ABINIT/dfpt_gatherdy [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Sum (gather) the different parts of the 2nd-order matrix,
 to get the matrix of second-order derivatives (d2matr)
 Then, generates the dynamical matrix, not including the masses,
 but the correct non-cartesian coordinates ( => d2cart)


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (XG, DRH, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 becfrnl(3,natom,3*pawbec)=NL frozen contribution to Born Effective Charges (PAW only)
 berryopt=option for berry phase treatment
 blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)= ( 1 if the element of the dynamical
  matrix has been calculated ; 0 otherwise )
 dyew(2,3,natom,3,natom)=Ewald part of the dyn.matrix
 dyfrwf(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,1+(natom-1)*dyfr_nondiag)=frozen wf part of the dyn.matrix (except xc1)
 dyfrx1(2,3,natom,3,natom)=xc core correction (1) part of the frozen-wf
  part of the dynamical matrix.
 dyfr_cplex=1 if dyfrnl is real, 2 if it is complex
 dyfr_nondiag=1 if dyfrwf is non diagonal with respect to atoms; 0 otherwise
 dyvdw(2,3,natom,3,natom*usevdw)=vdw DFT-D part of the dynamical matrix
 d2bbb(2,3,3,mpert,mband,mband*prtbbb)=band by band decomposition of some
       second order derivatives
 d2nfr(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)=non-frozen wf part of the 2nd-order matr
 eltcore(6,6)=core contribution to the elastic tensor
 elteew(6+3*natom,6)=Ewald contribution to the elastic tsenor
 eltfrhar(6,6)=hartree contribution to the elastic tensor
 eltfrkin(6,6)=kinetic contribution to the elastic tensor
 eltfrloc(6+3*natom,6)=local psp contribution to the elastic tensor
 eltfrnl(6+3*natom,6)=non-local psp contribution to the elastic tensor
 eltfrxc(6+3*natom,6)=exchange-correlation contribution to the elastic tensor
 eltvdw(6+3*natom,6*usevdw)=vdw DFT-D part of the elastic tensor
 gprimd(3,3)=basis vector in the reciprocal space
 mband=maximum number of bands
 mpert =maximum number of ipert
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 ntypat=number of atom types
 outd2=option for the output of the 2nd-order matrix :
  if outd2=1, non-stationary part
  if outd2=2, stationary part.
 pawbec= flag for the computation of frozen part of Born Effective Charges (PAW only)
 prtbbb=if 1, print the band-by-band decomposition, otherwise, prtbbb=0
 rfasr= (0=> no acoustic sum rule [asr] imposed), (1=> asr is imposed,
  in the democratic way for the effective charges),
 (2=> asr is imposed, in the aristocratic way for the effective
 rfpert(mpert)=define the perturbations
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations (bohr)
 typat(natom)=integer label of each type of atom (1,2,...)
 ucvol=unit cell volume
 usevdw= flag set to 1 if vdw DFT-D semi-empirical potential is in use
 zion(ntypat)=charge corresponding to the atom type


 carflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)= ( 1 if the element of the cartesian
  2DTE matrix has been calculated correctly ; 0 otherwise )
  dynamical matrix, effective charges, dielectric tensor,....
  all in cartesian coordinates
  band by band decomposition of Born effective charges
  (calculated from phonon-type perturbation) in cartesian coordinates
 d2matr(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)=2nd-order matrix (masses non included,
  no cartesian coordinates : simply second derivatives)






 84 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 85 #include "config.h"
 86 #endif
 88 #include "abi_common.h"
 91 subroutine dfpt_gatherdy(becfrnl,berryopt,blkflg,carflg,dyew,dyfrwf,dyfrx1,&
 92 & dyfr_cplex,dyfr_nondiag,dyvdw,d2bbb,d2cart,d2cart_bbb,d2matr,d2nfr,&
 93 & eltcore,elteew,eltfrhar,eltfrkin,eltfrloc,eltfrnl,eltfrxc,eltvdw,&
 94 & gprimd,mband,mpert,natom,ntypat,outd2,pawbec,pawpiezo,piezofrnl,prtbbb,&
 95 & rfasr,rfpert,rprimd,typat,ucvol,usevdw,zion)
 97  use defs_basis
 98  use m_errors
 99  use m_profiling_abi
101  use m_dynmat,  only : asria_calc,asria_corr,cart29,cart39,chneu9
103 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
104 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
105 #undef ABI_FUNC
106 #define ABI_FUNC 'dfpt_gatherdy'
107 !End of the abilint section
109  implicit none
111 !Arguments -------------------------------
112 !scalars
113  integer,intent(in) :: berryopt,dyfr_cplex,dyfr_nondiag,mband,mpert,natom,ntypat,outd2
114  integer,intent(in) :: pawbec,pawpiezo,prtbbb,rfasr,usevdw
115  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
116 !arrays
117  integer,intent(in) :: rfpert(mpert),typat(natom)
118  integer,intent(inout) :: blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)
119  integer,intent(out) :: carflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)
120  real(dp),intent(in) :: becfrnl(3,natom,3*pawbec)
121  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2bbb(2,3,3,mpert,mband,mband*prtbbb)
122  real(dp),intent(in) :: d2nfr(2,3,mpert,3,mpert),dyew(2,3,natom,3,natom)
123  real(dp),intent(in) :: dyfrwf(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,1+(natom-1)*dyfr_nondiag)
124  real(dp),intent(in) :: dyfrx1(2,3,natom,3,natom),dyvdw(2,3,natom,3,natom*usevdw)
125  real(dp),intent(in) :: eltcore(6,6),elteew(6+3*natom,6)
126  real(dp),intent(in) :: eltfrhar(6,6),eltfrkin(6,6),eltfrloc(6+3*natom,6)
127  real(dp),intent(in) :: eltfrnl(6+3*natom,6),eltfrxc(6+3*natom,6)
128  real(dp),intent(in) :: eltvdw(6+3*natom,6*usevdw),gprimd(3,3)
129  real(dp),intent(in) :: piezofrnl(6,3*pawpiezo),rprimd(3,3),zion(ntypat)
130  real(dp),intent(out) :: d2cart(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
131  real(dp),intent(out) :: d2cart_bbb(2,3,3,mpert,mband,mband*prtbbb)
132  real(dp),intent(out) :: d2matr(2,3,mpert,3,mpert)
134 !Local variables -------------------------
135 !scalars
136  integer :: chneut,iband,iblok,idir,idir1,idir2,ii,ipert,ipert1,ipert2
137  integer :: jj,nblok,selectz
138  character(len=500) :: message
139 !arrays
140  integer :: flg1(3),flg2(3)
141  real(dp) :: vec1(3),vec2(3)
142 ! real(dp) :: ter(3,3) ! this variable appears commented out below
143  real(dp),allocatable :: d2tmp(:,:,:,:,:),d2work(:,:,:,:,:),elfrtot(:,:)
145 ! *********************************************************************
148 !DEBUG
149 !write(std_out,*)' dfpt_gatherdy : enter '
150 !write(std_out,*)' outd2,mpert =',outd2,mpert
151 !write(std_out,*)' blkflg(:,natom+2,:,natom+2)=',blkflg(:,natom+2,:,natom+2)
154  if(outd2/=3)then
156 !  Initialise the 2nd-derivative matrix
157    d2matr(:,:,:,:,:)=0.0_dp
159 !  Add the non-frozen-part, the
160 !  Ewald part and the xc1 part of the frozen-wf part
161 !  Add the vdw part (if any)
162    do ipert2=1,mpert
163      do idir2=1,3
164        do ipert1=1,mpert
165          do idir1=1,3
166            if( blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
167              do ii=1,2
168                d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
169 &               d2nfr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
170                if(ipert1<=natom .and. ipert2<=natom) then
171                  d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
172 &                 d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+&
173 &                 dyew(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)  +&
174 &                 dyfrx1(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
175                  if (usevdw==1) then
176                    d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
177 &                   d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+&
178 &                   dyvdw(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
179                  end if
180                end if
181              end do
182            end if
183          end do
184        end do
185      end do
186    end do
188 !  Add the frozen-wavefunction part
189    if (dyfr_nondiag==0) then
190      do ipert2=1,natom
191        do idir2=1,3
192          do idir1=1,3
193            if( blkflg(idir1,ipert2,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
194              d2matr(1:dyfr_cplex,idir1,ipert2,idir2,ipert2)=&
195 &             d2matr(1:dyfr_cplex,idir1,ipert2,idir2,ipert2)&
196 &             +dyfrwf(1:dyfr_cplex,idir1,idir2,ipert2,1)
197            end if
198          end do
199        end do
200      end do
201    else
202      do ipert2=1,natom
203        do ipert1=1,natom
204          do idir2=1,3
205            do idir1=1,3
206              if( blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
207                d2matr(1:dyfr_cplex,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
208 &               d2matr(1:dyfr_cplex,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)&
209 &               +dyfrwf(1:dyfr_cplex,idir1,idir2,ipert1,ipert2)
210              end if
211            end do
212          end do
213        end do
214      end do
215    end if
217 !  Add the frozen-wavefunction part of Born Effective Charges
218    if (pawbec==1) then
219      ipert2=natom+2
220      do idir2=1,3            ! Direction of electric field
221        do ipert1=1,natom     ! Atom
222          do idir1=1,3        ! Direction of atom
223            if(blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
224              d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
225 &             d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+becfrnl(idir1,ipert1,idir2)
226            end if
227            if(blkflg(idir2,ipert2,idir1,ipert1)==1 ) then
228              d2matr(1,idir2,ipert2,idir1,ipert1)=&
229 &             d2matr(1,idir2,ipert2,idir1,ipert1)+becfrnl(idir1,ipert1,idir2)
230            end if
231          end do
232        end do
233      end do
234    end if
236 !  Section for piezoelectric tensor (from electric field response only for PAW)
237    if(rfpert(natom+2)==1.and.pawpiezo==1) then
238      ipert2=natom+2
239      do idir2=1,3            ! Direction of electric field
240        do ipert1=natom+3,natom+4     ! Strain
241          do idir1=1,3
242            ii=idir1+3*(ipert1-natom-3)
243            if(blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
244              d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
245 &             d2nfr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+piezofrnl(ii,idir2)
246            end if
247          end do
248        end do
249      end do
250    end if
252 !  Section for strain perturbation
253    if(rfpert(natom+3)==1 .or. rfpert(natom+4)==1) then
254 !    Make sure relevant columns of output are nulled
255      d2matr(:,:,:,:,natom+3:natom+4)=0.0_dp
256 !    Accumulate all frozen parts of the elastic tensor
257      ABI_ALLOCATE(elfrtot,(6+3*natom,6))
258      elfrtot(:,:)=elteew(:,:)+eltfrloc(:,:)+eltfrnl(:,:)+eltfrxc(:,:)
259      elfrtot(1:6,1:6)=elfrtot(1:6,1:6)+eltcore(:,:)+eltfrhar(:,:)+eltfrkin(:,:)
260      if (usevdw==1) elfrtot(:,:)=elfrtot(:,:)+eltvdw(:,:)
262      do ipert2=natom+3,natom+4
263        do idir2=1,3
264 !        Internal strain components first
265          do ipert1=1,natom
266            do idir1=1,3
267              if( blkflg(1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
268                ii=idir1+6+3*(ipert1-1)
269                jj=idir2+3*(ipert2-natom-3)
270                d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
271 &               d2nfr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+elfrtot(ii,jj)
272              end if
273            end do
274          end do
275 !        Now, electric field - strain mixed derivative (piezoelectric tensor)
276          ipert1=natom+2
277          do idir1=1,3
278            if( blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
279              d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
280 &             d2nfr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
281              if (pawpiezo==1) then
282                ii=idir2+3*(ipert2-natom-3)
283                d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
284 &               d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+piezofrnl(ii,idir1)
285              end if
286            end if
287          end do
288 !        Now, strain-strain 2nd derivatives
289          do ipert1=natom+3,natom+4
290            do idir1=1,3
291              if( blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
292                ii=idir1+3*(ipert1-natom-3)
293                jj=idir2+3*(ipert2-natom-3)
294                d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
295 &               d2nfr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)+elfrtot(ii,jj)
296              end if
297            end do
298          end do
299        end do
300      end do
301      ABI_DEALLOCATE(elfrtot)
302    end if
303 !  End section for strain perturbation
305 !  The second-order matrix has been computed.
307 !  Filter now components smaller in absolute value than 1.0d-20,
308 !  for automatic testing reasons
309    do ipert2=1,mpert
310      do idir2=1,3
311        do ipert1=1,mpert
312          do idir1=1,3
313            if( blkflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1 ) then
314              do ii=1,2
315                if( d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)**2 < 1.0d-40)then
316                  d2matr(ii,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=zero
317                end if
318              end do
319            end if
320          end do
321        end do
322      end do
323    end do
325 !  DEBUG
326 !  write(std_out,*)' d2matr '
327 !  ipert2=natom+2
328 !  do idir2=1,3
329 !  ipert1=natom+2
330 !  do idir1=1,3
331 !  write(std_out,'(4i4,2es16.6)' )idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2,&
332 !  &       d2matr(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2),&
333 !  &       d2matr(2,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
334 !  end do
335 !  end do
338 !  Cartesian coordinates transformation
339    iblok=1 ; nblok=1
341 !  In the case of finite electric field, the convention for the
342 !  direction of the electric field perturbation was NOT the usual convention ...
343 !  So, there is a transformation to the usual conventions
344 !  to be done first ...
345    if((berryopt==4 .or. berryopt==6 .or. berryopt==7 .or. berryopt==14 .or. berryopt==16 .or. berryopt==17 )  &
346 &   .and. minval(abs(blkflg(:,natom+2,:,natom+2)))/=0)then   !!HONG  need to check for fixed D and E calculation
347      if(minval(abs(blkflg(:,natom+2,:,natom+2)-1))/=0)then
348        write(message,'(5a)')&
349 &       '  In case of finite electric field, and electric field perturbation,',ch10,&
350 &       '  the three directions for the perturbations must be treated.',ch10,&
351 &       '  Action : set idir to 1 1 1, or forget about finite electric field.'
352        MSG_ERROR(message)
353      end if
354      do ipert=1,mpert
355        do idir=1,3
356          do ii=1,2
357            vec1(:)=d2matr(ii,idir,ipert,:,natom+2)
358            flg1(:)=blkflg(idir,ipert,:,natom+2)
359            call cart39(flg1,flg2,gprimd,1,1,rprimd,vec1,vec2)
360            d2matr(ii,idir,ipert,:,natom+2)=vec2(:)*two_pi
361            blkflg(idir,ipert,:,natom+2)=flg2(:)
362          end do
363        end do
364      end do
365      do ipert=1,mpert
366        do idir=1,3
367          do ii=1,2
368            vec1(:)=d2matr(ii,:,natom+2,idir,ipert)
369            flg1(:)=blkflg(:,natom+2,idir,ipert)
370            call cart39(flg1,flg2,gprimd,1,1,rprimd,vec1,vec2)
371            d2matr(ii,:,natom+2,idir,ipert)=vec2(:)*two_pi
372            blkflg(:,natom+2,idir,ipert)=flg2(:)
373          end do
374        end do
375      end do
376 !    Also to be done, a change of sign, that I do not understand (XG071110)
377 !    Perhaps due to d/dk replacing id/dk ? !
378      d2matr(:,:,natom+2,:,natom+2)=-d2matr(:,:,natom+2,:,natom+2)
379    end if
381    call cart29(blkflg,d2matr,carflg,d2cart,&
382 &   gprimd,iblok,mpert,natom,nblok,ntypat,rprimd,typat,ucvol,zion)
384 !  Band by band decomposition of the Born effective charges
385    if(prtbbb==1)then
386      ABI_ALLOCATE(d2work,(2,3,mpert,3,mpert))
387      ABI_ALLOCATE(d2tmp,(2,3,mpert,3,mpert))
388      do iband=1,mband
389        d2work(:,:,:,:,:)=0.0_dp
390        d2tmp(:,:,:,:,:)=0.0_dp
391        d2work(:,:,natom+2,:,:) = d2bbb(:,:,:,:,iband,iband)
392        call cart29(blkflg,d2work,carflg,d2tmp,&
393 &       gprimd,iblok,mpert,natom,nblok,ntypat,rprimd,typat,ucvol,zion)
395 !      Remove the ionic part
396        do ipert1=1,natom
397          do idir1=1,3
398            d2tmp(1,idir1,natom+2,idir1,ipert1) = &
399 &           d2tmp(1,idir1,natom+2,idir1,ipert1) - zion(typat(ipert1))
400          end do
401        end do
403        d2cart_bbb(:,:,:,:,iband,iband)=d2tmp(:,:,natom+2,:,:)
405      end do
406      ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2tmp)
407      ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2work)
408    end if ! prtbbb==1
410 !  
411 !  Now, the cartesian elements are ready for output
412 !  carflg give the information on their correctness
413  end if
415 !  Imposition of the ASR on the analytical part of the DynMat
416 !  Assume that if rfasr/=0, the whole cartesian matrix is correct
417  if(rfasr/=0)then
419    ABI_ALLOCATE(d2work,(2,3,mpert,3,mpert))
420    call asria_calc(rfasr,d2work,d2cart,mpert,natom)
421 !  The following line imposes ASR:
422    call asria_corr(rfasr,d2work,d2cart,mpert,natom)
424    ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2work)
426 !  Imposition of the ASR on the effective charges.
427    if(rfpert(natom+2)==1)then
428      chneut=rfasr
429      selectz=0
430      call chneu9(chneut,d2cart,mpert,natom,ntypat,selectz,typat,zion)
431    end if
433  end if
435 !Additional operations on cartesian strain derivatives
436  if(rfpert(natom+3)==1 .or. rfpert(natom+4)==1) then
437 !  Impose zero-net-force condition on internal strain tensor
438    do ipert2=natom+3,natom+4
439      do idir2=1,3
440        vec1(:)=0.0_dp
441        do ipert1=1,natom
442          do idir1=1,3
443            if(carflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1) then
444              vec1(idir1)=vec1(idir1)+d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
445            end if
446          end do
447        end do
448        vec1(:)=vec1(:)/dble(natom)
449        do ipert1=1,natom
450          do idir1=1,3
451            if(carflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1) then
452 !            Note minus sign to convert gradients to forces
453              d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
454 &             -(d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)-vec1(idir1))
455            end if
456          end do
457        end do
458      end do
459    end do
460 !  Divide strain 2nd deriviative by ucvol to give elastic tensor
461    do ipert2=natom+3,natom+4
462      do idir2=1,3
463        do ipert1=natom+3,natom+4
464          do idir1=1,3
465            if(carflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)==1) then
466              d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)=&
467 &             d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)/ucvol
468            end if
469          end do
470        end do
471      end do
472    end do
473  end if
475 !calculate Born effective charges from electric field perturbation
476 !do ipert1=1,natom
477 !ter(:,:)=zero
478 !do idir1=1,3
479 !do ii=1,3
480 !do jj=1,3
481 !if(abs(gprimd(idir1,ii))>1.0d-10)then
482 !ter(idir1,ii)=ter(idir1,ii)+ d2nfr(1,idir1,natom+2,jj,ipert1)*gprimd(jj,ii)
483 !endif
484 !enddo
485 !enddo
486 !add zion to bec
487 !ter(idir1,idir1)=ter(idir1,idir1)+zion(typat(ipert1))
488 !enddo
489 !d2cart(1,:,ipert1,:,natom+2)=ter(:,:)
490 !enddo
491 !carflg(:,1:natom,:,natom+2)=1
493 !Born effective charges from phonon perturbation
494 !do ipert1=1,natom
495 !ter(:,:)=zero
496 !do idir1=1,3
497 !do ii=1,3
498 !do jj=1,3
499 !if(abs(gprimd(idir1,ii))>1.0d-10)then
500 !ter(idir1,ii)=ter(idir1,ii)+ d2nfr(1,jj,ipert1,idir1,natom+2)*gprimd(jj,ii)
501 !endif
502 !enddo
503 !enddo
504 !! add zion to bec
505 !ter(idir1,idir1)=ter(idir1,idir1)+zion(typat(ipert1))
506 !enddo
507 !d2cart(1,:,natom+2,:,ipert1)=ter(:,:)
508 !enddo
509 !carflg(:,natom+2,:,1:natom)=1
512 !!Dielectric constant
513 !do ii=1,3
514 !do jj=1,3
515 !ter(ii,jj)=d2nfr(1,ii,natom+2,jj,natom+2)
516 !end do
517 !end do
518 !ter(:,:)=pi*four*ter(:,:)/ucvol
519 !
520 !do ii=1,3
521 !ter(ii,ii)=ter(ii,ii)+one
522 !end do
523 !d2cart(1,:,natom+2,:,natom+2)=ter(:,:)
524 !carflg(:,natom+2,:,1:natom+2)=1
526 !DEBUG
527 !Debugging, but needed to make the stuff work on the IBM Dirac ? !
528 !write(std_out,*)' d2cart '
529 !ipert2=natom+2
530 !do idir2=1,3
531 !ipert1=natom+2
532 !do idir1=1,3
533 !write(std_out,'(5i4,2d20.10)' )idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2,&
534 !&      carflg(idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2),&
535 !&      d2cart(1,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2),&
536 !&      d2cart(2,idir1,ipert1,idir2,ipert2)
537 !end do
538 !end do
541 !DEBUG
542 !write(std_out,*)' dfpt_gatherdy : exit '
545 end subroutine dfpt_gatherdy