ABINIT/prtocc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print the content of occ.
 Due to the need to distinguish between different k-points and
 different spin polarisations, prttagm.f cannot be used.
 So, need a dedicated routine.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type datafiles_type>contains all input variables
  iout=unit number for echoed output
  jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)=list of dataset indices.
  ndtset_alloc=govern second dimension of intarr and dprarr
  prtvol_glob= if 0, minimal output volume, if 1, no restriction.
  results_out(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type results_out_type>contains the results
   needed for outvars, including occ, an evolving variable


  (only writing)






 40 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 41 #include "config.h"
 42 #endif
 44 #include "abi_common.h"
 47 subroutine prtocc(dtsets,iout,jdtset_,ndtset_alloc,prtvol_glob,results_out)
 49  use defs_basis
 50  use defs_abitypes
 51  use m_errors
 52  use m_profiling_abi
 53  use m_results_out
 55 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 56 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 57 #undef ABI_FUNC
 58 #define ABI_FUNC 'prtocc'
 59  use interfaces_32_util
 60 !End of the abilint section
 62  implicit none
 64 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 65 !scalars
 66  integer,intent(in) :: iout,ndtset_alloc,prtvol_glob
 67 !arrays
 68  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)
 69  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)
 70  type(results_out_type),intent(in) :: results_out(0:ndtset_alloc)
 72 !Local variables-------------------------------
 73  character(len=*), parameter :: f_occ    ="(1x,a16,1x,(t22,6f10.6))"
 74  character(len=*), parameter :: f_occa   ="(1x,a16,a,1x,(t22,6f10.6))"
 75  character(len=*), parameter :: token='occ'
 76 !scalars
 77  integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50
 78  integer :: generic,iban,idtset,ikpsp,ikpt,isppol,jdtset,multi,multi_nband
 79  integer :: multi_nkpt,multi_nsppol,multi_occopt,nban,nkpt,nkpt_eff
 80  integer :: multi_tsmear
 81  integer :: print,tnkpt
 82  character(len=4) :: appen
 83  character(len=500) :: message
 85 ! *************************************************************************
 87  if(ndtset_alloc<1)then
 88    write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' ndtset_alloc=',ndtset_alloc,', while it should be >= 1.'
 89    MSG_BUG(message)
 90  end if
 92  if(ndtset_alloc>9999)then
 93    write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' ndtset_alloc=',ndtset_alloc,', while it must be lower than 100.'
 94    MSG_BUG(message)
 95  end if
 97 !It is important to take iscf into account, since when it is -2, occupation numbers must be ignored
 99  multi_occopt=0
100  if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
101    do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
102      if(dtsets(1)%occopt/=dtsets(idtset)%occopt .and. &
103 &     dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2 )multi_occopt=1
104    end do
105  end if
107  multi_tsmear=0
108  if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
109    do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
110      if(dtsets(1)%tsmear/=dtsets(idtset)%tsmear .and. &
111 &     dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2 )multi_tsmear=1
112    end do
113  end if
115  multi_nkpt=0
116  if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
117    do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
118      if(dtsets(1)%nkpt/=dtsets(idtset)%nkpt .and. dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2 )multi_nkpt=1
119    end do
120  end if
121  if(multi_nkpt==0)nkpt=dtsets(1)%nkpt
123  multi_nsppol=0
124  if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
125    do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
126      if(dtsets(1)%nsppol/=dtsets(idtset)%nsppol .and. &
127 &     dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2 )multi_nsppol=1
128    end do
129  end if
131  if(multi_nsppol==0 .and. multi_nkpt==0)then
132    multi_nband=0
133    if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
134      do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
135        if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2)then
136          do ikpsp=1,dtsets(1)%nkpt*dtsets(1)%nsppol
137            if(dtsets(1)%nband(ikpsp)/=dtsets(idtset)%nband(ikpsp))multi_nband=1
138          end do
139        end if
140      end do
141    end if
142  else
143    multi_nband=1
144  end if
146 !There is a possibility of a generic occupation-number set if
147 !multi_occopt==0 and multi_nband==0
148  multi=1
149  if(multi_occopt==0 .and. multi_nband==0) then
150    nban=sum(dtsets(1)%nband(1:dtsets(1)%nsppol*dtsets(1)%nkpt))
151    multi=0
152    if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
153      do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
154        if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2)then
155 !        nban counts all bands and kpoints and spins: see above
156          do iban=1,nban
157 !          Use of tol8, because the format for multi=1 is f16.6, so will not
158 !          discriminate between relative values, or absolute values that
159 !          agree within more than 6 digits
160            if( abs(results_out(1)%occ(iban,1)-results_out(idtset)%occ(iban,1)) > tol8) multi=1
161          end do
162        end if
163      end do
164    end if
165  end if
167 !At this stage, if multi==1, the occ must be printed
168 !if multi==0, then it might be that we have the default values.
169 !Since the default is all zeros, it only happens when iscf=-2
170 !Also initialize the number of a idtset that can be used as generic
171 !(this might not be the case for idtset=1 !)
173  generic=0
174  print=0
175  do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
176    if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2)then
177      print=1
178      generic=idtset
179    end if
180  end do
182 !Now, print in the generic occupation-number set case.
183  if(print==1 .and. multi==0)then
184 !  Might restrict the number of k points to be printed
185    tnkpt=0
186    nkpt_eff=dtsets(1)%nkpt
187    if(prtvol_glob==0 .and. nkpt_eff>nkpt_max)then
188      nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
189      tnkpt=1
190    end if
191 !  The quantity of data to be output vary with occopt
192    if(dtsets(1)%occopt>=2)then
193      iban=1
194      do isppol=1,dtsets(1)%nsppol
195        do ikpt=1,nkpt_eff
196          ikpsp=ikpt+dtsets(1)%nkpt*(isppol-1)
197          nban=dtsets(generic)%nband(ikpsp)
198          if(ikpsp==1)then
199            write(iout, '(1x,a16,1x,(t22,6f10.6))' )&
200 &           token,results_out(generic)%occ(iban:iban+nban-1,1)
201          else
202            write(iout, '((t22,6f10.6))' )results_out(generic)%occ(iban:iban+nban-1,1)
203          end if
204          iban=iban+nban
205        end do
206        if(tnkpt==1) write(iout,'(23x,a)' ) &
207 &       'prtocc : prtvol=0, do not print more k-points.'
208      end do
209    else
210 !    The number of bands is identical for all k points and spin
211      nban=dtsets(generic)%nband(1)
212      write(iout, '(1x,a16,1x,(t22,6f10.6))' )&
213 &     token,results_out(generic)%occ(1:nban,1)
214 !    if occopt==1, the occ might differ with the spin
215      if(dtsets(1)%nsppol/=1 .and. dtsets(1)%occopt==1)then
216        write(iout,'((t22,6f10.6))')results_out(generic)%occ(nban*dtsets(1)%nkpt+1:&
217 &       nban*dtsets(1)%nkpt+nban,1)
218      end if
219    end if
220  end if
222 !Now, print in the other cases
223  if(print==1 .and. multi==1)then
224    do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
225 !    Might restrict the number of k points to be printed
226      tnkpt=0
227      nkpt_eff=dtsets(idtset)%nkpt
228      if(prtvol_glob==0 .and. nkpt_eff>nkpt_max)then
229        nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
230        tnkpt=1
231      end if
232      if(dtsets(idtset)%iscf/=-2)then
233        jdtset=jdtset_(idtset)
234        call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
235 !      The quantity of data to be output vary with occopt
236        if(dtsets(idtset)%occopt>=2)then
237          iban=1
238          do isppol=1,dtsets(idtset)%nsppol
239            do ikpt=1,nkpt_eff
240              ikpsp=ikpt+dtsets(idtset)%nkpt*(isppol-1)
241              nban=dtsets(idtset)%nband(ikpsp)
242              if(ikpsp==1)then
243                write(iout, '(1x,a16,a,1x,(t22,6f10.6))' )&
244 &               token,appen,results_out(idtset)%occ(iban:iban+nban-1,1)
245              else
246                write(iout, '((t22,6f10.6))' )results_out(idtset)%occ(iban:iban+nban-1,1)
247              end if
248              iban=iban+nban
249            end do
250            if(tnkpt==1) write(iout,'(23x,a)' ) &
251 &           'prtocc : prtvol=0, do not print more k-points.'
252          end do
253        else
254 !        The number of bands is identical for all k points and spin
255          nban=dtsets(idtset)%nband(1)
256          write(iout, '(1x,a16,a,1x,(t22,6f10.6))' )&
257 &         token,appen,results_out(idtset)%occ(1:nban,1)
258 !        if occopt==1, the occ might differ with the spin
259          if(dtsets(idtset)%nsppol/=1 .and. dtsets(idtset)%occopt==1)then
260            write(iout, '((t22,6f10.6))' ) &
261 &           results_out(idtset)%occ(nban*dtsets(idtset)%nkpt+1:nban*dtsets(idtset)%nkpt+nban,1)
262          end if
263        end if
264      end if
265 !    Endloop on idtset
266    end do
267  end if
269 end subroutine prtocc