ABINIT/m_multibinit_main [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Main routine MULTIBINIT.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (AM, hexu)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  (main routine)


  (main routine)


 Should be
 1 moved to somewhere else
 2 be replaced with the new implementation multibinit_main2.


28 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
29 #include "config.h"
30 #endif
32 #include "abi_common.h"
34 ! FIXME: This module is temporarily here. It should be removed once we have the new lattice mover.
35 ! Move the main calculation part into a subroutine
36 ! TODO: And this subroutine should be replaced by a one liner then: call multibinit_manager%run_all().
37 ! TODO: The module is here because it uses lv95_drive mover_effpot (very hacky).
38 ! TODO: The mover_effpot is in 95_drive due to that it use some >78 level module
39 ! TODO: which should be changed when we implement the new lattice mover.
40 module m_multibinit_driver
41   use defs_basis
42   use defs_abitypes
43   use m_xmpi
44   use m_xomp
45   use m_abicore
46   use m_errors
48   use m_effective_potential
49   use m_fit_polynomial_coeff
50  use m_opt_effpot
51   use m_multibinit_dataset
52   use m_effective_potential_file
53  use m_scup_dataset
54   !use m_spin_model, only: spin_model_t
55   use m_abihist
57   use m_build_info,         only: abinit_version
58   use m_multibinit_manager, only: mb_manager_t
59   use m_multibinit_main2,   only: multibinit_main2
61   use m_mover_effpot, only : mover_effpot
62 #if defined DEV_MS_SCALEUP
63  use scup_global
64 #endif
65   !use m_generate_training_set, only : generate_training_set
66   use m_compute_anharmonics, only : compute_anharmonics
67   use m_init10,              only : init10, postfix_fnames
68   use m_parser,     only : instrng
69   use m_fstrings,   only : replace, inupper
70   use m_dtset,      only : chkvars
71   implicit none

m_multbinit_main/multibinit_main [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 The main function of multibinit


 filnam: The filenames from the files file. 17 files in total.



 88   subroutine multibinit_main(input_path, filnam, dry_run)
 89     character(len=fnlen), intent(inout) :: input_path
 90     character(len=fnlen), intent(inout) :: filnam(18)
 91     integer, intent(in) :: dry_run
 92     type(multibinit_dtset_type), target :: inp
 93     type(effective_potential_type) :: reference_effective_potential
 94     type(abihist) :: hist, hist_tes
 96     !type(spin_model_t) :: spin_model
 97     character(len=strlen) :: string, raw_string
 98     character(len=500) :: message
 99     character(len=fnlen) :: name
100     character(len=fnlen) :: sys_fname
102     integer :: filetype,ii,lenstr,iiter,niter
103     integer :: natom,nph1l,nrpt,ntypat
104     integer :: option
105     logical :: need_analyze_anh_pot,need_prt_files
107     ! Whether the "new" MULTIBNIT framework should be used.
108     logical :: need_new_multibinit
109 ! MS
110 ! temporary variables for testing SCALE-UP with Multibinit
111   !Variable to pass to effpot_evaluate routine of multibinit
112   !To declare evaluation of electronice model
113   logical  :: elec_eval
114 #if defined DEV_MS_SCALEUP
115   !Variables needed to call SCALE-UP
116   logical :: err_init_elec
117   logical*1 :: needlattice = .FALSE.
118   logical*1 :: needelectrons = .TRUE.
119   logical*1 :: didi = .FALSE.
120   logical*1 :: harm_der = .FALSE.
121   logical*1 :: initorbocc = .FALSE.
122   logical*1 :: ismagnetic = .FALSE.
123   logical*1 :: istddft = .FALSE.
124   logical*4 :: printgeom = .FALSE.
125   logical*4 :: printeigv = .FALSE.
126   logical*4 :: printeltic = .FALSE.
127   logical*4 :: printorbocc = .FALSE.
128   integer :: ksamp(3)
129   real*8 :: tcharge
130 #endif
131 !TEST_AM
132 ! integer :: natom_sp
133 ! real(dp),allocatable :: dynmat(:,:,:,:,:)
134 !TEST_AM
135 !******************************************************************
137     integer :: master, my_rank, comm, nproc, ierr
138     logical :: iam_master
141 !MPI variables
142     master = 0
143     comm = xmpi_world
144     nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
145     my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
146     iam_master = (my_rank == master)
148     !Read the input file, only to the the name of the file which contains the ddb file or xml file
149     ! for getting the number of atoms.
150     option=1
151     if (iam_master) then
152        call instrng (filnam(1),lenstr,option,strlen,string,raw_string)
153        !To make case-insensitive, map characters to upper case:
154        call inupper(string(1:lenstr))
155        !Check whether the string only contains valid keywords
156        call chkvars(string)
157     end if
158     call xmpi_bcast(string,master, comm, ierr)
159     call xmpi_bcast(raw_string,master, comm, ierr)
160     call xmpi_bcast(lenstr,master, comm, ierr)
161     !To automate a maximum calculation, multibinit reads the number of atoms
162     !in the file (ddb or xml). If DDB file is present in input, the ifc calculation
163     !will be initilaze array to the maximum of atoms (natifc=natom,atifc=1,natom...) in invars10
166     !Read the input file assuming natom=1 so that the invars10 can work.
168     !call invars10(inp,lenstr,natom,string)
169     if(trim(filnam(3)) /='') then
170       sys_fname=filnam(3)
171     else
172       call invars_multibinit_filenames(string, lenstr,  sys_fname=sys_fname)
173     end if
177     ! read the reference structure to get natom
178     if (iam_master) then
179       write(message, '(6a)' )' Read the information in the reference structure in ',ch10,&
180             & '-',trim(sys_fname),ch10,' to initialize the multibinit input'
181       call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
182       call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
183     end if
185     call effective_potential_file_getDimSystem(sys_fname,comm,natom,ntypat,nph1l,nrpt)
186     !call effective_potential_file_getDimSystem(filnam(3),natom,ntypat,nph1l,nrpt)
189     ! read the input again to use the right natom
190     call invars10(inp,lenstr,natom,string)
191     call postfix_fnames(input_path, filnam, inp)
193     need_new_multibinit= inp%spin_dynamics > 0 .or. inp%lwf_dynamics > 0 .or. inp%dynamics >= 100
195     if (iam_master) then
196         if(need_new_multibinit) then
197             ABI_ERROR("The new MULTINIT mode should be enabled with --F03 option. ")
198         end if
199        !  Echo the inputs to console and main output file
200        call outvars_multibinit(inp,std_out)
201        call outvars_multibinit(inp,ab_out)
202     end if
204     if(dry_run/=0) then
205        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], "Multibinit in dry_run mode. Exiting after input parser")
206        call xmpi_end()
207        !goto 100
208     endif
210     !  Read the model (from DDB or XML)
211     call effective_potential_file_read(filnam(3),reference_effective_potential,inp,comm)
214     if(filnam(4)/=''.and.filnam(4)/='no') then
215        call effective_potential_file_getType(filnam(4),filetype)
216        if(filetype==3.or.filetype==23) then
217           call effective_potential_file_read(filnam(4),reference_effective_potential,inp,comm)
218        else
219           write(message,'(a,(80a),3a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
220                &         ' There is no specific file for the coefficients from polynomial fitting'
221           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
222           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
223        end if
224     else
225        if(inp%ncoeff/=0) then
226           write(message, '(5a)' )&
227                &         'ncoeff is specified in the input but,',ch10,&
228                &         'there is no file for the coefficients ',ch10,&
229                &         'Action: add coefficients.xml file'
230           ABI_ERROR(message)
232        else
233           write(message,'(a,(80a),3a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
234                &         ' There is no file for the coefficients from polynomial fitting'
235           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
236           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
237        end if
238     end if
240 !****************************************************************************************
241 !SCALE UP Initialize the electronic model (If scale-up is available)
242 !****************************************************************************************
243 elec_eval = .FALSE.
245 #if defined DEV_MS_SCALEUP
246  if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_elec_model)then
247    write(message,'(a,(80a),4a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
248         ' Initializing Electronic Model with SCALE-UP',ch10
249    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
250    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
252    !Set Variables
253    elec_eval = .TRUE.
254    ksamp = inp%scup_dtset%scup_ksamp
255    tcharge = inp%scup_dtset%scup_tcharge
256    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_ismagnetic)ismagnetic=.TRUE.
257    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_istddft)istddft=.TRUE.
258    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_initorbocc)initorbocc=.TRUE.
260    ! Call to Scale-Up
261    err_init_elec = global_init_model(filnam(3),inp%ncell,needlattice,needelectrons,didi,&
262 &                               harm_der,tcharge,ksamp,ismagnetic,istddft,initorbocc)
264    !Set Print variables
265    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_printgeom)printgeom=.TRUE.
266    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_printeigv)printeigv=.TRUE.
267    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_printeltic)printeltic=.TRUE.
268    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_printorbocc)printorbocc=.TRUE.
270    !Set Print Parameters within scaleup
271    call global_set_print_parameters(printgeom,printeigv,printeltic,printorbocc,&
272 &                                  inp%scup_dtset%scup_printbands)
274    !Set SCF controling variables (values contain defaults, if not specified in the input)
275    call global_set_scf_parameters(inp%scup_dtset%scup_scfmixing,inp%scup_dtset%scup_scfthresh,&
276 &                                 inp%scup_dtset%scup_smearing,inp%scup_dtset%scup_maxscfstep,&
277 &                                 inp%scup_dtset%scup_startpulay,inp%scup_dtset%scup_freezden)
280    !Create kpath if printbands=true and pass it to SCALE UP
281    if(inp%scup_dtset%scup_printbands)then
283            call scup_kpath_new(inp%scup_dtset%scup_speck,&
284 &                                      reference_effective_potential%supercell%rprimd,&
285 &                                inp%scup_dtset%scup_ndivsm,inp%scup_dtset%scup_kpath)
286            call scup_kpath_print(inp%scup_dtset%scup_kpath)
288            call global_set_print_bands(inp%scup_dtset%scup_printbands,&
289 &               inp%scup_dtset%scup_nspeck,inp%scup_dtset%scup_kpath%ndivs,&
290 &               inp%scup_dtset%scup_speck)
291    endif
292  endif
293 #endif
295     !****************************************************************************************
296     ! Compute the third order derivative with finite differences
297     !****************************************************************************************
298     if (inp%strcpling > 0) then
299        call compute_anharmonics(reference_effective_potential,filnam,inp,comm)
300     end if
301     !****************************************************************************************
303     ! If needed, fit the anharmonic part and compute the confinement potential
304     !****************************************************************************************
305    if (inp%fit_coeff/=0.or.inp%confinement==2.or.inp%bound_model/=0 .or. inp%opt_effpot/=0) then
307        if(iam_master) then
308           !    Read the MD file
309           write(message,'(a,(80a),7a)')ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
310 &       '-Reading the training-set file :',ch10,&
311 &       '-',trim(filnam(5)),ch10
313           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
314           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
315           if(filnam(5)/=''.and.filnam(5)/='no')then
316              call effective_potential_file_readMDfile(filnam(5),hist,option=inp%ts_option)
317              if (hist%mxhist == 0)then
318                 write(message, '(5a)' )&
319 &           'The trainig-set ',trim(filnam(5)),' file is not correct ',ch10,&
320 &           'Action: add training-set file'
321            ABI_ERROR(message)
322          end if
323        else
324          if (inp%fit_coeff/=0) then
325            write(message, '(3a)' )&
326 &           'There is no training-set file to fit the lattice model ',ch10,&
327 &           'Action: add trainings-set-file'
328            ABI_ERROR(message)
329          else if (inp%bound_model/=0) then
330              write(message, '(3a)' )&
331 &             'There is no  training-set file to bound the model ',ch10,&
332 &             'Action: add training-set file '
333              ABI_ERROR(message)
334          else if(inp%confinement==2) then
335              write(message, '(3a)' )&
336 &             'There is no training-set file to compute the confinement',ch10,&
337 &             'Action: add training-set file '
338              ABI_ERROR(message)
339          else if(inp%opt_effpot==2) then
340              write(message, '(3a)' )&
341 &             'There is no training-set file to optimize the latice model',ch10,&
342 &             'Action: add training-set file '
343              ABI_ERROR(message)
344          end if
345        end if
346      end if
347        !  MPI BROADCAST the history of the MD
348        call abihist_bcast(hist,master,comm)
349        !  Map the hist in order to be consistent with the supercell into reference_effective_potential
350        call effective_potential_file_mapHistToRef(reference_effective_potential,hist,comm)
351     end if
353     !TEST_AM
354     ! call effective_potential_checkDEV(reference_effective_potential,hist,size(hist%xred,2),hist%mxhist)
355     ! stop
356     !TEST_AM
358     !Generate the confinement polynome (not working yet)
359     if(inp%confinement/=0)then
360        option=inp%confinement
361        select case(option)
362        case(1)
363           call effective_potential_setConfinement(inp%conf_cutoff_disp,inp%conf_cutoff_strain,&
364                &       reference_effective_potential,inp%conf_power_fact_disp,&
365                &       inp%conf_power_fact_strain,inp%conf_power_disp,&
366                &       inp%conf_power_disp,inp%conf_power_strain,&
367                &       need_confinement=.TRUE.)
369           write(message,'(a,(80a),3a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
370                &       ' The confinement potential is active.'
371           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
372           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
374        case(2)
375           write(message,'(a,(80a),3a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
376                &       ' The confinement potential is computed from the MD file and actived.'
377           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
378           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
380        end select
381     end if
384     !Fit the coeff
385     if (inp%fit_coeff/=0)then
386        option=inp%fit_coeff
387        if(hist%mxhist >0)then
388           if (option==-1)then
389              !      option == -1
390              !      Print the file in the specific format for the script of carlos
391              !      Born_Charges
392              !      Dielectric_Tensor
393              !      harmonic.xml
394              !      Reference_structure
395              !      Strain_Tensor
396              !      symmetry_operations (only cubic)
397              if (iam_master) then
398                 call fit_polynomial_printSystemFiles(reference_effective_potential,hist)
399              end if
400           else if (option==1.or.option==2)then
401              !      option = 1
402              if(inp%fit_iatom/=0)then
403                call fit_polynomial_coeff_fit(reference_effective_potential,&
404                     &         inp%fit_bancoeff,inp%fit_fixcoeff,hist,inp%fit_generateCoeff,&
405                     &         inp%fit_rangePower,inp%fit_nbancoeff,inp%fit_ncoeff,&
406                     &         inp%fit_nfixcoeff,inp%fit_nimposecoeff,inp%fit_imposecoeff,&
407                     &         option,comm,cutoff_in=inp%fit_cutoff,&
408                     &         max_power_strain=inp%fit_SPC_maxS,initialize_data=inp%fit_initializeData==1,&
409                     &         fit_tolMSDF=inp%fit_tolMSDF,fit_tolMSDS=inp%fit_tolMSDS,fit_tolMSDE=inp%fit_tolMSDE,&
410                     &         fit_tolMSDFS=inp%fit_tolMSDFS,fit_tolGF=inp%fit_tolGF,&
411                     &         verbose=.true.,positive=.false.,&
412                     &         anharmstr=inp%fit_anhaStrain==1,&
413                     &         spcoupling=inp%fit_SPCoupling==1,prt_anh=inp%analyze_anh_pot,&
414                     &         fit_iatom=inp%fit_iatom,prt_files=.TRUE.,fit_on=inp%fit_on,sel_on=inp%sel_on,&
415                     &         fit_factors=inp%fit_factors,prt_GF_csv=inp%prt_GF_csv,dispterms=inp%fit_dispterms==1)
416              else
417                 if (inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom/=0)then
418                    if (mod(inp%fit_ncoeff,inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom) /= 0)then
419                       write(message,'(2a,I3,2a,I3,3a)') ch10,&
420                            & 'fit_ncoeff_per_iatom = ', inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom,ch10,&
421                            & 'is not a divider of fit_ncoeff = ', inp%fit_ncoeff,ch10,&
422                            & 'Action: Change fit_ncoeff and/or fit_ncoeff_per_iatom',ch10
423                       ABI_ERROR(message)
424                    endif
425                    niter = inp%fit_ncoeff/inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom
426                    if (mod(niter,reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat) /= 0)then
427                       write(message,'(2a,I3,2a,I3,2a,I3,3a)') ch10,&
428                            & 'fit_ncoeff_per_iatom = ', inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom,ch10,&
429                            & 'times the number of irreducible atoms = ',reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat,ch10,&
430                            & 'is not a divider of fit_ncoeff = ', inp%fit_ncoeff,ch10,&
431                            & 'Action: Change fit_ncoeff and/or fit_ncoeff_per_iatom',ch10
432                       ABI_ERROR(message)
433                    endif
434                    niter = niter/reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat
435                 else if (inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom == 0)then
436                    if (mod(inp%fit_ncoeff,reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat) /= 0)then
437                       write(message,'(2a,I3,2a,I3,3a)') ch10,&
438                            & 'The number of irreducible atoms = ',reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat,ch10,&
439                            & 'is not a divider of fit_ncoeff = ', inp%fit_ncoeff,ch10,&
440                            & 'Action: Change fit_ncoeff',ch10
441                       ABI_ERROR(message)
442                    endif
443                    inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom = inp%fit_ncoeff/reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat
444                    niter = 1
445                 endif
446                 write(message,'(a,(80a),7a,I3,3a,I3,3a,I3,3a,I3,2a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
447                      & '  Starting Fit Iterations  ',ch10,&
448                      & '  -----------------------  ',ch10,&
449                      & '  Select in total fit_ncoeff = ', inp%fit_ncoeff,' coefficients',ch10,&
450                      & '  In ', niter,' iterations',ch10,&
451                      & '  Over ', reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat, ' irreducible atoms',ch10,&
452                      & '  Selecting ', inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom, ' coefficients per atom in each iteration',ch10
453                 call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
454                 call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
455                 need_prt_files=.FALSE.
456                 do iiter=1,niter
457                   write(message,'(a,(80a),3a,I3,a,I3,2a)') ch10,('-',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
458                           &    ' Start Iteration (',iiter,'/',niter,')',ch10
459                   call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
460                   call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
461                   do ii=1,reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat
462                     if(ii == reference_effective_potential%crystal%nirredat .and. iiter==niter)need_prt_files=.TRUE.
463                     if(ii > 1 .or. iiter > 1)inp%fit_nfixcoeff = -1
464                        call fit_polynomial_coeff_fit(reference_effective_potential,&
465                           &         inp%fit_bancoeff,inp%fit_fixcoeff,hist,inp%fit_generateCoeff,&
466                           &         inp%fit_rangePower,inp%fit_nbancoeff,inp%fit_ncoeff_per_iatom,&
467                           &         inp%fit_nfixcoeff,inp%fit_nimposecoeff,inp%fit_imposecoeff,&
468                           &         option,comm,cutoff_in=inp%fit_cutoff,&
469                           &         max_power_strain=inp%fit_SPC_maxS,initialize_data=inp%fit_initializeData==1,&
470                           &         fit_tolMSDF=inp%fit_tolMSDF,fit_tolMSDS=inp%fit_tolMSDS,fit_tolMSDE=inp%fit_tolMSDE,&
471                           &         fit_tolMSDFS=inp%fit_tolMSDFS,fit_tolGF=inp%fit_tolGF,&
472                           &         verbose=.true.,positive=.false.,&
473                           &         anharmstr=inp%fit_anhaStrain==1,&
474                           &         spcoupling=inp%fit_SPCoupling==1,prt_anh=inp%analyze_anh_pot,&
475                           &         fit_iatom=reference_effective_potential%crystal%irredatindx(ii),&
476                           &         prt_files=need_prt_files,fit_on=inp%fit_on,sel_on=inp%sel_on,&
477                           &         fit_factors=inp%fit_factors,prt_GF_csv=inp%prt_GF_csv,dispterms=inp%fit_dispterms==1)
478                   enddo
479                 enddo
480              endif
481           end if
482        else
483           write(message, '(3a)' )&
484                &       'There is no step in the MD file ',ch10,&
485                &       'Action: add correct MD file'
486           ABI_ERROR(message)
487        end if
488     end if
491     !try to bound the model with mover_effpot
492     !we need to use the molecular dynamics
493     if(inp%bound_model>0.and.inp%bound_model<=2)then
494        call mover_effpot(inp,filnam,reference_effective_potential,-1*inp%bound_model,comm,hist=hist)
495    !Marcus: New option for bound_model: use optimize routine for generting specific high order terms
496    elseif(inp%bound_model == 3)then
497     write(message,'(a,(80a),4a)')ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
498 &    'Bound Process 3: Generate equivalent high order terms',ch10
499     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
500     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
502     call opt_effpotbound(reference_effective_potential,inp%bound_rangePower,hist, inp%bound_EFS,&
503 &                       inp%bound_factors,inp%bound_penalty,comm)
505     end if
507 !****************************************************************************************
508 ! OPTIMIZE SECTION, Optimize selected coefficients of effective potential while
509 ! keeping the others constant
510 !****************************************************************************************
512  if(inp%opt_effpot == 1)then
513     write(message,'(a,(80a),4a)')ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
514 &    'Optimizing Effective Potential',ch10
516     call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
517     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
519      need_analyze_anh_pot = .FALSE.
520      if(inp%analyze_anh_pot == 1) need_analyze_anh_pot = .TRUE.
522     call opt_effpot(reference_effective_potential,inp%opt_ncoeff,inp%opt_coeff,hist,inp%opt_on,&
523 &                   inp%opt_factors,comm,print_anh=need_analyze_anh_pot)
524  end if
528 !****************************************************************************************
529 ! TEST SECTION test effective potential with regard to test-set
530 !****************************************************************************************
531    if(inp%test_effpot == 1)then
532      if(iam_master) then
533 !    Read the test-set .nc file
534        write(message,'(a,(80a),9a)')ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
535 &       'TEST - SET Option',ch10,&
536 &       '-Reading the test-set file :',ch10,&
537 &       '-',trim(filnam(6)),ch10
539        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
540        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
541        if(filnam(6)/=''.and.filnam(6)/='no')then
542          call effective_potential_file_readMDfile(filnam(6),hist_tes,option=inp%ts_option)
543          if (hist_tes%mxhist == 0)then
544            write(message, '(5a)' )&
545 &           'The test-set ',trim(filnam(6)),' file is empty ',ch10,&
546 &           'Action: add non-empty test-set'
547            ABI_ERROR(message)
548          end if
549        else
550            write(message, '(3a)' )&
551 &           'There is no test-set file ',ch10,&
552 &           'Action: add test-set file'
553            ABI_ERROR(message)
554        end if
555      end if
556 !  MPI BROADCAST the history of the MD
557      call abihist_bcast(hist_tes,master,comm)
558 !  Map the hist in order to be consistent with the supercell into reference_effective_potential
559      call effective_potential_file_mapHistToRef(reference_effective_potential,hist_tes,comm)
560      !  Initialize if to print anharmonic contribution to energy or not
561      need_analyze_anh_pot = .FALSE.
562      if(inp%analyze_anh_pot == 1) need_analyze_anh_pot = .TRUE.
563 !  Call to test routine
564      call fit_polynomial_coeff_testEffPot(reference_effective_potential,hist_tes,master,comm,&
565 &                                   print_anharmonic=need_analyze_anh_pot,scup_dtset=inp%scup_dtset,&
566 &                                         prt_ph=inp%test_prt_ph)
570    end if ! End if(inp%test_effpot == 1)then
572     !TEST_AM
573     !Effective Hamiltonian, compute the energy for given patern
574     ! call mover_effpot(inp,filnam,reference_effective_potential,-2,comm,hist=hist)
575     !TEST_AM
577     !****************************************************************************************
579     !****************************************************************************************
580     !Print the effective potential system + coefficients (only master CPU)
581     if(iam_master) then
582        if (inp%prt_model >= 1) then
583           write(message, '(a,(80a),a)' ) ch10,&
584                &       ('=',ii=1,80)
585           call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
586           call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
587           !name = replace(trim(filnam(2)),".out","")
588           ! Assume new .abo convention
589           name = replace(trim(filnam(2)),".abo","")
590           call effective_potential_writeXML(reference_effective_potential,inp%prt_model,filename=name,&
591                &       prt_dipdip=inp%dipdip_prt==1)
592        else if (inp%prt_model == -2)then
593           !    NetCDF case, in progress
594           name = trim(filnam(2))//""
595           call effective_potential_writeNETCDF(reference_effective_potential,1,filename=name)
596        end if
597     end if
598     !****************************************************************************************
601     ! Print the Phonon dos/spectrum
602     ! if(inp%prt_phfrq > 0) then
603     !     call effective_potential_printPDOS(reference_effective_potential,filnam(2),&
604     !&           inp%ncell,inp%nph1l,inp%prt_phfrq,inp%qph1l)
605     !   end if
607     !Intialisation of the effective potential type
608     !   call effective_potential_file_read(filnam(4),reference_effective_potential,inp,comm)
609     !   name = "test.xml"
610     !   call effective_potential_writeXML(reference_effective_potential,1,filename=name)
611     ! just for TEST
612     !   if(inp%prt_phfrq > 0) then
613     !      natom_sp = reference_effective_potential%supercell%natom_supercell
614     !      ABI_MALLOC(dynmat,(2,3,natom_sp,3,natom_sp))
615     !      call effective_potential_effpot2dynmat(dynmat,inp%delta_df,reference_effective_potential,&
616     ! &                                           reference_effective_potential%supercell%natom_supercell,&
617     ! &                                           int(reference_effective_potential%supercell%qphon),3)
619     !      ABI_FREE(dynmat)
620     !    end if
621     ! end if
625     ! Run lattice dynamics (relaxation or molecular dynamics, most of abinits ionmovs are allowed)
626     !****************************************************************************************
627     if(inp%dynamics>=1) then
628        call mover_effpot(inp,filnam,reference_effective_potential,inp%dynamics,comm)
629     end if
631     !****************************************************************************************
635     !Free the effective_potential and dataset
636     !****************************************************************************************
637     call effective_potential_free(reference_effective_potential)
638     call multibinit_dtset_free(inp)
639     call abihist_free(hist)
640     call abihist_free(hist_tes)
641 !****************************************************************************************
643   end subroutine multibinit_main