ABINIT/pawprt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print out data concerning PAW formalism
 (pseudopotential strength, augmentation occupancies...)
 To be called at the end of the SCF cycle


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (FJ,MT,BA)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | enunit=parameter determining units of output energies
   | kptopt=option for the generation of k points
   | natom=number of atoms in cell
   | ntypat = number of atom types
   | pawprtvol= printing volume
   | pawspnorb=flag: 1 if spin-orbit coupling is activated
   | typat(natom)=type of each atom
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  paw_ij(my_natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data


  (only printing)






 49 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 50 #include "config.h"
 51 #endif
 53 #include "abi_common.h"
 55 subroutine pawprt(dtset,my_natom,paw_ij,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
 56 &                 electronpositron,& ! optional argument
 57 &                 mpi_atmtab,comm_atom) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
 60  use defs_basis
 61  use defs_abitypes
 62  use defs_parameters
 63  use m_profiling_abi
 64  use m_errors
 65  use m_xmpi
 67  use m_paral_atom,       only : get_my_atmtab, free_my_atmtab
 68  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype,EP_POSITRON
 69  use m_pawang,           only : pawang_type, mat_slm2ylm, mat_mlms2jmj
 70  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
 71  use m_paw_ij,           only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify, paw_ij_gather
 72  use m_pawrhoij,         only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_free, pawrhoij_gather, pawrhoij_nullify
 73  use m_paw_io,           only : pawio_print_ij
 74  use m_paw_sphharm,      only : mat_mlms2jmj, mat_slm2ylm
 76 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 77 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 78 #undef ABI_FUNC
 79 #define ABI_FUNC 'pawprt'
 80  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 81  use interfaces_65_paw, except_this_one => pawprt
 82 !End of the abilint section
 84  implicit none
 86 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 87 !scalars
 88  integer,intent(in) :: my_natom
 89  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
 90  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 91  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
 92 !arrays
 93  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
 94  type(paw_ij_type),target,intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom)
 95  type(pawrhoij_type),target,intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom)
 96  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat)
 98 !Local variables-------------------------------
 99 !scalars
100  integer,parameter :: natmax=2
101  integer :: cplex_dij,group1,group2,iat,iatom,ierr,ii,im1,im2,ipositron,irhoij,ispden
102  integer :: i_unitfi,itypat,jrhoij,ll,llp,me_atom,my_comm_atom,natprt,ndij,nspden,nsppol
103  integer :: optsym,sz1,sz2,unitfi,unt
104  real(dp) :: mnorm,mx,my,mz,ntot,valmx,localm
105  logical,parameter :: debug=.false.
106  logical :: my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,useexexch,usepawu
107  type(pawang_type):: pawang_dum
108  character(len=7),parameter :: dspin1(6)=(/"up     ","down   ","up-up  ","dwn-dwn","up-dwn ","dwn-up "/)
109  character(len=8),parameter :: dspin2(6)=(/"up      ","down    ","dens (n)","magn (x)","magn (y)","magn (z)"/)
110  character(len=9),parameter :: dspin3(6)=(/"up       ","down     ","up-up    ","down-down","Re[up-dn]","Im[up-dn]"/)
111  character(len=500) :: msg0,msg
112 !arrays
113  integer :: idum(1)
114  integer :: idum1(0),idum3(0,0,0)
115  integer,allocatable :: jatom(:),opt_l_index(:)
116  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
117  real(dp) :: rdum2(0,0),rdum4(0,0,0,0)
118  real(dp),allocatable :: rhoijs(:,:)
119  complex(dpc),allocatable :: noccmmp_ylm(:,:,:),noccmmp_jmj(:,:),noccmmp_slm(:,:,:)
120  type(paw_ij_type), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: paw_ij_all(:)
121  type(pawrhoij_type),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: pawrhoij_all(:)
123 ! *********************************************************************
127 !Set up parallelism over atoms
128  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=dtset%natom))
129  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
130  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
131  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,dtset%natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
132  me_atom=xmpi_comm_rank(my_comm_atom)
134 !Continue only if comm_atom contains the master of the output comm
135  if (paral_atom) then
136    call xmpi_comm_group(abinit_comm_output,group1,ierr)
137    call xmpi_comm_group(my_comm_atom,group2,ierr)
138    call xmpi_group_translate_ranks(group1,1,(/0/),group2,idum,ierr)
139    call xmpi_group_free(group1)
140    call xmpi_group_free(group2)
141    if (idum(1)==xmpi_undefined) then
142      call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
143      return
144    end if
145  end if
147 !Initializations
148  natprt=natmax;if (dtset%natom==1) natprt=1
149  if (dtset%pawprtvol<0) natprt=dtset%natom
150  ABI_ALLOCATE(jatom,(natprt))
151  if (natprt==1) then
152    jatom(1)=1
153  else if (natprt==2) then
154    jatom(1)=1;jatom(2)=dtset%natom
155  else if (natprt==dtset%natom) then
156    do iat=1,dtset%natom
157      jatom(iat)=iat
158    end do
159  else
160    MSG_BUG("invalid value of natprt!")
161  end if
162  usepawu=(count(pawtab(:)%usepawu>0)>0)
163  useexexch=(count(pawtab(:)%useexexch>0)>0)
164  ipositron=0
165  if (present(electronpositron)) then
166    if (associated(electronpositron)) ipositron=electronpositron%calctype
167  end if
169 !Main title
170  write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,&
171 & ' ==== Results concerning PAW augmentation regions ===='
172  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
173  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
174  msg=' '
175  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
176  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
178 !If atomic data are distributed, retrieve all Dij on master proc
179  if (paral_atom) then
180    if (me_atom==0) then
181      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(paw_ij_all,(dtset%natom))
182      call paw_ij_nullify(paw_ij_all)
183    else
184      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(paw_ij_all,(0))
185    end if
186    call paw_ij_gather(paw_ij,paw_ij_all,0,my_comm_atom)
187  else
188    paw_ij_all => paw_ij
189  end if
191 !Print out pseudopotential strength
192 !----------------------------------
193  if (me_atom==0) then
194    do i_unitfi=1,2
195      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
196      do unt=1,2
197        if ((unt==1).and.(dtset%enunit==0.or.dtset%enunit==2)) then
198          write(msg,'(a)') ' Total pseudopotential strength Dij (hartree):'
199          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
200        else if ((unt==2).and.(dtset%enunit==1.or.dtset%enunit==2)) then
201          write(msg,'(a)') ' Total pseudopotential strength Dij (eV):'
202          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
203        end if
204        if (ipositron>0) then
205          if (((unt==1).and.(dtset%enunit==0.or.dtset%enunit==2)).or.&
206 &         ((unt==2).and.(dtset%enunit==1.or.dtset%enunit==2))) then
207            if (electronpositron%has_pos_ham==0) then
208              write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the electronic Dij'
209            else
210              write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the positronic Dij'
211            end if
212            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
213          end if
214        end if
215        if (((unt==1).and.(dtset%enunit==0.or.dtset%enunit==2)).or.&
216 &       ((unt==2).and.(dtset%enunit==1.or.dtset%enunit==2))) then
217          do iat=1,natprt
218            iatom=jatom(iat);nspden=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nspden;ndij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij
219            cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
220            optsym=2;if (cplex_dij==2.and.dtset%nspinor==1) optsym=1
221            do ispden=1,ndij
222              valmx=100._dp;if (ispden==1) valmx=-1._dp
223              msg='' ; msg0=''
224              if (dtset%natom>1.or.nspden>1.or.ndij==4) write(msg0, '(a,i3)' ) ' Atom #',iatom
225              if (nspden==1.and.ndij/=4) write(msg,'(a)')     trim(msg0)
226              if (nspden==2) write(msg,'(2a,i1)') trim(msg0),' - Spin component ',ispden
227              if (ndij==4) write(msg,'(3a)')    trim(msg0),' - Component ',trim(dspin1(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
228              if (dtset%natom>1.or.nspden>1.or.ndij==4) then
229                call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
230              end if
231              if (ndij/=4.or.ispden<=2) then
232                call pawio_print_ij(unitfi,paw_ij_all(iatom)%dij(:,ispden),paw_ij_all(iatom)%lmn2_size,&
233 &               cplex_dij,paw_ij_all(iatom)%lmn_size,-1,idum,0,dtset%pawprtvol,&
234 &               idum,valmx,unt,opt_sym=optsym)
235              else
236                call pawio_print_ij(unitfi,paw_ij_all(iatom)%dij(:,ispden),paw_ij_all(iatom)%lmn2_size,&
237 &               cplex_dij,paw_ij_all(iatom)%lmn_size,-1,idum,0,dtset%pawprtvol,&
238 &               idum,valmx,unt,asym_ij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%dij(:,7-ispden),opt_sym=optsym)
239              end if
240            end do
241          end do
242        end if
243        msg=' '
244        call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
245      end do
246    end do
247  end if
248  if (paral_atom.and.(.not.usepawu).and.(.not.useexexch)) then
249    call paw_ij_free(paw_ij_all)
250    ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij_all)
251  end if
253 !If atomic data are distributed, retrieve all Rhoij on master proc
254  if (paral_atom) then
255    if (me_atom==0) then
256      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(pawrhoij_all,(dtset%natom))
257    else
258      ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(pawrhoij_all,(0))
259    end if
260    call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij_all)
261    call pawrhoij_gather(pawrhoij,pawrhoij_all,0,my_comm_atom,&
262 &   with_grhoij=.false.,with_lmnmix=.false.,&
263 &   with_rhoij_=.false.,with_rhoijres=.false.)
264  else
265    pawrhoij_all => pawrhoij
266  end if
268 !Print out SYMMETRIZED occupancies of the partial waves
269 !------------------------------------------------------
270  if (me_atom==0) then
271    do i_unitfi=1,2
272      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
273      write(msg,'(a)') ' Augmentation waves occupancies Rhoij:'
274      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
275      if (ipositron>0) then
276        if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
277          write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the electronic Rhoij'
278        else
279          write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the positronic Rhoij'
280        end if
281        call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
282      end if
283      if (dtset%pawspnorb>0.and.pawrhoij_all(1)%cplex==1.and.dtset%kptopt/=1.and.dtset%kptopt/=2) then
284        write(msg,'(6a)') ' pawprt: - WARNING:',ch10,&
285 &       '       Spin-orbit coupling is activated but only real part of Rhoij occupancies',ch10,&
286 &       '       has been computed; they could have an imaginary part (not printed here).'
287        call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
288      end if
289      do iat=1,natprt
290        iatom=jatom(iat);nspden=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nspden
291        optsym=2;if (pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex==2.and.dtset%nspinor==1) optsym=1
292        do ispden=1,nspden
293          valmx=25._dp;if (ispden==1) valmx=-1._dp
294          msg='' ; msg0=''
295          if (dtset%natom>1.or.nspden>1) write(msg0, '(a,i3)' ) ' Atom #',iatom
296          if (nspden==1) write(msg,'(a)')     trim(msg0)
297          if (nspden==2) write(msg,'(2a,i1)') trim(msg0),' - Spin component ',ispden
298          if (nspden==4) write(msg,'(3a)')    trim(msg0),' - Component ',dspin2(ispden+2*(nspden/4))
299          if (dtset%natom>1.or.nspden>1) then
300            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
301          end if
302          call pawio_print_ij(unitfi,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(:,ispden),pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nrhoijsel,&
303 &         pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%lmn_size,-1,idum,1,dtset%pawprtvol,&
304 &         pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijselect(:),valmx,1,opt_sym=optsym)
305        end do
306      end do
307      msg=' '
308      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
309    end do
310  end if
312 !PAW+U or local exact-exchange: print out +U components of occupancies
313 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314  if ((usepawu.or.useexexch).and.ipositron/=1.and.me_atom==0) then
315    do i_unitfi=1,2
316      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
317      if(useexexch) write(msg,'(a)') &
318 &     ' "Local exact-exchange" part of augmentation waves occupancies Rhoij:'
319      if(usepawu) write(msg,'(a)') &
320 &     ' "PAW+U" part of augmentation waves occupancies Rhoij:'
321      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
322      valmx=-1._dp
323      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
324        nspden=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nspden;itypat=dtset%typat(iatom)
325        cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
326        ll=-1;llp=-1
327        if (pawtab(itypat)%usepawu>0) ll=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
328        if (pawtab(itypat)%useexexch>0) llp=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
329        if (ll/=llp.and.ll/ then
330          MSG_BUG(" lpawu/=lexexch forbidden!")
331        end if
332        ABI_ALLOCATE(opt_l_index, (pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size))
333        ll=max(ll,llp)
334        if (ll>=0) then
335          optsym=2;if (pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex==2.and.dtset%nspinor==1) optsym=1
336          do ispden=1,nspden
337            msg='' ; msg0=''
338            write(msg0,'(a,i3,a,i1,a)') ' Atom #',iatom,' - L=',ll,' ONLY'
339            if (nspden==1) write(msg,'(a)')     trim(msg0)
340            if (nspden==2) write(msg,'(2a,i1)') trim(msg0),' - Spin component ',ispden
341            if (nspden==4) write(msg,'(3a)')    trim(msg0),' - Component ',dspin2(ispden+2*(nspden/4))
342            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
344            opt_l_index = pawtab(itypat)%indlmn(1,1:pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size)
345            call pawio_print_ij(unitfi,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(:,ispden),pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nrhoijsel,&
346 &           pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%lmn_size,ll,&
347 &           opt_l_index,1,dtset%pawprtvol,&
348 &           pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijselect(:),valmx,1,opt_sym=optsym)
350          end do
351          if (debug.and.nspden==4) then
352            sz1=paw_ij_all(iatom)%lmn2_size*cplex_dij
353            sz2=paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij
354            ABI_ALLOCATE(rhoijs,(sz1,sz2))
355            do irhoij=1,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nrhoijsel
356              jrhoij=cplex_dij*(irhoij-1)+1
357              rhoijs(jrhoij,1)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,1)+pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,4)
358              rhoijs(jrhoij+1,1)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,1)+pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,4)
359              rhoijs(jrhoij,2)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,1)-pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,4)
360              rhoijs(jrhoij+1,2)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,1)-pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,4)
361              rhoijs(jrhoij,3)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,2)+pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,3)
362              rhoijs(jrhoij+1,3)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,2)-pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,3)
363              rhoijs(jrhoij,4)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij ,2)-pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,3)
364              rhoijs(jrhoij+1,4)=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,2)+pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp(jrhoij,3)
365            end do
366            do ispden=1,nspden
367              write(msg,'(3a)') trim(msg0),' - Component ',dspin1(ispden+2*(nspden/4))
368              opt_l_index = pawtab(itypat)%indlmn(1,1:pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size)
370              call pawio_print_ij(unitfi,rhoijs(:,ispden),pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nrhoijsel,&
371 &             pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%lmn_size,ll,&
372 &             opt_l_index,1,dtset%pawprtvol,&
373 &             pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijselect(:),valmx,1,opt_sym=optsym)
375              call wrtout(unitfi,"WARNING: half of the array is not correct",'COLL')
376            end do
377            ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhoijs)
378          end if
379        end if
380        ABI_DEALLOCATE(opt_l_index)
381      end do ! iatom
382      call wrtout(unitfi,' ','COLL')
383    end do
384  end if
386 !PAW+U: print out occupations for correlated orbitals
387 !----------------------------------------------------
388  if (usepawu.and.ipositron/=1.and.me_atom==0) then
389    do i_unitfi=1,2
390      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
391      write(msg,'(3a)') &
392 &     ' ---------- LDA+U DATA --------------------------------------------------- ',ch10
393      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
394      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
395        itypat=dtset%typat(iatom);ll=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
396        nspden=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nspden;ndij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij
397        cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
398        if ((ll>=0).and.(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu>0)) then
399          write(msg,fmt='(a,i5,a,i4,a)') " ====== For Atom ", iatom,&
400 &         ", occupations for correlated orbitals. lpawu =",ll,ch10
401          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
402          if(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu>=10) then
403            write(msg,fmt='(a)') "  (This is PAW atomic orbital occupations)"
404            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
405            write(msg,fmt='(a)') "  (For Wannier orbital occupations, refer to DFT+DMFT occupations above)"
406            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
407          end if
408          if(nspden==2) then
409            do ispden=1,nspden
410              write(msg,fmt='(a,i4,a,i3,a,f10.5)') " Atom", iatom,&
411 &             ". Occ. for lpawu and for spin",ispden," =",paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)
412              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
413            end do
414            localm=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(2)-paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(1)
415            write(msg,fmt='(a,i4,a,2x,f12.6)') " => On atom",iatom,&
416 &           ",  local Mag. for lpawu is  ",localm
417            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
418          end if
419          if(ndij==4) then
420            ntot=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(1)
421            mx=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(2)
422            my=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(3)
423            mz=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(4)
424            mnorm=sqrt(mx*mx+my*my+mz*mz)
425            write(msg,'(a,i4,a,2x,e15.8)') " => On atom",iatom,", for  lpawu, local Mag. x is  ",mx
426            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
427            write(msg,'(14x,a,2x,e15.8)') "               local Mag. y is  ",my
428            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
429            write(msg,'(14x,a,2x,e15.8)') "               local Mag. z is  ",mz
430            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
431            write(msg,'(14x,a,2x,e15.8)') "               norm of Mag. is  ",mnorm
432            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
433            write(msg,fmt='(8x,a,2x,f10.5)') " (along mag axis)    occ. for majority spin is = ",&
434 &           half*(ntot+mnorm)
435            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
436            write(msg,fmt='(8x,a,2x,f10.5)') " (along mag axis)    occ. for minority spin is = ",&
437 &           half*(ntot-mnorm)
438            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
439          end if
440          write(msg,'(3a)') ch10," == Occupation matrix for correlated orbitals:",ch10
441          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
442          do ispden=1,ndij
443            if (nspden==1.and.ndij/=4.and.(cplex_dij==1)) write(msg,fmt='(a)') " Up component only..."
444            if (nspden==2) write(msg,fmt='(a,i3)')" Occupation matrix for spin",ispden
445            if (ndij==4.or.(cplex_dij==2)) &
446 &           write(msg,fmt='(2a)')  " Occupation matrix for component ",trim(dspin1(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
447            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
448            do im1=1,ll*2+1
449              if(cplex_dij==1)&
450 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))') (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
451              if(cplex_dij==2)&
452 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f9.5,",",f9.5,")")))')&
453 &             (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
454              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
455            end do
456            write(msg,'(2a)') ch10,' '
457            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
458          end do
459 !        Transformation matrices: real->complex spherical harmonics
460          if(paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij==4) then
461            ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_ylm,(2*ll+1,2*ll+1,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij))
462            noccmmp_ylm=czero
463            ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_slm,(2*ll+1,2*ll+1,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij))
464            noccmmp_slm=czero
465 !          Go from real notation for complex noccmmp to complex notation in noccmmp_slm
466            noccmmp_slm(:,:,:)=cmplx(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(1,:,:,:),paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(2,:,:,:))
467            ii=std_out;if (unitfi==ab_out) ii=-1
468            call mat_slm2ylm(ll,noccmmp_slm,noccmmp_ylm,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij,&
469 &           1,1,dtset%pawprtvol,ii,'COLL') ! optspin=1 because up spin are first
470            do ispden=1,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij
471              write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,&
472 &             "== Occupation matrix in the complex harmonics basis for component ",&
473 &             trim(dspin1(ispden+2*(paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij/4)))
474              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
475              do im1=1,ll*2+1
476                write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f9.5,",",f9.5,")")))') &
477 &               (noccmmp_ylm(im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
478                call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
479              end do
480            end do
481            write(msg,'(a)') ch10
482            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
483            if (dtset%pawspnorb>0) then
484              ABI_ALLOCATE(noccmmp_jmj,(2*(2*ll+1),2*(2*ll+1)))
485              noccmmp_jmj=czero
486              ii=std_out;if (unitfi==ab_out) ii=-1
487              call mat_mlms2jmj(ll,noccmmp_ylm,noccmmp_jmj,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij,&
488 &             1,1,dtset%pawprtvol,-1,'COLL') !  optspin=1: up spin are first
489              write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,"== Occupation matrix in the J (= L-1/2, L+1/2) and M_J basis"
490              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
491              do im1=1,2*(ll*2+1)
492                write(msg,'(12(1x,18(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))') &
493 &               (noccmmp_jmj(im1,im2),im2=1,2*(ll*2+1))
494                call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
495              end do
496              write(msg,'(a)') ch10
497              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
498              ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_jmj)
499            end if ! pawspnorb
500            ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_ylm)
501            ABI_DEALLOCATE(noccmmp_slm)
502          end if ! ndij==4
503        end if ! ((ll>=0).and.(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu>0))
504      end do
505    end do
506  end if
508 !Exact exchange: print out occupations for correlated orbitals
509 !-------------------------------------------------------------
510  if (useexexch.and.ipositron/=1.and.me_atom==0) then
511    nspden=paw_ij_all(1)%nspden;nsppol=paw_ij_all(1)%nsppol;ndij=paw_ij_all(1)%ndij
512    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
513      itypat=dtset%typat(iatom);ll=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
514      cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
515      if (ll>=0.and.pawtab(itypat)%useexexch>0) then
516        ABI_ALLOCATE(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp,(cplex_dij,2*ll+1,2*ll+1,ndij))
517        ABI_ALLOCATE(paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot,(nspden))
518      end if
519    end do
520    call setnoccmmp(1,0,rdum4,0,0,idum3,dtset%natom,dtset%natom,0,1,nsppol,0,dtset%ntypat,&
521 &   paw_ij_all,pawang_dum,dtset%pawprtvol,pawrhoij_all,pawtab,rdum2,idum1,dtset%typat,1,0)
522    do i_unitfi=1,2
523      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
524      write(msg, '(3a)' ) &
525 &     ' ---------- Exact Exchange --------------------------------------------------- ',ch10
526      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
527      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
528        itypat=dtset%typat(iatom);ll=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
529        cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
530        if ((ll>=0).and.(pawtab(itypat)%useexexch>0)) then
531          write(msg,fmt='(a,i5,a,i4,a)') " ====== For Atom",iatom,&
532 &         ", occupations for correlated orbitals. l =",ll,ch10
533          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
534          do ispden=1,ndij
535            if (nspden==1.and.ndij/=4) write(msg,fmt='(a)')   " Up component only..."
536            if (nspden==2) write(msg,fmt='(a,i3)')" Occupation matrix for spin",ispden
537            if (ndij==4) write(msg,fmt='(2a)')  " Occupation matrix for component ",&
538 &           trim(dspin2(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
539            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
540            do im1=1,ll*2+1
541              if(cplex_dij==1)&
542 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))')&
543 &             (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
544              if(cplex_dij==2)&
545 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))') &
546 &             (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
547              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
548            end do
549            call wrtout(unitfi,' ','COLL')
550          end do
551        end if
552      end do
553    end do
554    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
555      if (allocated(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp)) then
556        ABI_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp)
557      end if
558      if (allocated(paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot)) then
559        ABI_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot)
560      end if
561    end do
562  end if
564  msg=' '
565  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
566  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
568 !Destroy temporary stored atomic data
569  ABI_DEALLOCATE(jatom)
570  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
571  if (paral_atom) then
572    call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij_all)
573    ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(pawrhoij_all)
574    if (usepawu.or.useexexch) then
575      call paw_ij_free(paw_ij_all)
576      ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij_all)
577    end if
578  end if
582 end subroutine pawprt