ABINIT/getshell [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 For each k-point, set up the shells of first neighbours and find
 the weigths required for the finite difference expression
 of Marzari and Vanderbilt (see PRB 56, 12847 (1997)).


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (MVeithen)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 gmet(3,3) = metric tensor of reciprocal space
 kptopt = option for the generation of k points
 kptrlatt = k-point lattice specification
 kpt2(3,nkpt2) = reduced coordinates of the k-points in the
                 reduced part of the BZ (see below)
 mkmem = number of k points which can fit in memory
 mpi_enreg = information about MPI parallelization
 nkpt2 = number of k-points in the reduced BZ
 nkpt3 = number of k-points in the full BZ
 nshiftk = number of kpoint grid shifts
 rmet(3,3) = metric tensor of real space
 rprimd(3,3) = dimensional primitive translations (bohr)
 shiftk = shift vectors for k point generation
 wtk2 = weight assigned to each k point


 kneigh(30,nkpt2) = for each k-point in the reduced part of the BZ
                    kneigh stores the index (ikpt) of the neighbouring
 kg_neigh(30,nkpt2,3) = kg-neigh takes values of -1, 0 or 1, 
                        and can be non-zero only for a single k-point, 
                        a line of k-points or a plane of k-points. 
                        The vector joining the ikpt2-th k-point to its 
                        ineigh-th nearest neighbour is : 
                        with dk(:)=kpt2(:,kneigh(ineigh,ikpt2))-kpt2(:,ikpt2)
   kptindex(1,ikpt) = ikpt_rbz
     ikpt_rbz = index of the k-point in the reduced BZ
     ikpt = index of the k-point in the full BZ
   kptindex(2,ikpt) = 1: use time-reversal symmetry to transform the
                         wavefunction at ikpt_rbz to the wavefunction at ikpt
                      0: ikpt belongs already to the reduced BZ
                         (no transformation required)
 kpt3(3,nkpt3) = reduced coordinates of the k-points in the full BZ
 mvwtk(30,nkpt2) = weights required to evaluate the finite difference
                   formula of Marzari and Vanderbilt, computed for each
                   k-point in the reduced part of the BZ
 mkmem_max = maximal number of k-points on each processor (MPI //)
 nneigh = total number of neighbours required to evaluate the finite
          difference formula

 The array kpt2 holds the reduced coordinates of the k-points in the
 reduced part of the BZ. For example, in case time-reversal symmetry is
 used (kptopt = 2) kpt2 samples half the BZ. Since some of the neighbours
 of these k-points may lie outside the reduced BZ, getshell also needs the
 coordinates of the k-points in the full BZ.
 The coordinates of the k-points in the full BZ are stored in kpt3.
 The weights mvwtk are computed for the k-points kpt2.

 In case no symmetry is used to reduce the number of k-points,
 the arrays kpt2 and kpt3 are equal.






 81 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 82 #include "config.h"
 83 #endif
 85 #include "abi_common.h"
 88 subroutine getshell(gmet,kneigh,kg_neigh,kptindex,kptopt,kptrlatt,kpt2,&
 89 & kpt3,mkmem,mkmem_max,mpi_enreg,mvwtk,&
 90 & nkpt2,nkpt3,nneigh,nshiftk,rmet,rprimd,shiftk,wtk2)
 92  use defs_basis
 93  use defs_abitypes
 94  use m_profiling_abi
 95  use m_xmpi
 96  use m_errors
 97  use m_linalg_interfaces
 99 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
100 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
101 #undef ABI_FUNC
102 #define ABI_FUNC 'getshell'
103  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
104  use interfaces_56_recipspace
105 !End of the abilint section
107  implicit none
109 !Arguments ------------------------------------
110 !scalars
111  integer,intent(in) :: kptopt,mkmem,nkpt2,nkpt3
112  integer,intent(inout) :: nshiftk
113  integer,intent(out) :: mkmem_max,nneigh
114  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
115 !arrays
116  integer,intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
117  integer,intent(out) :: kneigh(30,nkpt2),kptindex(2,nkpt3),kg_neigh(30,nkpt2,3)
118  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),kpt2(3,nkpt2),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
119  real(dp),intent(in) :: shiftk(3,nshiftk),wtk2(nkpt2)
120  real(dp),intent(out) :: kpt3(3,nkpt3),mvwtk(30,nkpt2)
122 !Local variables-------------------------------
123 !scalars
124  integer :: bis,flag,ier,ii,ikpt,ikpt2,ikpt3,ineigh,info,irank,is1,ishell
125  integer :: jj,kptopt_used,mkmem_cp,nkpt_computed,nshell,nsym1,orig
126  integer :: spaceComm,wtkflg, coord1, coord2, coord3
127  real(dp) :: dist_,kptrlen,last_dist,max_dist,resdm,s1
128  character(len=500) :: message
129 !arrays
130  integer :: neigh(0:6,nkpt2),symafm_dummy(1),vacuum(3)
131  integer,allocatable :: symrel1(:,:,:)
132  real(dp) :: dist(6),dk(3),dk_(3),mat(6,6),rvec(6),sgval(6)
133  real(dp) :: shiftk_(3,210),work(30)
134  real(dp),allocatable :: tnons1(:,:),wtk3(:)
136 !************************************************************************
138 !In case of MPI //: compute maximum number of k-points per processor
139  if (xmpi_paral == 1) then
140    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
141    mkmem_cp=mkmem
142    call xmpi_max(mkmem_cp,mkmem_max,spaceComm,ier) 
143  else
144    mkmem_max = mkmem
145  end if
147 !------------- In case kptopt = 2 set up the whole k-point grid -------------
149 !kpt3(3,nkpt3) = reduced coordinates of k-points in the full BZ
151  if (kptopt == 3) then
153    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk3,(nkpt3))
154    kpt3(:,:) = kpt2(:,:)
155    wtk3(:) = wtk2(:)
156    do ikpt = 1,nkpt3
157      kptindex(1,ikpt) = ikpt
158      kptindex(2,ikpt) = 0
159    end do
161  else if (kptopt == 2) then
163    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk3,(nkpt3))
164    ii = 5 ; kptopt_used = 3
165    symafm_dummy(1) = 1
166    shiftk_(:,:) = 0._dp
167    shiftk_(:,1:nshiftk) = shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)
169    nsym1 = 1
170    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrel1,(3,3,nsym1))
171    ABI_ALLOCATE(tnons1,(3,nsym1))
172    symrel1(:,:,1) = 0
173    symrel1(1,1,1) = 1 ; symrel1(2,2,1) = 1 ; symrel1(3,3,1) = 1
174    tnons1(:,:) = 0._dp
175    vacuum(:) = 0
177    call getkgrid(0,0,ii,kpt3,kptopt_used,kptrlatt,&
178 &   kptrlen,nsym1,nkpt3,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym1,&
179 &   rprimd,shiftk_,symafm_dummy,symrel1,&
180 &   vacuum,wtk3)
182    if (nkpt_computed /= nkpt3) then
183      write(message,'(a,a,a,a,i4,a,a,i4)')&
184 &     ' The number of k-points in the whole BZ, nkpt_computed= ',nkpt_computed,ch10,&
185 &     ' is not twice the number of k-points in half the BZ, nkpt3=',nkpt3
186      MSG_BUG(message)
187    end if
189    kptindex(:,:) = 0
190    do ikpt3 = 1, nkpt3
192      flag = 1
193      do ikpt2 = 1, nkpt2
195 !      In case, the k-points differ only by one reciprocal lattice
196 !      vector, apply shift of one g-vector to kpt(:,ikpt3)
198        dk_(:) = kpt3(:,ikpt3) - kpt2(:,ikpt2)
199        dk(:) = dk_(:) - nint(dk_(:))
200        if (dk(1)*dk(1) + dk(2)*dk(2) + dk(3)*dk(3) < tol10) then
201          do ii = 1, 3
202            if ((dk(ii)*dk(ii) < tol10).and.(dk_(ii)*dk_(ii) > tol10)) then
203              kpt3(ii,ikpt3) = -1._dp*kpt3(ii,ikpt3)
204            end if
205          end do
206        end if
208        dk_(:) = kpt3(:,ikpt3) + kpt2(:,ikpt2)
209        dk(:) = dk_(:) - nint(dk_(:))
210        if (dk(1)*dk(1) + dk(2)*dk(2) + dk(3)*dk(3) < tol10) then
211          do ii = 1, 3
212            if ((dk(ii)*dk(ii) < tol10).and.(dk_(ii)*dk_(ii) > tol10)) then
213              kpt3(ii,ikpt3) = -1._dp*kpt3(ii,ikpt3)
214            end if
215          end do
216        end if
218        dk(:) = kpt3(:,ikpt3) - kpt2(:,ikpt2)
219        if (dk(1)*dk(1) + dk(2)*dk(2) + dk(3)*dk(3) < tol10) then
220          kptindex(1,ikpt3) = ikpt2
221          kptindex(2,ikpt3) = 0       ! no use of time-reversal symmetry
222          flag = 0
223          exit
224        end if
226        dk(:) = kpt3(:,ikpt3) + kpt2(:,ikpt2)
227        if (dk(1)*dk(1) + dk(2)*dk(2) + dk(3)*dk(3) < tol10) then
228          kptindex(1,ikpt3) = ikpt2
229          kptindex(2,ikpt3) = 1       ! use time-reversal symmetry
230          flag = 0
231          exit
232        end if
234      end do     ! ikpt2
236      if (flag == 1) then
237        write(message,'(a,i0)')' Could not find a symmetric k-point for ikpt3=  ',ikpt3
238        MSG_BUG(message)
239      end if
240    end do    ! ikpt3
242  else
243    message = ' the only values for kptopt that are allowed are 2 and 3 '
244    MSG_ERROR(message)
245  end if   ! condition on kptopt
248 !--------- Compute the weights required for the Marzari-Vanderbilt ---------
249 !--------- finite difference formula ---------------------------------------
252 !Initialize distance between k-points
253 !The trace of gmet is an upper limit for its largest eigenvalue. Since the
254 !components of the distance vectors do not exceed 1, 3. * Tr[gmet] is
255 !an upper limit for the squared shell radius.
256 !we take something two times larger to make a bug checking.
257  dist_ = 0._dp
258  do ii = 1,3
259    dist_ = dist_ + gmet(ii,ii)
260  end do
261  max_dist = 3._dp * dist_ * 2._dp
262  write(std_out,*)'max_dist',max_dist
264 !Calculate an upper limit for the residuum
265  resdm = rmet(1,1)*rmet(1,1) + rmet(2,2)*rmet(2,2) + rmet(3,3)*rmet(3,3)&
266 & + rmet(1,2)*rmet(1,2) + rmet(2,3)*rmet(2,3) + rmet(3,1)*rmet(3,1)
268 !Initialize shell loop 
269  ishell = 0
270  last_dist = 0._dp
271  wtkflg = 0
272  kneigh(:,:) = 0
273  kg_neigh(:,:,:) = 0
274  neigh(:,:) = 0
276 !Loop over shells until the residuum is zero
277  do while ((wtkflg == 0).and.(resdm > tol8))
278 !  Advance shell counter
279    ishell = ishell + 1
281 !  Initialize shell radius with upper limit
282    dist(ishell) = max_dist
283 !  !!  border_flag = 1
285 !  Find the (squared) radius of the next shell
286 !  !write(std_out,*)'gmet'
287 !  !do ikpt=1,3
288 !  !write(std_out,*)gmet(ikpt,:)
289 !  !enddo
290 !  !write(std_out,*)kpt3(:,1)
291    do ikpt = 1,nkpt3
292 !    !write(std_out,*)ikpt
293 !    !write(std_out,*)kpt3(:,ikpt)
294      dk(:) = kpt3(:,1) - kpt3(:,ikpt)
295 !    !!dk_(:) = dk(:) - nint(dk(:))
296 !    !!dist_ = 0._dp
297 !    !!do ii = 1,3
298 !    !! do jj = 1,3
299 !    !!  dist_ = dist_ + dk_(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk_(jj)
300 !    !! end do
301 !    !!end do
302 !    !!write(std_out,*)'dist_1', dist_
303 !    !!   dist_ = 0._dp
304 !    !!   do ii = 1,3
305 !    !!    do jj = 1,3
306 !    !!     dist_ = dist_ + dk(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk(jj)
307 !    !!    end do
308 !    !!   end do
309 !    !!write(std_out,*)'dist_2',dist_
310      do coord1 = 0,1  !three loop to search also on the border of the BZ, ie for the k-points (1,k2,k3) and the likes
311        do coord2 = 0,1
312          do coord3 = 0,1
313 !          !!      if ((coord1/=0).or.(coord2/=0).or.(coord3/=0)) then
314            dist_ = 0._dp
315            dk_(:) = dk(:) - nint(dk(:))
316            dk_(1) = dk_(1) + real(coord1,dp)
317            dk_(2) = dk_(2) + real(coord2,dp)
318            dk_(3) = dk_(3) + real(coord3,dp)
319            do ii = 1,3
320              do jj = 1,3
321                dist_ = dist_ + dk_(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk_(jj)
322              end do
323            end do
324 !          Note : for ipkt3 = 1, coord1 = coord2 = coord3 = 0, the distance is 0 ; 
325 !          but the next "if" statement is false with the tol8 criteria and the k-point 
326 !          should be ignored even for ishell = 1 and last_dist= 0.
327 !          !$write(std_out,*)ikpt,coord1,coord2,coord3
328 !          !$write(std_out,*)dk_
329 !          !$write(std_out,*)'dist_2', dist_
330 !          !!      end if
331            if ((dist_ < dist(ishell)).and.(dist_ - last_dist > tol8)) then 
332              dist(ishell) = dist_
333            end if
334          end do
335        end do
336      end do
338 !    !!   if ((dist_ < dist(ishell)).and.(dist_ - last_dist > tol8)) then
339 !    !!    dist(ishell) = dist_
340 !    !!    border_flag = 0
341 !    !!   end if
342    end do
344 !  !!  if (border_flag==1) then !we haven't found any shell in the interior of the BZ, we need to search on the border
345 !  !!write(std_out,*)ch10
346 !  !!write(std_out,*)'search on the border'
347 !  !!   do ikpt = 1,nkpt3
348 !  !!    dk(:) = kpt3(:,1) - kpt3(:,ikpt)
349 !  !!    do coord1 = 0,1
350 !  !!     do coord2 = 0,1
351 !  !!      do coord3 = 0,1
352 !  !!       if ((coord1/=0).or.(coord2/=0).or.(coord3/=0)) then
353 !  !!        dist_ = 0._dp
354 !  !!        dk_(:) = dk(:) - nint(dk(:))
355 !  !!        dk_(1) = dk_(1) + real(coord1,dp)
356 !  !!        dk_(2) = dk_(2) + real(coord2,dp)
357 !  !!        dk_(3) = dk_(3) + real(coord3,dp)
358 !  !!        do ii = 1,3
359 !  !!         do jj = 1,3
360 !  !!          dist_ = dist_ + dk_(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk_(jj)
361 !  !!         end do
362 !  !!        end do
363 !  !!write(std_out,*)ikpt,coord1,coord2,coord3
364 !  !!write(std_out,*)dk_
365 !  !!write(std_out,*)'dist_2', dist_
366 !  !!       end if
367 !  !!       if ((dist_ < dist(ishell)).and.(dist_ - last_dist > tol8)) then
368 !  !!        dist(ishell) = dist_
369 !  !!       end if
370 !  !!      end do
371 !  !!     end do
372 !  !!    end do
373 !  !!   end do
374 !  !!  endif
376 !  DEBUG
377 !  !write(std_out,*)ch10
378 !  write(std_out,*)'ishell, dist = ',ishell,dist(ishell)
381    if (max_dist-dist(ishell)<tol8) then
382      write(message,'(a,i0)')' Cannot find shell number',ishell
383      MSG_BUG(message)
384    end if
386    last_dist = dist(ishell)
388 !  For each k-point in halft the BZ get the shells of nearest neighbours.
389 !  These neighbours can be out of the zone sampled by kpt2.
390 !  !$write(std_out,*)'nkpt2', nkpt2, 'nkpt3', nkpt3
391    do ikpt2 = 1, nkpt2              ! k-points in half the BZ
392      orig = sum(neigh(0:ishell-1,ikpt2))
393 !    !write(std_out,*)'ikpt2, orig', ikpt2,orig
394 !    !write(std_out,*) kpt2(:,ikpt2)
395      nneigh = 0
396      do ikpt3 = 1, nkpt3             ! whole k-point grid
397 !      !!    if(border_flag==0)then
398        dk(:) = kpt3(:,ikpt3) - kpt2(:,ikpt2)
399 !      !!     dk_(:) = dk(:) - nint(dk(:))
400 !      !!     dist_ = 0._dp
401        do coord1 = -1,1
402          do coord2 = -1,1
403            do coord3 = -1,1
404 !            !!        if ((coord1/=0).or.(coord2/=0).or.(coord3/=0)) then
405              dist_ = 0._dp
406              dk_(:) = dk(:) - nint(dk(:))
407              dk_(1) = dk_(1) + real(coord1,dp)
408              dk_(2) = dk_(2) + real(coord2,dp)
409              dk_(3) = dk_(3) + real(coord3,dp)
410              do ii = 1,3
411                do jj = 1,3
412                  dist_ = dist_ + dk_(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk_(jj)
413                end do
414              end do
415              if (abs(dist_ - dist(ishell)) < tol8) then
416                nneigh = nneigh + 1
417                kneigh(orig+nneigh,ikpt2) = ikpt3
418                kg_neigh(orig+nneigh,ikpt2,1) = coord1
419                kg_neigh(orig+nneigh,ikpt2,2) = coord2
420                kg_neigh(orig+nneigh,ikpt2,3) = coord3
421              end if
422 !            !!        end if
423            end do
424          end do
425        end do
426 !      !write(std_out,*)'ikpt3', ikpt3
427 !      !write(std_out,*) kpt3(:,ikpt3)
428 !      write(std_out,*) kpt2(:,ikpt2)
429 !      !write(std_out,*) dk
430 !      write(std_out,*) dk_
431 !      !!     do ii = 1,3
432 !      !!      do jj = 1,3
433 !      !!       dist_ = dist_ + dk_(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk_(jj)
434 !      !!      end do
435 !      !!     end do
436 !      !write(std_out,*)'dist_', dist_
437 !      !!     if (abs(dist_ - dist(ishell)) < tol8) then
438 !      !!      nneigh = nneigh + 1
439 !      !!      kneigh(orig+nneigh,ikpt2) = ikpt3
440 !      !!     end if
441 !      !!    else !search on the border
442 !      !!     dk(:) = kpt3(:,ikpt3) - kpt2(:,ikpt2)
443 !      !!     do coord1 = -1,1
444 !      !!      do coord2 = -1,1
445 !      !!       do coord3 = -1,1
446 !      !!        if ((coord1/=0).or.(coord2/=0).or.(coord3/=0)) then
447 !      !!         dist_ = 0._dp
448 !      !!         dk_(:) = dk(:) - nint(dk(:))
449 !      !!         dk_(1) = dk_(1) + real(coord1,dp)
450 !      !!         dk_(2) = dk_(2) + real(coord2,dp)
451 !      !!         dk_(3) = dk_(3) + real(coord3,dp)
452 !      !!         do ii = 1,3
453 !      !!          do jj = 1,3
454 !      !!           dist_ = dist_ + dk_(ii)*gmet(ii,jj)*dk_(jj)
455 !      !!          end do
456 !      !!         end do
457 !      !!         if (abs(dist_ - dist(ishell)) < tol8) then
458 !      !!          nneigh = nneigh + 1
459 !      !!          kneigh(orig+nneigh,ikpt2) = ikpt3
460 !      !!          kneigh_border(orig+nneigh,ikpt2,1) = real(coord1,dp)
461 !      !!          kneigh_border(orig+nneigh,ikpt2,2) = real(coord2,dp)
462 !      !!          kneigh_border(orig+nneigh,ikpt2,3) = real(coord3,dp)
463 !      !!         end if
464 !      !!        end if
465 !      !!       end do
466 !      !!      end do
467 !      !!     end do
468 !      !!    end if
469      end do
470      neigh(ishell,ikpt2) = nneigh
471    end do
474 !  Check if the number of points in shell number ishell
475 !  is the same for each k-point
477    flag = 1
478    do ikpt = 1,nkpt2
479      if (neigh(ishell,ikpt) /= nneigh) flag = 0
480    end do
482    if (flag == 0) then
483      write(message,'(a,i0,a,a)')&
484 &     ' The number of points in shell number',ishell,' is not the same',&
485 &     ' for each k-point.'
486      MSG_BUG(message)
487    end if
489    if (nneigh == 0) then
490      write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10,&
491 &     ' getshell: BUG - ',ch10,&
492 &     ' Cannot find enough neighbor shells'
493      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
494      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
495      wtkflg = 1
496    end if
498 !  Calculate the total number of neighbors 
499    nneigh = sum(neigh(1:ishell,1))
500 !  DEBUG
501    write(std_out,*)'ishell = ',ishell,'nneigh = ',nneigh
504 !  Find the weights needed to compute the finite difference expression
505 !  of the ddk
506 !  **********************************************************************
508 !  mvwtk(:,:) = 0._dp
510 !  The weights are calculated for ikpt=1. The results are copied later
511    ikpt = 1
513 !  Calculate the coefficients of the linear system to be solved
514    mat(:,:) = 0._dp
515    do is1 = 1, ishell
516      orig = sum(neigh(0:is1-1,ikpt))
517      bis = orig + neigh(is1,ikpt)
518      do ineigh = orig+1, bis
519        dk_(:) = kpt3(:,kneigh(ineigh,ikpt)) - kpt2(:,ikpt)
520        dk(:) = dk_(:) - nint(dk_(:))
521        dk(:) = dk(:) + real(kg_neigh(ineigh,ikpt,:),dp) 
522        mat(1,is1) = mat(1,is1) + dk(1)*dk(1)
523        mat(2,is1) = mat(2,is1) + dk(2)*dk(2)
524        mat(3,is1) = mat(3,is1) + dk(3)*dk(3)
525        mat(4,is1) = mat(4,is1) + dk(1)*dk(2)
526        mat(5,is1) = mat(5,is1) + dk(2)*dk(3)
527        mat(6,is1) = mat(6,is1) + dk(3)*dk(1)
528      end do
529    end do
531    rvec(1) = rmet(1,1)
532    rvec(2) = rmet(2,2)
533    rvec(3) = rmet(3,3)
534    rvec(4) = rmet(1,2)
535    rvec(5) = rmet(2,3)
536    rvec(6) = rmet(3,1)
538 !  DEBUG
539    do ii = 1, 6
540      write(std_out,*)mat(ii,1:ishell), ' : ', rvec(ii)
541    end do
544 !  Solve the linear least square problem 
545    call dgelss(6,ishell,1,mat,6,rvec,6,sgval,tol8,irank,work,30,info)
547    if( info /= 0 ) then
548      write(message,'(3a,i0,a)')&
549 &     ' Singular-value decomposition of the linear system determining the',ch10,&
550 &     ' weights failed (info).',info,ch10
551      MSG_COMMENT(message)
552      wtkflg = 1
553    end if
555 !  Check that the system has maximum rank
556    if( irank == ishell ) then
557 !    System has full rank. Calculate the residuum
558      s1 = resdm
559      resdm = 0._dp
560      do is1 = ishell + 1, 6
561        resdm = resdm + rvec(is1) * rvec(is1)
562      end do
564      if( ishell == 6 .and. resdm > tol8 ) then
565        write(message,'(4a)')&
566 &       ' Linear system determining the weights could not be solved',ch10,&
567 &       ' This should not happen.',ch10
568        MSG_COMMENT(message)
569        wtkflg = 1
570      end if
571    else
572 !    The system is rank deficient
573      ishell = ishell - 1
574 !    DEBUG
575      write(std_out,*) 'Shell not linear independent from previous shells. Skipped.'
576 !    ENDDEBUG
577    end if
579 !  DEBUG
580    write(std_out,*) ishell, nneigh, irank, resdm
583 !  end of loop over shells
584  end do 
586 !Copy weights
587  ikpt=1
588  do is1 = 1, ishell
589    orig = sum(neigh(0:is1-1,ikpt))
590    bis = orig + neigh(is1,ikpt)
591    mvwtk(orig+1:bis,1) = rvec(is1)
592  end do
593  do ikpt = 2,nkpt2
594    mvwtk(1:nneigh,ikpt) = mvwtk(1:nneigh,1)
595  end do  ! ikpt
597 !Report weights
598  write(std_out,*) 'Neighbors', neigh(1:ishell,1)
599  write(std_out,*) 'Weights', rvec(1:ishell)
600  write(std_out,*) mvwtk(1:nneigh,1) 
602 !Check the computed weights
603  if (wtkflg == 0) then 
604    do ikpt = 1, nkpt2
605      do ii = 1,3
606        do jj = 1,3
607          s1 = 0._dp
608          do ineigh = 1, nneigh
609            dk_(:) = kpt3(:,kneigh(ineigh,ikpt)) - kpt2(:,ikpt)
610            dk(:) = dk_(:) - nint(dk_(:))
611            dk(:) = dk(:) + real(kg_neigh(ineigh,ikpt,:),dp)
612            s1 = s1 + dk(ii)*dk(jj)*mvwtk(ineigh,ikpt)
613          end do
614          if (abs(s1 - rmet(ii,jj)) > tol6) wtkflg = 1
615        end do
616      end do
617    end do
619    if (wtkflg /= 0) then
620      write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10,&
621 &     ' getshell : BUG -',ch10,&
622 &     ' The calculated weights do not solve the linear system for all k-points.'
623      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
624      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
625    end if
626  end if
628  if (wtkflg /= 0) then
630    message = ' There is a problem with the finite difference expression of the ddk '
631    MSG_BUG(message)
633  else
635    nshell = ishell
637    write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,i3,a,a,f16.7)') ch10,&
638 &   ' getshell : finite difference formula of Marzari and Vanderbilt',ch10,&
639 &   '            (see Marzari and Vanderbilt, PRB 56, 12847 (1997), Appendix B)',&
640 &   ch10,ch10,&
641 &   '            number of first neighbours  : ', neigh(1,1),ch10,&
642 &   '            weight : ',mvwtk(1,1)
643    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
644    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
646    if (nshell > 1) then
647      is1 = neigh(1,1) + 1
648      write(message,'(a,a,i3,a,a,f16.7)')ch10,&
649 &     '            number of second neighbours  : ', neigh(2,1),ch10,&
650 &     '            weight : ',mvwtk(is1,1)
651      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
652      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
653    end if
655    if (nshell > 2) then
656      is1 = sum(neigh(1:2,1)) + 1
657      write(message,'(a,a,i3,a,a,f16.7)')ch10,&
658 &     '            number of third neighbours  : ', neigh(3,1),ch10,&
659 &     '            weight : ',mvwtk(is1,1)
660      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
661      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
662    end if
664    if (nshell > 3) then
665      is1 = sum(neigh(1:3,1)) + 1
666      write(message,'(a,a,i3,a,a,f16.7)')ch10,&
667 &     '            number of fourth neighbours  : ', neigh(4,1),ch10,&
668 &     '            weight : ',mvwtk(is1,1)
669      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
670      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
671    end if
673    if (nshell > 4) then
674      is1 = sum(neigh(1:4,1)) + 1
675      write(message,'(a,a,i3,a,a,f16.7)')ch10,&
676 &     '            number of fifth neighbours  : ', neigh(5,1),ch10,&
677 &     '            weight : ',mvwtk(is1,1)
678      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
679      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
680    end if
682    if (nshell > 5) then
683      is1 = sum(neigh(1:5,1)) + 1
684      write(message,'(a,a,i3,a,a,f16.7)')ch10,&
685 &     '            number of sixth neighbours  : ', neigh(6,1),ch10,&
686 &     '            weight : ',mvwtk(is1,1)
687      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
688      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
689    end if
691  end if
695 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
697  if (allocated(tnons1))  then
698    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tnons1)
699  end if
700  if (allocated(symrel1))  then
701    ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrel1)
702  end if
707 end subroutine getshell