !     We may just need to provide AB_MOVER wich is the main object
 229 !     for mover and set  scfcv_args as an optional and depending on
 230 !     the kind of calculation (abinit or multibinit), we provide
 231 !!     to mover scfcv_args or effective_potential...
 232 !***************************************************************
 233 !  Free dtset
 234    call dtset%free()
 236 !  Set mpi_eng
 237    mpi_enreg%comm_cell  = comm
 238    mpi_enreg%me = my_rank
 240 !  Set the abinit dataset for mover with fake values
 241 !  Scalar
 242    dtset%dmft_entropy = 0
 243    dtset%nctime = inp%nctime ! NetCdf TIME between output of molecular dynamics information
 244    dtset%delayperm = 0  ! DELAY between trials to PERMUTE atoms
 245    dtset%dilatmx = 1.5  ! DILATation : MaXimal value
 246    dtset%chkdilatmx = 0 ! No check on dilatmx is needed in multibilint
 247    dtset%diismemory = 8 ! Direct Inversion in the Iterative Subspace MEMORY
 248    dtset%friction = 0.0001d0 ! internal FRICTION coefficient
 249    dtset%goprecon = 0   ! Geometry Optimization PREconditioner equations
 250    dtset%istatr = 0     ! Integer for STATus file SHiFT
 251    dtset%jellslab = 0   ! include a JELLium SLAB in the cell
 252    dtset%mqgrid = 0     ! Maximum number of Q-space GRID points for pseudopotentials
 253    dtset%mqgriddg = 0   ! Maximum number of Q-wavevectors for the 1-dimensional GRID
 254                         ! for the Double Grid in PAW
 255    dtset%mdwall = 10000d0 ! Molecular Dynamics WALL location
 256    dtset%ntypalch = 0   ! Number of TYPe of atoms that are "ALCHemical"
 257    dtset%natom = effective_potential%supercell%natom
 258    dtset%ntypat = effective_potential%crystal%ntypat
 259    dtset%npspalch = effective_potential%crystal%ntypat
 260    dtset%nconeq = 0     ! Number of CONstraint EQuations
 261    dtset%noseinert = 1.d-5 ! NOSE INERTia factor
 262    dtset%nnos = inp%nnos   ! Number of nose masses Characteristic
 263    do ii=1,3 ! Only copy the diagonal part
 264              ! might be adapt with ngqpt(9) instead of ngqpt(3) because is needed in wght9.f
 265      dtset%ph_ngqpt(ii) = inp%ngqpt((ii))
 266    end do
 267    dtset%ph_nqshift = inp%nqshft
 268    dtset%prtxml = 0     ! print the xml
 269    dtset%signperm = 1   ! SIGN of PERMutation potential
 270    dtset%strprecon = inp%strprecon  ! STRess PRECONditioner
 271    dtset%supercell_latt(:) = 0
 272    do ii=1,3
 273      dtset%supercell_latt(ii) = sc_size(ii)
 274    end do
 275    dtset%tolmxf = inp%tolmxf
 276    dtset%tsmear = 0.009500446 !
 277    dtset%vis = 100      ! VIScosity
 278    dtset%usewvl = 0     !
 279    dtset%useylm = 0     !
 281 !    if(option == -3) then
 282 !      write(message,'(a)')' Read the DDB file to fill the dtset array'
 283 !      call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
 284 ! !    Copy real informtions from the ddb
 285 !      call effective_potential_file_getType(filnam(3),type)
 286 !      if(type /= 1) then
 287 !        write(message, '(5a)' )&
 288 ! &         ' You need to provide DDB file in the input to compute ahnarmonic',ch10,&
 289 ! &         ' part of effective Hamiltionian',ch10,&
 290 ! &         'Action: add DDB file in the inputs'
 291 !        ABI_BUG(message)
 292 !      end if
 293 !      call ddb_to_dtset(comm, dtset,filnam(3),psps)
 294 !      ABI_MALLOC(dtset%kptns,(3,dtset%nkpt))
 295 !      dtset%kptns(:,:) = dtset%kpt(:,:)
 296 !      ABI_MALLOC(dtset%istwfk,(dtset%nkpt))
 297 !      dtset%istwfk(:) = 1
 299 !    else
 300  !    Need to init some values
 301 !   dtset%nsym = 1       ! Number of SYMmetry operations
 302 !   ABI_MALLOC(symrel,(3,3,dtset%nsym))
 303 !   symrel = reshape((/1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1/),shape(symrel))
 304 !   call alloc_copy(symrel,dtset%symrel)
 305 !   ABI_MALLOC(tnons,(3,dtset%nsym))
 306 !   tnons = zero
 307 !   call alloc_copy(tnons,dtset%tnons)
 308    call alloc_copy(effective_potential%supercell%typat,dtset%typat)
 309    call alloc_copy(effective_potential%crystal%znucl,dtset%znucl)
 310 !   ABI_FREE(symrel)
 311 !   ABI_FREE(tnons)
 312 !   end if
 313  !Find symmetry for simulation
 314    if(inp%dyn_chksym == 1)then
 315        write(message,'(2a)')&
 316 &       ' Check Symmetry of Start Structure and Impose it for dynamics run',ch10
 317        call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
 318        call wrtout(ab_out,message,"COLL")
 319       !read md_hist
 320       if(inp%restartxf < 0)then
 321          md_hist_name=trim(filnam(2))//''
 322          write(message,'(3a)')&
 323 &         ' Restart from external structure stored in file: ',md_hist_name,ch10
 324          call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
 325          call wrtout(ab_out,message,"COLL")
 326          isVused  = .true.
 327          isARused = .true.
 328          readOnlyLast = .true.
 329          call read_md_hist(md_hist_name,hist_tmp,isVused,isARused,readOnlyLast)
 330          write(message,'(2a)')&
 331 &         ' Map external structure to internal ordering of reference structure: ',ch10
 332          call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
 333          call effective_potential_file_mapHistToRef(effective_potential,hist_tmp,comm,verbose=.True.) ! Map Hist to Ref to order atoms
 334       endif
 335       msym = 96*PRODUCT(sc_size)
 336       ABI_MALLOC(symrel,(3,3,msym))
 337       ABI_MALLOC(symrec,(3,3,msym))
 338       ABI_MALLOC(tnons,(3,msym))
 339       tolsym = inp%dyn_tolsym
 340       call checksymmetrygroup(hist_tmp%rprimd,hist_tmp%xred,&
 341 &                             effective_potential%supercell%typat,msym,effective_potential%supercell%natom,&
 342 &                             ptgroupma,spgroup,symrel,tnons,nsym,tolsym)
 343       dtset%nsym = nsym
 344       do ii=1,nsym
 345         call mati3inv(symrel(:,:,ii),symrec(:,:,ii))
 346       end do
 347       !Get Indsym
 348       ABI_MALLOC(indsym,(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom))
 349       call symatm(indsym,dtset%natom,dtset%nsym,symrec,tnons,tolsym,effective_potential%supercell%typat,hist_tmp%xred)
 350       call alloc_copy(symrel,dtset%symrel)
 351       call alloc_copy(tnons,dtset%tnons)
 352       scfcv_args%indsym => indsym
 353       call abihist_free(hist_tmp)
 354       ABI_FREE(symrec)
 355    else
 356       dtset%nsym = 1       ! Number of SYMmetry operations
 357       ABI_MALLOC(symrel,(3,3,dtset%nsym))
 358       symrel = reshape((/1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1/),shape(symrel))
 359       call alloc_copy(symrel,dtset%symrel)
 360       ABI_MALLOC(tnons,(3,dtset%nsym))
 361       tnons = zero
 362       call alloc_copy(tnons,dtset%tnons)
 363       ABI_MALLOC(indsym,(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom))
 364       indsym = 0
 365       scfcv_args%indsym => indsym
 366    endif
 368    ABI_FREE(symrel)
 369    ABI_FREE(tnons)
 371    !array
 372    ABI_MALLOC(dtset%iatfix,(3,dtset%natom)) ! Indices of AToms that are FIXed
 373    dtset%iatfix = inp%iatfix
 374    dtset%goprecprm(:) = zero !Geometry Optimization PREconditioner PaRaMeters equations
 375    ABI_MALLOC(dtset%prtatlist,(dtset%natom)) !PRinT by ATom LIST of ATom
 376    dtset%prtatlist(:) = 0
 377    ABI_MALLOC(dtset%mixalch_orig,(dtset%npspalch,dtset%ntypalch,1))
 378    dtset%mixalch_orig(:,:,:)=zero
 379    ABI_MALLOC(dtset%ph_qshift,(3,dtset%ph_nqshift))
 380    dtset%ph_qshift = inp%q1shft
 381    dtset%hmctt = inp%hmctt
 382    dtset%hmcsst = inp%hmcsst
 383    if(option  > 0)then
 384      verbose = .TRUE.
 385      writeHIST = .TRUE.
 386      dtset%dtion = inp%dtion  ! Delta Time for IONs
 387      dtset%ionmov = inp%dynamics  ! Number for the dynamic
 388      dtset%ntime = inp%ntime  ! Number of TIME steps
 389      dtset%optcell = inp%optcell    ! OPTimize the CELL shape and dimensions Characteristic
 390      dtset%restartxf = inp%restartxf  ! RESTART from (X,F) history
 391      dtset%mdtemp(1) = inp%temperature   !Molecular Dynamics Temperatures
 392      dtset%mdtemp(2) = inp%temperature   !Molecular Dynamics Temperatures
 393      dtset%strfact = inp%strfact ! STRess FACTor
 394      dtset%strtarget(1:6) = -1 * inp%strtarget(1:6) / 29421.033d0 ! STRess TARGET
 395    else if(option == -1.or.option == -2) then
 396 !    Set default for the fit
 397      verbose = .false.
 398      writeHIST = .false.
 399      dtset%restartxf = 0  ! RESTART from (X,F) history
 400      dtset%dtion = inp%dtion  ! Delta Time for IONs
 401      dtset%ionmov = 13  ! Number for the dynamic
 402      dtset%ntime = inp%bound_step  ! Number of TIME steps
 403      dtset%optcell = 2    ! OPTimize the CELL shape and dimensions Characteristic
 404      dtset%mdtemp(1) = inp%bound_temp   !Molecular Dynamics Temperatures
 405      dtset%mdtemp(2) = inp%bound_temp !Molecular Dynamics Temperatures
 406      dtset%strfact = 100.0d0
 407      dtset%strtarget(1:6) = zero
 408    end if
 410 !  Set the barostat and thermonstat if ionmov == 13
 411    if(dtset%ionmov == 13 .or. dtset%ionmov == 25)then
 413 !    Select frequency of the barostat as a function of temperature
 414 !    For small temperature, we need huge barostat and inversely
 415      ! if(dtset%mdtemp(1) <= 10) then
 416      !   freq_q = 0.002
 417      !   freq_b = 0.0002
 418      ! else  if(dtset%mdtemp(1) <= 50) then
 419      !   freq_q = 0.02
 420      !   freq_b = 0.002
 421      ! else  if(dtset%mdtemp(1) > 50.and.dtset%mdtemp(1) < 300) then
 422      !   freq_q = 0.1
 423      !   freq_b = 0.01
 424      ! else
 425      !   freq_q = 0.2
 426      !   freq_b = 0.02
 427      ! end if
 429 !TEST_AM_old way
 430 !     freq_q = 0.1
 431 !     freq_b = 0.01
 432 !     qmass = dtset%natom* kb_THzK * dtset%mdtemp(1) / (freq_q**2)
 433 !     bmass = dtset%natom* kb_THzK * dtset%mdtemp(1) / (freq_b**2)
 434 !TEST_AM
 437 !TEST_AM
 438      freq_q = 800  / Ha_cmm1
 439      freq_b = 800  / Ha_cmm1
 440      qmass = 10 * dtset%natom * kb_HaK * dtset%mdtemp(1) / (freq_q**2)
 441      bmass = 10000*qmass
 442 !TEST_AM
 445      if(dtset%nnos==0) then
 446        dtset%nnos = 1
 447        ABI_MALLOC(dtset%qmass,(dtset%nnos))
 448        dtset%qmass(:)  = qmass
 449        write(message,'(3a,F30.10,a)')&
 450 &       ' WARNING: nnos is set to zero in the input',ch10,&
 451 &       '          value by default for qmass: ',dtset%qmass(:),ch10
 452        if(verbose)call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
 453      else
 454        ABI_MALLOC(dtset%qmass,(dtset%nnos)) ! Q thermostat mass
 455        dtset%qmass(:) = inp%qmass(:)
 456      end if
 457      if (abs(inp%bmass) < tol10) then
 458        dtset%bmass = bmass
 459        write(message,'(3a,F30.10,a)')&
 460 &       ' WARNING: bmass is set to zero in the input',ch10,&
 461 &       '          value by default for bmass: ',dtset%bmass,ch10
 462        if(verbose)call wrtout(std_out,message,"COLL")
 463      else
 464        dtset%bmass = inp%bmass  ! Barostat mass
 465      end if
 466    end if
 468 !  Do a check
 469    if(dtset%ionmov == 27)then
 470      call effective_potential_file_getType(filnam(3),filetype)
 471      if(filetype /= 1)then
 472        write(message, '(5a)' )&
 473 &       ' The file ',trim(filnam(3)),' is not a DDB',ch10,&
 474 &       ' It is not compatible with ionmov 27'
 475        ABI_ERROR(message)
 476      end if
 478    end if
 480 !  set psps
 481    psps%useylm = dtset%useylm
 483 !  initialisation of results_gs
 484    call init_results_gs(dtset%natom,1,1,results_gs)
 486 !  Set the pointers of scfcv_args
 487    zero_integer = 0
 488    scfcv_args%dtset     => dtset
 489    !ABI_MALLOC(indsym,(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom))
 490    !indsym = 0
 491    !scfcv_args%indsym => indsym
 492    scfcv_args%mpi_enreg => mpi_enreg
 493    scfcv_args%ndtpawuj  => zero_integer
 494    scfcv_args%results_gs => results_gs
 495    scfcv_args%psps => psps
 496 !  Set other arguments of the mover.F90 routines
 498 !  Set the dffil structure
 499    dtfil%filnam_ds(1:2)=filnam(1:2)
 500    dtfil%filnam_ds(3)=""
 501    dtfil%filnam_ds(4)=filnam(2)
 502    dtfil%filstat='_STATUS'
 503    nullify (electronpositron)
 504    ABI_MALLOC(rhog,(2,1))
 505    ABI_MALLOC(rhor,(2,1))
 507 !  Initialize xf history (should be put in inwffil)
 508 !  Not yet implemented for ionmov 2 3 10 11 22 (memory problem...)
 509 !  ab_xfh%mxfh=(ab_xfh%nxfh-dtset%restartxf+1)+dtset%ntime+5
 510    ab_xfh%nxfh = 0
 511    ab_xfh%mxfh = 1
 512    ABI_MALLOC(ab_xfh%xfhist,(3,dtset%natom+4,2,ab_xfh%mxfh))
 513    if (any((/3,10,11/)==dtset%ionmov)) then
 514      write(message, '(3a)' )&
 515 &     ' This dynamics can not be used with effective potential',ch10,&
 516 &     'Action: correct dynamics input'
 517      ABI_BUG(message)
 518    end if
 520   !Get SCALE-UP INPUT
 522   scup_inp = inp%scup_dtset
 525 !***************************************************************
 526 !2  initialization of the structure for the dynamics
 527 !***************************************************************
 529    if (allocated(dtset%rprimd_orig)) then
 530      ABI_FREE(dtset%rprimd_orig)
 531    end if
 532    ABI_MALLOC(dtset%rprimd_orig,(3,3,1))
 533    dtset%rprimd_orig(:,:,1) = effective_potential%supercell%rprimd
 536    ABI_MALLOC(xred,(3,dtset%natom))
 537    ABI_MALLOC(xred_old,(3,dtset%natom))
 538    ABI_MALLOC(vel,(3,dtset%natom))
 539    ABI_MALLOC(gred,(3,dtset%natom))
 540    ABI_MALLOC(fcart,(3,dtset%natom))
 542    call xcart2xred(dtset%natom,effective_potential%supercell%rprimd,&
 543 &   effective_potential%supercell%xcart,xred)
 545    xred_old = xred
 546    vel_cell(:,:) = zero
 547    vel(:,:)      = zero
 549 !*********************************************************
 550 !4   Call main routine for the bound process,
 551 !    monte carlo / molecular dynamics / project
 552 !*********************************************************
 553    if(option > 0)then
 554      !*************************************************************
 555      !  call mover in case of NPT or NVT simulation
 556      !*************************************************************
 557      write(message, '((80a),3a)' ) ('-',ii=1,80), ch10,&
 558 &     '-Monte Carlo / Molecular Dynamics ',ch10
 560      ! Marcus: if wanted analyze anharmonic terms of effective potential &&
 561      ! and print anharmonic contribution to file anharmonic_energy_terms.out
 562      ! Open File and write header
 563      ncoeff = effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%ncoeff
 564      name_file='MD'
 565      if(inp%analyze_anh_pot == 1)then
 566        call effective_potential_writeAnhHead(ncoeff,name_file,&
 567 &                        effective_potential%anharmonics_terms)
 568      end if
 570      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 571      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 572      call mover(scfcv_args,ab_xfh,acell,effective_potential%crystal%amu,dtfil,electronpositron,&
 573 &     rhog,rhor,dtset%rprimd_orig,vel,vel_cell,xred,xred_old,&
 574 &     effective_potential=effective_potential,filename_ddb=filnam(3),&
 575 &     verbose=verbose,writeHIST=writeHIST,scup_dtset=scup_inp,sc_size=sc_size(:))
 576      INQUIRE(FILE='MD_anharmonic_terms_energy.dat',OPENED=file_opened,number=unit_out)
 577      if(file_opened) close(unit_out)
 578    else if(option== -1.or.option==-2)then
 579      !*************************************************************
 580      !   Try to bound the model
 581      !*************************************************************
 582      write(message, '((80a),4a)' ) ('-',ii=1,80), ch10,&
 583 &     ' Try to bound the model',ch10,' Check if the model is bounded or not'
 584      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 585      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 587 !    Try the model
 588      call mover(scfcv_args,ab_xfh,acell,effective_potential%crystal%amu,dtfil,electronpositron,&
 589 &     rhog,rhor,dtset%rprimd_orig,vel,vel_cell,xred,xred_old,&
 590 &     effective_potential=effective_potential,verbose=verbose,writeHIST=writeHIST)
 592      write(message, '(a)' ) ' => The model'
 593      if(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded)then
 594        write(message, '(2a)' ) trim(message),' is bound'
 595        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 596        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 597      else
 598        write(message, '(2a)' ) trim(message),' is not bound'
 599        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 602        if(option==-2)then
 604 !        Fill the list for the fixcoeff input of the fit_polynomial_coeff_fit routine
 605 !        Store the number of coefficients before adding other coeff for the bounding
 606          ncoeff = effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%ncoeff
 607          ABI_MALLOC(listcoeff,(ncoeff))
 608          do ii=1,ncoeff
 609            listcoeff(ii)=ii
 610          end do
 612          write(message, '(2a)')ch10,' Generate the list of addionnal terms with the fit process...'
 613          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 615 !        Get the additional coeff
 616          call fit_polynomial_coeff_fit(effective_potential,(/0/),listcoeff,hist,1,&
 617 &         inp%bound_rangePower,0,inp%bound_maxCoeff,ncoeff,inp%fit_nimposecoeff,inp%fit_imposecoeff,&
 618 &         1,comm,cutoff_in=inp%bound_cutoff,&
 619 &         max_power_strain=2,verbose=.true.,positive=.true.,spcoupling=inp%bound_SPCoupling==1,&
 620 &         anharmstr=inp%bound_anhaStrain==1,only_even_power=.true.,fit_on=inp%fit_on,sel_on=inp%sel_on)
 622 !        Store the max number of coefficients after the fit process
 623          ncoeff_max = effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%ncoeff
 624 !        Store all the coefficients in coeffs_all
 625          ABI_MALLOC(coeffs_all,(ncoeff_max))
 626          ABI_MALLOC(coeffs_tmp,(ncoeff_max))
 627          do ii=1,ncoeff_max
 628            call polynomial_coeff_init(&
 629 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%coefficient,&
 630 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%nterm,&
 631 &           coeffs_all(ii),&
 632 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%terms,&
 633 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%name,&
 634 &           check=.false.)
 635          end do
 637          model_ncoeffbound = 0
 638          do ii=1,ncoeff_max-ncoeff
 640            write(message, '(5a,I0,a)')ch10,'--',ch10,' Try to bound the model ',&
 641 &           'with ', ii,' additional term'
 642            if(ii>1)write(message,'(2a)') trim(message),'s'
 643            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 644            call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 646 !          Copy the new model in coeffs_tmp(jj)
 647 !          Free the coeffs_tmp array before
 648            do jj=1,ncoeff_max
 649              call polynomial_coeff_free(coeffs_tmp(jj))
 650            end do
 652            do jj=1,ncoeff+ii
 653              call polynomial_coeff_init(&
 654 &             coeffs_all(jj)%coefficient,&
 655 &             coeffs_all(jj)%nterm,&
 656 &             coeffs_tmp(jj),&
 657 &             coeffs_all(jj)%terms,&
 658 &             coeffs_all(jj)%name,&
 659 &             check=.false.)
 660            end do
 662            model_ncoeffbound = ii
 664 !          Reset the simulation and set the coefficients of the model
 665            call effective_potential_setCoeffs(coeffs_tmp(1:ncoeff+ii),effective_potential,ncoeff+ii)
 666            call fit_polynomial_coeff_fit(effective_potential,(/0/),(/0/),hist,0,(/0,0/),0,0,&
 667 &           -1,inp%fit_nimposecoeff,inp%fit_imposecoeff,1,comm,verbose=.true.,positive=.false.,&
 668 &            fit_on=inp%fit_on,sel_on=inp%sel_on)
 669            call effective_potential_setSupercell(effective_potential,comm,ncell=sc_size)
 670            dtset%rprimd_orig(:,:,1) = effective_potential%supercell%rprimd
 671            acell(:) = one
 672            call xcart2xred(dtset%natom,effective_potential%supercell%rprimd,&
 673 &           effective_potential%supercell%xcart,xred)
 674            xred_old = xred
 675            vel_cell(:,:) = zero
 676            vel(:,:)      = zero
 677            gred(:,:)     = zero
 678            fcart(:,:)    = zero
 680 !          Run mover to check if the model is bound
 681            call mover(scfcv_args,ab_xfh,acell,effective_potential%crystal%amu,dtfil,electronpositron,&
 682 &           rhog,rhor,dtset%rprimd_orig,vel,vel_cell,xred,xred_old,&
 683 &           effective_potential=effective_potential,verbose=verbose,writeHIST=writeHIST)
 684            if(.not.effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded)then
 685              write(message, '(2a)' ) ' => The model is not bounded'
 686            else
 687              write(message, '(2a)' ) ' => The model is bounded'
 688            end if
 689            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 691 !          Exit if the model is bounded
 692            if(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded)  exit
 694          end do
 696        else
 697 !      Get the list of possible coefficients to bound the model
 698          cutoff = zero
 699          do ii=1,3
 700            cutoff = cutoff + effective_potential%crystal%rprimd(ii,ii)
 701          end do
 702          cutoff = cutoff / 3.0
 704 !        call fit_polynomial_coeff_getCoeffBound(effective_potential,coeffs_bound,&
 705 !&                                              hist,ncoeff_bound,comm,verbose=.true.)
 707 !TEST_AM!
 708          sc_size_TS = (/2,2,2/)
 709          call polynomial_coeff_getNorder(coeffs_bound,effective_potential%crystal,cutoff,&
 710 &         ncoeff_bound,ncoeff_bound_tot,inp%bound_rangePower,inp%bound_rangePower(2),2,sc_size_TS,&
 711 &         comm,anharmstr=inp%bound_anhaStrain==1,&
 712 &         spcoupling=inp%bound_SPCoupling==1,verbose=.false.,distributed=.false.,&
 713 &         only_even_power=.true.,only_odd_power=.false.)
 715          if(iam_master)then
 716            filename=trim(filnam(2))//"_boundcoeff.xml"
 717            call polynomial_coeff_writeXML(coeffs_bound,ncoeff_bound,filename=filename,newfile=.true.)
 718          end if
 719 !      wait
 720          call xmpi_barrier(comm)
 721 !      Store all the initial coefficients
 722          ncoeff = effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%ncoeff
 723          ABI_MALLOC(coeffs_all,(ncoeff+ncoeff_bound))
 724          do ii=1,ncoeff
 725            call polynomial_coeff_init(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%coefficient,&
 726 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%nterm,&
 727 &           coeffs_all(ii),&
 728 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%terms,&
 729 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%name,&
 730 &           check=.false.)
 731          end do
 733          do ii=1,ncoeff_bound
 734            call polynomial_coeff_init(coeffs_bound(ii)%coefficient,&
 735 &           coeffs_bound(ii)%nterm,&
 736 &           coeffs_all(ncoeff+ii),&
 737 &           coeffs_bound(ii)%terms,&
 738 &           coeffs_bound(ii)%name,&
 739 &           check=.false.)
 740          end do
 742 !      Copy the fixed coefficients from the model (without bound coeff)
 743          ncoeff = effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%ncoeff
 744          ABI_MALLOC(coeffs_tmp,(ncoeff+ncoeff_bound))
 745          do ii=1,ncoeff
 746            call polynomial_coeff_init(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%coefficient,&
 747 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%nterm,&
 748 &           coeffs_tmp(ii),&
 749 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%terms,&
 750 &           effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%name,&
 751 &           check=.false.)
 752          end do
 754          ncoeff_max = ncoeff+ncoeff_bound
 755          ABI_MALLOC(listcoeff,(ncoeff_max))
 756          listcoeff = 0
 757          do jj=1,ncoeff
 758            listcoeff(jj) = jj
 759          end do
 761          model_bound = 0
 762          model_ncoeffbound = 0
 764          do ii=2,inp%bound_maxCoeff
 765 !        Compute the number of possible combination
 766            nmodels = 1
 767            ABI_MALLOC(list_bound,(nmodels,ii))
 768            ABI_MALLOC(list_tmp,(ii))
 769            list_bound = 0; list_tmp = 0; kk = 0;  jj = 1
 771 !        Generate the list of possible combinaison 1st count
 772            call genereList(kk,jj,ii,ncoeff_bound,list_tmp,list_bound,nmodels,.false.)
 773            nmodels = kk
 775            write(message, '(5a,I0,a,I0,a)')ch10,'--',ch10,' Try to bound the model ',&
 776 &           'with ', ii,' additional positive terms (',nmodels,') possibilities'
 777            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 779 !        allocate and generate combinaisons
 780            ABI_FREE(list_bound)
 781            ABI_FREE(list_tmp)
 782            ABI_MALLOC(coeff_values,(nmodels,ncoeff+ii))
 783            ABI_MALLOC(listcoeff_bound,(nmodels,ncoeff+ii))
 784            ABI_MALLOC(list_bound,(nmodels,ii))
 785            ABI_MALLOC(list_tmp,(ii))
 786            ABI_MALLOC(isPositive,(nmodels))
 787            list_bound = 0;  listcoeff_bound = 0;  list_tmp = 0; isPositive = 0; kk = 0; jj = 1
 788            call genereList(kk,jj,ii,ncoeff_bound,list_tmp,list_bound,nmodels,.true.)
 789 !        Generate the models
 790            do jj=1,nmodels
 791              listcoeff_bound(jj,1:ncoeff) = listcoeff(1:ncoeff)
 792              listcoeff_bound(jj,ncoeff+1:ncoeff+ii) = list_bound(jj,:) + ncoeff
 793            end do
 795 !        Reset the simulation
 796            call effective_potential_setCoeffs(coeffs_all,effective_potential,ncoeff+ncoeff_bound)
 797            call fit_polynomial_coeff_getPositive(effective_potential,hist,coeff_values,&
 798 &           isPositive,listcoeff_bound,ncoeff+ii,ncoeff,nmodels,comm,verbose=.false.)
 799            if(all(isPositive == 0)) then
 800              write(message, '(5a,I0,a)')ch10,'--',ch10,' No possible model ',&
 801 &             'with ', ii,' additional terms found'
 802              call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 803            else
 805              do jj=1,nmodels
 806                if(isPositive(jj) == 1 .and. all(abs(coeff_values(jj,:)) < 1.0E5)) then
 807                  write(message, '(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' The model number ',jj,' ['
 808                  do kk=1,ncoeff+ii
 809                    if(kk<ncoeff+ii)then
 810                      write(message, '(a,I0,a)') trim(message),listcoeff_bound(jj,kk),','
 811                    else
 812                      write(message, '(a,I0)') trim(message),listcoeff_bound(jj,kk)
 813                    end if
 814                  end do
 815                  write(message, '(2a)') trim(message),'] is positive'
 816                  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 817                  write(message, '(2a,I0,a)') ' Check if the model ',&
 818 &                 'number ', jj,' is bounded...'
 819                  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 821 !             Set the coefficients of the model
 822                  do kk=1,ncoeff+ii
 823                    if(kk<=ncoeff)then
 824 !                 just set the values of the coefficient
 825                      call polynomial_coeff_setCoefficient(coeff_values(jj,kk),coeffs_tmp(kk))
 826                      write(message, '(a,I0,a,ES19.10,2a)') ' Set the value of the coefficient ',kk,&
 827 &                     ' =>',coeff_values(jj,kk),'     ',trim(coeffs_tmp(kk)%name)
 828                      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 830                    else
 831 !                 Set the good coefficient
 832                      icoeff_bound = listcoeff_bound(jj,kk)-ncoeff ! need to remove ncoeff value
 833                      write(message, '(a,I0,a,I0,a,ES19.10,2a)')&
 834 &                     ' Set the value of the coefficient ',kk,' (',icoeff_bound,&
 835 &                     ') =>',coeff_values(jj,kk),&
 836 &                     '     ',trim(coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%name)
 837                      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 838                      call polynomial_coeff_free(coeffs_tmp(kk))
 839                      call polynomial_coeff_init(coeff_values(jj,kk),&
 840 &                     coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%nterm,&
 841 &                     coeffs_tmp(kk),&
 842 &                     coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%terms,&
 843 &                     coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%name,&
 844 &                     check=.false.)
 846                    end if
 847                  end do
 849 !              Reset the simulation and set the coefficients of the model
 850                  call effective_potential_setCoeffs(coeffs_tmp(1:ncoeff+ii),effective_potential,&
 851 &                 ncoeff+ii)
 852                  call fit_polynomial_coeff_fit(effective_potential,(/0/),(/0/),hist,0,(/0,0/),1,0,&
 853 &                 -1,inp%fit_nimposecoeff,inp%fit_imposecoeff,1,comm,verbose=.false.,positive=.false.)
 854                  call effective_potential_setSupercell(effective_potential,comm,ncell=sc_size)
 855                  dtset%rprimd_orig(:,:,1) = effective_potential%supercell%rprimd
 856                  acell(:) = one
 857                  call xcart2xred(dtset%natom,effective_potential%supercell%rprimd,&
 858 &                 effective_potential%supercell%xcart,xred)
 859                  xred_old = xred
 860                  vel_cell(:,:) = zero
 861                  vel(:,:)      = zero
 862                  gred(:,:)     = zero
 863                  fcart(:,:)    = zero
 865 !              Run mover
 866                  call mover(scfcv_args,ab_xfh,acell,effective_potential%crystal%amu,dtfil,electronpositron,&
 867 &                 rhog,rhor,dtset%rprimd_orig,vel,vel_cell,xred,xred_old,&
 868 &                 effective_potential=effective_potential,verbose=verbose,writeHIST=writeHIST)
 870                  if(.not.effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded)then
 871                    write(message, '(2a)' ) ' => The model is not bounded'
 872                  else
 873                    write(message, '(2a)' ) ' => The model is bounded'
 874                  end if
 875                  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 876 !             Exit if the model is bounded
 877                  if(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded) then
 878                    model_bound = jj
 879                    model_ncoeffbound = ii
 880                    exit
 881                  end if
 882                end if
 883              end do
 884            end if
 886            ABI_FREE(list_tmp)
 887            ABI_FREE(list_bound)
 888            ABI_FREE(isPositive)
 890 !        Exit if the model is bounded
 891            if(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded) then
 892 !         Final transfert
 893              write(message, '(3a)' ) ch10,' => The model is now bounded'
 894              call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 895              call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 896              do kk=ncoeff+1,ncoeff+model_ncoeffbound
 897                icoeff_bound = listcoeff_bound(model_bound,kk)-ncoeff ! need to remove ncoeff value
 898                call polynomial_coeff_free(coeffs_tmp(kk))
 899                call polynomial_coeff_init(coeff_values(model_bound,kk),&
 900 &               coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%nterm,&
 901 &               coeffs_tmp(kk),&
 902 &               coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%terms,&
 903 &               coeffs_bound(icoeff_bound)%name,&
 904 &               check=.false.)
 905              end do
 906              ABI_FREE(coeff_values)
 907              ABI_FREE(listcoeff_bound)
 908              exit
 909            end if
 910            ABI_FREE(coeff_values)
 912          end do
 914          do ii=1,ncoeff_bound
 915            call polynomial_coeff_free(coeffs_bound(ii))
 916          end do
 917          ABI_SFREE(coeffs_bound)
 919        end if
 921        if(.not.effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%bounded)then
 922          write(message, '(3a)' ) ch10,' => The model cannot be bounded'
 923          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 924          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 925          model_ncoeffbound = 0
 926          model_bound = 0
 927        end if
 929 !      Fit the final model
 930        call effective_potential_setCoeffs(coeffs_tmp(1:ncoeff+model_ncoeffbound),effective_potential,&
 931 &       ncoeff+model_ncoeffbound)
 933        call fit_polynomial_coeff_fit(effective_potential,(/0/),(/0/),hist,0,(/0,0/),0,0,&
 934 &       -1,inp%fit_nimposecoeff,inp%fit_imposecoeff,1,comm,verbose=.false.,fit_on=inp%fit_on,sel_on=inp%sel_on)
 936        write(message, '(3a)') ch10,' Fitted coefficients at the end of the fit bound process: '
 937        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 938        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 940        do ii = 1,ncoeff+model_ncoeffbound
 941          write(message, '(a,I0,a,ES19.10,2a)') " ",ii," =>",&
 942 &         effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%coefficient,&
 943 &         " ",trim(effective_potential%anharmonics_terms%coefficients(ii)%name)
 944          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 945          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 946        end do
 948 !      Deallocation
 949        ABI_FREE(listcoeff)
 950        do ii=1,ncoeff_max
 951          call polynomial_coeff_free(coeffs_tmp(ii))
 952        end do
 953        ABI_SFREE(coeffs_tmp)
 955        do ii=1,ncoeff_max
 956          call polynomial_coeff_free(coeffs_all(ii))
 957        end do
 958        ABI_SFREE(coeffs_all)
 960      end if
 962    else  if (option == -3) then
 964 !*************************************************************
 965 !   Call the routine for calculation of the energy for specific
 966 !   partern of displacement or strain for the effective
 967 !   Hamiltonian
 968 !*************************************************************
 969 !     write(message, '((80a),4a)' ) ('-',ii=1,80), ch10,&
 970 !&     ' Effective Hamiltonian calculation'
 971 !     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 972 !     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 974 !     acell = one
 975 !     call gstate(args_gs,acell,codvsn,cpui,dtfil,dtset,iexit,initialized,&
 976 !&                mpi_enreg,npwtot,dtset%occ_orig,pawang,pawrad,pawtab,&
 977 !&                psps,results_gs,dtset%rprimd_orig,scf_history,vel,vel_cell,wvl,xred)
 979    end if
 981 !***************************************************************
 982 ! 5   Deallocation of array
 983 !***************************************************************
 985    ABI_FREE(gred)
 986    ABI_FREE(fcart)
 987    ABI_FREE(indsym)
 988    ABI_FREE(rhog)
 989    ABI_FREE(rhor)
 990    ABI_FREE(vel)
 991    ABI_FREE(xred)
 992    ABI_FREE(xred_old)
 993    ABI_FREE(ab_xfh%xfhist)
 995    ! if(option == -3)then
 996    !   call args_gs_free(args_gs)
 997    !   call psps_free(psps)
 998    !   do ii = 1,npsp
 999    !     call paw_setup_free(paw_setup(ii))
1000    !   end do
1001    !   ABI_FREE(paw_setup)
1002    !   ABI_FREE(ipsp2xml)
1003    !   ABI_FREE(pspheads)
1004    !   call pawrad_free(pawrad)
1005    !   call pawtab_free(pawtab)
1006    !   ABI_FREE(pawrad)
1007    !   ABI_FREE(pawtab)
1008    !   ABI_FREE(npwtot)
1009    ! end if
1010    call dtset%free()
1011    call destroy_results_gs(results_gs)
1012    call scfcv_destroy(scfcv_args)
1013    call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg)
1015  end if
1017  write(message, '(a,(80a),a,a)' ) ch10,&
1018 & ('=',ii=1,80),ch10
1019  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1020  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1022 end subroutine mover_effpot