ABINIT/ctocprj [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Compute all <Proj_i|Cnk> for every wave function |Cnk> expressed in reciprocal space.
  |Proj_i> are non-local projectors (for each atom and each l,m,n)
  Can also compute derivatives of <Proj_i|Cnk> wrt to several parameters


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~ABINIT/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~ABINIT/Infos/contributors .


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms
  cg(2,mcg)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions
  choice: chooses derivatives to compute:
          =1 => no derivatives
          =2 => 1st derivatives with respect to atomic position(s)
          =3 => 1st derivatives with respect to strain(s)
          =23=> 1st derivatives with respect to strain(s) and atm pos
          =4 => 2nd derivatives with respect to atomic pos.
          =24=> 1st and 2nd derivatives with respect to atomic pos.
          =5 => derivatives with respect to k wavevector
          =6 => 2nd derivatives with respect to strain and atm. pos.
  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  iatom= if <=0, cprj=<p_i|Cnk> are computed for all atoms 1...natom
         if  >0  cprj=<p_i|Cnk> are computed only for atom with index iatom
  idir=direction of the derivative, i.e. dir. of - atom to be moved  in the case choice=2
                                                 - strain component  in the case choice=3
                                                 - k point direction in the case choice=5
       Compatible only with choice=2,3,5; if idir=0, all derivatives are computed
  iorder_cprj=0 if output cprj=<p_i|Cnk> are sorted by atom type
                (first all elements of atom type 1, followed by those of atom type 2 and so on).
              1 if output cprj=<p_i|Cnk> are sorted according to
                the variable typat in the main input file
  istwfk(nkpt)=option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates
  kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mkmem=number of k points treated by this node.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpsang=1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  ncprj=1st dim. of cprj array (natom if iatom<=0, 1 if iatom>0)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~ABINIT/Infos/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  nloalg(3)=governs the choice of the algorithm for nonlocal operator
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell
  paral_kgb= 1 if kpt-band-FFT is activated
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim structure factor phase information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rmet(3,3)=real space metric (bohr**2)
  tim_ctocprj=timing code of the calling routine
  typat(natom)= types of atoms
  uncp=unit number for <P_lmn|Cnk> data (if used)
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang)=real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
  ylmgr(npw*mkmem,nylmgr,mpsang*mpsang*useylmgr)=gradients of real spherical harmonics wrt (k+G)


  cprj(ncprj,mcprj) <type(pawcprj_type)>= projected input wave functions <Proj_i|Cnk> with NL projectors
                                       Usually ncprj=natom






 88 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 89 #include "config.h"
 90 #endif
 92 #include "abi_common.h"
 94  subroutine ctocprj(atindx,cg,choice,cprj,gmet,gprimd,iatom,idir,&
 95 & iorder_cprj,istwfk,kg,kpt,mcg,mcprj,mgfft,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpsang,&
 96 & mpw,natom,nattyp,nband,ncprj,ngfft,nkpt,nloalg,npwarr,nspinor,&
 97 & nsppol,ntypat,paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,rmet,typat,ucvol,uncp,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
 99  use defs_basis
100  use defs_datatypes
101  use defs_abitypes
102  use m_profiling_abi
103  use m_xmpi
104  use m_errors
105  use m_hdr
107  use m_kg,       only : ph1d3d
108  use m_pawcprj,  only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_put, pawcprj_free, &
109 &                       pawcprj_set_zero, pawcprj_mpi_sum
111 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
112 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
113 #undef ABI_FUNC
114 #define ABI_FUNC 'ctocprj'
115  use interfaces_32_util
116  use interfaces_41_geometry
117  use interfaces_66_nonlocal, except_this_one => ctocprj
118 !End of the abilint section
120  implicit none
122 !Arguments -------------------------------
123 !scalars
124  integer,intent(in) :: choice,iatom,idir,iorder_cprj,mcg,mcprj,mgfft,mkmem,mpsang,mpw
125  integer,intent(in) :: natom,ncprj,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,paral_kgb,uncp
126  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
127  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
128  type(pseudopotential_type),target,intent(in) :: psps
129 !arrays
130  integer,intent(in) :: istwfk(nkpt),nband(nkpt*nsppol)
131  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),nloalg(3),npwarr(nkpt),kg(3,mpw*mkmem),typat(natom)
132  integer,intent(in),target :: atindx(natom),nattyp(ntypat)
133  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg)
134  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),kpt(3,nkpt),rmet(3,3)
135  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom),ylm(:,:),ylmgr(:,:,:)
136  real(dp),intent(in),target :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)
137  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj(ncprj,mcprj)
139 !Local variables-------------------------------
140 !scalars
141  integer :: blocksz,cg_bandpp,counter,cpopt,cprj_bandpp,dimffnl,ia,iatm,iatom1,iatom2
142  integer :: iband_max,iband_min,iband_start,ibg,ibgb,iblockbd,ibp,icg,icgb,icp1,icp2
143  integer :: ider,idir0,iend,ierr,ig,ii,ikg,ikpt,ilm,ipw,isize,isppol,istart,istwf_k,itypat,iwf1,iwf2,jdir
144  integer :: matblk,mband_cprj,me_distrb,my_nspinor,n1,n1_2p1,n2,n2_2p1,n3,n3_2p1,kk,nlmn
145  integer :: nband_k,nband_cprj_k,nblockbd,ncpgr,nkpg,npband_bandfft,npws,npw_k,npw_nk,ntypat0
146  integer :: shift1,shift1b,shift2,shift2b,shift3,shift3b
147  integer :: spaceComm,spaceComm_band,spaceComm_fft,useylmgr
148  logical :: cg_band_distributed,cprj_band_distributed,one_atom
149  real(dp) :: arg
150  character(len=500) :: msg
151 !arrays
152  integer,allocatable :: bufsize(:),bufsize_wf(:),bufdisp(:),bufdisp_wf(:)
153  integer,allocatable :: dimlmn(:),kg_k(:,:),kg_k_loc(:,:)
154  integer,allocatable :: npw_block(:),npw_disp(:)
155  integer,pointer :: atindx_atm(:),indlmn_atm(:,:,:),nattyp_atm(:),pspso_atm(:)
156  real(dp) :: kpoint(3),work(6)
157  real(dp),allocatable :: cwavef(:,:),cwavef_tmp(:,:)
158  real(dp),allocatable :: ffnl(:,:,:,:),ffnl_npw(:,:,:,:),ffnl_tmp(:,:,:,:),ffnl_tmp_npw(:,:,:,:)
159  real(dp),allocatable :: kpg_k(:,:)
160  real(dp),allocatable :: ph3d(:,:,:),ph3d_npw(:,:,:),ph3d_tmp(:,:,:),ph3d_tmp_npw(:,:,:)
161  real(dp),allocatable :: phkxred(:,:),ylm_k(:,:),ylmgr_k(:,:,:)
162  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ekb_atm(:,:),ffspl_atm(:,:,:,:),ph1d_atm(:,:)
163  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cwaveprj(:,:)
165 ! *********************************************************************
169 !Nothing to do if current MPI process does treat kpoints or plane-waves
170  if (mcg==0.or.mcprj==0) return
172 !Preliminary tests
173  if (psps%useylm==0) then
174    msg='Not available for useylm=0!'
175    MSG_ERROR(msg)
176  end if
177  if ((choice<1.or.choice>6).and.choice/=23.and.choice/=24) then
178    msg='Bad choice!'
179    MSG_BUG(msg)
180  end if
181  if (idir>0.and.choice/=2.and.choice/=3.and.choice/=5) then
182    msg='Does not support idir>0 for that choice!'
183    MSG_BUG(msg)
184  end if
185  if (size(ylm)/=mpw*mkmem*mpsang*mpsang) then
186    msg='Wrong size for Ylm!'
187    MSG_BUG(msg)
188  end if
189  useylmgr=merge(0,1,(size(ylmgr)==0))
190  if (useylmgr==0.and.(choice==3.or.choice==5.or.choice==23)) then
191    msg=' Ylm gradients have to be in memory for choice=3, 5, or 23!'
192    MSG_BUG(msg)
193  end if
195 !Init parallelism
196  if (paral_kgb==1) then
197    me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
198    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
199    spaceComm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
200    npband_bandfft=mpi_enreg%nproc_band
201    cg_bandpp=mpi_enreg%bandpp
202    cprj_bandpp=mpi_enreg%bandpp
203    spaceComm_band=mpi_enreg%comm_band
204    cg_band_distributed=.true.
205    cprj_band_distributed=(mcprj/=mcg/mpw)
206  else
207    me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
208    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
209    spaceComm_fft=xmpi_comm_self
210    npband_bandfft=1
211    cg_bandpp=1;cprj_bandpp=1
212    cg_band_distributed=.false.
213    cprj_band_distributed=.false.
214    if (mpi_enreg%paralbd==1) then
215      spaceComm_band=mpi_enreg%comm_band
216    else
217      spaceComm_band=xmpi_comm_self
218    end if
219  end if
220  if (cg_bandpp/=cprj_bandpp) then
221    MSG_BUG('cg_bandpp must be equal to cprj_bandpp !')
222  end if
224 !Manage parallelization over spinors
225  my_nspinor=max(1,nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
226 !Check sizes for cprj (distribution is tricky)
227  one_atom=(iatom>0)
228  if (one_atom.and.ncprj/=1) then
229    MSG_BUG('Bad value for ncprj dimension (should be 1) !')
230  end if
231  if (.not.one_atom.and.ncprj/=natom) then
232    MSG_BUG('Bad value for ncprj dimension (should be natom) !')
233  end if
235 !Initialize some variables
236  mband_cprj=mcprj/(my_nspinor*mkmem*nsppol)
237  n1=ngfft(1);n2=ngfft(2);n3=ngfft(3)
238  n1_2p1=2*n1+1;n2_2p1=2*n2+1;n3_2p1=2*n3+1
239  ibg=0;icg=0;cpopt=0
240  ider=0;idir0=0;istart=idir;iend=idir
241  if (choice==3.or.choice==5.or.choice==23) ider=1
242  if (idir>0) then
243    if (choice==3) idir0=-idir
244    if (choice==5) idir0=idir
245  else
246 !   if (choice==23) idir0=-7
247    if (choice==3) idir0=-7
248    if (choice==5) idir0=4
249  end if
250  if (idir0==0.or.idir0==4) then
251    dimffnl=1+3*ider
252  else if (idir0/=-7) then
253    dimffnl=1+ider
254  else
255    dimffnl=1+6*ider
256    if(choice==3)then
257      istart=ider;iend=6*ider
258    end if
259  end if
260  nkpg=0
261  if (choice==3.or.choice==2.or.choice==23) nkpg=3*nloalg(3)
262  if (choice==4.or.choice==24) nkpg=9*nloalg(3)
264 !Set number of gradients for <p_i|Cnk>
265  ncpgr=0
266  if (idir==0) then
267    if (choice==2) ncpgr=3
268    if (choice==3) ncpgr=6
269    if (choice==23)ncpgr=9
270    if (choice==4) ncpgr=6
271    if (choice==24)ncpgr=9
272    if (choice==5) ncpgr=3
273    if (choice==6) ncpgr=63
274  else
275    ncpgr=1
276  end if
277 !Test cprj gradients dimension (just to be sure)
278  if (cprj(1,1)%ncpgr/=ncpgr) then
279    MSG_BUG('cprj are badly allocated !')
280  end if
283 !Extract data for treated atom(s)
284  if (one_atom) then
285    iatom1=iatom;iatom2=iatom
286    ntypat0=1;itypat=typat(iatom)
287    ABI_ALLOCATE(nattyp_atm,(ntypat0))
288    nattyp_atm(1)=1
289    ABI_ALLOCATE(atindx_atm,(ntypat0))
290    atindx_atm(1)=atindx(iatom)
291    ABI_ALLOCATE(ph1d_atm,(2,(n1_2p1+n2_2p1+n3_2p1)*ntypat0))
292    shift1=(atindx(iatom)-1)*n1_2p1
293    shift2=(atindx(iatom)-1)*n2_2p1+natom*n1_2p1
294    shift3=(atindx(iatom)-1)*n3_2p1+natom*(n1_2p1+n2_2p1)
295    shift1b=0;shift2b=n1_2p1;shift3b=n1_2p1+n2_2p1
296    ph1d_atm(:,shift1b+1:shift1b+n1_2p1)=ph1d(:,shift1+1:shift1+n1_2p1)
297    ph1d_atm(:,shift2b+1:shift2b+n2_2p1)=ph1d(:,shift2+1:shift2+n2_2p1)
298    ph1d_atm(:,shift3b+1:shift3b+n3_2p1)=ph1d(:,shift3+1:shift3+n3_2p1)
299    ABI_ALLOCATE(ekb_atm,(psps%dimekb,ntypat0))
300    ABI_ALLOCATE(indlmn_atm,(6,psps%lmnmax,ntypat0))
301    ABI_ALLOCATE(ffspl_atm,(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax,ntypat0))
302    ABI_ALLOCATE(pspso_atm,(ntypat0))
303    ekb_atm(:,1)=psps%ekb(:,itypat)
304    indlmn_atm(:,:,1)=psps%indlmn(:,:,itypat)
305    ffspl_atm(:,:,:,1)=psps%ffspl(:,:,:,itypat)
306    pspso_atm(1)=psps%pspso(itypat)
307  else
308    iatom1=1;iatom2=natom
309    ntypat0=ntypat
310    atindx_atm => atindx
311    nattyp_atm => nattyp
312    ph1d_atm => ph1d
313    ekb_atm => psps%ekb
314    indlmn_atm => psps%indlmn
315    ffspl_atm => psps%ffspl
316    pspso_atm => psps%pspso
317  end if
319 !Dimensioning and allocation of <p_i|Cnk>
320  ABI_ALLOCATE(dimlmn,(ncprj))
321  dimlmn=0  ! Type-sorted cprj
322  if (one_atom) then
323    itypat=typat(iatom)
324    dimlmn(ia+1:ia+nattyp(itypat))=count(indlmn_atm(3,:,itypat)>0)
325  else
326    ia=0
327    do itypat=1,ntypat0
328      dimlmn(ia+1:ia+nattyp(itypat))=count(indlmn_atm(3,:,itypat)>0)
329      ia=ia+nattyp(itypat)
330    end do
331  end if
332  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj,(ncprj,my_nspinor*cprj_bandpp))
333  call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj,ncpgr,dimlmn)
335 !Additional statements if band-fft parallelism
336  if (npband_bandfft>1) then
337    ABI_ALLOCATE(npw_block,(npband_bandfft))
338    ABI_ALLOCATE(npw_disp,(npband_bandfft))
339    ABI_ALLOCATE(bufsize,(npband_bandfft*cg_bandpp))
340    ABI_ALLOCATE(bufdisp,(npband_bandfft*cg_bandpp))
341    ABI_ALLOCATE(bufsize_wf,(npband_bandfft*cg_bandpp))
342    ABI_ALLOCATE(bufdisp_wf,(npband_bandfft*cg_bandpp))
343  end if
345 !Set output datastructure to zero
346  call pawcprj_set_zero(cprj)
349  do isppol=1,nsppol
350    ikg=0
353    do ikpt=1,nkpt
354      counter=100*ikpt+isppol
356 !    Select k point to be treated by this proc
357      nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
358      if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_distrb)) cycle
360 !    Retrieve k-point
361      kpoint(:)=kpt(:,ikpt)
362      istwf_k=istwfk(ikpt)
364 !    Retrieve number of plane waves
365      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
366      if (npband_bandfft>1) then
367 !      Special treatment for band-fft //
368        call xmpi_allgather(npw_k,npw_block,spaceComm_band,ierr)
369        npw_nk=sum(npw_block);npw_disp(1)=0
370        do ii=2,npband_bandfft
371          npw_disp(ii)=npw_disp(ii-1)+npw_block(ii-1)
372        end do
373      else
374        npw_nk=npw_k
375      end if
377 !    Retrieve (k+G) points and spherical harmonics
378      ABI_ALLOCATE(ylm_k,(npw_k,mpsang*mpsang))
379      ABI_ALLOCATE(ylmgr_k,(npw_k,3,mpsang*mpsang*useylmgr))
380      ABI_ALLOCATE(kg_k,(3,npw_nk))
381      if (npband_bandfft>1) then
382 !      Special treatment for band-fft //
383        ABI_ALLOCATE(kg_k_loc,(3,npw_k))
384        kg_k_loc(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
385        bufsize(:)=3*npw_block(:);bufdisp(:)=3*npw_disp(:)
386        call xmpi_allgatherv(kg_k_loc,3*npw_k,kg_k,bufsize,bufdisp,spaceComm_band,ierr)
387      else
388        kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
389      end if
390      do ilm=1,mpsang*mpsang
391        ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm)=ylm(1+ikg:npw_k+ikg,ilm)
392        if (useylmgr>0) ylmgr_k(1:npw_k,1:3,ilm)=ylmgr(1+ikg:npw_k+ikg,1:3,ilm)
393      end do
395 !    Compute (k+G) vectors
396      ABI_ALLOCATE(kpg_k,(npw_nk,nkpg))
397      if (nkpg>0) then
398        call mkkpg(kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,nkpg,npw_nk)
399      end if
400 !    Allocate and compute the arrays phkxred and ph3d
401      ABI_ALLOCATE(phkxred,(2,ncprj))
402      do ia=iatom1,iatom2
403        iatm=min(atindx_atm(ia),ncprj)
404        arg=two_pi*(kpoint(1)*xred(1,ia)+kpoint(2)*xred(2,ia)+kpoint(3)*xred(3,ia))
405        phkxred(1,iatm)=cos(arg);phkxred(2,iatm)=sin(arg)
406      end do
407      matblk=ncprj;if (nloalg(2)<=0) matblk=0
408      ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3d,(2,npw_nk,matblk))
409      if (matblk>0)then
410 !      Here, precomputation of ph3d
411        if (npband_bandfft>1) then
412 !        Special treatment for band-fft //
413          ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3d_tmp,(2,npw_k,matblk))
414          call ph1d3d(1,ncprj,kg_k_loc,matblk,ncprj,npw_k,n1,n2,n3,phkxred,ph1d_atm,ph3d_tmp)
415          ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3d_tmp_npw,(2,matblk,npw_k))
416          ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3d_npw,(2,matblk,npw_nk))
417          isize=2*matblk;bufsize(:)=isize*npw_block(:);bufdisp(:)=isize*npw_disp(:)
418          do ipw=1,npw_k
419            ph3d_tmp_npw(:,:,ipw)=ph3d_tmp(:,ipw,:)
420          end do
421          call xmpi_allgatherv(ph3d_tmp_npw,isize*npw_k,ph3d_npw,bufsize,bufdisp,spaceComm_band,ierr)
422          do ipw=1,npw_nk
423            ph3d(:,ipw,:)=ph3d_npw(:,:,ipw)
424          end do
425          ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph3d_npw)
426          ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph3d_tmp_npw)
427          ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph3d_tmp)
428        else
429          call ph1d3d(1,ncprj,kg_k,matblk,ncprj,npw_k,n1,n2,n3,phkxred,ph1d_atm,ph3d)
430        end if
431      else if (npband_bandfft>1) then
432        MSG_ERROR('Band-fft parallelism +nloag(1)<0 forbidden !')
433      end if
435 !    Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl at all (k+G)
436      ABI_ALLOCATE(ffnl,(npw_nk,dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,ntypat0))
437      if (npband_bandfft>1) then
438 !      Special treatment for band-fft //
439        ABI_ALLOCATE(ffnl_tmp,(npw_k,dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,ntypat0))
440        call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl,ekb_atm,ffnl_tmp,ffspl_atm,&
441 &       gmet,gprimd,ider,idir0,indlmn_atm,kg_k_loc,kpg_k,kpoint,psps%lmnmax,&
442 &       psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg,npw_k,ntypat0,&
443 &       pspso_atm,psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,psps%usepaw,psps%useylm,ylm_k,ylmgr_k)
444        ABI_ALLOCATE(ffnl_tmp_npw,(dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,ntypat0,npw_k))
445        ABI_ALLOCATE(ffnl_npw,(dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,ntypat0,npw_nk))
446        isize=dimffnl*psps%lmnmax*ntypat0
447        bufsize(:)=isize*npw_block(:);bufdisp(:)=isize*npw_disp(:)
448        do ipw=1,npw_k
449          ffnl_tmp_npw(:,:,:,ipw)=ffnl_tmp(ipw,:,:,:)
450        end do
451        call xmpi_allgatherv(ffnl_tmp_npw,isize*npw_k,ffnl_npw,bufsize,bufdisp,spaceComm_band,ierr)
452        do ipw=1,npw_nk
453          ffnl(ipw,:,:,:)=ffnl_npw(:,:,:,ipw)
454        end do
455        ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffnl_npw)
456        ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffnl_tmp_npw)
457        ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffnl_tmp)
458      else
459        call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl,ekb_atm,ffnl,ffspl_atm,&
460 &       gmet,gprimd,ider,idir0,indlmn_atm,kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,psps%lmnmax,&
461 &       psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nkpg,npw_k,ntypat0,&
462 &       pspso_atm,psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,psps%usepaw,psps%useylm,ylm_k,ylmgr_k)
463      end if
465 !    No more need of kg_g_tmp
466      if (npband_bandfft>1)  then
467        ABI_DEALLOCATE(kg_k_loc)
468      end if
470 !    Allocate arrays for a wave-function (or a block of WFs)
471      ABI_ALLOCATE(cwavef,(2,npw_nk*my_nspinor*cg_bandpp))
472      if (npband_bandfft>1) then
473        isize=2*my_nspinor*cg_bandpp;bufsize(:)=isize*npw_block(:);bufdisp(:)=isize*npw_disp(:)
474        isize=2*my_nspinor*npw_k*cg_bandpp;bufsize_wf(:)=isize
475        do ii=1,npband_bandfft*cg_bandpp
476          bufdisp_wf(ii)=(ii-1)*isize
477        end do
478      end if
480 !    Loop over bands or blocks of bands
481      icgb=icg ; ibgb=ibg ; iband_start=1
482      blocksz=npband_bandfft*cg_bandpp
483      nblockbd=nband_k/blocksz
484      nband_cprj_k=merge(nband_k/npband_bandfft,nband_k,cprj_band_distributed)
485      do iblockbd=1,nblockbd
486        iband_min=1+(iblockbd-1)*blocksz
487        iband_max=iblockbd*blocksz
489        if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,iband_min,iband_max,isppol,me_distrb)) then
490          if (.not.cg_band_distributed) icgb=icgb+npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksz
491          if (.not.cprj_band_distributed) ibgb=ibgb+my_nspinor*blocksz
492          cycle
493        end if
495 !      Extract wavefunction information
496 !      Special treatment for band-fft parallelism
497        if (npband_bandfft>1) then
498          !Transpose WF to get them in "FFT" representation
499          ABI_ALLOCATE(cwavef_tmp,(2,npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksz))
500          do ig=1,npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksz
501            cwavef_tmp(1,ig)=cg(1,ig+icgb)
502            cwavef_tmp(2,ig)=cg(2,ig+icgb)
503          end do
504          call xmpi_alltoallv(cwavef_tmp,bufsize_wf,bufdisp_wf,cwavef,bufsize,bufdisp,spaceComm_band,ierr)
505          ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwavef_tmp)
506          !Reorder WF according to cg_bandpp and/or spinor
507          if (cg_bandpp>1.or.my_nspinor>1) then
508            ABI_ALLOCATE(cwavef_tmp,(2,npw_nk*my_nspinor*blocksz))
509            do ig=1,npw_nk*my_nspinor*blocksz
510              cwavef_tmp(:,ig)=cwavef(:,ig)
511            end do
512            shift1=0
513            do iwf2=1,cg_bandpp
514              do ig=1,my_nspinor
515                shift2=0
516                do iwf1=1,npband_bandfft
517                  npws=npw_block(iwf1)
518                  ipw=shift2+(iwf2-1)*my_nspinor*npws+(ig-1)*npws
519                  cwavef(:,shift1+1:shift1+npws)=cwavef_tmp(:,ipw+1:ipw+npws)
520                  shift1=shift1+npws ; shift2=shift2+cg_bandpp*my_nspinor*npws
521                end do
522              end do
523            end do
524            ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwavef_tmp)
525          end if
526        else
527          do ig=1,npw_k*my_nspinor*cg_bandpp
528            cwavef(1,ig)=cg(1,ig+icgb)
529            cwavef(2,ig)=cg(2,ig+icgb)
530          end do
531        end if
533 !      Compute scalar product of wavefunction with all NL projectors
534        do ibp=1,cg_bandpp   ! Note: we suppose cp_bandpp=cprj_bandpp
535          iwf1=1+(ibp-1)*npw_nk*my_nspinor;iwf2=ibp*npw_nk*my_nspinor
536          icp1=1+(ibp-1)*my_nspinor;icp2=ibp*my_nspinor
537          do jdir=istart,iend
538            call getcprj(choice,cpopt,cwavef(:,iwf1:iwf2),cwaveprj(:,icp1:icp2),&
539 &           ffnl,jdir,indlmn_atm,istwf_k,kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,psps%lmnmax,&
540 &           mgfft,mpi_enreg,ncprj,nattyp_atm,ngfft,nloalg,&
541 &           npw_nk,my_nspinor,ntypat0,phkxred,ph1d_atm,ph3d,ucvol,psps%useylm)
542          end do
543        end do
544 !      Export cwaveprj to big array cprj
545        call pawcprj_put(atindx_atm,cwaveprj,cprj,ncprj,iband_start,ibgb,ikpt,iorder_cprj,isppol,&
546 &       mband_cprj,mkmem,natom,cprj_bandpp,nband_cprj_k,dimlmn,my_nspinor,nsppol,uncp,&
547 &       mpi_comm_band=spaceComm_band,to_be_gathered=(cg_band_distributed.and.(.not.cprj_band_distributed)))
549        iband_start=iband_start+merge(cg_bandpp,blocksz,cprj_band_distributed)
551 !      End loop over bands
552        icgb=icgb+npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksz
553      end do
555 !    Shift array memory (if mkmem/=0)
556      if (mkmem/=0) then
557        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_cprj_k
558        icg=icg+my_nspinor*nband_k*npw_k
559        ikg=ikg+npw_k
560      end if
562 !    End big k point loop
563      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffnl)
564      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph3d)
565      ABI_DEALLOCATE(phkxred)
566      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kg_k)
567      ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpg_k)
568      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylm_k)
569      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylmgr_k)
570      ABI_DEALLOCATE(cwavef)
571    end do
572 !  End loop over spins
573  end do
575  if ((iatom<=0).and.(choice==23)) then
576    do iatom1=1,ncprj
577      do ii=1,mcprj
578        nlmn=cprj(iatom1,ii)%nlmn
579        do kk=1,nlmn
580          work(1:6)=cprj(iatom1,ii)%dcp(1,1:6,kk)
581          call strconv(work,gprimd,work)
582          cprj(iatom1,ii)%dcp(1,1:6,kk)=work(1:6)
583          work(1:6)=cprj(iatom1,ii)%dcp(2,1:6,kk)
584          call strconv(work,gprimd,work)
585          cprj(iatom1,ii)%dcp(2,1:6,kk)=work(1:6)
586        end do
587      end do
588    end do
589  end if
591 !If needed, gather computed scalars
592  if (.not.cg_band_distributed) then
593    call pawcprj_mpi_sum(cprj,spaceComm_band,ierr)
594  end if
596 !Deallocate temporary storage
597  if (one_atom)  then
598    ABI_DEALLOCATE(atindx_atm)
599    ABI_DEALLOCATE(nattyp_atm)
600    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph1d_atm)
601    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ekb_atm)
602    ABI_DEALLOCATE(indlmn_atm)
603    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffspl_atm)
604    ABI_DEALLOCATE(pspso_atm)
605  end if
606  nullify(atindx_atm,nattyp_atm,ph1d_atm,ekb_atm,indlmn_atm,ffspl_atm,pspso_atm)
607  call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj)
609  ABI_DEALLOCATE(dimlmn)
610  if (npband_bandfft>1) then
611    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npw_block)
612    ABI_DEALLOCATE(npw_disp)
613    ABI_DEALLOCATE(bufsize)
614    ABI_DEALLOCATE(bufdisp)
615    ABI_DEALLOCATE(bufsize_wf)
616    ABI_DEALLOCATE(bufdisp_wf)
617  end if
621  end subroutine ctocprj