ABINIT/smpbz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Generate a set of special k (or q) points which samples in a homogeneous way
 the entire Brillouin zone of a simple lattice, face-centered cubic,
 body-centered lattice and hexagonal lattice.
 If kptrlatt is diagonal, the algorithm used here reduces to the usual
 Monkhorst-Pack set of k points.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (JCC,XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  brav = 1 or -1 -> simple lattice; 2 -> face-centered cubic;
   3 -> body-centered lattice; 4 -> hexagonal lattice (D6h)
  downsampling(3) [optional, for brav=1 only]
    Three integer numbers, describing the downsampling of the k grid
    If present, in any case, only the first shiftk is taken into account
    The absolute value of one number gives, for the corresponding k-coordinate, the factor of decrease of the sampling
    If zero, only one point is used to sample along this direction
    The sign has also a meaning : 
    - if three numbers are negative, perform a face-centered sampling
    - if two numbers are negative, perform a body-centered sampling
    - if one number is negative, perform a face-centered sampling for the two-dimensional lattice of the other directions
    - if one number is zero and at least one number is negative, perform face-centered sampling for the non-zero directions.
  iout = unit number for output
  kptrlatt(3,3)=integer coordinates of the primitive vectors of the
   lattice reciprocal to the k point lattice to be generated here
   If diagonal, the three values are the Monkhorst-Pack usual values, in case of simple cubic.
  mkpt = maximum number of k points
  nshiftk= number of shift vectors in the repeated cell
  option= Flag defining what will be printed of iout: 0 for k points, anything else for q points.
    Also, for q points, if the Gamma point is present, place it first in the list.
  shiftk(3,nshiftk) = vectors that will be used to determine the shifts from (0. 0. 0.).


  nkpt = number of k points
  spkpt(3,mkpt) = the nkpt first values contain the special k points
   obtained by the Monkhorst & Pack method, in reduced coordinates.
   These vectors have to be multiplied by the reciprocal basis vectors
   gprimd(3,3) (in cartesian coordinates) to obtain the special k points
   set in cartesian coordinates.


  also allows for more than one vector in repeated cell.
  this routine should be rewritten, to use the Wigner-Seitz cell,
  and thus unify the different treatments.
  References :
  H.J. Monkhorst and J.D. Pack, Phys. Rev. B 13, 5188 (1976)
  J.D. Pack and H.J. Monkhorst, Phys. Rev. B 16, 1748 (1977)
  A.H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 18, 5897 (1978)
  R.A. Evarestov and V.P. Smirnov, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 119, 9 (1983)






 71 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 72 #include "config.h"
 73 #endif
 75 #include "abi_common.h"
 77 subroutine smpbz(brav,iout,kptrlatt,mkpt,nkpt,nshiftk,option,shiftk,spkpt,downsampling)
 79  use defs_basis
 80  use m_errors
 81  use m_profiling_abi
 83  use m_numeric_tools,   only : wrap2_pmhalf
 85 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 86 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 87 #undef ABI_FUNC
 88 #define ABI_FUNC 'smpbz'
 89  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 90  use interfaces_32_util
 91 !End of the abilint section
 93  implicit none
 95 !Arguments -------------------------------
 96 !scalars
 97  integer,intent(in) :: brav,iout,mkpt,nshiftk,option
 98  integer,intent(out) :: nkpt
 99 !arrays
100  integer,intent(in) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
101  integer,optional,intent(in) :: downsampling(3)
102  real(dp),intent(in) :: shiftk(3,nshiftk)
103  real(dp),intent(out) :: spkpt(3,mkpt)
105 !Local variables -------------------------
106 !scalars
107  integer,parameter :: prtvol=0
108  integer :: dividedown,ii,ikshft,jj,kk,nkpout,nkptlatt,nn,proddown
109  real(dp) :: shift
110  character(len=500) :: message
111 !arrays
112  integer :: ads(3),boundmax(3),boundmin(3),cds(3),coord(3),ngkpt(3)
113  integer, allocatable :: found1(:,:),found2(:,:),found3(:,:)
114  real(dp) :: k1(3),k2(3),kcar(3),klatt(3,3),ktest(3),rlatt(3,3)
116 ! *********************************************************************
118 !DEBUG
119 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : brav,iout,mkpt,nkpt,option=',brav,iout,mkpt,nkpt,option
120 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : kptrlatt(:,:)=',kptrlatt(:,:)
121 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : nshiftk=',nshiftk
122 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : shiftk(:,:)=',shiftk(:,:)
123 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : downsampling(:)=',downsampling(:)
126  if(option/=0)then
127    call wrtout(iout,'       Homogeneous q point set in the B.Z.  ','COLL')
128  end if
130  if(abs(brav)/=1)then
131 !  Only generate Monkhorst-Pack lattices
132    if(kptrlatt(1,2)/=0 .or. kptrlatt(2,1)/=0 .or. &
133 &   kptrlatt(1,3)/=0 .or. kptrlatt(3,1)/=0 .or. &
134 &   kptrlatt(2,3)/=0 .or. kptrlatt(3,2)/=0     ) then
135      write(message, '(2a,a,3i4,a,a,3i4,a,a,3i4)' )&
136 &     'When abs(brav)/=1, kptrlatt must be diagonal, while it is',ch10,&
137 &     'kptrlatt(:,1)=',kptrlatt(:,1),ch10,&
138 &     'kptrlatt(:,2)=',kptrlatt(:,2),ch10,&
139 &     'kptrlatt(:,3)=',kptrlatt(:,3)
140      MSG_BUG(message)
141    end if
143    ngkpt(1)=kptrlatt(1,1)
144    ngkpt(2)=kptrlatt(2,2)
145    ngkpt(3)=kptrlatt(3,3)
146 !
147    if( (ngkpt(1)<=0.or.ngkpt(2)<=0.or.ngkpt(3)<=0) .and. (ngkpt(1)/=0.or.ngkpt(2)/=0.or.ngkpt(3)/=0) ) then
148      write(message, '(5a,i4,a,a,i4,a,a,i4,a,a)' )&
149 &     'All ngkpt (or ngqpt) must be strictly positive',ch10,&
150 &     'or all ngk(q)pt must be zero (for Gamma sampling), but :',ch10,&
151 &     'ngk(q)pt(1) = ',ngkpt(1),ch10,&
152 &     'ngk(q)pt(2) = ',ngkpt(2),ch10,&
153 &     'ngk(q)pt(3) = ',ngkpt(3),ch10,&
154 &     'Action: correct ngkpt or ngqpt in the input file.'
155      MSG_BUG(message)
156    end if
157  end if
159 !Just in case the user wants the grid downsampled to the Gamma point, checks that it is present, and possibly exits
160  if(present(downsampling))then
161    if(sum(abs(downsampling(:)))==0)then
162      do ikshft=1,nshiftk
163        if(sum(abs(shiftk(:,ikshft)))>tol12)cycle
164        nkpt=1
165        spkpt(:,1)=zero
166        return
167      end do
168    end if
169  end if
171 !*********************************************************************
173  if(abs(brav)==1)then
175 !  Compute the number of k points in the G-space unit cell
176 !  (will be multiplied by nshiftk later).
177    nkptlatt=kptrlatt(1,1)*kptrlatt(2,2)*kptrlatt(3,3) &
178 &   +kptrlatt(1,2)*kptrlatt(2,3)*kptrlatt(3,1) &
179 &   +kptrlatt(1,3)*kptrlatt(2,1)*kptrlatt(3,2) &
180 &   -kptrlatt(1,2)*kptrlatt(2,1)*kptrlatt(3,3) &
181 &   -kptrlatt(1,3)*kptrlatt(2,2)*kptrlatt(3,1) &
182 &   -kptrlatt(1,1)*kptrlatt(2,3)*kptrlatt(3,2)
184    if(present(downsampling))then
185      if(.not.(downsampling(1)==1 .and. downsampling(2)==1 .and. downsampling(3)==1))then
186        if(nshiftk>1)then
187          write(message, '(a,3i4,2a,i4,4a)' )&
188 &         'Real downsampling is activated, with downsampling(1:3)=',downsampling(1:3),ch10,&
189 &         'However, nshiftk must be 1 in this case, while the input nshiftk=',nshiftk,ch10,&
190 &         'Action: either choose not to downsample the k point grid (e.g. fockdownsampling=1),',ch10,&
191 &         'or set nshiftk=1.'
192          MSG_ERROR(message)
193        end if
194        proddown=downsampling(1)*downsampling(2)*downsampling(3)
195        if(proddown/=0)then
196          dividedown=abs(proddown)
197          if(minval(downsampling(:))<0)then   ! If there is at least one negative number
198            dividedown=dividedown*2
199            if(proddown>0)dividedown=dividedown*2 ! If there are two negative numbers
200          end if
201        end if
202        if(mod(nkptlatt,dividedown)==0)then
203          nkptlatt=nkptlatt/dividedown
204        else
205          write(message, '(a,3i4,2a,i4,4a)' )&
206 &         'The requested downsampling, with downsampling(1:3)=',downsampling(1:3),ch10,&
207 &         'is not compatible with kptrlatt=',ch10,&
208 &         kptrlatt(:,:),ch10,& 
209 &         'that gives nkptlatt=',nkptlatt,ch10,&
210 &         'Action: either choose not to downsample the k point grid (e.g. fockdownsampling=1),',ch10,&
211 &         'or modify your k-point grid and/or your downsampling in order for them to be compatible.'
212          MSG_ERROR(message)
213        end if
214      end if
215    end if
217 !  Simple Lattice
218    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Simple Lattice Grid ','COLL')
219    if (mkpt<nkptlatt*nshiftk) then
220      write(message, '(a,a,a,i8,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
221 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
222 &     'at least',nkptlatt*nshiftk,',',ch10,&
223 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
224 &     'and recompile the code.'
225      MSG_BUG(message)
226    end if
228 !  Build primitive vectors of the k lattice
229    rlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt(:,:)
230    call matr3inv(rlatt,klatt)
232 !DEBUG
233 !        write(std_out,*)' First primitive vector of the k lattice :',klatt(:,1)
234 !        write(std_out,*)' Second primitive vector of the k lattice :',klatt(:,2)
235 !        write(std_out,*)' Third primitive vector of the k lattice :',klatt(:,3)
238 !  Now, klatt contains the three primitive vectors of the k lattice,
239 !  in reduced coordinates. One builds all k vectors that
240 !  are contained in the first Brillouin zone, with coordinates
241 !  in the interval [0,1[ . First generate boundaries of a big box.
243    do jj=1,3
245 !    Mathematically, one has to find the coordinates of the corners of a
246 !    rectangular paralleliped with integer coordinates, that multiplies the klatt primitive cell and allows
247 !    it to incorporate completely the [0,1]^3 box. Then take the minimum and maximum
248 !    of these coordinates, and round them negatively and positively to the next integer.
249 !    This can be done easily using kptrlatt, considering each coordinate in turn
250 !    and boils down to enlarging the boundaries for jj by the value of kptrlatt(:,jj), 
251 !    acting on boundmin or boundmax depending on the sign ot kptrlatt(:,jj). 
252 !    XG171020 The coding before 171020 was correct, despite being very simple.
253      boundmin(jj)=0 ; boundmax(jj)=0
254      do ii=1,3
255        if(kptrlatt(ii,jj)<0)boundmin(jj)=boundmin(jj)+kptrlatt(ii,jj)
256        if(kptrlatt(ii,jj)>0)boundmax(jj)=boundmax(jj)+kptrlatt(ii,jj)
257      end do
259 !    To accomodate the shifts, boundmin and boundmax don't start from 0, but are enlarged by one
260 !    positively and/or negatively. 
261 !    XG171020 Coding in v8.6.0 and before was not correct. This one is even simpler actually.
262      boundmin(jj)=boundmin(jj)-ceiling(maxval(shiftk(jj,:))+tol14)
263      boundmax(jj)=boundmax(jj)-floor(minval(shiftk(jj,:))-tol14)
265    end do
267    if(present(downsampling))then
268      ABI_ALLOCATE(found1,(boundmin(2):boundmax(2),boundmin(3):boundmax(3)))
269      ABI_ALLOCATE(found2,(boundmin(1):boundmax(1),boundmin(3):boundmax(3)))
270      ABI_ALLOCATE(found3,(boundmin(1):boundmax(1),boundmin(2):boundmax(2)))
271      found1=0 ; found2=0 ; found3=0
272    end if
274    nn=1
275    do kk=boundmin(3),boundmax(3)
276      coord(3)=kk
277      do jj=boundmin(2),boundmax(2)
278        coord(2)=jj
279        do ii=boundmin(1),boundmax(1)
280          coord(1)=ii
282 !        Here, apply the downsampling : skip some of the trials
283          if(present(downsampling))then
285            if(downsampling(1)==0 .and. found1(coord(2),coord(3))==1)cycle
286            if(downsampling(2)==0 .and. found2(coord(1),coord(3))==1)cycle
287            if(downsampling(3)==0 .and. found3(coord(1),coord(2))==1)cycle
289            ads(:)=abs(downsampling(:))
290            if(ads(1)>0 .and. mod(coord(1),ads(1))/=0)cycle
291            if(ads(2)>0 .and. mod(coord(2),ads(2))/=0)cycle
292            if(ads(3)>0 .and. mod(coord(3),ads(2))/=0)cycle
293            cds(:)=coord(:)/ads(:)
294            if(minval(downsampling(:))<0)then   ! If there is at least one negative number
296              if(downsampling(1)*downsampling(2)*downsampling(3)/=0)then  ! If there is no zero number
297 !              Face-centered case
298                if(downsampling(1)<0 .and. downsampling(2)<0 .and. downsampling(3)<0)then ! All three are negative
299                  if(mod(sum(cds(:)),2)/=0)cycle
300 !              One-face-centered case
301                else if(downsampling(1)*downsampling(2)*downsampling(3)<0)then  ! Only one is negative
302                  if(downsampling(1)<0 .and. mod(cds(2)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
303                  if(downsampling(2)<0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
304                  if(downsampling(3)<0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(2),2)/=0)cycle
305 !              Body-centered case ! What is left : two are negative
306                else   
307                  if(sum(mod(cds(:),2))==1 .or. sum(mod(cds(:),2))==2)cycle ! Either all are zero, or all are one, so skip when sum is 1 or 2.
308                end if
309              else
310                if(downsampling(1)==0 .and. mod(cds(2)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
311                if(downsampling(2)==0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
312                if(downsampling(3)==0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(2),2)/=0)cycle
313              end if
314            end if  
315          end if
317          do ikshft=1,nshiftk
319 !          Only the first shiftk is taken into account if downsampling
320 !          if(.false.)then
321            if(present(downsampling))then
322              if(.not.(downsampling(1)==1 .and. downsampling(2)==1 .and. downsampling(3)==1))then
323                if(ikshft>1)cycle
324              end if
325            end if
327 !          Coordinates of the trial k point with respect to the k primitive lattice
328            k1(1)=ii+shiftk(1,ikshft)
329            k1(2)=jj+shiftk(2,ikshft)
330            k1(3)=kk+shiftk(3,ikshft)
331 !          Reduced coordinates of the trial k point
332            k2(:)=k1(1)*klatt(:,1)+k1(2)*klatt(:,2)+k1(3)*klatt(:,3)
333 !          Eliminate the point if outside [0,1[
334            if(k2(1)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(1)>one-tol10)cycle
335            if(k2(2)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(2)>one-tol10)cycle
336            if(k2(3)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(3)>one-tol10)cycle
337 !          Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
338            call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(1),k1(1),shift)
339            call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(2),k1(2),shift)
340            call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(3),k1(3),shift)
341            spkpt(:,nn)=k1(:)
342            nn=nn+1
344            if(present(downsampling))then
345              found1(coord(2),coord(3))=1
346              found2(coord(1),coord(3))=1
347              found3(coord(1),coord(2))=1
348            end if
350          end do
351        end do
352      end do
353    end do
354    nkpt=nn-1
356    if(present(downsampling))then
357      ABI_DEALLOCATE(found1)
358      ABI_DEALLOCATE(found2)
359      ABI_DEALLOCATE(found3)
360    end if
363    if(nkpt/=nkptlatt*nshiftk)then
364      write(message, '(a,i8,a,a,a,i8,a)' )&
365 &     'The number of k points ',nkpt,'  is not equal to',ch10,&
366 &     'nkptlatt*nshiftk which is',nkptlatt*nshiftk,'.'
367 !DEBUG
368 ! write(std_out,*)' smpbz : brav,iout,mkpt,nkpt,option=',brav,iout,mkpt,nkpt,option
369 ! write(std_out,*)' smpbz : kptrlatt(:,:)=',kptrlatt(:,:)
370 ! write(std_out,*)' smpbz : nshiftk=',nshiftk
371 ! write(std_out,*)' smpbz : shiftk(:,:)=',shiftk(:,:)
372 ! write(std_out,*)' smpbz : downsampling(:)=',downsampling(:)
373 ! write(std_out,*)message 
374 ! stop
376      MSG_BUG(message)
377    end if
379  else if(brav==2)then
381 !  Face-Centered Lattice
382    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Face-Centered Lattice Grid ','COLL')
383    if (mkpt<ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk/2) then
384      write(message, '(a,a,a,i8,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
385 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
386 &     'at least',(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2,',',ch10,&
387 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
388 &     'and recompile the code.'
389      MSG_BUG(message)
390    end if
391    nn=1
392    if (ngkpt(1)/=ngkpt(2).or.ngkpt(1)/=ngkpt(3)) then
393      write(message, '(4a,3(a,i6,a),a)' )&
394 &     'For face-centered lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:3)',ch10,&
395 &     'must be equal, while they are :',ch10,&
396 &     'ngqpt(1) = ',ngkpt(1),ch10,&
397 &     'ngqpt(2) = ',ngkpt(2),ch10,&
398 &     'ngqpt(3) = ',ngkpt(3),ch10,&
399 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
400      MSG_BUG(message)
401    end if
402    if ((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/2)*2)) then
403      write(message, '(4a,3(a,i6,a),a)' )&
404 &     'For face-centered lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:3)*nshiftk',ch10,&
405 &     'must be even, while they are :',ch10,&
406 &     'ngqpt(1)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(1)*nshiftk,ch10,&
407 &     'ngqpt(2)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(2)*nshiftk,ch10,&
408 &     'ngqpt(3)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(3)*nshiftk,ch10,&
409 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3)*nshiftk in the input file.'
410      MSG_ERROR(message)
411    end if
412    if (ngkpt(1)==0.or.ngkpt(2)==0.or.ngkpt(3)==0) then
413      spkpt(1,1)=0.0_dp
414      spkpt(2,1)=0.0_dp
415      spkpt(3,1)=0.0_dp
416      nkpt=1
417    else
418      do kk=1,ngkpt(3)
419        do jj=1,ngkpt(2)
420          do ii=1,ngkpt(1)
421            do ikshft=1,nshiftk
422              k1(1)=(ii-1+shiftk(1,ikshft))/ngkpt(1)
423              k1(2)=(jj-1+shiftk(2,ikshft))/ngkpt(2)
424              k1(3)=(kk-1+shiftk(3,ikshft))/ngkpt(3)
425 !            Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
426              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(1),k2(1),shift)
427              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(2),k2(2),shift)
428              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(3),k2(3),shift)
429 !            Test whether it is inside the FCC BZ.
430              ktest(1)=2*k2(1)-1.0d-10
431              ktest(2)=2*k2(2)-2.0d-10
432              ktest(3)=2*k2(3)-5.0d-10
433              if (abs(ktest(1))+abs(ktest(2))+abs(ktest(3))<1.5_dp) then
434                kcar(1)=ktest(1)+1.0d-10
435                kcar(2)=ktest(2)+2.0d-10
436                kcar(3)=ktest(3)+5.0d-10
437                spkpt(1,nn)=0.5_dp*kcar(2)+0.5_dp*kcar(3)
438                spkpt(2,nn)=0.5_dp*kcar(1)+0.5_dp*kcar(3)
439                spkpt(3,nn)=0.5_dp*kcar(1)+0.5_dp*kcar(2)
440                nn=nn+1
441              end if
442            end do
443          end do
444        end do
445      end do
446      nkpt=nn-1
447      if(nkpt/=ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk/2)then
448        write(message, '(a,i8,a,a,a,i8,a)' )&
449 &       'The number of k points ',nkpt,'  is not equal to',ch10,&
450 &       '(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2 which is',&
451 &       (ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2,'.'
452        MSG_BUG(message)
453      end if
454    end if
456  else if(brav==3)then
458 !  Body-Centered Lattice (not mandatory cubic !)
459    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Body-Centered Lattice Grid ','COLL')
460    if (mkpt<ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk/4) then
461      write(message, '(a,a,a,i8,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
462 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
463 &     'at least',(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4,',',ch10,&
464 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
465 &     'and recompile the code.'
466      MSG_BUG(message)
467    end if
468    nn=1
469    if ((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/2)*2) .or.&
470 &   (ngkpt(2)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(2)*nshiftk)/2)*2) .or.&
471 &   (ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2)*2) ) then
472      write(message, '(4a,3(a,i6,a),a)' )&
473 &     'For body-centered lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:3)',ch10,&
474 &     'must be even, while they are :',ch10,&
475 &     'ngqpt(1)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(1)*nshiftk,ch10,&
476 &     'ngqpt(2)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(2)*nshiftk,ch10,&
477 &     'ngqpt(3)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(3)*nshiftk,ch10,&
478 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
479      MSG_ERROR(message)
480    end if
481    if (ngkpt(1)==0.or.ngkpt(2)==0.or.ngkpt(3)==0) then
482      spkpt(1,1)=0.0_dp
483      spkpt(2,1)=0.0_dp
484      spkpt(3,1)=0.0_dp
485      nkpt=1
486    else
487      do kk=1,ngkpt(3)
488        do jj=1,ngkpt(2)
489          do ii=1,ngkpt(1)
490            do ikshft=1,nshiftk
491              k1(1)=(ii-1+shiftk(1,ikshft))/ngkpt(1)
492              k1(2)=(jj-1+shiftk(2,ikshft))/ngkpt(2)
493              k1(3)=(kk-1+shiftk(3,ikshft))/ngkpt(3)
494 !            Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
495              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(1),k2(1),shift)
496              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(2),k2(2),shift)
497              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(3),k2(3),shift)
498 !            Test whether it is inside the BCC BZ.
499              ktest(1)=2*k2(1)-1.0d-10
500              ktest(2)=2*k2(2)-2.0d-10
501              ktest(3)=2*k2(3)-5.0d-10
502              if (abs(ktest(1))+abs(ktest(2))<1._dp) then
503                if (abs(ktest(1))+abs(ktest(3))<1._dp) then
504                  if (abs(ktest(2))+abs(ktest(3))<1._dp) then
505                    kcar(1)=ktest(1)+1.0d-10
506                    kcar(2)=ktest(2)+2.0d-10
507                    kcar(3)=ktest(3)+5.0d-10
508                    spkpt(1,nn)=-0.5*kcar(1)+0.5*kcar(2)+0.5*kcar(3)
509                    spkpt(2,nn)=0.5*kcar(1)-0.5*kcar(2)+0.5*kcar(3)
510                    spkpt(3,nn)=0.5*kcar(1)+0.5*kcar(2)-0.5*kcar(3)
511                    nn=nn+1
512                  end if
513                end if
514              end if
515            end do
516          end do
517        end do
518      end do
519      nkpt=nn-1
520      if(nkpt==0)then
521        write(message, '(3a)' )&
522 &       'BCC lattice, input ngqpt=0, so no kpt is generated.',ch10,&
523 &       'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
524        MSG_ERROR(message)
525      end if
526      if(nkpt/=(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4)then
527        write(message, '(a,i8,a,a,a,i8,a)' )&
528 &       'The number of k points ',nkpt,'  is not equal to',ch10,&
529 &       '(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4 which is',&
530 &       (ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4,'.'
531        MSG_BUG(message)
532      end if
533    end if
535  else if(brav==4)then
537 !  Hexagonal Lattice  (D6h)
538    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Hexagonal Lattice Grid ','COLL')
539    if (mkpt<ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)) then
540      write(message, '(a,a,a,i8,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
541 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
542 &     'at least',ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3),',',ch10,&
543 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
544 &     'and recompile the code.'
545      MSG_BUG(message)
546    end if
547    nn=1
548    if (ngkpt(1)/=ngkpt(2)) then
549      write(message, '(4a,2(a,i6,a),a)' )&
550 &     'For hexagonal lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:2)',ch10,&
551 &     'must be equal, while they are :',ch10,&
552 &     'ngqpt(1) = ',ngkpt(1),ch10,&
553 &     'ngqpt(2) = ',ngkpt(2),ch10,&
554 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
555      MSG_ERROR(message)
556    end if
557    if (ngkpt(1)==0.or.ngkpt(2)==0.or.ngkpt(3)==0) then
558      write(message, '(3a)' )&
559 &     'For hexagonal lattices, ngqpt(1:3)=0 is not permitted',ch10,&
560 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
561      MSG_ERROR(message)
562    else
563      do kk=1,ngkpt(3)
564        do jj=1,ngkpt(2)
565          do ii=1,ngkpt(1)
566            do ikshft=1,nshiftk
567              k1(1)=(ii-1+shiftk(1,ikshft))/ngkpt(1)
568              k1(2)=(jj-1+shiftk(2,ikshft))/ngkpt(2)
569              k1(3)=(kk-1+shiftk(3,ikshft))/ngkpt(3)
570 !            Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
571              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(1),k2(1),shift)
572              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(2),k2(2),shift)
573              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(3),k2(3),shift)
574              spkpt(:,nn)=k2(:)
575              nn=nn+1
576            end do
577          end do
578        end do
579      end do
580      nkpt=nn-1
581      if(nkpt/=ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)then
582        write(message, '(a,i8,a,a,a,i8,a)' )&
583 &       'The number of k points ',nkpt,'  is not equal to',ch10,&
584 &       'ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk which is',&
585 &       ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk,'.'
586        MSG_BUG(message)
587      end if
588    end if
590  else
592    write(message, '(a,i6,a,a,a)' )&
593 &   'The calling routine asks brav=',brav,'.',ch10,&
594 &   'but only brav=1 or -1,2,3 or 4 are allowed.'
595    MSG_BUG(message)
596  end if
598  if (option/=0) then
599 !  Put the Gamma point first
600    if(nkpt>1)then
601      do ii=1,nkpt
602        if(sum(abs(spkpt(:,ii)))<tol8)then
603          spkpt(:,ii)=spkpt(:,1)
604          spkpt(:,1)=zero
605          exit
606        end if
607      end do
608    end if
610    write(message,'(a,i8)')' Grid q points  : ',nkpt
611    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
612    nkpout=nkpt
613    if(nkpt>80)then
614      call wrtout(iout,' greater than 80, so only write 20 of them ','COLL')
615      nkpout=20
616    end if
617    do ii=1,nkpout
618      write(message, '(1x,i2,a2,3es16.8)' )ii,') ',spkpt(1,ii),spkpt(2,ii),spkpt(3,ii)
619      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
620    end do
621  end if
623 end subroutine smpbz