ABINIT/getkgrid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the grid of k points in the irreducible Brillouin zone.
 Note that nkpt (and nkpthf) can be computed by calling this routine with nkpt=0, provided that kptopt/=0.
 If downsampling is present, also compute a downsampled k grid.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MM)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 chksymbreak= if 1, will check whether the k point grid is symmetric (for kptopt=1,2 and 4), and stop if not.
 iout=unit number for echoed output . 0 if no output is wished.
 iscf= ( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)  MG: FIXME I don't understand why we have to pass the value iscf.
 kptopt=option for the generation of k points
   (defines whether spatial symmetries and/or time-reversal can be used)
 msym=default maximal number of symmetries
 nsym=number of symmetries
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
 symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum
 [downsampling(3) = input variable that governs the downsampling]


 kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector associated with the lattice of k points.
 nkpt_computed=number of k-points in the IBZ computed in the present routine
 If nkpt/=0  the following are also output :
   kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
   wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
 [fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)]=k-points generated in the full Brillouin zone.
   In output: allocated array with the list of k-points in the BZ.
 [kpthf(3,nkpthf)]=k-points generated in the full Brillouin zone, possibly downsampled (for Fock).


  msym not needed since nsym is the last index.


 nkpt=number of k points (might be zero, see output description)
 kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification
 nshiftk=actual number of k-point shifts in shiftk
 shiftk(3,210)=shift vectors for k point generation
 [nkpthf = number of k points in the full BZ, for the Fock operator]






 62 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 63 #include "config.h"
 64 #endif
 66 #include "abi_common.h"
 68 subroutine getkgrid(chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kpt,kptopt,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
 69 & msym,nkpt,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,&
 70 & fullbz,nkpthf,kpthf,downsampling) ! optional
 72  use defs_basis
 73  use m_profiling_abi
 74  use m_errors
 76  use m_geometry,   only : metric
 78 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 79 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 80 #undef ABI_FUNC
 81 #define ABI_FUNC 'getkgrid'
 82  use interfaces_32_util
 83  use interfaces_41_geometry
 84  use interfaces_56_recipspace, except_this_one => getkgrid
 85 !End of the abilint section
 87  implicit none
 89 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 90 !scalars
 91  integer,intent(in) :: chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kptopt,msym,nkpt,nsym
 92  integer,intent(inout),optional :: nkpthf
 93  integer,intent(inout) :: nshiftk
 94  integer,intent(inout) :: nkpt_computed !vz_i
 95  real(dp),intent(out) :: kptrlen
 96 !arrays
 97  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
 98  integer,optional,intent(in) :: downsampling(3)
 99  integer,intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
100  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
101  real(dp),intent(inout) :: shiftk(3,210)
102  real(dp),intent(inout) :: kpt(3,nkpt) !vz_i
103  real(dp),intent(inout) :: wtk(nkpt)
104  real(dp),optional,allocatable,intent(out) :: fullbz(:,:)
105  real(dp),optional,intent(out) :: kpthf(:,:)
107 !Local variables-------------------------------
108 !scalars
109  integer, parameter :: max_number_of_prime=47,mshiftk=210
110  integer :: brav,decreased,found,ii,ikpt,iprime,ishiftk,isym,jshiftk,kshiftk,mkpt,mult
111  integer :: nkpthf_computed,nkpt_fullbz,nkptlatt,nshiftk2,nsym_used,option
112  integer :: test_prime,timrev
113  real(dp) :: length2,ucvol,ucvol_super
114  character(len=500) :: message
115 !arrays
116  integer, parameter :: prime_factor(max_number_of_prime)=(/2,3,5,7,9, 11,13,17,19,23,&
117 &  29,31,37,41,43, 47,53,59,61,67,&
118 &  71,73,79,83,89, 97,101,103,107,109,&
119 &  113,127,131,137,139, 149,151,157,163,167,&
120 &  173,179,181,191,193, 197,199/)
121  integer :: kptrlatt2(3,3)
122  integer,allocatable :: belong_chain(:),generator(:),indkpt(:),number_in_chain(:)
123  integer,allocatable :: repetition_factor(:),symrec(:,:,:)
124 ! real(dp) :: cart(3,3)
125  real(dp) :: dijk(3),delta_dmult(3),dmult(3),fact_vacuum(3),gmet(3,3)
126  real(dp) :: gmet_super(3,3),gprimd(3,3),gprimd_super(3,3),klatt2(3,3)
127  real(dp) :: klatt3(3,3),kptrlattr(3,3),ktransf(3,3),ktransf_invt(3,3)
128  real(dp) :: metmin(3,3),minim(3,3),rmet(3,3),rmet_super(3,3),rprimd_super(3,3)
129  real(dp),allocatable :: deltak(:,:),kpt_fullbz(:,:),shiftk2(:,:),shiftk3(:,:),spkpt(:,:),wtk_folded(:),wtk_fullbz(:)
131 ! *************************************************************************
133  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
135  if (kptopt==1.or.kptopt==4) then
136    ! Cannot use antiferromagnetic symmetry operations to decrease the number of k points
137    nsym_used=0
138    do isym=1,nsym
139      if(symafm(isym)==1)nsym_used=nsym_used+1
140    end do
141    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrec,(3,3,nsym_used))
142    nsym_used=0
143    do isym=1,nsym ! Get the symmetry matrices in terms of reciprocal basis
144      if(symafm(isym)==1)then
145        nsym_used=nsym_used+1
146        call mati3inv(symrel(:,:,isym),symrec(:,:,nsym_used))
147      end if
148    end do
149  else if (kptopt==2) then
150    !Use only the time-reversal
151    nsym_used=1
152    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrec,(3,3,1))
153    symrec(1:3,1:3,1)=0
154    do ii=1,3
155      symrec(ii,ii,1)=1
156    end do
157  end if
159  kptrlatt2(:,:)=kptrlatt(:,:)
160  nshiftk2=nshiftk
161  ABI_ALLOCATE(shiftk2,(3,mshiftk))
162  ABI_ALLOCATE(shiftk3,(3,mshiftk))
163  shiftk2(:,:)=shiftk(:,:)
165 !Find a primitive k point lattice, if possible, by decreasing the number of shifts.
166  if(nshiftk2/=1)then
168    do ! Loop to be repeated if there has been a successful reduction of nshiftk2
170      ABI_ALLOCATE(deltak,(3,nshiftk2))
171      ABI_ALLOCATE(repetition_factor,(nshiftk2))
172      ABI_ALLOCATE(generator,(nshiftk2))
173      ABI_ALLOCATE(belong_chain,(nshiftk2))
174      ABI_ALLOCATE(number_in_chain,(nshiftk2))
176      decreased=0
177      deltak(1,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk2(1,1:nshiftk2)-shiftk2(1,1)
178      deltak(2,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk2(2,1:nshiftk2)-shiftk2(2,1)
179      deltak(3,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk2(3,1:nshiftk2)-shiftk2(3,1)
180      deltak(:,:)=deltak(:,:)-floor(deltak(:,:)+tol8)
182 !    Identify for each shift, the smallest repetition prime factor that yields a reciprocal lattice vector.
183      repetition_factor(:)=0
184      repetition_factor(1)=1
185      do ishiftk=2,nshiftk2
186        do iprime=1,max_number_of_prime
187          test_prime=prime_factor(iprime)
188          dmult(:)=test_prime*deltak(:,ishiftk)
189          if(sum(abs( dmult(:)-nint(dmult(:)) ))<tol8)then
190            repetition_factor(ishiftk)=test_prime
191            exit
192          end if
193        end do
194      end do
196 !    Initialize the selection of tentative generators
197      generator(:)=1
198      do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
199        if(repetition_factor(ishiftk)==0 .or. repetition_factor(ishiftk)==1)generator(ishiftk)=0
200      end do
202 !    Try different shifts as generators, by order of increasing repetition factor,
203 !    provided they are equal or bigger than 2
204      do iprime=1,max_number_of_prime
205        do ishiftk=2,nshiftk2
206          ! Note that ishiftk=1 is never a generator. It is the reference starting point.
207          if(generator(ishiftk)==1 .and. repetition_factor(ishiftk)==prime_factor(iprime))then
208 !          Test the generator : is it indeed closed ?
209            if(prime_factor(iprime)/=2)then
210              do mult=2,prime_factor(iprime)-1
211                dmult(:)=mult*deltak(:,ishiftk)
212                found=0
213                do jshiftk=1,nshiftk2
214                  delta_dmult(:)=deltak(:,jshiftk)-dmult(:)
215                  if(sum(abs(delta_dmult(:)-nint(delta_dmult(:)) ))<tol8)then
216                    found=1
217                    exit
218                  end if
219                end do
220                if(found==0)exit
221              end do
222              if(found==0)generator(ishiftk)=0
223            end if
224            if(generator(ishiftk)==0)cycle
225          else
226            cycle
227          end if
228 !        Now, test whether all k points can be found in all possible chains
229          belong_chain(:)=0
230          do jshiftk=1,nshiftk2
231 !          Initialize a chain starting from a k point not yet in a chain
232            if(belong_chain(jshiftk)==0)then
233              number_in_chain(:)=0   ! Not a member of the chain (yet)
234              number_in_chain(jshiftk)=1   ! The first point in chain
235              do mult=1,prime_factor(iprime)-1
236                dmult(:)=mult*deltak(:,ishiftk)
237                found=0
238                do kshiftk=jshiftk+1,nshiftk2
239                  delta_dmult(:)=deltak(:,kshiftk)-deltak(:,jshiftk)-dmult(:)
240                  if(sum(abs(delta_dmult(:)-nint(delta_dmult(:)) ))<tol8)then
241                    found=1
242                    number_in_chain(kshiftk)=mult+1
243                    exit
244                  end if
245                end do
246                if(found==0)then
247                  generator(ishiftk)=0
248                  exit
249                end if
250              end do
251              if(generator(ishiftk)==1)then
252 !              Store the chain
253                do kshiftk=1,nshiftk2
254                  if(number_in_chain(kshiftk)/=0)belong_chain(kshiftk)=number_in_chain(kshiftk)
255                end do
256              else
257                exit
258              end if
259            end if
260          end do
262          if(generator(ishiftk)==0)cycle
264 !        For the generator based on ishiftk, all the k points have been found to belong to one chain.
265 !        All the initializing k points in the different chains have belong_chain(:)=1 .
266 !        They must be kept, and the others thrown away.
267          ktransf(:,:)=0.0_dp
268          ktransf(1,1)=1.0_dp
269          ktransf(2,2)=1.0_dp
270          ktransf(3,3)=1.0_dp
271 !        Replace one of the unit vectors by the shift vector deltak(:,ishiftk).
272 !        However, must pay attention not to make linear combinations.
273 !        Also, choose positive sign for first-non-zero value.
274          if(abs(deltak(1,ishiftk)-nint(deltak(1,ishiftk)))>tol8)then
275            if(deltak(1,ishiftk)>0)ktransf(:,1)= deltak(:,ishiftk)
276            if(deltak(1,ishiftk)<0)ktransf(:,1)=-deltak(:,ishiftk)
277          else if(abs(deltak(2,ishiftk)-nint(deltak(2,ishiftk)))>tol8)then
278            if(deltak(2,ishiftk)>0)ktransf(:,2)= deltak(:,ishiftk)
279            if(deltak(2,ishiftk)<0)ktransf(:,2)=-deltak(:,ishiftk)
280          else if(abs(deltak(3,ishiftk)-nint(deltak(3,ishiftk)))>tol8)then
281            if(deltak(3,ishiftk)>0)ktransf(:,3)= deltak(:,ishiftk)
282            if(deltak(3,ishiftk)<0)ktransf(:,3)=-deltak(:,ishiftk)
283          end if
284 !        Copy the integers to real(dp)
285          kptrlattr(:,:)=kptrlatt2(:,:)
286 !        Go to reciprocal space
287          call matr3inv(kptrlattr,klatt2)
288 !        Make the transformation
289          do ii=1,3
290            klatt3(:,ii)=ktransf(1,ii)*klatt2(:,1)+ktransf(2,ii)*klatt2(:,2)+ktransf(3,ii)*klatt2(:,3)
291          end do
292 !        Back to real space
293          call matr3inv(klatt3,kptrlattr)
294 !        real(dp) to integer
295          kptrlatt2(:,:)=nint(kptrlattr(:,:))
296 !        Prepare the transformation of the shifts
297          call matr3inv(ktransf,ktransf_invt)
298          decreased=1
299          kshiftk=0
300          do jshiftk=1,nshiftk2
301            if(belong_chain(jshiftk)==1)then
302              kshiftk=kshiftk+1
303 !            Place the shift with index jshiftk in place of the one in kshiftk,
304 !            also transform the shift from the old to the new coordinate system
305              shiftk3(:,kshiftk)=ktransf_invt(1,:)*shiftk2(1,jshiftk)+&
306 &             ktransf_invt(2,:)*shiftk2(2,jshiftk)+&
307 &             ktransf_invt(3,:)*shiftk2(3,jshiftk)
308            end if
309          end do
310          nshiftk2=nshiftk2/prime_factor(iprime)
311          shiftk2(:,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk3(:,1:nshiftk2)-floor(shiftk3(:,1:nshiftk2)+tol8)
312          if(kshiftk/=nshiftk2)then
313            MSG_BUG('The search for a primitive k point lattice contains a bug.')
314          end if
316 !        If this trial shift was successful, must exit the loop on trial ishiftk,
317 !        and reinitialize the global loop
318          if(decreased==1)exit
319        end do ! ishiftk
320        if(decreased==1)exit
321      end do ! iprime
323      ABI_DEALLOCATE(belong_chain)
324      ABI_DEALLOCATE(deltak)
325      ABI_DEALLOCATE(number_in_chain)
326      ABI_DEALLOCATE(repetition_factor)
327      ABI_DEALLOCATE(generator)
329      if(decreased==0 .or. nshiftk2==1)exit
331    end do ! Infinite loop
333  end if !  End nshiftk being 1 or larger
335 !Impose shiftk coordinates to be in [0,1[
336  do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
337    do ii=1,3
338      if(shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)>one-tol8) shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)=shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)-1.0_dp
339      if(shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)<-tol8)    shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)=shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)+1.0_dp
340    end do
341  end do
343 !Compute the number of k points in the G-space unit cell
344  nkptlatt=kptrlatt2(1,1)*kptrlatt2(2,2)*kptrlatt2(3,3) &
345 & +kptrlatt2(1,2)*kptrlatt2(2,3)*kptrlatt2(3,1) &
346 & +kptrlatt2(1,3)*kptrlatt2(2,1)*kptrlatt2(3,2) &
347 & -kptrlatt2(1,2)*kptrlatt2(2,1)*kptrlatt2(3,3) &
348 & -kptrlatt2(1,3)*kptrlatt2(2,2)*kptrlatt2(3,1) &
349 & -kptrlatt2(1,1)*kptrlatt2(2,3)*kptrlatt2(3,2)
351 !Check whether the number of k points is positive,
352 !otherwise, change the handedness of kptrlatt2
353  if(nkptlatt<=0)then
354 !  write(std_out,*)' getkgrid : nkptlatt is negative !'
355    kptrlatt2(:,3)=-kptrlatt2(:,3)
356    nkptlatt=-nkptlatt
357    do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
358      shiftk2(3,ishiftk)=-shiftk2(3,ishiftk)
359    end do
360  end if
362 !Determine the smallest supercell R-vector whose contribution
363 !is not taken correctly into account in the k point integration.
364 !Increase enormously the size of the cell when vacuum is present.
365  fact_vacuum(:)=1
366  if(vacuum(1)==1)fact_vacuum(1)=1000.0_dp
367  if(vacuum(2)==1)fact_vacuum(2)=1000.0_dp
368  if(vacuum(3)==1)fact_vacuum(3)=1000.0_dp
369  do ii=1,3
370    rprimd_super(:,ii)=fact_vacuum(1)*rprimd(:,1)*kptrlatt2(1,ii)+&
371 &   fact_vacuum(2)*rprimd(:,2)*kptrlatt2(2,ii)+&
372 &   fact_vacuum(3)*rprimd(:,3)*kptrlatt2(3,ii)
373  end do
375  call metric(gmet_super,gprimd_super,-1,rmet_super,rprimd_super,ucvol_super)
376  call smallprim(metmin,minim,rprimd_super)
377  length2=min(metmin(1,1),metmin(2,2),metmin(3,3))
378  kptrlen=sqrt(length2)
380  !write(message,'(a,es16.6)' )' getkgrid : length of smallest supercell vector (bohr)=',kptrlen
381  !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
382 ! If the number of shifts has been decreased, determine the set of kptrlatt2 vectors
383 ! with minimal length (without using fact_vacuum)
384 ! It is worth to determine the minimal set of vectors so that the kptrlatt that is output
385 ! does not seem screwy, although correct but surprising.
386  if(nshiftk/=nshiftk2)then
387    do ii=1,3
388      rprimd_super(:,ii)=rprimd(:,1)*kptrlatt2(1,ii)+rprimd(:,2)*kptrlatt2(2,ii)+rprimd(:,3)*kptrlatt2(3,ii)
389    end do
390    call metric(gmet_super,gprimd_super,-1,rmet_super,rprimd_super,ucvol_super)
391 !  Shift vectors in cartesian coordinates (reciprocal space)
392    do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
393      shiftk3(:,ishiftk)=gprimd_super(:,1)*shiftk2(1,ishiftk)+&
394 &     gprimd_super(:,2)*shiftk2(2,ishiftk)+&
395 &     gprimd_super(:,3)*shiftk2(3,ishiftk)
396    end do
397    call smallprim(metmin,minim,rprimd_super)
398    call metric(gmet_super,gprimd_super,-1,rmet_super,minim,ucvol_super)
399 !  This is the new kptrlatt2
400    do ii=1,3
401      dijk(:)=gprimd(1,:)*minim(1,ii)+&
402 &     gprimd(2,:)*minim(2,ii)+&
403 &     gprimd(3,:)*minim(3,ii)
404      kptrlatt2(:,ii)=nint(dijk(:))
405    end do
406 !  Shifts in the new set of kptrlatt vectors
407    do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
408      shiftk2(:,ishiftk)=minim(1,:)*shiftk3(1,ishiftk)+&
409 &     minim(2,:)*shiftk3(2,ishiftk)+&
410 &     minim(3,:)*shiftk3(3,ishiftk)
411    end do
412  end if
414 !brav=1 is able to treat all bravais lattices.
415  brav=1
416  mkpt=nkptlatt*nshiftk2
418  ABI_ALLOCATE(spkpt,(3,mkpt))
419  option=0
420  if(iout/=0)option=1
422  if (PRESENT(downsampling))then
423    call smpbz(brav,iout,kptrlatt2,mkpt,nkpthf_computed,nshiftk2,option,shiftk2,spkpt,downsampling=downsampling)
424    if (PRESENT(kpthf) .and. nkpthf/=0) then ! Returns list of k-points in the Full BZ, possibly downsampled for Fock
425      kpthf = spkpt(:,1:nkpthf)
426    end if
427    nkpthf=nkpthf_computed
429  end if
431  call smpbz(brav,iout,kptrlatt2,mkpt,nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk2,option,shiftk2,spkpt)
433  if (PRESENT(fullbz)) then ! Returns list of k-points in the Full BZ.
434    ABI_ALLOCATE(fullbz,(3,nkpt_fullbz))
435    fullbz = spkpt(:,1:nkpt_fullbz)
436  end if
438  if(kptopt==1 .or. kptopt==2 .or. kptopt==4)then
440    ABI_ALLOCATE(indkpt,(nkpt_fullbz))
441    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpt_fullbz,(3,nkpt_fullbz))
442    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk_fullbz,(nkpt_fullbz))
443    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk_folded,(nkpt_fullbz))
445    kpt_fullbz(:,:)=spkpt(:,1:nkpt_fullbz)
446    wtk_fullbz(1:nkpt_fullbz)=1.0_dp/dble(nkpt_fullbz)
448    timrev=1;if (kptopt==4) timrev=0
450    call symkpt(chksymbreak,gmet,indkpt,iout,kpt_fullbz,nkpt_fullbz,&
451 &   nkpt_computed,nsym_used,symrec,timrev,wtk_fullbz,wtk_folded)
453    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrec)
454    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk_fullbz)
456  else if(kptopt==3)then
457    nkpt_computed=nkpt_fullbz
458  end if
460 !The number of k points has been computed from kptopt, kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk,
461 !and the eventual symmetries, it is presently called nkpt_computed.
463 !Check that the argument nkpt is coherent with nkpt_computed, if nkpt/=0.
464  if(nkpt/=nkpt_computed .and. nkpt/=0)then
465    write(message, '(a,i6,5a,i6,7a)') &
466 &   'The argument nkpt=',nkpt,', does not match',ch10,&
467 &   'the number of k points generated by kptopt, kptrlatt, shiftk,',ch10,&
468 &   'and the eventual symmetries, that is, nkpt=',nkpt_computed,'.',ch10,&
469 &   'However, note that it might be due to the user,',ch10,&
470 &   'if nkpt is explicitely defined in the input file.',ch10,&
471 &   'In this case, please check your input file.'
472    MSG_BUG(message)
473  end if
475  if(kptopt==1 .or. kptopt==2 .or. kptopt==4)then
477    if(nkpt/=0)then
478      do ikpt=1,nkpt
479        kpt(:,ikpt)=kpt_fullbz(:,indkpt(ikpt))
480        if(iscf>=0 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf==-1.or.iscf==-2)wtk(ikpt)=wtk_folded(indkpt(ikpt))
481      end do
482    end if
484    ABI_DEALLOCATE(indkpt)
485    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpt_fullbz)
486    ABI_DEALLOCATE(spkpt)
487    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk_folded)
489  else if(kptopt==3)then
491    if(nkpt/=0)then
492      kpt(:,1:nkpt)=spkpt(:,1:nkpt)
493      if(iscf>1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf==-1.or.iscf==-2)wtk(1:nkpt)=1.0_dp/dble(nkpt)
494    end if
495    ABI_DEALLOCATE(spkpt)
497  end if
499  kptrlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt2(:,:)
500  nshiftk=nshiftk2
501  shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)=shiftk2(:,1:nshiftk)
502  ABI_DEALLOCATE(shiftk2)
503  ABI_DEALLOCATE(shiftk3)
505 end subroutine getkgrid