ABINIT/screening [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate screening and dielectric functions


 Copyright (C) 2001-2018 ABINIT group (GMR, VO, LR, RWG, MT, MG, RShaltaf)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 acell(3)=length scales of primitive translations (bohr)
 codvsn=code version
 Dtfil<datafiles_type)>=variables related to file names and unit numbers.
 Pawang<pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
 Pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
 Pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
 Psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  Before entering the first time in screening, a significant part of Psps has been initialized:
  the integers dimekb,lmnmax,lnmax,mpssang,mpssoang,mpsso,mgrid, ntypat,n1xccc,usepaw,useylm,
  and the arrays dimensioned to npsp. All the remaining components of Psps are to be initialized in
  the call to pspini. The next time the code enters screening, Psps might be identical to the
  one of the previous Dtset, in which case, no reinitialisation is scheduled in pspini.F90.
 rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations


 Output is written on the main output file.
 The symmetrical inverse dielectric matrix is stored in the _SCR file


  Dtset<type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset


 In case of PAW:
    Two FFT grids are used:
    - A "coarse" FFT grid (defined by ecut) for the application of the Hamiltonian on the plane waves basis.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      Hamiltonian, wave-functions, density related to WFs (rhor here), ... are expressed on this grid.
    - A "fine" FFT grid (defined) by ecutdg) for the computation of the density inside PAW spheres.
      It is defined by nfftf, ngfftf, mgfftf, ...Total density, potentials, ... are expressed on this grid.
 In case of norm-conserving:
    - Only the usual FFT grid (defined by ecut) is used. It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      For compatibility reasons, (nfftf,ngfftf,mgfftf) are set equal to (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) in that case.






  79 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  80 #include "config.h"
  81 #endif
  83 #include "abi_common.h"
  85 subroutine screening(acell,codvsn,Dtfil,Dtset,Pawang,Pawrad,Pawtab,Psps,rprim)
  87  use defs_basis
  88  use defs_datatypes
  89  use defs_abitypes
  90  use defs_wvltypes
  91  use m_profiling_abi
  92  use m_xmpi
  93  use m_xomp
  94  use m_errors
  95  use m_ab7_mixing
  96  use m_kxc
  97  use m_nctk
  98 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
  99  use netcdf
 100 #endif
 101  use libxc_functionals
 102  use m_hdr
 104  use m_io_tools,      only : open_file, file_exists, iomode_from_fname
 105  use m_fstrings,      only : int2char10, sjoin, strcat, itoa
 106  use m_energies,      only : energies_type, energies_init
 107  use m_numeric_tools, only : print_arr, iseven, coeffs_gausslegint
 108  use m_geometry,      only : normv, vdotw, mkrdim, metric
 109  use m_gwdefs,        only : GW_TOLQ0, GW_TOLQ, em1params_free, em1params_t, GW_Q0_DEFAULT
 110  use m_mpinfo,        only : destroy_mpi_enreg
 111  use m_crystal,       only : crystal_free, crystal_t
 112 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 113  use m_crystal_io,    only : crystal_ncwrite
 114 #endif
 115  use m_ebands,        only : ebands_update_occ, ebands_copy, get_valence_idx, get_occupied, apply_scissor, &
 116 &                            ebands_free, ebands_has_metal_scheme, ebands_ncwrite
 117  use m_bz_mesh,       only : kmesh_t, kmesh_free, littlegroup_t, littlegroup_free
 118  use m_kg,            only : getph
 119  use m_gsphere,       only : gsph_free, gsphere_t
 120  use m_vcoul,         only : vcoul_t, vcoul_free
 121  use m_qparticles,    only : rdqps, rdgw, show_QP
 122  use m_screening,     only : make_epsm1_driver, lwl_write, chi_t, chi_free, chi_new
 123  use m_io_screening,  only : hscr_new, hscr_io, write_screening, hscr_free, hscr_t
 124  use m_spectra,       only : spectra_t, spectra_write, spectra_repr, spectra_free, W_EM_LF, W_EM_NLF, W_EELF
 125  use m_fftcore,       only : print_ngfft
 126  use m_fft_mesh,      only : rotate_FFT_mesh, cigfft, get_gftt
 127  use m_wfd,           only : wfd_init, wfd_free,  wfd_nullify, wfd_print, wfd_t, wfd_rotate, wfd_test_ortho,&
 128 &                            wfd_read_wfk, wfd_test_ortho, wfd_copy, wfd_change_ngfft
 129  use m_chi0,          only : output_chi0sumrule
 130  use m_pawang,        only : pawang_type
 131  use m_pawrad,        only : pawrad_type
 132  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type, pawtab_print, pawtab_get_lsize
 133  use m_paw_an,        only : paw_an_type, paw_an_init, paw_an_free, paw_an_nullify
 134  use m_paw_ij,        only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_init, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify
 135  use m_pawfgrtab,     only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_free
 136  use m_pawrhoij,      only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_copy,&
 137 &                            pawrhoij_free, symrhoij, pawrhoij_get_nspden
 138  use m_pawdij,        only : pawdij, symdij_all
 139  use m_paw_pwaves_lmn,only : paw_pwaves_lmn_t, paw_pwaves_lmn_init, paw_pwaves_lmn_free
 140  use m_pawpwij,       only : pawpwff_t, pawpwff_init, pawpwff_free
 141  use m_pawfgr,        only : pawfgr_type, pawfgr_init, pawfgr_destroy
 143 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 144 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 145 #undef ABI_FUNC
 146 #define ABI_FUNC 'screening'
 147  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 148  use interfaces_18_timing
 149  use interfaces_51_manage_mpi
 150  use interfaces_53_ffts
 151  use interfaces_64_psp
 152  use interfaces_65_paw
 153  use interfaces_67_common
 154  use interfaces_69_wfdesc
 155  use interfaces_70_gw
 156 !End of the abilint section
 158  implicit none
 160 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 161 !scalars
 162  character(len=6),intent(in) :: codvsn
 163  type(Datafiles_type),intent(in) :: Dtfil
 164  type(Dataset_type),intent(inout) :: Dtset
 165  type(Pawang_type),intent(inout) :: Pawang
 166  type(Pseudopotential_type),intent(inout) :: Psps
 167 !arrays
 168  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),rprim(3,3)
 169  type(Pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: Pawrad(Psps%ntypat*Dtset%usepaw)
 170  type(Pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat*Dtset%usepaw)
 172 !Local variables ------------------------------
 173  character(len=4) :: ctype='RPA '
 174 !scalars
 175  integer,parameter :: level30=30,tim_fourdp4=4,NOMEGA_PRINTED=15,master=0
 176  integer :: spin,ik_ibz,my_nbks
 177  integer :: choice,cplex,dim_kxcg,dim_wing,ount,omp_ncpus
 178  integer :: fform_chi0,fform_em1,gnt_option,iat,ider,idir,ierr,band
 179  integer :: ifft,ii,ikbz,ikxc,initialized,iomega,ios,ipert
 180  integer :: iqibz,iqcalc,is_qeq0,isym,izero,ifirst,ilast
 181  integer :: label,mgfftf,mgfftgw
 182  integer :: nt_per_proc,work_size
 183  integer :: moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor
 184  integer :: nbcw,nbsc,nbvw,nkxc,nkxc1,n3xccc,optene,istep
 185  integer :: nfftf,nfftf_tot,nfftgw,nfftgw_tot,ngrvdw,nhatgrdim,nprocs,nspden_rhoij
 186  integer :: nscf,nzlmopt,mband
 187  integer :: optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,option,approx_type,option_test,optgrad
 188  integer :: optrad,optrhoij,psp_gencond,my_rank
 189  integer :: rhoxsp_method,comm,test_type,tordering,unt_em1,unt_susc,usexcnhat
 190  real(dp) :: compch_fft,compch_sph,domegareal,e0,ecore,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff
 191  real(dp) :: gsqcutc_eff,gsqcutf_eff,gsqcut_shp,omegaplasma,ucvol,vxcavg,gw_gsq,r_s
 192  real(dp) :: alpha,rhoav,opt_ecut,factor
 193  real(dp):: eff,mempercpu_mb,max_wfsmem_mb,nonscal_mem,ug_mem,ur_mem,cprj_mem
 194  logical :: found,iscompatibleFFT,use_tr,is_first_qcalc
 195  logical :: add_chi0_intraband,update_energies,call_pawinit
 196  character(len=10) :: string
 197  character(len=500) :: msg
 198  character(len=80) :: bar
 199  type(ebands_t) :: KS_BSt,QP_BSt
 200  type(kmesh_t) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
 201  type(vcoul_t) :: Vcp
 202  type(crystal_t) :: Cryst
 203  type(em1params_t) :: Ep
 204  type(Energies_type) :: KS_energies
 205  type(gsphere_t) :: Gsph_epsG0,Gsph_wfn
 206  type(Hdr_type) :: Hdr_wfk,Hdr_local
 207  type(MPI_type) :: MPI_enreg_seq
 208  type(Pawfgr_type) :: Pawfgr
 209  type(hscr_t) :: Hem1,Hchi0
 210  type(wfd_t) :: Wfd,Wfdf
 211  type(spectra_t) :: spectra
 212  type(chi_t) :: chihw
 213  type(wvl_data) :: wvl_dummy
 214 !arrays
 215  integer :: ibocc(Dtset%nsppol),ngfft_gw(18),ngfftc(18),ngfftf(18)
 216  integer,allocatable :: irottb(:,:),ktabr(:,:),ktabrf(:,:),l_size_atm(:)
 217  integer,allocatable :: ks_vbik(:,:),ks_occ_idx(:,:),qp_vbik(:,:),nband(:,:)
 218  integer,allocatable :: nq_spl(:),nlmn_atm(:),gw_gfft(:,:)
 219  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),k0(3),qtmp(3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),tsec(2),strsxc(6)
 220  real(dp),allocatable :: igwene(:,:,:),chi0_sumrule(:),ec_rpa(:),rspower(:)
 221  real(dp),allocatable :: nhat(:,:),nhatgr(:,:,:),ph1d(:,:),ph1df(:,:)
 222  real(dp),allocatable :: rhog(:,:),rhor(:,:),rhor_p(:,:),rhor_kernel(:,:),taug(:,:),taur(:,:)
 223  real(dp),allocatable :: z(:),zw(:),grchempottn(:,:),grewtn(:,:),grvdw(:,:),kxc(:,:),qmax(:)
 224  real(dp),allocatable :: ks_vhartr(:),vpsp(:),ks_vtrial(:,:),ks_vxc(:,:),xccc3d(:)
 225  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: arr_99(:,:),kxcg(:,:),fxc_ADA(:,:,:)
 226  complex(dpc),allocatable :: m_lda_to_qp(:,:,:,:)
 227  complex(dpc),allocatable :: chi0_lwing(:,:,:),chi0_uwing(:,:,:),chi0_head(:,:,:)
 228  complex(dpc),allocatable :: chi0intra_lwing(:,:,:),chi0intra_uwing(:,:,:),chi0intra_head(:,:,:)
 229  complex(gwpc),allocatable,target :: chi0(:,:,:),chi0intra(:,:,:)
 230  complex(gwpc),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: epsm1(:,:,:)
 231  logical,allocatable :: bks_mask(:,:,:),keep_ur(:,:,:)
 232  character(len=80) :: title(2)
 233  character(len=fnlen) :: gw_fname,wfk_fname,lwl_fname
 234  type(littlegroup_t),pointer :: Ltg_q(:)
 235  type(Paw_an_type),allocatable :: Paw_an(:)
 236  type(Paw_ij_type),allocatable :: Paw_ij(:)
 237  type(Pawfgrtab_type),allocatable :: Pawfgrtab(:)
 238  type(Pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: Pawrhoij(:),prev_Pawrhoij(:)
 239  type(pawpwff_t),allocatable :: Paw_pwff(:)
 240  type(paw_pwaves_lmn_t),allocatable :: Paw_onsite(:)
 242 !************************************************************************
 246  call timab(301,1,tsec) ! overall time
 247  call timab(302,1,tsec) ! screening(init
 249  write(msg,'(6a)')&
 250 & ' SCREENING: Calculation of the susceptibility and dielectric matrices ',ch10,ch10,&
 251 & ' Based on a program developped by R.W. Godby, V. Olevano, G. Onida, and L. Reining.',ch10,&
 252 & ' Incorporated in ABINIT by V. Olevano, G.-M. Rignanese, and M. Torrent.'
 253  call wrtout(ab_out, msg,'COLL')
 254  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 256  if(dtset%ucrpa>0) then
 257    write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
 258 &   ' cRPA Calculation: The calculation of the polarisability is constrained (ucrpa/=0)',ch10
 259    call wrtout(ab_out, msg,'COLL')
 260    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 261  end if
 262 #if defined HAVE_GW_DPC
 263  if (gwpc/=8) then
 264    write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
 265 &   ' Number of bytes for double precision complex /=8 ',ch10,&
 266 &   ' Cannot continue due to kind mismatch in BLAS library ',ch10,&
 267 &   ' Some BLAS interfaces are not generated by abilint '
 268    MSG_ERROR(msg)
 269  end if
 270  write(msg,'(a,i2,a)')'.Using double precision arithmetic ; gwpc = ',gwpc,ch10
 271 #else
 272  write(msg,'(a,i2,a)')'.Using single precision arithmetic ; gwpc = ',gwpc,ch10
 273 #endif
 274  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 275  call wrtout(ab_out, msg,'COLL')
 277  ! === Initialize MPI variables, and parallelization level ===
 278  ! gwpara: 0--> sequential run, 1--> parallelism over k-points, 2--> parallelism over bands.
 279  ! gwpara==2, each node has both fully and partially occupied states while conduction bands are divided
 280  comm = xmpi_world; my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs  = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
 282  if (my_rank == master) then
 283    wfk_fname = dtfil%fnamewffk
 284    if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(wfk_fname, msg) /= 0) then
 285      MSG_ERROR(msg)
 286    end if
 287  end if
 288  call xmpi_bcast(wfk_fname, master, comm, ierr)
 290  ! Some variables need to be initialized/nullify at start
 291  call energies_init(KS_energies)
 292  usexcnhat=0
 294  call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
 295  call metric(gmet,gprimd,ab_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 297 !=== Define FFT grid(s) sizes ===
 298 ! Be careful! This mesh is only used for densities and potentials. It is NOT the (usually coarser)
 299 ! GW FFT mesh employed for the oscillator matrix elements that is defined in setmesh.F90.
 300 ! See also NOTES in the comments at the beginning of this file.
 301 ! NOTE: The mesh is defined in invars2m using ecutwfn, in GW Dtset%ecut is forced to be equal to Dtset%ecutwfn.
 303  k0(:)=zero
 304  call pawfgr_init(Pawfgr,Dtset,mgfftf,nfftf,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,ngfftc,ngfftf,&
 305 & gsqcutc_eff=gsqcutc_eff,gsqcutf_eff=gsqcutf_eff,gmet=gmet,k0=k0)
 307  call print_ngfft(ngfftf,'Dense FFT mesh used for densities and potentials')
 308  nfftf_tot=PRODUCT(ngfftf(1:3))
 310  ! We can intialize MPI_enreg and fft distrib here, now ngfft are known
 311  call initmpi_seq(MPI_enreg_seq) ! Fake MPI_type for the sequential part.
 312  call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'c',ngfftc(2),ngfftc(3),'all')
 313  call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'f',ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),'all')
 315 !=============================================
 316 !==== Open and read pseudopotential files ====
 317 !=============================================
 318  call pspini(Dtset,Dtfil,ecore,psp_gencond,gsqcutc_eff,gsqcutf_eff,Pawrad,Pawtab,Psps,rprimd,comm_mpi=comm)
 320 !=== Initialize dimensions and basic objects ===
 321  call setup_screening(codvsn,acell,rprim,ngfftf,wfk_fname,dtfil,Dtset,Psps,Pawtab,&
 322 & ngfft_gw,Hdr_wfk,Hdr_local,Cryst,Kmesh,Qmesh,KS_BSt,Ltg_q,Gsph_epsG0,Gsph_wfn,Vcp,Ep,comm)
 324  call timab(302,2,tsec) ! screening(init)
 325  call print_ngfft(ngfft_gw,'FFT mesh used for oscillator strengths')
 327  nfftgw_tot=PRODUCT(ngfft_gw(1:3))
 328  mgfftgw   =MAXVAL (ngfft_gw(1:3))
 329  nfftgw    =nfftgw_tot ! no FFT //
 332  KS_energies%e_corepsp=ecore/Cryst%ucvol
 334 !==========================
 335 !=== PAW initialization ===
 336 !==========================
 337  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then
 338    call timab(315,1,tsec) ! screening(pawin
 340    call chkpawovlp(Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Dtset%pawovlp,Pawtab,Cryst%rmet,Cryst%typat,Cryst%xred)
 342    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pawrhoij,(Cryst%natom))
 343    nspden_rhoij=pawrhoij_get_nspden(Dtset%nspden,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%pawspnorb)
 344    call pawrhoij_alloc(Pawrhoij,Dtset%pawcpxocc,nspden_rhoij,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%nsppol,&
 345 &   Cryst%typat,pawtab=Pawtab)
 347    ! Initialize values for several basic arrays stored in Pawinit
 348    gnt_option=1;if (dtset%pawxcdev==2.or.(dtset%pawxcdev==1.and.dtset%positron/=0)) gnt_option=2
 350    ! Test if we have to call pawinit
 351    call paw_gencond(Dtset,gnt_option,"test",call_pawinit)
 353    if (psp_gencond==1.or.call_pawinit) then
 354      gsqcut_shp=two*abs(dtset%diecut)*dtset%dilatmx**2/pi**2
 355      call pawinit(gnt_option,gsqcut_shp,zero,Dtset%pawlcutd,Dtset%pawlmix,&
 356 &     Psps%mpsang,Dtset%pawnphi,Cryst%nsym,Dtset%pawntheta,Pawang,Pawrad,&
 357 &     Dtset%pawspnorb,Pawtab,Dtset%pawxcdev,Dtset%xclevel,Dtset%usepotzero)
 359      ! Update internal values
 360      call paw_gencond(Dtset,gnt_option,"save",call_pawinit)
 361    else
 362      if (Pawtab(1)%has_kij  ==1) Pawtab(1:Cryst%ntypat)%has_kij  =2
 363      if (Pawtab(1)%has_nabla==1) Pawtab(1:Cryst%ntypat)%has_nabla=2
 364    end if
 365    Psps%n1xccc=MAXVAL(Pawtab(1:Cryst%ntypat)%usetcore)
 367 !  Initialize optional flags in Pawtab to zero
 368 !  (Cannot be done in Pawinit since the routine is called only if some pars. are changed)
 369    Pawtab(:)%has_nabla = 0
 370    Pawtab(:)%usepawu   = 0
 371    Pawtab(:)%useexexch = 0
 372    Pawtab(:)%exchmix   =zero
 373 !
 374 !  * Evaluate <phi_i|nabla|phi_j>-<tphi_i|nabla|tphi_j> for the long wavelength limit.
 375 !  TODO solve problem with memory leak and clean this part as well as the associated flag
 376    call pawnabla_init(Psps%mpsang,Cryst%ntypat,Pawrad,Pawtab)
 378    call setsymrhoij(gprimd,Pawang%l_max-1,Cryst%nsym,Dtset%pawprtvol,rprimd,Cryst%symrec,Pawang%zarot)
 380 !  * Initialize and compute data for LDA+U.
 381 !  paw_dmft%use_dmft=dtset%usedmft
 382    if (Dtset%usepawu>0.or.Dtset%useexexch>0) then
 383      call pawpuxinit(Dtset%dmatpuopt,Dtset%exchmix,Dtset%f4of2_sla,Dtset%f6of2_sla,&
 384 &     Dtset%jpawu,Dtset%lexexch,Dtset%lpawu,Cryst%ntypat,Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol,&
 385 &     Pawrad,Pawtab,Dtset%upawu,Dtset%usedmft,Dtset%useexexch,Dtset%usepawu,dtset%ucrpa)
 386    end if
 388    if (my_rank == master) call pawtab_print(Pawtab)
 390    ! Get Pawrhoij from the header of the WFK file.
 391    call pawrhoij_copy(Hdr_wfk%Pawrhoij,Pawrhoij)
 393    ! Re-symmetrize symrhoij.
 394 !  this call leads to a SIGFAULT, likely some pointer is not initialized correctly
 395    choice=1; optrhoij=1; ipert=0; idir=0
 396 !  call symrhoij(Pawrhoij,Pawrhoij,choice,Cryst%gprimd,Cryst%indsym,ipert,Cryst%natom,&
 397 !  &             Cryst%nsym,Cryst%ntypat,optrhoij,Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawtab,&
 398 !  &             Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%symafm,Cryst%symrec,Cryst%typat)
 399 !
 400    ! Evaluate form factors for the radial part of phi.phj-tphi.tphj ===
 401    ! rhoxsp_method=1 ! Arnaud-Alouani
 402    ! rhoxsp_method=2 ! Shiskin-Kresse
 403    rhoxsp_method=2
 405    ! At least for ucrpa, the Arnaud Alouani is always a better choice but needs a larger cutoff
 406    if(dtset%ucrpa>0) rhoxsp_method=1
 407    if (Dtset%pawoptosc /= 0) rhoxsp_method = Dtset%pawoptosc
 409    ABI_MALLOC(gw_gfft,(3,nfftgw_tot))
 410    call get_gftt(ngfft_gw,(/zero,zero,zero/),gmet,gw_gsq,gw_gfft)
 411    ABI_FREE(gw_gfft)
 413 !  Set up q grids, make qmax 20% larger than largest expected:
 414    ABI_MALLOC(nq_spl,(Psps%ntypat))
 415    ABI_MALLOC(qmax,(Psps%ntypat))
 416    nq_spl = Psps%mqgrid_ff
 417    qmax = SQRT(gw_gsq)*1.2d0  !qmax = Psps%qgrid_ff(Psps%mqgrid_ff)
 418    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_pwff,(Psps%ntypat))
 420    call pawpwff_init(Paw_pwff,rhoxsp_method,nq_spl,qmax,gmet,Pawrad,Pawtab,Psps)
 421    ABI_FREE(nq_spl)
 422    ABI_FREE(qmax)
 424    ! Variables/arrays related to the fine FFT grid
 425    ABI_MALLOC(nhat,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden))
 426    nhat=zero; cplex=1
 427    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pawfgrtab,(Cryst%natom))
 428    call pawtab_get_lsize(Pawtab,l_size_atm,Cryst%natom,Cryst%typat)
 429    call pawfgrtab_init(Pawfgrtab,cplex,l_size_atm,Dtset%nspden,Dtset%typat)
 430    ABI_FREE(l_size_atm)
 431    compch_fft=greatest_real
 432    usexcnhat=MAXVAL(Pawtab(:)%usexcnhat)
 433 !  * 0 --> Vloc in atomic data is Vbare    (Blochl s formulation)
 434 !  * 1 --> Vloc in atomic data is VH(tnzc) (Kresse s formulation)
 435    write(msg,'(a,i3)')' screening : using usexcnhat = ',usexcnhat
 436    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 437 !
 438 !  Identify parts of the rectangular grid where the density has to be calculated.
 439    optcut=0;optgr0=Dtset%pawstgylm; optgr1=0; optgr2=0; optrad=1-Dtset%pawstgylm
 440    if (Dtset%pawcross==1) optrad=1
 441    if (Dtset%xclevel==2.and.usexcnhat>0) optgr1=Dtset%pawstgylm
 443    call nhatgrid(Cryst%atindx1,gmet,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%nattyp,ngfftf,Cryst%ntypat,&
 444 &   optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,Pawfgrtab,Pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%typat,Cryst%ucvol,Cryst%xred)
 446    call timab(315,2,tsec) ! screening(pawin
 447  else
 448    ! allocate empty structure for the sake of -fcheck=all...
 449    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_pwff,(0))
 450    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pawrhoij,(0))
 451    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Pawfgrtab,(0))
 452  end if ! End of PAW initialization.
 454  ! Consistency check and additional stuff done only for GW with PAW.
 455  ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_onsite,(Cryst%natom))
 456  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then
 457    if (Dtset%ecutwfn < Dtset%ecut) then
 458      write(msg,"(5a)")&
 459 &     "WARNING - ",ch10,&
 460 &     "  It is highly recommended to use ecutwfn = ecut for GW calculations with PAW since ",ch10,&
 461 &     "  an excessive truncation of the planewave basis set can lead to unphysical results."
 462      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 463    end if
 465    ABI_CHECK(Dtset%useexexch==0,"LEXX not yet implemented in GW")
 466    ABI_CHECK(Dtset%usedmft==0,"DMFT + GW not available")
 468    if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 469      optgrad=1
 470      call paw_pwaves_lmn_init(Paw_onsite,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Cryst%rprimd,&
 471 &     Cryst%xcart,Pawtab,Pawrad,Pawfgrtab,optgrad)
 472    end if
 473  end if
 475 !Allocate these arrays anyway, since they are passed to subroutines.
 476  if (.not.allocated(nhat))  then
 477    ABI_MALLOC(nhat,(nfftf,0))
 478  end if
 480  call timab(316,1,tsec) ! screening(wfs
 482 !=====================================================
 483 !=== Prepare the distribution of the wavefunctions ===
 484 !=====================================================
 485 ! valence and partially occupied are replicate on each node  while conduction bands are MPI distributed.
 486 ! This method is mandatory if gwpara==2 and/or we are using awtr==1 or the spectral method.
 487 ! If awtr==1, we evaluate chi0 taking advantage of time-reversal (speed-up~2)
 488 ! Useful indeces:
 489 !       nbvw = Max. number of fully/partially occupied states over spin
 490 !       nbcw = Max. number of unoccupied states considering the spin
 491 !TODO:
 492 !  Here for semiconducting systems we have to be sure that each processor has all the
 493 !  states considered in the SCGW, moreover nbsc<nbvw
 494 !  in case of SCGW vale and conduction has to be recalculated to avoid errors
 495 !  if a metal becomes semiconductor or viceversa.
 496 !  Ideally nbvw should include only the states v such that the transition
 497 !  c-->v is taken into account in cchi0 (see GW_TOLDOCC). In the present implementation
 499  ABI_MALLOC(ks_occ_idx,(KS_BSt%nkpt,KS_BSt%nsppol))
 500  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vbik   ,(KS_BSt%nkpt,KS_BSt%nsppol))
 501  ABI_MALLOC(qp_vbik   ,(KS_BSt%nkpt,KS_BSt%nsppol))
 503  call ebands_update_occ(KS_BSt,Dtset%spinmagntarget,prtvol=0)
 504  ks_occ_idx = get_occupied(KS_BSt,tol8) ! tol8 to be consistent when the density
 505  ks_vbik    = get_valence_idx(KS_BSt)
 507  ibocc(:)=MAXVAL(ks_occ_idx(:,:),DIM=1) ! Max occupied band index for each spin.
 508  ABI_FREE(ks_occ_idx)
 510  use_tr=.FALSE.; nbvw=0
 511  if (Dtset%gwpara==2.or.Ep%awtr==1.or.Dtset%spmeth>0) then
 512    use_tr=.TRUE.
 513    nbvw=MAXVAL(ibocc)
 514    nbcw=Ep%nbnds-nbvw
 515    write(msg,'(4a,i0,2a,i0,2a,i0,a)')ch10,&
 516 &   '- screening: taking advantage of time-reversal symmetry ',ch10,&
 517 &   '- Maximum band index for partially occupied states nbvw = ',nbvw,ch10,&
 518 &   '- Remaining bands to be divided among processors   nbcw = ',nbcw,ch10,&
 519 &   '- Number of bands treated by each node ~',nbcw/nprocs,ch10
 520    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 521    if (Cryst%timrev/=2) then
 522      MSG_ERROR('Time-reversal cannot be used since cryst%timrev/=2')
 523    end if
 524  end if
 526  mband=Ep%nbnds
 527  ABI_MALLOC(nband,(Kmesh%nibz,Dtset%nsppol))
 528  nband=mband
 529  ABI_MALLOC(bks_mask,(mband,Kmesh%nibz,Dtset%nsppol))
 530  ABI_MALLOC(keep_ur,(mband,Kmesh%nibz,Dtset%nsppol))
 531  bks_mask=.FALSE.; keep_ur=.FALSE.
 533  ! autoparal section
 534  if (dtset%max_ncpus /=0) then
 535    ount = ab_out
 536    ! Temporary table needed to estimate memory
 537    ABI_MALLOC(nlmn_atm,(Cryst%natom))
 538    if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then
 539      do iat=1,Cryst%natom
 540        nlmn_atm(iat)=Pawtab(Cryst%typat(iat))%lmn_size
 541      end do
 542    end if
 544    write(ount,'(a)')"--- !Autoparal"
 545    write(ount,"(a)")"# Autoparal section for Screening runs"
 546    write(ount,"(a)")   "info:"
 547    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    autoparal: ",dtset%autoparal
 548    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    max_ncpus: ",dtset%max_ncpus
 549    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    gwpara: ",dtset%gwpara
 550    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nkpt: ",dtset%nkpt
 551    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol
 552    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor
 553    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nbnds: ",Ep%nbnds
 555    work_size = nbvw * nbcw * Kmesh%nibz**2 * Dtset%nsppol
 557    ! Non-scalable memory in Mb i.e. memory that is not distribute with MPI.
 558    nonscal_mem = (two*gwpc*Ep%npwe**2*(Ep%nomega*b2Mb)) * 1.1_dp
 560    ! List of configurations.
 561    ! Assuming an OpenMP implementation with perfect speedup!
 562    write(ount,"(a)")"configurations:"
 564    do ii=1,dtset%max_ncpus
 565      nt_per_proc = 0
 566      eff = HUGE(one)
 567      max_wfsmem_mb = zero
 569      do my_rank=0,ii-1
 570        call chi0_bksmask(Dtset,Ep,Kmesh,nbvw,nbcw,my_rank,ii,bks_mask,keep_ur,ierr)
 571        if (ierr /= 0) exit
 572        nt_per_proc = MAX(nt_per_proc, COUNT(bks_mask(1:nbvw,:,:)) * COUNT(bks_mask(nbvw+1:,:,:)))
 573        eff = MIN(eff, (one * work_size) / (ii * nt_per_proc))
 575        ! Memory needed for Fourier components ug.
 576        my_nbks = COUNT(bks_mask)
 577        ug_mem = two*gwpc*Dtset%nspinor*Ep%npwwfn*my_nbks*b2Mb
 579        ! Memory needed for real space ur.
 580        ur_mem = two*gwpc*Dtset%nspinor*nfftgw*COUNT(keep_ur)*b2Mb
 582        ! Memory needed for PAW projections Cprj
 583        cprj_mem = zero
 584        if (Dtset%usepaw==1) cprj_mem = dp*Dtset%nspinor*SUM(nlmn_atm)*my_nbks*b2Mb
 586        max_wfsmem_mb = MAX(max_wfsmem_mb, ug_mem + ur_mem + cprj_mem)
 587      end do
 588      if (ierr /= 0) cycle
 590      ! Add the non-scalable part and increase by 10% to account for other datastructures.
 591      mempercpu_mb = (max_wfsmem_mb + nonscal_mem) * 1.1_dp
 593      do omp_ncpus=1,xomp_get_max_threads()
 594        write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    - tot_ncpus: ",ii * omp_ncpus
 595        write(ount,"(a,i0)")"      mpi_ncpus: ",ii
 596        write(ount,"(a,i0)")"      omp_ncpus: ",omp_ncpus
 597        write(ount,"(a,f12.9)")"      efficiency: ",eff
 598        write(ount,"(a,f12.2)")"      mem_per_cpu: ",mempercpu_mb
 599      end do
 600    end do
 601    write(ount,'(a)')"..."
 603    ABI_FREE(nlmn_atm)
 604    MSG_ERROR_NODUMP("aborting now")
 605  else
 606    call chi0_bksmask(Dtset,Ep,Kmesh,nbvw,nbcw,my_rank,nprocs,bks_mask,keep_ur,ierr)
 607  end if
 609 ! Initialize the Wf_info object (allocate %ug and %ur if required).
 610  opt_ecut=Dtset%ecutwfn
 611 !opt_ecut=zero
 613 !call gsph_init(Gsph_wfn,Cryst,Ep%npwvec,gvec=gvec_kss)
 615  call wfd_init(Wfd,Cryst,Pawtab,Psps,keep_ur,Dtset%paral_kgb,Ep%npwwfn,mband,nband,Ep%nkibz,Dtset%nsppol,bks_mask,&
 616 & Dtset%nspden,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%ecutsm,Dtset%dilatmx,Hdr_wfk%istwfk,Kmesh%ibz,ngfft_gw,&
 617 & Gsph_wfn%gvec,Dtset%nloalg,Dtset%prtvol,Dtset%pawprtvol,comm,opt_ecut=opt_ecut)
 619  if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 620    call wfd_init(Wfdf,Cryst,Pawtab,Psps,keep_ur,Dtset%paral_kgb,Ep%npwwfn,mband,nband,Ep%nkibz,Dtset%nsppol,bks_mask,&
 621 &   Dtset%nspden,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%ecutsm,Dtset%dilatmx,Hdr_wfk%istwfk,Kmesh%ibz,ngfft_gw,&
 622 &   Gsph_wfn%gvec,Dtset%nloalg,Dtset%prtvol,Dtset%pawprtvol,comm,opt_ecut=opt_ecut)
 623  end if
 625  ABI_FREE(bks_mask)
 626  ABI_FREE(nband)
 627  ABI_FREE(keep_ur)
 629  call wfd_print(Wfd,mode_paral='PERS')
 630 !FIXME: Rewrite the treatment of use_tr branches in cchi0 ...
 631 !Use a different nbvw for each spin.
 632 !Now use_tr means that one can use time-reversal symmetry.
 634 !==================================================
 635 !==== Read KS band structure from the KSS file ====
 636 !==================================================
 637  call wfd_read_wfk(Wfd,wfk_fname,iomode_from_fname(wfk_fname))
 639  if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 640    call wfd_copy(Wfd,Wfdf)
 641    call wfd_change_ngfft(Wfdf,Cryst,Psps,ngfftf)
 642  end if
 644  ! This test has been disabled (too expensive!)
 645  if (.False.) call wfd_test_ortho(Wfd,Cryst,Pawtab,unit=ab_out,mode_paral="COLL")
 647  call timab(316,2,tsec) ! screening(wfs
 648  call timab(319,1,tsec) ! screening(1)
 650  if (Cryst%nsym/=Dtset%nsym .and. Dtset%usepaw==1) then
 651    MSG_ERROR('Cryst%nsym/=Dtset%nsym, check pawinit and symrhoij')
 652  end if
 654 ! Get the FFT index of $ (R^{-1}(r-\tau)) $
 655 ! S= $\transpose R^{-1}$ and k_BZ = S k_IBZ
 656 ! irottb is the FFT index of $ R^{-1} (r-\tau) $ used to symmetrize u_Sk.
 657  ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(nfftgw,Cryst%nsym))
 658  call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,ngfft_gw,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
 660  ABI_MALLOC(ktabr,(nfftgw,Kmesh%nbz))
 661  do ikbz=1,Kmesh%nbz
 662    isym=Kmesh%tabo(ikbz)
 663    do ifft=1,nfftgw
 664      ktabr(ifft,ikbz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
 665    end do
 666  end do
 667  ABI_FREE(irottb)
 669  if (Dtset%usepaw==1 .and. Dtset%pawcross==1) then
 670    ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(nfftf,Cryst%nsym))
 671    call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,ngfftf,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
 673    ABI_MALLOC(ktabrf,(nfftf,Kmesh%nbz))
 674    do ikbz=1,Kmesh%nbz
 675      isym=Kmesh%tabo(ikbz)
 676      do ifft=1,nfftf
 677        ktabrf(ifft,ikbz)=irottb(ifft,isym)
 678      end do
 679    end do
 680    ABI_FREE(irottb)
 681  else
 682    ABI_MALLOC(ktabrf,(0,0))
 683  end if
 685 !=== Compute structure factor phases and large sphere cut-off ===
 686 !WARNING cannot use Dtset%mgfft, this has to be checked better
 687 !mgfft=MAXVAL(ngfftc(:))
 688 !allocate(ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*Cryst%natom),ph1df(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*Cryst%natom))
 689  write(std_out,*)' CHECK ',Dtset%mgfftdg,mgfftf
 690  !if (Dtset%mgfftdg/=mgfftf) write(std_out,*)"WARNING Dtset%mgfftf /= mgfftf"
 691  ABI_MALLOC(ph1d,(2,3*(2*Dtset%mgfft+1)*Cryst%natom))
 692  ABI_MALLOC(ph1df,(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*Cryst%natom))
 693  call getph(Cryst%atindx,Cryst%natom,ngfftc(1),ngfftc(2),ngfftc(3),ph1d,Cryst%xred)
 695  if (Psps%usepaw==1.and.Pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 696    call getph(Cryst%atindx,Cryst%natom,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),ph1df,Cryst%xred)
 697  else
 698    ph1df(:,:)=ph1d(:,:)
 699  end if
 701 ! Initialize QP_BSt using KS bands
 702 ! In case of SCGW, update QP_BSt using the QPS file.
 703  call ebands_copy(KS_BSt,QP_BSt)
 705  call timab(319,2,tsec) ! screening(1)
 707 !============================
 708 !==== Self-consistent GW ====
 709 !============================
 710  if (Ep%gwcalctyp>=10) then
 711    call timab(304,1,tsec) ! KS => QP; [wfrg]
 713    ! Initialize with KS eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
 714    ABI_MALLOC(m_lda_to_qp,(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz,Wfd%nsppol))
 715    m_lda_to_qp = czero
 716    do spin=1,Wfd%nsppol
 717      do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz
 718        do band=1,Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
 719          m_lda_to_qp(band,band,:,:) = cone
 720        end do
 721      end do
 722    end do
 724    ! Read unitary transformation and QP energies.
 725    ! TODO switch on the renormalization of n in screening, QPS should report bdgw
 726    ABI_MALLOC(rhor_p,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden))
 727    ABI_DT_MALLOC(prev_Pawrhoij,(Cryst%natom*Psps%usepaw))
 729    call rdqps(QP_BSt,Dtfil%fnameabi_qps,Dtset%usepaw,Dtset%nspden,1,nscf,&
 730 &   nfftf,ngfftf,Cryst%ucvol,Dtset%paral_kgb,Cryst,Pawtab,MPI_enreg_seq,nbsc,m_lda_to_qp,rhor_p,prev_Pawrhoij)
 732    ABI_FREE(rhor_p)
 733    ABI_DT_FREE(prev_Pawrhoij)
 735    ! FIXME this is to preserve the old implementation for the head and the wings in ccchi0q0
 736    ! But has to be rationalized
 737    KS_BSt%eig=QP_BSt%eig
 739    ! Calculate new occ. factors and fermi level.
 740    call ebands_update_occ(QP_BSt,Dtset%spinmagntarget)
 741    qp_vbik(:,:) = get_valence_idx(QP_BSt)
 743    ! === Update only the wfg treated with GW ===
 744    ! For PAW update and re-symmetrize cprj in the full BZ, TODO add rotation in spinor space
 745    if (nscf/=0) call wfd_rotate(Wfd,Cryst,m_lda_to_qp)
 747    ABI_FREE(m_lda_to_qp)
 748    call timab(304,2,tsec)
 749  end if ! gwcalctyp>=10
 751  call timab(305,1,tsec) ! screening(densit
 752 !
 753 !=== In case update the eigenvalues ===
 754 !* Either use a scissor operator or an external GW file.
 755  gw_fname = "__in.gw__"
 756  update_energies = file_exists(gw_fname)
 758  if (ABS(Ep%mbpt_sciss)>tol6) then
 759    write(msg,'(5a,f7.3,a)')&
 760 &   ' screening : performing a first self-consistency',ch10,&
 761 &   ' update of the energies in W by a scissor operator',ch10,&
 762 &   ' applying a scissor operator of [eV] : ',Ep%mbpt_sciss*Ha_eV,ch10
 763    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 764    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 765    call apply_scissor(QP_BSt,Ep%mbpt_sciss)
 766  else if (update_energies) then
 767    write(msg,'(4a)')&
 768 &   ' screening : performing a first self-consistency',ch10,&
 769 &   ' update of the energies in W by a previous GW calculation via GW file: ',TRIM(gw_fname)
 770    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 771    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 772    ABI_MALLOC(igwene,(QP_Bst%mband,QP_Bst%nkpt,QP_Bst%nsppol))
 773    call rdgw(QP_BSt,gw_fname,igwene,extrapolate=.FALSE.)
 774 !  call rdgw(QP_BSt,gw_fname,igwene,extrapolate=.TRUE.)
 775    ABI_FREE(igwene)
 776    call ebands_update_occ(QP_BSt,Dtset%spinmagntarget)
 777  end if
 779 !========================
 780 !=== COMPUTE DENSITY ====
 781 !========================
 782 !* Evaluate PW part (complete charge in case of NC pseudos)
 783 !TODO this part has to be rewritten. If I decrease the tol on the occupations
 784 !I have to code some MPI stuff also if use_tr==.TRUE.
 786  ABI_MALLOC(rhor,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden))
 787  ABI_MALLOC(taur,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden*Dtset%usekden))
 789  call wfd_mkrho(Wfd,Cryst,Psps,Kmesh,QP_BSt,ngfftf,nfftf,rhor)
 790  if (Dtset%usekden==1) then
 791    call wfd_mkrho(Wfd,Cryst,Psps,Kmesh,QP_BSt,ngfftf,nfftf,taur,optcalc=1)
 792  end if
 794  call timab(305,2,tsec) ! screening(densit
 796  nhatgrdim = 0
 797  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then ! Additional computation for PAW.
 798    call timab(320,1,tsec) ! screening(paw
 800 !  Add the compensation charge to the PW density.
 801    nhatgrdim=0; if (Dtset%xclevel==2) nhatgrdim=usexcnhat*Dtset%pawnhatxc
 802    cplex=1; ider=2*nhatgrdim; izero=0
 803    if (nhatgrdim>0)  then
 804      ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden,3))
 805    else
 806      ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden,0))
 807    end if
 808    call pawmknhat(compch_fft,cplex,ider,idir,ipert,izero,Cryst%gprimd,&
 809 &   Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,nhatgrdim,Dtset%nspden,Cryst%ntypat,Pawang,&
 810 &   Pawfgrtab,nhatgr,nhat,Pawrhoij,Pawrhoij,Pawtab,k0,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%ucvol,dtset%usewvl,Cryst%xred)
 812 !  === Evaluate onsite energies, potentials, densities ===
 813 !  * Initialize variables/arrays related to the PAW spheres.
 814 !  * Initialize also lmselect (index of non-zero LM-moments of densities).
 815    cplex=1
 816    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_ij,(Cryst%natom))
 817    call paw_ij_nullify(Paw_ij)
 818    call paw_ij_init(Paw_ij,cplex,Dtset%nspinor,Wfd%nsppol,&
 819 &   Wfd%nspden,Dtset%pawspnorb,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Cryst%typat,Pawtab,&
 820 &   has_dij=1,has_dijhartree=1,has_exexch_pot=1,has_pawu_occ=1)
 822    nkxc1=0
 823    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_an,(Cryst%natom))
 824    call paw_an_nullify(Paw_an)
 825    call paw_an_init(Paw_an,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,nkxc1,Dtset%nspden,&
 826 &   cplex,Dtset%pawxcdev,Cryst%typat,Pawang,Pawtab,has_vxc=1,has_vxcval=0)
 828    nzlmopt=-1; option=0; compch_sph=greatest_real
 829    call pawdenpot(compch_sph,KS_energies%e_paw,KS_energies%e_pawdc,ipert,Dtset%ixc,&
 830 &   Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Dtset%nspden,Cryst%ntypat,Dtset%nucdipmom,nzlmopt,option,Paw_an,Paw_an,&
 831 &   Paw_ij,Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawrad,Pawrhoij,Dtset%pawspnorb,Pawtab,Dtset%pawxcdev,Dtset%spnorbscl,&
 832 &   Dtset%xclevel,Dtset%xc_denpos,Cryst%ucvol,Psps%znuclpsp)
 833    call timab(320,2,tsec) ! screening(paw
 834  else
 835    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_ij,(0))
 836    ABI_DT_MALLOC(Paw_an,(0))
 837  end if ! usepaw
 839  call timab(321,1,tsec) ! screening(2)
 841  !JB : Should be remove : cf. l 839
 842  if (.not.allocated(nhatgr))  then
 843    ABI_MALLOC(nhatgr,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden,0))
 844  end if
 846  call test_charge(nfftf,KS_BSt%nelect,Dtset%nspden,rhor,ucvol,&
 847 & Dtset%usepaw,usexcnhat,Pawfgr%usefinegrid,compch_sph,compch_fft,omegaplasma)
 849 !For PAW, add the compensation charge the FFT mesh, then get rho(G).
 850  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) rhor(:,:)=rhor(:,:)+nhat(:,:)
 852  call prtrhomxmn(std_out,MPI_enreg_seq,nfftf,ngfftf,Dtset%nspden,1,rhor,ucvol=ucvol)
 853  if(Dtset%usekden==1)then
 854    call prtrhomxmn(std_out,MPI_enreg_seq,nfftf,ngfftf,Dtset%nspden,1,taur,ucvol=ucvol,optrhor=1)
 855  end if
 857  if (dtset%gwgamma>0) then
 858    ABI_MALLOC(rhor_kernel,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden))
 859  end if
 861  ABI_MALLOC(rhog,(2,nfftf))
 862  ABI_MALLOC(taug,(2,nfftf*Dtset%usekden))
 863  call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor(:,1),-1,MPI_enreg_seq,nfftf,ngfftf,Dtset%paral_kgb,tim_fourdp4)
 864  if(Dtset%usekden==1)then
 865    call fourdp(1,taug,taur(:,1),-1,MPI_enreg_seq,nfftf,ngfftf,Dtset%paral_kgb,tim_fourdp4)
 866  end if
 868 !The following steps have been gathered in the setvtr routine:
 869 !- get Ewald energy and Ewald forces
 870 !- compute local ionic pseudopotential vpsp
 871 !- eventually compute 3D core electron density xccc3d
 872 !- eventually compute vxc and vhartr
 873 !- set up ks_vtrial
 874 !**************************************************************
 876 !**************************************************************
 878  ngrvdw=0
 879  ABI_MALLOC(grvdw,(3,ngrvdw))
 880  ABI_MALLOC(grchempottn,(3,Cryst%natom))
 881  ABI_MALLOC(grewtn,(3,Cryst%natom))
 882  nkxc=0
 883  if (Dtset%nspden==1) nkxc=2
 884  if (Dtset%nspden>=2) nkxc=3 ! check GGA and spinor that is messy !!!
 885  ! If MGGA, fxc and kxc are not available and we dont need them for the screening part (for now ...)
 886  if (Dtset%ixc<0 .and. libxc_functionals_ismgga()) nkxc=0
 887  if (nkxc/=0)  then
 888    ABI_MALLOC(kxc,(nfftf,nkxc))
 889  end if
 891  n3xccc=0; if (Psps%n1xccc/=0) n3xccc=nfftf
 892  ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d,(n3xccc))
 893  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vhartr,(nfftf))
 894  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vtrial,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden))
 895  ABI_MALLOC(vpsp,(nfftf))
 896  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vxc,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden))
 898  optene=4; moved_atm_inside=0; moved_rhor=0; initialized=1; istep=1
 899  call setvtr(Cryst%atindx1,Dtset,KS_energies,Cryst%gmet,Cryst%gprimd,grchempottn,grewtn,grvdw,gsqcutf_eff,istep,kxc,mgfftf,&
 900 & moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor,MPI_enreg_seq, &
 901 & Cryst%nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,Cryst%ntypat,&
 902 & Psps%n1xccc,n3xccc,optene,pawrad,Pawtab,ph1df,Psps,rhog,rhor,Cryst%rmet,Cryst%rprimd,strsxc,Cryst%ucvol,usexcnhat,&
 903 & ks_vhartr,vpsp,ks_vtrial,ks_vxc,vxcavg,wvl_dummy,xccc3d,Cryst%xred,taug=taug,taur=taur)
 905  if (nkxc/=0)  then
 906    ABI_FREE(kxc)
 907  end if
 908  ABI_FREE(grchempottn)
 909  ABI_FREE(grewtn)
 910  ABI_FREE(grvdw)
 911  ABI_FREE(xccc3d)
 913 !============================
 914 !==== Compute KS PAW Dij ====
 915 !============================
 916  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then
 917    call timab(561,1,tsec)
 919 !  Calculate unsymmetrized Dij.
 920    cplex=1; ipert=0; idir=0
 921    call pawdij(cplex,Dtset%enunit,Cryst%gprimd,ipert,&
 922 &   Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,nfftf,ngfftf(1)*ngfftf(2)*ngfftf(3),&
 923 &   Dtset%nspden,Cryst%ntypat,Paw_an,Paw_ij,Pawang,Pawfgrtab,Dtset%pawprtvol,&
 924 &   Pawrad,Pawrhoij,Dtset%pawspnorb,Pawtab,Dtset%pawxcdev,k0,Dtset%spnorbscl,&
 925 &   Cryst%ucvol,dtset%charge,ks_vtrial,ks_vxc,Cryst%xred,&
 926 &   nucdipmom=Dtset%nucdipmom)
 928 !  Symmetrize KS Dij
 929 #if 0
 930    call symdij(Cryst%gprimd,Cryst%indsym,ipert,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,&
 931 &   Cryst%nsym,Cryst%ntypat,0,Paw_ij,Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%symafm,&
 932 &   Cryst%symrec)
 933 #else
 934    call symdij_all(Cryst%gprimd,Cryst%indsym,ipert,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,&
 935 &   Cryst%nsym,Cryst%ntypat,Paw_ij,Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%symafm,&
 936 &   Cryst%symrec)
 937 #endif
 938 !
 939 !  Output of the pseudopotential strengths Dij and the augmentation occupancies Rhoij.
 940    call pawprt(Dtset,Cryst%natom,Paw_ij,Pawrhoij,Pawtab)
 941    call timab(561,2,tsec)
 942  end if
 943 !
 944 !=== Calculate the frequency mesh ===
 945 !* First omega is always zero without broadening.
 946 !FIXME what about metals? I think we should add eta, this means we need to know if the system is metallic, for example using occopt
 947 !MS Modified to account for non-zero starting frequency (19-11-2010)
 948 !MS Modified for tangent grid (07-01-2011)
 949  ABI_MALLOC(Ep%omega,(Ep%nomega))
 950  Ep%omega(1)=CMPLX(Ep%omegaermin,zero,kind=dpc)
 952  if (Ep%nomegaer>1) then ! Avoid division by zero.
 953    if (Dtset%gw_frqre_tangrid==0.and.Dtset%gw_frqre_inzgrid==0) then
 954      domegareal=(Ep%omegaermax-Ep%omegaermin)/(Ep%nomegaer-1)
 955      do iomega=2,Ep%nomegaer
 956        Ep%omega(iomega)=CMPLX(Ep%omegaermin+(iomega-1)*domegareal,zero,kind=dpc)
 957      end do
 958    else if (Dtset%gw_frqre_tangrid==1.and.Dtset%gw_frqre_inzgrid==0) then ! We have tangent transformed grid
 959      MSG_WARNING('EXPERIMENTAL - Using tangent transform grid for contour deformation.')
 960      Ep%omegaermax = Dtset%cd_max_freq
 961      Ep%omegaermin = zero
 962      ifirst=1; ilast=Ep%nomegaer
 963      if (Dtset%cd_subset_freq(1)/=0) then ! Only a subset of frequencies is being calculated
 964        ifirst=Dtset%cd_subset_freq(1); ilast=Dtset%cd_subset_freq(2)
 965      end if
 966      factor = Dtset%cd_halfway_freq/TAN(pi*quarter)
 967 !    *Important*-here nfreqre is used because the step is set by the original grid
 968      domegareal=(ATAN(Ep%omegaermax/factor)*two*piinv)/(Dtset%nfreqre-1) ! Stepsize in transformed variable
 969      do iomega=1,Ep%nomegaer
 970        Ep%omega(iomega)=CMPLX(factor*TAN((iomega+ifirst-2)*domegareal*pi*half),zero,kind=dpc)
 971      end do
 972      Ep%omegaermin = REAL(Ep%omega(1))
 973      Ep%omegaermax = REAL(Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer))
 974    else if (Dtset%gw_frqre_tangrid==0.and.Dtset%gw_frqre_inzgrid==1) then
 975      e0=Dtset%ppmfrq; if (e0<0.1d-4) e0=omegaplasma
 976      domegareal=one/(Ep%nomegaer)
 977      do iomega=1,Ep%nomegaer
 978        factor = (iomega-1)*domegareal
 979        Ep%omega(iomega)=CMPLX(e0*factor/(one-factor),zero,kind=dpc)
 980      end do
 981      Ep%omegaermin = REAL(Ep%omega(1))
 982      Ep%omegaermax = REAL(Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer))
 983    else
 984      MSG_ERROR('Error in specification of real frequency grid')
 985    end if
 986  end if
 988  if (Ep%plasmon_pole_model.and.Ep%nomega==2) then
 989    e0=Dtset%ppmfrq; if (e0<0.1d-4) e0=omegaplasma
 990    Ep%omega(2)=CMPLX(zero,e0,kind=dpc)
 991  end if
 992 !
 993 !=== For AC, use Gauss-Legendre quadrature method ===
 994 !* Replace $ \int_0^\infty dx f(x) $ with $ \int_0^1 dz f(1/z - 1)/z^2 $.
 995 !* Note that the grid is not log as required by CD, so we cannot use the same SCR file.
 996  if (Ep%analytic_continuation) then
 997    ABI_MALLOC(z,(Ep%nomegaei))
 998    ABI_MALLOC(zw,(Ep%nomegaei))
 999    call coeffs_gausslegint(zero,one,z,zw,Ep%nomegaei)
1000    do iomega=1,Ep%nomegaei
1001      Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+iomega)=CMPLX(zero,one/z(iomega)-one,kind=dpc)
1002    end do
1003    ABI_FREE(z)
1004    ABI_FREE(zw)
1005  else if (Ep%contour_deformation.and.(Dtset%cd_customnimfrqs/=0)) then
1006    Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+1)=CMPLX(zero,Dtset%cd_imfrqs(1))
1007    do iomega=2,Ep%nomegaei
1008      if (Dtset%cd_imfrqs(iomega)<=Dtset%cd_imfrqs(iomega-1)) then
1009        MSG_ERROR(' Specified imaginary frequencies need to be strictly increasing!')
1010      end if
1011      Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+iomega)=CMPLX(zero,Dtset%cd_imfrqs(iomega))
1012    end do
1013  else if (Ep%contour_deformation.and.(Dtset%gw_frqim_inzgrid/=0)) then
1014    e0=Dtset%ppmfrq; if (e0<0.1d-4) e0=omegaplasma
1015    domegareal=one/(Ep%nomegaei+1)
1016    do iomega=1,Ep%nomegaei
1017      factor = iomega*domegareal
1018      Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+iomega)=CMPLX(zero,e0*factor/(one-factor),kind=dpc)
1019    end do
1020  else if (Ep%contour_deformation.and.(Ep%nomegaei/=0)) then
1021    e0=Dtset%ppmfrq; if (e0<0.1d-4) e0=omegaplasma
1022    do iomega=1,Ep%nomegaei
1023      Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+iomega)=CMPLX(zero,e0/(Dtset%freqim_alpha-two)&
1024 &     *(EXP(two/(Ep%nomegaei+1)*LOG(Dtset%freqim_alpha-one)*iomega)-one),kind=dpc)
1025    end do
1026  end if
1028  if (Dtset%cd_full_grid/=0) then ! Full grid will be calculated
1029 !  Grid values are added after the last imaginary freq.
1030    do ios=1,Ep%nomegaei
1031      do iomega=2,Ep%nomegaer
1032        Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+Ep%nomegaei+(ios-1)*(Ep%nomegaer-1)+(iomega-1)) = &
1033 &       CMPLX(REAL(Ep%omega(iomega)),AIMAG(Ep%omega(Ep%nomegaer+ios)))
1034      end do
1035    end do
1036  end if
1038  ! Report frequency mesh for chi0.
1039  write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' calculating chi0 at frequencies [eV] :'
1040  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL'); call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1041  do iomega=1,Ep%nomega
1042    write(msg,'(i3,2es16.6)')iomega,Ep%omega(iomega)*Ha_eV
1043    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL'); call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1044  end do
1046  ! Allocate chi0, wings and array for chi0_sumrule check.
1047  ABI_MALLOC(chi0_sumrule,(Ep%npwe))
1049  write(msg,'(a,f12.1,a)')' Memory required for chi0 matrix= ',two*gwpc*Ep%npwe**2*Ep%nI*Ep%nJ*Ep%nomega*b2Mb," [Mb]."
1050  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1051  ABI_STAT_MALLOC(chi0,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega), ierr)
1052  ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "Out of memory in chi0")
1053 !
1054 !============================== END OF THE INITIALIZATION PART ===========================
1055 !
1056 !======================================================================
1057 !==== Loop over q-points. Calculate \epsilon^{-1} and save on disc ====
1058 !======================================================================
1059  call timab(321,2,tsec) ! screening(2)
1061  iqcalc = 0
1062  do iqibz=1,Qmesh%nibz
1063    call timab(306,1,tsec)
1064    is_first_qcalc=(iqibz==1)
1066    ! Selective q-point calculation.
1067    found=.FALSE.; label=iqibz
1068    if (Ep%nqcalc/=Ep%nqibz) then
1069      do ii=1,Ep%nqcalc
1070        qtmp(:)=Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz)-Ep%qcalc(:,ii)
1071        found=(normv(qtmp,gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ)
1072        if (found) then
1073          label=ii; EXIT !ii
1074        end if
1075      end do
1076      if (.not.found) CYCLE !iqibz
1077      qtmp(:)=Ep%qcalc(:,1)-Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz)
1078      is_first_qcalc=(normv(qtmp,gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ)
1079    end if
1080    iqcalc = iqcalc + 1
1082    bar=REPEAT('-',80)
1083    write(msg,'(4a,1x,a,i2,a,f9.6,2(",",f9.6),3a)')ch10,ch10,bar,ch10,&
1084 &   ' q-point number ',label,'        q = (',(Qmesh%ibz(ii,iqibz),ii=1,3),') [r.l.u.]',ch10,bar
1085    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1086    call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1087    is_qeq0 = 0; if (normv(Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz),gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0) is_qeq0=1
1089    call timab(306,2,tsec)
1091    if (is_qeq0==1) then
1092      ! Special treatment of the long wavelength limit.
1093      call timab(307,1,tsec)
1095      ABI_MALLOC(chi0_lwing,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%nomega,3))
1096      ABI_MALLOC(chi0_uwing,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,3))
1097      ABI_MALLOC(chi0_head,(3,3,Ep%nomega))
1099      call cchi0q0(use_tr,Dtset,Cryst,Ep,Psps,Kmesh,QP_BSt,KS_BSt,Gsph_epsG0,&
1100 &     Pawang,Pawrad,Pawtab,Paw_ij,Paw_pwff,Pawfgrtab,Paw_onsite,ktabr,ktabrf,nbvw,ngfft_gw,nfftgw,&
1101 &     ngfftf,nfftf_tot,chi0,chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing,Ltg_q(iqibz),chi0_sumrule,Wfd,Wfdf)
1103      chihw = chi_new(ep%npwe, ep%nomega)
1104      chihw%head = chi0_head
1105      chihw%lwing = chi0_lwing
1106      chihw%uwing = chi0_uwing
1108      ! Add the intraband term if required and metallic occupation scheme is used.
1109      add_chi0_intraband=.FALSE. !add_chi0_intraband=.TRUE.
1110      if (add_chi0_intraband .and. ebands_has_metal_scheme(QP_BSt)) then
1112        ABI_STAT_MALLOC(chi0intra,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega), ierr)
1113        ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "Out of memory in chi0intra")
1115        ABI_MALLOC(chi0intra_lwing,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%nomega,3))
1116        ABI_MALLOC(chi0intra_uwing,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,3))
1117        ABI_MALLOC(chi0intra_head,(3,3,Ep%nomega))
1119        call chi0q0_intraband(Wfd,Cryst,Ep,Psps,QP_BSt,Gsph_epsG0,Pawang,Pawrad,Pawtab,Paw_ij,Paw_pwff,use_tr,Dtset%usepawu,&
1120        ngfft_gw,chi0intra,chi0intra_head,chi0intra_lwing,chi0intra_uwing)
1122        call wrtout(std_out,"Head of chi0 and chi0_intra","COLL")
1123        do iomega=1,Ep%nomega
1124          write(std_out,*)Ep%omega(iomega)*Ha_eV,REAL(chi0(1,1,iomega)),REAL(chi0intra(1,1,iomega))
1125          write(std_out,*)Ep%omega(iomega)*Ha_eV,AIMAG(chi0(1,1,iomega)),AIMAG(chi0intra(1,1,iomega))
1126        end do
1128        chi0       = chi0       + chi0intra
1129        chi0_head  = chi0_head  + chi0intra_head
1130        chi0_lwing = chi0_lwing + chi0intra_lwing
1131        chi0_uwing = chi0_uwing + chi0intra_uwing
1133        ABI_FREE(chi0intra)
1134        ABI_FREE(chi0intra_lwing)
1135        ABI_FREE(chi0intra_uwing)
1136        ABI_FREE(chi0intra_head)
1137      end if
1139      if (.False.) then
1140        lwl_fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_LWL")
1141        call lwl_write(lwl_fname,cryst,vcp,ep%npwe,ep%nomega,gsph_epsg0%gvec,chi0,chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing,comm)
1142      end if
1144      call timab(307,2,tsec)
1146    else
1147      ! Calculate cchi0 for q/=0.
1148      call timab(308,1,tsec)
1150      call cchi0(use_tr,Dtset,Cryst,Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz),Ep,Psps,Kmesh,QP_BSt,Gsph_epsG0,&
1151 &     Pawtab,Pawang,Paw_pwff,Pawfgrtab,Paw_onsite,nbvw,ngfft_gw,nfftgw,ngfftf,nfftf_tot,chi0,ktabr,ktabrf,&
1152 &     Ltg_q(iqibz),chi0_sumrule,Wfd,Wfdf)
1154      call timab(308,2,tsec)
1155    end if
1157    ! Print chi0(q,G,Gp,omega), then calculate epsilon and epsilon^-1 for this q-point.
1158    ! Only master works but this part could be parallelized over frequencies.
1159    call timab(309,1,tsec)
1161    do iomega=1,MIN(Ep%nomega,NOMEGA_PRINTED)
1162      write(msg,'(1x,a,i4,a,2f9.4,a)')' chi0(G,G'') at the ',iomega,' th omega',Ep%omega(iomega)*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
1163      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1164      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1165      write(msg,'(1x,a,i3,a,i4,a)')' chi0(q =',iqibz, ', omega =',iomega,', G,G'')'
1166      if (Ep%nqcalc/=Ep%nqibz) write(msg,'(a,i3,a,i4,a)')'  chi0(q=',iqcalc,', omega=',iomega,', G,G'')'
1167      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1168 !    arr99 is needed to avoid the update of all the tests. Now chi0 is divided by ucvol inside (cchi0|cchi0q0).
1169 !    TODO should be removed but GW tests have to be updated.
1170      ii = MIN(9,Ep%npwe)
1171      ABI_MALLOC(arr_99,(ii,ii))
1172      arr_99 = chi0(1:ii,1:ii,iomega)*ucvol
1173      call print_arr(arr_99,max_r=2,unit=ab_out)
1174      call print_arr(arr_99,unit=std_out)
1175      ABI_FREE(arr_99)
1176      !call print_arr(chi0(:,:,iomega),max_r=2,unit=ab_out)
1177      !call print_arr(chi0(:,:,iomega),unit=std_out)
1178    end do
1180    if (Ep%nomega>NOMEGA_PRINTED) then
1181      write(msg,'(a,i3,a)')' No. of calculated frequencies > ',NOMEGA_PRINTED,', stop printing '
1182      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1183      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1184    end if
1186    ! Write chi0 to _SUSC file
1187    ! Master creates and write the header if this is the first q-point calculated.
1188    if (Dtset%prtsuscep>0 .and. my_rank==master) then
1189      title(1)='CHI0 file: chi0'
1190      title(2)=' '
1191      if (is_qeq0==1) then
1192        string='0'; if (Dtset%usepaw==0.and.Ep%inclvkb/=0) call int2char10(Ep%inclvkb,string)
1193        title(1)=title(1)(1:21)//', calculated using inclvkb = '//string
1194      end if
1196      ! Open file and write header for polarizability files.
1197      if (is_first_qcalc) then
1198        ikxc=0; test_type=0; tordering=1
1199        hchi0 = hscr_new("polarizability",dtset,ep,hdr_local,ikxc,test_type,tordering,title,Ep%npwe,Gsph_epsG0%gvec)
1200        if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
1201 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1202          NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(unt_susc, nctk_ncify(dtfil%fnameabo_sus), xmpi_comm_self))
1203          NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(cryst, unt_susc))
1204          NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(QP_BSt, unt_susc))
1205 #endif
1206        else
1207          unt_susc=Dtfil%unchi0
1208          if (open_file(dtfil%fnameabo_sus,msg,unit=unt_susc,status='unknown',form='unformatted') /= 0) then
1209            MSG_ERROR(msg)
1210          end if
1211        end if
1212        fform_chi0 = hchi0%fform
1213        call hscr_io(hchi0,fform_chi0,2,unt_susc,xmpi_comm_self,0,Dtset%iomode)
1214        call hscr_free(Hchi0)
1215      end if
1216      call write_screening("polarizability",unt_susc,Dtset%iomode,Ep%npwe,Ep%nomega,iqcalc,chi0)
1217    end if
1219 !  Calculate the RPA functional correlation energy if the polarizability on a
1220 !  Gauss-Legendre mesh along imaginary axis is available
1221    if (Ep%analytic_continuation .and. Dtset%gwrpacorr>0 ) then
1222      if (is_first_qcalc) then
1223        ABI_MALLOC(ec_rpa,(Dtset%gwrpacorr))
1224        ec_rpa(:)=zero
1225      end if
1226      call calc_rpa_functional(Dtset%gwrpacorr,label,iqibz,Ep,Vcp,Qmesh,Dtfil,gmet,chi0,comm,ec_rpa)
1227      if (label==Ep%nqcalc) then
1228        ABI_FREE(ec_rpa)
1229      end if
1230    end if
1232 !  ==========================================================
1233 !  === Calculate RPA \tilde\epsilon^{-1} overwriting chi0 ===
1234 !  ==========================================================
1235    approx_type=0 ! RPA
1236    option_test=0 ! TESTPARTICLE
1237    dim_wing=0; if (is_qeq0==1) dim_wing=3
1239    if (dim_wing==0) then
1240      dim_wing=1
1241      if (.not.allocated(chi0_lwing))  then
1242        ABI_MALLOC(chi0_lwing,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nI,Ep%nomega,dim_wing))
1243      end if
1244      if (.not.allocated(chi0_uwing))  then
1245        ABI_MALLOC(chi0_uwing,(Ep%npwe*Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,dim_wing))
1246      end if
1247      if (.not.allocated(chi0_head ))  then
1248        ABI_MALLOC(chi0_head,(dim_wing,dim_wing,Ep%nomega))
1249      end if
1250      dim_wing=0
1251    end if
1253 #if 0
1254 !  Using the random q for the optical limit is one of the reasons
1255 !  why sigma breaks the initial energy degeneracies.
1256    chi0_lwing=czero
1257    chi0_uwing=czero
1258    chi0_head=czero
1259 #endif
1261    ! Setup flags for the computation of em1
1262    ! If the vertex is being included for the spectrum, calculate the kernel now and pass it on
1263    if (dtset%gwgamma>0) rhor_kernel = rhor
1265    select case (dtset%gwgamma)
1266    case (0)
1267      approx_type=0; option_test=0; dim_kxcg=0
1268      ABI_MALLOC(kxcg,(nfftf_tot,dim_kxcg))
1270    case (1, 2)
1271      ! ALDA TDDFT kernel vertex
1272      ABI_CHECK(Dtset%usepaw==0,"GWGamma=1 or 2 + PAW not available")
1273      MSG_WARNING('EXPERIMENTAL: Kernel is being added to screening, the SCR file will be non-standard!!')
1274      ikxc=7; approx_type=1; dim_kxcg=1
1275      if (Dtset%gwgamma==1) option_test=1 ! TESTELECTRON, vertex in chi0 *and* sigma
1276      if (Dtset%gwgamma==2) option_test=0 ! TESTPARTICLE, vertex in chi0 only
1277      ABI_MALLOC(kxcg,(nfftf_tot,dim_kxcg))
1278      call kxc_driver(Dtset,Cryst,ikxc,ngfftf,nfftf_tot,Wfd%nspden,rhor_kernel,&
1279      Ep%npwe,dim_kxcg,kxcg,Gsph_epsG0%gvec,xmpi_comm_self)
1281    case (3, 4)
1282      ! ADA non-local kernel vertex
1283      ABI_CHECK(Wfd%usepaw==0,"ADA vertex + PAW not available")
1284      ABI_CHECK(Wfd%nsppol==1,"ADA vertex for GWGamma not available yet for spin-polarised cases")
1285      MSG_WARNING('EXPERIMENTAL: Kernel is being added to screening, the SCR file will be non-standard!!')
1286      ikxc=7; approx_type=2
1287      if (Dtset%gwgamma==3) option_test=1 ! TESTELECTRON, vertex in chi0 *and* sigma
1288      if (Dtset%gwgamma==4) option_test=0 ! TESTPARTICLE, vertex in chi0 only
1289      ABI_MALLOC(fxc_ADA,(Ep%npwe,Ep%npwe,Ep%nqibz))
1290 !    Use userrd to set kappa
1291      if (Dtset%userrd==zero) Dtset%userrd = 2.1_dp
1292 !    Set correct value of kappa (should be scaled with alpha*r_s where)
1293 !    r_s is Wigner-Seitz radius and alpha=(4/(9*Pi))^(1/3)
1294      rhoav = (omegaplasma*omegaplasma)/four_pi
1295      r_s = (three/(four_pi*rhoav))**third
1296      alpha = (four*ninth*piinv)**third
1297      Dtset%userrd = Dtset%userrd*alpha*r_s
1299      call kxc_ADA(Dtset,Cryst,ikxc,ngfftf,nfftf,Wfd%nspden,rhor_kernel,Ep%npwe,Ep%nqibz,Ep%qibz,&
1300      fxc_ADA,Gsph_epsG0%gvec,xmpi_comm_self,kappa_init=Dtset%userrd)
1302      dim_kxcg=0
1303      ABI_MALLOC(kxcg,(nfftf_tot,dim_kxcg))
1305 !  @WC: bootstrap --
1306    case (-3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8)
1307      ABI_CHECK(Dtset%usepaw==0,"GWGamma + PAW not available")
1308      if (Dtset%gwgamma>-5) then
1309        MSG_WARNING('EXPERIMENTAL: Bootstrap kernel is being added to screening')
1310        approx_type=4
1311      else if (Dtset%gwgamma>-7) then
1312        MSG_WARNING('EXPERIMENTAL: Bootstrap kernel (head-only) is being added to screening')
1313        approx_type=5
1314      else
1315        MSG_WARNING('EXPERIMENTAL: Bootstrap kernel (RPA-type, head-only) is being added to screening')
1316        approx_type=6
1317      end if
1318      dim_kxcg=0
1319      option_test=MOD(Dtset%gwgamma,2)
1320      ! 1 -> TESTELECTRON, vertex in chi0 *and* sigma
1321      ! 0 -> TESTPARTICLE, vertex in chi0 only
1322      ABI_MALLOC(kxcg,(nfftf_tot,dim_kxcg))
1323 !--@WC
1325    case default
1326      MSG_ERROR(sjoin("Wrong gwgamma:", itoa(dtset%gwgamma)))
1327    end select
1329    if (approx_type<2) then
1330      call make_epsm1_driver(iqibz,dim_wing,Ep%npwe,Ep%nI,Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,Ep%omega,&
1331      approx_type,option_test,Vcp,nfftf_tot,ngfftf,dim_kxcg,kxcg,Gsph_epsG0%gvec,&
1332      chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing,chi0,spectra,comm)
1333    else if (approx_type<3) then !@WC: ADA
1334      call make_epsm1_driver(iqibz,dim_wing,Ep%npwe,Ep%nI,Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,Ep%omega,&
1335      approx_type,option_test,Vcp,nfftf_tot,ngfftf,dim_kxcg,kxcg,Gsph_epsG0%gvec,&
1336      chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing,chi0,spectra,comm,fxc_ADA=fxc_ADA(:,:,iqibz))
1337    else if (approx_type<7) then !@WC: bootstrap
1338      call make_epsm1_driver(iqibz,dim_wing,Ep%npwe,Ep%nI,Ep%nJ,Ep%nomega,Ep%omega,&
1339      approx_type,option_test,Vcp,nfftf_tot,ngfftf,dim_kxcg,kxcg,Gsph_epsG0%gvec,&
1340      chi0_head,chi0_lwing,chi0_uwing,chi0,spectra,comm)
1341    else
1342      MSG_ERROR(sjoin("Wrong approx_type:", itoa(approx_type)))
1343    end if
1345    ABI_FREE(chi0_lwing)
1346    ABI_FREE(chi0_uwing)
1347    ABI_FREE(chi0_head)
1349    if (my_rank==master .and. is_qeq0==1) then
1350      call spectra_repr(spectra,msg)
1351      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1352      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1354      if (Ep%nomegaer>2) then
1355        call spectra_write(spectra,W_EELF  ,Dtfil%fnameabo_eelf)
1356        call spectra_write(spectra,W_EM_LF ,Dtfil%fnameabo_em1_lf)
1357        call spectra_write(spectra,W_EM_NLF,Dtfil%fnameabo_em1_nlf)
1358      end if
1359    end if ! master and is_qeq0==1
1361    if (is_qeq0==1) call chi_free(chihw)
1363    call spectra_free(spectra)
1364    if (allocated(kxcg)) then
1365      ABI_FREE(kxcg)
1366    end if
1367    if (allocated(fxc_ADA)) then
1368      ABI_FREE(fxc_ADA)
1369    end if
1370    !
1371    ! Output the sum rule evaluation.
1372    ! Vcp%vc_sqrt(:,iqibz) Contains vc^{1/2}(q,G), complex-valued due to a possible cutoff
1373    epsm1 => chi0
1374    call output_chi0sumrule((is_qeq0==1),iqibz,Ep%npwe,omegaplasma,chi0_sumrule,epsm1(:,:,1),Vcp%vc_sqrt(:,iqibz))
1376    ! If input variable npvel is larger than 0, trigger the Random Stopping Power calculation
1377    ! Only the masternode is used
1378    if (my_rank==master .and. Dtset%npvel>0) then
1379      if (is_first_qcalc) then
1380        ABI_MALLOC(rspower,(Dtset%npvel))
1381        rspower(:)=zero
1382      end if
1383      call random_stopping_power(iqibz,Dtset%npvel,Dtset%pvelmax,Ep,Gsph_epsG0,Qmesh,Vcp,Cryst,Dtfil,epsm1,rspower)
1384      if (label==Ep%nqcalc) then
1385        ABI_FREE(rspower)
1386      end if
1387    end if
1389    ! Write heads and wings to main output file.
1390    if (is_qeq0==1) then
1391      write(msg,'(1x,2a)')' Heads and wings of the symmetrical epsilon^-1(G,G'') ',ch10
1392      call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1393      do iomega=1,Ep%nomega
1394        write(msg,'(2x,a,i4,a,2f9.4,a)')' Upper and lower wings at the ',iomega,' th omega',Ep%omega(iomega)*Ha_eV,' [eV]'
1395        call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1396        call print_arr(epsm1(1,:,iomega),max_r=9,unit=ab_out)
1397        call print_arr(epsm1(:,1,iomega),max_r=9,unit=ab_out)
1398        call wrtout(ab_out,ch10,'COLL')
1399      end do
1400    end if
1402    call timab(309,2,tsec)
1403    call timab(310,1,tsec) ! wrscr
1405    if (my_rank==master) then
1406      ! === Write the symmetrical epsilon^-1 on file ===
1407      title(1)='SCR file: epsilon^-1'
1408      if (is_qeq0==1) then
1409        string='0'; if (Dtset%usepaw==0.and.Ep%inclvkb/=0) call int2char10(Ep%inclvkb,string)
1410        title(1)=title(1)(1:21)//', calculated using inclvkb = '//string
1411      end if
1412      title(2)='TESTPARTICLE'
1413      ctype='RPA'
1414      title(2)(14:17)=ctype !this has to be modified
1416      if (is_first_qcalc) then
1417        ! === Open file and write the header for the SCR file ===
1418        ! * Here we write the RPA approximation for \tilde\epsilon^{-1}
1419        ikxc=0; test_type=0; tordering=1
1420        hem1 = hscr_new("inverse_dielectric_function",dtset,ep,hdr_local,ikxc,test_type,tordering,title,&
1421 &       Ep%npwe,Gsph_epsG0%gvec)
1422        fform_em1 = hem1%fform
1423        if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
1424 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1425          NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(unt_em1, nctk_ncify(dtfil%fnameabo_scr), xmpi_comm_self))
1426          NCF_CHECK(crystal_ncwrite(cryst, unt_em1))
1427          NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(QP_BSt, unt_em1))
1428 #endif
1429        else
1430          unt_em1=Dtfil%unscr
1431          if (open_file(dtfil%fnameabo_scr,msg,unit=unt_em1,status='unknown',form='unformatted') /= 0) then
1432            MSG_ERROR(msg)
1433          end if
1434        end if
1435        call hscr_io(hem1,fform_em1,2,unt_em1,xmpi_comm_self,0,Dtset%iomode)
1436        call hscr_free(Hem1)
1437      end if
1439      call write_screening("inverse_dielectric_function",unt_em1,Dtset%iomode,Ep%npwe,Ep%nomega,iqcalc,epsm1)
1440    end if ! my_rank==master
1442    call timab(310,2,tsec)
1443  end do ! Loop over q-points
1445  !----------------------------- END OF THE CALCULATION ------------------------
1447  ! Close Files.
1448  if (my_rank==master) then
1449    if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
1450 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1451      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(unt_em1))
1452      if (dtset%prtsuscep>0) then
1453        NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(unt_susc))
1454      end if
1455 #endif
1456    else
1457      close(unt_em1)
1458      if (dtset%prtsuscep>0) close(unt_susc)
1459    end if
1460  end if
1461 !
1462 !=====================
1463 !==== Free memory ====
1464 !=====================
1465  ABI_FREE(chi0_sumrule)
1466  ABI_FREE(chi0)
1467  if (allocated(rhor_kernel)) then
1468    ABI_FREE(rhor_kernel)
1469  end if
1471  ABI_FREE(rhor)
1472  ABI_FREE(rhog)
1473  ABI_FREE(ks_vbik)
1474  ABI_FREE(qp_vbik)
1475  ABI_FREE(ktabr)
1476  ABI_FREE(taur)
1477  ABI_FREE(taug)
1478  ABI_FREE(ks_vhartr)
1479  ABI_FREE(ks_vtrial)
1480  ABI_FREE(vpsp)
1481  ABI_FREE(ks_vxc)
1482  ABI_FREE(ph1d)
1483  ABI_FREE(ph1df)
1484  ABI_FREE(nhatgr)
1485  ABI_FREE(nhat)
1486  call pawfgr_destroy(Pawfgr)
1488  if (Dtset%usepaw==1) then ! Optional deallocation for PAW.
1489    call pawrhoij_free(Pawrhoij)
1490    call pawfgrtab_free(Pawfgrtab)
1491    call paw_ij_free(Paw_ij)
1492    call paw_an_free(Paw_an)
1493    call pawpwff_free(Paw_pwff)
1494    if (Dtset%pawcross==1) then
1495      call paw_pwaves_lmn_free(Paw_onsite)
1496      Wfdf%bks_comm = xmpi_comm_null
1497      call wfd_free(Wfdf)
1498    end if
1499  end if
1501  ABI_DT_FREE(Pawfgrtab)
1502  ABI_DT_FREE(Paw_pwff)
1503  ABI_DT_FREE(Pawrhoij)
1504  ABI_DT_FREE(Paw_ij)
1505  ABI_DT_FREE(Paw_an)
1506  ABI_FREE(ktabrf)
1507  ABI_DT_FREE(Paw_onsite)
1509  call wfd_free(Wfd)
1510  call kmesh_free(Kmesh)
1511  call kmesh_free(Qmesh)
1512  call crystal_free(Cryst)
1513  call gsph_free(Gsph_epsG0)
1514  call gsph_free(Gsph_wfn)
1515  call vcoul_free(Vcp)
1516  call em1params_free(Ep)
1517  call hdr_free(Hdr_wfk)
1518  call hdr_free(Hdr_local)
1519  call ebands_free(KS_BSt)
1520  call ebands_free(QP_BSt)
1521  call littlegroup_free(Ltg_q)
1522  call destroy_mpi_enreg(MPI_enreg_seq)
1523  ABI_DT_FREE(Ltg_q)
1525  call timab(301,2,tsec)
1527  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1529 end subroutine screening