ABINIT/mrgscr [ Programs ]

[ Top ] [ Programs ]




 This code reads partial (SCR|SUSC) files for different q points creating a single file that
 can be used to perform a sigma calculation.


 Copyright (C) 2005-2024 ABINIT group (RS, MG, MS)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 If the number of SCR files to be merged is equal to 1, the program checks
 the integrity of the file reporting the list of missing q-points.
 Note that the list of required q-points depends on the k-mesh
 used during the calculation of the KSS file. We assume indeed that the same k-mesh
 is used during the calculation of the matrix elements of sigma.


  (Main program)


  Only checking and writing


  31 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  32 #include "config.h"
  33 #endif
  35 #include "abi_common.h"
  37 program mrgscr
  39  use defs_basis
  40  use m_xmpi
  41  use m_abicore
  42  use m_errors
  43  use m_nctk
  44  use netcdf
  45  use m_hdr
  46  use m_crystal
  47  use m_pawrhoij
  48  use m_dtset
  50  use defs_abitypes,         only : MPI_type
  51  use m_build_info,          only : abinit_version
  52  use m_specialmsg,          only : herald
  53  use m_time,                only : timein
  54  use m_gwdefs,              only : GW_TOLQ, GW_TOLQ0, GW_Q0_DEFAULT
  55  use m_io_tools,            only : prompt, flush_unit, open_file
  56  use m_fstrings,            only : int2char4, endswith, itoa, sjoin
  57  use m_fft_mesh,            only : g2ifft
  58  use m_fftcore,             only : get_cache_kb, getng
  59  use m_fft,                 only : fourdp
  60  use m_numeric_tools,       only : iseven, cspint
  61  use m_mpinfo,              only : destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq
  62  use m_geometry,            only : normv, metric
  63  use m_gsphere,             only : gsphere_t
  64  use m_bz_mesh,             only : kmesh_t, find_qmesh
  65  use m_vcoul,               only : vcoul_t
  66  use m_ioarr,               only : read_rhor
  67  use m_io_screening,        only : read_screening, hscr_t, ioscr_qmerge, ioscr_qrecover, ioscr_wmerge, ioscr_wremove
  68  use m_ppmodel,             only : ppm_init, ppm_free, setup_ppmodel, getem1_from_PPm_one_ggp, &
  69                                    get_PPm_eigenvalues, ppmodel_t, cqratio
  70  use m_model_screening,     only : remove_phase
  71  use m_screening,           only : mkdump_er, em1results_free, em1results_print, decompose_epsm1, &
  72                                    init_er_from_file, Epsilonm1_results
  73  use m_wfd,                 only : test_charge
  75  implicit none
  77 !Local variables-------------------------------
  78 !scalars
  79  integer,parameter :: master=0,paral_kgb0=0,rdwr2=2,prtvol=0,cplex1=1
  80  integer :: iomode,fform1,ifile,ierr,ii,ios,iqibz,iqf,nfiles
  81  integer :: unt_dump,idx,ig1,ig2,iomega,ppmodel,npwe_asked,mqmem,io,unt_dump2
  82  integer :: id_required,ikxc,approx_type,option_test,dim_kxcg,usexcnhat,usefinegrid
  83  integer :: mgfft,nqlwl,nfft,igmax,comm,nq_selected,kptopt
  84  integer :: choice,nfreq_tot,nfreqre,nfreqim,nfreqc,ifrq,imax
  85  integer :: ig1_start,ig1_end,ig2_start,ig2_end,gmgp_idx,orig_npwe
  86  real(dp) :: ucvol,boxcutmin,ecut,drude_plsmf,compch_fft,compch_sph
  87  real(dp) :: nelectron_exp,freqremax,eps_diff,eps_norm,eps_ppm_norm
  88  real(dp) :: value1,value2,factor,GN_drude_plsmf
  89  real(dp) :: tcpu,tcpui,twall,twalli
  90  real(gwp) :: phase
  91  logical :: is_sus,is_scr,same_freqs,calc_epsilon,only_diag
  92  character(len=1) :: ans
  93  character(len=10) :: tagq
  94  character(len=24) :: codename
  95  character(len=500) :: msg
  96  character(len=nctk_slen) :: varname
  97  character(len=fnlen) :: fname_out,fname,fname_dump,fname_rho,prefix,fname_eigen,fname_dump2
  98  type(hdr_type) :: hdr_rhor
  99  type(abifile_t) :: abifile
 100  type(hscr_t),pointer :: Hscr0
 101  type(hscr_t),target :: Hscr_merge
 102  type(MPI_type) :: MPI_enreg
 103  type(kmesh_t) :: Kmesh,Qmesh
 104  type(crystal_t) :: Cryst
 105  type(gsphere_t) :: Gsphere
 106  type(ppmodel_t) :: PPm
 107  type(Epsilonm1_results) :: Er
 108  type(vcoul_t), target :: Vcp
 109  type(Dataset_type) :: Dtset
 110 !arrays
 111  integer :: ngfft(18)
 112  integer,allocatable :: foundq(:),freq_indx(:,:)
 113  real(dp),parameter :: k0(3) = [zero,zero,zero]
 114  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),qdiff(3),rmet(3,3),qtmp(3),tsec(2)
 115  real(dp),allocatable :: qlwl(:,:),real_omega(:),rhor(:,:),rhog(:,:),nhat(:,:)
 116  real(dp),allocatable :: work(:),ftab(:),ysp(:,:),eint(:),qratio(:,:)
 117  complex(gwpc),pointer :: vc_sqrt(:)
 118  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: epsm1(:,:,:,:),kxcg(:,:)
 119  complex(dpc),allocatable :: omega(:),em1_ppm(:),epsm1_eigen(:,:),ppm_eigen(:,:),rhoggp(:,:)
 120  character(len=fnlen),allocatable :: filenames(:)
 121  type(pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: pawrhoij(:)
 122  type(hscr_t),target,allocatable :: Hscr_file(:) ! Cannot use allocatable as pathscale5 miscompiles the code
 124 ! *************************************************************************
 126  ! Change communicator for I/O (mandatory!)
 127  call abi_io_redirect(new_io_comm=xmpi_world)
 129  ! Initialize MPI
 130  call xmpi_init()
 132  ! Initialize memory profiling if it is activated
 133  ! if a full abimem.mocc report is desired, set the argument of abimem_init to "2" instead of "0"
 134  ! note that abimem.mocc files can easily be multiple GB in size so don't use this option normally
 136  call abimem_init(0)
 137 #endif
 139  call timein(tcpui,twalli)
 141  ! Default for sequential use
 142  call initmpi_seq(MPI_enreg); comm = MPI_enreg%comm_world
 144  is_sus=.FALSE.; is_scr=.FALSE.
 146  ! Write greetings, and read the number of files ===
 147  codename='MRGSCR'//REPEAT(' ',18)
 148  call herald(codename,abinit_version,std_out)
 150  call prompt(' Enter the number of files to merge: ',nfiles)
 151  ABI_CHECK(nfiles > 0, 'nfiles must be >0')
 153  ABI_MALLOC(filenames,(nfiles))
 154  ABI_MALLOC(Hscr_file,(nfiles))
 156  if (nfiles == 1) then
 157    call prompt(' Enter the name of the file to be analyzed: ',filenames(1))
 158    write(msg,'(7a)')ch10,&
 159     ' Running single-file mode:',ch10,&
 160     ' Checking the integrity of file: ',TRIM(filenames(1)),ch10,&
 161     ' reporting the list of q-points that are missing. '
 162    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 164    if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(filenames(1), msg) /= 0) then
 165      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 166    end if
 168  else if (nfiles > 1) then
 169    ! Read name of files to be merged and check for existence.
 170    call prompt(' Enter the prefix for the final output file: ',fname_out)
 172    do ifile=1,nfiles
 173      write(msg,'(a,i4)')' Enter the name for the partial screening file no.',ifile
 174      call prompt(msg,filenames(ifile))
 176      if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(filenames(ifile), msg) /= 0) then
 177        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 178      end if
 180    end do
 181  end if
 183  ! Read the header of each file.
 184  do ifile=1,nfiles
 185    iomode = IO_MODE_FORTRAN; if (endswith(filenames(ifile), ".nc")) iomode = IO_MODE_ETSF
 187    call Hscr_file(ifile)%from_file(filenames(ifile), fform1, comm)
 188    ABI_CHECK(fform1 /= 0, sjoin("fform == 0 in", filenames(ifile)))
 190    abifile = abifile_from_fform(fform1)
 191    if (abifile%fform == 0) then
 192      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find any abifile object associated to fform1:", itoa(fform1)))
 193    end if
 194    if (abifile%class /= "polariz" .and. abifile%class /= "epsm1") then
 195      ABI_ERROR(sjoin('Error while reading header, fform= ',itoa(fform1)))
 196    end if
 197    is_scr = abifile%class == "epsm1"
 198    is_sus = abifile%class == "polariz"
 200    call Hscr_file(ifile)%print(unit=std_out,prtvol=1)
 202    if (ifile == 1) call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,Hscr_file(ifile)%Hdr%rprimd,ucvol)
 203  end do !ifile
 205  if (nfiles > 1) then
 206    ! Put the correct ending on the output file
 207    if (is_scr) fname_out=TRIM(fname_out)//'_SCR'
 208    if (is_sus) fname_out=TRIM(fname_out)//'_SUS'
 209  end if
 211  ! Produce output file in netcdf format we are merging netcdf files.
 212  if (iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF .and. .not. endswith(fname_out, ".nc")) fname_out = nctk_ncify(fname_out)
 214  !============================
 215  !=== Merge multiple files ===
 216  !============================
 217  if (nfiles > 1) then
 219    ! Check what kind of merging is to be performed
 220    write(std_out,'(2(a))') ch10,' Do you want to merge q-points        (= 1) ?'
 221    write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or do you want to merge frequencies (= 2) ?'
 222    read(std_in,*)choice
 224    select case(choice)
 225    case(1)
 226      write(std_out,'(3a)') ch10,' 1 => merging q-points',ch10
 227      call ioscr_qmerge(nfiles, filenames, hscr_file, fname_out, hscr_merge)
 229    case (2)
 230      ! Merge frequencies
 231      write(std_out,'(3a)') ch10,' 2 => merging frequency grids',ch10
 232      !ABI_WARNING("Advanced user option, consistency in fform etc. will not be checked.")
 234      write(std_out,'(2a)') ch10,' Enter freqremax [eV] for the merged file (Enter 0 to use all freq. found):'
 235      read(std_in,*)freqremax
 237      freqremax = freqremax/Ha_eV; if (freqremax<tol16) freqremax = HUGE(freqremax)
 238      call ioscr_wmerge(nfiles, filenames, hscr_file, freqremax, fname_out, hscr_merge)
 240    case default
 241      ABI_ERROR("Invalid choice!")
 242    end select
 244  end if ! nfiles>1
 246  ! Now check if the list of q-points is complete
 247  ! Here we assume that the k-mesh reported in the header is the same as that used during the sigma calculation.
 248  write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,' Checking if the list of q-points is complete. ',ch10
 249  call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 251  !call hscr_check_qpoints(hscr0)
 253  Hscr0 => Hscr_file(1)
 254  fname =filenames(1)
 255  if (nfiles>1) then
 256    Hscr0 => Hscr_merge
 257    fname = fname_out
 258  end if
 260  cryst = HScr0%Hdr%get_crystal(remove_inv=.FALSE.)
 262  kptopt=1
 263  call Kmesh%init(Cryst,HScr0%Hdr%nkpt,Hscr0%Hdr%kptns,kptopt)
 264  call Kmesh%print("K-mesh for the wavefunctions",prtvol=prtvol)
 266  call find_qmesh(Qmesh,Cryst,Kmesh)
 267  call qmesh%print("Q-mesh for the screening function",prtvol=prtvol)
 269  ABI_MALLOC(foundq,(Qmesh%nibz))
 270  foundq(:)=0
 271  do iqibz=1,Qmesh%nibz
 272    do iqf=1,Hscr0%nqibz
 273      qdiff(:)=Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz)-Hscr0%qibz(:,iqf)
 274      if (normv(qdiff,gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ) foundq(iqibz)=foundq(iqibz)+1
 275    end do
 276  end do
 278  if (ANY(foundq==0)) then
 279    write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
 280     ' File ',TRIM(fname),' is not complete ',ch10,&
 281     ' The following q-points are missing:'
 282    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 283    ii=0
 284    do iqibz=1,Qmesh%nibz
 285      if (foundq(iqibz)==0) then
 286        ii=ii+1
 287        write(msg,'(i3,a,3f12.6)')ii,') ',Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz)
 288        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 289      end if
 290    end do
 291  end if
 293  if (ANY(foundq>1)) then
 294    write(msg,'(6a)')ch10,&
 295     ' File ',TRIM(fname),' is overcomplete ',ch10,&
 296     ' The following q-points are present more than once:'
 297    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 298    ii=0
 299    do iqibz=1,Qmesh%nibz
 300      if (foundq(iqibz)>1) then
 301        ii=ii+1
 302        write(msg,'(i3,a,3f12.6)')ii,') ',Qmesh%ibz(:,iqibz)
 303        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 304      end if
 305    end do
 306  end if
 308  if (ALL(foundq==1)) then
 309    write(msg,'(5a)')ch10,&
 310     '.File ',TRIM(fname),' contains a complete list of q-points ',ch10
 311    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 312  end if
 314  !=====================
 315  !=== Recovery mode ===
 316  !=====================
 317  if (nfiles==1) then
 319    write(std_out,'(2(a))') ch10,' Do you want to recover a subset of q-points    (= 1) ?'
 320    write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or extract the contents of the file           (= 2) ?'
 321    write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or create dielectric function (SCR file)'
 322    write(std_out,'(a)')         '    and/or extract plasmon-pole parameters      (= 3) ?'
 323    write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or remove real frequencies                    (= 4) ?'
 324    write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or remove imaginary frequencies               (= 5) ?'
 325    write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or calculate a model screening                (= 6) ?'
 326    !write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or interpolate the screening in k-space       (= 8) ?'
 327    !write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or convert a netcd file to Fortran            (= 9) ?'
 328    read(std_in,*)choice
 330    select case(choice)
 331    case(1)
 332        ! Recover subset of q-points --------------------------------------------------
 333      write(std_out,'(a)') ' 1 => Recovering subset of q-points'
 334      call prompt(' Enter the number of q-points to be extracted: ',nq_selected)
 335      call prompt(' Enter the name of the final output file: ',fname_out)
 337      if (endswith(filenames(1), ".nc") .and. .not. endswith(fname_out, ".nc")) then
 338        fname_out = nctk_ncify(fname_out)
 339        call wrtout(std_out,"- Added .nc extension to output file as input data is in netcdf format.")
 340      end if
 342      call ioscr_qrecover(filenames(1), nq_selected, fname_out)
 344    case(2)
 345      ! Analyse file ----------------------------------------------------------------
 346      ABI_CHECK(iomode==IO_MODE_FORTRAN, "netcdf output not coded")
 348      write(std_out,'(a)') ' 2 => Extraction of file contents'
 350      ! Initialize the G-sphere.
 351      call Gsphere%init(Cryst,Hscr0%npwe,gvec=Hscr0%gvec)
 353      ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(epsm1,(Hscr0%npwe,Hscr0%npwe,Hscr0%nomega,1), ierr)
 355      ! Give option to output epsilon instead of chi0
 356      calc_epsilon = .FALSE.
 357      if (is_sus) then
 358        write(std_out,'(2a)') ch10,' You have provided a chi_0 file for analysis. Would you like to output'
 359        write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ' the dielectric function epsilon_GG'' ', '= delta_GG'' - v_G*chi0_GG''[Y/N] ? '
 360        read(std_in,*)ans
 362        if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 363          ! Initialise Coulomb terms
 364          if (Er%Hscr%nqlwl==0) then
 365            nqlwl=1
 366            ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
 367            qlwl(:,1)= GW_Q0_DEFAULT
 368          else
 369            nqlwl=Er%Hscr%nqlwl
 370            ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
 371            qlwl(:,:)=Er%Hscr%qlwl(:,1:nqlwl)
 372          end if
 374          Dtset%gw_icutcoul=3; Dtset%rcut=zero
 375          Dtset%vcutgeo=(/zero,zero,zero/);
 376          Dtset%boxcenter=(/zero,zero,zero/)
 378          write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ch10,' Was a Coulomb cutoff technique used [Y/N] ? '
 379          read(std_in,*)ans
 380          if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 381            write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ' Enter gw_icutcoul: '
 382            read(std_in,*)Dtset%gw_icutcoul
 383            write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ' Enter vcutgeo: '
 384            read(std_in,*)Dtset%vcutgeo
 385            write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ' Enter boxcenter: '
 386            read(std_in,*)Dtset%boxcenter
 387          end if
 388          dtset%ecutsigx = -one
 390          call Vcp%init(Gsphere,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,Dtset%rcut,Dtset%gw_icutcoul,&
 391                         Dtset%vcutgeo,Dtset%ecutsigx,Hscr0%npwe,nqlwl,qlwl,comm)
 392          ABI_FREE(qlwl)
 394          calc_epsilon = .TRUE.
 395        end if
 396      end if
 398      ig1 = 0; ig2 = 0
 399      write(std_out,'(2(a),I0,a)',advance='NO') ch10,' Enter the starting index for G (1 - ',Hscr0%npwe,' ): '
 400      read(std_in,*)ig1_start
 401      if (ig1_start<1.OR.ig1_start>Hscr0%npwe) then
 402        ABI_ERROR(' Starting index out of bounds')
 403      end if
 404      write(std_out,'(a,I0,a,I0,a)',advance='NO')    ' Enter the ending index for G ( ',ig1_start,' - ',Hscr0%npwe,' ): '
 405      read(std_in,*)ig1_end
 406      if (ig1_end<ig1_start.OR.ig1_end>Hscr0%npwe) then
 407        ABI_ERROR(' Ending index out of bounds')
 408      end if
 409      write(std_out,'(a,I0,a)',advance='NO')         ' Enter the starting index for G'' (1 - ',Hscr0%npwe,' ): '
 410      read(std_in,*)ig2_start
 411      if (ig2_start<1.OR.ig2_start>Hscr0%npwe) then
 412        ABI_ERROR(' Starting index out of bounds')
 413      end if
 414      write(std_out,'(a,I0,a,I0,a)',advance='NO')    ' Enter the ending index for G'' ( ',ig2_start,' - ',Hscr0%npwe,' ): '
 415      read(std_in,*)ig2_end
 416      if (ig2_end<ig2_start.OR.ig2_end>Hscr0%npwe) then
 417        ABI_ERROR(' Ending index out of bounds')
 418      end if
 420      only_diag = .FALSE.
 421      write(std_out,'(a)',advance='no') ' Would you like to output only the diagonal [Y/N] ? '
 422      read(std_in,*)ans
 423      if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') only_diag = .TRUE.
 425      do iqibz=1,Hscr0%nqibz
 426        ! In the long wavelength limit we set q==0, because we still can use symmetries for the Body.
 427        qtmp(:)=Hscr0%qibz(:,iqibz); if (normv(qtmp,Cryst%gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0) qtmp(:)=zero
 429        ! FIXME
 430        varname = "none"
 431        call read_screening(varname,fname,Hscr0%npwe,1,Hscr0%nomega,epsm1,iomode,comm,iqiA=iqibz)
 433        if (calc_epsilon) then ! Calculate epsilon
 434          do iomega=1,Hscr0%nomega
 435            if (iqibz==1) then
 436              if (nqlwl>1) then
 437                ABI_ERROR('nqlwl>1 not coded yet!')
 438              end if
 439              vc_sqrt => Vcp%vcqlwl_sqrt(:,iqibz)  ! Use Coulomb term for q-->0
 440            else
 441              vc_sqrt => Vcp%vc_sqrt(:,iqibz)
 442            end if
 443            do ig2=ig2_start,ig2_end
 444              do ig1=ig1_start,ig1_end
 445                epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,1) = -(vc_sqrt(ig1)**2)*epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,1)
 446              end do ! ig1
 447              epsm1(ig2,ig2,iomega,1) = one + epsm1(ig2,ig2,iomega,1)
 448            end do ! ig2
 449          end do ! iomega
 450        end if ! Do we calculate epsilon
 452        ! Find out the total number of frequencies along real/imaginary axes
 453        ! and possibly in the z-plane
 454        nfreqre=0; nfreqim=0; nfreqc=0;
 455        do iomega=1,Hscr0%nomega
 456          if (ABS(REAL(Hscr0%omega(iomega)))<tol8.AND. ABS(AIMAG(Hscr0%omega(iomega)))<tol8) nfreqre = nfreqre + 1
 457          if (ABS(REAL(Hscr0%omega(iomega)))>tol8.AND. ABS(AIMAG(Hscr0%omega(iomega)))<tol8) nfreqre = nfreqre + 1
 458          if (ABS(REAL(Hscr0%omega(iomega)))<tol8.AND. ABS(AIMAG(Hscr0%omega(iomega)))>tol8) nfreqim = nfreqim + 1
 459        end do
 460        if (Hscr0%nomega-nfreqre-nfreqim/=0) then
 461          write(std_out,'(/,a)') ' WARNING: There are frequencies in the full complex plane.'
 462          write(std_out,'(a)')   '          The _SCR or _SUS file might not be suitable'
 463          write(std_out,'(a,/)') '          for self-energy calculations.'
 464          nfreqc = Hscr0%nomega-nfreqre-nfreqim
 465        end if
 466        write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' Found ',Hscr0%nomega,' frequencies.'
 467        write(std_out,'(2(a,I0),2a)') ' ',nfreqre,' real, and ',nfreqim,' imaginary.',ch10
 468        if (nfreqc>0) then
 469          write(std_out,'(a,I0)') ' There is a grid in the complex plane with ',nfreqc
 470          write(std_out,'(2a)')   '  extra frequencies in the list.',ch10
 471        end if
 473        ! Get Q index for name
 474        call int2char4(iqibz,tagq)
 475        ABI_CHECK((tagq(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
 477        if (nfreqre>0) then ! Output real frequency axis
 478          if (calc_epsilon) then
 479            fname_dump=TRIM(fname)//'_EPS_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 480          else
 481            fname_dump=TRIM(fname)//'_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 482          end if
 484          if (open_file(fname_dump, msg, newunit=unt_dump, status='replace', form='formatted') /= 0) then
 485            ABI_ERROR(msg)
 486          end if
 488          do ig1=ig1_start,ig1_end
 489            do ig2=ig2_start,ig2_end
 490              if (only_diag.AND.ig1/=ig2) CYCLE
 491              write(unt_dump,'(2(a,i8),/,a,3f12.6,/,a,3i6,a,3i6,/,a,/)')&
 492              '# ig1= ',ig1,'    ig2= ',ig2,&
 493              '# q = ',Hscr0%qibz(:,iqibz),&
 494              '# G = ',Hscr0%gvec(:,ig1),'  G''= ',Hscr0%gvec(:,ig2),&
 495              '#   omega [eV]           Re             Im '
 496              do iomega=1,nfreqre
 497                write(unt_dump,'(f8.2,4x,2es16.8)') REAL(Hscr0%omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,&
 498                  REAL(epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,1)),AIMAG(epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,1))
 499              end do
 500              write(unt_dump,*)
 501              write(unt_dump,*)
 502            end do !ig2
 503          end do !ig1
 504          close(unt_dump)
 505        end if ! Output real frequency axis
 507        if (nfreqim>0) then ! output imaginary frequency axis
 508          if (calc_epsilon) then
 509            fname_dump=TRIM(fname)//'_EPS_Imfrq_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 510          else
 511            fname_dump=TRIM(fname)//'_Imfrq_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 512          end if
 513          if (open_file(fname_dump,msg,newunit=unt_dump,status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 514            ABI_ERROR(msg)
 515          end if
 516          do ig1=ig1_start,ig1_end
 517            do ig2=ig2_start,ig2_end
 518              if (only_diag.AND.ig1/=ig2) CYCLE
 519              write(unt_dump,'(a,i4,2(a,i8),/,a,3f12.6,/,a,3i6,a,3i6,/,a,/)')&
 520                '# index= ',idx,'    ig1= ',ig1,'    ig2= ',ig2,&
 521                '# q = ',Hscr0%qibz(:,iqibz),&
 522                '# G = ',Hscr0%gvec(:,ig1),'  G''= ',Hscr0%gvec(:,ig2),&
 523                '#   omega [eV]           Re             Im '
 524              do iomega=nfreqre+1,nfreqre+nfreqim
 525                write(unt_dump,'(f8.2,4x,2es16.8)') AIMAG(Hscr0%omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,1)
 526              end do
 527              write(unt_dump,*)
 528              write(unt_dump,*)
 529            end do !ig2
 530          end do !ig1
 531          close(unt_dump)
 532        end if ! Check for imaginary frequencies
 534        ! Check for complex plane values
 535        if (nfreqc>0) then
 536          if (calc_epsilon) then
 537            fname_dump=TRIM(fname)//'_EPS_ZPLANE_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 538          else
 539            fname_dump=TRIM(fname)//'_ZPLANE_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 540          end if
 542          if (open_file(fname_dump,msg,newunit=unt_dump,status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 543            ABI_ERROR(msg)
 544          end if
 546          do ig1=ig1_start,ig1_end
 547            do ig2=ig2_start,ig2_end
 548              if (only_diag.AND.ig1/=ig2) CYCLE
 549              write(unt_dump,'(a,i4,2(a,i8),/,a,3f12.6,/,a,3i6,a,3i6,/,a,/)')&
 550               '# index= ',idx,'    ig1= ',ig1,'    ig2= ',ig2,&
 551               '# q = ',Hscr0%qibz(:,iqibz),&
 552               '# G = ',Hscr0%gvec(:,ig1),'  G''= ',Hscr0%gvec(:,ig2),&
 553               '#   omega [eV]           Re             Im '
 554              do iomega=1,nfreqre
 555                write(unt_dump,'(2(f8.2),4x,2es16.8)') REAL(Hscr0%omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,&
 556                  AIMAG(Hscr0%omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,1)
 557              end do
 558              write(unt_dump,*)
 559              do ios=1,nfreqim
 560                do iomega=1,nfreqre
 561                  if (iomega==1) then
 562                    io = nfreqre + ios
 563                  else
 564                    io = nfreqre + nfreqim + (ios-1)*(nfreqre-1) + (iomega-1)
 565                  end if
 566                  write(unt_dump,'(2(f8.2),4x,2es16.8)') REAL(Hscr0%omega(io))*Ha_eV,&
 567                    AIMAG(Hscr0%omega(io))*Ha_eV,epsm1(ig1,ig2,io,1)
 568                end do
 569                write(unt_dump,*)
 570              end do
 571              write(unt_dump,*)
 572              write(unt_dump,*)
 573            end do !ig2
 574          end do !ig1
 575          close(unt_dump)
 576        end if ! Check for complex plane freqs
 578      end do !iqibz
 580      ABI_FREE(epsm1)
 581      call Gsphere%free()
 583    case(3)
 584        ! Extract dielectric function and plasmon-pole stuff --------------------------
 585      ABI_CHECK(iomode==IO_MODE_FORTRAN, "netcdf output not coded")
 586      write(std_out,'(a)') ' 3 => Calculation of dielectric function and plasmon-pole model'
 588      npwe_asked=Hscr0%npwe; mqmem=Hscr0%nqibz
 589      call init_Er_from_file(Er,fname,mqmem,npwe_asked,comm)
 591      ! Initialize the G-sphere ===
 592      call Gsphere%init(Cryst,Hscr0%npwe,gvec=Hscr0%gvec)
 594      boxcutmin=two; igmax=Gsphere%shlim(Gsphere%nsh)
 595      ecut=Er%Hscr%Hdr%ecutdg
 597      call getng(boxcutmin,1,ecut,Gsphere%gmet,k0,MPI_enreg%me_fft,&
 598        mgfft,nfft,ngfft,MPI_enreg%nproc_fft,Cryst%nsym,paral_kgb0,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons)
 600      ! I am using standard valued, it would be better to call indefo
 601      ! ngfft(1:3)=Er%Hscr%Hdr%ngfft(1:3)
 602      ngfft(7)=112
 603      ngfft(8)=get_cache_kb()
 604      nfft = PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
 606      Dtset%gw_icutcoul=3; Dtset%rcut=zero
 607      Dtset%vcutgeo=(/zero,zero,zero/); Dtset%boxcenter=(/zero,zero,zero/)
 608      Dtset%ecutsigx = -1
 610      if (Er%Hscr%nqlwl==0) then
 611        nqlwl=1
 612        ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
 613        qlwl(:,1)= GW_Q0_DEFAULT
 614      else
 615        nqlwl=Er%Hscr%nqlwl
 616        ABI_MALLOC(qlwl,(3,nqlwl))
 617        qlwl(:,:)=Er%Hscr%qlwl(:,1:nqlwl)
 618      end if
 620      call Vcp%init(Gsphere,Cryst,Qmesh,Kmesh,Dtset%rcut,Dtset%gw_icutcoul,Dtset%vcutgeo,Dtset%ecutsigx,&
 621                   Hscr0%npwe,nqlwl,qlwl,comm)
 622      ABI_FREE(qlwl)
 624      ! Get the density from an external file ===
 625      ! If meshes are not the same, do an FFT interpolation to have rhor on ngfft.
 626      call prompt(' Enter name for external DEN (or PAWDEN) file: ', fname_rho)
 628      ABI_MALLOC(rhor,(nfft,Hscr0%Hdr%nspden))
 629      ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij,(Hscr0%Hdr%natom*Hscr0%Hdr%usepaw))
 631      call read_rhor(fname_rho, cplex1, nfft, Hscr0%Hdr%nspden, ngfft, 1, MPI_enreg, rhor, hdr_rhor, pawrhoij, comm)
 633      call hdr_rhor%free()
 634      call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij)
 635      ABI_FREE(pawrhoij)
 637      ABI_MALLOC(rhog,(2,nfft))
 638      call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor(:,1),-1,MPI_enreg,nfft,1,ngfft,0)
 640      ABI_MALLOC(nhat,(nfft,Hscr0%Hdr%nspden*Hscr0%Hdr%usepaw))
 641      compch_sph=greatest_real; compch_fft=greatest_real
 642      usexcnhat=0; usefinegrid=0
 644      nelectron_exp = Hscr0%Hdr%nelect
 646      call test_charge(nfft,nelectron_exp,Hscr0%Hdr%nspden,rhor,Cryst%ucvol,&
 647        Hscr0%Hdr%usepaw,usexcnhat,usefinegrid,compch_sph,compch_fft,drude_plsmf)
 648      GN_drude_plsmf = drude_plsmf
 650      ! Read and in case make Epsilon^{-1} according the the options specified
 651      id_required=4; ikxc=0; approx_type=0; option_test=0; dim_kxcg=0
 652      ABI_MALLOC(kxcg,(nfft,dim_kxcg))
 654      call prompt(' Enter prefix for output files: ',prefix)
 655      fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_SCR'
 657      orig_npwe = Er%npwe
 658      write(std_out,'(2a,I0)') ch10,' Number of plane waves is: ',Er%npwe
 659      write(std_out,'(a)',advance='no') ' Would you like to change it [Y/N] ?'
 660      read(std_in,*) ans
 661      if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 662        write(std_out,'(a)',advance='no') ' Enter new no. of plane waves (0 means use old value): '
 663        read(std_in,*) ii
 664        if (ii>0.or.ii<=Er%npwe) Er%npwe = ii
 665        if (ii<0.or.ii>Er%npwe) then
 666          ABI_ERROR(' Wrong value for no. of plane waves!')
 667        end if
 668      end if
 670      if (is_scr) Er%mqmem=1
 671      if (is_sus) Er%mqmem=0
 672      call mkdump_Er(Er,Vcp,Er%npwe,Gsphere%gvec,dim_kxcg,kxcg,id_required,approx_type,ikxc,option_test,&
 673        fname_dump,iomode,nfft,ngfft,comm)
 674      Er%mqmem=1
 676      call em1results_print(Er)
 678      write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ch10,&
 679      ' Would you like to calculate the eigenvalues of eps^{-1}_GG''(omega) [Y/N] ? '
 680      read(std_in,*) ans
 682      if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 683        ABI_MALLOC(epsm1_eigen,(Er%npwe,Er%nomega))
 684        imax = 10
 685        if (Er%npwe < imax) imax = Er%npwe
 686        do iqibz=1,Er%nqibz
 687          call int2char4(iqibz,tagq)
 688          ABI_CHECK((tagq(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
 689          fname_eigen=TRIM(prefix)//'_EM1_EIG_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 690          if (open_file(fname_eigen,msg,newunit=unt_dump,status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 691            ABI_ERROR(msg)
 692          end if
 693          call decompose_epsm1(Er,iqibz,epsm1_eigen)
 694          write(unt_dump,'(a)')       '# First (max 10) eigenvalues of eps^{-1}(omega)'
 695          write(unt_dump,'(a,3f12.6)')'# q = ',Hscr0%qibz(:,iqibz)
 696          write(unt_dump,'(a)')       '# REAL omega [eV]  REAL(eigen(esp^-1(1,w)))  AIMAG(eigen(esp^-1(1,w))  ...'
 697          do iomega=1,Er%nomega_r
 698            write(unt_dump,'(21(es16.8))')REAL(Er%omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,&
 699              (REAL(epsm1_eigen(ii,iomega)),ii=1,imax),(AIMAG(epsm1_eigen(ii,iomega)),ii=1,imax)
 700          end do
 701          close(unt_dump)
 702        end do
 703        ABI_FREE(epsm1_eigen)
 704        ABI_FREE(kxcg)
 705      end if ! Calculate eigenvalues
 707      ! Analyze the PPmodel.
 708      write(std_out,'(2a)') ch10,' Would you like to analyse plasmon-pole models [Y/N] ? '
 709      read(std_in,*)ans
 711      if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 712        write(std_out,'(2a,f6.2,a)') ch10,' Plasma frequency for GN PPM is: ',GN_drude_plsmf*Ha_eV, ' eV'
 713        write(std_out,'(a)',advance='no') ' Would you like to change it [Y/N] ?'
 714        read(std_in,*) ans
 715        if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 716          write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ch10,' Enter plasma frequency [eV]: '
 717          read(std_in,*) GN_drude_plsmf
 718          GN_drude_plsmf = GN_drude_plsmf/Ha_eV
 719        end if
 721        write(std_out,'(2a)') ch10,' Would you like to calculate the plasmon-pole model'
 722        write(std_out,'(a)',advance='no')       '        eigenvalues of eps^{-1}_GG''(omega) [Y/N] ? '
 723        read(std_in,*) ans
 725        if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 726          ABI_MALLOC(ppm_eigen,(PPm%npwc,Er%nomega))
 727          imax = 10; if (Er%npwe < imax) imax = Er%npwe
 728          do iqibz=1,Er%nqibz
 729            do ppmodel=1,2
 731              call int2char4(iqibz,tagq)
 732              ABI_CHECK((tagq(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
 733              if (ppmodel==1) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_GN_EM1_EIG_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 734              if (ppmodel==2) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_HL_EM1_EIG_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 735              if (ppmodel==3) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_vdLH_EM1_EIG_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 736              if (ppmodel==4) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_EF_EM1_EIG_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 738              if (open_file(fname_eigen,msg,newunit=unt_dump,status='new',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 739                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 740              end if
 742              call ppm_free(PPm)
 743              if (ppmodel==1) then
 744                call ppm_init(PPm,Er%mqmem,Er%nqibz,Er%npwe,ppmodel,GN_drude_plsmf,Dtset%gw_invalid_freq)
 745              else
 746                call ppm_init(PPm,Er%mqmem,Er%nqibz,Er%npwe,ppmodel,drude_plsmf,Dtset%gw_invalid_freq)
 747              end if
 748              call setup_ppmodel(PPm,Cryst,Qmesh,Er%npwe,Er%nomega,Er%omega,Er%epsm1,nfft,Gsphere%gvec,ngfft,rhor(:,1),iqibz)
 750              call get_PPm_eigenvalues(PPm,iqibz,Er%Hscr%zcut,Er%nomega,Er%omega,Vcp,ppm_eigen)
 752              write(unt_dump,'(a)')       '# First (max 10) eigenvalues of eps^{-1}(omega) from Plasmon-pole model'
 753              write(unt_dump,'(a,3f12.6)')'# q = ',Hscr0%qibz(:,iqibz)
 754              select case(ppmodel)
 755              case(1)
 756                write(unt_dump,'(a)')     '# ppmodel = 1 : Godby - Needs'
 757              case(2)
 758                write(unt_dump,'(a)')     '# ppmodel = 2 : Hybertsen - Louie'
 759              case(3)
 760                write(unt_dump,'(a)')     '# ppmodel = 3 : von der Linden - Horsch'
 761              case(4)
 762                write(unt_dump,'(a)')     '# ppmodel = 4 : Engel - Farid'
 763              end select
 764              write(unt_dump,'(a)')       '# REAL omega [eV]  REAL(eigen(ppm_eps^-1(1,w)))  AIMAG(eigen(ppm_eps^-1(1,w))  ...'
 765              do iomega=1,Er%nomega_r
 766                write(unt_dump,'(21(es16.8))')REAL(Er%omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,&
 767                  (REAL(ppm_eigen(ii,iomega)),ii=1,imax),(AIMAG(ppm_eigen(ii,iomega)),ii=1,imax)
 768              end do
 769              close(unt_dump)
 771            end do !ppmodel
 772          end do ! iqibz
 773          ABI_FREE(ppm_eigen)
 774        end if ! Calculate PPM eigenvalues
 776        ! Optionally output eps^{-1}_GG''(w) for a given set of GG' and gridpoints
 777        write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ch10,' Would you like to extract eps^{-1}_GG''(omega) for the PPM [Y/N] ?'
 778        read(std_in,*) ans
 780        if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 781          ! Reconstruct e^{-1}_GG'(w) according to PPmodel for statistical analysis.
 782          write(std_out,'(a)') ' Enter the number of frequency points in the'
 783          write(std_out,'(a)') '  interval 0 - freqremax (0 means same as input file ): '
 784          read(std_in,*) nfreqre
 785          if (nfreqre==0) then
 786            nfreqre   = Er%nomega_r
 787            nfreqim   = Er%nomega_i
 788            nfreq_tot = Er%nomega
 789            freqremax = REAL(Er%omega(Er%nomega_r))
 790            ABI_MALLOC(omega,(nfreq_tot))
 791            omega(:) = Er%omega(:)
 792            same_freqs = .TRUE.
 793          else
 794            write(std_out,'(a)') ' Enter the value of freqremax (in eV): '
 795            read(std_in,*) freqremax
 796            nfreqim   = Er%nomega_i
 797            nfreq_tot = nfreqre+nfreqim
 798            ABI_MALLOC(omega,(nfreqre+Er%nomega_i))
 799            do iomega=1,nfreqre
 800              omega(iomega) =  CMPLX((freqremax/REAL((nfreqre-1)))*(iomega-1),zero)
 801            end do
 802            omega(nfreqre+1:nfreq_tot) = Er%omega(Er%nomega_r+1:Er%nomega)
 803            same_freqs = .FALSE.
 804          end if ! frequencies
 806          do iqibz=1,Er%nqibz
 807            qtmp(:)=Er%qibz(:,iqibz); if (normv(qtmp,Cryst%gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0) qtmp(:)=zero
 808            call int2char4(iqibz,tagq)
 809            ABI_CHECK((tagq(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
 811            ! At this time only the Godby-Needs and Hybertsen-Louie models
 812            ! TODO: Check the results from the others
 813            do ppmodel=1,2
 815              call ppm_free(PPm)
 816              if (ppmodel==1) then
 817                call ppm_init(PPm,Er%mqmem,Er%nqibz,Er%npwe,ppmodel,GN_drude_plsmf,Dtset%gw_invalid_freq)
 818              else
 819                call ppm_init(PPm,Er%mqmem,Er%nqibz,Er%npwe,ppmodel,drude_plsmf,Dtset%gw_invalid_freq)
 820              end if
 821              call setup_ppmodel(PPm,Cryst,Qmesh,Er%npwe,Er%nomega,Er%omega,Er%epsm1,&
 822                nfft,Gsphere%gvec,ngfft,rhor(:,1),iqibz)
 824              ! Prepare file for data on real omega axis
 825              if (ppmodel==1) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_w_GN_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 826              if (ppmodel==2) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_w_HL_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 827              if (ppmodel==3) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_w_vdLH_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 828              if (ppmodel==4) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_w_EF_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 830              if (open_file(fname_dump,msg,newunit=unt_dump,status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 831                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 832              end if
 834              ! Prepare file for data on imaginary omega axis
 835              if (ppmodel==1) fname_dump2=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_iw_GN_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 836              if (ppmodel==2) fname_dump2=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_iw_HL_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 837              if (ppmodel==3) fname_dump2=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_iw_vdLH_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 838              if (ppmodel==4) fname_dump2=TRIM(prefix)//'_PPM_iw_EF_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 840              if (open_file(fname_dump2,msg,newunit=unt_dump2,status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 841                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 842              end if
 844              ABI_MALLOC(em1_ppm,(nfreq_tot))
 846              ig1 = 0; ig2 = 0
 847              write(std_out,'(3a,I0,a,I0)') ch10,' Enter indices for G and G''.',&
 848                'Entering 0 exits the loop. iqibz = ',iqibz,' ppmodel = ',ppmodel
 850              do
 851                write(std_out,'(2(a),I0,a)',advance='NO') ch10,' Enter index for G (1 - ',Er%npwe,' ): '
 852                read(std_in,*)ig1
 853                if (ig1==0) EXIT
 854                if (ig1<0.OR.ig1>Er%npwe) ABI_ERROR(' index out of bounds')
 855                write(std_out,'(2(a),I0,a)',advance='NO') ch10,' Enter index for G'' (1 - ',Er%npwe,' ): '
 856                read(std_in,*)ig2
 857                if (ig2==0) EXIT
 858                if (ig2<0.OR.ig2>Er%npwe) ABI_ERROR(' index out of bounds')
 860                ! Generate the PPM representation of epsilon^-1
 861                call getem1_from_PPm_one_ggp(PPm,iqibz,Er%Hscr%zcut,nfreq_tot,omega,Vcp,em1_ppm,ig1,ig2)
 863                write(unt_dump,'(a,I1)') '# epsilon^-1_GG''(omega) from ppmodel = ',ppmodel
 864                write(unt_dump,'(2(a,i8),/,a,3f12.6,/,a,3i6,a,3i6,/,a,3F9.4,a,3F9.4,a,/a,f9.4,a,f9.4,a,/,a,/)')&
 865                  '# ig1= ',ig1,'    ig2= ',ig2,&
 866                  '# q = ',Er%qibz(:,iqibz),&
 867                  '# G = ',Er%gvec(:,ig1),'  G''= ',Er%gvec(:,ig2),&
 868                  '# G = (',MATMUL(two_pi*Cryst%gmet,Er%gvec(:,ig1)),&
 869                  ')  G''= (',MATMUL(two_pi*Cryst%gmet,Er%gvec(:,ig2)),')',&
 870                  '# 1/2|G|^2 =',half*normv(Er%gvec(:,ig1),Cryst%gmet,'G')**2,&
 871                  ' Ha 1/2|G''|^2 =',half*normv(Er%gvec(:,ig2),Cryst%gmet,'G')**2,' Ha',&
 872                  '#   omega [eV]           Re             Im '
 873                write(unt_dump2,'(a,I1)') '# epsilon^-1_GG''(iomega) from ppmodel = ',ppmodel
 874                write(unt_dump2,'(2(a,i8),/,a,3f12.6,/,a,3i6,a,3i6,/,a,3F9.4,a,3F9.4,a,/a,f9.4,a,f9.4,a,/,a,/)')&
 875                  '# ig1= ',ig1,'    ig2= ',ig2,&
 876                  '# q = ',Er%qibz(:,iqibz),&
 877                  '# G = ',Er%gvec(:,ig1),'  G''= ',Er%gvec(:,ig2),&
 878                  '# G = (',MATMUL(two_pi*Cryst%gmet,Er%gvec(:,ig1)),&
 879                  ')  G''= (',MATMUL(two_pi*Cryst%gmet,Er%gvec(:,ig2)),')',&
 880                  '# 1/2|G|^2 =',half*normv(Er%gvec(:,ig1),Cryst%gmet,'G')**2,&
 881                  ' Ha 1/2|G''|^2 =',half*normv(Er%gvec(:,ig2),Cryst%gmet,'G')**2,' Ha',&
 882                  '#   iomega [eV]           Re             Im '
 884                do iomega=1,nfreqre
 885                  if (same_freqs) then
 886                    write(unt_dump,'(f8.2,4x,4es16.8)') REAL(omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,em1_ppm(iomega),&
 887                      Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,iqibz)
 888                  else
 889                    write(unt_dump,'(f8.2,4x,2es16.8)') REAL(omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,em1_ppm(iomega)
 890                  end if
 891                end do
 892                ! First output the iomega = 0 point
 893                write(unt_dump2,'(f8.2,4x,4es16.8)') AIMAG(omega(1))*Ha_eV,em1_ppm(1),&
 894                  Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,1,iqibz)
 895                ! Then the rest
 896                do iomega=nfreqre+1,nfreq_tot
 897                  write(unt_dump2,'(f8.2,4x,4es16.8)') AIMAG(omega(iomega))*Ha_eV,em1_ppm(iomega),&
 898                    Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,iomega,iqibz)
 899                end do
 900                write(unt_dump,*)
 901                write(unt_dump,*)
 902                write(unt_dump2,*)
 903                write(unt_dump2,*)
 904              end do ! Empty
 905              ABI_FREE(em1_ppm)
 906              close(unt_dump)
 907              close(unt_dump2)
 909            end do ! ppmodel
 910          end do ! iqibz
 911          ABI_FREE(omega)
 912        end if ! Output epsilon for PPM
 914        ! Optionally statistics for all PPMs
 915        write(std_out,'(2a)',advance='no') ch10,' Would you like to output statistics for all PPMs [Y/N] ?'
 916        read(std_in,*) ans
 918        if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
 919          nfreqre   = Er%nomega_r
 920          nfreq_tot = Er%nomega
 921          freqremax = REAL(Er%omega(Er%nomega_r))
 922          ABI_MALLOC(real_omega,(nfreqre))
 923          real_omega(:) = REAL(Er%omega(1:nfreqre))
 925          do iqibz=1,Er%nqibz
 926            do ppmodel=1,2
 928              qtmp(:)=Er%qibz(:,iqibz)
 929              if (normv(qtmp,Cryst%gmet,'G')<GW_TOLQ0) qtmp(:)=zero
 931              call ppm_free(PPm)
 932              if (ppmodel==1) then
 933                call ppm_init(PPm,Er%mqmem,Er%nqibz,Er%npwe,ppmodel,GN_drude_plsmf,Dtset%gw_invalid_freq)
 934              else
 935                call ppm_init(PPm,Er%mqmem,Er%nqibz,Er%npwe,ppmodel,drude_plsmf,Dtset%gw_invalid_freq)
 936              end if
 937              call setup_ppmodel(PPm,Cryst,Qmesh,Er%npwe,Er%nomega,Er%omega,Er%epsm1,&
 938              nfft,Gsphere%gvec,ngfft,rhor(:,1),iqibz)
 940              ! Prepare ratios and density for the f-sum rule
 941              ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(qratio,(orig_npwe,orig_npwe), ierr)
 942              ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(rhoggp,(Er%npwe,Er%npwe), ierr)
 944              call cqratio(orig_npwe,Gsphere%gvec,qtmp,Cryst%gmet,Cryst%gprimd,qratio)
 945              ! Arrange n(G-G')->n(G,G')
 946              ierr=0
 947              do ig1=1,Er%npwe
 948                do ig2=1,Er%npwe
 949                  gmgp_idx = g2ifft(Gsphere%gvec(:,ig1)-Gsphere%gvec(:,ig2),ngfft)
 950                  if (gmgp_idx/=0) then
 951                    rhoggp(ig1,ig2)=CMPLX(rhog(1,gmgp_idx),rhog(2,gmgp_idx))
 952                  else
 953                    ierr=ierr+1
 954                    rhoggp(ig1,ig2)=czero
 955                  end if
 956                end do
 957              end do
 958              if (ierr/=0) then
 959                write(std_out,'(a,i0,a)')' Found ',ierr,' G1-G2 vectors falling outside the FFT box. '
 960              end if
 962              ! Prepare files
 963              call int2char4(iqibz,tagq)
 964              ABI_CHECK((tagq(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
 965              if (ppmodel==1) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_norms_GN_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 966              if (ppmodel==2) fname_dump=TRIM(prefix)//'_norms_HL_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 967              if (open_file(fname_dump,msg, newunit=unt_dump, status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 968                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 969              end if
 970              write(unt_dump,'(a)') '# Various norms integrated through spline interpolation'
 971              write(unt_dump,'(a)') '# over all frequencies in the input file,'
 972              write(unt_dump,'(a)') '# for all G and G'' vectors.'
 973              write(unt_dump,'(a,I0)') '#               ppmodel: ',ppmodel
 974              write(unt_dump,'(a,I0)') '# Number of frequencies: ',nfreqre
 975              write(unt_dump,'(a,f12.6)') '# Maximum frequency    : ',freqremax
 976              write(unt_dump,'(a)') '# Columns:'
 977              write(unt_dump,'(2a)') '#  ig1      ig2   |eps-eps_PPM|/|eps|',&
 978                '   |eps-eps_PPM|    |eps|     |eps_PPM|            G                  G'''
 979              if (ppmodel==1) fname_dump2=TRIM(prefix)//'_f_sumrule_GN_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 980              if (ppmodel==2) fname_dump2=TRIM(prefix)//'_f_sumrule_HL_Q'//TRIM(tagq)
 982              if (open_file(fname_dump2,msg,newunit=unt_dump2,status='replace',form='formatted') /= 0) then
 983                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 984              end if
 986              write(unt_dump2,'(a)') '# The fulfillment of the f-sum rule: I(epsilon) ='
 987              write(unt_dump2,'(a)') '#   int_0^{inf}{omega*Im[epsilon_G,G''(omega)]}/C_qGG'''
 988              write(unt_dump2,'(a)') '# C_qGG'' = '
 989              write(unt_dump2,'(a)') '#   -Pi/2*omega_p^2*(q+G)*(q+G'')/|q+G|^2*n(G-G'')/n(0)'
 990              write(unt_dump2,'(a)') '# for all G and G'' vectors.'
 991              write(unt_dump2,'(a,I0)') '#               ppmodel: ',ppmodel
 992              write(unt_dump2,'(a,I0)') '# Number of frequencies: ',nfreqre
 993              write(unt_dump2,'(a,f12.6)') '# Maximum frequency    : ',freqremax
 994              write(unt_dump2,'(a)') '# Columns:'
 995              write(unt_dump2,'(3a)') '#  ig1      ig2   I(epsilon)',&
 996                '   I(eps_PPM)   Re[n(G-G'')]    Im[n(G-G'')]    qratio      I1*C_qGG''',&
 997                ' Re[Omegatwsq] Im[Omegatwsq]   Re[omegatw]   Im[omegatw]    |G|    1/2|G|^2'
 999              ABI_MALLOC(em1_ppm,(nfreq_tot))
1000              ABI_MALLOC(ftab,(nfreqre))
1001              ABI_MALLOC(ysp,(3,nfreqre))
1002              ABI_MALLOC(work,(nfreqre))
1003              ABI_MALLOC(eint,(nfreqre))
1005              do ig1=1,Er%npwe
1006                write(std_out,'(2(a,I0))') ' ig1= ',ig1, ' of ',Er%npwe
1007                do ig2=1,Er%npwe
1008                  !ig2 = ig1
1009                  call getem1_from_PPm_one_ggp(PPm,iqibz,Er%Hscr%zcut,nfreq_tot,Er%omega,Vcp,em1_ppm,ig1,ig2)
1011                  ! Calculate norms in real
1012                  eps_diff=0; eps_norm=0; eps_ppm_norm=0
1013                  ftab(1:nfreqre) = ABS(Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,1:nfreqre,iqibz)-em1_ppm(1:nfreqre))
1014                  call cspint(ftab,real_omega,nfreqre,real_omega(1),real_omega(nfreqre),ysp,eint,work,eps_diff)
1015                  ftab(1:nfreqre) = ABS(Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,1:nfreqre,iqibz))
1016                  call cspint(ftab,real_omega,nfreqre,real_omega(1),real_omega(nfreqre),ysp,eint,work,eps_norm)
1017                  ftab(1:nfreqre) = ABS(em1_ppm(1:nfreqre))
1018                  call cspint(ftab,real_omega,nfreqre,real_omega(1),real_omega(nfreqre),ysp,eint,work,eps_ppm_norm)
1019                  write(unt_dump,'(2i6,f12.4,3es14.4,6i4)') ig1,ig2,eps_diff/eps_norm,eps_diff,&
1020                    eps_norm,eps_ppm_norm,Er%gvec(:,ig1),Er%gvec(:,ig2)
1022                  ! Evaluate the f-sum rule
1023                  if (ig1==ig2) then
1024                    ftab(1:nfreqre) = real_omega(1:nfreqre)*AIMAG(Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,1:nfreqre,iqibz))
1025                  else
1026                    ! Dephase first - HERE epsm1 is changed!
1027                    call remove_phase(epsm1(ig1,ig2,:,1),Hscr_file(1)%nomega,phase)
1028                    ftab(1:nfreqre) = real_omega(1:nfreqre)*AIMAG(Er%epsm1(ig1,ig2,1:nfreqre,iqibz))
1029                  end if
1031                  call cspint(ftab,real_omega,nfreqre,real_omega(1),&
1032                    real_omega(nfreqre),ysp,eint,work,eps_diff)
1034                  if (ig1==ig2) then
1035                    factor = -two*pi*pi*REAL(rhoggp(ig1,ig2))*qratio(ig1,ig2)
1036                  else
1037                    rhoggp(ig1,ig2) = CMPLX(COS(phase),-SIN(phase))*rhoggp(ig1,ig2)
1038                    factor = -two*pi*pi*REAL(rhoggp(ig1,ig2))*qratio(ig1,ig2)
1039                  end if
1041                  if (ABS(qratio(ig1,ig2))>zero) then
1042                    value1 = eps_diff/factor
1043                    if (ppmodel==1) then
1044                      value2 = -pi*half*(REAL(PPm%bigomegatwsq(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2))&
1045                        /(REAL(PPm%omegatw(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2))))&
1046                        /factor*(2*sqrt(pi*rhoggp(1,1)))
1047                    else
1048                      value2 = -pi*half*(SQRT(REAL(PPm%bigomegatwsq(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2))))&
1049                       /factor*(2*sqrt(pi*rhoggp(1,1)))
1050                    end if
1051                  else
1052                    value1 = zero
1053                    value2 = zero
1054                  end if
1056                  write(unt_dump2,'(2i6,12es14.4)') ig1,ig2,value1,value2,&
1057                    REAL(rhoggp(ig1,ig2)),AIMAG(rhoggp(ig1,ig2)),qratio(ig1,ig2),&
1058                    eps_diff,REAL(PPm%bigomegatwsq(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2)),&
1059                    AIMAG(PPm%bigomegatwsq(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2)),&
1060                    REAL(PPm%omegatw(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2)),&
1061                    AIMAG(PPm%omegatw(iqibz)%vals(ig1,ig2)),&
1062                    normv(Er%gvec(:,ig1),Cryst%gmet,'G'),&
1063                    half*normv(Er%gvec(:,ig1),Cryst%gmet,'G')**2
1065                end do !ig2
1066              end do !ig1
1068              ABI_FREE(em1_ppm)
1069              ABI_FREE(ftab)
1070              ABI_FREE(ysp)
1071              ABI_FREE(work)
1072              ABI_FREE(eint)
1073              ABI_FREE(qratio)
1074              ABI_FREE(rhoggp)
1075              close(unt_dump); close(unt_dump2)
1077            end do ! ppmodel
1078          end do ! iqibz
1080          ABI_FREE(real_omega)
1081        end if ! Output statistics
1083        call ppm_free(PPm)
1084      end if ! If ppmodel>0
1086      ABI_FREE(rhor)
1087      ABI_FREE(rhog)
1088      ABI_FREE(nhat)
1090      call Vcp%free()
1091      call em1results_free(Er)
1092      call Gsphere%free()
1094    case(4)
1095      ! Remove real frequencies ----------------------------------------------------------
1096      write(std_out,'(2(a))') ch10,' Do you want to remove every other real frequency  (= 1) ?'
1097      write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or specify for each real frequency individually  (= 2) ?'
1098      write(std_out,'(a)')         '  or remove ALL real frequencies                   (= 3) ?'
1099      read(std_in,*)choice
1101      ! Calculate the total number of real freq
1102      nfreqre = 0; nfreqim = 0
1103      do ifrq=1,Hscr_file(1)%nomega
1104        ! If frequency is not imaginary, count.
1105        if (AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq)) < tol8) nfreqre = nfreqre + 1
1106        if (REAL(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq)) < tol8 .and. AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq))>tol8)  nfreqim = nfreqim + 1
1107      end do
1109      nfreq_tot = nfreqre + nfreqim ! Here nfreq_tot becomes the *true* number of freq
1110      write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' Found ',nfreq_tot,' frequencies.'
1111      write(std_out,'(2(a,I0),2a)') ' ',nfreqre,' real, and ',nfreqim,' imaginary.',ch10
1113      ! Array with the index of frequencies to be kept.
1114      ABI_MALLOC(freq_indx,(nfreq_tot,1))
1115      freq_indx = 0
1117      select case(choice)
1118      case(1)
1119        ! Remove every other frequency
1120        write(std_out,'(2(a))') ch10,' Removing every other real frequency, i.e. every even one.'
1121        write(std_out,'(a)')         ' If the total number of frequencies is odd, the first and last one will be kept.'
1122        write(std_out,'(a)')         ' If the total number is even, the first one will still be in the final set.'
1124        ! Test for no real frequencies
1125        ABI_CHECK(nfreqre /= 0, "No real frequencies in file!")
1127        ii=nfreqre; nfreqre = 0
1128        do ifrq=1,ii
1129          if (.not. iseven(ifrq)) then
1130            nfreqre = nfreqre + 1; freq_indx(nfreqre,1) = ifrq
1131          end if
1132        end do
1133        write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' ',nfreqre,' real frequencies will be kept.'
1135      case(2)
1136        ! Specify freq. individually
1137        ii = nfreqre; nfreqre = 0
1138        do ifrq=1,ii
1139          write(std_out,'(a,f12.6,a)') ' Would you like to keep freq. at: ',REAL(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq))*Ha_eV,' eV? [y/n]'
1140          read(std_in,*) ans
1141          if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
1142            nfreqre = nfreqre + 1; freq_indx(nfreqre,1) = ifrq
1143          end if
1144        end do
1145        write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' ',nfreqre,' real frequencies will be kept.'
1147      case(3)
1148        ! Remove all real freq.
1149        nfreqre = 0
1151      case default
1152        ABI_ERROR("Invalid choice!")
1153      end select
1155      ! Add imaginary frequencies if any
1156      if (nfreqim > 0) then
1157        nfreqim = 0
1158        do ifrq=1,Hscr_file(1)%nomega
1159          if (AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq)) > tol8) then
1160            nfreqim = nfreqim + 1; freq_indx(nfreqre+nfreqim,1) = ifrq
1161          end if
1162        end do
1163      end if
1165      nfreq_tot = nfreqre + nfreqim ! Here nfreq_tot becomes the *true* number of freq
1166      write(std_out,'(3(a,i0),a)')' Finally, we have ',nfreq_tot,' frequencies. ',nfreqre,' real, and ',nfreqim,' imaginary.'
1168      call prompt(' Enter the full name of the final output file: ', fname_out)
1170      if (endswith(filenames(1), ".nc") .and. .not. endswith(fname_out, ".nc")) then
1171        fname_out = nctk_ncify(fname_out)
1172        call wrtout(std_out,"- Added .nc extension to output file as input data is in netcdf format.")
1173      end if
1175      call ioscr_wremove(filenames(1), hscr_file(1), fname_out, nfreq_tot, freq_indx, hscr_merge)
1176      ABI_FREE(freq_indx)
1178    case(5)
1179      ! Remove imaginary frequencies ------------------------------------------------
1181      ! Calculate the total number of freq
1182      nfreqre = 0; nfreqim = 0
1183      do ifrq=1,Hscr_file(1)%nomega
1184          ! If frequency is not imaginary, count.
1185        if (AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq))<tol8) nfreqre = nfreqre + 1
1186        if (REAL(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq))<tol8.and.AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq))>tol8)  nfreqim = nfreqim + 1
1187      end do ! ifrq
1189      ! Test for no real frequencies
1190      if (nfreqim == 0) then
1191        ABI_ERROR("No imaginary frequencies in file!")
1192      end if
1194      nfreq_tot = nfreqre + nfreqim ! Here nfreq_tot becomes the *true* number of freq
1195      write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' Found ',nfreq_tot,' frequencies.'
1196      write(std_out,'(2(a,I0),2a)') ' ',nfreqre,' real, and ',nfreqim,' imaginary.',ch10
1198      ABI_MALLOC(freq_indx,(nfreq_tot,1))
1199      freq_indx = 0
1201      ! Specify freq. individually
1202      ii=nfreq_tot; nfreqim = 0
1203      do ifrq=nfreqre+1,ii
1204        write(std_out,'(a,f12.6,a)')&
1205         ' Would you like to keep imaginary freq. at: ',AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq))*Ha_eV,' eV? [y/n]'
1206        read(std_in,*) ans
1207        if (ans=='Y'.or.ans=='y') then
1208          nfreqim = nfreqim + 1; freq_indx(nfreqre+nfreqim,1) = ifrq
1209        end if
1210      end do ! ifrq
1211      write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' ',nfreqim,' imaginary frequencies will be kept.'
1213      ! Add real frequencies if any
1214      if (nfreqre > 0) then
1215        nfreqre = 0
1216        do ifrq=1,Hscr_file(1)%nomega
1217          if (AIMAG(Hscr_file(1)%omega(ifrq)) < tol8) then
1218            nfreqre = nfreqre + 1; freq_indx(nfreqre,1) = ifrq
1219          end if
1220        end do
1221      end if
1223      nfreq_tot = nfreqre + nfreqim ! Here nfreq_tot becomes the *true* number of freq
1224      write(std_out,'(2a,I0,a)') ch10,' Finally, we have ',nfreq_tot,' frequencies.'
1225      write(std_out,'(2(a,I0),2a)') ' ',nfreqre,' real, and ',nfreqim,' imaginary.',ch10
1227      call prompt(' Enter the full name of the final output file: ',fname_out)
1229      if (endswith(filenames(1), ".nc") .and. .not. endswith(fname_out, ".nc")) then
1230        fname_out = nctk_ncify(fname_out)
1231        call wrtout(std_out,"- Added .nc extension to output file as input data is in netcdf format.")
1232      end if
1234      call ioscr_wremove(filenames(1), hscr_file(1), fname_out, nfreq_tot, freq_indx, hscr_merge)
1236      ABI_FREE(freq_indx)
1238    case(6)
1239      ! Model screening -------------------------------------------------------------
1240      ABI_ERROR("Model screening has been removed")
1242    !case(9)
1243    !  TODO
1244    !  ! netcdf --> Fortran converter -------------------------------------------------------------
1245    !  call prompt(' Enter the name of the final output Fortran file: ',fname_out)
1246    !  ! fname_out extension should be consistent with filenames(1)
1247    !  call ioscr_nc2fort(filenames(1), fname_out)
1249    case default
1250      ! Bail if choice is wrong
1251      write(std_out,*) ' Invalid choice! Exiting...'
1252      goto 100
1253    end select
1255  end if ! Single file mode
1257  call timein(tcpu,twall)
1259  tsec(1)=tcpu-tcpui
1260  tsec(2)=twall-twalli
1262  write(std_out, '(a,a,a,f13.1,a,f13.1)' )  '-',ch10,'- Proc.   0 individual time (sec): cpu=',tsec(1),'  wall=',tsec(2)
1264  ! =====================
1265  ! ==== Free memory ====
1266  ! =====================
1267  ABI_FREE(filenames)
1268  ABI_SFREE(kxcg)
1269  ABI_SFREE(foundq)
1271  call cryst%free()
1272  call Kmesh%free()
1273  call Qmesh%free()
1274  call destroy_mpi_enreg(MPI_enreg)
1276  nullify(Hscr0)
1277  call Hscr_merge%free()
1279  do ifile=1,nfiles
1280    call Hscr_file(ifile)%free()
1281  end do
1282  ABI_FREE(Hscr_file)
1284  call flush_unit(std_out)
1286  call abinit_doctor("__mrgscr")
1288  100 call xmpi_end()
1290  end program mrgscr