ABINIT/setnoccmmp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 PAW+U only:
   Compute density matrix nocc_{m,m_prime}
   Impose value of density matrix using dmatpawu input array, then symetrize it.



 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (BA,MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  compute_dmat= flag: if 1, nocc_{m,mp} is computed
  dimdmat=first dimension of dmatpawu array
  dmatpawu(dimdmat,dimdmat,nsppol*nspinor,natpawu)=input density matrix to be copied into noccmpp
  dmatudiag= flag controlling the use of diagonalization:
             0: no diagonalization of nocc_{m,mp}
             1: diagonalized nocc_{m,mp} matrix is printed
             2: dmatpawu matrix is expressed in the basis where nocc_(m,mp} is diagonal
  impose_dmat= flag: if 1, nocc_{m,mp} is replaced by dmatpawu
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  natpawu=number of atoms on which PAW+U is applied
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=number of independant spin components
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  ntypat=number of atom types
  paw_ij(my_natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  spinat(3,matom)=initial spin of each atom, in unit of hbar/2
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  typat(natom)=type for each atom
  useexexch=1 if local-exact-exchange is activated
  usepawu=1 if PAW+U is activated


   paw_ij(natom)%noccmmp(cplex_dij,2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,nsppol or ndij)=density matrix


 For non-collinear magnetism,
 - nocc_{m,mp} is computed as:noccmmp(:,:,:,1)=   n{m,mp}
                              noccmmp(:,:,:,2)=   m_x{m,mp}
                              noccmmp(:,:,:,3)=   m_y{m,mp}
                              noccmmp(:,:,:,4)=   m_z{m,mp}
 - but nocc_{m,mp} is stored as: noccmmp(:,:,:,1)=   n^{up,up}_{m,mp}
                                 noccmmp(:,:,:,2)=   n^{dn,dn}_{m,mp}
                                 noccmmp(:,:,:,3)=   n^{up,dn}_{m,mp}
                                 noccmmp(:,:,:,4)=   n^{dn,up}_{m,mp}
   We choose to have noccmmp complex when ndij=4 (ie nspinor=2)
    If ndij=4 and pawspnorb=0, one could keep noccmmp real
    with the n11, n22, Re(n12), Im(n21) representation, but it would
    less clear to change the representation when pawspnorb is activated.
   If ndij=4, nocc_{m,mp} is transformed to the Ylm basis
    and then to the J, M_J basis (if cplex_dij==2)

  Note that n_{m,mp}=<mp|hat(n)|m> because rhoij=<p_j|...|p_i>






 81 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 82 #include "config.h"
 83 #endif
 85 #include "abi_common.h"
 87 subroutine setnoccmmp(compute_dmat,dimdmat,dmatpawu,dmatudiag,impose_dmat,indsym,my_natom,natom,&
 88 &                     natpawu,nspinor,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,paw_ij,pawang,pawprtvol,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
 89 &                     spinat,symafm,typat,useexexch,usepawu, &
 90 &                     mpi_atmtab,comm_atom) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
 92  use defs_basis
 93  use m_profiling_abi
 94  use m_errors
 95  use m_xmpi, only : xmpi_comm_self
 96  use m_linalg_interfaces
 98  use m_pawang, only : pawang_type, mat_mlms2jmj, mat_slm2ylm
 99  use m_pawtab, only : pawtab_type
100  use m_paw_ij, only : paw_ij_type
101  use m_pawrhoij, only : pawrhoij_type
102  use m_paw_sphharm, only : mat_mlms2jmj, mat_slm2ylm
103  use m_paral_atom, only : get_my_atmtab, free_my_atmtab
105 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
106 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
107 #undef ABI_FUNC
108 #define ABI_FUNC 'setnoccmmp'
109  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
110 !End of the abilint section
112  implicit none
114 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
115 !scalars
116  integer,intent(in) :: compute_dmat,dimdmat,dmatudiag,impose_dmat,my_natom,natom,natpawu
117  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,useexexch,usepawu
118  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
119  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
120  integer,intent(in) :: pawprtvol
121 !arrays
122  integer,intent(in) :: indsym(4,nsym,natom),symafm(nsym),typat(natom)
123  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
124  real(dp),intent(in) :: dmatpawu(dimdmat,dimdmat,nspinor*nsppol,natpawu*impose_dmat)
125  !real(dp),intent(in) :: dmatpawu(:,:,:,:)
126  real(dp),intent(in) :: spinat(3,natom)
127  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom)
128  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij(my_natom)
129  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
131 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
132 !scalars
133  integer,parameter :: limp=0 ! could become an input variable
134  integer :: at_indx,cplex_dij,dmatudiag_loc,iafm,iatom,iatom_tot,iatpawu,icount
135  integer :: ilm,im1,im2,in1,in2,info,iplex,irot,ispden, irhoij,itypat,jlm,jrhoij
136  integer :: jspden,klmn,kspden,lcur,ldim,lmax,lmin,lpawu,lwork,my_comm_atom,ndij,nmat,nspden,nsploop
137  logical,parameter :: afm_noncoll=.true.  ! TRUE if antiferro symmetries are used with non-collinear magnetism
138  logical :: antiferro,my_atmtab_allocated,noccsym_error,paral_atom,use_afm
139  real(dp),parameter :: invsqrt2=one/sqrt2
140  real(dp) :: factafm,mnorm,mx,my,mz,ntot,nup,ndn,snorm,sx,sy,szp,szm
141  character(len=4) :: wrt_mode
142  character(len=500) :: message
143 !arrays
144  integer :: nsym_used(2)
145  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
146  real(dp) :: sumocc(2)
147  real(dp),allocatable :: eig(:),hdp(:,:,:),hdp2(:,:),noccmmptemp(:,:,:,:),noccmmp_tmp(:,:,:,:)
148  real(dp),allocatable :: rwork(:),ro(:),noccmmp2(:,:,:,:),nocctot2(:)
149  complex(dpc),allocatable :: noccmmp_ylm(:,:,:),noccmmp_jmj(:,:),noccmmp_slm(:,:,:)
150  complex(dpc),allocatable :: zhdp(:,:),zhdp2(:,:),znoccmmp_tmp(:,:),zwork(:)
151  character(len=9),parameter :: dspin(6)=  (/"up       ","down     ","up-up    ","down-down","Re[up-dn]","Im[up-dn]"/)
152  character(len=9),parameter :: dspinc(6)= (/"up       ","down     ","up-up    ","down-down","up-dn    ","dn-up    "/)
153  character(len=9),parameter :: dspinc2(6)=(/"up       ","down     ","dn-dn    ","up-up    ","dn-up    ","up-dn    "/)
154  character(len=9),parameter :: dspinm(6)= (/"dn       ","up i     ","n        ","mx       ","my       ","mz       "/)
155  type(coeff4_type),allocatable :: tmp_noccmmp(:)
157 !*********************************************************************
161 !Tests
162  if (my_natom>0) then
163    if (nsppol/=paw_ij(1)%nsppol) then
164      message=' inconsistent values for nsppol !'
165      MSG_BUG(message)
166    end if
167    if (compute_dmat>0) then
168      if (pawrhoij(1)%nspden/=paw_ij(1)%nspden.and.&
169 &     pawrhoij(1)%nspden/=4.and.paw_ij(1)%nspden/=1) then
170        message=' inconsistent values for nspden !'
171        MSG_BUG(message)
172      end if
173    end if
174  end if
175  if (usepawu>0.and.useexexch>0) then
176    message=' usepawu>0 and useexexch>0 not allowed !'
177    MSG_BUG(message)
178  end if
179  if (impose_dmat/=0.and.dimdmat==0) then
180    message=' dmatpawu must be allocated when impose_dmat/=0 !'
181    MSG_BUG(message)
182  end if
183  if (usepawu>0.and.compute_dmat/=0.and.impose_dmat/=0.and.pawang%nsym==0) then
184    message=' pawang%zarot must be allocated !'
185    MSG_BUG(message)
186  end if
188 !Some inits
189  if (usepawu==0.and.useexexch==0) return
190  nspden=1;ndij=1;cplex_dij=1
191  if (my_natom>0) then
192    nspden=paw_ij(1)%nspden
193    ndij=paw_ij(1)%ndij
194    cplex_dij=paw_ij(1)%cplex_dij
195  end if
196  antiferro=(nspden==2.and.nsppol==1)
197  use_afm=((antiferro).or.((nspden==4).and.afm_noncoll))
198  dmatudiag_loc=dmatudiag
199  if (dmatudiag==2.and.(dimdmat==0.or.impose_dmat==0)) dmatudiag_loc=1
201 !Set up parallelism over atoms
202  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
203  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
204  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
205  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom) !vz_d
206  wrt_mode='COLL';if (paral_atom) wrt_mode='PERS'
208 !If needed, store dmatpu in suitable format in tmp_noccmmp
209  if (usepawu>0.and.impose_dmat/=0) then
210    iatpawu=0
211    ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(tmp_noccmmp,(natom))
212    do iatom_tot=1,natom
213      itypat=typat(iatom_tot)
214      lpawu=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
215      if (lpawu/=-1) then
216        iatpawu=iatpawu+1
217        if (ndij/=4) then
218          ABI_ALLOCATE(tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value,(cplex_dij,2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,nsppol))
219          tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,1:2*lpawu+1,1:2*lpawu+1,1:nsppol)=&
220 &         dmatpawu(1:2*lpawu+1,1:2*lpawu+1,1:nsppol,iatpawu)
221        else
222          ABI_ALLOCATE(tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value,(cplex_dij,2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,ndij))
223          tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value=zero
224          if(limp==0) then ! default reading
225            snorm=sqrt(spinat(1,iatom_tot)**2+spinat(1,iatom_tot)**2+spinat(3,iatom_tot)**2)
226            if (snorm>tol12) then
227              sx=half*spinat(1,iatom_tot)/snorm
228              sy=half*spinat(2,iatom_tot)/snorm
229              szp=half*(one+spinat(3,iatom_tot)/snorm)
230              szm=half*(one-spinat(3,iatom_tot)/snorm)
231            else
232              sx=zero;sy=zero
233              szp=one;szm=zero
234            end if
235            do im2=1,2*lpawu+1
236              do im1=1,2*lpawu+1
237                nup=dmatpawu(im1,im2,1,iatpawu);ndn=dmatpawu(im1,im2,2,iatpawu)
238                tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,im1,im2,1)=nup*szp+ndn*szm
239                tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,im1,im2,2)=nup*szm+ndn*szp
240                tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,im1,im2,3)=(nup-ndn)*sx
241                tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,im1,im2,4)=(ndn-nup)*sy
242              end do
243            end do
244          else if(limp>=1) then
245            ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_ylm,(2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,ndij))
246            noccmmp_ylm=czero
247            ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_slm,(2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,ndij))
248            noccmmp_slm=czero
249            ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_jmj,(2*(2*lpawu+1),2*(2*lpawu+1)))
250            noccmmp_jmj=czero
251            if(limp==1) then ! read input matrix in J,M_J basis (l-1/2, then l+1/2)
252              noccmmp_jmj=czero
253              do im1=1,2*lpawu+1
254                noccmmp_jmj(im1,im1)=cmplx(dmatpawu(im1,im1,1,iatpawu),zero,kind=dp)
255                noccmmp_jmj(im1+lpawu,im1+lpawu)=cmplx(dmatpawu(im1+lpawu,im1+lpawu,2,iatpawu),zero,kind=dp)
256              end do
257              write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,&
258 &             ' == Imposed occupation matrix (in the J M_J basis: L-1/2 and L+1/2 states)'
259              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
260              call mat_mlms2jmj(lpawu,noccmmp_ylm,noccmmp_jmj,ndij,&
261 &             2,2,pawprtvol,std_out,wrt_mode) !  optspin=1: up spin are first
262            end if
263            if(limp==2) then ! read input matrix in Ylm basis
264              noccmmp_ylm=czero
265              do im1=1,2*lpawu+1
266                noccmmp_ylm(im1,im1,1)=cmplx(dmatpawu(im1,im1,1,iatpawu),zero,kind=dp)
267                noccmmp_ylm(im1,im1,2)=cmplx(dmatpawu(im1,im1,2,iatpawu),zero,kind=dp)
268              end do
269              write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,&
270 &             ' == Imposed occupation matrix (in the Ylm basis), for dn and up spin'
271              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
272            end if
273            call mat_slm2ylm(lpawu,noccmmp_ylm,noccmmp_slm,ndij,&
274 &           2,2,pawprtvol,std_out,wrt_mode) ! optspin=1 because up spin are first
275 !          interchange upup and dndn
276            if(limp>=1) then
277              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,:,:,1)=real(noccmmp_slm(:,:,2))
278              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(2,:,:,1)=aimag(noccmmp_slm(:,:,2))
279              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,:,:,2)=real(noccmmp_slm(:,:,1))
280              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(2,:,:,2)=aimag(noccmmp_slm(:,:,1))
281              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,:,:,3)=real(noccmmp_slm(:,:,4))
282              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(2,:,:,3)=aimag(noccmmp_slm(:,:,4))
283              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,:,:,4)=real(noccmmp_slm(:,:,3))
284              tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(2,:,:,4)=aimag(noccmmp_slm(:,:,3))
285            end if
286            if(abs(pawprtvol)>2) then
287              write(message, '(2a)' ) ch10,&
288 &             " Check Imposed density matrix in different basis"
289              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
290              call mat_slm2ylm(lpawu,noccmmp_slm,noccmmp_ylm,ndij,&
291 &             1,2,pawprtvol,std_out,wrt_mode) ! optspin=1 because up spin are first
292              call mat_mlms2jmj(lpawu,noccmmp_ylm,noccmmp_jmj,ndij,1,2,&
293 &             pawprtvol,std_out,wrt_mode) !  optspin=1: up spin are first
294            end if
295            ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_ylm)
296            ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_jmj)
297            ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_slm)
298          end if
299        end if
300      end if
301    end do
302  end if  ! impose_dmat/=0
304 !Print message
305  if (usepawu>0.and.impose_dmat/=0) then
306    if (dmatudiag_loc/=2) then
307      write(message,'(6a)') ch10,'Occupation matrix for correlated orbitals is kept constant',ch10,&
308 &     'and equal to dmatpawu from input file !',ch10,&
309 &     '----------------------------------------------------------'
310    else
311      write(message,'(6a)') ch10,'Occupation matrix for correlated orbitals is imposed',ch10,&
312 &     'and equal to dmatpawu in the diagonal basis !',ch10,&
313 &     '----------------------------------------------------------'
314    end if
315    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
316  end if
318  if (usepawu>0.and.dmatudiag_loc/=0.and.my_natom>0) then
319    write(message,'(4a)') ch10,'Diagonalized occupation matrix "noccmmp" is printed !',ch10,&
320 &   '-------------------------------------------------------------'
321    call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
322  end if
324 !Loops over atoms
325  do iatom=1,my_natom
326    iatom_tot=iatom;if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
327    itypat=pawrhoij(iatom)%itypat
329    if (useexexch>0) then
330      lcur=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
331    else if (usepawu>0) then
332      lcur=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
333    end if
334    if (lcur/=-1) then
336 !    ########################################################################################
337 !    # Compute nocc_mmp
338 !    ########################################################################################
339      if ((usepawu>0.and.compute_dmat/=0).or.useexexch>0) then
342        paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,:,:,:)=zero
344 !      Loop over spin components
345        ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmptemp,(cplex_dij,2*lcur+1,2*lcur+1,ndij))
346        noccmmptemp(:,:,:,:)=zero
347        if(ndij==4)  then
348          ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp2,(cplex_dij,2*lcur+1,2*lcur+1,ndij))
349        end if
350        if(ndij==4)  then
351          ABI_ALLOCATE(nocctot2,(ndij))
352        end if
353        do ispden=1,ndij
354          jrhoij=1
355          do irhoij=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel
356            klmn=pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(irhoij)
357            im1=pawtab(itypat)%klmntomn(1,klmn)
358            im2=pawtab(itypat)%klmntomn(2,klmn)
359            in1=pawtab(itypat)%klmntomn(3,klmn)
360            in2=pawtab(itypat)%klmntomn(4,klmn)
361            lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
362            lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
363            ABI_ALLOCATE(ro,(cplex_dij))
364            if (ndij==1) then
365              ro(1)=half*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,1)
366            else if (ndij==2) then
367              ro(1)=pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)
368            else  ! ndij==4
369 !            Non-collinear magnetism: transfer rhoij to ro_c (keep n, m storage because
370 !            it is easier for the computation of noccmmp from rhoij)
371 !            cplex_dij has to be used here, because it is the dimension of rhoijp
372              ro(1:cplex_dij)=pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij-1+cplex_dij,ispden)
373            end if
374            if(lmin==0.and.lmax==2*lcur) then
375              icount=in1+(in2*(in2-1))/2
376              if(pawtab(itypat)%ij_proj<icount)  then
377                message=' PAW+U: Problem in the loop for calculating noccmmp !'
378                MSG_BUG(message)
379              end if
380              if(in1/=in2) then
381                if(im2<=im1) then
382                  noccmmptemp(:,im1,im2,ispden)=noccmmptemp(:,im1,im2,ispden)+ro(:)*pawtab(itypat)%phiphjint(icount)
383                end if
384              end if
385              if(im2>=im1) then
387                paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden) &
388 &               +ro(:)*pawtab(itypat)%phiphjint(icount)
389              end if
390            end if
391            jrhoij=jrhoij+pawrhoij(iatom)%cplex
392            ABI_DEALLOCATE(ro)
393          end do ! irhoij
394          do im2=1,2*lcur+1
395            do im1=1,im2
396              paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden) &
397 &             +noccmmptemp(1,im2,im1,ispden)
398              if(cplex_dij==2) paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,ispden) &
399 &             -noccmmptemp(2,im2,im1,ispden)
400            end do
401          end do
402          do im1=1,2*lcur+1
403            do im2=1,im1
404              paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im2,im1,ispden)
405              if(cplex_dij==2) paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,ispden)=-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im2,im1,ispden)
406            end do
407          end do
408        end do ! ispden
409        ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmptemp)
410 !      Compute noccmmp2, occupation matrix in the spin basis (upup, dndn, updn, dnup)
411        if(ndij==4) then
412          noccmmp2(:,:,:,:)=zero
413          do im1=1,2*lcur+1
414            do im2=1,2*lcur+1
415              noccmmp2(1,im1,im2,1)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,1)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,4))
416              noccmmp2(2,im1,im2,1)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,1)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,4))
417              noccmmp2(1,im1,im2,2)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,1)-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,4))
418              noccmmp2(2,im1,im2,2)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,1)-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,4))
419              noccmmp2(1,im1,im2,3)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,2)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,3))
420              noccmmp2(2,im1,im2,3)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,2)-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,3))
421              noccmmp2(1,im1,im2,4)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,2)-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,3))
422              noccmmp2(2,im1,im2,4)=half*(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,2)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,3))
423            end do
424          end do
425          if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) then
426            write(message,'(2a)') ch10,"== Calculated occupation matrix for correlated orbitals in the n, m basis :"
427            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
428            do ispden=1,ndij
429              write(message,'(3a)') ch10,"Calculated occupation matrix for component ",trim(dspinm(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
430              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
431              do im1=1,lcur*2+1  ! ( order of indices in noccmmp is exchanged in order to have the same convention as rhoij: transposition is done after )
432                if(cplex_dij==1)&
433 &               write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))')&
434 &               (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im2,im1,ispden),im2=1,lcur*2+1)
435                if(cplex_dij==2)&
436 !              &               write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))')&
437 &               write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f10.5,",",f10.5,")")))')&
438 &               (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im2,im1,ispden),im2=1,lcur*2+1)
439                call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
440              end do
441            end do
442          end if ! pawprtvol >=1
443        end if
445 !      Compute total number of electrons per spin
446        paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(:)=zero ! contains nmmp in the n m representation
447        if(ndij==4) nocctot2(:)=zero ! contains nmmp in the upup dndn updn dnup  representation
448        do ispden=1,ndij
449          do im1=1,2*lcur+1
450            if(ndij==4) then
451              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,ispden)
452              nocctot2(ispden)=nocctot2(ispden)+noccmmp2(1,im1,im1,ispden)
453            else
454              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,ispden)
455            end if
456          end do
457        end do
458 !      noccmmp will now be in the up up , dn dn... representation and now n_mmp=<m|n|mp> instead of <mp|n|m> !
459        if(ndij==4) then
460          do ispden=1,ndij
461            do iplex=1,cplex_dij
462              do im1=1,2*lcur+1
463                do im2=1,2*lcur+1
464                  paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(iplex,im1,im2,ispden)=noccmmp2(iplex,im2,im1,ispden) ! now, noccmmp is in the upup dndn updn dnup representation
465                end do
466              end do
467            end do
468          end do
469          ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp2)
470        end if
471 !      Printing of new nocc_mmp
472        if ((usepawu>0.and.usepawu<10).or.(usepawu>=10.and.pawprtvol>=3)) &
473        write(message, '(2a)' )  ch10,'========== LDA+U DATA =================================================== '
474        if (useexexch>0) write(message, '(2a)' )ch10,'======= Local ex-exchange (PBE0) DATA =================================== '
475        if(((usepawu>0.and.usepawu<10).or.(usepawu>=10.and.pawprtvol>=3)).or.useexexch>0) call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
476        if (usepawu>=10.and.pawprtvol>=3) then
477          write(message, '(6a)' )  ch10,'    ( A DFT+DMFT calculation is carried out                              ',&
478          ch10,'      Thus, the following LDA+U occupation matrices are not physical     ',&
479          ch10,'      and just informative )'
480          call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
481        end if
482        if(usepawu<10.or.pawprtvol>=3) then ! Always write except if DMFT and pawprtvol low
483          write(message,'(2a,i5,a,i4,a)') ch10,"====== For Atom", iatom_tot,&
484 &         ", occupations for correlated orbitals. l =",lcur,ch10
485          call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
486          if(ndij==2) then
487            do ispden=1,2
488              write(message,'(a,i4,3a,f10.5)') "Atom", iatom_tot,". Occupations for spin ",&
489 &             trim(dspin(ispden))," =",paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)
490              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
491            end do
492            write(message,'(a,i4,a,2x,e16.8)') "=> On atom",iatom_tot,", local Mag. is  ",&
493 &           paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(2)-paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(1)
494            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
495          end if
496          if(ndij==4) then
497            ntot=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(1)
498            mx=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(2)
499            my=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(3)
500            mz=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(4)
501            mnorm=sqrt(mx*mx+my*my+mz*mz)
502            nup=nocctot2(1)
503            ndn=nocctot2(2)
504            write(message,'(a,i4,a,2x,e16.8)') "=> On atom",iatom_tot,", local Mag. x is ",mx
505            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
506            write(message,'(14x,a,2x,e16.8)') "  local Mag. y is ",my
507            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
508            write(message,'(14x,a,2x,e16.8)') "  local Mag. z is ",mz
509            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
510            write(message,'(14x,a,2x,e16.8)') "  norm of Mag. is ",mnorm
511            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
512            write(message,'(14x,a,2x,f10.5)') "  occ. of majority spin is ",half*(ntot+mnorm)  ! to be checked versus direct calc from noccmmp
513            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
514            if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) write(message,'(14x,a,2x,f10.5)') "  occ. for spin up (along z) ",nup
515            if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) then
516              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
517            end if
518            write(message,'(14x,a,2x,f10.5)') "  occ. of minority spin is ",half*(ntot-mnorm)
519            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
520            if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) write(message,'(14x,a,2x,f10.5)') "  occ. for spin dn (along z) ",ndn
521            if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) then
522              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
523            end if
524            if(ndij==4)  then
525              ABI_DEALLOCATE(nocctot2)
526            end if
527          end if
528          write(message,'(2a)') ch10,"== Calculated occupation matrix for correlated orbitals:"
529          call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
530          do ispden=1,ndij
531            write(message,'(3a)') ch10,"Calculated occupation matrix for component ",trim(dspinc(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
532            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
533            do im1=1,lcur*2+1
534              if(cplex_dij==1)&
535 &             write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))')&
536 &             (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,lcur*2+1)
537              if(cplex_dij==2)&
538 &             write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))')&
539 &             (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,lcur*2+1)
540              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
541            end do
542          end do
543        end if
545 !      Transformation matrices: real->complex spherical harmonics (for test)
546        if(ndij==4.and.abs(pawprtvol)>=0) then
547          ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_ylm,(2*lcur+1,2*lcur+1,ndij))
548          noccmmp_ylm=czero
549          ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_slm,(2*lcur+1,2*lcur+1,ndij))
550          noccmmp_slm=czero
551          ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_jmj,(2*(2*lcur+1),2*(2*lcur+1)))
552          noccmmp_jmj=czero
553 !        go from real notation for complex noccmmp to complex notation in noccmmp_slm
554          noccmmp_slm(:,:,:)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,:,:,:)&
555 &         ,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,:,:,:),kind=dp)
556          call mat_slm2ylm(lcur,noccmmp_slm,noccmmp_ylm,ndij,1,1,pawprtvol,std_out,wrt_mode) ! optspin=1: up spin are first
558          do ispden=1,ndij
559            write(message,'(3a)') ch10,"Calculated Ylm occupation matrix for component ",trim(dspinc(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
560            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
561            do im1=1,lcur*2+1
562              write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f9.5,",",f9.5,")")))') (noccmmp_ylm(im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,lcur*2+1)
563              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
564            end do
565          end do
566          call mat_mlms2jmj(lcur,noccmmp_ylm,noccmmp_jmj,ndij,1,1,pawprtvol,std_out,wrt_mode) !  optspin=1: up spin are first
567          ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_ylm)
568          ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_jmj)
569          ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_slm)
570        end if !ndij==4
572      end if ! impose_dmat==0
574 !    ########################################################################################
575 !    # Diagonalize nocc_mmp
576 !    ########################################################################################
577      if(usepawu>0.and.dmatudiag_loc>0) then
579        lpawu=lcur;ldim=2*lpawu+1
580        ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_tmp,(1,ldim,ldim,ndij))
581        if (ndij==4)  then
582          ABI_ALLOCATE(znoccmmp_tmp,(2*ldim,2*ldim))
583        end if
585 !      Select noccmmp for this atom
586        do ispden=1,ndij
587          noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,:,:,ispden)
588        end do
589        if (ndij==4) then
590          do im2=1,ldim
591            do im1=1,ldim
592              znoccmmp_tmp(im1     ,     im2)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,1)&
593 &             ,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,1),kind=dp)
594              znoccmmp_tmp(ldim+im1,ldim+im2)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,2)&
595 &             ,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,2),kind=dp)
596              znoccmmp_tmp(     im1,ldim+im2)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,3)&
597 &             ,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,3),kind=dp)
598              znoccmmp_tmp(ldim+im1,     im2)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,4)&
599 &             ,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im2,4),kind=dp)
600            end do
601          end do
602        end if
604 !      Diagonalize nocc_mmp
605        if (ndij/=4) then
606          ABI_ALLOCATE(hdp,(ldim,ldim,ndij))
607          hdp=zero
608          lwork=3*ldim-1
609          ABI_ALLOCATE(rwork,(lwork))
610          ABI_ALLOCATE(eig,(ldim))
611          do ispden=1,ndij
612            call dsyev('v','u',ldim,noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim,eig,rwork,lwork,info)
613            if(info/=0) then
614              message=' Error in diagonalization of noccmmp (DSYEV)!'
615              MSG_ERROR(message)
616            end if
617            do ilm=1,ldim
618              hdp(ilm,ilm,ispden)=eig(ilm)
619            end do
620          end do ! ispden
621          ABI_DEALLOCATE(rwork)
622          ABI_DEALLOCATE(eig)
623        else
624          ABI_ALLOCATE(hdp,(2*ldim,2*ldim,1))
625          hdp=zero
626          lwork=4*ldim-1
627          ABI_ALLOCATE(rwork,(6*ldim-2))
628          ABI_ALLOCATE(zwork,(lwork))
629          ABI_ALLOCATE(eig,(2*ldim))
630          call zheev('v','u',2*ldim,znoccmmp_tmp,2*ldim,eig,zwork,lwork,rwork,info)
631          if(info/=0) then
632            message=' Error in diagonalization of znoccmmp_tmp (zheev) !'
633            MSG_ERROR(message)
634          end if
635          do ilm=1,2*ldim
636            hdp(ilm,ilm,1)=eig(ilm)
637          end do
638          ABI_DEALLOCATE(rwork)
639          ABI_DEALLOCATE(zwork)
640          ABI_DEALLOCATE(eig)
641        end if
643 !      Print diagonalized matrix and eigenvectors
644        do ispden=1,size(hdp,3)
645          write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,' == Diagonalized Occupation matrix'
646          if (ndij==1) write(message,fmt='(2a)')     trim(message)," for spin up =="
647          if (ndij==2) write(message,fmt='(2a,i3,a)')trim(message)," for spin ",ispden," =="
648          if (ndij==4) write(message,fmt='(2a,i3,a)')trim(message)," =="
649          call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
650          do ilm=1,size(hdp,1)
651            write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))') (hdp(ilm,jlm,ispden),jlm=1,size(hdp,2))
652            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
653          end do
654        end do ! ispden
655        if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) then
656          if (ndij/=4) then
657            do ispden=1,ndij
658              write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,' == Eigenvectors'
659              if (ndij==1) write(message,fmt='(2a)')     trim(message),' for spin up =='
660              if (ndij==2) write(message,fmt='(2a,i3,a)')trim(message),' for spin ',ispden,' =='
661              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
662              do ilm=1,ldim
663                write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))') (noccmmp_tmp(1,ilm,jlm,ispden),jlm=1,ldim)
664                call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
665              end do
666            end do
667          else
668            write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,' == Eigenvectors (spinors) in the real harmonics basis =='
669            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
670            do ilm=1,2*ldim
671              write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))') (znoccmmp_tmp(ilm,jlm),jlm=1,2*ldim)
672              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
673            end do
674          end if
675        end if
677 !      Back rotation of diagonalized matrix and printing
678        if(abs(pawprtvol)>=1) then
679          if (ndij/=4) then
680            ABI_ALLOCATE(hdp2,(ldim,ldim))
681            do ispden=1,ndij
682              call dgemm('n','t',ldim,ldim,ldim,one,hdp(:,:,ispden),ldim,noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim,zero,hdp2,ldim)
683              call dgemm('n','n',ldim,ldim,ldim,one,noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim,hdp2,ldim,zero,hdp(:,:,ispden),ldim)
684              noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden)=hdp(:,:,ispden)
685            end do ! ispden
686            ABI_DEALLOCATE(hdp2)
687          else
688            ABI_ALLOCATE(zhdp,(2*ldim,2*ldim))
689            ABI_ALLOCATE(zhdp2,(2*ldim,2*ldim))
690            zhdp(:,:)=cmplx(hdp(:,:,1),zero,kind=dp)
691            zhdp2(:,:)=cmplx(zero,zero,kind=dp)
692            call zgemm('n','c',2*ldim,2*ldim,2*ldim,cone,zhdp,2*ldim,znoccmmp_tmp,2*ldim,czero,zhdp2,2*ldim)
693            zhdp(:,:)=cmplx(zero,zero,kind=dp)
694            call zgemm('n','n',2*ldim,2*ldim,2*ldim,cone,znoccmmp_tmp,2*ldim,zhdp2,2*ldim,czero,zhdp,2*ldim)
695            znoccmmp_tmp=zhdp
696            ABI_DEALLOCATE(zhdp)
697            ABI_DEALLOCATE(zhdp2)
698          end if
699          nmat=ndij ; if(ndij==4.and.cplex_dij==2) nmat=1
700          do ispden=1,nmat
701            write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,&
702 &           ' == Rotated back diagonalized matrix'
703            if (ndij==1) write(message,fmt='(2a)')     trim(message)," for spin up =="
704            if (ndij==2) write(message,fmt='(2a,i3,a)')trim(message)," for spin ",ispden," =="
705            if (ndij==4.and.cplex_dij==2) write(message,fmt='(4a)')     trim(message)," for all component "
706            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
707            do ilm=1,ldim*cplex_dij
708              if(ndij==1.or.ndij==2)&
709 &             write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))')&
710 &             (noccmmp_tmp(1,ilm,jlm,ispden),jlm=1,ldim)
711              if(ndij==4.and.cplex_dij==2)&
712 &             write(message,'(12(1x,18(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))')&
713 &             (znoccmmp_tmp(ilm,jlm),jlm=1,ldim*cplex_dij)
714              call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
715            end do
716          end do ! ispden
717        end if
718        ABI_DEALLOCATE(hdp)
720      end if ! dmatudiag_loc
722 !    ########################################################################################
723 !    # Impose value of nocc_mmp from dmatpu; symetrize it
724 !    ########################################################################################
725      if (usepawu>0.and.impose_dmat/=0) then
727        lpawu=lcur
728        nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
729        noccsym_error=.false.
731 !      Loop over spin components
732        do ispden=1,nsploop
733          if (ndij/=4) then
734            jspden=min(3-ispden,paw_ij(iatom)%nsppol)
735          else if (ispden<=2) then
736            jspden=3-ispden
737          else
738            jspden=ispden
739          end if
741 !        Loops over components of nocc_mmp
742          do jlm=1,2*lpawu+1
743            do ilm=1,2*lpawu+1
745              if(nsym>1.and.ndij<4) then
747                nsym_used(1:2)=0
748                sumocc(1:2)=zero
750 !              Accumulate values of nocc_mmp over symmetries
751                do irot=1,nsym
752                  if ((symafm(irot)/=1).and.(.not.use_afm)) cycle
753                  kspden=ispden;if (symafm(irot)==-1) kspden=jspden
754                  factafm=one;if (ispden>3) factafm=dble(symafm(irot))
755                  iafm=1;if ((antiferro).and.(symafm(irot)==-1)) iafm=2
756                  nsym_used(iafm)=nsym_used(iafm)+1
757                  at_indx=indsym(4,irot,iatom_tot)
758                  do im2=1,2*lpawu+1
759                    do im1=1,2*lpawu+1
760 !                    Be careful: use here R_rel^-1 in term of spherical harmonics
761 !                    which is tR_rec in term of spherical harmonics
762 !                    so, use transpose[zarot]
763                      sumocc(iafm)=sumocc(iafm)+factafm*tmp_noccmmp(at_indx)%value(1,im1,im2,kspden) &
764 &                     *pawang%zarot(im1,ilm,lpawu+1,irot)&
765 &                     *pawang%zarot(im2,jlm,lpawu+1,irot)
766 !                    sumocc(iafm)=sumocc(iafm)+factafm*tmp_noccmmp(at_indx)%value(im1,im2,kspden) &
767 !                    &                     *pawang%zarot(ilm,im1,lpawu+1,irot)&
768 !                    &                     *pawang%zarot(jlm,im2,lpawu+1,irot)
769                    end do
770                  end do
771                end do ! End loop over symmetries
773 !              Store new values of nocc_mmp
774                paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,ispden)=sumocc(1)/nsym_used(1)
775                if (.not.noccsym_error)&
776 &               noccsym_error=(abs(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,ispden) &
777 &               -tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(1,ilm,jlm,ispden))>tol5)
779 !              Antiferromagnetic case: has to fill up "down" component of nocc_mmp
780                if (antiferro.and.nsym_used(2)>0) paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,2)=sumocc(2)/nsym_used(2)
782              else  ! nsym=1
784 !              Case without symetries
785                paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,ilm,jlm,ispden)= tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value(:,ilm,jlm,ispden)
786              end if
788            end do !ilm
789          end do !jlm
790        end do ! ispden
791        do ispden=1,nsploop
792          paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=zero ! contains nmmp in the n m representation
793          do im1=1,2*lcur+1
794            if(ndij==4.and.ispden==1) then
795 !            in this case, on computes total number or electron for double counting correction
796              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)+&
797 &             paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,1)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,2)
798            else if(ndij==4.and.ispden==2) then
799              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)+&
800 &             paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,3)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,4)
801            else if(ndij==4.and.ispden==3) then
802              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)-&
803 &             paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im1,3)+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im1,4)
804            else if(ndij==4.and.ispden==4) then
805              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)+&
806 &             paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im1,1)-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(2,im1,im1,2)
807            else
808              paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)=paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)+&
809 &             paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im1,ispden)
810            end if
811          end do
812        end do ! ispden
814 !      Printing of new nocc_mmp
815        do ispden=1,ndij
816          if(dmatudiag_loc==2) then
817            write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,&
818 &           ' == Imposed occupation matrix (in the basis of diagonalization!!)'
819          else
820            write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,&
821 &           ' == Imposed occupation matrix'
822          end if
823          if (ndij==1) write(message,fmt='(2a)')     trim(message)," for spin up =="
824          if (ndij==2) write(message,fmt='(2a,i3,a)')trim(message)," for spin ",ispden," =="
825          if (ndij==4) write(message,fmt='(4a)')     trim(message)," for component ", &
826 &         trim(dspinc(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))," =="
827          call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
828          do ilm=1,2*lpawu+1
829            if(cplex_dij==1)&
830 &           write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))')&
831 &           (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,ispden),jlm=1,2*lpawu+1)
832            if(cplex_dij==2)&
833 &           write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))')&
834 &           (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(:,ilm,jlm,ispden),jlm=1,2*lpawu+1)
835            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
836          end do
837        end do
839 !      WARNING if symmetrization changes the matrix
840        if (noccsym_error) then
841          write(message, '(a,i4,6a)' ) &
842          '   After symmetrization, imposed occupation matrix for atom ',iatom_tot,ch10,&
843 &         '   is different from dmatpawu value set in input file !',ch10,&
844 &         '   It is likely that dmatpawu does not match the symmetry operations of the system.',ch10,&
845 &         '   Action: change dmatpawu in input file or increase precision until 0.00001'
846          MSG_WARNING(message)
847        end if
849      end if ! impose_dmat/=0
851 !    ########################################################################################
852 !    # Rotate imposed occupation matrix in the non-diagonal basis
853 !    ########################################################################################
854      if (usepawu>0.and.impose_dmat/=0.and.dmatudiag_loc==2) then
856        lpawu=lcur;ldim=2*lpawu+1
858 !      Rotation of imposed nocc_mmp
859        if (ndij/=4) then
860          ABI_ALLOCATE(hdp2,(ldim,ldim))
861          do ispden=1,ndij
862            call dgemm('n','t',ldim,ldim,ldim,one,&
863 &           paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim,noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim,zero,hdp2,ldim)
864            call dgemm('n','n',ldim,ldim,ldim,one,&
865 &           noccmmp_tmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim,hdp2,ldim,zero,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,:,:,ispden),ldim)
866          end do ! ispden
867          ABI_DEALLOCATE(hdp2)
868        else
869          ABI_ALLOCATE(zhdp,(2*ldim,2*ldim))
870          ABI_ALLOCATE(zhdp2,(2*ldim,2*ldim))
871          do im2=1,ldim
872            do im1=1,ldim
873              zhdp(     im1,     im2)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,1),zero,kind=dp)  ! to be checked
874              zhdp(ldim+im1,ldim+im2)=cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,2),zero,kind=dp)  ! to be checked
875              zhdp(     im1,ldim+im2)=&
876 &             cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,3),+paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,4),kind=dp)  ! to be checked
877              zhdp(ldim+im1,     im2)=&
878 &             cmplx(paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im2,im1,3),-paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im2,im1,4),kind=dp)  ! to be checked
879            end do
880          end do
881          call zgemm('n','c',2*ldim,2*ldim,2*ldim,cone,zhdp,2*ldim,znoccmmp_tmp,2*ldim,czero,zhdp2,2*ldim)
882          call zgemm('n','n',2*ldim,2*ldim,2*ldim,cone,znoccmmp_tmp,2*ldim,zhdp2,2*ldim,czero,zhdp,2*ldim)
883          do jlm=1,ldim
884            do ilm=1,ldim
885              paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,1)= real(znoccmmp_tmp(     ilm,     jlm))  ! to be checked
886              paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,2)= real(znoccmmp_tmp(ldim+ilm,ldim+jlm))  ! to be checked
887              paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,3)= real(znoccmmp_tmp(     ilm,ldim+jlm))  ! to be checked
888              paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,4)=aimag(znoccmmp_tmp(     ilm,ldim+jlm))  ! to be checked
889            end do
890          end do
891          ABI_DEALLOCATE(zhdp)
892          ABI_DEALLOCATE(zhdp2)
893        end if
895 !      Printing of rotated imposed matrix
896        do ispden=1,ndij
897          write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10,'== Atom ',iatom_tot,&
898 &         ' == Imposed density matrix in original basis'
899          if (ndij==1) write(message,fmt='(2a)')     trim(message)," for spin up =="
900          if (ndij==2) write(message,fmt='(2a,i3,a)')trim(message)," for spin ",ispden," =="
901          if (ndij==4) write(message,fmt='(4a)')     trim(message)," for component ", &
902 &         trim(dspin(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))," =="
903          call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
904          do ilm=1,2*lpawu+1
905            write(message,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))') (paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp(1,ilm,jlm,ispden),jlm=1,2*lpawu+1)  ! to be checked
906            call wrtout(std_out,message,wrt_mode)
907          end do
908        end do ! ispden
910      end if ! dmatudiag_loc==2
912      if (usepawu>0.and.dmatudiag_loc>0) then
913        ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_tmp)
914        if (ndij==4)  then
915          ABI_DEALLOCATE(znoccmmp_tmp)
916        end if
917      end if
919      paw_ij(iatom)%has_pawu_occ=2
921    end if ! lcur
922  end do ! iatom
924 !Memory deallocation
925  if (usepawu>0.and.impose_dmat/=0) then
926    do iatom_tot=1,natom
927      lpawu=pawtab(typat(iatom_tot))%lpawu
928      if (lpawu/=-1)  then
929        ABI_DEALLOCATE(tmp_noccmmp(iatom_tot)%value)
930      end if
931    end do
932    ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(tmp_noccmmp)
933  end if
935 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
936  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
940 end subroutine setnoccmmp